Why Google Dominates Advertising Markets
Competition Policy Should Lean on the
Principles of Financial Market Regulation
Dina Srinivasan
* Since leaving the industry, and authoring The Antitrust Case Against Face-
book, I continue to research and write about the high-tech industry and competition,
now as a fellow with Yale University’s antitrust initiative, the Thurman Arnold Pro-
ject. Separately, I have advised and consulted on antitrust matters, including for news
publishers whose interests are in conflict with Google’s. This Article is not squarely
about antitrust, though it is about Google’s conduct in advertising markets, and the
idea for writing a piece like this first germinated in 2014. At that time, Wall Street was
up in arms about a book called FLASH BOYS by Wall Street chronicler Michael Lewis
about speed, data, and alleged manipulation in financial markets. The controversy
put high speed trading in the news, giving many of us in advertising pause to appre-
ciate the parallels between our market and trading in financial markets. Since then, I
have noted how problems related to speed and data can distort competition in other
electronic trading markets, how lawmakers have monitored these markets for con-
duct they frown upon in equities trading, but how advertising has largely remained
off the same radar. This Article elaborates on these observations and curiosities. I am
indebted to and thank the many journalists that painstakingly reported on industry
conduct, the researchers and scholars whose work I cite, Fiona Scott Morton and Aus-
tin Frerick at the Thurman Arnold Project for academic support, as well as Tom Fer-
guson and the Institute for New Economic Thinking for helping to fund the research
this project entailed. I remain deeply grateful to the many scholars that generously
shared their feedback, comments, and insight, often on matters well outside of my
area of expertise: Eric Budish, Kevin Haeberle, Scott Hemphill, Michael Kearns, Lina
Khan, Jonathan Macey, Doug Melamed, John Morley, Gabriel Rauterberg, Thomas
Philippon, Marc Rotenberg, Ashkan Soltani, and Chester Spatt, amongst others. I also
warmly thank John Schwall and Rick Arney for helping me to better appreciate the
parallels to financial markets, Zach Edwards for critical thinking and research assis-
tance, Jennifer LaCosse for careful edits and thoughtful suggestions, Chaaru Deb for
excellent legal research assistance, and the editors at the STANFORD TECHNOLOGY LAW
REVIEW for outstanding editorial support. The views and errors therein are my own.
24 STAN. TECH. L. REV. 55 (2020)
Approximately 86% of online display advertising space in the U.S. is bought
and sold in real-time on electronic trading venues, which the industry calls “ad-
vertising exchanges.” With intermediaries that route buy and sell orders, the
structure of the ad market is similar to the structure of electronically traded fi-
nancial markets. In advertising, a single company, Alphabet (“Google”), simul-
taneously operates the leading trading venue, as well as the leading intermedi-
aries that buyers and sellers go through to trade. At the same time, Google itself
is one of the largest sellers of ad space globally. This Article explains how Google
dominates advertising markets by engaging in conduct that lawmakers prohibit
in other electronic trading markets: Google’s exchange shares superior trading
information and speed with the Google-owned intermediaries, Google steers buy
and sell orders to its exchange and websites (Search & YouTube), and Google
abuses its access to inside information. In the market for electronically traded
equities, we require exchanges to provide traders with fair access to data and
speed, we identify and manage intermediary conflicts of interest, and we require
trading disclosures to help police the market. Because ads now trade on electronic
trading venues too, should we borrow these three competition principles to pro-
tect the integrity of advertising?
I. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................... 58
II. ELECTRONIC TRADING MARKETS .............................................................. 69
A. Advertising Market Reflects the Structure of an Electronic Trading
Market ..................................................................................................... 69
B. Common Competition Problems in Electronic Trading Markets ........... 77
C. The Competition Principles We Apply in the Equities Trading Market 80
MARKETS ..................................................................................................... 86
A. Google Has Information and Speed Advantages .................................... 88
1. Google Acquires Leading Ad Server DoubleClick ........................... 88
2. DoubleClick Ad Server Starts to Play Favorites When Sharing User
Identity ............................................................................................. 94
3. Google-Owned Intermediaries Have an Information Advantage on
Google’s Exchange ........................................................................... 98
4. Consumer Privacy Offered as Reason for Information Asymmetry
....................................................................................................... 102
5. Google-Owned Intermediaries Have a Speed Advantage on Google’s
Exchange ........................................................................................ 107
B. Discriminatory Routing of Orders and More Speed Races .................. 117
1. Routing Orders to Google’s Exchange and Owned Properties ..... 117
2. Market Creates Invention to Circumvent Routing Restrictions and
Set Own Speeds ............................................................................. 127
3. Google AMP Speed Protocol Restricts Trading Through Non-
Google Venues ................................................................................ 132
4. Google Search “Speed Update” Further Restricts Trading Through
Non-Google Venues ....................................................................... 144
C. Inside Information Abuses .................................................................... 149
1. Google’s Ad Server Shares Information About Competitors’ Trading
Activity with Google’s Exchange and Buying Tools, Permitting
Them to Trade Ahead of Orders .................................................... 149
2. Google Amends Terms and Conditions to Breach “Ethical Walls”
....................................................................................................... 154
IV. POLICY CONSIDERATIONS ........................................................................ 158
A. Advertising Exchanges Should Provide Fair Access to Information and
Speed ..................................................................................................... 158
B. Steps Toward Identifying and Managing Intermediary Conflicts of
Interest .................................................................................................. 162
1. Structural Separations ................................................................... 162
2. Conduct and Disclosure Rules ...................................................... 163
3. Transparency and Disclosure ........................................................ 171
V. CONCLUSION ............................................................................................. 172
VI. APPENDIX .................................................................................................. 174
A. Timeline ................................................................................................ 174
B. Screenshot of Auction Timestamp Transparency ................................. 175
The business of advertising has changed drastically over the last two
decades. In the past, advertising contracts were negotiated in person
think Mad Men-type advertising and publishing executives over two-
martini lunches off Madison Avenue. Today, the largest category of ad-
vertising, online advertising, is rarely negotiated by people at all. Ad-
vances in technology allow ad space to be bought and sold electronically
through centralized trading venues at high speeds, without people ever
meeting face-to-face. When a user visits a website, the ad space on a page
is instantly routed into one or more of these venues. There, the space is
auctioned in real-time to the highest bidder. At the conclusion of these
auctions, the advertisers’ ads return and display to the user in time for
the page to load and before the user has noticed anything has occurred.
The user just sees ads targeted to them, say one for Barclays bank.
The rise of electronic ad trading, widely known today as “program-
matic advertising,” paralleled the rise of electronic trading across various
sectors of the economy. In 2005, the New York Stock Exchange merged
with an electronic trading company, sunsetting the buying and selling of
stock on its iconic trading floor on Wall Street.
Around this time, early
advertising technology company Right Media launched the RMX “adver-
tising exchange,” the first-ever electronic trading venue for ads.
Just like
that, by “borrowing tactics from Wall Street,” advertising went from be-
ing a relationship business to a commodity business, with publishers and
advertisers transacting with each other in an electronic spot market.
. NYSE Approves Merger with Electronic Trading Company, N.Y. TIMES (Dec.
7, 2005), https://perma.cc/QR3Y-KMX2.
. Adrianne Jeffries, How to Succeed in Advertising (and Transform the Inter-
net While You’re at It), N.Y. MAG.: INTELLIGENCER (May 31, 2018),
https://perma.cc/W7CG-4LLA (discussing the history of Right Media).
. Stephanie Clifford, Leftover Ad Space? Exchanges Handle the Remnants,
N.Y. TIMES (July 28, 2008), https://perma.cc/UDC4-Q7LN.
The efficiencies promised by this new way of trading caught on like
wildfire. By late 2009, the RMX exchange, which Yahoo! acquired in 2007
for $680 million, was processing 9 billion ad spaces daily.
Since then, the
percentage of ads traded in this fashion has steadily increased. In 2021, it
is estimated that 87.5% of all online display ad space in the United
Statesincluding that belonging to news publishers such as The Wash-
ington Post and The Des Moines Registerwill trade programmatically.
Since the advent of electronic ad trading, however, the market has
become less competitive. At first, the biggest names in techincluding
Microsoft, Yahoo!, AOL and Alphabet (“Google”)competed vigorously
with each other. These tech companies initially provided sellers (e.g.,
publishers like newspapers) and buyers (i.e., advertisers) with more
choices when deciding which exchanges and other trading middlemen to
Today, a single company, Google, simultaneously operates the lead-
ing exchange and the leading middlemen (i.e., intermediaries) that pub-
lishers and advertisers must use to trade.
. Yishay Mansour et al., Doubleclick Ad Exchange Auction 2, (2012) (un-
published manuscript), https://perma.cc/T5L4-JS4Y (noting Right Media average
daily trades).
. Lauren Fisher, US Programmatic Ad Spending Forecast 2019, EMARKETER
(Apr. 25, 2019), https://perma.cc/852B-PRUA (estimating 87.5% of online display
ads will trade programmatically in 2021). Note, websites can sell their ad space
in open or private exchanges. Data from news publisher trade association Digital
Content Next suggests that approximately 75% of the inventory of large and mid-
dle-tier U.S. publishers currently trades in open exchanges. One would imagine
that the percentage increases if one includes small and local publishers across the
heartland. See Jason Kint (@jason_kint), TWITTER (May 12, 2020),
. For competition in the exchange market in the late 2000s, see
AdExchanger Staff, infra note 33 and further discussion in Part III.
. The company formerly known as Google was renamed Alphabet Inc. in
2015, at which point Google became a subdivision of the parent organization.
Indirect proof of market power in the form of market share information is noto-
riously difficult to construct with publicly available information. However, sev-
In addition to the market becoming more concentrated, it exhibits
characteristics that would trigger concerns in other electronic trading
markets: market growth is distorted, trading costsbetween 30% to 50%
of the tradeare high and non-transparent, and conflicts of interests
For example, on top of operating the largest exchange, as well
eral public reports on market shares support the proposition that Google oper-
ates the leading exchange, buy-side software, and sell-side software in the mar-
ADVERTISING: MARKET STUDY FINAL REPORT 20 (2019), https://perma.cc/3GKR-
YJ5J [hereinafter CMA FINAL REPORT] (estimating that in the UK, Google has a
50-60% share of the advertising exchange market, 90+% share of the ad server
sell-side software market, and 50-60% of the enterprise DSP buy-side software
market); Data Processing in the Online Advertising Sector, Opinion No. 18-A-03,
AUTORITÉ DE LA CONCURRENCE, at 86 218 (Mar. 6, 2018), https://perma.cc/X7ZQ-
NM6U [hereinafter AUTORITÉ DE LA CONCURRENCE] (finding that Google’s enter-
prise DSP buy-side softwarepreviously called DoubleClick Bidding Manager
or DBM but since renamed DV360generates the most revenue and has signifi-
cant growth and that Google “has held a leading position” in the ad serving sell-
side software market since its acquisition of DoubleClick); Joe Mandese, Google
Discloses Results of “Exchange Bidding,” Boosts Publisher Yield >40%, MEDIAPOST:
DIGIT. NEWS DAILY (Feb. 16, 2018), https://perma.cc/GN5X-N8ZZ (stating that the
DoubleClick ad server is “by far the dominant ad server used by advertisers,
agencies and digital publishers”); Keach Hagey & Vivien Ngo, How Google Edged
Out Rivals and Built the World’s Dominant Ad Machine: A Visual Guide, WALL ST. J.
(Nov. 7, 2019), https://perma.cc/DKC7-D5MA (reporting that Google’s exchange,
selling tools, and buying tools are the leading ones in the market and stating that
“[m]ore than 90% of large publishers use the Google ad server, DoubleClick for
Publishers, according to interviews with dozens of publishing and ad execu-
tives”); Allen Grunes, Google’s Quiet Dominance Over the “Ad Tech” Industry,
FORBES (Feb. 26, 2015), https://perma.cc/P84T-7GX3 (discussing the leading posi-
tion of Google’s buying tools Google Ads and DoubleClick Bid Manager, which
is now called DV360).
. Several sources deal with the question of trading costs. See Alex Barker,
Half of Online Ad Spending Goes to Industry Middlemen, FIN. TIMES (May 5, 2020),
https://perma.cc/Z3H4-JLBM; Ross Benes, Why Tech Firms Obtain Most of the
Money in Programmatic Ad Buys, EMARKETER (Apr. 16, 2018),
https://perma.cc/96RE-5HMA (industry analysts from Warc estimating interme-
diaries collectively charge 55% of programmatic spend worldwide, based on data
shared by advertising agency Magna Global).
as the largest intermediaries trading on its exchange, Google has another
conflict of interest.
Google not only sells ad space belonging to third-
party websites, it sells ad space appearing on its own sites, Google Search
and YouTube. When a small business uses Google’s intermediary tool,
called Google Ads, to bid on and purchase ad space trading on ex-
changes, this tool steers that advertiser towards which ad space to buy.
The effects of this conflict of interest are predictable. In 2007, approx-
imately 64% of Google advertising revenue went to Google properties,
including Google Search and YouTube. The remaining portion went to
non-Google properties, like The Post and The Register, that also sell their
ad space through Google’s intermediary tools and exchange.
. Note, according to some estimates, Google’s buy-side intermediaries
the buying tools that small and large advertisers use to tradeaccount for the
plurality if not the majority of buying volume on Google’s exchange. See Kean
Graham, How to Increase Auction Pressure in Ad Exchange, MONETIZEMORE (July 8,
2016), https://perma.cc/BA8B-2YZV (stating that Google Ads, formerly known as
AdWords, is “currently the largest buyer of inventory on the [Google] Ad Ex-
change”); Hagey & Ngo, supra note 7 (stating that media company News Corp.
did not switch from Google to a rival intermediary, because doing so would jeop-
ardize 40% to 60% of the demand the publisher receives in Google’s exchange
from Google’s proprietary demand, Google Ads).
. In Google’s annual 10-K SEC filings, Google breaks down its advertis-
ing revenue as going to “Google properties” or “web sites of Google Network
members.” The term “Google Network members” refers to non-Google websites
on which Google places advertising. In its 2017 10-K, Google explains that it gen-
erally accounts for third-party revenue on a gross basis: “For ads placed on
Google Network Members’ properties, we evaluate whether we are the principal
(i.e., report revenues on a gross basis) or agent (i.e., report revenues on a net ba-
sis). Generally, we report advertising revenues for ads placed on Google Net-
work Members’ properties on a gross basis, that is, the amounts billed to our
customers are recorded as revenues, and amounts paid to Google Network Mem-
bers are recorded as cost of revenues. Where we are the principal, we control the
advertising inventory before it is transferred to our customers. Our control is ev-
idenced by our sole ability to monetize the advertising inventory before it is
transferred to our customers, and is further supported by us being primarily re-
every year since 2004 this split has widened, in Google’s favor.
By Q1
2020, the share going to Google properties had increased to 85%.
sponsible to our customers and having a level of discretion in establishing pric-
ing.” In 2004, Google buying tools allocated approximately 50% of advertising
revenue to Google's proprietary properties, such as Search, and the other 50% to
non-Google websites selling their ads through Google's buying tools and adver-
tising exchange. Google Inc., Annual Report (Form 10-K) (Mar. 30, 2005),
https://perma.cc/5A4Y-8EY4. It was in 2006 that Google acquired YouTube. An-
drew Ross Sorkin & Jeremy W. Peters, Google to Acquire YouTube for $1.65 Billion,
N.Y. TIMES (Oct. 9, 2006), https://perma.cc/5TG8-8BVE. In 2005, Google's share of
advertising revenue increased to, approximately, 55%; 2006, 60%; 2007, 65%;
2008, 68%; 2009, 68%; 2010, 68%; 2011, 71%; 2012, 71%; 2013, 73%; 2014, 75%; 2015,
77%; 2016, 80%; 2017, 81%, 2018, 82%; 2019, 84%. Google Inc., Annual Report
(Form 10-K) (Mar. 16, 2006), https://perma.cc/Y272-BRAP; Google Inc., Annual
Report (Form 10-K) (Mar. 1, 2007), https://perma.cc/H4ZJ-FL7B; Google Inc., An-
nual Report (Form 10-K) (Feb. 15, 2008), https://perma.cc/W6FU-AA2T; Google
Inc., Annual Report (Form 10-K) (Feb. 13, 2009), https://perma.cc/5PZY-UZS5;
Google Inc., Annual Report (Form 10-K) (Feb. 12, 2010), https://perma.cc/7B6E-
REEV; Google Inc., Annual Report (Form 10-K) (Feb. 12, 2011),
https://perma.cc/9ZKX-XPKL; Google Inc., Annual Report (Form 10-K) (Apr. 23,
2012), https://perma.cc/YS3R-TLE4; Google Inc., Annual Report (Form 10-K) (Jan.
29, 2013), https://perma.cc/3W45-M9R9; Google Inc., Annual Report (Form 10-K)
(Feb. 11, 2014), https://perma.cc/79A2-6TCT; Google Inc., Annual Report (Form
10-K) (Feb. 6, 2015), https://perma.cc/7DJZ-FD8S; Google Inc., Annual Report
(Form 10-K) (Feb. 11, 2016) https://perma.cc/EU2M-T6QC; Alphabet Inc., Annual
Report (Form 10-K) (Feb. 2, 2017), https://perma.cc/4QKP-UUZJ; Alphabet Inc.,
Annual Report (Form 10-K) (Feb. 5, 2018), https://perma.cc/22HL-SSSP; Alphabet
Inc., Annual Report (Form 10-K) (Feb. 4, 2019), https://perma.cc/ELZ2-AC93; Al-
phabet Inc., Annual Report (Form 10-K) (Feb. 3, 2020), https://perma.cc/RWE8-
27PB. For a visual graph of this split, see Appendix A.
. Google Inc. (2005-2016), supra note 10; Alphabet Inc. (2017-2020), supra
note 10.
. See Alphabet Inc., Quarterly Report (Form 10-Q) (March 31, 2020),
https://perma.cc/7872-G8ZW. In this filing, Google breaks down advertising rev-
enue as revenue for “Google properties” and “Google Network Member Proper-
ties.” Here, Google properties includes “Google Search & other properties and
YouTube.” Id. at 33. Google goes on to say that, “Google Search & other consists
of revenues generated on Google search properties (including revenues from
traffic generated by search distribution partners who use Google.com as their
lion’s share of Google’s $134 billion in advertising revenue went to
Google’s own.
Problems of distorted growth then extend across the market. Over
the last ten years, the online advertising market has enjoyed double-digit
year-over-year growth.
However, the majority of advertising revenue
and growth has gone to large firms like Google and Facebook that both
sell their own ad space and simultaneously run an electronic market-
Transparency in the advertising market is also minimal. When small
businesses use the Google Ads tool to bid on ad space belonging to third-
party publishers from Google’s exchange, Google does not disclose to
them the price that the ad space actually cleared for and it appears Google
default search in browsers, toolbars, etc.) and other Google owned and operated
properties like Gmail, Google Maps, and Google Play; YouTube ads consists of
revenues generated primarily on YouTube properties; and Google Network
Members properties consist of revenues generated primarily on Google Net-
work Members’ properties participating in AdMob, AdSense, and Google Ad
Manager.” Id.
. PricewaterhouseCoopers, Internet Advertising Revenue Report: 2019 First
Six Months Results, INTERACTIVE ADVERT. BUR. (Oct. 2019), https://perma.cc/YX8X-
72EC (displaying year-over-year growth by quarter from 1996 through Q2 2019).
. Lauren Fisher, Digital Display Advertising 2019, EMARKETER (Jan. 22,
2019), https://perma.cc/4UVF-JGHX (estimating that Google and Facebook will
account for 52% of the display online advertising market in the U.S. in 2019);
Michael Barthel, 5 Key Takeaways About the State of the News Media in 2018, PEW
RSCH. CTR. (July 23, 2019), https://perma.cc/SJ25-45VC (summarizing that digital
ad revenue has grown exponentially but that the majority goes to Google and
Facebook). Outside of Google, Facebook, and Amazon, some even estimate that
the online advertising market is shrinking. See, e.g., Peter Kafka, Google and Face-
book Are Booming. Is the Rest of the Digital Ad Business Sinking?, VOX (Nov. 2, 2016),
https://perma.cc/QAZ6-6V9K (reflecting comments by industry analyst Brian
Weiser and publisher trade association executive Jason Kint). Finally, for docu-
mentation on the auction marketplaces run by Facebook and Amazon, see Face-
book Audience Network, Solutions Overview, https://perma.cc/KYK5-HPUG (last
visited Sept. 29, 2020). See also Amazon Publisher Services, Unified Ad Marketplace,
https://perma.cc/82YF-AX7B (last visited Sept. 29, 2020).
can arbitrage advertisers’ bids across two Google-controlled market-
placesa fact that may go unnoticed by these small mom-and-pop busi-
nesses due to the complexity of Google’s terms.
In effect, the counter-
party to these advertisers is often Google, though they may be under the
illusion that Google is their agent. At the same time, Google does not dis-
close to the publishers on the other ends of these trades what their space
ultimately sold for and how much Google keeps as its share.
. Google explains how its auctions and pricing work across multiple,
different documents. See Google Ads Help, How the Google Ads Auction Works,
GOOGLE, https://perma.cc/6NV9-43XK (last visited Sept. 29, 2020); Google Ads
Help, How Google Ad Manager Works with Google Ads, GOOGLE,
https://perma.cc/X6UQ-AN7S (last visited Sept. 29, 2020); Google Ads Help,
About the Display Network Ad Auction, GOOGLE, https://perma.cc/8P3M-VPJ3 (last
visited Sept. 29, 2020); Google Ads Help, About the Google Display Network,
GOOGLE, https://perma.cc/6582-YRSK (last visited Sept. 29, 2020). When taken to-
gether, the terms appear to permit Google to process bids that advertisers submit
via Google’s buying tool for small advertisers called Google Ads through two
different Google marketplaces (auctions). In other words, Google Ads hosts a
first auction, then Google Ads acts as the “buyer” in Google’s exchange, so that
Google simultaneously acts on the buy-side and the sell-side. In a recent submis-
sion to the Australian competition authority, Google implicitly confirms this
ABOUT GOOGLES AD TECH BUSINESS 48 (May 5, 2020), https://perma.cc/WT2W-
DD74. At a 2019 conference for antitrust experts, Google chief economist Hal
Varian confirmed that Google can act on both the buy-side and the sell-side at
the same time and explained that Google uses a “formulaic apportionment” to
price ads when Google participates on both sides of a transaction. Stigler Center,
2019 Antitrust and Competition Conference, Pt. 11: Fireside Chat, YOUTUBE, at 1:01:13
(June 21, 2019), https://perma.cc/K2RR-UTCT. Finally, another point to consider
is that arbitrage, hidden fees, and undisclosed kickbacks may be a pervasive
problem in this electronic trading market. See Sarah Sluis, Investigation: DSPs
Charge Hidden Fees And Many Can’t Afford to Stop, ADEXCHANGER (Jan. 10, 2018),
. Websites that sell ads in Google’s exchange can see buyers’ clearing
prices via the centralized market reports that Google shares back with sites.
However, the buyers here are the intermediaries, such as Google Ads, not adver-
High trading costs in this market also affect consumers. As a general
matter, if publishers like The Post and The Register make less money sell-
ing ads, they have less to re-invest into the business of investigative jour-
nalism and news. But the news business globally is already struggling. In
the last decade and a half, this sector in the U.S. has shed 51% of news-
room jobs, paywalls and subscription prices have increased, and 20% of
newspapers have closed.
This contraction has led some economists to
urge lawmakers to think about democracy and “citizen welfare” when
considering competition problems in advertising.
Lawmakers, antitrust enforcers, and academics are concerned about
distorted growth and high trading costs, which ultimately harm con-
sumer welfare. As a result, they have been asking, why is competition not
working better? In the U.S. and globally, governments are investigating
whether Google has monopolized advertising markets or restrained com-
petition by engaging in specific conduct that violates competition laws.
. See generally Felix Simon & Lucas Graves, Across Seven Countries, the
Average Price for Paywalled News is About $15.75/Month, NIEMANLAB (May 8, 2019),
https://perma.cc/D8CF-CN46 (surveying rise of paywalls); Freddy Mayhew,
More Paywalls Going Up Online as News Publishers Face Shrinking Share of Ad Reve-
nue and Try to Fight Back Against Ad-Blockers, PRESSGAZETTE (May 15, 2018),
https://perma.cc/CHR2-SBJC; Elizabeth Grieco, U.S. Newspapers Have Shed Half of
Their Newsroom Employees Since 2008, PEW RSCH. CTR. (Apr. 20, 2020),
https://perma.cc/NN29-Z36V (“The number of newspaper newsroom employees
dropped by 51% between 2008 and 2019, from about 71,000 workers to 35,000.”);
vation and Sustainability in Loc. Media ed., 2018) (finding total number of U.S.
newspapers declined from 8,891 in 2004 to 7,112 in 2018).
for the Study of the Economy and the State ed., 2019) [hereinafter STIGLER
COMMITTEE REPORT] (discussing how the news market in democratic societies
shares features of a public good and how either concentration in news outlets or
increased news prices harms “citizen welfare”).
. See Tony Romm, 50 U.S. States and Territories Announce Broad Antitrust
Investigation of Google, WASH. POST (Sept. 9, 2019), https://perma.cc/K8LA-NA2H;
Keach Hagey & Rob Copeland, Justice Department Ramps Up Google Probe, With
Do digital markets naturally tend to monopolize because of network ef-
Or has Google monopolized these markets by unlawfully exclud-
ing competition?
At the same time, economists and other scholars have
Heavy Focus on Ad Tools, WALL ST. J. (Feb. 5, 2020), https://perma.cc/CV82-T6K8
(reporting that the U.S. Justice Department's antitrust probe into Google is focus-
ing heavily on Google's advertising products); Silvia Amaro, EU Starts New Pre-
liminary Probe into Google and Facebook’s Use of Data, CNBC (Dec. 2, 2019),
https://perma.cc/BL8S-8WFU; Mark Sweney, Google and Facebook Under Scrutiny
over UK Ad Market Dominance, GUARDIAN (July 3, 2019), https://perma.cc/7EQR-
X7FC; Jamie Smyth, Australia Probes Impact of Facebook and Google on Media, FIN.
TIMES (Dec. 3, 2017), https://perma.cc/Z46B-PA6L.
. There has been push-back on the idea that network effects and econo-
mies of scale can explain market concentration in “big-tech” markets and a
broader conversation about market concentration problems in the United States.
See THOMAS PHILIPPON, THE GREAT REVERSAL 267 (Belknap Press of Harvard
Univ. Press, 2019). But see STIGLER COMMITTEE REPORT, supra note 18 (discussing
in broad terms tendency for digital platforms to concentrate markets due to net-
work effects and other factors); Lina M. Khan, The Separation of Platforms and Com-
merce, 119 COLUM. L. REV. 973 (2019) (observing generally that digital platforms
may tend to tip to monopolies and how network effects can act as a barrier to
. Competition laws in the U.S. and globally prohibit firms with market
power from engaging in conduct that is exclusionary. In the U.S., Sections 1 and
2 of the Sherman Act prohibit exclusionary conduct. 15 U.S.C. §§ 1-2 (1890); see
generally Herbert J. Hovenkamp, The Antitrust Standard for Unlawful Exclusionary
Conduct, 1777 FAC. SCHOLARSHIP AT PENN L. 1 (June 2008) (defining exclusionary
conduct as that “reasonably capable of creating, enlarging or prolonging monop-
oly power by impairing the opportunities of rivals,” where such conduct either
does “not benefit consumers at all,” is “unnecessary for the particular consumer
benefits claimed,” or “produce[s] harms disproportionate to benefits”); United
States v. Microsoft Corp., 253 F.3d 34, 49-50 (D.C. Cir. 2001) (discussing single
firm exclusionary conduct in technologically dynamic markets). In Europe, Arti-
cle 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) similarly
prohibits firms from using their dominant position in a market to undermine
competition. See Guidance on Article 102 Enforcement Priorities, 2008 O.J. (C 115)
89. In Australia, Section 46 of the Trade Practices Act of 1974 prohibits a company
“in a position substantially to control a market” from leveraging that position to
been debating how to spur competition outside the scope of antitrust en-
Some have advocated for the creation of a specialized digital
competition authority, while others have argued more generally for
structural separations.
This Article studies the structure of online advertising markets, what
drives competition, and how Google became dominant by engaging in
conduct that lawmakers prohibit in other electronic trading markets. To
“fix” competition in advertising, policymakers might lean on the toolbox
exclude competition. Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth) s 46 (Austl.). In China, Arti-
cle 6 of China’s Anti-Monopoly Law prohibits dominant firms from leveraging
their position to “eliminate or restrict competition.” Fàn Lǒngduàn Fǎ (反垄断法
) [Anti-Monopoly Law of China] (promulgated by the Standing Comm. Nat’l
People’s Cong., Aug. 30, 2007, effective Aug. 1, 2008), art. 6.
. STIGLER COMMITTEE REPORT, supra note 18 (proposing interoperability,
stronger merger guidelines and antitrust enforcement, data remedies, and pro-
consumer default rules, amongst others); STIGLER CTR., PROTECTING JOURNALISM
IN THE AGE OF DIGITAL PLATFORMS (2019), https://perma.cc/9LPT-
AQB4 (proposing public funding of news operations, and a requirement that
Google and other digital companies prioritize content according to criteria other
than ad revenue, amongst other measures); CMA FINAL REPORT, supra note 7
(considering regulating dominant digital platforms with a code of conduct);
Madhumita Murgia & Kate Beioley, UK to Create Regulator to Police Big Tech Com-
panies, FIN. TIMES (Dec. 18, 2019), https://perma.cc/DE8S-EXYM (reporting that
the UK in 2020 will move forward with establishing a new tech regulator for
companies such as Google and Facebook); RICHARD KRAMER, CMA ONLINE
(drawing parallels between permitted conduct in advertising markets and pro-
hibited conduct in financial markets). See JASON FURMAN ET AL., UNLOCKING
ed., 2019).
. See generally supra note 19; Khan, supra note 20 (arguing that lawmakers
should consider prohibiting dominant “digital platforms” from both running a
market and participating in it and that structural separations would be more de-
sirable than non-discrimination rules that would require case-by-case adjudica-
tion); Elizabeth Warren, Here’s How We Can Break Up Big Tech, MEDIUM (Mar. 8,
2019), https://perma.cc/2SYT-T7TX (proposing separating platforms and plat-
form participants and/or fair and non-discriminatory rules of dealing).
that financial regulators have already developed to protect the integrity
of a parallel real-time trading market, the securities market. That toolbox
provides a framework for understanding and addressing competition
problems in advertising.
Part II begins this conversation by identifying segments of the econ-
omy that have migrated to electronic trading, discussing the structure of
these markets, and explaining how the structure of online advertising
markets, in which Google is dominant, is similar. In markets with this
structure, problems related to concentration and distorted growth can re-
sult when exchanges provide a subset of traders with information or
speed advantages. Problems can also result when trading intermediaries
route orders (i.e., liquidity) to an exchange in a discriminatory manner or
abuse their access to third parties’ sensitive nonpublic information. In the
stock market, lawmakers safeguard competition by requiring exchanges
to give all traders non-discriminatory access to the marketplace, by iden-
tifying and managing intermediary conflicts of interest, and by requiring
trading disclosures to advance both principles. The integrity of the ad-
vertising market does not benefit from parallel competition safeguards.
