Policies and Procedures Manual
Celebrity Spokesperson Programme Programme Support
December 2006
1. Introduction
2. Programme Goals
3. Duties of UNFPA Celebrity Spokespersons
4. Celebrity Spokesperson Titles and Functions
5. Criteria for the Selection of Celebrity Spokespersons
6. Interviewing a Celebrity Spokesperson Candidate
7. Procedures for Working with UNFPA Celebrity Spokespersons
8. Guidelines to Country Offices for Working with Honorary Ambassadors
9. Planning and Managing Successful Visits and Events
10. Transition
Appendix I: United Nations Secretary-General’s Guidelines for the
Designation of Goodwill Ambassadors and Messengers of Peace
Appendix II: Sample Invitation Letter
Appendix III: Sample Letter of Designation for Goodwill
Ambassadors and Messengers of Peace
Appendix IV: Sample Terms of Reference
Policies and Procedures Manual
Celebrity Spokesperson Programme Programme Support
December 2006
1. Introduction
1. Using celebrities in marketing and advertising is a practice that dates back to the
late 19
century. Over the last century, celebrities have become a major instrument with
which the marketing and advertising industry sells its products.
2. This is based on industry research that shows that celebrity-endorsed products
generate more attention than those that do not. People will naturally gravitate towards
products that celebrities endorse due to belief in the celebrity’s attractiveness, familiarity
and likeability.
3. Evidence suggests that campaigns that use celebrities are very effective in
promoting the corporate, product and service brands that they are associated with and this
trend has increased every decade.
4. Hence, the lessons of commercial marketing were borrowed and are being used in
social marketing and campaigns for causes, organizations or groups.
5. UNFPA started working with celebrities in 1992 when it named U.S.
businessman, Ted Turner, and actress, Jane Fonda, as Goodwill Ambassadors. The
objective was to have them call attention to population and development issues. Mr.
Turner encouraged CNN, which he owned at the time, to provide substantial coverage to
the 1994 Cairo International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD). He
also asked CNN to air a 10-part series on population and development, leading up to the
Cairo conference. Ms. Fonda on her part attended Cairo and addressed packed press
conferences to promote the issues of women’s health and rights.
6. This policy assists UNFPA staff, partner non-governmental organizations
(NGOs), consultants and celebrity advocates in designing, managing and implementing
the UNFPA Celebrity Spokesperson Programme.
7. A set of United Nations regulations has been developed to guide the appointment
and management of any Celebrity Spokesperson affiliated with a United Nations
organization. They are reflected in this policy and can be found in an appendix.
2. Programme Goals
The goals of UNFPA Celebrity Spokesperson Programme are to:
8. Create greater awareness among members of the public of the ICPD agenda and
UNFPA’s mandate as well as of UNFPA as an organization
9. Bring to the attention of the public and decision makers throughout the world the
rights of people, especially women, in developing countries, to sexual and reproductive
Policies and Procedures Manual
Celebrity Spokesperson Programme Programme Support
December 2006
health and rights, including maternal health, family planning, and the prevention of
sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS.
10. Remind donor governments of the promises they made at the 1994 Cairo
International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) to increase their
financial contributions so that the ICPD Programme of Action can be fully implemented
to promote universal access to reproductive health by 2015.
3. Duties of UNFPA Celebrity Spokespersons
11. The duties of a Celebrity Spokesperson will vary according to the needs of
UNFPA and the interest and ability of the advocate to meet those needs.
12. Ordinarily, a Celebrity Spokesperson will be asked to:
o Visit UNFPA and non-governmental organization (NGO) reproductive health
projects in developing countries to gain a personal familiarity and understanding
of the work of UNFPA and its partners.
o Act as magnets to attract media attention and visibility to the work of UNFPA and
its partners.
o Make public appearances, public service announcements and video news releases,
and participate in press conferences and broadcast and print interviews to focus
public attention on issues of the UNFPA mandate, such as sexual and
reproductive health and rights in developing countries.
o Participate in major, national UNFPA campaign activities.
o Talk to government and other policymakers on issues of the UNFPA mandate.
4. Celebrity Spokesperson Titles and Functions
There are three categories of Celebrity Spokespersons:
13. Goodwill Ambassadors. This category is for people whose fame or influence
transcend national and continental boundaries and are globally renowned, with broad
appeal to engage in dialogue with UNFPA constituencies across the globe. They would
then be in a position to promote the mandate of UNFPA and the United Nations globally.
They may be recommended to the Executive Director, through the Director of the
Information and External Relations Division (IERD), by regional offices directors or
UNFPA representatives or heads of country offices of UNFPA donors. .If the Executive
Director accepts a suggestion to name someone Goodwill Ambassador, s/he will inform
the Secretary-General, in accordance with the April 2003 guidelines, before any
designation is effected.
Policies and Procedures Manual
Celebrity Spokesperson Programme Programme Support
December 2006
14. Regional Ambassadors. These could be celebrities or eminent persons whose
fame may spread beyond their border into other countries in their region or subregion, but
is not yet global in scope. Musicians and athletes, for example, can be famous in a
specific country and surrounding region, but unknown elsewhere. They may be
recommended to the Executive Director by a regional office. Country offices wishing to
recommend regional ambassadors must get the agreement of their respective regional
office director. All recommendations to the Executive Director must be made through the
Director of IERD.
15. Honorary Ambassadors. This title would be applied to celebrities who are
known exclusively within their own countries. They may be recommended to the
Executive Director by regional office directors or UNFPA representative. Any
designations require the explicit approval of the Executive Director.
“Designation of a Goodwill Ambassador is to be considered rare and exceptional,”
--The Secretary-General of the United Nations
5. Selection of UNFPA Celebrity Spokespersons
16. According to the guidelines of the Secretary-General (Appendix 1), only the
heads of United Nations offices, funds and programmes listed in an attached annex may
designate Goodwill Ambassadors. For UNFPA, this means that only the Executive
Director can do so, after informing the Secretary-General.
