TI-Nspire™ CAS Graphing Calculator
Opening a New Document 2
Setting Auto/Approximate Mode 2
Setting Degree Mode 2
Copying and Pasting a Expression or Equation 3
Accessing the Catalogue 3
Defining a Function Without Input Values 4
Defining a Function With Input Values 4
Tracing a Function 4
Finding a Zero or Maximum/Minimum Value 4
Using Lists & Spreadsheets 5
Plotting a Function 5
Drawing a Scatter Plot 7
Linear Regression and Graphing 7
Quadratic Regression 8
Exponential Regression 8
Determining Points of Intersection 8
Evaluating Expressions with Rational Exponents 9
Working With Radicals 9
Adding Rational Expressions 10
Calculating First and Second Differences 10
Calculating Exact and Approximate Values for
Trigonometric Ratios 11
Determining Exact Solutions for
Trigonometric Problems 11
Using a Computer Algebra System (CAS)
to Check an Identity 11
Using a Computer Algebra System (CAS)
to Expand a Binomial Power 11
Generating a Sequence 12
Using a Computer Algebra System (CAS)
to Solve an Exponential Equation 12
Using a Computer Algebra System (CAS)
to Calculate the Sum of a List 12
Constructing a Simple Interest Table
Using Lists & Spreadsheet 13
Finance Solver Present Value 13
Finance Solver Amount of an Annuity 14
Finance Solver Present Value of an Annuity 14
Finance Solver Regular Withdrawal from an Annuity 15
Shortcut Key Sequences 15
Visit the Functions 11 page on the McGraw-Hill Ryerson Web site, at www.mcgrawhill.ca, and follow
the links to more resources for the TI-Nspire CAS.
©2009 MHR • Functions 11
Technology Master: Using a TI-Nspire CAS Graphing Calculator OS1.6
Opening a New Document
Press the home key, c , and select 6:New Document.
Select the kind of page you want to open. You have several choices.
1:Add Calculator lets you perform calculations.
2:Add Graphs & Geometry lets you plot functions and other graphs, or
draw sketches similar to dynamic geometry software.
3:Add Lists & Spreadsheet allows you to work with lists in a
spreadsheet environment.
4:Add Notes lets you type notes.
5:Add Data & Statistics lets you work with your lists.
Setting Auto/Approximate Mode
To set the calculator to display approximate decimal answers:
Press c. Select 8:System Info.
Select 1:Document Settings… if you want the changes to apply only to the
current document
Select 2:System Settings... if you want the changes to apply to all documents
that you open.
Scroll to the Auto or Approx. field and set to Approximate.
Scroll to OK and click to finish.
Setting Degree Mode
To set the calculator to degree mode:
Press c. Select 8:System Info.
Select 1:Document Settings… if you want the changes to apply only to the
current document
Select 2:System Settings... if you want the changes to apply to all documents
that you open.
Scroll to the Angle field, and set it to Degree.
Scroll to OK and click to finish.
©2009 MHR • Functions 11
Technology Master: Using a TI-Nspire CAS Graphing Calculator OS1.6
Copying and Pasting an Expression or Equation
Method 1
Open a new Calculator page.
Type an expression or equation, and press ·.
Press the up cursor twice to highlight the expression or equation.
Press /, then C, to copy the expression or equation.
Press the down cursor twice to return to the entry line.
Press /, then V to paste the expression or equation.
The expression or equation will appear in the entry line. You can edit as desired.
Method 2
Open a new Calculator page.
Type an expression or equation, and press ·.
Press the up cursor twice to highlight the expression or equation.
Press ·.
The expression or equation will appear in the entry line, along with the cursor. You can edit as desired.
Accessing the Catalogue
Open a new Calculator page.
Press the Catalogue key, k.
Press 1 to access the general catalog.
Press any letter to display entries that begin with that letter. For example,
press the letter A.
Press · to accept the absolute value function abs(.
Type 5, and press ·.
The calculator will display the absolute value of 5.
