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Series 2, Number 203 June 2023
Sampling Procedures for the
Collection of Electronic Health
Record Data From Federally Qualified
Health Centers, 2021–2022 National
Ambulatory Medical Care Survey
Data Evaluation and Methods Research
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Suggested citation
Williams SN, Ukaigwe J, Ward BW, Okeyode T, Shimizu IM. Sampling procedures for
the collection of electronic health record data from federally qualified health centers,
2021–2022 National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey. National Center for Health Statistics.
Vital Health Stat Series 2(203). 2023. DOI:
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Sampling Procedures for the
Collection of Electronic Health
Record Data From Federally
Qualified Health Centers,
2021–2022 National Ambulatory
Medical Care Survey
Data Evaluation and Methods Research
Vital and Health Statistics
Series 2, Number 203 June 2023
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Center for Health Statistics
Hyattsville, Maryland
June 2023
National Center for Health Statistics
Brian C. Moyer, Ph.D., Director
Amy M. Branum, Ph.D., Associate Director for Science
Division of Health Care Statistics
Carol J. DeFrances, Ph.D., Director
Alexander Strashny, Ph.D., Associate Director for Science
Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Sampling Methods and Procedures, 2021 and 2022 NAMCS HC Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Sampling Frame Creation and Eligibility Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Sampling Strata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Distribution of Resulting HC Sample to Strata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Appendix I. Sampling Procedures for the 2021 National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey Health Center Component . . . .6
Appendix II. Sampling Procedures for the 2022 National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey Health Center Component . . . .8
Text Figure
In-person, manual data collection process for the 2012–2020 National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey
Community Health Center Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Text Table
Percent distribution of eligible and ineligible health centers used for sample frame creation for
the 2021–2022 National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey Health Center Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Sampling Procedures for the Collection
of Electronic Health Record Data From
Federally Qualied Health Centers,
2021–2022 National Ambulatory Medical
Care Survey
by Sonja N. Williams, M.P.H., Joy Ukaigwe, M.S., Brian W. Ward, Ph.D., Titilayo Okeyode, M.Sc., and
Iris M. Shimizu, Ph.D.
As part of modernization efforts, in 2021 the National
Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS) began
collecting electronic health records (EHRs) for ambulatory
care visits in its Health Center (HC) Component. As a
result, the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)
needed to adjust the approaches used in the sampling
design for the HC Component. This report provides
details on these changes to the 2021–2022 NAMCS.
Sampling Methods and Procedures
For the 2021 and 2022 NAMCS HC Component sampling
frame, NCHS received a listing of all federally qualified
health centers (FQHCs) and FQHC look-alikes in the
United States in 2020 from the Health Resources and
Services Administration (HRSA). An FQHC is an HC that
receives funding from HRSA to provide services to
people who are medically underserved. An FQHC look-
alike is similar but does not receive funding. This listing
included 1,463 HCs, of which 1,400 were eligible for the
sampling frame. A stratified (organized information into
groups based on certain criteria) random sample of 50
FQHCs and FQHC look-alikes was drawn as the primary
sample, along with a reserve (or backup) sample of 100
For the 2021 sample, 95.7% of HCs in the source files
from which the sampling frame was compiled were
eligible for selection based on eligibility criteria. Among
the 4.3% of ineligible HCs, 88.9% were ineligible because
they lacked an EHR system or did not provide healthcare
services to the public. For the 2022 sample, 85.6% of HCs
in the source file were eligible for selection based on the
eligibility criteria and the removal of all HCs selected for
the 2021 sample. Among the 14.4% of HCs not eligible
for the 2022 sample, 70.0% were selected for the 2021
sample, and 26.8% were ineligible because they lacked
an EHR system or did not provide healthcare services.
Keywords: advanced practice provider • community
health center • EHR • federally qualified health center
look-alikes • healthcare provider • sampling design •
The National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS),
administered by the National Center for Health Statistics
(NCHS), is a national survey designed to meet the need for
objective, reliable information about the provision and use
of ambulatory medical care services in the United States.
