Performance Management Tool for
for Canada’s Substance
Use Workforce v. 2
© Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction, 2021
This performance management tool provides you with a process and templates for conducting
employee performance reviews within the Counselling occupational cluster. It includes a selection of
sample performance objectives for the behavioural competencies and prociency levels relevant to the
suggested competency prole.
This tool is useful as a template or starter guide, but it might not accurately represent the competencies
required for the position you are evaluating.
To assess and revise the tool so it is well-suited to your organization:
Review the tool to determine if the suggested competency prole is relevant.
Adjust the prole, as necessary, to suit the job description and your organization.
Review the behavioural competencies to determine what competencies or prociency levels
you need to change to give a more accurate representation. A brief overview of the steps for
identifying the relevant competencies for a prole is provided in the resource, Adapting the
Proficiency Profiles.
It may be that the competencies related to the performance objectives are not all identied in the
planning stage. Others can be added as needed. Typically, each performance objective has one related
competency or more.
To assist you in planning the initial review, sample performance objectives have been provided. They
relate to the behavioural competencies in each job prole.
Ensure that all performance evaluations are conducted in accordance with existing organizational
policies and procedures.
A job competency prole includes only the critical competencies required for the
job, not those that are “nice to have”—that is, not essential to performing the job
Preferably, each prole should have no more than 12 competencies.
© Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction, 2021
Behavioural Competencies for Canada’s Substance Use Workforce
Performance Management Tool for Counselling
Competency Required
Adaptability and Flexibility 3
Analytical Thinking and Decision Making 3
Continuous Learning 2
Culturally Safe and Anti-oppressive Practice 3
Effective Communication 3
Ethical Conduct and Professionalism 2
Interpersonal Rapport 3
Person-directed Care 3
Self-care 2
Self-management 2
Teamwork and Cooperation 2
Job Cluster
Example Job Titles
Counselling Addictions Counsellor, Alcohol & Drug Counsellor, Substance Use Counsellor,
Intake Counsellor
Preparation Checklist
Review job description to identify the target position requirements and competencies.
Review previous performance evaluation, if available.
Suggested Competency Profile
Performance Management Tool for Positions Related to Counselling
Position Title:
Employee Name:
Manager’s Name and Title:
Review Period from (Month/Year) to (Month/Year): Date of Review (Day/Month/Year):
© Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction, 2021
Behavioural Competencies for Canada’s Substance Use Workforce
Performance Management Tool for Counselling
How to Use this Form
INITIAL PLANNING: At the beginning of the performance cycle
(on or immediately following the anniversary date of the employee)
The manager and employee meet to discuss and agree on the key performance objectives and related
competencies for the review period.
The performance objectives can be task- or activity-based, or can be competency-based objectives
(see below, Part A: Performance Planning and Review).
In almost all cases, identied performance objectives (the “what” of the job) can be related to particular
competencies required to achieve them (the “how” of the job).
If this is the rst year a performance review has been conducted, the manager and the employee might
not yet be able to identify any learning and development needs. They can have an initial discussion
about what these might be, based on the employee’s own performance development concerns.
If this is not the rst year, the manager and the employee conrm the learning and development needs
identied at the end of the previous cycle.
INTERIM REVIEW: During the cycle (6-month review or equivalent)
The manager and employee meet to review progress in achieving performance objectives and begin to identify
areas for development. Formal reviews might also be conducted throughout the period; for example, when either
the manager or employee changes jobs, when there is signicant change in the existing job or at the end of a key
Performance objectives might need adjusting if work or priorities have changed since the beginning of
the cycle (see below, Part A: Performance Planning and Review).
If this is the rst year a performance review has been conducted, the manager and the employee can
begin to identify learning and development needs (see below, Part B: Learning and Development).
If this is not the rst year a performance review has been conducted, the manager and employee
review the employee’s accomplishment of the action plan so far and adjust, as necessary (see below,
Part B: Learning and Development).
© Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction, 2021
Behavioural Competencies for Canada’s Substance Use Workforce
Performance Management Tool for Counselling
FINAL REVIEW: At the end of the cycle (on or near the anniversary date of the
employee’s hiring)
The manager and employee meet to discuss and agree on the key performance objectives and related
competencies for the review period.
