Department of Curriculum and Instruction
2023 - 2024 English IVYear at a Glance/Unit Overviews
English IV, Unit 1
Origin of a Nation: The Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Periods
August 9-September 26, 2023 (34 Days)
Unit Texts and Reteach
Reading Skills
Writing, Research, Speaking,
and Listening Skills
Vocabulary/ Language/
Grammar Skills
District Assessment &
Reteach Information
All Unit 1 Texts and Resources
Unit 1 Introduction
from Beowulf: Grendel,
Beowulf, The Battle With
Grendel (Epic Poem)
Beowulf Text & Resources
from The Canterbury
Tales: The Wife of Bath’s
Tale (Narrative Poem)
Cant. Tales- Text & Resources
Le Morte d’Arthur
(Romance); 1130 Lexile
Le Morte - Text & Resources
Chivalry** (Short
Story/Mentor Text)
810 Lexile
Chivalry - Text & Resources
Reteach Texts/ HMH Level Up
Interactive Tutorials Available
Plot: Sequence of Events
Character Traits
Character Motivation
Authors Purpose
Historical and Cultural
Making Inferences
Main Idea & Supporting
Using Context Clues
4C Make predictions
3A Independent reading
4F, 5G Make inferences;
monitor comprehension
6A Analyze
characterization and fantasy
6B Analyze conflict
7A, 7B Read and analyze
British literature; analyze
characteristics of an epic
poem, narrators, Old English
poetry, and tone
4F, 7DII, 8A, 8B, 8D
4F, 7A, 7B Compare themes
across genres
4F, 7DII, 8A, 8B, 8D
Evaluate authors purpose
1A Engage in meaningful
1C Present an Epic Poem
1D Dramatize a fantasy
scene; enact a dramatic scene;
share and discuss connections
1D, 4H, 5B Collaborate and
4D Create an imagery board
4E, 11A, 11E Research epic
poems of various cultures
5C Discuss poems in small
6B, 7A, 10A Write a fantasy
scene and a short dramatic
Unit 1 Culminating Writing
Task - 9A–E, 10A, 11I; Write
and present a short story
HMH Interactive Writing
Lessons Available Online:
Writing Informative Texts Overview
Writing Narratives Overview
Writing as a Process Overview
HMH Interactive Speaking and
Listening Lessons Available
Collaborative Discussions Overview
Giving a Presentation Overview
Delivering a Presentation
Using Media in a Presentation
1B Monitor oral language
1C Use techniques to acquire
1E Internalize new language
1F Use accessible language
2C Learn new language
structures, expressions, and
2E Use visual, contextual,
and linguistic support
2I Demonstrate listening
3C Speak using a variety of
grammatical structures
3D Speak using grade-level
3F Ask and give information
using high-frequency
3G Express opinions
4A Learn relationships
between sounds and letters in
4F Use visual and contextual
support to read
5B Write using new and
grade-level vocabulary
5C Spell English words
5G Narrate, describe, and
explain in writing
2, 5F Academic
2A Usage;
Multiple-Meaning Words;
Consult a Dictionary
2B Homophones; Context
Clues; Latin Roots
8D, 8F, 10A Mood; Tone
9C Appositives and
Appositive Phrases; Inverted
9D Subject-Verb
Agreement; formal and
informal language; use
active and passive voice
HMH Interactive Vocabulary
Lessons Available Online:
Using Context Clues
Common Roots, Prefixes, &
Homonyms, Homographs, &
Words With Multiple
Using Reference Sources
HMH Interactive Grammar
Lessons Available Online:
Subject-Verb Agreement
Active and Passive Voice
Punctuation 1: Opener
Fragments & Run-ons
Finding the Subject of a
Appositives & App. Phrases
Unit 1 District RLA
Assessment Window in
Eduphoria for Students:
September 15, 18-20
Assessment will be opened in
Eduphoria for teachers on
9/11/23 for teachers to ensure
required student supports have
been added.
Reteach Days for Unit 1
(based on campus/teacher
September 25-26
Reteach day resources
should be campus/teacher
created during DDI (data) PLC
meeting(s) to address specific
under-performing standards
from Unit 1.
