224 Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 2014, Vol. 24 (4): 224-227
Evaluation of nutritional adequacy of diets can be
performed by various dietary data collection techniques.
Currently, such collection techniques include interviewer-
administered 24 hours recalls, self-administered food
records and food frequency questionnaires (self or
interviewed administered). In a 24-h recall, the inter-
viewer through probing questions ask the respondent to
list detail for the description and amounts of all food and
beverages consumed during the previous day, while
food records require the respondent to provide a written
description of the types and amounts of food eaten. On
the other hand, FFQs provide a list of foods and
respondents are asked how often they eat each item on
the list.
FFQ can assess dietary intake in a way that is
valid, easy and inexpensive to administer and can be
easily utilized in studies for promoting health and
assessing intake. Validation of these tools enhances
their utility and influence.
Calcium intake has received increased attention in the
last decade because of its role in bone health. With
a pandemic of vitamin-D deficiency (VDD); newer
strategies and recommendations have been put forward
for dietary and supplementation intake of vitamin-D
and calcium. Accurate assessment of calcium is critical
in evaluating bone health risks and addressing calcium
needs helps to optimize bone health by improving
deposition in early adolescents and teenage, maintain-
ing bone density in adults, and minimizing bone loss in
older patients.
There is total paucity of research specially targeting
calcium intake and food source in our population. One of
the reasons is lack of availability of tool for assessing
calcium intake. This study was undertaken with the
aim to develop and validate a FFQ for assessing
macronutrient and calcium intake in adult Pakistani
To develop the list of food items to be used in the FFQ
for assessing the nutrient intake, 24-h dietary recall data
was collected from individuals attending the Aga Khan
University's Laboratory Collection points in various parts
of the city. Based on the results of the 24-hour (h) recalls
and experiences from the authors other work, the list of
foods was developed on the FFQ. This FFQ has 64 food
items which are categorized into 8 food groups. A food
Validation of a Food Frequency Questionnaire for Assessing
Macronutrient and Calcium Intake in Adult Pakistani Population
Romaina Iqbal
, Mohammad Ali Haroon
, Farhan Javed Dar
, Mujtaba Bilgirami
Gulshan Bano
and Aysha Habib Khan
Objective: To develop and validate a food frequency table (FFQ) for use in urban Pakistani population.
Study Design: A validation study.
Place and Duration of Study: The Aga Khan University, Karachi, from June to November 2008.
Methodology: Healthy adult females, aged ≥ 18 years who consented to be included in the study were inducted, while
males, unhealthy females, aged below 18 years or who did not consent were excluded. The FFQ was administered once
while 4, 24 hours recalls spread over a period of one year were administered as the reference method. Daily intakes for
energy, protein, fat, and calcium intake were estimated for both the tools. Crude and energy adjusted correlations for
nutrient intakes were computed for the FFQ and mean of 4, 24 hours recalls and serum N-telopeptide of type-I collagen
Results: The correlation coefficients for the FFQ with mean of 4, 24 hours recall ranged from 0.21 for protein to 0.36 for
calcium, while the correlation for nutrient estimates from the FFQ with NTx ranged from -0.07 for calcium to 0.01 for
Conclusion: Highly significant correlations were found for nutrient intakes estimated from the FFQ vs. those estimated
from the mean of 4, 24 hours recalls but no correlations was found between nutrient estimates from the FFQ and serum
NTx levels. FFQ was concluded to be a valid tool for assessing dietary intake of adult females in Pakistan.
Key Words: Food frequency questionnaire. Females. Macronutrient intake. Calcium. N-telopeptide of type-I collagen. Bone turnover.
Departments of Community Health Sciences/ Pathology and
/ Family Medicine
, The Aga Khan University
Hospital, Karachi.
Medical Student, Ziauddin University, Karachi.
Correspondence: Dr. Romaina Iqbal, 82-C, Block 6, PECHS,
Received: March 01, 2012; Accepted: November 22, 2013.
composition table for all the food items on the list was
also being developed so that the dietary intake could be
converted into nutrient estimates. The food frequencies
were reported as never, several times per year, 1 - 3 times/
month, once a week, 2 - 3 times/week, 4 - 6 times/week,
once a day, 2 - 3 times/day and ≥ 4 times/day.
To estimate nutrient intake, the reported intake frequency
of each food on the FFQ was multiplied by reported
portion size and its respective nutrient composition,
summing over all foods. The composition of raw food
items was determined from the USDA.
