Business Telephone
Additional Conditions
For all HSBC Business Telephone Banking customers
as of 6 April 2016.
Table of Contents Page
How to reach us 3
If you have a disability 3
1. What you should know 4
1.1 Getting in touch with you 4
1.2 Where there are differences 4
1.3 Technical language 4
1.4 ‘We’, ‘you’ and ‘your Business 4
2. How to use the Service 4
2.1 What you’ll need 4
3. Once you’re registered 5
3.1 Becoming a Signatory 5
3.2 If someone is no longer a Signatory 6
3.3 The Automated Service 6
4. Giving us Instructions 6
4.1 How it works 6
4.2 If there are two or more Signatories 6
5. Limits on payments 6
6. Keeping things secure 6
6.1 Let us know if you think theres a problem 7
7. What we’re liable for 7
8. Stopping the Service 7
9. Glossary 7
About HSBC 8
How to reach us
Visit us in any HSBC branch or online at
Write to us at:
Customer Information
PO Box 6201
Coventry CV3 9HW
Call us at our Customer Contact Centre (from 8am to 10pm every day) on:
if you’re in the UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man: 03457 60 60 60
if you’re outside the UK: +44 1226 26 08 78
If you have a disability
You can request these Additional Conditions in large print or audio from any HSBC branch.
We can also give you Braille and large-print statements and templates for cheque books.
Hearing or speech
You can call us by textphone on 03457 12 55 63.
We can also arrange a sign-language service for you.
We may monitor or record our conversations with you (for example, phone calls, letters, emails) to improve
our service, or for security.
1. What you should know
Our business current and savings accounts and services all come with terms and conditions. They
set out what you can expect from us – and what we expect from you in return. You’ll find them in our
Business Banking Terms and Conditions.
Our Business Telephone Banking service also comes with these Additional Conditions (which we’ll call
‘Terms’). They apply to you if you use the business telephone banking services from our Customer Contact
Centres. You should read them together with our Business Banking Terms and Conditions, so you have all the
information you need.
For the most up-to-date versions of these Terms, our Business Banking Terms and Conditions, our ‘Business
Banking Made Easy’ brochure and our Price List, just ask us – in any HSBC branch, by phone through
Business Telephone Banking or find them on our website.
1.1 Getting in touch with you
If we need to contact you about something in these Terms (to give you notice of any changes to these Terms,
for example) we’ll do it by post, email, on your statements or through Business Telephone Banking.
1.2 Where there are differences
Where there’s a conflict between these Terms and anything in our Business Banking Terms and Conditions,
these Terms take precedence. If there’s a conflict between these Terms and the Customer Information
Appendix in our Business Banking Terms and Conditions, the Customer Information Appendix takes
1.3 Technical language
Some of the words and phrases in this document have a specific meaning. We’ve capitalised these words
and included them in a Glossary (see page 8), so you know exactly what we mean. You might also need to
check the Glossary at the end of our Business Banking Terms and Conditions.
1.4 ‘We’, ‘you’ and ‘your Business’
By ‘we, ‘us’ or ‘our’ we mean HSBC Bank plc. By ‘your Business, we mean you as the sole trader,
partnership, legal entity or unincorporated association that applied for the Service. By ‘you’ or ‘your’ we
mean your Business and/or the appropriate Registered Person.
2. How to use the Service
Our Business Telephone Banking Service, including our Automated Service, lets you manage your accounts
with us over the phone. You can use it to get information from us, as well as to give us Instructions.
2.1 What you’ll need
You’ll need a touchtone phone and a Security Number to use our Automated Service.
If you have a password, get in touch with us and we’ll convert it to a Security Number instead.
Just so you know, some or all parts of the Service might be provided by other companies.
3. Once you’re registered
When your Business signs up to the Service, it will nominate a Primary User who’ll also be a Registered
Person and a Signatory. The Primary User will be able to use the account in the same way as your Business
can. They’ll also be able to appoint Additional Users.
The table below shows what the Primary User and Registered Persons can and can’t do.
Primary User Registered Person
who is a Signatory
Registered Person
who isn’t a Signatory
Find out balances
3 3 3
Transfer money
between certain
sterling accounts
3 3 3
Get information about
3 3 3
Send messages to
your Relationship
3 3 3
Get foreign exchange
and interest rate
3 3 3
Cancel standing orders
and direct debits
3 3 3
Get information on
business and personal
3 3 3
Start applications
on your behalf for
banking products or
services of any kind
3 3 3
Apply for loans or
other products and
3 5 5
Make payments to
third parties (up to
certain limits)
3 3 5
Set up and change
standing orders
3 3 5
Reinstate Direct Debits
3 3 5
Remove Registered
Persons (including the
Primary User)
3 3 5
Appoint Additional
3 5 5
3.1 Becoming a Signatory
If a Registered Person who isn’t currently a Signatory goes on to become one, we’ll give them the extra
powers shown in the table above. This will happen automatically, without us giving you or any Primary User
3.2 If someone is no longer a Signatory
When you tell us that a Registered Person has stopped being a Signatory we’ll remove their powers (as
shown in the table above). We’ll do it as soon as we can. You’ll be bound by any Instructions they’ve given
until we’ve removed them.