Scheduled Days for English
College Bridge Assignments:
8/24, 8/31, 9/7, 9/14, 9/21,
& 9/22
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
2023 - 2024 English IVYear at a Glance/Unit Overviews
English IV, Unit 2
A Celebration of Human Achievement: The English Renaissance
September 27-November 10 (25 Days)
Indicates Newly Introduced Skill/Standard/Genre
Unit Texts and
Reteach Texts/Lessons
Reading Skills
Vocabulary/ Language /
Grammar Skills
District Assessment &
Reteach Information
ALL Unit 2 Texts & Resources
Unit 1 Introduction
The Tragedy of Hamlet
Hamlet - Text & Resources
from Hamlet (film clip)
Hamlet Film- Text &
Hamlet’s Dull Revenge
(Literary Criticism);
MENTOR TEXT; 1260 Lexile
Hamlet Revenge - Text &
Reteach Texts/ HMH Level
Up Interactive Tutorials
Available Online:
Types of Drama
Plot: Sequence of Events
Character Traits
Characters and Conflict
Making Inferences About
Figurative Language
Elements of Drama
Analyzing Arguments
Persuasive Techniques
Multiple-Meaning Words
Main Idea & Supporting
Taking Notes and Outlining
Synthesizing Information
4C, 8C Analyze text
4I Connect to history
4F, 4G Analyze key ideas
5D Summarize and
paraphrase texts including
poetry and drama
5I Analyze soliloquies
7A, 7B Read and analyze
sonnets; interpret
figurative language analyze
6A, 6C, 7C Analyze
dramatic plot and
interpretations of drama
7Ei Analyze arguments
8G Analyze rhetorical
Spiraled Skills:
4F, 7DII, 8A, 8B, 8D
4F, 7A, 7B Compare
themes across genres
4C Make predictions
3A Independent reading
6B Analyze conflict
7A Read and analyze
British literature
1D Speak using learning
2D Monitor
understanding of spoken
3E Share during
collaborative learning
3H Narrate and explain
4D Use prereading
4G Participate in shared
Spiraled Skills
1E Internalize new
1F Use accessible
2C Learn new language
structures, expressions, and
2E Use visual, contextual,
and linguistic support
2I Demonstrate listening
3F Ask and give
information using
high-frequency vocabulary
3G Express opinions
4A Learn relationships
between sounds and letters
in English
4F Use visual and
contextual support to read
2 Classical allusion
2A, 9D Formal language
2C Foreign words and
8E Paradox
9C Combining sentences
9D Dashes and
Spiraled Skills
2, 5F Academic Vocabulary
2A Usage; Multiple-Meaning
Words; Consult a Dictionary
2B Homophones; Context
Clues; Latin Roots
HMH Interactive Vocabulary
Lessons Available Online:
Understanding Word Origins
Specialized Vocabulary
HMH Interactive Grammar
Lessons Available Online:
Conjunctions & Interjections
Other Punctuation Marks
Quotation Marks
Unit 2 District RLA
Assessment Window in
Eduphoria for Students:
Oct. 30-Nov. 2
Assessment will be opened in
Eduphoria for teachers on
10/26/23 for teachers to ensure
required student supports have
been added.
Reteach Days for Unit 2
based on campus data:
Nov. 7-8 & 10
Reteach day resources should
be campus/teacher created
during DDI (data) PLC meeting(s)
to address specific
under-performing standards
from Unit 2.
