This Data Processing Agreement ("DPA") between Joint Controllers shall apply to you, i.e. the contracting party signing up for an account at
WorkMotion Platform via our website and using our Internet HR tech platform (hereinafter Platform”) and our digital
services as described in more detail in the Terms & Conditions (hereinafter Client”) and WorkMotion Software GmbH, registered at Richard-
Ermisch-Str. 7, 10247 Berlin, Germany, (hereinafter “WorkMotion”)
Hereinafter collectively referred to as « Joint Controllers » or the « Parties », and individually referred to as « Party ».
This Data Processing Agreement is part of the WorkMotion T&C (“T&C”) for the use of the Platform
1. Definitions
All terms and expressions related to the protection of Personal Data that are
used in this DPA and identified by capital letters, whether used in singular or
in plural, shall be interpreted in accordance with Data Protection Regulation.
Joint Controllers: Client, WorkMotion
Joint Processing: the Personal Data Processing activity/ies which purposes
and means are jointly determined by the Joint Controllers, and described in
Annex 1. For the sake of simplicity, the term is used in the singular despite
the fact that it could cover several Joint Processing defined and implemented.
The Data Protection Regulation: any provision of a legislative or regulatory
nature, European or national, resulting in particular from Regulation (EU)
2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to
the Processing of Personal Data and on the free movement of such data, and
repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), as well
as any other EU or domestic regulations applicable in this field.
“Personal Data”, “Controller”, “Data Controller”, “Data Processor”,
“Data Subject”, “Personal Data Breach”, “Process”, “Processing”,
“Processor”, “Supervisory Authority” and “Third Country”, written in
singular or in plural, shall bear the respective meanings given to them in the
Data Protection Regulation.
2. Purpose of the DPA
The purpose of this DPA is to determine the respective obligations of the Joint
Controllers in order to ensure compliance with the Data Protection Regulation
when carrying out the Joint Processing.
The nature and purpose of the Joint Processing is related to the hiring,
onboarding, managing and paying international employees via the Platform.
Categories of Personal Data:
Contact data (e.g. email, phone number), Content data (e.g. texts,
photographs, videos), Payment data (e.g. bank account, payment history),
Usage data (e.g. access times, log files), Employee master data (e.g. names,
addresses, salary group, tax classification), Application data (e.g. names,
contact data, qualifications, application relevant data)
Special categories of Personal Data:
Personal data revealing religious or philosophical beliefs; Data concerning
Categories of Data Subjects:
Applicants, Employees, Freelancers
3. Duration of the DPA
This DPA enters into force upon acceptance by the Parties and shall apply
until the T&C will remain in force.
4. Obligations of the Joint Controllers
4.1. Compliance with the Data Protection Regulation by each Joint
The Joint Controllers recognise that they have full knowledge of the
obligations that apply to them pursuant to the Data Protection Regulation in
their role of Joint Controllers for the Joint Processing described in Annex 1.
For this reason, the Joint Controllers undertake to:
- respect and comply with these obligations in every country where the
Joint Processing is carried out;
- implement a register of the Joint Processing of Personal Data as required
under the Data Protection Regulation;
- document their compliance and make the documentation available to the
other Party upon simple request;
- inform each other of any proven or potential error, irregularity, omission
or alleged Personal Data Breach to Data Protection Regulation to which
the present DPA applies;
- update the conditions for carrying out the Joint Processing when needed,
having regards to the changes in the Data Protection Regulation.
Each Party undertakes to ensure its own compliance and the compliance of
its staff and its processors (where applicable) with the following obligations:
- to process Personal Data for the sole purposes of the Joint Processing;
- to ensure the confidentiality of Personal Data processed under this DPA;
- to make sure that the people authorised to process Personal Data:
o Only access the Personal Data necessary for the fulfilment of their
duties according to their roles and to the needs of the present DPA;
o Are subject to an adequate confidentiality obligation;
o Have received appropriate training in data protection.