Part III examines Google’s extensive conflicts of interest and specific
conduct in advertising. Part A first discusses how the story of Google’s
rise is in part a story of information and speed asymmetry: Google’s ex-
change advantages the Google-owned intermediaries with better infor-
mation about the ad space trading on Google’s exchange and with speed
advantages. When it comes to information asymmetries, Google often
weds its practice of cutting off rivals’ access to data in the noble language
of furthering user privacy. But users’ privacy is not protected from
Google, only from trading rivals, and competition is stunted as a result.
Part B then explains how Google routes buy and sell orders in a discrim-
inatory manner, to both its exchange and web properties. Finally, Part C
considers how Google distorts competition by using the sensitive non-
public information belonging to third-party buyers and sellersinfor-
mation it becomes privy to as an intermediaryto inform its own trading
activity in the market.
Although Google’s conduct may appear novel and unprecedented,
Part IV discusses in more depth how policymakers have dealt with par-
allel conduct in other electronic trading markets. As additional segments
of the economy have migrated to real-time electronic trading, including
small and emerging sectors like event tickets, airfare tickets, and crypto-
currencies, lawmakers have monitored for these common competition
problems, and they have at times intervened with legislation or regula-
tion when market participants have not sufficiently self-regulated their
behavior. Because the advertising sector now trades on electronic ex-
changes too, we might similarly borrow from the principles of financial
regulationensuring equal access to speed and information and manag-
ing intermediary conflicts of interestin order to protect the integrity of
A. Advertising Market Reflects the Structure of an Electronic Trading
The rise of buying and selling ad space on electronic exchanges par-
alleled a shift to computerized trading systems across various sectors of
the economy. For example, shares of issued stock trade on stock ex-
changes like the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), which once reflected
a hustle and bustle of traders on a physical exchange floor. Though tele-
vision networks like CNBC still perpetuate this image, today, stocks, cur-
rencies, and other financial instruments trade on dozens of electronic
trading venues at the same time and at lighting speed.
The NYSE is
. For a discussion of how equities trading happens on national public
exchanges, off-exchange alternative trading systems, and internalization plat-
forms, see Merritt Fox et al., The New Stock Market: Sense and Nonsense, 65 DUKE
L.J. 191 (2015); Kevin S. Haeberle, Discrimination Platforms, 42 J. CORP. L. 809
largely comprised of computer servers, interconnected by colored wiring
in nondescript buildings off the New Jersey Turnpike.
To buy and sell on these financial exchanges, investors used to go
through a human middleman. But now brokers and other intermediaries
are also computerized, connecting electronically to exchanges through
application programming interfaces. An individual investor might use
an online interface belonging to a broker like E*Trade, while an institu-
tional trader might use sophisticated algorithms to trade at high speeds
in an automated fashion.
Outside of tradeable financial assets like equities, the tickets for
sports, theater, and music events now trade on electronic marketplaces
and “exchanges,” as do emerging cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and
To buy and sell on these electronic trading venues, one can use
an online interface or go through a “broker.” Here too, trading strategies
can make use of computerized algorithms to buy and sell in an auto-
mated way at high speeds.
The biggest financial players have been helping to propel electronic
trading to new sectors of the economy. For example, the parent company
of the NYSE, Intercontinental Exchange, recently made a takeover bid for
eBay (withdrawn), which, until not long ago, also owned the largest
event ticket marketplace, StubHub.
Separately, large financial brokers,
THE RIGGING OF THE U.S. STOCK MARKET (Crown Bus. ed., 2013).
. Graham Bowley, The New Speed of Money, Reshaping Markets, N.Y. TIMES
(Jan. 1, 2011), https://perma.cc/4VEB-F987.
. Note, tickets trade in primary and secondary markets. See generally U.S.
MARKETS INTEGRITY INITIATIVE REPORT (N.Y. State O.A.G. ed., 2018) (providing an
overview of cryptocurrency trading).
. Cara Lombardo & Corrie Driebusch, NYSE Owner Intercontinental Ex-
change Makes Takeover Offer for EBay, WALL ST. J. (Feb. 4, 2020),
including E*Trade and TD Ameritrade, are launching cryptocurrency ex-
changes and trading desks.
NYSE rival, Nasdaq, has taken a different
approach, licensing its underlying marketplace technology to jumpstart
other sectors’ migration to electronic trading.
One exchange built on the
Nasdaq framework is NYIAX, the New York Interactive Advertising Ex-
But the biggest names in the advertising market are not NYSE or
Nasdaq; they are Google and Facebook. These companies, amongst the
largest market cap companies today, operate the nuts and bolts of what
is likely the most sophisticated of all electronic trading markets: online
advertising. Whereas the world’s largest financial exchange, the NYSE,
trades the shares of a few thousand companies and processes a few bil-
lion shares a day, Google’s advertising exchange trades ad spaces tar-
geted to billions of individual users and likely processes tens of billions
of these targeted ad spaces daily.
Just as individual investors go through an intermediary broker to
trade on financial exchanges, publishers and advertisers must also go
through a computerized middleman to trade on advertising exchanges.
On the buy-side, advertisers use specialized software made either for
small or large advertisers. Smaller advertisers, such as your local dry
. Elizabeth Dilts, TD Ameritrade Invests in Cryptocurrency Exchange ErisX,
REUTERS (Oct. 3, 2018), https://perma.cc/KPE7-RZEL; Julie Verhage, E*Trade Is
Close to Launching Cryptocurrency Trading, BLOOMBERG (Apr. 26, 2019),
. Non-Traditional Exchanges & New Markets, NASDAQ,
https://perma.cc/F4TN-N4DM (last visited Sept. 29, 2020).
. Announcing NYIAX, the World’s First Advertising Contract Exchange,
NASDAQ (Mar. 14, 2017), https://perma.cc/8UZT-FDS7.
. Jeff Desjardins, Here’s the Difference Between the NASDAQ and NYSE,
BUS. INSIDER (July 11, 2017), https://perma.cc/L6YQ-BF77; Markets Diary, WALL ST.
J.: MKTS., https://perma.cc/F7SV-LTQC (last visited Sept. 29, 2020) (reporting
NYSE daily trading volume); Chiradeep BasuMallick, What Is an Ad Exchange?
Definition, Functioning, Types, and Examples, TOOLBOX: MKTG. (May 18, 2020),
https://perma.cc/9AW7-SN9G (estimating that advertising exchanges process
approximately 70 billion ad “impressions” (i.e., ad spaces) daily).
cleaner, might use a simple, self-serve online buying tool, such as Google
Ads, which Google has analogized to the online brokerin the ad mar-
Continuing this analogy, an early Google Ads competitor called it-
self “the eTrade to Google’s NYSE.”
In practical terms, the dry cleaner
sets a budget and defines its bid parameters (e.g., bid ceiling) and Google
Ads will bid on and buy ad space, including those trading on Google’s
exchange, in an automated fashion on the dry cleaner’s behalf.
ever, Google here can ultimately be the advertiser’s counterparty, not its
Larger advertisers like Proctor and Gamble use enterprise trading
software that the industry calls demand side platforms (DSPs) and, again
. Comparisons between the advertising market and the financial market
have frequently been made by advertising industry participants, including
Google and others. For instance, Google compared Google Ads (then called Ad-
Words) to an online broker: “Who participates in the Ad Exchange? Again, im-
agine the Ad Exchange as a stock exchange. Only the largest brokerage houses
actually plug into, say, the NYSE. In the Ad Exchange world, those are: The large
online publishers (sellers)websites like portals, entertainment sites and news
sites Ad networks and agency holding companies that operate networks (buy-
ers)companies that connect web sites with advertisers.” The DoubleClick Ad Ex-
change, GOOGLE, https://perma.cc/5TTF-7PEK (last visited Oct. 3, 2020); see also
Mansour et al., supra note 4 (analogizing “like financial exchanges that only let
licensed brokers trade, ad exchanges let ad networks trade on the exchange on
behalf of individual advertisers.”).
. AdExchanger Staff, On DoubleClick Ad Exchange: More Digital Media In-
dustry Reaction, ADEXCHANGER (Sept. 22, 2009), https://perma.cc/75GY-D87J
(comments of then-CEO of buying tool AdReady).
. Note, historically, Google Ads only routed bids to Google’s exchange.
This changed in 2016 when Google Ads started routing bids to non-Google ex-
changes.See DoubleClick Ad Exchange, DOUBLECLICK BY GOOGLE,
https://perma.cc/TZ6F-S55S (last visited Oct. 3, 2020) (explaining that Google’s
exchange is “the only exchange offering access to the full demand of Google Ad-
Words”); Michel Van Luijtelaar, AdWords Remarketing Cross-Exchange, UP
ANALYTICS (Aug. 26, 2016), https://perma.cc/34GY-WJ2P (reflecting that Google
Ads/AdWords started routing bids to non-Google exchanges in May of 2016);
Google Ads Help, About Cross-Exchange for Display Remarketing Campaigns,
GOOGLE, https://perma.cc/NDP3-TDUE (last visited Sept. 29, 2020).
borrowing from finance, trading desks.”
Compared to the self-serve
software used by smaller advertisers, these software tools provide more
sophisticated bidding algorithms, offer a wider array of user targeting
options, and typically require a higher monthly spending commitment.
For brevity, this Article refers to self-serve tools for small businesses,
DSPs, and trading desks, collectively, as “buying tools.
. See generally Michael Sweeney, The Anatomy of a Demand-Side Platform
(DSP), CLEARCODE, https://perma.cc/K9EQ-XKBH. Note, demand side platforms
and trading desks also connect to the ad serving tool used by marketers. See gen-
erally Arvind Kesh, What Is a Demand-Side Platform and How to Choose One,
ADBEAT, https://perma.cc/K86U-J2UK.
. See generally Kesh, supra note 35 (summarizing that most DSPs require
monthly spend commitments of $5,000-$10,000 U.S. dollars).
Figure 1: The Buy-Side Intermediaries: Buying Tools*
*Advertisers must use buying tools to access the exchanges where ads
are bought and sold.
The counterparts of advertisers in this market are those selling ad
space, including publishers such as The Post and The Register. Sellers use
a different type of computerized intermediary called an “ad server” to
sell their inventory on exchanges.
At a simple level, the ad server is in-
ventory management software, which keeps track of the number of ad
spaces a publisher has available to sell and houses sensitive information
about the publisher’s campaigns, advertisers, and pricing.
As a part of
. It is worth noting that Google recently blurred the distinction between
its ad server and exchange by both reclassifying its ad serving revenues in its
shareholder reports and merging the two into a new single product renamed
Google Ad Manager (GAM). Jonathan Bellack, Introducing Google Ad Manager,
GOOGLE: AD MANAGER (June 27, 2018), https://perma.cc/T3HN-YCZV (announc-
ing that Google has merged its ad server and exchange together and renamed
them Google Ad Manager). However, from 2008 through 2018, Google’s ad
server and exchange were marketed as separate, distinct, products. Additionally,
in every 10K SEC filing from 2008 (the year Google acquired DoubleClick)
through 2014, Google distinguished its “ad serving software” from its exchange
and ad network. It was only in 2015 that Google reclassified its ad serving soft-
ware revenues from “otherto “advertising revenues” and stopped referring to
its ad server as a separate product. See Google Inc. (2008-2015), supra note 10.
. NetGravity Launches AdServer, the Premier Advertising Management Sys-
tem Software for World Wide Web Publishers, NETGRAVITY (Jan. 31, 1996),
https://perma.cc/7B2W-JB4M (announcing launch of first “adserver”); Julia
this role, the ad server also acts as a link between a publisher’s inventory
and real-time trading venues, routing ad space to exchanges in real-time
as they become available for sale.
After a publisher sells its ad space,
information about the order goes into the ad server. The ad server then
tracks these orders and ensures each advertiser’s ads are displayed (i.e.,
are served) in the right spot, at the right time, to the right users.
Figure 2: The Sell-Side Intermediary: Ad Server*
Brockhoff et al., Google/DoubleClick: The First Test for the Commission’s Non-Hori-
zontal Merger Guidelines, 2 COMPETITION POLY NEWSL. (Eur. Comm’n Competi-
tion), 2008, at 53 (explaining the core functions of an ad server); DoubleClick Inc.
and Compaq Computer Corp., Advertising Services Agreement, FINDLAW (Jan. 18,
1999), https://perma.cc/5T83-RGJ3 (detailing commercial terms of an old Dou-
bleClick license).
. Specifically, when a user loads a publisher’s webpage, the user loads
the ad server’s “tag,” which is commonly Google’s since Google owns the lead-
ing ad server in the market. Historically, Google’s ad server limited interconnec-
tion with non-Google exchanges. See infra Part III.B. When this was the case,
Google’s ad server redirected the user’s browser to call non-Google exchanges
directly. See How RTB Ad Serving Works, AD OPS INSIDER (Dec. 15, 2010),
https://perma.cc/S3TR-T84E (discussing how it worked historically). This process
changed in part when Google’s ad server introduced a product enhancement
called Open Bidding. With Open Bidding, it is Google’s ad server (and not the
user’s browser) that makes direct calls to integrated exchanges. See Jonathan Bel-
lack, Improving Yield, Speed and Control with DoubleClick for Publishers First Look
and Exchange Bidding, GOOGLE AD MANAGER (Apr. 13, 2016),
*Websites must use an ad server to access the exchanges where ads are
bought and sold.
The lifecycle of an ad trade flows through these three software com-
ponentsthe ad server, the exchanges, and the buying toolsand begins
the moment a user visits a webpage.
The user’s visit triggers the pub-
lisher’s ad server to identify the user loading the page and to route the ad
space on that page to one or more exchanges. The exchange then sends
trading signals called “bid requests” to the buying tools that have a “seat”
to bid, soliciting them to return a bid for that space without knowing
what others are simultaneously returning as their bid.
Each exchange
then holds an auction, picks a winning bid, and returns it to the ad server.
The ad server can then maximize the publisher’s inventory yield by se-
lecting the advertisement associated with the highest exchange bid and
returning it to the user’s page all before it finishes loading.
. Websites might use another software called a supply side platform
(SSP) between their ad server and exchanges. The SSP’s job is to route the site’s
ads to exchanges in a way that maximizes yield. However, the ability today to
route ad space to multiple exchanges synchronously largely renders SSPs obso-
lete, which is why the delineation between SSPs and exchanges has largely dis-
appeared. See Maciej Zawadziński & Michal Wlosik, What is a Supply-Side Plat-
form (SSP) and How Does It Work?, CLEARCODE (Oct. 18, 2018),
https://perma.cc/F5TG-UKVA (explaining what an SSP is and does); Ryan Joe,
Defining SSPs, Ad Exchanges and Rubicon Project, ADEXCHANGER (Feb. 7, 2014),
https://perma.cc/FQP2-JA8Q (describing the disappearing delineation between
SSPs and exchanges).
. See generally Verizon Media, Auction Mechanics 101, VERIZON (Jan. 30,
2019), https://perma.cc/53XX-CAQU (explaining how advertising auctions
work); Authorized Buyers Real-Time Bidding Proto, GOOGLE,
https://perma.cc/YKE6-N6DX (explaining how Google shares advertisers’ bids
post auction conclusion).
Figure 3: Electronic Ad Trading Altogether
B. Common Competition Problems in Electronic Trading Markets
In the online advertising market, as well as in other electronic trading
markets, access to information, speed, and the routing of buy and sell
orders are the linchpin of a healthy, competitive market. Access to infor-
mation about what is trading on an exchange is critical to those compet-
ing to buy on the same venue. In advertising, the bid requests that ex-
changes send to buying tools contain important information used to
decide whether and how much to bid for an ad. This includes the size of
the ad space for sale (e.g., 300x250 pixels), the page address (e.g., ny-
times.com/HowToDoLaundry), and some information about the identity
of the user.
Importantly, when these bid requests do not contain suffi-
cient information about the identity of the user loading the page, which
people in the industry have called the “skeleton key” of programmatic
. For a list of what Google includes in bid requests, see Google Develop-
ers, Real-Time Bidding: Example Bid Request, GOOGLE, https://perma.cc/X4ND-
77V9 (last visited Oct. 4, 2020). For an example of what another major exchange
includes in bid requests, see Xandr Bidders, Open RTB 2.0 Bid Request, XANDR,
https://perma.cc/AW5X-ST22 (last visited Sept. 29, 2020), which explains bid re-
quests and the fact that they contain “all the necessary information for a bidder
to produce a bid price.”
advertising, the buying tools bidding on behalf of advertisers sit out of
auctions or bid significantly less.
Speed is critical to electronic trading, whether on advertising, stock,
ticket, or cryptocurrency exchanges.
Online ad space trades in the mil-
liseconds that it takes for users’ pages to load and exchanges and buying
tools communicate with each other at lightning speed. When an adver-
tising exchange sends out bid requests, it sets the time each buying tool
has to respond with a bid. Within this timeframe, which is usually be-
tween 100 to 160 milliseconds (one to two-tenths of a second), each tool
races to unpack the data contained in the bid request, query additional
user data (e.g., this particular user’s spending habits), determine what
price to bid, and return a bid back to the exchange before time is up.
. Andrew Casale, Identity: Programmatic’s Skeleton Key, VIMEO, at 5:40
(May 21, 2018), https://perma.cc/E28F-EXQJ.
. See generally FirstPartner, Digital Advertising: The Role of Cloud and Con-
nectivity in Ad Trading and Delivery, INTERXION (2020), https://perma.cc/67ZR-
QTUT (explaining that “very fast response timesare “a precondition for com-
peting” and “[t]rading and delivering ads at very high speed is a critical require-
ment, and depends on rapid interactions between partner companies”); Hasham,
How Network Latency Affects the RTB Process for AdTech, DATAPATH (Apr. 21, 2016),
https://perma.cc/4W6Q-GUL2 (explaining that a “small improvement in latency
can spell the difference between winning an auction and not being considered
for the auction at all”); Tejaswini Tilak, NEED FOR SPEED: Why the Online Ad
Industry Is Converging on Equinix, EQUINIX (Nov. 18, 2013),
. Google Ad Manager, Bring More Bids to the Auction with Open Bidding,
GOOGLE, https://perma.cc/YPH2-KPAL (last visited Sept. 29, 2020) (sharing new
Google ad server Open Bidding timeouts of 160 milliseconds); BidResponse Object,
OPENX (Oct. 9, 2017), https://perma.cc/37ME-6S9E (discussing OpenX exchange
timeouts of 125 milliseconds and how the exchange reduces the number of bid
requests sent to bidders with frequent timeouts); PubMatic Technical Documen-
tation, OpenRTB 2.1 API Performance, PUBMATIC, https://perma.cc/36BA-42PK
(last visited Sept. 29, 2020) (“PubMatic’s performance requires that the total la-
tency should be within 130 milliseconds - 30 ms for connection establishment and
100 ms for bid response. If either of these independent thresholds are exceeded
(connection and bid response time) during the transaction the bid is considered
a ‘timeout.’”).
After the set time, the exchange closes the auction, excludes the bids that
arrived too late, and chooses a winner.
Across any of these electronically traded markets, an exchange can
distort competition between the different buyers competing in its mar-
ketplace by giving some an information or speed advantage. In advertis-
ing, an exchange might give some buying tools (bidders) superior infor-
mation about the ad space (e.g., the user’s identity) or let some colocate.
Colocation, which is also central to equities trading, broadly refers to the
practice of placing trading computers and exchange computers close to-
gether to reduce the time it takes for signals to travel between the two.
By colocating with an ad exchange, a bidder can receive and respond to
bid requests faster than the bidders that are not colocated, allowing it to
be included more often in exchanges that subject their auctions to strict
time constraints.
Just as exchanges can distort competition between bidders, the trad-
ing intermediaries can distort competition between exchanges by the way
that they route buy and sell orders to exchanges. When ad space on a site
becomes available for sale, the ad serverlike the broker in financial
marketsdetermines whether to route that space only into Exchange A,
or Exchange A, B, and C, on equal terms, and whether to do so at the
same time. Similarly, when an advertiser uses a buying tool to bid on and
buy ad space from exchanges, this intermediary determines whether to
route the advertiser’s bids only into Exchange A, or Exchange A, B, and
C, on equal terms. A company that operates an intermediary, especially
one that has significant market share and enjoys barriers to entry, can
distort competition in the exchange market by, for example, preferen-
tially routing buy and sell orders to a particular trading venue.
. Geoffrey Rogow, Colocation: The Root of All High-Frequency Trading
Evil?, WALL ST. J. (Sept. 20, 2012), https://perma.cc/QM7B-HSA3 (defining colo-
cation); Google Ad Manager Help, How Google Ads and Display & Video 360 Work
with Ad Exchange, GOOGLE, https://perma.cc/MWY3-JLP5 (last visited Sept. 26,
2020) (discussing speed and other advantages of colocation).
Also critical to competition is the way that trading intermediaries
handle the material nonpublic information belonging to third party buy-
ers and sellers. Problems often arise when companies trade on behalf of
third parties, but also trade on behalf of themselves. For example, in fi-
nancial markets, a broker might receive a Carl Icahn sell order for 10 mil-
lion shares of Tesla. The broker can best serve Icahn’s interests by keeping
information about his trading activity confidential, or alternatively, the
broker can use that information to advance its own interests. For instance,
its proprietary trading division might use information about Icahn’s
trade to get rid of its Tesla shares before information about Icahn’s trade
becomes public and the price of those shares drops. To be discussed more
in Part III, information use problems also arise in advertising markets
when a company both handles trading activity for third parties but also
buys and sells in the market for its own financial interests.
C. The Competition Principles We Apply in the Equities Trading
In the U.S. and globally, lawmakers manage these common electronic
trading issues in the stock market through the application of a handful of
broad principles.
While financial market regulation may sound intimi-
dating, the basic principles are straightforward. One guiding principle is
that exchanges must provide traders with fair access to the marketplace,
including access to the data transmitted by exchanges as well as the speed
at which data signals travel from exchanges to traders.
When exchanges
. U.S. Congress started regulating the stock market in 1934 to prohibit
unfair trading practices and “insure the maintenance of fair and honest markets.”
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 15 U.S.C. § 78b.
. In the U.S., stock exchanges must obtain approval for their trading
rules from the SEC, who in turn must ensure “fair competition among brokers
and dealers.” 15 U.S.C. § 78k-1(a)(1)(C)(ii). Specific fair access rules are articu-
lated in federal statutes. For example, Rule 610(a) and Rule 603(a)(2) of SEC Reg-
ulation NMS, prohibit the regulated National Market System (NMS) exchanges,
including the NYSE and Nasdaq, from restricting efficient exchange access; these
permit colocation, terms must be transparent, pricing non-discrimina-
tory, and the length of fiber-optic cord connecting the exchange engine to
the trader servers the same length.
Even an extra foot of cabling in a
colocation facility can systemically disadvantage some traders due to la-
Competition is also protected through the identification and manage-
ment of intermediary conflicts of interest.
One principle applied here is
rules also require exchanges to distribute information with respect to quotations
or transactions in a manner “fair and reasonable” or “not unreasonably discrim-
inatory.” See respectively 17 C.F.R. § 242.610(a) (2020) (prohibiting restrictions on
“efficient access”); 17 C.F.R. § 242.603(a)(2) (2020). The SEC has interpreted these
fair access rules to prohibit an exchange from sending data to some traders before
the exchange sends the same data to consolidated feeds. See, e.g., N.Y. Stock Exch.
LLC, Release No. 67857 SEC, 2 (Sept. 14, 2012). While the non-NMS exchanges
the Alternative Trading Systems (ATSs)are generally not subject to fair access
rules, some are subject to the fair access standards of Regulation ATS. 17 C.F.R.
§ 242.301 (2020). In the European Union, access to regulated markets (RMs) and
multilateral trading facilities must be transparent and non-discriminatory. Other
jurisdictions globally also require trading venues to provide traders with fair ac-
. Exchange colocation procedures need to be submitted to and approved
by the SEC. For transparency around exchange colocation services, see, e.g., NYSE
Price List 2020, N.Y.S.E. 28-39 (2020), https://perma.cc/T2XU-HFDF; MORGAN
HAUSEL, THE BAD SIDE OF A GOOD IDEA (Collaborative Fund ed., 2016),
https://perma.cc/AX7A-M6V6 (“NYSE measured the distance to the furthest cab-
inet, which is where people put their servers. It was 185 yards. So they gave every
[high-frequency trader] a cable of 185 yards.”)
. See generally Resolution on IOSCO Objectives and Principles of Securi-
ties Regulation and Methodology for Assessing Implementation of the IOSCO
Objectives and Principles of Securities Regulation, Presidents Comm. of the Int’l
Org. of Securities Comm’ns [IOSCO] (May 2017), https://perma.cc/UG65-KS23
(summarizing that one key role of the securities regulator, or an industry self-
regulatory organization, is to avoid, eliminate, disclose, or otherwise manage
conflicts of interest); Carlo V. di Florio, Conflicts of Interest and Risk Governance,
S.E.C. (Oct. 22, 2012), https://perma.cc/L3RW-NY9W (providing an overview of
a structural one: a company that runs an exchange like the NYSE cannot
also operate a division involved in trading.
However, when companies
are permitted to participate in the market in more ways than one, conflicts
of interest and disclosure rules kick in. For example, intermediary broker
dealers can have conflicts: they trade in the market on behalf of third par-
ties (the broker designation), as well as on behalf of themselves as a pro-
prietary trader (the dealer designation), and they can even run a special-
ized trading venue called an Alternative Trading System (ATS).
these multi-service firms must manage their conflicts of interest and can-
not simply route their customers’ buy and sell orders (order flow) to the
firm’s electronic trading venue.
the importance of conflicts of interest management to securities regulation and
the interplay between the existence of conflicts and increased market risk); Chris-
toph Kumpan & Patrick C. Leyens, Conflicts of Interest of Financial Intermediaries -
Towards a Global Common Core in Conflicts of Interest Regulation, 4 EUR. CO. AND
FIN. L. REV. 72 (2008) (defining a conflict of interest as arising when “a person
who has a duty to act in another party’s interest has to decide how to act in the
interest of that party and another interest interferes with his ability to decide ac-
cording to his duty.”).
. Conversations with securities professionals indicate that the SEC en-
forces this structural separation through its power to reject public exchange ap-
. Prop. Regulation of NMS Stock Alternative Trading Systems, 80 Fed.
Reg. 80,998 (Dec. 28, 2015) (codified at 17 CFR § 240.3a1-1(a)) (stating that broker
dealers operate ATSs).
. It is the Best Execution Rule, grounded in common law principles of
agency, industry self-regulation, and federal securities law, that prohibits de-
facto preferencing or internalization and requires broker dealers to use reasona-
ble diligence in determining where to route client orders. The rule’s application
in equities, however, is not uncontroversial and has application challenges (e.g.,
When does speed of execution trump best price? Is it unrealistic to apply such a
rule to individual trades?). See Jonathan Macey & Maureen O’Hara, The Law and
Economics of Best Execution, 6 J. OF FIN. INTERMEDIATION 188, 188-223 (1997). See
also Paul G. Mahoney & Gabriel V. Rauterberg, The Regulation of Trading Markets:
221-81 (Merritt B. Fox et al. ed., 2018).
Competition in the stock marketheavily shaped by access to data
and informationalso benefits from rules that regulate who may use
what information when trading. For example, we require financial inter-
mediaries (i.e., brokers and investment advisors) to act in the best interest
of their customers, which forcibly vests property rights in customers’ in-
formation in customers themselves.
Brokers, therefore, cannot use in-
formation about their customers’ trading activity to trade in the market
for their own financial gain.
This prohibition is further enforced through
. Regulation Best Interest under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 re-
quires broker dealers to act in the “best interest” of their customers and not place
their own interest ahead of retail investors when advising on securities or invest-
ment strategy. This code of conduct requires broker dealers to mitigate or elimi-
nate certain some conflicts of interest and disclose others. It also requires broker
dealers to exercise reasonable diligence, care and skill when advising retail cli-
ents. Sec. Exch. Act of 1934, 17 CFR § 240.15l-1(a)(2) (2019). Investment advisors,
on the other hand, owe their customers a fiduciary duty, under the Investment
Advisors Act of 1940, 17 CFR § 275 (1940). The SEC has interpreted this duty to
permit investment advisors to sometimes merely disclose some types of conflicts
to institutional clients; to retail customers, investment advisors may instead have
to mitigate or eliminate conflicts entirely, especially complex ones. The fiduciary
standard for investment advisors also includes an ongoing duty to monitor cus-
tomer accounts. As background, per the Dodd-Frank Act, Dodd-Frank Wall
Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, Pub. L. No. 111-203, § 929-Z, 124
Stat. 1376, 1871 (2010) (codified at 15 U.S.C. § 78o), the SEC was to “harmonize”
the duties of broker dealers and investment advisors. When promulgating a “best
interest” rule, as opposed to a parallel fiduciary rule, seven states, the District of
Columbia, and others, filed suit, challenging the short falling of the “best inter-
est” rule. Keith Blackman et al., Second Circuit Upholds Regulation BI, NATL L. REV.
(July 3, 2020), https://perma.cc/B8CY-D4TV.
. If a broker uses information about a customer’s trading activity to place
and execute trades in advance of the customer’s, it is called trading ahead or front
running, and is prohibited under common law principles of agency (which the
law constructs regardless of contractual intentions), industry self-regulation, and
federal securities law. See Opper v. Hancock Sec. Corp., 250 F. Supp. 668, 676
(S.D.N.Y. 1966) (holding front running to be illegal under principles of agency
and federal law), aff’d, 367 F.2d 157 (2d Cir. 1966); FINRA Rule 5270, FINRA
Rules, FIN. INDUS. REG. AUTH., https://perma.cc/5WPC-LMEF; NORMAN S. POSER,
Congressionally mandated ethical wallsinternal corporate policies and
physical barriers that brokers must implement to prevent the flow of sen-
sitive information from one business division (e.g., the broker division)
to another (e.g., the dealer division).
On top of this, rules against insider trading further restrict certain
parties from trading upon particular types of information advantages.
The classic example prohibits corporate “insiders” from trading in the
market using material nonpublic information.
However, insider trading
BROKER-DEALER LAW AND REGULATION 16-5 (4th ed. 2007) (discussing broker
dealer duties).
. In 1988, Congress passed the Insider Trading and Securities Fraud En-
forcement Act of 1988, which increased penalties for insider trading and securi-
ties fraud and required registered brokers and dealers to enforce written policies
and procedures to prevent the misuse of material nonpublic information. See In-
sider Trading and Securities Fraud Enforcement Act of 1988, H.R. 5133, 100th
Cong. (1998). In 1990, the SEC clarified and outlined minimum requirements for
broker dealers. Section 204 of the Investment Advisers Act contains a similar re-
quirement for investment advisers. See 15 U.S.C. § 78o(g) (2018); DIVISION OF
MATERIAL NONPUBLIC INFORMATION (U.S. Sec. and Exch. Comm’n ed., 1990); 15
ON INSIDER TRADING & THE WALL 9-7-9-12 (2017).
. Before the SEC took an active role in defining, expanding, and regulat-
ing “insider trading,” information use when trading was primarily governed by
state common law of fraud. The majority rule there rejected any fiduciary rela-
tionship between corporate insiders and shareholders, which would have trig-
gered a duty to disclose material nonpublic information to shareholders before
trading or to withhold from trading. At the helm of the SEC, Chairman William
Cary sought to reign in how certain parties with access to nonpublic information,
including corporate insiders and exchange floor members, could take advantage
CORPORATE FINANCE 344-45 (3rd ed. 1977). It was during Cary’s tenure that the
SEC began to use Section 10(b) of the 1934 Securities Exchange Act to prosecute
trading on the basis of certain information advantages. Though insider trading
doctrine developed over the years as requiring a breach of a fiduciary duty, some
rules also apply to “temporary insiders,” to prohibit those that become
privy to sensitive information through an unrelated business relationship
from trading on the same information.