Scheduled Days for English
College Bridge Assignments:
9/28, 10/5, 10/12, 10/19,
10/26, 11/2, & 11/9
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
2023 - 2024 English IVYear at a Glance/Unit Overviews
English IV, Unit 3
Tradition and Reason: The Restoration and 18th Century
Nov. 13-Dec. 20 & Jan. 9-12 (Reteach Only) (27 Days)
Indicates Newly Introduced Skill/Standard/Genre
Unit Texts and Reteach
Reading Skills
Writing, Research,
Speaking, and
Listening Skills
Vocabulary/Language Skills
District Assessment &
Reteach Information
ALL Unit 3 Texts & Resources
Unit 3 Introduction
from The Rape of the
Lock” (Poem)
Rape of Lock Text & Resources
A Modest Proposal
Modest Prop. Text & Resources
Satire Is Dying Because
the Internet is Killing It
Satire Dying Text & Resources
from Inferno: A Doctor’s
Ebola Story (Memoir);
MENTOR TEXT; 1150 Lexile
Inferno Text and Resources
Reteach Texts/ HMH Level Up
Interactive Tutorials Available
First-Person Point of View
Authors Purpose
Historical and Cultural
Reading Graphic Aids
Navigating and Evaluating
Web Sites
Elements of an Argument
Reading for Details
Taking Notes and Outlining
4B Analyze authors
4E, 5A Connect to
4F, 5G Make inferences
4G, 7Di Analyze
development of ideas
7B Analyze heroic
couplets and tone
7B, 8D, 8E, 8F Analyze
mock epic
8A, 8B Understand
authors purpose
8E, 8G Analyze satire
and satirical devices
Spiraled Skills:
4F, 7DII, 8A, 8B, 8D
4F, 7A, 7B Compare themes
across genres
4C Make predictions
4C, 8C Analyze text
3A Independent reading
4E, 4I Connect to history
5D Summarize and
paraphrase texts
6B Analyze conflict
7A Read and analyze
British literature
1A Discuss a poem, satirical
essay, editorial, and memoir
1D, 10B Take informal
1A, 2B, 4G, 11E, 11F
Research 18th-century Ireland,
18th-century Aristocratic
culture, and the brain
11A-G Research satires
4E, 9A, 9Bii, 10A Write a
satirical essay
9A, 10A Write a rhymed
satirical poem
Unit 3 Writing Focus:
9A-E, 10B, 11I Write a
personal narrative
1A, 1C-D, 5H Present a
Spiraled Skills
1A Engage in meaningful
4H, 5B Collaborate and
present individually and in
small groups
5C Discuss literary works in
small groups
HMH Interactive Writing
Lessons Available Online:
Writing Narratives Overview
Narrative Techniques
Writing as a Process
Conducting Research
HMH Interactive Speaking
and Listening Lessons
Available Online:
Collaborative Discussions
Giving a Presentation
1A Use prior knowledge
1C Use strategic learning
2A Distinguish intonation
2B Recognize elements of
English sound system in new
3A Practice producing
sounds of new vocabulary
3C Speak using a variety of
sentence structures
3J Respond orally to
5A Learn relationships
between sounds and letters
5B Write using
content-based vocabulary
5G Narrate with increasing
specificity and detail
Spiraled Skills
1E Internalize new language
2I Demonstrate listening
3E Share during collaborative
3G Express opinions
4A Identify cognates
4F Use visual and contextual
support to read
4G Participate in shared
2A Literary allusions
2B Antonyms
5H, 9C Active and passive voice
8D Effective words
9C Participles and participial
9C Subordinate clauses
Spiraled Skills
2, 5F Academic vocabulary
2A Usage; Multiple-meaning
words; consult a dictionary
2B Homophones; context clues;
Latin roots
2C Classical allusions; foreign
words and phrases
9C Combining sentences;
conjunctions; interjections;
appositives; fragments and run-ons;
9D Subject-verb agreement; formal
and informal language; use active and
passive voice appropriately; dashes
and hyphens; quotation marks;
semicolons; colons
HMH Interactive Vocabulary
Lessons Available Online:
Using Context Clues
Analyzing Word Structure
Denotation and Connotation
Synonyms and Antonyms
HMH Interactive Grammar
Lessons Available Online:
Active and Passive Voice
Conjunctions and Interjections
Quotation Marks
Participles and Participial Phrases
Unit 3 District RLA Assessment
Window in Eduphoria
for Students:
Dec. 12 - 14
Assessment will be opened in
Eduphoria for teachers on 12/7/23
for teachers to ensure required
student supports have been
Semester 1 District RLA
Assessment Window in
Eduphoria for Students:
Dec. 15 - 20
Assessment will be opened in
Eduphoria for teachers on
12/13/23 for teachers to ensure
required student supports have
been added.
Reteach Days for Unit 3
based on campus data:
Jan. 9-10 & 12
Reteach day resources should
be campus/teacher created during
DDI (data) PLC meeting(s) to
address specific under-performing
standards from Unit 3.
