Faculty Search Committee Guidelines 2022
These guidelines are designed to serve as an organizing tool for faculty search committees as they move through the process of faculty
recruitment and hiring. This document is organized into sections for each stage of recruitment and hiring. Specific actions and
responsibilities are identified for the following individuals: dean or department head, the search chair, and/or entire search committee. The
guidelines have been constructed with resources from the Offices of Faculty Affairs and policy guidance from Human Resources. This tool
has been created with a specific focus on improving inclusion, rigor, fairness and reducing unconscious bias in recruitment and
hiring. This document, along with additional resources can be found at: https://facultyaffairs.arizona.edu/content/about-recruitment.
A key feature of these guidelines are tips and guidance for proactive recruitment of the candidate pool. Using proactive recruitment,
search committees can seek out and hire world class faculty to contribute to our advancement as a premier Research 1 institution.
Proactive recruitment takes time, but it works. A new faculty hire is one of the most important investments departments make for their
future, so it worth investing the time to recruit a high quality and diverse candidate pool. Proactive recruitment can generate a highly
inclusive and excellent group of talented people from which to select a colleague. Proactive recruitment signals to applicants that the UA is
a highly engaged creative community, and once an offer is made, candidates are more likely to want to join our institution.
For more information and/or additional resources, please contact:
Andrea Romero, Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, romero@arizona.edu
Judy Marquez Kiyama, Associate Vice Provost for Faculty Development, j[email protected]
Asya Roberts, Executive Associate to the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, asya@arizona.edu.
Preliminary Stage: Before the Search Committee’s First Meeting
Before the Search Committee’s First Meeting
Review “A Guide to Successful Searches. , the University of Arizona’s Recruitment Policy, and Human
Resources (HR) Recruitment Resources, Be prepared to share with search committee and have available as
references during the search process.
Hiring Authority
& Search Chair
Develop a hiring budget that includes advertising, email, conference attendance, candidate travel, and campus
visit costs.
Hiring Authority
Be attentive to the role of shared governance in this process:
The faculty search committee operates as the shared governance process to vet candidates and provide
recommendations to the hiring authority. The Department Head, or hiring authority, makes the final decision,
engages in negotiations, and oversees the hiring. Given the Department Head’s role as final decision maker,
they are typically separate from the search process in order to ensure balance and give voice to the faculty in
hiring decisions..
More information about guidelines for shared governance can be found HERE.
Hiring Authority
Appoint search chair(s) who is committed to improving inclusion, rigor, fairness and reducing unconscious
bias in recruitment and hiring.
Hiring Authority
Appoint a search committee including faculty that represent diverse perspectives and experiences that are
relevant to reviewing the candidates and include faculty that are attentive to scholarship, teaching, and service
that represent high quality inclusive practices, perspectives and experiences that are relevant to the position.
Search committees must include at least one person from outside the department or college (preferred).
Hiring Authority
All search committee members must attend the Faculty Search Committee Training offered through EDGE.
The four short training modules have been created with a specific focus on providing research-based
strategies and best practices for identifying candidates who will help us advance our strategic priorities. The
training focuses on improving inclusion, rigor, fairness and reducing unconscious bias in recruitment and
Hiring Authority
& Search
Upon completion of the training, Search Committee members will have access to the following resources in
EDGE: “A Guide to Successful Searches”, Criteria Matrix, Matrix Rating Sheet, and Sample Criteria Matrix.
These materials should be discussed at the first meeting.
Create position description with assistance and approval of HR: Include minimum and preferred
Ensure that inclusive language, as approved by HR is embedded throughout, including intentional word
choices that signal inclusion. Include language in job description that signals asset-minded perspectives and
avoided language from a deficit frame.
Include UArizona’s commitment to equity in hiring and creating an inclusive workplace. See A Guide to
Successful Searches “Diversity Commitments” for additional language.
Search Chair
with Hiring
Decide on application materials: CV, cover letter, equity statement, writing samples, etc. It is very strongly
recommended to include inclusive excellence or equity statements as a requirement for all candidates
applications. Potential language for a statement might include:
“The application should include a separate one-page statement on how the applicant’s scholarship, teaching
and service specifically address issues of equity and inclusive excellence in [field].”
Example resource: https://facultydiversity.ucsd.edu/recruitment/contributions-to-diversity.html
Search Chair
with Hiring
Secure position description and position announcement approval from hiring authority.
Search Chair
with Hiring
Post job opening in UArizona Talent Portal - online applicant tracking system. Consult Talent Requisition
Process and UA Hiring Process Overview. Hiring authorities will need to complete and attach this short form.
Consider consulting with HR and/or Faculty Affairs to discuss proposed strategies for recruiting candidate
pools with a focus on inclusion.
Once uploaded to Talent, the requisition and short form must be routed to the Office of the Provost and then
to HR for approval.
Hiring Authoring
& Search Chair
Initial Stage: First Search Committee Meeting
First Search Committee Meeting
The hiring authority meets with the committee and issues their charge.
Define expectations for process & outcomes for committee, such as final recommendations format, and
confidentiality expectations. The hiring process is subject to a consistent expectation of confidentiality.
