Enterprise Architect Object
This document describes the Enterprise Architect Object Model, which gives the scripter or
programmer access to the underlying objects that you can use to query or manipulate a
Enterprise Architect
User Guide Series
Author: Sparx Systems
Date: 2020-01-20
Version: 15.1
Table of Contents
Enterprise Architect Object Model 5
Using the Automaon Interface 6
Connect to the Interface 7
Set References In Visual Basic 10
Examples and Tips 11
Call from Enterprise Architect 13
Available Resources 15
Reference 16
Interface Overview 17
App Object 19
Enumeraons 20
ConstLayoutStyles 22
CreateBaselineFlag 23
CreateModelType 24
DocumentBreak 25
DocumentPageOrientaon 26
DocumentType 27
EAEdionTypes 28
EnumRelaonSetType 29
ExportPackageXMIFlag 30
MDGMenus 31
MessageFlag 32
ObjectType 33
PropType 35
ReloadType 36
ScenarioDiagramType 37
ScenarioStepType 38
ScenarioTestType 39
XMIType 40
Properes Tab Package 41
ProperesTab Class 42
Repository Package 44
Author Class 45
Client Class 46
Collecon Class 48
The AddNew Funcon 50
Datatype Class 54
EventProperes Class 57
EventProperty Class 58
ModelWatcher Class 59
Package Class 60
ProjectIssues Class 69
ProjectResource Class 71
ProjectRole Class 73
PropertyType Class 75
Reference Class 77
Repository Class 79
SecurityUser Class 102
Stereotype Class 104
Task Class 106
Term Class 108
Element Package 110
Constraint Class 112
Eort Class 114
Element Class 116
ElementGrid Class 130
File Class 131
Issue (Maintenance) Class 133
Metric Class 135
Requirement Class 137
Resource Class 139
Risk Class 141
Scenario Class 143
ScenarioExtension Class 145
ScenarioStep Class 147
TaggedValue Class 149
Test Class 151
Element Features Package 153
Aribute Class 154
AributeConstraint Class 159
AributeTag Class 161
CustomProperes Collecon 163
EmbeddedElements Collecon 164
Method Class 165
MethodConstraint Class 169
MethodTag Class 171
Parameter Class 173
ParamTag Class 176
Parons Collecon 178
Properes Class 179
TemplateParameter Class 181
Transions Collecon 183
Connector Package 184
Connector Class 185
ConnectorConstraint Class 192
ConnectorEnd Class 194
ConnectorTag Class 197
RoleTag Class 199
TemplateBinding Class 201
Diagram Package 203
Diagram Class 204
DiagramLinks Class 212
DiagramObject Class 215
SwimlaneDef Class 221
Swimlanes Class 223
Swimlane Class 225
Project Interface Package 226
Project Class 227
Document Generator Interface Package 244
DocumentGenerator Class 245
Data Miner Package 251
DataMinerManager Class 252
DataMiner Class 254
DataSet Class 255
DMArray Class 256
DMAcon Class 257
DMScript Class 258
DMConnecon Class 259
TypeInfoProperes Package 260
TypeInfoProperes Class 261
TypeInfoProperty Class 262
Mail Interface Package 263
MailInterface Class 264
Search Window Package 267
EAContext Class 268
EASelecon Class 270
SearchWindow Class 272
Simulaon Package 274
Simulaon Class 275
Schema Composer Package 277
SchemaProperty Class 278
SchemaProle Class 280
SchemaComposer Class 281
ModelTypeEnum Class 283
ModelType Class 284
SchemaTypeEnum Class 286
SchemaType Class 287
SchemaPropEnum Class 288
SearchType Enumeraon 289
SchemaNamespace Class 290
SchemaNamespaceEnum Class 291
Code Samples 292
Open the Repository 293
Iterate Through a .EAP File 294
Add and Manage Packages 295
Add and Manage Elements 297
Add a Connector 298
Add and Manage Diagrams 300
Add and Delete Features 301
Element Extras 302
Repository Extras 306
Stereotypes 309
Work With Aributes 310
Work With Methods 312
The Enterprise Architect Object Model - Enterprise Architect Object Model 20 January, 2020
Enterprise Architect Object Model
The Enterprise Architect Object Model gives the scripter or programmer access to the underlying objects that you can
use to query or manipulate the repository. The Object Model is accessible either from internal or external scripting
environments or through Add-Ins. This is a powerful feature that ensures that a programmer is insulated from the
underlying database where the repository is stored, protecting them from changes to the database structure or content.
The objects are grouped into Packages and contain a useful, extensive and well documented set of properties and
methods that are intuitive to use and allow access to elements, features, diagrams and project metadata.
Automation provides a way for other applications to access the information in an Enterprise Architect model using
Windows OLE Automation (ActiveX). Typically this involves scripting clients such as MS Word or Visual Basic, or
using scripts created within Enterprise Architect using the Scripting window.
The Automation Interface provides a way of accessing the internals of Enterprise Architect models. Examples of things
you can do using the Automation Interface include:
Perform repetitive tasks, such as update the version number for all elements in a model·
Generate code from a StateMachine diagram·
Produce custom reports·
Perform ad hoc queries·
Feature Description
Connecting to the
Automation Interface
All development environments capable of generating ActiveX COM clients should
be able to connect to the Enterprise Architect Automation Interface. This guide
provides detailed instructions on connecting to the interface using Microsoft Visual
Basic 6.0, Borland Delphi 7.0, Microsoft C# and Java. There are also more detailed
steps on how to set-up Visual Basic; the principles are applicable to other
Examples and Tips Instruction on how to use the Automation Interface is provided by means of sample
code. See pointers to the samples and other available resources. Also, consult the
extensive Reference Section.
Calling Executables from
Enterprise Architect
Enterprise Architect can be set up to call an external application. You can pass
parameters on the current position selected in the Browser window to the
application being called. For instructions, go to the Call from Enterprise Architect
topic. A more sophisticated method is to create Add-Ins, which are discussed in a
separate section.
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Using the Automaon Interface
This section provides instructions on how to connect to and use the Automation Interface, including:
Connecting to the interface·
Setting references in Visual Basic·
Examples and Tips·
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Connect to the Interface
All development environments capable of generating ActiveX Com clients can connect to the Enterprise Architect
Automation Interface.
By way of example, these sections describe how to connect using several such tools. The procedure might vary slightly
with different versions of these products.
Microso Visual Basic 6.0
Step Action
1 Create a new project.
2 Select the 'Project | References' menu option.
3 Select Enterprise Architect Object Model 2.0 from the list.
If this does not appear, go to the command line and re-register Enterprise Architect using:
EA.exe /unregister
EA.exe /register
4 See the general library documentation on the use of Classes. This example creates and opens a repository
Public Sub ShowRepository()
Dim MyRep As New EA.Repository
MyRep.OpenFile "c:\eatest.eap"
End Sub
Borland Delphi 7.0
Step Action
1 Create a new project.
2 Select the 'Project | Import Type Library' menu option.
3 Select Enterprise Architect Object Model 2.0 from the list.
If this does not appear, go to the command line and re-register Enterprise Architect using:
EA.exe /unregister
EA.exe /register
4 Click on the Create Unit button.
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5 Include EA_TLB in Project1's Uses clause.
6 See the general library documentation on the use of Classes. This example creates and opens a repository
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
r: TRepository;
b: boolean;
r:= TRepository.Create(nil);
b:= r.OpenFile('c:\eatest.eap');
Microso C#
Step Action
1 Select the 'Visual Studio Project | Add Reference' menu option.
2 Click on the 'Browse' tab.
3 Navigate to the folder in which you installed Enterprise Architect; usually:
Program Files/Sparx Systems/EA
4 See the general library documentation on the use of Classes. This example creates and opens a repository
private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
EA.Repository r = new EA.Repository();
Step Action
1 Copy the file:
from the Java API subdirectory of your installed directory, usually:
Program Files/Sparx Systems/EA
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into any location within the Windows PATH
windows\system32 directory.
Note: Under 64-bit operating systems, the SSJavaCOM.dll file must be copied into
Under 64-bit versions of Windows, the 'System32' directory is for 64-bit applications, and 'SysWOW64' is
for 32-bit applications.
2 Copy the file
from the Java API subdirectory of your installed directory, usually:
Program Files/Sparx Systems/EA
to a location in the Java CLASSPATH or where the Java class loader can find it at run time.
3 All of the Classes described in the documentation are in the Package org.sparx. See the general library
documentation for their use. This example creates and opens a repository object:
public void OpenRepository()
org.sparx.Repository r = new org.sparx.Repository();
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Set References In Visual Basic
It is possible to use the Enterprise Architect ActiveX interface with Visual Basic (VB). Use is ensured for Visual Basic
version 6, but might vary slightly with versions other than version 6.
It is assumed that you have accessed VB through a Microsoft Application such as VB 6.0, MS Word or MS Access. If
the code is not called from within Word, the Word VB reference must also be set.
On creating a new VB project, you set a reference to an Enterprise Architect Type Library and a Word Type Library.
Set References
Step Action
1 Select the 'Tools | References' menu option.
2 Select the 'Enterprise Architect Object Model 2.10' checkbox from the list.
3 Do the same for VB or VB Word: select the checkbox for the 'Microsoft Word 10.0 Object Library'.
4 Click on the OK button.
If 'Enterprise Architect Object Model 2.10' does not appear in the list, go to the command line and manually re-enter·
Enterprise Architect using:
- (To unregister Enterprise Architect) ea.exe /unregister
- (To register Enterprise Architect) ea.exe /register
Visual Basic 5/6 users should also note that the version number of the Enterprise Architect interface is stored in the·
VBP project file in a form similar to this:
Reference=*\G{64FB2BF4-9EFA-11D2-8307-C45586000000}#2.2#0#..\..\..\..\Program Files\
Sparx Systems\EA\EA.TLB#Enterprise Architect Object Model 2.02
If you experience problems moving from one version of Enterprise Architect to another, open the VBP file in a text
editor and remove this line, then open the project in Visual Basic and use Project-References to create a new
reference to the Enterprise Architect Object model
Reference to objects in Enterprise Architect and Word should now be available in the Object Browser, which can be
accessed from the main menu by pressing F2
The drop-down list on the top-left of the window should now include Enterprise Architect and Word; if MS-Project
is installed, also set this up
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Examples and Tips
Points to consider
Subject Points
Examples Instructions for using the interface are provided through sample code. There are
several sets of examples:
VB 6 and C# examples are available in the Code Samples folder under your·
Enterprise Architect installation
(default: C:\Program Files\Sparx Systems\EA\Code Samples)
Enterprise Architect can be set up to call an external application·
Several VB.NET code snippets are provided in the reference section·
A comprehensive example of using Visual Basic to create MS Word·
documentation is available from the internet at
Additional samples are available from the Sparx Systems website; see the·
Available Resources topic
Tips and Tricks Also note these tips and tricks:
An instance of the Enterprise Architect (EA.exe) process is executed when you·
initialize a new repository object - this process must remain running in order to
perform automation tasks; if the main window is visible, you can safely
minimize it, but it must remain running
The Enterprise Architect ActiveX Interface is a functional interface rather than·
a data interface; when you load data through the interface there is a noticeable
delay as Enterprise Architect user interface elements (such as Windows and
menus) are loaded and the specified database connection is established
Collections use a zero-based index; for example, Repository.Models(0)·
represents the first model in the repository
During the development of your client software your program might terminate·
unexpectedly and leave EA.exe running in such a state that it is unable to
support further interface calls; if your program terminates abnormally, ensure
that Enterprise Architect is not left running in the background (see the
Windows 'Task Manager / Process' tab)
A handle to a currently running instance of Enterprise Architect can be·
obtained through the use of a GetObject() call (see the reference page for the
App object); accessing your Enterprise Architect model via the App object
enables querying the current User Interface status, such as using
GetContextItem() on the Repository object to detect the current selection by
the user, allowing for rapid prototyping and testing
Enterprise Architect Not
After all processing by an automation controller is complete, it is recommended to
call CloseFile() and Exit() on the Repository object, then set all references to the
repository object to null.
repository = null;
If your automation controller was written using the .NET framework, Enterprise
Architect does not close even after you release all your references to it. To force the
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release of the COM pointers, call the memory management functions:
There are additional concerns when controlling a running instance of Enterprise
Architect that loads Add-Ins - see the Tricks and Traps topic for details.
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Call from Enterprise Architect
Enterprise Architect can be set up to call an external application. You can pass parameters on the current position
selected in the Browser window to the application being called. This helps you to:
Add a command line for an application·
Define parameters to pass to this application·
The parameters required for running the AutInt executable are:
The Enterprise Architect file parameter $f and·
The current PackageID $p·
Hence the arguments should simply contain: $f,$p.
Once this has been set up, the application can be called from the 'Extend' ribbon in Enterprise Architect using the 'Extend
> <YourApplication>' option.
Ribbon Start > Desktop > Preferences > Other Options > Tools
Parameters to pass informaon to external applicaons
Parameter Description
$d Diagram ID
Notes: ID for accessing associated diagram.
$D Diagram GUID
Notes: GUID for accessing the associated diagram.
$e Comma separated list of element IDs
Notes: All elements selected in the current diagram.
$E Comma separated list of element GUIDs
Notes: All elements selected in the current diagram.
$f Project Name
Notes: For example: C:\projects\EAexample.eap.
$F Calling Application (Enterprise Architect)
Notes: 'Enterprise Architect'.
$p Current Package ID
Notes: For example: 144.
$P Package GUID
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Notes: GUID for accessing this Package.
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Available Resources
Available resources include:
Resource Download Link
VB 6 Add-In for
generating MS Word
VB 6 Add-In to display a
custom ActiveX graph
control within the
Enterprise Architect
window as a new view.
A basic Add-In framework
written in C#. Useful as a
starting point for authoring
your own custom
Enterprise Architect
An extension on the
example showing how to
export Tagged Values to a
.csv file.
A basic Add-In skeleton
written in Delphi.
A simple example Add-In
written in C#.
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This section provides detailed information on all the objects available in the object model provided by the Automation
Interface, including:
Object Groups
App Object
Repository Package
Element Package
Element Features Package
Connector Package
Diagram Package
Project Interface Package
Document Generator Interface Package
Mail Interface Package
Code Samples
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Interface Overview
This section provides an overview of the main components of the Automation Interface.
Main Packages of Automaon Interface
Package Detail
Repository Package Represents the model as a whole and provides entry to model Packages and
Element Package Identifies the basic structural units (such as Class, Use Case and Object).
Element Features Package Identifies the attributes and operations defined on an element.
Diagram Package Describes the visible drawings contained in the model.
Connector Package Defines the relationships between elements.
Packages and Contents
This diagram illustrates the main interface Packages and their associated contents. Each UML element in this User Guide
can be created by Automation and can be accessed either through the various collections that exist or, in some cases,
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The Repository Class is the starting point for all use of the Automation Interface. It contains the high level system
objects and entry point into the model itself using the Models collection and the other system-level collections.
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App Object
The App object represents a running instance of Enterprise Architect. Its object provides access to the Automation
Attribute Type
Project Project
Notes: Read only
Provides a handle to the Project Interface.
Repository Repository
Notes: Read only
Provides a handle to the Repository object.
Visible Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
Whether or not the application is visible.
GetObject() Support
The App object is creatable and a handle can be obtained by creating one. In addition, clients can use the equivalent of
Visual Basic's GetObject() to obtain a reference to a currently running instance of Enterprise Architect.
Use this method to more quickly test changes to Add-Ins and external clients, as the Enterprise Architect application and
data files do not have to be constantly re-loaded.
For example:
Dim App as EA.App
Set App = GetObject(,"EA.App")
MsgBox App.Repository.Models.Count
Another example, which uses the App object without saving it to a variable:
Dim Rep as EA.Repository
Set Rep = GetObject(, "EA.App").Repository
MsgBox Rep.ConnectionString
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These enumerations are defined by the Automation Interface:
Automaon Interface Enumeraons
Enumeration Link
Constant Layout Styles Constant Layout Styles
Create Baseline Flag Create Baseline Flag
Create Model Type Create Model Type
Document Break Document Break
Document Page
Document Page Orientation
Document Type Document Type
Enterprise Architect
Edition Types
Enterprise Architect Edition Types
Enumeration Relation Set
Enumeration Relation Set Type
Export Package XMI Flag Export Package XMI Flag
Mail Interface Message
Mail Interface Message Flag
MDG Menus MDG Menus
Object Type Object Type
PropType PropType
Reload Type Reload Type
Scenario Diagram Type Scenario Diagram Type
Scenario Step Type Scenario Step Type
Scenario Test Type Scenario Test Type
XMI Type XMI Type
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The enum values defined here are used exclusively for the 'Lay Out a Diagram' method. You use these values to define
the layout options as provided by the 'Layout > Tools > Diagram Layout ' ribbon option.
Enum Values
Value Meaning
lsCrossReduceAggressive Perform aggressive Cross-reduction in the layout process (time consuming).
lsCycleRemoveDFS Use the Depth First Cycle Removal algorithm.
lsCycleRemoveGreedy Use the Greedy Cycle Removal algorithm.
lsDiagramDefault Use existing layout options specified for this diagram.
lsInitializeDFSIn Initialize the layout using the Depth First Search Inward algorithm.
lsInitializeNaive Initialize the layout using the Naïve Initialize Indices algorithm.
lsInitializeDFSOut Initialize the layout using the Depth First Search Outward algorithm.
lsLayeringLongestPathSink Layer the diagram using the Longest Path Sink algorithm.
Layer the diagram using the Longest Path Source algorithm.
Layer the diagram using the Optimal Link Length algorithm.
lsLayoutDirectionDown Direct connectors to point down.
lsLayoutDirectionLeft Direct connectors to point left.
lsLayoutDirectionRight Direct connectors to point right.
lsLayoutDirectionUp Direct connectors to point up.
lsProgramDefault Use factory default layout options as specified by Enterprise Architect.
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The CreateBaselineFlag enumeration is used in Baseline Management, when creating a Baseline.
Enum Values
Value Meaning
cbSaveToStub Baseline this Package with only immediate children (child Packages are included as
stubs only).
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The CreateModelType enumeration is used in the CreateModel method on the Repository Class.
Enum Values
Value Meaning
cmEAPFromBase Create a copy of the EABase model file to the specified file path.
Create a .eap file shortcut to an SQL-based repository; requires user interaction to
provide SQL connection details.
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The DocumentBreak enumeration is used in the InsertBreak method on the DocumentGenerator Class.
Enum Values
Value Meaning
breakPage Insert a page break in the document.
breakSection Insert a section break in the document.
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The DocumentPageOrientation enumeration is used in the SetPageOrientation method on the DocumentGenerator Class.
Enum Values
Value Meaning
pagePortrait Sets the current page orientation to Portrait.
pageLandscpae Sets the current page orientation to Landscape.
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The DocumentType enumeration is used in the SaveDocument method on the DocumentGenerator Class.
Enum Values
Value Meaning
dtRTF Save the document file to disk as an RTF document.
dtHTML Save the document file to disk as a HTML document.
dtPDF Save the document file to disk as a PDF document.
dtDOCX Save the document file to disk as a DOCX document.
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The EAEditionTypes enumeration identifies the current level of licensed functionality available.
EAEditionTypes theEdition = theRepository.GetEAEdition();
if (theEdition == EAEditionTypes.piProfessional)
else if (theEdition == EAEditionTypes.piCorporate)
The enumeration defines these formal values:
There is no separate value for the Trial Edition; the Repository.GetEAEdition() function returns the appropriate
EAEditionTypes value for whichever edition the user has selected to trial.
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This enumeration represents values returned from the GetRelationSet method of the Element object.
Enum Values
Value Meaning
rsDependEnd List of elements that depend on the current element.
rsDependStart List of elements that the current element depends on.
rsGeneralizeEnd List of elements that are generalized by the current element.
rsGeneralizeStart List of elements that the current element generalizes.
rsParents List of all parent elements of the current element.
rsRealizeEnd List of elements that are realized by the current element.
rsRealizeStart List of elements that the current element realizes.
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The ExportPackageXMIFlag enumeration is used in Package control, when exporting to XMI.
Enum Values
Value Meaning
epExcludeEAExtensions Export this Package without any tool specific information.
epSaveToStub Export this Package with only immediate children (child Packages are included as
stubs only).
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Use this enumeration when providing the 'HiddenMenus' property to MDG_GetProperty.
These options are exclusive of one another and can be read or added to hide more than one menu.
Enum Values
Value Meaning
mgBuildProject 'Hide Build Project' menu option.
mgMerge 'Hide Merge' menu option.
mgRun 'Hide Run' menu option.
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The MessageFlag enumeration is used in both the SendMailMessage and ComposeMailMessage methods of the
MailInterface, to specify a flag to attach to the message.
Enum Values
Value Meaning
mfNone Do not flag the message.
mfComplete Flag the message as 'Complete'.
mfPurple Flag the message with a 'Purple' flag.
mfOrange Flag the message with an 'Orange' flag.
mfGreen Flag the message with a 'Green' flag.
mfYellow Flag the message with a 'Yellow' flag.
mfBlue Flag the message with a 'Blue' flag.
mfRed Flag the message with a 'Red' flag.
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The ObjectType enumeration identifies Enterprise Architect object types even when referenced through a Dispatch
interface. For example:
var treeSelectedType = Repository.GetTreeSelectedItemType();
switch (treeSelectedType)
case otElement :
// Code for when an element is selected
var theElement as EA.Element;
theElement = Repository.GetTreeSelectedObject();
case otPackage :
// Code for when a Package is selected
var thePackage as EA.Package;
thePackage = Repository.GetTreeSelectedObject();
Valid Enumeraon Values
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The PropType enumeration gives the automation programmer an indication of what sort of data is going to be stored by
this property.
Enum Values
Value Meaning
ptArray An array containing values of any type.
ptBoolean True or False.
ptEnum A string being an entry in the semi-colon separated list specified in the validation
field of the Property.
ptFloatingPoint 4 or 8 byte floating point value.
ptInteger 16-bit or 32-bit signed integer.
ptString Unicode string.
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The ReloadType enumeration represents values returned from the GetReloadItem and PeekReloadItem methods of the
ModelWatcher Class. It has four possible values, which define the type of change that was made to a model.
Enum Values
Value Meaning
rtElement The Item parameter represents a particular element that must be reloaded.
rtEntireModel Entire model must be reloaded to ensure that all changes are reloaded.
rtNone No change in the model.
rtPackage The Item parameter represents a particular Package that must be reloaded.
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The ScenarioDiagramType enumeration provides these enumeration values to the
Project.GenerateDiagramFromScenario() method. They specify the type of diagram to generate.
Enum Values
Value Meaning
sdActivity Generate an Activity diagram.
sdActivityWithAction Generate an Activity diagram with an Action.
sdActivityWithActionPin Generate an Activity diagram with an ActionPin.
Generate an Activity diagram with an ActivityParameter.
sdRobustness Generate a Robustness diagram.
sdRuleFlow Generate a RuleFlow diagram.
sdSequence Generate a Sequence diagram.
sdState Generate a StateMachine diagram.
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The ScenarioStepType enumeration is used to identify the steps of a scenario, and the entity performing the step.
Enum Values
Value Meaning
stActor Identify that the step is an action performed by an actor.
stSystem Identify that the step is an action performed by the system.
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The ScenarioTestType enumeration provides these enumeration values to the Project.GenerateTestFromScenario()
method, to specify the type of test to generate.
Enum Values
Value Meaning
stHorizontalTestSuite Generate a horizontal Test Suite diagram.
stVerticalTestSuite Generate a vertical Test Suite diagram.
stExternal Generate an external Test Case element.
stInternal Generate an internal test.
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These enumeration values are used in the Project.ExportPackageXMI() and Project.ExportPackageXMIEx() methods, to
specify the XMI export type.
xmiEADefault = 0·
xmiRoseDefault = 1·
xmiEA10 = 2·
xmiEA11 = 3·
xmiEA12 = 4·
xmiRose10 = 5·
xmiRose11 = 6·
xmiRose12 = 7·
xmiMOF13 = 8·
xmiMOF14 = 9·
xmiEA20 = 10·
xmiEA21 = 11·
xmiEA211 = 12·
xmiEA212 = 13·
xmiEA22 = 14·
xmiEA23 = 15·
xmiEA24 = 16·
xmiEA241 = 17·
xmiEA242 = 18·
xmiEcore = 19·
xmiBPMN20 = 20·
xmiXPDL22 = 21·
xmiEA251 = 22·
xmiARCGIS = 23·
xmiNative = 24·
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Properes Tab Package
The Properties Tab Package contains:
A function to retrieve a pointer to the interface·
Functions to create or find a Properties tab·
Utility functions for modifying Properties values·
You can get a pointer to this interface using the methods Repository.AddPropertiesTab and
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ProperesTab Class
ProperesTab Aributes
Attribute Remarks
ProperesTab Methods
Method Remarks
AddPropertiesTab (string
TabName, string
Adds a Properties tab.
Returns TRUE if the tab was added.
TabName: String - The name of the Properties tab·
PropXML: String - An XML string defining the values in the tab·
GetLastError () String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
GetPropertiesTab (string
Notes: Locates a Properties tab.
Returns TRUE if the tab is found.
TabName: String - The name of the Properties tab·
GetPropertiesXML ( ) Notes: Returns the XML string of the properties.
GetProperty (long PropID) Notes: Returns a string of the Property value.
PropID: long - The ID value of the property·
RemovePropertiesTab ( ) Notes: Removes a Properties tab.
Returns TRUE if the tab is removed.
SetPropertiesXML (string
Notes: Sets the Properties values in the tab.
Returns TRUE if the properties were set successfully.
PropXML: String - An XML string defining the values in the tab·
SetProperty (long PropID,
string Value)
Notes: Returns TRUE if the value was set successfully.
PropID: long - The ID value of the property to set·
Value: String - The value to set the property to·
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Repository Package
The Repository Package contains the high level system objects and the entry point into the model itself, using the Models
collection and the other system level collections.
This diagram shows the collections of the Repository interface. Association Target roles correspond to member variable
names in the Repository interface. The associated Classes represent the object type used in each collection.
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Author Class
An Author object represents a named model author. Authors can be accessed using the Repository Authors collection.
Associated table in .EAP le
Author Aributes
Attribute Remarks
Name String
Notes: Read/Write
The Author name.
Notes String
Notes: Read/Write
Notes about the author.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
Roles String
Notes: Read/Write
Roles the author might play in this project.
Author Methods
Method Remarks
GetLastError () String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
Update () Boolean
Notes: Updates the current Author object after modification or appending a new
If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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Client Class
A Client represents one or more people or organizations related to the project. Clients can be accessed using the
Repository Clients collection.
Associated table in .EAP le
Client Aributes
Attribute Remarks
EMail String
Notes: Read/Write
The client's email address.
Fax String
Notes: Read/Write
The client's fax number.
Mobile String
Notes: Read/Write
The client's mobile phone number, if available.
Name String
Notes: Read/Write
The client's name.
Notes String
Notes: Read/Write
Notes about the client.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through the Dispatch interface.
Organization String
Notes: Read/Write
The client's associated organization.
Phone1 String
Notes: Read/Write
The client's main phone number.
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Phone2 String
Notes: Read/Write
The client's second phone number.
Roles String
Notes: Read/Write
Roles this client might play in the project.
Client Methods
Method Remarks
GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
Update() Boolean
Notes: Updates the current Client object after modification or appending a new
If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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Collecon Class
Collection is the main collection Class used by all elements within the Automation Interface. It contains methods to
iterate through the collection, refresh the collection and delete an item from the collection.
It is important to realize that when the 'AddNew' function is called, the item is not automatically added to the current
collection. The typical steps are:
Call AddNew to add a new item·
Modify the item as required·
Call Update on the item to save it to the database·
Call Refresh on the collection to include it in the current set·
Delete is the same; until Refresh is called, the collection still contains a reference to the deleted item, which should not
be called.
Each method can be used to iterate through the collection for languages that support this type of construct.
Collecon Aributes
Attribute Remarks
Count Short
Notes: Read only
The number of objects referenced by this list.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
Collecon Methods
Method Remarks
AddNew(string Name,
string Type)
Notes: Adds a new item to the current collection.
The interface is the same for all collections; you must provide a Name and Type
argument. What these arguments are used for depends on the actual collection being
accessed. For example, when adding a new element to the Elements collection, the
Type string can be either a basic UML element type or a fully qualified element
type (stereotype) defined by a profile, such as SysML::Requirement, differentiating
it from a standard requirement.
Also note that you must call Update() on the returned object to complete the
AddNew function. If Update() is not called the object is left in an indeterminate
When an error occurs an exception will be thrown, including when the user does
not have Security permission to modify the specify type.
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Name: String·
Type: String (up to 30 characters long)·
Delete(short index) Void
Notes: Deletes the item at the selected reference.
index: Short·
DeleteAt(short index,
boolean Refresh)
Notes: Deletes the item at the selected index. The second parameter is currently
index: Short·
Refresh: Boolean·
GetAt(short index) Object
Notes: Retrieves the array object using a numerical index. If the index is out of
bounds, an error occurs.
index: Short·
GetByName(string Name) Object
Notes: Gets an item in the current collection by name. Supported for Model,
Package, Element, Diagram and element TaggedValue collections.
If the collection does not contain any items (or, for the Tagged Value collection, if
the collection contains items but the method cannot locate an object with the
specified name) the method returns a null value. For other collections, if the method
is unable to find an object with the specified name, it raises an exception.
Name: String·
GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
Refresh() Void
Notes: Refreshes the collection by re-querying the model and reloading the
collection. Should be called after adding a new item or after deleting an item.
Update() Boolean
Notes: Updates the current Collection object after modification or appending a new
If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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The AddNew Funcon
The AddNew() function is used widely across the API to add new objects to a Collection. In all cases you must provide a
Name and Type argument, but what these arguments are used for depends on the actual collection being accessed. For
example, when adding a new element to the Elements collection, the 'Type' string can be either a basic UML element
type or a fully qualified element type (stereotype) defined by a profile, such as SysML::Requirement differentiated from
a standard requirement.
AddNew Aribute Arguments
This table provides guidance in specifying the AddNew arguments for each of the object attributes.
Attribute Arguments
AttributeConstraints Name - The name of the constraint.
Type - The constraint type
Attributes Name - The name of the attribute.
Type - The attribute type.
AttributesEx Name - The name of the attribute.
Type - The attribute type.
AttributeTags Name - The fully-qualified name, or plain text.
Type - The value of the Tagged Value.
Authors Name - The author name.
Type - The author role.
Clients Name - The client name.
Type - The client role.
ConnectorConstraints Name - The name of the constraint.
Type - The constraint type.
ConnectorConveyedItems Name - The GUID of an element.
Type - Not used.
Note: This does not return an object.
Connectors Name - The name of the connector.
Type - The connector type (for example 'Realization').
ConnectorTags Name - The fully-qualified name, or plain text.
Type - The value of the Tagged Value.
Constraints Name - The name of the constraint.
Type - The constraint type.
ConstraintsEx Name - The name of the constraint.
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Type - The constraint type.
CustomProperties You cannot create these.
DataTypes Name - The datatype name.
Type - The datatype type.
DiagramLinks Name - Not used.
Type - The style string (such as 'l=200;r=400;t=200;b=600;')
(You might prefer to leave the Type empty and use the Functions on this interface
for size, colors and so on).
