Wavelength References for 1300-nm
Wavelength-Division Multiplexing
T. Dennis, Member, OSA, E. A. Curtis, C. W. Oates, Member, OSA,
L. Hollberg, Associate Member, IEEE, Member, OSA, and S. L. Gilbert, Member, OSA
Abstract—We have conducted a study of potential wavelength
calibration references for use as both moderate-accuracy transfer
standards and high-accuracy National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) internal references in the 1280–1320-nm wave-
length-division-multiplexing region. We found that most atomic
and molecular absorption lines in this region are not ideal for use
as wavelength references owing to factors such as weak absorp-
tion, complex spectra, or special requirements (for example, fre-
quency-doubling orexcitation with an additional light or discharge
source). We have demonstrated one of the simpler schemes con-
sisting of a tunable diode laser stabilized to a Doppler-broadened
methane absorption line. By conducting a beat-note comparison of
this reference to a calcium-based optical frequency standard, we
measured the methane line center with an expanded uncertainty
)of 2.3 MHz. This methane-stabilized laser now serves as a
NIST internal reference.
Index Terms—Absorbing media, optical fiber communica-
tion, optical materials, optical propagation in absorbing media,
optical spectroscopy, semiconductor lasers, standards, wave-
length-division multiplexing.
AVELENGTH-division multiplexing (WDM) is rapidly
expanding the capacity of optical fiber communications
systems. Current systems operate in the 1540–1560-nm region,
but WDM will likely expand into other wavelength regions
as well, possibly covering the entire range from about 1280
to 1630 nm. Wavelength calibration references are needed to
calibrate instrumentation and reliably separate densely spaced
channels in these new regions. Following the development of
wavelength calibration references in the 1510–1560-nm region
[1]–[3] and the WDM L-band (approximately 1565–1625
nm) [4], we have begun to investigate potential wavelength
references in the 1300-nm region.
Our goals are to produce high-accuracy references for Na-
tional Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) internal
calibration and moderate-accuracy transfer standards (such as
NIST Standard Reference Materials) to help industry calibrate
instrumentation. A wavelength reference for calibration in a
standards laboratory should have a frequency uncertainty of less
than 10 MHz, whereas a transfer standard can have an uncer-
tainty of a few hundred megahertz. Atomic and molecular ab-
Manuscript received October 23, 2001; revised February 26, 2002.
T. Dennis, C. W. Oates, L. Hollberg, and S. L. Gilbert are with the National
Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, CO 80305 USA.
E. A. Curtis is with the National Institute of Standards and Technology,
Boulder, CO 80305 USA and also with the Physics Department, University of
Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 USA.
Publisher Item Identifier S 0733-8724(02)05119-8.
sorption lines provide wavelength references that are very stable
under changing environmental conditions and have well under-
stood physical behavior. A variety of molecules have distinctive
absorption features in the 1300-nm region due to their quan-
tized vibrational and rotational motion. These transitions are
combination or overtone bands that can be probed directly, but
they typically have low absorption strengths. Atomic transitions
in this region occur between excited states and, thus, require
initial excitation by a laser or electric discharge. Other atomic
or molecular references can be realized by frequency doubling
1300-nm light to probe atomic transitions in the 650-nm region.
Depending on the physical conditions of the reference and the
measurement technique, a wide range of absorption linewidths
can be realized. For example, a molecular or atomic gas at a
pressure of 1 kPa (8 torr) typically has transition linewidths of
less than 1 GHz that are dominated by Doppler broadening. On
the other hand, a gas at a pressure of 100 kPa (
1 atmosphere)
can have pressure-broadened linewidths of more than 10 GHz.
Reductions in the linewidth below the Doppler limit, to widths
of 10 MHz or less, can be realized with saturated absorption
spectroscopy. For weak molecular transitions, this technique
often requires a resonant cavity to increase the laser power.
We have conducted a survey of potential wavelength cal-
ibration references for use as moderate-accuracy transfer
standards and high-accuracy NIST internal references in the
1280–1320-nm WDM region. We then produced a high-accu-
racy reference using one of the simpler schemes consisting of a
tunable diode laser stabilized to a Doppler-broadened methane
absorption line. In Section II, we present the results of our
survey of potential references. In Section III, we describe the
methane-based wavelength reference that we constructed and
compared to a calcium-based optical frequency standard.