For a list of units:
Press k.
Press 3.
A list of units will appear. You can use this to insert units into your
For a table of symbols:
Press 4.
A table of symbols will appear. You can use this table to insert symbols into
your document.
©2009 MHR • Functions 11
Technology Master: Using a TI-Nspire CAS Graphing Calculator OS1.6
Defining a Function Without Input Values
You can define a function, such as f(x), and then use it in other operations.
Open a new Calculator page.
Press b. Select 1:Actions, then 1:Define.
Type the function f(x) = x
+ 1. Press ·.
Note the message “Done”. The function has been stored in memory.
Type f(3), and press ·.
The calculator evaluates the function at x = 3, and displays the answer, 10.
Defining a Function with Input Values
You can create a function that performs a calculation, such as evaluating a formula.
For example, create a function, a, that calculates the area of a rectangle with length l and width w.
Open a new Calculator page.
Press b. Select 1:Actions, then 1:Define.
Type the function a(l,w) = w. Press ·.
Note: Be sure to include the multiplication operator between l and w.
Type a(3,2). Press ·.
The calculator evaluates the area function for a length of 3 units and a
width of 2 units, and displays the answer 6 square units.
Tracing a Function
For example, trace the coordinates of points on the graph of y = x
Open a new Graphs & Geometry page.
Enter x
for f1(x).
Press b. Select 5:Trace, then 1:Graph Trace.
Use the cursor to trace along the graph.
The coordinates of the traced point are displayed.
Finding a Zero or Maximum/Minimum Value
To find a zero, maximum, or minimum value of a function such as
f(x) = x
+ x
– 2x.
Open a new Graphs & Geometry page.
Enter x
+ x
– 2x for f1(x).
Press b. Select 5:Trace, then 1:Graph Trace.
Use the cursor to drag the point towards the right-most zero on the graph.
When you reach the zero, a box with “zero” will appear, along with the
coordinates of the zero.
©2009 MHR • Functions 11
Technology Master: Using a TI-Nspire CAS Graphing Calculator OS1.6
Continue dragging the point towards the minimum on the graph. When
you reach the minimum, a box with “minimum” will appear, along
with the coordinates of the minimum.
Continue dragging the point towards the maximum on the graph. When
you reach the maximum, a box with “maximum” will appear, along
with the coordinates of the maximum.
Using Lists & Spreadsheets
You can create a table of values using a formula. For example, use the formula for the surface area of a
cylinder, SA = 2πr
+ 2πrh.
Open a new Lists & Spreadsheet page.
Set the calculator to Approximate mode. Refer to Setting
Auto/Approximate Mode.
Cursor to the top of column A and type “rad” for the radius
values.Type “ht” for column B, and “sa” for surface area in column C.
Move to the cell below sa and type the formula for the surface area as
shown. Be sure to begin with an =.
To resize the columns so that you can see the entire formula:
Press b. Select 1:Actions, then 2:Resize, and then 1:Resize Column Width. Use the left and right
cursor keys to set the desired width. Press · and then d.
To enter data:
Move the cursor to cell A1, and type 1.
Move the cursor to cell B1, and type 1.
The surface area of a cylinder with a radius of 1 unit, and a height of 1 unit, will be displayed. Similarly,
you can enter other radii and heights.
Plotting a Function
Open a new Graphs & Geometry page.
In the entry line, you will see f1(x) =. Enter the function and press ·.
The example shows x
+ 1.
Note that the function is displayed with its equation as a label. The entry
line has moved to function f2(x).
Look at the axes. This is the standard window for the TI-Nspire CAS.
To see, or change, the window settings:
Press b. Select 4:Window, and then 1:Window Settings.
To change the appearance of the window:
Press b. Select 2:View.
There are several options. For example, if you choose option 8:Show Axes End Values, you can display
the current range of each of the axes.
Press the up cursor once. The function f1(x) will be displayed in the entry line.
