Poverty, food insecurity,
and poor nutrition have
serious detrimental
impacts on the health,
development, and
well-being of infants and
young children in the
short and long terms.
One essential strategy to
address these issues is connecting vulnerable young
children and their families to the federal nutrition programs,
specifically the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
(SNAP, formerly called “food stamps”), the Special
Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and
Children (WIC), and the Child and Adult Care Food Program
(CACFP). These profoundly important programs support
healthy growth and development during the early childhood
period and beyond. The programs are especially important
to the 19.9 percent of U.S. children 0 to 3 years of age who
live in poverty.
Infants and toddlers living in poverty —
particularly Black and Hispanic children who experience
disproportionately higher rates of poverty than White
children — face multiple risks and challenges during the
critical early childhood window.
This paper will provide a brief overview of the importance
of early nutrition; briefly summarize the harmful impacts
of food insecurity on infants and young children; and
highlight research demonstrating the eective role of
the federal nutrition programs during early childhood in
improving food and economic security, dietary intake,
health, and development.
Early Nutrition is Critical
for a Healthy Start in Life
It is widely accepted that the early childhood period sets the
foundation for physical, social, and emotional health, as well
as establishes dietary patterns and food preferences that
can last a lifetime. This period also is a time of rapid brain
growth with more than 1 million new neural connections
being formed every second.
These neural connections
are stimulated and strengthened when infants and toddlers
have nurturing relationships, early learning experiences,
and good nutrition.
While good nutrition supports healthy growth and
development, poor nutrition in early childhood can
negatively impact child health and development in the
short and long terms and hinder adult achievement and
5, 6
And unfortunately, too many infants and
toddlers consume diets that fall short of key nutrients.
This includes iron, for example, a micronutrient critical for
brain development. Inadequate dietary intake during early
childhood can lead to iron deficiency anemia, which is
associated with socioemotional diculties, poor motor
development, and cognitive impairments that can be
Nutrient inadequacies and deficiencies
are a concern for this population, and so too is the
overconsumption of calories, sugar, salt, and saturated
fat, which can contribute to rapid weight gain and the
establishment of preferences for foods of poor nutritional
9, 10, 11, 12
In short, poor nutrition in early childhood —
including the prenatal period — can have substantial, long-
lasting impacts, especially for the developing brain.
Revised WIC Food Packages
Specific WIC food packages are prescribed for dierent groups of participants (e.g., pregnant
women, infants, young children) to supplement their diets based on their nutritional needs. The WIC
food packages were revised in 2007 to align the authorized foods with the latest nutrition science
and guidance. All WIC state agencies were required to implement the new food packages by Octo-
ber 2009.
Federal Nutrition Programs for Infants and Toddlers n Food Research & Action Center n October 2018 n www.FRAC.org n 1
Food Insecurity has Harmful
Impacts on the Health and
Well-Being of Young Children
Adequate calories and nutrients are required to support
healthy growth and development, but food insecurity can
compromise this. Food insecurity is a term defined by the
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) that indicates that
the availability of nutritionally adequate and safe food, or
the ability to acquire such food, is limited or uncertain for a
Food insecurity is a significant public health concern,
especially among young children, given the high prevalence
and negative consequences for nutrition, health, and well-
being. USDA estimates that 1 in 6 U.S. households with
children under 6 years of age experienced food insecurity in
In about half of these households, one child or more
was food insecure.* Research shows that certain households
with children face higher rates of food insecurity, including
those headed by a single female, Black or Hispanic, and
households with incomes under 185 percent of the federal
poverty line.
While food insecurity has direct and indirect consequences
across the lifespan, food insecurity and even marginal
food security (a less severe level of food insecurity)
15, 16
is especially detrimental to the health, development, and
well-being of children.
17, 18, 19, 20
For instance, young children
in food-insecure households are more likely to have poorer
overall health, iron deficiency anemia, and developmental
problems, and to have been hospitalized, compared to
young children in food-secure households.
21, 22
These and
other consequences have short-term implications, but food
insecurity also can put young children at a disadvantage
later in childhood, and beyond, in terms of unfavorable
health and education outcomes. For example, living in
a food-insecure household at 2 years of age is a strong
predictor of low academic scores and high problem
behaviors at kindergarten entry.
Research also links food insecurity in households with young
children to unfavorable outcomes related to family health
and well-being, including increased maternal depressive
symptoms and parental arguing.
