Environment and
Sandra Cassotta, Vladimir Pacheco Cueva & Malayna Raftopoulos
LEAD Journal (Law, Environment and Development Journal)
is a peer-reviewed academic publication based in New Delhi and London and jointly managed by the
Law, Environment and Development Centre of SOAS University of London
and the International Environmental Law Research Centre (IELRC).
LEAD is published at www.lead-journal.org
ISSN 1746-5893
This document can be cited as
Sandra Cassotta, Vladimir Pacheco Cueva & Malayna Raftopoulos, ‘A Case
Study of the Carmichael Coal Mine from the Perspectives of Climate
Change Litigation and Socio-Economic Factors’,
17/1 Law, Environment and Development Journal (2021), p. 55,
available at http://www.lead-journal.org/content/a1704.pdf
Sandra Cassotta, Associate Professor in International, Environmental and Energy Law, Department of Law,
Aalborg University, E-mail: sac@law.aau.dk.
Vladimir Pacheco Cueva, Associate Professor, School of Cultural and Society, Aarhus University.
Malayna Raftopoulos, Associate Professor in Development Studies and International Relations/Latin American
Studies, Department of Politics and Society.
Published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Unported License
Sandra Cassotta, Vladimir Pacheco Cueva & Malayna Raftopoulos
1. Introduction 57
2. The Background of the Carmichael Coal Mine Project 57
2.1 The Regulatory Framework for Mining in Queensland 59
2.2 Climate Change Science and Australian Responsibility to
Climate Change 60
2.3 Legal Elements of the Approval Process in Climate Change Litigation:
Advancements and Regressions 62
2.3.1 Causation 63
2.3.2 Cumulative Emissions 63
2.3.3 Precautionary Principle 64
2.3.4 Market Substitution Agreement 64
2.3.5 Public Interest 66
3. Climate Change Litigation Linked with an Economic, Social, Public
Participation and Stakeholders approach 66
4 Economic factors to take into account in the case of Carmichael Coal Mine 67
4.1 Mining Royalties 67
4.2 Tax 68
4.3 Employment 69
4.4 Public Debt 70
5 Conclusion 71
In 2010, Adani Mining Pty Ltd (Adani) proposed the
development of what would become one of
Australia’s most controversial mining projects. Known
as the ‘Carmichael Coal Mine’ (sometimes referred in
the Australian media as the ‘Adani Mine’ or ‘Adani
project’), the project has a predicted lifetime of 60 years
and estimated life cycle production of 2.3 billion tonnes
of thermal coal. Due to its enormous scale, and despite
its potential economic and social effects (including fiscal
income), the project has met fierce opposition because
of its potential environmental and social impacts. It is
estimated that the burning of coal from the mine will
generate 4.6 billion tonnes of greenhouse emissions.
These emissions are over 0.5 per cent of the remaining
carbon budget which has been set to limit global
temperature rises to 2ºC above pre-industrial levels.
As such, the Carmichael Coal Mine project, which was
initially projected to become one of the largest coal
mines in the world, has found itself the object of an
increasing amount of climate change litigation in
Australia’s courts. By, 2020, the reputation of the Adani
Group was so compromised that the company decided
to change its name to ‘Bravus Group’ after mistakenly
thinking that Bravus meant ‘brave’ or ‘courageous’ in
classical Latin.
In reality, as explained by an article in
The Guardian ‘Bravus’ means ‘crooked’ or ‘deformed’,
‘mercenary’ or ‘assassin’ in that language.
By using the Carmichael Coal Mine as a case study, the
purpose of this paper is to explore and analyse climate
change litigation in a systemic legal and socio-
economical approach. It will focus on the current
challenges and potentials of the Australian legal
framework and the jurisprudence of climate change
litigation. The aim is to advance toward a more
conscious global approach to designing regulations
that can consider and balance direct economic benefits
for the local economy, and global environmental
concerns and global common vision about how to
manage mining developments and energy challenges.
The research question seeks to identify in the
Carmichael Coal Mine case what are the legal elements
of regression and advancement in climate change
litigation that enable economic and social contributions
against climate change impacts.
When examining this particular mining project, the
authors will consider global concerns highlighted, for
example, by the Paris Agreement and the International
Panel of Climate Change (IPCC) concerning
greenhouse emissions or by the United Nations
Development Programme’s (UNDP) Agenda 2030
relating to access to reliable source of energy for the
population. This approach is to provide substantive
guidance, especially in relation to how the local
regulators and policy makers should proceed if they
are to succeed in managing and regulating these projects
when faced with climate change litigation. In that sense,
climate change litigation can serve as a catalysing factor
to facilitate the transition from fossil fuel to renewable
energy. However, as will be explained later, at present
Queensland is not ready to balance climate change
damages with short-term monetary returns.
Australia is one of the most vulnerable continents to
the impacts of climate change and is at the same time
the location of the largest coal developments, thus
making it the scene of numerous juridical reviews
concerning coal mining projects and climate change
Law, Environment and Development Journal
1 Joint Report to the Land Court of Queensland on ‘Climate
Change – Emissions’, Adani Mining Pty (Adani) v. Land
Services of Coast and Country Inc. & Ors. by Chris
Taylor 1-16.
2 M Philpott, ‘Adani Mining Changes Name to Bravus After
10 Years in Australia’, ABC News (5 November 2020)
3 Naaman Zou, ‘Crooked Not Courageous: Adani Renames
Australian Group Bravus Mistaking it for ‘Brave’ The
Guardian (5 November 2020) <https://
litigation. The Carmichael Coal Mine, located in
Queensland, is only one example of climate change
litigation processes in Queensland. Queensland
jurisdictions, by means of merit review and judicial
review, had to face numerous obstacles against coal
mining project proposals in order to evaluate the
approaches taken by tribunals and courts to the
environmental assessment of coal projects.
The Carmichael Coal Mine is one of those difficult
cases with massive environmental, climate and
Indigenous rights implications, making it especially
valuable for analysis. In particular, the focus is on all
the legal elements of the approval process, how social
actors contest them and how these are linked to
economic and social considerations.
Although none of the challenges presented in this
article have succeeded in stopping the Carmichael Coal
Mine project, the authors are able to identify some
elements of advancement and regression in the climate
change litigation’s process. These elements allow for
new legal paths to blocking future project approvals in
the mining sector if such projects pose threats to the
environment and/or aggravate climate change.
In 2010, the Adani Group proposed the Carmichael
Coal Mine project in Queensland’s Galilee Basin. It
involves a Greenfield open-cut coalmine, an
underground coal mine, associated mine processing
facilities and a 388 Km railway, linking the mine with
the coal port at Abbott Point, near the town of
The process of approval of the project was an
exhausting experience from 2010 to the Queensland
Coordinator-General’s recommendation to approve
the project in early 2014, after numerous approval
processes and court proceedings.
The Carmichael Coal
Mine case involved numerous objections in climate
change litigation and on a number of different
grounds, including impacts on the Doongmanbulla
Spring Threatened Ecological Community, threatened
species like the Black-throated Finch, and the mine’s
contribution to climate change. In addition, the
economic feasibility of the project was among the
objects of litigation. Climate change arguments of
the Carmichael Coal Mine case (as in other cases
considered by the Australian jurisprudence) build on
scientific expertise related to climate change impacts
and on joint expert reports, such the report of Dr
Meinshausen’s carbon budget model.
