NEHRP Seismic Design Technical Brief No. 7
Seismic Design of Reinforced
Concrete Mat Foundations
A Guide for Practicing Engineers
NIST GCR 12-917-22
Ron Klemencic
Ian S. McFarlane
Neil M. Hawkins
Sissy Nikolaou
About The Authors
Ron Klemencic, P.E., S.E., is President of Magnusson Klemencic
Associates (MKA), a structural and civil engineering rm headquartered in
Seattle, Washington. Ron is an American Concrete Institute (ACI) Fellow
and serves on the ACI Board of Directors. He is a voting member of ACI
318, 318H, 318D, ITG 5, and 374. Ron is a former chairman of ACI 374
and was awarded the ACI 2010 Alfred E. Lindau Award. He recently
led the development and U.S. adoption of Performance-Based Seismic
Design methodology for high-rise structures.
Ian S. McFarlane, P.E., is a Senior Design Engineer at Magnusson
Klemencic Associates (MKA), a structural and civil engineering rm
headquartered in Seattle, Washington. He is the firm’s in-house
foundation design specialist, and has experience designing a number
of building types including high-rise residential towers, healthcare, and
ofce buildings.
Neil M. Hawkins, PhD, Dist. M. American Society of Civil Engineers, Hon.
M. ACI, Fellow Structural Engineering Institute, Fellow Portland Cement
Institute, is Professor Emeritus of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He has served on the
Main Committee and the Seismic Code Committee of ASCE 7 since
2001. He has been a member of the Main Committee and the Seismic
Subcommittee of ACI 318 since 1995. He served on the Building Seismic
About the Review Panel
The contributions of the three review panelists for this publication are
gratefully acknowledged.
Gregg E. Brandow, PhD, P.E., S.E., is the former President of Brandow
& Johnston, Structural Engineers, in Los Angeles, California, where he
led the rm’s design of over 4,000 projects, including schools, hospitals,
and highrise buildings. He is now a Principal with Brandow & Nastar
and a Professor of Engineering Practice at the University of Southern
California. He has over 40 years of structural design experience,
earthquake reconnaissance opportunities, and forensic engineering. He
is active with SEI and ASCE and is Chair of the Structural Engineering
Licensure Coalition.
Viral B. Patel, P.E., S.E., is Senior Principal and Managing Director of the
Research and Development Group at Walter P. Moore and Associates
Inc., a National structural/civil engineering firm headquartered in
Houston, Texas. Mr. Patel is responsible for directing the Research &
Development group, which develops and disseminates standardized
resources, processes, and design tools to all Walter P Moore ofces
around the country. Mr. Patel also serves as consultant to senior project
managers on all major projects throughout the rm. He is a member of
ACI committees 375 and 314 and subcommittee 318-E.
James K. Wight, P.E., is the F.E. Richart, Jr. Collegiate Professor of Civil
Engineering at the University of Michigan. He is a Fellow of ASCE and
ACI. He is well-known nationally and internationally for his research in
earthquake-resistant design of concrete structures. Professor Wight
is the current President of the American Concrete Institute and has
previously held several important positions including Chair of the ACI
Building Code Committee. He has received numerous awards for his
teaching and research including the ACI Joe Kelly Award, the C.P. Siess
Award for Excellence in Structural Research, and the Wason Medal for
the Most Meritorious Paper.
National Institute of
Standards and Technology
NIST is a federal technology agency within the U.S. Department of
Commerce that promotes U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness
by advancing measurement science, standards, and technology in ways
that enhance economic security and improve our quality of life. It is the
lead agency of the NEHRP. Dr. John (Jack) R. Hayes, Jr., is the Director
of NEHRP within NIST’s Engineering Laboratory (EL). Dr. Steven L.
McCabe managed the project to produce this Technical Brief for EL.
NEHRP Consultants Joint Venture
This NIST-funded publication is one of the products of the work of
the NEHRP Consultants Joint Venture carried out under Contract
SB134107CQ0019, Task Order 11175. The partners in the NEHRP
Consultants Joint Venture are the Applied Technology Council (ATC) and
the Consortium of Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering
(CUREE). The members of the Joint Venture Management Committee
are James R. Harris, Robert Reitherman, Christopher Rojahn, and
Andrew Whittaker, and the Program Manager is Jon A. Heintz.
NEHRP Seismic Design
Technical Briefs
NEHRP (National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program) Technical
Briefs are published by NIST, the National Institute of Standards and
Technology, as aids to the efficient transfer of NEHRP and other
research into practice, thereby helping to reduce the nation’s losses
from earthquakes.
Safety Council (BSSC) Foundations and Concrete Subcommittees from
1987 through 2010 and on the BSSC Provisions Update Committee from
1997 through 2010.
Sissy Nikolaou, PhD, PE, is a Senior Associate at Mueser Rutledge
Consulting Engineers in New York City. She leads the rm’s geo-seismic
services, which have been key on design or retrot of several critical
projects, such as the Hillview Reservoir Cover, Columbia University’s
Manhattanville Campus, and the Queensboro and Woodrow Wilson
Bridges. She chairs the committee for the NYC Seismic Building Code.
Sissy has received the Shamsher Prakash award for Excellence in
Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and was recently elected as
the rst President of the New York-Northeast regional Earthquake
Engineering Research Institute chapter.
Consortium of Universities for Research in
Earthquake Engineering (CUREE)
1301 South 46th Street - Building 420
Richmond, CA 94804
(510) 665-3529 email: [email protected]
Applied Technology Council (ATC)
201 Redwood Shores Parkway - Suite 240
Redwood City, California 94065
(650) 595-1542 email: [email protected]
Ron Klemencic
Magnusson Klemencic Associates
Ian S. McFarlane
Magnusson Klemencic Associates
Neil M. Hawkins
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Sissy Nikolaou
Mueser Rutledge Consulting Engineers
August 2012
Prepared for
U.S. Department of Commerce
Engineering Laboratory
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8600
Seismic Design of Reinforced
Concrete Mat Foundations
A Guide for Practicing Engineers
NIST GCR 12-917-22
U.S. Department of Commerce
Rebecca M. Blank, Acting Secretary
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Patrick D. Gallagher, Under Secretary of Commerce for
Standards and Technology and Director
This Technical Brief was prepared for the Engineering Laboratory of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) under the
National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) Earthquake Structural and Engineering Research Contract SB134107CQ0019,
Task Order 11175. The statements and conclusions contained herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reect the views
and policies of NIST or the U.S. Government.
This report was produced by the NEHRP Consultants Joint Venture, a partnership of the Applied Technology Council (ATC) and the
Consortium of Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering (CUREE). While endeavoring to provide practical and accurate
information, the NEHRP Consultants Joint Venture, the authors, and the reviewers assume no liability for, nor express or imply any
warranty with regard to, the information contained herein. Users of the information contained in this report assume all liability arising
from such use.
The policy of NIST is to use the International System of Units (metric units) in all of its publications. However, in North America in the
construction and building materials industry, certain non-SI units are so widely used instead of SI units that it is more practical and less
confusing to include measurement values for customary units only in this publication.
Cover photo – Mat foundation under construction.
How to Cite This Publication
Klemencic, Ron, McFarlane, Ian S., Hawkins, Neil M., and Nikolaou, Sissy (2012). “Seismic design of reinforced concrete mat foundations:
A guide for practicing engineers,”
NEHRP Seismic Design Technical Brief No. 7
, produced by the NEHRP Consultants Joint Venture,
a partnership of the Applied Technology Council and the Consortium of Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering, for the
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, NIST GCR 12-917-22.
Introduction ..............................................................................................1
Historical Perspectives...............................................................................3
Soil Properties...........................................................................................6
Soil-Structure Interaction............................................................................8
Load Combinations..................................................................................11
Mats Supported on Deep Foundation Elements.............................................19
Constructability Issues...............................................................................................22
Notation and Abbreviations.........................................................................................26
Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Mat Foundations: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
Seismic design of reinforced concrete mat foundations
has advanced significantly in the last twenty years. As
analytical capabilities have improved, primarily in the form
of nite element analysis, the mathematical modeling of
these continuous structural elements has led to seemingly
more precise designs. Yet, fundamental questions still remain
regarding the seismic performance of these thick foundation
This Technical Brief attempts to address what is known
and what is unknown about this subject, so that a structural
engineer can proceed with a seismic design in an informed
manner. Because many of the parameters associated with a
mat foundation design can be highly variable, designs that
consider this variability are encouraged.
What is Known
Plate Mechanics. The mathematical modeling of continuous
mat foundations has been correlated with laboratory testing,
providing condence that typical nite element modeling
techniques can offer a reasonable representation of the
performance of mat foundations.
Material Properties. Structural material properties of the
concrete and reinforcing steel that comprise reinforced mat
foundations are well dened and generally well documented.
What remains Unknown
Soil Properties. Despite thorough geotechnical investigations,
additional challenges in seismic mat foundation design are still
present, including properly identifying elastic dynamic soil
properties, quantifying strain-dependent soil behavior under
cyclic loading, and conducting sufcient in-situ and laboratory
testing to accurately capture the variability of the subsurface
conditions under the mat foundation.
