*PROFILE also considers Parental Net Assets when determining automatic online fee-waiver eligibility since this is a key factor in the student aid process.
About the SAT Fee-Waiver Service
As a not-for-profit membership organization, the College Board is committed to excellence and equity in education. Our
mission is to connect students to college success and opportunity. The SAT
Fee-Waiver Service is a mission-based program
that serves hundreds of thousands of low-income students every year, and it provides much more than simply the waiver of
test fees — it gives low-income students access to a comprehensive set of resources that help them prepare for the tests
and take the next steps toward college. Fee waivers are available for low-income, college-aspiring high school students who
meet the eligibility guidelines outlined in this pamphlet.
Last year, the SAT Fee-Waiver Service again reached a record number of low-income students, thanks in large part to the
passionate efforts of counselors and student advocates like you. We hope to build on last year’s success and continue to
support you in distributing fee waivers to qualified students and encouraging each recipient not only to register, but to be
present on test day.
Improving Access to Higher Education
Fee waivers offer a great opportunity for low-income students to show colleges that they are prepared by taking the SAT
or SAT Subject Tests
. However, some students encounter barriers that prevent them from showing up for the tests after
registering. Counselors can play an important role in increasing test-day attendance. Here are a few effective strategies used
by your peers:
• Carefully identify low-income students who are college aspiring.
• Connect fee-waiver recipients to the full suite of free SAT and SAT Subject Test practice materials, so they can feel more
confident and prepared as test day approaches.
• Provide encouragement through reminders to plan transportation and other logistics.
• Continue to be a supportive guide and mentor.
We encourage you to use these strategies and to let us know if you have other useful ideas to share in supporting low-
income students by emailing us at counselorfeedback@collegeboard.org.
Last year the College Board introduced the SAT Counselor Registration Report, a free tool to help school counselors track
their students’ progress. This service allows counselors to view and create customized reports showing your students
who are registered for the SAT and SAT Subject Tests. You can also track who used a fee waiver, which students were
absent on test day, and other useful information to put students on the path to college. For more information, visit
Streamlined Eligibility Criteria
In an effort to assist counselors in appropriately identifying students who are eligible for a College Board fee waiver, we
have streamlined our eligibility criteria. Now, you can refer to a single fee-waiver eligibility criterion that can be easily used by
counselors across all College Board programs (AP
, SAT, and CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE
*) when advising
students. If a student is either enrolled in or eligible to participate in the federal Free and Reduced Price Lunch program
(FRPL) he or she is eligible to receive a College Board fee waiver. If the student is not enrolled in the FRPL program, or their
enrollment status cannot be easily determined, you can still use a familiar set of additional indicators to determine student
eligibility to receive a College Board fee waiver. See page 2 of this guide for detailed eligibility criteria.
Counselors Guide to Fee Waivers
for the SAT
and the SAT Subject Tests
Allocating and Reordering
Fee-Waiver Cards
High schools and qualifying agencies receive allocations of
cards based on the number of fee waivers that their students
actually used for testing in the October 2011 through January
2012 administrations of the SAT and SAT Subject Tests. Your
high school or agency code allows us to match fee-waiver
usage to your school or agency for this allocation process. Be
sure to write the code on the cards you distribute.
If, after distributing the fee-waiver cards to eligible students at
your institution, you need to reorder, please call the Educator
Help Line at 888-SAT-HELP (728-4357) or +1 212-520-8600
More than Just a Waiver
The SAT and the SAT Subject Tests are more than just
tests — they are keys that open the door to college
opportunity. In turn, fee waivers offer more than just the
waiver of test fees. An eligible student can take advantage of
all the following services for free or at a reduced rate:
• Up to two registrations for the SAT and up to two
registrations for the SAT Subject Tests — a total of
four fee waivers. One fee-waiver card covers one SAT
registration ($50 value) or up to three SAT Subject Tests
on one test day ($70 maximum value).
• Four additional flexible score reports, which can be
ordered at registration or after the student has received
his or her scores ($44 maximum value).
