Galois Connections:
Mathematics, Art, and Archives
Jonathan P. Bowen
Tula Giannini
Birmingham City University
School of Computing, Telecommunications & Networking
Birmingham, UK
Pratt Institute
School of Information & Library Science
New York, USA
Évariste Galois (18111832) has been increasingly recognised as an important mathematician who
despite his short life developed mathematical ideas that today have led to applications in computer
science (such as Galois connections) and elsewhere. Some of Galois’ mathematics can be
visualised in interesting and even artistic ways, aided using software. In addition, a significant
corpus of the historical documentation on Galois and his family (including his brother Alfred
Galois, who was an artist), can now be accessed online as a growing number of institutional
archives digitise their collections. This paper introduces some of the mathematics of Galois, ways
in which it can be visualised, and also considers the issues and new opportunities with respect to
visualising information on Galois and his family (including the connections between them).
Although the story of Galois and his close relations can be seen as one of tragedy with lives cut
short, from a historical viewpoint Évariste Galois’ contribution to humankind has been a triumph.
Computer science. Digital archives. Galois connections. History of mathematics. Social history. Visualisation.
Unfortunately what is little recognized is that the
most worthwhile scientific books are those in
which the author clearly indicates what he does
not know; for an author most hurts his readers
by concealing difficulties.”
Évariste Galois (18111832)
In this paper, we explore various aspects of the
French mathematician Évariste Galois (1811
1832), who died when only aged 20 but made very
important contributions to his field, producing an
eponymous theory only properly recognised and
developed further after his death (Neumann 2011).
Rigatelli (1996) provides an extended biography of
Galois and there is every a fictionalised version of
his life where Galois is represented by a
mathematical i (Petsinis 1995). We consider his
life and work with respect to both visualising his
mathematical ideas as artistically interesting
structures and discovering archival material relating
to Galois and his family that is increasingly
accessible online in digital form (Bowen & Giannini
2014), although still difficult to find in practice.
In Section 2, Galoismathematics is considered in
overview, including the concept of a Galois
connection. Section 3 demonstrates how some of
Galois’ mathematics can be visualised as pleasing
and sometimes artistic patterns. In Section 4,
archival investigations on historical documents
relating to Galois and his close relatives, together
with the connections between them, are presented,
some of which are available in digitised form.
Finally a brief conclusion is presented, noting that
there are opportunities for further visualisation and
archival research.
The contribution of Évariste Galois to mathematics
is extraordinary considering his early death at the
age of 20 (Neumann 2011, Daintith & Nelson 1989,
p. 141). He is an extreme example of the widely
held notion that a mathematician produces their
best work when young typically in their 20s, but
Galois had barely entered this decade of his life.
That said, creative breakthroughs need years of
commitment and complete dedication (Robinson
2010). Galois achieved this in his teenage years, a
remarkable feat even for a mathematician.
While still in his teens, Galois determined a
necessary and sufficient condition for a polynomial
to be solvable using radicals, thus resolving a 350
year-old problem. His mathematical investigations
were foundational for two important aspects of
abstract algebra: Galois theory and group theory.
Galois connections: mathematics, art, and archives
Jonathan P. Bowen & Tula Giannini
One of Galois’ most celebrated contributions in
computer science is that of what is now known as a
Galois connection (Melton et al. 1986, Mu &
Oliveira 2011). For an abstract specification level
S(a) and a more concrete design level D(c), there
should be a linking predicate G(c,a) connection the
two levels. Formally (Hoare & He 1998, p. 41):
[(c D(c) G(c,a) S(a)] iff
[D(c) (a G(c,a) S(a))]
This is known as a Galois connection and is very
useful in linking theories in computer science.