Demand levels. Seismic demand levels dened by the current
applicable building codes and standards in the United States
are not the same as the actual forces a mat foundation may
experience. Instead, demand levels are dened as inertial
actions transferred by the super-structure considering
Response Modication Factors, R. This approach can call into
question the response of the foundation and the superstructure
as a whole, which can be particularly important for buildings
of signicant height or complexity.
Seismic Ground Motions. When seismic demands provided
in the codes and standards are not used and instead response
history analyses are performed, the uncertainties of the regional
hazard at the mat location should be considered. For large mat
foundations, spatial variability of the ground motions in terms
of wave passage and soil effects should be considered.
1. Introduction
Building Codes and Standards
In this document, the following building codes
and standards are frequently referred to as the
2012 edition of the International Building Code, IBC
(2012), which provides the overall seismic and other
design requirements; referred to as IBC
2010 edition of Minimum Design Loads for Buildings
and Other Structures, ASCE/SEI 7-10, ASCE (2010),
which denes the criteria for seismic and other loads;
referred to as ASCE 7
2011 edition of Building Code Requirements for
Structural Concrete, 318-11 American Concrete
Institute, ACI (2011), which is the basic materials
standard that applies to reinforced concrete mat
foundations; referred to as ACI 318
Older editions of these codes and standards may
currently be the legal basis for design in various
jurisdictions in the United States, but toward the objective
of making this Technical Brief a forward-looking guide
and to keep it from quickly becoming outdated, the latest
editions listed above are used here. Structural designers
need to verify their locally applicable requirements and
discuss design criteria with the building ofcials.
This Technical Brief, like companion ones in the NEHRP
Seismic Design Technical Brief series, goes beyond
minimum codes and standards criteria to suggest best
practices and areas where special investigations are
Shear. Traditionally, mat foundations have been proportioned
based on local punching shear demands associated with column
loading. Global, one-way shear has not been well addressed
and can be particularly important in large mats subjected to
signicant over-turning demands from concrete core walls,
shear walls, or braced frames. There are also some unknowns
regarding the transfer of overturning through exure and
punching shear from a wall to a mat foundation, as the ACI
318 provisions that are applied in practice were developed for
slabs and columns.
Embedment of Reinforcing Steel. Current building code
provisions require only that vertical reinforcing steel be
developed for tension where moments and/or overturning
forces exist. This embedment length can be much smaller
than some very thick mat foundations, calling into question
Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Mat Foundations: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
the activation of the entire mat section in resisting the imposed
Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI). Interaction of the structure
with the supporting soil can be idealized through numerical
modeling. These models can be tested for sensitivity to the
underlying assumptions regarding soil and structural stiffness.
Guidelines and standards for soil-structure interaction are still
being developed as discussed in NIST (2012).
This Technical Brief is organized to lead the reader through
the following sequence of topics:
• What is a Mat Foundation?
• Historical Perspectives
• Soil Properties
• Soil-Structure Interaction
• Load Combinations
• Proportioning
• Analysis
• Design
• Mats Supported on Deep Foundation Elements
• Detailing
• Constructability Issues
1.1 What is a Mat Foundation?
A reinforced concrete mat foundation is a common type of
foundation system used in many buildings. They are a specic
type of shallow foundation that uses bearing capacity of the
soil at or near the building base to transmit the loads to the soil.
Compared to individual spread footings, a mat foundation may
encompass all or part of the buildings footprint. Compared to
an ordinary slab on grade, a reinforced concrete mat is much
thicker and is subjected to more substantial loads from the
A mat foundation is often used where soil and load conditions
could cause substantial differential settlement between
individual spread footings but where conditions are not so
poor as to require a deep foundation system. For buildings
with signicant overturning moments, which can occur in
regions of high seismicity or because of irregularities of
the superstructure, a mat foundation is commonly used to
distribute the bearing pressure over a large footprint and/or
to resist signicant uplift forces that can develop. Another
frequent application for a mat foundation is where individual
spread footings would be large and close together. Similarly,
where many grade beam ties between footings are required, it
may not be economical to excavate and form individual spread
footings as compared to building a single mat foundation. For
a basement that is below the water table, a mat foundation is
often used to create a “bathtub” system to keep the basement
dry and to use the weight of the mat to resist hydrostatic uplift
forces. Where a mat is supported on deep foundation elements,
the mat also functions as the pile cap.
The behavior of a mat foundation can be correlated to a two-
way slab system turned upside down. The distributed soil
pressure applied to the bottom of the mat is analogous to a
distributed slab load, and the columns and walls above the mat
become the supports for the mat foundation. Therefore, it is
common to apply analysis and design methods from two-way
slabs to a mat foundation.
The design forces, load combinations, and some analysis
requirements for a mat foundation are in ASCE7, which has
been adopted into the IBC. In adopting ASCE7 provisions,
IBC includes some modications and additions that will be
discussed later. As noted in the sidebar on the previous page,
IBC 2012 is the current version of this code but may not yet
be adopted by all jurisdictions; therefore, the governing code
should be conrmed for each particular project jurisdiction
as appropriate. The design and detailing requirements for
a reinforced concrete mat foundation are presented in ACI
318, which has been adopted by the IBC as an incorporated
For concrete design, structural engineers predominately
consider ultimate strength design methods where the ultimate/
factored loading is compared to the member’s nominal strength.
This method has been incorporated into ACI 318 since the
1960s. However, geotechnical engineers predominately
consider allowable stress design, comparing service loads to
allowable stresses and soil bearing pressures. This fundamental
difference must be understood and addressed when designing
a mat foundation. There is on-going development in building
code committees to codify ultimate strength design for
geotechnical engineers, but its use is not yet commonplace.
This issue of coordination between the structural engineer
and geotechnical engineer will be addressed in greater detail
throughout this Technical Brief.
Topics Beyond the Scope of this Document
Soil-structure interaction is only briey addressed in
this Technical Brief. For a complete discussion, refer
to NIST GCR 12-917-21 “Soil-Structure Interaction of
Building Structures” (NIST 2012).
The design of a mat foundation supporting tanks,
vessels, and other non-building structures is not
addressed in this Technical Brief.
Prestressed concrete is outside the scope of this
Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Mat Foundations: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
columns and walls, carrying the building weight as a load
assumed to be uniformly distributed over the soil. The
principles of reinforced concrete design were used to design
the mat with three types of mats recognized: at plates,
beams with a slab underneath (like wafe slab construction),
and beams with a slab on top. For plates, design for moments
and shears was based on the coefcients for at slab design
specied in the building code, with the slab thickness based on
stiffness considerations and punching shears around columns
and walls. By theory, a perfectly rigid structure located on
an elastic subgrade has a minimum pressure near the center
and maximum pressure at the edge. Designs were prepared
assuming the ratio of the maximum to minimum pressure
was about two, and the two design conditions of both uniform
and varying soil pressures were used to proportion the mat.
Consequently, resulting designs called for providing more
reinforcement than that required by a more rigorous analysis.
In addition, it was common to provide the same amount of
reinforcement top and bottom in the mat. Where the primary
design consideration was differential settlements resulting
from uneven column or wall loads and a compressible layer
or variations in the properties of the soil below the mat were
present, beams were often used to stiffen the mat.
The typical rule of thumb used for a mat on sand was, for
uniform loading, that the superstructure could tolerate a
differential settlement of about 0.75 inches between adjacent
columns, with a maximum settlement of 2 inches overall.
For a mat on clay, the differential settlement was chiey due
to dishing and was roughly half the maximum settlement.
Dishing refers to the deected shape of the mat foundation.
However, the mat thickness was typically not greater than about
0.01 times the radius of curvature, with some local increases
acceptable around columns and walls.
2.3 Basic Foundation Design Procedures
The existing procedures of ACI 318 for the design of mats
are based primarily on results of tests reported by Talbot
(1913), Richart (1948), and ACI-ASCE Committee 326 (1962,
1974). The procedures effectively assume that foundations are
designed using allowable stress for the soil and strength design
for the concrete foundation. Three limiting conditions were
assumed for the soil supporting the foundation: bearing failure
of the soil under the foundation, serviceability failure because
of excessive differential settlements causing nonstructural or
structural damage to the superstructure, and excessive total
settlements. Two limiting conditions must be considered
for the concrete foundation below the columns and walls of
the superstructure: local exural failure of the foundation
(including reinforcement anchorage failure) and shear failure of
the foundation. The geotechnical engineer typically specied
an allowable soil bearing pressure, q
, a service load stress
2. Historic Perspectives
2.1 General
The design of mat foundations has long been recognized as
a problem in Soil-Structure Interaction that designers have
strived to simplify by designing mats that can be classied as
rigid bodies. More recent requirements for earthquake-resistant
design have made that approach less appealing and have
increased the need for detailed considerations of soil-structure
interaction effects for mats. The increasing use of nite element
analyses in the mid-1980s and subsequent increases in available
computing power have made such detailed considerations more
realistic and reliable. Hence, it is convenient to conne this
historical perspective on mat foundation design to the body
of knowledge developed prior to the mid-1980s and to have
the remainder of this document address knowledge developed
since then as a result of detailed nite element analyses. At
approximately the same time as computational capabilities
evolved signicantly, structural engineers adopted ultimate
strength design. Thus, the division of knowledge into that
existing prior to the mid-1980s and that developed since is also
consistent with the timeline of two ACI 336 committee reports
(ACI Committee 336 1966, 1988) on foundation design. The
procedures of the 1966 report were repeatedly reafrmed until
the publication of the second report in 1988. The 1988 report
has continued to be reapproved by ACI pending completion
of work on an updated document.