Record the employee’s performance for each of the required competencies (see below,
Part A: Performance Planning and Review).
For each objective, the manager and employee discuss the extent to which objectives were achieved.
This is recorded in the “Results” section.
In the “Rating” section, employee and manager use the rating scale provided at the end of this
document to evaluate results.
If this is the rst year a performance review has been conducted, the manager and the employee work
together to identify the learning and development needs and the required action plan for the following
review cycle (see below, Part B: Learning and Development). Focus is on the most pressing learning
needs (e.g., up to ve areas for development).
If this is not the rst year, the manager and employee review the employee’s accomplishment of the
action plan throughout the previous year (see below, Part B: Learning and Development).
SIGN OFF: At the end of the cycle (on the anniversary date of the employee’s hiring)
The manager prepares the nal summary review and evaluation, and reviews the results with the
employee (see below, Part C: Final Evaluation).
The manager and employee jointly determine and agree to an action plan to enhance performance and
results. This plan includes action to be taken by both the manager and the employee (see below,
Part C: Final Evaluation).
The employee comments on their own performance over the review cycle and the results (see below,
Part C: Final Evaluation).
The original of the completed form is placed in the employee’s Human Resource le and the manager
gives a copy to the employee.
© Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction, 2021
Behavioural Competencies for Canada’s Substance Use Workforce
Performance Management Tool for Counselling
PART A: Performance Planning and Review
Related Competencies
Sample Performance
Results Achieved
Self Mgr
Interpersonal Rapport
Effective Communication
1. Provide individual and group
counselling sessions to individuals
in a culturally safe environment.
Person-directed Care
Culturally Safe and Anti-oppressive
2. Collaborate with people to
develop, negotiate and sustain
person-directed well-being goals
and deliver counselling services
informed by the principles of
cultural safety.
Effective Communication
Interpersonal Rapport
3. Demonstrate appropriate
awareness of self through
recognition of impact on
others, managing bias, and the
identication of strengths and
limitations in all interactions.
Person-directed Care 4. Work collaboratively with
people to identify knowledge
and skills needed to address
substance use concerns.
© Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction, 2021
Behavioural Competencies for Canada’s Substance Use Workforce
Performance Management Tool for Counselling
PART A: Performance Planning and Review
Related Competencies
Sample Performance
Results Achieved
Self Mgr
Teamwork and Cooperation
Continuous Learning
Ethical Conduct and
5. Engage in reciprocal
relationships of learning with
Person-directed Care
Adaptability and Flexibility
Effective Communication
Culturally Safe and Anti-oppressive
6. Collaborate with people to
identify appropriate service
options, supports or both.
Continuous Learning
Ethical Conduct and
7. Develop personal and
professional resilience and
promote health through the
development and implementation
of a personal well-being plan.
© Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction, 2021
Behavioural Competencies for Canada’s Substance Use Workforce
Performance Management Tool for Counselling
PART B: Learning and Development
Areas for Development
Action Plan or
Development Options
Target Completion
© Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction, 2021
Behavioural Competencies for Canada’s Substance Use Workforce
Performance Management Tool for Counselling
NOTE: By signing here, the employee acknowledges reading the results and discussing them with the manager.
PART C: Summary Review and Overall Evaluation
After discussion on Parts A and B, the manager prepares summary comments on the employee’s overall
performance during the review period and rates the employee’s performance.
The employee and manager agree on a mutual action plan, recording the actions to be taken by the manager
and employee to achieve desired results (includes making funds, time and resources available, as necessary).
The employee records summary comments on own performance and the review process, as desired.
Both the manager and employee sign the evaluation.
Rating Scale
Exceeds Expectations
Exceeded requirements on most or all important elements of the objectives.
Meets Expectations
Fullled requirements and met performance objectives within the standards for the position assessed.
Fullled some of the requirements of the objectives. Progress is being observed for the majority of objective
Needs Improvement
Fulllment of objectives was less than adequate in all or most respects. Performance is below satisfactory level
and must improve.
Needs Improvement Progressing Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Comments or
Action Plan
Employee Signature Manager Signature Date (dd/mm/yy)
ISBN 978-1-77178-771-0