Congratulations! It is time to begin the process of applying for graduation. Earning your Degree from Montana State
University is an exciting time and we have created documentation to help ensure this process goes smoothly for you.
1_GENERAL DEFINITIONS_________________________________________
Dual Degree:
o A student who is pursing two degrees. This student will have completed each program degree
requirements as well as an additional 30 credits. Generally completing 150+ credits. Student will receive
two diplomas. **Dual Degree students will need to complete two applications.
Double Major:
o A student who is pursing two majors. This student will have completed each program degree
requirements. Generally completing 120 credits. Student will receive one diploma. Double major
students will fill out one application
Primary Advisor:
o The advisor for your primary degree or major.
Certifying Officer:
o Departmental specific individual who certify degrees. Your department administrator or Primary
Advisor will give this information.
Important Notes:
I. The Graduation Application procedure is a multi-step process. You should apply for graduation the semester
prior to completing your degree requirements. Students planning to graduate in the spring should apply by
November 1
. Students planning to graduation in summer or fall should apply by March 1
II. Prior to submitting your application for graduation your Advisor and Certifying Officer must authorize your
application by placing specific notes in Degreeworks. YOU WILL REQUIRED TO SEEK APPROVAL VIA NOTES
minor, second major, second degree, certificate, etc.. you need to have the advisor and certifying officer for that
program of study enter the appropriate notes in Degreeworks.
I. Schedule and appointment and meet with your advisor to review your DegreeWorks to ensure your file
is accurate and that you are on track to graduate.
i. If changes must be made to your curriculum (adding or dropping a minor for example), please
utilize the Curriculum Change form to change your curriculum information.
ii. If your advisor approves your plan for graduation, they will put a note in DegreeWorks that they
have approved your application for graduation.
“Final Semester Primary Degree Advisor Approves of DegreeWorks worksheet”
iii. Ask your Advisor how best to get Certifying Officer approval to apply for graduation. Some
advisors are certifying officers, some departments advance the request to the certifying officer
on your behalf, most departments will have you set up a second meeting with your certifying
II. Next, work with your department to have the Certifying Officer review your curriculum and plan to
graduate. Once they have confirmed your DegreeWorks worksheet is in order, they will put a note in
your Degree Works:
“Final Semester UG Approved for Graduation Application by Certifying Officer
**If you have multiple majors, degree, or a minor, you will need to have each Advisor and Certifying Officer for those
department complete the note in DegreeWorks.
***It is the note from your Certifying Officer which will allow you access to the online graduation application.
III. Once you have an advisor and certifying officer note for each credential (major, minor, second major,
second degree, certificate, etc..) in DegreeWorks, it will open your Application for Graduation in My Info
*Once notes have been placed it will likely take an overnight update of our system in order for the option
to be available in your My Info to “Apply to Graduate.”
Online Graduation Application
Step One: Apply to Graduate Link
1. Login to your My Info and select the Student Services tab, there is blue hyperlink will be the Apply
to Graduate option which will open the Application.
Step Two: Curriculum Term Selection
The first screen that will populate is “Curriculum Term Selection” here is where you will select the current term to pull
your current course of study.
Please select the current term.
Step Three: Curriculum Selection
The next screen that will populate will be your “Current Curriculum.” Please verify your current major and minors (if
*For those applying for a single Degree with Minors and Certificates will only need to fill out one application for
graduation. If a certificate is not showing in your Curriculum Section, they should consult with the department to ensure
they are receiving the certificate. There is not an application requirement for certificate. The Registrar’s Office will work
with the Department to ensure certificates are awarded.
**Students who are Dual Degree (receiving two degrees at the time of graduation) must fill out an additional
Application for Graduation.
Step Four: Graduation Date Selection
In this section you will need to click on the drop-down menu to select the available Graduation Date.
Note: Spring and Fall term degree candidates are expected to walk in the term in which they are completing their
degree. Summer undergraduate level candidates are invited to walk in the Spring ceremonies. Summer graduate
level candidates are invited to walk in the Fall ceremonies.
