Cookie Booth Etiquette Contract
On my honor, I, _______________________________________________, will follow the
rules listed below while working at my troop’s cookie booth(s).
I will:
Be polite and friendly
Remember that my behavior reflects on all
Girl Scouts
Obey the booth sales starting date
Arrive and leave on time
Wear my uniform, vest or sash, or my pins to
identify me as a Girl Scout
Not block the entrances to stores
Keep table and area neat
Say THANK YOU to all approached
Remove empty boxes and recycle if possible
I will NOT:
Get in the way of customers
Ask a customer twice to buy cookies
Go into the store while working at the cookie booth
Talk loudly, run around or play while selling at a cookie booth
Eat, drink or chew gum while at the cookie booth
Girl Scout Signature_______________________________ Date: ___________________
Parent Signature__________________________________ Date: ___________________
Any girl participating in the Cookie Booth Sale must follow procedures of Volunteer
Essentials and have a signed Permission slip available from your Troop Leader.
Please Remember: Booth sales give girls the opportunity to learn new skills, to promote Girl Scouting, live the Girl
Scout Promise and Law, and to sell more cookies. With this opportunity comes the responsibility to follow safety,
public relations and business guidelines.
Keep in mind that selling Girl Scout Cookies at booth sales is a privilege granted to us by local businesses. This
privilege, if abused (even unintentionally) could cause all Girl Scouts to lose the opportunity for additional sales at
these places of business. Please be considerate of the business’ customers and property. If complaints arise you
may be asked to leave.