Audit Checklist for the
Criminal Intelligence Function
September 2004
“The protection of individuals’ privacy and constitutional rights is an obligation of
government officials and is crucial to the long-term success of criminal intelligence sharing.
Protecting the privacy and constitutional rights of individuals, while at the same time
providing for homeland security and public safety, will require a commitment from everyone
in the system from line officers to top management.”
National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan, p. 10
The criminal intelligence function is an effective tool for deterring, preventing, and protecting the public
from serious crime.
However, the information-gathering activities associated with the criminal intelligence
process could also pose significant threats to the constitutional rights of individuals.
Serious consequences arise when an agency fails to protect the individual rights of those who may be
the subject of the criminal intelligence process. In addition to the direct harm caused to the individuals
whose civil liberties may be infringed upon, these serious consequences include a loss of public trust and
confidence in the police, the inhibition of legitimate and lawful political activity, costly and time-consuming
civil litigation, disbanding of the criminal intelligence function, and other harms.
Law enforcement agencies can effectively use a combination of accountability mechanisms to prevent
these serious consequences from arising. As mentioned in the National Criminal Intelligence Plan, these
accountability mechanisms help eliminate the unnecessary discretion in police decision-making processes,
guide (or structure) the discretion that is needed, and audit (or check) the processes to ensure
conformance with overall goals.
Clear policies and effective training, for example, can be used to prohibit improper practices (i.e.,
eliminating the unnecessary discretion), and to provide authorization and guidance to agency personnel for
those actions that are necessary to carry out their duties (i.e., structuring the necessary discretion). Periodic
audits and reviews serve as useful checks to ensure that the criminal intelligence function is being carried out
in accordance with established ethical standards, regulations, and laws.
The attached checklist titled “Audit Checklist for the Criminal Intelligence Function” can assist law
enforcement executives with conducting a review of their agency’s criminal intelligence function. Using this
checklist, law enforcement agencies demonstrate their commitment to protecting the constitutional rights and
the privacy of individuals, while ensuring the operational effectiveness of their criminal intelligence function.
Development of this Checklist
This checklist was developed by the Law Enforcement Intelligence Unit (LEIU), in support of the
National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan. Founded in 1956, LEIU is the oldest law enforcement
association dedicated to the sharing of criminal intelligence and the advancement of professional criminal
intelligence standards and practices. LEIU has led the way in establishing professional standards for the
collection, maintenance, and dissemination of intelligence among law enforcement agencies.
In the 1970s, LEIU first developed a set of guidelines, known as the LEIU File Guidelines, for
establishing and maintaining criminal intelligence files in law enforcement agencies. These guidelines were
developed to provide protection of citizens’ privacy and other constitutional rights, promote professionalism,
and provide guidance to law enforcement agencies when collecting information in the pursuit of preventing
and solving crimes. Over the years, the LEIU File Guidelines have been modified to reflect the most
current standards for lawful and ethical criminal intelligence practices. Civil liberties groups, citizens, and
government and police officials have agreed that the standards embodied by the LEIU File Guidelines are
proper for collecting, maintaining, and disseminating criminal intelligence information.
In recent years, LEIU has worked closely with the International Association of Law Enforcement
Intelligence Analysts (IALEIA), the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), the Global Justice
Information Sharing Initiative, and others to develop the National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan
(NCISP). In fact, members of the LEIU Executive Board helped plan and conduct the IACP Criminal
Intelligence Sharing Summit, served on Global’s Intelligence Working Group, and contributed to the final
publications from both initiatives (IACP’s Criminal Intelligence Sharing report and Global’s NCISP).
The NCISP recommends that law enforcement agencies use the LEIU File Guidelines as a model for
criminal intelligence file maintenance. Additionally, the NCISP recommends periodic audits of criminal
intelligence operations and files to ensure that these guidelines and other regulations are put into practice.
LEIU has previously assisted local and state law enforcement agencies in conducting audits of their criminal
intelligence function, and has now developed the attached checklist to assist agencies in conducting a self-
assessment of their criminal intelligence function.