DiagramObjects Name - This can either be an empty string, or it can specify the initial Left, Right,
Top and Bottom values for the new DiagramObject. For example:
diagram.DiagramObjects.AddNew("l=200;r=400;t=200;b=600;", "")
Note: Top and Bottom values should be specified here as positive numbers, but will
be set in the repository as negative values.
Type - Unused.
Diagrams Name - The name of the diagram.
Type - This can be either a standard UML metaclass type (such as 'Class' or
'UseCase') or a fully-qualified metatype defined by an MDG Technology (such as
'BPMN2.0::BusinessProcess' or 'SysML1.4::Block').
Efforts Name - The name of the effort.
Type - The effort type.
Elements Name - The name of the new element. If the repository has an auto-name counter
defined for the element type being created, pass an empty string to use the
auto-name counter instead.
Type - Can be either a standard UML metaclass type (such as 'Class' or 'UseCase')
or a fully-qualified metatype defined by an MDG Technology (such as
'BPMN2.0::BusinessProcess' or 'SysML1.4::Block').
Files Name - The full pathname of the file.
Type - The file type (such as 'Local File' or 'Web Address').
Issues Name - The name of the issue.
Type - The problem type, (such as 'Issue' or 'Defect')
MethodPostConditions Name - The name of the constraint.
Type - The constraint type
MethodPreconditions Name - The name of the constraint.
Type - The constraint type.
Methods Name - The name of the method.
Type - The return value of the method.
MethodsEx Name - The name of the method.
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Type - The return value of the method.
MethodTags Name - The fully-qualified name, or plain text.
Type - The value of the Tagged Value.
Metrics Name - The name of the metric.
Type - The metric type.
Models Name - The name of the model.
Type - Unused.
Packages Name - The name of the Package.
Type - Unused.
Parameters Name - The parameter name.
Type - The parameter type.
ParamTags Name - The fully-qualified name or plain text.
Type - The value of the Tagged Value.
Partitions Name - The partition name.
Type - The partition note.
ProjectIssues Name - The name of the issue.
Type - The issue type (such as 'Request', 'Defect', or 'Release')
ProjectResources Name - The resource name.
Type - The resource role.
ProjectRole Name - The role name.
Type - Not used.
PropertyTypes Name - The tag name.
Type - The description (limited to 50 characters).
Requirements Name - The name of the requirement.
Type - The requirement type.
RequirementsEx Name - The name of the requirement.
Type - The requirement type.
Resources Name - The resource name.
Type - The resource role.
Risks Name - The name of the risk.
Type - The risk type.
ScenarioExtension Name - The extension name.
Type - The scenario type
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ScenarioStep Name - The step name.
Type - The ScenarioStep type value.
Scenarios Name - The name of the scenario.
Type - The scenario type.
Stereotypes Name - The stereotype name.
Type - The element this applies to.
Note: You can only support multiple elements from within a Profile.
Tasks Name - The task name.
Type - The task type.
TemplateBindings Name - The formal name of the binding.
Type - The actual name of the binding or element GUID.
TemplateParameters Name - The parameter name.
Type - The parameter type
Terms Name - The term name.
Type - The term type.
Tests Name - The name of the test.
Type - The test type.
Transitions Name - The transition name.
Type - The transition value.
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Datatype Class
A Datatype is a named type that can be associated with attribute or method types. It typically is related to either code
engineering or database modeling. Datatypes also indicate which language or database system they relate to. Datatypes
can be accessed using the Repository Datatypes collection.
Associated table in .EAP le
Datatype Aributes
Attribute Remarks
DatatypeID Long
Notes: Read/Write
The instance ID for this datatype within the current model; this is system
DefaultLen Long
Notes: Read/Write
The default length (DDL only).
DefaultPrec Long
Notes: Read/Write
The default precision (DDL only).
DefaultScale Long
Notes: Read/Write
The default scale (DDL only).
GenericType String
Notes: Read/Write
The associated generic type for this data type.
HasLength String
Notes: Read/Write
Indicates whether the datatype has a length component.
MaxLen Long
Notes: Read/Write
The maximum length (DDL only).
MaxPrec Long
Notes: Read/Write
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The maximum precision (DDL only).
MaxScale Long
Notes: Read/Write
The maximum scale (DDL only).
Name String
Notes: Read/Write
The datatype name (such as integer). This appears in the related drop-down
datatype lists where appropriate.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
Product String
Notes: Read/Write
The datatype product, such as Java, C++ or Oracle.
Size Long
Notes: Read/Write
The datatype size.
Type String
Notes: Read/Write
The type can be DDL for database datatypes or Code for language datatypes.
UserDefined Long
Notes: Read/Write
Indicates if the datatype is a user defined type or system generated.
Datatypes distributed with Enterprise Architect are all system generated. Datatypes
created in the 'Datatype' dialog are marked 1 (True).
Datatype Methods
Method Remarks
GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
Update() Boolean
Notes: Updates the current Datatype object after modification or appending a new
If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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EventProperes Class
An EventProperties object is passed to BroadcastFunctions to facilitate parameter passing.
EventProperes Aributes
Attribute Remarks
Count Long
Notes: Read only
The number of parameters being passed to this broadcast event.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
EventProperes Methods
Method Remarks
Get(object Index) EventProperty Class
Notes: Read only
Returns an EventProperty in the list, raising an error if Index is out of range.
Index: Variant - can either be a number representing a zero-based index into·
the array, or a string representing the name of the EventProperty: for example,
Props.Get(3) or Props.Get("ObjectID")
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EventProperty Class
EventProperty objects are always part of an EventProperties collection, and are passed to Add-In methods responding to
broadcast events.
EventProperty Aributes
Attribute Remarks
Description String
Notes: An explanation of what this property represents.
Name String
Notes: A string distinguishing this property from others in the list.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
Value Variant
Notes: A string, number or object reference representing the property value.
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ModelWatcher Class
The ModelWatcher object enables an automation client to track changes in a particular model.
ModelWatcher Aributes
Attribute Remarks
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
ModelWatcher Methods
Methods Remarks
GetReloadItem (object
Notes: The object that must be reloaded in order to see all changes is returned
through the Item parameter. If there are no changes or the entire model must be
reloaded, this value is returned as null (C#) or Nothing (VB).
Calling this method clears the records so that the next time it is called the return
values refer only to new changes.
Returns a value from the ReloadType enumeration that specifies which type of
change, if any, has occurred.
Item: Object·
PeekReloadItem ReloadType
Notes: This method behaves identically to 'GetReloadItem()' but does not clear the
change record.
After your model has been loaded, you only create the ModelWatcher once; if you reload the model, or load another·
model, the created ModelWatcher is still valid
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Package Class
A Package object corresponds to a Package element in the Enterprise Architect Browser window. Packages can be
accessed either through the Repository Models collection (a Model is a special form of Package) or through the Package
Packages collection.
Note that a Package has an Element object as an attribute; this corresponds to an Enterprise Architect Package element in
the t_object table and is used to associate additional information (such as scenarios and constraints) with the logical
To set additional information for a Package, reference the Element object directly. Also note that if you add a Package to
a diagram, you should add an instance of the element (not the Package itself) to the DiagramObject Class for a diagram.
Associated table in .EAP le
Package Aributes
Attribute Remarks
Alias String
Notes: Read only
BatchLoad Long
Notes: Read/Write
Flag to indicate that the Package is batch loaded during batch import from
controlled Packages.
Not currently used.
BatchSave Long
Notes: Read/Write
Boolean value to indicate whether the Package is included in the batch XMI export
list or not.
CodePath String
Notes: Read/Write
The path where associated source code is found.
Not currently used.
Connectors Collection
Notes: Read only
The collection of connectors.
Created Date
Notes: Read/Write
Date the Package was created.
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Diagrams Collection
Notes: Read only
A collection of diagrams contained in this Package.
Element Element
Notes: Read only
The associated element object; use to get/set common information such as
Stereotype, Complexity, Alias, Author, Constraints, Tagged Values and Scenarios.
Elements Collection
Notes: Read only
A collection of elements that belong to this Package.
Flags String
Notes: Read/Write
Extended information about the Package.
IsControlled Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
Indicates if the Package has been marked as Controlled.
IsModel Boolean
Notes: Read only
Indicates if the Package is a model or a Package.
IsNamespace Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
True indicates that 'Package is a Namespace root'.
Use 0 and 1 to set False and True.
IsProtected Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
Indicates if the Package has been marked as 'Protected'.
IsVersionControlled Boolean
Notes: Read only
Indicates whether or not this Package is under Version Control.
LastLoadDate Date
Notes: Read/Write
The date XML was last loaded for the Package.
LastSaveDate Date
Notes: Read/Write
The date XML was last saved from the Package.
LogXML Boolean
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Notes: Read/Write
Indicates if XMI export information is to be logged.
Modified Date
Notes: Read/Write
Date the Package was last modified.
Name String
Notes: Read/Write
The name of the Package.
Notes String
Notes: Read/Write
Notes about this Package.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
Owner String
Notes: Read/Write.
The Package owner when using controlled Packages.
PackageGUID Variant
Notes: Read only
The global Package ID; valid across models.
PackageID Long
Notes: Read only
The local Package ID number.
Valid only in this model file.
Packages Collection
Notes: Read only
A collection of contained Packages that can be walked through.
ParentID Long
Notes: Read/Write
The ID of the Package that is the parent of this one.
0 indicates that this Package is a model (that is, it has no parent).
StereotypeEx String
Notes: Read/Write
All the applied stereotypes of the element in a comma-separated list. Reading the
value will provide the stereotype name only; assigning the value accepts either
fully-qualified or simple names.
When setting this attribute, LastError (from the GetLastError method) will be
non-empty on error.
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TreePos Long
Notes: Read/Write
The relative position in the tree compared to other Packages (use to sort Packages).
TypeInfoProperties Notes: Read only
Returns an interface pointer of TypeInfoProperties.
UMLVersion String
Notes: Read/Write
The UML version for XMI export purposes.
UseDTD Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
Indicates if a DTD is to be used when exporting XMI.
Version String
Notes: Read/Write
The version of the Package.
XMLPath String
Notes: Read/Write
The path to which the XML is saved when using controlled Packages.
Package Methods
Method Remarks
ApplyGroupLock (string
Notes: Applies a group lock to the Package object, for the specified group, on
behalf of the current user. User Security applies to the use of this function; if the
user does not have permission to apply or release locks on elements, diagrams and
Packages, the operation will fail.
Returns True if the operation is successful; returns False if the operation is
unsuccessful. Use GetLastError() to retrieve error information.
aGroupName: String - The name of the security group for which to apply the·
(string aGroupName,
boolean IncludeElements,
boolean IncludeDiagrams,
Notes: Applies a group lock to the Package object, object, and all of the Package,
diagrams and elements contained within that Package, for the specified group, on
behalf of the current user. User Security applies to the use of this function; if the
user does not have permission to apply or release locks on elements, diagrams and
Packages, the operation will fail.
Returns True if the operation is successful; returns False if the operation is
unsuccessful. Use 'GetLastError()' to retrieve error information.
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aGroupName: String - The name of the security group for which to apply the·
IncludeElements: Boolean - Recursively apply group lock to child elements·
IncludeDiagrams: Boolean - Recursively apply group lock to child diagrams·
IncludeSubPackages: Boolean - Recursively apply group lock to child·
ApplyUserLock () Boolean
Notes: Applies a user lock to the Package object for the current user. User Security
applies to the use of this function; if the user does not have permission to apply or
release locks on elements, diagrams and Packages, the operation will fail.
Returns True if the operation is successful; returns False if the operation is
unsuccessful. Use 'GetLastError()' to retrieve error information.
(boolean IncludeElements,
boolean IncludeDiagrams,
Notes: Applies user locks to the Package object, and all of the Packages, diagrams
and elements contained within that Package. User Security applies to the use of this
function; if the user does not have permission to apply or release locks on elements,
diagrams and Packages, the operation will fail.
Returns True if the operation is successful; returns False if the operation is
unsuccessful. Use GetLastError() to retrieve error information.
IncludeElements: Boolean - Recursively apply user lock to child elements·
IncludeDiagrams: Boolean - Recursively apply user lock to child diagrams·
IncludeSubPackages: Boolean - Recursively apply user lock to child Packages·
Notes: Inserts a copy of the Package into the same parent as the original Package.
Returns the newly-created Package.
FindObject (string
Notes: Returns a Package, element, attribute or operation matching the parameter
If the DottedID is not found, an error is returned: Can't find matching object.
DottedID: String - Is in the form 'object.object.object' where object is replaced·
by the name of a Package, element attribute or operation; examples include
MyNamespace.Class1, CStudent.m_Name, MathClass.DoubleIt(int)
GetLastError () String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
ReleaseUserLock () Boolean
Notes: Releases user locks and group locks from the Package object, and all of the
Packages, diagrams and elements contained within that Package. User Security
applies to the use of this function; if the user does not have permission to apply or
release locks on elements, diagrams and Packages, the operation will fail.
Returns True if the operation is successful; returns False if the operation is
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unsuccessful. Use GetLastError() to retrieve error information.
(boolean IncludeElements,
boolean IncludeDiagrams,
Notes: Releases user locks from the Package object, and all of the Packages,
diagrams and elements contained within that Package. User Security applies to the
use of this function; if the user does not have permission to apply or release locks
on elements, diagrams and Packages, the operation will fail.
Returns True if the operation is successful; returns False if the operation is
unsuccessful. Use GetLastError() to retrieve error information.
IncludeElements: Boolean - Recursively release user locks from child elements
IncludeDiagrams: Boolean - Recursively release user locks from child diagrams
IncludeSubPackages: Boolean - Recursively release user locks from child Packages
SetReadOnly (boolean
ReadOnly, boolean
Notes: Sets a Package Flag to mark a Package as ReadOnly=1.
If Project Security is enabled, the user must have 'Configure Packages' permission
to use this method.
Throws an exception if the operation fails due to the user not having 'Configure
Packages' permission; use 'GetLastError()' to retrieve error information.
ReadOnly: Boolean - Sets or clears the Read Only flag on the Package(s); if:·
False, any Read Only flag is removed from the Package
True, a Read Only flag is applied to the Package
IncludeSubPkgs: Boolean - Indicates whether to set/reset the Read Only flag·
on just the object Package, or on the object Package and all of the nested
sub-Packages that it contains; if:
False, only the flag on the object Package is set or cleared
True, flags are set (or cleared, according to the ReadOnly
parameter) for the object Package plus all of the nested sub-Packages that it
When working with Version Controlled Packages, the Read Only flag can be
applied to Packages whether they are checked-in or checked-out.
User Security applies to setting this flag - if you are prevented from editing the
Package, you are also prevented from setting the flag.
Update () Boolean
Notes: Updates the current Package object after modification or appending a new
If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
Note that a Package object also has an element component that must be taken into
account; the Package object contains information about the Package attributes such
as hierarchy or contents.
The element attribute contains information about, for example, Stereotypes,
Constraints or Files - all the attributes of a typical element.
VersionControlAdd (string
ConfigGuid, string
XMLFile, string Comment,
boolean KeepCheckedOut)
Notes: Places the Package under Version Control, using the specified Version
Control Configuration and the specified XMI filename.
Throws an exception if the operation fails; use GetLastError() to retrieve error
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It is recommended that the Package be saved using Update() before calling
VersionControlAdd(), so that any outstanding changes are not lost.
ConfigGuid: String - Name corresponding to the Unique ID of the Version·
Control configuration to use
XMLFile: String - Name of the XML file to use for this Package; this filename·
is relative to the Working Copy folder specified for the Config
Comment: String - Log message that is added to the Version Controlled file's·
history (where applicable)
KeepCheckedOut: Boolean - Specify True to add to Version Control and keep·
the Package checked-out
(string Comment)
Notes: Perform checkin of the Version Controlled Package (also see
Throws an exception if the operation fails; use GetLastError() to retrieve error
Comment: String - Log message that is added to the Version Controlled file's·
history (where applicable)
(string Comment,
Notes: Perform check-in of the Version Controlled Package.
Throws an exception if the operation fails; use GetLastError() to retrieve error
Comment: String - Log message that is added to the Version Controlled file's·
history (where applicable)
PreserveCrossPkgRefs: Boolean - Flag to indicate whether to preserve or·
discard pre-existing Cross Package References when checking-in; this
parameter overrides the setting in the 'Preferences' dialog, 'XML Specifications'
Unsatisfied cross-Package references are preserved or discarded according to
this setting, without prompting the user; see Learn more
(string Comment)
Notes: Perform checkout of the Version Controlled Package.
Throws an exception if the operation fails; use GetLastError() to retrieve error
Comment: String - Log message that is added to the Version Controlled file's·
history (where applicable)
When working in an environment that uses a Private Model deployment and your
model contains a significant number of cross-Package references, it is
recommended that you invoke the Repository.ScanXMIAndReconcile() method
from time to time, following the re-importation of controlled Packages - for
example, after using Package.VersionControlGetLatest() to update a number of
Packages, or after performing a number of Package check-outs.
VersionControlGetLatest Void
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(boolean ForceImport) Notes: Updates the local working copy of the Package file associated with the
object Package, before re-importing the Package data from the Package file.
ForceImport: Boolean - Used if the Package data in the model is found to be·
up-to-date with respect to the Version Controlled Package file; if:
- False, the Package data that exists in the model is accepted as being
up-to-date and no
attempt is made to re-import data from the Package file
- True, the system re-imports the Package from the Package file regardless
See also the menu option 'Version Control | Get Latest'.
When working in an environment that uses a Private Model deployment and your
model contains a significant number of cross-Package references, it is
recommended that you invoke the 'Repository.ScanXMIAndReconcile()' method
from time to time, following the re-importation of controlled Packages - for
example, after using 'Package.VersionControlGetLatest()' to update a number of
Packages, or after performing a number of Package check-outs.
VersionControlGetStatus () Long
Notes: Returns the Version Control status of the Package, as recorded in the current
project database.
Throws an exception if the operation fails; use GetLastError() to retrieve error
Return value maps to this enumerated type:
enum EnumCheckOutStatus
csUncontrolled = 0,
csUncontrolled - Either unable to communicate with the Version Control·
provider associated with the Package, or the Package file is unknown to the
csCheckedIn - The Package is not checked-out to anybody in the current·
project database
csCheckedOutToThisUser - The Package is marked as checked-out to the·
current user, in the current project database
csReadOnlyVersion - The Package is marked as read-only; an earlier revision·
of the Packagehas been retrieved from Version Control
csCheckedOutToAnotherUser - The Package is marked as checked-out in the·
current project database, by a user other than the current user
csOfflineCheckedIn - The Package is not checked-out to anybody in the·
current project database; however, the Version Control configuration
associated with the Package was unable to connect to the VC server
csCheckedOutOfflineByUser - The Package was 'checked out' in this database,·
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by this user, whilst disconnected from Version Control
csCheckedOutOfflineByOther - The Package was checked out in this project·
database, by another user, whilst disconnected from Version Control
csDeleted - The Package file has been deleted from Version Control·
(string CheckInComment)
Notes: Perform a checkin of the Version Controlled Package, whilst keeping the
Package checked-out.
Throws an exception if the operation fails; use GetLastError() to retrieve error
When a Package that was previously marked as Checked Out Offline, is
successfully 'Put' (checkedin) to Version Control, that Package's flags are updated
to clear the Checked Out Offline indicator.
Comment: String - Log message added to the Version Controlled file's history·
(where applicable)
VersionControlRemove () Void
Notes: Removes Version Control from the Package.
Throws an exception if the operation fails; use 'GetLastError()' to retrieve error
gStatus (boolean
Notes: Synchronizes the Version Control status of the single object Package
recorded in your current model with the Package status reported by your Version
Control provider.
ClearSettings: Boolean - used if the Package file associated with the specified·
Package is reported by the Version Control provider as uncontrolled; if
ClearSettings is:
True, the Version Control settings are cleared from the Package
False, the Version Control settings remain unchanged
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ProjectIssues Class
A ProjectIssue is a system-level Issue that indicates a problem or risk associated with the system as a whole.
ProjectIssues can be accessed using the Repository Issues collection.
Associated table in .EAP le
ProjectIssues Aributes
Attribute Remarks
Category String
Notes: Read/Write
The category this issue belongs to.
Date Date
Notes: Read/Write
The date the issue item was created.
DateResolved Date
Notes: Read/Write
The date the issue was resolved.
Name String
Notes: Read/Write
The issue name (that is, the issue itself).
IssueID Long
Notes: Read only
The ID of this issue.
Notes String
Notes: Read/Write
The associated description of the issue.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
Owner String
Notes: Read/Write
The owner of the issue.
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Priority String
Notes: Read/Write
The issue priority - Low, Medium or High.
Resolution String
Notes: Read/Write
A description of the resolution.
Resolver String
Notes: Read/Write
The name of the person resolving the issue.
Severity String
Notes: Read/Write
The issue severity - Low, Medium or High.
Status String
Notes: Read/Write
The current status of the issue.
ProjectIssues Methods
Method Remarks
GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
Update() Boolean
Notes: Updates the current Issue object after modification or appending a new item.
If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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ProjectResource Class
A Project Resource is a named person who is available to work on the current project in any capacity. ProjectResources
can be accessed using the Repository Resources collection.
Associated table in .EAP le
ProjectResource Aributes
Attribute Remarks
Email String
Notes: The resource's email address.
Fax String
Notes: The resource's fax number.
Mobile Variant
Notes: The resource's mobile number, if available.
Name String
Notes: The name of the resource.
Notes String
Notes: A description of the resource, if appropriate.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
Organization Package Class: String
Notes: The organization the resource is associated with.
Phone1 Variant
Notes: The resource's main telephone number.
Phone2 Variant
Notes: The resource's alternative telephone number.
Roles String
Notes: The roles this resource can play in the current project.
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ProjectResource Methods
Method Remarks
GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
Update() Boolean
Notes: Updates the current Resource object after modification or appending a new
If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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ProjectRole Class
A ProjectRole object represents a named project role. ProjectRoles can be accessed using the Repository ProjectRole
Associated table in .EAP le
ProjectRole Aributes
Attribute Remarks
Description String
Notes: Read/Write
The project role item description.
Notes String
Notes: Read/Write
Notes about the project role item.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
Role String
Notes: Read/Write
The project role item name.
ProjectRole Methods
Method Remarks
GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
Update() Boolean
Notes: Updates the current ProjectRole object after modification or appending a
new item.
If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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PropertyType Class
A PropertyType object represents a defined property that can be applied to UML elements as a Tagged Value.
PropertyTypes can be accessed using the Repository PropertyTypes collection.
Each PropertyType corresponds to one of the predefined Tagged Values for the model.
Associated table in .EAP le
PropertyType Aributes
Attribute Remarks
Description String
Notes: Read/Write
A short description of the property.
Detail String
Notes: Read/Write
Configuration information for the property.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
Tag String
Notes: Read/Write
The name of the property (Tag Name).
PropertyType Methods:
Method Remarks
GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
Update() Boolean
Notes: Updates the current PropertyType object after modification or appending a
new item.
If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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Reference Class
This Interface provides access to the various lookup tables within Enterprise Architect. Use the Repository
GetReferenceList() method to get a handle to a list.
Valid lists are:
Reference Aributes
Attribute Remarks
Count Short
Notes: A count of items in the list.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
Type String
Notes: The list type (for example, DiagramTypes).
Reference Methods
Method Remarks
GetAt(short Index) String
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Notes: Get the item at the specified index.
Index: Short - The index of the item to retrieve from the list·
GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
Refresh() Short
Notes: Refresh the current list and return the count of items.
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Repository Class
The Repository is the main container of all structures such as models, Packages and elements. You can begin accessing
the model iteratively using the Models collection. The Repository also has some convenient methods to directly access
the structures without having to locate them in the hierarchy first.
Associated table in .EAP le
Repository Aributes
Attribute Remarks
Authors Collection
Notes: Read only
This is the system Authors collection containing 0 or more Author objects, each of
which can be associated with, for example, elements or diagrams as the item author
or owner.
Use AddNew(), Delete() and GetAt() to manage Authors.
BatchAppend Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
Set this property to True when your automation client has to rapidly insert many
elements, operations, attributes and/or operation parameters.
Set to False when work is complete.
This can result in 10- to 20-fold improvement in adding new elements in bulk.
Clients Collection
Notes: Read only
A list of Clients associated with the project. You can modify, delete and add new
Client objects using this collection.
ConnectionString String
Notes: Read only
The filename/connection string of the current Repository.
For a connection string, the DBMS repository type is identified by "DBType=n;"
where n is a number corresponding to the DBMS type, as shown:
5 - ASA
8 - ACCESS2007
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CurrentSelection Notes: Read only
Provides information on what is selected, and in what location without making any
requests to the database.
DataMinerManager Data Miner object
Notes: Returns a pointer to the EA.DataMinerManager interface.
Datatypes Collection
Notes: Read only
The Datatypes collection. This contains a list of Datatype objects, each representing
a data type definition for either data modeling or code generation purposes.
EAEdition EAEditionTypes
Notes: Read only
Returns the current level of core licensed functionality available.
This property returns Corporate when the edition is Unified or Ultimate.
Use 'EAEditionEx' to identify which of these extended editions is available.
EAEditionEx EAEditionTypes
Notes: Read only
Returns the current level of extended licensed functionality available (Unified or
EnableCache Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
An optimization for pre-loading Package objects when dealing with large sets of
automation objects.
EnableUIUpdates Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
Set this property to False to improve the performance of changes to the model; for
example, bulk addition of elements to a Package. To reveal changes to the user, call
FlagUpdate Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
Instructs Enterprise Architect to update the Repository with the LastUpdate value.
InstanceGUID String
Notes: Read only
The identifier string identifying the Enterprise Architect runtime session.
IsSecurityEnabled Boolean
Notes: Read only
Indicates whether User Security is enabled for the current repository.
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Issues Collection
Notes: Read only
The System Issues list. Contains ProjectIssues objects, each detailing a particular
issue as it relates to the project as a whole.
LastUpdate String
Notes: Read only
The identifier string identifying the Enterprise Architect runtime session and the
timestamp for when it was set.
LibraryVersion Long
Notes: Read only
The build number of the Enterprise Architect runtime.
Models Collection of type Package
Notes: Read only
Models are of type Package and belong to a collection of Packages. This is the top
level entry point to an Enterprise Architect project file. Each model is a root node in
the Browser window and can contain items such as Views and Packages.
A model is a special form of a Package; it has a ParentID of 0. By iterating through
all models, you can access all the elements within the project hierarchy.
You can also use the AddNew() function to create a new model. A model can be
deleted, but remember that everything contained in the model is deleted as well.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through the Dispatch interface.
ProjectGUID String
Notes: Read only
Returns the unique ID for the project.
ProjectRoles Collection
Notes: Read only
The system Roles collection containing 0 or more Role objects, each of which can
be associated with, for example, elements or diagrams as the item author or owner.
Use AddNew(), Delete() and GetAt() to manage Roles.
PropertyTypes Collection
Notes: Read only
Collection of Property Types available to the Repository.
Resources Collection
Notes: Read only
Contains available ProjectResource objects to assign to work items within the
Use the 'Add New()', 'Modify()' and 'Delete()' functions to manage resources.
SearchWindow Notes: Read only
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Returns a reference to the Enterprise Architect Search Window.
SecurityUser Notes: Read only
Provides information about the currently logged in security user.
Stereotypes Collection
Notes: Read only
The Stereotype collection. A list of Stereotype objects that contain information on a
stereotype and the elements it can be applied to.
SuppressEADialogs Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
Set this property in the EA_OnPostNewElement broadcast event to control whether
Enterprise Architect should suppress showing the default 'Properties' dialog to the
user when an element is created.
SuppressSecurityDialog Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
Suppress the login prompt dialog that appears by default when username and
password parameters passed to OpenFile2 are invalid. For use by external
automation clients only.
Tasks Collection
Notes: Read only
A list of system tasks (to do list). Each entry is a Task Item; you can modify, delete
and add new tasks.
Terms Collection
Notes: Read only
The Project Glossary Terms. Each Term object is an entry in the Glossary. Add,
modify and delete Terms to maintain the Glossary.
Repository Methods
Method Remarks
ActivateDiagram (long
Notes: Activates an already open diagram (that is, makes it the active tab) in the
main Enterprise Architect user interface.
DiagramID: Long - the ID of the diagram to make active·
ActivatePerspective (string
Notes: Deprecated - no longer in use.
ActivateTab (string Name) Notes: Activates an open Enterprise Architect tabbed view.
Name: String - the name of the view to activate·
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ActivateTechnology (string
Notes: Activates an enabled MDG Technology.
TechnologyID: String - the ID of the Technology to activate, as assigned in the·
MDG Technology Wizard
ActivateToolbox (string
Toolbox, long Options)
Notes: Activates a Toolbox page in the GUI.
The returned value is reserved for future use.
Toolbox: String - the name of the Toolbox page to activate·
Options: Long - reserved for future use·
(string sXML)
Notes: Used to enter a set of defined searches that last in Enterprise Architect for
the life of the application; when Enterprise Architect loads again they must be
inserted again by your Add-In.
sXML: String - the XML of the defined searches; you can get this XML by·
performing an export of the searches from the 'Manage Searches' dialog in
Enterprise Architect
(string Name, string Path,
long Type)
Notes: Provides an Add-In with the ability to insert a book path into the Enterprise
Architect installation directory, to display Learning Center pages on user-authored
subjects (such as use of the Add-In).
Name: String - the top-level (root) name for the Learning Center·
documentation hierarchy for the Add-In (for example, Enterprise Architect)
Path: String - the directory path to the folder to contain the Learning Center·
documentation structure (for example,
C:\Program Files (86)\Sparx Systems\EA\Books
Type: Long - reserved for future use; set to 0·
AddPerspective (string
Perspective, long Options)
Notes: Deprecated - no longer in use.
AddPropertiesTab (string
TabName, string
Notes: Create a Properties tab.
Returns a PropertiesTab interface if a tab was created successfully, otherwise
TabName: String - Name of the Properties tab·
PropXML: String - An XML string defining the values in the tab·
Example XML string.
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<group name='theGroup1'>
<property id='1' type='text' default='' readonly='false' >
<description>this has id=1</description>
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<property id='2' type='combobox' default='' readonly='false' >
<description>this has id=2</description>
<property id='3' type='date' default='currentdate' showcheckbox='false'
readonly='false' >
<description>this has id=3</description>
<property id='4' type='checkbox' default='true' readonly='false' >
<description>this has id=4</description>
<property id='5' type='spin' default='1' min='0' max='100' readonly='false' >
<description>this has id=5</description>
<property id='6' type='int' default='1' readonly='false' >
<description>this has id=6</description>
<property id='7' type='double' default='1' readonly='false' >
<description>this has id=7</description>
<property id='8' type='memo' default='' readonly='false' >
<description>this has id=8</description>
<group name='theGroup2'>
<property id='22' type='text' default='' readonly='false' >
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<description>this has id=22</description>
AddTab (string TabName,
string ControlID)
activeX custom control
Notes: Adds an ActiveX custom control as a tabbed window. Enterprise Architect
creates a control and, if successful, returns its Unknown pointer, which can be used
by the caller to manipulate the control.
TabName: String - used as the tab caption·
ControlID: String - the ProgID of the control; for example,·
AddWindow (string
WindowName, string
activeX custom control
Notes: Adds an ActiveX custom control as a window to the Add-Ins docked
window. Enterprise Architect creates a control and, if successful, returns its
Unknown pointer, which can be used by the caller to manipulate the control.