- to communicate to the other Party, upon simple request and without
delay, all the information and documents proving compliance with its
obligations under the Data Protection Regulation;
- to define, adopt and keep updated the necessary technical and
organisational measures to ensure an appropriate level of data security
and confidentiality for the part of the Joint Processing that is under its
responsibility. The measures thus implemented are described in Annex
- to define and adopt the internal procedures that are necessary for
complying with its obligations;
- to ensure, where appropriate, the deletion of Personal Data at the end of
the retention period.
4.2. Obligation of information
Each Joint Controller shall provide to Data Subjects the information required
by the Data Protection Regulation, according to the conditions and deadlines
prescribed by the Data Protection Regulation.
4.3. Managing Data Subjects’ rights
In this section, the term « rights » shall mean any right granted to Data
Subjects by the Data Protection Regulation, such as the right to access, to
rectify, to delete and, where appropriate, to limit, to make portable, to object
and to withdraw consent.
In compliance with the Data Protection Regulation, a Data Subject may
exercise their rights against each Joint Controller or against both Joint
Notwithstanding the above, the Parties agree that it shall fall upon:
- WorkMotion to follow up and to manage relations with Data Subjects
pursuant to any enquiries that are related to the Joint Processing,
according to the conditions and deadlines prescribed by the Data
Protection Regulation;
In order to allow for a correct management of enquiries, Client undertakes to:
- transfer without delay any request or enquiry that was directly received
to the Party that is responsible for managing enquiries (mentioned
- where appropriate, provide all information relating to the part of the Joint
Processing that is under its responsibility, where such information is
necessary to the follow-up and the management of a Data Subject’s
- ensure necessary measures are implemented.
4.4. Management of Data Breaches
Joint Controllers undertake to define and implement internal procedures
necessary to manage Personal Data Breach according to Data Protection
The Joint Controllers undertake to inform each other without delay of any
Personal Data Breach affecting the Joint Processing in whole or in part and
to cooperate together when notification to the Supervisory Authority and/or,
where appropriate, to the Data Subjects is required.
4.5. Cooperation in carrying out Privacy Impact Assessments
The Joint Controllers undertake to cooperate in order to identify the need to
carry out a data protection impact assessment for the Joint Processing, and
where appropriate, to jointly carry out this impact assessment under the
direction of the referents designated in article 6.
Each Party bears its own costs for carrying out the impact assessment.
4.6. Cooperation regarding Supervisory Authorities
The Joint Controllers shall inform each other of any requests, enquiries,
follow-up activities and any similar measures taken by the Supervisory
Authority or any other authority regarding the Joint Processing.
The Joint Controllers shall assist each other in answering and complying with
every request or enquiry coming from the Supervisory Authority or any other
authority and relating, in whole or in part, to the Joint Processing.
4.7. International Transfers of Personal Data
Where appropriate, any international transfer of Personal Data undertaken
by either Party must comply with Data Protection Regulation and be made
pursuant either on the grounds of an Adequacy Decision or Appropriate
Safeguards such as Standard Contractual Clauses made public by the
European Commission
5. Data Processors
5.1. Conditions to contract with a Data Processor
Each Party may subcontract all or part of its obligations, subject to prior
information of the other Party. Any change in Data Processors shall enter into
application in the absence of objection by the other Party within eight (8)
calendar days from receipt of the above mentioned prior information.
All contractual agreements with the subcontractor(s) and the performance of
the contractual relationship must be designed in such a way that they comply
with the requirements of the GDPR and other data protection provisions,
where applicable.
In the case of subcontracting, the Parties shall be granted control and
inspections rights by the subcontractor in accordance with this DPA, The
Parties undertake to ensure that each of their Data Processors respect the
obligations provided for in this DPA, in particular by expressly including the
same obligations in the contract binding this or these Data Processors and
by carrying out a regular audit or having it carried out to verify the compliance
of these Data Processors.
5.2. Obligations when using a Data Processor
The Parties undertake to only resort to Data Processors who have taken
sufficient safeguards, in particular when they intervene in order to implement
appropriate technical and organisational measures for the Joint Processing.
