Purchasing and Strategic Sourcing
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Vanderbilt University Supplier Procedures
1.0 Doing Business with Vanderbilt University ......................................................................... 2
2.0 Purchasing Organization .................................................................................................... 2
3.0 Purchasing Authority and Mission ...................................................................................... 2
4.0 Gifts and Gratuities ............................................................................................................. 3
5.0 Contracts and Purchase Order Authorization ..................................................................... 3
6.0 Purchase Order Terms & Conditions ................................................................................. 4
7.0 Payment Terms .................................................................................................................. 4
8.0 Invoice Payments ............................................................................................................... 4
9.0 Equipment Evaluations ....................................................................................................... 5
10.0 Compliance with Laws ........................................................................................................ 5
11.0 Confidentiality ..................................................................................................................... 5
12.0 Compliance with International Tax Law .............................................................................. 6
13.0 Insurance Requirements .................................................................................................... 6
14.0 Supplier Online Application ................................................................................................ 7
15.0 Approved Suppliers ............................................................................................................ 8
16.0 Diverse and Small Business Enterprises ........................................................................... 8
17.0 Background Check Policy Requirements ........................................................................... 9
18.0 Campus Plant Operations and Campus Planning & Construction ..................................... 9
20.0 Trademark Licensing .......................................................................................................... 9
21.0 Campus Map .................................................................................................................... 10
22.0 Parking Policy and Delivery / Parking Map ...................................................................... 10
Purchasing and Strategic Sourcing
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1.0 Doing Business with Vanderbilt University
The following procedures explain the process for conducting business at Vanderbilt University. The process
and requirements for becoming a Vanderbilt supplier are also explained.
2.0 Purchasing Organization
The responsibility for the purchase of products, supplies, furniture, equipment, vehicles, and services at
Vanderbilt University is assigned to Purchasing and Strategic Sourcing. For the purposes of this policy and
procedure document, the terms “Purchasing”, “Purchasing Services” and “Purchasing and Strategic Sourcing”
will be used interchangeably.
2.1 Purchasing Services
Purchasing Services is the primary organization responsible for the purchase of all general supplies, furniture,
equipment, vehicles, and services for the university. This includes but is not limited to the following:
Capital equipment purchases, leases and maintenance agreements
Construction and maintenance project contracts
Professional and trade services
Performing Artists and Speaker engagements
Forms and Printing services
Furniture and interior design services
Information Technology hardware, software and services
Research Laboratory equipment, supplies and services
Logistics services
Maintenance / Repair / Operations (MRO) supplies and services
Office supplies
Office equipment (copiers, faxes, printers, postal equipment, etc.)
Security services and supplies
Telecommunications products and services
Travel services and university event contracts
Vehicles and transportation services
Waste management, recycling services
The Purchasing Services’ office location and contact information are as follows:
110 21
Avenue South
Suite 900, Baker Building
Nashville, TN 37203-2406
Phone: 615.675.3776
Fax: 615.343.6468
3.0 Purchasing Authority and Mission
Purchasing and Strategic Sourcing is part of Purchasing and Payment Services, a department in the Office of
the Vice Chancellor for Finance, Information Technology and Chief Financial Officer. The university has
delegated certain responsibilities for the administration of purchasing policies and procedures to the Senior
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Director of Purchasing and Payment Services and Director of Purchasing and Strategic Sourcing. Purchasing
Services has the delegated authority and responsibility to:
Manage the assessment and selection process for all approved suppliers
Negotiate contract terms and conditions
Review, award, and sign contracts for the purchase of products and services
Review, award and sign equipment and vehicle leases
Execute all purchase orders, regardless of format, process or amount
Conduct bids for general use products and services, as well as support department-specific sourcing
Manage the ongoing business relationship with key suppliers
Purchasing Services is responsible for overseeing the commercial relationships between Vanderbilt University
and our suppliers and ensuring that all aspects of our relationships are held to the highest ethical and
professional standards. Our suppliers contribute significantly to the ongoing success of Vanderbilt University
and we in turn actively support our suppliers and help them achieve their objectives. The inclusion and
promotion of small and minority-owned business enterprises is one example of this support.