17. However, agency Heads shall inform the Secretary-General of their intention to
designate an individual as Goodwill Ambassador before any commitment is made, not
less than four weeks prior to the announcement of the designation.
18. On notifying the Secretary-General of the intention to designate a Goodwill
Ambassador, an explanation of the reasoning behind the designation shall also be
provided, along with proposed terms of reference and confirmation that the appropriate
review to determine suitability has been conducted. The review could include the
popularity of the celebrity, as exemplified my positive prominence in the media;
sampling of opinions and consultations as to his/her suitability for the role;
background/profile checks; and deliberations on the value the person will add to UNFPA
causes. . The Director of IERD will request the responsible staff to carry out this
19. In the case of Regional or Honorary Ambassadors, no commitment or designation
shall be made by any UNFPA office or individual without the explicit permission of the
Executive Director.
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Celebrity Spokesperson Programme Programme Support
December 2006
20. Goodwill Ambassadors, Regional Ambassadors or Honorary Ambassadors are not
UNFPA staff members and may not be appointed to an established UNFPA post or
office. Therefore, they shall not be granted a formal UNFPA “Letter of Appointment”.
21. Goodwill Ambassadors shall be granted a “Letter of Designation” issued by the
Executive Director. Honorary and Regional Ambassadors shall receive designation letters
from the Executive Director, the authorized director of the respective regional office or
UNFPA Representative, as determined by the Executive Director.
22. The “Letter of Designation” may set out their terms of reference and length of
designation. A standard attachment to the “Letter of Designation” may provide details
regarding their status and entitlements, as described in Appendix 3.
23. Designation of a Celebrity Spokesperson is to be considered rare and exceptional.
IERD will help the Executive Director ensure that the number of designees is not
excessive, in order to maintain the value of the designation.
24. In addition to the criteria for selection of Celebrity Spokespersons set forth in the
Secretary-General’s guidelines, UNFPA is especially interested in engaging celebrity
spokespersons who:
o Are committed to promoting the human rights of women and the right of
individuals and couples to decide freely the number and spacing of their children;
o Show good citizenship and are passionate, courageous, inspiring, caring,
principled, credible, and capable of acting as influential advocates for the rights of
women, men and young people to sexual and reproductive health;
o Show leadership in their professions and readiness to use their social capital to
promote UNFPA’s mandate, especially sexual and reproductive health and rights;
o Will be convincing public speakers on the sensitive topics of women’s sexual
health and reproductive health and rights, gender equality and male responsibility;
o Have experience in advocating for one or more of the issues UNFPA is concerned
o Have reasonably good reputation and possess the personality and dignity required
for such high-level role;
o Have specific on-going media connections, for example, star in a popular radio or
television series; produce radio or television shows and/or own a television or
film production company. A spokesperson may also be a sports figure, musician
or a popular eminent personality, but does not hold or seek any public, political
or religious office;
o Are committed to devote time to serving as a Celebrity Spokesperson;
25. No public, political, religious office holder, active political figure or their spouse
or relative shall be designated UNFPA Celebrity Spokesperson;
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Celebrity Spokesperson Programme Programme Support
December 2006
26. The name of UNFPA or the United Nations shall not be used in any advert or to
endorse any commercial product or service. Any public use of the name of UNFPA or the
United Nations must first be approved by the Fund.
6. Interviewing a Celebrity Spokesperson Candidate
27. The eligible UNFPA official seeking to consider and nominate a person as
celebrity spokesperson may wish to interview the candidate. During the interview, the
official may consider the following points:
28. Briefly describe the UNFPA mission and accomplishments. Have a few relevant
information materials available. The official may wish to send the candidate information
in advance of the interview or introductory meeting.
29. Explain what is expected of a UNFPA Celebrity Spokesperson and what support
they can expect from UNFPA.
30. For example, UNFPA Celebrity Spokespersons should be able to:
Agree to be a UNFPA Celebrity Spokesperson on a campaign-related issue that
interests them;
o Agree to be briefed by a competent and authorized UNFPA official on the issues
and on how to handle related media enquiries;
o Allow UNFPA to indicate their participation or use their name on campaign or
promotional materials, as appropriate;
o Agree to be interviewed (at their convenience) by important media personalities;
o Agree to be featured in UNFPA public service announcements and video news
o Agree to go on fact-finding field missions sponsored by UNFPA or its partners;
o Agree to take part in at least two or three major international or national events or
press conferences a year, as feasible.
31. In strict accordance with United Nations rules, Celebrity Spokespersons must
never be paid remuneration by UNFPA or its partners for their time or other
involvement. They are only entitled to the symbolic payment of $1 per year. Should a
Celebrity Spokesperson request that their travel and per diem be covered by UNFPA, this
may be granted. However, the responsible office may encourage them to shoulder such
expenses, as appropriate.
7. Procedures for Working with Celebrity Spokespersons
32. UNFPA Celebrity Spokespersons’ participation in campaigns or projects may be
requested by UNFPA headquarters and field offices. The procedure for seeking the
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Celebrity Spokesperson Programme Programme Support
December 2006
involvement of a UNFPA Celebrity Spokesperson in a UNFPA-related campaign,
activity or event is as follows:
33. Requests should be made at least three months in advance.
34. Proposals for Honorary Ambassadors should be addressed to the UNFPA Country
Representative and for Goodwill Ambassadors or Regional Ambassadors to the Director,
Information, Executive Board and Resource Mobilization Division (IERD).