2.2 Early Designs
Mat foundations were originally envisaged as a floating
foundation with distinct advantages where the soil was poor or
unacceptable differential settlements were likely to occur. Early
work showed that mats on sand (loose compacted, medium,
or dense) posed few problems. The factor of safety assumed
for such mats was twice that for an individual spread footing
and therefore no strength difculties were to be expected if
the loading imposed on the mat by the superstructure was
effectively uniform. The allowable soil pressure was governed
by settlement and differential settlements between the walls
and columns supported by a mat. Typically, these allowable
soil bearing pressures were less than those for isolated footings
subject to the same loading.
By contrast, mats on clays had factors of safety against bearing
failures that were the same as those for footings and were
dependent on the length-to-width ratio of the mat or footing.
Otherwise the bearing strength was practically independent of
the area loaded by the mat or footing. Many of the initial uses
of mats were for large grain elevators and their performance
demonstrated those ndings.
A mat foundation was envisaged as a large combined footing
and designed as an inverted slab system spanning between
Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Mat Foundations: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
that takes into consideration the three limiting conditions for
the soil. The structural engineer then typically designed the
foundation for an ultimate soil pressure, q
, that resulted from
the factored loads applied to the foundation. Soil pressures
were traditionally calculated by assuming linear elastic action
of the soil in compression and no tension capacity offered by
the soil. For a centrally loaded foundation, as shown in Figure
2-1, the stress under the footing is given by:
q = P/A ± My/I
where, as illustrated in Figure 2-1(a) and Figure 2-1(b):
axial force
area of contact surface between the soil and
the foundation
moment of inertia of contact area A
moment about centroidal axis of area A
distance from centroidal axis to position
where q is calculated
If separation (uplift) between the soil and the foundation is to
be avoided, the eccentricity e = M/P must lie within the kern
of the contact surface. The kern area, which is shaded area
in Figure 2-1(c), is the area for which applied loads within
that region will produce only compression over the area of
the footing.
Critical sections and design requirements for moments in
footings are specied in §15.3 and §15.4 of ACI 318. Those
requirements have remained essentially unchanged between
the 1941 and the 2011 standards. In the 2011 standards, critical
sections and design requirements for shear in footings are
specied in §15.5. The shear strength is to be evaluated using
the same provisions as those for elevated slabs. This design
philosophy has remained essentially unchanged since 1941.
However, nominal shear strengths and bond requirements
have changed substantially over the same period. The current
punching shear strength concepts date essentially from the
1963 edition of ACI-318 and development length concepts
from the 1971 edition.
2.4 ACI 336.2R-66
This report (American Concrete Institute 1966) addresses the
design of foundations carrying more than a single column
or load. The report suggests that the contact pressures at
the base of the foundation be taken as either a straight-line
distribution, for a rigid foundation, or a distribution governed
by elastic subgrade reaction, for a exible foundation. The
report provides recommendations to determine the foundation
rigidity, considering the spacing of columns or walls, the
relative rigidity of the foundation compared to the soil, and
the rigidity of the superstructure. Given this determination,
analysis guidelines are provided to design mats with strip-
based analysis or with plate theory.
2.5 ACI 336.2R-88
This report (American Concrete Institute 1988) endorsed
the procedures of the 1966 report and provided detailed
comments on the constructive use of nite element methods to
compute bending moments, displacements, and soil pressures.
The report noted that although mats can be designed as
rigid bodies or as exible plates on an elastic foundation, a
combination of analyses is desirable because the state of the
art in computerized analysis was substantially ahead of the
ability to accurately determine soil properties. There is great
difculty in predicting subgrade responses and in assigning
even approximate properties to the soils because of soil-strata
thickness, variations in soil properties both horizontally and
vertically, and rate of loading. There are effects of mat shape
and variation in superstructure loads and their development,
and there are effects of superstructure stiffness on mat response
and vice versa. For those reasons, mats were conservatively
designed to ensure adequate performance.
The suggested design procedure using strength methods for
proportioning the mat was as follows:
Figure 2-1
– Soil pressure under centrally loaded foundation.
P =
A =
I =
M =
y =
(a) Loads on footing.
(b) Soil pressure distribution.
(c) Kern dimensions.
Centroidal axis
Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Mat Foundations: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
1. Proportion the mat plan using unfactored loads and
overturning moments as:
q =
1 ± (6e
/b) + (6e
where the eccentricities e
and e
of the resultant column
loads ΣP include the effects of any column moments and any
overturning moments because of wind and other effects. The
value of q is required to be less than the allowable limiting soil
stress recommended by the geotechnical engineer. The value q
is then scaled to a pseudo “ultimate” value as:
= (sum of factored design loads/sum of
unfactored loads)
2. Compute the minimum required mat thickness based on
punching shear at critical columns and walls without the use
of shear reinforcement.
3. Design the reinforcing steel for bending based on the strip
methods described in the ACI 336.2R-66 report.
4. Run a computer analysis of the resultant mat, such as with
the nite element method as described in the ACI 336.2-88
report. Revise the rigid body design as necessary.
2.6 Observations
The methods described in the ACI 336.2R-66 report oversimplify
behavior and result in designs that are too approximate for such
critical and expensive structural components. In addition, these
methods were not able to accurately predict settlement due to
the rigid versus exible behavior approximations.
The multiplication of the bearing pressure, q, by the pseudo
factor in the ACI 336.2R-88 report is of limited accuracy as the
value of q changes for each load combination. In addition, the
use of the pseudo factor could be considered a superposition of
results, which may not be appropriate for a nonlinear problem
such as a mat foundation resting on soil.
The foregoing procedures are all effectively based on assuming
mats of uniform thickness. It is often desirable to use mats with
thicknesses varying based on the loads acting on the local area
of the mat. Further, none of the prior committee reports have
addressed the multiple issues related to the performance of mats
subjected to earthquake loads. Both the 1966 and 1988 reports
presented state-of-the-art techniques at the time of publication;
however, many of the methods described are now obsolete
due to the widespread use of three-dimensional nite element
analysis software.
Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Mat Foundations: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
3.1 Communication Between the
Structural Engineer and
Geotechnical Engineer
Critical to the appropriate design of any foundation system is
the clear and effective communication between the structural
and geotechnical engineers. Early discussions regarding the
magnitude of acceptable building settlements and SSI effects
are important prior to the denition of soil parameters and
structural analysis and design techniques. Clarication of the
governing code(s) and the consideration of seismic ground
motions are required as a starting point.
Items that should be discussed include the following:
Magnitude of acceptable differential and total settlements,
with sustained gravity loading as well as transient wind
and seismic demands being considered
Soil type, site category, and structural occupancy “or risk”
Details of any soil-structure interaction analysis to be
Approach to the structural modeling
Type of seismic analysis that will be performed (i.e., simple
base shear, response spectrum, or dynamic response history
Denition of the assumed “seismic base” of the building
for dening the location and magnitude of input ground
Elevation of mat, presence of any basement levels
Drainage issues
Presence of corrosive soils that may affect the concrete
mix specication
Existing adjacent structures, or substructure (such as
tunnels), that could interact with the mat
3.2 Parameters Needed From the
Geotechnical Engineer
To design a mat foundation, the geotechnical engineer will
need to provide the following parameters to the structural
Site Class
Design response spectrum
Allowable bearing pressure for static loads (indicating gross
or net bearing pressures) and the assumed factor of safety
Allowable bearing pressure for transient loads (wind or
seismic) and the assumed factor of safety
Subgrade modulus for both static and transient loadings
(uniform or variable under the mat)
Mat foundation spring and dashpots for static and dynamic
Anticipated total and differential settlements
Passive soil resistance and friction coefcients for sliding
calculations and the assumed factors of safety
Guidance on how to adjust unit subgrade moduli for the size
of the mat and on how to use an interative process to account
for consolidation settlement of clays from sustained loads
Response histories, where applicable for input in the
structural model
Spatial variability of the seismic motions
This list includes only the parameters necessary to complete
the mat foundation design. The rst iteration of parameters
should be made based on an analysis assuming a xed base
condition foundation, which would be the upper bound of
the solution. In addition to this information, the geotechnical
engineer will need to provide information to produce complete
construction documents, such as subgrade preparation and
drainage requirements.
3.3 Denition of Soil Parameters
3.3.1 Allowable Soil Bearing Pressures
Traditionally, the starting point in designing the mat foundation
is setting an allowable soil bearing pressure. Currently,
prescriptive codes provide recommendations for allowable soil
bearing pressures for example, AASHTO (2010), based on the
generic soil type. These values were developed for static load
conditions and could be increased by at least a factor of 2 for
the transient nature of the seismic loading within limits set by
the local governing codes. Alternatively, an allowable bearing
pressure for mats can be derived based on expected performance
in terms of limiting settlements or other key performance
indexes as those are dened by the project objectives under
long-term and seismic loading.