• The Question-and-Answer Service or the Student Answer
Service. Students must order the service when registering
to receive it at no charge ($18 maximum value).
• A $40 discount off the regular price of The Official SAT Online
with any online registration using a fee waiver.
• Coverage of the international fee and security surcharge
($55 maximum value).
• Up to four Request for Waiver of College Application Fee
forms. The SAT Fee Waiver Directory of Colleges lists
colleges and universities that have agreed to consider
waiving their application fees. For a copy of the directory
and more information on the fee-waiver services and
benefits, go to collegeboard.org/feewaiver.
Eligibility Criteria
Eligible students must be in the 11th or the 12th grade to use
fee waivers for the SAT. Students may be in any grade of high
school, 9–12, to use fee waivers for SAT Subject Tests. Fee
waivers are available to high school students residing in the
United States or U.S. territories, and to U.S. citizens residing
outside the U.S. who meet at least one of the eligibility
criteria below.
Primary College Board Fee-Waiver Eligibility Criteria
A student must be either enrolled in or eligible to participate in
the federal Free and Reduced Price Lunch program (FRPL) in
order to receive a fee waiver.
Additional Fee-Waiver Eligibility Indicators
If the student is not enrolled in the FRPL program, or his or her
enrollment status cannot be easily determined, you can use
the following list of additional indicators to determine student
eligibility to receive a College Board fee waiver:
1. The student’s annual family income falls within the Income
Eligibility Guidelines set by the United States Department
of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service.
2. The student is enrolled in a federal, state, or local program
that aids students from low-income families (e.g., TRIO
programs such as Upward Bound).
3. The student’s family receives public assistance.
4. The student lives in federally subsidized public housing,
a foster home or is homeless.
5. The student is a ward of the state or an orphan.
2012–2013 Income Eligibility Guidelines
(including head of household)
(in preceding calendar year)
1 $20,665
2 $27,991
3 $35,317
4 $42,643
5 $49,969
6 $57,295
1. The household size should be the number of household members
plus the filer on the family’s current tax statement. A student who is
in foster care is considered a household size of one person.
2. Income levels are based on the USDA Food and Nutrition Service
Income Eligibility Guidelines used by schools, institutions and
facilities participating in the FRPL.
To view the full table, go to www.fns.usda.gov/cnd and select “Income
More than six members in the household?
To determine income levels for families with more than six household
members, take the annual allowance for six members ($57,295) and
add $7,326 for each additional member.
Note: Fee-waiver eligibility may be subject to audit. Make sure
to complete the counselor section on the front of every fee-
waiver card you distribute.
International Students
• Eligible U.S. citizens who will be testing outside the United
States may receive fee waivers, which cover the cost of
regular registration, the international fee, and the additional
surcharge for testing in India or Pakistan. The student is
responsible for all other fees.
• Eligible students who are foreign nationals who live and
test in the United States or U.S. territories may also
receive fee waivers.
Home-Schooled Students
Home-schooled students may contact you to obtain a fee
waiver. These students must provide proof of eligibility (tax
records, public assistance records or record of enrollment in
an aid program). We know these students are not part of the
population you normally serve, and we thank you for helping
us give them access to the SAT and SAT Subject Tests.
When you provide a card to a home-schooled student, print
“970000” instead of your regular College Board high school
or agency code on the card.
Completing and Distributing
Fee-Waiver Cards
Fee-waiver cards are to be judiciously distributed to eligible
low-income, college-aspiring students on a case-by-case basis.
You can issue up to four fee-waiver cards (two for the SAT and
two for SAT Subject Tests) to an eligible student as follows:
1. Fill out the first section of the fee-waiver card completely.
Cards that are incomplete will be returned
unprocessed to the student.
• Fill in the College Board high school code or agency
code. This number, combined with the preprinted
number on the card, creates a unique 12-digit
fee-waiver code. (Required)
• Print and sign your name to confirm students eligibility.
