US Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Pesticide Programs
Software Settings for the Creation
of PDF Files for Electronic Submission
May 2003
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Pesticide Programs
Electronic Submission Guidance
Software Settings for the
Creation of PDF Files for
Electronic Submission
May 16, 2003
Minimal Requirements.
Setting up the Adobe
5.0 job options.
Security options
General tab:
Compression tab
Fonts tab
Color tab
Advanced tab
Instructions for generation of PDF files from Microsoft
Word using Acrobat
PDFMaker 5.0.
Settings tab
Security tab
Office tab
Bookmark tab
Display options tab
Instructions for generation of PDF files from Corel
Instructions for generation of PDF files from Corel
Software Settings for the Creation of PDF Files for Electronic Submission May 16, 2003
This document outlines software settings for the creation of PDF versions of study reports for
submission to the US EPA, Office of Pesticide Programs. Whereas focus is given to the process
of creating PDF files directly from electronic source documents, some of the guidance may be
applicable to the scanning and optical character recognition (OCR) process involving paper
source documents. It is not possible to present detailed instructions for all of the methods of
creating PDF files here. Instead, we will present general guidance covering the minimal
requirements that should be applicable to most any manner of creating PDFs. Additionally,
detailed instructions will be provided for what are considered the most likely options. In all
cases, the instructions and examples given will be for Windows-based PCs. In the event that
other operating systems are used, corresponding settings should be selected to achieve similar
Minimal Requirements:
When creating PDF files of the study or label documents, certain minimal standards must be met.
! There should be no passwords required to access the file in any way.
! There should be no restrictions on the ability to print, copy or extract text, or add and
edit comments.
! The file must be in PDF version 1.4 for use with Adobe Acrobat 5.0 or higher.
! For study reports, the PDF must be either a “smart” PDF created directly from an
electronic source such as MS Word or an “OCR” PDF where a paper copy of the study
is first scanned and then processed with optical character recognition (OCR) software.
In either case, the text contained in the PDF must be available for extraction and
manipulation. Graphic only or “dumb” PDFs where the scanned document is only an
! For labels, the PDF must be a “smart” PDF created directly from an electronic source
such as MS Word. OCR and graphic only PDFs of labels are NOT ACCEPTABLE.
In addition to the minimal requirements, there are some preferred options that should be
addressed if at all possible..
PDF files should be created directly from the original electronic source document (see
PDF type requirements above.)
The final PDF file should be tagged to allow for increased accessibility to the visually
impaired. This may be accomplished by using the Adobe Acrobat Make Accessible
plug-in or through the use of PDFMaker with MS Word.
For a complete list of specifications, please consult Specifications for Creating PDF Versions of
Study Reports elsewhere on this web site.
For additional assistance regarding electronic study submission, please contact Bob
Schultz, US EPA, OPP/IRSD/ISB 703-308-8186.
For additional assistance regarding electronic label submission, please contact Tom
Harris, US EPA, OPP/RD/IRB 703-308-9423
Software Settings for the Creation of PDF Files for Electronic Submission May 16, 2003
Setting up the Adobe
5.0 Job Options.
When using Adobe Acrobat Distiller
to create PDF files of the study data or
product labels, it is advised that the
label Job Option file be used. These
files, available on this site, set the
majority of the Distiller parameters to
the preferences etsablished by OPP.
In addition to the proper selection of
the Job Options, either by use of the
predefined file or setting the
parameters manually, the Distiller
Security settings must be set
Neither of the password
options should be
Both “Enable Content
Access for the Visually
Impaired” and “Allow
Content Copying and
extraction” options
should be enabled.
Changes Allowed:
should be set to
Comment Authoring,
Form Field Fill-in or
Printing should be
Fully Allowed”.
Software Settings for the Creation of PDF Files for Electronic Submission May 16, 2003
General tab:
File option
(1) Optimize for fast web view
(2) Embed thumbnails
(3) Auto-rotate pages
Page range
Default page size
Acrobat 5.0 (PDF 1.4)
Enabled, Individually
600 DPI
Software Settings for the Creation of PDF Files for Electronic Submission May 16, 2003
Compression tab:
Color Images
(1) Quality
Grayscale Images
(1) Quality
Monochrome Images
Anti-Alias to gray
Compress Text and Line Art
CCITT Group 4
Software Settings for the Creation of PDF Files for Electronic Submission May 16, 2003
Fonts tab:
Embed All Fonts
Subset embedded fonts when percent of
When embedding fails
Ignore” for studies Cancel Job” for
Always embed
Leave blank
(2) Never embed
Leave blank
Software Settings for the Creation of PDF Files for Electronic Submission May 16, 2003
Color tab:
Adobe Color Settings
Settings File
Color Management Policies
(1) Intent
Working policies
(2) RGB
(3) CMYK
Device-Dependent Data
Preserve Overprint Settings
Preserve Under Color removal / Black
Generation Settings.