Purchasing Services is also leading the conversion to modern eCommerce purchasing technologies, including
electronic ordering and invoicing using Oracle Cloud Procurement. Future business growth will be with those
suppliers who embrace eCommerce as part of their customer service strategy.
Purchasing’s mission is to cooperatively develop and execute sourcing strategies with Vanderbilt University
departments for high value products and services that meet or exceed University requirements, and to
perform services to the highest ethical and professional standards. Purchasing Services:
Provides leadership through contract negotiation, supplier management and conversion to modern
eCommerce purchasing technologies
Promotes small and diverse business enterprises
Supports the University’s commitment to environmental responsibility
Supports the University’s commitment to outreach to the local business community
Assists departments involved in federal contracts and grants in maintaining compliance to all applicable
4.0 Gifts and Gratuities
The Vanderbilt University strives to maintain the highest standards of ethical conduct in its dealings with its
business associates, including vendors and potential vendors, customers and business partners. Acceptance
of gifts may create conflicts of interest and has the potential to influence decisions. University employees, and
their immediate family members, are prohibited from receiving gifts from outside organizations, vendors or
individuals, with few exceptions. Federal regulations, which govern procurement under contracts and grants,
impose a like prohibition mandated by Public Law 99-634, known as the "Anti-Kickback Enforcement Act of
1986." "Kickback" is defined as any money, fee, commission, credit, gift, gratuity, thing of value, or
compensation of any kind that is provided by a supplier, directly or indirectly, to any employee for the purpose
of improperly obtaining or rewarding favorable treatment in connection with procurement under a federal
contract or grant. Employees are expected to uphold the integrity of the institution while conducting business
with outside organizations, vendors and individuals. All employees are expected not to compromise any
business transaction, even in appearance, in exchange for personal benefit such as gifts.
5.0 Contracts and Purchase Order Authorization
5.1 University Signature Authorization
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The University Signature Authorization Policy specifically restricts the authority to negotiate and sign contracts
for most products and services to general officers of the university, their delegates and Purchasing Services.
Department administrative staff and faculty do not have delegated authority to sign contracts or otherwise
make commitments to suppliers for the purchase of products or services. To be valid, all contracts must be
signed by duly authorized university personnel. Contracts signed by non-authorized personnel will not be
considered valid or enforceable. Suppliers are expected to confirm all contracts with Purchasing Services
prior to execution.
5.2 Authorized Orders
All purchases of products or services by Vanderbilt are authorized by the following methods:
Primary Applications
All general supplies,
services and capital
Approved suppliers in Oracle
System. No order size limits.
Primary method for ordering
most products services and
Purchase Card
Non-contract low-dollar,
retail spending; travel
Varies by department but
most cards limited in scope
and amount
Generally not used with suppliers
set up for eProcurement
All purchase orders must be authorized and issued by Purchasing Services prior to the delivery of products or
the performance of services. University departments are delegated limited authority to use the One Card
within the limits of the respective programs.
5.3 Unauthorized Orders
University policy requires all authorized orders to be processed by one of the methods described above. The
following will not be considered legitimate orders and invoices associated with them cannot be honored:
Invoices that do not reference a valid, authorized Vanderbilt Purchase Order number (valid POs start with
a “P”).
Supplier quotations or contracts signed by an unauthorized Vanderbilt employee
Invoices that reference a Vanderbilt requisition number. Requisition numbers are for internal, Vanderbilt-
only use and are not authorized purchase orders. Requisition numbers start with an “R”.
Verbal orders, orders referencing email or fax correspondence from Vanderbilt personnel or other non-
authorized documentation
6.0 Purchase Order Terms & Conditions
All orders issued by Vanderbilt University are governed by the standard
Purchase Order Terms and
Conditions. Suppliers must accept these PO Terms and Conditions as a prerequisite for doing business with
Vanderbilt University.
7.0 Payment Terms
Vanderbilt University’s standard payment terms are Net 45 Days from the date of the invoice. Vanderbilt will
consider accepting cash discounted payment terms if offered.