WindowName: String - used as the window title·
ControlID: String - the ProgID of the control; for example,·
(long ConnectorID)
Notes: Provides an Add-In or automation client with the ability to advise the
Enterprise Architect user interface that a particular connector has changed and, if it
is visible in any open diagram, to reload and refresh that connector for the user.
ConnectorID: Long - the ID of the connector·
(long ObjectID)
Notes: Provides an Add-In or automation client with the ability to advise the
Enterprise Architect user interface that a particular element has changed and, if it is
visible in any open diagram, to reload and refresh that element for the user.
ObjectID: Long - the ID of the element·
CallSBPI (string
sbpiPrefix, string Method,
string packedParameters)
Notes: Returns a JSON string with the result from the external server.
sbpiPrefix: String - Prefix value of the external server·
Method: String - Name of the function to call on the external server·
packedParameters: String - The JOSN string to append the Name/Value to;·
cannot be empty
ChangeLoginUser (string
Name, string Password)
Notes: Sets the currently logged on user to be the one specified by a name and
password; this logs the user into the repository when security is enabled.
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If security is not enabled an exception (Security not enabled) is thrown.
Name: String - the name of the user·
Password: String - the password of the user·
ClearAuditLogs (Object
StartDateTime, Object
Notes: Clears all Audit Logs from the model.
If StartDateTime and EndDateTime are not null then only log items that fall into
this period are cleared.
Returns True for success, False for failure.
This method cannot be undone; it is strongly advised that you call·
'SaveAuditLogs' first to backup the logs
This method might fail if the user logged into the model does not have the·
correct access permission
StartDateTime: Variant (DateTime) - the earliest date and time of log entries to·
EndDateTime: Variant (DateTime) - the latest date and time of log entries to·
ClearOutput (string Name) Notes: Removes all the text from a tab in the System Output window.
Name: String - the name of the tab to remove text from·
CloseAddins () Notes: Called by automation controllers to ensure that Add-Ins created in .NET do
not linger after all controller references to Enterprise Architect have been cleared.
CloseDiagram (long
Notes: Closes a diagram in the current list of diagrams that Enterprise Architect has
DiagramID: Long - the ID of the diagram to close·
CloseFile () Notes: Closes any open file.
Document Generator
Notes: Returns a pointer to the EA.DocumentGenerator interface.
CreateType, string
FilePath, long ParentWnd)
Notes: Creates a new .eap model file based on the standard Enterprise Architect
Base model, or a shortcut .eap based on a provided SQL connection.
Returns True when the new file is created, otherwise returns False.
CreateType: CreateModelType - Specify whether to make a new copy of the·
EABase.eap model, or create a .eap file shortcut to a DBMS repository; the
latter option requires a dialog to be opened for the user to provide SQL
connection details
FilePath: String - Destination for new .eap file·
ParentWnd: Long - Window handle to act as the parent for the 'SQL·
connection' dialog; only required when using cmEAPFromSQLRepository
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CreateOutputTab (string
Notes: Creates a tab in the System Output window.
Name: String - the name of the tab to create·
DeletePerspective (string
Perspective, long Options)
Notes: Deprecated - no longer in use.
DeleteTechnology (string
Notes: Removes a specified MDG Technology resource from the repository.
Returns True if the technology is successfully removed from the model. Returns
False otherwise.
This applies to technologies imported into pre-7.0 versions of Enterprise·
Architect (imported technologies), not to technologies referenced in version 7.0
and later (referenced technologies)
ID: String - the ID of the technology·
(string Name)
Notes: Checks that a specified tab in the System Output window is visible to the
user. The System Output window is made visible if it is hidden.
Name: String - the name of the tab to make visible·
t (long ScriptOptions,
string PackageGuid)
Notes: Helps you to run the active Package build script based on your current
selection in the Browser window. You can also run a script by passing in the
Package GUID.
ScriptOptions: Long - the script type; can be any one of these numerical·
1 = Build
2 = Test
3 = Run
4 = Create Workbench Instance
5 = Debug
PackageGuid: String - the ID of the Package for which to run the script·
Exit Notes: Shuts down Enterprise Architect immediately. Used by .NET programmers
where the garbage collector does not immediately release all referenced COM
(string Notes, string
WriteImagePath, string
Notes: Writes any Image Manager links to the WriteImagePath directory.
Returns a modified notes text, which contains links to the images using the
RelativeImagePath parameter.
Notes: String - the notes of the selected Package, diagram or element·
WriteImagePath: String - the path where the image file links will be stored; this·
path must exist
RelativeImagePath: String - the path to be inserted into the modified string·
indicating where the images can be found (for example, "..\images\")
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(string packedParameters,
string name)
Notes: Returns the value of the parameter name as a string.
packedParameters: String - The JOSN string to append the Name/Value to;·
cannot be empty
name: String - The name of the parameter·
(string Filename)
Notes: Generates an MDG Technology file using the settings in the given MTS file.
The returned value indicates success or failure.
Filename: String - the name and path of the MTS file to use·
GetActivePerspective () String
Notes: Deprecated - no longer in use.
Map (string Directory)
Notes : Saves the image and image-map for every diagram in the model, in the
specified directory location.
The image files will be saved in PNG format and each will have the diagram GUID
as the image name. The image-map files will be saved as TXT files and each will
have the diagram GUID as the image map name.
The 'Auto Create Diagram Image and Image Map' option must be selected in the
model options for this function to save the images and image-maps.
Directory the location of the directory into which the images and image-maps·
are to be saved
GetAttributeByGuid (string
Notes: Returns a pointer to an attribute in the repository, located by its GUID. This
is usually found using the AttributeGUID property of an attribute.
Guid: String - the GUID of the attribute to locate·
GetAttributeByID (string
Notes: Returns a pointer to an attribute in the repository, located by its ID. This is
usually found using the AttributeID property of an attribute.
Id: String - the ID of the attribute to locate·
(string Guid)
Notes: Returns a pointer to a connector in the repository, located by its GUID. This
is usually found using the ConnectorGUID property of a connector.
Guid: String - the GUID of the connector to locate·
GetConnectorByID (long
Notes: Searches the repository for a connector with a specific ID.
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ConnectorID: Long - the ID of the connector to locate·
GetContextItem (object
Notes: Sets a pointer to an item in context within Enterprise Architect.
Also returns the corresponding ObjectType.
For additional information about ContextItems and the supported ObjectTypes see
the 'GetContextItemType' method.
Item: Object - the item to point to·
GetContextItemType () ObjectType
Notes: Returns the ObjectType of an item in context within Enterprise Architect. A
ContextItem is defined as an item selected anywhere within the Enterprise
Architect GUI including:
An item selected in the Browser window·
An item selected in an open diagram·
An item selected in certain dialogs, such as the attribute 'Properties' dialog·
The supported ObjectTypes can be any one of these values:
GetContextObject () Object
Notes: Returns the current context Object.
GetCounts () String
Notes: Returns a set of counts from a number of tables within the base Enterprise
Architect repository. These can be used to determine whether records have been
added or deleted from the tables for which information is retrieved.
GetCurrentDiagram () Diagram
Notes: Returns a selected diagram.
(boolean GetGuid)
Notes: If security is not enabled in the repository, an error is generated.
If 'GetGuid' is True, a GUID generated by Enterprise Architect representing the
user is returned; otherwise the text as entered in System Users/User Details/Login is
GetDiagramByGuid (string
Notes: Returns a pointer to a diagram using the global reference ID (global ID).
This is usually found using the diagram GUID property of an element, and stored
for later use to open a diagram without using the collection GetAt() function.
Guid: String - the GUID of the diagram to locate·
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GetDiagramByID (long
Notes: Gets a pointer to a diagram using an absolute reference number (local ID).
This is usually found using the DiagramID property of an element, and stored for
later use to open a diagram without using the collection GetAt() function.
DiagramID: Long - the ID of the diagram to locate·
(string DiagramGUID,
string Directory)
Notes: Saves the image and image-map for the diagram with the specified GUID, in
the specified directory location.
The image will be saved in PNG format and will have the DiagramGUID as the
image name. The image-map will be saved as a TXT file and will have the
DiagramGUID as the image-map name.
The 'Auto Create Diagram Image and Image Map' option must be selected in the
model-specific options for this function to save the image and image-map.
DiagramGUID the GUID of the diagram for which the image and image-map·
are to be saved
Directory the directory into which the image and image-map are to be saved·
GetElementByGuid (string
Notes: Returns a pointer to an element in the repository, using the element's GUID
reference number (global ID). This is usually found using the ElementGUID
property of an element, and stored for later use to open an element without using
the collection 'GetAt ()' function.
Guid: String - the GUID of the element to locate·
GetElementByID (long
Notes: Gets a pointer to an element using an absolute reference number (local ID).
This is usually found using the ElementID property of an element, and stored for
later use to open an element without using the collection GetAt () function.
ElementID: Long - the ID of the element to locate·
(string QueryName, string
Collection (of type Element)
Notes: Helps you to run a search in Enterprise Architect, returning the result as a
For example: GetElementsByQuery('Simple','Class1'), where the results list
elements with 'Class1' in the 'Name' and 'Notes' fields.
QueryName: String - the name of the search to run, for example 'Simple'·
SearchTerm: String - the term to search for·
GetElementSet (string
IDList, long Options)
Collection (of type Element)
Notes: Returns a set of elements as a collection based on a comma-separated list of
ElementID values. By default, if no values are provided in the IDList parameter, all
objects for the entire project are returned.
IDList: String - a comma-separated list of ElementID values·
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Options: Long - modifies default behavior of this method·
Returns empty collection when empty IDList parameter is given.1.
Use IDList string as an SQL query to populate this collection.2.
(string Format, string Text)
Notes: Converts a field from your preferred format to Enterprise Architect's internal
format; returns the field in that format.
Format: String - The format to convert the field from; valid formats are:·
- HTML - Full HTML
- RTF - Rich Text Format
- TXT - Plain text
Text: String - The field to be converted·
(string Format, string Text)
Notes: After accessing a field that contains formatting, use this method to convert it
to your preferred format; returns the field in the format specified.
Format: String - The format to convert the field to; valid formats are:·
- HTML - Full HTML
- RTF - Rich Text Format
- TXT - Plain text
Text: String - The field to be converted·
GetFormattedName (string
Guid, long FlagInclude,
string Separator, long
Notes: Provides special formatting for the name of the specified object; for
example, the fully qualified name of a specific element or feature.
Guid: String - The GUID of the object to be formatted·
FlagInclude: Long - Items to be included in the formatted name:·
- fiFeature = &H01
- fiClass = &H02
- fiParents = &H04
- fiPackage = &H08
- fiRootNS = &H10
- fiHiddenNS = &H20
- fiDiagram = &H40
- fiElemAlias = &H80
Separator: String - The string to use for separating each included item (such as·
Packages or elements)
FlagFormat: Long - Additional formatting options:·
- ffReplaceSpaces = &H01
- ffLowercase = &H02
- ffURLEncode = &H04
FormattedName = Repository.GetFormattedName (Element.ElementGUID,
fiFeature Or fiClass Or fiParents Or fiPackage Or fiDiagram, "::", 0)
GetGapAnalysisMatrix () String
Notes: Read Only
Returns all Gap Analyses as an XML document.
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GetLastError () String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
GetLocalPath (string Type,
string Path)
Notes: Returns the expanded local file path for code generated from an element,
with reference to the Type and Path defined in the 'Local Paths' dialog.
Type: String - the coding language for the element, such as Java, C or C++·
Path: String - the local path to be expanded; for example:·
For example:
Repository.GetLocalPath (Java, %Desk%\Javacode\Motor.java)
This could return:
GetMailInterface () MailInterface
Notes: Returns an instance of the EA.MailInterface; use this interface to automate
the process of creating and sending Model Mail messages.
GetMethodByGuid (string
Notes: Returns a pointer to a method in the repository; this is usually found using
the MethodGUID property of a method.
Guid: String - the GUID of the method to look for·
GetMethodById (string Id) Method
Notes: Returns a pointer to a method in the repository; this is usually found using
the MethodID property of a method.
Id: String - the ID of the method to look for·
GetPackageByGuid (string
Notes: Returns a pointer to a Package in the repository using the Package's GUID
reference number (global ID). This is usually found using the PackageGUID
property of the Package.
Each Package in the model also has an associated element with the same GUID, so
if you have an element with Type="Package" then you can load the Package by
Guid: String - the GUID of the Package to look for·
GetPackageByID (long
Notes: Get a pointer to a Package using an absolute reference number (local ID).
This is usually found using the PackageID property of a Package, and stored for
later use to open a Package without using the collection GetAt () function.
PackageID: Long - the ID of the Package to locate·
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GetProjectInterface () Project
Notes: Returns a pointer to the EA.Project interface (the XML-based automation
server for Enterprise Architect). Use this interface to work with Enterprise
Architect using XML, and also to access utility functions for loading diagrams,
running reports and so on.
GetPropertiesTab (string
Notes: Finds an existing Properties tab.
Returns a PropertiesTab interface if the tab exists, otherwise NULL.
TabName: String - The name of the 'Properties' tab.·
GetReferenceList (string
Notes: Uses the list type to get a pointer to a Reference List object.
Type: String - specifies the list type to get; valid list types are:·
- Diagram
- Element
- Constraint
- Requirement
- Connector
- Status
- Cardinality
- Effort
- Metric
- Scenario
- Status
- Test
- List:DifficultyType
- List:PriorityType
- List:TestStatusType
- List:ConstStatusType
GetRelationshipMatrix () String
Notes: Returns an XML document (as a string), containing definitions of all
Relationship Matrix profiles saved in the current model.
(string ID)
Notes: Returns the version of a specified MDG Technology resource.
ID: String - the specified technology ID·
Notes: Returns the set of elements currently selected in the Browser window as a
(object SelectedItem)
Notes: Gets an object variable and type corresponding to the currently selected item
in the tree view.
To use this function, create a generic object variable and pass this as the parameter.
Depending on the return type, cast it to a more specific type.
The object passed back through the parameter can be a Package, element, diagram,
attribute or operation object.
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SelectedItem: Object - the object to get the variable and type for·
Notes: Returns the type of the object currently selected in the tree. One of:
GetTreeSelectedObject () Object
Notes: The related method GetTreeSelectedItem () has an output parameter that is
inaccessible by some scripting languages. As an alternative, this method provides
the selected item through the return value.
GetTreeSelectedPackage () Package
Notes: Returns the Package in which the currently selected tree view object is
HasPerspective (string
Notes: Deprecated - no longer in use.
HideAddinWindow () Notes: Hides the docked Add-In window.
(string PackageGuid, string
Notes: Imports build scripts into a Package in Enterprise Architect.
PackageGuid: String - the GUID of the Package into which to import the build·
BuildScriptXML: String - the build script XML data, which you can export·
from within Enterprise Architect
ImportRASAsset (string
PackageGUID, string
Protocol, string
ServerName, string Model,
string Storage, string
RASGUID, string
Password, string Version)
Notes: Imports the specified RAS asset.
Returns True on success; check GetLastError on failure.
PackageGUID: String - the GUID of the Package to import the asset to·
Protocol: String - the protocol the server is using·
ServerName: String - the name of the RAS server·
Model: String - the name of the RAS model to use·
Storage: String - the storage name of the RAS asset·
RASGUID: String - the GUID of the RAS asset·
Password: String - the password to access the RAS asset·
Version: String - the version of the RAS asset to import·
ImportTechnology (string
Notes: Installs a given MDG Technology resource into the repository.
Returns True if the technology is successfully loaded into the model. Otherwise
returns False.
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This applies to technologies imported into pre-7.0 versions of Enterprise Architect
(imported technologies), not to technologies referenced in version 7.0 and later
(referenced technologies).
Technology: String - the contents of the technology resource file·
(string packedParameters,
string name, string value)
Notes: Returns a JSON string.
packedParameters: String - The JOSN string to append the Name/Value to;·
cannot be empty
name: String - The name of the parameter·
value: String - The value of the parameter·
(string ElementFilter)
Notes: Invokes the 'Select <Item>' dialog with filters on the object type and,
optionally, stereotype. Returns the ElementID of the selected object, or 0 if no
object was selected when the dialog was closed.
For example:
In this example, the 'Select <item>' dialog will allow the user to select any Class or
Component element in the model that has a stereotype of 'foo' or 'bar'. The
'IncludedTypes' and 'StereoType' filters are separated by a semi-colon.
ElementFilter: String - specifies which elements or Packages are to be made·
available for selection, based on element types and stereotypes identified by
the IncludedTypes and StereoType filters
- IncludedTypes - (mandatory) comma separated list of
element types that can be selected in the dialog; for
- MultiSelect - (optional) when set to True
("MultiSelect=True;") allows the Construct picker to select
multiple elements
- Selection (optional) - list of comma-separated element
GUIDs that will be selected by default
- GetNext (optional) - returns the next ID in the list of
selected elements, or 0 when no more are available; this
option will not display a dialog and assumes the first call
was made with MultiSelect=True;
- StereoType - (optional) comma separated list of
stereotypes that can be selected in this dialog
Do not use leading or trailing spaces between element type or stereotype values.
Parameter values must be written with the correct case; element type names are also
case sensitive.
val = Repository.InvokeConstructPicker ("IncludedTypes=Class;
while(val != 0)
val = Repository.InvokeConstructPicker("GetNext=True;");
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InvokeFileDialog (string
FilterString, long
Filterindex, long Flags)
Notes: Opens a standard 'Open File' dialog and returns a string containing the full
path to the selected file on success. Returns an empty string if the dialog was
FilterString: String - list of file type filters.·
Filterindex: Long - one-based index of the filter to be used by default·
Flags: Long - additional bit flags used to initialize the file dialog; see·
OPENFILENAME structure in MSDN documentation for accepted values
IsTabOpen (string
Notes: Checks whether a named Enterprise Architect tabbed view is open and
active. This includes open diagram windows or custom controls added using
'Repository.AddTab ()'.
2 to indicate that a tab is open and active (top-most)·
1 to indicate that it is open but not top-most, or·
0 to indicate that it is not visible at all·
TabName: String - the name of the tab to check for; TabName is case sensitive·
(string ID)
Notes: Checks whether the specified string matches the ID of an enabled MDG
Technology in Enterprise Architect.
Returns True if the string matches the ID of an enabled Technology. Otherwise
returns False.
ID: String - the technology ID to check for; built-in technology IDs include:
BPSim BPSim·
BRM Business Rule Model·
CMMN Case Management Model & Notation·
CODEENG Code Engineering·
Database Modeling Database Modeling·
DMN1.1 DMN1.1·
EAExtended Core Extensions·
ERD Entity Relationship Diagram·
EAReview Review·
SIMF SIMF Technology·
SysML1.1 SysML1.1·
SysML1.2 SysML1.2·
SysML1.3 SysML1.3·
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SysML1.4 SysML1.5·
UML2 Basic UML2 Technology·
SYSENG System Engineering·
262139 MDG Technology Builder·
Win32UI Win 32 User Interface Modeling·
ZF Zachman Framework·
Technically, any combination of technologies integrated with or added to
Enterprise Architect - including user-developed technologies - could appear in this
list. In practice you would only check for one or two technologies at a time.
(string ID)
Notes: Checks whether a specified technology is loaded into the repository.
Returns True if the MDG Technology resource is loaded into the repository.
Otherwise returns False.
ID: String - the technology ID to check for·
LoadAddins () Notes: Loads all Add-Ins from a repository when Enterprise Architect is opened
from automation.
MarkupNotes (string
Notes, string
GlossaryType, string
Returns a string containing the translation of the term.
Notes: String - a value to perform a translation markup on·
GlossaryType: String - a comma-separated list of glossary types; for example,·
replacement: String - the value to replace the TERM when found; "<span·
OpenDiagram (long
Notes: Provides a method for an automation client or Add-In to open a diagram.
The diagram is added to the tabbed list of open diagrams in the main Enterprise
Architect view.
DiagramID: Long - the ID of the diagram to open·
OpenFile (string Filename) Boolean
Notes: This is the main point for opening an Enterprise Architect project file from
an automation client, and working with the contained objects.
If the required project is a DBMS or Cloud based repository, you will require a
valid Enterprise Architect connection string. This can be obtained in one of two
ways; both methods require you to first make and open a connection to the model in
question with Enterprise Architect:
1) Using the 'Save as Shortcut' menu item, create a shortcut .eap file containing the
database connection string; you can call this shortcut file to access the repository.
2) Alternatively, you can right-click on the model's connection entry in the 'Open
Project' screen and select 'Edit connection string', this connection string can then be
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used direct by OpenFile.
Filename: String - the filename (or connection string) of the Enterprise·
Architect project to open
OpenFile2 (string FilePath,
string Username, string
Notes: As for 'OpenFile ()' except this provides for the specification of a password.
Filepath: String - the file path of the Enterprise Architect project to open·
Username: String - the user login ID·
Password: String - the user password·
RefreshModelView (long
Notes: Reloads a Package or the entire model, updating the user interface.
PackageID: Long - the ID of the Package to reload: if 0, the entire model is·
reloaded; if a valid Package ID, only that Package is reloaded
(boolean FullReload)
Notes: Reloads the diagram contents for all open diagrams from the repository.
FullReload: Boolean - if False only the contents of element compartments are·
reloaded; if True the full content of each diagram is reloaded
ReloadDiagram (long
Notes: Reloads a specified diagram. This would commonly be used to refresh a
visible diagram after code import/export or other batch process where the diagram
requires complete refreshing.
Calling this method within a call to EA_OnNotifyContextItemModified is not
DiagramID: Long - the ID of the diagram to be reloaded·
ReloadPackage (long
Notes: Reloads a Package and its open child diagrams.
PackageID: Long - The ID of the Package to reload; if a valid Package ID, only that
Package is reloaded.
RemoveOutputTab (string
Notes: Removes a specified tab from the System Output window.
Name: String - the name of the tab to be removed·
RemoveWindow (string
Notes: Removes an Add-In window that matches the specified WindowName.
WindowName: String - the name of the window to remove·
RepositoryType () String
Notes: Returns the currently open database/repository type.
Can return one of these values:
JET (.EAP file, MS Access 97 to 2013 format)·
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ACCESS2007 (.accdb file, MS Access 2007+ format)·
ASA (Sybase SQL Anywhere)·
SQLSVR (Microsoft SQL Server)·
ORACLE (Oracle)·
RunModelSearch (string
sQueryName, string
sSearchTerm, string
sSearchOptions, string
Notes: Runs a search, displaying the results in Enterprise Architect's Model Search
sQueryName: String - the name of the search to run, for example Simple·
sSearchTerm: String - the term to search for·
sSearchOptions: String - currently not being used·
sSearchData: String - a list of results in the form of XML, which is appended·
onto the result list in Enterprise Architect - see the XML Format topic; this
parameter is not mandatory so pass in an empty string to run the search as per
SaveAllDiagrams () Notes: Saves all open diagrams.
SaveAuditLogs (string
FilePath, object
StartDateTime, object
Notes: Saves the Audit Logs contained within a model to a specified file.
If 'StartDateTime' and 'EndDateTime' are not null then only log items that fall into
this period are saved.
Returns True for success, False for failure.
This might fail if the user logged into the model does not have the correct·
access permission
FilePath: String - the file to save the Audit Logs to·
StartDateTime: Variant (DateTime) - the earliest date and time of log entries to·
EndDateTime; Variant (DateTime) - the latest date and time of log entries to·
SaveDiagram (long
Notes: Saves an open diagram; assumes the diagram is open in the main user
interface Tab list.
DiagramID: Long - the ID of the diagram to save·
e (string DiagramGUID,
string Filename)
Notes: Saves a given diagram as a UML Profile, using the settings from the
previous time that the specific diagram was saved manually.
The returned value indicates success or failure.
DiagramGUID: String - the GUID of the Profile diagram to save·
Filename: String - the name and path of the file to create; if left blank, the·
method will use the filename from the previous time the specified diagram was
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e (string PackageGUID,
string Filename)
Notes: Saves a given Package as a UML Profile, using the settings from the
previous time that the specific Package was saved manually.
The returned value indicates success or failure.
PackageGUID: String - the GUID of the Profile Package to save·
Filename: String - the name and path of the file to create; if left blank, the·
method will use the filename from the previous time the specified Package was
ScanXMIAndReconcile () Notes: Scans the Package XMI files associated with each of the project's controlled
Packages and restores any diagram objects or cross-references that are detected as
missing from the project.
This function is useful in team environments where each user maintains their own
private copy of the model database (that is, multiple private EAP files) and model
updates are propagated through the use of controlled Packages; it provides no
benefit when the model is hosted in a single shared database that is accessed by all
team members.
Each controlled Package is compared with its associated XMI file and, if the
cross-reference information in the model does not match the XMI, Enterprise
Architect updates the model with the information from the XMI and records the
update in the System Output window.
You can roll back such updates by right-clicking on the entry in the System Output
window and selecting the 'Rollback Update' option (or 'Rollback Selected Updates'
if multiple entries are selected).
Closing the model clears the entries in the System Output window; an entry in this
window is also cleared as and when you roll-back the update for it.
This functionality is invoked automatically as part of the 'Get All Latest' operation.
When working in an environment that uses a Private Model deployment and your
model contains a significant number of cross-Package references, it is
recommended that you invoke this function from time to time, following the
re-importation of controlled Packages - for example, after using 'Get Latest' to
update a number of Packages, or after performing a number of Package check-outs.
As a general rule, avoid running this function while you have uncommitted changes
in your model. Generally, you:
Check-out a number of Packages·
Invoke 'ScanXMIAndReconcile'·
Make your modifications·
Commit any outstanding changes before you check-out more Packages and run·
'ScanXMIAndReconcile' again
ShowAddinWindow (string
Notes: Shows the docked Add-In window on the specified page. Returns True if a
tab of the specified name is now displayed.
TabName: String - specifies the tab·
ShowDynamicHelp (string
Notes: Shows a Help topic as a view.
Topic: String - specifies the Help topic·
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ShowInProjectView (object
Notes: Selects a specified object in the Browser window.
Accepted object types are Package, Element, Diagram, Attribute, and Method; an
exception is thrown if the object is of an invalid type.
Item: Object - the object to highlight·
ShowWindow (long Show) Notes: Shows or hides the Enterprise Architect User Interface.
Show: Long·
SQLQuery (string SQL) String
Notes: Enables execution of a SQL select statement against the current repository.
Returns an XML formatted string value of the resulting record set.
SQL: String - contains the SQL Select statement·
SynchProfile (string
Profile, string Stereotype)
Notes: Synchronizes Tagged Values and constraints of a UML Profile item using
the 'Synch Profiled Elements' dialog.
Profile: String - the name of the profile that contains the stereotype·
Stereotype: String - the name of the profile stereotype for which the default·
tags and constraints are to be synchronized
Type VersionControlResynchPkgStatuses (boolean ClearSettings)
Notes: Synchronizes the Version Control status of each Version Controlled Package
within the current model with the status reported by your Version Control provider.
ClearSettings: Boolean·
- if True, clear the Version Control settings from Packages
that are reported by the Version Control provider as
- if False, leave the Version Control settings unchanged for
Packages reported as uncontrolled
WriteOutput (string Name,
string Output, long ID)
Notes: Writes text to a specified tab in the System Output window, and associates
the text with an ID.
Name: String - specifies the tab on which to display the text·
Output: String - specifies the text to display·
ID: Long - specifies a numeric ID value to associate with this output item for·
further handling by Add-Ins; can be set to 0 if no handling is required
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SecurityUser Class
A SecurityUser object represents a named security user.
Associated table in .EAP le
SecurityUser Aributes
Attribute Remarks
Department String
Notes: Read only
Returns the current user's department.
FirstName String
Notes: Read only
Returns the current user's first name.
FullName String
Notes: Read only
Returns the current user's full name.
Login String
Notes: Read only
Returns the current user's login name.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
Surname String
Notes: Read only
Returns the current user's surname.
SecurityUser Methods
Method Remarks
IsMemberOf (string
Returns True if the user is part of the specified security group.
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GroupId: String - Name of the security group to check.·
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Stereotype Class
The Stereotype element corresponds to a UML stereotype, which is an extension mechanism for varying the behavior
and type of a model element. Use the Repository Stereotypes collection to add new elements and delete existing ones.
Associated table in .EAP le
Stereotype Aributes
Attribute Description
AppliesTo String
Notes: Read/Write
A reference to the stereotype Base Class; that is, which element it applies to.
MetafileLoadPath String
Notes: Read/Write
The path to an associated metafile. The Automation Interface does not yet support
loading metafiles. To do this you must use the 'Stereotype' tab of the 'UML Types'
dialog in Enterprise Architect.
Notes String
Notes: Read/Write.
Notes about the stereotype.
Name String
Notes: Read/Write
The stereotype name, which appears in the Stereotype drop list for elements that
match the AppliesTo attribute.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
StereotypeGUID String
Notes: Read/Write
A unique identifier for stereotype, generally set and maintained by Enterprise
Style String
Notes: Read/Write
An additional style specifier for the stereotype.
VisualType String
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Notes: Read/Write
Indicates an inbuilt visual style associated with a stereotype.
Not currently implemented.
Stereotype Methods
Method Description
GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
Update() Boolean
Notes: Updates the current stereotype object after modification or appending a new
If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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Task Class
A Task is an entry in the System Task list. Tasks can be accessed using the Repository Tasks collection.
Associated table in .EAP le
Task Aributes
Attribute Remarks
ActualTime Long
Notes: Read/Write
The time already expended on the task, in hours, days or other units.
AssignedTo String
Notes: Read/Write
The person this task is assigned to; that is, the responsible resource.
EndDate Date
Notes: Read/Write
The date the task is scheduled to finish.
History String
Notes: Read/Write
A memo field to hold, for example, task history or notes.
Name Variant
Notes: Read/Write
The task name.
Notes Variant
Notes: Read/Write
A description of the task.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
Owner String
Notes: Read/Write
The task owner.
Percent Long
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Notes: Read/Write
The percentage completion of the task.
Phase String
Notes: Read/Write
The phase of the project the task relates to.
Priority String
Notes: Read/Write
The priority of this task.
StartDate Date
Notes: Read/Write
The date the task is to start.
Status Variant
Notes: Read/Write
The current status of the task.
TaskID Long
Notes: Read only
The local ID of the task.
TotalTime Long
Notes: Read/Write
The total expected time the task might run, in hours, days or some other unit.
Type String
Notes: Read/Write
Sets or returns a string representing the type.
Task Methods
Method Type
GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
Update() Boolean
Notes: Updates the current Task object after modification or appending a new item.
If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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Term Class
A Term object represents one entry in the system glossary. Terms can be accessed using the Repository Terms collection.
Associated table in .EAP le
Term Aributes
Attribute Remarks
Meaning String
Notes: Read/Write
The description of the term; its meaning.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
Term String
Notes: Read/Write
The glossary item name.
TermID Long
Notes: Read only
A local ID number to identify the term in the model.
Type String
Notes: Read/Write
The type this term applies to (for example, business or technical).
Term Methods
Method Remarks
GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
Refresh Void
Notes: Forces Enterprise Architect to reload the Glossary terms from the database.
If an element is selected, it will have to be re-selected before the 'Note' fields and
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windows reflect the updated Glossary terms.