Table I summarizes the atomic and molecular species we have
considered as wavelength references for the 1280–1320-nm re-
gion. This range includes and is centered upon the gain spec-
trum of currently available praseodymium-doped fiber ampli-
fiers. Some materials have been listed with specific transitions
and wavelengths, while others are listed with band designations
and wavelength ranges owing to the complexity of the molec-
ular spectra. In some cases, weaker transitions and/or ones of
lower accuracy have been omitted in spectrally dense regions.
The uncertainty of the specified transitions or bands are given as
fractions, where 1
10 at 1300 nm is equivalent to 230 MHz,
1.3 pm, and 8
10 cm . The column of special notes lists
0733-8724/02$17.00 © 2002 IEEE
some of the principle experimental difficulties that would be en-
countered when working with a material.
The rubidium atom has been used extensively in high-res-
olution spectroscopy. The D2 transition at 780 nm forms a
convenient 1560-nm reference through frequency-doubling
[5], and serves as a NIST high-accuracy reference for this
WDM region [1], [2]. A possibility for a 1300-nm reference
is the 5P
6S transition occurring at 1323.87 nm
between excited states [6]. This transition is slightly outside
the desired wavelength region, and stabilized optical pumping
of the 5P
state is required. However, in one experiment
a distributed-feedback diode laser has been locked to this
transition [7].
The noble gases neon, argon, krypton, and xenon have been
studied extensively as wavelength references in the 1300- and
1550-nm regions [8]–[10]. The materials have benign physical
properties and offer a wide choice of absorption lines, as shown
in the table (all the xenon transitions lie outside our region of
interest). Unfortunately, all the noble gas transitions occur be-
tween excited states,typically requiringa high voltage discharge
of the gas. This rather chaotic excitation process may be accept-
able for moderate-accuracy references, but a detailed character-
ization of the discharge parameters and wavelengthshifts would
likely be required for a high-accuracy system.
Despite its simple chemical structure, the iodine molecule
has an extremely complicated spectrum with more than 20 000
visible absorption lines in the X
B band. A variety of
gas lasers in the visible spectrum have been stabilized to
these transitions, most notably the helium–neon laser at 633
nm. Frequency doubling would allow a 1300-nm laser to be
referenced to one of these lines. A select number of appropriate
lines have been measured to very high accuracy, with hyperfine
components identified [11]. Doppler-limited locking to iodine
has been performed using periodically poled lithium niobate
and an Nd : YAG laser at 1319 nm [12]. In addition to efficient
frequency doubling, this scheme requires moderate heating
to increase the vapor pressure of iodine and populate higher
vibrational levels of the ground state.
The common atmospheric molecules of carbon dioxide and
water have been studied extensively with a combination of
Fourier transform spectroscopy and theoretical calculations
[13], [14]. Most of the absorption lines in the 1300-nm region
are combinations or overtones of fundamental transitions at
longer wavelengths, causing the line strengths to be weak.
As a result, required absorption paths are long, often tens to
hundreds of meters, and resonant cavities are a necessity for
saturated absorption spectroscopy. Compared to water, the
spectrum of carbon dioxide is simple and the lines are easily
identified, although they are about a factor of 100 weaker
in strength [13]. Absorption lines of water have been used
for spectroscopic calibration [15], [16]; moderate heating to
increase vapor pressure may be necessary.
We also considered the molecules acetylene, ammonia, and
the nitrate radical NO
. Acetylene, which forms a convenient
wavelength reference and is used as a NIST Standard Refer-
ence Material (SRM) between 1513 and 1541 nm [2], [3], has
weak combination transitions near 1300 nm that require absorp-
tion paths of 30 m or more [17]. Even in the 1500-nm region,
where the transitions are stronger, acetylene requires resonant
cavities for saturated absorption spectroscopy [18]. There ap-
pear to be few studies of ammonia at 1300 nm; the long ab-
sorption path that was reported in one investigation is indicative
of weak spectral features [16]. Also, based on spectra collected
between 1450 and 1550 nm, the spectrum at 1300 nm is likely
to be far more complicated than indicated by the four lines that
have been reported. The nitrate radical NO
has been the subject
of numerous studies of chemical structure primarily involving
spectroscopy at visible wavelengths. One study does report on
hundreds of spectral features at wavelengths above 1315 nm; in-
terestingly, water spectra were used for wavelength calibration
in that study [19].