According to
this joint expert report, the carbon budget available
after 2015 has been depleted to 850 billion tonnes of
carbon dioxide, with exploitation of all known coal
reserves having the potential to contribute 4,000 to
7,000 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide.
The ‘Green Gas Protocol’, is an international
accounting for GHGs
which categories GHGs
emission into three categories: Scope 1 emission that
are direct greenhouse gas emission from a project; Scope
2 emissions that are indirect greenhouse gas emission
from the generation of purchased electricity; and Scope
3 emissions that are all other indirect greenhouse gas
emissions resulting from a company’s activities. This
expert group reported that over its lifetime, the
proposed Carmichael Coal Mine project will account
for 0.53-0.56 per cent of the global carbon budget.
The expert report also calculated GHGs emissions on
a cumulative emission basis, including Scope 3
emissions, and concluded that the potential of
emissions from the Carmichael Coal Mine project will
be the highest of the world.
This report was accepted by Queensland Land Court,
and thus determined an important advancement in
the capacity of the Courts to take science into
consideration in the legal reasoning by recognizing the
concept of ‘cumulative emissions’.
This is the
4 N McNamara and W Crane ‘Public Participation and the
Adani Syndrome’ (2018) 35(3) Environmental and
Planning Law Journal Volume 327.
5 Another proposal exists for a 189 Km railway line if the
line connection goes to Goonyella Railway line, rather
than going directly to Abbot Point terminal.
6 McNamara and Crane (n 4) 328.
7 Chris Taylor and Malte Meinshausen, Joint Report to the
Land Court of Queensland on ‘Climate Change
Emissions’ – Adani Mining Pty Ltd (Adani) v Land
Services of Coast and Country Inc. and Ors (2014) 8.
8 The Greenhouse Protocol is a widely used Protocol in
international accounting for green gas emissions. For
more details on the Protocol and Scope 3, see <https:/
9 Adani Mining Pty Ltd v Land Services of Coast and
Country Inc. [2015] QLC 48, [429]. The concept of
cumulative emissions will be further analysed in section
Carmichael Coal Mine: A Case Study
‘cumulative capacity’ and ‘long terms effects’ of GHGs
emissions and their capacity to cause environmental
harm, as defined in the Australian legislation in
particular the Mineral Resource Act (MRA)
and the
Environmental Protection Act (EPA).
The Carmichael Coal Mine case has gone through
numerous judicial reviews of government decision-
making since 2010 until now. Courts examined the
lawfulness rather that reconsidering the substance or
merits of the decision. The case is selected because it is
very significant in terms of the development of the
jurisprudence in climate change litigation as it allows
the identification of relevant factors when making
mining project approval decisions.
2.1 The Regulatory Framework
for Mining in Queensland
Australian law deals with climate change impacts to
the environment in a fragmented manner. There is no
specific legislation. In order to fill this gap, climate
change litigation in the mining sector has engaged in a
range of specific legal frameworks mostly focusing on
elements of environmental impact assessment under
environmental protection, planning legislation and
approvals of licenses of coalmines within the statutory
context. Since Australia is a federation of states and
territories, these elements are pertinent to the state
level, with federal legislation engaging only in matters
of national environmental significance, such as threats
to Commonwealth-listed threatened species. This
section will focus on the statutory context of this
federation, specifically the legal framework where the
process of approval of a mining project in this
jurisdiction takes place, including how matters of
climate change that arise in the assessment of the
mining approval processes can be covered.
Environmental assessment, planning legislation and
approval of licenses for coalmines in Queensland,
applicable to the Carmichael Coal Mine case, involve
four main statutory instruments necessary for a
resource title or a mining tenure and an environmental
1) The Mineral Resource Act 1989 (Qld) (MRA);
2) The Environmental Protection Act 1994 (Qld)
(EPA) that provides an environmental
authority to be requested;
3) The State Development and Public Works
Organization Act 1971 (Qld) (SDPWOA) for
large scale projects;
4) The Environmental Protection and
Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth)
(EPBC Act), which implies a scheme of
adaptive management.
The MRA has a mineral exploitation focus and does
not tackle environmental protection. The MRA has
objectives such as encouraging and facilitating mining
projects, ensuring a financial return to the State and
developing an administrative framework that
accommodates mining projects. In contrast, the EPA
is focused on environmental protection.
The SDWPA facilitates and assesses large mine project
proposals, which means that under this act, mining
projects will undergo an assessment process that
includes the production and public notification of an
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIS).
The EPBC implies a scheme of adaptive management,
which is a technique of natural resource management
that demands participatory objective settings, ongoing
monitoring, and iterative decision-making. It is best
suited to projects with high uncertainty about an
ecosystem and when the impact of decisions may be
This act presents an advancement in terms of
effectiveness of environmental protection because
adaptive management hitherto has been applied in
Law, Environment and Development Journal
10 Mineral Resource Act 1989, Queensland.
11 Environmental Protection Act 1994, Queensland.
12 Most major projects will in practice also be declared as
‘coordinated projects’ under the SDPWOA and a
proponent is able to apply for such a declaration, which
if made will entail for the Coordinator-General the dual
roles of facilitating and assessing the large mine project
Australian decisions only in circumstances where the
strategy was already prescribed though approval
conditions and EIA, rather than where the court itself
determined that it was appropriate, which proves that
there is a willingness in the judiciary to engage in an
analysis of adaptive managements programmes.
Adaptive management is also strongly coupled with
environmental law in the application of the
Precautionary principle, which states: ‘where there are
threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full
scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for
postponing costs-effective measures to prevent
environmental degradation’.
However, both under EPBC and the EPA there is no
specific mention of GHGs emission. The MRA
focuses on mineral exploitation rather than protecting
the environment and the Coordinator-General
conditions under the SDPWO are inconsistent with
the possibility to take climate change impacts
considerations into courts, especially with regard to
the possibility to demonstrate the causality link or
causation, which is the link existing between an
individual mining project and the impact on climate
The lack of specific reference to GHGs
emissions under the EPCB and EPA means that
consideration to climate change in an environmental
context involves the adaptation of principles only
concerned with direct local impacts in their decision-
making rather than about the multi-various causes
and in particular, global consequence of climate change.
The gaps present in the statutory framework of the
process of approval of a mining project including
climate change components are not the only hurdles
in climate change litigation in Australia. The big
elephant in the room is in the decision-making process
for challenging major mining projects in Queensland
that is rather unusual if compared to other
Under the EPA, the Land Court must consider
different factors, which gives more weight to
environmental protection considerations.
contrast, under the MRA, the Land Court must also
take into account and is also supposed to consider
other elements and be able to weigh economic and
social considerations against environmental protection
goal achievements.
What is unusual in the Queensland system is that the
Land Court determination is not binding on
government and the effect is only a mere
‘recommendation’. This means that the Court may
recommend approval or refusal of a project with or
without additional conditions imposed.