First fielded in 1973, the survey started with the collection of
data from a sample of visits to nonfederally employed office-
based physicians who were primarily engaged in direct
patient care. To broaden its ability to capture the provision
and use of ambulatory care, NAMCS also began sampling
health centers (HCs) in 2006. HCs are community-based and
patient-directed organizations that “deliver comprehensive
and affordable primary healthcare services to the nation’s
most vulnerable populations, including people experiencing
homelessness, agricultural workers, residents of public
housing, and veterans” (1). Federally qualified health centers
(FQHCs) are HCs that receive funding from the Department
of Health and Human Services’ Health Resources and
Services Administration (HRSA) to provide these services.
These HCs must meet specific requirements set by HRSA to
receive this funding. FQHC look-alikes are HCs that meet all
the requirements from HRSA but do not receive funding. This
expansion to include HCs in NAMCS was important because
FQHCs often serve as “safety net” care settings, where health
care is provided for populations that are underserved or live
in areas underserved by healthcare resources, and they are
significant contributors in the primary care space (2,3).
The sampling of HCs continued until 2012, when it was
decided that a separate national sample of HC delivery sites
should be drawn. This independent sample of HC delivery
sites would allow for nationally representative estimates
on HCs to be produced, providing more information on
ambulatory care delivery at these locations. Before this
change, HCs were only included within the traditional NAMCS
physician sample, which limited the number of estimates
that could be produced in that setting (4). This new sample
of HC delivery sites included service sites of FQHCs and
FQHC look-alikes and urban Indian Health Service outpatient
clinics. Once a site was sampled, a facility interview was
conducted with the HC site director or similar representative
at that HC delivery site (Figure). This interview collected
basic characteristics about the site, as well as a listing of
all physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and
certified nurse midwives who were currently providing direct
patient care at the site. From this listing, up to three of these
HC providers were randomly selected to receive a provider
interview. Additionally, for each of these randomly selected
providers, a random sample of approximately 30 patient
visits seen by that provider was selected for which the visit
records would be manually abstracted (physical review and
gathering of information from medical records). These visits
were selected from a week that was predetermined for the
sampled site during the NAMCS HC sampling process before
fielding the survey. More details on this process can be found
in the NAMCS data documentation (5).
NAMCS continued using this sampling approach and
data collection procedures through 2020. However, in
recent years NCHS leadership has desired to modernize
NAMCS data collection procedures to better use electronic
health records (EHRs) and other electronic data, increase
the amount of data collected each year from survey
respondents, decrease burden for survey respondents, and
increase the timeliness and availability of the data collected.
In 2019, NCHS, partnering with HRSA, committed to change
its HC data collection procedures beginning with the 2021
NAMCS. This shift included three major changes. First,
NAMCS would move from conducting manual in-person
abstraction to collect patient visit data to collecting these
data through HC submission of EHRs using the NCHS “HL7
CDA R2 Implementation Guide: National Health Care Surveys
Release 1, DSTU Release 1.2—US Realm” (6). Second, instead
of collecting data from individual delivery sites and selected
HC providers, data would be collected from the entire
FQHC or FQHC network. Finally, NAMCS would move from
collecting only a sample of HC visits from a predetermined
week to collecting data for the entire calendar year.
These combined changes created what is now called the
NAMCS HC Component, and they are ultimately expected to
increase the timeliness and analytic capabilities of NAMCS.
However, as part of this change, new sampling procedures
Number equals about 30 visits.
NOTES: NAMCS is National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey. CHC is community health center.
SOURCE: National Center for Health Statistics, National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, 2012–2020.