35. Proposals should include the following information:
o Requester’s office and contact information;
o Primary purpose of the event, activity or campaign;
o Date(s), time and location of the event or activity;
o Details of the event, including audience, other participants or organizers, and
Format In a hall? On television? Taped? Live? Five, ten or 20
Topic of Ambassador’s presentation;
Target audience(s), size and their interests;
Other participants;
Who will provide briefing/talking points;
o What the Celebrity Spokesperson is required to do;
o Requester’s office and contact information;
o Where/when the Celebrity Spokesperson is expected to arrive and depart;
o Budget for the event and how the budget will be financed. All costs for the travel
and per diem of the celebrity will be covered, as general practice, by the
requesting party, or the Celebrity Spokesperson, if s/he is willing and able. ;
o Media coverage or other media involvement (kind of media: friendly, hostile,
tabloid, broadsheet, television, radio or international);
o The expected benefit to UNFPA and the celebrity from the event.
36. In principle, those in the Goodwill Ambassador category will only be requested to
participate in country office events that meet one or more of the following criteria:
Event has multinational media or fund-raising exposure for the UNFPA and the
Event has exceptional advocacy value for the Fund in opening new doors to
government or key sectors of society;
Event is consistent with the image and stature of the Fund and of the invited
Goodwill Ambassador;
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Celebrity Spokesperson Programme Programme Support
December 2006
If they are engaged in visits to projects, protocol, ceremonies and speeches should
be eliminated but, if they are necessary, they should kept to the minimum to make
maximum use of their time to actually learn from the visit. Accompanying
journalists often see them as impediments to their work.
The goals of celebrity visits and of UNFPA should be kept in mind at all times
when considering requests for their presence or meetings with them.
37. Celebrities should not be over-used. Care must be taken to ensure that there is
always a sound, strategic reason and plan behind their involvement in any particular
activity or event. A plan of action, deliverables and indicators of success should be
developed and agreed upon by all parties (including the Celebrity Spokesperson) prior to
committing to an event, activity or campaign.
8. Guidelines to Country Offices and Regional Offices for Working with
Honorary Ambassadors
38. All Honorary Ambassadors are funded through country office funds. IERD does
not have funds for Honorary Ambassadors.
39. Nominating Honorary Ambassadors: The UNFPA country office should very
carefully deliberate upon any decision as to whether to nominate an Honorary
Ambassador, as they will be responsible for working with the Ambassador.
40. Country offices do not need to designate an Ambassador in order to work with a
celebrity. It is perfectly acceptable indeed encouraged to ask a celebrity to host or
co-host a UNFPA event, make a speech, open a new clinic or support a UNFPA
campaign, without being named Ambassador. This could be a good way for both parties
to work in partnership without hinting or making any further commitments.
41. If a designation becomes necessary, Honorary Ambassadors may be named to no
more than two-year terms, renewable with mutual consent and with a detailed work plan.
42. Country offices must not select or designate Honorary Ambassadors without
consulting IERD (which handles the matter on behalf of the Executive Director) and the
relevant regional office. No designations can be made without the explicit permission of
the Executive Director of UNFPA. Decisions must be in line with the Secretary-
General’s recommendation: “Designation of a Goodwill Ambassador is to be considered
rare and exceptional”.
43. No nomination for the designation of an Honorary Ambassador shall be
forwarded for the Executive Director’s consideration without a clear two-year work plan
and assurances on the availability of the resources and competent staff member to
manage relations with the celebrity or eminent person.
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Celebrity Spokesperson Programme Programme Support
December 2006
44. Before nominating an Honorary Ambassador, the requesting country office should
Exactly what activities will the Ambassador undertake?
How do they propose to fund those activities?
Is there staff to plan and manage these activities?
It may not always be in the best interests of the UNFPA to have an Ambassador.
The country office might want to consider engaging a celebrity for a particular
event, to make some public service announcement, chair a committee for UNFPA,
support a cause, without any hint or commitment to nominate them as Honorary
Ambassador (see paragraph 42.).
45. The same considerations and procedures apply to the recommendation of
designation of Regional Ambassadors by regional offices and country offices.
46. Managing Relations, Work Plans at the Country/Regional Level: Right from the
start, it is extremely important for both the office and the celebrity to be clear about what
they expect from their relationship. This should be thought through carefully and
thoroughly. Lack of understanding of what each side expects can lead to confusion and
difficulty later.
47. The celebrity should be able to give a commitment to do a certain number of
events a year it may be as few as three or four events; the office then needs to ensure
that events are handled professionally and maximum publicity is gained for UNFPA. A
professionally handled event will also reflect well on the celebrity and increase his/her
confidence in UNFPA. It is always preferable to do a small number of high-profile, well-
organized events than many small and possibly less successful ones. Typical events
might include: the launch of The State of World Population report; World Population
Day; opening new clinics; press conferences to announce new projects; visits with local
media to UNFPA projects, etc.
48. The office may need to assign a staff member to liaise with the celebrity and
organize activities and press coverage of his/her work. The person should have the
required seniority and maturity to work with a celebrity. He or she should also be able to
make decisions on drafting a work plan of activities for the celebrity. A work plan should
be based over a 24-month period.
49. The work plan should reflect the priorities of the country programme and
complement the interests of the Ambassador.
50. The celebrity needs to be well briefed by UNFPA on the issues the office wants
him/her to talk about, as well as the issues UNFPA may not want him/her to address, but
which s/he may be questioned about. The Ambassador may also need help with talking
points, speeches, etc. It can be embarrassing for all concerned if the Ambassador does not
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Celebrity Spokesperson Programme Programme Support
December 2006
appear to understand the subject matter, particularly if s/he lacks experience in dealing
with the media or speaking events.
