TO: Freddie Mac Servicers January 24, 2014 | 2014-1
This Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guide (“Guide”) Bulletin updates and revises our Servicing requirements,
including, but not limited to, the following:
Step-Rate Mortgages
Adding communication time line requirements for notifying Borrowers of interest rate adjustments for
Step-Rate Mortgages
Extending our State foreclosure time lines when certain allowable delays occur
Updating the requirements for reimbursement of costs associated with the posting and publication of
foreclosure notices or other legal proceedings
Providing additional requirements and guidance related to expediting Freddie Mac Default Legal Matters
Third Party Use of Workout Prospector
and BPOdirect
Permitting access to Workout Prospector and BPOdirect for authorized third-party service providers
Electronic Default Reporting (EDR) requirements
Revising our reporting requirements for full reinstatements
Updating the Guide to reflect new EDR transmission codes
Effective April 1, 2014
In anticipation of interest rate adjustments for modified Mortgages with interest rates scheduled to step up over
time ("Step-Rate Mortgages"), we are implementing new Servicer requirements related to communicating rate
changes with Borrowers. Effective April 1, 2014, the Servicer must provide notification of an initial interest rate
adjustment for a Step-Rate Mortgage to the Borrower as early as 150 days, but no less than 90 days, prior to the
first payment due date at the adjusted interest rate. A second notification of the initial interest rate adjustment
must be provided as early as 75 days, but no less than 60 days, prior to the first scheduled payment at the new
rate. If feasible, Servicers are encouraged to implement these changes prior to the mandatory effective date of
April 1, 2014.
For Mortgages requiring two or more interest rate adjustments in order to reach the corresponding interest rate
cap, Servicers must provide Borrowers written notification of the upcoming interest rate change for each
subsequent rate adjustment as early as 120 days, but no less than 60 days, prior to the first payment due date at
the re-adjusted rate.
In addition, Servicers must ensure their staff is adequately trained to discuss interest rate adjustments with
Borrowers. Servicer staff answering incoming calls from Borrowers must be able to identify potential default
situations and ensure prompt referral to a default management unit as applicable.
Refer to new Guide Chapter 62, Special Requirements for Servicing Step-Rate Mortgages, and updated Guide
Sections 64.2, General Requirements, C65.6, Underwriting the Borrower, C65.8, Other General Requirements,
C65.12, Disclosures and Communications with Borrowers, and C65.14, Responsiveness to Borrower Inquiries, for
full requirements.
Additionally, the Glossary has been updated to include a definition for the term “Step-Rate Mortgage.”
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State foreclosure time lines
Allowable delays in completing a foreclosure
Effective for all foreclosure sales completed on or after January 10, 2014
We have revised Section 66.32, Allowable Delays in Completing a Foreclosure, to extend the State foreclosure
time line for a Mortgage in which delays were caused when:
The Borrower entered a Freddie Mac Streamlined Modification Trial Period Plan, but failed to comply with the
terms of the plan
The Borrower has exercised his or her one-time right to appeal a modification denial
The Borrower’s approval for a Freddie Mac Standard Short Sale or Freddie Mac Standard Deed-in-Lieu of
Foreclosure is based on the review of a First Complete Borrower Response Package
Extended time line credits
Effective for all foreclosure sales completed on or after May 1, 2014
We have revised Guide Exhibit 83A, Determining State Foreclosure Time Line Performance Compensatory Fees,
to reflect that, as long as the appropriate EDR codes are reported to us, we will automatically add a maximum of:
A 120-day credit to the State foreclosure time line for Mortgages with a failed Streamlined Modification Trial
Period Plan
A 60-day credit to the State foreclosure time line for an appeal of a loan modification denial
Additionally, we are updating the current 450-day credit to the State foreclosure time line for military indulgence to
reflect a 455-day credit, which is a five-day increase.
Prior to May 1, 2014, a Servicer may receive credit for these delay types by submitting loan-level appeals in
accordance with Section 66.33(c).
Reimbursement of costs associated with posting and publication of legal notices
Effective February 8, 2014
We are updating the requirements for reimbursement of costs associated with the posting and publication of
foreclosure notices or other legal proceedings, as required by applicable law.
Posting and publication in California
We are removing expense limits for advertising fees in California. Law firms handling Freddie Mac Default Legal
Matters are permitted to bill Servicers for certain variable, additional reimbursable costs, including, but not limited
to, service, posting or publication of legal notices, pursuant to Section 71.19, Reimbursement of Fees and Costs
Incurred during Legal Proceedings.
Exhibit 57, 1- to 4-Unit Property Approved Expense Amounts, has been updated to remove the expense limits in
California of $60 for expense code 020000 (Advertising Fees Posting) and $210 for expense code 021000
(Advertising Fees Publication).
Other service charges or publication fees
Reimbursable costs incurred for the publication of legal notices, as required by State or local laws, are only for
actual charges by the newspaper. Section 71.24, Non-Reimbursable Expenses, has been updated to state that
additional fees or service charges, incurred by either a law firm, or a posting and publication vendor engaged by a
law firm, must not be passed through as an allowable cost. The foreclosure attorney fees in Exhibit 57A,
Approved Attorney Fees and Title Expenses, cover fees for acquiring the publication, including the cost of
preparing, submitting and verifying the legal notices.