• Fill in one or more of the ovals to indicate the eligibility
criteria that the student meets. (Required)
2. Instruct the student to complete the student information
section, and provide a copy of the Guidelines for Families,
(also available in Spanish at collegeboard.org/feewaiver).
Please stress how important it is for him or her to show
up on test day.
Sample of a Fee-Waiver Card with Section 1 Completed
by Counselor
Registration Using a Fee Waiver
To register online, the student uses or creates a free account at
sat.collegeboard.org. During the registration process, the
student will be prompted to enter the unique 12-digit fee-waiver
code as well as the counselor name and eligibility criteria
marked on the front of the fee-waiver card.
To register by mail, the student must indicate his or her
gender, date of birth, high school code, and grade level, then
enclose the completed card in the envelope provided with The
Paper Registration Guide. The student also needs to attach a
photo of himself or herself to the registration form. Starting
with the March 2013 test date, any registration submitted
without a photo will be returned unprocessed. See The Paper
Registration Guide for more information.
Important Registration Notes
Please make sure your students understand the following
points about registering with fee waivers:
• Fee waivers may not be used for waitlist status, and they do
not cover fees for changing a registration.
• Students registering by mail must enclose both the
registration form (with all required sections filled in)
and the fee-waiver card in the envelope provided.
• Fee waivers can only be used for one registration. If the
student misses the test date, she or he can transfer the
registration to a new test date (achange fee will apply).
• Test fees are not refundable, even if a student who has
paid test fees would have been eligible to use a fee
• Late registration with a Fee Waiver is allowed
for the October administration only. Students using
a fee waiver to register for testing in the United States
or U.S. territories will have until the late-registration
deadline of Sept. 21, 2012, to register (with no additional
charge). Late registration is not available for international
• The fee-waiver card may not be reproduced or changed in
any manner. The College Board can only accept an original
card that is completely filled out as payment for the test
date. Reproduced, faxed, altered or incomplete cards will
not be processed.
Helping Students Prepare
for the Test
The College Board offers a wide range of free and affordable
practice resources, available both in print and online. Besides
providing the Guidelines for Families, please also distribute
the Getting Ready booklets to fee-waiver students who have
limited access to the Internet. Encourage students to use
computer equipment at school or in the library to explore all the
resources available at sat.collegeboard.org/practice, which
have been updated for 2012-13.
2011-12 Fee Waiver
For the SAT
and SAT Subject Tests
Enter your College Board high school code/agency code.
This must be included to create a valid 12-digit code.
Important: This 12-digit fee-waiver code is good for only one registration, and it can be
used to register for the SAT or up to three SAT Subject Tests on a single test day.
Counselor’s Name (REQUIRED — please print.)
Counselor’s Signature (REQUIRED)
By signing, I confirm that the student listed below meets one or more of
the following eligibility requirements to receive an SAT fee waiver. I also
acknowledge that fee-waiver eligibility may be audited.
Fill in the ovals that apply (REQUIRED):
The student is enrolled in or eligible for the Free and Reduced Price
Lunch program.
The student is enrolled in a federal, state or local program that aids
students from low-income families (e.g., TRIO programs such as
Upward Bound).
The student’s annual family income falls within the Income Eligibility
Guidelines set by the USDA Food and Nutrition Service (provided at
The student’s family receives public assistance.
The student lives in federally subsidized public housing or a foster
home or is homeless.
The student is a ward of the state or an orphan.
All required fields, including name and signature of both counselor and stu-
dent, as well as the eligibility criteria the student meets, must be completed
for this card to be accepted as valid payment for test fees. Incomplete cards will
be returned unprocessed. See the Counselors Guide to Fee Waivers for instructions.
: $49 Score Reports: $42
SAT Subject Tests
: $66 Online Course Discount: $40
This card does not cover late, standby or change fees.
Valid from Aug. 13, 2011, through Aug. 10, 2012.
By signing and submitting this card, I confirm that I am eligible to use an
SAT fee waiver, as outlined in the 2011-12 Fee Waivers for SAT and SAT
Subject Tests pamphlet and online at collegeboard.org/feewaivers.