9. Planning, Managing Successful Missions and Events
51. The missions of Celebrity Spokespersons to the field or to events organized by
UNFPA headquarters, partner NGO or country office can create visibility and awareness
for specific campaigns and strengthen policy dialogue both in programme and donor
countries. The missions may be proposed by UNFPA headquarters, partner or country
52. All country office or partner requests for missions by UNFPA Goodwill
Ambassadors must be made through IERD. No Goodwill Ambassadors should be
contacted directly. It is important to make the request as far in advance as possible.
Where appropriate, requests will be discussed with relevant units at headquarters. When
a request is approved, IERD will contact the country representative in the proposed host
country to discuss the proposal and obtain information on who in the country office will
coordinate the visit.
53. For missions by Goodwill Ambassadors, all preparations, logistics, press events and
other details of field visits are to be coordinated with IERD.
54. For Honorary Ambassadors, details of missions or work of those celebrities
should be reviewed and must be approved by the Country Representative.
What the requesting country or host office provides
55. Travel arrangements. These are made in consultation with headquarters. As a
general rule, Goodwill Ambassadors enjoy the same duty travel privileges as United
Nations staff of the rank of Assistant Secretary-General, including business-class travel
for their flights.
56. UNFPA does not finance first-class travel for Celebrity Spokespersons. If they
desire such a standard, they will be invited to pay for themselves. Although Celebrity
Spokespersons may sometimes be expected to meet their own travel expenses, not all of
them can afford to do so. UNFPA may pay their travel costs and subsistence allowances
when they are travelling on behalf of the Fund and cannot afford to self-finance the
57. A celebrity’s entourage must be kept as small as possible. A Goodwill, Regional
or Honorary Ambassador should cover travel costs for any companion. If appropriate,
UNFPA may pay for one staff for the celebrity and for reporters covering the celebrity’s
Policies and Procedures Manual
Celebrity Spokesperson Programme Programme Support
December 2006
58. Goodwill Ambassadors may be granted the appropriate United Nations travel
documents, subject to the approval of the Executive Director. According to United
Nations regulations, celebrities' recognized partners are not eligible to such documents
and must rely on their national passports. The Executive Director has determined that
Honorary or Regional Ambassadors are not entitled to United Nations travel documents.
59. Goodwill, Regional or Honorary Ambassadors authorized to travel at UNFPA
expense or who are requested to perform services on behalf of the Fund shall, in the event
of injury, illness or death attributable to the performance of duties on behalf of the United
Nations, be entitled to compensation in accordance with ST/SGB/103/Rev.1. Such
compensation shall be the sole compensation payable by UNFPA in respect of such
service-related death, injury or illness.
60. Goodwill, Regional or Honorary Ambassadors shall be fully responsible for
arranging, at their own expense, such life, health and other forms of insurance covering
the period of their services on behalf of UNFPA, as they consider appropriate. They are
not eligible to participate in the life or health insurance schemes available to United
Nations staff members. The responsibility of UNFPA is limited solely to the payment of
compensation under the conditions described in the paragraph above and paragraph 22 of
the Secretary-General’s Guidelines.
61. Goodwill Ambassadors should be encouraged by IERD or NGO partners to get
visas in their countries of origin. However, if a celebrity cannot do so because of travel or
professional commitments, IERD, a partner NGO or the requesting country office may
help in obtaining the visas.
62. A staff member from IERD, partner NGO or country office usually accompanies
a Celebrity Spokesperson on field missions.
63. Security Clearance. As a minimum requirement, all celebrity spokespersons
should complete the CD-ROM on field security. The country office to be visited should
help obtain security clearances.
64. Itinerary. Country Representative should assign a senior and competent staff
member in the office overall responsibility for a Goodwill, Regional or Honorary
Ambassador's mission, while other colleagues my brief or accompany the celebrity to
projects as appropriate. The officer in charge of the visit and the Representative will
liaise with IERD on all details of the visit.
65. The itinerary needs to be comprehensive and include a contingency plan.
Remember that extra time should be scheduled for visitors to recuperate from jetlag, for
translation during project visits and for rest periods between functions. Breaks should
also be allowed for the celebrities and accompanying reporters to interact with or
interview clients of UNFPA projects. Try to schedule courtesy calls with high-ranking
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Celebrity Spokesperson Programme Programme Support
December 2006
government officials, who are likely to increase visibility, enhance the chances of the
success of the mission or help the country office. Otherwise keep courtesy calls and
protocol to the minimum. Reporters prefer to use that time to seek out and talk to clients
or to go on their coverage.
66. Depending on the circumstances and budget of the country office, the Country
Representative may host a reception or a dinner in honour of the celebrity. This is not
only a courtesy to the guest, but also an excellent networking opportunity with
policymakers, senior government officials, the donor community, NGOs and other
67. Information about the country and projects. The Goodwill Ambassador should
receive brief summaries of projects, including details about UNFPA's role and how the
project changed lives for the better. Clients whose lives have been changed with UNFPA
assistance should be made available for interaction with the Goodwill Ambassador and/or
accompanying journalists. The more dramatic their experiences, the better. Clients often
make the best spokespersons for development projects. Their testimonials are often
recalled by visiting celebrities and accompanying journalists or policymakers.
68. Celebrities may need guidance on climatic conditions and appropriate clothing to
wear, including occasions that might require formal dress. They should be informed of
local customs or cultural requirements/taboos that could have a bearing on their dress,
conduct or remarks.
69. Costs. Where a celebrity is not self-financing, costs associated with the visit will
be covered by the office that initiates the request. The costs include travel, hotel
accommodation, food and on-the-ground transport, and should be paid directly to service
providers rather than by DSA, thus avoiding a direct transfer of funds to the Goodwill
70. The budget should also include costs of any stylist, hairdresser and make up artist
for a press day, video shoot or fundraising event. Celebrities have a public image to
protect and their public appearances often require careful staging.