2.2 Climate Change Science and
Australian Responsibility to
Climate Change
Climate change has proven to be an intractable problem
for the past twenty years, despite numerous meetings
in the global United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Under the Kyoto
Carmichael Coal Mine: A Case Study
13 C Slattery, ‘Canary in the Coal Mine: Why the Approval
Conditions for the Carmichael Mine Reveal the Need
to Amend the EPBC Act to Incorporate Adaptive
Management Principles’ (2016) 33 Environmental and
Planning Law Journal, 428.
14 SHCAG Pty Ltd v Minister for Planning and
Infrastructure (2013) NSWLEC 1031, 86.
15 The concept of ‘causation’ or ‘causality link’ will be
further analysed in section 2.4.1.
16 It is unusual compared to other jurisdictions whereby
a final decision is first made whether to approve a
mine, with this decision then able to be appealed or
judicially reviewed, rather than the court making a
recommendation to a final decision-maker. J Bell-James
and S Ryan, ‘Climate Change Litigation in Queensland:
A Case Study in Incrementalism’ (2016) 33(6)
Environmental and Planning Law Journal 581.
17 Under the EPA, the Land Court considers a number of
factors, including: Principles from the
Intergovernmental Agreement on the Environment,
including the Precautionary principle, intergenerational
equity, and conservation of biological diversity and
ecological integrity; any relevant environmental impact
assessment impact study, assessment report; the character,
resilience and values of the receiving environment; all
submissions made by the applicant and submitters; the
financial implications as they would relate to the type
of activity or industry carried out, or proposed to be
carried out, under the instrument and the public interest.
See the Environmental Protection Act 1994, 1994 (Qld)
s 191, 191 (g).
18 Mineral Resource Act 1989 (Qld) s 269 (4).
19 UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, New
York, 9 May 1992, 1771 UNTS 107.
2018, the IPCC released a report that warned of severe
and catastrophic consequences if urgent action is not
taken to limit temperature rises to 1.5ºC.
any doubt ‘urgent action’ includes the elimination or
significant reduction of coal combustion.
However, in response to climate change agreements,
in Australia, the Morrison Coalition Government
announced that its focus remained on ensuring energy
prices remain low and only two days before the May
2019 Australian Federal election was called, he gave
final approval to what is one of the largest coal mines
of the world, the Adani Carmichael Coal Mine.
The current scientific understanding of climate change,
quantification of emissions as proposed from the
Carmichael Coal Mine project, and the contribution
of those emissions to climate change has been
prepared and documented in a joint expert report on
greenhouse gas and climate change issues for the Land
Court of Queensland hearing of objections to granting
the mining lease (ML) and environmental authority
(EA) applications for the mine and rail components
of the project. Even with a reduced timeframe scale,
Carmichael Coal Mine project is one of the largest
coalmines in the world and presents a serious impact
on the global temperature rising to 2ºC above pre-
industrial levels.
The crucial question is how the tribunals and courts
deal with this evidence when deliberating on legal issues
and if the way they deal with scientific evidence actually
facilitates the transition away from fossil fuels. From
an analysis of the jurisprudence of other cases, such
the parties are required to account for
GHGs emission and industrialized nations are
committed to emissions reduction targets.
Progress has been made with the signature of the Paris
to which the parties, including Australia,
a signatory party, agreed to limit global warming to
below 2ºC, and now with a new aspirational goal of
1.5ºC. However, at the event, Australia defended its
rights to adjusting its targets even though these are
currently not ambitious enough to stay under the 1.5ºC
or 2ºC limit.
There is undeniable consensus and scientific evidence
that climate change represents a serious, global threat
and it is extremely likely that human influence has been
the dominant factor, as found by the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Negative impacts have already been observed to water
quality, ecosystems shifts, crop yields and an increase
in climate related extreme events, such as heat waves,
droughts, floods, cyclones and wildfires.
In October
Law, Environment and Development Journal
20 Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change, Kyoto, 11 December
1997, 2303 UNTS 162.
21 Paris Agreement, Paris, 12 December 2015, in Report
of the Conference of the Parties on its Twenty-First
Session, UN Doc FCCC/CP/2015/10/Add.1.
22 Jillian Button and Hamish McAvaney ‘The Big Picture:
Australia’s Commitments under the Paris Agreement’
Allens Insight (Melbourne, 26 May 2020) < https://
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC),
‘Summary for Policymakers’ in TF Stocker and others
(eds), IPCC, Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science
Basis. Contribution of Working Group 1 to the Fifth
Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change (CUP 2013) 17.
23 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC),
‘Summary for Policymakers’ in TF Stocker and others
(eds), IPCC, Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science
Basis. Contribution of Working Group 1 to the Fifth
Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change (CUP 2013) 17.
24 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC),
‘Summary for Policymakers’, IPCC, Climate Change
2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability, Part A:
Global and Sectoral Aspects, Contribution of Working
Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (CUP
25 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC),
Global Warming of 1.5ºC. An IPCC Special Report on
the Impacts of Global Warming of 1.5 above pre-
industrialized Levels and related Global Greenhouse
Gas Emission Pathways, in the Context of Strengthening
the Global Response to the Threat of Climate Change,
Sustainable Development and Efforts to Eradicated
Poverty (World Meteorological Organization 2018).
26 The ‘Coalition’ is made up of two of Australia’s main
conservative parties: The National Party and the Liberal
Party. The Coalitions historic contender in the Australian
political scene is the Labour Party.
27 V McGinnes and M Raff ‘Coal and Climate Change: A
Study of Contemporary Climate Litigation in Australia’
(2020) 37(1) Environmental and Planning Law Journal
the 2012 Wandoan Mine Case
and the 2014 Hancock
Coal Case,
various objectors question both
threatening climate change predictions and optimistic
predictions of economic benefits. The Carmichael Coal
Mine case is one of these.
It is important to observe
that climate arguments build upon the jurisprudence
from reports produced by experts on climate change
impacts, who produced the joint expert report
mentioned above, which in turn relies on
Meinshausens carbon budget model.
Calculated on a cumulative basis, which would include
Scope 3 emissions, potential emissions of the
Carmichael Coal Mine are among the highest in the
world. The expert report underlines that these
cumulative emissions will matter for the long-term.
The argument was accepted by the Land Court in 2015
when deliberating on the Adani Mining Pty Ltd v Land
Services of Coast and Country Inc. (2015), QLC 48
(429), which represents a significant step of progression
in climate change litigation as the Land Services Court
and Supreme Court of Coast and Country Inc. (LSCC)
They argued that the cumulative emissions from the
mine should be considered and that these cumulative
emissions will have a global effect on the environment.
This effect will cause environmental damage within
the definition of the EPA and could pave the way for
future Australian responsibility for climate change.
2.3 Legal Elements of the
Approval Process in Climate
Change Litigation: Advancements
and Regressions
Climate change litigation plays a fundamental role in
cases where governments are weak in taking action
against climate change impacts. In the last decade, in
Queensland there has been a significant amount of
public interest litigation opposing government
approvals for new mining activities, albeit not
successful, in stopping the activity.
