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Approved by COA 2.2019
Required Format of Materials Submitted to the COA
The following policies and procedures apply to all documents submitted to the Commission on
Accreditation (COA) or accreditation staff. This includes but is not limited to:
Reaffirmation self-studies
Candidacy benchmarks
Site/Commission visit reports
Program responses to visit reports
Progress reports
Restoration reports
Site visit planning forms
Eligibility applications
Substantive change proposals
Notifications of program changes
General Formatting
All accreditation documents submitted to the COA and/or accreditation staff must be formatted
as follows:
Use 12-point Times New Roman, Calibri, or Arial font.
Generally speaking, there is no word limit (unless otherwise specified, i.e., Substantive
Change Proposal), but readers appreciate brevity.
Margins, indentations, and subheadings should be consistent.
Pagination should be continuous.
o Especially in Volume I of self-studies and benchmarks.
Single space all documents.
Include a table of contents.
o A table of contents should be provided in each volume of self-studies and
benchmarks identifying component parts.
Each submitted document should include a cover page identifying the program/institution
name, primary contact, level, EPAS version (2015 or 2008), date submitted, and
document title.
o For self-studies and benchmarks, each volume must have its own cover page.
Refer to the APA Publication Manual, 6
ed. for all other matters of style.
Reaffirmation & Candidacy Documents
Eligibility Applications (for Reaffirmation, Candidacy, and Initial Accreditation)
Eligibility applications include a series of eligibility standards that require the program to
demonstrate that its host institution can and will support and sustain a social work
There are different eligibility applications for Reaffirmation/Initial Accreditation, and
Candidacy. Please make sure you are completing the proper application.
Web-based hyperlinks to content that substantiates compliance with the eligibility
standards may be included in the application.
o A direct link to the relevant material MUST be provided. Accreditation staff will
not search/click through the website for requested information.
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o If a direct link is not possible, the program MUST detail the specific section of the
webpage or provide the navigation path (e.g., click “xyz” in the upper left corner,
etc.) to quickly locate the requested information.
o Alternatively, if a direct link is not possible, copy/paste the appropriate
sections/content directly into the application.
o Screenshots of website or other content will NOT be accepted.
Review Brief (for Reaffirmation or Candidacy Self-Studies)
Review Briefs are the Commissioner’s evaluative guide to locating information and
reviewing self-studies and benchmarks. Fill out the form completely and check for
accuracy. Do not complete the Compliance/Concern column, as that column will be
completed by the Commissioners.
There are different review briefs for Reaffirmation, Benchmark 1, Benchmark 2, and
Initial Accreditation (aka Benchmark 3). Please use the proper form.
Identify program options on page 2-3. Program options are locations or delivery methods
such as main campus, online, branch/satellite campus, etc. Program options are defined
in policy 1.2.4 of the EPAS Handbook.
Do NOT make any changes to the form.
Self-Study (Benchmark, Initial and Reaffirmation)
VOLUME 1: Narrative Responses to Accreditation Standards
o Follow the appropriate review brief as your outline.
o Include the exact text of each standard in bold face and follow it with a narrative
response to the standard. It is not required to include the educational policy (EP)
o Address each component of the standard in your response and use subheadings
when appropriate.
o Use terminology consistent with the 2015 EPAS and Glossary.
o Information and relevant documentation for each standard is included directly in
response to that standard (not as appendices or separate attachments).
Commissioners/staff will not search through the document for requested
Web-based hyperlinks to content that substantiates compliance with a
standard will NOT be accepted. Commissioners/staff will not search
websites for requested information.
All required compliance information MUST be documented via a narrative
response to the standard.
o All forms, tables, and matrices should be inserted into the narrative (not as
appendices or separate attachments). Required forms (under Self-Study
Forms) include: faculty data form, faculty summary form, program expenses
budget, assessment reporting form, and librarian’s report.
o Always check CSWE’s website for the most updated version of these forms.
When including tables, charts, or matrices, always explain how to read or
interpret the graphic in the accompanying narrative. For guidance on how best to
present tables, charts, and matrices, use the APA Publication Manual, 6th Ed.
o Program options, defined in the 2015 EPAS glossary as locations and/or delivery
methods, should be explicitly addressed in response to every standard. In cases
where all program options are identical with respect to the program’s response to
the accreditation standard, state this clearly.
o All program information and operations should be current as of the time of
submission of the self-study.
o There are a series of samples and optional benchmark and self-study volume 1
templates available on our website (select Resources).