Hydrogen fluoride is a rare example of a molecule that of-
fers strong absorption lines in the 1300-nm region [20]. While
the lines are several orders of magnitude stronger than those of
water, there are only five located between 1280 and 1320 nm.
The primary disadvantage of this material is its high reactivity,
which causes handling difficulties. Most absorption cells for hy-
drogen fluoride have been constructed of metal or plastic with
sapphire or polyethylene windows. Despite this technical dif-
ficulty, diode laser stabilization to the R-branch lines has been
demonstrated [21].
The hydrogen sulfidemolecule offers several hundred lines in
the 1300-nm region, but most of the detailed spectroscopy has
been performed at wavelengths beyond 1600 nm. Therefore, in-
formation at shorter wavelengths on this toxic molecule is lim-
ited. In one relevant study, a Fourier transform spectrometer has
been used to identify the bands near 1300 nm, determine the
band center wavelengths, and count the number of lines within
the bands [22]. The long absorption paths used by the study (28
and 433 m) indicate that the lines are weak. Because individual
line positions have not yet been reported, detailed spectroscopy
would be necessary to form a wavelength reference from this
Methane has been studied extensively with infrared spec-
troscopy to monitor gaseous concentrations in industrial
environments, where it poses a high explosion danger, and in
the atmosphere where it could be important to global warming.
Detection of trace gases requires moderate wavelength accuracy
to identify a species, placing higher emphasis on the accurate
measurement of absorption depth, which is used to determine
gas concentration. For this reason, the wavelength accuracy
of previous studies would need to be improved to form a
high-accuracy reference. The R branch lines of the
band of methane, extending from 1314 to 1329 nm, are well
suited for telecommunications wavelength references [15].
Unfortunately, the region below 1314 nm lacks any significant
absorption features. Nevertheless, methane is a good reference
material because the R branch lines are reasonably strong,
requiring absorption paths of less than 1 m, and can be probed
at room temperature and low pressures. The relative ease with
which the methane spectroscopy can be performed allows for
the construction of an experimental apparatus that is compact,
portable, and robust. Furthermore, methane is easy to handle
in the laboratory, is readily available commercially with high
purity, and can be safely contained in glass cells. Based on
a report of Doppler-free spectroscopy in the 1600-nm region
[23], saturation of the lines at 1300 nm should be possible
using a resonant cavity. In comparison to the clean spectra
of acetylene and hydrogen cyanide used for NIST SRMs in
the 1500-nm region, the spectrum of methane is somewhat
complicated. This is not a serious concern for a high-accuracy
reference because the detailed structure can be resolved at
lower pressures.
Based on the factors discussed in this section, we decided to
produce a high-accuracy wavelength reference using a Doppler-
broadened methane absorption line. This provides a relatively
simple reference that could be measured relative to a highly ac-
curate calcium frequency standard.
Our development of a high-accuracy reference based on a
methaneabsorption line near 1314 nm involvedtwoparts: 1) sta-
bilization of a diode laser to the methane line and 2) the accurate
measurement of the frequency of the stabilized laser. The latter
was necessary because we require a reference with a fractional
uncertainty of less than 1
10 , but the methane lines had
only been reported previously with an uncertainty of 4
10 .
The frequency measurement was accomplished by conducting
a beat-note measurement of the methane-stabilized laser with a
laser referenced to a calcium-based optical frequency standard
developed at NIST.
A. Experimental Setup
Fig. 1 shows the components of the methane-stabilized
wavelength reference we constructed. We used a commercially
available extended-cavity diode laser (ECDL) system having a
100-nm tuning range centered at 1304 nm. The laser linewidth
was measured to be less than 5 MHz in a 50-ms interval with
a Fabry–Pérot spectrum analyzer. The free-space beam of the
tunable laser was passed through a bulk isolator before it was
coupled into the FC/APC connector of a single-mode optical
fiber. The laser power was then passed through a fiber isolator
and divided by a fiber splitter, routing approximately 15% of
the power to the methane stabilization components and 85% to
a beat-note system for the measurement of the laser frequency.