71. Goodwill Ambassadors should be offered the option whenever possible to place
phone calls from UNFPA offices or a UNFPA-provided mobile phone to avoid exorbitant
hotel telephone bills. Or where they have been given DSA, they should be invited to pay
their own phone bills.
Maximizing publicity
72. Before, during and after a mission, IERD, an NGO partner and UNFPA country
office identify key messages and coordinate media coverage and publicity. There are
several key areas of media exposure:
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Celebrity Spokesperson Programme Programme Support
December 2006
73. National Media. Depending on local circumstances, country offices should
mobilize national television and print media in advance of a visit. Background
information about the Goodwill Ambassador, including copies of a biography, video
footage and photographs, should be provided in advance to the office, where available.
74. International Media. IERD and NGO partners work to get placement of stories
and television or print interviews during and after the visit. For visits involving Goodwill
Ambassadors, IERD media staff will play a lead role. Depending on the scale and type of
the field visit, the trip is pitched to a limited number of large publications and media
outlets. The media may include, for example, a newspaper reporter, a magazine writer
and photographer and a television crew (often it is best to arrange a newswire, such as
Reuters or Associated Press, to cover the event to ensure the largest distribution).
75. Press Conferences. If appropriate, two press conferences may be considered and
arranged by the country office during the mission one at the airport on arrival, to talk
about the purpose of the visit, and the other at the end of the visit, to talk about highlights
of the trip and anticipated follow-up. It is important to note that Goodwill Ambassadors
are not expected to have in-depth knowledge of a country programme, and the
Representative or another competent officer must be on hand to answer any detailed
questions. Questions about the celebrity’s personal life must be discouraged. Individual
interviews are welcomed and time set aside for them in about 20- or 30-minute slots.
76. Video Footage Any video footage taken of the Goodwill Ambassador's visit
should be pitched to a newswire and go out on an international feed. Footage should also
be made available to UNFPA for later use.
Field visit follow-up
77. A press day or conference, where appropriate, should be set up soon after the
Goodwill Ambassador's return to his or her home country, in consultation with IERD or
NGO partner and the celebrity. This could take the form of an informal briefing, a press
conference, or one-on-one interviews and can take place in their home countries.
78. In addition, wherever feasible, a meeting should be arranged between the
celebrity and the Executive Director or another senior staff to discuss impressions,
outcome and follow-up to the field visit.
79. Finally, a follow-up package should be sent to the celebrity containing press
coverage, a report on any funds raised as a result of the visit, and a letter of thanks from
the Executive Director, NGO partner, Country Representative or senior staff, explaining
how the trip made an impact.
10. Transition
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Celebrity Spokesperson Programme Programme Support
December 2006
80. The decision of a Celebrity Spokesperson to pass on his/her torch shall be
accepted if, in the view of the Executive Director, regional office director or authorized
Country Representative, the designee is unable or unwilling to carry out the role in the
terms of reference or if the Celebrity engages in any activity incompatible with his/her
status or with the purposes and principles of UNFPA or the United Nations. The torch
may be received, even if reluctantly, whenever the Executive Director determines that
such action is in the interest of UNFPA.
81. The transition process should take into consideration and plan for any potential
public relations, diplomatic or political implications in the media, in public opinion or in
relations with governments or other partners.
82. When the transition is amicable and mutual, it is executed in the form of a letter
from the Executive Director. When it is not, the Director, IERD, or any delegated person
signs the UNFPA letter.
83. IERD should be consulted for advice or guidance in handling the transition of
celebrities to other worthy causes.
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Celebrity Spokesperson Programme Programme Support
December 2006
United Nations Secretary-General’s Guidelines for the Designation of Goodwill
Ambassadors and Messengers of Peace
1. The United Nations has a tradition of enlisting the volunteer services and support
of prominent individuals from the worlds of art, sport, literature and entertainment to
highlight priority issues and to draw attention to its activities. A number of Secretariat
units and separately funded and administered Funds and Programmes of the United
Nations (hereinafter referred to as the “Funds and Programmes”) have designated such
individuals as Goodwill Ambassadors. The Secretary-General has invited a number of
high profile individuals to serve as Messengers of Peace. Our experience has proven that
celebrities can contribute to United Nations efforts to raise awareness of the aims,
objectives and priorities of the Organization, to convey messages about its activities and
to extend its public outreach. Due care must therefore be exercised in making such
designations and in managing the resulting relationships.
2. To ensure consistency and the maintenance of a high standard in the selection,
designation and involvement of prominent individuals in the work of the United Nations,
the Secretary-General has approved the following guidelines which shall apply to the
and the Funds and Programmes.
Definition and Selection Criteria
3. Individuals designated by the Secretariat or the Funds and Programmes shall be
given the title of Goodwill Ambassadors. Individuals designated by the Secretary-
General will have the title of Messenger of Peace.
4. Individuals invited to serve as Goodwill Ambassadors or Messengers of Peace
(a) Possess widely recognized talent in the arts, sciences, literature,
entertainment, sport or other fields of public life:
(b) Be persons of integrity who demonstrate a strong desire to help mobilize
public interest in, and support for, the purposes and principles of the United Nations, and
who demonstrate the commitment and proven potential to reach out to significant
audiences, including decision makers;
See section 3.2 of Secretary-General’s bulletin ST/SGB/1997/5, as amended by ST/SGB/2002/11, for
the current list of major units within the Secretariat.
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Celebrity Spokesperson Programme Programme Support
December 2006
(c) Possess the personality and dignity required for such high level
representative capacity;
(d) Normally be influential beyond their national borders, thus having the
ability to promote the values of the United Nations internationally;
(e) Be knowledgeable about United Nations goals and activities and/or those
of the designating UN Office, Fund or Programme, and be able to articulate them.