Determining a suitable predicate G(c,a) connects
the two levels or theories in a mathematically useful
A Galois connection can also be modelled as a pair
of functions, L and R, between two complete
lattices, S and T, in each direction, with the
following two inequations holding (Hoare & He
1998, p. 98):
R(L(X)) X
Y L(R(Y))
where X is in S and Y is in T. Note that X and Y
may be predicates in stronger and weaker theories
respectively. This model of such a Galois
connection can be visualised as in Figure 1 (Hoare
& He 1998, p. 100).
A Galois lattice (or concept lattice) is useful in
formal concept analysis, for example in the study of
ontologies. It is a mathematical structure in which
the relation between the sets of concepts and
attributes is a Galois connection. Such a lattice can
be usefully visualised to find patterns within its
structure. Building a Galois lattice can be
considered as a method for conceptual clustering
since it provides a concept hierarchy (Godin et al.
Using a Galois lattice helps to display an order
structure, in which dependencies among row and
column objects, together with dependencies
between rows and columns, are both revealed; for
example, in visualisation for social network analysis
(Freeman 2000). Marghoubi et al. (2006) have
investigated the use of a Galois lattice for the
extraction and visualisation of association rules,
applied to spatial data mining, helping to discover
hidden relationships. First the spatial context is
determined and then pattern mining is undertaken
in an efficient manner.
Figure 1: Visualisation of a Galois connection
(Hoare & He 1998, p. 100)
3. ART
The Galois family had an artistic streak running in it
and Évariste’s brother Alfred was an artist. Alfred
Galois produced one of the few images of Évariste
posthumously (see Figure 2).
Mathematical structures can often be beautiful and
complex (Bakshee 1999, Beddard & Dodds 2009,
Wolfram 2002). Some of Évariste Galois’
mathematics can be visualised as interesting and
even artistic patterns. We explore some examples
in this section.
Galois fields have been visualised (Stein 2012). It
is convenient to have Galois fields of size 2
various n for software applications to allow them to
fit into computer bytes or words. The Galois field
) has 2
elements, each represented as
polynomials of degree less than n with all the
coefficients having values of either 0 or 1. Then to
encode an element of GF(2
) as a number, an n-bit
binary number is required. For example, consider
the Galois field GF(2
) with 2
or 8 elements.
These are 3-bit binary numbers. For example, the
binary element 011 represents the polynomial x + 1
and the element 110 stands for x
+ x. Using 8-bit
representations of elements of GF(2
) for example,
it is possible to create an image where the pixel in
the i
row and j
column is the sum in the Galois
field of i and j (as binary numbers). See Figure 3
for a visualisation of this.
Galois connections: mathematics, art, and archives
Jonathan P. Bowen & Tula Giannini
Figure 2: Posthumous portrait of Évariste Galois
by his brother Alfred Galois (1848)
Figure 3: Visualisation of a Galois field (Stein 2012)
An online Galois visualisation tool illustrating
arithmetic symmetries using roots of unity is
available for use by anyone (Balakrishnan &
Venkatachalam 2014). Figures 4 and 5 provide
examples of simple and more complex visual-
isations, generated using this interactive tool
Figure 4: Simple visualisation of arithmetic symmetry
of roots using mathematical ideas by Galois
(Balakrishnan & Venkatachalam 2014)
Figure 5: More complex visualisation of arithmetic
symmetry (Balakrishnan & Venkatachalam 2014)
Archival documents can visualise history and as
seen for example in documentary films since they
provide the necessary detail to create vivid pictures
of points or moments in time. Much archival
material has yet to be discovered, due to the large
amount of it and the difficulty of searching it
With new archival documentation from the Archives
Nationales, Archives de Paris, and État Civil of
Bourg-la-Reine, we visualise the family life of
Évariste in Paris, focusing on the Galois residences
at the rue Jean de Beauvais, where his father
committed suicide in 1829, and the rue d’Enfer
Saint Michel 57, where his brother, Alfred Galois, a
painter, died after a prolonged illness on 4 June
Galois connections: mathematics, art, and archives
Jonathan P. Bowen & Tula Giannini
Documents relating to the life of Évariste Galois’
mother, Adélaïde Marie Demante (born Paris 1788;
died Paris 1871, aged 83), reveal the social milieu
of Évariste’s short life and his mother’s connections
to academic circles in Paris, where her father,
Thomas François Demante, was docteur agrégé à
la Faculté de droit de l'ancienne université de Paris
(see Figure 6), while her brother, Antoine Marie
Demante, and his son, Auguste Gabriel, were
members of the Faculté de droit and also Chevalier
de la Légion d’honneur. His mother’s classical
education and enthusiasm for learning no doubt
influenced Évariste’s passionate approach to life.