8.0 Invoice Payments
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Invoices are processed by Vanderbilt University Payment Services in accordance with the purchase order
payment terms. Invoices should be sent to Payment Services via cXML oremail as follows:
For invoice submissions only: invoices@vanderbilt.edu
For questions related to your invoice(s): paymentservices@vanderbilt.edu
Suppliers must send original invoices to the invoices@vanderbilt.edu email address. Suppliers may also
send a simultaneous copy to departmental contacts. Emails sent to the invoices@vanderbilt.edu email
address may contain multiple attachments, but each attachment must include only one, unique invoice.
Invoices must be legible, submitted in portrait orientation and include the following key control elements (i.e.,
printed not handwritten on the document):
Supplier name and address;
Invoice date;
Invoice number; This number must be unique.
Purchase order number; and
Description of the goods and/or services provided.
9.0 Equipment Evaluations
Equipment furnished by suppliers for the purpose of evaluation by departments prior to making a purchasing
decision must be covered by the standard Vanderbilt Equipment Evaluation Agreement in advance of the
equipment’s delivery. This standard agreement addresses the duration, evaluation criteria, future purchase
price and the conditions for returning or retaining the equipment. This agreement must be reviewed and
approved by Purchasing Services prior to the delivery of any equipment. After the agreement has been
executed, Purchasing will issue a “no charge” purchase order to record our possession of the equipment for
insurance purposes. If the department elects to purchase the equipment, a separate capital equipment contract
and purchase order will be issued, replacing the evaluation agreement and no charge purchase order. If the
equipment is returned, the no charge purchase order will be canceled.
10.0 Compliance with Laws
Vanderbilt requires all suppliers to represent, warrant, and covenant that they are in full compliance with the
Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, as amended, and will only provide Vanderbilt with personnel
whose employment eligibility has been verified. Suppliers also must warrant that they are in compliance with
all applicable Federal, state, and local laws, as amended, including 41 CFR 60-1.4, CFR 60-250.4, and 41
CFR 60-741.4, with respect to nondiscrimination in employment on the basis of race, religion, color, national
origin, or sex, equal opportunity, affirmative action, disability, and employment of disabled veterans, and
veterans of the Vietnam era. Suppliers are required to notify Vanderbilt in writing of any known or suspected
violations of law, including without limitation, violation of the Federal False Claims Act or the Tennessee False
Claims Act.
11.0 Confidentiality
As a private, non-profit higher education institution, Vanderbilt University is not required to disclose contracts,
RFP documents, proposals, or other information to outside parties. All such materials are considered
confidential and all requests for access to these materials will be declined. All suppliers are expected to
maintain the confidentiality of all materials and correspondence with Vanderbilt regardless of whether or not
any actual business is conducted.
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12.0 Compliance with International Tax Law
All suppliers are expected to be in compliance with the Internal Revenue Code §§1441 and 1442 and provide
Vanderbilt with a Form W-8 or W-9 as required. Suppliers must also ensure that the tax forms provided to
Vanderbilt are properly completed, signed and dated as required under the IRC. The Vanderbilt office of
Global Support Services (GSS) website has additional tax information for non-U.S. suppliers doing business
with Vanderbilt regardless if the work is performed at Vanderbilt or outside the USA.
International Business
Visitor requirements
13.0 Insurance Requirements
Suppliers and contractors may be required to have specific insurance coverage as a prerequisite for
doing business with Vanderbilt. Below are the standards of coverage required and the standard
language to be included in all contracts with the University:
During the term of this Agreement, Supplier shall maintain the following insurance coverage with
limits not less than the amount specified and, if subcontracting is permitted, Supplier shall require its
subcontractor to maintain similar insurance coverage whenever subcontractors' personnel are upon
Vanderbilt’s premises:
Workers' Compensation with statutory limits and Employers Liability with limits of $500,000 per
accident, $500,000 per illness per employee and $500,000 per illness aggregate.