This section analyses the legal elements determining
causes of approval or rejection of the Carmichael Coal
Mine case. It investigates if those legal elements were
based on climate change argumentation and if those
elements can be discerned as signs of regression or
advancement in climate change litigation. Climate
change litigation can demonstrate that there are
weaknesses not only in the laws but also in the legal
reasoning and legal interpretation made by the judges.
Both the jurisprudence and the law can be key factors
in pushing the mining sector to improve its
performance and to increase awareness and
responsibility from polluters.
From an analysis of selected relevant case law of the
Carmichael Coal Mine case,
it is possible to unfold
the legal elements of the approval process and how
those elements have been contested by court’s
reasoning. In particular, five elements were decisive in
climate change litigation of the Carmichael Coal Mine
1) Causation;
2) Cumulative emissions;
3) Precautionary principle;
4) Market Substitution Agreement
(MSA) and
5) Public interest.
The next sections will focus on each of these five legal
elements in detail.
Carmichael Coal Mine: A Case Study
28 Xstrata Coal Queensland Pty Lrd v Friends of the Earth
– Brisbane Co-Op Ltd (also referred as the ‘Wandoan
Mine Case’), [2012] QLC 13, [600].
29 Hancock Coal Pty Ltd v Kelly (No 4) (also referred as
Alpha Coal Case’), [2014] QLC 12.
30 The economic impact of the Carmichael Coal Mine
case will be considered in section 4.
31 Key case law in Queensland Courts concerning climate
change litigation of the Coal Mine case examined in
the following sections are: Adani Mining Pty v Land
Services of Coast and Country Inc. & Ors. [2015] QLC
48 (15 December 2015); Land Services of Coast and
Country Inc. v Chief Executive, Department of
Environment and Heritage Protection & Anor [2016]
QSC 272; in the Federal Courts: Australian Conservation
Foundation Incorporated v Minister for the
Environment and Energy [2017] FCAFC 134 (25 August
2017); as well as native title litigation: Burragubba v
State of Queensland [2017] FCAFC 133 (25 August 2017);
Burragubba v State of Queensland [2016] FCA 984 (19
August 2016); Adani Mining Pty Ltd and Another V
Adrian Burraguba, Patrick Malone and Irene White on
behalf of the Wangan and Jagalingou People [2015]
NNTTA 16 (08 April 2015).
2.3.1 Causation
The concept of ‘causation’ or ‘causality link’ refers to
the link established between an individual mining
project and its impact on the climate. Although the
effect of thermal coal as a major source of GHGs
emission has been proven and assessed in solid,
scientific studies and scientific papers, including the
previously mentioned Meinshausen 2009 paper,
proving causation has been the eternal conundrum in
courts, representing a sign of regression for a long
time in climate change litigation in the Australian courts
proceedings in the sense that the legal reasoning of
the courts has systematically denied such a causality
In the Carmichael Coal Mine case during the
jurisdictional review process, where landholders,
environmentalist and indigenous groups were
challenging the grant of the mining leases, the causality
link was not accepted.
The Queensland Land Court’s
recommendation in the December 2015 case found
that coal would come from elsewhere in the event of
Similarly, the Federal Court of Australia, in its
judgement of the 25 August 2017 of the Judicial
Review of the Australian Conservation Foundation
Incorporated v Minister for the Environment and
Energy [2017] FCAFC 134, did not consider causation
on the ground that there is no such direct consequence
between emissions and proposed actions,
and even
if the actions were not taken, pollution would be
caused by ‘someone else’.
However, the case does represent a considerable sign
of advancement in law and also an important shift in
the Australian jurisprudence because in reality, it could
be advocated that ‘half a victory’ with regards to
causation was achieved anyway. It was the first time
Law, Environment and Development Journal
that climate change science was taken into consideration
in courts and even if causation was not accepted, what
was accepted was the existence of cumulative emissions
from the mine to be considered
global effect on the
environment and cause environmental damage within
the definition of the EPA. The concept of ‘cumulative
emissions’ will be analysed in the next section.
2.3.2 Cumulative Emissions
A significant advancement occurred in the Carmichael
Coal Mine case due to the procedural shift by the Land
Court to use joint expert reports and accept the existence
of cumulative emissions and not merely annual
emissions, which means that the effect of those
emissions caused by coal would matter for long-term
climate change. Cumulative Scope 1 and 2 emissions
were even described in the Carmichael Coal Mine case
as not negligible. The decision did not attribute
responsibility for the impacts of Scope 3 emissions to
the proponent but the Court accepted the existence of
cumulative emissions and therefore de facto an
equivocal link between GHGs emissions and climate
change and that a single project can be considered as
significant in a global context in a physical cause and
effect sense.
However, the strong hurdle in the legal thinking of
courts is that even though the defence does not deny
a climate change contribution, the legal thinking is
based on the argument that ‘if mining is not conducted
with the project then someone else will do it’, in what
is defined as ‘market substitution agreement’ defence.
The second argument for the defence was that mining
would determine significant economic benefits and
The Courts’ reasoning is based on a finding
that if, in fact, global emissions are not increased, there
is no impact that constitutes or causes environmental
harm. The future will tell.
32 See (n 10) section 2.
33 Adani Mining Pty Ltd v Land Services of Coast and
Country Inc. [2015] QLC 48.
34 Australian Conservation Foundation Incorporated v
Minister for the Environment and Energy [2017] FCAFC
35 ibid paragraph 48.
36 Adani Mining Pty Ltd (n 9) [429].
37 ibid.
38 The Adani’s EIS had estimated that the mine would
generate over 10,000 jobs. It was revealed at a trial thought
expert modelling that this figure was in fact more likely
to be 1,206 jobs in Queensland, as part of a total 1,464
jobs in Australia.
2.3.3 Precautionary Principle
During the referrals, the Land Court conducts a hearing
with applicants in proportion to the number of parties
objecting, for example to a mining lease. When doing
so, Land Court takes into consideration the EPA that
considers a number of principles of environmental
law, amongst which the Precautionary principle.
order to prevent serious or irreversible environmental
damage, lack of full scientific certainty should not be
used as a reason for postponing measures to prevent
environmental degradation.
In the Adani Carmichael Coal Mine Case in
Queensland, the Federal Court decision in the
Australian Conservation Foundation Inc. v Minister
for the Environment (ACF)
rejected the argument
of the applicant that the Minister failed to take into
account the Precautionary principle. The court
explained that the application of the principle requires
two conditions precedent: a) a threat of serious or
irreversible environmental damage; and b) scientific
uncertainty as to the environmental damage. The legal
court reasoning is that if there is not a threat of
scientific or irreversible damage, the precautionary
principle is not triggered.
The rejection of taking the Precautionary principle as a
legal argument to stop the mining lease in the Adani
Carmichael Coal Mine Case above into consideration
may be due to the way this principle is applied in
Australia. When applying the precautionary principle
in the Australian context, one must be mindful to
frame their consideration in scientific uncertainty rather
than uncertainty generally. If the court reasoning
considers that if there is, in fact, incontrovertible
evidence that a mine will open overseas directly in
response to the rejection of a mine in Australia and
this mine will produce coal at an identical rate and over
identical timeframes, then there is an argument that
there is no threat of serious and irreversible damage
caused by allowing the Australian mine to proceed.
