Volume III, Issue 5 May 2023, eISSN: 2799-0664
Copyright © 2023 IJAMS, All right reserved
Strategic Development of Online Guidance Services
for UMAK Toward a Competitive Global Reach
Philippine Christian University
Abstract The study aimed to determine the level of implementation of online guidance and
counseling services among university students and their experiences on receiving online
counseling services from academic guidance counselors towards the development of an innovative
guidance and counseling strategic development framework in the University of Makati. The
respondents of the study were 2562 students from the University of Makati and were selected using
stratified random sampling. The research instruments that were utilized for the quantitative part
are standard survey questionnaires adopted from NACADA (2017) and Teh et al. (2014). For the
qualitative part, a focus group discussion facilitated by an interview guide adopted from Fernandez
(2021) was used to capture the experiences of university students on receiving online guidance
and counseling services. Data were analyzed using percentage, weighted mean, One Way Analysis
of Variance, and thematic analysis. Findings revealed that in terms of age, the majority of the
students are under 21 22 years old or at the age of starting adulthood which is crucial for decision-
making. The implementation of innovative guidance and counseling strategic development
framework in higher education provides opportunities for students to develop themselves, improve
academic achievements, and prepare to achieve their careers in the future as well as to counter the
various issues and challenges in the implementation of online guidance and counseling services.
Keywords Online Guidance and Counseling Services; University Students; Guidance
Counselors; Innovative Guidance and Counseling Strategic Development
I. Introduction
Effective teaching and learning, as well as the development of students' capacity for
lifelong learning, are at the heart of schools in the 21st century. As a result, this shared objective
presents a golden chance to rethink and reform not just the teachers' but also the school guidance
counselors' job, as well as the counseling skills, strategies, and approaches they use with their
students.(Adler, 2022). In the Philippines, guidance counseling is one of the most challenging
helping professions in the school context. School guidance counselors, as outlined by Arrieta,
Valeria, & Belen (2021), are responsible for assisting students in effectively resolving their
psychological difficulties and discomfort. In addition, they hope to address a wide range of issues
and difficulties that students face, such as bullying, tardiness, and class cutting; issues involving
parents, such as parental separation, academic pressure, and overseas work; suicide, peer pressure,
and gender issues; substance abuse, including alcohol, tobacco, and drug use; and so on. There is
a real need for excellent counseling abilities and strategies to be able to help the thousands of
students in public students who are facing the same difficulties and challenges as one teacher-
Volume III, Issue 5 May 2023, eISSN: 2799-0664
Copyright © 2023 IJAMS, All right reserved
guidance counselor. Many people find great satisfaction in working as guidance counselors, but
many others see it as the most difficult job possible, especially if they work in a large school,
where the stress of dealing with hundreds or thousands of students can have a negative effect on
their mental health. Despite the challenges that come with the territory of teacher-guidance
counselors' jobs, there is evidence that many of them have developed effective counseling skills,
techniques, and approaches (Ahmed & Firdous, 2020). Since the arrival of the coronavirus, school
counselors have typically been at the center of problem-solving efforts because protecting students'
mental, emotional, and physical well-being is at the core of what they do. To ensure students had
the resources they needed to participate in online classes, they called homes to double-check that
everything was in order, assist with technological issues, connect families in need with gift cards
and community resources, address teachers' concerns about students' absences, reassure worried
parents, and instruct households on how to establish a routine conducive to online learning. While
also figuring out how to keep providing academic guidance, emphasizing students' emotional and
social development, and helping those with unique needs at school (Geiger and Oehrtman, 2020).
Student access to online education and training activities during the COVID-19 epidemic has
exacerbated the impact of the issue. Negative psychological events, including anxiety and fear,
can have an impact on students' well-being, and social and physical distance are two factors that
might contribute to these feelings (Dhawan, 2020). Because they were thrust into distance learning
activities without prior preparation or support, students have been found to be among the groups
experiencing the greatest psychological strain during this time. Students are quite dissatisfied as a
result of this. Children's difficulty adapting to the circumstances and learning challenges following
COVID-19 contributed to their already high levels of anxiousness. Schools offer a wide variety of
support services, including those related to students' physical and mental health, nutrition, and
learning (Callo and Yazon, 2020).
The COVID-19 pandemic prompted adjustments to the teaching methodology and
educational methods. All members of society, including educators, were impacted by these shifts.