3.3.2 Subgrade Parameters
Until recent years, the modeling of the subgrade has relied on
the conventional parameter called the modulus of subgrade
reaction, usually expressed in a force per volume parameter
3. Soil Properties
Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Mat Foundations: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
3.3.3 Soil Properties and Strain-Dependency
The most important soil parameter for the identification
of the subgrade and modeling of the mat foundation is an
elastic, low-strain parameter, such as the Young’s Modulus
or Shear Modulus, E
or G
, that can be directly derived from
measurements of shear wave velocity, v
, in the eld using
geophysical methods.
The in-situ measurements should generate minimal disturbance
to the soil being tested so as to provide low-strain elastic values.
These values should be adjusted and be compatible not only
with the strains expected in the soil because of the earthquake
shaking, but also for the long-term static loading conditions.
The adjustments can be taken from the equivalent-linear
properties as calculated from the site response analysis or
can be evaluated from Table 3-1, derived from ASCE 7-10
Table 19-2-1, for the shear modulus parameter. The reduction
in stiffness of the soil depends both on the soil type and on
the level of ground excitation. These are represented by a
generic soil type and a value of the seismic design acceleration
coefcient for short period accelerations, S
, divided by 2.5,
equivalent to the peak ground acceleration at the site.
An upper- and lower-bound analysis using minimum and
maximum ranges of the spring properties should be conducted
to understand the sensitivity of the soil modulus to the overall
behavior of the structural system. The guidelines of FEMA
(2000) and of ASCE (2007) recommend bounds of 2.5 times
of the expected values, depending on the variability in site
conditions and scatter in measured soil properties. The analyses
should always be compared to a xed base assumption to better
understand the importance of soil-structure interaction in the
structural response and the shifts in structural behavior.
For the long-term condition of the mat foundation under static
loading and larger strains in the soils than the transient ones
expected in an earthquake, the in-situ elastic or shear modulus
should further be reduced from those in Table 3-1. This is done
empirically, with a rule of thumb using about 10 % of the low-
strain elastic modulus. Alternatively, values from engineering
practice manuals that correlate conventional soil site testing
to static settlement parameters are used, for example in the
EPRI Manual (Kulhawy and Mayne 1990). A sensitivity study
should be conducted to evaluate the static values as well. The
effective depth within which the springs are determined, z
is (NIST 2012):
for a 1-ft by 1-ft plate based on load tests. Modern modeling
of the subgrade of a mat foundation should include both soil
and mat foundation properties that represent load-displacement
elastic springs distributed below the mat foundation.
For mat foundations considered to be rigid, subgrade
parameters should be developed for six modes of vibration:
three translational and three rotational. For each mode, soil
can be replaced for the structural analysis by a dynamic spring
of stiffness K
and by a dashpot of modulus C
. Closed form
solutions for the impedances of footings can be applied to derive
the stiffness and damping for the mat foundations (Gazetas
1991). The stiffness and damping parameters represent an
elastic spring concentrated at the foundation as shown in the
physical model of Figure 3-1 (Mylonakis et al. 2006). They
can be distributed according to the stiffness and the loading of
the mat and adjusted based on iterative procedures.
Figure 3-1
– Subgrade springs and dashpots: Physical interpretation
shown for the vertical vibration mode of the mat foundation.
Table 3-1
– Values of ratios, G/G
, between strain-compatible shear
modulus, G, with respect to the low strain values, G
, for selected
ground motion levels and soil types (ASCE 2010).
where B and L are the half-width and half-length of the mat,
respectively. Especially for the case where no abrupt changes
in the soil stiffness occur below rigid mat foundations, the
effective depth for rocking can be reduced to up to half of the
value computed above because the area of soil affected by the
rocking motion of a mat is likely to be limited as compared to
the relatively large dimensions of the mat foundation.
Horizontal (x & y) :
Rocking (xx & y) :
xx :
yy :
rigid and massless
A/4 = BL
Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Mat Foundations: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
In the case of mat foundations placed within 10 feet of the
ground surface, seismic ground shaking can be considered
as the ground surface motion. In the case of mat foundations
placed at greater depths (see Figure 4-2), the side walls and
mat act as a single unit and interaction between ground and
substructure may become more important in the seismic
analysis and design of the building and its foundation.
4.1 General Soil-Structure Interaction
Where SSI may be important, there are three primary issues
to consider (Figure 4-3):
Kinematic Interaction - The modication of the effective
input ground motion because of the depth and rigidity of
the foundation system.
Additional loading on basement sidewalls.
The foundation impedances (springs and dashpots)
that represent the surrounding and supporting soil in
the Inertial Interaction studies that reect reactions on
the foundation elements because of the response of the
superstructure to the seismic excitation.
A more detailed discussion of these topics can be found in
NIST GCR 12-917-21, Soil-Structure Interaction of Building
Structures, NIST (2012).
4. Soil-Structure Interaction
Figure 4-1
– Mat foundations placed (a) close to the ground surface and
(b) at greater depths.
Figure 4-2
– Mat Foundation in Baltimore, MD.
Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Mat Foundations: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
4.2 Practical Soil-Structure Interaction
In common code design applications, a design response
spectrum S
is developed at the base of the mat. The
superstructure will experience Foundation Input Motions
(FIM) that will be ltered through the presence of the mat
foundation in the horizontal and the rocking modes. For the
structural period Τ (Τ = 2 π/ω), the transfer functions H
of Figure 4-4 can be applied to calculate the FIM horizontal
spectrum S
as S
= S
(Τ) and to simulate the
rocking motion by applying equal-and-opposite vertical spectra
(1/2 H
) at the two edges of the mat (Figure 4-5):
Figure 4-3
– (a) Geometry of soil-structure interaction, (b) decomposition of response into kinematic
and inertial interaction, (c) two-step analysis of inertial interaction.
and foundation
estimating the
matrix [K]
m a
m a
Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Mat Foundations: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
Figure 4-4
– Transfer functions for horizontal translation
and rocking
(Stewart et al. 2003).
For the horizontal motion, this is straightforward:
). For the rocking effects, the rotational motion can be
applied as equal-and-opposite vertical accelerations (1/2
) at the two edges of the mat (Gazetas 2012).
Figure 4-5
– Foundation Input Motion (FIM) accounting for combination of horizontal and rocking motion by applying a
horizontal motion at the base and a pair of counterbalancing motions at the edges of the mat.
frequency, f
0 1 2
a, FIM
= S
a, design
a, design
a, design
Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Mat Foundations: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
5. Load Combinations
Selecting the appropriate load combinations for the design
of mat foundations is critical. More than one set of load
combinations may be necessary to complete a mat foundation
design. The divide between a geotechnical engineer working
in allowable strength design (ASD) and structural engineer
working in ultimate strength design (USD) adds another layer
of complexity to load combinations. The typical procedure is
to proportion the foundation using allowable strength design
load combinations and then design the concrete foundation
element using ultimate strength design load combinations.
Proportioning in this case refers to sizing the soil-to-foundation
interface in terms of bearing pressure. Design refers to the
strength design of concrete, including the determination of
required exural or shear reinforcement.
5.1 ASD Load Combinations
There are two types of allowable strength design load
combinations: basic allowable strength design and alternative
basic allowable strength design. Basic allowable strength
design load combinations (IBC 2012 §1605.3.1) are adopted
from ASCE 7, with the high overturning load combination
dened as 0.6D + 0.7E. The alternative basic allowable strength
design load combinations (IBC 2012 §1605.3.2) are legacy load
combinations from the Uniform Building Code, with the high
overturning load combination dened as 0.9D+E/1.4.
A major difference between these load combinations for
the design of a mat foundation is the reduction of seismic
overturning effects at the soil-foundation interface as permitted
by ASCE 7-10 §12.13.4. This reduction of seismic overturning
(10 % or 25 % reduction depending on the analysis type)
can be applied only if the basic allowable strength design
load combinations is used, not when the alternative basic
allowable strength design load combinations. The result is a
mat foundation design using basic allowable strength design
load combinations will typically be more conservative as
compared to a design using the alternative basic allowable
strength design load combinations. Although alternative basic
allowable strength design combinations are allowed in IBC, it
is expected they will eventually be removed from the code so
that all load combinations will be adopted from ASCE 7.
Noticeably absent from current building codes are a
safety factor for overturning and a required stability ratio.
Historically, a requirement to maintain a stability ratio (sum
of the resisting moments divided by sum of the overturning
moments) equal or greater than 1.4 was adopted. However,
current load combinations already include an inherent safety
factor by reducing the factor on dead load. In addition, current
building codes do not have an explicit requirement to eliminate
foundation rocking. Therefore, provided that a mat foundation
is able to maintain equilibrium under the applicable allowable
strength design load combination and not exceed the allowable
bearing pressure of the soil, the mat would be considered stable
and acceptable. If an adequate stability ratio is not achieved,
then tiedowns will be required.
5.2 USD Load Combinations
Load and resistance factor design load combinations are
provided in IBC 2012 §1605.2 and are adopted from ASCE
7. Similar to the basic allowable strength design load
combinations, reducing the seismic overturning demands at
the soil-foundation interface using the load and resistance
factor design load combinations in accordance with ASCE
7-10 §12.13.4 is permitted.
5.3 Additional Load Combination
Earthquake load effects, E, are dened in ASCE 7-10 §12.4.