With 240 member agencies in four countries, LEIU remains a leader in promoting the professional trust,
training, and communication required to facilitate the lawful and ethical sharing and use of criminal
intelligence among law enforcement agencies.
LEIU Executive Board
General Chairman Eastern Zone Chairman
Captain Richard “Dick” Wright Senior Analyst PamWeis
Simi Valley Police Department North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation
Vice General Chairman Northwestern Zone Vice Chairman
Special Agent in Charge Russell “Russ” Porter Lieutenant Ron Leavell
Iowa Department of Public Safety Seattle Police Department
Secretary/Treasurer Central Zone Chairman
Captain Mike Chambers Lieutenant Chuck Boschert
Los Angeles Police Department St. Louis County Police Department
Legal Advisor Southwestern Zone Vice Chairman
Deputy District Attorney Keith Gardiner Burt Vacant
San Diego County District Attorney’s Office
Northwestern Zone Chairman Eastern Zone Vice Chairman
Detective Sergeant Raymond Green Master Sergeant Angelo Woodhouse
King County Sheriff’s Office Virginia State Police
Southwestern Zone Chairman Central Coordinating Agency
Sergeant Robert Fowler Chief Ed Manavian
Garden Grove Police Department California Department of Justice
Central Zone Chairman Past General Chairman
Special Agent Jim Arlt Captain William “Bill” Sullivan (Ret.)
Minnesota Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement
Criminal Intelligence Audit Checklist
Operating Procedures .................................................................................3
Dissemination ............................................................................................9
Selected Readings ..............................................................................................11
The purpose of this checklist is to provide law enforcement executives and senior- to mid-level law
enforcement managers with a tool for conducting an audit or evaluation of their agency’s criminal intelligence
function. Specifically, this audit tool can help an agency ensure that it is carrying out the criminal intelligence
function in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines. The principles found in the checklist
apply most directly to municipal, county, and state law enforcement agencies. Several introductory
comments are appropriate.
This checklist should be applied only to criminal intelligence files not to other types of law
enforcement records. Some law enforcement officials fail to make the distinction between criminal
intelligence files and other types of law enforcement records (e.g., investigative files). In the law
enforcement context, however, these differences are important and must be recognized.
Investigation generally refers to the systematic examination of facts to determine if a crime has occurred and,
if so, develop a case for prosecution. Generally, the term “investigative files” refers to information collected
in the course of an investigation where there are reasonable grounds to suspect that a person has committed
specific criminal acts.
On the other hand, the criminal intelligence process is an ongoing activity, and is not necessarily triggered by
the investigation of any specific offense.
While investigation tends to be reactive in nature, criminal
intelligence is proactive and used to identify and understand criminals operating in a particular area. Once
individuals or groups are identified and their habits known, law enforcement authorities may begin to assess
current trends in crime and to forecast, and possibly prevent, future criminal activities. Intelligence provides
the knowledge on which to base decisions, and select appropriate targets (subjects, criminal groups or
businesses) for investigations. Although criminal intelligence may be used to assist in investigations,
surveillance operations, and prosecution of cases, it also provides law enforcement agencies with the ability
to effectively manage resources, budget, and meet their responsibility to forecast community threats to
prevent crime.
Criminal intelligence consists of pieces of raw information that when collected, evaluated, collated, and
analyzed form meaningful and useful judgments that are both accurate and timely. Taking this raw
information and turning it into intelligence can be described as a sequential process with multiple distinct
phases. Following appropriate planning, the first phase is collection, which is obtaining raw information from
various sources. Evaluation then occurs, which is determining the reliability of the source and the validity of
the information. The third phase is collation and involves indexing, cross-referencing and filing of
information. The fourth phase is analysis, which identifies trends, future developments and case building.
The fifth phase is dissemination, which involves the actual dispensing of the intelligence information. A unit
that does not complete each of these phases is not a criminal intelligence unit.