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As a reminder, publication service providers or vendors can potentially influence the actual costs based on such
things as knowledge about different newspaper publishing specifications. Use of service providers owned or
affiliated with the law firm may result in noncompetitively priced or poor quality services. To ensure that
publication services are competitively priced and of high quality, Servicers must require foreclosure counsel to
disclose the identity of, and relationship with, any companies the firm relies upon to provide third-party support
functions related to the publication of legal notices. Servicers must also require foreclosure counsel to review,
monitor and compare the performance of such service providers or vendors to other vendors operating in the
market to ensure high quality and competitive pricing (see Sections 69.3, Firm Minimum Requirements, and 69.8,
Prohibitions Related to Freddie Mac Default Legal Matters).
Provisions to expedite Freddie Mac Default Legal Matters
Effective February 8, 2014
We are updating Chapter A66, Provisions for Expediting Freddie Mac Default Legal Matters, to include additional
requirements when providing a relocation incentive to Borrowers willing to enter into consent judgments for
Mortgaged Premises located in Illinois, as well as adding new Section A66.9, Foreclosure Sale Date Extensions,
as a means for expediting Freddie Mac Default Legal Matters.
Relocation incentive reimbursement process
In Bulletin 2013-15, Freddie Mac authorized Servicers to expedite Freddie Mac Default Legal Matters using
various legal procedures, including obtaining a consent judgment with Borrowers in Illinois. Section A66.8,
Expedited Foreclosures Illinois, provides requirements for when a Servicer opts to pay a relocation incentive to
a Borrower in Illinois who consents to judgment. We have updated Section A66.8 to provide that, in the event
relocation assistance funds have been distributed by the Servicer following the entry of judgment, the Servicer
may now request reimbursement of up to $3,000 for the relocation assistance from Freddie Mac via the
Freddie Mac Reimbursement System. The Servicer must use expense code 013006 (Borrower Relocation
Assistance) when submitting a claim request in the Reimbursement System for the relocation assistance funds
paid to the Borrower.
Exhibits 57 and 74, Expense and Income Codes for Expense Reimbursement Claims, have been updated to
reflect this new expense code.
Foreclosure sale date extensions
We have added new Section A66.9 to provide that in some instances, it may be in Freddie Mac's best interest to
extend the foreclosure sale date, including, but not limited to, cases where an extension of the sale date will
expeditiously resolve litigation and/or obtain a Borrower’s consent to the final judgment of foreclosure on an
expedited basis.
If the Servicer determines that extending the foreclosure sale date is in Freddie Mac's best interest, then the
Servicer may use its discretion without obtaining Freddie Mac's prior approval to extend the sale.
However, foreclosure time line requirements set forth in Section 66.30, State Foreclosure Time Lines, will not be
waived in consideration of extending the foreclosure sale date. Servicers and their counsel must use their
discretion to determine whether extending the foreclosure sale date is in Freddie Mac’s best interest based on the
jurisdiction, the Mortgage and the Mortgaged Premises that is the subject of the foreclosure.
Additional foreclosure updates
Foreclosure sale bidding
Effective March 17, 2014
We have updated the Guide to require that Servicers bid an amount at foreclosure sale that would minimize or
avoid the imposition of a redemption, confirmation or ratification period if State law would impose such additional
periods. Also, in the event Freddie Mac’s right to pursue a deficiency action was preserved, or the Servicer filed a
judicial foreclosure to preserve Freddie Mac’s right to pursue a deficiency judgment, the Servicer should bid an
amount at foreclosure sale that preserves the right to pursue deficiencies after the foreclosure sale on a case-by-
case basis.
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Sections 66.43, First-Lien Mortgages Not Covered by Mortgage Insurance, and 66.44, Mortgages Covered by
Mortgage Insurance, have been updated to reflect these requirements.
Choosing a foreclosure process
Effective immediately
We have updated Section 66.18.1, Choosing a Judicial or Nonjudicial Foreclosure Process, to describe how
Servicers should determine whether to file a judicial foreclosure in a State where the option of pursuing a judicial
or nonjudicial foreclosure process is available.
Effective immediately
In response to Servicer feedback and to improve management of loss mitigation processes, we are permitting
Servicers to allow authorized third-party service providers that are conducting Servicing activities in connection
with Freddie Mac-owned Mortgages to access Workout Prospector and BPOdirect. Further, we are providing
additional requirements relating to managing access to Imminent Default Indicator
and the Reimbursement
System, including, but not limited to, ensuring the security of user IDs and passwords.
We are also introducing Exhibit 86A, Workout Prospector User Agreement Authorized Third Party, which both
the Servicer and service provider must complete when requesting access to Workout Prospector for a third-party
service provider. Servicers are required to retain this form in the Mortgage file and provide it to Freddie Mac for
review upon request.
Servicers must have written policies and procedures in place for monitoring their employees and/or their
authorized third-party service providers’ access to Freddie Mac applications and to ensure compliance with the
terms of the Guide, any other Purchase Document and applicable federal, State and local laws. Servicers must
also ensure that access to Freddie Mac applications is immediately terminated when personnel no longer require
Sections 51.13, Workout Prospector User Agreement, 65.39, Obtaining a Property Value, B65.15, Determining
Imminent Default for a Freddie Mac Standard Modification, C65.5.2, Determining Imminent Default, and 71.5,
System Security, and Exhibit 86, Workout Prospector User Agreement, have been updated to reflect these
Effective May 1, 2014
Full reinstatements
We have updated Section A65.10, Reporting and Processing the Reinstatement, which outlines the requirements
for reporting and processing of reinstatements. Servicers are not currently required to notify
Freddie Mac of a reinstatement of a Mortgage that is less than 90 days delinquent. Effective May 1, 2014,
Servicers must notify Freddie Mac when accepting a reinstatement of a Mortgage that has been reported to
Freddie Mac as 31 days or more delinquent, or a Mortgage in foreclosure in the prior month.