Inherent in the denition of these seismic demand levels is the
structural response modication factor, R, which is dependent
on the type of lateral force-resisting system considered for the
superstructure. The same overturning that is determined at the
base of the superstructure is to be applied directly to the mat
foundation. Consideration of higher foundation demand levels
is triggered only by unusual structural geometries, such as a
cantilever column system or a discontinuous lateral system,
which require the consideration of a system overstrength factor,
per ASCE 7-10 §12.4.3. By dening earthquake load effects
with an inherent R value, some inelastic behavior is assumed in
the superstructure and therefore implies that a mat foundation
also may experience inelastic demands.
For any load combinations that include earthquake load effects,
directionality in accordance with ASCE 7-10 §12.5 shall be
considered. Additionally, the redundancy factor, ρ, per ASCE
7-10 §12.3.4 shall be included.
Another component of load combinations for mat foundation
design is the vertical seismic load effect (E
). Per ASCE 7-10
§, E
is permitted to be taken as zero when determining
demands on the soil-structure interface of foundations.
However, this is applied only to the basic allowable strength
design load combinations provided in ASCE 7. Similarly, per
IBC 2012 §1605.3.2, E
is permitted to be taken as zero when
using the alternative basic allowable strength design load
combinations to proportion footings. Therefore, the vertical
seismic load effect does not need to be included in either
allowable strength design load combination for mat foundation
Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Mat Foundations: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
Seismic Demand Levels
In certain instances, it may be appropriate to consider
maximum predicted seismic demands that may be
imposed on a mat foundation. For instance, in the
case of a high-rise building where the superstructure
has been designed using Performance-Based
Design techniques, the foundation designer should
consider the demands that might be imposed by the
superstructure so that the overall building system
performs as expected. Numerous other instances
of unique geometry and/or critical performance
requirements may also encourage a more direct
accounting of maximum predicted demand levels on
the foundation. Some techniques that have been used
when higher foundation demand levels are considered
include the following:
Evaluating the demands predicted by a nonlinear
time history analysis
Introducing code-dened overstrength factors in
determining demand levels, attempting to ensure
yielding in the lateral force-resisting system prior
to inelastic behavior in the foundation
Designing the foundation for lateral forces with a
reduced R value when compared to the main lateral
force-resisting system
Detailing the foundation to avoid brittle failure,
such as providing minimum exural reinforcement
to ensure
φ Factor for Brittle Members in High-Seismic
Design Categories
For structures with precast intermediate structural walls,
special moment frames, or special structural walls
resisting earthquake effects in Seismic Design Category
D, E, or F, ACI 318 §9.3.4 requires that brittle structural
members be designed for shear with φ = 0.6. This phi
factor is commonly applied to structural walls where it
is impractical to provide enough shear reinforcement to
raise the shear strength to exceed the nominal exural
strength. ACI 318 does not clearly state if this should
be applied to shear in mat foundations. Many designers
do not include this φ factor for mat foundation design;
however, this requirement is the subject of further
discussion in the process of updating ACI 318.
Ultimate Strength Design for Foundations:
Proposed Code Revisions
Revisions have been proposed to ASCE 7 for the next
code cycle to incorporate strength design of foundations
as an alternative to the allowable stress design that is
common practice. Although a strength design approach
has not been included in current standards for new
buildings, similar strength design principles have been
used for the seismic evaluation and retrot of existing
buildings. The objective of the proposed provisions is
to provide a more direct and realistic method to design
foundations in accordance with ASCE 7 §12.1.5, which
requires the design of foundations to resist the forces
developed and movements imparted to the structure
by the design ground motions. The proposed code
revisions direct the designer to:
Establish foundation design forces that consider
the degree of ductility desired in the superstructure
design [based on whether the model assumes a xed
base or if foundation exibility is considered.]
Establish nominal strengths for vertical, lateral, and
rocking loading as best estimate average values.
Establish resistance factors for cohesive and
cohesionless soils that reflect uncertainty in
soil conditions and reliability of the geotechnical
analysis methods.
Establish acceptance criteria that reflect the
reliability of structural analysis methods.
The proposed provisions have not yet been formally
adopted, but the proposal appears to address many
questions identied throughout this report regarding
ductility, foundation exibility, and the discrepancies
between allowable strength design and ultimate
strength design for foundation design.
> 1.2M
> 1.2(f
Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Mat Foundations: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
Figure 5-1
– Backstay effect on moment diagram.
Backstay Effect
For structures with below-grade levels, a force couple can
be developed between the grade level diaphragm and the
mat foundation because of the stiffness of the surrounding
basement walls. See Figure 5-1. The corresponding
couple will effectively reduce the overturning moment
delivered to the mat foundation by the lateral force-
resisting system above. This reduction in demand level
can be highly sensitive to analysis assumptions related to
the stiffness of the oor diaphragms, basement walls, and
passive soil resistance. Because of these uncertainties,
some designers elect to conservatively envelope the
design by applying no less than the overturning moment
at ground level directly to the mat foundation. Others elect
to perform sensitivity analyses of the various stiffness
assumptions in an attempt to better dene the anticipated
demand levels.
Basement Levels
Mat Foundation
Resisting Force
Maximum M
Design Envelope
at Foundation May Vary
with Analysis Assumptions
Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Mat Foundations: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
During preliminary design, mat foundations are commonly
proportioned considering overall building geometry,
performance objectives, and allowable bearing stresses. The
plan area of a mat foundation may be simply proportioned
using a rigid-body approximation as described in the Historical
Perspectives section of this Technical Brief. Traditionally, mat
thickness has been determined considering punching shear
demands in accordance with ACI 318 § at core walls,
columns, and any substantial concentrated loaded areas. Mat
foundations have not typically been proportioned considering
one-way shear or exure.
6.1 Proportioning for Bearing Pressure
For preliminary sizing, use of a rigid foundation assumption to
estimate bearing pressures with a linear pressure distribution
can be appropriate. Although this is not the most technically
accurate approach when considering the actual foundation
and subgrade stiffness, it can be a helpful tool for initial
proportioning until a complete analysis can be performed.
Refer to Section 2 for more discussion of this type of
6.2 Proportioning for Punching Shear
Punching shear design for a mat foundation is nearly identical
to punching shear design for a slab per ACI 318 §11.11. The
punching critical perimeter, b
, is calculated at d/2 away from
edges, corners, walls, or locations of concentrated loads. Then,
is calculated in accordance with ACI 318 § Shear
stress on the punching interface is calculated as a combination
of the shear caused by the axial load from the supported
element plus the shear stress because of any unbalanced
moment transferred via eccentricity of shear in accordance
with ACI 318 §
Proportioning a mat foundation for two-way shear considering
a maximum shear stress of 4f
or less depending on aspect
ratio of the critical shear perimeter per ACI 318 §
without the use of shear reinforcement is recommended. If
this shear stress limit is exceeded, shear reinforcing should be
included. If shear reinforcement is used for two-way shear, the
spacing and distribution requirements of ACI 318 §
shall be met and the anchorage requirements of ACI 318 §12.3
shall be satised by engaging the exural reinforcement with
a hook.
See Figure 6-1 for an example of punching shear at a column.
For punching calculations of a shear wall on mat foundation, the
design procedure is the same. See Figure 6-2 for an example
of critical perimeters to consider at shear walls.
6. Proportioning
Two-Way Shear
Punching shear tests of slabs have shown that Equation
11-33 of ACI 318, V
= 4√(f
d can be unconservative
for thick members with low reinforcement ratios
(Guandalini et al. 2009). In addition, ACI 318 §
requires the use of V
not greater than 2√(f
d when
reinforcement is provided for punching shear resistance.
Therefore, a value of V
= 2√(f
d is recommended
for design purposes.
Figure 6-1
– Punching shear diagram at column.
Figure 6-2
– Examples of critical punching perimeter at shear walls.
Column P
Direct force transfer
into soil
Critical section for
punching shear
Subtract this factored soil bearing pressure
from P
to check punching shear
d/2 d/2
Blade Wall Example
Core Wall Example
Critical Punching Perimeter, d/2
from face of wall
Core Wall Opening
Where Occurs
Critical Punching Perimeter, d/2
from face of wall
Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Mat Foundations: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
6.3 Proportioning for Sliding
Sliding of the mat must also be considered. Sliding may
be resisted in whole or in part by friction between the mat
foundation and subgrade. In addition, if the mat foundation is
below grade with basement levels and a perimeter foundation
wall, passive resistance of the surrounding soil may also
be mobilized. The geotechnical engineer should advise the
structural engineer on the use of friction and passive resistance,
as it may not be appropriate to use these concurrently due to
the differences in displacement required to mobilize each
resistance mechanism. In addition, the construction means and
methods such as excavation and backll methods may affect
the sliding resistance values. The geotechnical engineer will
typically provide the structural engineer with the resistance
values at a service level with a safety factor already included.
Therefore, the service level sliding shear demands can be
compared to the service level resistance values to ensure that
the demand does not exceed capacity.
One-Way Shear
Overall building geometry may result in a mat foundation
extending over the entire footprint of the superstructure.
However, in many buildings, seismic resistance is
assigned to a limited number of shear walls and/or
braced frames, superstructure elements that impose
concentrated overturning moments on the foundation.