Selection and Designation
5. Only Heads of the UN Offices, Funds and Programmes listed in the Annex hereof
may designate Goodwill Ambassadors. However, those Heads shall inform the
Secretary-General of their intention to designate an individual as Goodwill Ambassador
before any commitment is made, not less than four weeks prior to the announcement of
the designation.
6. Heads of the UN Offices, Funds and Programmes other than those listed in the
Annex shall not designate Goodwill Ambassadors.
7. The Directors of United Nations Information Centres and other field offices shall
not designate Goodwill Ambassadors.
8. On notifying the Secretary-General of the intention to designate a Goodwill
Ambassador, an explanation of the reasoning behind the designation shall also be
provided, along with proposed terms of reference and confirmation that the appropriate
review to determine suitability has been conducted.
9. Goodwill Ambassadors and Messengers of Peace are not considered United
Nations staff members and may not be appointed to an established United Nations post or
office. Therefore, they shall not be granted a United Nations “Letter of Appointment”.
10. Goodwill Ambassadors shall be granted a “Letter of Designation” issued by the
Heads of the designating UN Offices, Funds or Programmes, and Messengers of Peace
shall be granted a “Letter of Designation” issued by the Secretary-General.
11. The “Letter of Designation” shall set out their terms of reference and length of
designation. A standard attachment to the “Letter of Designation” shall provide details
regarding their status and entitlements, as described below.
12. Designation of a Goodwill Ambassador is to be considered rare and exceptional.
The designating UN Offices, Funds and Programmes, should ensure that the number of
designees is not excessive, in order to maintain the value attached to the designation.
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Celebrity Spokesperson Programme Programme Support
December 2006
13. An individual shall not be designated Goodwill Ambassador by more than one
UN Office, Fund or Programme at the same time.
14. Requests for the participation of Goodwill Ambassadors and Messengers of Peace
in United Nations activities shall be made through the designating UN Office, Fund or
Role of Goodwill Ambassadors and Messengers of Peace
15. Goodwill Ambassadors and Messengers or Peace may, at the invitation or request
of the designating UN Office, Fund or Programme or the Secretary-General, as
appropriate, engage in public advocacy; fundraising where authorized and in accordance
with the applicable regulations, rules, policies and procedures of the designating UN
Office, Fund or Programme; and in public awareness activities. They may participate in
certain United Nations events and visit United Nations operations in the field.
16. The designating UN Office, Fund or Programme or the Secretary-General, as
appropriate, is responsible for establishing specific terms of reference for individual
Goodwill Ambassadors and Messengers of Peace. In general, however, Goodwill
Ambassadors and Messengers of Peace are expected to:
Respect the impartiality and independence of the United Nations and to refrain from any
conduct that would adversely reflect on the United Nations;
Refrain from any activity incompatible with the purposes and principles of the United
Exercise good judgement and discretion in all matters relating to the performance of their
functions for the United Nations;
Obtain guidance on their specific activities from the Head of the relevant UN Office,
Fund or Programme, and/or staff assigned to liaise with them.
Conditions of Service
17. Goodwill Ambassadors and Messengers of Peace shall be designated for a period
of two years, renewable, based on mutual agreement by the parties on the basis of
satisfactory fulfillment of the role and their demonstrated interest in continuing the
18. Goodwill Ambassadors and Messengers of Peace shall not be paid a salary,
although a symbolic payment of $1 per year or equivalent may be granted to them.
Goodwill Ambassadors and Messengers of Peace may be given travel and daily
subsistence allowances when they are travelling on behalf of the United Nations.
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December 2006
19. When on official travel or performing services for the United Nations, Goodwill
Ambassadors and Messengers of Peace are considered as having the status of “Expert on
Mission” for the United Nations within the meaning of Section 22, Article VI of the
Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations of 13 February 1946
(“the General Convention”).
20. As “Experts on Mission”, Goodwill Ambassadors and Messengers of Peace shall
not be entitled to a United Nations laissez-passer.
However, they shall be entitled to a
certificate that they are travelling on official business of the United Nations, and should
be accorded facilities for speedy travel, similar to those accorded to holders of the UN
laissez-passer, by Governments that are parties to the General Convention (Sections 25
and 26, Article VII of the General Convention).
21. When travelling on behalf of the United Nations, a Goodwill Ambassador or
Messenger of Peace shall be entitled to the standard of travel normally accorded to senior
Secretariat officials. A higher standard of travel requires the prior authorization of the
Under Secretary-General, Department of Management.
22. Goodwill Ambassadors and Messengers of Peace who are authorized to travel at
United Nations expense or who are requested to perform services on behalf of the United
Nations shall, in the event of injury, illness or death attributable to the performance of
duties on behalf of the United Nations, be entitled to compensation in accordance with
Such compensation shall be the sole compensation payable by the
United Nations in respect of such service-related death, injury or illness and shall be paid
by the designating UN Offices, Funds and Programmes.
23. Goodwill Ambassadors and Messengers of Peace shall be fully responsible for
arranging, at their own expense, such life, health and other forms of insurance covering
the period of their services on behalf of the United Nations, as they consider appropriate.
They are not eligible to participate in the life or health insurance schemes available to
United Nations staff members. The responsibility of the United Nations is limited solely
to the payment of compensation under the conditions described in paragraph 22 of these
Communication and Information
24 The designating UN Offices, Funds and Programmes shall ensure that the special
skills and talents of all designees are well utilized for the benefit of the Organization, and
An exception to this provision will be made at the request of the UN Office, Fund or Programme
concerned, solely for Goodwill Ambassadors of long standing already in possession of a valid United
Nations Laissez-Passer until the expiration of such Laissez-Passer or the termination of their relationship
with the United Nations, whichever is earlier.
A copy of ST/SGB/103/Rev.1 is attached.