Scheduled Days for English
College Bridge Assignments:
11/16, 11/30, 12/13, 12/14, &
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
2023 - 2024 English IVYear at a Glance/Unit Overviews
English IV, Unit 4
Emotion and Experimentation: The Flowering of Romanticism
Jan. 16 -Feb. 26 (28 Days)
Indicates Newly Introduced Skill/Standard/Genre
Unit Texts and Reteach
Reading Skills
Writing, Research,
Speaking, and Listening
District Assessment &
Reteach Information
ALL Unit 4 Texts & Resources
Unit 4 Introduction
Poems by William Wordsworth:
* Lines Composed A Few Miles
* Above Tintern Abbey
Composed upon Westminster
Bridge, September 3, 1802
* Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
Wordsworth Texts & Resources
Ode on a Grecian Urn”(Poem)
Ode to Urn Text & Resources
Comparing Lyric Poems:
Ode to the West Wind
Song of a Thatched Hut
Damaged in Autumn Wind
Poetry Texts & Resources
from Frankenstein -Novel;
890 Lexile;
Frankenstein Text & Resources
Frankenstein: Giving Voice to
the Monster (Essay) MENTOR TEXT
1350 Lexile
Mentor Text & Resources
Reteach/ HMH Level Up
Interactive Lessons Available:
Classifying Sentences by
Figurative Language
Elements of Poetry
Making Inferences
Taking Notes and Outlining
Context Clues
7A Analyze romantic
4D Analyze imagery
7B Analyze stanza
structure, rhyme scheme,
Apostrophe, and form
7A, 7C Analyze science
4F, 6A, 6B, 7C Analyze
8D, 8F Analyze diction
5B Compare poems
Spiraled Skills:
4F, 7DII, 8A, 8B, 8D
4F, 7A, 7B Compare themes
across genres
4B Analyze authors
4B, 4I, 5E Monitor
4C Make predictions
4C, 8C Analyze text features
3A Independent reading
4E, 4I Connect to history
4F, 5G Make inferences
5D Summarize and
paraphrase texts
6B Analyze conflict
7A Read and analyze British
7Di, 7Dii Evaluate an Essay
8A, 8B Understand authors
2B, 4E, 5D, 6A, 8E Write a
11E, 11F, 11I Research settings
for Wordsworth’s poems;
research Keats’ connection to
Ancient Greece; research
19th-century scientific and
medical knowledge; research
5H, 10A Write a poem using
4E, 10A Write a science fiction
5A-J, 10B Write a reflective
4H Create a visual
4E, 4F, 5A, 5D, 11Gi Research
Percy Shelley and write an essay
9A-E, 10B, 11I Write an
explanatory essay (Unit 4
Writing Task)
Spiraled Skills
1A Engage in meaningful
1D, 10B Take informal notes
4H, 5B Collaborate and present
individually and in small groups
5C Discuss literary works in
small groups
HMH Interactive Writing
Lessons Available Online:
Writing as a Process
1F Use accessible language
2C Learn new basic
2D Monitor understanding of
spoken language
3F Ask and give information
3I Adapt language for
informal purposes
Spiraled Skills
1A Use prior knowledge
1C Use strategic learning
1E Internalize new language
2I Demonstrate listening
3C Speak using a variety of
sentence structures
3E Share during collaborative
3G Express opinions
3J Respond orally to information
4A Identify cognates
4D Use prereading supports
4F Use visual and contextual
support to read
4G Participate in shared reading
5B Write using content-based
5G Narrate with increasing
specificity and detail
4D, 8E, 8F Sensory Language
9C, 9D Parallel Structure
Spiraled Skills
2, 5F Academic vocabulary
2A Usage; Multiple-meaning
words; consult a dictionary;
literary allusions
2B Homophones; context clues;
Latin roots; synonyms and
2C Classical allusions; foreign
words and phrases
9C Combining sentences;
conjunctions; interjections;
appositives; fragments and
run-ons; participles and participial
phrases; subordinate clauses
9D Subject-verb agreement;
formal and informal language; use
active and passive voice
appropriately; dashes and
hyphens; quotation marks;
semicolons; colons
HMH Interactive Vocabulary
Lessons Available Online:
Synonyms and Antonyms
Analyzing Word Structure
Unit 4 District RLA
Assessment Window in
for Students:
Feb. 13 - 16
Assessment will be opened
in Eduphoria for teachers on
2/8/24 for teachers to ensure
required student supports
have been added.
Reteach Days for Unit 4
based on campus data:
Feb. 23 & 26
Reteach day resources
should be campus/teacher
created during DDI (data) PLC
meeting(s) to address specific
under-performing standards
from Unit 4.