New EDR transmission codes
Exhibit 82, EDR Transmission Code List, has been updated to reflect new default action codes, default reason
codes, a new real estate property condition code and a new occupancy status code. Effective May 1, 2014,
Servicers must report the following codes, as applicable, by the third Business Day of each month for the previous
month’s activity:
Default action codes:
38 (Appeal of Loan Modification) to notify Freddie Mac that the Borrower has exercised his or her one-
time right to appeal a modification denial
Page 5
35 (Bankruptcy Cramdown Scheduled) to notify Freddie Mac that the Mortgage is potentially subject
to a court-ordered bankruptcy cramdown. Sections 66.26, Responding to and Reporting Borrower
Defenses, 67.9, Notifying Freddie Mac of Bankruptcy Proceedings, and 67.13, Bankruptcy Cramdowns,
have been updated to reflect the Servicer’s requirements for notifying Freddie Mac of a scheduled
bankruptcy cramdown and reporting the bankruptcy cramdown via an EDR transmission.
Default reason codes:
032 (Contaminated Drywall) to notify Freddie Mac that the reason for default is due to contaminated
drywall. Section 67.27, Servicing Mortgages on Distressed Properties, has been updated to reflect this
new default reason code.
034 (Eligible Disaster Area) to notify Freddie Mac that the reason for default is due to an Eligible
Disaster Area. Section 68.5, Disaster Reporting Requirements, has been updated to reflect the
requirement to report this new default reason code when a Mortgage (e.g., the Mortgaged Premises or
the Borrower's place of employment) is affected by a disaster and is 31 or more days delinquent.
Real estate property condition code:
20 (Condemned) to notify Freddie Mac that the Mortgaged Premises is deemed by a government
jurisdiction to be uninhabitable in accordance with applicable law
Occupancy status code:
07 (Abandoned) to notify Freddie Mac that the Mortgaged Premises has been abandoned by the
Borrower or otherwise deemed abandoned in accordance with applicable law. Section 67.28, Servicing
Mortgages on Abandoned Properties, has been updated to reflect this new occupancy status code.
The revisions included in this Bulletin impact the following:
Chapters 51, 62, 64, 65, A65, B65, C65, 66, A66, 67, 68 and 71
Exhibits 57, 74, 82, 83A, 86 and 86A
Directory 5
For a detailed list of the Guide updates associated with this Bulletin and the topics with which they correspond,
refer to the Bulletin 2014-1 (Servicing) Guide Updates Spreadsheet available at
If you have any questions about the changes announced in this Bulletin, please contact your Freddie Mac
representative or call (800) FREDDIE and select “Servicing.”
Tracy Hagen Mooney
Senior Vice President
Single-Family Servicing
TO: Freddie Mac Sellers and Servicers February 14, 2014 | 2014-2
Selling and Servicing
This Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guide (“Guide”) Bulletin announces that we are updating Guide
Form 16SF, Annual Eligibility Certification Report, to enhance its usability and provide additional
This Bulletin revises our requirements for reimbursement of condominium, homeowners’ association (HOA)
and Planned Unit Development (PUD) assessments in States where a lien for such amounts can take priority
over Freddie Mac’s lien.
This Bulletin updates and revises our selling requirements by:
Updating our reserves requirements
Delaying implementation of postsettlement delivery fee (“delivery fee”) and guarantee fee changes
announced in Bulletin 2013-26
Reducing the delivery fee rate for Home Possible
Mortgage purchase transactions
Introducing a summary of changes made to Guide Exhibit 19, Postsettlement Delivery Fees
Revising resubmission requirements for Mortgages submitted to Loan Prospector
after the Note Date or
the Effective Date of Permanent Financing for Construction Conversion and Renovation Mortgages
Updating the Guide to include Phase 2 ULDD Data Point requirements and clarifications on existing
ULDD Data Points
Updating and consolidating our property eligibility and appraisal requirements in Guide Chapter 44,
Property and Appraisal Requirements
In addition to the changes listed above, we are making further updates and revisions, as described in the
“Additional Updates” section of this Bulletin.
All of the changes announced in this Bulletin are effective immediately unless otherwise noted.
Form 16SF updates
We will be updating Form 16SF by the end of February to enhance its usability and provide additional
functionality. Examples of the updates include:
Revising the certification language
Adding Seller/Servicer contact types
Requesting information regarding insurance cancellation or non-renewal
Allowing multiple authorized users to access the form prior to its submission
Page 2
Seller/Servicers will be notified when Form 16SF is updated.
While the updated form will ultimately provide enhanced usability, for any draft Form 16SF in progress with
completed Servicing and/or investor sections, when the updates are made, the following will occur:
If questions are reworded, combined or moved in the new version, previously entered responses will be
retained and displayed in the new location within each given section, requiring Seller/Servicers to validate that
the previously entered responses remain accurate
If fields are converted from free text entry to a drop-down menu in the new version, previously entered data
will be lost. Seller/Servicers will need to select entries from the new drop-down menus before they can submit
the final Form 16SF
Seller/Servicers should review their Form 16SF in its entirety prior to submission to ensure accuracy.
As a reminder, Seller/Servicers must complete the Form 16SF electronically at
. A PDF sample of
Form 16SF can be obtained at
Seller/Servicers are encouraged to view the Form 16SF tutorial that highlights some of the new enhancements.
Reimbursement of condominium, HOA and PUD assessments
To maintain the priority of a Freddie Mac Mortgage, we require Servicers to pay any condominium, HOA and PUD
regular assessments that are assessed prior to the foreclosure sale date that are, or may become, a lien prior to a
Freddie Mac Mortgage or that, if not paid, would result in the subordination of Freddie Mac’s interest in the
Mortgaged Premises.