Commercial General Liability insurance for bodily injury, property damage including products and
completed operations, and personal and advertising injury with minimum limits of $1,000,000 each
occurrence, $2,000,000 aggregate, $2,000,000 products and completed operations, $1,000,000
personal and advertising injury limits.
Automobile liability insurance (including owned, non-owned, and hired vehicles) with a combined
single limit for bodily injury, death, and property damage of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence.
Umbrella/Excess Liability with a $5 million per incident; and shall be in excess of Commercial General
Liability and Automobile Liability.
Vanderbilt should be included as additional insuredon the general liability and auto liability policies.
The following is the proper wording that will need to be used: “Vanderbilt, for the benefit of itself and
its affiliated entities and their respective officers, directors, employees, representatives and agents,
are named additional insureds. The liability coverages shown on this certificate are primary, non-
contributing and contain waivers of subrogation against any coverage held by Vanderbilt.
Supplier shall furnish Vanderbilt with certificates of insurance, which provide sufficient information to
verify that Supplier has complied with the insurance requirements of the above Paragraph. Such
certificates shall indicate that Vanderbilt will be given at least thirty- (30) days' advance written notice
of any material change or cancellation of any policy and that the required waiver of subrogation or
additional insured has been endorsed on the applicable policies. Supplier shall not commence the
rendering of any Deliverables on Vanderbilt's premises or permit its subcontractors to do so until the
required insurance is obtained.
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14.0 Supplier Online Application
Purchasing Services has established a Supplier Self-Registration
portal to allow potential suppliers to
submit an electronic profile on their company, products and services. These profiles are routinely
reviewed by Commodity Managers to determine if they meet a specific need or are otherwise
compatible with university requirements. All applications will be responded to within 5 business days
of receipt. If an applicant has not had a response within 5 business days, they may contact
supplierrecords@vanderbilt.edu to make an inquiry about their application. This online application
process is the most efficient means for suppliers to solicit business with Vanderbilt University.
Supplier phone calls, email solicitations and personal sales calls will be directed to the online
application process before any business discussions will take place.
The following information is required during Self-Registration:
Tax Forms:
A completed, signed, and dated W9/W8 form is required for all supplier records. We require
the most up-to-date revision of these forms. The revision date can be found in the upper
left-hand corner of the form.  Please see the chart below to identify the appropriate IRS
form for you to complete:
Vanderbilt University cannot give tax advice, if the you have questions about tax forms you
should contact your CPA or visit the IRS’ website
for more information.
Description of Form
Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and
Certification, U.S. citizens.
Certificate of Foreign Status of Beneficial Owner for United States Tax
Withholding and Reporting (Individuals)
Certificate of Foreign Entities Status of Beneficial Owner for
United States Tax Withholding and Reporting (Entities)
Payment Forms:
ACH information is preferred when paying commercial suppliers.  If a commercial supplier
wishes to be paid by check, please make a note stating that you prefer check payment
during the registration process.
A signed International Wire Form
is required when paying a supplier that resides outside
of the United States.  Vanderbilt is unable to mail checks outside of the U.S., with the
exception of Canada. Foreign suppliers are welcome to use a bank within the United
States for direct deposit.
Insurance Form / COI:
All commercial suppliers or non-individual suppliers will be required to provide evidence
of general liability insurance including product liability if it is applicable to their scope of
work.  Please provide a copy of your certificate(s) of insurance.
Contact Information:
Administrative contact - this includes a name, phone number, and email address.
Accounts Receivable contact - this includes a name, phone number, and email
address. You will be asked for an email address for remittance advice.
Sales Department contact - this includes a name, phone number, and email address. You
will be asked for an email address for purchase orders.
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Physical Addresses:
Physical address for the Supplier’s headquarters.
Physical address for the Supplier’s accounts receivable department if different than the
Supplier’s headquarters.
Physical address for the Supplier’s purchasing department if different than the Supplier’s
Disadvantaged and Small Business Enterprises:
All Suppliers will be asked to provide relevant Federal and State Disadvantaged Business
Enterprise (“DBE” or “minority”) and Small Business Enterprise certification
documentation, if applicable. Please have a copy of your certification(s) available upon
registration.  Vanderbilt University does not accept self-certifications.