Update() Boolean
Notes: Updates the current Term object after modification or appending a new item.
If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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Element Package
The Element Package contains information about an element and its associated extended properties such as testing and
project management information. An element is the basic item in an Enterprise Architect model. Classes, Use Cases and
Components are all different types of UML element.
This diagram illustrates the relationships between an element and its associated extended information. The related
information is accessed through the collections owned by the element (for example, Scenarios and Tests). It also includes
a full description of the element object (the basic model structural unit).
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Constraint Class
A Constraint is a condition imposed on an element. Constraints are accessed through the Element Constraints collection.
Associated table in .EAP le
Constraint Aributes
Attribute Remarks
Name String
Notes: Read/Write
The name of the constraint (that is, the constraint).
Notes String
Notes: Read/Write
Notes about the constraint.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
ParentID Long
Notes: Read only
The ElementID of the element to which this constraint applies.
Status String
Notes: Read/Write
The current status of the constraint.
Type String
Notes: Read/Write
The constraint type.
Weight Long
Notes: Read/Write
A weighting factor.
Constraint Methods
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Method Remarks
GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
Update() Boolean
Notes: Update the current Constraint object after modification or appending a new
If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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Eort Class
An Effort is a named item with a weighting that can be associated with an element for purposes of building metrics about
the model. Efforts are accessed through the Element Efforts collection.
Associated table in .EAP le
Eort Aributes
Attribute Remarks
Name String
Notes: Read/Write
The name of the effort.
Notes String
Notes: Read/Write
Notes about the effort.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
Type String
Notes: Read/Write
The effort type.
Weight Long
Notes: Read/Write
A weighting factor.
Weight2 Float
Notes: Read/Write
A weighting factor.
Eort Methods
Method Remarks
GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
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relation to this object.
Update() Boolean
Notes: Update the current Effort object after modification or appending a new item.
If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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Element Class
An Element is the main modeling unit, corresponding to (for example) a Class, Use Case, Node or Component. You
create new elements by adding to the Package Elements collection. Once you have created an element, you can add it to
the DiagramObject Class of a diagram to include it in the diagram.
Elements also have a collection of connectors. Each entry in this collection indicates a relationship to another element.
There are also some extended collections for managing addition information about the element, including properties such
as Tagged Values, Issues, Constraints and Requirements.
Associated table in .EAP le
Element Aributes
Attribute Remarks
Abstract String
Notes: Read/Write
Indicates if the element is Abstract (1) or Concrete (0).
ActionFlags String
Notes: Read/Write
A structure to hold flags concerned with Action semantics.
Alias String
Notes: Read/Write
An optional alias for this element.
Notes: Read only
If the element is an AssociationClass, AssociationClassConnectorID contains the
Connector ID of the respective Association connector.
Attributes Collection
Notes: Read only
A collection of attribute objects for the current element; use the AddNew and
Delete functions to manage attributes.
AttributesEx Collection
Notes: Read only
A collection of attribute objects belonging to the current element and its parent
Author String
Notes: Read/Write
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The element author.
BaseClasses Collection
Notes: Read only
A list of Base Classes for this element, presented as a collection for convenience.
ClassfierID Long
Notes: Deprecated
See ClassifierID
ClassifierID Long
Notes: Read/Write
The ElementID of a Classifier associated with this element; that is, the base type.
Only valid for instance type elements (such as Object or Sequence).
ClassifierName String
Notes: Read/Write
Name of associated Classifier (if any).
ClassifierType String
Notes: Read only
Type of associated Classifier.
Complexity String
Notes: Read/Write
A complexity value indicating how complex the element is; used for metric
reporting and estimation.
Valid values are: 1 for Easy, 2 for Medium, 3 for Difficult.
CompositeDiagram Diagram
Notes: Read only
If the element is Composite, returns its associated diagram; otherwise returns null.
Connectors Collection
Notes: Read only
Returns a collection containing the connectors to other elements.
Constraints Collection
Notes: Read only
A collection of Constraint objects.
ConstraintsEx Collection
Notes: Read only
Collection of Constraint objects belonging to the current element and its parent
Created Date
Notes: Read/Write
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The date the element was created.
CustomProperties Collection
Notes: Read only
List of advanced properties for an element.
The collection of advanced properties differs depending on element type; for
example, an Action and an Activity have different advanced properties.
Currently only editable from the user interface.
Diagrams Collection
Notes: Read only
Returns a collection of sub-diagrams (child diagrams) attached to this element as
seen in the tree view.
Difficulty String
Notes: Read/Write
A difficulty level associated with this element for estimation/metrics; only useable
for Requirement, Change and Issue element types, otherwise ignored.
Valid values are: Low, Medium, High.
Efforts Collection
Notes: Read only
A collection of Effort objects.
ElementGUID String
Notes: Read only
A globally unique ID for this element; that is, unique across all model files.
ElementID Long
Notes: Read only
The local ID of the element; valid for this file only.
Elements Collection
Notes: Read only
Returns a collection of child elements (sub-elements) attached to this element as
seen in the tree view.
EmbeddedElements Collection
Notes: Read only
A list of elements that are embedded into this element, such as Ports, Parts, Pins
and Parameter Sets.
EventFlags String
Notes: Read/Write
A structure to hold a variety of flags to do with signals or events.
ExtensionPoints String
Notes: Read/Write
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Optional extension points for a Use Case as a comma-separated list.
Files Collection
Notes: Read only
A collection of File objects.
FQName String
Notes: Read only
The fully-qualified name of the element, consisting of a dot-separated list of names
including all parent elements and Packages up to the first namespace root that is
FQStereotype String
Notes: Read only
The fully-qualified stereotype name in the format "Profile::Stereotype". One or
more fully-qualified stereotype names can be assigned to StereotypeEx.
GenFile String
Notes: Read/Write
The file associated with this element for code generation and synchronization
purposes; can include macro expansion tags for local conversion to full path.
Genlinks String
Notes: Read/Write
Links to other Classes discovered at code reversing time; Parents and Implements
connectors only.
GenType String
Notes: Read/Write
The code generation type; for example, Java, C++, C#, VBNet, Visual Basic,
Header1 Variant
Notes: Read/Write
A user defined string for inclusion as header in the source files generated.
Header2 Variant
Notes: Read/Write
Same as for Header1, but used in the CPP source file.
IsActive Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
Boolean value indicating whether the element is active or not.
1 = True, 0 = False.
IsComposite Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
Indicates whether the element is composite or not.
1 = True, 0 = False.
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IsLeaf Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
Indicates whether or not the element is a leaf node (and therefore cannot be a parent
for any other elements).
1 = True, 0 = False.
IsNew Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
Boolean value indicating whether the element is new or not.
1 = True, 0 = False.
IsRoot Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
Indicates whether or not the element is a root node (and therefore cannot be
descended from another element).
1 = True, 0 = False.
IsSpec Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
Boolean value indicating whether the element is a specification or not.
1 = True, 0 = False.
Issues Collection
Notes: Read only
Collection of Issue objects.
Locked Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
Indicates if the element has been locked against further change.
MetaType String
Notes: Read only
The element's domain-specific meta type, as defined by an applied stereotype from
an MDG Technology.
Methods Collection
Notes: Read only
Collection of Method objects for current element.
MethodsEx Collection
Notes: Read only
Collection of Method objects belonging to the current element and its parent
Metrics Collection
Notes: Read only
Collection of Metric elements for current element.
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MiscData String
Notes: Read only
This low-level property provides information about the contents of the PData x
These database fields are not documented, and developers must gain understanding
of these fields through their own endeavors to use this property.
MiscData is zero based, therefore:
MiscData(0) corresponds to PData1·
MiscData(1) to PData2, and so on·
Modified Date
Notes: Read/Write
The date the element was last modified.
Multiplicity String
Notes: Read/Write
Multiplicity value for this element.
Name String
Notes: Read/Write
The element name; should be unique within the current Package.
Notes String
Notes: Read/Write
Further descriptive text about the element.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
PackageID Long
Notes: Read/Write
A local ID for the Package containing this element.
ParentID Long
Notes: Read/Write
If this element is a child of another, used to set or retrieve the ElementID of the
other element; if not, returns 0.
Partitions Collection
Notes: Read only
List of logical partitions into which an element can be divided.
Only valid for elements that support partitions, such as Activities and States.
Persistence String
Notes: Read/Write
The persistence associated with this element; can be Persistent or Transient.
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Phase String
Notes: Read/Write
The phase this element is scheduled to be constructed in; any string value.
Priority String
Notes: Read/Write
The priority of this element as compared to other project elements; only applies to
Requirement, Change and Issue types, otherwise ignored.
Valid values are: Low, Medium and High.
Properties Properties
Notes: Returns a list of specialized properties that apply to the element that might
not be available using the automation model.
The properties are purposely undocumented because of their obscure nature and
because they are subject to change as progressive enhancements are made to them.
PropertyType Long
Notes: Read/Write
The ElementID of a Type associated with this element; only valid for Port and Part
PropertyTypeName String
Notes: Read
The name of a Type associated with this element; only valid for Port and Part
Realizes Collection
Notes: Read only
List of Interfaces realized by this element for convenience.
Requirements Collection
Notes: Read only
Collection of Requirement objects.
RequirementsEx Collection
Notes: Read only
Collection of Requirement objects belonging to the current element and its parent
Resources Collection
Notes: Read only
Collection of Resource objects for current element.
Risks Collection
Notes: Read only
Collection of Risk objects.
RunState String
Notes: Read/Write
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The object's runstate list as a string.
The string consists of a set of statements in the form:
string = '@VAR;Variable=<string>;Value=<string>;Op=<string>;@ENDVAR;'
Op = ['=','>','<','>=','<=', '!=','<>']
For example:
A set of run states can be created by looping through a set of attributes and forming
a concatenated string:
eRunState = eRunState + "@VAR;Variable="+ attrib.name + ";Value=" +
attrib.value +";Op==;@ENDVAR;";
Scenarios Collection
Notes: Read only
Collection of Scenario objects for current element.
StateTransitions Collection
Notes: Read only
List of State Transitions that an element can support; applies in particular to Timing
Status String
Notes: Read/Write
Sets or gets the status, such as Proposed or Approved.
Stereotype String
Notes: Read/Write
The primary element stereotype; the first of the list of stereotypes you can access
using the 'StereotypeEx' attribute.
When setting this attribute, LastError (for the GetLastError method) will be
non-empty if an error occurs.
StereotypeEx String
Notes: Read/Write
All the applied stereotypes of the element in a comma-separated list. Reading the
value will provide the stereotype name only; assigning the value accepts either
fully-qualified or simple names.
When setting this attribute, LastError (for the GetLastError method) will be
non-empty if an error occurs.
StyleEx String
Notes: Read/Write
Advanced style settings; reserved for the use of Sparx Systems.
Subtype Long
Notes: Read/Write
A numeric subtype that qualifies the Type of the main element
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For Event: 0 = Receiver, 1 = Sender·
For Class: 1 = Parameterised, 2 = Instantiated, 3 = Both, 0 = Neither,·
17 = Association Class
If 17, because an Association Class has been created through the user interface,
MiscData(3) contains the ID of the related Association; as MiscData is read-only,
you cannot create an Association Class through the Automation Interface.
For Note: 1 = Note linked to connector, 2 = Constraint linked to connector·
For StateNode: 100 = ActivityIntitial, 101 = ActivityFinal·
For Activity: 0 = Activity, 8 = composite Activity (also set to 8 for other·
composite elements such as Use Cases)
For Synchronization: 0 = Horizontal, 1 = Vertical·
Note that there are many more Types than indicated in these examples.
Tablespace String
Notes: Read/Write
Associated tablespace for a Table element.
Tag String
Notes: Read/Write
Corresponds to the 'Keywords' field in the Enterprise Architect user interface.
TaggedValues Collection
Notes: Read only
Returns a collection of TaggedValue objects.
TaggedValuesEx Collection
Notes: Read only
Returns a collection of TaggedValue objects belonging to the current element and
the elements specialized or realized by the current element.
TemplateParameters Collection
Notes: Read Only
A collection of TemplateParameter objects.
Tests Collection
Notes: Read only
A collection of Test objects for the current element.
TreePos Long
Notes: Read/Write
Sets or gets the tree position.
Type String
Notes: Read/Write
The element type (such as Class, Component).
Note that Type is case sensitive inside Enterprise Architect and should be provided
with an initial capital (proper case); valid types are:
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TypeInfoProperties Notes: Read only
Returns an interface pointer of TypeInfoProperties.
Version String
Notes: Read/Write
The version of the element.
Visibility String
Notes: Read/Write
The Scope of this element within the current Package.
Valid values are: Public, Private, Protected or Package.
Element Methods
Method Remarks
Notes: Applies a group lock to the element object, for the specified group, on behalf
of the current user.
Returns True if the operation is successful; returns False if the operation is
unsuccessful. Use 'GetLastError()' to retrieve error information.
aGroupName: String - the name of the user group for which to set the group·
ApplyUserLock() Boolean
Notes: Applies a user lock to the element object for the current user.
Returns True if the operation is successful; returns False if the operation is
unsuccessful. Use 'GetLastError()' to retrieve error information.
Notes: Inserts a copy of the selected element under the same parent as the selected
Returns the newly-created element.
g ConnectorID)
Notes: Makes this element an AssociationClass of the Association with the
provided Connector ID; the return value indicates whether the function succeeded
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in converting the element to an AssociationClass.
AssociationClasses are created only where:
The current element is valid·
The current element is a Class·
The current element is not already an AssociationClass·
The specified connector exists·
The specified connector is an Association·
The specified connector is not already in an AssociationClass pair·
The current element is not at either end of the specified connector·
ConnectorID: Long - the Connector ID of an Association connector·
DeleteLinkedDocument() Boolean
Notes: Removes the Linked Document for the element. This method does not
display a confirmatory prompt.
Returns True if a document was deleted.
GetBusinessRules() String
Notes: Read Only.
Returns all the Business Rules for the element.
GetDecisionTable() String
Notes: Provides read-only access to a Decision Table XML string.
Returns the XML data for the Decision Table as a string.
GetElementGrid() String
Notes: Returns an object of type ElementGrid (a Custom Table Artifact element).
GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
GetLinkedDocument() String
Notes: Returns a string value containing the element's Linked Document contents,
in Rich Text Format.
If the element contains no Linked Document, an empty string is returned.
ionSetType Type)
Notes: Returns a string containing a comma-separated list of ElementIDs of
directly- and indirectly-related elements based on the given type.
Recurses using the same relation type on all elements it finds, retrieving all
dependencies and sub-dependencies of the current element; for example, Object1
depends on Object2, which depends on Object3, therefore this method returns
Object2 and Object3.
To obtain only the direct relationships of the element, use the Connector collection
GetStereotypeList() String
Notes: Returns a comma-separated list of stereotypes allied to this element.
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Notes: Returns true if the current element has the specified stereotype applied to it.
Accepts either qualified or unqualified stereotype names; for example, 'block' or
Stereotype: String - the name of the stereotype to search for·
IsAssociationClass Boolean
Notes: Returns whether or not the current element is an AssociationClass.
ng Filename)
Notes: Loads the document from the specified file into the element's Linked
FileName: String - the name of the file from which to load the document; both·
RTF and DOCX input formats are supported
Refresh() Void
Notes: Refreshes the element features in the Browser window.
Usually called after adding or deleting attributes or methods, when the user
interface is required to be updated as well.
ReleaseUserLock() Boolean
Notes: Releases a user lock or group lock on the element object.
Returns True if the operation is successful; returns False if the operation is
unsuccessful. Use GetLastError() to retrieve error information.
g Filename)
Notes: Saves the Linked Document for this element to the specified file. Returns
False if the element does not have a Linked document or fails to save the file.
FileName: String - the name of the file to save to disk·
The output format will be determined by the file's extension - currently rtf,
docx and pdf are supported; if an invalid extension is used, it will write the file
in RTF format regardless of the extension
SetAppearance(long Scope,
long Item, long Value)
Notes: Sets the visual appearance of the element.
Scope: Long - Scope of appearance set to modify·
1 - Base (Default appearance across entire model)
To set appearance for the element (diagram object) in a selected diagram only,
see Setting The Style in the DiagramObject Class topic
Item: Long - Appearance feature to modify·
0 - Background color
1 - Font Color
2 - Border Color
3 - Border Width
Value: Long - Value to set appearance to·
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SetCompositeDiagram() Boolean
Notes: Sets the composite diagram of the element.
GUID: String - the GUID of the composite diagram; a blank GUID will·
remove the link to the composite diagram
SetCreated(Date NewVal) Void
Notes: Deprecated
This method is no longer supported.
SetModified(Date NewVal) Void
Notes: Deprecated
This method is no longer supported.
Profile, string Stereotype)
Notes: Synchronizes the constraints of a UML Profile item for this element, only if
the specified stereotype has been applied.
Profile: String - Name of the profile that contains the stereotype·
Stereotype: String - Name of the profile stereotype for which the default·
constraints are to be synchronized
Profile, string Stereotype)
Notes: Synchronizes the Tagged Values of a UML Profile item for this element,
only if the specified stereotype has been applied.
Profile: String - Name of the profile that contains the stereotype·
Stereotype: String - Name of the profile stereotype for which the default tags·
are to be synchronized
UnlinkFromAssociation Boolean
Notes: Performs the opposite of CreateAssociationClass().
Update() Boolean
Notes: Updates the current element object after modification or appending a new
If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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ElementGrid Class
The ElementGrid object represents a Custom Table, which is used to display custom data in tabular format on a diagram,
the data being provided by the user rather than generated by the system.
The ElementGrid object is accessible from an Element object, using the GetElementGrid() method.
Associated table in .EAP le
ElementGrid Methods
Method Remarks
GetCell (int nrow, int
Notes: The cell value is return as a variant value.
nRow: Integer - the number of the row containing the cell·
nCell: Integer - the number of the cell in the row (the column number)·
GetColumnCount () Integer
Notes: Returns the number of columns in the grid.
GetRowCount () Integer
Notes: Returns the number of rows in the grid.
SetCell (int nRow, int
nCell, variant sValue)
Notes: Sets a value in the specified cell.
nRow: Integer - specifies the row into which to insert the value·
nCell: Integer - specifies the cell (column number) into which to insert the·
sValue: Variant - specifies the value to set in the cell·
SetGridSize (int nRows, int
Notes: Sets the size of the grid in rows and columns. The size can be set and reset;
any data outside the bounds of the new grid size will be lost on resize.
nRows: Integer - the number of rows in the table grid·
nColumns: Integer - the number of columns in the table grid·
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File Class
A File represents an associated file for an element. Files are accessed through the Element Files collection.
Associated table in .EAP le
File Aributes
Attribute Remarks
FileDate String
Notes: Read/Write
The file date when the entry was created.
Name String
Notes: Read/Write
The file name can be a logical file or a reference to a web address (using http://).
Notes String
Notes: Read/Write
Notes about the file.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
Size String
Notes: Read/Write
The file size.
Type String
Notes: Read/Write
The file type.
File Methods
Method Remarks
GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
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relation to this object.
Update() Boolean
Notes: Updates the current File object after modification or appending a new item.
If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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Issue (Maintenance) Class
An Issue is either a Change or a Defect, is associated with the containing element, and is accessed through the Issues
collection of an element.
Associated table in .EAP le
Issue Aributes
Attribute Remarks
DateReported Date
Notes: Read/Write
The date the issue was reported.
DateResolved Date
Notes: Read/Write
The date the issue was resolved.
ElementID Long
Notes: Read/Write
The ID of the element associated with this issue.
Name String
Notes: Read/Write
The Issue name; that is, the Issue itself.
Notes String
Notes: Read/Write
The Issue description.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
Priority String
Notes: Read/Write
The priority of the Issue - Low, Medium or High.
Reporter String
Notes: Read/Write
The user ID of the person reporting the issue.
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Resolver String
Notes: Read/Write
The user ID of the person resolving the issue.
ResolverNotes String
Notes: Read/Write
Notes entered by the resolver about resolution of the Issue.
Severity String
Notes: Read/Write
The Issue severity - Low, Medium or High.
Status String
Notes: Read/Write
The current status of the issue.
Type Variant
Notes: Read/Write
The Issue type - Defect, Change, Issue or Task.
Version String
Notes: Read/Write
The version associated with the issue. Note that this method is only available
through a Dispatch interface.
Object ob = Issue;
Print ob.Version;
Issue Methods
Method Remarks
GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
Update() Boolean
Notes: Updates the current Issue object after modification or appending a new item.
If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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Metric Class
A Metric is a named item with a weighting that can be associated with an element for purposes of building metrics about
the model. Metrics are accessed through the Element Metrics collection.
Associated table in .EAP le
Metric Aributes
Attribute Remarks
Name String
Notes: Read/Write
The name of the metric.
Notes String
Notes: Read/Write
Notes about this metric.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
Type String
Notes: Read/Write
The metric type.
Weight Long
Notes: Read/Write
A user-defined weighting for estimation or metric purposes.
Metric Methods
Method Remarks
GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
Update() Boolean
Notes: Updates the current Metric object after modification or appending a new
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If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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Requirement Class
An Element Requirement object holds information about the requirements of an element in the context of the model.
Requirements can be accessed using the Element Requirements collection.
Associated table in .EAP le
Requirement Aributes
Attribute Remarks
Difficulty String
Notes: Read/Write
The estimated difficulty of implementing the requirement.
LastUpdate Date
Notes: Read/Write
The date the requirement was last updated.
Name String
Notes: Read/Write
The requirement itself.
Notes String
Notes: Read/Write
Further notes on the requirement.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
ParentID Long
Notes: Read only
The ElementID of the element to which this requirement applies.
Priority String
Notes: Read/Write
The assigned priority of the requirement.
RequirementID Long
Notes: Read only
A local ID for this requirement.
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Stability String
Notes: Read/Write
The estimated stability of the requirement.
This is an indication of the probability of the requirement - or understanding of the
requirement - changing. High stability indicates a low probability of the
requirement changing.
Status String
Notes: Read/Write
The current status of the requirement.
Type String
Notes: Read/Write
The requirement type.
Requirement Methods
Method Remarks
GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
Update() Boolean
Notes: Updates the current Requirement object after modification or appending a
new item.
If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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Resource Class
An Element Resource is a named person/task pair with timing constraints and percent complete indicators. Use this to
manage the work associated with delivering an Element.
Associated table in .EAP le
Resource Aributes
Attribute Description
ActualHours Long
Notes: Read/Write
The time already expended on the task, in hours, days or other units.
DateEnd Date
Notes: Read/Write
The expected end date.
DateStart Date
Notes: Read/Write
The date to start work.
ExpectedHours Long
Notes: Read/Write
The total expected time the task might run, in hours, days or other units.
History String
Notes: Read/Write
Gets or sets history text.
Name String
Notes: Read/Write
The name of the resource (for example, a person's name).
Notes String
Notes: Read/Write
Descriptive notes.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
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PercentComplete Long
Notes: Read/Write
The current percent complete figure.
Role String
Notes: Read/Write
The role the resource plays in implementing the element.
Time Long
Notes: Read/Write
The time expected to complete the task; a numeric indicating the number of days.
Resource Methods
Method Description
GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
This function is rarely used as an exception is thrown when an error occurs.
Update() Boolean
Notes: Update the current Resource object after modification or appending a new
If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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Risk Class
A Risk object represents a named risk associated with an element, it is used for project management purposes. Risks can
be accessed through the Element Risks collection.
Associated table in .EAP le
Risk Aributes
Attribute Description
Name String
Notes: Read/Write
The name of the risk.
Notes String
Notes: Read/Write
Further notes describing the risk.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
Type String
Notes: Read/Write
The risk type associated with this element.
Weight Long
Notes: Read/Write
A weighting for estimation or metric purposes.
Risk Methods
Method Description
GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
Update() Boolean
Notes: Update the current Risk object after modification or appending a new item.
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If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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Scenario Class
A Scenario corresponds to a Collaboration or Use Case instance. Each Scenario is a path of execution through the logic
of a Use Case. Scenarios can be added to using the Element Scenarios collection.
Associated table in .EAP le
Scenario Aributes
Attribute Description
Name String
Notes: Read/Write
The Scenario name.
Notes String
Notes: Read/Write
A description of the Scenario, usually containing the steps to execute the scenario.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
ScenarioGUID String
Notes: Read/Write
A unique ID for the Scenario, used to identify the Scenario unambiguously within a
Steps Collection of ScenarioStep Class
Notes: Read only
A collection of step objects for this Scenario.
Use the 'AddNew' and 'Delete' functions to manage steps. 'AddNew' passes the step
name and '1' as the type for an actor step.
Type String
Notes: Read/Write
The scenario type (for example, Basic Path).
Weight Long
Notes: Read/Write
Currently used to position scenarios in the scenario list (that is, List Position).
XMLContent String
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Notes: Read/Write
A structured field that can contain scenario details in XML format. It is
recommended that you use the 'Steps' collection to read or modify this field.
Scenario Methods
Method Description
GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
Update() Boolean
Notes: Update the current Scenario object after modification or appending a new
If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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ScenarioExtension Class
ScenarioExtension Aributes
Attribute Description
ExtensionGUID String
Notes: Read/Write
A unique GUID for this Extension.
Join String
Notes: Read/Write
The GUID of the step where this Extension rejoins the Scenario.
JoiningStep ScenarioStep
Notes: Read only
The actual step where this Extension rejoins the Scenario, if any.
Level String
Notes: Read only
The number of this Extension as shown in the scenario editor. This is derived from
the value of Pos for this object and the owning step.
Name String
Notes: Read/Write
The Extension name. This should match the name of the linked scenario.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
Pos Long
Notes: Read/Write
The position of the Extension in the Extensions list.
Scenario Scenario
Notes: Read only
The scenario that is executed as an alternative path for this Extension.
ScenarioExtension Methods
Method Description
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GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
Update() Boolean
Notes: Updates the current ScenarioExtension object after modification or
appending a new item.
If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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ScenarioStep Class
ScenarioStep Aributes
Attribute Description
Extensions Collection of ScenarioExtension
Notes: Read only
A collection of ScenarioExtension objects that specify how the scenario is extended
from this step. The arguments to 'AddNew' should match the name and GUID of the
alternative scenario being linked to.
Level String
Notes: Read only
The number of this Step as shown in the scenario editor. This is derived from the
value of Pos.
Link String
Notes: Read/Write
The GUID of a Use Case that is relevant to this step.
LinkedElement Element
Notes: Read only
The actual element specified by Link, if any.
Name String
Notes: Read/Write
The step name.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
Pos Long
Notes: Read/Write
The position of the 'Step' in the 'Scenario Step' list.
Results String
Notes: Read/Write
Any results that are given from this step.
State String
Notes: Read/Write
A description of the state the system enters when this Step is executed.
StepGUID String
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Notes: Read/Write
A unique GUID for this Step.
StepType ScenarioStepType
Notes: Read/Write
Identifies whether this step is being performed by a user or the system.
Uses String
Notes: Read/Write
The input and requirements that are relevant to this step.
UsesElementList Collection of Element
Notes: Read only
Indicates that the Scenarios view 'Uses' field is a linked element list.
ScenarioStep Methods
Method Description
GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
Update() Boolean
Notes: Updates the current ScenarioStep object after modification or appending a
new item.
If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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TaggedValue Class
A TaggedValue is a named property and value associated with an element. Tagged Values can be accessed through the
TaggedValues collection.
Associated table in .EAP le
TaggedValue Aributes
Attribute Description
ElementID Long
Notes: Read/Write
The local ID of the associated element.
FQName String
Notes: Read only
The fully-qualified name of the tag.
Name String
Notes: Read/Write
The name of the tag.
Notes String
Notes: Read/Write
Further descriptive notes about this tag.
If 'Value' is set to '<memo>', then 'Notes' should contain the actual Tagged Value
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
PropertyGUID String
Notes: Read/Write
The global ID of the tag.
PropertyID Long
Notes: Read only
The local ID of the tag.
Value String
Notes: Read/Write
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The value assigned to this tag.
This field has a 255 character limit. If the value is greater than 255 characters long,
set the value to "<memo>" and insert the body of text in the 'Notes' attribute.
When reading existing Tagged Values, if 'Value'' = "<memo>" then the developer
should read the actual body of text from the 'Notes' attribute.
TaggedValue Methods
Method Description
Notes: Returns the text of a single named property within a structured Tagged
propName: String - the name of the property for which the text is being·
GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
HasAttributes() Boolean
Notes: Returns True if the Tagged Value is a structured Tagged Value with one or
more properties.
propName, string
Notes: Sets the text of a single named property within a structured Tagged Value.
propName: String - the name of the property for which the text is being set·
propValue: the value of the property·
Update() Boolean
Notes: Updates the current TaggedValue object after modification or appending a
new item.
If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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Test Class
A Test is a single Test Case applied to an element. Tests are added and accessed through the Element Tests collection.
Associated table in .EAP le
Test Aributes
Attribute Description
AcceptanceCriteria String
Notes: Read/Write
The acceptance criteria for successful execution.
CheckedBy String
Notes: Read/Write
User ID of the person confirming the results.
Class Long
Notes: Read/Write
The test Class:
1 = Unit Test
2 = Integration Test
3 = System Test
4 = Acceptance Test
5 = Scenario Test
6 = Inspection Test
DateRun Date
Notes: Read/Write
The date the test was last run.
Input String
Notes: Read/Write
Input data for the test.
Name String
Notes: Read/Write
The test name.
Notes String
Notes: Read/Write
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Detailed notes about test to be carried out.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
RunBy String
Notes: Read/Write
The user ID of the person conducting the test.
Status String
Notes: Read/Write
The current status of the test.
TestResults Variant
Notes: Read/Write
Results of test.
Type String
Notes: Read/Write
The test type, such as Load or Regression.
Test Methods
Method Description
GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
Update() Boolean
Notes: Update the current Test object after modification or appending a new item.
If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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Element Features Package
The ElementFeatures Package contains descriptions of the model interfaces that enable access to operations and
attributes, and their associated Tagged Values and constraints.
This diagram illustrates the components associated with element features. These include attributes and methods, and their
associated constraints and Tagged Values. It also includes the Parameter object that defines the arguments associated
with an operation (Method).
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Aribute Class
An attribute corresponds to a UML Attribute. It contains further collections for constraints and Tagged Values.
Attributes are accessed from the element Attributes collection.
Associated table in .EAP le
Aribute Aributes
Attribute Remarks
Alias String
Notes: Read/Write
Contains the (optional) 'Alias' property for this attribute. This can be used
interchangeably with the Style attribute.
AllowDuplicates Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
Indicates if duplicates are allowed in the collection.
If the attribute represents a database column this, when set, represents the 'Not Null'
AttributeGUID String
Notes: Read only
A globally unique ID for the current attribute. This attribute is system generated.
AttributeID Long
Notes: Read only
The local ID number of the attribute.
ClassifierID Long
Notes: Read/Write
The classifier ID, if appropriate, indicating the base type associated with the
attribute, if not a primitive type.
Constraints Collection
Notes: Read only
A collection of AttributeConstraint objects, used to access and manage constraints
associated with this attribute.
Container String
Notes: Read/Write
The container type.
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Containment String
Notes: Read/Write
The type of containment - Not Specified, By Reference or By Value.
Default String
Notes: Read/Write
The initial value assigned to this attribute.
