Early Learning & Childcare
Admissions Policy
Throughout this policy, the word ‘parent’ should be interpreted as including the child’s carer or
legal guardian.
1.0 Introduction / Key Principles Page 3
2.0 Types of early learning and childcare provision available Page 4
3.0 Applying for a funded early learning and childcare placement Page 4
3.1 Application process for Fife Council provision - Page 4
3 and 4-year-old placements
3.2 Application process for Private Nursery, Playgroup Page 7
or Childminder - 3 and 4-year-old placements
3.3 Application process for 2-year-old placements Page 7
4.0 Inter-Agency Referrals for 2, 3 and 4-Year-Olds Page 9
5.0 Wraparound Care (additional paid hours) Page 9
6.0 Deferred Entry to Primary School Page 9
7.0 Appeals Process Page 10
Appendix 1 Local Nursery Areas Page 11
Appendix 2 Fife Council Local Committee Areas Page 13
1.0 Introduction / Key Principles
Through the Blueprint for 2020 consultation, the Scottish Government has set out its vision
for the expansion in early learning and childcare provision in Scotland. This is a ‘funding
following the child’ approach underpinned by the principles of Quality, Flexibility, Accessibility
and Affordability.
Fife Council is committed to providing high quality early learning and childcare for children
across the area and the purpose of this policy is to ensure that early learning and childcare
placements are allocated in a consistent way. It sets out the main principles and criteria used
to allocate placements.
All children, including those with additional support needs, will be offered early learning and
childcare (ELC) in accordance with the terms set down by the Scottish Government under
the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014:
Eligible children are entitled to a funded early learning and childcare place in line with the
following dates:
o August Intake child’s qualifying birthday must be on or before 31 August.
o January Intake child’s qualifying birthday must be on or before 31 December.
o April Intake child’s qualifying birthday must be on or before last day in February.
The funding year is deemed to start on the first day of each academic year. Funded early
learning and childcare entitlement is calculated on a pro-rata basis for children starting in
January and April intakes.
The following principles apply when allocating a placement:
Eligible children will have access to early learning and childcare regardless of age;
disability; gender reassignment; marriage or civil partnership; race; religion or belief; sex
or sexual orientation in line with the protected characteristics listed in the Equalities Act
Early learning and childcare will be provided on a non-denominational basis.
Securing a place in a school nursery class does not entitle a child to a place in the
corresponding primary school. The provision of early learning and childcare in early
years establishments is not governed by primary school catchment areas.
2.0 Types of Early Learning and Childcare Provision Available
Funded early learning and childcare (ELC) is available in a number of different early years
settings across Fife. These are:
Fife Council Family Nurture Centres
Fife Council nursery classes based in primary schools
Fife Council stand-alone nursery settings
Fife Council nursery settings based in other Fife Council buildings
Private Nurseries contracted by Fife Council to deliver funded ELC
Playgroups contracted by Fife Council to deliver funded ELC
Childminders contracted by Fife Council to deliver funded ELC
All funded providers will need to meet the National Standards identified as part of the Scottish
Government’s commitment to deliver high quality funded ELC across Scotland. These
standards can be found at:
Parents will be able to choose a range of different options to meet their needs. Not all options
will be available in every provision. Information on current Early Learning and Childcare
Funded Providers across Fife is available at:
Early Learning & Childcare (Applications) | Fife Council
If parents wish to access funded early learning and childcare for their child within another
Local Authority area, then they should contact the relevant Local Authority directly for
information on how to apply for a placement in their preferred nursery.
3.0 Applying for a funded ELC placement
There are different application processes depending on both the type of provision selected
and the age of the child. Parents can also choose to use more than one ELC funded provider
to meet their child’s needs but must apply for each place in accordance with the application
process for that setting. Funded ELC placements for each child will only be available up to a
maximum of 1140 hours per annum across all settings chosen, with any additional hours
being charged as wraparound care (see section 5).
3.1 Application Process for Fife Council Provision - 3 and 4-year-olds
This application process applies to the following services:
Fife Council Family Nurture Centres
Fife Council nursery classes based in primary schools
Fife Council stand-alone nursery settings
Fife Council nursery settings based in other Fife Council buildings
All applications for Fife Council early learning and childcare placements, for 3 and 4-year-
olds, must be submitted during January in the academic year before the child is due to start
(i.e. application made January 2020 for children due to start either August 2020, January
2021 or April 2021).