Step Five: Graduation Ceremony Selection
Choose whether you plan on attending the Graduation Ceremony. You still have time to change your mind regarding
attendance to commencement.
If you change your mind, then you will just need to email [email protected]du to request an update to your
attendance for Graduation Ceremony.
Step Six: Diploma Name Selection:
Here you have the option to “Select a Name for your Diploma.” The list provided will show all names that have been
submitted through the “Name Change” process with the Registrar’s Office. If the list of options does not include your
preferred name then please go to our Diploma Information page: to submit a “Diploma Name Request.”
Step Seven: Diploma Mailing Address Selection:
Here you can indicate what address you want your diploma sent. In the drop-down menu you will be able to select
addresses that have been added into your My Info or was included in your Application for Admission to MSU.
*If the address you wish to have the Diploma sent to is not available then select an address and contact the
Registrar’s Office (406-994-6650, to have it updated.
Step Eight: Graduation Application Summary:
Here you review and confirm details from previous screens. If you made a mistake, use the back arrow on your browser
to correct erroneous screen.
Once you submit this request if there needs to be any changes you would need to reach out to the Registrar’s
Step Nine: Graduation Application Signature Page
On this final page you have notification that your Application for Graduation has been submitted. Included is
information on if you need to submit an additional application. Additionally, there is a link provided on where to access
Grad Fair, Commencement, and Diploma information.
Step Ten: Process to Confirm your Application was submitted:
You can confirm your application was submitted by going to My Info, Students Services tab and clicking the “View
Graduation Application” link
3_FAQ ____________________________________ _____
1. When are online graduation applications due for Bachelor and Associate Degrees?
o October 1st for Spring graduation, submitted the preceding Fall semester
o March 1st for Summer or Fall graduation, submitted the preceding Spring semester
2. When are online graduation application due for certificates?
o December 1st for Spring graduation, submitted the preceding Fall semester
o March 1st for Summer or Fall graduation, submitted the preceding Spring semester
3. How long will it take for the graduation application to be activated in My Info once the certifying officers' notes
are in?
Once the notes are in Degreeworks, My Info should activate the Online Graduation right away. However,
it may take an overnight role in some instances.
4. Is there an application fee?
A fee of $40 will be charged to the students account for each application submitted. This includes
applications that are submitted to change the term of graduation.
5. Can I submit a late application?
Yes, you can submit your application after the deadline but students who turn their application in late
may not receive a Graduation Registration Audit.
6. How can I move my term of graduation or withdrawal my application?
In order to move your term of graduation or withdraw your application, you will need speak with your
academic advisor and auditor. They can then reach out to the Registrar’s office to have your application
removed. Once your application is removed, you can apply for the next term in which you plan on
7. What do I do after I submit my application?
Once you submit your graduation application you will register for your final semester and attend Grad
Fair to find our more information for commencement.
8. Can I change my curriculum after I apply?
Yes, you can change your curriculum after you apply. Simply fill out a Change of Curriculum found on the
Registrar’s website. If you are adding an additional credential, you will need to fill out a graduation
application for each one.
9. Do I need to turn in more than one application if I have more than one major, minor or degree?
If you are seeking a minor, second major, second degree, certificate, etc... you need to have the advisor
and certifying officer for that program of study enter the appropriate notes in Degreeworks.
10. Who is my certifying officer?
Your academic Advisor will let you know who your certifying officer is when you meet with them.
11. Who is my advisor?
You can find your advisor’s name on your DegreeWorks.
12. Where do I find my online graduation application?
The Graduation application will be available in your My Info under Student Services once the note from
your Advisor and Certifying Officer are added in your Degreeworks Worksheet.
13. How long are the notes in my Degreeworks good for?
The notes in your Degreeworks are good for 60 days.
Continue to monitor your DegreeWorks. If your advisor or auditor from the Registrar’s Office find any discrepancies,
they will make a note in your DegreeWorks.
Continue to monitor your university email for communication regarding Graduation Fair and Commencement
Preparation. You can also check our Commencement website: