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Outside In Clean Content SDK
Technical Note
PDF Extraction, Analysis, and Scrubbing Support
Version 3.0 November 1, 2013
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Change History
Version 1.0 January 18, 2008
Initial version
Version 1.1 November 10, 2008
Updated to include description of image extraction support
Version 1.2 June 2, 2010
Updated to include description of features added with the release of Clean Content 2010.1
Version 1.3 December 15, 2010
Updated to include description of features added with the release of Clean Content 2010.3
Version 2.0 October 1, 2012
Updated to include description of features added with the release of Clean Content 2012.1, the first
release of Clean Content that included scrubbing of PDF documents.
Version 3.0 November 1, 2013
Updated to include description of features added with the release of Clean Content 2013.1
The Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) is a rich and complex file format that has become a
de facto standard for the exchange of electronic information. The ability to extract useful content
from PDF documents is a requirement of many software applications. The ability to sanitize PDF
documents has also become an important step in many security related applications. This document
outlines the PDF extraction, analysis, and scrubbing features supported by the Outside In Clean
Content SDK.
PDF Extraction and Analysis Features
File Identification and Version Coverage
Clean Content supports identification and processing of all versions of PDF through version 1.8 and
applicable extensions of the file format. This is the version associated with Acrobat Professional 9
and Acrobat X, which may use extensions through Level 8. The PDF file format is now under the
control of the ISO 32000 committee but it is common for Adobe to extend the PDF file format with
new functionality that may or may not be accepted and documented in a future release of the ISO
controlled version. Future versions that may be released later than 1.8 require validation upon
release. Clean Content will use the PDF signature and the PDF version explicitly stated in the PDF
Catalog in order to identify the correct version and extension level.
In addition to recognizing the standard and required PDF signatures at the top of a PDF file, Clean
Content will detect and support PDF documents that include a 128-byte non-standard header at the
top of the file. This header may be found in PDF documents that have been processed in a Mac
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Malformed Document Support
There are many ways in which a PDF document can violate the file format specification. Two
common causes include document truncation and the dropping of specific byte values from the
document. Both of these likely occur during the transport of PDF documents. A third cause of
malformed documents occurs when PDF generation software simply creates documents that do not
follow the specification at some level. However, in many cases Acrobat Reader can successfully
recover the malformed document, occasionally displaying a warning though often simply ignoring
the problem area. In some ways, this has allowed PDF generation software to create technically
malformed PDF without awareness since Acrobat can load them fine.
Like Acrobat itself, Clean Content includes numerous recovery features that enable the extraction of
content from otherwise malformed PDF documents. The first recovery feature involves the ability
to regenerate an internal PDF structure that defines the PDF object hierarchy. This structure is often
missing or broken in malformed documents. The second recovery feature is the ability to detect,
trap, and recover from invalid PDF syntax. For example, if the processor encounters a violation of
the allowable PDF operations within a page, it will flag a warning to that effect and recover
processing on the following page. Lastly, the component has specifically addressed some of the
most common violations in order to recover immediately within the page where the error occurred.
Each recovery is reported through the Clean Content logging feature.
Text Content and Unicode Character Mapping
The Clean Content PDF component includes robust support for converting PDF text content into
Unicode. The process of converting PDF text to Unicode, while seemingly straightforward, is
actually fairly complex. Each PDF Text operation includes a string of bytes that represent a series of
character codes. The character code is used to select the glyph to be drawn from the current font.
Converting each character code to its Unicode equivalent requires that the encoding of the font is
well defined or that a Unicode mapping of its character codes is included in the PDF document.
There is also the possibility that the characters are tagged with an alternate text replacement
definition that overrides the text operation.
Most PDF creation tools follow the recommendations of the PDF specification with regard to
creating PDF that allows consuming applications to correctly convert character content to Unicode.
In fact, this is a requirement for a class of PDF documents known as Tagged PDF. Unfortunately,
there are numerous cases where a PDF document can be created in such a way that it prevents the
consuming application from being able to guarantee the mapping of characters to Unicode or any
other known character set. In such cases, even though the glyphs are displayed perfectly, there is no
way of knowing what character the glyph represents short of using OCR or some other heuristic
technique. In many of these cases the consuming application can make certain assumptions about
the character encoding that allows most characters to be correctly converted. However, even in such
cases, the application cannot be sure that the mapping is correct.
The Clean Content PDF component supports correct conversion of character content to Unicode for
all well-defined font encodings or when a Unicode map is provided. When the encoding is poorly
defined the component will apply reasonable assumptions that improve the likelihood that the
characters are converted correctly. Additionally, in an effort to identify poorly defined fonts, Clean
Content will log debug information for font definitions that flag the most common cases of
potentially incorrect character conversion.
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It is extremely unfortunate, but the reality is that PDF generation tools have managed to create
documents that have incorrect encoding definitions for nearly every example listed below.
The list below describes the specific character mapping use cases that can exist related to PDF font
To Unicode Map - The font definition includes an explicit mapping of character codes to Unicode.
When a To Unicode Map is provided it will override any other encoding definition for the purpose
of converting character codes to Unicode. In this case the encoding will still be used to correctly
establish character metrics (width, encoding length …) but not for character mapping. In general,
this is a very well defined use case that normally results in correct character conversion. However,
there are examples where applications generate partial and even incorrect Unicode maps so even
this case cannot always be trusted.
Named Encoding - The font definition uses one of the predefined simple encodings that include:
StandardEncoding, MacRomanEncoding, WinAnsiEncoding, PDF-DocEncoding, and
MacExpertEncoding. This is a well-defined encoding that will result in valid character mapping
unless the font definition has misrepresented the encoding and uses glyphs that don’t match the
stated encoding.
Named Encoding with Differences This is an extension of the Named Encoding case that allows
a font definition to leverage a simple encoding listed above while making adjustments that swap out
some character codes for different glyphs. This is a well-defined encoding that requires that all
differences be stated using the list of named characters in the Adobe Glyph List. If any of the
differences use names that are not defined in the Adobe Glyph List then the case will be treated as a
Named Encoding with Unknown Differences.
Named CMap with Known Collection This is a well-defined encoding that is used in composite
fonts, particularly for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean character sets. The named encoding matches
one of the pre-defined PDF CMaps listed in table 5.15 of the PDF specification and called out
below. These fonts leverage one of the Adobe registered character collections and its associated
mapping to Unicode. Supported registered collections include the Adobe-GB1, Adobe-CNS1,
Adobe-Japan1, and Adobe-Korea1 collections. The list of supported pre-defined Cmaps includes all
of those documented in the PDF specification through version 1.7.
Simplified Chinese
Simplified Chinese
Microsoft Code Page 936 (lfCharSet 0x86), GB 2312-80 character
set, EUC-CN encoding
Vertical version of GB-EUC-H
Mac OS, GB 2312-80 character set, EUC-CN encoding, Script
Manager code 19
Vertical version of GBpc-EUC-H
Microsoft Code Page 936 (lfCharSet 0x86), GBK character set,
GBK encoding
Vertical version of GBK-EUC-H
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Same as GBK-EUC-H but replaces half-width Latin characters
with proportional forms and maps character code 0x24 to a dollar
sign ($) instead of a yuan symbol (¥)
Vertical version of GBKp-EUC-H
GB 18030-2000 character set, mixed 1-, 2-, and 4-byte encoding
Vertical version of GBK2K-H
Unicode (UCS-2) encoding for the Adobe-GB1 character
Vertical version of UniGB-UCS2-H
Unicode (UTF-16BE) encoding for the Adobe-GB1 character
collection; contains mappings for all characters in the GB18030-
2000 character set
Vertical version of UniGB-UTF16-H
Chinese (Traditional)
Mac OS, Big Five character set, Big Five encoding, Script
Manager code 2
Vertical version of B5pc-H
Hong Kong SCS, an extension to the Big Five character set and
Vertical version of HKscs-B5-H
Microsoft Code Page 950 (lfCharSet 0x88), Big Five character set
with ETen extensions
Vertical version of ETen-B5-H
Same as ETen-B5-H but replaces half-width Latin characters with
proportional forms
Vertical version of ETenms-B5-H
CNS 11643-1992 character set, EUC-TW encoding
Vertical version of CNS-EUC-H
Unicode (UCS-2) encoding for the Adobe-CNS1 character
Vertical version of UniCNS-UCS2-H
Unicode (UTF-16BE) encoding for the Adobe-CNS1 character
collection; contains mappings for all the characters in the HKSCS-
2001 character set and contains both 2- and 4-byte character codes
Vertical version of UniCNS-UTF16-H
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Mac OS, JIS X 0208 character set with KanjiTalk6 extensions,
Shift-JIS encoding, Script Manager code 1
Microsoft Code Page 932 (lfCharSet 0x80), JIS X 0208 character
set with NEC and IBM®extensions
Vertical version of 90ms-RKSJ-H
Same as 90ms-RKSJ-H but replaces half-width Latin characters
with proportional forms
Vertical version of 90msp-RKSJ-H
Mac OS, JIS X 0208 character set with KanjiTalk7 extensions,
Shift-JIS encoding, Script Manager code 1
JIS X 0208 character set with Fujitsu FMR extensions, Shift-JIS
Vertical version of Add-RKSJ-H
JIS X 0208 character set, EUC-JP encoding
Vertical version of EUC-H
JIS C 6226 (JIS78) character set with NEC extensions, Shift-JIS
Vertical version of Ext-RKSJ-H
JIS X 0208 character set, ISO-2022-JP encoding
Vertical version of H
Unicode (UCS-2) encoding for the Adobe-Japan1 character
Vertical version of UniJIS-UCS2-H
Same as UniJIS-UCS2-H but replaces proportional Latin
characters with half-width forms
Vertical version of UniJIS-UCS2-HW-H
Unicode (UTF-16BE) encoding for the Adobe-Japan1 character
collection; contains mappings for all characters in the JIS X
0213:1000 character set
Vertical version of UniJIS-UTF16-H
KS X 1001:1992 character set, EUC-KR encoding
Vertical version of KSC-EUC-H
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Microsoft Code Page 949 (lfCharSet 0x81), KS X 1001:1992
character set plus 8822 additional hangul, Unified Hangul Code
(UHC) encoding
Vertical version of KSCms-UHC-H
Same as KSCms-UHC-H but replaces proportional Latin
characters with half-width forms
Vertical version of KSCms-UHC-HW-H
Mac OS, KS X 1001:1992 character set with Mac OS KH
extensions, Script Manager Code 3
Unicode (UCS-2) encoding for the Adobe-Korea1 character
Vertical version of UniKS-UCS2-H
Unicode (UTF-16BE) encoding for the Adobe-Korea1 character
Vertical version of UniKS-UTF16-H
CMap with Known Collection- This is a well-defined encoding that provides an explicit mapping of
character codes to one of the registered CJK character collections.
Identity Encoding with Known Collection This is a well-defined encoding that uses character
codes that map directly to one of the registered CJK character collections.
Implicit Encoding based on Font Name This is a well-defined encoding based on using the font
name to determine the encoding. It specifically allows for correctly mapping the ZapfDingbats and
Symbol fonts that are included in what is commonly referred to as the base14 fonts. Clean Content
also includes support for the Wingdings font under this use case.