Transfer Functions
Tag everything for color
sRGB IEC61966-2.1
U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2
Software Settings for the Creation of PDF Files for Electronic Submission May 16, 2003
Advanced tab:
Use and
Allow PostScript file to Override Job Option
Preserve Level 2 copypage Semantics
Save Portable Job Ticket inside PDF file
Illustrator Overprint Mode
Convert gradient to smooth shades
ASCII Format
Document Structuring Conventions
Process DSC Comments
(1) Log DSC Warnings
(2) Resize Page and Center Artwork for EPS Files
(3) Preserve EPS Information from DSC
(4) Preserve OPI Comments
(5) Preserve Document Information from DSC
May 16, 2003
Instructions for generation of PDF files from
Word using Acrobat
PDFMaker 5.0.
In general, the use of PDFMaker 5.0 with Microsoft Word 97, 2000, or 2002 (XP) will provide
the most complete creation of a PDF file using Acrobat Distiller. Unlike printing direct to
Distiller, the use of the PDFMaker menu option allows for the creation of tagged PDF files,
preservation of bookmarks and links, and conversion of metadata from the original Word
From the Acrobat pull-down on the MS Word menu bar, choose “Change Conversion Settings”.
Settings tab:
Choose the EPA OPP E-Study Job Option file or the EPA OPP E-Label Job Option file available
on this site.
No editing of the conversion settings are required if using the supplied job file. If the EPA file is
not used, please consult the associated guidance for setting the appropriate conversion settings.
Software Settings for the Creation of PDF Files for Electronic Submission May 16, 2003
Security tab:
Neither of the password
options should be
Both “Enable Content
Access for the Visually
Impaired” and “Allow
Content Copying and
extraction” options
should be enabled.
Changes Allowed: should
be set to “Comment
Authoring, Form Field
Fill-in or Signing.”
Printing should be “Fully
Software Settings for the Creation of PDF Files for Electronic Submission May 16, 2003
Office Tab:
Convert Document
Info, Convert Cross-
Document Links, and
Convert Internet Links
should all be enabled
Set Link Destination
Magnification to
“Inherit Zoom”.
The Save File
Automatically setting
has no bearing on the
actual PDF file created
and may or may not be
Text BoxesûArticle
Threads, Page labels,
Cross-References &
ToC Links, and
Footnote & Endnote
Links should all be
enabled (checked).
Embed Tags in PDF should be enabled (checked).
Software Settings for the Creation of PDF Files for Electronic Submission May 16, 2003
Bookmarks tab:
The requirements for bookmarks and links in the resulting PDF file are outlined in the individual
guidance for each specific study type (e.g. Chronic Toxicity, Nature of Residue in Livestock).
These bookmarks and links can be built either with Adobe Acrobat after the PDF file is created
or by using bookmarks and links contained in the original MS Word document. If the former
method is used, it is not necessary to select either option located on the Bookmarks tab. If the
latter method is used, then the appropriate check boxes must be selected/deselected to allow for
the conversion of the desired Word features (headings, styles) into the corresponding Acrobat
PDF bookmarks and links. As the particulars will vary for each specific study based on the
original authoring entity, detailed instructions are beyond the scope of this guidance.
Software Settings for the Creation of PDF Files for Electronic Submission May 16, 2003
Display Options tab:
Set the Document Open Options to “Bookmarks and Page”,
“Page Number” as “1", and
Open Magnification to “Default”.
Set Link Appearance Type to “Thin Visible Rectangle”,
Highlight to “Invert”,
Line Style as “Solid”, and
Color to “Blue”.
Software Settings for the Creation of PDF Files for Electronic Submission May 16, 2003
Instructions for generation of PDF files from Corel
There are a few different manners in which PDF files can be generated from WordPerfect
X The first is by use of the “Publish to PDF” command off of the File menu. This option
allows little control over the settings and produces a file using an older version of PDF
(ver 1.2 for Acrobat 3.x). The Publish to PDF option is not suitable for use for
documents intended for electronic data or label submission.
X If Adobe Acrobat is installed on the PC, then the WordPerfect file may be “printed” to
one of two “printers” to create a PDF file. By selecting “Acrobat PDFWriter” as the
printer, some control is available over the output settings however, the resulting file still
only uses version 1.2 PDF (Acrobat 3.x). Likewise, this method is not suitable for
electronic data nor label submission.
T The third method of creating PDF files from WordPerfect is to print to the Acrobat
Distiller. This allows for full control over the resulting PDF file and for conformity with
the OPP requirements. Once the Distiller job options and security parameters are set
based on the Distiller instruction earlier in this document, little is required to produce an
acceptable PDF file.
The PDF file’s document summary data (title, subject, author, key words) may be set using
adobe Acrobat. The file may be tagged using the Acrobat Make-accessible plug-in (available as
a down load from the Adobe web site).
Instructions for generation of PDF files from Corel
The functionality of the Publish to PDF option in Corel WordPerfect 10 (2002) has been
expanded over that of previous versions and now allows for additional control over the resulting
PDF file however, the resulting PDF file is still limited to Acrobat 4.0 compatibility. This
method remains not suitable for electronic data or label submission.
T As is the case with WordPerfect 2000 (version 9) it is advisable to print to the Acrobat
Distiller. This allows for full control over the resulting PDF file and for conformity with the
OPP requirements. Once the Distiller job options and security parameters are set based on
the Distiller instruction earlier in this document, little is required to produce an acceptable
PDF file.
Software Settings for the Creation of PDF Files for Electronic Submission May 16, 2003