Application forms are available from any Fife Council early learning and childcare
establishment and can also be accessed online at Nursery Places for 3 and 4-year-olds | Fife
Council. Completed application forms should be handed in by parents to their first choice Fife
Council early learning and childcare establishment, along with evidence of eligibility as
requested on the application form.
Parents are asked to list several choices (to include the choice of early learning and childcare
establishment and session) on their application form, in order of preference. This is so these
choices can be considered during the Early Learning and Childcare Admissions Panel
process if, for example, a suitable placement is not available for their initial choices. If none
of the choices indicated on the application form are available parents will be contacted by a
representative of Fife Council to discuss further options for placements.
Applications for places for 3 and 4-year-olds must be received by 31 January, at the latest,
to be included in the Early Learning and Childcare Admissions Panel meetings held each
February and March. These panels will allocate places for the following academic year and
places will be awarded to applicants in line with the criteria listed below (except for 10-hour
sessions which have separate priority levels):
Priority 1
Children deferring entry from Primary 1 and staying at nursery, where an
additional year of funding has been agreed by Fife Council.
Priority 2
Children whose application form is supported by the appropriate inter-agency
documentation, including children on the child protection register and those with
additional support needs.
Priority 3
Children who have siblings already allocated a place at the nursery and who
will continue their nursery placement in the following academic year.
Priority 4
Children from the local nursery area (see Appendix 1).
Priority 5
Children from out-with the local nursery area (see Appendix 1).
Priority 6
Children residing out-with the Fife Council area.
Criteria used for allocating Fife Council 10-hour session placements only is as follows:
Priority 1
Children who have siblings already allocated a place at the nursery and who
will continue their nursery placement in the following academic year.
Priority 2
Children from the defined Fife Council local committee area (see Appendix 2).
Priority 3
Children from out-with the defined Fife Council local committee area (see
Appendix 2).
Priority 4
Children residing out-with the Fife Council area.
Some establishments and session times will be oversubscribed based on capacity and, in
this situation, places will be allocated in priority order, with higher priority children being
allocated first. Where there are more applications than places available, children who have
the same priority level will be balloted to establish the order that placements will be allocated.
Once all suitable placements have been allocated in accordance with application details then
a waiting list will be established for any remaining applications, based on the ballot order.
This process will continue with any higher priority level applications until a full waiting list is
Following the Early Learning and Childcare Admissions Panel process, parents are informed
of the outcome of their application. Parents will then be required to confirm if they are
accepting the placement offered by the date indicated in the offer letter. If parents do not
confirm acceptance of the placement, within this time, then the place may be withdrawn and
offered to another child.
If parents wish to change the agreed placement at any point following acceptance of the
place, then a new application for the alternative placement would need to be submitted. This
would be treated in the same way as any other application form.
Applications for 3 and 4-year-old placements received on or after 1 February each year will
not be processed until after the full Early Learning and Childcare Admission Panel process
has taken place for this age group, except for children who are priority 1 or 2.
Applications for children who are identified as priority 1 or 2, which are received up to one
week before placement offer letters are sent out, will be allocated a place in line with the
nursery admissions panel process. If applications for priority levels 1 or 2 are received after
this date, then they be placed at the top of any waiting list at that establishment.
Late applications for all other priority levels will be allocated places on a first come, first served
basis, into any remaining places once the panel process has been completed. If a waiting list
is in place at the preferred establishment then applications will be placed at the bottom of any
established waiting list. This may reduce the choice of Early Learning and Childcare
establishments available to parents if the nurseries they have chosen are oversubscribed.
Parents should be aware that they are applying for fixed session times at Fife Council
nurseries. If parents choose not to send their child for the full session length, then any unused
hours as part of that session will be counted as be part of their funded entitlement and cannot
be used elsewhere.
If parents wish to change the agreed placement then they would be required to submit a new
application form for the new placement. This would be processed as a late application.
3.2 Application Process for Private Nurseries, Playgroups and Childminders 3 and
This applies to the following services:
Private Nurseries contracted by Fife Council to deliver funded ELC
Playgroups contracted by Fife Council to deliver funded ELC
Childminders contracted by Fife Council to deliver funded ELC
These are businesses, both private and voluntary, which are contracted to offer funded early
learning and childcare on behalf of Fife Council and each will have their own application
process to secure a placement in that setting. If parents wish to apply for a placement at one
of the above settings, then they should contact their first-choice provider directly and request
an application form as soon as possible. Placements will be directly allocated by the provider
depending on capacity available.