Named Encoding with Unknown Differences This type of encoding cannot be trusted to result in
correct character conversion to Unicode. It indicates that the font declaration leverages a simple
named encoding but includes a list of differences containing character names that do not match a
name from the Adobe Glyph List. It is not all that uncommon for some PDF generation tools to
obfuscate the glyph names when embedding a subset of a font. While this does not adversely affect
the display of the glyph when the document is viewed, it does prevent the consuming application
from determining what character the glyph represents. It turns out that many applications, though
renaming the character to an ambiguous name when font sub-setting, have maintained the original
simple encoding. Clean Content applies this assumption to improve the likelihood that the
characters are correctly converted. Unfortunately use of this encoding may often result in incorrect
character conversion.
Named CMap with Unknown Collection This type of encoding indicates a named pre-defined
encoding combined with a character collection that is not known to the component. The component
will make an assumption that the target collection is Unicode. The testing of Clean Content against
a large set of documents has not resulted in any known real life examples of this use case but its
possibility is accounted for.
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CMap with Unknown Collection This character encoding is extremely uncommon, but cannot be
trusted for correct character conversion. It indicates that the font is mapping character codes to
values in a collection that is not known to the component and therefore not an Adobe registered
character collection. A few examples of this have been seen in CJK documents using embedded
fonts to support symbol characters.
Identity Encoding with Unknown Collection The identity encoding is commonly used in a
composite font to directly select a glyph from the font using a 2-byte code. The character collection
is often declared as the Adobe-Identity collection, which simply indicates that the character code
can be used to directly select the glyph but does not indicate the character set being used. This
encoding cannot be trusted to result in a correct conversion of text to Unicode because the character
collection being leveraged is not a well-defined collection. When encountering this encoding, Clean
Content will assume that the target collection is Unicode in order to improve the likelihood of
correct character conversion.
Symbolic Font with Unknown Encoding This encoding is reasonably common and cannot be
trusted. It indicates that the font contains symbol characters that are not part of the simple encoding
that would otherwise be in place. However, it is also common that the majority of the characters do
match the default standard encoding. Clean Content will fall back to the default encoding in order to
improve the likelihood that characters are correctly converted under this encoding.
Word Boundary Structure Enhancement
The origin of PDF as a page description language that was focused on accurate and consistent
display across many platforms and devices has contributed to a significant lack of structure within
PDF documents. The text drawn on a page of PDF can often be characterized as a sequence of
glyphs drawn at x/y locations on the page canvas without any regard for structure. For example,
there is usually no information to indicate where a paragraph starts and ends, or whether content is
part of a header, footer, or footnote, table, column, or caption. Even worse, the content may not
even contain spaces between words. The Word Boundary Structure Enhancement feature is
specifically designed to address the lack of spaces between words by monitoring the PDF drawing
operations in an attempt to infer word boundaries and generate space characters accordingly.
Clean Content infers the location of spaces by continuously projecting where the next text operation
would be drawn if a space were added to the previous text operation. If the next character falls at or
beyond a tolerance factor of that location then a space is inferred. If the previous character was
already a space, soft hyphen, or hard hyphen, then a space is not inferred since those are already
valid word boundaries.
Care is taken to ensure that this algorithm is effective regardless of the rotation, skewing, scaling,
font size, kerning, and character spacing applied to the text. Numerous special cases are addressed.
Initial caps applied to the first character of a paragraph, superscripting and subscripting, shifting
from a small font to a large font, are all examples where the distance from one piece of text to
another has special consideration.
There are three situations where this algorithm is disabled.
If the document is marked as tagged PDF then this algorithm is not applied. By definition,
tagged PDF is required to be well formed with respect to including sufficient structure to
establish word boundaries without the need to infer spaces.
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This feature is also disabled when a font definition lacks the character metrics required to
establish the width of each character. By specification, a font is required to supply the
character widths unless it is one of the Base 14 fonts that have predefined width tables.
However, though uncommon and not recommended, it is possible for a PDF document to
rely entirely on Acrobats ability to locate and leverage an operating environment dependent
font for its character metrics. In these cases Clean Content cannot be certain of the exact
location of each character and disables this algorithm to avoid inferring spaces incorrectly.
Lastly, Clean Content does not attempt to infer spaces for text drawn in a vertical writing
mode, instead relying on the PDF creator to include valid space characters.
Line Boundary Structure Enhancement
As mentioned earlier, PDF generally is lacking in document structure. Clean Content includes a
feature designed to infer line elements based on the location of text pieces. Line structure by itself is
of limited value, but it is a requirement of several features that depend upon it. Specifically, word
boundary detection, hyphenation adjustment, overlapping text filtering, and Arabic/Hebrew text re-
ordering all rely on line detection to varying degrees. Providing the line structure also has the
benefit of making the extracted output slightly more manageable to read. It is not necessary to treat
line elements as a word-boundary because inferred spaces will be added at the end of the line where
Hyphenation Adjustment
Hyphenation adjustment is an optional feature designed to remove soft and hard hyphens found at
the end of a line. This feature is designed to cleanup the extracted output by removing hyphens that
were likely the result of an automatic hyphenation process. Unfortunately, the vast majority of
hyphens found at the end of a line in PDF are output as hard hyphens even though they originated as
syllable hyphens in the authoring application. This makes it impossible to distinguish between what
was intended to be a hard or soft hyphen.
This feature is optional and is off by default because consuming applications with linguistic analysis
features may prefer to differentiate soft and hard hyphens using a combination of linguistic analysis
and the line position of the hyphen rather than have Clean Content make this determination based
solely on line position. This is true because hard hyphens can be valid at the end of a line and
should not be removed in such cases.
Tagged PDF and Paragraph Boundary Support
The PDF file format includes a feature called tagged PDF that allows PDF authoring applications to
include a rich structure hierarchy that tags the text of the document beneath a hierarchy of elements.