These rules can promote eco-
nomic efficiency by properly allocating property rights to information
and by ferreting out trading activity thought to be grossly unfair.
In one
of the seminal insider trading cases at the U.S. Supreme Court, United
States v. O’Hagan, Justice Ginsburg relied on such rationale: unerodable
information advantages that derive from misappropriated information
can discourage people from participating in the markets in the first
scholars have argued that such fiduciary duties were “fictions” manufactured to
prohibit trading based on information advantages deemed unfair. See, e.g.,
Donna Nagy, Insider Trading and the Gradual Demise of Fiduciary Principles, 94
IOWA L. REV. 1315 (2009) (discussing the “Supreme Court’s Fiduciary Fictions”).
. The development of insider trading rules stem from Rule 10b-5 of Sec-
tion 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act (1934) that makes it unlawful “(a) to
employ any device, scheme, or artifice to defraud, (b) to make any untrue state-
ment of a material fact or to omit to state a material fact necessary in order to
make the statements made, in the light of the circumstances under which they
were made, not misleading, or (3) to engage in any act, or course of business
which operates or would operate as a fraud or deceit upon any person, in con-
nection with the purchase or sale of any security.” 17 CFR § 240.10b-5 (1951). Per
the misappropriation theory of insider trading, Rule 10b-5 “bars trading on the
basis of information that the wrongdoer converted to his own use in violation of
some fiduciary, contractual, or similar obligation to the owner or rightful posses-
sor of the information.” Barbara Aldave, Misappropriation: A General Theory of Li-
ability for Trading on Nonpublic Information, 13 HOFSTRA L. REV. 101, 122-23 (1984).
. Jonathan R. Macey, From Fairness to Contract: The New Direction of the
Rules Against Insider Trading, 13 HOFSTRA L. REV. 1, 55 (1984) (summarizing the
various motivations behind insider trading jurisprudence and arguing that a
main motivation is the proper allocation of property rights in information).
. United States v. O'Hagan, 521 U.S. 642 (1997) (citing Victor Brudney,
Insiders, Outsiders, and Informational Advantages Under the Federal Securities Laws,
93 HARV. L. REV. 322, 356 (1979)) (additionally discussing why it is not socially
useful to permit those that become in possession of relevant information in the
course of rendering another service to trade on the acquired information ad-
vantages for their personal benefit).
Collectively, these principlesthose prohibiting intermediaries from
using certain information advantages when trading, those prohibiting in-
termediaries from preferentially routing order flow, and those requiring
exchanges to provide traders with fair access to information and speed
help to protect competition in the electronically traded equities market.
Online advertising, despite also trading on electronic trading venues at
high speeds and facing the same competition issues, benefits from no par-
allel code of conduct.
Historically, Google was late to enter the programmatic advertising
market, and, when it launched an exchange in the fall of 2009, it faced a
lot of competition.
Right Media’s RMX exchange launched four years
earlier and was processing billions of individual ad spaces daily.
crosoft and top Silicon Valley venture funds Sequoia Capital and Draper
. In the late 2000s, the advertising exchange market was competitive. See
generally AdExchanger Staff, supra note 33 (stating that the exchange market “is
one area where Google is playing catch up with Yahoo and their RMX”); Case
No COMP/M.4731 Google/DoubleClick, Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 Merger
Procedure, Comm’n of the European Communities Decision (Nov. 3, 2008) (dis-
cussing competition in the exchange and network markets between Google, Ya-
hoo!, Microsoft, AOL/Time Warner, and others); Harry Gold, Pros and Cons of Ad
Exchanges, CLICKZ (July 24, 2007), https://perma.cc/M4GZ-JUTF (further discuss-
ing exchange competition from Yahoo!, ContextWeb, AdBrite, and others).
. Michael Arrington, Panama Not Enough to Battle Google: Yahoo Acquires
RightMedia, TECHCRUNCH (Apr. 30, 2007), https://perma.cc/9USU-XFSQ;
AdExchanger Staff, supra note 33 (clarifying that Right Media’s exchange did not
permit real-time bidding on individual impressions at the time). See also Clifford,
supra note 3 (stating that in 2008, Right Media “handle[d] about six billion trans-
actions a day”). See also, Yishay Mansour et al., supra note 4.
Fisher Jurvetson had their horses in the race as well with three other ex-
changes: AdECN, AdBrite and ADSDAQ, respectively.
Some eight ex-
changes crowded the market, competing against each other on price, auc-
tion mechanics, liquidity and inventory quality.
The same was true
about Google’s entry into the enterprise buying tool market. In 2009,
Google owned Google Ads (then called AdWords), but Google had not
yet launched an enterprise buying tool (DSP), and plenty of firms com-
peted in that market segment.
Despite “playing catch up,” by around 2013, Google’s exchange over-
took the competition to become the largest trading venue for ad space
Shortly afterwards, Google’s enterprise buying tool called Dis-
. AdExchanger Staff, Ad Exchange AdECN Acquired By Microsoft,
ADEXCHANGER (July 27, 2007), https://perma.cc/9LC7-A6RH; Kristen Nicole,
ContextWeb Launches ADSDAQ for Ad Trading, MASHABLE (May 1, 2007),
https://perma.cc/74VB-PKE5; adBrite, CRUNCHBASE (2020),
https://perma.cc/8G6K-WGGB; Danny Schultz, ContextWeb’s ADSDAQ Exchange
Reaches Record Size and Scope, GOTHAM VENTURES (Nov. 21, 2008),
. See generally AdExchanger Staff, supra note 33.
. AdExchanger Staff, The AppNexus Reveal: We're A Demand-Side Platform
Says Pres Rubenstein, ADEXCHANGER (Nov. 12, 2009) https://perma.cc/Z92C-53X7
(discussing competition in this market segment from x+1, MediaMath, Invite Me-
dia, CPM Advisors, Adchemy, Fox Audience Network, DataXu, Turn,
AdBuyer.com, and Triggit). A 2011 market research report found the top DSPs
in the market to be those belonging to AppNexus, Turn, MediaMath, and
DataXu. Jason Del Ray, MediaMath in AdAge “MediaMath Declared Winner, but
Who’s the Largest DSP in the Land?, MEDIAMATH (Dec. 14, 2011),
https://perma.cc/MCX4-ED8S (showing AppNexus was the leading DSP pro-
cessing 26 billion impressions monthly whereas Invite Media processed an esti-
mated 10 billion monthly).
. The first reference to the dominance of Google’s exchange can be found
in the year 2013. John McDermott, Google’s Display Advertising Dominance Raises
Concerns, DIGIDAY (Dec. 2, 2014), https://perma.cc/Z7D3-KRLR (noting that
“Google is the operator of the largest ad exchange, AdX, while also operating a
leading DSP, namely, DBM” (quoting Amir Efrati, FTC Begins Probe of Google’s
Display-Ad Business, WALL ST. J. (May 24, 2013).
play & Video 360 (“DV360”), an outgrowth of Google’s acquisition of In-
vite Media, also eclipsed the competition to become the most used in the
By 2015, the early exchanges that had initially beat Google to
the punch sold at a discount price or closed their doors.
The market
shares of the DSPs that once led that market segment declined in paral-
Google, with the language of tech likely obscuring parallels between
ad trading and electronic trading in other markets, rose in the West by
breaching the principles that regulators in the East had crafted over the
years to help safeguard competition in a market with a parallel structure.
A. Google Has Information and Speed Advantages
1. Google Acquires Leading Ad Server DoubleClick
One reason why Google’s exchange and buying tools expediently
surpassed their competitors comes down to an information advantage
they have when buying and selling ads, which traces its origin to the ad
server software company called DoubleClick that Google acquired in
. Google acquired one of the first DSPs, Invite Media, in 2010, which
Google re-launched into the market in 2012 as “DoubleClick Bid Manager” (now
called DV360). Peter Kafka, Google’s Final Price Tag for Invite Media: $81 Million,
ALL THINGS D (June 9, 2010), https://perma.cc/PP5S-AE9J.
. See Zachary Rodgers, Microsoft Retires AdECN, Migrates to AppNexus
RTB Engine, CLICKZ (Mar. 30, 2011), https://perma.cc/9R6A-5ZEL; Anthony Ha,
Ad Exchange adBrite to Shut Down on Feb. 1, TECHCRUNCH (Jan. 28, 2013),
https://perma.cc/2JQD-JRGN; Jeff Fraser, Yahoo Ad Exchange Closes Its Doors to
Publishers, MKTG. MAG (Jan. 13, 2015), https://perma.cc/X3C5-RQQK. The
ADSDAQ exchange became ContextWeb, before PulsePoint acquired it. Today,
PulsePoint appears to be focusing on the healthcare segment and operates header
bidding technology (see infra Part III.B) but does not appear to be operating an
. Today, Google’s tool DV360 is the leading one in the market. See gen-
erally CMA FINAL REPORT, supra note 7; AUTORITÉ DE LA CONCURRENCE, supra note
7 (finding that Google’s enterprise buying tool DV360 generates the most reve-
nue and has significant growth).
DoubleClickfounded in 1996 and listed on the Nasdaq just two
years laterwas the leading ad server globally and claimed about 57%
of the market in the U.S.
A long list of news publishers, including Sports
Illustrated, AOL Online, and The Wall Street Journal, used DoubleClick to
migrate their business from print to digital and to automate the process
of targeting and selling ads.
As an intermediary in this market, DoubleClick was privy to critical
information about publishers’ readers, which publishers use when sell-
ing their ad space on real-time electronic exchanges. One of the most im-
portant pieces of information in this category is the identity of users as-
sociated with publishers’ ad space. To identify publishers’ online readers,
the ad server assigns users a “cookie” to track users by random, unique
identifiers (“user IDs”).
As long as users’ internet browsers permit
. Press Release, Google Inc., Google to Acquire DoubleClick (Apr. 13,
2007), https://perma.cc/JZ58-LLT9.
. Information on DoubleClick publisher ad server market shares in 2008
is readily available. See Abbey Klaassen, Google Leads in Ad-serving Share, ADAGE
(Dec. 18, 2008) (estimating Google’s ad server market share, including Dou-
bleClick and AdSense, totaled 57%); Brockhoff et al., supra note 38 (summarizing
that the European Commission conducted an investigation into the ad server
market and found that DoubleClick was the leading publisher ad server used by
publishers in the European Economic Area, followed by the ad servers belonging
to 24/7 Real Media/OpenAdStream and AdTech/AOL); Statement of Federal
Trade Commission Concerning Google/DoubleClick, No. 071-0170 (F.T.C. Dec.
11, 2007), https://perma.cc/636J-EF2B ( “DoubleClick is the leading firm in the
third party ad serving markets. It faces competition from several significant com-
petitors in the United States, such as 24/7 Real Media, aQuantive, and Value-
Click.”). Additionally, many smaller publishers also did (and still do) use
Google’s AdSense product to perform ad serving functions rather than licensing
a standalone ad server such as Google’s DoubleClick product.
. See What Customers are Saying About DART for Publishers, DOUBLECLICK
(Sept. 1, 2006), https://perma.cc/6FW9-Z2LB; Louise Story & Miguel Helft, Google
Buys DoubleClick for $3.1 Billion, N.Y. TIMES (Apr. 14, 2007),
. For a more thorough explanation of how cookies work, see AdSense
Help, DoubleClick Cookies, GOOGLE (Mar. 1, 2017),https://perma.cc/J5MT-MGFD .
tracking through cookies by default, these IDs become a proxy for users’
identity online.
Because DoubleClick was the number-one ad server in
the market, it had cookied the most online users and was the leader in
online identity information.
Tracking users with identifiers is of high value to advertisers who
buy ad space for myriad reasons. At a basic level, user IDs
are used to
recognize users, remember information about their prior visits, and more
effectively target ads.
For example, if John visits The New York Times on
Monday and reads the article “How to Do Laundry,” The Times’ ad server
can assign John an ID, such as 1Q2W3E.
When John returns on Friday,
the ad server recognizes John as user 1Q2W3E who read about laundry
earlier in the week. The ad server can use that information to show John
. The way that user tracking works for mobile applications is different
than the way it works for advertising on desktop or mobile web. For ads that
display inside of mobile applications, the mobile device operating system (such
as Apple or Android) assigns a user’s device an advertising ID, and this ID is
signaled to exchanges along with information about specific ads for sale. See
Authorized Buyers Help, Target Mobile Apps with IDFA or AAID, GOOGLE,
https://perma.cc/6CK6-D63K (“[B]id requests from Android devices pass the
AAID [Android Advertising ID], . . . [a] device-specific, unique, resettable ID for
advertising . . . .”); Google AdMob Advantage, Discover the AdMob Advantage,
GOOGLE, https://perma.cc/7M4S-V233 (last visited Nov. 16, 2020) (explaining
how the mobile app advertising vendor AdMob shares users’ identities with ex-
. We can infer that DoubleClick had IDs for the most users online be-
cause DoubleClick had partnerships with the most websites permitting Dou-
bleClick to track websites’ users using cookies. See Balachander Krishnamurthy
& Craig Wills, Privacy Diffusion on the Web: A Longitudinal Perspective, INTL
WORLD WIDE WEB CONF. COMM. (Apr. 2009), https://perma.cc/SGS3-Y5TM (study
of 1200 sites showing doubleclick.net as the number one tracker between 2005-
. Jolie Kerr, How to Do Laundry, N.Y. TIMES, https://perma.cc/76PH-
CVH8 (last visited Nov. 16, 2020).
an ad for detergent even though he might be reading an article about the
weather. Access to the ID also permits advertisers bidding through ex-
changes to access information they already have about John or query
more information about him from a third-party data vendor.
John’s page is still loading, it might query its internal customer records,
or connect with a provider of audience data, to learn that John has sensi-
tive skin and to refine its decisioning and targeting algorithms to show
the ad for unscented detergent instead.
At the time of the Google-DoubleClick merger, the Federal Trade
Commission (FTC) and others had faith that Google would not leverage
its control of publishers’ primary ad server to distort competition in the
electronic trading market. The FTC rejected prescient concerns about data
and competition raised by public interest groups and FTC Commissioner
Pamela Jones Harbour (dissented), stating that the evidence showed that
“it was unlikely that Google could manipulate DoubleClick’s third-party
ad serving products in a way that would competitively disadvantage
Google’s competitors in the ad intermediation market.”
In covering the
. Advertisers commonly query data from data management platforms
(DMPs), which are specialized software companies that warehouse, analyze, and
process data. For more on this, see Maciej Zawadziński, What is a Data Manage-
ment Platform (DMP) and How Does It Work?, LINKEDIN (Sept. 1, 2015),
. Knowing the IDs of users is also used for non-targeting purposes. For
example, advertisers do not want to inundate users with the same ad, and know-
ing the user’s ID allows them to limit how many times they show the same ad to
the same user. This feature of online advertising called “frequency capping” has
been around since the early 2000s. Additionally, knowing the IDs of users view-
ing ads allows advertisers to measure the effectiveness of a campaign, since they
allow advertisers to track whether a user took a subsequent action, such as click-
ing on an ad, signing up for a service, or purchasing a product. JONES, supra note
. Complaint and Request for Injunction, Request for Investigation and
for Other Relief at 9-10, In the Matter of Google, Inc. and DoubleClick, Inc.,
(F.T.C. April 20, 2007) (urging the FTC to open an investigation into Google’s
merger for the wider public, The New York Times was equally optimistic.
It acknowledged that Google’s DoubleClick division would have con-
flicts of interest with Google’s “Nasdaq-like exchange,” but suggested
that publishers and advertisers would “jump ship” if Google failed to
properly manage its conflicts.
Google’s representations to government bodies furthered the belief
that Google would properly manage its conflicts of interest, including
when it came to data. To Congress, Google’s general counsel assured that
DoubleClick “data is owned by the customers, publishers and advertis-
ers, and DoubleClick or Google cannot do anything with it.”
proposed acquisition of DoubleClick and to halt the merger absent assurances
that Google will not merge DoubleClick datasets with Google datasets and en-
gage in other data conduct that could hurt consumers); Second Filing of Supple-
mental Materials in Support of Pending Complaint and Request for Injunction,
Request for Investigation and for Other Relief at 4, In the Matter of Google, Inc.
and DoubleClick, Inc., (F.T.C. Sept. 17, 2007) (asking the FTC to condition the
merger on Google and DoubleClick “maintaining separate databases of user in-
formation”); Pamela Jones Harbour, Dissenting Statement in Google/Dou-
bleClick F.T.C. File No. 071-0170 (F.T.C. 2007), https://perma.cc/Q57H-3YT8 (spe-
cifically warning that if Google and DoubleClick are permitted to merge without
conditions, the firm may merge data between Google and DoubleClick, to nega-
tively harm both consumer privacy and competition; also stating that the merger
“has the potential to profoundly alter the 21st century Internet-based economy
in ways we can imagine, and in ways we cannot”); Federal Trade Commission
Closes Google/DoubleClick Investigation, FED. TRADE COMMN (Dec. 20, 2007),
https://perma.cc/B5JD-QVNC [hereafter FTC Closes Investigation] (additionally
stating that the FTC would “closely watch these markets and, should Google en-
gage in unlawful tying or other anticompetitive conduct, the Commission in-
tends to act quickly”).
. Story & Helft, supra note 72(“The sale also raises questions about how
Google will manage its existing business and that of the new DoubleClick unit
while avoiding conflicts of interest. If DoubleClick’s existing clients start to feel
that Google is using DoubleClick’s relationships to further its own ad network,
some Web publishers or advertisers might jump ship.”).
. An Examination of the Google-DoubleClick Merger and the Online Advertis-
ing Industry: What Are the Risks for Competition and Privacy?: Hearing Before the Sub-
committee on Antitrust, Competition Policy and Consumer Rights, 110th Cong. (2007),
https://perma.cc/39UD-MKDZ [hereinafter The Google-DoubleClick Merger].
with ownership of such data contractually vested in the buyers and
sellers in this market, to do anything with that data would be, by defini-
tion, a misappropriation.
However, the FTC’s confidence was misplaced. DoubleClick and
Google were already under fire for how they handled information and,
in an electronically traded equities market, regulators must proactively
manage conflicts of interest in order to ensure a company will not misuse
inside information. When financial intermediaries are allowed to have
conflicts, ethical walls and fiduciary (or best interest) duties restrict them
from using their customers’ information for their own financial gain.
There was also a problem with jumping ship. As inventory management
software integrated into back-end billing systems, it was a jump that
some compare to changing engines mid-flight.
Thus, in a 4-1 vote, the FTC approved the merger without conditions.
However, the concerns raised by the public interest groups and FTC
Commissioner Harbour would come to fruition. Google’s conflicts of in-
terest would get the better of it. When it officially launched its exchange
in 2009, Google began to restrict publishers’ and advertisers’ ability to
access their DoubleClick data and to reserve for its own trading divisions
an “essential” information advantage.
. Ratko Vidakovic, The Beginner’s Guide to Header Bidding, ADPROFS (Mar.
21, 2019), https://perma.cc/98WQ-G42C (“As a publisher, replacing your primary
ad server is not a trivial task. Think of it like doing a mid-flight engine swap on
an airplane. Except that it’s your revenue engine. It’s hard to imagine many pub-
lishers wanting to take such a risk.”); Tim Cross, Why Don’t More Publishers Switch
Ad Servers? VIDEO AD NEWS (June 6, 2019), https://perma.cc/9MD7-GU27.
. Adsense Help states the following: “Cookie ID in each DoubleClick
cookie is essential to these applications. For example, DoubleClick uses cookie
IDs to keep a log of which ads show to which browsers. When it’s time to serve
an ad to a browser, DoubleClick can use the browser’s cookie ID to check which
DoubleClick ads have already been delivered to that particular browser. That’s
how DoubleClick avoids showing ads the user has already seen. In the same way,
cookie IDs allow DoubleClick to log conversions related to ad requestssuch as
when a user views a DoubleClick ad and later uses the same browser to visit the
advertiser’s website and make a purchase.” AdSense Help, supra note 73.
2. DoubleClick Ad Server Starts to Play Favorites When Sharing
User Identity
Competition in the exchange market, one step removed from the ad
server that routes to exchanges, depends on the ability to recognize users
associated with ad space for sale.
Without access to user IDs, the de-
mand for ad space wanes and their clearing prices on exchanges drop
dramatically as a result. Recent pricing and bid data from various ex-
changes illustrate the point. For example, a 2018 Google study reports
that the prices for ad space trading on Google’s exchange drop by 50+%
when advertisers cannot identify users associated with ad space for sale.
Relatedly, Index Exchange has shared that the number of bids for ad
space on Mozilla Firefox pages dropped by 38% after the internet browser
started blocking cookies.
That is, without knowing the identity of the
user, advertisers often sit out of ad auctions altogether. Although some
. See generally AdSense Help, supra note 73; Ronan Shields, Inside the IAB
Tech Lab’s New Consumer Privacy Proposals, ADWEEK (Sept. 19, 2019),
https://perma.cc/3PP2-LS47 (discussing how access to user IDs inside bid re-
quests is what permits firms to conduct basic programmatic advertising pro-
. Deepak Ravichandran & Nitish Korula, Effect of Disabling Third-Party
Cookies on Publisher Revenue, GOOGLE (Aug. 27, 2019), https://perma.cc/79K4-
RLHJ (“We disabled access to cookies for a small fraction of randomly selected
users (the treatment group). We observed that for the top 500 global publishers,
average revenue in the treatment group decreased by 52%, with a median per-
publisher decline of 64%.”). See also Garrett Johnson et al., Consumer Privacy
Choice in Online Advertising: Who Opts Out and at What Cost to Industry? (Simon
Business School, Working Paper No. FR 17-19, 2019) (“We estimate that opt-out
consumers fetch 52% lower prices on the exchange than the counterfactual prices
they would fetch with tracking cookies.”).
. Mike O'Sullivan, The Impact of Mozilla Firefox: The Change Is Now, INDEX
EXCHANGE (Oct. 30, 2019), https://perma.cc/W5J3-GT9V; Ross Benes, Publishers
Are Already Feeling Pain from Apple’s Move Against Ad Tracking, DIGIDAY (Oct. 15,
2017), https://perma.cc/4XAZ-S8NE (reporting one publisher receives 15% less
bids for Safari impressions).
advertisers do bid on this type of cookie-less ad space, data from the Ru-
bicon exchange shows that the clearing prices on Safari pages drop by
60% overall.
To maximize competition for ad space in auctions, and in turn their
clearing prices, all parties bidding on inventory need to recognize users
associated with the ad space for sale. Publishers could facilitate this out-
come by sharing their ad server user IDs with all bidders in a non-dis-
criminatory manner. After all, ownership of DoubleClick data rested in
publishers and advertisers, and Google could not do anything with it.
But ownership rights in the ad trading market are malleable: they
vest from negotiating power and contract rights. When Google launched
an exchange into a crowded market in 2009 and its ad server developed
a conflict, the ad server started to restrict publishers’ and advertisers’
ability to access the ad server user IDs.
In fact, Google restricted how
any party other than Google could access them. It did this by hashing the
. Tom Dotan, Apple’s Ad-Targeting Crackdown Shakes Up Ad Market,
INFORMATION (Dec. 9, 2019), https://perma.cc/69YT-QU38 (Rubicon Project CEO
Michael Barrett explaining that “[t]he allure of a Safari user in an auction has
plummeted” and “[t]here’s no easy ability to ID a user”). See also Yoel Minkoff,
Safari Privacy Features Disrupt Ad Market, SEEKING ALPHA (Dec. 10, 2019),
. See AdExchanger Staff, AdExchanger.com Q&A with Google DoubleClick
Ad Exchange's Mohan and Spencer [hereinafter AdExchanger Q&A], ADEXCHANGER
(Sept. 21, 2009), https://perma.cc/J3WN-YGPV. Before Google’s acquisition of
DoubleClick, DoubleClick faced no conflict of interest, which may explain why
DoubleClick’s policy towards sharing user IDs was more neutral back then.
Note, prior to 2003, DoubleClick had a division that licensed ad management
software and another that acted as a sales broker for publishers who were part
of the “DoubleClick Network.” However, this changed in 2002 when Dou-
bleClick divested its ad network division to focus on licensing ad serving soft-
ware. See DoubleClick Inc., Registration Statement (Form S-1) (Nov. 18, 1998),
https://perma.cc/P3M7-322W (discussing both lines of business activity at the
time of the DoubleClick IPO); DoubleClick Inc., Annual Report (Form 10-K),
https://perma.cc/ZX55-R9R9 (discussing divestiture in 2002 through a series of
user IDs, which is a process of scrambling characters based on a mathe-
matical formula.
If John’s ID was 1Q2W3E, Google would share a dif-
ferent ID with the Iowa news publisher The Register (e.g., 0P9O8I) than it
would share with the advertiser (e.g., MM99NN), thereby preventing
both entities from realizing that the person in question was in fact the
same user.
The change did not go unnoticed. Industry publication AdExchanger
interviewed senior Google product manager Scott Spencer about the
change, asking whether the new approach “break[s] the universal cookie
model that helps create efficiencies for advertisers and, ultimately, more
frictionless advertising for the user . . . .”
Without delving into specifics,
Spencer replied that a concern for user privacy motivated the change.
At the same time that Google’s ad server started to restrict access to
these IDs for privacy reasons, Google permitted its own exchange and
buying tools to access them by default. First it was Google’s buying tool
for small businessesGoogle Ads, which was then called AdWords.
. Specifically, they are hashed differently for each publisher, advertiser,
and intermediary. See AdExchanger Q&A, supra note 89 (discussing Google’s de-
cision to start hashing IDs); Google Developers, Cookie Matching, GOOGLE (Jan. 5,
2014), https://perma.cc/A7WF-SAL7 ( “For buyers, Google identifies users using
a buyer-specific Google User ID which is an encrypted version of the dou-
bleclick.net cookie, derived from but not equal to that cookie.”); Google Ad Man-
ager Help, Data Transfer Fields, GOOGLE (2020), https://perma.cc/U62K-V5EX
(“The DoubleClick cookie ID associated with the user, encrypted.”). One needs a
“key” to unscramble the user id, but Google does not provide keys for that pur-
pose. Campaign Manager Help, User ID Encryption, GOOGLE (2020),
https://perma.cc/GCE2-TGWE (“You will never be able to decrypt user IDs, and
Google will not disclose the encryption method. No encryption keys will ever be
provided to any Campaign Manager customer or any third-party partner.”).
. AdExchanger Q&A, supra note 89.
. Note, the buying tool is called AdWords, but the product for publish-
ers is called AdSense. Privacy Policy, GOOGLE (Mar. 11, 2009),
https://perma.cc/VQ8C-ZB79 ( “Google uses the DoubleClick advertising cookie
on AdSense partner sites . . . .); AdSense Help, AdSense Program Policies, GOOGLE
(July 8, 2016), https://perma.cc/9FGA-3S4Q (“Google uses the DoubleClick
Then it was Google’s exchange. When Google launched an exchange in
the fall of 2009, the exchange recognized website visitors by their Dou-
bleClick IDs.
Finally, it was Google’s DSP, the enterprise buying tool.
When Google launched its DSP, DoubleClick Bid Manager (now called
DV360), in 2012, this software recognized users by their DoubleClick IDs
as well.
The change to hashing user IDs for everyone other than Google re-
served an information advantage for Google when it came to selling web-
sites’ ad inventory. Specifically, Google’s exchange benefits from better
recognizing online users, which allows it to better facilitate trades be-
tween websites and buyers, compared to rival exchanges.
An advertiser
cookie on publisher websites displaying AdSense for content ads.”); News from
Google, Google Expands Advertising Monetization Program for Websites, GOOGLE
(June 18, 2003), https://perma.cc/YR2Y-HYFL (announcing and explaining the
AdSense product).
. AdExchanger Q&A, supra note 89.
. Payam Shodjai, Getting Real with DoubleClick Bid Manager,
DOUBLECLICK ADVERTISER BLOG (Oct. 24, 2012), https://perma.cc/S9N6-TZ3W (an-
nouncing the launch of Google’s DSP DoubleClick Bid Manager and the sunset-
ting of Invite Media and that user id lists in advertisers’ ad server are available
in DoubleClick Bid Manager “without any data loss, leading to better reach and
performance for remarketing campaigns”); Jason Miller, Constantly Innovating:
the DoubleClick Digital Marketing Platform, DOUBLECLICK ADVERTISER BLOG (Sept.
19, 2012), https://perma.cc/N8L6-NTRE (explaining that buyers can easily target
the list of users that saw their Google Search ads through Google’s DSP since the
integration between the two products does not require advertisers to install new
site tags); Google Developers, Cookie Matching, GOOGLE , https://perma.cc/WL6Q-
GYPD (last visited Nov. 16, 2020) (“For itself, Google identifies users with cook-
ies that belong to the doubleclick.net domain under which Google serves ads.”).
. For example, suppose John was assigned a DoubleClick ID of 1Q2W3E
but had not been assigned a Right Media RMX or Google Ad Exchange ID. If
neither the Right Media nor the Google exchange could recognize John by an ID,
each might have sold an initial ad targeted to John for a low $1 CPM price, which
stands for cost per one thousand impressions and is one common advertising
pricing model. After the acquisition, Google’s exchange could access John’s Dou-
bleClick ID by default, which allowed it to sell the initial same ad targeted to
that is a client of the DoubleClick ad server has to go through Google’s
exchange in order to efficiently buy more ads targeted to the same users
because only Google tracks users by the same ID.
On the ground, this
worked to lock-in clients of the DoubleClick ad server to Google’s ex-
change and buying tools, fueling Google’s reputation in the industry as a
“walled garden.”
3. Google-Owned Intermediaries Have an Information Advantage on
Google’s Exchange
Google’s asymmetric approach to sharing websites’ DoubleClick user
IDs also distorts competition between the buying tools competing to pur-
chase ad space from Google’s exchange (e.g., DV360 and Google Ads ver-
sus rival buying tools). This helps explain how Google eventually lever-
aged its dominance in the ad server market, then the exchange market,
into dominance in the buying tool market too, to the detriment of adver-
tisers. Google’s exchange shares users’ DoubleClick IDs with the Google-
John for a higher price than could Right Media’s exchange RMX. Google’s ex-
change benefits from piggybacking off the Google DoubleClick ad server IDs in
other ways too. See infra note 103.
. The ability to share IDs facilitates better interoperability between
Google and non-Google tools. For example, an advertiser using the DoubleClick
ad server might have shared a list of user IDs directly with a publisher or non-
Google intermediary to target more ads to the same users. This old advertising
contract between DoubleClick and Compaq Computer from 1999 corroborates
the understanding that before Google’s acquisition of DoubleClick, DoubleClick
permitted its customers more discretion over how to use their DoubleClick ad
serving software data. DoubleClick Inc. and Compaq Computer Corp., supra note
38 (stating that “Compaq has the sole and exclusive right to use all data derived
by its use of the DART [ad serving software] Service, for any purpose related to
Compaq's business with Advertisers”).
. See generally John McDermott, Welcome to the ‘Walled Garden’ Era of Ad
Tech, DIGIDAY (Feb. 12, 2015), https://perma.cc/8N99-WRZ3.
owned buying tools.
However, when sending bid requests to non-
Google intermediaries, Google’s exchange shares a different ID value.