You can access the University’s confidentiality agreement here should the committee choose to use one
as committee expectations are defined.
Be clear with committee about the importance of actively and intentionally generating a wide and
inclusive candidate pool using the training outlined on EDGE as a guide.
Confirm recruitment plan budget with committee.
Search Committee members co-create list of Meeting Agreements. Agreements help to clarify committee
expectations, group participation, and create processes for engaging in challenging or confidential
Develop the Criteria Matrix for the search which will guide evaluation strategies to align with required and
preferred qualifications. Commit to using it as a tool in search process for defining specific criteria and
mitigating structural and unconscious bias.
Develop search timeline including targeted dates for advertising, initial screening, zoom interviews, campus
visits, etc.
Search Chair
As noted in #10 above, discuss recruitment strategy for an inclusive applicant pool. Each committee member
should plan to reach out to their professional listservs and collegial networks. Tips regarding sharing with
special interest and affinity groups via social media are listed below.
Recruitment Stage
Recruitment Stage
Responsible Party
Target Date
Provide email template for faculty to share with colleagues to announce and invite candidates.
Request nominations from the search committee, department, and campus community, professional
networks and mentors, affinity groups and individuals well positioned to suggest viable candidates.
Search Chair &
Write and place advertisements in online sites, journals, magazines, and social media devoted to the
discipline and those that specifically serve diverse communities. Human Resources helps with some
ads by automatically posting all requisitions open to the public to the following websites at no cost to
the hiring department: HigherEdJobs.com, HigherEdMilitary, Linkages, ArizonaDiversity.com, and
AZ Job Connection.
Search Chair
Invite nominees to apply. In addition to the standard recruitment avenues, plan for proactive and
targeted recruitment with professional associations and national affinity groups that are organized for
BIPOC individuals and other typically underrepresented applicants. If posting via social media
utilize popular hashtags like #BlackInSTEM #BLM, #BadHombreScholars, #WomeninSTEM,
#NativeSTEM (among others) when sharing via social media.
For more on the use of hashtags and social media: Bhalla (2019) Strategies to Improve Equity in
Faculty Hiring
Search Chair &
Committee Review Stage
Committee Review Stage
Completion Date
Search committee members separately review application materials using predetermined
criteria and screening process (Criteria Matrix).
Be cautious of unconscious bias when reviewing external recommendation letters.
External recommendation letters included in application materials have been shown to
fall trap to unconscious gender bias. This handout aids search committees in identifying
where unconscious bias and stereotypes might show up in letters of recommendation.
Committee meets to discuss applicants. It is recommended to send scores to Chair and to
use this as a tool to narrow applicant pool and then to focus discussion on top 50% of
applicants. Use selection/voting method agreed upon in Initial Stages of Search.
Generate a shortlist of 8-10 candidates for video conferencing interviews, based on
predetermined criteria.
Review the shortlist with search committee and discuss efforts used to generate an
inclusive candidate pool.
Hiring Authority
Create a list of standard questions to ask in all video conference interviews. Questions
should be developed after consulting of the library of interview questions and questions
to avoid (include links from below). Set organizational protocols for interview. In
general, preparing 5-6 questions are recommended for 30 minute video conferencing
interviews. This also allows time for the candidate to pose questions to the search
Consult these Example Interview Questions and Questions to Avoid.
Completion Date
Conduct video conferencing interviews with all candidates and document responses.
Encourage the consistent use of pronouns when committee members and/or stakeholders
are sharing introductions. Additional resources: https://www.mypronouns.org/
Do not rely on only one equity or inclusive excellence question during the interview to
assess a candidate’s commitment to social justice, equity, and inclusive excellence.
Weave in opportunities for the candidate to share their commitment to inclusive
excellence during the interview questions, presentation, teaching demonstration, etc.
Generate the finalist list for on-campus interviews using previously agreed upon criteria
and selection process after evaluation of the interviews.
Review the finalist list and discuss efforts used to generate an inclusive candidate pool.
Hiring Authority
Generate a list of reference questions that is used consistently across each referee who is
contacted. Complete all reference checks for each finalist before candidates visit
campus. Utilize HR’s Reference Check Guiding Principles. The department head should
also follow up with referees and ask the “required reference check questions” regarding
sexual misconduct and/or investigations noted on this form.
Search Chair &
Hiring Authority
Curating a Successful Campus Visit
Curating a Successful Campus Visit
Responsible Party
Target Date
Notify finalists and invite them for an on-campus interview
Search Chair
Design itinerary to include visits with Hiring Authority, Dean, potential colleagues, a Faculty
Affairs representative from the college, and others as requested by the finalists. Presentations
and/or teaching demonstrations should be included as appropriate to the position. Include at
least one interview with the Search Committee.
Search Committee
Identify staff support to develop standard materials + information packet (including agenda,
campus & unit brochures, maps etc. to candidates ahead of visit), make equitable travel
arrangements (including booking, all airport and hotel transport) accommodations and
reimbursements. Don’t forget to meet any special needs of the finalists (physical, dietary,
Search Chair
Offer to arrange informal meetings for the finalists with campus partners, HR, affinity
groups, and/or community partners with whom they would like to meet. Assure finalists
these meetings are not part of the formal evaluation or interview process. Please reach out to
Judy Marquez Kiyama ([email protected]) in Faculty Affairs to help arrange
meetings with individual campus partners and/or affinity groups.