For example, the document may include tags that declare the content of headers, footers, hyperlinks,
tables, paragraphs, formatted text spans, and many other structures. However, the use of this feature
is often application specific and often lacks a consistent form of structure. For this reason Clean
Content only leverages the use of paragraph elements when generating the extracted output.
Paragraph elements will be passed through to the extracted output but all other elements will be
ignored. Paragraph elements should be treated as valid word boundaries.
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Overlapped Text Filtering
It is not uncommon for PDF creators to produce multiple layers of identical text for the purpose of
accomplishing specific graphic effects. For example, text shadowing, 3D text, embossing, and other
effects may be accomplished by writing each character multiple times, with slight position,
transformation, and font attribute changes. Unfiltered extraction of this situation results in duplicate
characters, words, or lines in the extracted output that is far from ideal for any subsequent text
analysis. This feature attempts to detect this type of overlapping and clean up the extracted output
so that only a single instance of each overlapped character is generated, thus improving the search-
ability of the output. This feature is turned off by default due to the performance cost of testing
every line for overlapping conditions, and because specific use cases exist where only some of the
overlapped characters within a line fall within the overlapping tolerance resulting in only partial
cleanup of the line.
Reading Order Extraction of Middle Eastern Scripts (i.e. Arabic and
Most applications produce text that is read from right to left (i.e. Arabic and Hebrew) by drawing it
from left to right. In such cases, extracting the text in the order that it is drawn will result in lines of
text being in reverse reading order when extracted. This feature will automatically detect the use of
characters found in scripts that read from right to left and then validate or re-order the characters
within the line to match the proper reading order. This algorithm includes consideration for mixed
mode writing that includes words read from both right to left and left to right. There are specific
mixed mode use cases where the word ordering cannot be properly established without linguistic
consideration not included in this algorithm. In such cases the text of each word will be correctly
ordered but specific words within the line may be out of order. This algorithm is dependent on the
accuracy of the line boundary algorithm since re-ordering must be done a line at a time.
Comment/Annotation Support
The PDF format includes the ability to layer annotations of many forms over the top of a page.
Clean Content supports extracting annotations that contain text, file attachments, and URL links.
Clean Content also identifies the type of annotation extracted. Certain types of annotations include
an appearance stream that describes how the text is drawn while others simply include the text and
leave the display format to the viewing application. Both types are supported by Clean Content
during extraction. Annotations that do not contain text, attachment content, or URL’s are
intentionally not extracted.
The annotations that will be extracted by Clean Content when they include some supported form of
content include the following types: 3D, Caret, Circle, File Attachment, Free Text, Highlight, Ink,
Line, Link, Polygon, PolyLine, Printer Mark, Square, Squiggly, Stamp, Strike Out, Text, TrapNet,
Underline, Watermark, Widget, Popup, Sound, Movie, Screen. Only text, URL’s, and attachment
content will be extracted with the associated annotations, Movie and sounds objects are not
extracted in the current release of Clean Content.
Standard Document Property Support
The PDF file format can include document properties in two different ways. The first is through the
document information dictionary with specific entries for Title, Author, Subject, Keywords,
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Creator, Producer, Creation Date, Modification Date, and a field that indicates whether the
document was trapped (a technique used to address certain visual artifacts that occur in some
printing environments). This feature supports extraction of these properties into a property
collection during the extraction process. The second method of handling document properties is
outlined below.
XMP Document Property Support
In addition to the standard document property storage format, PDF allows an XML metadata stream
to be attached to nearly any content component in the document. The format of the XML is XMP
(Extensible Metadata Platform) making it very customizable. In PDF, document property metadata
is commonly attached to the PDF Document Catalog. Clean Content supports exporting the XMP
metadata stream that is attached to the document catalog to a stream accessible to the consumer for
further processing. An XML header is added to the XMP stream in order to allow the XMP to
become a valid XML stand-alone file. Optional control over the extraction of the XMP stream is
provided through the Clean Content options that control embedded content extraction.
Clean Content only reports and exports the XMP stream attached to the PDF document catalog.
XMP streams can also be attached to many other content elements including pages and images but
these XMP streams often lack any useful properties and are not the standard method of including
document wide properties. Support for extraction of these additional XMP streams has been
intentionally disabled for the sake of performance and clarity. This decision can be reconsidered
should valid use cases be encountered.
Acrobat Highlighting Support
In Acrobat X, Adobe Systems has chosen to remove the "hit highlighting" feature Clean Content
can leverage to highlight search terms in PDF documents. This feature was available but disabled in
Acrobat 9. These changes call into question the usefulness of the
GenerateAcrobatHighlightPositions option in Clean Content. Use of this feature is no longer
supported but remains documented for historical purposes.
The Acrobat Professional and Acrobat Reader applications provide a useful API that enables web
applications to highlight text found in a PDF document when the document is viewed in Acrobat
and is served as a URL. This is done by including a reference to an additional file as a parameter to
the URL. This additional file is referred to as a highlight file that specifies the text locations to be
highlighted. Enabling this feature requires a component that can extract the text from a PDF
document while properly tracking the page and highlight location for every piece of text in the file.
Clean Content includes the ability to provide the highlight locations for every piece of PDF text that
can be highlighted. This allows applications that include Clean Content to develop a powerful
search and highlight feature for PDF documents. The SDK includes sample source code that
demonstrates how to generate the Acrobat highlight file and further demonstrates an
implementation of this feature through the SDK demo application. A detailed description of the
PDF highlight algorithm and Clean Content usage notes is documented in the PDF Highlight
Algorithm Tech Note included in the Clean Content SDK.
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File Attachments and Embedded Files
The PDF file format supports the ability to attach documents of any type to a PDF document. This
can be done through several mechanisms including the file attachment feature, multi-media
attachments, files associated with a comment, and file collections know as portfolios. Clean Content
supports exporting all forms of attachments to stand-alone files as well as the ability to recursively
extract content from attached files. The ability to recursively extract content requires that the
attachment be in one of the formats supported by Clean Content.