FQStereotype String
Notes: Read Only
The fully-qualified stereotype name in the format "Profile::Stereotype". One or
more fully-qualified stereotype names can be assigned to StereotypeEx.
IsCollection Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
Indicates if the current feature is a collection or not. If the attribute represents a
database column this, when set, represents a Foreign Key.
IsConst Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
A flag indicating if the attribute is Const or not.
IsDerived Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
Indicates if the attribute is derived (that is, a calculated value).
IsID Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
Indicates if the attribute uniquely identifies an instance of the containing Class, or
IsOrdered Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
Indicates if a collection is ordered or not. If the attribute represents a database
column this, when set, represents a Primary Key.
IsStatic Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
Indicates if the current attribute is a static feature or not. If the attribute represents a
database column this, when set, represents the 'Unique' option.
Length String
Notes: Read/Write
The attribute length, where applicable.
LowerBound String
Notes: Read/Write
A value for the collection lower boundary.
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Name String
Notes: Read/Write
The attribute name.
Notes String
Notes: Read/Write
Further notes on this attribute.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
ParentID Long
Notes: Read only
Returns the ElementID of the element that this attribute is a part of.
Pos Long
Notes: Read/Write
The position of the attribute in the Class attribute list.
Precision String
Notes: Read/Write
The precision value.
RedefinedProperty String
Notes: Read/Write
Corresponds to the 'Redefined Property' field on the 'Detail' page of the attribute
'Properties' dialog, or the UML redefinedProperty attribute.
Contains a comma separated list of GUIDs.
Scale String
Notes: Read/Write
The scale value.
Stereotype String
Notes: Read/Write
Sets or gets the stereotype for this attribute.
When setting this attribute, LastError (for the GetLastError method) will be
non-empty if an error occurs.
StereotypeEx String
Notes: Read/Write
Provides all the applied stereotypes of the attribute, in a comma-separated list.
Reading the value will provide the stereotype name only; assigning the value
accepts either fully-qualified or simple names.
When setting this attribute, LastError (for the GetLastError method) will be
non-empty if an error occurs.
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Style String
Notes: Read/Write
Contains the (optional) Alias property for this attribute. This can be used
interchangeably with the Alias attribute.
StyleEx String
Notes: Read/Write
Advanced style settings, reserved for the use of Sparx Systems.
SubsettedProperty String
Notes: Read/Write
Corresponds to the 'Subsetted Property' field on the 'Detail' page of the attribute
'Properties' dialog, or the UML subsettedProperty attribute.
Contains a comma separated list of GUIDs.
TaggedValues Collection of type AttributeTag
Notes: Read only
A collection of AttributeTag objects, used to access and manage Tagged Values
associated with this attribute.
TaggedValuesEx Collection of type TaggedValue
Notes: Read only
A collection of TaggedValue objects belonging to the current attribute and the
TaggedValuesEx property of its classifier.
Type String
Notes: Read/Write
The attribute type (by name; also see ClassifierID).
TypeInfoProperties Notes: Read only
Returns an interface pointer of TypeInfoProperties.
UpperBound String
Notes: Read/Write
A value for the collection upper boundary.
Visibility String
Notes: Read/Write
Identifies the scope of the attribute - Private, Protected, Public or Package.
Aribute Methods
Method Remarks
GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
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relation to this object.
Update() Boolean
Notes: Updates the current attribute object after modifying or appending a new
If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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AributeConstraint Class
An AttributeConstraint is a constraint associated with the current Attribute.
Associated table in .EAP le
AributeConstraint Aributes
Attribute Remarks
AttributeID Long
Notes: Read/Write
The ID of the attribute this constraint applies to.
Name String
Notes: Read/Write
The name of the constraint.
Notes String
Notes: Read/Write
Descriptive notes about the constraint.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
Type String
Notes: Read/Write
The type of constraint.
AributeConstraint Methods
Method Remarks
GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
Update() Boolean
Notes: Update the current AttributeConstraint object after modification or
appending a new item.
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If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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AributeTag Class
An AttributeTag represents a Tagged Value associated with an attribute.
Associated table in .EAP le:
AributeTag Aributes:
Attribute Remarks
AttributeID Long
Notes: Read/Write
The local ID of the attribute associated with this Tagged Value.
FQName String
Notes: Read only
The fully-qualified name of the tag.
Name String
Notes: Read/Write
The name of the tag.
Notes String
Notes: Read/Write
Further descriptive notes about this tag.
If 'Value' is set to '<memo>', then 'Notes' should contain the actual Tagged Value
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
TagGUID String
Notes: Read/Write
A globally unique ID for this Tagged Value.
TagID Long
Notes: Read only
The local ID to identify the Tagged Value.
Value String
Notes: Read/Write
The value assigned to this tag.
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This field has a 255 character limit. If the value is greater than 255 characters long,
set the value to "<memo>" and insert the body of text in the 'Notes' attribute.
When reading existing Tagged Values, if 'Value' = "<memo>" then the developer
should read the actual body of text from the 'Notes' attribute.
AributeTag Methods:
Method Remarks
Notes: Returns the text of a single named property within a structured Tagged
GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
This function is rarely used as an exception is thrown when an error occurs.
HasAttributes() Boolean
Notes: Returns True if the Tagged Value is a structured Tagged Value with one or
more properties.
propName, string
Notes: Sets the text of a single named property within a structured Tagged Value.
Update() Boolean
Notes: Updates the current AttributeTag object after modification or appending a
new item.
If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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CustomProperes Collecon
The CustomProperties collection contains 0 or more CustomProperties associated with the current element. These
properties provide advanced UML configuration options, and must not be added to or deleted. The value of each property
can be set.
Attribute Remarks
Name String
Notes: Read only
The CustomProperty name.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
Value String
Notes: Read/Write
The value associated with this CustomProperty. This can be:
A string·
The boolean values True or False, or·
An enumeration value from a defined list·
The UML 2.5 specification in general provides information on the kinds of
enumeration relevant here.
The number and type of properties vary depending on the actual element·
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EmbeddedElements Collecon
In UML 2.5 an element can have one or more embedded elements such as Ports, Pins, Parameters or ObjectNodes. These
are attached to the boundary of the host element and cannot be moved off the element. They are owned by their host
element. This collection gives easy access to the set of elements embedded on the surface of an element. Note that some
embedded elements can have their own embedded element collection (for example, Ports can have Interfaces embedded
on them).
The EmbeddedElements collection contains Element objects.
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Method Class
A method represents a UML operation. It is accessed from the Element Methods collection and includes collections for
parameters, constraints and Tagged Values.
Associated table in .EAP le
Method Aributes
Attribute Remarks
Abstract Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
A flag indicating if the method is abstract (1) or not (0).
Behavior String
Notes: Read/Write
Some further explanatory behavior notes (for example, pseudocode).
In earlier releases of Enterprise Architect this attribute had the UK/Australian
spelling 'Behaviour'; this is still present for backwards compatibility, but please
now use the 'Behavior' attribute for consistency.
ClassifierID String
Notes: Read/Write
The Classifier ID that applies to the ReturnType.
Code String
Notes: Read/Write
An optional field to hold the method code (used for the 'Initial Code' field).
Concurrency Variant
Notes: Read/Write
Indicates the concurrency type of the method.
FQStereotype String
Notes: Read Only
The fully-qualified stereotype name in the format "Profile::Stereotype". One or
more fully-qualified stereotype names can be assigned to StereotypeEx.
IsConst Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
A flag indicating that the method is Const.
IsLeaf Boolean
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Notes: Read/Write
A flag to indicate if the method is a Leaf (cannot be overridden).
IsPure Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
A flag indicating that the method is defined as 'Pure' in C++.
IsQuery Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
A flag to indicate if the method is a query (that is, does not alter Class variables).
IsRoot Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
A flag to indicate if the method is Root.
IsStatic Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
A flag to indicate a static method.
IsSynchronized Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
A flag indicating a Synchronized method call.
MethodGUID String
Notes: Read/Write
A globally unique ID for the current method. This is system generated.
MethodID Long
Notes: Read only
A local ID for the current method, only valid within this .eap file.
Name String
Notes: Read/Write
The method name.
Notes String
Notes: Read/Write
Descriptive notes on the method.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
Parameters Collection Class
Notes: Read only
The Parameters collection for the current method, used to add and access parameter
objects for the current method.
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ParentID Long
Notes: Read only
Returns the ElementID of the element that this method belongs to.
Pos Long
Notes: Read/Write
Specifies the position of the method within the set of operations defined for a Class.
PostConditions Collection Class
Notes: Read only
The PostConditions (constraints) as they apply to this method. This returns a
MethodConstraint object of type 'post'.
PreConditions Collection Class
Notes: Read only
The PreConditions (constraints) as they apply to this method. This returns a
MethodConstraint object of type 'pre'.
ReturnIsArray Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
A flag to indicate that the return value is an array.
ReturnType String
Notes: Read/Write
The return type for the method; this can be a primitive data type or a Class or
Interface type.
StateFlags String
Notes: Read/Write
Some flags as applied to methods in State elements.
Stereotype String
Notes: Read/Write
The method stereotype (optional).
When setting this attribute, LastError (for the GetLastError method) will be
non-empty if an error occurs.
StereotypeEx String
Notes: Read/Write
All the applied stereotypes of the method in a comma-separated list. Reading the
value will provide the stereotype name only; assigning the value accepts either
fully-qualified or simple names.
When setting this attribute, LastError (for the GetLastError method) will be
non-empty if an error occurs.
Style String
Notes: Read/Write
Contains the Alias property for this method.
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StyleEx String
Notes: Read/Write
Advanced style settings, reserved for the use of Sparx Systems.
TaggedValues Collection Class of type MethodTag Class
Notes: Read only
The TaggedValues collection for the current method. This accesses a list of
MethodTag objects.
Throws String
Notes: Read/Write
Exception information. Valid input for setting the Throws is:
GUID String - the GUID of an element in the model or a comma-separated list·
of element GUIDS
<none> - removes the existing Throws set·
TypeInfoProperties Notes: Read only
Returns an interface pointer of TypeInfoProperties.
Visibility String
Notes: Read/Write
The method scope - Public, Protected, Private or Package.
Method Methods
Method Remarks
GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
Update() Boolean
Notes: Update the current method object after modification or appending a new
If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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MethodConstraint Class
A MethodConstraint is a condition imposed on a method. It is accessed through either the Method PreConditions or
Method PostConditions collection.
Associated table in .EAP le
t_operationpres and t_operationposts
MethodConstraint Aributes
Attribute Remarks
MethodID Long
Notes: Read/Write
The local ID of the associated method.
Name String
Notes: Read/Write
The name of the constraint.
Notes String
Notes: Read/Write
Descriptive notes about this constraint.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
Type String
Notes: Read/Write
The constraint type.
MethodConstraint Methods
Method Remarks
GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
This function is rarely used as an exception is thrown when an error occurs.
Update() Boolean
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Notes: Update the current MethodConstraint object after modification or appending
a new item.
If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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MethodTag Class
A MethodTag is a Tagged Value associated with a method.
Associated table in .EAP le:
MethodTag Aributes:
Attribute Remarks
FQName String
Notes: Read only
The fully-qualified name of the tag.
MethodID Long
Notes: Read/Write
The ID of the associated method.
Name String
Notes: Read/Write
The tag or name of the property.
Notes String
Notes: Read/Write
Further descriptive notes about this tag.
If 'Value' is set to '<memo>', then 'Notes' should contain the actual Tagged Value
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
TagGUID String
Notes: Read/Write
A unique GUID for this Tagged Value.
TagID Long
Notes: Read only
A unique ID for this Tagged Value.
Value String
Notes: Read/Write
The value assigned to this tag.
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This field has a 255 character limit. If the value is greater than 255 characters long,
set the value to "<memo>" and insert the body of text in the 'Notes' attribute.
When reading existing Tagged Values, if 'Value' = "<memo>" then the developer
should read the actual body of text from the 'Notes' attribute.
MethodTag Methods:
Method Remarks
Notes: Returns the text of a single named property within a structured Tagged
GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
This function is rarely used as an exception is thrown when an error occurs.
HasAttributes() Boolean
Notes: Returns True if the Tagged Value is a structured Tagged Value with one or
more properties.
propName, string
Notes: Sets the text of a single named property within a structured Tagged Value.
Update() Boolean
Notes: Updates the current MethodTag object after modification or appending a
new item.
If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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Parameter Class
A Parameter object represents a method argument and is accessed through the Method Parameters collection.
Associated table in .EAP le
Parameter Aributes
Attribute Remarks
Alias String
Notes: Read/Write
An optional alias for this parameter.
ClassifierID String
Notes: Read/Write
A ClassifierID for the parameter, if known.
Default String
Notes: Read/Write
A default value for this parameter.
IsConst Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
A flag indicating that the parameter is Const (cannot be altered).
Kind String
Notes: Read/Write
The parameter kind - in, inout, out, or return.
Name String
Notes: Read/Write
The parameter name; this must be unique for a single method.
Notes String
Notes: Read/Write
Descriptive notes.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
OperationID Long
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Notes: Read only
The ID of the method associated with this parameter.
ParameterGUID String
Notes: Read/Write
A system generated, globally unique ID for the current Parameter.
Position Long
Notes: Read/Write
The position of the parameter in the argument list.
Stereotype String
Notes: Read/Write
The first stereotype of the parameter.
When setting this attribute, LastError (for the GetLastError method) will be
non-empty if an error occurs.
StereotypeEx String
Notes: Read/Write
All the applied stereotypes of the parameter in a comma-separated list. Reading the
value will provide the stereotype name only; assigning the value accepts either
fully-qualified or simple names.
When setting this attribute, LastError (for the GetLastError method) will be
non-empty if an error occurs.
Style String
Notes: Read/Write
Some style information.
StyleEx String
Notes: Read/Write
Advanced style settings, reserved for the use of Sparx Systems.
TaggedValues Collection Class of type ParamTag Class
Notes: Read/Write
The GUID of the parameter with which this ParamTag is associated.
Type Variant
Notes: Read/Write
The parameter type; can be a primitive type or a defined classifier.
TypeInfoProperties Notes: Read only
Returns an interface pointer of TypeInfoProperties.
Parameter Methods
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Method Remarks
GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
Update() Boolean
Notes: Update the current Parameter object after modifying or appending a new
If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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ParamTag Class
A ParamTag is a Tagged Value associated with a method parameter.
Associated table in .EAP le
ParamTag Aributes
Attribute Remarks
ElementGUID String
Notes: Read/Write
The GUID of the parameter with which this ParamTag is associated.
FQName String
Notes: Read only
The fully qualified name of the tag.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
PropertyGUID String
Notes: Read/Write
A system generated GUID to identify the Tagged Value.
Tag String
Notes: Read/Write
The actual tag name.
Value String
Notes: Read/Write
The value associated with this tag.
ParamTag Methods
Method Remarks
Notes: Returns the text of a single named property within a structured Tagged
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GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
HasAttributes() Boolean
Notes: Returns True if the Tagged Value is a structured Tagged Value with one or
more properties.
propName, string
Notes: Sets the text of a single named property within a structured Tagged Value.
Update() Boolean
Notes: Updates the current ParamTag object after modifying or appending a new
If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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Parons Collecon
A collection of internal element partitions (regions). This is commonly seen in Activity, State, Boundary, Diagram Frame
and similar elements. Not all elements support partitions.
This collection contains a set of Partition elements. The set is read/write: information is not saved until the host element
is saved, so ensure that you call the Element.Save method after making changes to a Partition.
Paron Aributes
Attribute Remarks
Name String
Notes: Read/Write
The partition name; this can represent a condition or constraint in some cases.
Note String
Notes: Read/Write
A free text note associated with this partition.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
Operator String
Notes: Read/Write
An optional operator value that specifies the partition type.
Size String
Notes: Read/Write
The vertical or horizontal width of the partition in pixels.
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Properes Class
Properes Aributes
Attribute Remarks
Count Long
Notes: The number of properties that are available for this object.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
Properes Methods
Method Remarks
Item(object Index) Property
Notes: Returns a property either by name or by a zero-based integer offset into the
list of properties.
Index: Variant - either a string representing the property name or an integer·
representing the zero-based offset into the property list
Property Aributes
Attribute Remarks
Name String
Notes: Read only
The name of the property.
The object to which the properties list applies can have an automation property with
the same name, in which case the data accessed through Value is identical to that
obtained through the automation property.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
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Type PropType
Notes: Read only
Provides an indication of what sort of data is going to be stored by this property.
This restriction can be further defined by the Validation attribute.
Validation String
Notes: Read only
An optional string that is used to validate any data that is passed to the Value
attribute. This string is used by the programmer at run time to provide an indication
of what is expected, and by Enterprise Architect to ensure that the submitted data is
Value Variant
Notes: Read/write
The value of the property as defined in the other fields.
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TemplateParameter Class
A TemplateParameter for a template signature specifies a formal parameter that will be substituted by an actual
parameter (or the default) in a TemplateBinding relationship on a Class element.
Associated table in .EAP le
TemplateParameter Aributes
Attribute Remarks
Constraint String
Notes: Read/Write
The name of the Classifier that acts as the constraint value.
Default String
Notes: Read/Write
The name of the Classifier that acts as the default value.
Name String
Notes: Read/Write
The name of the Template Parameter.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read Only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
TemplateParameterID String
Notes: Read Only
The Enterprise Architect Globally Unique ID (GUID) of the current Template
Parameter, in the XrefID column of t_xref.
Type String
Notes: Read/Write
The Template Parameter type.
TemplateParameter Methods
Method Remarks
GetLastError() String
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Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
Update() Boolean
Notes: Updates the current TemplateParameter object after modifying or appending
a new item.
If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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Transions Collecon
The Transitions collection applies only to Timeline elements.
A Timeline element displays 0 or more state transitions at set times on its extent. This collection enables you to access
the transition set. You can also access additional information by referring to the connectors associated with the Timeline,
and by referencing messages passed between timelines. Note that any changes made to elements in this collection are
only saved when the main element is saved.
Transion Aributes
Attribute Remarks
DurationConstraint String
Notes: Read/Write
A constraint on the time duration of the transition.
Event String
Notes: Read/Write
The event (optional) that initiated the transition.
Note String
Notes: Read/Write
A free text note.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
TimeConstraint String
Notes: Read/Write
A constraint on when the transition has to be completed.
TxState String
Notes: Read/Write
The state to transition to, as defined in the 'Timeline Properties' dialog.
TxTime String
Notes: Read/Write.
The time that the transition occurs. The value depends on a range set in the
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Connector Package
The Connector Package details how connectors between elements are accessed and managed.
This diagram shows the Connector Class, its collections and its relationships to the Element Class. Association Target
roles correspond to member variable names in the source interface. The associated Classes represent the object type used
in each collection.
0..* 1
+Connectors 0..*
1 0..*
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Connector Class
To represent the various kinds of connectors between UML elements, you use a Connector object. You can access this
from either the Client or Supplier element, using the Connectors collection of that element. When creating a new
connector you assign to it a valid type from this list:
Associated table in .EAP le
Connector Aributes
Attribute Remarks
Alias String
Notes: Read/Write
An optional alias for this connector.
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AssociationClass Element
Notes: Read Only
Returns the Association Class element if the connector has one; otherwise NULL/.
ClientEnd ConnectorEnd
Notes: Read Only
A pointer to the ConnectorEnd object representing the source end of the
ClientID Long
Notes: Read/Write
The ElementID of the element at the source end of this connector.
Color Long
Notes: Read/Write
Sets the color of the connector.
ConnectorGUID String
Notes: Read Only
A system generated, globally unique ID for the current connector.
ConnectorID Long
Notes: Read Only
A system generated local identifier for the current connector.
Constraints Collection
Notes: Read Only
A collection of constraint objects.
ConveyedItems Collection of type Element
Notes: Read Only
Returns a collection of elements that have been conveyed.
To add another element to the conveyed Collection, use 'AddNew
(ElementGUID,NULL)', where 'ElementGUID' is the GUID of the element to be
CustomProperties Collection
Notes: Read Only
Returns a collection of advanced properties associated with an element in the form
of CustomProperty objects.
DiagramID Long
Notes: Read/Write
The DiagramID of the connector.
Direction String
Notes: Read/Write
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The connector direction, which can be set to one of:
Source -> Destination or·
Destination -> Source·
If the connector is non-navigable, set the 'sourceNavigability' and/or
'targetNavigability' attributes.
EndPointX Long
Notes: Read/Write
The x-coordinate of the connector's end point.
Connector end points are specified in Cartesian coordinates with the origin to the
top left of the screen.
EndPointY Long
Notes: Read/Write
The y-coordinate of the connector's end point.
Connector end points are specified in Cartesian coordinates with the origin to the
top left of the screen.
EventFlags String
Notes: Read/Write
A structure to hold a variety of flags concerned with event signaling on messages.
ForeignKeyInformation String
Notes: Read Only
Returns the Foreign Key information.
FQStereotype String
Notes: Read Only
The fully-qualified stereotype name in the format "Profile::Stereotype". One or
more fully-qualified stereotype names can be assigned to StereotypeEx.
IsLeaf Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
A flag indicating that the connector is a leaf.
IsRoot Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
A flag indicating that the connector is a root.
IsSpec Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
A flag indicating that the connector is a specification.
MessageArguments String
Notes: Read Only
The connector Message arguments.
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MetaType String
Notes: Read Only
The connector's domain-specific meta type, as defined by an applied stereotype
from an MDG Technology.
MiscData String
Notes: Read Only
This low-level property returns an array providing information about the contents
of the PData x fields.
These database fields are not documented and developers must gain understanding
of these fields through their own endeavors to use this property.
MiscData is zero based, therefore:
MiscData(0) corresponds to PData1·
MiscData(1) corresponds to PData2, and so on·
Name String
Notes: Read/Write
The connector name.
Notes String
Notes: Read/Write
Descriptive notes about the connector.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read Only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
Properties Properties
Notes: Returns a list of specialized properties applicable to the connector that might
not be available using the automation model.
The properties are purposely undocumented because of their obscure nature and
because they are subject to change as progressive enhancements are made to them.
ReturnValueAlias String
Notes: Shows the 'Return Value Alias' field of the operation.
RouteStyle Long
Notes: Read/Write
The route style.
SequenceNo Long
Notes: Read/Write
The SequenceNo of the connector.
StartPointX Long
Notes: Read/Write
The x-coordinate of the connector's start point.
Connector end points are specified in Cartesian coordinates with the origin to the
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top left of the screen.
StartPointY Long
Notes: Read/Write
The y-coordinate of the connector's start point.
Connector end points are specified in Cartesian coordinates with the origin to the
top left of the screen.
StateFlags String
Notes: Read/Write
A structure to hold a variety of flags concerned with State signaling on messages;
the list is delimited by semi-colons.
Stereotype String
Notes: Read/Write
Sets or gets the stereotype for this connector end.
StereotypeEx String
Notes: Read/Write
All the applied stereotypes of the connector in a comma-separated list. Reading the
value will provide the stereotype name only; assigning the value accepts either
fully-qualified or simple names.
StyleEx String
Notes: Read/Write
Advanced style settings; reserved for the use of Sparx Systems.
Subtype String
Notes: Read/Write
A possible subtype to refine the meaning of the connector.
SupplierEnd ConnectorEnd
Notes: Read Only
A pointer to the ConnectorEnd object representing the target end of the
SupplierID Long
Notes: Read/Write
The ElementID of the element at the target end of this connector.
TaggedValues Collection of type ConnectorTag
Notes: Read Only
The collection of ConnectorTag objects.
TemplateBindings Collection of type TemplateBinding
Notes: Read Only
A collection of TemplateBinding objects.
TransitionAction String
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Notes: Read/Write
See the Transition topic for appropriate values.
TransitionEvent String
Notes: Read/Write
See the Transition topic for appropriate values.
TransitionGuard String
Notes: Read/Write
See the Transition topic for appropriate values.
Type String
Notes: Read/Write
The connector type; valid types are held in the t_connectortypes table in the .eap
TypeInfoProperties Notes: Read only
Returns an interface pointer of TypeInfoProperties.
VirtualInheritance String
Notes: Read/Write
For Generalization, indicates if the inheritance is virtual.
Width Long
Notes: Read/Write
Specifies the width of the connector.
Connector Methods
Method Remarks
GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
IsConnectorValid() Boolean
Notes: Queries Enterprise Architect's internal relationship validation schema on the
current connector.
If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
Update() Boolean
Notes: Updates the current ConnectorObject after modification or appending a new
If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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ConnectorConstraint Class
A ConnectorConstraint holds information about special conditions that apply to a connector. It is accessed through the
Connector Constraints collection.
Associated table in .EAP le
ConnectorConstraint Aributes
Attribute Remarks
ConnectorID Long
Notes: Read/Write
A local ID value (long) - system generated.
Name String
Notes: Read/Write
The constraint name.
Notes String
Notes: Read/Write
Notes about this constraint.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
Type String
Notes: Read/Write
The constraint type.
ConnectorConstraint Methods
Method Remarks
GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
Update() Boolean
Notes: Update the current ConnectorConstraint object after modification or
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appending a new item.
If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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ConnectorEnd Class
A ConnectorEnd contains information about a single end of a connector. A ConnectorEnd is accessed from the connector
as either the ClientEnd or SupplierEnd.
Associated table in .EAP le
derived from t_connector
ConnectorEnd Aributes
Attribute Remarks
Aggregation Long
Notes: Read/Write
The type of Aggregation as it applies to this end; valid values are:
0 = None
1 = Shared
2 = Composite
Alias String
Notes: Read/Write
An optional alias for this connector end.
AllowDuplicates Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
For multiplicities greater than 1, indicates that duplicate entries are possible.
Cardinality String
Notes: Read/Write
The cardinality associated with this end.
Constraint String
Notes: Read/Write
A constraint that can be applied to this connector end.
Containment String
Notes: Read/Write
The containment type applied to this connector end.
Derived Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
Indicates that the value of this end is derived.
DerivedUnion Boolean
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Notes: Read/Write
Indicates the value of this role derived from the union of all roles that subset this.
End String
Notes: Read only
The end this ConnectorEnd object applies to - Client or Supplier.
IsChangeable String
Notes: Read/Write
Flag indicating whether this end is changeable or not - 'frozen', 'addOnly' or none.
Note: This property is not used
Notes: Read/Write
A flag indicating this end is navigable from the other end.
Navigable String
Notes: Read/Write
Indicates whether this role of an association is navigable from the opposite
classifier - Navigable, Non-Navigable or Unspecified.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
Ordering Long
Notes: Read/Write
Ordering for this connector end.
OwnedByClassifier Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
Indicates that this Association end corresponds to an attribute on the opposite end
of the Association.
Qualifier String
Notes: Read/Write
A qualifier that can apply to the connector end.
Role String
Notes: Read/Write
The connector end role.
RoleNote String
Notes: Read/Write
Notes associated with the role of this connector end.
RoleType String
Notes: Read/Write
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The role type applied to this end of the connector.
Stereotype String
Notes: Read/Write
Sets or gets the stereotype for this connector end.
StereotypeEx String
Notes: Read/Write
All the applied stereotypes of the connector end in a comma-separated list. Reading
the value will provide the stereotype name only; assigning the value accepts either
fully qualified or simple names.
TaggedValues Collection of type RoleTag
Notes: Read only
A collection of RoleTag objects.
Visibility String
Notes: Read/Write
The Scope associated with this connector end - Public, Private, Protected or
ConnectorEnd Methods
Method Remarks
GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
Update() Boolean
Notes: Update the current ConnectorEnd object after modification or appending a
new item.
If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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ConnectorTag Class
A ConnectorTag is a Tagged Value for a connector and is accessed through the Connector TaggedValues collection.
Associated table in .EAP le
ConnectorTag Aributes
Attribute Remarks
ConnectorID Long
Notes: Read/Write
The local ID of the associated connector.
FQName String
Notes: Read only
The fully qualified name of the tag.
Name String
Notes: Read/Write
The tag or name.
Notes String
Notes: Read/Write
Further descriptive notes on this tag.
If 'Value' is set to '<memo>', then 'Notes' should contain the actual Tagged Value
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
TagGUID String
Notes: Read/Write
A globally unique ID for this Tagged Value.
TagID Long
Notes: Read only
A local ID to identify the Tagged Value.
Value String
Notes: Read/Write
The value assigned to this tag.
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This field has a 255 character limit. If the value is greater than 255 characters long,
set the value to "<memo>" and insert the body of text in the 'Notes' attribute.
When reading existing Tagged Values, if 'Value' = "<memo>" then the developer
should read the actual body of text from the 'Notes' attribute.
ConnectorTag Methods
Method Remarks
Notes: Returns the text of a single named property within a Structured Tagged
GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
HasAttributes() Boolean
Notes: Returns True if the Tagged Value is a Structured Tagged Value with one or
more properties.
propName, string
Notes: Sets the text of a single named property within a Structured Tagged Value.
Update() Boolean
Notes: Update the current ConnectorTag object after modification or appending a
new item.
If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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RoleTag Class
The RoleTag interface provides access to an Association's Role Tagged Values. Each connector end has a RoleTag
collection that can be accessed to add, delete and access the RoleTags.
You might use this in creating code that resembles this fragment for accessing a RoleTag in VB.NET (where con is a
Connector Object):
client = con.ClientEnd
client.Role = "m_client"
tag = client.TaggedValues.AddNew("tag", "value")
tag = client.TaggedValues.AddNew("tag2", "value2")
For idx = 0 To client.TaggedValues.Count - 1
tag = client.TaggedValues.GetAt(idx)
client.TaggedValues.DeleteAt(idx, False)
tag = Nothing
Associated table in .EAP le
RoleTag Aributes
Attribute Description
BaseClass String
Notes: Read/Write
Indicates the role end; set to ASSOCIATION_SOURCE or
ElementGUID String
Notes: Read/Write
The GUID of the connector with which this role tag is associated.
FQName String
Notes: Read only
The fully qualified name of the tag.
ObjectType ObjectType
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Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
PropertyGUID String
Notes: Read/Write
A system generated GUID to identify the Tagged Value.
Tag String
Notes: Read/Write
The actual tag name.
Value String
Notes: Read/Write
The value associated with this tag.
RoleTag Methods
Method Description
Notes: Returns the text of a single named property within a Structured Tagged
GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
HasAttributes() Boolean
Notes: Returns True if the Tagged Value is a Structured Tagged Value with one or
more properties.
propName, string
Notes: Sets the text of a single named property within a Structured Tagged Value.
Update() Boolean
Notes: Update the RoleTag after changes or on initial creation.
If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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TemplateBinding Class
A TemplateBinding defines the connector between a binding Class and a parameterized Class, and the binding
expression on that connector.
TemplateBinding Aributes
Attribute Remarks
ActualGUID String
Notes: Read/Write
The GUID of the element classifier set as the Actual Template Binding parameter.
If the Actual Template Binding parameter is set as a string expression only, this
will be an empty string.
Assigning a GUID value will automatically change the ActualName attribute after
Update() has been called.
ActualName String
Notes: Read/Write
The name of the Actual Template Binding parameter.
Assigning a new value will clear any current ActualGUID value.
BindingExpression String
Notes: Read only
The Binding Expression as shown in Enterprise Architect.
ConnectorGUID String
Notes: Read only
The Globally Unique ID of the associated connector.
ConnectorType String
Notes: Read only
The type of the associated connector.
FormalName String
Notes: Read/Write
The name of the Formal Template Binding parameter.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch Interface.