For Mortgages with Note Dates prior to February 14, 2014, we will continue to reimburse Servicers for
condominium, HOA and PUD regular assessments in super lien States in an amount equal to the lowest of:
The actual amount of regular assessments advanced by the Servicer
The maximum amount of regular assessments that, pursuant to the project declaration or bylaws, would take
priority over the Mortgage, or
The maximum amount of regular assessments that, pursuant to applicable State statute, would take priority
over the Mortgage
We are now amending our reimbursement requirement for Mortgages with Note Dates on or after February 14,
2014. For these Mortgages, Freddie Mac will reimburse Servicers for condominium, HOA and PUD regular
assessments in super lien States in an amount equal to the lesser of the actual amount advanced or:
For Mortgages secured by property in the State of Florida no more than 12 months (or any lesser amount
provided by State statute)
For Mortgages secured by property in the State of Connecticut no more than nine months (or any lesser
amount provided by State statute)
For Mortgages secured by property in all other States (including States that provide an exception for
Freddie Mac Mortgages, such as Nevada)no more than six months (or any lesser amount provided by
State statute)
Guide Section 71.18, Reimbursement of Condominium, HOA and PUD Fees, Assessments and Ground Rent,
has been updated to reflect these changes.
Page 3
The following requirements are effective for Mortgages with Settlement Dates on or after June 1, 2014, but
Sellers are encouraged to implement them as soon as possible.
Full monthly payment amount
We are updating our requirements to provide that reserves must be based on the full monthly payment amount for
the property, not only principal, interest, taxes and insurance (PITI). The monthly payment amount is defined as
the sum of the following monthly charges:
Principal and interest payments on the Mortgage
Property hazard insurance premiums
Real estate taxes
When applicable:
Mortgage insurance premiums
Leasehold payments
Homeowners association dues (excluding unit utility charges)
Payments on secondary financing
Sections A24.3, Requirements for Freddie Mac Relief Refinance Mortgages
Same Servicer, 26.5, Reserves,
and K33.10, Underwriting, have been updated to reflect this change.
Borrower converting 2- to 4-unit Primary Residence to an Investment Property
We are removing the requirement that a Borrower must have an additional six monthsreserves when the
Borrower converts a 2- to 4-unit Primary Residence to an Investment Property and rental income from units not
previously occupied by the Borrower is used to qualify.
Section 37.16.2, Sale or Conversion of Primary Residence, has been updated to reflect this change.
Pending sale or conversion of Primary Residence appraisal requirements
We are removing the requirement that the appraisal must be dated no more than 60 days prior to the Note Date
when used to document the value of a Primary Residence pending sale or being converted to a second home or
an Investment Property for the purposes of establishing the minimum required reserves.
The property valuation must meet Freddie Mac’s existing requirements in Chapter 44, including the age of
valuation requirements. This change also applies to appraisals obtained for the purpose of establishing whether
rental income from a Primary Residence being converted to an Investment Property can be used for qualifying.
Sections 37.16.2 and Section 26.5 have been updated to reflect this change.
Minimum reserves requirements consolidation
For ease of reference, we are removing the minimum reserves requirements from several chapters and
consolidating them into tables in Section 26.5(a), with the exception of the minimum reserves requirements for
Home Possible Mortgages and Freddie Mac Relief Refinance Mortgages
Same Servicer, which will remain in
their respective Guide chapters.
Sections 22.22, Second Home Mortgages, 22.22.1, Investment Property Mortgages, 37.14, Rental Income, and
37.16.2 have been updated to remove minimum reserves requirements. Section A34.9, Borrower Income;
Qualifying Ratios, was also updated as a result of this change.
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Delay of implementation of changes to postsettlement delivery fees and guarantee fees
As announced in a Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) press release
and in our Single-Family Update
e-mail on January 8, 2014, FHFA directed Freddie Mac to delay implementation of the following changes
announced in Bulletin 2013-26:
Elimination of the Market Condition delivery fee, except for Mortgages secured by Mortgaged Premises
located in the States of Connecticut, New Jersey, Florida and New York
Increase in Indicator Score/Loan-to-Value (IS/LTV) delivery fee rates
Increase in guarantee fee by 10 basis points for all Single-Family Mortgages
The changes to our buyup and buydown terms announced in Bulletin 2013-26 remain in effect.
Home Possible Mortgages
Effective for Mortgages with Settlement Dates on or after March 1, 2014
To support First-Time Homebuyers, we are reducing the delivery fee rate for Home Possible Mortgage purchase
transactions to 75 basis points. This reduction will apply regardless of the Borrower’s income level in relation to
the applicable area median income (AMI).
We are not changing the eligibility requirements for Home Possible Mortgages or the delivery fee rate for Home
Possible Mortgage refinance transactions.
Effective for Settlements on or after March 1, 2014
Loan Purpose
LTV Ratios
All Eligible
All Eligible Product
Exhibit 19 postsettlement delivery fee updates
Exhibit 19 has been updated to:
Remove the previously announced changes to the Market Condition and IS/LTV delivery fee rates
Reflect the Home Possible Mortgage delivery fee rate price reduction referenced above and elimination of
AMI fee assessment criteria
Add Exhibit 19 Change Summary to the end of the exhibit, which highlights recent significant updates
Resubmission to Loan Prospector after the Note Date
Effective March 24, 2014
In Bulletin 2013-11, the Guide was updated to permit Sellers to resubmit Mortgages to Loan Prospector after the
Note Date or the Effective Date of Permanent Financing for Construction Conversion and Renovation Mortgages.