©2009 MHR • Functions 11
Technology Master: Using a TI-Nspire CAS Graphing Calculator OS1.6
To hide or view the graph:
Press e until the eye symbol,
, at the left of the entry line is
Press · once. Note that the graph is hidden.
Press · again. The graph reappears.
To adjust the line weight, the line style, the label style, and the line
Press e once to select the attributes symbol,
, to the right of the eye symbol.
Press · to display the attributes menu. Use the up/down cursor to select the attribute, and then the
left/right cursor to change the attribute.
When you are finished, press d to return to the graph screen.
To move a function label around the screen:
Press e once. The entry line will grey out, and the cursor will move to the graphing window.
Move the cursor over the function label. When you are in the right place, the word “label” will appear,
along with a hand symbol.
Press /, then x . The hand will close to grab the label. Use the cursor to move the label.
When you are finished, press d.
To move an entire graph:
Move the cursor to a blank space in the second quadrant.
Press /, then x. A hand will appear.
Use the cursor to move the hand around. Notice how the hand grabs the entire graph.
When you are finished, press d.
Press e once to return to the entry line. Press the up cursor once to return to the function f1(x).
To display a table of values for the function:
Press b, and select 2:View.
Select 9:Add Function Table. You can scroll up and down to inspect
different values.
Press b. Select 5:Function Table, then 3:Edit Function Table
Settings. You can adjust the table start value, and the table step value.
©2009 MHR • Functions 11
Technology Master: Using a TI-Nspire CAS Graphing Calculator OS1.6
Drawing a Scatter Plot
The average annual mark on a standardized test is shown for several years. Create a scatter plot
for these data.
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
71.2 72.3 73.1 73.9 74.6 74.8 75.2 75.9 76.4
Open a Lists & Spreadsheet page.
Enter the headings and data in the columns.
Note that 1998 is recorded as year 0.
Open a new Graphs & Geometry page.
Press b. Change the graph type to Scatter Plot.
Select year from the x-axis dropdown menu.
Select mark from the y-axis dropdown menu.
Press the b button. Adjust the Window settings from –0.5 to 10.0
for the x-axis, and from 60 to 80 for the y-axis.
Your scatter plot will appear as shown.
Linear Regression and Graphing
Use the year and mark data from Drawing a Scatter Plot.
Return to the Lists and Spreadsheet page.
Press b. Select 6: Statistics, and then, 1: Stat Calculations.
Select 3: Linear Regression (mx + b).
Select year for the X List, and mark for the Y List.
Tab down and select OK.
The linear equation of best fit will be displayed: y = 0.61x + 71.7.
To graph the line of best fit:
Press / and the right cursor to return to the Graphs & Geometry page.
Set the graph type back to 1: Function.
Press e.
The line of best fit will be displayed.
©2009 MHR • Functions 11
Technology Master: Using a TI-Nspire CAS Graphing Calculator OS1.6
Quadratic Regression
The distance fallen by a skydiver with respect to time is shown in the table. Determine a quadratic
equation that models these data.
Time (s)
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00
Distance (m)
0.00 0.05 0.20 0.44 0.78 1.23 1.76 2.40 3.14 3.97 4.90
Open a Lists & Spreadsheet page.
Enter the time and distance data from the table.
Press b. Select 6: Statistics, and then, 1: Stat Calculations.
Select 6: Quadratic Regression. Select time for the X List, and distance
for the Y List.
Tab down and select OK.
The quadratic equation of best fit will be displayed:
y = 4.9044x
– 0.0044x + 0.0011.
Exponential Regression
The average wait time for customers at a grocery checkout, is shown in the table. Determine an
exponential model for these data..
Time (min)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of Customers
188 141 105 79 59 44 33 25 19 14
Open a Lists & Spreadsheet page. Enter the headings and data.
Press b. Select 6: Statistics, and then, 1: Stat Calculations.
Select A: Exponential Regression. Select time for the X List, and
number for the Y List.
Tab down and select OK.
