Written by Nicole Calabro, Yanixa Quiñones-Avilés, Elizabeth Black, and Lauren Gonzalez, © 2023
NIH F30/31 Fellowship Application:
Tips for Writing the Research Strategy
You are ready to begin your NIH F31 fellowship application! Of all the documents you will submit, the
Research Strategy is the centerpiece. Here, Graduate Writing Lab Fellows and recipients of the F31
have collected their key guidance and tips.
Know Your Audience
Send your application to the institute with a mission that best aligns with your research goals.
The NIH is composed of 27 distinct institutes with specific biomedical research agendas.
You can determine this through institute webpages, asking your advisor where they normally
send their grants, pitching your project to Program Officers, and using tools like NIH
RePORTER (type in keywords or an abstract and see which institutes fund similar projects).
Some institutes have unique application instructions or requirements, so check the target
institute’s Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA).
Highlight throughout your application how it addresses the institute’s mission.
Identify the appropriate study section to review your application using the Assisted Referral
Tool (ATR) from the NIH.
Title Your Application
Titles should be as concise as possible, but should also include enough detail to cover the main points
and implications of the study. Avoid unnecessary adjectives or redundant words.
Start by choosing keywords from your research project that also align with your target institute’s stated
priorities and/or hot topics in your field.
Titles are usually phrased as goals. For example, a common formula is “Verbing [e.g., “determining” or
“elucidating”] the role of X in Y context.” If you're developing a new method or one key method in your
project is very hot in your field right now, you may also briefly mention that method in your title.
Formulate Specific Aims
Most F30/31 applications will be 2-3 aims. The one-page Specific Aims document gives an overview of
the goals and significance of the proposal as a whole and briefly outlines the aims.
Target your aims to test a central hypothesis
Start your Specific Aims page with an introductory paragraph that identifies your research
problem and convinces your readers that it is an important problem to solve (i.e., the problem is
relevant to the institute’s mission and solving it will significantly advance the research area, with
immediate or long-term implications for human health). Either within this paragraph or a
subsequent one, state the overarching hypothesis and main goals for your proposal.
NIH reviewers are trained to prefer hypothesis-driven work. A clear hypothesis gives your
reviewers something to measure your aims against in a relatively straightforward way.
Your hypothesis should be specific and directly testable with the experiments you propose.
Make your aims related but independent
Specific aims should work towards the common goal of the proposal, but should also be
independent from each other (i.e., if Aim 1 fails, you should still be able to pursue Aim 2).
Aims can be based on defining a mechanism (hypothesis-driven) or characterizing a
phenomenon (usually less hypothesis-driven). A mix is fine, but proposals that are composed
entirely of characterization aims are usually not reviewed favorably.
Phrasing your aim titles
Try to make your aim titles active sentences. Common phrasings include: “Assess whether…”,
“Determine/elucidate the mechanism of…”, “Examine how…”, “Design a…”
Consider breaking up aims into subaims
Many students prefer to break their specific aims down into 2-3 subaims, which allow for further
definition of sub-hypotheses and goals.
Subaims can be a nice organizational tactic, allowing reviewers to refocus each time they get to
a new sub-aim. Subaims can also give a sense of clear logical progression within the aim.
How much is too much?!
One of the most common reviewer comments is that a proposal is too ambitious!
Remember, you are only one grad student asking for 2-3 years of funding, so what you propose
should be feasible for that period of time.
Significance and Background
Try to keep this section to approximately one page. If there is background information that is highly
technical but would serve as a valuable addition to your strategy, add it as part of the rationale for a
specific sub-aim, not the Background section.
Start by broadly explaining why your sub-field is important, then get successively more specific
while introducing the key concepts and “characters” of your experiments.
When deciding what details to include, ask yourself whether those details are necessary to
understand your research question and proposed experiments.
Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of prior studies and emphasize the unanswered
questions or limitations that your proposed work will address.
Clearly sign-post the gap in the literature that your research will address
Use phrases like, “it is unknown whether …”, “X has not been characterized”, “current
techniques have precluded …”, “Recent advances in technology X provide an opportunity to ...”.