3.3 The Automated Service
When you sign up for our Business Telephone Banking Service you’ll be able to use the Automated Service
to get information about your account, transfer money between your accounts or make payments using the
key pad on your phone. An automated voice will take you through the process.
4. Giving us Instructions
Once you, or someone who appears to be you (and passes all our security checks), gives us Instructions over
the phone through the Service, you authorise us to carry out those Instructions.
4.1 How it works
When you call the Customer Contact Centre, we’ll take you through our security procedures (so we might
ask you for your Security Number, or questions about your relationship with us) to check you’re a Registered
Person. Once we’re happy, you can give us your Instructions.
Check the Business Banking Terms and Conditions for the information we need you to include in any Instructions.
If we can’t identify you as a Registered Person we might not be able to help you. If this happens you may
need to fill in a further registration form.
4.2 If there are two or more Signatories
If there’s more than one Signatory on an account, we’ll act on Instructions from any one of the Signatories
(as long as they’re also a Registered Person and aren’t trying to do something that isn’t shown in the table
in ‘Once you’re registered’ above). We’ll also act on Instructions from anyone who appears to be a Signatory
(and passes all our security checks).
5. Limits on payments
We may agree financial limits on the amounts which your Business can instruct us to pay. We may also limit
the number of payments a Registered Person can make on one call. We’ll only do this if they have a large
number of multiple payments to make.
You can pay any one person up to £10,000 a day (although we might let you pay them more than this in
exceptional circumstances).
6. Keeping things secure
You agree that you will follow all reasonable instructions from us about security. This includes (but isn’t limited to):
not choosing Security Numbers that someone can easily guess (like your birthday or ‘123456’)
not telling anyone else your Security Number or any personal security details you use for the Service
not telling our staff any more than two digits of your Security Number when you call us
taking care that no one can overhear you when you confirm your security details
not writing down your Security Number or any other security details in a way that someone else can
easily understand
not using cordless or mobile phones on an analogue network to phone us.
6.1 Let us know if you think theres a problem
You must call us as soon as you can if you know or think that someone unauthorised:
has called the Service
has your Security Number or knows the personal information you’ve given us as security information.
You also agree that you’ll help us or the police recover any losses.
7. What were liable for
We’ll only be liable for loss, damage or a delay you suffer as a direct result of our gross negligence (serious
carelessness) or wilful misconduct. This doesn’t include our payment services liability to you if you’re a Small
Business or Small Charity Customer (see our Business Banking Terms and Conditions).
If you bring a successful claim against us for a direct loss that is the result of our ‘gross negligence’ (serious
carelessness) or wilful misconduct – and that loss relates to all or part of the principal we were meant to pay
under an Instruction – we’ll be liable for:
the principal you’ve lost, and
any interest you might reasonably have earned on that amount.
We’ll reduce that interest if:
there are any charges or interest you haven’t paid because of the loss, or
you earned any interest which you wouldn’t have done if the loss hadn’t happened.
8. Stopping the Service
You can stop the Service at any time by giving us thirty days’ notice, in writing.
9. Glossary
Where we’ve capitalised these words in these terms this is what we mean.
Additional User is any Registered Person who isn’t a Primary User.
Automated Service is where an automated voice lets you use parts of the Service through a touch tone
Customer Contact Centre(s) are places where we provide telephone banking services to customers. They
don’t include our branches or commercial centres.
Instruction is any phone instruction, request or other communication given or purported to have been given
to us by you or a Registered Person.
Primary User is the person you nominate when you sign up for the Service. They are a Registered Person
and a Signatory. They’re authorised to appoint Additional Users.
Registered Person is any person (including Primary or Additional Users) who’s been registered to use some
or all of the Service on your behalf.
Security Number is the code, password, pass number or other identification of any kind used to access the
Service. We’ll either have given it to the Registered Person or they’ll have chosen it themselves.
Service is any product or service that we offer and you access through our Business Telephone Banking.
Signatory is any person who’s called a signatory on at least one Mandate held on your business account(s).
About HSBC
HSBC Bank plc is a company registered and established in England and Wales under registration
number 14259. Our registered office is at 8 Canada Square, London E14 5HQ. Our VAT registration
number is GB365684514.
HSBC Bank plc is:
authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
and the Prudential Regulation Authority (our firm reference number is 114216) regulated by the Jersey
Financial Services Commission for Banking, General Insurance Mediation and Investment Business
licensed by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission for Banking, Insurance, Collective Investment
Schemes and Investment Business licensed by the Isle of Man Financial Services Authority.
Issued by HSBC Bank plc
Customer information:
PO Box 6201, Coventry CV3 9HW
Isle of Man: PO Box 20, HSBC House, Ridgeway Street, Douglas, Isle of Man IM99 1AU
Jersey: PO Box 14, St Helier, Jersey JE4 8NJ
Guernsey: 20–22 High Street, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 2LB
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