Educators have made efforts to adapt to the changing classroom landscape. The school counselors
at my school are also going above and above to assist the students right now. This new
circumstance will also necessitate exploration on the part of counselors, whose job descriptions
are typically based on in-person interactions. However, they won't let this get in their way because
school counselors are committed to helping students succeed (Baloran, 2020). Suggestions offered
to families, educators, and mental health experts can lessen the severity and frequency of students'
behavioral, cognitive, and emotional responses throughout the COVID-19 period, and prevent or
eliminate behavioral and adaptational difficulties. When people have others they can lean on
during a pandemic, they feel less stressed emotionally and are more likely to reach out for aid.
Students were stressed out and in need of psychological support during the pandemic, according
to a study by Al-Rabiaah et al. (2020). Professional counselors and other mental health workers
are needed following traumatic events including epidemics, natural disasters, and health crises.
Volume III, Issue 5 May 2023, eISSN: 2799-0664
Copyright © 2023 IJAMS, All right reserved
As a means of helping students cope with the difficulties they've encountered due to the
Covivirus 19 epidemic, online counseling services have been made available. Students' ability to
adjust to life during the Covid-19 pandemic. The main option to in-person therapy amid the Covid-
19 pandemic is an online counseling service that uses media and technology to help patients relax.
Online counseling using platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram, as well as virtual
rooms via tools like Zoom, Google Hangouts, and Google Meetings. School counselors can also
communicate with students via email and Google forms. In this age of globalization and the Covid-
19 epidemic, media counselling can assist school counselors respond to the problems and potential
of providing counselling services through a digital medium (Suryahadikusumah & Nadya, 2020).
Villareal-Davis, Sartor, & McLean (2020) state that guidance counselors need to be familiar with
the variables and principle involved in the use of digital technology in the delivery of counseling
services. Recommendations for counseling services during times of crisis, with an emphasis on
the situation in response to the Covid-19 outbreak, that utilize electronic media or social media as
a medium for healing in the face of worries, rehabilitation efforts, and post-crisis interventions.
The use of digital media technology in counseling services as a method of aiding troubled students
amid the Covid-19 pandemic. Counselors in schools must be proficient in using social media to
provide counseling services. While face-to-face counseling is ideal, the spread of the Covid-19
pandemic necessitated a new record for school counselors: the use of social media as a counselling
medium as a record for mastering and utilizing technology. During the Covid-19 pandemic, cyber
counseling has emerged as a professional option for school counselors (Fernandez, 2021).
Literature Review
This section presented the review of related literature and studies both local and foreign
which are relevant in studying the level of implementation of online guidance and counseling
services among university students and their experiences on receiving online counseling services
from academic guidance counselors. It was divided into two sections including (a) The Guidance
and Counseling in the Philippines, and (b) The Concept of Online Guidance and Counseling
services; (c) The Perceptions and Experiences of Students on receiving online counseling services
from academic guidance counselors. The following literature and studies aided the researcher in
developing a deeper understanding of the topic at hand, in locating additional sources of relevant
information, and in comparing his own findings to those of other researchers who have conducted
similar studies, all of which contributed to the development of the generalizations and concepts
that constitute the study's contributions regarding the implementation of online guidance and
counseling services.
The Guidance and Counseling in the Philippines
Socioeconomic conditions and the historical development of psychology and counseling
as scientific disciplines have both influenced the growth of the counseling profession in the
Philippines. It was under American colonial control in the Philippines that the counseling
profession got its start, along with other educational and social reforms. As in the United States,
Volume III, Issue 5 May 2023, eISSN: 2799-0664
Copyright © 2023 IJAMS, All right reserved
the origins of counseling in Australia can be traced back to the growth of vocational guidance
(19131934) and the incorporation of these services into the educational system (1935-1945). It
echoes converging trends in American education, such as the rise of student personnel psychology
and the accompanying guidance and mental health renaissances. The initial growth of the
counseling profession in the Philippines can be traced back to three developments from the period
after World War II until the late 1960s: 1) the introduction of counselor education programs in the
country; 2) the establishment of professional counseling organizations; and 3) the provision of
guidance and counseling services in local schools (Yanez, 2020).
The provision of CPD for practitioners was prioritized during the 1970s and the 1980s.
General and specialized counselor training was available from a variety of professional groups in
the areas of counseling, program creation, psychological evaluation, research, and professional
development. Local professionals saw the need to improve their counseling skills to meet the
demands of an increasingly varied clientele. In other instances, professionals were faced with
challenges for which they were not well trained. As a result, groups dedicated to counseling offered
CPD courses to help therapists get the training they needed to effectively serve their clients.
Several counseling organizations were founded to meet the diversifying demands for continuing
education in the field (Garcia, 2018).