Ideally, this checklist is designed to be utilized by senior law enforcement managers who are not directly
involved in the day-to-day operations of the agency’s criminal intelligence function. This helps ensure that
the audit is objective, and accurately identifies the function’s strengths and weaknesses. However, the
checklist can also be used as a self-assessment tool by personnel who are directly involved with the
agency’s criminal intelligence function. This type of an effort will help determine if the unit is acting in
accordance with the standard practices and procedures established by LEIU.
Historically, criminal intelligence units have experienced problems in the area of unit operating procedures,
collection, collation, and dissemination; therefore, this checklist focuses on these four areas.
*See References, page 10 for a detailed description of standards and guidelines for the Criminal Intelligence
Audit Checklist for the Criminal Intelligence Function
Operating Procedures
Item Question
Does the criminal intelligence unit have a mission statement?
If no, go to question 10.
q Yes q No
Does the mission statement contain a concise, well-defined mandate
describing the criminal intelligence unit?
q Yes q No
Does the mission statement describe the use of the intelligence
process in support of the criminal intelligence unit?
q Yes q No
Does the statement focus toward criminal predicate?
q Yes q No
Does the statement indicate that the criminal intelligence unit will
provide the Chief Executive with criminal information and resulting
analysis to counter and control criminal activities?
q Yes q No
Does the statement identify the criminal intelligence unit’s expected
q Yes q No
Is the criminal intelligence unit staying within its mission?
q Yes q No
Is the criminal intelligence unit assuming work beyond the authorized
crime areas?
q Yes q No
Is the statement reviewed on a periodic basis to insure that it is
meeting the needs of the agency/organization?
q Yes q No
Does the criminal intelligence unit have policy and procedures
If no, go to question 18.
q Yes q No
Do the guidelines describe the criminal intelligence unit’s operations?
q Yes q No
Do the guidelines provide the criminal intelligence unit’s mission
q Yes q No
Audit Checklist for the Criminal Intelligence Function
Item Question
Do the guidelines detail the criminal intelligence unit’s methods of
q Yes q No
Do the guidelines outline the criminal intelligence unit’s file
q Yes q No
Do the guidelines establish the criminal intelligence unit’s security
q Yes q No
Do the guidelines describe personnel responsibilities and assigned
q Yes q No
Have the guidelines been provided to personnel?
q Yes q No
Are periodic security updates conducted for intelligence personnel on
a regular basis?
q Yes q No
Is the criminal intelligence unit located in a physically secure
q Yes q No
Are unauthorized persons prevented from accessing the criminal
intelligence unit’s location?
q Yes q No
Is access terminated when personnel are on leave or cease to work in
an intelligence capacity?
q Yes q No
Are there guidelines for transferring material to or from floppy disks?
q Yes q No
Does the criminal intelligence unit have access to the Chief
q Yes q No
Does the unit provide the Chief Executive with recommendations?
q Yes q No
Does the unit provide the agency with valuable strategic and tactical
q Yes q No
Do personnel receive appropriate training?
q Yes q No
Audit Checklist for the Criminal Intelligence Function
Item Question
Are there clear lines of responsibility and accountability for the
functions of the intelligence unit?
q Yes q No
Is a regular security risk review of the intelligence unit and its
systems conducted?
q Yes q No
Are procedures in place governing the criminal intelligence unit’s
use of special funds?
q Yes q No
Is the criminal intelligence unit’s mission achievable with the number
of assigned staff?
q Yes q No
Item Question
Does a collection effort begin with the development of a written
q Yes q No
Does the collection plan include a set of information requirements
that specifies what data is needed by the agency or investigator (s)?
q Yes q No
Does the collection plan comply with applicable local, state, and
federal statutes and case law?
q Yes q No
Is the collection plan focused on identifying the nature and extent of
criminal activity?
q Yes q No
Does the collection plan utilize all known available sources?
q Yes q No
Are the plan’s objectives and requirements communicated to criminal
intelligence unit staff?
q Yes q No
Has the Criminal Intelligence Function encouraged the development
of a close working relationship between analysts and investigators?
q Yes q No
Have those assigned to the Criminal Intelligence Function received
training in the right to privacy?
q Yes q No
Audit Checklist for the Criminal Intelligence Function
Item Question
Does the state in which your agency resides have laws that address
the collection of criminal intelligence data?
q Yes q No
Do the methods used by information collectors fall within legal
q Yes q No
Does your agency have informant guidelines in place?