These findings are not
surprising given the incredible stress and pressure facing
low-income parents who struggle to feed their families.
Furthermore, because of limited financial resources, families
who are food insecure may use coping strategies to stretch
budgets that are harmful for health and nutrition, such as
diluting or rationing infant formula
or making trade-os
between food and other basic necessities (e.g., housing,
The Federal Nutrition Programs
Support Strong Physical Health and
Nutrition During Early Childhood
There is considerable evidence about the eective role
that participation in the federal nutrition programs plays in
reducing food insecurity and poverty, and in providing the
nutrients children need for growth, development, and overall
health. This is especially true for SNAP, WIC, and CACFP,
which are critical nutrition and health supports for vulnerable
infants and young children.
Federal Nutrition Programs for Infants and Toddlers n Food Research & Action Center n October 2018 n www.FRAC.org n 2
*USDA measures food insecurity at the household level. In some food-insecure households with children, the children are themselves food insecure.
In other food-insecure households with children, only the adults are food insecure, yet, even then, harm can trickle down to the children.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
Program (SNAP)
SNAP serves as the first line of the nation’s public policy
defense against hunger and undernutrition, as well as an
eective anti-poverty initiative. Over 39 million Americans
participate in SNAP in a given month,
and researchers
estimate that half of all of American children will receive
SNAP at some point during childhood.
The program has
a substantial reach and also touches a large proportion of
young children and their families. According to an analysis
by the Food Research & Action Center, 29.8 percent of
children 0 to 3 years of age lived in a household that
participated in SNAP at some point over the period of
2012 to 2016.
The monthly benefits provided by SNAP enhance the food-
purchasing power of eligible low-income families. In addition,
research demonstrates the eectiveness of SNAP in
alleviating poverty, reducing food insecurity, and improving
the health, nutrition, and well-being of children, adults, and
seniors.* The selected studies below illustrate some of the
short- and long-term impacts of program participation during
childhood generally and in the early childhood period.
n Nationally, 3.4 million people — including more than 1.4
million children — were lifted above the poverty line by
SNAP in 2017 under the alternative poverty computation
that counts government benefits as income, based on
Census Bureau data on poverty and income in the U.S.
However, these estimates understate SNAP’s anti-poverty
eects due to the underreporting of program participation
in Census surveys. According to leading economists and
poverty scholars, “SNAP is our nation’s most eective
anti-poverty program for the nonelderly when adjusted for
underreporting, one that is especially good at reducing
extreme poverty — by over 50 percent — and also
especially eective for poor families with children.
n Children in households that participated in SNAP for six
months are approximately one-third less likely to be food
insecure than children in households recently approved
for SNAP but not yet receiving it, based on a national
sample of SNAP households with children.
n Access to SNAP in utero and in early childhood (through
the age of 5) reduces the incidence of metabolic
syndrome (obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart
disease, heart attack) in adulthood, reduces the risk of
stunting, and, for women, increases reports of being
in good health in adulthood.
Program access during
these critical time periods in early life also increases
economic self-suciency later in life for women in terms
of increased educational attainment, earnings, and
income, and reduces poverty and public assistance
program participation in adulthood.
n Children under the age of 4 in food-insecure households
who receive SNAP benefits are less likely to be
overweight, at developmental risk, and in fair or
poor health, compared to children in food-insecure
households who are not receiving SNAP benefits.
35, 36
In addition, food-insecure children 3 years of age
or younger who participate in SNAP have fewer
hospitalizations than comparable nonparticipants.
Federal Nutrition Programs for Infants and Toddlers n Food Research & Action Center n October 2018 n www.FRAC.org n 3
* For more information on the benefits of SNAP, see FRAC’s SNAP and Public Health: The Role of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program in Improving the
Health and Well-Being of Americans at www.frac.org.
n Mothers of children under 4 years of age in food-insecure
households receiving SNAP benefits are less likely to
experience maternal depressive symptoms and less
likely to be in fair or poor health, compared to mothers in
food-insecure households who are not receiving SNAP
38, 39
n Conversely, a loss or reduction in SNAP benefits has
detrimental health impacts on children and families.
Young children under the age of 4 in families whose
SNAP benefits were recently lost or reduced due to an
increase in income are more likely to be in fair or poor
health and at risk for developmental delays, compared
to young children in families who consistently received
SNAP benefits.
Families with SNAP benefit loss or
reductions also are more likely to forgo medical care
for the child or other family members due to cost, or to
make health care trade-os.
41, 42
n Families receiving housing subsidies, SNAP, and
WIC benefits are 72 percent more likely to be housing
secure (i.e., defined as living without overcrowding or
frequent moves within the last year), compared to those
families receiving housing subsidies alone, based on a
study of low-income caregivers of children younger than
3 years old.
Special Supplemental Nutrition
Program for Women, Infants, and
Children (WIC)
WIC provides low-income pregnant
women, breastfeeding women, non-
breastfeeding postpartum mothers,
infants, and children up to the age
of 5 with nutritious foods, nutrition
education and counseling, and
referrals to health care and social
services. In addition to being income-eligible, applicants
must be at nutritional risk (e.g., underweight, overweight,
anemic, poor dietary intake) as determined through a
nutrition assessment conducted by a health professional.
In fiscal year 2017, WIC provided services to approximately
1.7 million women, 1.8 million infants, and 3.8 million children
in the average month.
In the latest year (2015) for which
USDA has published a WIC coverage rate, WIC reached 76.9
percent of eligible infants, but just 44.4 percent of eligible
children ages 1 to 4 years old.
A large body of research spanning decades shows that WIC
is a profoundly important program with well-documented
benefits to the health, development, and well-being of young
children and their families, as demonstrated in the selection
of studies below.*
n WIC reduces the prevalence of household food
insecurity by at least 20 percent, based on a national
sample of children under the age of 5 who lived in
households that were income-eligible for WIC.
n Prenatal WIC participation is associated with improved
birth outcomes, including lower infant mortality rates
(especially for African-Americans)
and a lower risk
of preterm birth, perinatal death, low birth weight, and
neonatal intensive care unit admission.
48, 49
n Multiple studies link the revised WIC food packages with
improvements in overall dietary quality, healthful food
purchases, and the consumption of fruits, vegetables,
whole-grains, and lower-fat milk.
50, 51
Research also
finds improvements in infant-feeding practices in terms
of the appropriate introduction of solid foods, as well as
increases in breastfeeding initiation.
n Overweight and obesity rates declined modestly among
young children 1 to 4 years of age enrolled in New York
state’s WIC program within three years of introducing the
revised WIC food packages.
Federal Nutrition Programs for Infants and Toddlers n Food Research & Action Center n October 2018 n www.FRAC.org n 4
*For more information on the benefits of WIC, see FRAC’s Child Nutrition Programs and Public Health: The Role of the Federal Child Nutrition Programs in
Improving Health and Well-Being and FRAC’s WIC is a Critical Economic, Nutrition, and Health Support for Children and Families at www.frac.org.
n Young children participating in WIC, SNAP, or both
programs have lower rates of failure to thrive, anemia,
and nutritional deficiency, and lower risk of abuse and
neglect, when compared to low-income nonparticipants.
n Even in the face of family stressors, such as household
food insecurity and maternal depressive symptoms,
children younger than 36 months who receive WIC,
compared to those who do not, are less likely to be
in fair or poor health, and more likely to meet well-
child criteria.
(For this particular study, children met
“well-child” criteria if they were in good or excellent
health per parent report, were developing normally,
were not overweight or underweight, and had not been
n Prenatal and early childhood participation in WIC is
associated with stronger cognitive development at age
2, and better performance on reading assessments in
elementary school, leading researchers to conclude that
“these findings suggest that WIC meaningfully contributes
to children’s educational prospects.
Child and Adult Care Food Program
CACFP provides reimbursement to Head Start programs,
family child care, child care centers, afterschool programs,
homeless shelters, domestic violence shelters, and senior
day care centers for nutritious meals and snacks served
to children and seniors. Young children attending CACFP-
participating family child homes, child care centers, or
Head Start programs can receive up to two meals and a
snack per day that meet USDA nutrition standards. In fiscal
year 2017, CACFP served 4.4 million children, 2 billion
healthy meals and snacks, and distributed over $3 billion in
reimbursements to child care providers.
While much of the research on CACFP focuses on program
implementation, there are several studies — mostly focused
on preschoolers — that evaluate the impact of participation
on household food insecurity, the child care food
environment, and child nutrition and health, as highlighted
below.* (More research is needed on CACFP’s impacts for
infants and toddlers.) In addition, multiple studies conclude
that CACFP plays an important role in improving the quality
of child care programs and making them more aordable for
low-income families.
57, 58
n Attending a CACFP-participating child care program
is associated with a modest reduction in the risk of
household food insecurity, according to a study using
national data on 4-year-olds.
Specific WIC food packages are prescribed for
dierent groups of participants (e.g., pregnant women,
infants, young children) to supplement their diets based
on their nutritional needs. The WIC food packages
were revised in 2007 to align the authorized foods with
the latest nutrition science and guidance. All WIC state
agencies were required to implement the new food
packages by October 2009.
Overall, the revised WIC food packages improve
the health and nutritional quality of the foods in the
program, increase participants’ choices, and expand
cultural food options. More specifically, the revised
packages retain the basic WIC foods, including milk,
cheese, eggs, fruit juice, iron-fortified cereal, beans,
peanut butter, infant formula, and (for breastfeeding
women) tuna. However, the amount of milk, cheese,
eggs, fruit juice, and, in some cases, infant formula was
reduced in the new packages. In addition, the new
packages move to low-fat or non-fat milk; oer fruits,
vegetables, and whole-grain bread (with the option
to substitute whole-grain tortillas, pasta, rice, or other
grains); and allow the substitution of soymilk, tofu, and
(in 2015) yogurt for milk and cheese.
Revised WIC Food Packages
Federal Nutrition Programs for Infants and Toddlers n Food Research & Action Center n October 2018 n www.FRAC.org n 5
*For more information on the benefits of CACFP, see FRAC’s Child Nutrition Programs and Public Health: The Role of the Federal Child Nutrition Programs in
Improving Health and Well-Being at www.frac.org.
n Child care sites participating in CACFP, especially
Head Start centers, serve more fruits, vegetables, and
low-fat or skim milk, and fewer sweetened beverages,
sweets, and snack foods than nonparticipating child
care sites.
60, 61
n Participating in CACFP is associated with greater fruit,
vegetable, and milk consumption among low-income
62, 63
Children in CACFP centers also
consume less saturated fat and total fat, likely a result
of the provision of low-fat milk by CACFP-participating
n CACFP-participating centers report more supportive
nutrition practices than nonparticipating centers.
65, 66
(Supportive nutrition practices include oering whole
grains daily, teaching about the food groups, and serving
foods family style.) For example, 53 percent of CACFP
sites report that sta always eat the same foods that the
children are oered, compared to 35 percent of non-
CACFP sites.
n Child care centers participating in CACFP also
have higher-quality nutrition and physical activity
environments than nonparticipating centers.
n Low-income preschoolers attending CACFP-participating
child care centers are slightly less likely to be obese than
similar children attending nonparticipating centers.
Also, preschool children with an unhealthy weight status
(i.e., obese, overweight, or underweight) who participate
in Head Start have healthier body mass indexes by
kindergarten than nonparticipants — children are less
obese, less overweight, and less underweight.
This may
be due, in part, to the program’s adherence to CACFP
nutrition coverage and guidelines for meals and snacks.
n Toddlers (between 13 months and 3 years old) in
subsidized child care whose meals are supplied by their
child care provider — and, therefore, highly likely to be
participating in CACFP — are less likely to be in fair or
poor health, less likely to be hospitalized, and more
likely to be at a healthy weight than similar children
whose meals are supplied from home.
Young children in this country are experiencing high levels
of poverty, food insecurity, and inadequate dietary intake,
which can contribute to poor health and development in the
short and long terms. Research shows that SNAP, WIC, and
CACFP can alleviate these problems during early childhood,
and improve overall health and well-being. Strengthening
and increasing access to and participation in these critical
programs would further their role in supporting the physical
health, development, and nutrition of our nation’s children.
This paper was prepared by FRAC’s Heather Hartline-Grafton,
DrPH, RD, Senior Nutrition Policy and Research Analyst. FRAC
wishes to thank the Think Babies™ campaign for their generous
support of this research brief. ZERO TO THREE created the
Think Babies™ campaign to make the potential of every baby a
national priority. Funding partners for Think Babies™ include
the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, which supports the
campaign’s public education aspects, and the Perigee Fund,
which supports the campaign’s public education and advocacy
aspects. Learn more at www.thinkbabies.org.
Federal Nutrition Programs for Infants and Toddlers n Food Research & Action Center n October 2018 n www.FRAC.org n 6
Federal Nutrition Programs for Infants and Toddlers n Food Research & Action Center n October 2018 n www.FRAC.org n 7
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