The Concept of Online Guidance and Counseling Services
Social and economic factors, as well as the evolution of psychology and counseling as
academic fields, have all had an impact on the growth of the counseling profession in the
Philippines. The United States of America introduced the counseling profession to the Philippines
as part of its educational and social reform during its colonial administration. The origins of
counseling in Australia may be traced back to the same time period (1913-1934) as the origins of
guidance and counseling in the United States: the integration of guidance and counseling services
into the educational setting (1935-1945). Similar trends may be found in the creation of student
personnel psychology in educational institutions and the guidance and mental health movements
in the United States. The Philippines' counseling profession saw its earliest stages of development
from the immediate aftermath of World War II until the late 1960s (Yanez, 2020). There was a
strong focus on offering CPD to working professionals throughout the 1970s and 1980s. General
and specialized counselor training in areas including counseling, program design, psychological
evaluation, research, and professional development were made available through a variety of
professional groups. In order to adapt to the requirements of an increasingly varied clientele, local
professionals recognized the importance of bolstering their counseling skills. The pros had to cope
with certain things they weren't trained to manage. Thus, counseling organizations provided CPD
for professionals to better equip them to meet the needs of their clients. Various counseling
organizations, each specializing in a specific area of professional development, sprang up in
response to the growing demand (Garcia, 2018).
Volume III, Issue 5 May 2023, eISSN: 2799-0664
Copyright © 2023 IJAMS, All right reserved
Counseling in the 1980s saw a shift toward greater cultural sensitivity, influenced in part
by Filipino psychological theory. Western ideas were challenged and supported, and new
indigenous formulations of the psychological functioning of Filipinos were developed through
collaboration between local and international scholars. There was an acknowledgement of the
necessity of developing counseling methodologies and practices that are culturally competent,
client-centered, and compatible with the worldviews of Filipinos. Researchers and practitioners
alike have recently stressed the need of local counselors grounding their work in research and
theory (Amodia, 2018).
Synthesis of Literature Review
Counseling and educational demands must be harmonized with digital technology as an
alternative to conventional counseling, as evidenced by the review literature and research. In view
of recent fast developments, the emphasis on innovation presents a challenge for guidance
counselors operating in the digital age. To achieve this goal, one must put in much effort and show
a serious dedication to creating novel approaches that enhance academic tasks. A better school
climate, increased academic success, and support for students as they work through obstacles are
all ways to accomplish this goal. It is ideal for e-counseling services to have educational elements
that will focus on and establish a distinguished academic school culture, in addition to ethical
considerations that represent the expertise of the educational counselor. All professionals in the
field of education now have an urgent need to understand the directing role played by the school
counselor in offering his or her services in light of digital learning. Therefore, the purpose of this
research is to investigate academic guidance counselors' and students' perceptions on online
guidance and counseling services in the context of digital learning.
Theoretical Framework
The framework of the study was anchored from the Academic Advising Core
Competencies (AACC) Model developed by National Academic Advising Association
(NACADA) and the Technology Acceptance Model or TAM.
Incorporating training and best practices into academic counseling is the goal of the
Academic Advising Core Competencies (AACC) model. Primary role advisors, academic
advisors, advising administrators, advising supervisors, managers, and mentors, and learning
professionals, trainers, and researchers are all encouraged to utilize this paradigm (NACADA,
2017). Academic advisors, advisor education, and advising programs can all benefit from using
this framework to evaluate their performance and develop their own objectives. The term academic
adviser will be used throughout this section because it is the term used by NACADA to
characterize academic advising as a whole.
Academic Advising Core Competencies (AACC) Model supports the professionalization
of the advising profession by showing the role of an academic advisor/counselor versus the theory
used by academic counselors to perform their professional duties. This is an important distinction
Volume III, Issue 5 May 2023, eISSN: 2799-0664
Copyright © 2023 IJAMS, All right reserved
as the focus in academic counseling training programs is on the theory counselors use in the
profession (e.g., person-centered therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, or transition theory)
versus how to professionalize the academic counseling profession.
This model comprises of six components: (1) Advising/counseling is an academic
endeavor; (2) Advising/counseling enhances learning and at its core is a locus of learning and not
merely a signpost to learning; (3) The learning that happens in advising/counseling is integrative
and helps students make meaning out of their education as a whole; (4) The student must be an
active rather than a passive participant in this process; (5) Advising/counseling is transformative,
not transactional; and (6) Advising/counseling is central to achieving the learning goals of any
college or university. (The Theory of Advising as Integrative Learning section).
Conceptual Framework
Assessing the Academic Advising Core Competencies (AACC) Model developed by
National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) and the Technology Acceptance Model or
TAM as the theories of the study layout on how the university students perceive the level of
implementation of online guidance and counseling services given by the university guidance
counselors. The theory helped the study to identify the broad range of understanding, knowledge,
and skills that support academic advising, to guide professional development, and to promote the
contributions of guidance counseling to student development, progress, and success.
