Burger King Scholarship
Website to apply: https://burgerking.scholarsapply.org/information.php
Deadline: December 15th
Applicants must meet the following criteria:
General High School Senior Track - Available to all high school seniors who
meet the criteria below.
Applicants must-
Be living in the United States, Puerto Rico, Guam or Canada
Be graduating high school seniors (U.S., Puerto Rico and Guam), graduating from grade
12 (Canada) or graduating from home school education in the U.S., Puerto Rico, Guam
or Canada
Have a cumulative high school grade point average of 2.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale, or the
Plan to enroll full-time, without interruption, for the entire 2023-24 academic year at an
accredited two- or four-year college, university or vocational-technical school or CEGEP
or equivalent in the U.S., Puerto Rico, Guam or Canada
Employee-Based Track
Note: The Employee-Based Track will have two components as follows.
1) Employees, spouses or domestic partners of employees, and dependent children of
employees pursuing a traditional postsecondary education
Applicants must-
Be living in the United States, Puerto Rico, Guam or Canada
Be an employee* of Burger King Corporation or a participating BURGER KING
Be a spouse (unless legally separated) or domestic partner** of an employee* of Burger
King Corporation or Franchisees
Be a dependent child*** of an employee* of Burger King Corporation or Franchisees
(Designated Employer)
Be graduating high school seniors (U.S., Puerto Rico and Guam) or have attained a GED,
graduating from grade 12 (Canada), graduating from home school education in the U.S.,
Puerto Rico or Canada or current college undergraduates or graduate level students in
the U.S., Puerto Rico, Guam or Canada
Have a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale or the equivalent
Plan to enroll**** for the 2023-24 academic year at an accredited two or four-year
college, university, or vocational-technical school or CEGEP or equivalent in the U.S.,
Puerto Rico, Guam or Canada
* Employees must be active on Designated Employer's payroll for at least 3 months as of the
application deadline date and employed at the time awards are verified.
** Domestic partner is defined as (i) Employee's sole Domestic Partner and intend to remain so
indefinitely; (ii) Employee and Domestic Partner reside together in the same principal residence
and intend to reside together indefinitely; (iii) Employee and Domestic Partner are both at least
eighteen (18) years old and mentally competent to consent to a contract; (iv) Employee and
Domestic Partner are not related by blood in a close enough manner that would bar marriage
under applicable law in effect where they reside; and (v) Employee and Domestic Partner are
not legally married to anyone else and are not involved in any other Domestic Partnership.
*** Dependent children are defined as biological, step- or legally adopted children living in the
employee's household or primarily supported by the employee.
**** Employees and their spouse/domestic partner may be enrolled part-time or full-time.
Children of employees must be enrolled full-time, without interruption, for the entire academic
2) Employees and spouses or domestic partners of employees pursuing an enrichment
program (Enrichment programs include, but are not limited to, language, computer and
accounting courses.)
Applicants must-
Be living in the United States, Puerto Rico, Guam or Canada
Be an employee* of Burger King Corporation or a participating BURGER KING
Be a spouse (unless legally separated) or domestic partner** of an employee* of Burger
King Corporation or Franchisee (Designated Employer)
Plan to enroll less than part-time or on an intermittent basis in GED, enrichment,
certification or other course that enhances learning during the 2023-24 academic year
(Note: Program or course must be taken at an accredited institution in the U.S., Puerto
Rico, Guam or Canada.)
* Employees must be active on Designated Employer's payroll for at least 3 months as of the
application deadline date and employed at the time awards are first announced.
** Domestic partner is defined as (i) Employee's sole Domestic Partner and intend to remain so
indefinitely; (ii) Employee and Domestic Partner reside together in the same principal residence
and intend to reside together indefinitely; (iii) Employee and Domestic Partner are both at least
eighteen (18) years old and mentally competent to consent to a contract; (iv) Employee and
Domestic Partner are not related by blood in a close enough manner that would bar marriage
under applicable law in effect where they reside; and (v) Employee and Domestic Partner are
not legally married to anyone else and are not involved in any other Domestic Partnership.
James W. McLamore WHOPPER
Recipients will be chosen from the both BURGER KING® General High School Senior Track and
BURGER KING® Employee-Based Track applicants based upon the following criteria. Recipients
must be:
Citizens of the United States or Canada
Students who who are seniors at a high school or home school in the United States,
Puerto Rico, Guam or Canada
Students who are applying as a full time freshman to a four-year accredited, college or
university that is located in the United States or Canada
Students who have a cumulative unweighted grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.5
or higher on a 4.0 scale or the equivalent
Students who demonstrate an active leadership role in community service, athletics,
and/or similar co-curricular activity (such as student government, team sports, fraternal
life, etc); and
Students who demonstrate substantial work experience and financial need
Applicable to all tracks:
Applicant submissions will be capped at 50,000. Access to the application will no longer be
available once this number is reached.
Officers, directors and spouses/domestic partners and children of officers and directors of the
Foundation are ineligible to apply for a scholarship.
All applicants will be required to complete the application in English, Spanish or French.
Incomplete/non-submitted applications will not be processed.
Applicants will be separated into the following pools. Evaluation and selection of recipients for
each pool of applicants is provided below.
