Spring 2024 Concurrent Enrollment Agreement
My signature certifies that ALL of the following are true:
1. I will have my other college transfer my units to SDSU once I have completed my course(s).
2. I understand that future Concurrent Enrollment Agreements will not be processed until units from any prior
Concurrent Enrollment Agreements have been posted to my SDSU academic record.
3. I understand that for any course I’ve repeated, I cannot request another Concurrent Enrollment Agreement.
4. I will keep the SDSU Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships informed of any changes in my enrollment.
5. I understand that even by combining my SDSU units with my units at another institution, my aid eligibility
may differ from the original award because of specific requirements for certain aid programs (e.g., State
University Grant amount is based on fees paid for SDSU main campus units).
Name of
Other College
Other College
Units for this
Enrollment Period
List Course(s) at the Above Institution for the Enrollment Period
SDSU Units
for this
Enrollment Period
Course Start Date
Census Dates
Student Loan Borrowers: For student loans to remain in a “deferment” status, you must be enrolled at least half time. The
SDSU Office of the Registrar reports your enrollment information to various loan servicers throughout the year. The Office of
the Registrar reports your enrollment ONLY for your units at SDSU.
Continued on page
Student Signature Date
To apply for concurrent enrollment, you must:
1. Attach your enrollment confirmation from your other school for the course(s) listed below. If your course(s)
is/are completed, you must submit an unofficial transcript with the grade(s) received.
2. Have not already transferred the maximum 70 units if concurrent enrollment is at a community college.
3. Have not already transferred the maximum 24 units if concurrent enrollment is through SDSU Global Campus.
4. Be enrolled for courses that will be accepted toward your SDSU degree.
5. Be making satisfactory academic progress to remain eligible for financial aid.
6. Have Section 2 completed by the other school's Financial Aid Office.
Section 1 - To Be Completed by Student
I understand that my Fall 2023, Spring 2024, and/or
Summer 2024 Concurrent Enrollment Agreement will not
be processed and my aid will not be adjusted until the
corresponding census date for that semester.
I understand that this document must be submitted by the
deadline dates indicated.
Document Submission Deadlines
Attending Fall 2023 - December 2, 2023
Attending Spring 202
4 - April 21, 2024
Attending Summer 2024 - July 2
4, 2024
Student Last Name: _______________________________________
Student First Name: _______________________________________
Student Red ID or EMPLID: ____________________
Fall 2023 - September 18, 2023
Spring 2024 - February 16, 2024
Summer 2024 - July 19, 2024
(Other College + SDSU)
Course End Date
Yes No
Is the student receiving financial aid at your institution?
(Do not count the California College Promise Grant.)
If yes, list the semester and type of aid the student is receiving.
Semester Type of aid
Indicate the registration fee paid by the student for the course(s) at your institution: $
Indicate the food and housing cost calculated for the student: $
My signature conrms that the host institution will notify the SDSU Ofce of Financial Aid and Scholarships if the
student named in Section 1 withdraws or receives nancial assistance for the designated enrollment period.
Section 2 - To Be Completed by the Other College's Financial Aid Office Staff
Print Host Institution Ofcial’s Name Host Institution Ofcial’s Telephone Number
Host Institution Ofcial’s Signature / Stamp Date Name of Host Institution
Print Form