Figure 1: Conceptual Framework
Academic Advising Core Competencies (AACC) Model
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
Level of
Implementation of
Guidance and
Services in terms of
technical, social,
moral, preventive,
and educational
Experiences of
Students on
receiving online
guidance and
counseling services
Volume III, Issue 5 May 2023, eISSN: 2799-0664
Copyright © 2023 IJAMS, All right reserved
For the purpose of obtaining the desired results of the study, the herein null hypotheses
were tested at .05 level of significance:
1. There is no significant difference on the respondents’ assessment on the level of
implementation of online guidance and counseling services given by the university
guidance counselors when grouped according to their profile.
2. There is no significant relationship between the profile of the respondents and the
level of implementation of online guidance and counseling services given by the
university guidance counselors.
II. Methodology
Research Design
To address the aforementioned research questions, this study employed the use of mixed
method utilizing descriptive comparative and descriptive correlational and case study design
Mixed methods approach was chosen within the case study design to collect data and to
maximize the benefits of both qualitative and quantitative. According to Lopez-Fernandez and
Molina, Azorin (2016), to obtain relevant and precise information regarding the current status of
a problem with respect to one or more variables and, where possible, draw valid general
conclusions from the facts discovered, a mixed method survey is a method of collecting
information by interviewing or administering a questionnaire to different categories of people
simultaneously. The information gathered from surveys is also used for analysis, pattern
identification, and comparative purposes. It is the most common method for gathering data about
people's thoughts, feelings, and actions on a wide range of topics. Since a survey was used to gather
information about school administrators' levels of leadership and management skill, a mixed-
methods approach was suitable for this study. This allowed for a comprehensive comprehension
of the topic being investigated.
The research will employ a descriptive correlational design to paint static representations
of circumstances and determine the causality between variables. The study's approach is well-
suited to identifying the factors that contribute to the association between online professional
development training and the competence with which public school teachers educate. A
descriptive-correlational research accurately interprets study results based on the data collected.
This research technique also places an emphasis on the actual situations that exist (Calderon,
Volume III, Issue 5 May 2023, eISSN: 2799-0664
Copyright © 2023 IJAMS, All right reserved
Population, Samples and Sampling Technique
The respondents of the study were students from the University of Makati. The respondents
were selected using stratified random sampling. In stratified sampling, researcher divided the
subjects into subgroups called strata based on characteristics that they share (Creswell, 2013).
Based from the evaluation among the respondents, there were total of 2562 respondents.
Table 1 : Respondents of the Study
Number of Respondents
College of Arts and Letters
College of Business & Financial Sciences
College of Computer Science
College of Construction Sciences and
College of Governance and Public Policy
College of Human Kinesthetics
College of Allied Health Studies
College of Education
College of Science
College of Tourism and Hospitality
College of Technology Management
Note. List of Colleges and Population are based from the record of UMAK Registrar A.Y. 2022 -
Research Instrument
The research instrument in this study was divided into two major parts to answer the
aforementioned research questions, the quantitative part and qualitative part.The research
instruments that were utilized for the quantitative part is standard survey questionnaires adopted
from NACADA (2017) and Teh et al. (2014). The research instruments that were used in this study
consist of three parts which are as follows: (a) questions on demographic profile; (b) questions on
the implementation of online guidance and counseling services; and (c) the practices of online
guidance and counseling services.
A five-point Likert scale as a rating system was used to assess the use of online guidance
and counseling services which includes 5 as Highly Evident; 4 as Evident; 3 as Somewhat Evident;
2 as Not Evident; and 1 as Highly Not Evident.
Volume III, Issue 5 May 2023, eISSN: 2799-0664
Copyright © 2023 IJAMS, All right reserved
Data Gathering Procedure
After the approval of the title and reading literature and studies about the online guidance
and counseling services, the researcher prepared the survey questionnaires that were adopted from
NACADA (2017) and Teh et al. (2014) and interview guide from Fernandez (2021). Permission
from the university was obtained from all respondents before administering the survey
questionnaire and interview guide. Respondents provided the necessary information by completing
the survey on Google Forms. All respondents used the aforementioned platform, and it took the
researcher over three weeks to retrieve the questionnaire. After waiting three weeks, the researcher
finished tallying the answers and analyzed the data.
Statistical Treatment and Data Analysis
Data analysis, defined by Merriam (2009) as the process of making sense out of data was
performed using a mixed-method approach in this study. The research questions were answered
by a systematic and deliberate study of the data. The following procedures were applied on the
Percentage. The simple percentage was used to determine the size and magnitude of one
variable to another.