Évariste’s father, Nicolas Gabriel, the mayor of
Borg-la-Reine, Évariste’s place of birth, was the
son of Théodore Michel Galois (born 1774, died
1831), who was an Officer of the Royal Order of the
gion d’honneur (see Figure 7).
Figure 6: Faculté de Droit de Paris document
4.1 Évariste’s family life in Paris at 16 rue Jean
de Beauvais, 18291832: four fateful years
Focusing on the critical years of the Galois and
Demante families in Paris from the death of Nicolas
Gabriel Galois to that of Évariste, we present an
archival narrative, beginning with the inventory after
the death of Évariste Galois father in 1829, to the
marriage contract of Évariste’s mother, Adélaïde
Marie Demante with Jean Christophe Loyer in
1832, which took place shortly after Évariste’s
death. As an epilogue, we consider Loyer’s 1837
inventory after his death, the marriage contract and
inventory of Alfred Galois, Évariste’s brother, and
the 1851 sale by Mme Demante of the Galois
house in Bourg la Reine, and finally her death there
in 1871.
Figure 7: Copie Certifiée La Garde Impériale (Certified
copy of the Imperial Guard) for Théodore Michel Galois
Central to this l’histoire de famille, is the Demante
family house on rue Jean de Beauvais no.16
(formerly, St. Jean de Beauvais), where the
dialogue between Évariste and his parents and
grandparents no doubt took centre stage, and
where the republican views of Évariste Galois
father held sway, influencing the young mind of
Évariste, and drawing him into his ill-fated political
struggles. Set in the fifth arrondissement in the
quartier of the Sorbonne at the heart of academic
life in Paris, the home on the rue Jean de Beauvais
belonged to Évariste’s maternal grandparents,
Thomas François Demante (lawyer to Parliament,
doctor of the faculty of law of Paris, and former
President of the civil tribunal of Louviers), and his
wife, Marie Elisabeth Thérèse Durand.
Évariste’s sister, Nathalie Théodore Galois, married
Benoit Chantelot in Paris on 28 January 1829, with
Galois connections: mathematics, art, and archives
Jonathan P. Bowen & Tula Giannini
a second ceremony on 5 February 1829 in Bourg
La Reine. Her marriage took place just five months
before her father’s suicide by asphyxiation on 2
July 1829 at the house on rue Jean de Beauvais,
where his inventory after death was taken on 11
November 1829. The inventory establishes that his
three children from his marriage with Mme
Demante, namely Nathalie Théodore, Évariste, and
Alfred (see Figure 8), were the unique inheritors of
his estate, each receiving one third. Significantly,
Évariste Galois father’s inventory details the 1825
estate settlement of his father-in-law, Thomas
François Demante, by which Adélaïde Marie
Demante received a one-third share of the house
on the rue Jean de Beauvais. In October 1829, she
moved from Bourg la Reine to Paris, taking up
residence there, a move that coincided with
Évariste’s acceptance at the l’Ecole préparatoire.
Consequently, Évariste and his mother were living
at the family house in Paris just months after his
father’s suicide there and shortly before he
received his baccalauréat des sciences on 14
December 1829, so that mother and son were
living there through the tumultuous years of the
political upheaval of 1830 and 1832. Thus, the
house on the rue Jean de Beauvais became in
some respects an arbiter of history as it brought
together the Galois and Demante families at critical
moments of personal crisis. For a family tree of the
Galois and Demante families, see Figure 8 below.