General Track: consideration will be given to each applicant's academic
record (40%), participation in school/community activities and work experience (40%)
and financial need (20%)
Employee-Based Track for children of employees, spouse/domestic
partner of employees, and employees pursuing a traditional postsecondary education:
consideration will be given to each applicant's academic record (40%), participation in
school/community activities and work experience (40%) and financial need (20%)
Employee-Based Track for employees or spouse/domestic partner of
employees pursuing an enrichment program: consideration will be given to each
applicant's participation in school and community activities (40%), and the employee’s
length of service with Designated Employer (40%) and financial need (20%)
James W. McLamore WHOPPER
Scholarship: consideration will be given to each
applicant's academic record (40%), participation in school/community activities and
work experience (40%) and financial need (20%). Financial need will be considered
Following the application submission deadline date, Scholarship America will review
applications for eligibility. Scholarship America will make the following award selections:
Up to 3 James W. McLamore WHOPPER
scholarships of $50,000 granted to the most
highly qualified students demonstrating leadership, substantial work experience and
financial need
Up to twelve (12) Regional awards of $5,000 (2 awards per region) granted to the most
qualified employees in each of six (6) regions from the pool of submitted and eligible
Up to six (6) King Awards at $10,000 granted to the top employees (1 award per region)
There are a number of special-named awards for various franchisees which are
determined annually based on funds raised
Franchisees of the BURGER KING
system and BURGER KING
Foundation will designate
preference for recipients of $1,000 awards by:
General High School Track - Awards of $1,000 will be designated to students by high
school zip code, county and/or state (U.S., Puerto Rico and Guam) of city and/or
province (Canada) of participating restaurant locations. The number of awards available
to each Franchisee and Burger King Corporation will be based on fundraising
contributions as of the current calendar year
Employee-Based Track - Designation will be by Franchisee group. Awards of up to
$1,000 each will be designated to employees who have aligned themselves to a
participating Franchisee or BKC. (To the extent possible, the number of awards granted
to each pool of applicants children of employees, employees, employee’s spouse or
domestic partner of the employee pursuing a traditional postsecondary education and
employees, employee’s spouse or domestic partner of the employee pursuing an
enrichment program will be in proportion to the number of applicants received from
each pool.) The award amount for part-time enrolled or enrichment program employees
may not exceed the cost of the educational program. The number of awards available to
each Franchisee and BKC will be based on fundraising contributions as of the current
calendar year. The maximum percentage of awards that can be designated to the
Employee-Based Track is 75%
The authorized distribution for new awards is determined annually based on the amount of
funds raised by participating Franchisees.
All award checks will be issued in USD for recipients in the U.S. and CAD for recipients in
Canada. Checks to recipients will be mailed in early August to the student’s home address and
made payable to the school for the student. Checks to recipients pursuing an enrichment
program will be processed as requested by the student based on their enrollment.
Awards are not renewable and cannot be deferred. However, the $1,000 Employee-Based Track
recipients may reapply to the program each year they meet eligibility requirements and receive
up to a maximum of four awards (up to $4,000). Regional and special-named award recipients
may reapply and be considered for the $1,000 general awards (up to $4,000).
The Employee-Based Track scholarships are for undergraduate study, graduate study and
nontraditional courses at accredited institutions.
For the General High School Senior Track, scholarships are for undergraduate study only.
Awards to General High School Senior Track recipients are one-time only; past recipients may
not reapply for additional awards.
Applicants will be notified of their status in May 2023. Not all applicants will receive
Start by clicking on the Create an Account link at the bottom of this page. You will need to
create a username and password to register for a student account. You will be notified through
an email validation process before an account is created for you. You must use a valid email
address. The final step in creating your account is to complete the information requested in the
student profile.
After your student account is created and you have provided profile information, you will have
access to the application. During the application process, you will be able to leave the site by
clicking on the Log Out or Save and Log Out links located on the site. In order to log in, you must
enter your username and password as provided when registering for a student account.
You may wish to gather the following information that will be needed for the application
A list of your work experiences and involvement in school and community activities
A current (official or unofficial) transcript of grades
employee information if your application is to be affiliated with an
Carefully review your application before submission. We recommend that you print a hard copy
of your application to retain for your records. Printed copies of the online application should
not be sent to Scholarship America or BURGER KING
All application pages with required fields must be completed in the format described in order to
submit the application. Standard capitalization (Jill Smith, 101 Main Street, New York, NY) must
be used when entering data. Once the application is submitted, no further revisions can be
Yes! A current, complete high school or college transcript of grades must be uploaded with your
application. Grade reports are not accepted. Unofficial or online transcripts must display
student name, school name, grades and credit hours for each course and term the course was
Your application is not complete unless submitted electronically on or before December 15,
2022. If 50,000 applications are received prior to December 15, the application will no longer
be available.
Applicants are solely responsible for gathering and submitting all information necessary to the
application process. Scholarship America will email acknowledgment of receipt of all submitted
applications. Applications found to be incomplete as of the application deadline or upon receipt
of 50,000 submissions will not be processed. All information submitted is reviewed only by
Scholarship America. Limited recipient information will be shared with representatives of
Burger King Corporation and/or BURGER KING
Foundation and respective donors/franchisees
or other designees.
All applicants will be notified by email in May. If selected as a potential recipient you will be
required to submit additional information to Scholarship America. Recipients failing to provide
additional information will be ineligible.
Not all applicants to the program will be selected as recipients.
Payment is made in one installment in early August
Checks are mailed from Scholarship America to each recipient's home address
Checks are made payable to the college for the student
Scholarship America issues scholarship checks on behalf of BURGER KING
Note: James W. McLamore WHOPPER
recipients and employee recipients taking enrichment
courses will have different payment schedules.
Recipients must submit a completed Scholarship Acceptance Form to Scholarship
America by the indicated deadline
Recipients must notify their college or university about the award and deliver the
scholarship check to the school in a timely manner
Recipients must notify Scholarship America of any changes in address, school
enrollment, or other relevant information
Recipients will be asked to participate in surveys while they receive the awards and for
up to two years beyond their enrollment. Recipients have no other obligation to