Weighted Mean. This will be computed to denote the measure of central tendency of
quantitative or continuous variable. To interpret the weighted mean, the following was used for
the results of survey questionnaire:
Table 2: Weighted Mean Description of Survey Questionnaire
4.26 - 5.00
Highly Evident
3.51 4.25
Highly Proficient
2.51 3.50
Somewhat Evident
1.26 2.50
Not Evident
Highly Not Evident
One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). This was used to assess if there is significant
difference on the assessment of the students on the implementation and practices of online
guidance and counselling services when grouped according to their profile.
Volume III, Issue 5 May 2023, eISSN: 2799-0664
Copyright © 2023 IJAMS, All right reserved
III. Results and Discussion
This chapter presents, analyzes and interprets the results of the study. The findings of the
study are organized in seven parts, based on the problems posed in Chapter 1.
Part 1 assess the level of implementation of online guidance and counseling services given
by the university guidance counselors in terms of conceptual component; informational
component; and relational component.
Part 2 compares the significant difference on the respondents’ assessment on the level of
implementation of online guidance and counseling services given by the university guidance
counselors when grouped according to their profile.
Part 3 compares the significant relationship between the profile of the respondents and the
level of implementation of online guidance and counseling services given by the university
guidance counselors.
Part 4 presents the respondents’ significant experiences on receiving online counseling
services from academic guidance counselors.
Part 5 shows the proposed innovative guidance and counseling strategic development
framework for university students.
In terms of professional domain, statement 1 (a written mission statement exists and is used
as a foundation by all counselors) yielded with the highest mean of 3.18 and interpretation of
partially implemented while statement 2 (online services are organized so that all students are
well served and have access to them) yielded with the lowest mean of 2.96 and interpretation of
partially implemented. In general, professional domain yielded with over-all mean of 3.03 and
interpretation of partially implemented.
Results revealed that the students believed that the guidance counselors are greatly doing
his tasks written in his mission statement. However, the students agreed that there is partial
organization in the online guidance services of the university that needs to be enhanced by the
guidance and counselling office. This can be attributed to the fact that online guidance services are
its early years of implementation and has been implemented in the university since the start of
opening of classes after Covid-19 pandemic hit the education sector. In the study of Ahmed and
Firdous (2022), some students are hesitant to seek counsellor assistance. Students explained that
some counsellors occasionally make students' issues public, leaving those affected disillusioned
because confidentiality, a critical skill in counselling, is not followed by such counsellors. Students
expressed concern about being labeled negatively. As a result, students with counseling issues
were afraid that lecturers would use them as examples when teaching. As a result, the majority of
students do not seek or use the guidance and counselling office's services. In the study of Hanley
(2021), Given the global crisis caused by COVID-19, the pandemic's devastating consequences on
Volume III, Issue 5 May 2023, eISSN: 2799-0664
Copyright © 2023 IJAMS, All right reserved
virtually every aspect of society have become clear. It was an unexpected occurrence that caught
many people off guard. It meant a drastic shift in the way we all live our lives, with the usage of
ICTs replacing face-to-face presence in order to go on with our lives and job duties. For many, this
represented a fundamental shift in educational institutions. Our education system is predicated on
students being in the classroom, and online education has never been an option in schools or
colleges, so it was a development that most educational institutions were not prepared for, but that
students gradually began to accept and adapt to.
Over-all, professional domain yielded with mean of 3.03 and interpretation of partially
implemented, technical with 3.21 and partially implemented, social with 3.52 and partially
implemented, moral with 3.52 and partially implemented, preventive with 3.55 and partially
implemented and educational with 3.67 and fully implemented. In general, the level of
implementation of online guidance and counseling services given by the university guidance
counselors yielded with composite weighted mean of 3.42 and interpretation of partially
implemented. Results revealed that educational has been the strongest domain in the
implementation of online guidance and counselling services in the university while professional
domain as the weakness of the program. The level of implementation of online guidance and
counseling services given by the university guidance counselors when grouped according to their
profile yielded with .000 significant value and interpretation of significance. Thus, rejecting the
null hypothesis.
Results revealed that age, sex, year level and family status are good predictors of level of
implementation of online guidance and counseling services among tertiary students.
In the study of Suarez et al. (2019), students' age, year level, and family situation, as well
as school internal stakeholders' age, educational attainment, and technical expertise, are strong
indicators of the effectiveness of the deployment of online guidance and counseling services.
Students, parents, subject instructors, homeroom teachers, and principals who are able to use
management information systems and identify needs can help to finalize the implementation of
guidance and counseling programs. While implementing school counselors, it can be concluded
that they are able to use management information systems to process and evaluate needs, as well
as create complete guidance and counseling plans with the assistance of management information
systems. This implementation demonstrates the benefit of the product being suitable for use by
school counselors in planning comprehensive guidance and counseling programs, allowing them
to identify needs and compile programs efficiently, and school counselors to provide appropriate
counseling services based on the results of identifying student needs and environmental needs.
