© 2017 Fannie Mae. Trademarks of Fannie Mae. SEL-2017-04 1 of 5
Selling Guide Announcement SEL-2017-04
April 25, 2017
Selling Guide Updates
The Selling Guide has been updated to include changes to the following:
Student Loan Solutions
Project Eligibility Review Waiver for Fannie Mae to Fannie Mae Limited Cash-Out Refinances
Properties Listed for Sale in the Previous Six Months
PERS Expiration Dates
Truncated Asset Account Numbers
Flash Settlement for Mortgage-Backed Securities
Servicing Execution Tool Bifurcation Option Terms and Conditions
Miscellaneous Selling Guide Update
Each of the updates is described below. The affected topics for each policy change are listed on the Attachment. Lenders
should review each topic to gain a full understanding of the policy changes. The updated topics are dated April 25, 2017.
Student Loan Solutions
Student Loan Payment Calculation
We are simplifying the options available to calculate the monthly payment amount for student loans. The resulting policy
will be easier for lenders to apply, and may result in a lower qualifying payment for borrowers with student loans. If a
payment amount is provided on the credit report, that amount can be used for qualifying purposes. If the credit report does
not identify a payment amount (or reflects $0), the lender can use either 1% of the outstanding student loan balance, or a
calculated payment that will fully amortize the loan based on the documented loan repayment terms.
The current Desktop Underwriter
) message issued when an installment debt on the loan application does not
include a monthly payment will be updated in a future release to reflect this new policy. Until then, lenders may disregard
the statement in the message specifying the previous policy and follow the requirements in the Selling Guide.
Effective Date
This policy change is effective immediately.
Debts Paid by Others
We are simplifying our requirements for excluding non-mortgage debts from the debt-to-income ratio. Non-mortgage
debts include debt such as installment loans, student loans, and other monthly debts as defined in the Guide.
If the lender obtains documentation that a non-mortgage debt has been satisfactorily paid by another party for the past 12
months, then the debt can be excluded from the debt-to-income ratio. This policy applies regardless of whether the other
party is obligated on the debt.
N O T E : This policy does not apply if the other party is an interested party to the subject transaction (such as
the seller or realtor).
© 2017 Fannie Mae. Trademarks of Fannie Mae. SEL- 2017-04 2 of 5
Effective Date
Lenders may implement this flexibility immediately. The DU message on omitted debts will require documentation to
support the omission of the debt, but will not reference the documentation requirements specified above as DU is not able
to identify if the debt was omitted as a result of this policy.
Student Loan Cash-out Refinance
With this update, we are introducing the student loan cash-out refinance feature, a cost-effective alternative to use
existing home equity to pay off student loan debt. This feature provides the opportunity for borrowers to payoff one or
more student loans through the refinance transaction, potentially reducing their monthly debt payments. The loan-level
price adjustment that applies to cash-out refinance transactions will be waived when all requirements have been met.
The student loan cash-out refinance feature contains elements of both a cash-out refinance and a limited cash-out
refinance transaction as described in the table below.
Student Loan Cash-out Refinance Features
Student Loans Eligible
for Payoff
At least one student loan must be paid off. Loan proceeds
must be paid directly to the student loan servicer at closing.
Only student loans for which the borrower is personally
obligated can be paid through the transaction.
Student loan debt must be paid in full with the proceeds
partial payments of student loan debt are not permitted.
New policy
The standard cash-out refinance LTV, CLTV, and HCLTV ratios
apply per the Eligibility Matrix
Aligns with cash-out refinance
Underwriting Method
DU only
New policy
Maximum Cash Back
Lesser of 2% or $2k (over and above the student loan payoff)
Aligns with limited cash-out refinance
Mortgage Payoff
mortgage and purchase-money seconds
Aligns with limited cash-out refinance
Other Requirements
Property cannot be listed for sale at time of disbursement
Payoff of taxes ineligible unless escrow account is established
Payoff of delinquent taxes ineligible
Aligns with limited cash-out refinance
Lenders must deliver the following Special Feature Code (SFC) 841, Student Loan Cash-Out Refinance, at the time of
N O T E : The Eligibility Matrix, Special Feature Codes, and Loan-Level Price Adjustment Matrix will be updated
to reflect the applicable changes.
Effective Date
This policy is effective immediately. DU is not currently able to identify these transactions or issue specific messaging so
lenders must confirm the loan meets all the requirements to include SFC 841 at time of delivery.
Project Eligibility Review Waiver for Fannie Mae to Fannie Mae Limited Cash-Out
In response to lender feedback and our commitment to developing solutions that increase lender efficiency while
effectively managing risk, we are waiving the project eligibility review for certain Fannie Mae-owned loans that are being
refinanced as a limited cash-out refinance. The lender must confirm the following:
© 2017 Fannie Mae. Trademarks of Fannie Mae. SEL- 2017-04 3 of 5
the loan-to-value ratio is no higher than 80% (CLTV or HCLTV ratios may be higher);
the project has the required project-related property and flood insurance coverage; and
the project is not a condo hotel or motel, houseboat project, or a timeshare or segmented ownership project.