With this Bulletin, we are revising certain requirements in order to provide a longer resubmission time line.
Currently, a Mortgage cannot be resubmitted to Loan Prospector after the Note Date, or the Effective Date of
Permanent Financing, as applicable, if resubmission is after the "Loan Prospector Assessment Expiration Date"
displayed on the Feedback Certificate. The revised requirements permit resubmission for up to 120 days after the
Loan Prospector Assessment Expiration Date that is in effect as of the Note Date.
In addition, Sellers will no longer be required to deliver “912” in the ULDD Data Point Investor Feature Identifier
(Sort ID 368). However, Sellers may continue to deliver this Investor Feature Identifier (IFI), and will not receive
an edit in the Freddie Mac Selling System (“Selling System”), as we recognize that some Sellers may prefer to
continue to use this identifier in their processes.
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As a reminder, for Mortgages resubmitted to Loan Prospector after the Note Date, Sellers must select
“Post Closing Quality Control” as the loan processing stage.
Sections 2.2.1, Resubmission to Loan Prospector After the Note Date, and 17.13, Loan Prospector
Underwriting Data Requirements, and Exhibit 34, Investor Feature Identifiers, have been updated to reflect these
ULDD Data Points
Effective for Mortgages with Application Received Dates on or after March 1, 2014 and Delivery Dates on
or after August 25, 2014
We are incorporating newly required Phase 2 ULDD Data Points, as well as clarifications to existing ULDD Data
Points, into Chapter 17, Mortgage Delivery Instructions. These requirements are reflected in the Phase 2 Uniform
Loan Delivery Dataset (ULDD) specification and are effective for Mortgages with Application Received Dates on
or after March 1, 2014 and Delivery Dates on or after August 25, 2014.
The ULDD transition period for Phase 2 will take place from May 19 to August 25, 2014. During the transition
period, Sellers may begin delivering the applicable Phase 2 ULDD Data Points via manual entry or data import.
Additionally, effective immediately, we are removing outdated notes associated with the last ULDD release on
November 26, 2012.
Exhibit 34 has also been updated to remove IFIs for data that will be delivered through Phase 2 ULDD Data
Property and appraisal requirements
We are updating and simplifying Chapter 44 to provide more clarity about our requirements. This update includes
consolidating Section 44.4, Appraisers, and Section 44.5, Information Supplied to the Appraiser, into
Section 44.3, General Appraisal Requirements, and Section 44.13, Other Exhibits and Addenda, into Section
44.12, Required Exhibits and Addenda. We also are aligning the Guide with current Loan Prospector offerings by
removing references to the Property Inspection Alternative (PIA) and Form 2070, Loan Prospector
Condition and
Marketability Report, from the Guide, where appropriate.
Additional updates
Living Trusts
In response to questions from Sellers about our Living Trust Borrower requirements, we are updating
Section 22.10, Living Trusts and Land Trusts, to state specifically that a Mortgage with a Living Trust Borrower
may be secured by an Investment Property. This is not a change to existing requirements, but rather a revision to
make those requirements more clear.
Debt payment-to-income ratio calculation
We are updating Section 37.16, Monthly Debt Payment-to-Income Ratio, to clarify which expenses associated
with a Borrower’s obligations on properties other than the Primary Residence must be included in the debt
payment-to-income ratio. We are also updating Sections 22.22, 22.22.1 and 37.14 to state that the full monthly
payment amount (as described in Section 37.16), and not only PITI, for a second home or an Investment Property
must be considered in the ratio calculation.
Section 37.7 clarification
We are updating the table in Section 37.7(b)(ii),
Handling Significant Adverse or Derogatory Information Caused
by Financial Mismanagement for Manually Underwritten Mortgages, to clarify that there are no additional
requirements for Borrowers with foreclosures within the last seven years because a minimum seven year
recovery period is required after foreclosures caused by financial mismanagement.
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Updates to the Document Custody Procedures Handbook
In addition to direct validation of loan data to the Note and associated documents within the Selling System,
Freddie Mac allows Document Custodians to perform Note certification within their own internal systems, using
loan data exported from the Selling System. This type of validation is known as an “Alternative Document
Custodian Verification Process.” The Seller is required to provide its Document Custodian all the data fields that
are included on the Custodial Certification Schedule and in the Selling System.
In Bulletin 2013-8, Sellers were instructed to identify Living Trusts as non-individual Borrowers. To support the
certification of Living Trust Borrowers, Sellers must provide the Non-Individual Borrower Type and Non-Individual
Borrower Name data elements for any underwritten Settlors to Document Custodians employing an alternative
verification process.
The Document Custody Procedures Handbook has been updated to reflect this change.
The revisions included in this Bulletin impact the following:
Chapters 2, 6, 17, 22, 24, A24, 26, H33, K33, A34, 37, 44, 48 and 71
Form 16SF
Exhibits 19 and 34
For a detailed list of the Guide updates associated with this Bulletin and the topics with which they correspond,
refer to the Bulletin 2014-2 (Selling and Servicing) Guide Updates Spreadsheet available at
If you have any questions about the changes announced in this Bulletin, please contact your Freddie Mac
representative or call (800) FREDDIE.