The July Revolution of 1830 proved highly
disruptive to Évariste’s studies and the intricate
deep thinking of his mathematical work seems to
belie his impulsive and passionate politics. This
was a turning point in his life that distracted him
from his true mathematical vocation. Without the
political upheavals, he could have made even more
interesting mathematical discoveries.
Figure 8: Galois/Demante family tree
Galois connections: mathematics, art, and archives
Jonathan P. Bowen & Tula Giannini
The year of 1831 saw the death of Évariste’s
paternal uncle, Théodore Michel Galois, on 4
February 1831, a member of the Royal Order of the
Legion of Honour as lieutenant colonel of the 6
regiment of infantryman. Évariste enjoyed a close
relationship with him, so that his death added to his
loss of family support. 1831 was also the year of
Évariste’s arrest and imprisonment for political
activities at a time when his mother was dividing
her time between Paris and Bourg la Reine. We
see that at most critical moment in his life, Évariste
lacked parental guidance; one can imagine the
anguish of Mme Demante as she observed his
intensifying anti-monarchy sentiments whilst fearing
that she was on the verge of losing her cherished
31 May 1832, the day after Évariste’s ill-fated pistol
duel, marks the tragic end of the life of a great
mathematician, ironically just a few days before the
Paris uprising of 1832, on 56 June. Perhaps
surprisingly, only four months after her son’s death,
on 8 October 1832, Mme Demante married Jean
Christophe Loyer, described in the marriage
contract as “Maître d’Hôtel Garni à Elbeuf and a
widower with two children from his first marriage to
Victoire Françoise Rouaux. Significantly, Loyer
owned a house in Paris located at 6 rue Jean de
Beauvais, which he brought to the marriage,
providing Mme Demante with a quarter share.
Thus, it seems likely that the newlyweds met on or
around rue Jean de Beauvais. After the marriage
Mme Demante moved from no. 16 to no. 6.
4.2 Epilogue
When Loyer died on 21 August 1837, he and Mme
Demante were still residing at 6 rue Jean de
Beauvais, where his inventory after death was
taken, even though he died in Bourg la Reine
where Mme Demante maintained property. A few
years later, Alfred Galois, born 17 December 1814
in Bourg la Reine, married Pauline Henriette
Alexandrine Elodie Chantelot on 14 December
1841. By that date, Mme Demante was living with
her son, Alfred, on the rue d’Enfer Saint Michel, at
no. 61.
Alfred had two children with Mlle Chatelot:
Elisabeth Julia Galois, born 6 April 1843 and died
25 May 1855, at age 12, and a son named after his
brother, Évariste Galois, born 8 September 1848
and died on 4 April 1850 at only 18 months old.
Sadly Alfred’s death in 1849 at his apartment on
rue d’Enfer Saint Martin 57, which was due to
illness, ended his seemingly happy family life. His
marriage contract and inventory after his death
describe him as a “peintre, artiste,” although little is
known of his painting. These documents further
establish that the life of the Galois family was
marked by turbulent times and tristesse for which
the historical backdrop was the French revolution of
Mme Demante, now twice a widower, was still
living on the rue d’Enfer when she sold the Galois
family house with jardins Anglais” in Bourg la
Reine at the Grande Rue no. 20, on 26 March 1851
to Pierre Ravon, mayor of Bourg la Reine, and
Dame Amadine Zoe Deriquebourcq. According to
the contract of sale, the house was sold for 35,000
francs together with an annual rente viagère for
Mme Demante, by which she would receive 850
francs annually. Page 9 of the contract shows that
by 1851 her only surviving heirs were Nathalie
Théodore and Alfred’s daughter, Julie Elisabeth; it
notes the deaths of Évariste, Alfred, and Alfred’s
son Évariste (see Figure 9).