Pos String
Notes: Read only
The position of the Template Binding in the list (as on the 'Bindings' page of the
connector 'Properties' dialog).
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TemplateBindingID String
Notes: Read only
The Globally Unique ID of the current Template Binding.
TemplateBinding Methods
Method Remarks
GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
Update() Boolean
Notes: Update the current TemplateBinding object after modification or appending
a new item.
If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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Diagram Package
The Diagram Package has information on a diagram and on DiagramObject and DiagramLink, which are the instances of
elements within a diagram.
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Diagram Class
A Diagram corresponds to a single UML diagram. It is accessed through the Package Diagrams collection and in turn
contains a collection of diagram objects and diagram connectors. Adding to the DiagramObject Class adds an existing
element to the diagram. When adding a new diagram, you must set the diagram type to one of the valid types:
Use Case·
For a Collaboration (Communication) diagram, use the Analysis type.
Associated table in .EAP le
Diagram Aributes
Attribute Remarks
Author String
Notes: Read/Write
The name of the author.
CreatedDate Date
Notes: Read/Write
The date the diagram was created.
cx Long
Notes: Read/Write
The X dimension of the diagram (the default is 800).
cy Long
Notes: Read/Write
The Y dimension of the diagram (the default is 1100).
DiagramGUID Variant
Notes: Read/Write
A globally unique ID for this diagram.
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DiagramID Long
Notes: Read only
A local ID for the diagram.
DiagramLinks Collection
Notes: Read only
A list of DiagramLink objects, each containing information about the display
characteristics of a connector in a diagram.
DiagramObjects Collection
Notes: Read only
A collection of references to DiagramObjects. A DiagramObject is an instance of
an element in a diagram, and includes size and display characteristics.
ExtendedStyle String
Notes: Read/Write
An extended style attribute.
FilterElements String
Notes: Read/Write
Applies a comma-separated list of object ids (from SelectedObjects) to the
currently-applied diagram filter, overriding the filter. The effect persists until
another filter is applied, or the diagram is closed.
HighlightImports Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
A flag to indicate that elements from other Packages should be highlighted.
Corresponds with the 'Show Namespace' option in the diagram 'Properties' dialog.
IsLocked Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
A flag indicating whether this diagram is locked or not.
MetaType String
Notes: Read/Write
The diagram's domain-specific meta type, as defined by an MDG Technology.
When writing, the meta type must be fully qualified and from an existing profile.
ModifiedDate Variant
Notes: Read/Write
The date the diagram was last modified.
Name String
Notes: Read/Write
The diagram name.
Notes String
Notes: Read/Write
Set or retrieve notes for this diagram.
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ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
Orientation String
Notes: Read/Write
The page orientation: P for Portrait or L for Landscape.
PackageID Long
Notes: Read/Write
The ID of the Package that this diagram belongs to.
PageHeight Long
Notes: Read
The number of pages high the diagram is.
PageWidth Long
Notes: Read
The number of pages wide the diagram is.
ParentID Long
Notes: Read/Write
The optional ID of an element that 'owns' this diagram; for example, a Sequence
diagram owned by a Use Case.
Scale Long
Notes: Read/Write
The zoom scale (the default is 100).
SelectedConnector Connector
Notes: Read/Write
The currently selected connector on this diagram. Null if there is no currently
selected diagram.
SelectedObjects Collection
Notes: Read only
Gets a collection representing the currently selected elements on the diagram.
You can remove objects from this collection to deselect them, and add elements to
the collection by passing the Object ID as a name to select them.
ShowDetails Long
Notes: Read/Write
A flag to indicate that the Diagram Details text should be shown: 1 = Show, 0 =
ShowPackageContents Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
A flag to indicate that the Package contents should be shown in the current
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ShowPrivate Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
A flag to show or hide Private features.
ShowProtected Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
A flag to show or hide Protected features.
ShowPublic Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
A flag to show or hide Public features.
Stereotype String
Notes: Read/Write
Sets or gets the stereotype for this diagram.
StyleEx String
Notes: Read/Write
Advanced style settings, reserved for the use of Sparx Systems.
Swimlanes String
Notes: Read/Write
Information on swimlanes contained in the diagram.
Please note that this property is superseded by SwimlaneDef.
SwimlaneDef SwimlaneDef
Notes: Read/Write
Information on swimlanes contained in the diagram.
Type String
Notes: Read only
The diagram type; see the t_diagramtypes table in the .eap file for more
Version String
Notes: Read/Write
The version of the diagram.
Diagram Methods
Method Details
ApplyGroupLock (string Boolean
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aGroupName) Notes: Applies a group lock to this diagram object, for the specified group, on
behalf of the current user.
Returns True if the operation is successful; returns False if the operation is
unsuccessful. Use GetLastError() to retrieve error information.
aGroupName: String - the name of the user group for which to set the group·
ApplyUserLock () Boolean
Notes: Applies a user lock to this diagram object, for the current user.
Returns True if the operation is successful; returns False if the operation is
unsuccessful. Use GetLastError() to retrieve error information.
(long ElementID)
Notes: This function activates the Diagram View and displays the diagram with the
diagram object selected. If the diagram is too large to display all of it on the screen,
the portion of the diagram containing the object is displayed with the object shown
in the center of the screen. Diagram objects flagged as non-selected are shown but
are not selected
Returns True if the diagram object was found, the diagram displayed and the object
selected (or at least displayed) in the view. Returns False if the diagram object was
not found in the diagram and the diagram not displayed.
ElementID: Long - the element ID of the diagram object to locate·
(long ID, string DUID)
Notes: Returns the DiagramObject object, if it exists on the diagram.
ID: Long - the ElementID of the diagram object·
DUID: String - the optional Diagram Unique ID of the diagram object·
GetLastError () String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
ReadStyle (string
Notes: Returns the current value of the named diagram style.
Use GetLastError() to retrieve error information.
StyleName: String - the name of the diagram style whose value is to be·
retrieved; valid StyleNames are:
- Show Element Property String
- Show Connector Property String
- Show Feature Property String
ReleaseUserLock () Boolean
Notes: Releases a group lock or user lock on this diagram object.
Returns True if the operation is successful; returns False if the operation is
unsuccessful. Use GetLastError() to retrieve error information.
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ReorderMessages () Void
Notes: Resets the display order of Sequence and Collaboration messages.
This is typically used after inserting or deleting messages in the diagram.
SaveAsPDF (string
Notes: Export the diagram to a PDF document. Returns True on success.
FileName: String - full path to file location·
SaveImagePage(long x,
long y, long sizeX, long
sizeY, string filename, long
Notes: Saves a page of the diagram to disk.
Returns True if the operation is successful; returns False if the operation is
Use GetLastError() to retrieve error information.
x: Long - the horizontal page·
y: Long - the vertical page·
sizeX: Long - currently unused; pass a value of 0 to ensure behavior does not·
change in a future build
sizeY: Long - currently unused; pass a value of 0 to ensure behavior does not·
change in a future build
filename: String - the filename and path to save the image·
flags: Long - additional options, currently unused; pass a value of 0 to ensure·
behavior does not change in a future build
The image type is determined by the extension of the filename. Currently only .emf,
.bmp and .png formats are supported.
ShowAsElementList (bool
ShowAsList, bool Persist)
Notes: Toggles the diagram display between diagram format and Diagram List
depending on the value of ShowAsList.
If Persist is set, the display format is written to the database so the diagram always
opens in that format (diagram or list). Otherwise, the display format falls back to
the default (diagram) once the display is closed.
ShowAsList: Boolean - indicates diagram or Diagram List·
Persist: Boolean - indicates set (maintain ShowAsList value) or not (revert to·
Update () Boolean
Notes: Updates this diagram object after modification or appending a new item.
If False is returned, use GetLastError() to retrieve error information.
VirtualizeConnector (int
ConnectorID, int Action,
int X, int Y)
Notes: Creates a virtual copy of the source or target element on a connector, and
sets its location on the diagram as a waypoint on the connector. If the source
element is being virtualized, the waypoint is created as the first on the connector,
and if the target element is being virtualized, the waypoint is created as the last on
the connector.
If called again on the same connector, removes the virtual element. However, the
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waypoint remains in place.
As waypoints and therefore virtual elements can only be created on connectors with
the Custom line-style, if the connector does not have this line style the method sets
it. So, after this method executes, an Update function should be called for the
connector as well as for the diagram. All parameters are required for the function to
complete successfully.
Returns True if the operation is successful; returns False if the operation is
ConnectorID - Integer: the ID of the connector on which to create the virtual·
Action - Integer: the element to be virtualized; 1 for the source element, 2 for·
the target element
X - Integer: the position on the X axis that the element's center point will be·
aligned with
Y - Integer: the position on the Y axis that the element's centre point will be·
aligned with
For example, to virtualize the source element of the selected connector:
function main()
var diagram as EA.Diagram;
var conn as EA.Connector;
diagram = Repository.GetCurrentDiagram();
if(diagram != null)
var connector as EA.Connector.
connector = diagram.SelectedConnector;
diagram.VirtualizeConnector(connector.ConnectorID, 1, 100, 150);
Session.Output("Script requires a diagram to be visible");
WriteStyle (string
StyleName, string
Notes: Sets the value of the named diagram style.
Use GetLastError() to retrieve error information.
StyleName: String - the name of the diagram style whose value is to be·
retrieved; valid StyleNames are:
- Show Element Property String
- Show Connector Property String
- Show Feature Property String
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StyleValue: String - the value to be set in the named diagram style; valid·
values for the StyleNames listed are 0 and 1
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DiagramLinks Class
A DiagramLink is an object that holds display information on a connector between two elements in a specific diagram. It
includes, for example, the custom points and display appearance. It can be accessed from the Diagram DiagramLinks
Associated table in .EAP le
DiagramLinks Aributes
Attribute Remarks
ConnectorID Long
Notes: Read/Write
The ID of the associated connector.
DiagramID Long
Notes: Read/Write
The local ID for the associated diagram.
Geometry String
Notes: Read/Write
The geometry associated with the current connector in this diagram.
HiddenLabels Boolean
Notes: Indicates if this connector's labels are hidden on the diagram.
InstanceID Long
Notes: Read only
The connector identifier for the current model.
IsHidden Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
Indicates if this item is hidden or not.
LineColor Long
Notes: Sets the line color of the connector.
Set to -1 to reset to the default color in the model.
LineStyle Long
Notes: Sets the line style of the connector.
1 = Direct
2 = Auto Routing
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3 = Custom Line
4 = Tree Vertical
5 = Tree Horizontal
6 = Lateral Vertical
7 = Lateral Horizontal
8 = Orthogonal Square
9 = Orthogonal Rounded
LineWidth Long
Notes: Sets the line width of the connector.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
Path String
Notes: Read/Write
The path of the connector in this diagram.
SourceInstanceUID String
Notes: Read only
Returns the Unique Identifier of the source object.
SuppressSegment Boolean
Notes: Indicates whether the connector segments are suppressed.
Style String
Notes: Read/Write
Additional style information; for example, color or thickness.
TargetInstanceUID String
Notes: Read only
Returns the Unique Identifier of the target object.
DiagramLinks Methods
Method Remarks
GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
This function is rarely used as an exception is thrown when an error occurs.
Update() Boolean
Notes: Update the current DiagramLink object after modification or appending a
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new item.
If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information.
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DiagramObject Class
The DiagramObject Class stores presentation information that indicates what is displayed in a diagram and how it is
Associated table in .EAP le
DiagramObject Aributes
Attribute Remarks
BackgroundColor Long
Notes: The background color of the object on the diagram.
Set to -1 to re-set to the default color in the model.
BorderColor Long
Notes: The border line color of the object on the diagram.
Set to -1 to re-set to the default color in the model.
BorderLineWidth Long
Notes: The border line width of the object on the diagram.
Valid values are 1 (narrowest) to 5 (thickest); a default of 1 is applied if an invalid
value is passed in.
Bottom Long
Notes: Read/Write
The bottom edge position of the object on the diagram. Enterprise Architect uses a
cartesian coordinate system, with {0,0} being the top-left corner of the diagram.
For this reason, Y-axis values (Top and Bottom) should always be negative.
DiagramID Long
Notes: Read/Write
The ID of the associated diagram.
ElementDisplayMode Long
Notes: Indicates how to adjust the element features if the element is resized.
1 = Resize to longest feature
2 = Wrap features
3 = Truncate features
Defaults to 1 if an invalid value is supplied.
ElementID Long
Notes: Read/Write
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The ElementID of the object instance in this diagram.
Notes: Lists the stereotypes to hide on the object on the diagram.
FontBold Boolean
Notes: Get or Set the status of the object text font as Bold.
FontColor Long
Notes: The color of the font of the object text on the diagram.
FontItalic Boolean
Notes: Get or Set the status of the object text font as Italic.
FontName String
Notes: The name of the font used for the object text.
FontSize String
Notes: The size of the font used for the object text.
FontUnderline Boolean
Notes: Get or Set the status of the object text font as Underlined.
InstanceGUID String
Notes: The instance GUID for the object on the diagram (the DUID).
InstanceID Long
Notes: Read
Holds the connector identifier for the current model.
IsSelectable Boolean
Notes: Indicates whether this object on the diagram can be selected.
Left Long
Notes: Read/Write
The left edge position of the object on the diagram.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
Right Long
Notes: Read/Write
The right edge position of the object on the diagram.
Sequence Long
Notes: Read/Write
The sequence position when loading the object into the diagram (this affects its Z
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The Z-order is one-based and the lowest value is in the foreground.
ShowComposedDiagram Boolean
Notes: Indicates whether the object's composite diagram should be displayed by
default when the object is selected.
ShowConstraints Boolean
Notes: Show constraints for this object on the diagram.
ShowFormattedNotes Boolean
Notes: Show any formatting applied to the notes, for this object on the diagram.
ShowNotes must be True for the formatted notes to be displayed.
ShowFullyQualifiedTags Boolean
Notes: Show fully qualified Tagged Values for this object on the diagram.
ShowInheritedAttributes Boolean
Notes: Show inherited attributes for this object on the diagram.
ShowInheritedConstraints Boolean
Notes: Show inherited constraints for this object on the diagram.
ShowInheritedOperations Boolean
Notes: Show inherited operations for this object on the diagram.
Notes: Show the inherited requirements within the Requirements compartment for
this object on the diagram.
ShowInheritedTags Boolean
Notes: Show inherited Tagged Values for this object on the diagram.
ShowNotes Boolean
Note: Show the notes for this object on the diagram.
ShowPackageAttributes Boolean
Notes: Show Package attributes for this object on the diagram.
ShowPackageOperations Boolean
Notes: Show Package operations for this object on the diagram.
ShowPortType Boolean
Notes: Show the Port type.
ShowPrivateAttributes Boolean
Notes: Show private attributes for this object on the diagram.
ShowPrivateOperations Boolean
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Notes: Show private operations for this object on the diagram.
ShowProtectedAttributes Boolean
Notes: Show protected attributes for this object on the diagram.
ShowProtectedOperations Boolean
Notes: Show protected operations for this object on the diagram.
ShowPublicAttributes Boolean
Notes: Show public attributes for this object on the diagram.
ShowPublicOperations Boolean
Notes: Show public operations for this object on the diagram.
ShowResponsibilities Boolean
Notes: Show the requirements compartment for this object on the diagram.
ShowRunstates Boolean
Notes: Show Runstates for this object on the diagram.
Note: Indicates whether to display the Structure Compartments for this object on
the diagram.
ShowTags Boolean
Notes: Show Tagged Values for this object on the diagram.
Style Variant
Notes: Read/Write
The style information for this object. Returns a semi-colon delimited string that
defines the current style settings. Changing a value will completely overwrite the
previously existing value, so caution is advised to avoid losing existing style
information that you want to keep.
See Setting the Style.
TextAlign Long
Notes: Indicates the alignment of text on a Text element on the diagram.
1 = Left aligned
2 = Center aligned
3 = Right aligned
Defaults to 1 if an invalid value is supplied.
Top Long
Notes: Read/Write
The top edge position of the object on the diagram. Enterprise Architect uses a
cartesian coordinate system, with {0,0} being the top-left corner of the diagram.
For this reason, Y-axis values (Top and Bottom) should always be negative.
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DiagramObject Methods
Method Remarks
GetLastError() String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
ResetFont Notes: Resets the font of the object text on the diagram back to the model default.
FontSize, Bold, Italic,
Notes: Sets the font of the object text on the diagram to the specified values.
Parameter, string Value)
Notes: Sets an individual parameter of the Style string.
Parameter: String - the name of the style parameter to modify; for example:·
"BCol" = background color
"BFol" = font color
"LCol" = line color
"LWth" = line width
Value: String - the new value for the style parameter·
Update() Boolean
Notes: Updates the current DiagramObject after modification or appending a new
If False is returned, check the GetLastError function for more information.
Seng the Style
The Style attribute contains various settings that affect the appearance of a DiagramObject. However, it is not
recommended to directly edit this attribute string. Instead, use either the SetStyleEx method or one of the individual
DiagramObject attributes such as BackgroundColor, FontColor or BorderColor.
For example, the Style string might contain a series of values in a format such as:
BCol = Background Color·
BFol = Font Color·
LCol = Line Color·
LWth = Line Width·
The value assigned to each of the Style color properties is a decimal representation of the hex RGB value, where
Red=FF, Green=FF00 and Blue=FF0000.
This code snippet shows how you might change the style settings for all of the objects in the current diagram, changing
the background color to red (FF=255) and the font and line colors to yellow (FFFF=65535):
For Each aDiagObj In aDiag.DiagramObjects
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aRepos.ReloadDiagram aDiagObj.DiagramID
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SwimlaneDef Class
A SwimlaneDef object makes available attributes relating to a single row or column in a list of swimlanes.
SwimlaneDef Aributes
Attribute Description
Bold Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
Show the title text in bold.
FontColor Long
Notes: Read/Write
The RGB color used to draw the titles.
HideClassifier Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
Removes any classifier from the title display.
HideNames Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
Set to True to hide the swimlane titles.
LineColor Long
Notes: Read/Write
The RGB color used to draw swimlane borders.
LineWidth Long
Notes: Read/Write
The width, in pixels, of the line used to draw swimlanes. Valid values are 1, 2 or 3.
Locked Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
If set to True, disables user modification of the swimlanes via the diagram.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
Orientation String
Notes: Read/Write
Indicates whether the swimlanes are vertical or horizontal.
ShowInTitleBar Boolean
Notes: Read/Write
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Enables vertical swimlane titles to be shown in the title bar.
Swimlanes Swimlanes
Notes: Read/Write
A list of individual swimlanes.
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Swimlanes Class
A Swimlanes object is attached to a diagram's SwimlaneDef object and provides a mechanism to access individual
Swimlanes Aributes
Attribute Description
Count Long
Notes: Read/Write
Gives the number of swimlanes.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
Swimlanes Methods
Method Description
Add(string Title, long
Notes: Adds a new swimlane to the end of the list, and returns a swimlane object
representing the newly added entry.
Title: String - The title text that appears at the top of the swimlane; this can be·
the same as an existing swimlane title
Width: Long - The width of the swimlane in pixels·
Delete(object Index) Void
Notes: Deletes a selected swimlane.
If the string matches more than one entry, only the first entry is deleted.
Index: Object - Either a string representing the title text or an integer·
representing the zero-based index of the swimlane to delete
DeleteAll() Void
Notes: Removes all swimlanes.
Insert(long Index, string
Title, long Width)
Notes: Inserts a swimlane at a specific position, and returns a swimlane object
representing the newly added entry.
Index: Long - The zero-based index of the existing Swimlane before which this·
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new entry is inserted
Title: String - The title text that appears at the top of the swimlane; this can be·
the same as an existing swimlane title
Width: Long - The width of the swimlane in pixels·
Items(object Index) Swimlane collection
Notes: Accesses an individual swimlane.
If the string matches more than one swimlane title, the first matching swimlane is
Index: Object - Either a string representing the title text or an integer·
representing the zero-based index of the swimlane to get
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Swimlane Class
A Swimlane object makes available attributes relating to a single row or column in a list of swimlanes.
Swimlane Aributes
Attribute Description
BackColor Long
Notes: Read/Write
The RGB color that the swimlane is filled with.
ClassifiedGuid String
Notes: Read/Write
The GUID of the classifier Class. This can be obtained from the corresponding
element object via the ElementGUID property.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
Title String
Notes: Read/Write
The text at the head of the swimlane.
Width Long
Notes: Read/Write
The width of the swimlane, in pixels.
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Project Interface Package
The Enterprise Architect.Project interface. This is the interface to Enterprise Architect elements; it also includes some
utility functions. You can get a pointer to this interface using the Repository.GetProjectInterface method.
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Project Class
The Project interface can be accessed from the Repository using GetProjectInterface(). The returned interface provides
access to the XML-based Enterprise Architect Automation Interface. Use this interface to get XML for the various
internal elements and to run some utility functions to perform tasks such as load diagrams or run reports.
Project Aributes
Attribute Remarks
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
Project Methods
Method Remarks
ne (string ElementGUID,
string ExtraOptions)
Notes: Builds Executable StateMachine code for an <<executable statemachine>>
Artifact element.
ElementGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the element to generate·
ExtraOptions: String - enables extra options to be given to the command·
(currently unused)
CancelValidation () Void
Notes: Cancels a validation process.
CanValidate () Boolean
Notes: Returns a value to indicate that the Model Validation component is loaded.
(string FileName, string
Notes: Exports Reference Data.
FileName: String - the name of the file to output the reference data to·
Tables: String - the list of reference data tables to be output; the data table·
delimeter is ";"
If the string is empty, Enterprise Architect will prompt with a dialog to select
the tables to output
(string FileName, string
Notes: Imports Reference Data
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FileName: String - the name of the reference data file to import from·
DataSets: String - the list of reference data sets to import from; the data set·
delimeter is ";"
If the string is empty, Enterprise Architect displays a dialog prompt to select
the data sets to import
bleStateMachine (string
ElementGUID, string
Notes: Generates, builds and runs Executable StateMachine code for an
<<executable statemachine>> Artifact element, which will start simulation of the
ElementGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the element to generate·
ExtraOptions: String - enables extra options to be given to the command·
(currently unused)
CreateBaseline (string
PackageGUID, string
Version, string Notes)
Notes: Creates a Baseline of a specified Package.
PackageGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the Package to Baseline·
Version: String - the version of the Baseline·
Notes: String - any notes concerning the Baseline·
CreateBaselineEx (string
PackageGUID, string
Version, string Notes,
Notes: Creates a Baseline of a specified Package, with a flag to exclude Package
contents below the first level.
PackageGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the Package to be·
Version: String - the version of the Baseline·
Notes: String - any notes concerning the Baseline·
Flags: EA.CreateBaselineFlag - whether or not to exclude the Package contents·
below the first level
DefineRule (string
ErrorType, string
Notes: Defines the individual rules that can be performed during model validation.
It must be called once for each rule from the EA_OnInitializeUserRules broadcast
The return value is a RuleId, which can be used for reference purposes when an
individual rule is executed by Enterprise Architect during model validation.
See the Model Validation Example for a detailed example of the use of this method.
CategoryId: String - should be passed the return value from the·
DefineRuleCategory method
ErrorType: EA.EnumMVErrorType - depending on the severity of the error·
being validated, can be:
- mvErrorCritical
- mvError
- mvWarning, or
- mvInformation
ErrorMessage: String - can contain a default error string, although this is·
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probably overridden by the PublishResult call
DefineRuleCategory (string
Notes: Defines a category of rules that can be performed during model validation
(there is typically one category per Add-In). It must be called once from the
EA_OnInitializeUserRules broadcast handler.
The return value is a CategoryId that must to be passed to the DefineRule method.
See the Model Validation Example for a detailed example of the use of this method.
CategoryName: String - a text string that is visible in the 'Model Validation·
Configuration' dialog
e (string ElementGUID,
string ExtraOptions)
Notes: Runs Executable StateMachine code for an <<executable statemachine>>
Artifact element, which will start simulation of the StateMachine
ElementGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the element to generate·
ExtraOptions: String - enables extra options to be given to the command·
(currently unused)
DeleteBaseline (string
Notes: Deletes a Baseline, identified by the BaselineGUID, from the repository.
If the repository is configured to store Baselines in a Reusable Asset Service
Registry, then it is not possible to delete the Baseline and a False value is returned.
BaselineGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the Baseline to delete·
(string PackageGUID,
string Baseline, string
Notes: Performs a Baseline comparison using the supplied Package GUID and
Baseline GUID (obtained in the result list from GetBaselines).
Optionally you can include the connection string required to find the Baseline if it
exists in a different model file.
This method returns a log file of the status of all elements found and compared in
the difference procedure. You can use this log information as input to
DoBaselineMerge - automatically merging information from the Baseline.
PackageGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the Package to run the·
comparison on
Baseline: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the Baseline to run the·
comparison on
ConnectString: String - the location of the external .eap file or DBMS to·
extract the Baseline from
DoBaselineMerge (string
PackageGUID, string
Baseline, string
MergeInstructions, string
Notes: Performs a batch merge based on instructions contained in an XML file
(MergeInstructions). You can supply an optional connection string if the Baseline is
located in another model.
In the MergeInstructions file, each MergeItem node supplies the GUID of a
differenced item from the XML difference log. As the merge is uni-directional and
actioned in only one possible way, no additional arguments are required. Enterprise
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Architect chooses the correct procedure based on the 'Difference' results.
<MergeItem guid="{XXXXXX}" />
<MergeItem guid="{XXXXXX}" />
Alternatively, you can supply a single Mergeitem with a GUID of RestoreAll. In
this case, Enterprise Architect batch-processes ALL differences.
<MergeItem guid="RestoreAll" changed="true" baselineOnly="true"
modelOnly="true" moved="true" fullRestore="false" />
PackageGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the Package to merge·
the Baseline into
Baseline: String - the GUID of the Baseline (in XML format) to merge into the·
MergeInstructions: String - the file containing the GUID of each differenced·
item from the XML difference log returned by DoBaselineCompare()
ConnectString: String - the location of the EAP file or DBMS to get the·
Baseline from, if not in the same model as the Package
(string DiagramGUID)
protected abstract: String
Notes: Gets an XML list of all elements in a diagram.
DiagramGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the diagram to get·
elements for
EnumDiagrams (string
protected abstract: String
Notes: Gets an XML list of all diagrams in a specified Package.
PackageGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the Package to list·
diagrams for
EnumElements (string
protected abstract: String
Notes: Gets an XML list of elements in a specified Package.
PackageGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the Package to get a list·
of elements for
EnumLinks (string
protected abstract: String
Notes: Gets an XML list of connectors for a specified element.
ElementGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the element to get all·
associated connectors for
EnumPackages (string
protected abstract: String
Notes: Gets an XML list of child Packages inside a parent Package.
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PackageGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the parent Package·
EnumProjects () protected abstract: String
Notes: Gets a list of projects in the current file; corresponds to Models in
EnumViews () protected abstract: String
Notes: Enumerates the Views for a project. Returned as an XML document.
EnumViewEx (string
protected abstract: String
Notes: Gets a list of Views in the current project.
ProjectGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the project to get views·
Exit () protected abstract: String
Notes: Exits the current instance of Enterprise Architect; this function is maintained
for backward compatibility and should never be called.
Enterprise Architect automatically exits when you are no longer using any of the
provided objects.
ExportPackageXMI (string
enumXMIType XMIType,
long DiagramXML, long
DiagramImage, long
FormatXML, long
UseDTD, string FileName)
protected abstract: String
Notes: Exports XMI for a specified Package.
PackageGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the Package to be·
XMIType: EnumXMIType - specifies the XMI type and version information;·
see XMIType Enum for accepted values
DiagramXML: Long - True if XML for diagrams is required; accepted values:·
0 = Do not export diagrams
1 = Export diagrams
2 = Export diagrams along with alternate images
DiagramImage: Long - the format for diagram images to be created at the same·
time; accepted values:
-1 = NONE
0 = EMF
1 = BMP
2 = GIF
3 = PNG
4 = JPG
FormatXML: Long - True if XML output should be formatted prior to saving·
UseDTD: Long - True if a DTD should be used·
FileName: String - the filename to output to·
(string PackageGUID,
enumXMIType XMIType,
long DiagramXML, long
long FormatXML, long
UseDTD, string FileName,
protected abstract: String
Notes: Exports XMI for a specified Package, with a flag to determine whether the
export includes Package content below the first level.
PackageGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the Package to be·
XMIType: EnumXMIType - specifies the XMI type and version information;·
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Flags) see XMIType Enum for accepted values
DiagramXML: Long - true if XML for diagrams is required; accepted values:·
0 = Do not export diagrams
1 = Export diagrams
2 = Export diagrams along with alternate images
DiagramImage: Long - the format for diagram images to be created at the same·
time; accepted values:
-1 =NONE
0 =EMF
1 =BMP
2 =GIF
3 =PNG
4 =JPG
FormatXML: Long - True if XML output should be formatted prior to saving·
UseDTD: Long - True if a DTD should be used.·
FileName: String - the filename to output to·
Flags: ea.ExportPackageXMIFlag - specify whether or not to include Package·
content below the first level (currently supported for xmiEADefault), whether
or not to exclude tool-specific information from export
GenerateClass (string
ElementGUID, string
Notes: Generates the code for a single Class.
ElementGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the element to generate·
ExtraOptions: String - enables extra options to be given to the command;·
currently unused
nario (string
e DiagramType, long
Notes: Generates various diagrams from the scenario specification of an element.
ElementGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the element containing·
the scenario specification
DiagramType: EnumScenarioDiagramType - the type of diagram to generate;·
see ScenarioDiagramType Enum for accepted values
OverwriteExistingDiagram: Long - determines whether to overwrite the·
existing diagram or synchronize the existing elements with the scenario steps
0 = Delete the existing diagram and elements, and create a new diagram and
1 = Synchronize existing elements with the scenario steps and preserve the
diagram layout
2 = Synchronize existing elements with the scenario steps and re-cast the
diagram layout
3 = Do not generate a diagram if one already exists
(string ElementGUID,
string FileName, string
Notes: Generates DDL for an element using the options that are currently set on the
Generate DDL screen.
achine (string
ElementGUID, string
Notes: Generates Executable StateMachine code for an <<executable
statemachine>> Artifact element.
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ElementGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the element to generate·
ExtraOptions: String - enables extra options to be given to the command·
(currently unused)
GeneratePackage (string
string ExtraOptions)
Notes: Generates the code for all Classes within a Package.
For example:
PackageGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the Package to generate·
code for
ExtraOptions: String - enables extra options to be given to the command;·
currently enables:
- Generation of all sub-Packages (recurse)
- Force overwrite of all files (overwrite) and
- Specification to auto generate all paths (dir)
(string PackageGUID,
string FileName, string
Notes: Generates DDL for all elements in a Package using the options that are
currently set on the Generate DDL screen.
(string ElementGUID,
Notes: Generates a Vertical Test Suite, a Horizontal Test Suite, an Internal test or
an External test from the scenario specification of an element.
ElementGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the element containing·
the scenario specification
TestType: EnumScenarioTestType - the type of test to generate; see·
ScenarioTestType Enum for accepted values
string Filename, string
Encoding, string
Notes: Generates WSDL for the specified WSDL stereotyped Component.
WSDLComponentGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the WSDL·
stereotyped Component
Filename: String - the target file path·
Encoding: String - the XML encoding for the code page instruction·
ExtraOptions: String - enables extra options to be given to the command;·
currently unused
GenerateXSD (string
string FileName,
string Encoding,
string Options)
Notes: Creates an XML schema for a Package, specified by its GUID. Returns True
on success.
PackageGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the Package·
FileName: String - the target filepath·
Encoding: String - the XML encoding for the code page instruction·
Options: String - enables extra options to be given to the command, in a·
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comma-separated string; currently enables:
- GenGlobalElement - turn the generation of global elements for
all global ComplexTypes On or Off; for example:
- UseRelativePath - turns on or off the option to use a relative
path in the XSD import or XSD include statement when
referencing external Package, provided the schemaLocation tag
is empty on the referenced Packages; for example:
GetBaselines (string
PackageGUID, string
Notes: Returns a list (in XML format) of Baselines associated with the supplied
Package GUID.
PackageGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the Package to get·
Baselines for
ConnectString: String - not currently used·
GetDiagram (string
protected abstract: String
Notes: Gets the diagram details, in XML format.
DiagramGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the diagram to get·
details for
GetElement (string
protected abstract: String
Notes: Gets XML for the specified element.
ElementGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the element to retrieve·
XML for
(string ElementGUID)
protected abstract: String
Notes: Gets constraints for an element, in XML format.
ElementGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the element·
GetElementEffort (string
protected abstract: String
Notes: Gets efforts for an element, in XML format.
ElementGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the element·
GetElementFiles (string
protected abstract: String
Notes: Gets metrics for an element, in XML format.
ElementGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the element·
GetElementMetrics (string
protected abstract: String
Notes: Gets files for an element, in XML format.
ElementGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the element·
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(string ElementGUID)
protected abstract: String
Notes: Gets a list of issues (problems) associated with an element, in XML format.
ElementGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the element·
(string ElementGUID)
protected abstract: String
Notes: Gets Tagged Values for an element, in XML format.
ElementGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the element·
(string ElementGUID)
protected abstract: String
Notes: Gets a list of requirements for an element, in XML format.
ElementGUID: String -the GUID (in XML format) of the element·
(string ElementGUID)
protected abstract: String
Notes: Gets a list of resources for an element, in XML format.
ElementGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the element·
GetElementRisks (string
protected abstract: String
Notes: Gets a list of risks associated with an element, in XML format.
ElementGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the element·
(string ElementGUID)
protected abstract: String
Notes: Gets a list of scenarios for an element, in XML format.
ElementGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the element·
GetElementTests (string
protected abstract: String
Notes: Gets a list of tests for an element, in XML format.
ElementGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the element·
GetFileNameDialog (string
Filename, string
FilterString, long
FilterIndex, long Flags,
string InitialDirectory,
long OpenOrSave)
Notes: Opens a standard 'File Open' or 'Save As' dialog and returns a string
containing the full path to the selected file on success. Returns an empty string if
the dialog was canceled.
For example:
Filename = ""
FilterString = "CSV Files (*.csv)|*.csv|All Files (*.*)|*.*||"
Filterindex = 1
InitialDirectory = ""
OpenOrSave = 1
filepath = Project.GetFileNameDialog (Filename, FilterString, Filterindex,
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Flags, InitialDirectory, OpenOrSave)
In this example, the 'Save As' dialog will prompt for a CSV file.
Filename: String - default filename specified in the dialog·
FilterString: String - delimited list of available file type filters·
Filterindex: Long - one-based index of the filter to be used by default·
Flags: Long - additional bit flags used to initialize the file dialog; see the·
OPENFILENAME structure in MSDN documentation for accepted values
InitialDirectory: String - directory path to open this dialog·
OpenOrSave: Long - show dialog as an 'Open' or 'Save As' style dialog;·
accepted values: 0 = Open, 1 = Save As
GetLastError () protected abstract: String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
GetLink (string
protected abstract: String
Notes: Gets connector details, in XML format.
LinkGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the connector to get details·
GUIDtoXML (string
Notes: Changes an internal GUID to the form used in XML.
GUID: String - the Enterprise Architect style GUID to convert to XML format·
ImportDirectory (string
PackageGUID, string
Language, string
DirectoryPath, string
Notes: Imports a source code directory into the model.
PackageGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the Package to reverse·
engineer code into
Language: String - specifies the language of the code to be imported·
DirectoryPath: String - specifies the path where the code is found on the·
ExtraOptions: String - enables extra options to be given to the command;·
currently enables import of source from all child directories (recurse) - for
example: recurse=1
ImportFile (string
PackageGUID, string
Language, string
FileName, string
Notes: Imports an individual file or binary module into the model, in a Package per
namespace style import.
PackageGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the Package to reverse·
engineer code into; this is expected to be a namespace root Package
Language: String - specifies the language of the code to be imported·
Use the value 'DNPE' to import a binary module; this imports a .NET assembly
or Java .class file, but not a .jar file
Filename: String - specifies the path where the code or module is found on the·
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ExtraOptions: String - enables extra options to be given to the command;·
currently unused
ImportPackageXMI (string
PackageGUID, string
Filename, long
ImportDiagrams, long
Notes: Imports an XMI file at a point in the tree. Returns an empty string if
successful, or returns an error message on failure.
PackageGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the target Package to·
import the XMI file into (or overwrite with the XMI file)
Filename or XMLText: String - the name of the XMI file; if the String is of·
type filename it is interpreted as a source file, otherwise the String is imported
as XML text
ImportDiagrams: Long - 1 for importing diagrams and 0 to skip importing·
StripGUID: Long·
- 1 to replace the element UniqueIDs on import; if stripped, then
a copy of the Package could be imported into the same Enterprise
Architect model as two different versions
- 0 to retain the element UniqueIDs on import; a duplicate copy of
the Package cannot be created in the same model of Enterprise
LayoutDiagram (string
DiagramGUID, long
Notes: Deprecated. Use LayoutDiagramEx.
Calls the function to automatically layout a diagram in hierarchical fashion. It is
only recommended for Class and Object diagrams.
DiagramGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the diagram to lay out·
LayoutStyle: Long - always ignored·
LayoutDiagramEx (string
DiagramGUID, long
LayoutStyle, long
Iterations, long
LayerSpacing, long
ColumnSpacing, boolean
Notes: Calls the function to automatically layout a diagram in hierarchical fashion.
It is only recommended for Class and Object diagrams.
LayoutStyle accepts these options
Default Options:·
- lsDiagramDefault
- lsProgramDefault
Cycle Removal Options:·
- lsCycleRemoveGreedy
- lsCycleRemoveDFS
Layering Options:·
- lsLayeringLongestPathSink
- lsLayeringLongestPathSource
- lsLayeringOptimalLinkLength
Initialize Options:·
- IsInitializeNaive
- IsInitializeDFSOut
- IsInitializeDFSIn
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Crossing Reduction Option:·
- lsCrossReduceAggressive
Layout Options - Direction·
- lsLayoutDirectionUp
- lsLayoutDirectionDown
- lsLayoutDirectionLeft
- lsLayoutDirectionRight
DiagramGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the diagram to lay out·
LayoutStyle: Long - the layout style·
Iterations: Long - the number of layout iterations the Layout process should·
take to perform cross reduction (Default value = 4)
LayerSpacing: Long - the per-element layer spacing the Layout process should·
use (Default value = 20)
ColumnSpacing: Long - the per-element column spacing the Layout process·
should use (Default value = 20)
SaveToDiagram: Boolean - specifies whether or not Enterprise Architect·
should save the supplied layout options as default to the diagram in question
(string PackageGUID)
Notes: Loads a Package that has been marked and configured as controlled. The
filename details are stored in the Package control data.
PackageGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the Package to load·
LoadDiagram (string
protected abstract: Boolean
Notes: Loads a diagram by its GUID.
DiagramGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the diagram to load; if·
you retrieve the GUID using the Diagram interface, use the GUIDtoXML
function to convert it to XML format
LoadProject (string
protected abstract: Boolean
Notes: Loads an Enterprise Architect project file.
Do not use this method if you have accessed the Project interface from the
Repository, which has already loaded a file.
FileName: String - the name of the project file to load·
Migrate (string GUID,
string SourceType, string
Notes: Migrates a model (or part of a model) from one BPMN, ArchiMate, UPDM
or SysML format to an upgraded format.
GUID: String - the GUID of the Package or element for which the contents are·
to be migrated
SourceType: String - the type of model to be upgraded; accepted values:·
- BPMN1.1
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- SysML1.1
- SysML1.2
- SysML1.3
- ArchiMate
- ArchiMate2
DestinationType: String - the type of model to upgrade to; accepted values:·
- BPMN1.1
- BPMN2.0
- SysML1.2
- SysML1.3
- SysML1.4
- ArchiMate2
- ArchiMate3
MigrateToBPMN11 (string
string Type)
Notes: Migrates every BPMN 1.0 construct in a Package or an element (including
elements, attributes, diagrams and connectors) to BPMN 1.1.
GUID: String - the GUID of the Package or element for which the contents are·
to be migrated to BPMN 1.1
Type: String - the type of upgrade, either just to BPMN 1.1 or to BPMN 1.1·
and BPEL. Accepted values are:
- BPMN = migrate to BPMN 1.1
- BPEL = migrate to BPMN 1.1 and update:
- any diagram with stereotype BPMN to BPEL
- any element with stereotype BusinessProcess to BPELProcess
Migrating to BPEL is possible in the Ultimate and Unified editions of Enterprise
ProjectTransfer (string
string TargetFilePath,
string LogFilePath)
Notes: Transfers the project from a source .eap file or DBMS to a target .eap file,
.eapx file or .feap file.
SourceFilePath: String - the path of the source file to transfer·
TargetFilePath: String - the path of the target file, including the file type·
extension; Enterprise Architect creates a new Base project in this location
(using the TargetFilePath as its name) and then transfers the content of the
source project into that file
LogFilePath: String - the path of the log file where the status of the transfer·
process is updated
In automation, the target file must not previously exist. Enterprise Architect creates
a new, empty Base.* file using the specified target name and extension, and
transfers the source project into it.
ExportProjectXML (string
Notes: Exports the entire current project to Native XML files in the specified
directory. The contents of the directory will be deleted prior to exporting the project
DirectoryPath: String - directory path to save the exported Native XML files·
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PublishResult (string
string ErrorMessage)
Notes: Returns the results of each rule that can be performed during model
validation. It must be called once for each rule from the EA_OnInitializeUserRules
broadcast handler.
The return value is a RuleId, which can be used for reference purposes when an
individual rule is executed by Enterprise Architect during model validation.
See the Model Validation Example for a detailed example of the use of this method.
CategoryId: String - should be passed the return value from the·
DefineRuleCategory method
ErrorType: EA.EnumMVErrorType - depending on the severity of the error·
being validated, can be:
- mvErrorCritical
- mvError
- mvWarning, or
- mvInformation
ErrorMessage: String - contains an error string·
oard (string DiagramGUID,
long Type)
protected abstract: Boolean
Notes: Copies an image of the specified diagram to the clipboard.
DiagramGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the diagram to copy·
Type: Long - the file type·
- If Type = 0 then it is a metafile
- If Type = 1 then it is a Device Independent Bitmap
(string Diagram GUID,
string FileName,
long Type)
protected abstract: Boolean
Notes: Saves an image of the specified diagram to file.
DiagramGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the diagram to save·
FileName: String - the name of the file to save the diagram into·
Type: Long - the file type·
- If type = 0 then it is a metafile
- If type = 1 then it uses the file type from the name extension
(that is, .bmp, .jpg, .gif, .png, .tga)
ReloadProject () protected abstract: Boolean
Notes: Reloads the current project.
This is a convenient method to refresh the current loaded project (in case of outside
changes to the .eap file).
RunModelSearch (string
Search, string SearchTerm,
bool ShowInEA)
Notes: Invokes the Model Search component.
Search: String - the name of an Enterprise Architect defined search·
SearchTerm: String - the term to search for in the project·
ShowInEA: Boolean - execute the search and output in the Model Search·
RunReport (string
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string TemplateName,
string Filename)
protected abstract: Void
Notes: Runs a named document report.
PackageGUID: String - the GUID of the Package or master document to run·
the report on
TemplateName: String - the document report template to use; if the·
PackageGUID has a stereotype of MasterDocument, the template is not
FileName: String - the file name and path to store the generated report; the file·
extension specified will determine the format of the generated document - for
example, RTF, PDF
RunHTMLReport (string
string ExportPath,
string ImageFormat,
string Style,
string Extension)
Notes: Runs an HTML report (as for 'Documentation | Publish as HTML' when you
click on a Package in the Browser window and on the icon).
PackageGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the Package or master·
document to run the report on
ExportPath: String - the directory path to store the generated report files·
ImageFormat: String - file format in which to store images - .png or .gif·
Style: String - name of the web style template to apply; use <default> for the·
standard, system-provided template
Extension: String - file extension for generated HTML files (example: .htm)·
(string PackageGUID)
Notes: Saves a Package that has been configured as a controlled Package, to XMI.
Only the Package GUID is required, Enterprise Architect picks the rest up from the
Package control information.
PackageGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the Package to save·
(string Filename)
protected abstract: String
Notes: Saves a diagram image of the current diagram to file.
FileName: String - the filename of the image to save·
ShowWindow (long Show) protected abstract: Void
Notes: Shows or hides the Enterprise Architect User Interface.
Show: Long·
SynchronizeClass (string
string ExtraOptions)
Notes: Synchronizes a Class with the latest source code.
ElementGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the element to update·
from code
ExtraOptions: String - enables extra options to be given to the command;·
currently unused
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(string PackageGUID,
string ExtraOptions)
Notes: Synchronizes each Class in a Package with the latest source code.
PackageGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the Package containing·
the elements to update from code
ExtraOptions: String - enables extra options to be given to the command;·
currently enables synchronization of all child Packages (children) - for
example: children=1
TransformElement (string
string ElementGUID,
string TargetPackage,
string ExtraOptions)
Notes: Transforms an element into a Package.
TransformName: String - specifies the transformation that should be executed·
ElementGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the element to transform·
TargetPackageGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the Package to·
transform into
ExtraOptions: String - enables extra options to be given to the command:·
- GenCode=True / False - articulate code generation from the
transformed elements; this option supercedes the current
model setting
TransformPackage (string
string SourcePackage,
string TargetPackage,
string ExtraOptions)
Notes: Runs a transformation on the contents of a Package.
TransformName: String - specifies the transformation that should be executed·
SourcePackageGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the Package to·
TargetPackageGUID: String - the GUID (in XML format) of the Package to·
transform into
ExtraOptions: String - enables extra options to be given to the command:·
- GenCode=True/False - articulate code generation from the transformed
this option supercedes the current model setting
- SubPackages=True/False - specify if the child Packages are to be included
transforming a Package
ValidateDiagram (string
Notes: Invokes the Enterprise Architect Model Validation component, then
validates the diagram (for correctness) and the elements and connectors within the
Output can be viewed through 'Start > Desktop > Design > System Output > Model
Returns a boolean value to indicate the success or failure of the process, regardless
of the results of the validation.
DiagramGUID: String - the GUID of the Diagram Class object·
ValidateElement (string
Notes: Invokes the Enterprise Architect Model Validation component, then
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validates the element and all child elements, diagrams, connectors, attributes and
Output can be viewed through 'Start > Desktop > Design > System Output > Model
Returns a boolean value to indicate the success or failure of the process, regardless
of the results of the validation.
ElementGUID: String - the GUID of the Element Class object·
ValidatePackage (string
Notes: Invokes the Enterprise Architect Model Validation component, then
validates the Package and all sub-Packages, elements, connectors and diagrams
within it.
Output can be viewed through ' > Desktop > Design > System Output > Model
Returns a boolean value to indicate the success or failure of the process, regardless
of the results of the validation.
PackageGUID: String - the GUID of the Package Class object·
XMLtoGUID (string
Notes: Changes a GUID in XML format to the form used inside Enterprise
GUID: String - the XML style GUID to convert to Enterprise Architect internal·
These methods all require input GUIDs in XML format; use GUIDtoXML to change the Enterprise Architect GUID·
to an XML GUID
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Document Generator Interface Package
The DocumentGenerator Class provides an interface to the document and web reporting facilities, which you can use to
generate reports on specific Packages, diagrams and elements in your model.
Repository Class You can create a pointer to this interface using the method
This diagram illustrates how you might use the Document Generator interface in generating a report through the
Automation Interface.
Automaon Client Repository DocumentGenerator
1.3 SaveDocument()
1.1 NewDocument()
1.0 CreateDocumentGenerator()
1.2 DocumentElement()
Also look at the:
Document Generation scripting example in the Scripting window ('Specialize > Tools > Scripting', then expand the·
'Local Scripts' folder and double-click on 'JScript - Documentation Example')
RunReport method in the Project Interface·
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DocumentGenerator Class
The DocumentGenerator Class provides an interface to the document and web reporting facilities, which you can use to
generate reports on specific Packages, diagrams and elements in your model. This Class is accessed from the Repository
Class using the CreateDocumentGenerator() method.
DocumentGenerator Aributes
Attribute Remarks
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
DocumentGenerator Methods
Method Remarks
DocumentConnector (long
connectorID, long nDepth,
string templateName)
Notes: Documents a connector.
connectorId: Long - the ID of the connector·
nDepth: Long - the depth by which to adjust the heading level·
templateName: String - the name of a template to use when documenting·
connectors; this can be blank
(string XML, long nDepth,
string templateName)
Notes: Documents information based on the data supplied.
XML: String - the XML of the data to be documented·
nDepth: Long - the depth by which to adjust the heading level·
templateName: String - the name of a template to use when documenting·
custom data; this can be blank
DocumentDiagram (long
diagramID, long nDepth,
string templateName)
Notes: Documents a diagram.
diagramId: Long - the ID of the diagram·
nDepth: Long - the depth by which to adjust the heading level·
templateName: String - the name of a template to use when documenting·
diagrams; this can be blank
DocumentElement (long
elementID, long nDepth,
Notes: Documents an element.
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string templateName) Parameters:
elementId: Long - the ID of the element·
nDepth: Long - the depth by which to adjust the heading level·
templateName: String - the name of a template to use when documenting·
elements; this can be blank
(string name, long nDepth,
string templateName)
Notes: Documents a model author.
name: String - the name of the author·
nDepth: Long - the depth by which to adjust the heading level·
templateName: String - a template to use when documenting model authors;·
this can be blank
(string name, long nDepth,
string templateName)
Notes: Documents a single model client.
name: String - the name of the client·
nDepth: Long - the depth by which to adjust the heading level·
templateName: String - a template to use when documenting model clients; this·
can be blank
(long id, long nDepth,
string templateName)
Notes: Documents a single model glossary term.
id: Long - the ID of the term·
nDepth: Long - the depth by which to adjust the heading level·
templateName: String - a template to use when documenting model glossary·
terms; this can be blank
(long id, long nDepth,
string templateName)
Notes: Documents a single model issue.
id: Long - the ID of the issue·
nDepth: Long - the depth by which to adjust the heading level·
templateName: String - a template to use when documenting model issues; this·
can be blank
(string name, long nDepth,
string templateName)
Notes: Documents a single model resource.
name: String - the name of the resource·
nDepth: Long - the depth by which to adjust the heading level·
templateName: String - a template to use when documenting model resources;·
this can be blank
(string name, long nDepth,
Notes: Documents a single model role.
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string templateName) Parameters:
name: String - the name of the role·
nDepth: Long - the depth by which to adjust the heading level·
templateName: String - a template to use when documenting model roles; this·
can be blank
DocumentModelTask (long
id, long nDepth, string
Notes: Documents a single model task.
id: Long - the ID of the task·
nDepth: Long - the depth by which to adjust the heading level·
templateName: String - a template to use when documenting model tasks; this·
can be blank
DocumentPackage (long
long nDepth,
string templateName)
Notes: Documents a Package.
packageId: Long - the ID of the Package·
nDepth: Long - the depth by which to adjust the heading level·
templateName: String - a template to use when documenting Packages; this can·
be blank
GetDocumentAsRTF() Read Only.
Returns a string value of the document in raw Rich Text Format.
GetProjectConstant (string
Notes: Returns the value of a Project Constant.
nameVal: String - the name of the Project Constant for which to extract the·
GetLastError () String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
InsertBreak (long
Notes: Inserts a break into the report at the current location.
breakType: Long - 0 = page break, 1 = section break·
(string Name)
Notes: Inserts the Coverpage into the document at the current location.
The style sheet is applied to the document before it is insert into the generated
Name: String - the name of the Cover page document found in the Resource·
InsertHyperlink (string
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Name, string URL) Boolean
Notes: Inserts a hyperlink at the current location. If you use a URL with the
#BOOKMARKNAME syntax, the hyperlink will link to another part of the
Name: String - the link text to insert into the report·
URL: String - The URL of the website to link to·
(string guid)
Notes: Inserts a Linked Document into the report at the current location.
A Linked Document can used to set the header and footer of the report. These are
taken from the first Linked Document added to the report.
guid: String - the GUID of the element that has a Linked Document·
InsertTableOfContents Boolean
Notes: Inserts a Table of Contents at the current position.
(string path)
Notes: Inserts a Team Library posting into the report at the current location.
path: String - the path of the Team Library post·
InsertTemplate (string
Notes: Inserts the contents of the template directly into the report.
templateName: String - the name of the template to use·
InsertText (string text,
string style)
Notes: Inserts static text into the report at the current location.
A carriage return is not included; if you need to use one, you can add it manually.
text: String - the static text to be inserted·
style: String - the name of the style in the template; defaults to Normal style·
(string name)
Notes: Inserts the Table of Contents into the document at the current location.
Note: The stylesheet is applied to the document before it is insert into the generated
name: String - the name of the Table of Contents document found in the·
Resource tree
Notes: Inserts an external document into the currently generated file.
FileName: String - the filename of an external document file to insert into the·
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NewDocument (string
Notes: Starts a new document; you call this before attempting to document anything
templateName: String - the name of a template to use when documenting·
elements; this can be blank
ReplaceField (string
string fieldvalue)
Notes: Replaces the 'Section' field identified by the fieldname parameter with the
value provided in fieldvalue. For example:
ReplaceField ("Element.Alias", "MyAlias")
If you call this function more than once with the same fieldname, the field only has
the most recent value set.
fieldname: String - the field name to find (this does not include the {} braces)·
fieldvalue: String - the value to insert into the field; this can be a constant or a·
derived value
SaveDocument (string
long nDocType)
Notes: Saves the document to disk.
filename: String - the filename to save the file to·
nDocType: Long - 0 = RTF, 1 = HTML, 2 = PDF,·
3 = DOCX
SetPageOrientation (long
Notes: Sets the current page orientation.
pageOrientation: Long - 0 = Portrait, 1 = Landscape·
SetProjectConstant (string
newNameVal, string
Notes: Sets a Project Constant for the documentation generator; this is saved in the
current model.
newNameVal: String - the name of the Project Constant·
newValue: String - the value of the Project Constant·
(string name)
Notes: Sets the Stylesheet to be used for TOC, Coverpage and templates used. This
can be called before NewDocument.
name: String - the name of the stylesheet found in the Resource tree·
SetSuppressProfile (name) Boolean
Notes: Sets the Suppress Profile to be used during report generation.
Name: String - The name of the Suppress Profile, as created on the 'Suppress·
Sections' tab of the 'Document Generation' dialog.
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Data Miner Package
The Data Miner Package provides the Automation Interface to the Data Miner elements. It contains these Classes:
- Acons: Collecon*
- Connecons: Collecon*
- DataMiners: Collecon*
- Scripts: Collecon*
+ FindAcveDataMiner(string): DataMiner
+ FindDataMinerScript(string): DMScript
+ GetAcveAcon(): DataMinerAcon
+ GetAcveDataMiner(): DataMinerAcon
+ GetAcveVisualizerData(string): DataMiner
+ GetCurrentDBBuilderData(): DMArray
+ Connecons: Collecon*
+ Name: String
+ Query: String
+ Scripts: Collecon*
+ Type: String
+ GetData(DMConnecon): DataSet
+ Name: String
+ Path: String
+ Type: String
+ Acons: Collecon*
+ GUID: String
+ Name: String
+ Code: String
+ DataMiners: Collecon*
+ Name: String
+ Run(): bool
+ Type: long
+ GetAST()
+ GetDMArray(DMArray): DMArray
+ GetString(String): String
+ GetData(long, long): Variant
For an overview of using the Data Miner see the Data Miner Help topic under the Model Exchange group of topics.
The Data Miner is available in the Unified and Ultimate editions·
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DataMinerManager Class
DataMinerManager Aributes
Attribute Remarks
Actions Collection
Notes: Returns a pointer to the EA.DMAction objects.
Connections Collection
Notes: Returns a Collection of EA.DMConnection objects.
DataMiners Collection
Notes: Returns a Collection of EA.DataMiner objects
Scripts Collection
Notes: Returns a Collection of EA.DMScript objects.
DataMinerManager Methods
Method Remarks
(string guid)
DataMiner Object
Loads the DataMiner object from the model specified by its GUID.
Returns an EA.DataMiner object or NULL if the current selected object isn't a
DataMiner object.
GUID: string - GUID of the Data Miner object to look up·
(string guid)
DMScript object
Returns an EA.DMScript object in the model.
GUID: string - GUID of DMScript object.·
GetActiveAction ( ) DMAction Object
When you run an Action (operation), from a diagram, this returns the Action's
EA.DMAction object.
NOTE: This is generally used for an Action to work out what DataMiner and
DMConnections it is linked to.
GetActiveDataMiner ( ) DataMiner Object
Returns a pointer to an EA.DataMiner object, or NULL if the currently selected
object is not a DataMiner object.
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(string name)
DataSet Object
Get the EA.DataSet of the currently open Visualizer.
Name: string - Name of Open Visualizer·
Note: Passing in a blank name will return the first Visualizer tab.
( )
DMArray Object
Get the current data from the Database Builder's latest SQL query. Returns the
current output of the SQL scratch window. Accessible via:
Ribbon: Develop > Data Modeling > Database Builder > SQL Scratch Pad.
Return Type: DMArray
Returns a pointer to an EA.DMArray object, or NULL if there is not a current
Database Builder window with returned data.
See The Database Builder Help topic for more information on how to get data into
this window.
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DataMiner Class
DataMiner Aributes
Attribute Remarks
Connections Collection
A collection of EA.DMConnection's,
Notes: Read Only
Name String
Name of the Script object.
Notes: Read Only
Query String
Query of the Data miner object
Notes: Read Only
Scripts Collection
A collection of EA.DMScript's,
Notes: Read Only
Type String
Type of the Data miner object
Notes: Read Only
DataMiner Methods
Method Remarks
GetData (DMCconnection
Returns an EA.DataSet object that represents the query on the connection.
connection: DMConnection - A DMConnection object·
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DataSet Class
DataSet Aributes
Attribute Remarks
Type long
Type of data contained in this data set.
1. Safe Array
2. Abstract Data type
3. JSon
4. Text
Notes: Read Only
DataSet Methods
Method Remarks
GetAST ( ) Currently not supported
GetDMArray ( ) DMArray
Returns an EA.DMArray object
NOTE: Only supported when Type = 1
GetString ( ) String
Returns a string of the data.
NOTE: Only supported when Type = 3 or 4.
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DMArray Class
DMArray Aributes
Attribute Remarks
ColumnCount long
Notes: Read Only
Number of Columns returned in this dataset
RowCount long
Notes: Read Only
Number of rows returned in this dataset
DMArray Methods
GetData (long row, long
Notes: When the database returns a NULL value, this will return an empty string.
Return: Variant.
row: Row number of data·
column: Column number of data·
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DMAcon Class
DMAcon Aributes
Attribute Remarks
Code String
The code on the Action
Notes: Read Only
DataMiners Collection
A Collection of DMDataminer objects
Notes: Read Only
Name String
Name of the Action.
Notes: Read Only
DMAcon Methods
Run ( ) Boolean
Returns TRUE if the script was run successfully.
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DMScript Class
DMScript Aributes
Attribute Remarks
Actions Collection
returns a Collection of EA.DMAction's
GUID String
Guid of the Script object.
Notes: Read Only
Name String
Name of the Script object.
Notes: Read Only
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DMConnecon Class
DMConnecon Aributes
Sets the type that the connect object is.
Notes: Read Only
Attribute Remarks
Name Type: String
Notes: Read Only
Name of the Connection object.
Path Type: String
Path to the data we are connecting to.
Notes: Read Only
Type Type: String
Notes: Read Only
Type of Connection. Options:
EA Repository·
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TypeInfoProperes Package
The TypeInfoProperties Package provides an interface to the properties of an object from the perspective of the
technology rather than the Enterprise Architect database, allowing read and write access to those properties. It effectively
shows the properties contained in the technology-specific and custom categories of the Properties window for the object
(and omits the Enterprise Architect specific properties such as the General and Project properties). The interface hides
the origin of the properties - whether they are from the base object directly, a Tagged Value, or are MOF properties.
You can see this interface in action in the EA.Example model ('Start > Help > Help > Open the Example Model'). When
you open this model:
Select the 'Specialize > Manage Addin' ribbon option.1.
Select the checkbox against 'Type Info' and click on the OK button. An icon for 'Type Info' displays on the right of2.
the Add-Ins panel.
Click on the drop-down arrow and select the 'Show Type Info' option. The Add-Ins window displays, showing the3.
type information (properties) for the currently-selected object.
If you also want to display custom properties in the Add-Ins window, click on the 'Type-Info' icon again and select4.
the 'Include Custom Properties option'. The window resembles this illustration, which is for a UML Component
Browse the EA.Example model, clicking on different types of object. You will see a different list of properties for,5.
say, an Action than for a Class. Then you can both read and write to those properties. Also compare the list with the
Properties window for the same objects.
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TypeInfoProperes Class
TypeInfoProperes Aributes
Attribute Remarks
Count long
Returns the number of TypeInfo Properties.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
TypeInfoProperes Methods
Method Remarks
GetLastError () String
Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in
relation to this object.
GetProperty (String
Returns the property value as a string.
PropName : String - Name of the property·
HasProperty (String
Returns True if the object has the property.
PropName : String - Name of the property·
Items (object Index) TypeInfoProperty collection
Notes: Accesses an individual TypeInfoProperty.
Index: Object - Either a string representing the title text or an integer·
representing the zero-based index of the TypeInfoProperty to get
SetProperty (String
PropName, String Value)
Returns True if the property was set.
PropName : String - Name of property·
Value : String - Value of property·
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TypeInfoProperty Class
TypeInfoProperty Aributes
Attribute Remarks
Name String
Notes: Readonly.
Name of the property.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
Value String
Get/Sets the Property value.
TypeInfoProperty Methods
Method Remarks
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Mail Interface Package
The MailInterface Package contains:
A function to retrieve a pointer to the interface·
Functions to create and send a mail message within the current mode·
Utility functions for creating hyperlinks to selected model elements·
You can get a pointer to this interface using the method Repository.GetMailInterface.
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MailInterface Class
The MailInterface interface can be accessed from the Repository using GetMailInterface(). The returned interface
provides access to the Enterprise Architect Model Mail Interface. Use this interface to automate the process of creating
and sending messages using Enterprise Architect's Model Mail system.
MailInterface Aributes
Attribute Remarks
MessagingEnabled Boolean
Notes: Read Only
Advises whether messaging is enabled on the current model.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read Only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a dispatch interface.