Laurie Redmond
Vice President
Offerings Effectiveness
TO: Freddie Mac Servicers March 17, 2014 | 2014-3
This Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guide (“Guide”) Bulletin updates and revises our Servicing requirements
as follows:
Lender-Placed Insurance (LPI)
Requiring Servicers to provide a certification that they are currently or will be in compliance with the LPI
requirements announced in Bulletin 2013-27
Alternatives to foreclosure
Announcing that the requirements related to the processing of Freddie Mac Standard Modifications and
Freddie Mac Streamlined Modifications for Mortgages with pre-modification mark-to-market loan-to-value
(MTMLTV) ratios less than 80% announced in Bulletin 2013-27 are now optional and that we will be
publishing revisions to some of those requirements in an upcoming Bulletin
Requiring Servicers to provide notices on behalf of Freddie Mac in certain circumstances when
Freddie Mac participated in evaluating a Borrower for a workout or relief option and declined to approve
the workout or relief request
Reorganizing our property valuation requirements for modifications by providing a user-friendly chart
with additional guidance; and reinstating publication of the Automated Valuation Model (AVM) report
Providing additional guidance related to our paystub requirements for income documentation submitted
with a Borrower Response Package
Transfer taxes
Updating our requirements for the reimbursement of transfer taxes
Permitting Servicers to instruct foreclosure counsel to conduct the foreclosure in Freddie Mac’s name,
without obtaining prior written approval, if doing so would avoid any obligation to pay a transfer tax
Additional Guide updates
In addition to the changes listed above, we are making further updates and revisions, as described in the
“Additional Guide Updates” section of this Bulletin.
All of the changes announced in this Bulletin are effective immediately unless otherwise noted.
We are requiring Servicers to provide a certification that they are currently or will be in compliance with the
LPI requirements announced in Bulletin 2013-27 by completing the Lender-Placed Insurance Compliance
Certification form. The form is posted on our web page at
. The completed form must
be returned to Freddie Mac via e-mail at by April 30, 2014.
Page 2
Standard and Streamlined Modifications
Based on Servicer feedback, we will be revising certain requirements announced in Bulletin 2013-27 related to
the processing of Standard and Streamlined Modifications for Mortgages with pre-modification MTMLTV ratios
less than 80%. Until the revised requirements become effective, Servicers may continue to rely on the
requirements announced in Bulletin 2013-27 pertaining to Mortgages with a pre-modified MTMLTV ratio less
than 80%, but they are no longer required to implement those changes by April 1, 2014. Alternatively, Servicers
may continue to submit exceptions via Workout Prospector
for Borrowers who otherwise qualify for a Standard
Modification in accordance with Guide Section B65.13, Eligibility Requirements for a Freddie Mac Standard
Modification. Details of the revised requirements will be provided in an upcoming Bulletin and at that time we will
update the Guide. We also will inform Servicers in a future Bulletin when Workout Prospector will be available to
process the terms of Standard and Streamlined Modifications for Mortgages with pre-modification MTMLTV ratios
less than 80%.
Adverse action notices
Effective June 1, 2014
We are updating the Guide to provide Servicers with requirements in circumstances where Freddie Mac
participated in evaluating a Borrower for a workout or relief option and Freddie Mac declined to approve the
workout or relief request. In those cases, Freddie Mac will provide the reasons why it did not approve the request
to the Servicer.
In the event a denial of a request gives rise to an obligation to provide the Borrower with a notice or notices under
applicable law including, but not limited to, adverse action notices required by the Equal Credit Opportunity Act or
the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the Servicer must:
Provide the notice(s) to the Borrower on behalf of Freddie Mac under certain limited circumstances and
Identify in the notice(s) that both the Servicer and Freddie Mac participated in the evaluation of the
workout or relief option request and the decision to deny the request
Sections 53.8, Compliance with Applicable Law, A65.21 and A65.25 each titled, Approval Authority, A65.26,
Unemployment Forbearance, B65.13, Eligibility Requirements for a Freddie Mac Standard Modification, and 68.4,
Delinquency Management Activities, have been updated to reflect these changes.
Property valuations
We are reorganizing our property valuation requirements for Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP
modifications, Freddie Mac Standard Modifications and Freddie Mac Streamlined Modifications into a user-
friendly chart with additional guidance.
Additionally, in response to Servicer requests, we will not discontinue use of the AVM special report provided
on Freddie Mac’s web site, as announced in Bulletin 2013-20. We have updated the Guide to reinstate use
of the AVM report as an option for obtaining the value of the Mortgaged Premises for HAMP modifications,
Standard Modifications and Streamlined Modifications. Servicers can access the AVM report at
Sections 65.39, Obtaining a Property Value, B65.16, Property Valuation Requirements, and C65.6, Underwriting
the Borrower, have been updated to reflect these changes.
Borrower income documentation
In response to Servicer questions, we are providing additional guidance related to our paystub requirements for
income documentation submitted with a Borrower Response Package. For each Borrower who is employed, the
Servicer must obtain paystub(s) reflecting the most recent 30 days or four weeks of earnings. More than one
paystub may be required depending on the payment frequency. Refer to updated Section 65.18, Borrower Income
Documentation, for guidance on the number of paystubs required when the Borrower is paid monthly, semi-
monthly, bi-weekly or weekly.
Page 3
Reimbursement of transfer taxes
As stated in Section 71.24, Non-Reimbursable Expenses, Freddie Mac does not reimburse Servicers if they paid
transfer taxes in connection with the recording of deeds conveying real estate to Freddie Mac after a foreclosure
or deed-in-lieu of foreclosure. Freddie Mac does not reimburse such payments because it is exempt from such
taxes pursuant to its federal charter (Title 12 of the United States Code, Section 1452(e)) and other applicable
law. However, several localities still demand that the transfer taxes be paid. In most of these jurisdictions, pending
litigation has been initiated in order to resolve the dispute, but in limited circumstances it may be advisable to pay
the transfer taxes under protest until the litigation is completed.