There is an evident sign of regression in the way the
court interprets the climate change component, as it is
not possible to predict the future of the coal market
for the duration of the mining lease, which in turn
means that it cannot be proven on the balance of
probabilities that the impacts of a mine will be cancelled
out by a theoretical alternative mine.
If the court reasons in ‘scientific terms’
and what is
assessed is the amount of GHGs emissions that will
certainly enter into the atmosphere, then a logical
conclusion is to simply accept that there is indeed a
threat of serious and irreversible damage and the lack
of certainty as to the state of the coal market should
not be used as a reason to postpone measures to
prevent environmental harm.
In the Adani Carmichael Coal Mine Case, the Federal
Court decision, in the Land Services of Coast and
Country Inc. v Chief Executive, Department of
Environment and Heritage Protection & Anor [2016]
QSC 272 rejected the precautionary principle and the
application of the ‘standard criteria’ because the
possible economic benefits that the project would be
able to provide were deemed more important.
it could be assessed that that in this judgement,
economic considerations and ‘scientific reasons’ were
determinant to rejecting the applicant’s contention.
2.3.4 Market Substitution Agreement
The Market Substitution Agreement (MSA) is the
dilemma of Queensland climate change litigation.
Queensland’s courts have systematically accepted the
Carmichael Coal Mine: A Case Study
39 Environmental Protection Act (EPA), 1994 (Qld) s 191
40 N De Sadeleer, ‘Environmental Principles: From Political
Slogans to Legal Rules’ (Oxford University Press 2002)
41 Australian Conservation Foundation Inc. v Minister for
the Environment (2016) 251 FCR 308.
42 ibid [184].
43 J Bell James and B Collins, ‘If We Don’t Mine Coal,
Someone Else Will: Debunking the Market Substitution
Assumption in Queensland Climate Change Litigation’
(2020) 37(2) Environmental and Planning Law Journal,
44 Or referring to ‘scientific uncertainty’ rather than
‘uncertainty generally’ as previously mentioned in this
45 Adani Mining Pty Ltd (n 9) [625]: ‘Although there will be
environmental damage caused by the mine, I consider
that the adverse consequences are outweighed by the
benefits that will flow from the development of the
MSA as an argument to dismiss climate change impacts
because of mining leases. The argument was also
defined as ‘no net impact’ or as the ‘drug dealer’s
defence’ by Readefern.
The argument sustaining the
MSA is essentially that there will be no net increase for
GHGs in the atmosphere because of any one project
because if the market demand for coal is not met by
the proposed mine, then it will be extracted somewhere
The MSA has been used for example in the
Adani Mining Pty v Land Services of Coast and
Country Inc.
by the Land Court as a legal element in
rejecting the negative impact of coal and no increase of
GHGs emissions in mine where approved.
Even if there has been a sign of progression in the
climate change litigation with regards to the fact that
single projects are significant in a global context and
the cumulative effect has been accepted,
the major
obstacle has remained the MSA. The MSA is not a
concept unique to Queensland but a concept that argues
that a rejection of a particular mining project in a given
location will make no difference to global GHGs and
climate change because other coal mining projects will
result in equal emissions and will be developed anyway
somewhere else.
This is merely an assumption that is ‘market-driven’.
However, MSA is wrong on several grounds as it is
contrary to basic economic principles and even if a
court cannot accept that the MSA is wrong, it should
accept that is it uncertain.
Also the unethical
component could be considered because even though
MSA has been defined as the ‘drug dealer’s defence’,
which compares mining activity to a criminal activity, it
would not be acceptable that a criminal would find the
way to avoid responsibility completely by arguing that
should the activity be removed from the market,
another criminal would do it.
In that sense, a sign of advancement in climate change
litigation would be to ‘neutralise’ the MSA by instilling
in the legal reasoning of the courts the use of the
Precautionary principle as a counter argument,
specifically on insisting on the uncertainty of the MSA
and basing the legal reasoning on ‘standard criteria’.
In that sense, when making an objection decision
regarding an environmental authority, the Land Court
must consider a number of factors, amongst which
the standard criteria that are mentioned in the EPA
and include the Precautionary principle as set out by
the IGAE and mentioned in the previous section.
However, there is still the hurdle that when applied in
the Australian context, the Precautionary principle is
based on scientific uncertainty understood in a ‘narrow
vision’ and not scientific uncertainty in general or in a
broader and holistic perspective.
The notion of scientific uncertainty should be
rethought because scientific uncertainty means a scale
of values, rather than one specific one relating to climate
change impact. Scientific uncertainty in ‘general means’
means that we are not sure in terms of economic
benefits for example or we are not sure about the
results of scientific proofs ‘in general’ not only related
to climate change science but also in terms of economy,
sociology, health, etc. and the interactions of these
impacts amongst each other. Nowadays it is
impossible to consider climate science physical impacts
in an isolated way but rather it is the ‘cascading effects’
between the physical world, chemical world, biological
world and human societies in general that have to be
considered by observing the multiple intersections
existing between physical changes, ecosystem,
economy, sociology in the human system. This is the
broad, scientific concept of general uncertainty that
should be considered in line with the contemporary
scientific findings assessed from the IPCC and other
relevant institutions and not the old narrow ‘mediaeval’
scientific uncertainty that the Australian courts only
consider at present in climate change litigation.
For that reason, the MSA can be neutralised by arguing
that it is not in line with basic economic principles and
economic provisions. In case of threats of serious
and irreversible damage, the lack of certainty as to the
state of future coal markets should not be used as an
element of the legal reasoning to postpone measures
to prevent environmental damage.
Law, Environment and Development Journal
46 The Guardian, ‘Is it Un-Australian to Be Driving on with
Fossil Fuel Expansion Plans? 14 April 2014. See also,
McGinnes and Raff, ‘Coal and Climate Change: A Study
of Contemporary Climate litigation in Australia’, (2020)
37 Environmental Planning Law Journal 1.
47 ibid.
48 Adani Mining Pty Ltd (n 9) [452].
49 See previous section 2.3.2 on ‘Cumulative emissions’.
50 James and Collins, ‘If we Don’t Mine Coal, Someone
Else “Will”: Debunking the “Market Substitution
Assumption” in Queensland Climate Change Litigation’
(2020) 37 Environmental and Planning Law Journal 167.
However, as it will be demonstrated in section 4, the
estimation was overstated and the existence of certain
economic voids in different sectors was later established
and proved.
In the Carmichael Coal Mine case, it was the balance
between public interest and economic and social factors
that was important to strike and even though climate
or environmental impacts had been ascertained, it was
the relevance of economic benefits that was decisive in
the approval of this mining project.
In the case Adani Mining Pty v Land Services of Coast
and Country Inc. of 2015
the Land Court of
Queensland acknowledged that the economic benefits
were overestimated. However, this was not enough
for the Court to warrant a refusal of the project because
of the prevalence of the MSA in the case in point.
This is clearly a sign of regression in climate change
litigation and contradicts the science that emissions
would have an impact because of the cumulative effect.