The information asymmetry, flowing from Google’s number-one ex-
change to the buying tools that have a seat to bid, distorts competition
between bidders. To identify users associated with ad space for sale on
Google’s exchange, the non-Google intermediaries have to use cookies to
assign users a new set of proprietary IDs and must synchronize their IDs
with Google’s hashed ones through a process called cookie syncing.
The problem is that the cookie syncing process is inherently inefficient.
In addition to increasing page latency for users, the new IDs belonging to
the non-Google intermediaries will not always match with Google’s
hashed IDs, resulting in advertisers sometimes not knowing the identity
of users associated with ad space trading on Google’s exchange. Industry
. Google Developers, supra note 90.
. AdExchanger Staff, supra note 90; Google Developers, supra note 90;
Google Ad Manager Help, supra note 90; Campaign Manager Help, supra note
. To give a simple example, if Google’s exchange sends a bid request
indicating there is an ad available for user 0P9O8I, the non-Google buying tool
will initially not know who that is because it tracks the user by a different ID
(e.g., BB88VV). To solve this problem, Google’s exchange and the non-Google
buying tool swap their proprietary IDs for the same user through “cookie sync-
ing.” After a cookie sync has occurred successfully, the trader will know bid re-
quests for user 0P9O8I correspond to user BB88VV in its own records. See Google
Developers, supra note 90; Ronan Shields, The Trade Desk Rolls Out Its Unified ID
to Take on the Walled Gardens, ADWEEK (Oct. 24, 2018), https://perma.cc/C6XW-
DAYR; Maciej Zawadziński, What Is a Cookie Syncing and How Does it Work?,
CLEARCODE BLOG (Dec. 14, 2015), https://perma.cc/AWA4-BRK8; Infrastructure
Options for RTB Bidders (Part 4), GOOGLE CLOUD , https://perma.cc/LHE5-C97E
(last visited Nov. 16, 2020) (explaining cookie syncing and that syncing can also
happen outside of bid requests).
. Cookie syncing also has negative consumer welfare effects, including
consumer privacy implications and slower page loads. See Shields, supra note
insiders call these blind spots
and quantify the attrition as “loss
When blind, advertisers bid less or not at all.
. See generally SSP to DSP Cookie Syncing Explained, AD OPS INSIDER
(May 1, 2011), https://perma.cc/7KY2-QZEQ; Ben Kneen, What Exactly Is "Data
Loss" and "Cookie Loss" in AdTech?, QUORA (June 22, 2015),
https://perma.cc/P4NY-7AA7 (explaining loss rates); Chris O’Hara, The Match
Game: Match Rates Are the New Click-Through Rates, ADEXCHANGER (Nov. 30,
2015), https://perma.cc/T3WB-879X (explaining that match rates of 60% are
“overall pretty good” and of 70% are “excellent”).
. Loss rates can occur because of technical glitches during the synchro-
nization process, because users block or delete cookies, or because companies
may not have enough time during page loads to sync with other companies in-
volved in the trade. For instance, when users delete their cookies and the associ-
ated user IDs assigned to them, exchanges and buying tools race to assign those
users new cookies and new IDs. Since so many consumers use Google Search and
Gmail, and so many websites use Google’s ad server product, the company that
can do this fastest is often Google. Because Google is the fastest, this can mean
that Google’s exchange and buying tools can re-identify users the fastest too. On
the other hand, competitors have to re-assign users new cookies and synchronize
new IDs with Google’s, resulting in higher loss rates. The Most Popular Email Pro-
viders in the U.S.A., SHUTTLECLOUD (Aug. 11, 2016), https://perma.cc/HET2-
DGGK (stating that Google’s Gmail service has 130+ million U.S. users and has
53% share of the U.S. email market). Moreover, Google’s buying tools may also
have a leg-up when it comes to user identity because of Google’s ability to avoid
third-party cookie blocking (by ad blockers and internet browsers). Some ad
blockers and browsers do not block Google Analytics first party cookies, ena-
bling Google to get around the blocking by sharing data between the non-
blocked Google Analytics cookies and its advertising divisions. Which Ad Blockers
Are Blocking Google Analytics?, ANALYTICAL 42 (Aug. 10, 2016),
https://perma.cc/YVV2-D2MF (discussing how ad blockers do not block Google
Analytics cookies); Google Developers, Google Analytics Cookie Usage on Websites,
GOOGLE ANALYTICS, https://perma.cc/JGT4-5SDU (last visited Sept. 28, 2020);
Google Support, About Remarketing Audiences in Analytics, GOOGLE,
https://perma.cc/4MR3-CESG (last visited Sept. 28, 2020) (both discussing how
Google shares data from Google Analytics with Google advertising divisions);
Parker Robben, Here Are Your Options for Google Ads Tracking with Apple’s ITP 2.0,
METRICTHEORY (Sept. 18, 2018), https://perma.cc/LGX4-YE9M (explaining the
linking of data pools between first-party cookies from Google Analytics and
Google Ads and Google Tag Manager).
The Google-owned buying tools do not suffer from this information
asymmetry. DV360 (enterprise) and Google Ads (small business) more
frequently recognize the identity of users associated with ad space on
Google’s exchange, which means they more frequently make informed
decisions about the value of inventory for sale and return informed bids
on behalf of advertisers. This information advantage, reserved by Google
for Google, is something that Google markets to advertisers and publish-
ers as a synergy for using Google all the way through the trade: Google’s
intermediary on the sell-side (i.e., ad server), Google’s exchange, and
Google’s intermediary on the buy-side (i.e., the buying tools).
. See Google Ad Manager Help, supra note 46 (explaining that advertis-
ers “minimize” losses related to “cookie matching” and “there is a higher likeli-
hood they’ll find impressions that meet their targeting criteria” when they use
DV360 or Google Ads); Shields, supra note 100 (explaining generally that adver-
tisers spend disproportionately with Google because it is comparatively easier to
target audiences). Note, Google also explains to publishers that they should ben-
efit from greater “auction pressure” because of the information advantages be-
tween Google’s exchange and Google’s buying tools. Google Ad Manager Help,
supra note 46. However, the expected higher bid prices for publishers may be
tempered by new “Unified Pricing Rules” that Google introduced in April 2019.
These rules now prohibit publishers from routing their ads through Google’s ex-
change at prices higher than they route them through competing exchanges. For
further discussion on Google price parity restrictions and their effect on compe-
tition see infra Part III.B and Groth, infra note 183. Consequently, although
Google states the information advantages of Google buying tools should garner
higher bids for publishers, Google's Unified Price Rules (which are a condition
of using Google's ad server) can make sure that ads are sold at the lowest price
across the market. Jason Bigler, An Update on First Price Auctions for Google Ad
Manager, GOOGLE BLOG (May 10, 2019), https://perma.cc/F8JG-WVNA (stating
that publisher price floor will hereinafter “be applied to all partners equally, and
cannot be set for individual buying platforms”); Google Ad Manager Help, Uni-
fied Pricing Rules, GOOGLE SUPPORT (Sept. 28, 2020) https://perma.cc/A2YS-7WN6
(discussing beta rules); Jessica Davies, “It’s a Shakedown”: Everything You Need to
Know about Google’s “Unified Pricing” Product Changes, DIGIDAY (Apr. 25, 2019),
https://perma.cc/U6A2-C6VU (stating that publishers had historically set higher
floor prices for Google’s exchange); Sarah Sluis, Publishers Lash Out Against Google
4. Consumer Privacy Offered as Reason for Information Asymmetry
Google’s excuse for sharing information in an asymmetric fashion is
consumer “privacy,” but its reasoning does not hold water. Supposedly,
Google does not want firms to combine consumer data records to-
By sharing John’s data with Company A as belonging to user
1Q2W3E and sharing John’s data with Company B as belonging to user
0P9O8I, Company A and B cannot join their respective information about
John together, to create a more comprehensive profile of his internet ac-
tivity. However, this is precisely what Google does. By migrating its ex-
change and buying tools to the same DoubleClick cookie, and by merging
consumer data sets between Google business divisions, Google creates
deeper and deeper profiles of consumers’ internet activity.
Furthermore, Google contract terms already prohibit companies from
combining their Google data records.
As a result, scrambling IDs has
over “Unified Pricing” Changes, ADEXCHANGER (Apr. 18, 2019),
https://perma.cc/Z3Z7-AA3Z (discussing reception of Google’s Unified Pricing
. In 2009, Google did not explain what it meant by consumer privacy.
However, online advertising industry executives have shared that Google has
stated concern about companies combining consumer data records. Google
shares this reasoning in a recent submission to the U.K. competition commission.
See AdExchanger Q&A, supra note 89; CMA FINAL REPORT, supra note 7 at 409 (dis-
cussing how Google does not share granular consumer information because
“[i]mposing consistent transaction IDs raises potential privacy concerns” by al-
lowing advertisers to join user data). Further challenging Google’s rationale is
the fact that companies can obtain user consent for this practice and the fact that
companies can combine these types of data records together after-the-fact
through various database matching and merging techniques. Google has also
raised concern about companies possibly using consistent user IDs to merge us-
ers’ internet activity with users’ real identity. However, Google itself engages in
precisely this practice. See CMA FINAL REPORT, supra note 7 at 409 (discussing
how Google states consistent IDs could permit “individual users to be identi-
fied”); Julia Angwin, Google Has Quietly Dropped Ban on Personally Identifiable Web
Tracking, PROPUBLICA (Oct. 21, 2016), https://perma.cc/QN9L-2MHB.
. Authorized Buyers Program Guidelines, GOOGLE,
the added effect of interfering with competition. An advertiser that uses
Google’s DoubleClick ad server now has a harder time using a non-
Google buying tool because the two tools operate on different user IDs.
The privacy imperative has turned out to be Google’s Trojan Horse
in extracting synergies from DoubleClick. Since 2009, Google has contin-
ued to restrict competitors’ access to trading data in various ways for pri-
vacy reasons, without imposing a parallel limitation on Google’s use of
the same information.
For example, in 2018, Google stopped allowing
https://perma.cc/BL9Y-3Z9H (last visited Sept. 28, 2020) (stating that buyers that
do not win a specific impression are prohibited from using data associated with
that impression to create user lists, profile users, or associating said data with
third-party data; also prohibiting buyers that do win specific impressions from
retaining impression data outside of Location ata for any use other than for fore-
casting inventory through Google’s exchange). Additionally, other exchanges do
not necessarily approach privacy in this way. See, e.g., AdExchanger Staff, supra
note 90 (comparing Right Media exchange’s practice of storing advertisers ID in
the RMX cookie with Google’s exchange practice of sharing unique hashed user
IDs); Outgoing Bid Request to Bidders, XANDR, https://perma.cc/5VWW-7B9L (last
visited Sept. 28, 2020) (discussing how the Xandr exchange shares a unique 64-
bit ID for a specific user if the seller permits the sharing of user IDs and that IDs
remain stable until the user clears his or her cookies); List of Supported OpenRTB
Bid Request Fields, INDEX EXCH., https://perma.cc/KT5F-PWAD (last visited Nov.
17, 2020) (stating the Index Exchange IX shares with buying tools a “IX static
identifier for this user”); David Simerly & Catherine Racette, OpenRTB 2.3 Bid
Request Objects and Parameters, PUBMATIC (Oct. 26, 2020), https://perma.cc/HSU3-
PHH7 (“Exchange-specific ID for the user. At least one of ID or buyeruid is rec-
. See, e.g., James Hercher, How We Got Here: A Look Back at the Privacy
Changes That Reshaped Google, ADEXCHANGER (Oct. 7, 2019 12:36 AM),
https://perma.cc/MJQ6-V4ES; Eric Berry, How Will Google’s Move to Restrict Third-
Party Cookies Affect Publishers?, ADEXCHANGER (Apr. 5, 2019),
https://perma.cc/MMG8-Z9QN. Conversely, Google has decreased consumers’
privacy with respect to Google itself over the years. For example, Google today
owns and operates the most widely distributed online trackers. These trackers
are also particularly invasive, due to a privacy change Google made in 2016 that
permits Google to combine data obtained from its DoubleClick trackers with in-
advertisers to access the encrypted user IDs from campaign reports,
which advertisers need to access in order to hire non-Google campaign
measurement firms.
Google stated that the change was made to protect
user privacy and alluded to Europe’s new General Data Protection Reg-
ulation (GDPR) privacy legislation, though no provision of GDPR ap-
pears to require Google to take this approach.
Meanwhile, advertisers,
provided they stay within Google’s Walled Garden and use Google’s new
Ads Data Hub product, can still access these IDs.
formation it knows about consumers’ real identity, in order to conduct non-anon-
ymized surveillance of consumers. Steven Englehardt & Arvind Narayanan,
Online Tracking: A 1-Million-Site Measurement and Analysis, PRINCETON WEB
CENSUS, https://perma.cc/Y2LE-QQR6 (last visited Sept. 28, 2020) (empirical
study of 1 million sites showing that the top five third-party domains distributed
on websites online and twelve of the top twenty are owned by Google; stating
the top five are google-analytics.com, gstatic.com, doubleclick.net, google.com,
and fonts.googleapis.com); Angwin, supra note 105.
. Alison Weissbrot, 4 Ways the Death of the Cookie in Chrome Could Affect
Marketers, ADEXCHANGER (Jan. 17, 2020), https://perma.cc/NWM7-DB8F.
. See also Understanding the Digital Advertising Ecosystem and the Impact
of Data Privacy and Competition Policy: Hearing Before the S. Comm. on the Judiciary,
116th Cong. (2019) (questions for the record from Senator Lindsey O. Graham to
Mr. Brian O’Kelley) (Brian O’Kelley, former CTO of the first advertising ex-
change at Right Media and later founder of AppNexus, stating: “In effect, GDPR
[EU privacy regulation] gave Google to take anti-competitive actions on the basis
of privacy that made it almost impossible for competitors to operate”).
. Google still shares the IDs with Ads Data Hub, a product of Google
Cloud, which means advertisers need to use Data Hub to run these calculations.
Weissbrot, supra note 108; Seb Joseph, Advertisers See Google’s New DoubleClick ID
Rules Cementing Its Dominance, DIGIDAY (Oct. 5, 2018), https://perma.cc/C5KX-
WP28; George Slefo, Google’s Removal of DoubleClick ID Presents Litany of Issues for
Brands, Agencies, ADAGE (May 8, 2018), https://perma.cc/QA7P-7CND. “Some
have noted that Google’s Ads Data Hub, Google’s DMP-like offering, will retain
use of the DID presenting it with a nearly incomparable advantage. Some agen-
cies have already gone on the record questioning this change and what it means
for their clients noting that it’s nearly impossible for a marketer to live in a
world completely independent from the Google stack given their dominance in
the DSP, ad server and site analytics world and questioning what this will mean
Further complicating matters, in January of 2020, Google’s internet
browser Chrome (61% market share) announced that it would block the
technology of third-party cookies altogether within two years.
peting exchanges and buying tools will soon no longer be able to use
cookies to assign users IDs for the purpose of buying and selling ads.
It is not clear how the market will adjust to these changes. At the same
time, there is concern that the changes will disproportionately impact ri-
vals because Google has alternative ways of deducing users’ identity.
for choice in the marketplace.” Sonja Kristiansen, Ending DoubleClick's ID Export,
MEDIUM: LIFT LETTERS (May 6, 2018), https://perma.cc/646P-DC7G. Additionally,
in 2019, Google removed descriptive information about the pages that ad space
will appear on (e.g., “health”) from bid requests under the guise of privacy con-
cerns. Here, Google’s stated concern made little sense to people in the industry
because Google’s exchange still shares the user’s page URL (e.g.,
webmd.com/hiv-aids), which is much more intrusive on a user’s privacy. Chetna
Bindra, Additional Steps to Further Safeguard User Privacy, GOOGLE BLOG (Nov. 14,
2019), https://perma.cc/SZ4N-Y3G7; Lara O’Reilly, Ad Tech Industry Questions In-
tentions Behind Google’s Latest Privacy Moves, DIGIDAY (Nov. 19, 2019),
. Justin Schuh, Building a More Private Web: A Path Towards Making Third
Party Cookies Obsolete, CHROMIUM BLOG (Jan. 14, 2020), https://perma.cc/TR97-
8L34 (announcing Chrome changes); Desktop Browser Market Share in United States
of America, STATCOUNTER (Jan. 2020), https://perma.cc/6QTM-KNAN (estimating
Google has 61% market share in the U.S.).
. See Berry, supra note 107; John McCarthy & Andrew Blustein, As
Google Chrome Crumbles the Third-Party Cookie, What’s next for Adtech?, DRUM (Jan.
15, 2020), https://perma.cc/TN67-T9FD; Maciej Zawadziński & Michael Sweeney,
Google Chrome to Kill Off Third-Party Cookies: What It Means for AdTech,
CLEARCODE, https://perma.cc/FYA8-DA5Q (last visited Sept. 28, 2020); Ari
Paparo, Google, You Finally Really Did It, ADEXCHANGER (Jan. 14, 2020),
https://perma.cc/EZ7R-SCU9; Weissbrot, supra note 108.
. See Seb Joseph, Winners, Losers and Fallout from Google’s Plan to Drop
Cookies, DIGIDAY (Jan. 16, 2020), https://perma.cc/67WG-6RZV (“Unsurprisingly,
Google stands to profit the most from the death of the third-party cookie. In the
absence of third-party cookies’ use with Chrome, the alternative for advertisers
is to use Google’s first-party data within its own tools.”). “For example, exchange
bidding could pass a hashed ID of the Google cookie to its partners and similarly
For instance, Google Chrome started to track consumers’ web activity di-
rectly at the browser level, obviating Google’s need to rely on cookies at
all for identity information.
More recently, Google’s exchange has relied on California privacy
legislation, the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”), to starve ri-
val exchanges of liquidity and exclude non-Google buying tools from
auctions altogether. If a California consumer visits a website, and selects
the “Do Not Sell My Information” link as mandated by CCPA, Google’s
ad server does not permit non-Google exchanges and buying tools to bid
for publishers’ ad space at all.
Google’s approach contrasts with that of
make the same available on a server-to-server basis for various pixel calls. To the
extent that Google is the only platform that makes this available, it would have
the added benefit of effectively forcing everyone (except Amazon) into exchange
bidding if they want user data, and thus into Google’s single auction.” Berry,
supra note 107; McCarthy & Blustein, supra note 112 (“Google is building a moat.
It doesn’t need third-party cookies to track people. It has code live on virtually
every single website and app.”); Weissbrot, supra note 108 (joint statement issued
by industry trade groups the ANA and the 4A’s stating “Google’s decision to
block third-party cookies … would threaten to substantially disrupt much of the
infrastructure of today's internet without providing any viable alternative, and it
may choke off the economic oxygen from advertising that startups and emerging
companies need to survive.”).
. Specifically, Google currently always and automatically logs users of
Chrome into the browser itself when users log into a Google service like Gmail
or YouTube. If a user then attempts to log out of Chrome, Google automatically
also logs them out of the Google service, thereby prohibiting users from using a
Google service while not simultaneously being logged into the Chrome browser.
On top of this, Google steers users towards syncing their Chrome user data with
other Google user data and granting Google permission to use this data for the
purpose of selling Google advertising, including “to personalize Search, ads, and
other Google services.” Screenshot of Google Chrome Terms (2020) (on file with
author); see also Matthew Green, Why I’m Done with Chrome, CRYPTOGRAPHY
ENGG (Sept. 23, 2018), https://perma.cc/ES7H-24DR (discussing how Chrome
steers users to give Google permission over their browsing history data and how
this is deceptive and a “dark pattern”).
. Google Ad Manager Help, Integration with IAB CCPA Framework Tech-
nical Specifications, GOOGLE SUPPORT, https://perma.cc/Q9WU-M3AQ (last visited
the industry trade groupthe Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB)and
rival exchanges.
Other exchanges instead send the same bid requests
to all bidders, signaling that a user associated with ad space has exercised
an opt-out under CCPA.
The approach taken by the IAB and rival exchanges mirrors the
broader competition approach that lawmakers take in the equities mar-
ket. Stock exchanges must provide all traders with access to relevant trad-
ing information. Then, firms must comply with industry-specific privacy
rules to safeguard consumer data transmitted during trading.
5. Google-Owned Intermediaries Have a Speed Advantage on
Google’s Exchange
When financial markets migrated to electronic trading, non-discrim-
inatory access to exchangesspecifically, access to data and trading
speedbecame critical to competition. The financial traders who had
their computers located physically closer to exchange servers noticed that
they could access relevant trading information first and place orders
faster than the traders whose computers were located further away.
led to a speed “arms race.”
In the early 2000s, some traders moved their
computers closer to the new computerized exchanges in New York City’s
Financial District to increase trading speeds, before colocation in the
same room with exchanges became the trend.
Despite the decentralized
Sept. 28, 2020) (“When restricted data processing is enabled, Google does not call
out to third parties via RTB and the signal would not be propagated further to
other vendors”).
TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES: VERSION 1.0 (2019); Bid Request to Bidders, supra note
. Aaron Lucchetti, Firms Seek Edge Through Speed as Computer Trading
Expands, WALL ST. J. (Dec. 15, 2006), https://perma.cc/8EVV-8GWS (quote of
Tradebot Systems principle David Cummings).
. Id. (sharing that trading firm Tradebot Systems Inc. moved their com-
puters from Kansas City to New Jersey and New York to colocate with exchanges
nature of the Internet, having servers in closer proximity with each other
yields faster response times.
Though trading speed emerged as critical to competition in the early
2000s, it was not until Michael Lewis released a book called FLASH BOYS
in 2014 that a wider audience began to appreciate the implications of
speed and latency with electronic trading.
Lewis, a renowned chroni-
cler of Wall Street culture, broke down how speed shaped competition
on stock exchanges and how traders were going to greater and greater
lengths to acquire incremental speed advantages. In an illustration of
how ridiculous the race for speed had become, Lewis recounted how one
enterprising group spent hundreds of millions of dollars drilling through
the Allegheny Mountains of Pennsylvania to lay straighter wires between
the Chicago and New York exchanges to shave off three milliseconds
when trading between the two. Being able to trade a few milliseconds
faster gives traders an edge.
There are speed parallels in advertising markets. Speed shapes com-
petition between buying tools on ad exchanges.
Ads trade in millisec-
onds and exchanges limit the amount of time that those intermediaries
have to return bids. If a trading desk, DSP, or other buying tool is too
slow, an exchange will exclude it from the instant auction.
Similarly, if a
buying tool is slow too often, an exchange might “throttle” it.
in 2002 and that from 2002 to 2006, about 40 small trading firms and large bro-
kerages moved their computers closer to exchanges); Michael J. McGowan, The
Rise of Computerized High Frequency Trading: Use and Controversy, DUKE L. & TECH.
REV. 24 (2010).
& Company 2014).
. See generally supra notes 44-45.
. Specifically, the exchange will send the buying tool fewer bid re-
quests, allowing it to participate in only some ad auctions until it improves trad-
ing speeds. See e.g., Latency Restrictions and Peering, GOOGLE DEVELOPERS,
https://perma.cc/C62T-UKAP (last visited Sept. 28, 2020) (“We require that 85
percent of responses be received within the deadline from the perspective of the
trading location and will throttle bidders that cannot consistently achieve this.”).
the exchange will exclude it from a percentage of future auctions. Because
the buying tools encounter varying levels of traffic and delay when con-
veying their bids back to exchanges (network latency), they need to leave
enough time to account for such traffic.
Thus, as a general matter, bid-
ders that receive bid requests and respond to them fastest have ad-
vantages over those that are slower.
Figure 4: Time Restrictions in Bid Requests
Like the trading firms on Wall Street that benefit from speed ad-
vantages, the Google-owned intermediaries DV360 and Google Ads also
have speed advantages. Google explains to current and prospective cus-
tomers that when DV360 and Google Ads compete against the non-
Google buying tools for the ad space trading in Google’s exchange, they
have a speed advantage from colocation.
By colocating DV360 and
Google Ads with Google’s exchange,
the bids submitted by DV360 and
Google Ads can be excluded less often than the bids submitted from bid-
ders that are not colocated.
. Hasham, supra note 44 (discussing network congestion, Google rec-
ommended buffers, and recommended buffers of 20 milliseconds).
. Google Ad Manager Help, supra note 46.
. Id.
In fact, colocation may just reduce the frequency of exclusion for the
Google-owned intermediaries from 1-in-4 to zero. According to a post by
Google, DV360 and Google Ads have “no network latency or timeout is-
sues,” meaning that Google’s exchange “always receive bids” from ad-
vertisers that use them.
Conversely, in Google’s experience, “latency
issues can prevent advertisers from successfully submitting a bid on up
to 25% of bid requests.”
That is, one out of every four bids submitted
to an exchange by a non-colocated buying tool may be disregarded
simply because of speed.
Colocation also provides intermediaries like DV360 and Google Ads
with another distinct benefit. Because they must allocate less time to net-
work travelthe time it takes for the bid request to travel from Google’s
exchange to a non-colocated bidder and backDV360 and Google Ads
have more time to query additional data about the user to better deter-
mine the value of ad space for sale.
That is useful because online ad-
vertisers aim to target particular consumers, drive web traffic, or sell
more widgets, all of which require time to query data, crunch data, and
pick an advertisement that has the highest likelihood of persuading a
user to take a particular action. Time permits DV360 and Google Ads to
bid smarter.
. Id.
. Id.
. See generally Vasavi Pandey, 5 Questions to Ask When Considering Server
Side Header Bidding, INDEX EXCH. (Mar. 1, 2017), https://perma.cc/LP4E-SWMK.
Figure 5: Google Colocation & Unequal Access to Speed Excludes
Bids from Slower Traders
Today, the Google-owned intermediaries are the number-one buying
tools in the market for both small and large advertisers and it is unclear
to what extent this is due to speed advantages on Google’s number-one
exchange. In financial markets, the traders that send and receive signals
to and from financial exchanges fastest and have systemic advantages
over others trading on the same venue.
Systemic speed advantages also
. See generally AQUILINA ET AL., supra note 24 (providing an overview of
the role of speed and data in the securities market); McGowan, supra note 118
(discussing the shift to computerized trading and the role that superior speed
and data plays with high-frequency trading); Liz Moyer & Emily Lambert, The
New Masters of Wall Street, FORBES (Sept. 2, 2009), https://perma.cc/HVV5-QZBW
(discussing generally how slower traders were excluded from competing against
faster ones); Gregory Meyer et al., How High-Frequency Trading Hit a Speed Bump,
FIN. TIMES (Jan. 1, 2019), https://perma.cc/2BGZ-26XT (discussing ongoing com-
petition around speed and data); Thierry Foucault et al., Equilibrium High Fre-
quency Trading, Int’l Conf. Of the French Fin. Ass’n (Sept. 2011),
translated to market power. The firms in the early 2000s that first made
speed their strategyCitadel, Virtu Financial, Getco and Tradebot
emerged as the eventual market leaders.
Even if speed advantages can explain the market power of Google
intermediaries DV360 and Google Ads, Google does offer some form of
colocation to competitors. Since 2013, Google has let competitors colocate
through Google’s proprietary computer infrastructure services division
Google Cloud.
In addition to Cloud colocation, Google has partner-
ships with non-Google data centers that guarantee round trip network
https://perma.cc/8ZTN-92DD (studying how differential access to market data
and speed forecloses competition between traders). But see Robert Litzenberger
et al., The Impacts of Automation and High Frequency Trading on Market Quality, 4
ANNUAL REV. FIN. ECON. 58-59 (Oct. 2012) (arguing that discriminatory access to
speed forecloses competition between high frequency traders but not retail in-
vestors, who compete instead on different fundamentals).
. Michael Mackenzie, US: High Frequency Trading Dominates the Debate,
FIN. TIMES (Oct. 20, 2009), https://perma.cc/3TUR-9M8E (reflecting that high-fre-
quency traders using speed strategies accounted for approximately 70% of U.S.
equity trading volume in 2009, up from 30% a few years prior); Concept Release
on Equity Market Structure, 75 Fed. Reg. 3594, 3606 (proposed Jan. 21, 2010) (to
be codified at 17 C.F.R. pt. 42) (“Estimates of HFT volume in the equity markets
vary widely, though they typically are 50% of total volume or higher.”); Meyer,
et. al., supra note 128 (providing the same estimate, attributed to the Tabb Group,
and discussing how Virtu Financial leveraged speed early-on to become the larg-
est proprietary trading firm in the U.S.); Jonathan Spicer & Herbert Lash, Who’s
Afraid of High-Frequency Trading, REUTERS (Dec. 2, 2009), https://perma.cc/MRT2-
8A5Y (reporting that trading firms Tradebot and Getco that were amongst the
first to adopt speed as their strategy regularly accounted for 20% of the trading
volume in the U.S. stock market); Kim Janssen, Citadel Trader Testimony Reveals
Little of World That Helped Mint Ken Griffin, CHI. TRIB. (Oct. 28, 2015),
https://perma.cc/W5AR-2734 (discussing how Citadel is a major firm in the high-
frequency trading space).
. Open Bidder (Beta), GOOGLE DEVELOPERS (May 19, 2013),
https://perma.cc/DE5G-9ER3; Noam Wolf, Google I/O 2013 - Introducing Open Bid-
der: Leverage Cloud Platform to Reinvent Display Advertising, YOUTUBE (May 19,
2013), https://perma.cc/XB2N-2GTV. Google Compute Engine Cloud Platform,
GOOGLE (Aug. 5, 2013), https://perma.cc/22VR-QDAY.
travel with Google within 5 milliseconds.
It is not clear whether 5 mil-
liseconds of latency make or break a rival’s ability to bid for ad space
trading in Google’s exchange.
At least when it comes to Google Cloud colocation, it appears that
few firms have taken Google up on its offer. One exception is advertising
exchange OpenX, which publicly announced a five-year, $110 million
colocation agreement with Google in January 2019.
In discussing the
OpenX deal, Google reiterated the competitive benefits of colocation:
“[colocation] reduced overall latency, especially when sending requests
to Google It increases the speed that bids come into the OpenX Ex-
change from potential buyers, driving increased revenue potential by al-
lowing publishers to see greater demand for their audiences before an
auction closes.”
Despite Google’s arguments for colocating, few other
companies have chosen to follow in OpenX’s footsteps.
It is possible that rivals do not colocate with Google in Cloud because
Google charges high colocation rents or rivals are not comfortable colo-
cating on Google territory. In financial markets, colocation practices are
tightly regulated: procedures and prices have to be approved by the Se-
curities and Exchange Commision (SEC) and the length of cord in colo-
cation facilities has to be exactly the same to ensure non-discriminatory
access. In advertising, the common practice is for ad exchanges and buy-
ing tools to control for some of these neutrality concerns by meeting on
. See Choosing Colocation Facility Locations, GOOGLE CLOUD,
https://perma.cc/KPN7-6N38 (last visited Sept. 28, 2020).
. George Slefo, Google Cloud, Looking to Invade Amazon’s Turf, Inks Deal
with OpenX, ADAGE (Jan. 24, 2019), https://perma.cc/57ZL-TD7Q (“It's the first
time that Google Cloud has struck a deal with a well-known, or large exchange,
according to both companies.”); Andrew Blustein, OpenX Bets Future Is Serverless
in Move to Google Cloud Platform, DRUM (Jan. 24, 2019), https://perma.cc/TK7Y-
SB3Q (“You have to operate at speed, efficiency, closeness to the publisher and
the demand-side of Google, and if you don't . . . you aren't going to be able to
compete in the adtech space.”).
. OpenX: Powering the Future of Advertising with Google Cloud, GOOGLE
CLOUD https://perma.cc/84RY-FPPF (last visited Sept. 28, 2020).
independent ground. For instance, AT&T XNDR hosts its exchange with
intermediaries in independent data centers, including at Equinixthe
same data center that often acts as a neutral arbiter of colocation for stock
exchanges, including the NYSE, Nasdaq, the Chicago Board Options Ex-
change, BATS, and trading firms.