In certain cases
where this information was not available from the USDA,
other local food composition tables were consulted.
The study was approved by the ERC via 811-Pat/
Two hundred apparently healthy adult females, aged
≥ 18 years, were recruited through convenient, non-
purposive sampling. Subjects were contacted through
two different approaches. A door-to-door approach was
exercised in community residents in district Karachi
East. AKU hospital employees and their relatives
residing in any part of Karachi were also approached.
Information regarding patients' name, age and ethnicity
was collected by research officer through face-to-face
interviews using a structured questionnaire and para-
meters of weight and height were measured. At this
time, the participants were administered the FFQ and
one 24-hour (h) recall. The interview and blood was
taken after informed consent at a phlebotomy center of
AKU laboratory at Shahra-e-Faisal, Karachi, and main
Clinical laboratory at the Aga Khan University situated in
district East. Furthermore, these participants completed
3, 24-h recalls more, over a period of one year via
telephone calls. Out of the 200 recruited, only 144
provided complete information, consequently our final
sample size for analysis was 144 participants.
Eight milliliters of blood was drawn from the antecubital
vein in the fasting state for biochemical analysis. All
blood samples were centrifuged. Required serum and
plasma stored at -70°C until assayed.
Bone turnover was assessed by measuring N-
telopeptide of type-I collagen (NTx) using an ELISA kit
OsteomarkNTx from Ostex International, Inc., Seattle,
WA. For quality control, low and high controls were run.
Inter-assay and intra-assay variability for serum NTx
assays are 6.9% and 4.6% respectively. Results are
expressed as nanomoles of bone collagen equivalents
per liter of serum (nMBCE/L). The range of serum NTx
levels in healthy females is taken from 6.2 to 19.0
nMBCE/L with a mean of 12.6 nMBCE/L. Serum NTx
levels > 19 nMBCE/L was taken as high bone turnover.
Mean nutrient intakes with their standard deviations
were computed for the FFQ and the mean of the 4,
24-h recalls nutrient estimates. Nutrient estimates were
log transformed as they were skewed positively.
Pearson product -moment correlations between intakes
estimated by the FFQ and those calculated from the
recalls were computed as shown in Table III. The crude
as well as energy adjusted correlations were assessed
for the nutrient estimates between those obtained from
the FFQ versus those taken from the 24-h recalls as well
as NTx, where level of significance was taken to be 0.05
two sided.
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 17 was
used for all statistical analysis.
The mean age of the participants was 32.8 ± 11.4 years.
The mean BMI was 23.8 ± 4.8 kg/m
, height being 156.5
± 5.4 cm and weight being 58.3 ± 11.3 kg. The mean
NTx level was 19.0 ± 8.7 nMBCE/L and the mean serum
PTH level was 73.7 ± 34.7 pg/ml (Table I). Further
results are shared in Table I.
Intake of energy and macronutrients were similar using
the FFQ and 24-h recalls, but higher for FFQ (Table II).
Mean usual daily energy estimated from the FFQ was
Kcal 1643.5 ± 703.1 kcal; daily protein intake was 55 ±
23.3 g, fat 61.7 ± 29.4 g, and calcium 610.7 ± 306.3 mg.
While the mean usual daily energy intake estimated from
the mean of 4, 24-h recalls was 1391.8 ± 365.3, daily
proteins intake was 45.4 ± 13.9 g, fat 52.0 ± 17.9 g,
calcium 462.1 ± 175.7 mg (Table II).
Comparing mean nutrient estimates from the FFQ with
4, 24-h recalls, the correlation coefficient ranged from
0.21 for protein to 0.36 for calcium, while the correlation
for nutrient estimates from the FFQ with NTx ranged
from -0.07 for calcium to 0.01 for energy. The energy
adjusted correlation between mean nutrient estimates
of FFQ with 4, 24-h recall ranged from 0.03 for protein
to 0.32 for calcium. The energy adjusted correlation
Validation of a food frequency questionnaire for assessing macronutrient and calcium intake in adult in Pakistani population
Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 2014, Vol. 24 (4): 224-227
Table I: Sociodemographic characteristics of the study participants.