We have therefore updated the Guide to provide that a Servicer Servicing a Mortgage owned or guaranteed by
Freddie Mac will be reimbursed for transfer taxes if:
Local authorities require the Servicer to pay the transfer tax in order to record a deed and ensure that
title vests appropriately
The transfer tax is paid under protest
The Servicer submits the request for written pre-approval (RPA) for reimbursement of the transfer tax via
the Freddie Mac Reimbursement System, and
Foreclosure counsel could not process the foreclosure in a manner that would successfully avoid the
imposition of the transfer tax obligation
Servicers must use expense code 074003 (Transfer Tax) when submitting an RPA or subsequent claim in
the Reimbursement System. RPAs may be submitted prior to the foreclosure sale or after the foreclosure
sale if the property is not purchased by a third party and must be accompanied by supporting documentation
including, but not limited to, proof that the transfer tax was paid under protest.
Servicers will not be reimbursed for transfer taxes if any of the above conditions and requirements do not
exist or are not met.
Sections 66.54, Vesting the Title and Avoiding Transfer Taxes, and 71.24 have been updated to reflect these
Foreclosing in Freddie Mac’s name
Foreclosures must normally be processed or litigated in the Servicer’s name. However foreclosures must also be
processed in a manner that would avoid any obligation to pay a transfer tax. We have therefore updated
Section 66.17, Foreclosing in the Servicer’s Name, to allow the Servicer to instruct foreclosure counsel to conduct
the foreclosure in Freddie Mac’s name without obtaining prior written approval if:
Applicable law would require the foreclosure to be processed in Freddie Mac’s name to avoid any
obligation to pay a transfer tax, and
Foreclosure counsel could not otherwise process the foreclosure in a manner that would successfully
avoid the imposition of the transfer tax obligation
In such circumstances, the Servicer must notify Freddie Mac via e-mail at
within two Business Days of the Servicer’s determination to foreclose
in Freddie Mac’s name and record the basis of the decision in the Mortgage file.
Executing documents
As a reminder, if Freddie Mac needs to execute a document for the Servicer to conduct the foreclosure, the
Servicer must submit the document (which must be sent along with Guide Form 105, Multipurpose Loan Servicing
Transmittal) to us via e-mail at [email protected]
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Bankruptcy cramdowns
Effective May 1, 2014
Pursuant to Section 67.13, Bankruptcy Cramdowns, Servicers are required to notify Freddie Mac in the event a
bankruptcy plan has been confirmed.
We have updated Section 67.13 to provide that confirmed bankruptcy cramdown plans must be transmitted to
Freddie Mac via Workout Prospector for the purposes of settling the confirmed bankruptcy cramdown in our
Servicers are also reminded that in the event they receive a proposed reorganization plan that includes a
bankruptcy cramdown that is not in compliance with Guide Chapters B65, Workout Options, and C65, Home
Affordable Modification Program, they must advise counsel to file an objection to the reorganization plan asserting
that the plan may not modify the original Security Instrument and Note by means of a bankruptcy cramdown.
Foreclosure sale bidding
We have updated Section 66.43, First-Lien Mortgages Not Covered by Mortgage Insurance, to provide that for
First-Lien Mortgages not covered by mortgage insurance, the Servicer does not need to bid an amount at
foreclosure sale more than the minimum bid required by State law if the minimum bid required by State law
exceeds the credit bid, but is less than the total indebtedness or such other amount as may be required by State
law. However, if the minimum bid required by State law exceeds the credit bid, total indebtedness, and such other
amount as may be required by State law, then the Servicer must follow the instructions in Section 66.42,
Delegated Bidding.
Electronic Default Reporting (EDR)
Effective May 1, 2014
In Bulletin 2014-1, we updated Section A65.10, Reporting and Processing the Reinstatement, to provide that,
effective May 1, 2014, Servicers must notify Freddie Mac when accepting a reinstatement of a Mortgage that has
been reported to Freddie Mac as 31 days or more delinquent or in foreclosure in the prior month.
We are correcting Section A65.10 to state that Servicers must notify Freddie Mac when accepting a reinstatement
of a Mortgage that has been reported to Freddie Mac as 30 days or more delinquent or in foreclosure in the prior
Additionally, we are updating the Delinquencies/Foreclosures Not Reported report that is detailed in
Section 64.10(b), to reflect any Mortgage that was reported as being 30 or more days delinquent or in foreclosure
during the prior month but was omitted from the current month’s EDR transmission.
Section 64.10, Monthly Electronic Default Reporting (EDR), has been updated to reflect this change.
Property preservation
Effective April 15, 2014
In Bulletin 2013-22, we announced extensive updates to our property preservation requirements. Included in
those updates were 36 new property preservation expense codes, 28 of which were available for immediate use
at the time of the Bulletin, with the remaining eight to be added to the Reimbursement System prior to the
March 15, 2014 effective date.
To facilitate the early adoption of the updated requirements, we provided eight previously existing expense codes
for Servicers to use as temporary substitutes for the eight new expense codes not available for use in the
Reimbursement System. Those eight expense codes have since been added to the Reimbursement System and
we have accordingly updated Guide Exhibit 57, 1-to 4-Unit Property Approved Expense Amounts, to remove the
temporary expense code guidance. Servicers may still access this guidance and previous property preservation
requirements in earlier effective date versions of the exhibit.