In addition to stating the gap your research will fill, provide enough context to explain that this
gap is important to fill how is this gap holding the field back? What new advances will be
possible if this gap is filled? Paint a general picture of what the field will gain when this research
gap is filled.
Highlight the specific contributions the proposal would make to your field in the final paragraph.
Highlight how each aim will contribute to filling the research gap. Avoid vague phrases like
"These data will advance our understanding of X." Instead, describe concrete deliverables, like
"This aim will identify whether JAK2 overexpression is a predictive biomarker of glioblastoma.
As tangibly as possible, describe how those answers would move your field forward.
Preliminary Data
Some preliminary data is necessary!
Showing preliminary data is a powerful way to convince reviewers that the project is viable and
that you are capable of succeeding.
“Preliminary data” can include data you (the applicant) generate, as well as highly relevant data
from others in your lab.
Some amount of preliminary data is necessary to be awarded an F30/31, but not every
proposed experiment needs to have associated preliminary data.
Where to incorporate preliminary data
Some applicants have a separate section for preliminary data. This works especially well when
the preliminary data supports the overall premise of the proposal and can be narrated as a
somewhat-complete story.
Others work preliminary data into the relevant Aim in the Approach section. This works
especially well when the preliminary data supports smaller hypotheses and/or method feasibility
within specific aims or sub-aims, but would feel patchy if grouped all together in one narrative.
Figure design
Figure design should be publication-qualitynot too small, neat and clear, consistent within and
between figures (e.g., color schemes, fonts, etc.), containing statistical indicators, etc. Taking
shortcuts on these design elements will unnecessarily annoy your reviewers.
The data itself doesn’t necessarily have to be publication quality (e.g., you can report results
with a smaller-than-publication-level sample size), but the closer you get to publication-quality
data, the better off you’ll be.
The figure legend must contain a short, descriptive title, along with a few short sentences that
indicate what is shown and any statistical test(s) used.
Approach/Experimental Design
For each aim, consider including the following sections and label each section with the underlined
words. If your aim contains multiple subaims, include the following sections for each subaim.
Brief paragraph on background and rationale
This background will be specific to the aim and will include details that are more tailored to the
aim, rather than the overall proposal
Provides an explanation of the gap in knowledge the aim will address, why it is important to the
field that this gap in knowledge be addressed, and a hypothesis that is specific to this aim.
Preliminary data specific to this aim, if you don’t have a separate preliminary data section.
Experimental details to show you have thought about how to carry out the experiments.
It can be particularly challenging to gauge how much experimental detail to include too little
detail leaves the reviewer questioning whether you really know how to carry these experiments
out, but too much detail leaves the reviewer digging through unnecessary information to find
your main points. Ask someone adjacent to your sub-field to help you calibrate the necessary
level of detail.
Expected results
Explain what you think will be the experimental outcome and why, including references where
Clearly stating these outcomes gives your reviewer something concrete to connect to the stated
significance of your proposal.
Alternative approaches
This part is important it demonstrates critical thinking.
Come up with feasible alternatives in the event of technical challenges with your proposed
experiments and describe why they would be good alternatives. You should also justify why
your initial approach is better than the alternative approach you describe here.
Getting Feedback & Revising
It is difficult to be your own critic, especially when you’ve been working on this document for a long
time. In your writing schedule, include days that you take off from working on the application so you can
come back to it with fresh eyes!
Tips and tricks to help you edit your own work
Use reverse outlining (make a bulleted list of just the main point of each paragraph/section) to
get a bird’s eye view of the logic/flow. Within your bulleted list, make sure each point clearly
leads to the next one and background information is introduced before it is needed to explain
experimental plans or hypotheses.
Re-write your research question on a new piece of paper and evaluate every paragraph in terms
of how it directly relates to the research question. If it doesn’t relate, you need to adjust or
remove that paragraph, or possibly edit the research question itself.
Search for very technical words or jargon. Have you defined them or explained them well
enough that a non-expert will understand?
Carefully consider your acronyms. Will your audience definitely know what each one means? If
not, does it need to be an acronym? (Do you use it >6 times? Is the original phrase extremely
long?) Minimize the number of acronyms you useit takes a lot of energy from the reader to
remember them, and you don’t want to tire out or annoy your reviewer! When you do use
acronyms, make sure they are spelled out the first time they are used (unless they’re extremely
well-known, like “DNA”)
When proofreading, read only a page or two at a time. Proofreading in small amounts will help
prevent you from becoming bored and losing focus.
Viewing your document in a new waye.g., changing the font style, color, size, or spacing or
printing the document outcan help you catch mistakes you would miss otherwise.
Asking others for feedback on your work
Ask for feedback early and often throughout the fellowship writing process.
Early on, identify a team of readers who can give you feedback on different elements of your
application: people who can critically analyze the scientific content, people who can assess
clarity of the writing itself, people with expertise on the goals of this fellowship and/or institute,
and people with an eye for detail who can help you identify formatting and grammatical errors or
inconsistencies. These readers should include your advisor and sponsor(s) but can also include
others in your lab or on your committee, or even those a little outside your field. Multiple
perspectives will be extremely valuable!
When asking for feedback, be specific about what stage of the process you’re in, what type of
feedback would be most valuable to you at this stage, and your preferred timeline for receiving
the feedback.
Ask follow-up questions about the feedback if it isn’t clear!
Incorporating Revisions and Re-Submitting
Most students do not receive a fellowship on the first submission!
Depending on the institute, success rates range from ~8-26%. Don’t give up!
How to address reviewers’ comments
Thoroughly discuss reviewer comments with your PI and determine which to address through
additional experiments or better explanations, and which to address through further justification
in your Introduction letter.
Try to address as many of the reviewer critiques as you can, and generally err on the side of
answering as if the reviewer is right. In some cases, you can respectfully disagree with their
comment and explain why.
The Introduction document
All major changes and updates to the application (whether they respond to reviewer comments
or are simply progress you’ve made since the last submission) should be explained in the one-
page “Introduction” document.
First, briefly thank your reviewers for their attention and comments, and reiterate the main goals
and significance of your proposal. In one sentence, point out anything the reviewers particularly
liked about your proposal (e.g., “I thank the reviewers for appreciating the innovation of using
model X to study disease Y and the thoroughness of the training plan”).
The majority of this Introduction document should be a point-by-point response to each
reviewer’s comments. Specifically, for each theme of reviewer comments, restate the comments
in bolded font, explain your response after the comment, and indicate where in the grant you’ve
made the corresponding change (e.g., within which aim, sub-aim, and/or figure). Some
applicants opt to add a table containing the reviewer comments and the applicant’s response.
If you resubmit, your reviewers will have access to the summary statement (reviewer
comments) from your first submission, so you should plan to address all major criticisms. On
your second submission, each reviewer is asked to evaluate how well you responded to the
initial review. Don’t expect that you can ignore these reviews, even if you disagree with them. If
you feel like you cannot address reviewer criticisms from the first submission, consider
submitting your application again as a new submission rather than a resubmission.
Repurposing Your Fellowship Application
This NIH page lists funding opportunities for which you may use portions of your F31 for
submission: https://www.fic.nih.gov/Funding/NonNIH
This website from Johns Hopkins University lists many predoctoral funding opportunities, some
with similar guidelines as F30/31: https://research.jhu.edu/rdt/funding-opportunities/graduate/
Additional Resources
The Yale Graduate Writing Lab (GWL)
One-on-one consultations: graduate writing advisors will work one-on-one with you to edit and
polish your fellowship application, so they are ready for submission!
Peer-review groups: small groups of students all applying to the F30/31 fellowship, as well as a
Graduate Writing Fellow, can be incredibly valuable for receiving support and feedback on your
application materials. Peer-review groups also provide applicants with structure and help them
remain accountable as you progress through the application preparation process.
Relevant websites
Current NIH fellowship opportunities: https://researchtraining.nih.gov/programs/fellowships
Samples: https://www.niaid.nih.gov/grants-contracts/sample-applications