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December 2006
that designees are provided with regular and appropriate guidance on their activities on
behalf of the United Nations. The designating UN Offices, Funds and Programmes shall
consult the UN Department of Public Information on activities involving Goodwill
Ambassadors and Messengers of Peace, as appropriate.
25. The designating UN Offices, Funds and Programmes shall facilitate
communication between their headquarters and field offices regarding the involvement of
Goodwill Ambassadors and Messengers of Peace in appropriate field-level activities and
26. Each designating UN Office, Fund and Programme shall maintain an updated list
of its Goodwill Ambassadors. The designating UN Offices, Funds and Programmes shall
ensure that all changes in the status of their designees are communicated in a timely way
to the Office for External Relations in the Executive Office of the Secretary-General
(OER/EOSG), and are reflected in the relevant public information materials in a timely
27. The OER/EOSG shall be the focal point for consultation and communication on
policy issues relating to Goodwill Ambassadors and Messengers of Peace and other
celebrity advocates, including their designation and status. OER/EOSG will also
facilitate the sharing of information and best practices in the management of relationships
with Goodwill Ambassadors, Messengers of Peace.
28. The designation of a Goodwill Ambassador or Messenger of Peace shall be
terminated if, in the view of the Head of the relevant UN Office, Fund or Programme, the
designee is unable or unwilling to carry out the role envisaged in the terms of reference,
if the Goodwill Ambassador or Messenger of Peace engages in any activity incompatible
with his/her status or with the purposes and principles of the United Nations, or if the
termination is in the interest of the Organization.
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December 2006
List of UN Offices, Funds and Programmes which may designate Goodwill Ambassadors
Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
United Nations Fund for Women (UNIFEM)
UN Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
World Food Programme (WFP)
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Celebrity Spokesperson Programme Programme Support
December 2006
Sample Invitation Letter
(Can be Amended to Suit Category of Celebrity by Relevant Office)
Dear [Celebrity Spokesperson]:
On behalf of the United Nations Population Fund, I invite you to consider becoming a
UNFPA [Celebrity Spokesperson]. As a [Celebrity Spokesperson] for UNFPA you would
be helping us draw attention to the plight of women in developing countries that are
denied basic rights and opportunities that we take for granted.
I extend this invitation because you have already demonstrated an interest in advocacy
for the rights of women (or: “an interest in male responsibility,” etc.).
Your responsibilities as a UNFPA [Celebrity Spokesperson] need not be time-consuming.
In your case, you are already drawing much attention to issues of mutual concern. If you
are interested in this position, we will meet and discuss the role and responsibilities of a
[Celebrity Spokesperson] and determine together the activities that you would feel
comfortable engaging in.
If you would like more information in order to determine your interest, please call me at
xxx.xxx.xxxx. I look forward to hearing from you and, hopefully, our working together.
UNFPA Executive Director
UNFPA Director of IERD
UNFPA Regional Director
UNFPA Country Representative
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December 2006
(As issued by the Office of the Secretary-General)
Sample Letter Of Designation For Goodwill Ambassadors And Messenger Of Peace
Dear [Mr./Ms. _________],
Further to your conversation with [the name of the official in the Secretariat, or
the designating UN Office, Fund or Programme], I am writing to invite you to become a
[insert, as appropriate, “United Nations Messenger of Peace” or “Goodwill Ambassador
for the __________” (insert “United Nations” or the name of the UN Office, Fund or
Programme)]. Goodwill Ambassadors and Messengers of Peace are prominent
individuals from the worlds of arts, sciences, literature, entertainment, sport or other
fields of public life who have expressed their desire to contribute to United Nations
efforts to raise awareness of the aims, objectives and priorities of the United Nations, to
convey messages about its activities and to extend its public outreach.
I do hope that you will be able to join as a [Goodwill Ambassador] [Messenger of
Peace]. Given your strong [commitment to][interest in][experience in] ___________, I
know that you would be a compelling and eloquent advocate in focusing attention on
these and related issues. I am also confident that the prestige, talent and presence that
you would bring to these issues will help the United Nations send a powerful message
that would reach the hearts and minds of people throughout the world. Attached to this
letter are your terms of reference and conditions of service and entitlements.
If you are able to accept our invitation to become a [Goodwill Ambassador]
[Messenger of Peace], please counter sign the two originals of this letter and return one
fully signed original to us.
Should you have any questions concerning my proposal, please do not hesitate to
contact [name and title] in my office, which is the focal point for [Goodwill
Ambassadors] [Messengers of Peace].
Thank you for your consideration and warm personal regards.
Yours sincerely,
[Secretary-General or the Head of the UN Office, Fund or Programme]
[Name and address of
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December 2006
the Goodwill Ambassador or Messenger of Peace]
I, _____________, am pleased to accept your invitation to become a [Goodwill
Ambassador] [Messenger of Peace] in accordance with the terms of reference and the
conditions of service and entitlements attached to this letter.
Date: _____________
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Celebrity Spokesperson Programme Programme Support
December 2006
Terms of reference for [name] as a [Goodwill Ambassador]
[Specific terms of reference should be established by the Secretariat or the
designating UN Office, Fund or Programme, as the case may be, and set out below
see para. 16 of the Secretary-General’s “Guidelines for the designation of Goodwill
Ambassadors and Messengers of Peace”.]
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Celebrity Spokesperson Programme Programme Support
December 2006
Conditions of service and entitlements of
Goodwill Ambassadors and Messengers of Peace
1. Goodwill Ambassadors and Messengers of Peace will serve for two years, renewable,
from the date of signature of the letter of designation by both the Head of the designating
UN Office, Fund or Programme or the Secretary-General and the Goodwill Ambassador
or Messenger of Peace.