The exponential equation of best fit will be displayed: y = 249.65x
Determine Points of Intersection
To determine where the line y = 2 intersects the graph of y = x
Open a new Graphs & Geometry page.
In the entry line, type x
for f1(x). Press ·.
Type 2 for f2(x). Press ·.
Press b. Select 6:Points & Lines, then 3:Intersection Point(s).
Move the cursor until it is over the graph of the first function. Press ·.
Move the cursor until it is over the graph of the second function.
Press ·.
The intersection points will be displayed, along with their coordinates.
©2009 MHR • Functions 11
Technology Master: Using a TI-Nspire CAS Graphing Calculator OS1.6
Evaluating Expressions with Rational Exponents
For example, evaluate a)
2 b)
Open a Calculator page.
a) Type 2 ^ ( 3 ÷ 4 / ·.
Note: Pressing
/, then · makes the calculator display the result as an
approximation. Alternatively, you can set the mode to approximation. Refer
Setting Auto/Approximate Mode.
b) Type ( – 3 right cursor ^ ( 2 ÷ 3 / ·.
c) Type ( – 5 right cursor ^ ( 3 ÷ 4 / ·.
Note that the last calculation returns an error message. You cannot evaluate an even root of a negative
Working With Radicals
To find the product
Press c. Select 8: System Info.
Select 2: System Settings... . Use e to scroll down to Auto or Approx and ensure that it is set to
Auto. Continue down to OK, and press x twice.
Press c, and select 6:New Document. Select 1:Add Calculator.
Press / and x
to enter the square root symbol. Then press 2, and right
Press × and enter
Press ·.
To obtain an approximate answer, press /, and then ·.
To change an entire radical, such as
, to a mixed radical:
Press c. Select 1: Add Calculator.
Press b. Select 3:Algebra. Select 2:Factor.
, and press ·.
You can check addition or subtraction of radicals:
65 25
, and press ·.
Try a more complex operation. Enter
727 212+
, and press ·.
©2009 MHR • Functions 11
Technology Master: Using a TI-Nspire CAS Graphing Calculator OS1.6
Adding Rational Expressions
You can use a Computer Algebra System (CAS) to add rational expressions, such as
712 6
xx xx
++ +
Press c. Select 6:New Document.
Select 1:Add Calculator.
Type the expressions:
( x – 1
right cursor ÷ ( x ^ 2 + 7 x + 12 right cursor + ( 2 x + 3 right
÷ ( x ^ 2 + x – 6 right cursor·.
The sum of the expressions will be displayed.
Calculating First and Second Differences
Find the first and second differences for the data shown in the table:
Number Cost ($)
1 2
2 5
3 10
4 17
Open a new Lists & Spreadsheet page.
At the top of column A, type the title “number”.
At the top of column B, type the title “cost”.
Enter the data.
To find the first differences:
At the top of column C, type the title “first_diff”.
In the formula cell for column C type =.
Press the k key, and select tab 2. Scroll down to List, and press
·. Continue scrolling to Operations, and press ·.
Scroll down to Difference List, and press ·. Type “cost”
between the brackets, and press
To find the second differences:
At the top of column D, type the title “sec_diff”.
In the formula cell for column D type =.
Press the k key, and select tab 2. Scroll down to List, and press ·.
Continue scrolling to
Operations, and press ·.
Scroll down to Difference List, and press ·. Type “first_diff” between
the brackets, and press
©2009 MHR • Functions 11
Technology Master: Using a TI-Nspire CAS Graphing Calculator OS1.6
Calculating Exact and Approximate Values for Trigonometric Ratios
A computer algebra system (CAS) can display either exact or approximate values for trigonometric ratios
of special angles.
Ensure that the angle mode is set to degree, and the auto/approx mode is set to auto.
Press c. Select 6:New Document.
Select 1:Add Calculator.
Type sin(60), and press ·.
Note that the exact value is displayed.
To display an approximate value:
Press / before pressing ·.