If no, go to question 44.
q Yes q No
Do these guidelines address informant control and management?
q Yes q No
Do these guidelines address the maintenance of informant files?
q Yes q No
Item Question
44 Does the unit have criminal intelligence file guidelines?
q Yes q No
Is the criminal intelligence unit operating within the guidelines?
q Yes q No
Are files kept ONLY on individuals who are suspected of being
involved in actual or attempted criminal acts; or suspected of being
involved in criminal activities with known or suspected crime
q Yes q No
Are files kept ONLY on organizations, businesses, and groups that
are suspected of being involved in actual or attempted criminal acts;
or are suspected of being operated, controlled, financed, or infiltrated
by known or suspected crime figures?
q Yes q No
Do files include ONLY information that relates to a criminal
q Yes q No
Do the guidelines clearly delineate criteria for determining if
information should be entered and retained in the files?
q Yes q No
Audit Checklist for the Criminal Intelligence Function
Item Question
Is the information stored in criminal intelligence files evaluated
according to source reliability and content validity before it is
included in a criminal intelligence file?
q Yes q No
Is there a clearly articulated system for assessing source reliability
and content validity?
q Yes q No
Item Question
Is a distinction made between permanent, temporary, and working
files along with appropriate retention periods?
q Yes q No
Is the information stored in criminal intelligence files classified in
order to protect sources, investigators, and the individual’s right to
q Yes q No
Are files clearly marked with appropriate classification?
q Yes q No
Is information maintained in the criminal intelligence file reviewed for
reclassification or purge on a periodic basis to ensure that it is
current, accurate, safeguards an individual’s right to privacy, and is
classified at an appropriate security level?
q Yes q No
Is information maintained in the criminal intelligence file reviewed on
a periodic basis for utility, timeliness, appropriateness, accuracy, and
q Yes q No
Do the criminal intelligence unit’s purge policies comply with local,
and/or state law regarding records retention?
q Yes q No
Is there a specific staff member(s) who is responsible for purging
q Yes q No
Are procedures in place to govern the storage, handling, and security
of hard copy source material?
q Yes q No
Does the criminal intelligence unit retain hard copies of source
If no, go to question 63.
q Yes q No
Are these documents stored in a safe and secure location?
q Yes q No
Audit Checklist for the Criminal Intelligence Function
Item Question
Is access to these documents restricted?
q Yes q No
Are procedures in place to govern the storage, handling, and security
of source material in an electronic database?
q Yes q No
Item Question
64 Is access to the file database restricted?
q Yes q No
Is a specific employee(s) responsible for controlling automated
q Yes q No
Are automated access audits conducted periodically?
q Yes q No
Is a record of audits maintained?
q Yes q No
Is automated access immediately deleted when personnel leave or
q Yes q No
Are files adequately safeguarded through back up and recovery
routines, and off-site storage of critical files, programs, and systems?
q Yes q No
Is the system isolated from other networks or protected by a firewall
to restrict unauthorized access?
q Yes q No
Are files (either hard or electronic copy) indexed in an organized
q Yes q No
Is a file locator system in place?
q Yes q No
Is a particular employee(s) responsible for overseeing the criminal
intelligence file system so that it is operating within the guidelines of
all applicable laws?
q Yes q No
Audit Checklist for the Criminal Intelligence Function
Item Question
Are purged documents destroyed in a secure and appropriate manner
according to all applicable laws?
q Yes q No
Is information regarding political, religious, or social views of an
individual or group prohibited from inclusion in a criminal intelligence
file unless it directly relates to criminal conduct or activity?
q Yes q No
Item Question
76 Are procedures in place for responding to requests for information? q Yes q No
Are records kept of requests for information and responses?