The Clean Content Embedded Objects target is set when any form of attachment is found. The
current release of Clean Content does not yet support replacing, removing, or scrubbing embedded
content found in PDF documents.
PDF Packages and Portfolios
Acrobat Professional includes the ability to combine a set of PDF documents into a PDF package.
This feature was substantially enhanced and renamed Portfolios with in Acrobat 8 and beyond. The
resulting PDF includes a cover sheet for the package and provides the ability to access each
packaged document independently. Similar to attachments, Clean Content supports exporting the
embedded files to stand-alone files and the ability to recursively extract content from all files in the
package that are supported by Clean Content.
Encrypted File Support
The PDF file format includes many security features, one of which is the ability to encrypt the
document. PDF allows many different encryption algorithms. The encryption may leverage a user
or owner password or may simply encrypt the document with a default password. Clean Content
automatically detects and decrypts documents leveraging RC4 or AES encryption that have been
encrypted with a default password and standard security handler. This covers most cases where an
encrypted PDF document can be opened without a user password. Clean Content also supports
authentication of from a list of passwords. If a PDF document uses an unsupported encryption
algorithm or requires a password that cannot be validated then Clean Content will flag the document
as encrypted and log a warning to that affect. A separate technical note, Encryption Support Tech
Note, provides additional details on encryption support within Clean Content for PDF and other
Clean Content leverages the JavaCryptography Extensions (JCE) for AES decryption. Due to
import control restrictions the version of the JCE policy files that are bundled with the JRE that
ships with Clean Content allow ‘strong’ but limited cryptography. If a PDF document is encrypted
with AES 256 bit encryption it can only be decrypted if the Java Runtime Environment leveraged
by Clean Content is updated to include the Unlimited Strength Java™ Cryptography Policy Files.
These files can be downloaded from the Sun Developer Network and installed into the appropriate
JRE location as documented in the download.
Raster Image Extraction
Raster images within the PDF file format can be implemented using a variety of methods. Unlike
many other formats, PDF does not rely upon industry standard image file formats for embedding
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raster images. Instead, PDF has its own internal structures that combine to provide raster image
support. The description of an image generally involves a stream of image data, a set of filters
applied to the image data, a color space associated with the image, and additional options that
specify the format of the image data.
The goal of the Clean Content image extraction feature is to allow images to be extracted from the
source document into an industry standard file format so that the image can be repurposed as
needed. An ancillary goal is to limit the amount of conversion on the image data itself when
exporting the image to a stand-alone file. Limiting the conversion of image data is done to
maximize performance, avoid device dependent color conversion, and to maintain the original form
of image data so that stegongraphic detection may be implemented on the original image data.
As of version 1.7 of the PDF file format (Acrobat 8/9), there are nine different stream filters and
multiple encryption filters that could be applied to the image data any number of times or not at all.
The nine stream filters include ASCIIHexDecode, ASCII85Decode, LZWDecode, FlateDecode,
RunLengthDecode, CCITTFaxDecode, JBIG2Decode, DCTDecode, and JPXDecode. Additionally,
each filter may have specific options that tune the filter in various ways. Also note that PDF
supports TIFF and PNG predictor filters as options on Flate and LZW. TIFF prediction will be
maintained when going to TIFF but PNG predictors will applied to the data since TIFF does not
support them. The final filter remaining after applying decryption, ASCII decoding, and reduction
to at most one filter, determines the industry file format that will be used for extraction as outlined
in the table below.
Final Image Filter
Target Image File Format
No Filter (Raw image data)
TIFF (with no compression)
TIFF (with LZW compression)
TIFF (with Flate compression)
TIFF (with Packbits compression)
TIFF (with CCITT compression)
JBIG2 stand-alone file (JB2)
TIFF (with JPEG compression)
JPEG2000 (JPX)
This approach minimizes the amount of decompression and color conversion, often allowing for a
straight copy of the image data to the target file.
The PDF file format supports a wide variety of color spaces that can be applied to raster images.
These include DeviceGray, DeviceRGB, DeviceCMYK, CalGray, CalRGB, Lab, ICCBased,
Indexed, Separation, and DeviceN. The Indexed color space may index into any of the other color
spaces except Indexed, Separation, and DeviceN effectively allowing for 7 Index color spaces and a
total of 16 different color spaces. Both JPX and JBIG2 inherently define the applicable color space
within the image data. When converting to TIFF it is necessary to either select a matching TIFF
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color space or, in some cases, transform the image data and/or color space to a reasonable
alternative. The table below outlines the color space conversion details when exporting to TIFF.
PDF Color Space
TIFF Color Space
Grayscale (WhiteIsZero or BlackIsZero
depending on applicable PDF image parameters)
Grayscale (WhiteIsZero or BlackIsZero
depending on applicable PDF image parameters)
- Note, the resulting image is effectively device
dependent rather than explicitly calibrated.
RGB - Note, the resulting image is effectively
device dependent rather than explicitly
The number of color components determines the
TIFF color space. 1=Grayscale, 3=RGB,
4=CMYK. The embedded ICC Profile is
transferred to the TIFF file.
Grayscale the image data is copied without
conversion and pixel values are effectively
matched to a shade of gray by applying a
grayscale color space. This may result in
unintended color application.
Grayscale - the image data is copied without
conversion and pixel values are effectively
matched to a shade of gray by applying a
grayscale color space. This may result in
unintended color application.
Indexed DeviceGray
PaletteRGB with grayscale color entries.
Indexed DeviceRGB
Indexed DeviceCMYK
CMYK - image data is expanded to continuous
tone and then recompressed using Flate because
TIFF does not support this palette type.
Indexed CalGray
PaletteRGB with grayscale color entries.