Determining Exact Solutions for Trigonometric Problems
You can use a Computer Algebra System (CAS) to solve trigonometric equations.
For example, determine all angles between 0° and 360° that have a cosine of 0.5.
Ensure that the angle mode is set to degree, and the auto/approx mode is set to auto.
Press c. Select 6:New Document.
Select 1:Add Calculator.
Press b. Select 3: Algebra.
Select 1: Solve.
Type cos(x) = 0.5, x)|0
x 360. To obtain the
sign, press / and
then, the grey < key.
Press ·.
Using a Computer Algebra System (CAS) to Check an Identity
You can use a Computer Algebra System (CAS) to check whether a trigonometric equation is an identity.
For example, check whether
is true for all values of x.
Press c . Select 6:New Document.
Select 1:Add Calculator.
Type tan(x) = sin(x) ÷ cos(x), and press ·.
Note that the CAS returns a value of true. This means that the equation is
true for all values of
Using a Computer Algebra System (CAS) to Expand a Binomial Power
You can use a Computer Algebra System (CAS) to expand a binomial power.
For example, to expand (
x + y)
Press c . Select 6:New Document.
Select 1:Add Calculator.
Press b, then 3:Algebra, then 3:Expand.
Type ( x + y right cursor ^ 4, and press ·.
©2009 MHR • Functions 11
Technology Master: Using a TI-Nspire CAS Graphing Calculator OS1.6
Generating a Sequence
You can generate a sequence of numbers using a Lists & Spreadsheet page.
For example, to determine the first four terms of the sequence with general term
Press c. Select 6:New Document.
Select 3:Lists & Spreadsheet.
At the top of column A, type the title “n”.
At the top of column B, type the title “t_n”.
Enter the values 1, 2, 3 and 4 for n, starting in cell A1.
In the formula cell for column B type
= 3 × a x
+ 3 × a + 1, and press ·.
Using a Computer Algebra System (CAS) to Solve an Exponential Equation
You can use a Computer Algebra System (CAS) to solve for the exponent in an exponential equation.
For example, determine the value of
n that satisfies the equation 20 480 = 5(2)
Press c. Select 6:New Document.
Select 1:Add Calculator.
Press b, then 3:Algebra, then 1:Solve.
Type 20480 = 5 × 2 ^ n down cursor , n and press enter.
The value of
n will be displayed.
Using a Computer Algebra System (CAS) to Calculate the Sum of a List
You can use a Computer Algebra System (CAS) to calculate the sum of a list of numbers.
For example, you can calculate the total of a list of prices.
Press the c. Select 6:New Document.
Select 3:Lists&Spreadsheet.
At the top of column A, type the title “price”.
Enter prices in column A, as shown.
Move to cell B1 and type =.
Press k and select tab 2.
Scroll down to List, and press ·.
Scroll down to Math, and press ·.
Scroll down to Sum of Elements, and press ·.
Type “price” between the brackets.
Press ·.
The sum of the items in the price list will be displayed in cell B1.
Alternatively, you can type =sum(price) in cell B1, and press ·.
©2009 MHR • Functions 11
Technology Master: Using a TI-Nspire CAS Graphing Calculator OS1.6
Constructing a Simple Interest Table Using Lists & Spreadsheet
You can set up a table to calculate an amount with simple interest, and the interest.
Open a new Lists&Spreadsheet page.
At the top of column A, type the title “time_y”. Type the title for column B as “amount”, and the title
for column C as “first_diff”.
Enter time in column A, as shown.
Move to the formula cell for column B and type
= 1000 + 1000×0.05×A.
In the formula cell for column C type =.
Press k, and select tab 2.
Scroll down to List, and press ·. Continue scrolling to
Operations, and press ·.
Scroll down to Difference List, and press ·.
Type “amount” between the brackets, and press ·.
The amounts and first differences, which is the interest for that year, will be displayed.
Finance Solver: Present Value
How much must you invest today to have $1000 in 6 years if interest is 5.75% per year, compounded
Open a new Calculator page.