If no, go to question 79.
q Yes q No
78 Are these records audited periodically? q Yes q No
Are there procedures in place governing the methods of enveloping,
dispatching, and recording the dissemination of law enforcement
sensitive material?
q Yes q No
Is criminal intelligence information released only to those who
have demonstrated a right-to-know and a need-to-know?
q Yes q No
Is there an audit trail to determine who has accessed criminal
intelligence files?
q Yes q No
Has the criminal intelligence unit established a policy prohibiting
third-party dissemination?
q Yes q No
Has the agency identified legal resources that are familiar with
criminal intelligence issues and procedures and can adequately
represent the agency in legal matters?
q Yes q No
Audit Factors for the Law Enforcement Intelligence Function. Prepared by David L. Carter (2004).
Criminal Intelligence File Guidelines. Prepared by the Law Enforcement Intelligence Unit (Revised in
March 2002).
Criminal Intelligence Standards and Guidelines. Prepared by the California Peace Officers’ Association
(July 2003).
Evaluation Checklists for Intelligence Units. Written by Paul R. Roger. Turn-Key Intelligence:
Unlocking your agency’s intelligence capabilities, produced by IALEIA, LEIU, & NW3C.
Gang File Audit Checklist. Prepared by the California Bureau of Investigation, Division of Law
Enforcement, California Department of Justice (May 2001).
Guidelines for the Criminal Intelligence Function. Prepared by Dick Wright, Simi Valley Police
Department (Revised in September 1998).
Intelligence 2000: Revising the Basic Elements; A Guide for Intelligence Professionals. Prepared by
L.E.I.U. and I.A.L.E.I.A. (2000). Managing Editor Marilyn B. Peterson, Editors Bob Morehouse
and Dick Wright.
National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan 2003 (October). Sponsored by the Office of Justice
Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, Award No. 2000-LD-BX-0003.
Regulations, Policies, File Guidelines, and Other Reference Materials
Code of Federal Regulations, Title 28 Judicial Administration, Chapter 1- Department of Justice, Part
23 – Criminal Intelligence System Operating Policies.
International Association of Chiefs of Police, National Law Enforcement Policy Center. 1998
(February 28). Criminal Intelligence Model Policy. Alexandria, VA: International Association of
Chiefs of Police.
Law Enforcement Intelligence Unit. 2002 (March). LEIU File Guidelines. Sacramento, CA: LEIU.
National Criminal Justice Association. 2002 (September). Justice Information Privacy Guideline:
Developing, Drafting, and Assessing Privacy Policy for Justice Information Systems. Washington,
Practitioner’s Literature
Andrews, Paul P. and Marilyn B. Peterson (Eds.). Criminal Intelligence Analysis. Loomis, CA:
Palmer Press.
California Peace Officers’ Association. 1998. Criminal Intelligence Program for the Smaller
Agency. Sacramento, CA: California Peace Officers’ Association.
Dintino, Justin J. and Frederick T. Martens. 1983. Police Intelligence in Crime Control.
Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas.
Frost, Charles, and Jack Morris. 1983. Police Intelligence Reports. Orangevale, CA: Palmer
Godfrey, E. Drexel and Don R. Harris. 1971. Basic Elements of Intelligence. Washington, D.C.:
Law Enforcement Assistance Administration.
International Association of Chiefs of Police. 2002 (August). Criminal Intelligence Sharing: A
National Plan for Intelligence-Led Policing at the Local, State and Federal Levels:
Recommendations from the IACP Intelligence Summit. Alexandria, VA: International
Association of Chiefs of Police.
Martens, Frederick T. 1987. “The Intelligence Function.” In Herbert Edelhertz (Ed.). 1987
(September). Major Issues in Organized Crime Control: Symposium Proceedings.
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice.
McDowell, Don. 1998, 2000. Strategic Intelligence: A Handbook for Practitioners, Managers,
and Users. Cooma, NSW, Australia: Istana Enterprises, Pty., Ltd.