The refusal to take established science into
consideration and let the MSA prevail can also be
considered as a climate injustice issue because of the
global impact that these emissions could have in the
rest of the world, especially in developing countries
nearby. In addition, climate injustice is tangible with
the refusal or systematic undermining behaviour of
courts allowing climate-scepticism to prevail over science
and law and destroying the credibility of climate
scientists and their arguments in the process of
The participation of stakeholders in this process has
been identified as a strong sign of advancement in the
process of approval in mining projects. In the
Carmichael Coal Mine case, the relevance of
stakeholders’ participation reveals the need to
incorporate adaptive management principles linked to
public participation. This suggests considering
stakeholders as a tool of success in climate change
litigation processes in connection to mining lease court
Stakeholders are an important factor that can
2.3.5 Public Interest
In Adani Mining Pty Ltd v Land Services of Coast
and Country Inc. (Adani)
public interest was taken
into consideration and has represented an element of
advancement in terms of climate change litigation since
the Land Court has accepted that climate change
considerations form a part of the ‘public interest’ under
Queensland law. However, the legal element of public
interest was not sufficiently strong to win against the
MSA arguing that GHGs emissions would be emitted
anyway from other projects and sources. Even though
Scope 3 emissions were found to be important to
consider under the public interest concept, there is still
progress to be made in the court reasoning in weighing
ethical and economic considerations against public
interest. At a federal level, it is clear that litigation
concerning the Carmichael Coal Mine case has
demonstrated the weak relevance of this concept. The
case was undermined by the strong economic and social
interests and has become politicised by other factors
rather than environmental and human protection goal
achievements, probably also by the lesser relevance
accorded to this concept in Australian law.
Climate change litigation has served to shed light on
the connection with environmental law to both
economic and social benefits, which is essential to
understand economic consequences. This linkage has
proven useful to understand the economic benefits
of the mining projects. In the Carmichael Coal Mine
case, the promise of economic profits was heavily
the estimation of the number of future jobs
the mine would have generated was over 10,000 jobs.
Carmichael Coal Mine: A Case Study
51 Adani Mining Pty Ltd v Land Services of Coast and
Country Inc. [2015] QLC 48.
52 The economic and social approach of the Carmichael
case is examined in section 5.
53 Adani Mining Pty Ltd (n 9) [575], [586].
54 ibid.
55 C Slattery ‘Canary in the coal mine: why the approval
conditions for the Carmichael Mine reveal the need
to amend the EPBC Act to incorporate adaptive
management strategies’ (2016) Environmental and
Planning Law Journal 33.
Law, Environment and Development Journal
influence climate change litigation as limited
opportunities for stakeholders’ involvement challenges
the legitimacy of the approval conditions and
undermines the transparency in the environmental
decision-making processes.
In 2013, an Australian government approved
independent scientific body completed a report for a
number of Queensland Government agencies in
relation to the Carmichael mine’s supplementary EIS.
Amongst the various questions posed to the
Independent Expert Scientific Committee on Coal
Seam Gas and Large Coal Mining Development
(IESC), the agencies wanted to know what ‘additional
measures and commitments [are] required to monitor,
mitigate and manage impacts resulting from changes
to surface or groundwater resources?’ Amongst other
things, the authors of the report recommended:
A Mine Void Management Plan, (…)
would be expected to be developed
prior to completion of mining in the
first pit (…). In the Final Void
Management Plan, the proponent
should demonstrate that impacts to
water resources are mitigated and
managed in perpetuity.
This piece of advice is in line with the best practice
notion that successful mine closure results in few or
no negative legacies.
However, Currell et al. point
out that the IESC recommendation, as sage as it may
be is not binding and companies are ‘not required to
resolve all technical and scientific issues identified in
the committee’s advice’.
Furthermore, they argue
that in Australian mine approval processes, it is
common to omit remediation/mitigation strategies
‘if the proposed mine has a more serious impact than
is currently modelled’. What is concerning about this
warning is that in repeated instances Australian
government regulators, make no attempt at preventing
adverse outcomes in the mining sector and this
behaviour pervades thinking not just in relation to
environmental issues but also those of a financial and
economic nature.
It is for this reason that a number of economists and
journalists interested in this project have drawn
similarities between the physical voids that will need
to be created to extract the resource and the ‘economic
voids’ that are likely to appear once production starts.
These commentators have identified four different
types of economic voids: mining royalties, tax,
employment and public debt. Below, each one will be
examined in detail.
4.1 Mining Royalties
Queensland’s Mineral Resources Act (1989) and Mineral
Resources Regulation (2013) stipulate that coal mining
be subject to royalty payments based on a sliding scale
of from 7 per cent to 15 per cent depending on the
market value of a tonne of coal.
Even though this
requirement may seem simple, it was the Office of the
State Revenue’s Royalty Ruling MRA001.2, (issued in
56 IESC, Advice to Decision Maker on Coal Mining Project
– IESC 2013-034. Carmichael Coal Mine and Rail Project
– EPBC 2010/5736. Independent Expert Scientific
Committee on Coal Seam Gas and Large Coal Mining
Development (Canberra, 2013) <www.iesc.environ-
57 P H Whitebread-Abrutat, A D Kendle and N J Coppin,
‘Lessons for the Mining Industry from Non-mining
Landscape Restoration Experiences’ in M Tibbet, A B
Fourie and C Digby (eds), Proceedings Eight
International Conference on Mine Closure (Australian
Centre for Geomechanics 2013) 625-40.
58 Currell, M.J., Werner, A.D., McGrath, C., Webb, J.A.,
Berkman, M. ‘Problems with the application of
hydrogeological science to regulation of Australian
mining projects: Carmichael Mine and Doongmabulla
Springs’, Journal of Hydrology, (2017) 681.
59 The rate calculation depends on the average price per
tonne of coal sold, disposed of or used in a given
period by a particular mining operation. See Royalty
Ruling MRA001.2 Determination of coal royalty.
Carmichael Coal Mine: A Case Study
2019) that finally clarified a number of issues related
to calculating the appropriate value of coal at the
relevant taxing point and the ability to claim deductions
for particular ‘allowable’ expenses. Before then, these
issues were resolved on an ad hoc basis. However,
given the enormity of Adani’s initial proposal,
corporate tax advisors, such as PWC and civil society
organisations, raised, as early as 2013, the need to clarify
coal royalty rules, thus opening up the path for what is
now MRA001.2.
Legal clarifications aside, the issue of royalty revenues
arising from Carmichael’s operation needs further
examination. In 2018, one of Adani’s public
statements said, ‘The Carmichael project will pay
billions of dollars in royalties’.
This is not likely to
occur, given that the market value of thermal coal
(Carmichael’s primary product) is expected to remain
at around its current international value of USD $8
per tonne (where the 7 per cent royalty rate applies).
Carmichael’s export target of 27 million tonne per
annum (mtpa) is likely to yield AUD $125m annually,
a significant figure when compared to 2018’s coal
industry contributions of AUD $538m but much
lower than the one Adani claims because, at that market
value, it will take 8 years before it reaches the 1 billion
One can argue that however much the company
inflates its royalty payments, it will still make some
payments, thus debunking the economic void claim.