Indexed CalRGB
Indexed Lab
Lab - image data is expanded to continuous tone
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and then recompressed using Flate because TIFF
does not support this palette type.
Indexed ICCBased
Grayscale, Palette RGB, or CMYK depending
on the number of color components. Grayscale
and CMYK image data is expanded to
continuous tone and then recompressed using
Flate because TIFF does not support this palette
PDF allows images to be defined as either a named image resource or as an inline image. Clean
Content currently only exports named image resources. This is done because inline images are
intended to be used for only very small images (less than 4K) and are commonly used for graphic
elements like table borders or bullets. Ignoring inline images is a reasonable way to avoid exporting
a substantial amount of images that are not intended to be repurposed. This decision may be
revisited based on customer feedback.
It is reasonably common to find images within PDF that are stored upside down. Such images are
often flipped vertically when drawn on the page using a PDF transformation operation that is
independent of the image data. A single named image resource may be drawn any number of times
using any number of transformations making resolution of this issue less than exact. Clean Content
does not currently consider such transformations when extracting the image to a stand-alone file.
This decision may be revisited based on customer feedback.
Fast Save Data (Incremental Updates) Detection
The PDF file format supports a feature known as Incremental Updates that allows PDF objects to be
replaced with new versions or added to the file by appending the object and certain structure
information to the end of the document. This is done to allow quickly saving small changes (i.e.
replace or add one page) and in some cases to limit the complexity of modifying a PDF for limited
changes (i.e. add a Watermark). The result of this feature is that a reasonable percent of PDF
documents contain obsolete content and data. In many cases entire pages that have been visually
removed or replaced are still stored and can be extracted from the document. Clean Content will
detect the existence of obsolete content and report it as 'Fast Save Data'.
Document Outline Extraction
The PDF format includes the ability to describe a document outline that provides a hierarchy of
outline items that reference particular destinations within the document. This feature works in
tandem with a feature called Structure Hierarchy” that effectively bookmarks locations within a
document. The text of the outline is stored independently from the destination of the bookmark.
Clean Content will extract the content and structure of the document outline during the extraction
Article Thread Information Extraction
PDF allows for the definition of article threads that provide the data needed to navigate an article
that is logically connected but visually disconnected in the document. A page identifier and a
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rectangle on that page define the location of each bead of an article. The actual content of each
article is extracted as part of the page on which it appears. Article threads may also contain
information such as the title, author, subject, keywords, and creation date. Clean Content will
generate a collection element of type ‘Article Thread’ and generate an articlethread element for each
article in the document. The articlethread element will include string elements with the appropriate
type that define the title, author, subject, and keywords, and will include a date element that defines
the creation date. Note that each of these is optional and will only be generated when defined in the
Interactive Forms Extraction
PDF documents provide rich support for interactive forms. Fields are defined with a hierarchical
structure. Clean Content detects and extracts form data by generating a collection element with a
type of 'FormFields'. The collection is then populated with formfield elements that may in turn
contain child formfield elements. Each formfield may contain various string elements that define
populated with a text value it is extracted as a text element that contains that applicable value.
XFA Forms Export to stand-alone file
PDF 1.5 added support for interactive forms based on XFA (XML Forms Architecture). The result
is that an XFA resource may be stored inside the PDF document. XFA supports a more dynamic
interactive forms architecture than standard PDF interactive forms. Clean Content treats the XFA
resource as embedded content, allowing it to be identified and exported to a stand-alone file. This
includes piecing together the XFA from multiple XDP packets as allowed within PDF.
FDF Extraction/Inspection
Adobe FDF (Forms Data Format) is a stand-alone file format that is a subset of the PDF file format.
This format is designed to act as a transport format that allows exporting form fields, and importing
form fields, new pages, and annotations into an existing PDF document. Clean Content 2010.1
added support for extraction and analysis of FDF documents. The extraction functionally matches
PDF in all other features respects.
Obfuscated Text Detection
There are many ways that text in a PDF document may be hidden from view. Clean Content
includes several analysis targets intended to detect some of the most common mechanisms that
result in accidental or intentional obfuscation of text. Clean Content tracks the stroking (border) and
non-stroking (fill) color applied to all text operations on the page. It also tracks all the color and
location of all path and image related drawing operations. Clean Content monitors these operations
for any instances where text is either covered by drawing operations or text melts into the
background color so that it cannot be viewed. Clean Content considers many related attributes like
line width, transparency, and complex path definitions to limit the number of false positives while
still catching the most common cases. This approach will catch the vast majority of accidental poor
text redaction where users have inadvertently left text inside documents that they believe they have
redacted. The scrub targets that relate to these types of text redaction include Color Obfuscated
Text, Clipped Text, and Overlapped Text.
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Digital Signatures Detection
Digital signatures are used to authenticate the identity of the author and the contents of the
document and may come in three forms. Digital signatures can be used for approval signatures,
modifications and detection prevention, and to enable usage rights that are not available without the
required signature. Signatures may contain information that is not viewable, introducing hidden data
risk. Signatures may also reveal the identity of the author and this might be undesirable in certain
environments. Scrubbing a document will almost certainly invalidate any digital signatures. Note
that it is common for the use of digital signatures to be accompanied by password protected
encryption that may prevent cleansing of the document entirely.
PDF Extraction, Analysis and Scrubbing Features
Macros and Code (Javascript) Detection, Extraction, and Removal
PDF allows JavaScript to be executed through numerous mechanisms. This feature of PDF has been
identified as a possible security risk. Clean Content will detect and flag the existence of JavaScript
under the Macros and Code target. Document level JavaScript actions are found in the
DocumentCatalog.Names.JavaScript name tree that maps name strings to JavaScript Actions.