15.0 Approved Suppliers
Companies that submit their profiles using the online Supplier Self-Registration process are reviewed
and classified by Purchasing Services according to the following matrix:
Spend Authorized
Formal contract (typically vetted through an RFP process)
Pricing agreement
-strategic product or service
Unique product or service
Approved for limited list of products or services, sole source supplier.
Use may be restricted to individ
ual departments
Not Approved
No current or forecasted requirements
Conflicts with existing contract supplier programs
Pricing, quality, terms & conditions not competitive or acceptable
Prior Vanderbilt experience or references not favorable
16.0 Diverse and Small Business Enterprises
In April 1995, Vanderbilt University formalized a supplier diversity initiative by establishing a Supplier Diversity
Program (SDP). Since that time, Vanderbilt has committed to incorporating supplier diversity into the fabric of
the University supply chain with the principle mission of empowering departments to provide equal access to
business opportunities for disadvantaged and small business enterprises.
Supplier Diversity objectives are:
Create a quality process for all stakeholders - including a plan of action to monitor,
achieve, and report business diversity activities.
Develop new, creative and innovative means to utilize minority-owned and small
businesses enterprises including but not limited to minority-owned, women-owned,
veteran-owned, HUBZone, and small business enterprises.
Establish cost-effective relationships that will ensure that Vanderbilt University realizes
the benefits of competitive pricing and quality products and services.
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The University is committed to extending business opportunities to disadvantaged business
enterprises. Supplier diversity initiatives are managed by Purchasing Services.
17.0 Background Check Policy Requirements
Background checks are required for all contractors, consultants and suppliers doing work for Vanderbilt
unless formal written exception is provided by Purchasing Services. It is also a condition of contract renewal
for current contractors who have not previously completed a background check. Background checks are
required whether or not the work is actually performed on Vanderbilt’s campus or offsite unless formal written
exception is provided by Purchasing Services.
Corporate contractors are covered by a formal background check clause (see below) added to
standard Vanderbilt contract templates, affirming their assigned personnel have passed the
background check requirements
Individual (sole proprietor) contractors must engage services of Vanderbilt’s designated background
check service provider
Contractor pays the service fee to the background check service provider (not reimbursable by
Vanderbilt, unless formal written exception is provided by department)
Background check service providers sends the report results to Purchasing for evaluation / approval
No work may be started until the review and approval process has been completed and the contract
has been signed by Purchasing and the contractor.
17.1 Background Checks Contract Clause. CONTRACTOR shall, at its expense, perform local, state and
federal background and reference checks, including criminal background checks, on all prospective employees
to be assigned to Vanderbilt, for every county of residence of prospective employees for the past 7 years. Such
checks shall include any convictions involving any violent crime, any crime involving theft, possession, receipt
of stolen property or sale/use or possession of drugs. CONTRACTOR agrees not to refer or place at Vanderbilt
University any individual having such a criminal record during the 7 year period preceding placement at
Vanderbilt University, unless VANDERBILT specifically agrees.
VANDERBILT reserves the right to have CONTRACTOR remove any employee from placement at Vanderbilt
University if such individual is arrested, charged or convicted of such crimes while placed at Vanderbilt
University or has determined to falsify their application to conceal their information in anyway.
18.0 Campus Plant Operations and Campus Planning & Construction
Suppliers or Contractors doing business with Plant Operations should also refer to the
new vendor
information packet for campus plant suppliers.
20.0 Trademark Licensing
Suppliers are not permitted to use Vanderbilt University’s name, trademarks, logos or images in any
marketing or advertising media, including presentations, websites, printed materials or other forms without
written permission from the Vanderbilt University Trademark Licensing Office
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21.0 Campus Map
Vanderbilt provides an interactive campus map
for your convenience.
22.0 Parking Policy and Delivery / Parking Map
Parking policies for suppliers and contractors is determined by the VU Traffic and Parking department.
Parking Services Policy
A Map detailing all loading docks, service entrances and other entrances suitable for commercial deliveries is
located at Supplier Delivery / Parking Map