After all data collection pieces were collected and transcribed among the participants from the
focus group discussions, significant statements were identified. Each of those significant
statements were coded, and from the codes, one major theme emerged - issues and challenges in
the implementation of online guidance and counselling services. To understand the
implementation of online guidance and counselling services, the issues and challenges in its
Volume III, Issue 5 May 2023, eISSN: 2799-0664
Copyright © 2023 IJAMS, All right reserved
implementation amidst pandemic was a theme which emerged from among the data. This theme
did not simply emerge from answering the questions. It was evident on their shared experiences.
This theme consists of five subthemes including gender of guidance counselor, social
mistrust, lack of confidentiality among guidance counselors, lack of immediate solutions and
perceptions of the students.
Sub-theme 1: Gender of Guidance Counselor
The majority of students listed the gender of the guidance counselor as a major factor why
students do not seek counseling services.
P2 shared “nahihiya ako magshare ng mga personal problems ko sa mga babaeng
guidance counselors. Feeling ko hindi nya ako maiintindihan.” P5 divulged “mas gusto ko
magshare sa same sex na guidance counselors. Mas legit ung sharing and understanding sa mga
problems ko.” P6 mentioned “hindi ako comfortable pag lalaki ang guidance counselors.”
Male students do not seek help from female therapists for manly concerns for fear of being
perceived as weak or unable of dealing with issues. This is due to their socialization process, in
which males are indoctrinated to feel they are powerful. This study discovered a gender difference
in attitudes regarding accessing counseling services among university students, with the female
student being more favorable than the male student, which validated previous findings.
Sub-theme 2: Social Mistrust
Findings revealed that social distrust is the second most common cause for university
students not seeking counseling services.
P1 shared “medyo reluctant ako share sa mas matanda sa akin yung mga personal
problems ko.” P3 noted “medyo malayo lang minsan yung mga suggestions nila sa mga problems
kaya feeling ko waste of time magconsult.” P8 mentioned Mas hindi ako kampante sa mga
professionals at baka kasi ishare nila sa klase, nakakahiya.”
Some students thought that getting help from counsellors was a waste of time because they
had their own ways of dealing with challenges. According to Pruit (2022), the lack of trust between
counselors and students stems from a lack of common knowledge of expectations and duties. The
heterogeneous structure of the educational setting imposed structural limits that exacerbated this
Sub-theme 3: Lack of confidentiality among guidance counselors
Counseling relies heavily on confidentiality. This implies that no one outside the therapy
center is normally provided any information. Confidentiality is vital because it allows the client to
Volume III, Issue 5 May 2023, eISSN: 2799-0664
Copyright © 2023 IJAMS, All right reserved
believe that their revelations to the therapist will be kept private, and it improves the therapeutic
P1 mentioned may experience kasi ako na ginawa akong example sa klase. Alam kong
yun, kaya ayaw ko na umulit.” P7 shared nawala kung confidence ko sa mga guidance counselors
nung malaman kong ginawa akong example sa kakilalako na same kami ng case. Medyo
nakakahiya.” P8 mentioned Mas hindi ako kampante sa mga professionals at baka kasi ishare
nila sa klase, nakakahiya.”
Students explained that some therapists occasionally make students' difficulties public,
leaving those impacted disillusioned since confidentiality, a critical quality in therapy, is not
followed by such counsellors. Students expressed concern about being labeled negatively. As a
result, students with counseling concerns were concerned about being used as "examples" by
lecturers when instructing.
In the study of Rahiem (2020) found that the view of school counselors that it was ethical
to violate confidentially and disclose risk-taking behaviors rose when the severity, frequency, and
length of the behaviors increased.
Sub-theme 4: Lack of immediate solutions
Lack of immediate solutions for some problems such financial issues was cited as a reason
why some students could not seek counselling services.
P2 shared most of us, hindi naman talaga mental and social problems ang dala e, majority
samin, of couse the financial problems which is hindi naman kayang bigyan ng solution ng
guidance di ba?” P4 mentioned Medyo matagal ung reservation for counseling service, tapos
hindi naman ganun kabilis ung response nila sa certain problems mo.” P7 divulged medyo
mabagal ung action nila sa mga querries and problems ko. Kaya ako na lang gumagawa ng
paraan.” P8 cited “matagal na process and sobrang daming kailangan daan par magpapirma.”