They also undertake to ensure that each of their Data Processors respect the
obligations provided for in this DPA, in particular by expressly including the
same obligations in the contract binding this or these Data Processors and
by carrying out a regular audit or having it carried out to verify the compliance
of these Data Processors.
Each Party shall remain fully liable to the other Party for the performance by
the Data Processor(s) of its (their) obligations.
6. Referents for the protection of Personal Data
Each Party undertakes to appoint a referent for the protection of Personal
Data, with the required skills to manage the proper performance of this DPA
and to answer the other Party’s requests.
WorkMotion Referent: Dr. Jonas Jacobsen,
Responsibility of the Joint Controllers
The Joint Controllers shall bear reciprocal liability for breach of duty in
accordance with the T&C. Exclusions or limitations of liability contained in the
T&C should only apply between the Joint Controllers. In any case, statutory
liability with regard to the Data Subject shall remain unaffected.
7. Communication of the DPA
Following a Data Subject’s request, the Joint Controllers are authorised to
communicate to this Data Subject a summary of this DPA.
8. Miscellaneous
- The Parties are not allowed to unilaterally modify or suspend the
performance of this DPA, unless otherwise specified in an express
manner. Any amendment to the provisions of this DPA shall be
subject to a written amendment between the Parties.
- In the case where a provision of this DPA is deemed or judged
entirely or partially invalid or inapplicable by a competent court or
in accordance with a law, the invalidity of this provision shall have
no effect on the other provisions, and they will continue to apply.
- The DPA shall be subject and be interpreted in accordance with
the laws of Germany.
- All and any disputes arising from and/or in connection with this
DPA shall be decided exclusively by the courts of Berlin, Germany.
Annex 1: Main characteristics of the Joint Processing
Subject matter:
The Joint Controllers shall cooperate on the basis of individual
mandates given to WorkMotion, or on the basis of individual contracts
concluded between Client and WorkMotion.
Nature and purpose of the Joint Processing:
The nature and purpose of the Joint Processing is related to the hiring,
onboarding, managing and paying international employees via a
Software Platform.
Categories of Personal Data:
- Contact data (e.g. email, phone number)
- Content data (e.g. texts, photographs, videos)
- Payment data (e.g. bank account, payment history)
- Usage data (e.g. access times, log files)
- Employee master data (e.g. names, addresses, salary group,
tax classification)
- Application data (e.g. names, contact data, qualifications,
application relevant data)
Special categories of Personal Data:
- Personal data revealing religious or philosophical beliefs;
- Data concerning health
Categories of Data Subjects:
- Applicants
- Employees
- Freelancers
Annex 2: TOMs
Technical and organisational measures (TOM)
according to Art. 32 GDPR
WorkMotion Software GmbH
1. Encryption and pseudonymisation of personal data
Ensuring that personal data is only stored in the system in a way that does not allow third parties to identify the data subject.
(taking into account the
requirements of Article 32 of the
Encryption of data records
Use of database software that
enables the encrypted storage
of data records
Selection of the software
corresponds to the current
specifications of the BSI
2. Confidentiality and integrity
2.1. Access control
Denying unauthorised persons access to processing equipment with which the processing is carried out.
(taking into account the
requirements of Article 32 of
the GDPR)
All personal data is stored in
data centers of external service
The data centers used are
secured in accordance with
current security standards:
ISO 27001/27017/27018
The measures correspond to
the state of the art.
2.2. Access control
Prevention of the use of data processing systems by unauthorised persons
(taking into account the
requirements of Article 32 of the
Individual log-in and log-in
Logging on to the system or
company network is done with
a separate log-in and is logged
(user name and password);
use of user-profiles and
assignment of user rights
There are minimum
requirements for the
assignment of passwords
(minimum number of
Access to data processing
systems can bKe traced
via individual log-ins and
is thus suitable for
clarifying unauthorised
access in retrospect and
thus already acts as a
deterrent in advance.
Software Firewall
A state of the art firewall is
enabled by default and is kept
up to date.