MailInterface Methods
Method Remarks
ng InitialRecipientGUID,
string InitialSubject,
messageflag InitialFlag,
string InitialMessageText)
Notes: Creates a new mail message using the values specified in the input
parameters; the message is displayed in the composition window, ready for sending.
This method does NOT send the message.
InitialRecipientGUID: String - Initial value for the GUID of the addressee user·
(an Enterprise Architect user defined in the current model)
InitialSubject: String - Initial value for the Subject text to display for this·
InitialFlag: MessageFlag - Initial value for the flag type/color to attach to this·
InitialMessageText: String - Initial value for the text that is the body of the·
ng AttributeGUID, string
Notes: Returns a string containing a hyperlink to the attribute specified by the input
parameter AttributeGUID.
AttributeGUID: String - The GUID of the attribute for which a hyperlink is·
LinkText: String - The text to display for the hyperlink (such as the attribute·
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(string DiagramGUID,
string LinkText)
Notes: Returns a string containing a hyperlink to the diagram specified by the input
parameter DiagramGUID.
DiagramGUID: String - The GUID of the diagram for which a hyperlink is·
LinkText: String - The text to display for the hyperlink (such as the diagram·
(string ElementGUID,
string LinkText)
Notes: Returns a string containing a hyperlink to the element specified by the input
parameter ElementGUID.
ElementGUID: String - The GUID of the element for which a hyperlink is·
LinkText: String - The text to display for the hyperlink (such as the element·
GetFileHyperlink (string
FilePath, string LinkText)
Notes: Returns a string containing a hyperlink to the file specified by the input
parameter FilePath.
FilePath: String - The path name of the file for which a hyperlink is required·
LinkText: String - The text to display for the hyperlink (such as the file name)·
GetLastError () String
Notes: Returns the last error message set for the MailInterface.
(string MethodGUID,
string LinkText)
Notes: Returns a string containing a hyperlink to the method specified by the input
parameter MethodGUID.
MethodGUID: String - The GUID of the method for which a hyperlink is·
LinkText: String - The text to display for the hyperlink (such as the method·
(string PackageGUID,
string LinkText)
Notes: Returns a string containing a hyperlink to the Package specified by the input
parameter PackageGUID.
PackageGUID: String - The GUID of the Package for which a hyperlink is·
LinkText: String - The text to display for the hyperlink (such as the Package·
GetRecipientGUID (string
Notes: Returns the GUID of the specified Enterprise Architect user.
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UserName: String - The name of a user defined in the current model·
GetWebHyperlink (string
URL, string LinkText)
Notes: Returns a string containing a hyperlink to the URL specified by the input
parameter URL.
URL: String - The URL of the item for which a hyperlink is required·
LinkText: String - The text to display for the hyperlink·
SendMailMessage (string
RecipientGUID, string
Subject, messageflag Flag,
string MessageText)
Notes: Creates and sends a new mail message using the values specified in the input
RecipientGUID: String - The GUID of the addressee user (an Enterprise·
Architect user defined in the current model)
Subject: String - The Subject text to display for this message·
Flag: MessageFlag - The flag type/color to attach to this message·
MessageText: String - The text that is the body of the message·
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Search Window Package
The Search Window Package contains:
The EAContext Class, which provides a description of a single selected item·
The EASelection Class, which provides optimized functions to access information about the current selection·
The SearchWindow Class, which provides a method for displaying the results of your operation using the Search·
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EAContext Class
The EAContext Class provides a description of a single selected item. The fields with values depend on the location of
the selected item.
EAContext Aributes
Atttribute Remarks
Alias String
Notes: Read only
The Alias of the context item.
BaseType String
Notes: Read only
Returns the base UML type of the context item.
ContextType ContextType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
ElementGUID String
Notes: Read only
The Element GUID of the current element; empty if an element isn't selected.
ElementID Long
Notes: Read only
The Element ID of the current element; 0 if an element isn't selected.
Locked Boolean
Notes: Read only
Indicates if the context item is locked.
MetaType String
Notes: Read only
Returns the metatype of the context item.
Name String
Notes: Read only
The name of the context item.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
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EAContext Methods
Method Remarks
HasStereotype (String
Returns: True if the stereotype is applied to an object.
stereo: String - the stereotype to check against the context object, to see if has·
been applied
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EASelecon Class
The EASelection Class provides optimized functions to access information on the current selection. It should be used
when building Add-In menus and setting the menu state, as almost all properties can be used without any database
queries being made.
EASelecon Aributes
Attribute Remarks
Context EAContext
Describes the currently focused element without requiring any database calls.
ElementSet Collection
When the selection consists of one or more objects of type otElement, this provides
a collection giving optimized access to all of those elements.
List Collection
For any window where multiple selection is supported, this provides a list
describing the type of every selected element without requiring any database calls.
Location String
Provides the type of window that contains the current selection.
Possible values are:
Element List·
Model View·
Browser window·
Project View·
Relationship Matrix·
Specification Manager·
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
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EASelecon Methods
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SearchWindow Class
The SearchWindow Class provides a method for displaying the results of your operation using the Search Window.
SearchWindow Aributes
Attribute Remarks
FieldChooserVisible Boolean
Shows or hides the search Field Chooser.
FiltersVisible Boolean
Shows or hides the search filters.
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
SearchWindow Methods
Method Remarks
AddColumn (string Name,
long Width)
Adds the column into the current Search window.
Returns the column number, or -1 on error.
Name: String - Name of the column·
Width: Long - Width of the column·
AddRow (ObjectType ot,
String ElementGUID, Long
ElementID, String
ClassType, VARIANT
Returns the row inserted into the search.
ot: ObjectType - the Object Type·
ElementGUID: String - GUID of the element·
ElementID: long - Object ID of the element·
ClassType: String - the type of object·
Values: an array of values·
ClearGrouping ( ) Clear all groupings in the search.
Returns FALSE on error.
ClearSorting ( ) Clear all column sorting in the search.
Returns FALSE on error.
EnsureVisible ( ) Make the Search window visible.
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Returns FALSE, if the Search window isn't open.
GetCell (long Row, long
Returns the value of the cell.
Row: long - Row number·
Column: long - Column number·
GroupByColumn (long
Sets the group order by column.
Returns FALSE if it cannot group by the specified column.
Column: Long - Column number·
LoadLayout (string
Set the layout of the Search window.
Returns FALSE if the layout cannot be set.
LayoutGUID: String - Layout GUID·
NewLayout (string
Saves the layout of the Search window.
LayoutGUID: String - Layout GUID·
SetCellString (long Row,
long Column, String Data)
Sets a value in a cell.
Row: long - Row number·
Column: long - Column number·
Data: String - Value to set the cell to·
SetCellVariant (long Row,
long Column, VARIANT
Sets an alternative value in a cell.
Row : long - Row number·
Column : long - Column number·
Data: Value to set the cell to·
SortByColumn (long
Sets the column to sort by.
Returns FALSE if it cannot sort by the specified column.
Column: Long - Column number·
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Simulaon Package
The Simulation Package contains:
An attribute to set, increase and decrease the speed of the simulation·
A function to check if a simulation is currently running·
Functions to Start, Stop, Step Into, Step Out of, Step Over and Pause a simulation·
A function to send a broadcast signal to the simulation that is currently running·
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Simulaon Class
The Simulation Class provides an interface to the Enterprise Architect Model Simulation facilities.
Simulaon Aributes
Attribute Description
ObjectType ObjectType
Notes: Read only
Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface.
Speed Long
Notes: Read/Write
Retrieve or set the current simulation running speed.
Simulaon Methods
Method Description
string sParameters)
Notes: Send a signal into the running simulation. If the simulation is stopped, do
sSignalName: String - the name of the signal OR the GUID of the Signal·
sParameters: String - a string of one or more signal parameters, in this format:·
{parameter1: 5, parameter2: "test", parameter3: 3.2}
IsSimulatorRunning() Boolean
Notes: Check the state of the simulation.
Returns True if the simulation is running; returns False if the simulation is stopped.
Pause() Boolean
Notes: Pause the simulation if it is running.
Start() Boolean
Notes: Start the simulation based on the current selection. If the current simulation
is in a paused state, then the simulation is resumed.
StepIn() Boolean
Notes: Step In to the routine in the current simulation.
StepOut() Boolean
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Notes: Step Out of the routine in the current simulation.
StepOver() Boolean
Notes: Step Over the routine in the current simulation.
Stop() Boolean
Notes: Stop the simulation.
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Schema Composer Package
The Schema Composer can be accessed from the Enterprise Architect automation interface. A client (script or Add-In)
can obtain access to the interface using the SchemaComposer property of the Repository object. This interface is
available when a Schema Composer has a profile loaded.
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SchemaProperty Class
SchemaProperty Aributes
Attribute Description
TypeID long
Notes: Read only
The classifier ID of the property.
PropID long
Notes: Read only
The property ID.
Guid string
Notes: Read only
The unique model GUID of the property.
Name string
Notes: Read only
The name of the property.
Cardinality string
Notes: Read only
The cardinality of the element.
UMLType string
Notes: Read only
The UML type, such as attribute, association or aggregation.
Parent long
Notes: Read only
The classifier of the owner Class.
PrimitiveType string
Notes: Read only
The property's primitive type if property represents a simple type.
Annotation string
Notes: Read only
The model notes for the property.
Stereotype string
Notes: Read only
The stereotype of the property.
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Choices SchemaTypeEnum
Returns an iterator allowing navigation of choice elements in model, defined for
this property in the Schema Composer. Combine with SchemaChoices attribute to
obtain all available choices.
SchemaChoices SchemaTypeEnum
Returns an iterator allowing navigation of choice elements in schema, defined for
this property in the Schema Composer. Combine with Choices attribute to obtain all
available choices.
TypeName string
Returns a string naming the type of the property
Type SchemaType
Returns an interface to the property's type for complex types.
SchemaProperty Methods
Method Description
IsInline boolean
If true, the property is marked as 'Inline'. XML schema generators would emit an
inline definition when detecting this attribute.
IsPrimitive boolean
Returns true for a property whose type is maps to a built in type such as xs:integer,
xs:string, xs:date or other XML Schema built-in type.
IsByReference boolean
Returns true for a property marked as 'By Reference' in the profile.
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SchemaProle Class
The interface representing the technology governing the naming and design rules on which the schema is built.
SchemaProle Methods
Method Description
Notes: Use this function to add entries that are offered by the Schema Composer
when the user clicks on the Generate button.
description: describes the export format provided by the Add-In·
name,boolean enabled)
Notes: Use this function to enable/disable capabilities.
name: name of the capability·
enabled: True or False·
'allowCardinality' - allows/denies restrictions to cardinality
'allowRootElement' - allows/denies setting root element
'allowPropByRef' - allows/denies By Reference restriction
'allowRedefine' - allows/denies ability to redefine an element
SetProperty(string name,
string value)
Notes: Sets properties displayed in the Schema Composer.
name: property name·
value: property value·
'Namespace' - Target namespace for XML schema
'Namespace Prefix' - Namespace prefix for XML schema
'Qualifier' - string qualifier that prepends schema type names
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SchemaComposer Class
The SchemaComposer Class provides the interface to the Enterprise Architect Schema Composer facility.
SchemaComposer Aributes
Attribute Description
ModelReference String
Notes: The model ref listed in the Schema Composer for the current profile.
Namespace String
Notes: The namespace listed in the Schema Composer for the current profile.
NamespacePrefix String
Notes: The namespace prefix listed in the Schema Composer for the current profile.
TargetDirectory String
Notes: The target directory selected by the user after clicking on the Generate
SchemaName String
Notes: Returns the name of the schema profile currently being generated.
SchemaSet String
Notes: Returns the schema set used when the schema was created.
SchemaType String
Notes: The schema type listed in the Schema Composer for the current profile,
either 'schema' or 'transform'.
SchemaTypes SchemaTypeEnum
Notes: Read only
Enumerator for the type collection represented in the currently open schema.
Namespaces SchemaNamespaceEnum
Notes: Read only
Enumerator for the namespaces referenced by schema
SchemaComposer Methods
Method Description
FindInSchema(long SchemaType
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typeID) Notes: Obtains an interface to a Class as represented in the schema for a given
model Class ID.
typeID: the model Class ID·
FindInModel(long typeID) ModelType
Notes: Obtains an interface to a Class as represented in the UML model for a given
model Class ID
typeID: the model Class ID·
string typename)
Notes: Returns an interface to the schema type that matches the type specified or
null if no type exists.
name : the name of the type·
pe(long typeID)
Notes: Returns the schema namespace prefix for a given type
typeID: the model Class ID·
string prefix)
Notes: Returns the URI for a given schema namespace prefix
name: the namespace prefix·
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ModelTypeEnum Class
An enumerator interface for schema types as represented in the UML model.
ModelTypeEnum Methods
Method Description
GetCount() long
Returns the number of types present in the collection.
GetFirst() ModelType
Returns the first type interface in a collection of types.
GetNext() ModelType
Returns the next type in the collection of types or null if end is reached.
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ModelType Class
Provides an interface to the Class of a schema type as represented in the model.
ModelType Aributes
Attribute Description
PropertyCount long
Notes: Read only
The total number of properties for this Class available in the Properties collection.
Properties SchemaPropEnum
Notes: Enumerator
Collection of properties for the Class as defined in the model.
TypeID long
Notes: Read only
The Class ID of the type.
Guid string
Notes: Read only
A GUID that uniquely identifies a type in the model.
Typename string
Notes: Read only
The name of the type as represented in the model.
ClassifierPath string
Notes: Read only
The qualified path of the type in the model.
ClassifierPathID string
Notes: Read only
A GUID that uniquely identifies a ClassifierPath in the model.
Stereotype string
Notes: Read only
The stereotype of the Class as defined in the model.
Annotation string
Notes: Read only
Any notes present in the model describing the Class.
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ModelType Methods
Method Description
hType searchtype)
Notes: Enumerator
Returns an enumerator that can be used to traverse the Class ancestry.
searchtype: the type of traversal to use, breadth first or depth first·
Type searchType)
Notes: Enumerator
Returns an enumerator that can be used to iterate over any descendents of the Class.
searchtype: the type of traversal to use, breadth first or depth first·
IsEnumeration True where type represents an enumeration element
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SchemaTypeEnum Class
An enumerator interface for schema types as represented in XML schema.
Method Description
GetCount() Returns the number of properties for an element.
GetFirst() Returns the first property for the element in alphabetical order.
GetNext() Returns the first property for the element in alphabetical order or null if no more are
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SchemaType Class
Represents a type as it is defined in the schema.
Method Description
GetFacet(BSTR name) Returns the value of the named facet. 'Root', for example' returns a value indicating
whether a type is a root element.
GetRestriction(BSTR guid) Returns the restriction as a string for the property having the supplied guid.
IsRoot() True if Class is marked as 'root' in the Composer.
IsEnumeration() True if the type represents an enumeration element
Property Description
PropertyCount [type: long] Returns the number of properties held by 'type'.
Properties [type:
Returns an enumerator for 'type's' properties.
TypeID The model Class ID.
Guid The unique model GUID of the type.
Typename The type's name.
Parent The parent type - if any - that this Class extends. Could be null depending on
composition method.
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SchemaPropEnum Class
An enumerator for properties of a UML model type or XML schema type.
Method Description
GetCount() Returns the number of properties for an element.
GetFirst() Returns the first property for the element in alphabetical order.
GetNext() Returns the first property for the element in alphabetical order or null if no more are
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SearchType Enumeraon
SearchType Aributes
Attribute Description
searchDepthFirst Navigate children before siblings.
searchBreadthFirst Navigate siblings before children.
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SchemaNamespace Class
An interface presenting namespace information
SchemaNamespace Aributes
Name string
Notes: Read only
The namespace prefix.
URI string
Notes: Read only
The URI of the namespace.
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SchemaNamespaceEnum Class
An enumerator interface for namespaces referenced by schema.
SchemaNamespaceEnum Methods
GetFirst() SchemaNamespace
Returns the first namespace interface in a collection of namespaces.
GetNext() SchemaNamespace
Returns the next namespace interface in a collection of namespaces
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Code Samples
As you write or edit code for using the Automation Interface, you might want to review these public Object examples,
written in VB.Net.
Open the Repository
Iterate Through a .eap File
Add and Manage Packages
Add and Manage Elements
Add a Connector
Add and Manage Diagrams
Add and Delete Features
Element Extras
Repository Extras
Work with Attributes
Work with Methods
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Open the Repository
This is an example of the VB.Net code to open an Enterprise Architect repository.
Public Class AutomationExample
''Class level variable for Repository
Public m_Repository As Object
Public Sub Run()
''create the repository object
m_Repository = CreateObject("EA.Repository")
''open an EAP file
''use the Repository in any way required
''close the repository and tidy up
m_Repository = Nothing
catch e as exception
End try
End Sub
end Class
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Iterate Through a .EAP File
This is an example of the VB.Net code to iterate through a .eap file starting at the Model level, after the repository has
been opened.
Sub DumpModel()
Dim idx as Integer
For idx=0 to m_Repository.Models.Count-1
End Sub
''output Package name, then element contents, then process child Packages
Sub DumpPackage(Indent as String, Package as Object)
Dim idx as Integer
Console.WriteLine(Indent + Package.Name)
DumpElements(Indent + "", Package)
For idx = 0 to Package.Packages.Count-1
DumpPackage(Indent + "", Package.Packages.GetAt(idx))
End Sub
''dump element name
Sub DumpElements(Indent as String, Package as Object)
Dim idx as Integer
For idx = 0 to Package.Elements.Count-1
Console.WriteLine(Indent + "::" + Package.Elements.GetAt(idx).Name)
End Sub
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Add and Manage Packages
This example illustrates how to add a Model or a Package to the project.
Sub TestPackageLifecycle
Dim idx as integer
Dim idx2 as integer
Dim package as object
Dim model as object
Dim o as object
''first add a new Model
model = m_Repository.Models.AddNew("AdvancedModel","")
If not model.Update() Then
End If
''refresh the models collection
''now work through models collection and add a package
For idx = 0 to m_Repository.Models.Count -1
o = m_Repository.Models.GetAt(idx)
If o.Name = "AdvancedModel" Then
package = o.Packages.Addnew("Subpackage","Nothing")
If not package.Update() Then
End If
package.Element.Stereotype = "system"
''for testing purposes just delete the
''newly created Model and its contents
End If
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End Sub
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Add and Manage Elements
This is an example of the code for adding and deleting elements in a Package.
Sub ElementLifeCycle
Dim package as Object
Dim element as Object
package = m_Repository.GetPackageByID(2)
element = package.elements.AddNew("Login to Website","UseCase")
element.Stereotype = "testcase"
Dim idx as integer
''Note the repeated calls to "package.elements.GetAt."
''In general you should make this call once and assign to a local
''variable - in this example, Enterprise Architect loads the
''element required every time a call is made - rather than loading once
''and keeping a local reference.
For idx = 0 to package.elements.count-1
If (package.elements.GetAt(idx).Name = "Login to Website" and _
package.elements.GetAt(idx).Type = "UseCase") Then
package.elements.deleteat(idx, false)
End If
End Sub
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Add a Connector
This is an example of code to add a connector and set its values.
Sub ConnectorTest
Dim source as object
Dim target as object
Dim con as object
Dim o as object
Dim client as object
Dim supplier as object
''Use ElementIDs to quickly load an element in this example
''... you must find suitable IDs in your model
source = m_Repository.GetElementByID(129)
target = m_Repository.GetElementByID(169)
con = source.Connectors.AddNew ("test link 2", "Association")
''again, replace ID with a suitable one from your model
con.SupplierID = 169
If not con.Update Then
End If
Console.WriteLine("Connector Created")
o = con.Constraints.AddNew ("constraint2","type")
If not o.Update Then
End If
o = con.TaggedValues.AddNew ("Tag","Value")
If not o.Update Then
End If
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''Use the client and supplier ends to set
''additional information
client = con.ClientEnd
client.Visibility = "Private"
client.Role = "m_client"
supplier = con.SupplierEnd
supplier.Visibility = "Protected"
supplier.Role = "m_supplier"
Console.WriteLine("Client and Supplier set")
End Sub
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Add and Manage Diagrams
This is an example of the code for creating a diagram and adding an element to it. Note the optional use of the element
rectangle setting, using left, right, top and bottom dimensions in the AddNew call.
Sub DiagramLifeCycle
Dim diagram as object
Dim v as object
Dim o as object
Dim package as object
Dim idx as Integer
Dim idx2 as integer
package = m_Repository.GetPackageByID(5)
diagram = package.Diagrams.AddNew("Logical Diagram","Logical")
If not diagram.Update Then
End if
diagram.Notes = "Hello there this is a test"
o = package.Elements.AddNew("ReferenceType","Class")
'' add element to diagram - supply optional rectangle co-ordinates
v = diagram.DiagramObjects.AddNew("l=200;r=400;t=200;b=600;","")
v.ElementID = o.ElementID
End Sub
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Add and Delete Features
An example of code to add and delete Features of an object.
Dim element as object
Dim idx as integer
Dim attribute as object
Dim method as object
'just load an element by ID - you must
'substitute a valid ID from your model
element = m_Repository.GetElementByID(246)
''create a new method
method = element.Methods.AddNew("newMethod", "int")
'now loop through methods for Element - and delete our addition
For idx = 0 to element.Methods.Count-1
method =element.Methods.GetAt(idx)
If(method.Name = "newMethod") Then
End if
'create an attribute
attribute = element.attributes.AddNew("NewAttribute", "int")
'loop through and delete our new attribute
For idx = 0 to element.attributes.Count-1
attribute =element.attributes.GetAt(idx)
If(attribute.Name = "NewAttribute") Then
End If
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Element Extras
These are examples of code to access and use element extras, such as scenarios, constraints and requirements.
Sub ElementExtras
Dim element as object
Dim o as object
Dim idx as Integer
Dim bDel as boolean
bDel = true
element = m_Repository.GetElementByID(129)
'manage constraints for an element
'demonstrate addnew and delete
o = element.Constraints.AddNew("Appended","Type")
If not o.Update Then
Console.WriteLine("Constraint error:" + o.GetLastError())
End if
For idx = 0 to element.Constraints.Count -1
o = element.Constraints.GetAt(idx)
If(o.Name="Appended") Then
If bDel Then element.Constraints.Delete (idx)
End if
o = element.Efforts.AddNew("Appended","Type")
If not o.Update Then
Console.WriteLine("Efforts error:" + o.GetLastError())
End if
For idx = 0 to element.Efforts.Count -1
o = element.Efforts.GetAt(idx)
If(o.Name="Appended") Then
If bDel Then element.Efforts.Delete (idx)
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End if
o = element.Risks.AddNew("Appended","Type")
If not o.Update Then
Console.WriteLine("Risks error:" + o.GetLastError())
End if
For idx = 0 to element.Risks.Count -1
o = element.Risks.GetAt(idx)
If(o.Name="Appended") Then
If bDel Then element.Risks.Delete (idx)
End if
o = element.Metrics.AddNew("Appended","Change")
If not o.Update Then
Console.WriteLine("Metrics error:" + o.GetLastError())
End if
For idx = 0 to element.Metrics.Count -1
o = element.Metrics.GetAt(idx)
If(o.Name="Appended") Then
If bDel Then element.Metrics.Delete (idx)
End if
o = element.TaggedValues.AddNew("Appended","Change")
If not o.Update Then
Console.WriteLine("TaggedValues error:" + o.GetLastError())
End if
For idx = 0 to element.TaggedValues.Count -1
o = element.TaggedValues.GetAt(idx)
If(o.Name="Appended") Then
If bDel Then element.TaggedValues.Delete (idx)
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End if
o = element.Scenarios.AddNew("Appended","Change")
If not o.Update Then
Console.WriteLine("Scenarios error:" + o.GetLastError())
End if
For idx = 0 to element.Scenarios.Count -1
o = element.Scenarios.GetAt(idx)
If(o.Name="Appended") Then
If bDel Then element.Scenarios.Delete (idx)
End if
o = element.Files.AddNew("MyFile","doc")
If not o.Update Then
Console.WriteLine("Files error:" + o.GetLastError())
End if
For idx = 0 to element.Files.Count -1
o = element.Files.GetAt(idx)
If(o.Name="MyFile") Then
If bDel Then element.Files.Delete (idx)
End if
o = element.Tests.AddNew("TestPlan","Load")
If not o.Update Then
Console.WriteLine("Tests error:" + o.GetLastError())
End if
For idx = 0 to element.Tests.Count -1
o = element.Tests.GetAt(idx)
If(o.Name="TestPlan") Then
If bDel Then element.Tests.Delete (idx)
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End if
o = element.Issues.AddNew("Broken","Defect")
If not o.Update Then
Console.WriteLine("Issues error:" + o.GetLastError())
End if
For idx = 0 to element.Issues.Count -1
o = element.Issues.GetAt(idx)
If(o.Name="Broken") Then
If bDel Then element.Issues.Delete (idx)
End if
o = element.Issues.AddNew("Change","Change")
If not o.Update Then
Console.WriteLine("Issues error:" + o.GetLastError())
End if
For idx = 0 to element.Issues.Count -1
o = element.Issues.GetAt(idx)
If(o.Name="Change") Then
If bDel Then element.Issues.Delete (idx)
End if
catch e as exception
End try
End Sub
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Repository Extras
These are examples of code for accessing repository collections for system-level information.
Sub RepositoryExtras
Dim o as object
Dim idx as integer
o = m_Repository.Issues.AddNew("Problem","Type")
If(o.Update=false) Then
Console.WriteLine (o.GetLastError())
End if
o = nothing
For idx = 0 to m_Repository.Issues.Count-1
If(m_Repository.Issues.GetAt(idx).Name = "Problem") then
Console.WriteLine("Delete Issues")
End if
o = m_Repository.Tasks.AddNew("Task 1","Task type")
If(o.Update=false) Then
Console.WriteLine ("error - " + o.GetLastError())
End if
o = nothing
For idx = 0 to m_Repository.Tasks.Count-1
If(m_Repository.Tasks.GetAt(idx).Name = "Task 1") then
Console.WriteLine("Delete Tasks")
End if
o = m_Repository.Terms.AddNew("Term 1","business")
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If(o.Update=false) Then
Console.WriteLine ("error - " + o.GetLastError())
End if
o = nothing
For idx = 0 to m_Repository.Terms.Count-1
If(m_Repository.Terms.GetAt(idx).Term = "Term 1") then
Console.WriteLine("Delete Terms")
End if
o = m_Repository.Authors.AddNew("Joe B","Writer")
If(o.Update=false) Then
Console.WriteLine (o.GetLastError())
End if
o = nothing
For idx = 0 to m_Repository.authors.Count-1
If(m_Repository.authors.GetAt(idx).Name = "Joe B") then
Console.WriteLine("Delete Authors")
End if
o = m_Repository.Clients.AddNew("Joe Sphere","Client")
If(o.Update=false) Then
Console.WriteLine (o.GetLastError())
End if
o = nothing
For idx = 0 to m_Repository.Clients.Count-1
If(m_Repository.Clients.GetAt(idx).Name = "Joe Sphere") then
Console.WriteLine("Delete Clients")
End if
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o = m_Repository.Resources.AddNew("Joe Worker","Resource")
If(o.Update=false) Then
Console.WriteLine (o.GetLastError())
End if
o = nothing
For idx = 0 to m_Repository.Resources.Count-1
If(m_Repository.Resources.GetAt(idx).Name = "Joe Worker") then
Console.WriteLine("Delete Resources")
End if
End Sub
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This is some example code for adding and deleting stereotypes.
Sub TestStereotypes
Dim o as object
Dim idx as integer
''add a new stereotype to the Stereotypes collection
o = m_Repository.Stereotypes.AddNew("funky","class")
If(o.Update=false) Then
Console.WriteLine (o.GetLastError())
End if
o = nothing
''make sure you refresh
''then iterate through - deleting our new entry in the process
For idx = 0 to m_Repository.Stereotypes.Count-1
If(m_Repository.Stereotypes.GetAt(idx).Name = "funky") then
Console.WriteLine("Delete element")
End if
End Sub
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Work With Aributes
This is an example of code for working with attributes.
Sub AttributeLifecycle
Dim element as object
Dim o as object
Dim t as object
Dim idx as Integer
Dim idx2 as integer
element = m_Repository.GetElementByID(129)
For idx = 0 to element.Attributes.Count -1
Console.WriteLine("attribute=" + element.Attributes.GetAt(idx).Name)
o = element.Attributes.GetAt(idx)
t = o.Constraints.AddNew("> 123","Precision")
For idx2 = 0 to o.Constraints.Count-1
t = o.Constraints.GetAt(idx2)
Console.WriteLine("Constraint: " + t.Name)
If(t.Name="> 123") Then
o.Constraints.DeleteAt(idx2, false)
End if
For idx2 = 0 to o.TaggedValues.Count-1
t = o.TaggedValues.GetAt(idx2)
If(t.Name = "Type2") Then
o.TaggedValues.DeleteAt(idx2, true)
End if
t = o.TaggedValues.AddNew("Type2","Number")
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For idx2 = 0 to o.TaggedValues.Count-1
t = o.TaggedValues.GetAt(idx2)
Console.WriteLine("Tagged Value: " + t.Name)
If(element.Attributes.GetAt(idx).Name = "m_Tootle") Then
Console.WriteLine("delete attribute")
element.Attributes.DeleteAt(idx, false)
End If
catch e as exception
End try
End Sub
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Work With Methods
This is an example of code for working with the Methods collection of an element and with Method collections.
Sub MethodLifeCycle
Dim element as object
Dim method as object
Dim t as object
Dim idx as Integer
Dim idx2 as integer
element = m_Repository.GetElementByID(129)
For idx = 0 to element.Methods.Count -1
method = element.Methods.GetAt(idx)
t = method.PreConditions.AddNew("TestConstraint","something")
If t.Update = false Then
Console.WriteLine("PreConditions: " + t.GetLastError)
End if
For idx2 = 0 to method.PreConditions.Count-1
t = method.PreConditions.GetAt(idx2)
Console.WriteLine("PreConditions: " + t.Name)
If t.Name = "TestConstraint" Then
End If
t = method.PostConditions.AddNew("TestConstraint","something")
If t.Update = false Then
Console.WriteLine("PostConditions: " + t.GetLastError)
End if
For idx2 = 0 to method.PostConditions.Count-1
t = method.PostConditions.GetAt(idx2)
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Console.WriteLine("PostConditions: " + t.Name)
If t.Name = "TestConstraint" Then
method.PostConditions.DeleteAt(idx2, false)
End If
t = method.TaggedValues.AddNew("TestTaggedValue","something")
If t.Update = false Then
Console.WriteLine("Tagged Values: " + t.GetLastError)
End if
For idx2 = 0 to method.TaggedValues.Count-1
t = method.TaggedValues.GetAt(idx2)
Console.WriteLine("Tagged Value: " + t.Name)
If(t.Name= "TestTaggedValue") Then
End If
t = method.Parameters.AddNew("TestParam","string")
If t.Update = false Then
Console.WriteLine("Parameters: " + t.GetLastError)
End if
For idx2 = 0 to method.Parameters.Count-1
t = method.Parameters.GetAt(idx2)
Console.WriteLine("Parameter: " + t.Name)
If(t.Name="TestParam") Then
method.Parameters.DeleteAt(idx2, false)
End If
method = nothing
catch e as exception
End try
End Sub
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