Because there were no quick remedies, people either sought alternate solutions or kept their
troubles to themselves. A brief term of counseling is typically enough to bring students "back on
track" when it is provided at the right moment. If they have to wait too long for assistance, they
will give up and withdraw. As a result, Supriyanto et al. (2020) underline that counselling services
that are available when students desire and need them are significantly more likely to be beneficial
than those that are available weeks later.
Sub-theme 5: Perception of the Students
Perceptions of a phenomena can have an impact on its practice and success. Perception is
the identification and interpretation of information in order to comprehend a problem in the
environment. The school climate, teacher counselor credentials, and availability of resources all
Volume III, Issue 5 May 2023, eISSN: 2799-0664
Copyright © 2023 IJAMS, All right reserved
play an important influence in improved effectiveness as a counselor. Students' attitudes regarding
counseling are therefore important for continuous seeking of advice and counseling services.
P1 shared “feeling ko kasi hindi ko masyado kailangan or hindi ko feel humingi ng advices
from them”. P2 mentioned “wala sya as coping mechanism ko to survive. I tried pero hindi talaga
nagwork or I have certain issues lang with the office.” P3 divulged hindi kasi ako yung type ng
tao na willing magshare ng personal details ng buhay ko. Ayaw ko kasing majudge ng ibang tao.”
P4 cited hindi ako sobrang knowledgable sa process at also, matagal talaga yung process.” P5
shared hindi ko maisingit sa schedule ko. Pero willing naman ako.” P6 mentioned ako, mas
gusto ko na lang sa kaibigan kesa sa mga professionals. Mas prefer ko kaedad ko.” P7 cited
medyo formal kasi pag sa guidance. I prefer sa mga kaibigan na lang.” P8 divulged Hindi ko
talaga ako tiwala sa guidance office. SInasabi lang nila na confidential pero hindi naman talaga.”
Another issue was that some students believed that counselling was just for lower-level
students, not university students. Other causes for students' underutilization of university
counselling services connected to perception included perceived self-sufficiency, denial as a
coping technique, unwillingness to disclose personal concerns, and a lack of awareness about
counselling services. According to Wilson et al. (2017), advice and counseling still confront many
unfavorable impressions in today's society. It is mentioned that awareness and usage of guidance
and counseling services remains low, as indicated by the small number of students who come to
the counseling room and meet with counseling professors to seek aid in addressing difficulties.
The innovative guidance and counseling strategic development framework includes (1)
Guidance and counseling as an hybrid program; (2) The online guidance and counseling program
is developmental and comprehensive; (3) The online guidance and counseling program features a
team approach; (4) Online guidance and counseling programs are developed through a systematic
process of planning, design, implementation, evaluation, and development.
Guidance and counseling as an hybrid program
The educational profession is always evolving. New digital technologies provide a plethora
of options for designing and constructing new learning environments. Customers' methods of
obtaining new information, skills, and competency are continually evolving. Learning processes
must be built in novel ways to meet ever-changing demands. Guidance and guidance counselling
are always evolving as new methods of generating counselling services become available. As a
result, the educational approach and procedures in guiding and guidance counselling require
revision. Customers today prefer to acquire their counseling services personally and, in many
cases, online. In guidance counselling, there is an ongoing need and need for innovation, creativity,
and fresh thinking. As a result, guidance counsellor education must evolve to give new tools, skills,
and competencies to future guidance counsellors. In addition to the educational competence of
guidance counselors, the hybrid approach need technological assistance from online professionals.
To put the program into operation, two pedagogical manuals are required: one for persons
Volume III, Issue 5 May 2023, eISSN: 2799-0664
Copyright © 2023 IJAMS, All right reserved
attending online and one for students going face-to-face at the institution. The hybrid model differs
from standard online programs in that the entire entity is based on the notion of equitable
participation. Counseling services, guiding sessions, and other GCO services are delivered in a
way that engages each participant. Students believe that, regardless of style of involvement,
genuine engagement between all individuals is possible in all domains.
The online guidance and counseling program is developmental and comprehensive The
development and implementation of comprehensive developmental guidance and counseling
programs that are designed to impart specific skills and learning opportunities in a proactive,
preventive manner, ensuring that every student can achieve academic, career, and personal/social
development success. The school guidance and counseling program is comprehensive in scope,
developmental in character, and is offered to every student by counselors, both individually and in
conjunction with other professionals, as well as through programs and activities. Developmental
school guidance and counseling are for all students, have an organized and planned curriculum,
are sequential and flexible, are an integrated part of the overall educational process, involve all
school personnel, help students learn more effectively and efficiently, and include counseling that
integrates developmental perspectives that are both age appropriate and issue specific. The
advocacy campaign through creative form of delivery is a component of this developmental school
guidance and counseling. When paired with counseling-related administrative duties, clerical
counseling activities such as data entry, filing of student records and forms, and duplication of
papers and materials for distribution should not exceed 25% of the counselor's time. Individual
therapy, small group counseling, crisis counseling, consultation, peer facilitation, or outside
referral are some of the ways responsive services can be provided. Peer pressure, conflict
resolution, family connections, personal identity challenges, sorrow and loss, suicide, child abuse,
substance misuse, school dropout prevention, and motivation and success concerns are examples
of responsive services.