The software is regularly
updated and corresponds to the
state of the art
Lock screen
The automatic lock screen on
all computers; automatic
pausing of screens
Access by unauthorized persons
is made more difficult.
2.3. Data medium control
Prevention of unauthorized reading, copying, modification or deletion of data carriers.
(taking into account the
requirements of Article 32 of
the GDPR)
Authorization concept
Due to the authorization concept,
only authorized persons have the
possibility to process personal
Risk of unauthorized data
access is effectively
minimized by restricting
access rights.
2.4. Memory Control
Prevention of unauthorised input of personal data as well as unauthorised knowledge, modification and deletion of stored personal
(taking into account the
requirements of Article 32 of
the GDPR)
Authorization concept
Due to the authorization concept,
only authorized persons have the
possibility to process personal
Risk of unauthorized data
access is effectively
minimized by restricting
access rights.
Software Firewall
Windows firewall is enabled by
default and is kept up to date.
The software is regularly
updated and corresponds to
the state of the art
2.5. User control
Prevention of the use of automated processing systems by means of data transmission equipment by unauthorised persons.
(taking into account the
requirements of Article 32 of the
Firewall and VPN access.
Admission only from identified
Sealing off the system against
access by unauthorised persons
The selected technical solution
corresponds to the state of the
art and is continuously updated
2.6. Access control
Ensure that persons authorised to use an automated processing system have access only to the personal data covered by their
access authorisation.
(taking into account the
requirements of Article 32 of the
Authorization concept
Due to the authorization
concept, only authorized
persons have the possibility to
process personal data.
The measure is proportionate to
the risk.
2.7. Transmission control
Ensure that it is possible to verify and establish to which bodies personal data have been or may be transmitted or made available
by means of data communication equipment.
(taking into account the
requirements of Article 32 of the
Storage of all outgoing and
incoming emails
Automated archiving of e-mail
communication documents all
data transmissions.
The access to the archive
system is strictly regulated
The measure taken is
proportionate to the risk.
2.8. Transport control
Ensure that the confidentiality and integrity of personal data is protected during the transmission of personal data and during the
transport of data media.
(taking into account the
requirements of Article 32 of the
Signature of e-mails
No shipping of data carriers
The sending of signed e-mails is
Measure is commensurate with
the risk.
2.9. Input control
Ensure that it is possible to verify and establish ex post which personal data have been entered or modified in automated
processing systems, at what time and by whom.
(taking into account the
requirements of Article 32 of
the GDPR)
Traceability of entries, changes
and deletions
File system captures changes.
Measure is commensurate with
the risk.
2.10. Data integrity
Ensure that stored personal data cannot be damaged by system malfunctions.
(taking into account the
requirements of Article 32 of the
Data backup
Regular backups enable the
restoration of an error-free
Measure is commensurate with
the risk.
2.11. Order control
Ensure that personal data processed on behalf can only be processed in accordance with instructions.
(taking into account the
requirements of Article 32 of
the GDPR)
AV agreements according to
Selection of service providers
that implement the requirements
of the GDPR and obligation to
comply with the requirements of
Art. 32 GDPR.
Measure is commensurate with
the risk.
3. Availability
Ensure that personal data is protected against destruction or loss.
(taking into account the
requirements of Article 32 of the
Data backup
Regular backups
Measure is commensurate with
the risk.
4. Recoverability
Ensure that deployed systems can be restored in the event of a failure.
(taking into account the
requirements of Article 32 of the
Data backup
Creating backups
Measures are commensurate
with the risk.
5. Separability
Ensure that personal data collected for different purposes can be processed separately.
(taking into account the
requirements of Article 32 of the
Separate storage of personal
data for different purposes
A breakdown of records by
purpose was made.
Measures are commensurate
with the risk.
6. Review and evaluation
Presentation of the procedure for the regular review, assessment and evaluation of the effectiveness of the technical and
organisational measures.
(taking into account the
requirements of Article 32 of the
Testing and documentation
TOMs are assessed and
evaluated on a quarterly basis.
The completion is documented
and presented to the
Quarterly audit is appropriate
and sufficient for the risk
Status: December 2021