The portion of the laser beam used for methane stabilization
was collimated into a free-space beam and divided by a wedged
beam splitter. One part was directed to a photodiode to monitor
intensity while the other passed through the methane gas cell
to the signal photodiode. Common-mode intensity variations,
such as those due to fluctuations in laser power and to etalon
fringes associated with the diode laser chip and the free-space
isolator, were removed from the methane spectra by subtracting
Fig. 1. The 1314-nm methane-stabilized laser and beat-note measurement
system. ECLD: extended cavity laser diode. ISO: isolator. COL: fiber
collimator. BS: beamsplitter. PD1, PD2: photodiodes. PC: polarization
controller. RX: photoreceiver. LO: local oscillator. RF-SA: radio-frequency
spectrum analyzer. G: electrical gain. The dashed signal paths represent
free-space optical beams and the solid paths indicate fiber or electrical
the photodiode signals. This improved the signal-to-noise ratio
(SNR) and reduced the sensitivity of the stabilization lock-point
to shifts of the fringes caused by temperature fluctuations and
thermal expansion. Also, the windows of the gas cell were
wedged to avoid production of interference fringes. To increase
the absorption, the free-space beam traversed the cell three
times for a total path of 60 cm. The entire optical and electrical
system that formed the methane reference was designed to fit
on a small pushcart to facilitate the beat-note measurements
with the calcium frequency standard.
Fig. 2 shows a transmission spectrum of methane recorded
by an optical spectrum analyzer, with the major R-branch lines
identified. Even at a resolution of 15 pm and a relatively high
gas pressure of 52.0 kPa (390 torr), it is clear that the spectrum
of methane is complicated, with most lines possessing substruc-
ture. Despite the singlet appearance of R(3) in Fig. 2, a detailed
laser scan at 0.3-pm resolution and 6.7 kPa (50 torr) revealed
that it is actually a triplet line with features separated by about
12 pm. By contrast, the R(1) line was found to be a singlet under
the same experimental conditions.
We dithered the center frequency of the laser by
15 MHz
using a 1.6-kHz external modulation signal applied to the laser’s
piezoelectric tuning element. When the laser wavelength was
slowly tuned across an absorption line and the photodiode sig-
nals were monitored with phase-sensitive detection at this mod-
ulation frequency, the derivative of the line shape was mapped.
Fig. 3 shows derivative spectroscopy of the central feature of
the R(8) cluster of lines at a pressure of 1.35 kPa (10.1 torr).
Here, the laser wastuned in
0.3-pmwavelengthstepswhile the
phase-sensitive detection signal was recorded in a 60-Hz band-
width. With the wavelength stepping turned off and the modu-
lated laser tuned near the center of an absorption line, the bipolar
derivative signal represented the offset (error) of the laser from
the zero crossing at line center. This normalized error signal was
conditioned with integral and proportional feedback circuits and
Fig. 2. Spectrum of the R-branch of methane at 52.0 kPa(390 torr) collectedat
a resolution of 15 pm on a vacuum wavelength scale. The spectrum is complex;
most lines shown have substructure when viewed at higher resolution and lower
applied to the laser in summation with the external frequency
modulation. Increasing the gain of the feedback circuit forced
the laser to minimize the error signal, locking the wavelength to
the center of the absorption line.
We locked the diode laser to the zero crossing at 1314.588 nm
(vacuumwavelength)in the R(8) cluster of lines shownin Fig. 3.
At low to moderate pressure, this line is sufficiently distinct that
the wings of the two neighboring features at longer wavelengths
have negligible effect on the lock point. We also confirmed with
computermodeling that the small feature at10 pm towardlonger
wavelength causes a negligible shift of the lock point of about
300 kHz. The 1314.588-nm feature was also the cleanest line
in reasonable proximity (
0.3 nm) to the calcium-based optical
frequencystandard, resulting in a beat-note frequency that could
be measured in the microwave range.
To characterize the pressure shift of this methane line, we
stabilized the laser at two gas pressures using interchangeable
cells with low (1.35 kPa; 10.1 torr) and high (8.21 kPa; 61.6
torr) pressures. The absorption depth of the line at the low and
high pressures was 2% and 8%, respectively. We also collected
absorption spectra of the stabilization feature at the two pres-
sures and fitted the results to a Voigt line shape to characterize
the pressure broadening. The low-pressure linewidth was essen-
tially equal to the 720-MHz Doppler-broadened value while the
high-pressure line was broadened slightly to 780 MHz. By con-
trast, the lines of Fig. 2 at an even higher pressure of 52.0 kPa
(390 torr) have widths of about 2.8 GHz.