Reaffirmation/Initial Accreditation Volume I Template (under Reaffirmation
> Preparation)
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Benchmark II Volume I Template (under Candidacy > Benchmark 2)
Benchmark I Volume I Template (under Candidacy > Benchmark 1)
VOLUME 2: Syllabi
o Syllabi should be consistent in format. The COA does not have guidelines or
requirements for syllabi. However, syllabi are required to provide evidence that
competency-based course content meets accreditation standards.
o Syllabi must be provided and complete; TBD content should not be included.
o Each course/syllabus discussed in the curriculum matrix should be included in
Volume 2.
o Provide only a master syllabus when there are multiple sections of a course.
VOLUME 3: Student Handbook and Field Manual
o The student handbook and field manual must be included in Volume 3.
o A table of contents for Volume 3 must be provided.
All documents provided in Volume 3 must be in the table of contents
A searchable cover page using wording that is identical to the table of
contents must precede all documents in Volume 3.
Program Responses and Reports
Includes program responses to site/commission visit reports, deferral responses, progress
reports, and restoration reports.
The entire document must as a single/continuous file with all relevant compliance
materials embedded directly into the document.
Follow the COA-issued letter as your outline.
o Program responses to visitor reports MUST include the full language
copied/pasted from the visit report.
Include the exact text of each standard in bold face, the COA letter language, and follow
it with a narrative response to the standard and all relevant information/documentation to
support compliance. It is not required to include the educational policy (EP) text.
Address each component of the standard in your response and use subheadings when
Information and relevant documentation for each standard is included directly in
response to that standard (not as appendices or separate attachments). Commissioners
will not search through the document for requested information.
o Web-based hyperlinks to content that substantiates compliance with a standard
will NOT be accepted. Commissioners/staff will not search websites for
requested information.
o All required compliance information MUST be documented via a narrative
response to the standard.
All forms, tables, and matrices should be inserted into the narrative (not as appendices
or separate attachments). Required forms (select Self-Study Forms) include: faculty
data form, faculty summary form, program expenses budget, assessment reporting form,
and librarian’s report.
o Always check CSWE’s website for the most updated version of these forms.
When including tables, charts, or matrices, always explain how to read or interpret the
graphic in the accompanying narrative.
There are a series of curriculum matrix and assessment plan samples available on our
website (select Resources).
o Generalist Practice Curriculum Matrix
o Specialized Practice Curriculum Matrix
o Assessment Plan
o Reporting Assessment Outcomes
Do not edit or refer to previously submitted documents. Previously submitted documents
will not be considered in the accreditation review process unless otherwise stated in
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policy/procedure. Commissioners must be able to determine compliance without
referring to documents not provided in this response or report.
Program options, defined in the 2015 EPAS glossary as locations and/or delivery
methods, should be explicitly addressed in response to every standard. In cases where
all program options are identical with respect to the program’s response to the
accreditation standard, state this clearly.
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Approved by COA 2.2019
Electronic Submission
Accreditation processes are paperless! Physical copies are no longer required.
Acceptable Document Types
Microsoft (MS) Word Documents
o Review Briefs must be submitted in MS Word
o Site/Commission visit reports must be submitted in MS Word
Searchable Adobe PDF Documents OR Microsoft (MS) Word Documents
o Reaffirmation self-studies
o Candidacy benchmarks
o Program responses to visit reports
o Progress reports
o Restoration reports
o Eligibility applications
o Substantive change proposals
o Notifications of program changes
o Forms
Cloud-based documents will NOT be accepted
Scanned documents will NOT be accepted
Password-protected documents will NOT be accepted
Zip files will NOT be accepted
All documents must be searchable
Do NOT scan documents
If you are not submitting your document in MS Word or are using other word-processing
documents, they should be converted to PDF using the word processor’s Print and
“Save as PDF” function.
Short supporting documentation such as letters or memos are an exception to the no
scanning” rule.
o Letters or memos that provide documentation of the program or field director’s
full-time appointment may be scanned providing:
Scanned documents must be preceded by a searchable cover sheet
indicating what the scanned document is and the standard for which it
has been provided.