Peterson, Marilyn B. Applications in Criminal Analysis: A Sourcebook. Westport, CT:
Greenwood Press.
Peterson, Marilyn B. (Managing Ed.), Bob Morehouse and Richard Wright (Eds.). 2000. Intelligence
2000: Revising the Basic Elements. Sacramento, CA: Law Enforcement Intelligence Unit, and
Lawrenceville, NJ: International Association of Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysts, Inc.
Past Problems with Domestic Intelligence Operations
American Civil Liberties Union. 2002 (January). “The Dangers of Domestic Spying by Federal Law
Enforcement: A Case Study on FBI Surveillance of Dr. Martin Luther King.” Washington, DC:
American Civil Liberties Union (Available January 18, 2002 at:
American Friends Service Committee. 1979. The Police Threat to Political Liberty. Philadelphia,
PA: American Friends Service Committee.
Blackstock, Nelson. 1975. COINTELPRO: The FBI’s Secret War on Political Freedom. New
York, NY: Vintage.
Cowan, Paul, Nick Egleson, and Nat Hentoff. 1974. State Secrets: Police Surveillance in America.
New York, NY: Holt, Rinehart and Wilson.
Donner, Frank J. 1991. Protectors of Privilege. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Elliff, John T. 1971. Crime, Dissent, and the Attorney General. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage
McKnight, Gerald D. 1987 (Winter). “A Harvest of Hate: The FBI’s War Against Black Youth
Domestic Intelligence in Memphis, Tennessee.” South Atlantic Quarterly 86: 1-21.
Mitgang, Herbert. 1988. Dangerous Dossiers: Exposing the Secret War Against America’s
Greatest Authors. New York, NY: Donald I. Fine.
O’Reilly, Kenneth. 1989. Racial Matters: The FBI’s Secret File on Black America, 1960 – 1972.
New York, NY: The Free Press.
U.S. Congress, Senate, Final Report of the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with
Respect to Intelligence Activities, 94
Congress, 2
Session. 1976 (April 23). (commonly known
as the Church Committee).
Geller, William A. and Norval Morris. 1992. “Relations Between Federal and Local Police.” In Michael Tonry
and Norval Morris (Eds.), Modern Policing: Crime and Justice A Review of Research, Volume 15. Chicago, IL:
The University of Chicago Press, pp. 231-348. Campbell, Kurt M. and Michèle A. Flournoy (Principal Authors). 2001.
To Prevail: An American Strategy for the Campaign Against Terrorism. Washington, DC: The CSIS Press, at p. 77.
American Friends Service Committee. 1979. The Police Threat to Political Liberty. Philadelphia, PA:
American Friends Service Committee. Donner, Frank J. 1991. Protectors of Privilege. Berkeley, CA: University of
California Press.
The framework for regulating discretionary decisions (i.e., eliminating unnecessary discretion, and confining,
structuring, and checking necessary discretion) through administrative rule making and agency policies is derived
from Kenneth Culp Davis. See Kenneth Culp Davis (1971), Discretionary Justice: A Preliminary Inquiry. Urbana, IL:
University of Illinois; and (Davis, 1975 Kenneth Culp Davis (1975), Police Discretion. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing
See the “Settlement Agreement and Release” entered into by and between Joseph N. Riggs III, Alice Hector,
Peter Cubra, James R. Toulouse, Tova Indritz, Randi McGinn, Nancy Hollander, Sigmund Bloom, Hank Farrah,
Joe Fine, Dorie Bunting, Allen Cooper, Richard Moore, The American Civil Liberties Union of New Mexico, and
The New Mexico Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild, and the City of Albuquerque, dated September 29, 1993,
resolving Cause No. Civ. No 88-1141 JP/RWM in the United States District Court for the District of New Mexico, and
CV-91-07599, Second Judicial District Court, County of Bernalillo, State of New Mexico.
White, supra,; People v. Superior Court (Barrett) (2000) 80 Cal.App.4th 1305, 1317-13 17.