Characteristic Mean SD
Age (year) 32.8 11.4
Height (cm) 156.5 5.4
Weight (kg) 58.3 11.3
BMI 23.8 4.8
NTx (number/L) 19.0 8.7
Serum PTH (pg/ml) 73.7 34.7
SD = Standard Deviation; BMI = Body Mass Index; NTx = N-telopeptide of type-I collagen;
PTH = Parathyroid hormone.
Table II: Mean daily nutrient intakes estimated by the FFQ as the
24-h recalls.
Variables FFQ Mean of 4, 24-h recalls
Mean SD Mean SD
Energy (kcal) 1643.5 703.2 1391.8 365.3
Protein (g) 55.0 23.3 45.4 13.9
Fat (g) 61.7 29.4 51.9 17.9
Calcium (mg) 610.7 306.4 462.1 175.7
FFQ = Food Frequency Questionnaire; SD = Standard Deviation.
between means estimates of FFQ with serum NTx
ranged from -0.02 for fat to 0.03 for energy (Table III).
In epidemiological studies of chronic diseases, the
understanding of the usual diet is of sheer importance in
the progression and development of disease, as
compared to the clinical setting where the dietary intake
is titrated as per the requirement of the condition.
Epidemiological studies conducted all over the world
employ FFQ as a standard method to acquire a sense of
the day-to-day nutrient consumption of the population. In
this study, the authors have described the development
and validation of a food frequency questionnaire to
assess the dietary intake of adult Pakistani population
residing in Pakistan.
A food composition table was developed, which was
largely based on US Department of Agriculture nutrient
database, to estimate the nutrient intake from the FFQ.
There are several advantages of using the USDA
nutrient data base as the standard. USDA is considered
as the most comprehensive nutrient data base in the
world. The USDA nutrient data base has the largest
number of nutrient reported, and is constantly updated
with the nutrient estimation assays conducted in a
standardized manner. There are over 150 food
composition tables used around globally and their
values are primary derived from USDA.
comparable methods have been carried out by other
investigators as well.
However, other local food
composition tables were also consulted where USDA fell
The mean nutrient intake estimated by the FFQ were
similar to those obtained from the 24-h recall and within
the range reported by others in South Asia.
In an
Indian investigation, mean usual daily energy intake was
observed to be 1749 kcal and 1910 kcal in the urban and
rural population, respectively.
Likewise in a study
conducted in South India, the mean daily energy intake
was 2066 ± 437 kcal for men and 1745 ± 343 kcal for
Similar to other studies, energy intake
estimated from the FFQ were higher than those obtained
by the 24-h recall.
Mean nutrient estimates from the 24-hour recalls were
used as reference method for comparing the nutrient
intakes from the FFQ. The correlations of nutrient
estimates from the FFQ vs. the 24-hour recalls were
highly significant and moderate (0.21-0.36). Adjustment
for energy lowered the correlations. Similar correlations
have also been reported by Huang and Kim.
This study's correlations of nutrient estimates from the
FFQ with serum NTx levels were extremely low and not
significant. The author was expecting that the intake
estimates from the FFQ and serum NTx would be highly
correlated. This lack of correlation may be due to the
difference in intake of calcium.
The age of female
participants, bone formation and the presence of other
nutrients and factors that affects bone formation.
Some limitations of this study merit consideration. The
correlations observed in the present study were in
general lower than those reported by others who
compared FFQ data to several weeks of diet records but
similar to estimates comparing FFQ data to multiple
24-h recalls generally and to studies done in the
subcontinent in particular.
A possible reason why
this study's correlations are lower than those reported
for FFQ validated against diet records may be that the
data was from only 4, 24-h recalls as a reference
method, as opposed to estimates from several days
considered by others.
Another limitation that needs to
be highlighted is that the age groups represented by the
sample are mostly < 50 years, and hence the dietary
intake is skewed toward the younger age group.
Moreover, all the participants were females and hence
the nutrients consumed and the bone turnover of males
may be underestimated. The way to make it more
accurate is to repeat the study, include more participants
from the > 50 age group and male gender.
Highly significant correlations were found for nutrient
intakes estimated from the FFQ vs. those estimated
from the mean of 4, 24-hour recalls but no correlations
between nutrient estimates from the FFQ and serum
NTx levels. It was concluded that this FFQ is a valid tool
for assessing dietary intake of adult females in Pakistan.
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226 Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 2014, Vol. 24 (4): 224-227
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Validation of a food frequency questionnaire for assessing macronutrient and calcium intake in adult in Pakistani population
Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 2014, Vol. 24 (4): 224-227