Google, unlike Equinix, has conflicts
of interest. Google Cloud’s job is to nullify speed advantages between
competitors, but Google also operates buying tool intermediaries that
benefit from speed advantages over those customers.
When it comes to speed and competition, one problem is that a lack
of transparency makes it difficult for market participants to understand
the true extent that speed favors Google and excludes others. Does colo-
cation really reduce Google Ads’ exclusion from Google’s exchange from
1-in-4 to zero? While Google’s exchange shares centralized auction re-
ports back with publishers, those reports do not include information
about the bids that Google’s exchange excludes due to latency.
In other
. Datacenters, XANDR CLOUD SERVICES, https://perma.cc/QWT3-7WAK
(last visited Sept. 28, 2020); Matthew Leising & Annie Massa, Inside the Nonde-
script Building Where Trillions Trade Each Day, BLOOMBERG (Apr. 13, 2016),
https://perma.cc/QT9J-F896 (discussing colocation in the securities market).
Other major ad exchanges, including those belonging to Index, OpenX, and Pub-
matic, take the same approach. OpenX Selects Zayo for Data Center Expansion,
ZAYO (Mar. 15, 2016), https://perma.cc/XU54-RVV7; Vasavi Pandey, Tour IX’s
Amsterdam & Frankfurt Data Centers, INDEX EXCH. (July 2, 2018),
https://perma.cc/L7AJ-CVY9; Digital Realty SFR1, INFLECT (2020),
https://perma.cc/J3QV-9AVS (last visited Sept. 28, 2020).
. See Bids Data in Ad Manager Data Transfer (Beta), GOOGLE AD MANAGER
HELP (2020), https://perma.cc/R6DN-ZJHV (making no mention of reporting on
bids due to latency); Jason Bigler, Rolling Out First Price Auctions to Google Ad
Manager Partners, GOOGLE https://perma.cc/QL6V-LHXN (last visited Sept. 26,
2020) (stating that new beta market trading files include data from “bids submit-
ted to your auctions”) (emphasis added). The Google Ad Manager reports on
“metrics” and “dimensions” do not include data about bids excluded due to la-
tency or timeouts. See Ad Manager Report Metrics, GOOGLE AD MANAGER HELP,
https://perma.cc/Q7FQ-2FWN (last visited Sept. 26, 2020); Google Ad Manager
Help, Ad Manager Report Dimensions, GOOGLE (2020), https://perma.cc/QZ8Q-
words, if Google’s exchange hosts a 100 millisecond auction for an ad,
and reports that a Google-owned intermediary won the auction at a price
of a $2 CPMwhich stands for cost per one thousand ad spaces (“im-
pressions”)a publisher would not know if Google’s exchange excluded
a higher $3 CPM bid received just 2 milliseconds late.
In financial markets, specific investigations and enforcement actions
have been critical to discovering speed problems, enforcing fair access
rules, and protecting competition.
For example, in 2012, the NYSE settled
charges levied by the SEC for giving some trading firms access to the
market single digit milliseconds to multiple seconds before others.
lowing FLASH BOYSrelease in 2014, the FBI, the SEC, and the securities
enforcement division of the Office of the New York Attorney General
(NYAG) opened investigations into whether other exchanges were in vi-
olation of existing fair access rules.
The second-largest public exchange,
BATS, soon settled charges brought against them for providing some
traders with superior access.
In advertising, a lack of transparency by
V6DT. The following NetworkBackfillBids report states it includes bids catego-
rized as “Other,” but does not mention latency; the prior documentation suggests
that “Other” would exclude bids due to latency. See also Ad Manager Data Transfer
Reports, GOOGLE AD MANAGER HELP, https://perma.cc/8QSV-YBQF (last visited
Sept. 28, 2020) (describing the various market trading reports Google offers). The
NetworkBackfillBids report contains data about Google’s market trading activity
and pulls from winning bids, bids excluded because they were lower than the
auction “Floor,” bids that were “Outbid,” and bids excluded due to “Other,” or
those Google calls “lost for another reason, such as URL filtering.” Google Ad
Manager Help, Bids Data in Ad Manager Data Transfer (Beta), GOOGLE ,
https//:perma.cc/2HN6-AVY4 (last visited Dec. 2, 2020).
. N.Y. Stock Exch. LLC, supra note 48.
. See generally Michael Lewis, Michael Lewis Reflects on His Book Flash
Boys, a Year After It Shook Wall Street to Its Core, VANITY FAIR (Mar. 12, 2015),
https://perma.cc/U92W-DKLL (summarizing onset of regulatory scrutiny after
the release of FLASH BOYS.
. N.Y. Stock Exch. LLC, supra note 48 (two exchanges owned by BATS
Global settle their charges for not adequately disclosing how their order types
worked and for giving information about order types to some traders but not
trading intermediaries, combined with a lack of regulatory oversight,
may permit speed exclusion problems to go under the radar.
Finally, it is important to note how unequal trading speeds can neg-
atively affect the efficiency of the trading market, in addition to leading
to market concentration. Unequal access to speed can operate to line the
pockets of the middlemen. The following hypothetical provides one ex-
ample of how this could happen. When Google’s exchange excludes rival
intermediaries for being too slow, the Google-owned intermediary
Google Ads would have been able to acquire publishers’ ad space for
lower prices. But it is not clear whether the small mom-and-pop adver-
tisers using Google Ads benefitted from such lower prices. Instead, the
setup could have permitted Google as the intermediary to engage in a
wider arbitragekeeping a larger difference between the price it sells an
ad to a Google Ads advertiser and the price the ad space actually clears
for on Google’s exchange.
Like in finance, the mechanics of highly-so-
phisticated electronic trading markets and their accompanying speed
others); In re Ubs Sec. LLC Respondent., SEC Admin. Release No. 9697, 2015 WL
179551 (Jan. 15, 2015), https://perma.cc/7KXP-EMJ5 (UBS settles its charges for
violating Regulation NMS by allowing some traders to place orders in small in-
crements, which allowed some orders to jump ahead of others).
. Though not completely on point, there is one case in which an inter-
mediary in the event ticket market sequenced buyers through two consecutive
marketplaces that it owned and was thereafter charged with violating Section 5
of the FTC Act. LiveNation, the company that owns the Ticketmaster market-
place, also operates a second marketplace called TicketsNow. In the late 2000s,
Ticketmaster automatically re-directed consumers looking to purchase tickets on
Ticketmaster to the TicketsNow marketplace. TicketsNow listed the same tickets
at higher mark-ups, which permitted the parent company to obtain higher com-
missions on these trades. The FTC brought charges against Ticketmaster and
TicketsNow for steering consumers from one marketplace to another, alleging
that this conduct was deceptive and unfair and constituted a violation of Section
5 of the FTC Act. The two companies settled and agreed to pay consumers the
difference between what they paid to purchase the tickets in the TicketsNow
marketplace and what they would have paid in the Ticketmaster marketplace.
races may just wash over the heads of the least sophisticated market par-
B. Discriminatory Routing of Orders and More Speed Races
1. Routing Orders to Google’s Exchange and Owned Properties
While exchanges can distort competition between intermediaries by
sharing data and speed in an asymmetric fashion, the intermediaries can
distort competition by routing buy and sell orders in a discriminatory
manner. In the equities trading market, we temper competition and wel-
fare problems associated with this conduct by identifying and managing
intermediary conflicts of interest. Your broker cannot steer you to pur-
chase stock in which they have an underlying financial interest. Neither
can the broker steer you to purchase shares of stock from the broker’s
exchange if the same shares trade on a rival’s exchange for lower prices.
Google takes advantage of the lack of conflicts of interest oversight in
advertising markets to distort competition in similar ways. For example,
when this author opened a Google Ads account, Google Ads required the
author to start a Google Search campaign in order to complete the ac-
count setup process.
In other words, Google Ads does not merely steer
See Ticketmaster and TicketsNow Settle FTC Charges of Deceptive Sales Tactics, Re-
funds for Springsteen Concertgoers Provided; FTC Warns Other Ticket Resellers, FED.
TRADE COMMN (Feb. 18, 2010), https://perma.cc/LM9R-947W. Separately, in the
foreign exchange market, which is not subject to the rules and regulations that
apply to the equities market, the DOJ and SEC brought civil charges against the
asset manager State Street for defrauding investors by charging hidden mark-
ups and not properly disclosing how its electronic platform for trading U.S.
Treasuries worked. See David Lynch, State Street Agrees $35m Fraud Settlement
with SEC, FIN. TIMES (Sept. 7, 2017), https://perma.cc/Q8QR-4Z5K.
. How Google Ads Requires Advertisers to Purchase Search Ads (2020)
(on file with author). Additionally, according to a recent Wall Street Journal in-
vestigation, Google Search also steers users to YouTube videos. Sam Schechner
et al., Searching for Video? Google Pushes YouTube Over Rivals, WALL ST. J. (July 14,
2020), https://perma.cc/P59U-RQCR.
advertisers to Google Search, it sometimes requires them to purchase
Google Search ads before they can bid on display space belonging to pub-
lishers such as The Seattle Times.
Exacerbating steering and tying conduct is the fact that many adver-
tisers must use a Google-owned buy-side intermediary to purchase
Search or YouTube ad space, properties many advertisers cannot forgo.
Since 2015, advertisers that want to purchase YouTube ads must use
DV360 or Google Ads because Google withholds YouTube ad space from
rival buying tools.
It is less clear whether and to what extent Google
withholds Search inventory from rivals. In January 2012, the Federal
Trade Commission found that Google restricted third-party tools from
selling Google Search ads and that such restrictions were anticompeti-
But the FTC ultimately declined to file suit, and Google loosened
. Jeff Fraser, Google Cuts out Third-Party DSPs from YouTube Inventory,
MARKETING (Aug. 7, 2015), https://perma.cc/N6JD-SPYT (explaining how Google
withdrew YouTube inventory from third-party buying tools).
. Staff report from the competition bureau stated the following: “Staff
has investigated whether Google has employed anticompetitive contractual re-
strictions on the automated cross-management of advertising campaigns.
Google’s main rival (Microsoft) has alleged that Google is denying Microsoft crit-
ical scale by employing these restrictions, and thus impairing Microsoft’s ability
to compete effectively in the markets for general search and search advertising.
We conclude that these restrictions should be condemned under Section 2 be-
cause they limit the ability of advertisers to make use of their own data, and as
such, have reduced innovation and increased transactions costs among advertis-
ers and third-party businesses, and also degraded the quality of Google’s rivals
in search and search advertising.” The FTC Report on Google’s Business Practices,
WALL ST. J. (Mar. 24, 2015). David Drummond, The Federal Trade Commission
Closes Its Antitrust Review, GOOGLE (Jan. 3, 2013), https://perma.cc/XUJ5-B9W4
(explaining how Google would start permitting third-party tools that connect to
the AdWords API to “mix and copy campaign ad data,” as advertisers are per-
mitted to do when they use AdWords directly); Greg Sterling, From Praise to Out-
rage: Reactions to Google’s Antitrust Settlement, SEARCH ENGINE LAND (Jan. 4, 2013),
https://perma.cc/SMU8-5K2V (summarizing how Google’s changes helped third-
party tools like Marin Software and Kenshoo better sell Google Search ads). Sep-
arately, for Google’s share of the US search market, see Search Engine Market Share
its restrictions. The competition agency in the U.K. recently re-investi-
gated the matter.
On top of pressuring advertisers to use Google’s buy-side tools,
Google pressures advertisers to use just one tool at a time (i.e., to single
Because Google scrambles DoubleClick IDs for everyone but
Google, advertisers that use more than one buying tool at a time risk in-
advertently bidding against themselves in exchanges. Buying Tool 1
might bid on user 12345, while Buying Tool 2 might try to outbid the first
for user 09876, without the two knowing that user 12345 and 09876 are in
fact the same person. By using two tools at once, advertisers can drive
their acquisition prices up. As a result, advertisers have pressure to single
home, and if they want to purchase advertising on YouTube, they should
single home using DV360 or Google Ads.
According to Google, conflicts of interest should lead to efficiencies
rather than distortions in the market: “the combination of Google’s search
business and its vertical ad tech integration should give it incentives to
in 2020, OBERLO (2020), https://perma.cc/27VF-7DXY (stating that Google has an
88+% share of U.S. search queries and a 92+% share of worldwide search queries).
. The competition agency in the UK, Competition Markets Authority,
is investigating non-Google buying tools’ access to Search inventory. The CMA
FINAL REPORT stated that: “Transaction costs faced by advertisers in using multi-
ple search engines appear likely to benefit Google and create a barrier to entry
for smaller rivals. Most of the larger advertisers we contacted did not suggest
there was a difficulty in multi-homing across multiple search engines and used
tools such as SA360, or those provided by third parties such as Marin and
Kenshoo, to do so. However, a minority of the larger advertisers who responded
to our questionnaire choose to single-home as Google had a sufficiently large
market share and reach to meet all their needs. Based on evidence from the qual-
itative research set out in Appendix N, many smaller advertisers choose to sin-
gle-home, using the simple interface provided by Google Ads and benefiting
from its broad reach.”CMA FINAL REPORT, supra note 7, at 227.
. For a discussion of the risks of bidding against oneself when targeting
individual users in advertising auctions, see Jaysen Gillespie, [RESEARCH] Why
You Should Only Use One Retargeter, CRITEO (July 1, 2019), https://perma.cc/FWK6-
PSZC; Brian O’Kelley, DSP User: In What Situations Am I Bidding Against Myself?,
QUORA, https://perma.cc/2CRT-4J7F.
balance the interests of all ecosystem participants . . . .
However, the
data tell a different story.
Google’s public filings generally show how
the split in the allocation of advertising revenues between Google and
non-Google properties has widened almost every year since 2004.
2007, the share going to Google properties increased to 64%, in 2008 to
68%, eventually to 71% (2011), then 75% (2014), 77% (2015), 80% (2016),
81% (2017), and 82% (2018). It increased again in 2019 with just 16% of
the $134 billion dollars that advertisers spent through Google going to
the 2+ million non-Google properties, like The Post, The Register, Le Monde,
or The Times of India, that also sell their ad space through Google’s ex-
change and buying tools.
Early 2020 data suggest this squeeze will con-
tinue. In the midst of a global pandemic, Q1 2020 data reveals the share
going to news publishers has further declined to 15%.
Google Search in particular accounts for 73% of Google advertising
revenues, though it is not clear why.
One cannot definitively attribute
revenue growth to usage growth because Google stopped reporting
Search usage and query growth.
Some external estimates even suggest
. Bitton & Lewis, supra note 15, at 12 ( “Google’s presence across the
buy and sell-side of ad tech also gives it incentives to promote efficiency tradi-
tionally associated with vertical integration, including the reduction of double
marginalization . …”).
. The fact that these types of competition problems arise again-and-
again in electronic trading markets also pushes back on that vertical integration
hypothesis. A similar issue came up in the market for electronically traded air-
fares. When the airline-owned electronic marketplaces for airfares engaged in a
similar pattern of withholding then steering behavior in the 1970s, lawmakers
intervened to put a stop to it. See infra note 209.
. Google Inc. (2005-2016) and Alphabet Inc. (2017-2020), supra note 10.
. See Alphabet Inc. (Feb. 4, 2019), supra note 10; About Targeting for Dis-
play Network Campaigns, GOOGLE ADS HELP, https://perma.cc/U24D-PRRW.
. Alphabet Inc. (Feb. 3, 2020), supra note 10.
. Bitton & Lewis, supra note 15, at 10; Alphabet Inc. (Feb. 4, 2019), supra
note 10, at 29.
. See Danny Sullivan, Google Now Handles at Least 2 Trillion Searches per
Year, SEARCH ENGINE LAND (May 24, 2016), https://perma.cc/LT4T-HCTQ.
growth post-2012 was stagnant or slow.
To shareholders, Google has
been generally attributing revenue increases to “interrelated factors,” in-
cluding “growth in advertiser activity.”
But as this author’s experience
with Google Ads shows, Google has the ability to generate advertiser ac-
tivity through steering and tying. It is impossible to knowwhether
Google also quietly steers demand by the way that it allocates the use of
data when making ad-matching decisions.
. See Danny Sullivan, Google Still Doing at Least 1 Trillion Searches per
Year, SEARCH ENGINE LAND (Jan. 16, 2015), https://perma.cc/9URP-VU7B (sum-
marizing that Google was issuing the same daily search number of 3 billion in
2015 that it disclosed in 2012, that comScore numbers showed a 5% gain from
12/2012 to 12/2014, and that the analysis by journalist Charles Arthur suggests
low search usage from mobile devices).
. Alphabet Inc. (2019), supra note 10, at 30 (attributing revenue in-
creases to interrelated factors including increases in search queries resulting
from ongoing growth in user adoption and usage, primarily on mobile devices,
continued growth in advertiser activity, and improvements we have made in ad
formats and delivery”).
. Google charges advertisers by user conversion (i.e., when a user takes
a specific action). Thus, when Google knows that a user is a conversion target, it
can distort competition between sellers by displaying an ad to that user when
they are on a Google property, as opposed to a third-party property. In financial
markets, trading intermediaries owe fiduciary or best interest duties to custom-
ers, which requires them to allocate trading decisions in a fair and equitable man-
ner. For example, intermediaries cannot engage in “trade allocation,” the alloca-
tion of favorable trades to certain accounts and less favorable trades to other
Figure 6: Share of Google Ad Revenues Going to Google vs. Non-
Google Properties 2004-2019
In addition to steering advertisers to Google properties, Google’s
trading intermediaries steer buyers and sellers to execute orders on
Google’s exchange. Until 2016, on the buy-side, Google Ads only routed
advertisers’ bids to Google’s exchange.
Meaning, if the local dry cleaner
used Google Ads to bid on ad space belonging to The Register, Google
Ads did not route the dry cleaner’s bids to competing exchanges belong-
ing to AppNexus, Index, and Pubmatic, where The Register inventory
may have been trading for lower prices. According to a claim by the CEO
of rival exchange AppNexus, Google’s enterprise buying tool DV360 en-
gaged in similar conduct.
Today, though both DV360 and Google Ads
. See Google Inc. (2005-2016) and Alphabet Inc. (2017-2020), supra note
10. Note: Google acquired YouTube during Q4 of 2006. “Google Properties” also
includes properties such as Gmail. See supra notes 10-12.
. DoubleClick Ad Exchange, supra note 34.
. Sarah Sluis, AppNexus CEO Brian O'Kelley on Waging a Price War,
ADEXCHANGER (Nov. 9, 2017), https://perma.cc/8KHY-MGX6 (then-CEO of
technically route orders to non-Google exchanges, they would still dis-
proportionately route orders to Google’s because of the speed and infor-
mation advantages discussed in Part III.A.
Google’s ad server, the dominant intermediary on the sell-side, also
steers orders to Google’s exchange. From 2010 through 2018, the ad
server restricted websites from transacting with advertisers through non-
Google trading venues in two ways.
First, Google prohibited websites
from routing their ad space to multiple venues at the same time,
Google rival exchange AppNexus stating that “Google is quietly allocating de-
mand toward AdX, but without making any rationale to the buyer as to why. It’s
bad for the buyer. It’s bad for the publisher”).
THE MARKET STUDY INTERIM REPORT 11 (2020), https://perma.cc/CL3R-ZL4M
(Google claiming that it is “wrong” to think that Google Ads and DV360 prefer
Google’s exchange). But see Google Ad Manager Help, supra note 46 (explaining
that publishers benefit from greater “auction pressure” and higher demand for
their inventory in Google’s exchange when advertisers use DV360 and Google
Ads because of user ID and speed reasons).
. For a thorough explanation on how Google’s ad server restricted com-
petition in the exchange market, see Damien Geradin & Dimitrios Katsifis, An
EU Competition Law Analysis of Online Display Advertising in the Programmatic Age,
15 EUR. COMPETITION J. 55 (2019).
. The process of routing advertising impressions to exchanges in se-
quence was also called “waterfalling” or “daisy-chaining.” In the online adver-
tising market’s early days, before the invention of real-time impression-by-im-
pression bidding through exchanges, it was rational for the ad server to provide
publishers with sequential routing because publishers sold their ad space to ad-
vertisers and through ad networks for fixed CPM prices. However, once the mar-
ket structure migrated to real-time impression-by-impression bidding in the late
2000s, sequential routing stopped being rational and started to operate as a re-
striction on exchange competition. A rough parallel today might be if a financial
intermediary prohibited financial exchange competition based on a legacy prac-
tice designed in the days of floor-based trading. See Gavin Dunway, What Is the
Waterfall?, ADMONSTERS (Feb. 23, 2017), https://perma.cc/Q8BR-2M9V (further
discussing history of waterfalling); Bitton & Lewis, supra note 15, at 13 (further
explaining how waterfalling has its origins in the early 2000s and was used by
way that shares of stock, airline tickets, and sports tickets trade in multi-
ple marketplaces at once.
Pitting ad exchanges against each other
would let the demand in each exchange naturally drive prices up. In ad-
vertising, however, websites had to go through their ad server, which
was most commonly Google’s (90+% market share).
Google’s ad server
let publishers route their inventory to one exchange at a time, in sequen-
tial orderrequiring a site like The Register to route ad space first into
Exchange A, then to Exchange B, only if Exchange A passed on the op-
A second way that Google’s ad server restricted competition between
exchanges was by incentivizing websites to route their ad space to
Google’s marketplace first: if a site did, the server permitted a limited
publishers selling inventory for fixed prices); George Slefo, Google’s Exchange Bid-
ding Makes Its Debut: Here’s What You Need to Know, ADAGE (Apr. 4, 2018),
https://perma.cc/E5HH-N6NZ (reporting on Google’s official launch of “Ex-
change Bidding,” which permitted publishers to route their ads from their
Google ad server to multiple exchanges at the same time).
. Stocks trade on public exchanges, such as the NYSE and Nasdaq, and
on 30+ Alternative Trading Systems (ATSs).
. Complaint at 42, Devaney v. Google, No. 5:20-cv-04130 (N.D. Cal.
June 22, 2020); Keach Hagey & Vivien Ngo, How Google Edged Out Rivals and Built
the World’s Dominant Ad Machine: A Visual Guide, WALL ST. J. (Nov. 7, 2019).
form of exchange competition (that highly favored Google) in return.
Most publishers did exactly that to maximize yield on their inventory.
. Specifically, if publishers routed their ad space to Google’s exchange
through a feature Google called “Dynamic Allocation,” Google’s ad server per-
mitted Google’s exchangeand only Google’s exchangeto compete against the
“floor prices” that publishers statically set for rival exchanges. To be clear, those
floor prices were required by the ad server to be manually set by publishers. Pub-
lishers commonly set those values to equal what an exchange historically cleared
ad space for on average. Static floor prices post-2010 made little sense, since ex-
changes could return a live informed bid for particular impressions if Google’s
ad server permitted them to do so. Such was Google’s ad server’s official setup
from 2010 through 2018, though the market migrated to real-time impression-by-
impression bidding in the late 2000s. The subject of Google’s ad server’s contin-
uance of this Dynamic Allocation conduct post-2010 is a point of particular con-
tention. In a recent filing to the Australian competition regulator, Google de-
fended its conduct on the basis that it was DoubleClick, not Google, that
introduced Dynamic Allocation before Google’s acquisition of the company in
2008. It pointed to the fact that a page on DoubleClick’s website from 2007 dis-
cusses Dynamic Allocation in conjunction with a DoubleClick exchange. How-
ever, the public record shows that DoubleClick at the time had neither officially
launched an exchange nor put to practice this Dynamic Allocation conduct. The
competitive effects of any dynamic allocation conduct in 2007 would also have
been substantively different, since plans for a DoubleClick exchange did not in-
clude real-time impression-by-impression bidding. Additionally, a former Dou-
bleClick employee shared with me (uncorroborated) that DoubleClick had de-
veloped plans for an exchange to spur acquisition interests and that such
interests did follow The New York Times coverage of DoubleClick’s exchange
plans. Telephone Interview with former DoubleClick employee (Feb. 14, 2020).
Based on this person’s account, DoubleClick specifically pitched the sale of the
DoubleClick ad server as something that a firm in the intermediary trading mar-
ket could leverage and claimed that Google executive Neal Mohan had a spread-
sheet that specifically modeled rent extractions through such leveraging during
merger negotiations. Note: that narrative may counter the FTC’s assessment of
the merger and its conclusion that Google would not be able to leverage the Dou-
bleClick ad server to preference itself in the ad trading intermediation market.
See Maximizing Advertising Revenues for Online Publishers, GOOGLE (2010),
https://perma.cc/3VE9-YWPF (original announcement describing how Google’s
ad server let Google’s exchange compete in real-time against other exchanges’
static prices); Google Ad Manager Help, Dynamic Allocation, GOOGLE (2020),
Discriminatory routing of order flow from the sell-side and buy-side
to Google’s exchange jumpstarted Google’s entry into the exchange mar-
ket. Google entered a crowded market in 2009, and by 2013, Google’s ex-
change was trading the most volume. Rival exchanges, starved of liquid-
ity, fell quietly in parallel.
But this practice and resulting competition problem is neither new
nor novel. Operating parallel to Google’s timeframe, in the equities mar-
ket, the broker dealer Barclays started preferentially routing its clients’
stock orders into Barclays’ recently launched “dark pool”—a trading
venue where parties can trade with each other anonymously.
By 2013,
https://perma.cc/929B-GDRA (further explaining how this tactic worked and
continues to work in limited form); Michalis Pachilakis et al., No More Chasing
Waterfalls: A Measurement Study of the Header Bidding Ad-Ecosystem, ASSN
COMPUTING MACHINERY (2017), https://perma.cc/RSZ4-M4BC (summarizing that
Google’s exchange historically competed against other exchanges’ “average price
of [] past purchases”); Sarah Sluis, The Rise of “Header Bidding” and the End of the
Publisher Waterfall, ADEXCHANGER (June 18, 2015), https://perma.cc/MPY6-6X9F
(further explaining how Google’s ad server preferentially routed advertising in-
ventory to Google’s exchange); Bitton & Lewis, supra note 15, at 15-16, 25 (de-
fending Dynamic Allocation preferencing conduct as something invented by
DoubleClick and not Google); Louise Story, DoubleClick to Set Up an Exchange for
Buying and Selling Digital Ads, N.Y. TIMES (Apr. 4, 2007), https://perma.cc/2LBZ-
5PQY (reporting on DoubleClick’s plans to launch an exchange); FTC Closes In-
vestigation, supra note 80; supra Part III.A.1. Additionally, in 2015, Google’s ad
server let Google’s exchange access and sell additional high-value website adver-
tising inventory and did not grant non-Google exchanges access to the same.
John McDermott, Google Sweetens Deal for Publishers with Dynamic Price Floors,
DIGIDAY (Mar. 5, 2015), https://perma.cc/8PKK-CE7L (reporting that, according
to a Google customer support page, Google’s ad server routes publishers’ direct-
sold impressions only to Google’s ad exchange).
. Barry Levine, MarTech Landscape: What Is Header Bidding and Why
Should Publishers Care?, MARTECH TODAY (Dec. 21, 2015), https://perma.cc/NQC3-
NAFF ( “Many of the site publishers utilizing Google’s DFP ad server employ a
setting that allows its Ad Exchange (AdX) to outbid any of the winning waterfall
bidders by even a penny per CPM, because AdX gets the last bid. This is sup-
posed to maximize yield, but it also puts AdX in a privileged position.”).
. Amended Complaint, New York v. Barclay Inc., No. 451391/2014
Barclays’ specialized trading venue became one of the top two in the U.S.
In the equities market, however, we protect the market from these types
of competition problems by prohibiting this type of steering conduct. The
investment bank eventually paid $70 million dollars in fines to settle
charges brought by the NYAG and the SEC.
In addition to distorting competition in the exchange market, it is im-
portant to note how routing order flow to Google’s exchange may have
also resulted in welfare problems. For example, by blocking a publisher
from routing its ad space to exchanges simultaneously, Google’s ad
server could sell the publisher’s space to, for example, the Google-owned
intermediary Google Ads for a high bid of a $10 CPM, even though de-
mand from advertisers in rival exchanges might have otherwise pushed
this clearing price up.
In other words, by excluding competition, a pub-
lisher like The Post might have made less advertising revenue than it oth-
erwise would have. Did these lower clearing prices benefit the advertis-
ers buying through Google Ads? Again, the answer to this question
remains unclear. Because Google arbitrages between two Google-con-
trolled marketplaces, lower prices may have instead permitted Google as
the intermediary to retain a wider spread.
2. Market Creates Invention to Circumvent Routing Restrictions
(N.Y.S. 2d 2015), [hereinafter Barclay Inc.] (discussing Barclays’ preferential or-
der routing practices, market share, and alleging Barclay made material misrep-
resentations to customers about how it operated its dark pool).
. Barclays, Credit Suisse Charged with Dark Pool Violations, U.S. SECURITIES
AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (Jan. 31, 2016), https://perma.cc/54KJ-LWWD (an-
nouncing settlement of NYAG and SEC claims against Barclays).
. Note that bids from non-Google intermediaries could be excluded
from participating in Google’s exchange due to latency reasons discussed in Part
. See supra note 15.
and Set Own Speeds
Of all Google’s steering and discriminatory routing conduct, the one
that drew the most ire in the industry was Google’s ad server not letting
publishers simultaneously route their ad space to more than one ex-
change at once. When exchanges like the NYSE reflected a huddle of trad-
ers on a street “curb” or trading floor, it was a physical feat to trade on
more than one exchange at a time. That was also why the NYSE was a
natural monopoly for over a century. But the advent of electronic com-
munications broke down these walls and ushered in a watershed of elec-
tronic exchange competition. Shares of Microsoft stock now trade on doz-
ens of electronic trading venues at the same time, pitting exchanges
against each other to fight for market share and drive down trading costs.
Why couldn’t ads?
At the tail end of 2014, publishers started to use a technological hack
to get around Google routing restrictions and push the advertising mar-
ket to function more like other sophisticated electronic trading mar-
The invention, commonly called “header bidding,” required web-
sites to insert a piece of JavaScript code into the header section of their
webpages. As soon as a user visited a page, the JavaScript would route
the website’s ad space to multiple exchanges simultaneously, before
. The industry has copiously covered header bidding and how this
workaround was designed to circumvent Google restrictions specifically. See
Header Bidding: Holistic Ad Serving Is Here, AD OPS INSIDER (June 1, 2015),
https://perma.cc/WR2F-WHCN; Sluis, supra note 163; Ross Benes, ‘An Ad Tech
Urban Legend’: An Oral History of How Header Bidding Became Digital Advertising’s
Hottest Buzzword, DIGIDAY (June 16, 2017),https://perma.cc/97F8-F3ZJ/; Michal
Wlosik, Client-Side vs. Server-Side Header Bidding: Pros and Cons, CLEARCODE (Apr.
17, 2019), https://perma.cc/6N8Q-NJJZ (stating that header bidding “originally
emerged as a novel solution to remedy the inefficiency, and Google’s preference,
of its own ad exchange (AdX), during the waterfall ad-buying process . . . .”); Sa-
rah Sluis, The Year Header Bidding Went Mainstream, ADEXCHANGER (Dec. 27,
2016), https://perma.cc/E6AW-QNGZ/ (“After all, the priority that Google gave
its Ad Exchange service kicked off the whole header bidding trend.”).