JavaScript defined in this manner typically is executed when the document is opened, providing
methods that may be called from other JavaScript in the document. JavaScript action dictionaries
can be found as the K, F, V, and C entries in the Additional Actions dictionary that is referenced
from a Form Field Dictionary AA entry. JavaScript action dictionaries may also be found in the
WC, WS, DS, WP, and DP, entries of the Additional Actions dictionary referenced from the
Document Catalog dictionaries AA entry. The JS entry of an Action Dictionary of type Rendition is
another mechanism for PDF to include JavaScript. Clean Content will report the existence of
JavaScript found in any of these locations. Clean Content also allows fine control over the detection
and removal of any PDF Action including those that contain JavaScript.
Clean Content supports removal and replacement of JavaScript found in PDF documents. Setting
the MacrosAndCode option to REMOVE will remove all JavaScript that is defined through one of
the above mechanisms and also remove the action that may have in initiated the JavaScript
execution. It is also possible to leave document level JavaScript in place while removing only
Action specific JavaScript through the JavaScript Actions target.
JavaScript content is treated as embedded content in the Clean Content extraction process allowing
validly defined JavaScript to be exported to a stand-alone file for further analysis. JavaScript can be
extracted in this manner whether it is embedded as a stream or a string in the PDF file.
JavaScript may also be optionally replaced using the Clean Content embedded content replacement
feature. Use of this feature requires tight integration of the Clean Content SDK.
Note that PDF malware approaches have found many ways to leverage JavaScript activation to
enable malware functions. These approaches include unique methods of hiding JavaScript inside
PDF documents. Many of these techniques depend on at least one valid JavaScript instance to
effectively start the process. Removal of valid JavaScript using the MacrosAndCode target will
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often disable many of these techniques even if some hidden JavaScript remains in the file. However,
Clean Content cannot guarantee that all mechanisms of activating JavaScript can be prevented.
The PDF file format supports a set of interactive features called actions. Actions can be associated
with outline items, annotations, form fields, individual pages, or the document as a whole. Example
actions include jumping to a particular destination in a document, thread, or URI location, launching
an external file, playing a sound or movie, importing or submitting form data, executing JavaScript
code, and numerous other actions. An action can be triggered based on specific user or document
interactions like opening the document, viewing a page, or selecting an outline item. Each triggering
event can execute one or more actions in sequence.
Some actions are very innocuous and don’t present any obvious risk. Other actions can be very
dangerous and have been maliciously leveraged to introduce malware into PDF documents. For
example, a user may open a document that automatically launches a malicious executable or runs
malicious JavaScript code as soon as the user opens the document.
Clean Content allows every type of PDF action to be scrubbed from the document. Each type of
action can be individually targeted for scrubbing in order to allow a particular application
environment to dictate the level of risk each type of action may present. The list of PDF actions that
can be scrubbed include Goto, GoToR, GoToE, Launch, Thread, URI, Sound, Movie, Hide, Named,
Set OCG State, Rendition, GoTo3DView, Rich Media, JavaScript, SubmitForm, Reset Form,
Import Data, Transition, and a general category of Unknown that applies to actions that may be
added to the PDF format at a later date.
The level of risk represented by each type of action is very dependent on the origin and lifecycle of
the document. The Launch and JavaScript actions provide a mechanism to execute malicious code.
The Sound, Movie, Rendition, and Rich Media actions provide a mechanism to execute media
players that may target known exploits in those players. The GoToR, GoToE, and URI actions may
link to external resources that present their own risk when activated. The various form actions may
cause data to be retrieved from or sent to an external server. The Hide and Set OCG State actions
may cause specific content in the PDF document to remain hidden from view. These interactive
features, when leveraged appropriately, allow PDF documents to provide a rich level of
functionality ranging from interactive presentations to powerful forms processing.
Clean Content is designed to remove the entire sequence of actions if a sequence includes any
action that is a scrub target. This was done in order to avoid complexities related to removing a
subset of actions from a sequence that may have interdependencies. There is one exception to this
rule. If the first action in a sequence is not a scrub target but some other action in the sequence is a
scrub target, then only the first action will remain after scrubbing. This approach was taken because
there are many cases where the first action may be a simple GoTo (internal hyperlink) action while
a more risky action follows; leaving the GoTo action allows expected outline and linking behavior
to be maintained while still removing the risky action.
Private Application Data
The PDF file format supports storing private data in PDF documents to allow extended functionality
to be created by an application. This data is stored in the Page-Piece dictionary construct in the PDF
file. For example, it is common for applications such as Adobe Illustrator and Adobe PhotoShop to
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store additional data using this feature. This mechanism may present a security risk simply because
it provides a well defined mechanism for inserting additional data into a PDF document that will be
ignored by most filtering applications. This scrub target provides a general target for removing all
private application data stored in a PDF using this construct. Clean Content also allows specific
uses to be detected and removed through the PDF Embedded Search Index and the PDF Other
Private Application Data targets.
Embedded Search Index
Adobe Acrobat supports an option to embed a search index into a PDF document. The search index
makes user searches faster, particularly in large documents. Including a search index is an option
made available in Acrobat. This index is a private data structure stored using a specific instance of
Private Application Data. This target allows for detection and removal of the specific use of Private
Application Data for storing an Embedded Search Index. Removal of this index is useful for
decreasing the file size and removing hidden content that may in fact be an outdated search index.
Document Property Modification
The Clean Content API includes interfaces that allow document properties to be added, modified,
and removed. As described earlier in this document, PDF document properties may come in two
forms; Standard and XMP. The 2012.1 release of Clean Content only supports modifying properties
stored as Standard properties. XMP property modification is under consideration.
Obsolete Content due to Incremental Updates (Fast Save Data)
The PDF file format is designed to allow minor changes to a PDF document to be stored as changes
at the end of the previous version of the file. PDF generation tools can then simply append the
required changes without rewriting the entire document. This has performance benefits but can also
cause PDF documents to retain obsolete content unbeknownst to the author and can also cause an
unexpected increase in the file size. The Clean Content scrubbing process will automatically
remove obsolete content stored due to incremental updates.