The language used in the cover sheet must be identical to the language
used in the table of contents.
Scanned documents may NOT be longer than three pages.
o Scanned letters/memos must be clearly readable.
o Scanned letters/memos must be incorporated into the relevant accreditation
document, not included as an appendix or separate attachment.
Single/Continuous File
Appendices and separate attachments may NOT be included in any document
submission to the COA or accreditation staff.
Numerous appendices and attachments can result in a confusing or incomplete review
Streamline the all relevant information, policies/procedures, forms, tables, and matrices
by inserting it directly into the narrative, form, application, etc.
Self-Study (Benchmark, Initial and Reaffirmation)
Submit no more than four (4) self-study documents for reaffirmation or candidacy:
o Volume 1 is a single document that includes the entire program narrative
response to accreditation standards in PDF or MS Word format.
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o Volume 2 is a single document that includes all program syllabi for courses
discussed on the curriculum matrix in PDF or MS Word format.
All course content discussed on the curriculum matrix MUST be included
on the corresponding syllabus in Volume 2.
o Volume 3 is a single document that includes a table of contents, the student
handbook, and the field manual in PDF or MS Word format.
o Review Brief is a single document that MUST be submitted in MS Word format.
Baccalaureate and master’s program candidacy/reaffirmation self-studies may NOT be
combined. For programs submitting undergraduate and graduate program materials
simultaneously, a separate Volume 1, 2, 3 and review brief must be submitted for each
o Each program is reviewed independently and accredited separately.
Reaffirmation documents must be submitted directly to the program’s CSWE
Accreditation Specialist.
Candidacy documents must be submitted to the program’s CSWE Accreditation
Specialist and the Commission Visitor.
Program Responses and Reports
Program Responses and Progress Reports should be submitted as a single PDF or MS
Word document.
Submitting Documents
Submit documents via email.
Be cognizant of document size as large files may fail to send via email.
o Programs should attempt to send all required files in a single email.
o Should the email fail, the program may submit each document separately, in
multiple emails.
Documents will not be considered “submitted” until the Accreditation Specialist and/or
Commission Visitor confirms that they have received and successfully opened the
Do NOT send other electronic media such as CD’s, DVD, or SD cards.
Seek IT Support for Troubleshooting
Accreditation staff are not trained to troubleshoot formatting or submission issues.
Should the program require additional assistance preparing an accreditation document
according to these policies and procedures, they are encouraged to partner with their
institution’s IT services.
Submission Deadlines
Self-studies must be e-mailed/time stamped on or before the date due:
February agenda date
April 1st (previous year)
June agenda date
August 1st (previous year)
October agenda date
December 1st (previous year)
Program responses to the site visit report are due within 2-weeks of the program’s
CSWE Accreditation Specialist sending the report and detailed instructions. The due
date will be specified via e-mail.
Deferral responses, progress reports, and restoration reports are due no later than the
date specified in the COA-issued decision letter.
Benchmark/initial self-studies must be e-mailed/time stamped at least 30 days prior the
commission visit.
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Program responses to the commission visit report are due within 2-weeks of the
program’s CSWE Accreditation Specialist sending the report and detailed instructions.
The due date will be specified via e-mail.
Deferral responses, progress reports, and restoration reports are due no later than the
date specified in the COA-issued decision letter.
Substantive Changes
The proposal must be emailed to DOSWA’s Associate Director of Accreditation Services
by the program’s primary contact.
Per policy, the program should expect approximately 3-6 months between proposal
submission date and decision date. This timeline is subject to change depending on the
outcome of the review.
Information provided after page 8 regarding “Impact Statements,” is limited to a strict
page limit of 50 pages.
All other accreditation document submissions:
Due dates are specified in the relevant policy/procedure in the EPAS Handbook. Contact
the program’s CSWE Accreditation Specialist if there are any questions regarding the
due date for a specific accreditation document.
Failure to Submit Materials
Failure to submit materials on time may result in the program being placed on
conditional status and/or being moved to another agenda date per Section 2.1.1 in the
EPAS Handbook.
Accreditation staff cannot alter, edit, amend, nor substitute program materials submitted
for an accreditation review.