In these cases, it may be appropriate to consider one-
way shear in proportioning the mat thickness to maintain
acceptable shear stress levels. There is disagreement
in the ACI code committees on the best way to address
this specic issue. Two variables, the effective width and
the maximum shear stress, are being debated. Current
building code provisions allow for the consideration of
the full width of the mat in evaluating one-way shear
resistance. This does not seem reasonable or appropriate
in the case of concentrated demands and the large width
of mat foundations. Peak shear stresses have traditionally
been considered as 2
, while some research (Reineck
et al., 2003) suggests that for thick structural elements
in one-way shear this is unconservative, and 1
is a
more appropriate shear stress threshold when no vertical
reinforcement is provided. Larger crack widths in thick
structural elements can result in reduced aggregate
interlock and therefore reduced stress threshold. Recent
practice has adopted the use of an effective width equal
to the width of the superstructure element imposing
the demand, plus one mat thickness either side of the
same element. This limited width, combined with a lower
shear stress threshold of 1
for mats with no vertical
reinforcement is generally considered a conservative
approach, perhaps overly so.
More recent research has investigated the size effect
on shear and found that one-way shear capacity for
large footings can be predicted with a slenderness
parameter of the shear span divided by member depth,
where the shear span is the distance from the face of
column or wall to the point of zero shear (Uzel et al.,
2011). It is challenging to relate shear capacity to the
shear span for a complex mat foundation where the
shear span may be unclear and there may be more
than 50 load combinations and, therefore, more than
50 shear diagrams to consider to evaluate one-way
shear capacity.
When vertical reinforcement in accordance with ACI
318 §11.4.6 is provided in a mat foundation, aggregate
interlock is maintained, and it is recommended to use
= 2f
bd in combination with V
corresponding to the
vertical reinforcement provided. Therefore, a thinner
mat may be possible by providing a nominal amount
of vertical reinforcement as compared to a mat without
vertical reinforcement.
Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Mat Foundations: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
Today, analysis of a mat foundation is typically performed
using nite element analysis software. The geometry, loading,
and soil spring properties are dened as inputs, and the analysis
results typically include bearing pressure distributions,
mat deformations, and moment and shear diagrams. Some
analysis software can also be used to design and detail
exural reinforcement. This Technical Brief does not provide
recommendations for any specific analysis software, but
instead provides analysis guidance that is common to most
mat foundation design.
The typical analysis for an isolated spread footing assumes
that the foundation is rigid with respect to the soil, where
a concentric load applied to the foundation would result in
uniform soil bearing. When a spread footing is compared to
a mat foundation, there is a fundamental difference in that
the stiffness of the mat foundation is included in the analysis.
The mat deforms as a result of bearing pressure, and bearing
pressure is redistributed according to the mat deformation.
Therefore, a non-uniform bearing pressure distribution can
result. Methods used in the past often assumed a rigid mat
foundation with respect to the soil, but analysis including
foundation exibility can result in signicantly different
bearing pressure distributions and therefore different moment
and shear distributions.
7.1 Typical Modeling Practice
Finite element analysis of mat foundations typically assumes
gross section concrete stiffness with no cracking. In developing
a numerical model for a mat foundation analysis model,
stiffness of the complete structure should be considered. For
shear walls or basement walls above a mat foundation, the
in-plane exural stiffness should be added to the analysis
model. This can be accomplished with a very deep beam
or slab element. When beam or thickened slab elements are
used, it should be veried that the model is not overestimating
stiffness in an unanticipated manner, such as for torsion or
weak axis bending.
At elevator pits, the pit conguration should be reected in
the analysis model. Where the pit depth is less than the mat
thickness, a reduced mat thickness should be used. For pits that
extend below the mat foundation, a combination of reduced
mat thickness and exural releases should be used to reect
the pit conguration. See Figure 7-1 for examples.
Dishing (or cupping) can be visualized by considering the
difference in pressure at the center of a uniformly loaded mat
as compared to the very edge of the mat. The pressure at the
edge of the mat dissipates quickly into the soil continuum
because of lack of pressure on the adjacent soil, but the pressure
at the center of the mat dissipates more slowly because of
the adjacent loaded soil. To accurately model this effect, a
variable subgrade modulus may need to be used in the analysis
model. To select the appropriate modulus, iterations must be
performed between the structural engineer and geotechnical
engineer. Depending on the subgrade behavior, dishing may
have a relatively small effect on soil pressure distribution but
may have a more signicant effect on bending moments in the
mat foundation (Horvilleur and Patel 1995).
7. Analysis
Figure 7-1
– Pit Conguration Effects on Analysis Model.
Stiffness Modier Assumptions
Strict application of code procedures permits the use
of gross cross section stiffness to determine moments
and shears in a mat foundation. Depending on the
relative stiffness of the mat foundation and soil, the use
of effective moment of inertia could have a negligible
or substantial effect on bearing pressure and moment
distribution. Some examples have shown a change in
peak bearing pressure of approximately 1 % to 5 %, and
a change in peak moment of approximately 5 % to 50 %,
as a result of using effective moment of inertia versus
gross moment of inertia (Horvilleur and Patel 1995).
Therefore, a sensitivity analysis is recommended to
compare the results of gross moment of inertia versus
effective moment of inertia assumptions.
Pit Within Mat:
Model with reduced mat
thickness at pit
Pit Below Mat:
Model with exural release
at pit walls, reduced
thickness of pit slab
Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Mat Foundations: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
7.2 Analysis Options
Most analysis software commonly permit the use of a thick
plate” element formulation to include the effects of shear
strains and therefore shear deformations. For very thick mat
foundations, such as those with span-to-depth ratios of 10 or
less, this option should be used to provide a more realistic
force distribution.
No-tension iteration is a fundamental requirement of any nite
element software for mat foundation analysis. Upon application
of overturning or uplift forces on the mat, the software should
iterate to determine a soil bearing pressure distribution that
satises equilibrium but results in compression only in the
soil springs with zero tension. For mat foundations with large
overturning or signicant uplift, the no-tension iteration may
take signicant computational effort. An analysis model that
is unable to complete the no-tension iteration could result in a
mat foundation that is under-proportioned, unstable, or both.
It is necessary to perform the no-tension iteration analysis for
each load combination. If the load cases were to be analyzed
separately, it would not be accurate to superimpose the bearing
pressure distribution, moments, shears, and deformations in
the mat due to the nonlinearity of the analysis.
7.3 Iteration with Geotechnical Engineer
When a mat foundation analysis is completed, the resulting
bearing pressure distributions and deformations should be
discussed with and reviewed by the geotechnical engineer.
Figure 7-2 is an example of a bearing pressure distribution that
may be sent to a geotechnical engineer, who should verify that
the predicted bearing pressure falls within an acceptable range.
At local peak bearing pressures, the geotechnical engineer may
permit pressures exceeding initial recommendations provided
that the majority of the bearing pressures are less than the
allowable limit. Using the procedures from nite element
method analysis, the geotechnical engineer may perform
settlement analysis. Using the computed settlement from such
analysis and the pressures from nite element method analysis
by the structural engineer, the geotechnical engineer may revise
the subgrade modulus and re-analyze the model. This iteration
should be performed with the geotechnical engineer until an
acceptable and compatible bearing pressure distribution and
settlement are found.
7.4 Sensitivity Analysis
Given the number of unknowns and approximations of
material properties and stiffness in a mat foundation analysis,
it is important to consider sensitivity of the model to the
input parameters. Some parameters that may be studied in a
sensitivity analysis include soil springs and dashpots, concrete
modulus of elasticity, and gross versus effective moment of
inertia. The sensitivity analysis should compare metrics such as
bearing pressure, moment and shear diagrams, and settlements.
These results can be used to help validate the analysis model
and envelope the nal design.
Figure 7-2
– Bearing pressure distribution example
(peak value shown in grey color).
Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Mat Foundations: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
To use the analysis results for design purposes, nite element
analysis software will typically integrate the predicted
moments and shears of all elements encompassed along a
strip of dened width to produce design-strip moments and
shears. For exural design, the strip width should be wide
enough to smooth local reinforcement spikes. It is common
for detailing purposes to use the simplication that strips
are equal in width to a column bay, as shown in Figure 8-1.
Flexural design should be in accordance with ACI 318 Chapter
10. When determining reinforcement area, care should be
taken to include proper cover (in accordance with ACI 318
§7.7) and appropriate d for mats with multiple layers of exural
reinforcement. Flexural demands should be checked at critical
sections, such as the face of columns, the face of walls, and
any mat thickness transitions.
Two-way or punching shear should be checked in accordance
with ACI 318 §11.11 and as discussed in Section 6. Although
two-way shear may have been checked in the proportioning
process, it should be veried again for nal design. If the mat
thickness from the initial proportioning is found not to work
for the nal design check, additional two-way shear capacity
may be provided by increasing thickness locally, adding a
plinth to increase the failure perimeter, or increasing concrete
There is not a specic code requirement for strip width for
one-way shear design. Some designers elect to check one-
way shear using a strip width of the entire mat. Refer to the
sidebar on page 15 for discussion of effective width for one-
way shear design. One-way shear should be checked at d away
from supports in accordance with ACI 318 § From
the perspective of a mat foundation, columns or walls can
be considered as supports. Therefore, there may be relatively
few locations where one-way shear needs to be checked in a
mat foundation depending on the thickness, geometry, and
conguration of the superstructure. Refer to the sidebar on one-
way shear on page 15 for a discussion of the shear strength of
thick concrete sections. Where the concrete alone is inadequate
to resist the one-way shear demand, shear reinforcement
should be provided with vertical reinforcement legs in the mat
foundation. See Section 10 for guidance on detailing vertical
reinforcement in the mat.