Scheduled Days for English
College Bridge
1/18, 1/25, 2/1, 2/13,
2/14, & 2/15
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
2023 - 2024 English IVYear at a Glance/Unit Overviews
English IV, Unit 5
An Era of Rapid Change: The Victorians
Feb. 27-April 12 (26 Days)
Indicates Newly Introduced Skill/Standard/Genre
Unit Texts and
Reteach Texts/Lessons
Reading Skills
Writing, Research, Speaking,
and Listening Skills
District Assessment &
Reteach Information
ALL Unit 5 Texts & Resources
Unit 5 Introduction
from Jane Eyre (Novel)
890 Lexile
Jane Eyre Text & Resources
Factory Reform
Reform Text & Resources
from Great
(Novel) 880 Lexile
G.E. Text & Resources
The Victorians Had
the Same Concerns About
Technology as We Do”
(Essay) 1240 Lexile
Mentor Text & Resources
Reteach Texts/ HMH
Level Up Interactive
Tutorials Available
Setting and Mood
Character Traits
Figurative Language
Authors Purpose
Primary & Secondary
Reading Graphic Aids
6A Analyze first-person
point of view
6D Analyze setting
7F Evaluate
6C, 6D Analyze plot
6A, 6D Analyze
7Di Analyze compare
and contrast essay
7C, 8C Evaluate
multimodal texts
Spiraled Skills:
4F, 7DII, 8A, 8B, 8D
4F, 7A, 7B Compare themes
across genres
4B Analyze authors
4B, 4I, 5E Monitor
4C Make predictions
4C, 8C Analyze text
3A Independent reading
4E, 4I Connect to history
4F, 5G Make inferences
5D Summarize and
paraphrase texts
6B Analyze conflict
7A Read and analyze
British literature
7Di, 7Dii Evaluate an
8A, 8B Understand
authors purpose
1D, 7F, 10F Write and present a
4E, 5E, 6A, 7A, 11E-F, 11I
Research “Ragged Schools”; research
American factories; research
smartphones and social media;
research various types of media;
research the Victorian Era
1D, 4D, 5E Illustrate a narrative
5A-C, 10C Write and and present
an Op-Ed
5H, 11I Create and present a
multimodal presentation
9A-E, 10B, 11A-I Write a research
report (Unit 5 Major Writing Task)
Spiraled Skills
1A Engage in meaningful discourse
1D, 10B Take informal notes
4H, 5B Collaborate and present
individually and in small groups
5C Discuss literary works in small
HMH Interactive Writing/Research/
Speaking & Listening
Lessons Available Online:
Writing as a Process
Using Media in a Presentation
1B Monitor oral and written
language production
1H Language patterns
2A Distinguish English sounds
2E Use linguistic support
3H Describe with increasing
4J Make connections between
5D Edit writing
Spiraled Skills
1A Use prior knowledge
1C Use strategic learning
1E Internalize new language
1F Use accessible language
2C Learn new vocabulary
2D Monitor understanding of
spoken language
2I Demonstrate listening
3C Speak using a variety of
sentence structures
3E Share during collaborative
3F Ask and give information
3G Express opinions
3I Adapt language for informal
3J Respond orally to
4A Identify cognates
4D Use prereading supports
4F Use visual and contextual
support to read
4G Participate in shared
5B Write using content-based
9C, 9D Gerunds and
gerund phrases
2A, 2B Idioms
4D, 8E, 8F Imagery
Spiraled Skills
2, 5F Academic vocabulary
2A Usage;
Multiple-meaning words;
consult a dictionary; literary
2B Homophones; context
clues; Latin roots; synonyms
and antonyms
2C Classical allusions;
foreign words and phrases
4D, 8E, 8F Sensory language
9C Combining sentences;
conjunctions; interjections;
appositives; fragments and
run-ons; participles and
participial phrases;
subordinate clauses; parallel
9D Subject-verb agreement;
formal and informal language;
use active and passive voice
appropriately; dashes and
hyphens; quotation marks;
semicolons; colons; parallel
HMH Interactive
Available Online:
Gerund/Gerund Phrases
Word Origins
Unit 5 District RLA Assessment
Window in Eduphoria
for Students:
April 2-5
Assessment will be opened in
Eduphoria for teachers on 3/27/24
for teachers to ensure required
student supports have been added.
Reteach Days for Unit 5
based on campus data:
April 10 & 12
Reteach day resources should be
campus/teacher created during DDI
(data) PLC meeting(s) to address
specific under-performing standards
from Unit 5.
Scheduled Days for English
College Bridge Assignments:
2/29, 3/7, 3/21, 4/3, 4/4, 4/11
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
2023 - 2024 English IVYear at a Glance/Unit Overviews
English IV, Unit 6
New Ideas, New Voices: Modern and Contemporary Literature
April 15 - May 17 (25 Days)
Indicates Newly Introduced Skill/Standard/Genre
Unit Texts and Reteach
Reading Skills
Writing, Research,
Speaking, and Listening
Vocabulary/Language Skills
District Assessment &
Reteach Information
ALL Unit 6 Texts & Resources
Unit 6 Introduction
”Budget 2016:
George Osbourne’s
Speech” (Speech) -
880 Lexile
”Will the Sugar
Tax Stop Childhood
Obesity?” - Editorial;
1260 Lexile
C & C Texts & Resources
Reteach Texts/ HMH Level
Up Interactive Tutorials
Available Online:
Setting : Effect on Plot
Character Motivation
Making Inferences About
Point of View
Analyzing Arguments
Persuasive Techniques
Making Inferences
Making Predictions
7Ei, 7Eiii, 8G Evaluate
persuasive techniques,
arguments, &
7Ei, 7Eii, 8G Analyze
inductive reasoning
4H, 5B Compare
Spiraled Skills:
4F, 7DII, 8A, 8B, 8D
4F, 7A, 7B Compare
themes across genres
4B Analyze authors
4B, 4I, 5E Monitor
4C Make predictions
4C, 8C Analyze text
3A Independent reading
4E, 4I Connect to
4F, 5G Make inferences
5D Summarize and
paraphrase texts
7A Read and analyze
British literature
8A, 8B Understand
authors purpose
1A, 1C, 1D Debate an issue
1A, 1D, 11A, 11E, 11F, 11Gi,
11I Research symbols;
research the purpose of taxes;
research and discuss taxes in
the United Kingdom; research
questions related to reducing
10C Develop a persuasive
argument; write an argument;
Unit 6 Major Writing Task
5C, 7Ei, 7Eii, 8G, 10F
Evaluate an argument
Spiraled Skills
1A Engage in meaningful
1D, 10B Take informal notes
4H, 5B Collaborate and present
individually and in small groups
5C Discuss literary works in
small groups
HMH Interactive
Writing/Research/ Speaking &
Lessons Available Online:
Writing as a Process
Writing Arguments
1H Develop and expand
learning strategies
4K Show comprehension
through analytical skills
Spiraled Skills
1A Use prior knowledge
1C Use strategic learning
1E Internalize new language
1F Use accessible language
2C Learn new vocabulary
2D Monitor understanding of
spoken language
2I Demonstrate listening
3C Speak using a variety of
sentence structures
3E Share during collaborative
3F Ask and give information
3G Express opinions
3I Adapt language for informal
3J Respond orally to information
4A Identify cognates
4D Use prereading supports
4F Use visual and contextual
support to read
4G Participate in shared reading
5B Write using content-based
5D Edit writing
2A The Greek suffix -ize
9D Relative Pronouns and
Relative Clauses
8G, 9C Rhetorical questions
8F Vary syntax for effect
Spiraled Skills
2, 5F Academic vocabulary
2A Usage; Multiple-meaning
words; consult a dictionary; literary
allusions; idioms
2B Homophones; context clues;
Latin roots; synonyms and antonyms
2C Classical allusions; foreign
words and phrases
4D, 8E, 8F Sensory language,
9C Combining sentences;
conjunctions; interjections;
appositives; fragments and run-ons;
participles and participial phrases;
subordinate clauses; parallel
structure; gerunds
9D Subject-verb agreement;
formal and informal language; use
active and passive voice
appropriately; dashes and hyphens;
quotation marks; semicolons; colons;
parallel structure, gerunds
HMH Interactive
Vocabulary/Grammar Lessons
Available Online:
Adjective Clause
Sentence Structure
Denotation and Connotation
Unit 6 District RLA Assessment
Window in Eduphoria
for Students:
May 1-3
Assessment will be opened in
Eduphoria for teachers on 4/25/24 for
teachers to ensure required student
supports have been added.
District Final Exam Window in
Eduphoria for Students:
May 6-9
Assessment will be opened in
Eduphoria for teachers on 5/2/24 for
teachers to ensure required student
supports have been added.
Scheduled Days for English
College Bridge Assignments:
4/18, 4/25, 4/26, 5/2, & 5/3