Extraneous Data Removal
The PDF file format is designed around an object referencing scheme. This structure makes it
possible for rogue data to be stored in a PDF document that is not really part of the object hierarchy.
This hole can be exploited to store unexpected data as unused objects or before and after valid
objects that can later be extracted or leveraged by malware. The Clean Content scrubbing process
will automatically remove extraneous data that is between two valid objects or prefixed or appended
to an otherwise valid PDF document.
Image Replacement
In addition to exporting embedded images as described earlier in this document, Clean Content
supports replacing any image that has been exported. This is done using the Clean Content
embedded content replacement API defined in the general SDK documentation. PDF image
replacement has several constraints described below.
Clean Content only allows TIFF images as the replacement format when replacing images
embedded in PDF. It also requires that the replacement TIFF does not use horizontal tiling. This
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limitation is due to the fact that PDF does not support storing pixel data in tiles and this problem is
generally best solved when creating the replacement image rather than addressed during the
replacement process. Clean Content supports a large set of TIFF color models during the
replacement conversion back into the PDF image form. However, there are some color model
parameters and types that are not supported and will generate an error if replacement is attempted.
There are numerous parameters associated with a PDF image that cannot be mapped into TIFF
during the export process. For this reason, the image replacement process attempts to inherit the
color space parameters of the original image where applicable. Example parameters include the
black point, gamma array, and image mask associated with the original image. This approach is
only applied when the new image is a near match with the original color space.
Web Capture Information
The PDF file format supports creating information from web or local files using a method called
Web Capture. Content can be retrieved from the referenced external files, either once or through
additional updates. The original web capture information is maintained in the PDF file. Web capture
information includes references to web based URL's or local file references that may represent a
data disclosure risk.
When this scrub target is enabled the web capture description information, including references to
URL's or local files, is removed from the scrubbed document. Any content that was already
imported into the PDF document during the creation process will remain visible in the PDF
Legal Attestation Information
The PDF file format supports including information that describes the existence of any content that
may result in unexpected rendering of a document. This information is commonly included in
documents that also include a document certification signature. It can be used by PDF applications
to determine the trustworthiness of a document. The information primarily indicates the use of
certain PDF features like JavaScript, Launching, URI's, multi-media objects, and the like that may
result in a document that will render differently in different environments. There is very little risk to
this information with the exception that it may be inaccurate, particularly if left in a document
across multiple modifications by applications that do not keep it up to date. This can result in
unworthy trust of the document content.
When this scrub target is enabled the legal attestation dictionary of information is removed from the
PDF document.
Page and Embedded File Thumbnail Images
Each page of a PDF document may optionally include a thumbnail image. A thumbnail image may
also be associated with a file embedded within a PDF. Clean Content extraction will produce a
thumbnail element prior to the applicable page or embedded file during the extraction process. The
thumbnail element includes an embeddedcontent element of type ‘Image’ that represents the
thumbnail image. The form of the extracted image is consistent with the Raster Image Extraction
feature described earlier.
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Thumbnail images are typically used to provide a representation of each page in a PDF document
that allows viewers to quickly render an image of each page. They can also be associated with an
external file reference. Thumbnails have been deprecated from use in PDF as of ISO 32000-1 and
can safely be scrubbed from files. Thumbnail images can be used to hide data from the user since
they are often ignored by viewing technology in favor of regenerating an image when required.
When this scrub target is enabled all thumbnail images are removed from the scrubbed document.
Deprecated Postscript Objects
Early versions of the PDF specification allowed embedded Postscript objects to be rendered on a
page. This feature has been deprecated and is not recommended to be included in PDF documents.
Postscript Objects run a risk of hiding data since some PDF readers may not process the content.
When this target is enabled the postscript objects will be replaced by a blank image.
Alternate Presentations
The alternate presentations feature of PDF allows a PDF document to be viewed in a slide show like
manner. PDF 1.4 allowed a page to be viewed for a specified duration before moving into an
automatic or user enabled page transition phase. PDF 1.5 allowed for a more extensive, JavaScript
driven, alternate presentation rendering. This PDF feature is seldom used and has been deprecated
by ISO 32000-1. Alternate presentations carry some risk because they can be used to hide data from
the user by presenting only a subset, or even a completely different rendering, of the documents
content. This can be done through transition effects, using an alternate image of the page, or even
ignoring pages found in the document.
All data associated with the alternate presentation form of the document is removed when this scrub
target is enabled. This includes the /Dur and /Trans keys in a page node dictionary and the
/AlternatePresentations key found in the document’s name dictionary.
Alternate Images
Alternate images are additional versions of an image that may be used by PDF Readers rather than
rendering the primary image. This might be used in environments where one image is better suited
for viewing while another is better suited for printing. The risk of alternate images is that the
secondary images can carry hidden data that is not viewable in a typical environment.
Exporting of alternate images is supported during the extraction process.
When this scrub target is enabled all alternate images are removed from the document.
The PDF format supports a set of interactive features called annotations. Example annotations
include text, file attachments, watermarks, redaction, rich-media, and numerous other interactive
features. Each type of annotations has been categorized into a scrub target in order to provide finer
control over detection and removal of the various types of annotations.
Each different type of annotation poses a particular type of risk. Referencing external links,
embedding malicious rich-media, and hiding text content, are examples of potential vulnerabilities.
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Sensitive Content Links
Sensitive content links are links to external data sources that can be used during the processing of
the document to update or replace content previously created. In PDF documents the Open Press
Interface feature and the Reference XObject feature fall in this category. Either may reference
external data used to replace or update existing content. When this scrub target is enabled all OPI
data and Reference XObject data will be removed.