B. Frequency Measurement
To accurately measure the frequency of the methane-stabi-
lized laser, we compared it to a frequency-doubled 1314-nm
laser that was locked to an optical frequency standard based
on laser-cooled calcium atoms. The calcium frequency stan-
dard has been described in detail elsewhere [24]. In summary,
it consists of an ECDL locked to the narrow (400-Hz natural
S ( ) P ( ) transition at 657
Fig. 3. Derivative spectroscopy signal of the central feature of the R(8) line
plotted versus vacuum wavelength. The feature with a zero crossingat 1314.588
nm was used to create the methane-stabilized reference.
nm in neutral calcium. In order to achieve subkilohertz spec-
troscopic resolution and greatly reduced systematic shifts, this
standard uses laser-cooled atoms from a magnetooptic trap op-
erating at 423 nm. Recent measurements of the absolute fre-
quency of a laser locked to this transition yielded an uncertainty
of 26 Hz at 657 nm, corresponding to 13 Hz at 1314 nm [25].
Thisobviously far exceedsthe requirements of a wavelengthref-
erence for WDM communications. The second harmonic of an
ECDL at 1314 nm (different from the methane-stabilized laser
and not shown in Fig. 1) was offset phase-locked to the cal-
cium optical standard. By single-passing a periodically poled
crystal with 5 mW of infrared light, more than 300 nW
of second harmonic light at 657 nm was generated for use in the
phase-lock beat signal. The remaining 1314-nm ECDL output
3 mW) was then available for generating a beat note with the
methane-stabilized system.
The components of the beat-note measurement system used
for the comparison are shown in the lower half of Fig. 1. The
two sources were combined with a 3-dB optical fiber coupler,
resulting in about 1 mW of optical power from each source. The
fiber from the methane reference contained a fiber polarization
controller to match the two polarization states. Combining the
two sources on the photoreceiver allowed the 225-THz optical
carriers to beat, producing an electrical signal at a differencefre-
quency of about 57 GHz. The photoreceiver had a 3-dB band-
width of 25 GHz, with a measured response at 50 GHz attenu-
ated an additional 9 dB. We sent the output of the photoreceiver
to a harmonic mixer, which mixed the input with harmonics it
generated from the narrow-bandsignal of a synthesized local os-
cillator (LO). The mixing process shifted the center frequency
of the beat note to less than 200 MHz, where it could be readily
measured on a radio-frequency spectrum analyzer.
Fig. 4 shows a typical mixed-down beat-note signal recorded
by the RF spectrum analyzer while the methane-stabilized ref-
erence was locked to the high-pressure methane cell. The signal
was collected with a sweep time of 5 s at a resolution band-
width of 1 MHz. The
30-MHz width of the spectrum was
Fig. 4. Typical heterodyne beat spectrum between the 1314-nm laser locked
to the methane line and the calcium-based frequency reference. The methane
cell pressure was 8.21 kPa (61.6 torr). The mixed-down beat note was viewed
on a RF spectrum analyzer with a 5-s sweep time and a 1-MHz resolution
bandwidth. A center frequency of 163.0 MHz was obtained from this spectrum
with a Gaussian curve fit.
caused by the large frequency dither needed to lock the laser
diode to the Doppler-broadened methane line. In addition to the
dither occurring at a rate of 1.6 kHz, the beat note also had a
slower frequency jitter of about 10 MHz occurring on a time
scale of more than 5 s. We suspect that this was due to a com-
bination of the noise in the laser driver and the limitations of
the feedback locking circuit. Unfortunately, the broad spectral
width of the signal in combination with the moderate SNR of
19 dB (in a detection bandwidth of 200 MHz) made elec-
tronic counting of the center frequency unreliable. Instead, we
obtained a center value of 163.0 MHz for the signal of Fig. 4 by
applying a Gaussian curve fit.