Google’s ad server had time to kick in and prevent them from doing so.
The invention permitted a site like The Post to start routing its inventory
to a dozen exchanges at once, instead of routing them to Google’s ex-
change first, something The Post now does.
The original version of header bidding (called “client-side”) also pro-
vided buyers and sellers with advantages when it came to speed. Specif-
ically, it let publishers set the time that exchanges have to respond with
their winning bids, which publishers started lengthening to account for
more bids from slower traders.
Setting speeds several seconds long
would cause users to load pages without ads or cause users to leave the
page while impatiently waiting for pages to load. But giving exchanges
incrementally more timea fraction of a second that users might not no-
ticeexcluded fewer bidders from auctions and resulted in more and
higher bids returned.
Typically, publishers set these exchange timeouts to 500-1000 milli-
seconds (one-half to one second), but the default for the leading header
. See Vidakovic, supra note 83; Pachilakis et al., supra note 163.
23SL (last visited Nov. 17, 2020) (an initiative from the Interactive Advertising
Bureau Technology Laboratory listing the companies authorized to sell The
Washington Post inventory).
. With client-side header bidding, websites use a “wrapper” to set a
“universal timeout,” which is the time limit within which all exchanges compet-
ing for ads must submit a bid. See, e.g., Basic Prebid.js Example, PREBID (2020),
. See, e.g., Lynne Johnson, Publishers Should Experiment with Timeouts to
Bring in Higher Bids, ADMONSTERS (Sept. 26, 2019), https://perma.cc/M4YP-FLDR;
Index Exchange Introduces Adaptive Timeout, Incorporating Machine Learning into
Header Bidding, GLOBENEWSWIRE (May 20, 2019), https://perma.cc/2HB3-NLX4
(explaining the correlation between auction speed and revenue: “By adaptively
modifying the timeout, the feature ensures the maximum number of bids make
it to the publisher, thereby increasing revenue, while improving user experience
in each unique condition . . . .”); How to Optimize Header Bidding Setup, PREBID,
https://perma.cc/NG7G-HWKC (“Working with 10 bids (orange) makes incre-
mentally more money as the ad server waits longer. But the 5 bids revenue plat-
bidding vendor PreBid is set to 3000 milliseconds (three seconds).
report based on data from 300+ publishers recommended publishers set
their timeouts to at least 1157 milliseconds, finding publishers routinely
exclude higher bids from slightly slower traders when they set stricter
In a roundabout way, this setup empowered sellers of ad
space to neutralize any speed advantage that Google Ads and DV360 had
in Google’s exchange due to colocation.
The client-side header bidding invention also increased trading
transparency, permitting market participants to better understand how
speed and competition go hand-in-hand. Publishers could now monitor
how many milliseconds it took exchanges to return bids.
If a publisher
set its timeouts at 800 milliseconds, and saw that this timeout excludes
higher bids from exchanges that arrived at 820 milliseconds, the pub-
lisher might re-set its timeouts to 820 milliseconds to increase competi-
tion for its ad space and drive prices up.
. Publisher API Reference, PREBID (2020), https://perma.cc/P23L-2824.
Though 3,000 milliseconds (three seconds) was a long time for users, a study of
35,000 websites showed that this amount of time in fact captured 90% of bids
returned on average. Note: an observed overall timeout is different than the ex-
change timeout set by the publisher. Pachilakis et al., supra note 163 (showing
that 600 milliseconds was an observed median timeout and 3,000 milliseconds
was a common timeout that captured 90% of bid responses). Ultimately, publish-
ers tested different millisecond settings, weighing their interests in readership
and revenue to find an optimal balance for their own business. See generally John-
son, supra note 173; Prebid.js FAQ, PREBID (2020), https://perma.cc/9AYE-BR5E
(summarizing that publishers should adjust speeds to fill inventory “at the high-
est CPMs without adding too much latency in the process”).
. Johnson, supra note 173; MonetizeMore Publisher Metrics August 2019,
MONETIZEMORE (2019), https://perma.cc/V49A-2FAA.
. Vidakovic, supra note 83 (showing a screenshot of this transparency);
see also Appendix B.
Google initially argued that header bidding disadvantaged websites
because it was too slow.
But the advantages that the invention pro-
videdtransparency, control over latency restrictions, and the ability to
route inventory to multiple exchanges simultaneouslyled publishers to
rapidly adopt it. In 2015, within months of its debut, header bidding was
already the hot topic at industry conferences.
By 2016, approximately
70% of major U.S. publishers adopted it.
By early 2018, 80% of news
publishers were on board.
The effects of unleashed competition reverberated quickly through
the industry. More competition from exchanges and slower bidders
. Levine, supra note 164 (discussing an AppNexus executive’s rebuttal
that header bidding decreased latency since 78% of header bidding transactions
concluded within 200 milliseconds, whereas only 12% of sequential auctions
. Id. (“Next to ad blocking, header bidding is one of the hottest topics
among digital advertisers and website publishers.”). This market development
was widely viewed in the industry as presenting a viable mechanism to challeng-
ing Google’s hold in the exchange and buying tool markets, as well as Google’s
ability to possibly extract wide intermediary spreads. See generally Ciaran
O’Kane, Why 2016 Was the Beginning of the End of the Current Ad Tech Cycle,
EXCHANGEWIRE (Dec. 23, 2016), https://perma.cc/GPX7-EM6G
(“Header bidding
was the ultimate assault on the ad server. It caught Google completely off guard.
Its money pit dynamic allocation was being challenged through its own
tech.”); Sluis, supra note 169 (where an industry executive notes how fast Google
took note of and responded to header bidding).
. See generally Sluis, supra note 169; Wlosik, supra note 169 (discussing
why header bidding became the new industry standard); Header Bidding Gains
Momentum, Drives Up Publisher Ad Revenue, BUS. INSIDER (May 3, 2016),
https://perma.cc/YFF2-KBVJ (executive with AppNexus sharing that nearly 70%
of top publishers in the U.S. adopted header bidding); A. Guttmann, Share of Pub-
lishers Doing Header Bidding in the United States as of November 2017, STATISTA (Oct.
1, 2017), https://perma.cc/J5HY-8QDL (showing 71.6% of publishers in the study
in the U.S. adopted header bidding); U.S. Websites that Use Header Bidding, by Cat-
egory, Sep 2017-May 2018, EMARKETER (2017), https://perma.cc/KF2V-ZH8H
(showing that as of May 2018, 81% of news publishers in the US were using
header bidding).
. U.S. Websites that Use Header Bidding, supra note 179.
caused publishers’ ad revenue to soar overnight, often by 40-70%.
prices on one entertainment and news media publisher increased by
Another publisher reported a daily revenue increase of 40%
within the first day of routing to multiple exchanges and an increase of
100% in the longer-term.
Other sites echoed revenue increases of over
What this all meant was that by suppressing competition from
non-Google exchanges, Google had cost publishers real revenue, some-
times significant sums. This was no small development for publishers
large and small reeling from the demise of print advertising and migrat-
ing to sophisticated electronic trading.
3. Google AMP Speed Protocol Restricts Trading Through Non-
Google Venues
With stock trading, speed races have shifted from physical proximity,
colocation, and re-wiring cables in a straight line, to the installation of
. Levine, supra note 164 (executives from Index and PubMatic ex-
changes noting adoption of header bidding resulted in a 30-50% lift in CPM
prices); Ricardo Bilton, With Header Bidding, Publishers Are Boosting CPMs by as
much as 50 Percent, DIGIDAY (Nov. 12, 2015), https://perma.cc/SZZ9-5TBM.
. PubMatic Staff, How PubMatic’s Header Bidding Technology Helped an
Entertainment and News Media Company Increase CPMs By 50%, PUBMATIC (Apr.
28, 2016), https://perma.cc/343S-4JQ9 (stating that the adoption of header bidding
caused entertainment and news publisher CPMs to increase on average by 50%
and caused a daily revenue increase of 9-16X on Pubmatic’s exchange).
. Alex Groth, Header Bidding Is a Game Changer for Smaller Publishers,
ADMONSTERS (Nov. 3, 2016), https://perma.cc/JSF9-PMUJ (noting that publisher
and ad network Gladly states average daily revenue increased by 40% after the
first day of routing to multiple exchanges at the same time and that average rev-
enue in the long-term increased 100%).
. PulsePoint Enables Publishers to Bypass Waterfall Inefficiencies with
Header Bidding; Average CPM Increases 147%, BUS. WIRE (Apr. 21, 2016),
https://perma.cc/NU6A-QC5X (announcing that the adoption of header bidding
caused PulsePoint publisher CPMs to increase 147% on average).
new transatlantic cables and cross-country microwave networks.
In ad-
vertising, when Google could no longer preferentially route ad space to
its own exchange, the tug-of-war pivoted increasingly to speed. Just as
publishers and advertisers were adopting header bidding at a rapid pace
to work around Google’s restrictions related to routing, speed, and trans-
parency, Google introduced a software development framework called
Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP).
At a simple level, AMP is a frame-
work that websites can use to create fast-loading mobile web pages. In
part by limiting the types of programming codes that can be used on a
page, AMP pages load faster than they otherwise would.
. For an overview, see AQUILINA ET AL., supra note 24.
. Google announced the AMP Project on October 7, 2015 and first
launched it early 2016. Though AMP is open source (meaning, it is developed as
a public collaboration), it is widely viewed as a Google initiative because Google
employees spearheaded its development. As a result, the news media frequently
refers to AMP simply as “Google’s AMP.” See, e.g., Sarah Sluis, Google's Acceler-
ated Mobile Pages Aim to Speed Content and Ad Load Times, ADEXCHANGER (Oct. 7,
2015), https://perma.cc/HD8K-ZA79; Mark Scott, Google’s Mobile Web Dominance
Raises Competition Eyebrows, POLITICO (June 1, 2018), https://perma.cc/TF7S-
QFYG; Danny Crichton, Answering Its Critics, Google Loosens Reins on AMP Project,
TECHCRUNCH (Sept. 18, 2018), https://perma.cc/VLF7-RRMT; A Letter About
Google AMP, AMPLETTER.ORG (Jan. 9, 2018), https://perma.cc/5XN5-3B5R; Frederic
Lardinois, Google’s AMP Project Expands Beyond News, TECHCRUNCH (Aug. 2,
2016), https://perma.cc/VLF7-RRMT; Julia Greenberg, Google's AMP Will Make the
Mobile Internet Faster Early Next Year, WIRED (Dec. 9, 2015),
https://perma.cc/4GMV-TR7Z; Scott Gilberston, How Google’s AMP Project Speeds
Up the WebBy Sandblasting HTML, ARS TECHNICA (Nov. 3, 2015),
. The speed at which web pages load is important for consumers and
publishers and there are different ways that consumers and publishers can get
pages to load faster. For instance, consumers might pay their internet service pro-
vider more for quicker download speeds or publishers can follow best practices
in web design to optimize page load speeds. AMP pages load fast because they
limit the use of JavaScript, only permit asynchronous JavaScript execution, and
are cached. For further discussion of AMP and its restrictions, see How AMP
Works, AMP.DEV (2020), https://perma.cc/XBN7-4UU3; How AMP Pages Are
Cached, AMP.DEV (2020), https://perma.cc/SAE8-9JKQ.
there are caveats to Google’s approach to speed with AMP. The AMP
framework restricts the use of JavaScript, which is precisely the code that
websites needed to use to make the client-side header bidding invention
Google framed AMP as something that maximizes consumer welfare:
faster loading pages are better for consumers. But the question of whether
faster-and-faster page speeds maximize consumer welfare is more com-
plicated. If John is reading a news site and a page loads too slow, he might
quickly switch to another site in the hopes of finding a similar article that
loads faster.
The sites that keep up with John’s preference for speed
. Later, RTC wrappers were developed to permit publishers to route
their ad space through header bidding. However, because these RTC wrappers
impose tight restrictions on the number of entities that publishers can route to (a
max of five vendor calls overall), only permit one vendor cookie-sync, and im-
pose strict trading timeouts (of 1000 ms), the industry has continued to speak of
AMP as being simply incompatible with client-side header bidding, which was
founded on publishers being able to control both these things. See AMP Real Time
Config, GITHUB (2020), https://perma.cc/39PA-LQYK; Monetizing Your AMP Page
with Ads, AMP.DEV (2020), https://perma.cc/4J9K-CEGP (“In non-AMP pages
(traditional HTML), if you want to display ads on your page, you'd include a
snippet of JavaScript to serve ads from your ad network. For performance and
security reasons, you cannot include third-party JavaScript in AMP pages. So, to
display ads in AMP, you need to add the custom amp-ad component to your
AMP page.”); Geradin & Katsifis, supra note 158 (discussing AMP’s incompati-
bility with traditional client-side header bidding). More recently, AMP has loos-
ened restrictions around the use of JavaScript but remains incompatible with cli-
ent-side header bidding in its original form. amp-script: AMP [heart] JS, AMP.DEV
(2020), https://perma.cc/FT93-UFS6; Amp-Script, AMP.DEV (Aug. 21, 2019),
https://perma.cc/7RLC-NQSP (acknowledging that the availability of JavaScript
was “one of the most important requests from developers using AMP”).
. According to Google, pages that take longer than three seconds to
load lose 53% of mobile visits. However, it is unclear whether this statistic ex-
cludes bot traffic. David Kirkpatrick, Google: 53% of Mobile Users Abandon Sites
That Take Over 3 Seconds to Load, MARKETING DIVE (2020), https://perma.cc/BSL5-
6LMA. But see Jake D. Brutlag et al., User Preference and Search Engine Latency,
Joint Statistical Meeting Proceedings (2008) (demonstrating that user preference
for faster search engines kicks in at or after the three second latency mark).
will have more ad space to sell, which is how page speed also correlates
with publisher welfare.
However, publishers also face trade-offs when it comes to speed that
ultimately impact consumer welfare. When AMP first launched, AMP
pages loaded so fast, they sometimes loaded for users before sites could
return ads at all.
AMP pages were also incompatible with JavaScript,
the code that publishers relied on to route their ad space to multiple ex-
changes with header bidding. If publishers make less revenue selling ad
space, they have less to re-invest into the content that consumers want to
consume. Thus, at a certain point, fast-loading pages come back to hurt
consumer welfare.
Nevertheless, Google started to condition premium treatment on
Google Searcha market where Google has 88% market share in the
U.S.on publishers’ migration to AMP. For example, to have news arti-
cles displayed at the top of Google Search results, in the “News Carousel”
that features news articles in a visual and swipe-able format, websites
generally have to use AMP.
Google Search also includes a lightning
. Consumers now use their phones more than their computers and
publishers receive approximately 60% of their traffic from mobile use. Mason
Walker, Americans Favor Mobile Devices Over Desktops and Laptops for Getting News,
PEW RSCH. CTR. (Nov. 19, 2019), https://perma.cc/67NV-4LB3 (Pew Research sur-
vey showing roughly 6 in 10 US adults access news from a mobile device); Sluis,
supra note 186 (“The Washington Post, for one, said its audience is 60% mobile,
roughly average for most publishers.”); BRIGHTEDGE 2018 MID-YEAR MOBILE
(“62% of traffic in a large sample coming from mobile and tablet search.”)
. Garett Sloane, Publishers Find Google’s Amp Speeds Up Pages, But Ads
Are Still Slow, DIGIDAY (Apr. 21, 2016), https://perma.cc/WEU4-PK25; see also Sa-
rah Sluis, With Ads in Place, Google Takes Training Wheels Off of AMP,
ADEXCHANGER (Feb. 18, 2016), https://perma.cc/DY36-MWJG (“Faster-loading
pages may lead to a rise in page views. But AMP doesn’t support more complex,
higher-paying ads, like interstitials, which could dampen yield.”).
. Search Engine Market Share United States of America, supra note 111;
Barry Schwartz, Google Reserves News Carousel for AMP Pages Only, SEARCH
bolt icon next to AMP pages in the search results, signaling to users that
those pages load fast.
To participate in the News Carousel, or have a
lightning bolt, a publisher has to use AMP and forgo the implementation
of header bidding using JavaScript.
With these developments, the advertising technology companies like
PreBid and Rubicon Project that developed the original header bidding
inventions started to build a modified version that complied with Google
AMP JavaScript restrictions and improved on the original version’s la-
tency challenges.
To speed things up and work around AMP JavaScript
constraints, these vendors moved auctions back to third-party servers,
which is commonly called “server-side” header bidding.
It was around this time, in April of 2016, that Google’s ad server re-
lented and started letting some publishers route their ad space to multi-
ple exchanges at the same time.
Google encouraged publishers to start
ENGINE ROUNDTABLE (Mar. 2, 2016), https://perma.cc/CM5G-KBMB (reporting
that Google announced that News Carousel is only open to publishers using
AMP); Google Developers, Structured Data: Article, GOOGLE, (Feb. 7, 2020),
https://perma.cc/62LS-SLBP (stating Google has since opened up the News Car-
ousel to non-AMP pages but only when other pages in the News Carousel are
not AMP pages); Greg Sterling, Google Adding More News Content to Top Stories’
in Search Results, SEARCH ENGINE LAND (Dec. 11, 2019), https://perma.cc/QH8X-
XUNS (noting that all top pages in the News Carousel “appear to be AMP for-
matted”). But see Evaluating Page Experience for a Better Web, OFF. GOOGLE
WEBMASTER CENT. BLOG (2020), https://perma.cc/6WGT-9QV3 (announcing that
Google will soon no longer require a site to use AMP to be included at the top of
Google Search mobile stories).
. Lucia Moses, The Guardian Is Getting 60 Percent of Its Google Mobile
Traffic from AMP, DIGIDAY (Mar. 8, 2017), https://perma.cc/2VFY-5CY6(stating
that users increasingly recognized that the lightning bolt meant that pages would
load instantly).
. See generally Server Side Header Bidding Explained, AD OPS INSIDER (Jan.
25, 2017), https://perma.cc/S99F-R4EQ; Sarah Sluis, Header Bidding Goes Server-
Side: 6 Things You Should Know, ADEXCHANGER (Jan. 11, 2017),
. Google piloted the capability on April 13, 2016, beta launched it on
routing their ad space to exchanges synchronously directly from their
Google ad server. Implicitly acknowledging how its legacy routing re-
strictions had harmed market participants, Google now encouraged pub-
lishers to route their space to multiple exchanges to augment advertising
revenues by as much as 40%.
However, the server-side versions of header bidding re-introduce in-
formation and speed asymmetries between bidders, which can dampen
competition. Specifically, they impose tighter latency restrictions and re-
June 8, 2017, and officially launched it on April 4, 2018. Google initially called the
feature Exchange Bidding but renamed it in August 2019 to Open Bidding. See
Jonathan Bellack, Improving Yield, Speed and Control with DoubleClick for Publishers
First Look and Exchange Bidding, GOOGLE (Apr. 13, 2016), https://perma.cc/LMU4-
ENCQ; Sam Cox, Announcing Exchange Bidding Open Beta, GOOGLE AD MANAGER
BLOG (June 8, 2017), https://perma.cc/NE43-E723; Ronan Shields, Google An-
nounces Full Rollout of Exchange Bidding to Counter Header Bidding Rise, DRUM (Apr.
4, 2018), https://perma.cc/G7NW-7FZZ; Authorized Buyers Help, Publisher Inven-
tory Transitioning to a Unified First-price Auction, GOOGLE (2020),
https://perma.cc/2LRT-R2B3 (announcing renaming to Open Bidding).
. Shields, supra note 195 (“The rollout has taken place a little under a
year since Google first launched Exchange Bidding in open beta (after an earlier
12 month private pilot scheme) with the online behemoth claiming that trials had
seen earlier participants bolster programmatic revenues by as much as 40%.”);
Minda Smiley, OpenX Says Google's Exchange Bidding Has Led to 48% Revenue Lift
for Publishers, DRUM (Feb. 15, 2018), https://perma.cc/LRM9-NJAM; see also Jessica
Davies, Why El Pais Owner Prisa Is Shifting from Header Bidding to Server-side Bid-
ding in 9 Markets, DIGIDAY (Sept. 22, 2017), https://perma.cc/P52D-34HW (Spanish
publisher Prisa shares that “Google’s server-side option, exchange bidding in dy-
namic allocation . . . has seen decent yield lifts compared to what Google’s ad
exchange is generating”). From an antitrust perspective, given Google’s own ev-
idence of empirical price increases, it is difficult to estimate how Google might
justify its historical conduct by pointing to the conduct’s beneficial effects. For
the burden that antitrust defendants face under such scenarios, see C. Scott
Hemphill, Less Restrictive Alternatives in Antitrust Law, 116 COLUM. L. REV. 927
sult in higher cookie syncing loss rates, resulting in more bidders not be-
ing able to identity users loading pages.
Meaning, more bidders may
bid less for ad space and be excluded altogether due to latency.
Today, when publishers route their inventory to non-Google ex-
changes from their Google ad server, these problems persist. When it
comes to speed, Google’s ad server gives exchanges a 160 millisecond
timeout, which some people in the industry have noted is too little time
for non-Google exchanges to conclude their own auctions and return a
bid to Google’s server.
Increased information asymmetry between
Google and non-Google bidders exacerbates this problem. The non-
Google intermediaries can deduce the identity of users associated with
ad space even less often than they could before, further depressing their
ability to compete against DV360 and Google Ads on equal footing.
. See Lynne Johnson, Client-Side vs. Server-Side? It’s a Draw,
ADMONSTERS (July 23, 2019), https://perma.cc/89KA-STR7 (reporting on server-
side header bidding’s approach to speed and challenges with cookie matching).
Server-side auctions are also not transparent, because auctions occur inside of a
company’s servers, rather than within users’ browsers.
. Kean Graham, Google's Plans May Not Eliminate Header Bidding,
ADEXCHANGER (July 1, 2016), https://perma.cc/9AB2-U3JM (where an executive
of an advertising consultancy notes that “DoubleClick Ad Exchange will also
have a major advantage because of tiny timeouts for third-party ad networks,
making it more difficult for them to submit winning bids in time”). But see Google
Ad Manager, supra note 45 (stating that 160 millisecond timeouts in Google’s
server-to-server solution decreases bid exclusion).
. With client-side header bidding, an exchange (such as Index’s ex-
change) retrieves the ID of the user loading a page by reading the user’s ID con-
tained in the exchange’s cookies on the user’s browser. With Google’s multiple-
exchange bidding approach, competing exchanges cannot directly access the
user IDs contained on users’ browsers, and must conduct an additional cookie-
sync with Google, which increases loss rates. As the firm intermediating this pro-
cess, Google does not face the same disadvantage. See generally APPNEXUS,
HEADER BIDDING: THE NEXT EVOLUTION 10 (2017), https://perma.cc/9H9T-PEXU
(“The reason [server-side header bidding] lowers cookie match rates is that in
client-side header bidding, the header makes ad calls from the browser, where
cookies are stored, directly to programmatic demand partners. But in [server-
Google’s approach to multiple-exchange bidding restricts competi-
tion between non-Google exchanges and buying tools in more brazen
ways too. For example, when publishers choose to route their ad space
from their Google ad server to multiple exchanges at the same time,
Google’s ad server requires them to route their space through Google’s
trading venue and charges an additional intermediary fee for transacting
through a non-Google exchange, which is an additional 5-10% of the win-
ning buyer’s bid.
The fee would be on top of the 10-20% fee that market
side], the auction takes place away from the browser inside a third-party server,
and relies on user syncing between the third-party server and the various de-
mand partners. As a result, it’s tougher for advertisers and publishers to sync on
user identity.”). In addition, if the page the user is loading is a Google AMP page,
Google may be able to obtain additional information advantages about the user
and the content. See Scott, supra note 186 (“Other publishers gripe that AMP gives
Google access to coveted user data because almost all of AMP traffic currently
runs through the company's own servers.”).
. To be clear, Google’s ad server permits publishers to not do business
with Google’s exchange if they forgo routing their space to multiple exchanges
at the same time through Open Bidding. See Google Ad Manager, supra note 45
(“With Open Bidding, you can invite trusted third-party exchanges to compete
together in real-time alongside Ad Exchange in Dynamic Allocation.”); Google
Ad Manager Help, Create and Manage Yield Groups, GOOGLE (2020),
https://perma.cc/7Q7Z-K3LN (“Yield groups always include Ad Exchange, and
you can also add third-party exchanges and ad networks.”); Sarah Sluis, 3 Auc-
tions Rule Digital Advertising. Here’s a Guide to Navigating Them, ADEXCHANGER
(Nov. 20, 2019), https://perma.cc/H3HW-AYWV (“Google open bidding charges
the highest fee, a 5% fee for display and outstream inventory and a 10% fee for
video and app. That charge is on top of the exchange fee. So an exchange would
take its cut from the buyer’s bid, then Google would take its fee.”); George Slefo,
Google’s Answer to Header Bidding Runs into Headwinds, ADAGE (July 13, 2017),
https://perma.cc/9MN8-KUPL (confirming the same). In other words, if a buyer
and seller go through Google’s ad server to route and clear ad space in the Index
exchange, they must pay a fee to Index (e.g., 7% of $1,000) and an additional fee
to Google for using Index and not Google’s exchange (e.g., an additional 10%,
which would further reduce the publisher’s share to $837). When websites use
client-side header bidding to route their ad space to non-Google exchanges, pub-
lishers and advertisers have no such additional intermediary fee to absorb. See
participants already pay to exchanges.
By raising rivals’ costs, Google
dissuades buyers and sellers from routing trades through non-Google
In addition, Google’s ad server depresses competition through
a price parity rule called “Unified Pricing” that it introduced in 2019.
With Unified Pricing, Google’s ad server started to prohibit publishers
from routing their ad space to different intermediary buying tools and
Sluis, 3 Auctions Rule, supra note 200 (confirming that the client-side header bid-
ding vendor “Prebid doesn’t charge fees because it’s an open-source solution.”).
. Sarah Sluis, Explainer: More on the Widespread Fee Practice Behind the
Guardian's Lawsuit vs. Rubicon Project, ADEXCHANGER (Mar. 30, 2017),
https://perma.cc/5TFE-5L6A (stating that exchanges usually charge publishers
10-20% of ads’ clearing prices); Sluis, supra note 200 (noting that exchanges take
their cut from the buyer’s bid); Sarah Sluis, Rubicon Got Rid of Its Buy-Side Fees
But Who Else Is Charging Them?, ADEXCHANGER (Nov. 8, 2017),
https://perma.cc/C7YF-37AB (reporting that, according to a Google spokesper-
son, publishers pay Google’s exchange a transparent revenue share that varies);
Shailin Dhar, Ad-Tech Tax What Bracket Are You In?, MEDIUM (Apr. 7, 2016),
https://perma.cc/LWF9-J8ED (explaining generally how ad fees work).
. From an antitrust perspective, this can be thought of as a mechanism
to raise rivals' costs. For a discussion of this conduct and consideration under
antitrust law, see Steven C. Salop & David T. Scheffman, Raising Rivals’ Costs, 73
AM. ECON. REV. 267 (1983).
. Sarah Sluis, Google Switches to First-Price Auction, ADEXCHANGER (Mar.
6, 2019), https://perma.cc/8PT9-VDY7 (discussing Google plans to launch a uni-
fied pricing tool); Sluis, supra note 104 (discussing the beta launch of unified pric-
ing restrictions). There are additional ways that Google’s ad server restrictions
competition. For example, Google’s ad server shares superior information about
publishers’ auctions and pricing with competing exchanges that integrate
through Google’s ad server’s Open Bidding feature. Google easily could pass the
same information to header bidding auction vendors through an API, for exam-
ple, but chooses not to. Google markets this information advantage as a reason
to forgo header bidding and integrate through Open Bidding. Bigler, supra note
135 (“For Authorized Buyers and Open Bidders (formerly known as Exchange
Bidding buyers), we’ll provide additional information post-auction to help in-
form your bidding strategies. Buyers will receive the minimum bid price to win
after the auction closes. This feedback will help you understand when to bid
higher to win valuable inventory.”).
through different exchanges at different price floors.
The change bans
publishers from routing their ad space to, for example, Google Ads, at a
price floor of a $10 CPM, while routing the same space to The Trade Desk
at a price floor of a $9 CPM.
Historically, many publishers set higher price floors for Google Ads
because of the information advantages that Google reserves for Google
Ads, which were discussed in Part III.A. Many set Google AdWords at
a higher floor price, since its demand often bids very low due to its supe-
rior data,” explained industry publication AdExchanger.
Setting lower
price floors for the non-Google intermediaries was how publishers could
manufacture competition from bidders with information disadvantages.
Publisherspractice of setting higher price floors for the party with
information advantagesGooglewas rational and output enhancing.
For example, in discussing insider trading and information advantages,
the late professor and legal scholar Victor Brudney explained: “A rational
buyer (or seller) in a market, who knows that the person with whom he
is dealing has material information about the value of the product being
exchanged which he could not lawfully acquire, will either refrain from
dealing with that transactor or demand a risk premium.”
In other
. Specifically, publishers can set price floors by advertiser and brand,
but not by “buyer,” which means not by buying tool such as Google DV360 or
Google Ads. This effectively operates as a price restraint on exchanges too. See
Google Ad Manager Help, supra note 104 (“Advertiser- and brand-specific floor
prices can be configured in unified pricing rules. However, per-buyer floor prices
are not available.”). Interestingly, Google justifies Unified Pricing rules by argu-
ing that unified price floors serve publisher interests. See Bitton & Lewis, supra
note 15, at 21.
. Sluis, supra note 104 (“First, publishers often set different floor prices
for different platforms. Many set Google AdWords at a higher floor price, since
its demand often bids very low due to its superior data. Under the new rules,
publishers can’t set rules at a platform level, which Google calls the ‘buyer’
. See Brudney, supra note 60, at 356 ( “If the market is thought to be
systematically populated with such transactors some investors will refrain from
words, if parties cannot demand rational risk premiums when dealing
with counterparties with information advantages, they can refrain from
dealing altogether. Google’s Unified Pricing rules prohibit sellers from
asking for such risk premiums and, in the short term, let DV360 and
Google Ads buy ad space at the lower floors publishers historically set
for rivals, or alternatively, exclude rival bidders through the higher price
floors publishers historically set for Google.
From an antitrust and competition policy perspective, Google’s ap-
proach with Unified Pricing is against the grain of the trend. More and
more, these types of price parity provisions have been challenged from a
policy and antitrust perspective.
E-commerce retailer Amazon
dropped similar provisions after they came under scrutiny in the U.S. and
dealing altogether, and others will incur costs to avoid dealing with such trans-
actors or corruptly to overcome their unerodable informational advantages.
None of those responses is socially useful. All raise the cost of capital. And some
are simply unlawful attempts to obtain information corruptly from those who
are forbidden from disclosing it.”).
. See Jonathan Baker & Fiona Scott Morton, Antitrust Enforcement
Against Platform MFNs, 127 YALE L. J. 2176 (2018); Andre Boik & Kenneth S. Corts,
The Effects of Platform Most-Favored-Nation Clauses on Competition and Entry, 59 J.L.
& ECON. 105 (2016); Ariel Ezrachi, The Competitive Effects of Parity Clauses on
Online Commerce, 11 EUR. COMPETITION J. 488 (2016); Letter from Sen. Richard Blu-
menthal to Assistant Att’y Gen. Makan Delrahim (Dec. 19, 2018),
https://perma.cc/NY2C-4PBR (urging the Department of Justice to investigate the
anticompetitive effects of the price parity provisions in Amazon’s contracts with
third parties); Joe Palazzolo, Apple Ruling Heaps Doubt on 'MFN' Clauses, WALL
ST. J. (July 14, 2013), https://perma.cc/4U9Y-LZVA.