Search Chair
Make sure to be aware of resources offered through the Disability Resource Center should
finalists request accommodations. Please visit the Faculty Affairs equity resources page to
learn more about the accommodations available for faculty finalists.
Search Chair
Contact finalists in advance of visit to answer questions and express excitement about
upcoming visit. Provide contact information and maintain contact with finalists throughout
the campus visit process. Ensure all finalists feel equally valued and welcomed. Our goal is
to create an environment where people from different backgrounds and academic traditions
feel comfortable, supported, and excited to join the University.
Search Chair
Provide final itinerary to the finalists. Include information on the Tucson community, the
University, the hiring college/division and department, information on the value of UA
employment, dual career resources, and the University’s commitment to diversity.
Search Chair
Schedule search committee members (minimum of 2 w/candidate) to accompany finalists
during the campus visit.
Search Chair
Important Reminders: When meeting with the finalists, do not rely on only one equity or
inclusive excellence question during the interview to assess a candidate’s commitment to
social justice, equity, and inclusive excellence.
Remind all stakeholders who meet with the finalists of the importance of maintaining
confidentiality during the process and revisit the Example Interview Questions and
Questions to Avoid.
Search Committee
Encourage the use of pronouns when committee members and/or stakeholders are sharing
introductions. Ensure gender inclusive restrooms are readily accessible. Resources:
resources: https://www.mypronouns.org/
Search Committee
Use the provided template survey for feedback from stakeholders who either met with the
finalists or attended finalists presentations. The standard feedback form ensures
confidentiality (e.g. do not ask people to identify by student, faculty, staff) and should align
with required and preferred job qualifications. See the Applicant Evaluation Tool as a
template. Any feedback or scoring is confidential and is kept only within the search
committee and hiring authority.
Avoid personal comments in notes and evaluation forms. Focus on the candidate’s
professional attributes, experiences, and potential.
Search Committee
Final Decisions & Announcements
Final Decisions & Announcements
Completion Date
Search Committee evaluates finalists using Criteria Matrix and considers feedback of
Provide the Hiring Authority with the Search Committee’s written analysis of the
finalists, including strengths and areas of growth for each finalist.
Select the faculty hire or direct Search Committee to invite additional finalists.
Important reminder: Hiring decisions cannot not be based on a person’s sex, gender,
gender identity, transgender status, sexual orientation, race, color, national origin,
disability, religion, genetic information, or veteran status.
Hiring Authority
When preparing the offer, start from a fair and equitable place rather than obliging the
finalist to negotiate. Do not tie a salary offer to the person's prior salary. When needed,
consulting with HR to determine current market rates.
Resources: Applicants Urged to Speak up at Negotiations Table (Watson, 2015); You
Deserve Better (Falcón, 2016)
Hiring Authority
Design the offer, which may include start-up package, effort requirements, lab support,
travel funds, and employment for partner. Ensure that proposed offer maintains
departmental/college/division salary equity.
Hiring Authority
Once finalist has been approved by Department Head and/or Dean, documents related to
the offer must be submitted to Marilyn Taylor (taylorm@arizona.edu) in the Office of
the Provost. Once approved the offer letter can then be routed in Talent.
Hiring Authoring
Letter of offer extended once approved by the Office of the Provost. Letter of offer must
include the name and contact information for a mentor for the hire if they are at the
assistant or associate level. The letter of offer must also include the date for the annual
New Faculty Orientation. It must also include the standard language approved by HR
that outlines the nature of the employment relationship and the importance of the Notice
of Appointment.
Make offer by phone and invite selected finalist (and family) to visit Tucson.
Share letter of offer via email.
Hiring Authority,
Search Chair
Enthusiastically recruit the offeree. Connect selected finalist to a range of faculty and to
broader parts of University or Tucson that are of interest. Arrange for meeting with
Above & Beyond Relocation Service for community orientation and housing. Consider
scheduling meeting with HR to discuss benefit options or the Provost’s Office to discuss
dual career services as needed. Schedule meetings with individuals as requested by
Hiring Authority,
Search Chair
Officially close the search in Talent Portal once offer is finalized and finalist has
accepted the offer.
Hiring Authority
& Search Chair
Notify applicants about status of search. See Sample Letters to Applicants. See Sample
Letters to Applicants.
Search Chair
Announce hire to search committee, department, the University community, and the
Tucson community. Also announce through local and community press and social
Hiring Authority
& Search Chair
Thank Search Committee and the Search Chair for their efforts. Request feedback on
how future efforts might be improved.
Hiring Authority
Search-related documents such as copies of hiring forms, interview questions, screening
tools and committee notes must be retained in department files or with college HR or
Faculty Affairs for a period of 3 years from the date of candidate hire. Electronic records
created or stored in Talent will be maintained by HR.
Search Chair