I understand that if any portion of this card is not completed, my
registration will be returned unprocessed.
Student’s Name (REQUIRED — please print.)
Student’s Signature (REQUIRED)
1 2 3 4 5 6 WXYZAB
Ms. College Counselor
Ms. College Counselor
© 2012 The College Board. College Board, achieve more, Advanced Placement Program, AP, CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE, SAT and the acorn logo are
registered trademarks of the College Board. BigFuture, SAT Subject Tests, The Official SAT Online Course and YouCanGo are trademarks owned by
the College Board. PSAT/NMSQT is a registered trademark of the College Board and National Merit Scholarship Corporation. All other products and
services may be trademarks of their respective owners. Visit the College Board on the Web: www.collegeboard.org.
About the College Board
The College Board is a mission-driven not-for-profit organization that connects students to college success and opportunity. Founded in 1900, the College
Board was created to expand access to higher education. Today, the membership association is made up of over 6,000 of the world’s leading educational
institutions and is dedicated to promoting excellence and equity in education. Each year, the College Board helps more than seven million students prepare
for a successful transition to college through programs and services in college readiness and college success — including the SAT
and the Advanced
Placement Program
. The organization also serves the education community through research and advocacy on behalf of students, educators and schools.
Free Additional Score Reports
Students who are eligible for fee waivers can use their
additional score report credits at registration or after
they receive their scores. They receive a total of four
credits in their testing lifetime no matter how many times
they register. Additional score report credits are applied
automatically; students send them just as they would send
other score reports (online is the easiest way). They can also
track their use of additional score report credits online at
If an eligible student has not used a fee waiver to register,
she or he will need to enter a fee-waiver code on the screen
or paper score report order form to apply the additional score
report credits. In such cases, you will need to issue a fee-
waiver card.
For more information on how students can send score reports,
go to collegeboard.org/satscorereports.
Helping Students Take the
Next Steps
shows students that the goal of going to college
is within their reach. YouCanGo! features video and transcript
testimonials of students who, while facing many obstacles,
managed to apply and go to college. It challenges students to
“take the pledge”— to make a commitment to go to college
and share their desire with others. Encourage your students to
boost their confidence and reinforce their commitment to their
own college path by visiting ycg.org.
Once a student has decided to apply to college, he or she
will need a plan to make that goal a reality. The College Board
recently launched bigfuture.org, a comprehensive college
planning site filled with examples of how real students made
their college choices. The site helps students find out more
about the application process, access financial aid tools,
explore majors and more — all to help them narrow down their
choices and find the right college. Encourage your students to
go to bigfuture.collegeboard.org/get-started to learn more
about all the resources available, and to start creating their own
customized plans to make the dream of college a reality.
Request for Waiver
of College Application Fees
A student who uses a fee waiver for the SAT or SAT Subject
Tests and plans to enter college in the 2013-14 academic
year can be given up to four Request for Waiver of College
Application Fee forms. A student can receive the waiver form
if he or she (1) meets one or more eligibility criteria for using
an SAT fee waiver, (2) is applying for admission to college,
and (3) has used a fee waiver or has taken an SAT that was
paid for by a state or district initiative. (Note: This form is
NOT a fee-waiver card. Students should NOT SEND the
forms to the College Board. They must enclose the forms
with their college applications.)
Students should only send the forms to institutions included
in the SAT Fee Waiver Directory of Colleges, which is
available online at collegeboard.org/feewaiver. The
institutions listed in the directory are not obligated to waive
their application fees.
Paying for College
Students using fee waivers for the SAT and SAT Subject Tests
can learn more about scholarship opportunities and financial aid
processes, including CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE, the financial
aid application service of the College Board, at
Have Questions?
If you have other questions about the SAT Fee-Waiver Service,
go to collegeboard.org/feewaiver, email us at feewaiver@
collegeboard.org or call the SAT Educator Help Line at
888-SAT-HELP (728-4357). If you’re calling from outside of the
United States, call +1 212-520-8600. Make sure to have your
College Board high school or agency code available when you
email or call.