Parents should be aware that they will be required to enter into a contract between
themselves and their provider of choice when choosing funded ELC in one of these settings.
Parents should be notified of the terms and conditions of this contract when they either apply
or accept the placement and this will set down details such as notice periods and any other
charges that may be applicable out with their funded ELC entitlement.
3.3 Applications for Children due to start at the age of 2
Applications for 2-year-old children, who meet the criteria for eligibility as defined in the
Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014, can be submitted at any time during the
academic year and will be considered at the next available 2-year-old Early Learning and
Childcare Admissions Panel meeting. Panels for this age group are held at least four times
a year.
Application forms are available from any Fife Council setting offering funded ELC 2 year old
placements or from Nursery Places for 2-year-olds - Session 2023/24 | Fife Council (where
a list of current providers can also be found, including all providers offering funded 2 year old
placements comprising private nurseries, playgroups and childminders, as well as Fife
Council settings). Parents are encouraged to list three choices of provider in preference order
on their application form. Application forms should be returned to any Fife Council setting
offering 2-year-old placements, along with recent evidence of eligibility so this can be
Children will be allocated places according to the criteria listed below. (N.B. eligibility criteria
are subject to change in line with any amendments to the Children and Young People
(Scotland) Act 2014):
Admissions Criteria - Children aged 2 years old
Priority 1 Children on the child protection register. Children meeting this criterion
can be offered an available place immediately upon application.
Priority 2 Children as defined in section 47 (2)(c)(ii) of the Children and Young
People (Scotland) Act 2014.
This is currently defined as children aged 2 (until they are eligible to start
their 3-4- year-old placement) and residing in households in receipt of
any of the following benefits and tax credits:
Income Support
Job Seeker’s Allowance
Any income related element of Employment and Support Allowance
Incapacity or Severe Disablement Allowance
State Pension Credit
Child Tax Credit (CTC), but not Working Tax Credit (WTC) and
income is £16,105 or less
Child Tax Credit (CTC) AND Working Tax Credit (WTC) and income
is £7,320 or less
Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
Universal Credit with household take-home pay of £610 a month or
Children will be eligible to start their placement at the next intake after
their 2
birthday (intakes take place in August, January and April each
Priority 3 Children who at any time after their 2
birthday are or have been ‘looked
after’ or subject to a kinship care order or have a guardian by an
appointment under section 7 of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995.
Priority 4 Children who require additional support as identified by the Educational
Home Visiting Service. Children with this priority level are not entitled to
receive 1140 hours of funded ELC and will be offered sessions in line
with their identified needs within a Fife Council establishment.
Priority 5 Children who have inter-agency involvement and have been referred by
that agency. Children with this priority level are not entitled to receive
1140 hours of funded ELC and will be offered sessions in line with their
identified needs within a Fife Council establishment.
Parents of children who fall into priority levels 4 and 5 should contact the lead
professional involved with their family before applying for a placement. Supplementary
information relating to the identified needs of children and families will be required to
support these applications and this should be completed by the lead professional
involved. Application forms will be available directly from the lead professional.
Interagency referral panels will take place throughout the year to allocate and review
places for 2 year old children who fall into Priorities 4 or 5 and for those children who
missed their panel date and are already entitled to start under priorities 1, 2 and 3.
Places for children who fall into priorities 4 or 5 are not guaranteed for the full academic
year as they are based on the needs of children and families and may be withdrawn
or reduced depending on need.
In the situation where there are too many applications for a setting, a ballot process
will be held in priority order to allocate places and establish a waiting list.
Children accessing 2-year-old placements must complete a new application form
when applying for a 3 4-year-old nursery placement, as this is a separate process.
Securing a place in a funded 2-year-old provision does not entitle your child to a place
in the corresponding 3 4-year-old provision in that setting.
4.0 Inter-Agency Referrals for 2, 3 and 4-Year-Olds
All applications for an inter-agency priority allocation for Fife Council settings must be
accompanied by supporting documentation from the appropriate professional involved.
Appropriate evidence may include:
a) Fife Council Inter-Agency Referral Form provided by an appropriate agency e.g. GP,
Health Visitor, Educational/Clinical Psychological Services.
b) Evidence of current Pre-school Community Team and/or Educational Home Visiting
Service involvement.
c) Evidence of current Social Work involvement.
