HW/SW Codesign Analysis of Control & Data Flow I ECE 522
ECE UNM 1 (7/6/17)
Control and Data Edges
C programs (and pseudo-code) are often used as prototypes because they represent
high-level descriptions of system behavior
However, C is sequential and cannot be directly mapped into parallel hardware
Nonetheless, codesigners must develop skills to carry out this task (it is listed as one
of our course objectives)
A solid understanding of C program structure and the relationships that exist between
C operations is foundational to this process
In this lecture, we consider two fundamental relationships between C operations
Data edge: is a relationship between operations where data produced by one opera-
tion is consumed by another
Control edge: is a relationship between operations that relates to the order in which
the operations are performed
HW/SW Codesign Analysis of Control & Data Flow I ECE 522
ECE UNM 2 (7/6/17)
Control and Data Edges
Consider the following example that returns the max of a or b
int max(int a, b) // operation 1 - enter the function
int r;
if (a > b ) // operation 2 - if-then-else
r = a; // operation 3
r = b; // operation 4
return r; // operation 5 - return max
As you can see, our analysis treats each of the C statements as individual operations
To find the control edges in this program, we need to identify all possible paths
through this program
HW/SW Codesign Analysis of Control & Data Flow I ECE 522
ECE UNM 3 (7/6/17)
Control and Data Edges
For example, operation 2 will always execute after operation 1
We can use a control flow graph (CFG) to capture this relationship, by adding a
directed edge between these operations (which are represented as bubbles)
The if-then-else operation includes two out-going edges to represent each of the two
execution paths
Control Flow Graph (CFG)
HW/SW Codesign Analysis of Control & Data Flow I ECE 522
ECE UNM 4 (7/6/17)
Control and Data Edges
The data flow graph (DFG) is constructed by analyzing the data production (writes)
and consumption (reads) patterns for each of the variables
int max(int a, b) { // operation 1 - produce a, b
int r;
if (a > b ) // operation 2 - consume a, b
r = a; // operation 3 - consume a and (a>b),
// produce r
r = b; // operation 4 - consume b and (a>b),
// produce r
return r; // operation 5 - consume r
Data edges are added between operations which write and then read a variable
For example, operation 1 defines (writes) the values of a and b
Variable a is read by operation 2 and 3 while b is read by operation 2 and 4
This produces data edges from 1 to 2 for a and b, and to 3 for a and 4 for b
HW/SW Codesign Analysis of Control & Data Flow I ECE 522
ECE UNM 5 (7/6/17)
Control and Data Edges
Control statements in C also generate data edges
For example, the if-then-else statement evaluates a flag (a > b), which reads a
and b
The boolean flag carries the value of (a > b) from operation 2 to operations 3
and 4
Note that unlike CFGs, edges in DFGs are labeled with a specific variable
Data Flow Graph (DFG)
HW/SW Codesign Analysis of Control & Data Flow I ECE 522
ECE UNM 6 (7/6/17)
Implementation Issues
CFGs and DFGs capture the behavior of the C program graphically
This leads naturally to the following question:
What are the important parts of a C program that MUST be preserved in any
implementation of that program?
• Data edges reflect requirements on the flow of information
Important note: If you change the flow of data, you change the meaning of the
Control edges, on the other hand, provide a nice mechanism to break down the algo-
rithm into a sequence of operations (a recipe)
They are not fundamental to preserving correct functional behavior in an imple-
It follows then that data edges MUST be preserved while control edges can be
removed and/or manipulated
HW/SW Codesign Analysis of Control & Data Flow I ECE 522
ECE UNM 7 (7/6/17)
Implementation Issues
Parallelism in the underlying architecture can be leveraged to remove control edges,
e.g., superscalar processors can execute instructions out-of-order
On the other hand, parallel architectures MUST always preserve data dependen-
cies otherwise, the results will be erroneous
int sum(int a, b, c) { // operation 1
int v1;
v1 = a + b; // operation 2
v2 = v1 + c; // operation 3
return v2; } // operation 4
A fully parallel hardware implementation
of this program can in fact carry out both
additions in a single clock cycle
The sequential order specified by the CFG
is eliminated in the hardware implementa-
HW/SW Codesign Analysis of Control & Data Flow I ECE 522
ECE UNM 8 (7/6/17)
Construction of the Control Flow Graph
Let’s define a systematic method to convert a C program to a CFG assuming:
• Each node in the graph represents a single operation (or C statement)
• Each edge of the graph represents an execution order for the two operations con-
nected by that edge
Since C executes sequentially, this conversion is straightforward in most cases
The only exception occurs when multiple control edges originate from a single
Consider the for loop in C
for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
// body of the loop
This statement includes four distinct parts:
• loop initialization
• loop condition
• loop-counter increment operation
• body of the loop
HW/SW Codesign Analysis of Control & Data Flow I ECE 522
ECE UNM 9 (7/6/17)
Construction of the Control Flow Graph
The for loop introduces three nodes to the CFG
Dashed components, entry, exit and body, are other CFGs of the C program which
have single-entry and single-exit points
The do-while loop and the while-do loop are similar iterative structures
for loop contributes
multiple operations
HW/SW Codesign Analysis of Control & Data Flow I ECE 522
ECE UNM 10 (7/6/17)
Construction of the Control Flow Graph
Consider the CFG for the GCD algorithm.