However, in mid-May 2015, an Australia Broadcasting
investigation found that the after some
high level political debate in the state’s cabinet, the
Queensland Government announced a seven-year
royalty deferral for Adani valued at AUD $320
This together with the three years it will take to construct
the mine means that the State will not receive royalties
for a total of 10 years from the start of the project,
which represents a significant loss of revenue for the
4.2 Tax
Non-renewable resources contribute approximately 10
per cent of Australia’s GDP
and yet the country’s
taxation regime at the federal level does not include
taxes specifically designed for profits derived from the
mining sector.
The taxes that currently apply to mining operations
are the same that apply to other sectors: corporate
60 Judy Sullivan and James O’Reilly, ‘State Taxes Uncertainty
in Royalty Regimes and Disputes Process – The Need
for Legislative Reform’ PwC Energy and Mining Tax
Update (Edition 1, December 2013) 4 <https://
61 Adani Australia, Did You Know Adani’s Carmichael
Mine will Generate Billions of Dollars for the
Government? (2018) < https://www.youtube.com/
watch?v=8S5cqxGONz4 >.
62 T Buckley and S Nicholas, ‘Conflating Queensland’s
Coking and Thermal Coal Industries’ Institute for
Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (Cleveland
OH, May 31, 2019) <https://ieefa.org/conflating-
63 Mark Willacy, ‘Queensland Government Offers Adani
Mining Group a ‘Royalties Holiday’ that could Cost
State $320 million’ ABC News (Brisbane, 18 May 2017)
64 Queensland Government, ‘Palaszczuk Government
Welcomes Royalties Agreement with Adani’ (Media
Statement, The Queensland Cabinet and Ministerial
Directory, 31 May 2017) <http://statements.qld.gov.au/
65 Minerals Council of Australia, ‘Submission to Senate
Economics References Committee Inquiry into
Corporate Tax Avoidance’ (Minerals Council of
Australia, Canberra, 2015) 2.
66 In 2012, the Rudd Labour government introduced the
Minerals Resource Rent Tax (MRRT) to tax profits
derived from iron ore and coal mining at a rate of 30
per cent but the Abbot Coalition government repealed
the tax in 2014. It did not apply to companies making
less than AUD $75m of MRRT mining proûts per year.
Companies making more AUD $75m were entitled to
an ‘extraction allowance’ of 25 per cent therefore the
effective rate was 22.5 per cent. Any MRRT paid was
deductible for income tax purposes. Because mining
companies used various tax minimisation schemes, the
MRRT tax never raised the desired revenue for the
government. In the first six months after its introduction,
it had only raised AUD $126 million against a full year
forecast of AUD $2 billion. See P Guj, ‘Mineral Royalties
and Other Mining Specific Taxes’ (International Mining
for Development Centre 2012). See also <https://
d85a40ae5d8> and <https://www.sbs.com.au/news/
Law, Environment and Development Journal
income taxes (top rate of 30 per cent) and various
withholding taxes. Despite the existence of these taxes,
large mining companies are notorious for paying little
or no tax at all in Australia. This is due to the
provisions in the tax code that allow companies to
offset large accumulated losses against past and future
profits, claim expenses such as depreciation, research
and development and debt financing amongst others.
The sector also benefits from tax incentives and
concessions such as the fuel tax. In addition, mining
companies make full use of tax minimisation schemes
involving overseas subsidiaries registered in tax havens
or low tax jurisdictions.
In 2018, the Australian
Taxation Office (ATO) questioned both BHP and Rio
Tinto for selling iron ore to their Singapore subsidiaries
(where the corporate tax is 17 per cent) at one price and
then reselling for a higher price to their final clients.
This practice is known as trade misinvoicing and
multinational companies commonly use it to avoid
capital controls, claim tax incentives and evade or
minimise taxes. Money laundry operations also use
the same technique.
For its part, Adani has promised a contribution of
AUD $22 billion in taxes to government over the life
of the mine.
However, during a 2015 trial in the
Queensland Land Court, company representatives
admitted that the figure is more likely to be AUD
$16.8 billion.
In addition, following the lead of
other large conglomerates in Australia, the company
has set up a corporate structure designed to minimise
tax paid in Australia. Indian and Australian media
investigations have been unable to decipher the
complex corporate web created by Adani but it is clear
that subsidiaries exists in Singapore, Mauritius, the
British Virgin Islands and the Cayman Islands, the
latter three being well established tax havens. These
media reports suggests that the company may end up
paying a fraction of the stated billions in tax, a situation
that, if it occurs, will leave a large void in the
government’s revenue expectations in years to come.
4.3 Employment
Adani’s original 60 mtpa proposed mine
with the operation and expansion of the company’s
terminal at Abbot Point Port and construction of the
388 km freight rail line connecting the mine with the
port, would have required a large labour force in a
region in Queensland that depends heavily on natural
resource extraction.
And Adani’s public
announcements early in the project proposal phase
matched high expectations by claiming that the
company would generate ‘10,000 direct and indirect
67 M West, ‘Australia’s Top 40 Tax Dodgers 2020: Fossil
Fuels Dominate Once More’ Michael West Media (21
January 2020) <www.michaelwest.com.au/australias-top-
68 Emma Alberici, ‘Why Many Big Companies Don’t Pay
Corporate Tax’ ABC News (Wednesday 14 February
2018) <www.abc.net.au/news/2018-02-14/why-many-
69 Global Financial Integrity, ‘Trade Misinvoicing’ <https:/
70 Leith van Onselen, ‘Adani White Elephant Won’t Even
Pay Australian Tax’, Macrobusiness (3 October 2017)
71 Michael West, ‘Adani Mining Feels Heat Over $14b
Galilee Basin Coal Mine Gap’ Brisbane Times (28 April
2015) <www.brisbanetimes.com.au/business/adani-
72 Lisa Cox ‘Uncertainty over Massive Queensland Mine
after Election Shock and Concerns Over Indian
Company’ The Sydney Morning Herald (6 February
2015) <www.smh.com.au/business/uncertainty-over-
73 A project of those dimensions would have made
Carmichael, the second largest producer of thermal
coal in the world after Peabody Energy’s North Antelope
Rochelle mine in the USA (107 mtpa)
and dwarfed
Australia’s current largest thermal coal operation, BHP
Billiton’s Mount Arthur Mine (15 mtpa). Josh Robertson,
‘What we Know about Adani’s Carmichael Coal Mine’
ABC News (Friday 26 April 2019) <www.abc.net.au/
74 Charis Chang, ‘The Hunt for Adani’s 10,000 Jobs Brings
Up ‘Zero Results’ NEWS.com.au (Sydney, 27 September
2017) <www.news.com.au/finance/business/mining/
Carmichael Coal Mine: A Case Study
jobs’ over the life of the mine.
However, during a
court case in 2015, Adani’s economist, citing the
company’s latest economic assessment said the project
would generate 1,464 direct and indirect jobs in
Australia in the first 30 years from the start of the
Since then, the proposed rail link has decreased
in length and the revision calls for a 200km rail line
that would make use of an existing line owned by
In the revised proposal, the mine itself is
expected to produce an estimated 10mtpa of coal based
on an investment of AUD $2 billion for the life of the
mine and not the original AUD $16 billion.
In the absence of any regulation ensuring that
companies keep their employment promises during
the operational stages, the challenge is to rely on
mechanisms that maximise employment for the local
It is also important that during the
proposal phases, companies rely on economic
modelling that does not inflate employment figure.