8. Design
Figure 8-1
– Example strip width layout for exure.
Strip Span
Strip at
Strip at
Core Wall
Core Wall
Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Mat Foundations: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
9. Mats Supported on Deep Foundation Elements
Mat foundations supported on deep foundation elements
require additional consideration when compared to mat
foundations supported directly on soil.
For mat foundations supported on closely spaced deep
foundation elements, such as an extensive eld of precast
piles, the mat foundation may be analyzed and designed
similarly to a mat supported directly on soil. The geotechnical
engineer should be consulted to provide isolated springs for
each foundation element. Most nite element analysis tools
allow the denition of isolated springs with different tension
and compression stiffness values, which may be appropriate
depending on the deep foundation and soil properties. Upon
denition of these springs, the remainder of the design is
similar to a mat foundation supported directly on soil.
Alternatively, a mat foundation supported on few discrete
and widely spaced deep foundation elements may require a
much different approach to analysis and design. Where the
angle between the foundation element axis and column or wall
axis is 25° or greater, strut and tie analysis should be used in
accordance with ACI 318 Appendix A. Alternatively, a nite
element analysis that accounts for nonlinear distribution of
strain could be used, however, strut and tie is more commonly
used in practice. It may be necessary to build a three-
dimensional strut and tie model to analyze a load path through
a mat foundation supported on large deep foundation elements.
A mat of this type is more analogous to a grade beam or pile
cap. When a strut and tie analysis is not employed, ACI 318
§15.5.4 provides additional requirements for the critical shear
section of footings supported by piles. If piles are used, then
the critical location for the punching shear check may not be
at a distance of d/2, as shown in Figure 6-1, but instead, at
the location of the piles.
Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Mat Foundations: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
10. Detailing
The detailing of a mat foundation should consider the ACI 318
requirements for reinforcement development, anchorage, and
curtailment. In addition, constructability issues should also
be kept in mind, as discussed in Section 11 of this Technical
Flexural reinforcement should first be detailed to meet
the minimum shrinkage and temperature reinforcement
requirements of ACI 318 §7.12. Assuming Grade 60 deformed
bar reinforcement, the ratio of reinforcement area to gross
concrete area of 0.0018 is to be provided in each direction.
This reinforcement requirement may be met by providing the
required area in the top or bottom layer or in a combination of
the two layers. Many designers will split this reinforcement
equally between the top and bottom reinforcement mats. In
addition to the minimum reinforcement mat, reinforcement
should be added as necessary to meet flexural strength
requirements. For a mat subject to uplift demands because
of earthquake effects, additional top reinforcement should
be provided to meet the requirements of ACI 318 §
When bar spacing in a single layer becomes too congested,
reinforcement should be placed in multiple layers. For this
case, reinforcement layering and direction should be clearly
identied in the design drawings. See Figure 10-1.
Figure 10-1
– Example of placement diagram to clarify layering.
Where reinforcement is added for exural strength above the
minimum reinforcement requirement, the added reinforcement
may be curtailed in accordance with ACI 318 §12.10. Flexural
reinforcement may be cut off at a distance of d or 12d
the point it is no longer required. In a thick mat foundation,
this is almost always an extension distance d. It should also be
veried that the bar is fully developed at the critical section,
such as at the face of the column or wall. When cutoff points
are determined, it is most efcient to round bar lengths to
an interval that subdivides a stock length (20, 30, or 60 ft) to
minimize waste.
Lap splices are needed where bars are longer than stock length,
typically 60 ft. Lap splice lengths should be in accordance with
ACI 318 §12.15. It is common to denote the typical lap splice
length on the design drawings and then allow the detailer to
lap where most efcient. Lap splices should be staggered 2 ft
where possible.
In some markets, #14 and #18 bars are available in Grade 60
or Grade 75 and may be used to ease congestion of exural
reinforcement layers. The availability of these bars should be
conrmed, and the use should be discussed with the contractor.
Both #14 and #18 bars require mechanical or welded splices
per ACI 318 §, and #18 bars are quite heavy and may
require heavy equipment for placement.
Where provided, shear reinforcement should be detailed in
accordance with the anchorage requirements of ACI 318 §12.13,
which requires that web reinforcement be extended as close to
the tension and compression surfaces as possible. In addition,
ACI 318 §12.13.2 requires hooking shear reinforcement
around longitudinal reinforcement with additional embedment
requirements for #6 and larger bars. These detailing
requirements can be difcult to achieve for tightly spaced
exural reinforcement mats when using larger diameter shear
reinforcement bar with a 90° hook. Shear reinforcement is
often placed after both top and bottom mats are in place, and
therefore requires shing a hooked bar through the congested
reinforcement mats, as shown in Figure 10-2. Some designers
will use shear reinforcement with a head at the bottom that
may be easily dropped through the top and bottom reinforcing
mats. The disadvantage to headed bars is that they can be more
costly than hooked bars.
At moment frame columns and shear wall boundary elements,
dowels are required for the connection to the foundation. These
dowels must lap with the column or wall reinforcement and be
fully developed for tension into the mat. Refer to the sidebar for
discussion of aspects of this issue that are not fully specied
in the codes and standards.
Where a column or boundary element of a wall lands within
one-half of the footing depth from the edge of a mat, ACI
318 § requires that edge reinforcement be provided
into the depth of the footing. This requirement may be
satised by providing U-bars developed for fy in tension into
the foundation. See Figure 10-3. ACI 318 does not specify
how far to extend this reinforcement into the depth of the
mat foundation; however, it is recommended to extend the
reinforcement to the bottom of the mat foundation. This
requirement should also be applied where an elevator pit is
adjacent to a column or wall boundary element.
Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Mat Foundations: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
Figure 10-2
– Mat foundation under construction, 90° hook shear reinforcement (painted orange) being placed from above.
Anchorage of Longitudinal Reinforcement
Longitudinal reinforcement of columns and structural
walls must be developed into the mat foundation for
tension in accordance with ACI 318-11 §
There is no guidance in the building code regarding
extension of longitudinal reinforcement any deeper
than the development length for either straight or
hooked reinforcement. In the case of very thick
foundations, activation of the entire mat cross section
can be called into question. Some designers argue
that vertical reinforcement should be extended to the
bottom of the mat foundation to create a complete
load path to avoid the equivalent of a potential laminar
tearing problem as seen in steel plates. Additionally,
from a constructability standpoint, it may be easier to
detail bars that hook at the bottom of the mat so that
they are not “oating” between the top and bottom
There is no code requirement to provide vertical reinforcement
around the edge of a mat foundation; however, it is good
practice to detail this reinforcement because of the possible
temperature gradient within the mat caused by the heat of
hydration and because of the exposed edge condition. Where
vertical shear reinforcement is being used throughout a mat,
the edge reinforcement can match the vertical reinforcement
size and spacing. Alternatively, a nominal bar of # 5 to # 9
spaced at 12 to 24 inches on center may be used, depending
on the mat thickness.
Figure 10-3
– Example of edge reinforcement at mat foundation edge.
U-Bar Developed for
in Tension
Column or
Boundary Element
of Wall
Edge of
Mat or Pit
Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Mat Foundations: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
11. Constructability Issues
There are many considerations when detailing a mat foundation
that can result in a more constructible and economical
First, consider the clear space between exural reinforcement.
In a single layer of reinforcement, ACI 318 §7.6.1 requires a
minimum of one reinforcing bar diameter but not less than
one inch between bars. In a mat foundation, the exural
reinforcement should be spaced out farther than this in an
attempt to eliminate challenges with concrete consolidation or
rock pockets. In addition, adequate space should be provided
to drop a concrete vibrator into the full depth of the mat. This
may mean allowing for specic clear zones of approximately
six inches square in the top exural reinforcement mat. This
and other constructability requirements should be discussed
with the contractor.
The top layer of exural reinforcement requires tall chair
supports or standees to place the reinforcing bars at the
appropriate elevation, as shown in Figure 11-1. If vertical
reinforcement is already present, the contractor may request
to use the vertical reinforcement as chairs by laying the
top reinforcing mat on top of the 9 hook of the vertical
reinforcement. While the temporary stability and support of the
reinforcement mat is typically the contractor’s responsibility,
the design engineer is frequently asked to evaluate the
acceptability of this approach as it modifies the vertical
reinforcement detailing. This detail alone does not satisfy
development of shear reinforcement in accordance with ACI 318
§12.13; therefore, this detail should be avoided or supplemented
with adequately detailed vertical reinforcement.
For foundations that are thick or cover a large footprint, (see
Figure 11-2) it may not be feasible to place all of the concrete
in a single, monolithic operation. In this case, it is necessary
to use a vertical construction joint or bulkhead. Ideally, this
joint should be located at a point where the exural and shear
demands are minimal. Flexural reinforcement should be lapped
in accordance with ACI 318 §12.14 on each side of the vertical
joint. Shear transfer through the joint should be checked
in accordance with ACI 318 §11.6.4 for shear friction, with
additional reinforcement provided as necessary.