A control path is defined as a sequence of control edges that traverse the CFG
For example, each non-terminating iteration of the while loop will follow the
path 2->3->4->2 or else 2->3->5->2
Control paths are useful in constructing the DFG
1: int gcd (int a, int b) {
2: while (a != b) {
3: if (a > b)
4: a = a - b;
5: b = b - a;
6: return a;
2 6
4 5
HW/SW Codesign Analysis of Control & Data Flow I ECE 522
ECE UNM 11 (7/6/17)
Construction of the Data Flow Graph
Let’s also define a systematic method to convert a C program to a DFG assuming
• Each node in the graph represents a single operation (or C statement)
• Each edge of the graph represents a data dependency
Note that the CFG and the DFG will contain the same set of nodes -- only the edges
will be different
While it is possible to derive the DFG directly from a C program, it is easier to create
the CFG first and use it to derive the DFG
The method involves tracing control paths in the CFG while simultaneously identif-
ing corresponding read and write operations of the variables
Our analysis focuses on C programs that do NOT have arrays or pointers
Text includes discussion and examples on how to handle these more complex
data structures
HW/SW Codesign Analysis of Control & Data Flow I ECE 522
ECE UNM 12 (7/6/17)
Construction of the Data Flow Graph
Ad-hoc method:
• Start at the node where a variable is read (which is referred to as a read-node)
• Identify the CFG nodes that assign to that variable (referred to as write-nodes)
• Introduce a data edge between a read and write node under the condition that the
control path does NOT pass through another write-node for that variable
• Repeat for all read nodes
This procedure identifies all data edges related to assignment statements, but not
those originating from conditional expressions in control flow statements
However, these data edges are easy to find
They originate from the condition evaluation and affect all the operations whose
execution depends on that condition
Let’s derive the DFG of the GCD program
We first pick a node where a variable is read
HW/SW Codesign Analysis of Control & Data Flow I ECE 522
ECE UNM 13 (7/6/17)
Construction of the Data Flow Graph
Consider stmt 5:
There are two variable-reads in this statement, one for a and one for b
Consider b first
Find all nodes that reference b by tracing backwards through predecessors
of node 5 in the CFG -- this produces the ordered sequence 3, 2, 1, 4, and 5
Both nodes 1 and 5 write b and there is a direct path from 1 to 5 (e.g. 1, 2, 3,
5), and from 5 to 5 (e.g. 5, 2, 3, 5)
Therefore, we need to add data edges for b from 1 to 5 and from 5 to 5
1: int gcd (int a, int b) {
2: while (a != b) {
3: if (a > b)
4: a = a - b;
5: b = b - a;
6: return a; }
2 6
4 5
HW/SW Codesign Analysis of Control & Data Flow I ECE 522
ECE UNM 14 (7/6/17)
Construction of the Data Flow Graph
A similar process can be carried out for variable-read of a in node 5
Nodes 1 and 4 write into a and there is a direct control path from 1 to 5 and from
4 to 5
Hence, data edges are added for a from 1 to 5 and from 4 to 5
To complete the set of data edges into node 5, we also need to identify all conditional
expressions that affect the outcome of node 5
From the CFG, node 5 depends on the condition evaluated in node 3 (a > b)
AND the condition evaluated in node 2 (a != b)
Partial DFG
for node 5
HW/SW Codesign Analysis of Control & Data Flow I ECE 522
ECE UNM 15 (7/6/17)
Construction of the Data Flow Graph
The final DFG for all nodes and all variable-reads for GCD is shown below.
Note: this DFG leaves out the data edges originating from conditional expressions
Being able to abstract a complex C program to a DFG is essential for codesign
1: int gcd (int a, int b) {
2: while (a != b) {
3: if (a > b)
4: a = a - b;
5: b = b - a;
6: return a; }
2 6
4 5