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Additionally, we have made the following updates to our property preservation requirements:
Adjusted the unit price to up to $80 and expense limit to up to $100 for expense code 094016 (Yard
Maintenance) (Lots of up to 10,000 square feet))
Re-categorized the yard maintenance season for the State of Kansas from year round (semi-monthly) to
March 1 October 31 (semi-monthly)
Exhibits 57 and 74, Expense and Income Codes for Expense Reimbursement Claims, have been updated to
reflect these changes.
Notice of Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) violation
Section 53.8 requires Servicers to screen Mortgages for OFAC compliance and notify Freddie Mac if they identify
a match against OFAC’s list of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons (“OFAC SDN List”). We have
updated our contact information for Servicers to notify Freddie Mac when they identify a valid match. Servicers
must now notify Freddie Mac of such valid OFAC SDN List match via e-mail at
. As a reminder, such notification must be e-mailed within 24
hours of blocking or rejecting the Mortgage or Mortgage transaction based on the valid OFAC SDN List match.
Section 53.8 and Directory 1 have been updated to reflect this change.
The revisions included in this Bulletin impact the following:
Chapters 53, 64, 65, A65, B65, C65, 66, 67, 68 and 71
Exhibits 57 and 74
Directory 1
For a detailed list of the Guide updates associated with this Bulletin and the topics with which they correspond,
refer to the Bulletin 2014-3 (Servicing) Guide Updates Spreadsheet available at
If you have any questions about the changes announced in this Bulletin, please contact your Freddie Mac
representative or call (800) FREDDIE and select “Servicing.”
Tracy Hagen Mooney
Senior Vice President
Single-Family Servicing
TO: Freddie Mac Servicers March 28, 2014 | 2014-4
This Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guide (“Guide”) Bulletin announces revisions to our modification
requirements, including changes to processing requirements for Freddie Mac Standard Modifications and
Freddie Mac Streamlined Modifications for Mortgages with pre-modification mark-to-market loan-to-value
(MTMLTV) ratios less than 80% and Servicer implementation requirements for new Standard Modification
interest rates.
Mortgages with pre-modification MTMLTV ratios less than 80%
Effective July 1, 2014
Bulletin 2014-3 announced that based on Servicer feedback, we would be revising certain requirements related to
the processing of Standard and Streamlined Modifications for Mortgages with pre-modification MTMLTV ratios
less than 80%. Under the requirements announced in today’s Bulletin, the Servicer must provide eligible
Borrowers the option to select a 480-month, 360-month or 240-month term for the modification agreement. The
Servicer must include in the Trial Period Plan Notice each amortization term and its Trial Period payment only
when the associated monthly principal and interest (P&I) payment reduction condition is met:
A 480-month amortization term. The estimated modified P&I payment must be less than or equal to the
current contractual P&I payment.
A 360-month amortization term. The estimated modified P&I payment must be at least 20% less than the
current contractual P&I payment.
A 240-month amortization term. The estimated modified P&I payment must be at least 20% less than the
current contractual P&I payment.
In addition, we have eliminated the options for a Borrower to:
Request a term that is different than those provided in the Trial Period Plan offer
Change the amortization term after the first Trial Period payment is made
The requirements pertaining to Standard and Streamlined Modifications for Mortgages with pre-modification
MTMLTV ratios less than 80% announced in Bulletin 2013-27, as amended by this Bulletin, must be implemented
for new evaluations conducted on and after July 1, 2014. Servicers are encouraged to implement these
requirements sooner if they are able to do so. However, as provided in Bulletin 2014-3, until these revised
requirements become mandatory on July 1, 2014, Servicers may continue to rely on the requirements announced
in Bulletin 2013-27 pertaining to Mortgages with pre-modification MTMLTV ratios less than 80%.
Guide Sections B65.18, Determining the Terms of a Freddie Mac Standard Modification and Freddie Mac
Streamlined Modification, and B65.19, Trial Period Plan Requirements, have been updated to reflect these
Workout Prospector
We will inform Servicers in a future communication of the date Workout Prospector will be available to process the
terms of Standard and Streamlined Modifications for Mortgages with pre-modification MTMLTV ratios less
than 80%. Until Workout Prospector is updated, the Servicer must generate the terms of the Trial Period Plan
using its proprietary system and must transmit an exception request via the Standard Modification exception path
in Workout Prospector. The Servicer must indicate in the comments section of Workout Prospector the terms of
the modification and that the workout has been approved by the Servicer in accordance with the new eligibility
Page 2
Interest rate adjustments
Effective July 8, 2014
Sections B65.18, B65.12.1(c) and B65.12.2(c) describe situations in which Servicers must use the Standard
Modification interest rate, a fixed interest rate provided by Freddie Mac, when determining the terms of a
Standard Modification Trial Period Plan, Streamlined Modification Trial Period Plan or a Capitalization and
Extension Modification for Disaster Relief (“Disaster Relief Modification”) Trial Period Plan. In these situations, the
same Standard Modification interest rate used for the Trial Period Plan must also be used for the modification
Effective July 8, 2014, Freddie Mac will evaluate market rates on a monthly basis to determine whether a change
to the Standard Modification interest rate is necessary. If the interest rate changes, the new rate and its
mandatory effective date will be posted on the Standard Modification Interest Rate web page at
by the fifth Business Day of each
month. Servicers must implement the new rate for Trial Period Plan evaluations conducted on or after the 10th
Business Day of that same month, but no sooner. Evaluating the rate on a monthly basis ensures that we
provide appropriate payment relief for qualified Borrowers who need Mortgage assistance in the form of a home
retention option.
If you have any questions about the changes announced in this Bulletin, please contact your Freddie Mac
representative or call (800) FREDDIE and select “Servicing.”
Tracy Hagen Mooney
Senior Vice President
Single-Family Servicing