N O T E : This waiver does not apply to co-op projects.
The loan must be delivered with Project Type Code “V” and any applicable SFCs that apply.
Effective Date
Lenders may implement this policy change immediately. The DU message regarding project review requirements will be
modified in a future release. Until that time, lenders may disregard the project review message and comply with the
updated Selling Guide requirements.
Properties Listed for Sale in the Previous Six Months
The current policy on cash-out refinances has been updated to eliminate the additional eligibility restrictions that apply
when a property has been listed for sale in the previous six months. With this update, properties that were listed for sale
must have been taken off the market on or before the disbursement date of the new mortgage loan.
Effective Date
The policy change is effective immediately.
PERS Expiration Dates
The Project Eligibility Review Service (PERS) is a review method lenders can use to submit new, newly converted, and
established projects to Fannie Mae to determine eligibility. Currently, the final project approval expires no later than 18
months from the date of issuance. We are updating the Guide to allow for a longer expiration term for PERS Final Project
Approvals (at our discretion). As a result, we are pleased to announce that Final Project Approvals for Streamlined PERS
submissions will be issued for up to 24 months.
Effective Date
This policy change is effective immediately.
Truncated Asset Account Numbers
We are updating our policy to permit truncated account numbers that display at least the last four digits of the borrower’s
asset account. This change will help provide a greater degree of protection of borrowers’ non-public information.
Truncated or masked account numbers for bank and portfolio or investment accounts where at least the last four digits are
displayed are permissible on the loan application, in DU, and on asset documentation, including verification reports
obtained through the DU validation service.
Effective Date
This policy change is effective immediately.
Flash Settlement for Mortgage-Backed Securities
By using Fannie Mae's Flash MBS
, a lender receives book-entry delivery on Fannie Mae MBS including Fannie
as soon as 72 hours after Fannie Mae receives a Loan Delivery submission. Using Flash MBS gives the lender
up to two more business days for pooling than the standard pool processing option. The cost is a one-time, one basis
© 2017 Fannie Mae. Trademarks of Fannie Mae. SEL- 2017-04 4 of 5
point ($100 per $1 million) processing fee. With this update, we are eliminating this processing fee and instead offer Flash
MBS as an acceptable standard no cost delivery option, which may reduce selling costs and provide lenders with
increased flexibility for same-month pooling. No separate contract or special forms are needed - simply indicate the
desired book-entry delivery date in Loan Delivery. For more information, refer to the pool settlement calendar, which
includes eligible Flash MBS dates, on the Pricing & Execution page on Fannie Mae’s website.
Effective Date
This update is effective with Flash MBS deliveries made on or after the date of this Announcement.
Servicing Execution Tool Bifurcation Option Terms and Conditions
In order to provide additional flexibility for lenders to take advantage of selling loans through the Servicing Execution Tool
(SET) Bifurcation option, we are removing the requirement that SET Bifurcation loans be underwritten in DU and receive
an Approve/Eligible recommendation. Going forward, we will permit SET Bifurcation loans without regard to the
underwriting method. As a reminder, specific lender approval is required to participate in the SET Bifurcation option.
Effective Date
The policy change is effective immediately.
Miscellaneous Selling Guide Update
The name of the Capital Markets Sales Desk has changed to Capital Markets Pricing and Sales Desk. The name has
been updated throughout the Selling Guide.
Lenders who have questions about this Announcement should contact their Account Team.
Carlos T. Perez
Senior Vice President and
Chief Credit Officer for Single-Family
© 2017 Fannie Mae. Trademarks of Fannie Mae. SEL- 2017-04 5 of 5
Section of the Announcement
Updated Selling Guide Topics
Student Loan Solutions
B3-6-05, Monthly Debt Obligations
B2-2-04, Guarantors, Co-Signers, or Non-Occupant Borrowers on
the Subject Transaction
B2-1.2-03, Cash-out Refinance Transactions
Project Eligibility Review Waiver for
Fannie Mae to Fannie Mae Limited
Cash-Out Refinances
B4-2.1-01, General Information on Project Standards
B4-2.2-04, Geographic-Specific Condo Project Considerations
B4-2.2-05, Requirements for Review of Site Condos
B4-2.2-07, Project Eligibility Review Service (PERS)
B4-2.2-08, Additional Requirements for Review of Condo, Co-op,
and PUD Projects Comprised of Manufactured Homes
Properties Listed for Sale in the
Previous Six Months
B2-1.2-03, Cash-out Refinance Transactions
PERS Expiration Dates
B4-2.2-07, Project Eligibility Review Service (PERS)
Truncated Account Numbers
B3-4.2-01, Verification of Deposits and Assets
Flash Settlement for Mortgage-Backed
C3-6-01, Parameters for Pooling Loans Into Fannie Majors
C3-7-06, Settling the Trade
E-3-06, Glossary of Fannie Mae Terms: F
Servicing Execution Tool Bifurcation
Option Terms and Conditions
A3-3-02, Concurrent Servicing Transfers