If a parent submits a nursery application form indicating that there are reasons for an inter-
agency referral then education staff will contact the named person for that child, with the
consent of the parent and/or carer. The named person will then be responsible for ensuring
relevant documentation is submitted by the appropriate agency in time to be considered at
the relevant panel process.
It is the responsibility of the Early Learning and Childcare Admissions Panel to determine if
the details provided in the inter-agency referral form indicate that the child should be granted
a nursery place under the appropriate priority.
If the panel decides that an inter-agency priority place is not appropriate, then the panel will
re-prioritise the application. Parents will be informed of this decision by the headteacher of
their first choice of establishment.
5.0 Wraparound Care (additional paid hours)
Some Early Learning and Childcare establishments may be able to offer additional hours to
children, on a paid basis, if they have enough places and staff available to provide the
additional care.
In Fife Council settings parents should be aware that these hours cannot be guaranteed for
the whole year as circumstances may change at the establishment. There is an hourly charge
to parents for this service and places for wraparound care are allocated on a first come first
served basis.
In private nurseries, playgroups and childminders, any wraparound care provided is subject
to their own terms and conditions. The purchase of wraparound care does not influence the
allocation of funded early learning and childcare placements.
6.0 Deferred Entry to Primary School
Currently, children with January or February birthdays are entitled to a further year of
funded nursery education, at parental request, within a local authority or a funded provider
Parents of children who are 5 after the start date of any new school session, and on or
before the 31 December of that school session, are not entitled to, but can request, a
discretionary additional year in a Fife Council nursery for their child. Requests are not
always approved. Decisions on deferred entry requests are made by the central education
management team based on information provided, including assessment by the
Headteacher and staff of the nursery, and at times the link Educational Psychologist.
A deferred entry to school has significant implications for any child and these decisions are
not taken lightly. There needs to be careful consideration of how a child’s needs can be
best met, with full knowledge of the support that can be provided within a nursery setting, a
mainstream primary school or a more specialist provision. If a school deferral is considered
to be in a child’s best interest, existing resources are used to accommodate the additional
year within a Fife Council establishment.
Parents should speak with their ELC provider if they have any concerns about their child
starting school or should they wish to find out more about deferred entry to school. Further
information on deferred entry can be found at Deferring Primary 1 | Fife Council.
Parents and/or carers are reminded that a request for deferred entry should be processed in
enough time to allow for submission of an application for Early Learning and Childcare by 31
January, in order that this can be included in the panel process to allocate places. If an
application is not submitted on time, then this will be treated as a late application and a place
may not be available at the establishment(s) chosen by the parents.
7.0 Appeals Process
If a parent thinks their child has been given the wrong priority level, based on the criteria
listed in this policy, then they will be able to submit an appeal. The appeal process will assess
whether the correct procedures have been followed in allocating places based on information
supplied in the application form, in accordance with the Early Learning and Childcare policy.
Information on how to submit an appeal is included in offer letters sent out following nursery
panels. This information is also available at Nursery Places for 3 and 4-year-olds | Fife
Council. All appeals must be submitted within 28 days of parents being notified of the
outcome of their application for Early Learning and Childcare. Additional information may be
required to support an appeal. The outcome of any appeal will be final.
If the appeal is successful, then the child will be moved to the top of any waiting list for places
at that location and will be offered the first available place. Where there are a number of
successful appeals for the same location, then a ballot will be held to establish the order of
APPENDIX 1 Local Nursery Areas
SW1 Dalgety Bay and Inverkeithing
SW2 Rosyth to Cairneyhill
SW3 West Fife Villages
D1 Dunfermline North and West
D2 Dunfermline Central
D3 Dunfermline East
C1 Ballingry to Kelty
C2 Lochgelly
C3 Cowdenbeath
G1 Glenrothes North and East
G2 Glenrothes South
G3 Glenrothes Central and West
K1 Kirkcaldy South
K2 Kirkcaldy North and West
K3 Kirkcaldy East
L1 Levenmouth Central
L2 Levenmouth South
NE1 East Neuk
NE2 St Andrews
NE3 Taybridgehead
NE4 Howe of Fife
NE5 Cupar
Confirmation of local nursery area can be found by entering
individual postcode into the Nursery Local Area checker at
Find your local area nurseries | Fife Council
APPENDIX 2 - Fife Council Local Committee Areas
South and West Fife Area Committee
City of Dunfermline Area Committee
Cowdenbeath Area Committee
Glenrothes Area Committee
Kirkcaldy Area Committee
Levenmouth Area Committee
North East Fife Area Committee