Figure 9: Archives Nationales, Minutier Central, Sale by
Mme Loyer (Mme Demante) to M. and Mme Ravon, 26
March 1851 Déclaration sur l’état civil
Mme Demante, retired, aged 83, died on 1 August
1871 in Bourg la Reine. No family witnesses were
present, as was also the case when Évariste died,
aged 20, in Paris at the Chochin Hospital in the fifth
arrondissement, 39 years earlier. The declaration
of his death, which incorrectly states his age to be
21 (a mistake that has been perpetuated by others
since then), was made by two hospital employees.
Documenting here the series of emotionally
charged family interactions at the Demante
residence in Paris at 16 rue Jean de Beauvais, it
becomes clear that Évariste’s family life profoundly
Galois connections: mathematics, art, and archives
Jonathan P. Bowen & Tula Giannini
influenced his thoughts and actions, leading to his
premature death in 1832.
No mathematician should ever allow him to
forget that mathematics, more than any other art
or science, is a young man's game. Galois
died at twenty...
G. H. Hardy (18771947)
Figure 10: The duel of Évariste Galois in 1832
Évariste died in Paris on 31 May 1832 from the
gunshot wounds that he suffered in a duel (see
Figure 10). Even his last letter to a friend, Auguste
Chevalieron, on the eve of the duel, was on the
subject of mathematics, including some that can be
visualised as regular solids and a Fano plane (see
Figure 11), an order 2 finite projective plane with
the smallest possible number of points and lines,
namely seven of each, where there are three lines
passing through each point and three points on
every line (Kostant 1995, Le Bruyn 2008). The
portrait of Évariste by his younger brother, Alfred,
remains an iconic image of a great mathematician
(see Figure 2 earlier), celebrated by later
mathematicians to this day (Neumann 2011) and
also theoretical computer scientists (Hoare & He
1998) for his important foundational achievements.
Figure 11: Visualisation of a Fano plane, relating to
Évariste Galois’ last letter in 1832 (Wikimedia Commons)
The death record of Évariste Galois is shown in
Figure 12. Bringing archival documents together as
a visualisation, we have created an archival map of
place (Paris and Borg-la-Reine), time (18111871),
family connections, and documents, illustrating the
cascading events of Évariste’s life, leading to his
death in 1832, followed his mother’s remarriage
shortly afterwards in that same year, and beyond
that to her death much later in 1871.
Figure 12: Archives de Paris, Etat Civil, death record,
Évariste Galois, 31 May 1832
This paper has attempted to provide a view of the
French mathematician Évariste Galois (18111832)
and his close relatives (including his brother, the
painter Alfred Galois) from several aspects,
including an overview of his mathematical
contribution, the possibilities of visualising his
mathematics ideas, and the issues of searching
historical archives to help understand his family life
and background better. There are still many
possibilities of visualising Galois’ mathematics in
more interesting and artistic ways and discovering
further historic documents with information on his
wider family.
Figure 13: Mention of Évariste and Alfred Galois
in the 1829 inventory of Galois’ father (page 2)
Galois connections: mathematics, art, and archives
Jonathan P. Bowen & Tula Giannini
Thank you to Évariste Galois for his influence on
mathematics in general and theoretical computer
science in particular, including the application of
Galois connections to formal program development
(Morgan 1994, Hoare & He 1998), which was the
original inspiration for this paper, together with
connections within mathematical communities
(Bowen & Wilson 2012). Thanks also to Évariste’s
brother Alfred Galois for his artistic input and the
rest of the extended Galois/Demante families for
their archival legacy. (See Figures 13 and 14.)
Jonathan Bowen is also grateful to Museophile
Limited for financial support.
Figure 14: Galois and Demante family signatures
in the 1829 inventory of Nicolas Gabriel
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