The frequency of the local oscillator driving the harmonic
mixer during the measurement had a value of
MHz, as measured by an electronic counter. The order of the
harmonic that was mixing with the beat note was determined
by dividing the
57-GHz separation of the lasers by . The
order was also determined by observing the difference between
two different local oscillator frequencies that gave the same
center frequency for the mixed-down beat note. From these two
observations, we conclude that the 12th harmonic of
mixing with the 57-GHz beat note produced by the photore-
ceiver. Because the center frequency of the mixed-down beat
note increased as
increased, the 12th harmonic of the local
oscillator was situated above the beat frequency. Therefore, the
center frequency of the beat note of Fig. 4 before mixing was
MHz MHz MHz.
The absolute measurement of the frequency of the methane-
stabilized laser was accomplished by accounting for two fre-
quency offsets of the 1314-nm calcium-referenced laser with re-
spect to the calcium line center. The probe laser at 657 nm was
locked to the calcium line with an 80.0-MHz offset while 55.0
MHz separated the doubled 1314-nm light from the probe laser.
Also, the methane absorption line at 1314.588 nm resides at a
higher frequency than the calcium-based reference at 1314.919
nm. Considering all this, the absolute frequency of the methane
wavelength reference is given by
where MHz is the calcium transition fre-
quency. The beat-note measurement and analysis were repeated
with the laser stabilized to the low-pressure methane cell.
The stability characteristics of the methane-stabilized laser
were tested in several ways. To demonstrate repeatability,
beat-note measurements were performed again two days later,
during a different part of the laboratory’s daily temperature
cycle (approximately a few degree Celsius). On each day, the
beat note was measured up to ten times to obtain daily averages;
we observed differences in the daily averages of about 1.1 MHz
for both the high- and low-pressure cells. The temperature
sensitivity was investigated in more detail by heating compo-
nents of the system. Temperature changes of up to 5
C did not
cause observable shifts of the beat note frequency. If there was
an effect due to temperature it was negligible relative to the
random uncertainty. We also unlocked and relocked the diode
laser a number of times to demonstrate short-term repeatability,
and we varied parameters such as the amount of dither and
feedback gain. In all cases, the wavelength reference remained
consistent, with fluctuations that were within the uncertainty
of the beat-note measurement.
Table II summarizes the absolute measurement results of
center frequency for the methane reference at 1314.588 nm.
By comparing the high- and low-pressure center frequencies,
we conclude that a 6.87-kPa (51.5 torr) reduction in pressure
resulted in a 49.4-MHz shift of the spectroscopic feature
toward higher frequency. Assuming the pressure shift is linear,
the slope is
7.2 1.1 MHz/kPa ( 0.96 0.14 MHz/torr).
The table also shows the position of the spectroscopic feature
without the pressure shift, as determined by a linear extrapola-
tion to zero pressure. The corresponding center wavelengths in
vacuum were calculated using the defined value for the speed
of light (
The uncertainties reported in Table II are the expanded uncer-
tainties with a coverage factor of 2 (i.e., our values are 2
), and
were estimated from a variety of sources. A significant contri-
bution to the frequency uncertainties for the high- and low-pres-
sure cells originates from the standard deviation of the mea-
surements. The center frequency of the high-pressure cell is
the average of 30 measurements, with a standard deviation of
1.0 MHz. The low-pressure value is the result of 16 measure-
ments with a standard deviation of 1.1 MHz. Both of the stan-
dard deviations (of the distributions) account for the daily re-
peatability, the temperature dependent variation, and the various
fitting procedures. The other significant component of the fre-
quency uncertainties arises from the drift in the balance of the
photodetectors and the offset voltages of the methane stabiliza-
tion feedback electronics. We estimate that the zero crossing of
the locking feature at 1314.588 nm was established and main-
tained to within an offset of 5-mV DC. Given the slopes of
the derivative spectroscopy signals at the high and low pres-
sures, the estimated offset corresponds to frequency uncertain-
ties of 0.5 and 1.5 MHz, respectively. The low-pressure mea-
surement has a greater uncertainty because of the weaker ab-
sorption. Instruments for measuring frequency were referenced
to the microwave transition in cesium that forms the basis for the
NIST atomic clock and contribute a negligible uncertainty. The
change in the frequency shift caused by neighboring spectral
features, a second-order effect, is negligible at the relatively low
pressures involved. The two primary components of frequency
uncertainty were combined in a root-sum-of-squares fashion
and also converted to vacuum wavelength uncertainties.