The Department of Justice (DOJ) and U.S. courts also disfa-
vored similar price restrictions imposed by the electronic marketplaces
for airfare tickets.
. Amazon, the largest e-commerce retailer in the U.S. and globally,
nixed its price parity clauses after increased scrutiny by scholars and others. See
Catherine Shu, Amazon Reportedly Nixes Its Price Parity Requirement for Third-Party
Sellers in the U.S., TECHCRUNCH (Mar. 11, 2019), https://perma.cc/PWE9-SHFX
(reporting that Amazon is dropping its price parity provisions with third-party
sellers); Amazon to Alter Pricing Policy for Traders, BBC NEWS (Aug. 29, 2013),
https://perma.cc/F3XK-74GZ (reporting that Amazon dropped similar price par-
ity provisions in Europe after investigations by the Office of Fair Trading in the
UK and the Federal Cartel Office in Germany).
. The DOJ and DOT thought such clauses restricted competition be-
tween marketplaces, acted as a barrier for new entrants, resulted in effects similar
to tying, and ultimately harmed the airlines and consumers. See Computer Res-
ervations Systems (CRS) Regulations, Statements of General Policy, 67 Fed. Reg.
69365 (Nov. 15, 2002) (codified at 14 C.F.R. 255) (“We based our prohibition of
the enforcement of the systems' parity clauses on findings that those contract
provisions had the harmful effects of tying provisionsthey limited competition
between the systems, and they increased the prices paid by the systems' custom-
ers.”); Computer Reservations Systems (CRS) Regulations 69 Fed. Reg. 999 (Jan-
uary 7, 2004) (codified at 14 C.F.R. 255) [hereinafter, “CRS Regulations”] (Section
E discussing the history and reasoning behind the most-favored-nation clauses
prohibition); Am. Airlines, Inc. v. Travelport Ltd., No. 4:11-CV-244-Y, 2011 U.S.
Dist. LEXIS 166373 (N.D. Tex. Nov. 21, 2011) (summarizing how regulation his-
torically and until 2004 prohibited the airfare marketplaces from imposing MFN
provisions in their contracts and how the DOT and DOJ were concerned the pro-
visions foreclosed competition between distribution channels). When the DOT
issued its final deregulation order, it warned that “clauses requiring participating
airlines to provide all fares as a condition to participation may similarly consti-
tute unfair methods of competition because they unreasonably limit each air-
line’s ability to choose how to market its services.” CRS Regulations. The Second
Circuit recently considered a similar restraint by a leading airfare marketplace in
U.S. Airways v. Sabre. U.S. Airways v. Sabre Holdings, 938 F.3d 43 (2d Cir. 2019).
In that case, U.S. Airways challenged the fact that Sabre, the leading GDS in the
U.S. with 50% market share, had a provision in its contract (called “No Dis-
counts”) that prohibited the airline from routing lower priced tickets into com-
Google’s approach is also in direct conflict with the policy approach
that lawmakers take with electronic trading in the equities market. There,
intermediaries (e.g., brokers) must act in their customers’ best interest.
Brokers cannot preferentially route order flow to their owned and oper-
ated exchange unless doing so best serves the client’s interest (e.g. best
Because Google’s trading intermediaries could negotiate out of
the duties they owe to publishers and advertisers and no equivalent trad-
ing rule exists, Google can adopt a price parity rule that ultimately harms
buyers and sellers.
4. Google Search “Speed Update” Further Restricts Trading
Through Non-Google Venues
Google soon gave publishers a second reason to adopt AMP and
forgo header bidding. In 2018, Google Search released a “Speed Update”
and started to rank mobile pages according to how fast they load.
cifically, Search started to push pages that were “slow” down in users’
peting marketplaces. Another provision called “No Better Benefits” required air-
lines to provide all available inventory to Sabre’s GDS. The district court ruled
that Sabre’s restrictions were illegal vertical restraints that violated Section 1 of
the Sherman Act. However, the Second Circuit reversed and remanded the case
in light of the Supreme Court’s recent holding in Ohio v. Amex, 138 S. Ct. 2274,
(2018), which rendered the district court’s jury instructions around market defi-
nition erroneous.
. See discussion in supra note 54.
. Id.
. Zhiheng Wang & Doantam Phan, Using Page Speed in Mobile Search
https://perma.cc/F972-ZDJV (announcing full roll-out of “Speed Update”); Addy
Osmani & Ilya Grigorik, Speed Is Now a Landing Page Factor for Google Search and
Ads, GOOGLE (Sept. 23, 2019), https://perma.cc/7AQT-QJ6H. Note, Google started
using speed as a ranking factor for desktop pages in 2010, but “relevance” for
those pages remained the “primary” ranking signal. Additionally, on May 28,
2020, Google announced upcoming changes to how it ranks Search pages. With
these changes, Google will start to consider a page’s “Core Web Vitals,” which
search results. Rather than providing websites with an objective speed
requirement or tools to determine speed compliance,
Google steered
websites to a speed compliant solution: “if you're looking for a fast-by-
default framework for your pages, take a look at AMP.”
Publishers that
did not want to lose their Google Search trafficwhich for news publish-
ers can account for 40-50% of incoming traffichad to comply with this
Speed Update.
For its part, Google maintains that it does not have an AMP require-
ment, only a speed requirement.
But many publishers have complained
includes speed and other factors, and, will no longer require a site to use AMP to
be included at the top of Google Search mobile stories. Sowmya Subramanian,
Evaluating Page Experience for a Better Web, WEBMASTER CENTRAL BLOG (May 28,
2020), https://perma.cc/XMF5-ATFH.
. See Osmani & Grigorik, supra note 212; Wang & Phan, supra note 212
(where Google acknowledges “there is no tool that directly indicates whether a
page is affected by this new ranking factor”). Although Google does not provide
a direct tool for publishers to determine speed compliance, Google does offer
tools such as the Lighthouse Report, the Speed Scorecard and Impact Calculator,
the Chrome User Experience Report, and PageSpeed Insights tool to generally
advise about speed performance. See Mark McGonigle, Slow Down and Think
About Google’s Speed Update, DRUM (July 30, 2018), https://perma.cc/YU89-6KJM.
See also A Letter about Google AMP, supra note 186 (where more than 600 signees
pen an open letter to Google urging the company to adopt a neutral, objective
speed criterion).
. Osmani & Grigorik, supra note 212.
. Lucia Moses, How Google Is Using Its Search Clout to Steer Publishers to
Use AMP, DIGIDAY (Feb. 15, 2018), https://perma.cc/67MB-EJWL (stating that
Google makes up about 40% of Chartbeat publishers’ referral traffic); Kelsey Ar-
endt, Publishers, This Is Where Your Traffic Is Going to Come from in 2019, WHATS
NEW IN PUBLISHING (Feb. 12, 2019), https://perma.cc/3PFS-4MXE (stating that
Parse.ly powered sites received over 50% of their external traffic from Google
Search in 2018). For a discussion on the correlation between publisher AMP use
and traffic loss, see Scott, supra note 186.
. Understand How Amp Looks in Search Results, GOOGLE SEARCH (July 14,
2020), https://perma.cc/4GAL-6FTR ( “While AMP itself isn't a ranking fac-
tor, speed is a ranking factor for Google Search. Google Search applies the same
standard to all pages, regardless of the technology used to build the page.”).
that the only way to comply with the Speed Update is by using AMP,
leading many to effectively equate the Speed Update with an AMP re-
quirement, despite Google’s claims to the contrary.
Overall, AMP guar-
antees publishers higher positions in Google Search, so they feel com-
pelled to use it given the correlation between the number of visitors that
Search directs to their website and the quantity of ad space they have to
Reflecting on this catch-22, industry publication Digiday noted:
“[i]n theory, adoption of AMP is voluntary. In reality, publishers that do
not want to see their search traffic evaporate have little choice.”
Google’s particular approach with AMP and speed may explain why
AMP pages would indeed load fastest for Google. In addition to limiting
the deployment of JavaScript code on webpages, Google stores AMP
pages on Google’s servers.
In other words, AMP pages are colocated
. Over a half dozen prominent U.S. and European publishers shared
this sentiment with Politico. Scott, supra note 186 (where Barry Adams from me-
dia market consultancy Polemic Digital shared that their publisher clients see a
200-300% lift when using AMP and that “[p]ublishers are held hostage by
Google,” and where some publishers also shared that their pages are penalized
in Google Search results if they do not use AMP); A Letter About Google AMP,
supra note 186 (open letter to Google by 600+ signees complaining about Google
Search’s preferential treatment of AMP pages).
. Scott, supra note 186.
. Moses, supra note 215. See also Ross Benes, Publishers Find Google AMP
Loads Too Fast for Ad Views, DIGIDAY (Oct. 9, 2017), https://perma.cc/U6Y6-7DK8
(industry executive stating that “[t]he whole reason that publishers are consider-
ing AMP is that Google gives AMP pages prioritization in search,” and “[o]ne
person’s page speed is another person’s monetization problem”). But see also
Gabe Bender, Ads and AMP: Year in Review and Looking Ahead, AMP (Feb. 14,
2018), https://perma.cc/LZG2-GU56 (stating that publishers have tripled the
amount of money they’re making from AMP pages in the past year and sped up
the load time of ads).
. Scott, supra note 186 (“The technology allows publishers’ mobile sites
to be stored in Google’s own servers and preloaded on individuals’ smartphones,
significantly reducing lag time when people are surfing the mobile web on
patchy cellphone networks.”); A Letter about Google AMP, supra note 186 (“Search
with Google. Colocation makes it physically impossible for another speed
framework to match Google’s AMP speeds.
With the Google Search Speed Update pigeonholing websites into
further adopting AMP, attention increasingly turned to AMP repercus-
sions on page monetization. Some publishers that adopted AMP reported
they either did not make more money per page or made significantly
Google responded by releasing data rebutting these concerns. It
pointed to internal data showing that AMP pages were generating three
times more revenue per day.
However, what some people might not
have noticed was that this was not three times more revenue overall. Ra-
ther, it was three times more revenue only from Google’s proprietary ex-
change and buying tools, which are also colocated with Google.
engines are in a powerful position to wield influence to solve this problem. How-
ever, Google has chosen to create a premium position at the top of their search
results (for articles) and a “lightning” icon (for all types of content), which are
only accessible to publishers that use a Google-controlled technology, served by
Google from their infrastructure, on a Google URL, and placed within a Google
controlled user experience.”); Martin Schierle, Measuring AMP Performance, AMP
(Jan. 17, 2018), https://perma.cc/NQB2-VHCK (study concluding that sites deliv-
ered from AMP's cache deliver fastest).
. Greg Sterling, Report: AMP Causing Monetization Frustration Among
Some News Publishers, SEARCH ENGINE LAND (Oct. 28, 2016),
https://perma.cc/4ZRL-JSUH (reporting some publishers experience a 50% de-
crease in revenue per page with mobile AMP pages); Johnson, supra note 197
(stating that server side auctions result in less revenue per thousand impres-
sions); Jack Marshall, Google AMP Gets Mixed Reviews from Publishers, WALL ST. J.
(Oct. 28, 2016), https://perma.cc/5QW9-GEF7 (The Washington Post reporting it
generates the same revenue from AMP mobile pages as from non-AMP mobile
pages; CNN reporting it also monetizes AMP and non-AMP pages at the same
rate; multiple publishers reporting that AMP pages monetize at half the rate of
non-AMP pages). But see Sluis, supra note 194 (stating that server-side auctions
result in higher bid density and higher yield).
. Ads and Amp, supra note 219 (citing Internal Data, GOOGLE, Feb. 2018)
(“In the past year alone, we’ve seen publishers on AMP reach several milestones:
they’re generating up to $6 million per week from ads using Google AdSense
and Doubleclick Ad Exchange, earning 3X more revenue per day, and leveraging
over 100 ad tech platforms supporting the open source AMP Project.”).
More and more, the competition narratives in the ad market echo
those happening in parallel in the electronically traded market for equi-
ties. Take, for example, the NYSE’s recent installation of new microwave
antennas on the rooftop of its data center, which increase transmission
speeds between traders and the NYSE by two-millionths of a second.
The NYSE had announced plans in 2019 to give its affiliated network pro-
vider SFTI exclusive access to this faster speed lane,
thereby requiring fi-
nancial traders that do not want to be excluded due to latency to go
through SFTI.
The NYSE plans prompted complaints from financial
traders, alleging that requiring traders to go through SFTI, and SFTI only,
to access a particular speed would be anticompetitive and a violation of
U.S. antitrust laws.
Another thing to note about the evolution of the securities market is
how some stock exchanges have started installing “speed bumps” to in-
tentionally slow down trading, to neutralize speed races.
It was Wall
. Alexander Osipovich, NYSE Antennas Spark High-Speed Trader Back-
lash, WALL ST. J. (Aug. 8, 2019), https://perma.cc/FAK8-XCT5.
. Id.
. See e.g., Letter from Thomas M. Merritt, Deputy Gen. Couns., Virtu
Financial, to Brett Redfearn, Dir., Div. Trading and Mkts., SEC (June 25, 2019),
https://perma.cc/BN6G-EEBY ( “In the same manner that the NYSE would never
have been permitted to sell positions on the floor of the exchange on Wall Street
within earshot of the specialists to the detriment of the rest of the members for a
premium price so too should it be impermissible for the NYSE to do the same
with rooftop access to the new exchange ‘floor.’”); Sabri Ben-Achour, Why Are the
NYSE and Private Companies Fighting over Two-Millionths of a Second?,
MARKETPLACE (Oct. 7, 2019), https://perma.cc/6DDZ-2VKD; Self-Regulatory Or-
ganizations; New York Stock Exch. LLC, Nyse Am. LLC, Nyse Arca, Inc., Nyse
Chicago, Inc., & Nyse Nat'l, Inc.; Notice of Filings of Partial Amendment No. 3 &
Order Granting Accelerated Approval to Proposed Rule Changes, Each As Mod-
ified by Partial Amendment No. 3, to Establish A Wireless Fee Schedule Setting
Forth Available Wireless Bandwidth Connections & Wireless Mkt. Data Connec-
tions, https://perma.cc/3XHN-3ZVM announcing SEC approval of NYSE plans
on the condition that the NYSE would not have a speed advantage over wireless
data providers). Note, NASDAQ provides clients with access to faster data (the
FGPA offering) for a cost of $25,000 per month.
Street veteran Brad Kutsayama who spearheaded such bumps on the
public stock exchange IEX, which the SEC approved in 2016.
Some ac-
ademic studies have suggested that slowing things down improves mar-
ket efficiency. For example, one study by an SEC economist studied how
slowing things down can decrease trading costs for individual inves-
Another paper released in January of 2020 by the U.K. financial
regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority, concluded that eliminating
the ultra-fast trading strategies used by high-frequency traders could
save investors $4.8 billion per year.
In advertising, however, speed nar-
ratives are beholden to Google’s power in the search market.
C. Inside Information Abuses
1. Google’s Ad Server Shares Information About Competitors’
Trading Activity with Google’s Exchange and Buying Tools,
Permitting Them to Trade Ahead of Orders
With AMP and the Search Speed Update, Google’s stated priority is
how fast webpages load for consumers. But when websites route their ad
space to exchanges through header bidding rather than through Google’s
sell-side, the only way that a website can route its inventory to Google’s
. Dave Michaels, IEX Gains SEC Approval for New Stock Exchange, WALL
ST. J. (June 17, 2016), https://perma.cc/TNT9-XQ4A (announcing SEC approval of
the IEX national stock exchange that slows down trading by 350 millionths of a
. Edwin Hu, Intentional Access Delays, Market Quality, and Price Discov-
ery: Evidence from IEX Becoming an Exchange, (Div. Econ. & Risk Analysis Working
Paper Series, 2018) (finding that trading delays on securities exchanges reduced
trading costs for consumers for some stocks).
. AQUILINA ET AL., supra note 24; see also Jonathan Macey & Maureen
O’Hara, Regulating Exchanges and Alternative Trading Systems: A Law and Econom-
ics Perspective, 28 J. LEGAL STUD. 17 (1999) (discussing fair competition and how
unequal access to data can weaken information efficiencies and lead to larger
intermediary spreads and noting that vertical economies of scale may provide a
counterbalance to these arguments).
exchange is by sequentially routing it to Google’s exchange after the space
has cleared in another in header bidding.
The sequence is necessary
because Google’s trading venue refuses to return bids through header
The two-step setup ultimately adds latency to consumer page
loads, reserving the benefits of speed to those that stay within Google’s
Walled Garden.
For many years, the two-step setup and latency provided Google
with a competitive advantage: it permitted Google to use information
about the trading activity of rival exchanges to inform its own trading
activity in the market.
If a publisher like The Register routed its ad space
through header bidding, the winning bid belonging to the non-Google
exchange was passed into the publisher’s ad serverusually, Google’s.
From 2015 through 2019, Google’s ad server then passed information
. See, e.g., What is Prebid.js?, PREBID (2020), https://perma.cc/4DEY-VZJ6
(explaining how PreBid auctions occur before publishers’ ad server is called and
stating that the ad server starts after header bidding concludes). When publishers
do sequentially route to Google’s ad server (Google Ad Manager, or GAM), they
can then route the impression either to Google’s exchange (or a non-Google ex-
change “line item” that the publisher has set up in their ad server) or to Google’s
multiple-exchange solution Open Bidding. See How Open Bidding Works, GOOGLE
AD MANAGER HELP (2020), https://perma.cc/FEU7-AZTW. Note, this sequence
also occurs when a publisher uses a server-side header bidding vendor such as
PreBid or Amazon’s Transparent Ad Marketplace (TAM).
. Sluis, supra note 200 (“The Google exchange formerly known as AdX
doesn’t participate in Prebid or TAM, leaving a gap which prevents publishers
from shifting their entire auction to the header.”).
. Specifically, this occurred as part of Google’s “Dynamic Allocation”
setup and may have ended with Google’s unified pricing changes introduced in
the fall of 2019. People in the industry routinely discussed this Google infor-
mation advantage. See Garett Sloane, WTF is Dynamic Allocation?, DIGIDAY (Apr.
14, 2016), https://perma.cc/LWM2-F2ZZ (where chief revenue officer of media
publisher states “Google had an informational advantage to buying the best im-
pressions, and the informational advantage came from the fact that they own the
ad server”).
about that winning bid (e.g., $10.48) to Google’s exchange.
Google’s ex-
change then passed that the bid to its own bidders, including the largest
bidder by trading volume, Google Ads.
At the end of that circuitous
information sharing, Google’s ad server permitted Google Ads, DV360,
or another bidder in Google’s exchange to trade ahead of rivals’ orders
by paying one penny more.
In the equities market, the intermediary broker dealers that trade on
behalf of third parties, as well as on behalf of themselves, and even run a
trading venue, must manage conflicts of interest and use ethical walls to
prevent sensitive trading data from flowing from one business division
to another. When a broker uses information about a customer’s trading
activity to race in front of orders and trade for its own benefit, it is called
front running or trading ahead and is prohibited (and even criminal).
In the unregulated online advertising market in Silicon Valley, a world
. Id.
. Specifically, the bid from header bidding became the reserve price
(i.e., the floor price) that a bidder in Google’s exchange could displace. See gener-
ally Sarah Sluis, Google’s First-Price Auction Switch Is Making Header Bidding Part-
ners Win More, ADEXCHANGER (Sept. 5, 2019), https://perma.cc/57UF-WVMW (
“In the previous second-price auction model, Google reserved a ‘last look’ ad-
vantage that allowed it to bid last after everyone had already submitted their
bids. It could win impressions for a penny more than the highest bidder, allowing
it to cherry-pick valuable users and clear more impressions than its competi-
. Id.
Rock, Foxes and Hen Houses? Personal Trading by Mutual Fund Managers, 73 WASH.
U. L.Q. 1601, at 1607 (1995) (noting that front running is usually handled through
stock exchange and self-regulatory organization rules but that it could also be
construed as a violation of Section 10(b) and Rule 10b-5). Note, front running
prohibits dealers from trading ahead of client orders handled by the broker divi-
sion. In advertising, by refusing to deal directly with third-party exchanges and
intermediaries and forcing publishers instead to go through a two-step routing
process, Google technically avoided trading ahead of a third party it had a direct
relationship with.
apart from Wall Street, industry insiders nicknamed this somewhat sim-
ilar setup Google’s “last look.”
Last look helped Google’s exchange and buying tools to further con-
solidate their respective market shares. Publishers may have discovered
header bidding to get around Google’s routing restrictions and to route
their ad space to multiple exchanges at the same time, but the Dou-
bleClick ad server, with its overwhelming market share, still set the end-
rules of the game. With header bidding, non-Google exchanges could
compete against each other all day long for publisher’s inventory only to
have Google’s ad server let Google’s exchange jump ahead of orders and
displace trades by a penny.
It wasn’t just competition that last look distorted. There were also
concerns around implications to market efficiency, ultimately measured
by trading costs. Remember, advertising auctions are normally “blind”
buying tools return bids on behalf of advertisers without knowing what
others are simultaneously returning as their bids. With last look, one
trading division at Google (i.e., the ad server) let the other trading divi-
sions (i.e., the exchange and buying tools) see information about rivals’
bids (i.e., their winning bid). That permitted a buyer like Google Ads to
know what the bidders with the user ID information disadvantage would
pay for an ad (e.g., $10.48, not $14, CPM) and use that information to bid
lower than what it otherwise would have bid for the same space.
discussed above, it is difficult to say whether lower prices paid by Google
Ads benefitted advertisers on the other ends of these trades or whether
they instead permitted Google as the intermediary to keep a wider
. See Sluis, supra note 233.
. Most publishers use Google’s ad server and Google’s ad server shares
superior information about users’ identity with Google Ads and DV360 than it
shares with others. See supra Part III.A. Google’s ad server also shares with ad-
vertisers bidding through Google superior information about publisher price
floors. Sluis, supra note 200 (discussing how Google’s ad server does not share
floors with exchanges outside of Google’s Open Bidding integration).
According to some discussion of the topic, Google’s ad server
stopped passing the “price to beatto Google’s exchange in late 2019.
However, monitoring whether this conduct has in fact stopped is more
difficult. Around the same time that Google stopped permitting itself to
view the “price to beat,” Google started rounding down the timestamps
of bids in the consolidated auction reports it shares back with publishers.
The reports previously disclosed the time in microseconds (i.e.,
23:59:59.998877) that each exchange submitted a bid for a publisher’s
space. Now, Google would start to round down those timestamps from
microseconds to the nearest hour (i.e., 23:00:00.00000).
Without precise
timestamps, it becomes difficult to monitor if the ad server continues to
let Google’s exchange trade ahead of rival exchange bids. For instance,
the ad server might receive Exchange B’s bid of $10.48 first, pass infor-
mation about that bid to Google’s exchange, and let Google’s exchange
return a slightly higher bid of $10.49 a few milliseconds later. Without
precise timestamps, publishers would not know.
. See Sluis, supra note 200 (“[W]hen Google made its changes to unified
pricing and switched to a first-price auction this fall, it removed one distinct ad-
vantage in open bidding, known as ‘last look.’ Until a couple of months ago, open
bidding used the results of the Prebid and TAM auctions as the “price to beat”
for all the open-bidding buyers. That extra information meant that open-bidding
buyers could outbid Prebid and TAM winning bids.”).
. Google Ad Manager Help, Data Transfer Fields, GOOGLE (2020), supra
note 90; Ad Manager Data Transfer Reports, GOOGLE AD MANAGER HELP (2020)
https://perma.cc/8QSV-YBQF (describing the various types of reports Google’s
ad server shares with market participants); Google Ad Manager Help, Bids Data,
supra note 135 (discussing the Bid Data file NetworkBackfillBids that contains
information about bids coming in from Google’s exchange and Google Open Bid-
ding auctions; stating that Google truncates timestamps of bids to the nearest
hour); Damien Geradin & Dimitrios Katsifis, Trust Me, I’m Fair: Analysing Google’s
Latest Practices in Ad Tech from the Perspective of EU Competition Law, 16 EUR.
COMPETITION J. 11 (2020), (discussing how sellers used timestamps of bids field
called “TimeUse2” and field called “KeyPart” to tie information about bids from
Google auctions to information about bids from header bidding auctions in the
NetworkCodeServes/NetworkBackfillCodeServes file but can no longer do so be-
cause Google rounded timestamps).
In the securities market, we require intermediaries to disclose trading
timestamps in milliseconds or a finer increment to help to protect against
these types of market abuses. In fact, the SEC has prosecuted some trad-
ers for redacting timestamps in order to conceal the fact that they were
trading ahead of orders. For example, in 2004, the SEC and the National
Association of Securities Dealers (predecessor to the Financial Industry
Regulatory Authority) charged the Knight Trading Group for trading
ahead of client orders and recording inaccurate trade execution times to
evade client oversight.
In advertising, weak competition permits a
powerful market intermediary like Google to negotiate out of timestamp
2. Google Amends Terms and Conditions to Breach “Ethical Walls”
Google misuses the material nonpublic information belonging to
third-party market participants in another way: by breaching ethical
walls and trading on their sensitive non-public data. Publishers protect
their financial interest in the online content they produce by limiting
third parties’ access to their readership data. For instance, say user
1Q2W3E reads The Journal’s “Heard on The Street” column about investing,
which permits that publisher to solicit high bids for its ad space from ad-
vertisers like Goldman Sachs and Barclays. If another site, say user
1Q2W3E’s email provider, knows that user 1Q2W3E reads The Journal’s
“Heard on the Street” column, the email provider can use that information
to solicit bids from Goldman Sachs and Barclays too, even though the
. In re Knight Securities L.P. Respondent, SEC Admin. Release No.
50867, 2004 WL 2913488 (Dec. 16, 2004) https://perma.cc/4JTN-ET2Q (discussing
how misreporting timing of trades permitted Knight to trade ahead of orders and
defraud thousands of customers); Ann Davis, How Knight Clients Failed to Recog-
nize Questionable Trades, WALL ST. J. (Dec. 17, 2004), https://perma.cc/2PHK-S75U;
Harvey L. Pitt, Conflict of Interest Lessons from Financial Services, COMPLIANCE
WEEK (Feb. 21, 2005), https://perma.cc/2HKL-GJJJ (reflecting on how the Knight
problem was a conflicts of interest problem).
email provider produces no content and only knows that user 1Q2W3E
buys lots of widgets from Amazon. Simply put, by appropriating a com-
peting ad seller’s readership data, the email provider can increase the
supply of space available to users known to be interested in investing,
depressing clearing prices for that type of advertising and hurting the
content creator’s ability to monetize its original work.
Historically, when competition in the online advertising market
worked, Google safeguarded such sensitive business data behind effec-
tive ethical walls. Google became aware of such data in the course of li-
censing its buy-side and sell-side ad server to market participants. Recall,
in 2008, Google explained that Google could not “do anything” with that
data because ownership vested in publishers and advertisers.
As a re-
sult, Google had a duty to safeguard that data and could not use it for its
own financial gain.
However, as Google’s market power grew, Google tore down these
data separations. Shortly after acquiring DoubleClick, Google started to
restrict publishers’ and advertisers’ access to DoubleClick user IDs.
Then, in 2012, Google amended its terms and conditions to obtain per-
mission to merge data from DoubleClick with data from other Google
business divisions, including Google’s exchange division and Search and
In 2016, Google amended its policies again, this time to com-
bine DoubleClick data with data Google separately has about consumers’
. The Google-DoubleClick Merger, supra note 82.
. See AdExchanger Q&A, supra note 89.
. For a summary of Google’s 2012 privacy change, see Google Merges
Privacy Policies and Data Across Services, PRIVACY INTL (Jan. 25, 2012),
https://perma.cc/8B6J-8VFT, which states, “In 2012, Google announced it would
condense 70 different privacy policies into a single one that would allow the com-
pany to merge the data collected across all its services, including Maps, Search,
Android, Books, Chrome, Wallet, Gmail, and the advertising service provided by
its DoubleClick subsidiary into a single database.” Impressively, the FTC Com-
missioner and public interest groups the Electronic Privacy Information Center
(EPIC), Center for Digital Democracy, and U.S. Public Interest Research Group
In 2018, Google started obtaining access to users’ readership
information on third-party sites and apps directly from the Chrome
browser, circumventing the need to negotiate for these rights with third
parties (e.g., publishers and advertisers).
Google also turns those information advantages into financial gain.
In addition to obtaining access to such data through data set mergers and
through Chrome, Google obtains permission to use that information to
buy and sell in the advertising market for its own interests. With the 2012
raised concerns in 2007 around approving a Google-DoubleClick merger without
imposing restrictions on Google’s ability to merge data sets. See Complaint and
Request for Injunction, Request for Investigation and for Other Relief, Second
Filing of Supplemental Materials in Support of Pending Complaint and Request
for Injunction, Request for Investigation and for Other Relief, and Dissenting
Statement in Google and DoubleClick, supra note 80. EPIC also challenged
Google’s 2012 plan to merge datasets by filing a temporary restraining order and
preliminary injunction compelling the FTC to force Google to abide by an Octo-
ber 13, 2011 FTC Consent Order. The 2011 Consent Order required Google to
establish new privacy safeguards for users and to subject itself to ongoing pri-
vacy audits. The federal court ultimately dismissed EPIC’s complaint on the
ground that the FTC has discretion over whether to enforce its Consent Orders
and that the exercise of such discretion is not subject to judicial review. See EPIC
v. FTC (Enforcement of the Google Consent Order), ELEC. PRIVACY INFO CTR.,
. Angwin, supra note 105; Google Privacy Policy, GOOGLE (Mar. 31, 2020),
https://perma.cc/MS8P-WWBG (explaining to consumers that information about
their “visits to sites and apps that partner with Google,” including from sites that
use Google advertising services, may be combined with other data Google has
about the consumer “in order to improve Google’s services and the ads delivered
by Google”). Google’s merger of datasets also poses negative implications to con-
sumer privacy, which was a concern also raised by public interest groups and
FTC Commissioner Pamela Jones Harbour at the time of the Google-DoubleClick
merger. See Complaint and Request for Injunction, Request for Investigation and
for Other Relief, Second Filing of Supplemental Materials in Support of Pending
Complaint and Request for Injunction, Request for Investigation and for Other
Relief, and Dissenting Statement in Google and DoubleClick, supra note 80 (ex-
plaining that when it comes to Google and DoubleClick potentially merging da-
tasets, privacy concerns are “the other side of the coin”).
. Green, supra note 114 and accompanying comments.
change, privacy commissioners in Europe lamented that the change per-
mits Google to “combine almost any data from any services for any pur-
With the 2016 change, Google obtained specific permission to
use the data “to improve ads delivered by Google.”
Today, via
Chrome, Google obtains permission to use third party readership data to
sell advertising, including advertising on its own properties Search,
Gmail, and YouTube.
Since 2012, Google’s decisions to merge data across internal business
divisions have primarily gained attention as harming consumer pri-
vacyby combining the consumer records of one division with the con-
sumer records of another, Google develops deeper and deeper profiles of
consumers’ online behavior.
However, these data mergers also distort
competition outcomes in advertising markets. Google merges data sets in
ways that conflict with the interests of market participants.
Google can
use third party readership data to disproportionately sell more ads on
Google properties.
In financial markets, this progression cannot hap-
pen, in part because intermediaries cannot negotiate out their duty to act
in their customers’ best interest.
. Letter from Article 29 Data Prot. Working Party to Larry Page, CEO,
Google (Oct. 16, 2012), https://perma.cc/4LQJ-3D45.
. Google Privacy Policy, supra note 244.