2. Goodwill Ambassadors and Messengers of Peace are not United Nations
members. Goodwill Ambassadors and Messengers of Peace will be expected to:
Respect the impartiality and independence of the United Nations and to
refrain from any conduct that would adversely reflect on the United Nations;
Refrain from any activity incompatible with the purposes and principles of
the United Nations;
Exercise good judgement and discretion in all matters relating to the
performance of functions as Goodwill Ambassadors or Messengers of Peace;
Obtain guidance on specific activities as Goodwill Ambassadors and
Messengers of Peace from the Head of the United Nations office, Fund or
Programme who designated them or the Secretary-General and/or staff
members assigned to liaise with them.
3. Goodwill Ambassadors and Messengers of Peace will not be paid a salary for their
services. However, if requested, a symbolic payment of US$1 per year or equivalent in
the relevant currency may be granted.
4. Goodwill Ambassadors and Messengers of Peace may be given travel and daily
subsistence allowances when they are travelling on behalf of the United Nations. In such
cases, Goodwill Ambassadors and Messengers of Peace will be entitled to the standard of
travel and daily subsistence allowance normally accorded to senior United Nations
Secretariat officials.
5. When on official travel or performing services for the United Nations, Goodwill
Ambassadors and Messengers of Peace will be considered as having the status of “Expert
on Mission” for the United Nations within the meaning of Section 22, Article VI of the
The term “United Nations” used in this document includes the United Nations Funds and Programmes,
such as UNICEF, UNDP and UNFPA.
The symbolic payment of $1 a year or equivalent may be made when requested by the Goodwill
Ambassador or Messenger of Peace, or when required under the rules, policy and/or practice of the
designating United Nations Office, Fund or Programme.
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December 2006
Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations of 13 February 1946
(“the General Convention”).
6. As “Experts on Mission”, Goodwill Ambassadors and Messengers of Peace shall not
be entitled to a United Nations laissez-passer.
However, they shall be entitled to a
certificate that they are travelling on official business of the United Nations, and should
be accorded facilities for speedy travel, similar to those accorded to holders of the UN
laissez-passer, by Governments that are parties to the General Convention (Sections 25
and 26, Article VII of the General Convention).
7. When Goodwill Ambassadors and Messengers of Peace are authorized to travel at
United Nations expense or are requested to perform services on behalf of the United
Nations, they shall, in the event of injury, illness or death attributable to the performance
of duties on behalf of the United Nations, be entitled to compensation in accordance with
the compensation scheme provided for in Secretary-General’s bulletin
ST/SGB/103/Rev.1 of June 1980 on “Rules governing compensation to members of
commissions, committees or similar bodies in the event of death, injury or illness
attributable to service with the United Nations” (copy attached in the appendix hereto).
Such compensation shall be the sole compensation payable by the United Nations in
respect of such service-related death, injury or illness.
8. Goodwill Ambassadors and Messengers of Peace shall be fully responsible for
arranging, at their own expense, such life, health and other forms of insurance covering
the period of their services on behalf of the United Nations, as they consider appropriate.
Goodwill Ambassadors and Messengers of Peace are not eligible to participate in the life
or health insurance schemes available to United Nations staff members. The
responsibility of the United Nations is limited solely to the payment of compensation
under the conditions described in paragraph 7 above.
9. The designation as Goodwill Ambassadors or Messengers of Peace shall be
terminated if, in the view of the Head of the UN Office, Fund or Programme who
designated them or the Secretary-General, they are unable or unwilling to carry out the
role envisaged in the terms of reference attached to the letter of designation, if they
engage in any activity incompatible with their status or with the purposes and principles
of the United Nations, or if the termination is in the interest of the United Nations.
An exception to this provision may be made solely for Goodwill Ambassadors and Messengers of Peace
of long standing already in possession of a valid United Nations Laissez-Passer until the expiration of such
Laissez-Passer or the termination of their relationship with the United Nations, whichever is earlier.
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Celebrity Spokesperson Programme Programme Support
December 2006
Sample Terms Of Reference
Title: UNFPA Goodwill [Regional or Honorary] Ambassador
1. The Goodwill, Regional or Honorary Ambassador will advocate among
members of the public, policy makers and other forums for the issues of
population, reproductive health and gender, in line with the Programme of
Action of the International Conference on Population and Development
(Cairo, 1994) and the review special session of the General Assembly, held in
2. The Ambassador will, if necessary, make public appearances, public service
announcements and video news releases, participate in press conferences and
mass media interviews.
3. The UNFPA or partner organization will arrange media support for the
Ambassador during official engagements, for example, for newspaper,
magazine, television and/or radio interviews.
4. The UNFPA or partner organization will also arrange for the participation of
the Ambassador in events such as United Nations or other international
forums, where his contributions will help both sides.
5. The Ambassador will take utmost care in making public statements, so as not
to contradict UNFPA policy. On all issues, the Ambassador will consult with
the UNFPA before making public statements on behalf of the organization.
6. The UNFPA will regularly brief the Ambassador on new issues and support
him with necessary/relevant documents.
7. The Ambassador will, based on the convenience of both sides, participate in
visits to relevant reproductive health, population and gender projects to raise
awareness of their efforts.
8. The UNFPA or partner organization will provide necessary logistical support
to the Ambassador during his participation in UNFPA-related events and, if
necessary, provide per diem for field visits, in accordance with UNFPA rules.
9. The Ambassador may advise UNFPA in planning and designing advocacy
plans and also in the production of media and publicity materials, in line with
his/her area of competence.
10. The Ambassador will advocate reproductive health, population and related
issues in different forums.
11. The Ambassador may take part in fund-raising events organized by UNFPA.
12. The name of UNFPA, the United Nations or any of its entities shall not be
used in any advert or to endorse any commercial product or service. Any
public use of the name of UNFPA, the United Nations or any of its entities
must first be approved by the Fund.