A horizontal construction joint through the thickness of a mat
foundation may also be considered. However, this requires
consideration of shear flow through the joint and proper
detailing of shear reinforcement through the horizontal joint.
This type of construction joint is typically more difcult to
analyze, design, and reinforce when compared to a vertical
construction joint. Therefore, a vertical construction joint or
bulkhead is the preferred joint method when a mat foundation
cannot be cast monolithically.
The construction of most mat foundations is classied as
massive concrete where the heat of hydration of the concrete
should be considered. For massive concrete with a signicant
temperature differential between the core and exterior, cracks
can develop as the concrete cures and cools. Therefore, it is
common practice to limit the maximum temperature difference
between the core and the surface of the foundation to 35 ° F. This
is known to be a conservative limit developed for the placement
of unreinforced mass concrete (Gadja and Vangeem 2002). To
relax the differential temperature requirement, performing a
temperature analysis specic to the mat foundation in question
is recommended because curing concrete at high temperatures
can result in reduced compressive strength, so it is common
practice to limit the maximum temperature during curing of
the mass concrete to 170 ° F.
Where excessive temperatures in massive concrete are a
concern, the rst consideration should be the concrete mix.
The amount of cement in the mix should be minimized and
replaced with slag ory ash as much as possible to reduce and/
or delay the peak heat of hydration. Some designers specify a
compressive strength requirement for 56 or 90 days in lieu of 28
days to allow a mix with less cement content to cure for a longer
duration to reach a similar strength of a 28-day mix with more
cement content. Another method to control temperatures is to
place the massive concrete at a cooler temperature by mixing
with cooled water (or even ice). Many mat foundations are
placed at night to take advantage of a reduced initial concrete
temperature because of a lower ambient air temperature, which
can reduce the absolute maximum temperature. More extreme
mitigation methods that are sometimes used include cooling the
aggregate with liquid nitrogen or embedding pipes to circulate
cool water in the core of the concrete section.
Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Mat Foundations: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
Figure 11-1
– Vertical reinforcement and steel angle standees.
Figure 11-2
A 10-ft thick mat foundation, pour in progress.
Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Mat Foundations: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
AASHTO (2010). “LRFD bridge design specications,” 5th Edition, American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Ofcials.
ACI Committee 336 (1966). “Suggested design procedures for combined footings and mats,” Report ACI 336.2R-66,
American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 13 pp.
ACI Committee 336 (1988). “Suggested analysis and design for combined footings and mats,” Report ACI 336.2R-88,
American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 20 pp.
ACI (2011). Building code requirements for structural concrete (ACI 318-11) and commentary, American Concrete Institute,
Farmington Hills, MI.
ACI-ASCE Committee 326 (1962). “Shear and diagonal tension, part 3, slabs and footings,” ACI Journal, Vol. 59 (3), March,
pp. 353-396.
ACI-ASCE Committee 326 (1974). “The shear strength of reinforced concrete members–slabs,” Proceedings, ASCE, 100 (ST
8), pp. 1543-1591.
ASCE (2007). Seismic rehabilitation of existing buildings, Standard ASCE/SEI 41/06 (ASCE 41-06), American Society of
Civil Engineers, Reston, VA.
ASCE (2010). Minimum design loads for buildings and other structures (ASCE/SEI 7-10), American Society of Civil
Engineers, Reston, VA.
FEMA (2000). Report on the prestandard and commentary for the seismic rehabilitation of buildings, FEMA 356, Federal
Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC.
Gadja, J. and Vangeem, M. (2002). “Controlling temperatures in mass concrete,” Concrete International, January 2002, pp.
Gazetas, G. (1991). “Formulas and charts for impedances of surface and embedded foundations,” J. Geotech. Eng. Div.,
American Society of Civil Engineers, 117(9), pp. 1363–81.
Gazetas, G. (2012). Personal communication.
Guandalini, S., Burdet, O. L., and Muttoni, A. (2009). “Punching tests of slabs with low reinforcement ratios,” ACI Structural
Journal, 106 (1), pp. 87-95.
Horvilleur, J.F., and Patel, V. B. (1995). “Mat foundation design – A soil-structure interaction problem,” ACI Special
Publication, 152, pp. 51-94.
IBC (2012). International building code, International Code Council, Washington, DC.
Kausel, E., Roesset, J.M., Christian, J.T. (1976). “Nonlinear behavior in soil–structure interaction,” J. Geotech. Eng. Div.,
American Society of Civil Engineers, 102 (GT12), pp. 1159–78.
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Mylonakis, G., Nikolaou, S., and Gazetas, G. (2006). “Footings under seismic loading: Analysis and design issues with
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12. References
Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Mat Foundations: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
NIST (2012). Soil-Structure Interaction for Building Structures, GCR 12-917-21, prepared by the NEHRP Consultants Joint
Venture, a partnership of the Applied Technology Council and the Consortium for Universities for Research in Earthquake
Engineering, for the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD.
Reineck, K. H., Kuchma, D.A., Kim, K.S., and Marx, S. (2003). “Shear database for reinforced concrete members without
shear reinforcement,” ACI Structural Journal, 100, (2) pp. 240-249.
Richart, F.E., (1948). “Reinforced concrete wall and column footings,” ACI Journal, 45 (10), pp. 97-128 and 45 (11), pp.
Stewart , J.P., and Tileylioglu, S. (2007). “Input ground motions for tall buildings with subterranean levels.” Pacic
Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) – Tall Buildings Initiative, Task 8.
Accessed 08-02-2012.
Talbot, A.N., (1913). Reinforced concrete wall footings and column footings, University of Illinois Experiment Station
Bulletin 67, Urbana, IL, 96 pp.
Uzel, A., Podgorniak, B., Bentz, E.C., and Collins, M.P. (2003). “Design of large footings for one-way shear,” ACI Structural
Journal, 108 (2) pp. 131-138.
Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Mat Foundations: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
13. Notations and Abbreviations
kinematic acceleration
A area
b width of the footing
perimeter of critical section for shear
B half-width of the mat
dashpot coefcient
d distance from extreme compression ber to centroid of longitudinal tension reinforcement
nominal diameter of bar
D mat foundation embedment depth
e eccentricity of axial load relative to geometric centroid of section
E earthquake load effects
Young’s Modulus, low-strain elastic value
vertical earthquake load effects
specied compressive strength of concrete
fundamental frequency
Modulus of rupture of concrete
specied yield strength of reinforcement
G shear modulus, strain-compatible
shear Modulus, low-strain elastic value
rocking transfer function
horizontal transfer function
I moment of inertia for the foundation
gross moment of inertia
K static stiffness
dynamic stiffness
l length of the footing
L half-length of the mat
m superstructure mass
Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Mat Foundations: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
M moment
cracking moment
nominal exural strength
factored moment
P axial force
factored axial force
q bearing pressure
allowable soil bearing pressure
ultimate soil pressure
R response modication factor
design response spectrum
Foundation Input Motion (FIM) response spectrum
seismic design acceleration coefcient for short period accelerations
t time
T structural period
nominal shear strength provided by concrete
nominal shear strength provided by shear reinforcement
soil or rock shear wave velocity
x longitudinal axis
y distance from centroid
y transverse axis
distance from centroidal axis of gross section
z vertical axis
effective depth within which the springs are determined
ρ redundancy factor
φ strength reduction factor
cyclic frequency
Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Mat Foundations: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
ACI American Concrete Institute
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers
ATC Applied Technology Council
BSSC Building Seismic Safety Council
CUREE Consortium of Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering
IBC International Building Code
NEHRP National Earthquakes Hazard Reduction Program
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
SEI Structural Engineering Institute
Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Mat Foundations: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
14. Credits
Cover photo Image courtesy of Magnusson Klemencic Associates
Figure 2-1 Image courtesy of Wight, James K.; MacGregor, James G., Reinforced Concrete: Mechanics and
Design, 6th Edition, © 2013, p. 816. Reprinted by permission of Pearson Education, Inc., Upper
Saddle River, NJ.
Figure 3.1. Image courtesy of Mueser Rutledge Consulting Engineers
Figure 4-1 Image courtesy of Mueser Rutledge Consulting Engineers
Figure 4-2 Image courtesy of Armada Hofer Construction Co., Inc.
Figure 4-3 Image courtesy of Mueser Rutledge Consulting Engineers after Mylonakis et al. 2006
Figure 4-4 Image courtesy of NIST GCR 12-917-21
Figure 4-5 Image courtesy of Mueser Rutledge Consulting Engineers
Figure 5-1 Image courtesy of Magnusson Klemencic Associates
Figure 6-1 Image courtesy of Magnusson Klemencic Associates
Figure 6-2 Image courtesy of Magnusson Klemencic Associates
Figure 7-1 Image courtesy of Magnusson Klemencic Associates
Figure 7-2 Image courtesy of Magnusson Klemencic Associates
Figure 8-1 Image courtesy of Magnusson Klemencic Associates
Figure 10-1 Image courtesy of Magnusson Klemencic Associates
Figure 10-2 Image courtesy of Magnusson Klemencic Associates
Figure 10-3 Image courtesy of Magnusson Klemencic Associates
Figure 11-1 Image courtesy of Magnusson Klemencic Associates
Figure 11-2 Image courtesy of Magnusson Klemencic Associates