. Green, supra note 114 and accompanying comments. Note, with the
2012 and 2016 changes, it is unclear whether Google terms with publishers and
advertisers separately restrict Google’s use of this data. However, with the
Chrome changes, it does not appear that any counterparty relationship with pub-
lishers and advertisers could restrict Google’s use of this parallel data set.
. See, e.g., Johnny Ryan, Failure to Enforce the GDPR Enables Google’s Mo-
nopoly, BRAVE (Feb. 18, 2020), https://perma.cc/3VRB-P7BZ (describing Google’s
merger of privacy policies as an “internal data free-for-all”).
. Specifically, the terms appear to permit Google to use information
belonging to third-party buyers and sellers obtained by the ad server division
and Chrome to buy and sell in the marketplace and on exchanges.
. See discussion supra note 154.
The reasons that we prohibit such conduct in financial markets also
exist in advertising markets: Google gained access to confidential busi-
ness data by rendering unrelated business services, the use of such data
provides Google with an unmatched information advantage when buy-
ing and selling, and letting Google trade on those information ad-
vantages may dissuade firms from participating in online advertising
markets at all.
In other words, the practice is not merely unfair, it re-
flects a socially undesirable allocation of property rights in information
that can result in long-term output declines. The publisher was the party
that risked capital, hired journalists, and produced content to know that
user 1Q2W3E is interested in investing. The property right in that piece
of information should be allocated to the party that bore the costs of pro-
ducing it (i.e., the website), rather than the trading intermediaries that
websites use (i.e., Google’s sell-side ad server, Google’s exchange,
Google’s buy-side DSP, or even Chrome).
A. Advertising Exchanges Should Provide Fair Access to Information
and Speed
Outside of antitrust enforcement, lawmakers might lean on the prin-
ciples of financial regulation to develop a framework to protect competi-
tion in advertising markets. In 1934, Congress developed a competition
framework for the securities markets, viewing them as an “important na-
tional asset” that should be “preserved and strengthened.”
As this Part
explores, the electronic markets for sports tickets, theatre tickets, airfares,
. My argument is that because Google does not actually produce con-
tent in advertising markets, such information appropriation conduct may lead to
overall output declines, which is a traditional welfare concern. For a closely re-
lated conversation around how information misappropriation by large digital
firms may deter entry and chill innovation, see Khan, supra note 20, at 1008-15.
. Securities Exchange Act, 15 U.S.C. § 78k-1(a)(1)(A) (2012) (“The secu-
rities markets are an important national asset which must be preserved and
and cryptocurrencies have been sufficiently important to warrant some
kind of intervention.
What about advertising? It is a primary driver of
the business of journalism and news, a cornerstone of democracy, and
surely worthy of equal scrutiny.
One basic rule that lawmakers ought to borrow from the equities
market and apply in advertising is a requirement that exchanges provide
all bidders with fair access to both data and speed. Google’s exchange
should share user identity information and speed with intermediaries in
a non-discriminatory manner. It could even colocate with bidders in neu-
tral colocation facilities, as other exchanges and intermediaries already
Lawmakers have applied the same principle to address parallel com-
petition problems in other electronically traded markets. Exchange access
problems related to data and speed came up in the much smaller elec-
tronic trading market for event tickets. There, differential access to speed
and information was distorting competition between those buying and
selling on the new, centralized electronic ticket marketplaces.
For ex-
ample, buying at “lightning speed” allowed some computerized ticket
brokers to buy 1000-plus tickets per minute and over 90% of desirable
tickets to major concerts from trading venues like Ticketmaster and Stub-
hub, before consumers had enough time to check-out online.
The abil-
ity to exclude competition from consumers allowed intermediary brokers
to buy up tickets on initial release then resell them back to consumers at
high mark-ups49% higher on average, but sometimes over 1000%, ac-
cording to one investigation.
. See discussion infra notes 259-61 (event tickets), 262-66 (cryptocurren-
cies), and 288-90 (airfares).
. Schneiderman, supra note 26.
. Id. at 8, 18-19 (detailing that one high-speed buyer purchased 1,012
tickets to a 2015 U2 concert in Madison Square Garden in under one minute); see
also Tod Marks, Why Ticket Prices Are Going Through the Roof, CONSUMER REPS.
(June 30, 2016), https://perma.cc/C25Y-QBS7.
. Schneiderman, supra note 26, at 4.
To address these speed and data competition problems in the elec-
tronically traded ticket market, lawmakers in the U.S. and globally
passed legislation. Thirteen states, including New York, California, Penn-
sylvania, and Florida, passed legislation that restricts ticket brokers and
other buyers from using high-speed bot software on the centralized ticket
marketplaces to distort competition between those buying on the same
Congress in 2016 then extended these state restrictions to ticket
brokers nationally with the Better Online Ticket Sales Act.
The UK,
Australia, and Canada also passed legislation restricting speed practices
to safeguard access to ticket marketplaces.
Across jurisdictions, pro-
tecting fair access to the trading venues was the driving concern.
Similarly, lawmakers are now monitoring emerging cryptocurrency
markets for fair access problems that stem from the role that data and
speed play with electronic trading.
In 2018, the NYAG conducted an
. Robert McFadden, The BOTS Act: A Small Step for Fankind When a Giant
Leap Is Needed, 55 WASHBURN L.J. 427 (2016).
. Better Online Ticket Sales Act, 15 U.S.C. § 45c (2016) [hereinafter
“BOTS Act”]. The New York State legislature later made its law stronger by in-
creasing civil fines and imposing criminal penalties for violations of the New
York state anti-bot law. Press Release, Andrew Cuomo, Governor, N.Y., Gover-
nor Cuomo Signs Legislation Combating Unfair Ticket Purchasing and Reselling
Practices (Nov. 28, 2016), https://perma.cc/ATL9-MDST.
. Digital Economy Bill 2017, Dep’t. for Culture, Media, and Sport Supp.
Memo (UK) (prohibiting the use of bots to circumvent ticket marketplace rules);
Ticket Sales Act, S.O. 2017, c. 33, Sched. 3 (Can.) (prohibiting the use of bot soft-
ware to circumvent ticket marketplace access rules); Fair Trading Amendment
(Ticket Scalping and Gift Cards) Act 2017, No. 52/2017 (NSW) (amending the Fair
Trade Act of 1987 to include regulation of ticket scalping and gift card expiry
. See, e.g., BOTS Act, supra note 259 (stating aim of legislation is to “en-
sure equitable consumer access to tickets”).
. In the U.S., the SEC, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission
(CFTC), and the New York State Department of Financial Services share some
oversight over the cryptocurrency market. For example, under a new law passed
investigation to determine if cryptocurrency exchanges and broker inter-
mediaries were engaging in the sort of conduct that regulators watch for
in financial markets, including whether exchanges were providing some
traders with superior access to data and speed.
The cryptocurrency ex-
changes that responded to the NYAG’s investigation self-reported they
were not.
Since the NYAG’s market investigation, securities regulators
globally have echoed the NYAG’s concerns.
In 2018, the International
Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) released its own report
on the market, advising regulators to monitor whether cryptocurrency
by New York in 2015, exchanges operating in the state of New York have to sub-
mit their exchange rules to the state and obtain a license to operate. 23 CRR-NY,
ch. I, pt. 200. Under the Exchange Act, the SEC has jurisdiction over securities
and it has used the Howey Test to determine that virtual currencies are securities
and exercise jurisdiction over the market. Framework for “Investment Contract”
Analysis of Digital Assets, https://perma.cc/7WXS-95NG (last updated Apr. 3,
2019). The CFTC has ruled that Bitcoin and other virtual currencies are a “com-
modity” under Section 1a(9) of the Commodity Exchange Act of 1936 (CEA),
which grants the CFTC jurisdiction over market participants for fraud and ma-
nipulation. In re Coinflip Inc. et al., Respondent, CFTC, No. 15-29 (Sept. 17, 2015),
. UNDERWOOD, supra note 26.
. Id. at 25 (“Trading platforms that engage in proprietary trading on
their own venues uniformly claimed to the OAG that their trading desks had no
informational or other trading advantage over customers.”). Note, the NYAG
was nonetheless concerned that cryptocurrency exchanges provide varying lev-
els of access that may let sophisticated traders “leverage access and speed to
power sophisticated automated trading strategies strategies that can negatively
affect the trading performance of everyday, non-automated customers” buying
and selling on the same venue. Id.
Comm’n 2019) [hereinafter IOSCO CRYPTO CONSULTATION REPORT] (drawing on
feedback from securities regulators globally, including those in the U.S., the U.K.,
France, Germany, Japan and China, and raising concern over market integrity,
non-discriminatory access, management of conflicts of interest, and transpar-
BEST PRACTICES FOR DIGITAL ASSET EXCHANGES (2018) (raising similar concerns).
actors are upholding principles long-held in the securities market, includ-
ing fair access to exchanges.
Given the similarities between the struc-
ture of the electronically traded equities and ads markets, ad exchanges
are deserving of the same attention from regulators and legislators.
B. Steps Toward Identifying and Managing Intermediary Conflicts of
1. Structural Separations
We might address other competition problems in advertising mar-
kets by leaning on a second core principle from the securities market
toolbox: identify and manage intermediary conflicts of interest. In finan-
cial markets, the approach to managing conflicts has ebbed and flowed
from requiring structural separations to imposing conflicts of interest and
disclosure rules. After the Great Depression, Congress passed the Glass-
Steagall Act, which took the structural separation approach and prohib-
ited banks, for example, from running a broker dealer or underwriting
securities offerings.
Financial conglomerates like J.P. Morgan had a
year to divest their conflicting operations (J.P. Morgan’s brokerage and
investment division became Morgan Stanley).
That structural separa-
tion approach later gave way to allowing some firms to engage in con-
flicting lines of business but requiring that they manage their conflicts.
. IOSCO CRYPTO CONSULTATION REPORT, supra note 265, at 10 (discuss-
ing need to “[e]nsure that access to the system or exchange and to associated
products is fair, transparent and objective” and that exchange procedures apply
fairly and on a non-discriminatory basis).
. Commercial banks were prohibited from engaging in investment
banking activity generally. See generally Banking Act, Pub. L. No. 73-66, 48 Stat.
162 (1933) (current version at 12 U.S.C. § 227).
. Julia Maues, Banking Act of 1933 (Glass-Steagall), FED. RES. HIST. (Nov.
22, 2013), https://perma.cc/2LUP-PATS (providing a summary of the structural
separation approach taken by Glass-Steagall).
. The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act in 1999 repealed parts of the Glass-
Despite these relaxations, policymakers continue to prohibit a com-
pany that runs a public stock exchange from simultaneously running a
division that trades on the exchange. That division between the operator
of an electronic marketplace and the middlemen trading in the market is
upheld in other markets too. For example, the companies that operate the
major electronic event ticket marketplaces Ticketmaster, Stubhub,
AXS, and Telecharge do not simultaneously operate a ticket broker. To
be discussed further in the following Part, the centralized computerized
marketplaces for airfares also eventually parted ways with their airline-
owners. Google might similarly be required to divest its business divi-
sions that have a conflict with Google participating in the market as a
seller of ad space: its exchange, its buy-side and sell-side intermediaries,
and the Chrome browser.
2. Conduct and Disclosure Rules
Outside of such structural separations, we might manage conflicts of
interest through conduct and disclosure rules. In the equities trading
market, multi-service financial firms cannot misuse information belong-
ing to third-party traders, must maintain ethical walls, and cannot route
orders in a discriminatory manner.
Google’s ad trading intermediaries
(i.e., ad server & buying tools) might similarly be prohibited from abus-
ing their access to third parties’ sensitive information, be required to put
up ethical walls, and be prohibited from routing trading activity to
Google’s exchange and properties in a discriminatory manner.
Steagall Act to enable financial holding companies to underwrite securities, act
as a broker-dealer, and engage in other conflicting lines of business. Gramm-
Leach-Bliley Financial Modernization Act, Pub. L. No. 106-102, 113 Stat. 1338
(1999) (codified in scattered sections of 12 U.S.C. and 15 U.S.C.). See generally Jef-
frey Bingham, Scaling Chinese Walls: Insights from Aftra v. JPMorgan Chase, 4 WM.
& MARY BUS. L. REV. 767 (2013).
. For the best execution (routing) rule, see supra note 53. For conflicts
of interest data rules, restrictions on client data use, and ethical wall require-
ments, see supra notes 54-56.
Lawmakers could also require Google’s ad trading intermediaries on
the buy-side and sell-side to act in the best interest of their customers. If
Google was required to do so, it would not have been able to negotiate
out of duties historically owed to its publisher and advertiser customers.
Such a fiduciary framework would revert ownership in ad server user
IDs back to publishers and advertisers, empowering them to share these
IDs as they see fit. Conversely, such a rule would prohibit Google from
merging data it obtains through the operation of trading intermediaries,
with other Google data, for the purpose of trading on inside information
Importantly, countervailing user privacy concerns can be managed
by prohibiting companies from collecting sensitive consumer data (e.g.,
health), limiting what data can be used for targeted advertising, and giv-
ing consumers the ability to opt-out of behaviorally targeted ads alto-
gether through a simple, national, opt-out regime. This approach would
strike a healthier balance between privacy and competition.
Policymakers have ported this way of thinking about market struc-
ture to other electronic trading markets too. Take, for example, the grow-
ing concern over conflicts of interest and insider abuses in cryptocur-
rency markets. When the NYAG investigated the market in 2018, they
raised concerns that some cryptocurrency firms have conflicts: they are
operating an exchange while simultaneously trading in their own mar-
sometimes accounting for up to 20% of trading activity.
That find-
ing led the NYAG to flag the risk of “insider abuses” and advise that
“[m]anaging conflicts of interest is a serious and growing issue in the vir-
tual marketplace.”
. UNDERWOOD, supra note 26, at 25 (highlighting the risk of insider
abuses and noting that “[t]rading platforms [that responded to the Initiative] that
engage in proprietary trading on their own venues uniformly claimed to the
OAG that their trading desks had no informational or other trading advantage
over customers”).
. Id. at 21.
The international body of securities commissions echoed the same
concerns and advised that lawmakers take the regulatory “toolkit” for
managing conflicts and market abuses in financial markets and repur-
pose them for cryptocurrency trading.
In a recent report, it highlighted
that “[t]he existence of unmitigated conflicts can negatively impact inves-
tor protection and confidence, as well as fair, efficient and transparent
The conflicts it highlighted included when a company runs
an exchange while simultaneously trading on it or possessing an interest
in a traded crypto asset.
Outside of the cryptocurrency marketplaces, lawmakers have exhib-
ited concern about conflicts of interest and associated “inside” infor-
mation abuses in gaming and betting markets. When it came to light in
2015 that an employee of major gaming platform DraftKings misappro-
priated information submitted by the platform’s users to inform their
own play to make a $350,000 profit, DraftKings was accused of allowing
“insider trading.”
The news spurred the NYAG to launch a probe into
. See generally IOSCO CRYPTO CONSULTATION REPORT, supra note 265
(highlighting concern over market integrity, transparency, and the management
of conflicts of interest).
16 ( “CTPs that position themselves to provide end-to-end services . . . may have
additional conflicts. Traditionally, these roles have been performed by independ-
ent parties. When CTPs provide such end-to-end services, any conflicts of inter-
est that arise need to be mitigated to prevent potential market misconduct and/or
investor protection concerns.”).
. Id. at 20 (stating a key issue of IOSCO Principle 31 5(d) is “[a]ddress-
ing any conflicts of interest that arise between [a market intermediary’s] interests
and those of its clients. Where the potential for conflicts arise, a market interme-
diary should ensure fair treatment of all its clients by taking reasonable steps to
manage the conflicts through organizational measures to prevent damage to its
clients’ interest, such as: internal rules, including rules of confidentiality; proper
disclosure; or declining to act where conflict cannot be resolved”).
. Specifically, the employee used information about which players
DraftKings users picked for their roster. Joe Drape & Jacqueline Williams, Scandal
Erupts in Unregulated World of Fantasy Sports, N.Y. TIMES (Oct. 5, 2015),
whether employees could “gain[] an unfair financial advantage in a con-
test by exploiting their access to nonpublic data.”
DraftKings rival
FanDuel then started prohibiting its own employees from playing fan-
tasy sports games at all, as well as prohibiting employees of other plat-
forms from playing on its site.
Similarly, after a Supreme Court ruling
in 2018 permitted individual U.S. states to legalize sports betting, law-
makers introduced federal and state legislation prohibiting bets made on
material nonpublic information (colloquially called “insider betting”).
The State of New Jersey passed legislation prohibiting operators of sports
betting operations from taking wagers from persons that work for or are
affiliated with the operator.
https://perma.cc/LCG7-GCL6 (where sports and gambling attorney Daniel Wal-
lach remarks, “It is absolutely akin to insider trading. . .It gives that person a
distinct edge in a contest.”); REUTERS, DraftKings and FanDuel on Defensive over
Insider Betting Revelations, GUARDIAN (Oct. 5, 2015), https://perma.cc/G3XH-
RMU8; Bourree Lam, The New York Attorney General's Investigation of DraftKings
and FanDuel, ATLANTIC (Oct. 7, 2015), https://perma.cc/V8T9-LVNA/.
. Lam, supra note 276; Darren Rovell, New York Attorney General
Launches Inquiry into DraftKings, FanDuel, ESPN (Oct. 6, 2015),
https://perma.cc/GG4P-99YQ. The New York Attorney General’s office later
brought and settled suit with DraftKings and FanDuel for false and deceptive
advertising. Press Release, Eric Schneiderman, Att’y Gen., N.Y., A.G. Schneider-
man Announces $12 Million Settlement with DraftKings and Fanduel (Oct. 25,
2016), https://perma.cc/C6QM-LY4Z.
. Drape and Williams, supra note 276.
. Murphy v. National Collegiate Athletic Association, 138 S. Ct. 1461
(2018). For an example of legislation introduced at the state level, see, e.g., S17D
§ 1367(w)(vii) (N.Y. 2019) (defining a “prohibited sports bettor [as] . . . any indi-
vidual with access to non-public confidential information about sports wager-
ing” among other circumstances”). For legislation introduced at the federal level,
see Sports Wagering Market Integrity Act of 2018, S. 3793, 115th Cong. (2018).
. Assemb. B. 4111 § 2(f)(4) (N.J. 2018) ( “[A]n operator shall adopt pro-
cedures to prevent persons from wagering on sports events who are prohibited
from placing sports wagers. An operator shall not accept wagers from any person
whose identity is known to the operator and . . . who has access to nonpublic
Policymakers similarly managed intermediary conflicts of interest in
the computerized marketplaces for airline tickets.
In the late 1970s, air-
lines began routing their airfares into centralized marketplaces, now
called global distribution systems (GDSs), where travel agents could find
and book airfares electronically.
In the early stages of this market’s evo-
lution, major airlines like American and United owned and ran the main
GDSs, Sabre and Apollo, respectivelysimilar to how Google, as the
largest seller of digital advertising today, concurrently runs the largest
advertising exchange.
Early on, rival airlines lodged complaints over
how the airline-owned marketplaces were preferentially routing travel
agents to the airline-owner’s tickets.
As a result, the Civil Aeronautics
Board (CAB) and the DOJ opened investigations in 1982 and 1983.
confidential information held by the operator.”). Outside of introduced legisla-
tion, the media has continued to explore this parallel between information ad-
vantages in sports betting and insider trading. See Jacob Gershman, The Brave
New World of Betting on Athletes Data, WALL ST. J. (March 10, 2020),
https://perma.cc/WG7U-D84H (discussing how athletes biometric health data
could soon provide unfair information advantages when sports betting).
. For a history of the early evolution of the airline intermediary market,
see Duncan Copeland & James McKenney, Airline Reservations Systems: Lessons
from History, 12 MGMT. INFO. SYS. Q. 353 (1988).
. The GDSs (initially called CRSs) were intermediary markets between
airlines and travel agents. See Cindy Alexander & Yoon-Ho Lee, The Economics of
Regulatory Reform: Termination of Airline Computer Reservation System Rules, 21
YALE J. ON REG. 369 (2004).
. See Douglas Feaver, CAB Chairman Promises Best Computer Ticket In-
formation, WASH. POST (July 21, 1983), https://perma.cc/RAR3-LVTN (“American
and United airlines both sell computer reservation systems and between them
have locked up about 80 percent of the market.”); Aimee Minick, Comment, Com-
puter Reservations Systems, Airlines, and the Internet, 65 J. AIR L. & COM. 891 (2000);
Computer Reservation Systems: Alleged Competitive Abuses and Consumer In-
jury, 48 Fed. Reg. 41,171, 41,173 (Sept. 14, 1983) (codified throughout 14 C.F.R.
ch. II).
. See generally Copeland & McKenney, supra note 281.
. Id. at 363 (summarizing early investigations by CAB and the DOJ).
After lengthy investigations, the CAB and the DOJ concluded these
practices distorted competition.
This kickstarted two decades of regu-
lation of these computerized marketplaces starting in 1984, even though
the wider airline industry was deregulated in 1978.
To manage conflicts
of interest, the regulatory regime sought to correct problems of “fair ac-
The first rules promulgated by CAB in 1984 prohibited airline-
owned-marketplaces from steering travel agents to the GDS-owner’s
own tickets and engaging in other forms of discrimination.
how this practice was exclusionary); Larry Locke, Flying the Unfriendly Skies: The
Legal Fallout Over the Use of Computerized Reservation Systems as a Competitive
Weapon in the Airline Industry, 2 HARV. J. L. & TECH. 219, 224 (1989) (summarizing
that the DOJ ultimately did not bring charges but did find that airlines used their
control of CRSs to weaken competition in the airline market); Alexander & Lee,
supra note 282, at 380 (discussing how CAB thought preferential routing fore-
closed competition and how these concerns underpinned CAB rules promul-
gated in 1984).
. The Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 ended forty years of the Civil
Aeronautics Board (CAB) regulating the airlines as a public utility (e.g., CAB set
routes and fares). The Airline Deregulation Act also vested ongoing regulatory
authority in CAB until 1984 and Section 411 of the Federal Aviation Act permit-
ted the DOT to subsequently assume regulatory oversight of the GDS market.
Note, however, Congress gave the DOT a mandate to prohibit unfair methods of
competition, which captures a wider range of conduct than that prohibited under
antitrust laws. See generally Timothy Ravich, Deregulation of the Airline Computer
Reservation Systems (CRS) Industry, 69 J. AIR L. & COM. 387 (2004); Alexander &
Lee, supra note 282.
. See, e.g., Feaver, supra note 283 (where Dan McKinnon, Chairman of
the Civil Aeronautics Bureau, states that the forthcoming rule “would take a
close look at ensuring fair access” for airlines and consumers).
. As a part of these rules, the GDSs could not price discriminate be-
tween airlines, had to charge airlines the same fees for the same levels of service,
had to make certain GDS data available to all participating airlines for purchase,
and could not engage in display and functionality bias. Carrier-Owned Com-
puter Reservations Systems, 49 Fed. Reg. 11,644 (Mar. 27, 1984) (codified at 14
C.F.R. pt. 255); Alexander & Lee, supra note 282, at 395-96 (providing a summary
of the non-discrimination rules).
The Department of Transportation (DOT) later took over the regula-
tion of these marketplaces and dealt with a second discriminatory rout-
ing problem similar to one that Google presents today. American and
United airlines refused to make their tickets available for sale in rival
marketplaces, just as Google today refuses to sell its Search and YouTube
ad space through rival exchanges and buying tools.
Because an airline
like American had power in particular geographic airfare markets, it
could pressure travel agents in those locations to use its own market-
place, Sabre, instead of a competitor’s.
But once agents chose Sabre, Sa-
bre would steer travel agents to buy American airfares over others.
initial “withholding” permitted a major airline like American to distort
competition in the intermediary airfare marketplaces, as well as in the
airfare market, because travel agents tended to use just one reservation
The architecture of the advertising market presents the same
To address competition concerns, the DOT adopted a “mandatory
participation rule” in 1992 that forced airlines like American and United
to route their inventory into rival ticket marketplaces in addition to their
Wanting to stop the dominant European airlines from similarly
. See generally Alexander & Lee, supra note 282, at 380 (explaining the
different ways airlines distorted competition between reservations systems, in-
cluding by refusing to “participate in” rival computer reservation systems).
. The withholding of tickets from rival GDSs was also thought to con-
stitute a barrier to entry in the GDS market. See generally id. at 393.
. Id. at 379-80.
. Computer Reservations System (CRS) Regulations: Statements of
General Policy, 67 Fed. Reg. 69,366 (Nov. 15, 2002) (codified at 14 C.F.R. pts. 255,
399), (stating that travel agents primarily used one reservation system, which re-
sulted in the chosen system having market power over agents).
. The 1992 mandatory participation rule required airlines that operated
a marketplace to route their tickets into rival marketplaces as long as terms were
commercially reasonable. Computer Reservation System (CRS) Regulations, 57
Fed. Reg. 43,780, 43,800 (Sept. 22, 1992) (“We conclude that this [mandatory par-
ticipation] requirement is justified on competitive grounds, since it will keep a
distorting competition, Europe adopted mandatory routing out rules
However, attempts to manage conflicts of interest eventually gave
way to structural separations. Facing continued regulatory scrutiny, the
airlines eventually divested their ownership interests in the GDSs alto-
Google might similarly be required to route YouTube ad space out to
rival exchanges and buying tools. However, overall, the complexity and
dynamism of high-tech ad markets, combined with the difficulty law-
makers had enforcing non-discrimination rules in the airfare market-
places and the challenges financial regulators continue to have policing
ethical wall separations, likely buttress efficacy arguments for the struc-
tural separation approach.
CRS owner from using its dominance of a regional airline market as a tool for
obtaining dominance in the area's CRS market.”); see generally Alexander & Lee,
supra note 282. A parallel issue comes up in other markets. For example, the New
York Attorney General’s office recently stated that if NFL sports teams require
ticketholders to resell their NFL tickets using a specific ticketing market or ex-
change, this conduct might be a “restraint of trade” that “impede[s] consumer
access to alternative ticketing resale platforms.” Schneiderman, supra note 26, at
. Council Regulation 2299/89 of July 24, 1989, On a Code of Conduct
for Computerized Reservation Systems, O.J. (L 220) 1 (EEC) (prohibiting CRSs
from engaging in discriminatory display or routing and requiring CRSs to permit
all airlines to participate in a non-discriminatory manner).
. Ravich, supra note 287 (discussing airline divestiture of GDS owner-
ship interests and concomitant deregulation); Dawit Habtemariam, A Brief His-
tory of Air Travel Distribution, BUS. TRAVEL NEWS (Oct. 28, 2018),
https://perma.cc/C7WL-53V2 (“At the same time, airlines were divesting their
ownership in CRSs. Sabre launched an IPO in 1996 and became fully independ-
ent of American Airlines in 2000. Galileo, which had merged with Apollo, went
public in 1997. Amadeus, which had absorbed System One, went public in 1999.
. . . Given the growing competition and the fact that airlines were divesting their
ownership in CRSs, the DOT eliminated some of its CRS regulations and let the
rest expire.”).
. See, e.g., Khan, supra note 20 (arguing that structural separations are
preferable to non-discrimination rules because they may be more effective in po-
licing conduct and they reduce regulatory burden).
3. Transparency and Disclosure
More transparency and disclosure would also advance healthier
competition in advertising markets. In the securities market, mandatory
disclosure requirements allow market participants to more fully under-
stand how the complex trading markets work and to better monitor in-
termediary conflicts of interest.
Financial exchanges must disclose to
regulators how their trading operations work and obtain regulatory ap-
proval for their exchange operations. Broker dealers and other financial
intermediaries must disclose information about their trading activity (in
milliseconds or a finer increment) and even synchronize business clocks
with a universal clock to let others monitor whether they are properly
managing their conflicts of interest (and not front-running).
ency along the same lines in advertising markets would effectuate the
same ends.
The principles of transparency and disclosure have been utilized in
the emerging cryptocurrency markets too. For example, the State of New
York recently passed legislation requiring cryptocurrency exchanges to
disclose information about their trading operations before obtaining a li-
cense to operate as an “exchange.”
When the NYAG investigated this
SECURITIES REGULATION (2003) (discussing how transparency is a core objective
in securities regulation and how transparency helps police market manipulation
and unfair trading practices); see also Julie Manasfi, Systemic Risk and Dodd-Frank’s
Volcker Rule, 4 WM. & MARY BUS. L. REV. 181 (2013) (discussing how disclosure
rules can help to manage conflicts of interest).
. Reporting requirements in Exchange Act Section 13(d) and SEC Rule
13d-1 require brokers to disclose information about proprietary trades in Sched-
ule 13D. 17 C.F.R. § 240.13d-1; 17 C.F.R. § 242.613 (requiring all national securities
exchanges and associations to file a “national market system plan to govern the
creation, implementation, and maintenance of a consolidated audit trail and cen-
tral repositoryto collect and keep relevant data on trading practices); BD. OF THE
. See discussion supra note 262.
market in 2018, it specifically investigated the issue of transparency
around fees, noting [f]ee transparency is especially important in a com-
plex electronic trading environment like virtual currency.
one thing that distinguishes cryptocurrency markets from advertising
markets is how cryptocurrency exchanges have already created self-reg-
ulatory organizations (SROs) to help to facilitate the surveillance of ma-
nipulative and fraudulent trading activity.
Advertising markets would benefit from the same transparency and
disclosure approach. Google has pushed back on disclosure requirements
for “privacy” reasons, but it is important to note that financial regulators
successfully balance similar privacy concerns.
At the end of the day,
lawmakers strike the right balance with disclosure requirements that al-
low market participants to understand the market and police intermedi-
aries, alongside industry specific rules that simultaneously address pri-
Approximately 86% of online display ad space is now bought and
sold on electronic trading venues, where buyers and sellers must go
through a computerized intermediary to trade. Google dominates these
. UNDERWOOD, supra note 26, at 11.
(last visited Nov. 18, 2020).
. Press Release, Jay Clayton, Chairman, SEC, Statement on Status of the
Consolidated Audit Trail (Sept. 9, 2019), https://perma.cc/45ZA-CHVF; Patrick
Temple-West & Robert Armstrong, ‘Hubble Telescope for Markets’ Attracts Criti-
cism, FIN. TIMES (Oct. 29, 2019), https://perma.cc/DF64-ZQ9J (Dennis Kelleger, of
consumer advocacy group Better Markets, stating “The finance industry does not
want to [sic] the regulators to have the ability to monitor and police their behav-
iour, and they are using privacy as a pretext.”).
. This delicate balance came up recently with the SEC’s consolidated
audit trail, which is a comprehensive market surveillance initiative. See Clayton,
supra note 303 (discussing the balancing of personally identifiable consumer in-
formation and market surveillance).
markets and distorts competition by engaging in conduct that lawmakers
have experience with in other electronic trading markets. Google reserves
for itself speed and information advantages, routes order flow to its ex-
change and websites in a discriminatory manner, and breaches ethical
walls to use the sensitive, nonpublic information belonging to third-party
buyers and sellers to inform its own trading activity. To protect competi-
tion in advertising, lawmakers might borrow the core principles financial
regulators have already crafted to address these types of competition
problems in other electronic trading markets. That is, require exchanges
to provide all traders with non-discriminatory access to information and
speed, identify and manage intermediary conflicts of interest, and require
trading disclosures to advance these principles in order to protect the
overall integrity of the market.
A. Timeline
B. Screenshot of Auction Timestamp Transparency
Image of header bidding timeouts on The Washington Post on No-
vember 30, 2019.