Press b. Select 8: Finance, and then 1:Finance Solver.
Enter the known values.
The term is 6 years, so
N = 6.
The annual interest rate is 5.75%, so
I(%) = 5.75.
PV is the amount to be determined, so set
PV = 0 for now.
There are no payments after the initial investment, so
Pmt = 0.
The amount desired after 6 years is $1000, so
FV = 1000.
One payment is made, so
PpY = 1.
Interest is compounded quarterly, so
Payments are made at the end of the month, so choose END for
Press e until you return to PV.
Press ·.
You need to invest $709.96.
©2009 MHR • Functions 11
Technology Master: Using a TI-Nspire CAS Graphing Calculator OS1.6
Finance Solver: Amount of an Annuity
Suppose you deposit $100 into an account that pays 6% per year, compounded monthly, for 3 years.
Determine the amount in the account after three years.
Open a new Calculator page.
Press b. Select 8: Finance, and then 1:Finance Solver.
Enter the known values.
You will make 3×12 = 36 payments, so
N = 36.
The annual interest rate is 6%, so
I(%) = 6.
PV is the amount before any payments are made, so PV = 0.
The monthly payment is $100, so
Pmt = 100.
The future value of the payments is the amount, so set
FV = 0
for now.
The payments are made monthly, so
PpY = 12.
Interest is compounded monthly, so
CpY = 12.
Payments are made at the end of the month, so choose END for
Press e until you return to FV.
Press ·.
The amount in the account will be $3933.61.
Finance Solver: Present Value of an Annuity
How much do you need invest now, to withdraw $900 per month for 8 months, if interest is earned at a
rate of 6%, compounded monthly?
Open a new Calculator page.
Press b. Select 8: Finance, and then 1:Finance Solver.
Enter the known values.
You will make
8 withdrawals, so N = 8.
The annual interest rate is 6%, so
I(%) = 6.
PV is the amount to be determined, so set
PV = 0 for now.
The monthly withdrawal is $900, so
Pmt = 900.
The future value of the account is $0, so set
FV = 0.
The withdrawals are made monthly, so
PpY = 12.
Interest is compounded monthly, so CpY = 12.
Withdrawals are made at the end of the month, so choose END for
Press e until you return to PV.
Press ·.
The amount that you must deposit now is $7040.66.
©2009 MHR • Functions 11
Technology Master: Using a TI-Nspire CAS Graphing Calculator OS1.6
Finance Solver: Regular Withdrawal from an Annuity
Suppose your life savings total $300 000 when you decide to retire. You plan an annuity that will pay
quarterly for the next 30 years. If the account earns 5.2% annual interest, compounded quarterly, how
much can you withdraw each quarter?
Open a new Calculator page.
Press b. Select 8: Finance, and then 1:Finance Solver.
Enter the known values.
You will make 4×30 = 120 withdrawals, so
N = 120.
The annual interest rate is 5.2%, so
I(%) = 5.2.
Your savings are $300 000, so
PV = 300 000.
The quarterly withdrawal is to be determined, so set
Pmt = 0 for
The future value of the account is $0, so set
FV = 0.
The withdrawals are made quarterly, so
PpY = 4.
Interest is compounded quarterly, so
CpY = 4.
Withdrawals are made at the end of the quarter, so choose END for
Press e until you return to Pmt.
Press ·.
You can withdraw $4950.87 each quarter.
Shortcut Key Sequences
Many of the shortcut key sequences that work in Microsoft Windows® also work on the TI-Nspire CAS.
Some commonly used shortcut key sequences are:
/ C: copy
/ V: paste
/ X: cut
/ Z: undo
/ Y: redo
/ I: insert page
/ G: hide or show entry line
Visit the
Functions 11 page on the McGraw-Hill Ryerson Web site and follow the links to see a complete
listing of shortcuts.
©2009 MHR • Functions 11
Technology Master: Using a TI-Nspire CAS Graphing Calculator OS1.6