Summary of the Findings
After analyzing the data, the researcher came up with the following key findings: With
regard to the assessment of assessment on the level of implementation of online guidance and
counseling services given by the university guidance counselors, professional domain yielded with
mean of 3.03 and interpretation of partially implemented, technical with 3.21 and partially
implemented, social with 3.52 and partially implemented, moral with 3.52 and partially
implemented, preventive with 3.55 and partially implemented and educational with 3.67 and fully
implemented. Data shows that respondents’ assessment on the level of implementation of online
guidance and counseling services given by the university guidance counselors when grouped
according to their profile yielded with .000 significant value and interpretation of significance.
Results revealed that there is high relationship between the level of implementation of online
guidance and counseling services given by the university guidance counselors and age, slight
relationship with sex, high relationship with grade level and high relationship with family status.
Volume III, Issue 5 May 2023, eISSN: 2799-0664
Copyright © 2023 IJAMS, All right reserved
The students experiences on receiving online counseling services from academic guidance
counselors are characterized by various issues and challenges including gender of guidance
counselor, social mistrust, lack of confidentiality among guidance counselors, lack of immediate
solutions and perceptions of the students. The process of learning activities and social and mental
issues in higher education differs from those in primary and secondary schools, which is causing
problems for students that can affect the way they learn and have an impact on their learning
outcomes and future careers.
IV. Conclusion
The following are the conclusions of the study based from the findings: With regard to the
assessment of assessment on the level of implementation of online guidance and counseling
services given by the university guidance counselors, results revealed that educational has been
the strongest domain in the implementation of online guidance and counselling services in the
university while professional domain as the weakness of the program. Results revealed that age,
sex, year level and family status are good predictors of level of implementation of online guidance
and counseling services among tertiary students. Results revealed that age, year level and family
status of the students are good predictors of the level of implementation of online guidance and
counseling services given by the university guidance counselors. As the age and year level
increases, their engagement on online guidance and counseling services increases too. In addition,
being married as their parents’ status increases also their engagement on online guidance and
counseling services. This can be attributed to the fact that most of the students in higher year level
are educationally stress and having higher tendency of anxiety and suicidal tendency. This study
showed that during the course of the implementation of online guidance and counseling services
given by the university guidance counselors, the students unveiled the different issues and
challenges such as gender of guidance counselor, social mistrust, lack of confidentiality among
guidance counselors, lack of immediate solutions and perceptions of the students. These issues and
challenges mostly characterized their lived experiences that the school administrators should look
and take an action by using it as basis for school guidance and counselling improvement plan. And
if this will not be addressed properly, the same experiences will be experienced by the guidance
students and guidance counselors and worst, these challenges and problems will cause a total
failure of the program. The implementation of innovative guidance and counseling strategic
development framework in higher education provides opportunities for students to develop
themselves, to improve academic achievements, and to prepare to achieve their careers in the future
as well as to counter the various issues and challenges in the implementation of online guidance
and counseling services. To ensure the success of the innovative guidance and counseling strategic
development framework process, the implementation of the strategy must be in accordance with
the curriculum, all parties involved are ready and each environmental factor is of concern.
Volume III, Issue 5 May 2023, eISSN: 2799-0664
Copyright © 2023 IJAMS, All right reserved
V. Recommendations
In light of the foregoing findings and conclusions, the following recommendations are
offered: For university administrator, they should devise an action plan to counter the issues and
challenges being encountered by the students in accessing the online guidance and counselling
services including gender of guidance counselor, social mistrust, lack of confidentiality among
guidance counselors, lack of immediate solutions and perceptions of the students. For guidance
counselors, a training program is a must for retooling and upskilling the skills in the
implementation of online guidance and counselling services in a bigger learning environment.
Based from the methodological limitations of the study, if other researchers will conduct the same
study, the researcher suggests to add more participants for the focus group discussion, observation
and diary aside from interview for the instrument to capture more lived experiences from the
participants. For future research, the researcher recommends to study the attitudes, perceptions
and experiences of guidance counselors in the implementation of online guidance and counselling
services in the locale of the study to determine their side and insights about implementation of
these online services.
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