As it stands, this project has already created a large
void in terms of the employment expectations it
originally raised.
4.4 Public Debt
Australia’s biggest bank, the Commonwealth Bank
was adviser to the project until 2015 when it withdrew.
Since then Adani has had difficulties securing a bank
that would support the project.
The Queensland
Government offered AUD $900m in the form of a
low interest loan but then retracted it in 2017.
last possibility for external funding came in the form
of the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility
(NAIF) that would have made AUD $1b available but
it was also blocked (West, 2017).
These setbacks and financier’s concerns over the long-
term feasibility of coal projects,
decreasing world
coal prices and the company’s human rights record in
means the company has some way to secure
Carmichael’s finances but options are still available. In
the period 2018-19 the Indian state of Gujarat saved
Adani’s troubled 4GW Ultra Mega Power Plant at
Mundra in the Gulf of Kutch by renegotiating its
purchase agreement allowing it to increase its power
tariff by 30 per cent for the next 30 years.
At the
75 This figure originates from consulting firm GHD in a
report commissioned by Adani. Rod Campbell, ‘Fact
Check: Will Adani’s Coal Mine Really Boost
Employment by 10,000 Jobs?’ The Australian Business
Review (Sydney, 31 August 2015)
76 J Fahrer, ‘Carmichael Coal and Rail Project Economic
Assessment Expert Report’ Report to Land Court Of
Queensland (Brisbane 2015).
77 Rod Campbell, ‘Fact Check: Will Adani’s Coal Mine
Really Boost Employment by 10,000 Jobs?’ The
Australian Business Review (Sydney, 31 August 2015)
78 Josh Robertson, ‘What we Know about Adani’s
Carmichael Coal Mine’ ABC News (Friday 26 April
2019) <www.abc.net.au/news/2019-04-26/what-we-
11049938>. The projected production in the latest
proposal is 40mta.
79 One such mechanism is the Impact Benefit Agreement
(IBA). Currently, local level governments and
indigenous landowners use these agreements in their
dealings with mining companies but federal and state
governments can also use them. So far, the Bravus Group
has not entered into an IBA with any entity.
80 Michael West and Lisa Cox, ‘Adani and Commonwealth
Bank Part Ways, Casting Further Doubt on Carmichael
Coal Project’ The Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney, 5
August 2015) <www.smh.com.au/business/companies/
81 M Tahara-Stubbs, ‘Adani Claims Financial Close on
Carmichael Coal Mine’ Project Finance (London, 18
July 2018).
82 Michael West ‘EFIC may Finance Adani Coal Mine’
Michael West Media (23 May 2017) <https://
83 As of 2019, over 100 globally significant financial
institutions have divested from thermal coal, including
40 per cent of the top 40 global banks and 20 globally
significant insurers. Tim Buckley, ‘Over 100 Global
Financial Institutions Are Exiting Coal, With More to
Come’ Institute for Energy Economics and Financial
Analysis (Cleveland OH, 27 February 2019) <https://
Report_100-and-counting_Coal-Exit_Feb-2019.pdf >.
84 Environmental Justice Australia ‘The Adani Group’s
Environmental and Human Rights Record’ The Adani
Brief Update (Environmental Justice 2019).
85 This effectively is a taxpayer-funded subsidy to the
company that consumers will have to pay via increased
electricity tariffs in Gujarat.
Law, Environment and Development Journal
same time, the Government of India awarded the
company a Special Economic Zone tax exemption for
10 years and the State Bank of India provided a US
$1.5 billion loan to the Adani Group. What this means
is that the company has enough political influence to
maintain Indian government support. In Australia,
there is the possibility that the Federal Government
may lend AUD $1b at a discounted 3 per cent annual
rate for 30 years via the Export Finance and Insurance
Corporation to build the railway link between the mine
and the port.
Despite its recent good fortunes in India and the
promise of public money from Australia, the company
remains highly indebted. A 2015 report by Credit
Suisse, placed Adani in a category of Indian corporates
with ‘high exposure to [fluctuating prices of]
commodities’ whose foreign currency debt servicing
‘continues to be of concern’.
In a later report, Credit
Suisse warned that Adani’s listed companies’ debt to
Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and
Amortization (EBITDA) ratios were high in 2017 and
would take years to decrease.
Providing taxpayer’s funds to a company with such
high levels of indebtedness carries an equally high level
of financial risk. The Bravus Group may decide, in
future, to write off incurred losses and abandon the
project altogether leaving a large void of debt that all
Australians would have to pay over the next 30 years
without realising any of the supposed benefits.
Apart from current concerns with the Bravus Group’s
misleading the public in terms of the abovementioned
economic factors, we also need to take into account
86 Tim Buckley ‘The Fix Is In: Adani Hooks India’s Poor
and Australia’s Taxpayers’ Michael West Media (29 May
2019) <www.michaelwest.com.au/the-fix-is-in-adani-
87 A Gupta, K Shah and P Kumar, The Adani Group
(India Corporate Health Tracker: Sector Review. Credit
Suisse Equity Research, 16 February 2017) 9 <https://
88 According to the report, the EBITDA rates in 2017
were: Adani Power: 8.1, Adani Ports & SEZ: 4.1, Adani
Enterprises: 8.6 and Adani Transmission: 5. See Gupta,
Shah and Kumar, ibid.
Australia’s economic resilience to climate change. This
resilience depends, largely, on government investment
on climate change mitigation and this, in turn, depends
on current government revenues. Therefore, every
dollar that ends up in the above-mentioned ‘void’ is
not just a financial loss but also a lost opportunity to
invest in measures that will strengthen Australia’s
chance to mitigate the worst effects of climatic change.
The main findings were ascertaining the current status
in terms of advancement and regression in climate
change litigation, as well as outlining the regulatory
framework for mining projects in Australia. Despite
the initial potentials in terms of job opportunities,
financiers have recognized that investing in coal has a
number of risks that are primarily linked to climate
science, climate policy pressures, competition from
renewable energies producers, the use of public funds,
the evasion or minimization of tax and royalties and
making employment promises. The Australian federal
and state governments should seriously consider
enacting laws and policies that prevent companies from
using tax minimization schemes, both domestic and
off-shore. These laws should also limit the use of
royalty dispensation schemes. Employment levels
should be negotiated by using Impact Benefit
Agreements, involving the impacted indigenous
communities surrounding a mining project and the
state so that job numbers at that level are also
maintained at a certain level. When deliberating on
legal issues relating to mining leases approvals, Courts
and tribunals still do not take into account scientific
evidence, which will have a repercussion on the
transition away from fossil fuel. However, at least,
climate change litigation has been crucial to insist on
weighing the economic and social contributions against
climate impacts. The current Australian regulatory
framework need to shift towards a more just, modern
and ethical system by including scientific findings and
scientific uncertainty in a broader, holistic regulatory
vision or at least more in line with the current
Anthropocene Era that we are living in.
LEAD Journal (Law, Environment and Development Journal) is jointly managed by the
Law, Environment and Development Centre, SOAS University of London
and the International Environmental Law Research Centre (IELRC)