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Accessing the CoC Program Project Application
in e-snaps
This document provides step-by-step instructions on how to access the Project Application in e-snaps. It
is organized into the following sections:
Access e-snaps
Complete the Project Applicant Profile
Register for the Funding Opportunity
Create the Project
Access the Project Application on the Submissions Screen
Access e-snaps
All e-snaps users need usernames and passwords to log in to the e-snaps system. To see an
organization's Project Applicant Profile and Project Applications, the e-snaps user needs to be associated
as a "registrant" with the organization's e-snaps account.
If you need access to e-snaps and/or to your organization’s e-snaps account, see the following
Create an e-snaps User Profile
Give Staff Access to Your Organization's e-snaps Account
Log in
If new to e-snaps,
create a user profile
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Request Access to Your Organization's e-snaps Account
There are four steps you must complete to gain access to the current Fiscal Year project application.
Step 1: Complete the Project Applicant Profile
Project Applicants must complete the Project Applicant Profile before moving forward in the Project
Application process.
1. Select "Applicants" on the left menu bar.
Select the "Open Folder" icon next to the Applicant Name.
3. Ensure the information entered in all the Applicant Profile screens is accurate.
Select the “Complete” button on the “Submission Summary” screen.
Once selected, the "Complete" button changes to an "Edit" button.
The form is marked "This e.Form has been marked as complete."
For detailed instructions on filling out and completing the Applicant Profile, see the
Project Applicant
Profile Navigational Guide.
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Note for organizations that are Collaborative Applicants and Project Applicants:
If the organization applying for funding as a Project Applicant is also serving as the Collaborative
Applicant, the organization will have two Applicant Profilesone for the Project Applicant and one for
the Collaborative Applicant. The "Applicant" field dropdown menu at the top left side of the screen
contains the list of Applicants that a user can access.
If you are unsure of your Applicant type, see: Determine What Type of Applicant You Are in e-snaps
If you have issues finding the correct Project Applicant, submit a ticket to the HUD Exchange Ask A
Question. Select Reporting System: e-snaps on Step 2.
Note for first-time applicants:
If an organization is new to e-snaps (i.e., submitting a Project Application for the first time), the
organization must establish itself as an Applicant in e-snaps.
Review the instructions in the Project Applicant Profile Navigational Guide
An organization will establish itself as a Project Applicant in e-snaps one time only.
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Step 2: Register for the Funding Opportunity
As the Project Applicant, you must register your organization for the applicable Project Application
funding opportunity, which enables you to apply for funds during the CoC Program Competition.
"Registering" in this context means "indicating your intent to apply."
"Funding Opportunity" refers to “the type of grant.” There are options when you select this screen. They
include Renewal, New, YHDP, CoC Planning, and UFA Costs.
So, on this screen, you are indicating your intent to apply for a specific type of grant. You must ensure
you are selecting the funding opportunity for the correct Fiscal Year.
1. Select "Funding Opportunity Registrations" on the left menu bar.
2. Confirm the correct Applicant is listed in the Applicant field at the top left.
Select the "Register" icon next to the correct item. Example: "Renewal Project
Application FY 2018." The "Funding Opportunity Details" screen will appear.
1. Select "Funding
2. Confirm the correct Applicant listed in the field
Opportunity Name
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1. When the question appears asking if you want to register the applicant for the funding
opportunity, select "Yes."
2. The screen will indicate that the Project Applicant has been registered.
3. Select the "Back" button to return to the "Funding Opportunity Registrations" screen.
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Step 3: Create the Project
You must create a project for the Project Application in e-snaps on the "Projects" screen. Creating a
project is an intermediate step; you do NOT enter the Application information from the “Projects”
screen. That step will occur on the "Submissions" screen.
Once you "create" the Project, the Project will appear on this screen. In the example below, the term
"Renewal Project Application" appears under the "Funding Opportunity Name" column.
"Creating a Project" means "giving the project application a name."
1. Select "Projects" on the left menu bar.
2. Select the applicable funding opportunity from the "Funding Opportunity Name"
dropdown. Example: "Renewal Project Application FY 2018"
The screen refreshes and an "Add" icon appears on the left side of the screen
above the column headings.
Select the "Add" icon.
5. The "Create a Project" screen appears.
"Add" icon appears
after selection in
dropdown menu
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1. On the "Create a Project" screen, the Project Applicant Name will be pre-populated.
2. In the "Applicant Project Name" field, enter the name of the project.
If you will submit a renewal project, enter the project name as it appears in the grant
agreement or grant agreement as amended.
If you are submitting a new project, enter the name of the project (e.g., ABC Housing
3. In the "Import Data From:" field, select the project that is being renewed. If this is a new
project, you will not see the "Import Date From" field.
Importing will decrease the amount of information that must be entered in the current
Project Application.
If you chose to import, you must review and update each screen (if needed) to ensure
the imported information is current and all fields have been completed.
4. Select "Save & Back" to return to the "Projects" screen.
The project name is listed in the menu.
Select the "View" icon to view project details; however, it is not necessary to enter
any notes on that page.
Enter the
e-snaps will
assign a
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Step 4: Access the Project Application on the Submissions Screen
After completing the Project Applicant Profile, registering for the Funding Opportunity, and creating the
Project Application project, you now have access to the Project Application and can complete the
screens. You must access the Project Application screens through the "Submissions" screen.
"Submissions" refers to both submitted project applications and project applications that are in
progress to be submitted.
This screen also includes applications that are created by mistake and are not intended to be submitted.
Once you have created a project on the Projects screen and it appears here, you cannot delete it. You
can only rename it.
1. Select "Submissions" on the left menu bar.
Locate the Project Application project you established.
Option: Use the "Submissions Filters." Select the project name in the Project Name
field. Then select the "Filter" button to single out your project(s).
Option: Select "Clear Filters" on the top left of the "Submissions Filters" box. Then,
review the "Funding Opportunity Name / Step Name" column.
Use the
Filters to find
the project
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Once you identify the Project Application you want, select the "Folder" icon to
the left of it.
4. The "Before Starting" screen appears.
Please continue with the resources available on the HUD Exchange on the e-snaps webpage.
Access the