The pressure uncertainties for the high- and low-pressure
cells are estimated to be 0.38 kPa (2.9 torr) and 0.06 kPa
(0.5 torr), respectively. The uncertainty values derive from
the specified accuracy of the pressure gauge, and from the
procedures for filling and sealing the cells. After filling, the
mechanical o-ring valves of each cell were closed. In addition,
the stem of the high-pressure cell was tipped off with a torch
while the majority volume was immersed in liquid nitrogen
to condense the gas. The final pressure and uncertainty were
calculated based on the measured vapor pressure of methane
and the change in cell volume.
Uncertainties for the extrapolated values at zero pressure
were obtained with a Monte Carlo simulation using the data
from the high- and low-pressure measurements. They depend
on both the measured pressures and center frequencies (or
wavelengths) as well as their respective uncertainties. By
using the Monte Carlo technique, we were able to account for
the correlations between the different quantities. The same
technique was used to estimate the expanded (2
) uncertainty
in the pressure shift value of 1.1 MHz/kPa (0.14 MHz/torr) that
has already been mentioned.
We have conducted a study of potential wavelength cal-
ibration references for use as moderate-accuracy transfer
standards and high-accuracy NIST internal references in the
1280–1320-nm WDM region. Among the primary considera-
tions were the availability of absorption lines, their strengths,
the ease at which they could be probed, and the material
handling issues. For our development of a NIST internal
high-accuracy reference, we avoided a number of candidates
because they required an additional excitation step to probe
upper-level transitions. Optical, electrical, or thermal excitation
would have increased the experimental complexity and may
shift the line centers. Materials that would have been difficult
to obtain commercially or handle in the laboratory were
also avoided. Another important consideration in selecting a
material, particularly for a high-accuracy reference, was the
uncertainty to which the position of the absorption lines had
been previously measured. In the case of methane, we felt that
the strength of the spectral features and the ease of handling
justified the effort of additional measurements. Of course, the
availability of the calcium-based optical frequency standard
used in the measurements was also an important consideration.
This resource provides an in-house calibration standard at 1314
nm with an uncertainty of 13 Hz, or fractionally 6
10 .
We developed a high-accuracy wavelength reference at
1314 nm by actively stabilizing a laser to a methane line and
measuring the laser’s frequency. This methane wavelength
reference has been used in our laboratory to calibrate a wave-
length meter having an uncertainty of 1
10 . However, the
30-MHz optical width of the wavelength reference, as shown
in the mixed-down beat note of Fig. 4, can cause the last digit
of the wavelength meter readings to fluctuate. We were able
to overcome this noise, caused primarily by the dither of the
laser’s center wavelength, by averaging a sequence of readings.
A more elegant solution to this problem would be to develop
a dither-free wavelength reference using external frequency
modulation [26]. Instead of applying the dither directly to the
wavelength control of the laser, a small portion of the laser
output is passed through an external frequency modulator
driven by the dither signal. As before, the modulated light
traverses the gas cell of the reference material and produces an
error signal, which is conditioned and applied to the wavelength
control of the laser. Once stabilized, the portion of the output
that is not modulated is available for calibration purposes. We
are investigating this technique and may implement it in the
[1] S. L. Gilbert, W. C. Swann, and C. M. Wang, “Hydrogen cyanide
C N absorption reference for 1530–1560 nm wavelength calibra-
tion—SRM 2519,” NIST Publication 260-137, 1998.
[2] W. C. Swann and S. L. Gilbert, “Pressure-induced shift and broadening
of 1510–1540-nm acetylene wavelength calibration lines,” J. Opt. Soc.
Amer. B, vol. 17, pp. 1263–1270, July 2000.
[3] S. L. Gilbert andW. C. Swann, “Acetylene
C H absorption reference
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T. Dennis, photograph and biography not available at the time of publication.
E. A. Curtis, photograph and biography notavailable at the time of publication.
C. W. Oates, photograph and biography not available at the time of publication.
L. Hollberg (A’92), photograph and biography not available at the time of pub-
S. L. Gilbert, photograph and biography not available at the time of publication.