NAMCS sampled CHC
CHC sampled
Provider 1
Sampled calendar week
(assigned before fielding)
Sample of weekly visits
(drawn on site)
Patient visit data
CHC sampled
Provider 2
Sampled calendar week
(assigned before fielding)
Sample of weekly visits
(drawn on site)
Patient visit data
CHC sampled
Provider 3
Sampled calendar week
(assigned before fielding)
Sample of weekly visits
(drawn on site)
Patient visit data
CHC Provider 3
induction interview
CHC Provider 2
induction interview
CHC Provider 1
induction interview
CHC facility induction
(includes listing of
Figure. In-person, manual data collection process for the 2012–2020 National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey
Community Health Center Component
for the NAMCS HC Component were needed. As described
previously, the previous NAMCS HC sample was based on
manual identification of providers within the HC and then on
sampling a small number of visits of the identified providers.
One of the goals of the redesign was to minimize burden
for the sampled HCs, and removing the need for identifying
providers was key in achieving this goal. This report provides
details on the procedures used to draw a sample of FQHCs
and FQHC look-alikes for the 2021 and 2022 NAMCS.
Sampling Methods and
Procedures, 2021 and 2022
NAMCS HC Component
Sampling Frame Creation and Eligibility
Beginning in 2021, the targeted universe (specific population
targeted) for the NAMCS HC Component is FQHCs and FQHC
look-alikes in the 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia,
which provide ambulatory (or direct outpatient) care to the
public and use an EHR system in one or more of their delivery
sites. Unlike previous years, Indian Health Service outpatient
clinics were not included in the targeted universe in the 2021
and 2022 NAMCS HC Component because of complexities of
the survey redesign and the changes to sampling procedures.
Although these Indian Health Service outpatient clinics
were not included in the 2021 and 2022 NAMCS, there is
potential for drawing a complementary sample of these
clinics for inclusion in future surveys after this new method
of collecting HC data through EHR transmission has been
To create the sampling frame and draw the sample, NCHS
worked with HRSA to use a nationally representative
database that contains a list of all HCs in the United States.
For the 2021 sample, this list included 1,463 HCs. To ensure
that only survey-eligible FQHCs and FQHC look-alikes were
included, any HC that met the following conditions was
omitted from the sampling frame (Table):
HCs that did not have an EHR system
HCs that did not provide healthcare services to the general
U.S. population, such as those that exclusively serve
institutional populations (for example, prisons, nursing
homes or long-term care facilities, homeless shelters, etc.)
HCs where only dental services were provided
HCs located on a military installation or outside of the 50
U.S. states and the District of Columbia
Duplicate entries—HCs with the same name, address, and
administrator contact information—were removed from
the database. The resulting sampling frame of 1,400 HCs
was used to draw the primary and backup samples for the
2021 NAMCS HC Component. Of the 63 FQHCs and FQHC
look-alikes in the original database that were ineligible for
the 2021 NAMCS HC Component sampling frame, 24 were
omitted because they did not have an EHR system, 32 were
omitted for not providing healthcare services to the public or
only providing dental services, and 7 were omitted because
they were located on a military installation or outside of the
50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia or appeared as
duplicate listings.
To create a sampling frame for the 2022 NAMCS HC
Component, the same database for 2021 was updated and
used, which contained 1,482 HCs. Using financial support
from the Office of the Secretary Patient-Centered Outcomes
Research Trust Fund (OS-PCORTF) for fiscal year 2021 (7),
the 2022 NAMCS HC Component sample was expanded
to initially add 60 respondent HCs to the 50 respondent
HCs from the 2021 sample, resulting in patient visit data
being collected for 110 FQHCs and FQHC look-alikes during
the 2022 NAMCS. For this expansion, 60 HCs (54 FQHCs
ultimately fielded) were selected for the primary sample and
120 additional HCs for the backup sample. All the eligibility
Table. Percent distribution of eligible and ineligible health centers used for sample frame creation for the
2021–2022 National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey Health Center Component
Eligibility status
2021 2022
Number Percent Number Percent
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,463 100.0 1,482 100.0
Eligible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,400 95.7 1,269 85.6
Ineligible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
No electronic health record system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 1.7 26 1.8
Did not provide healthcare service to the general population
or only provided dental services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 2.2 31 2.1
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 0.5 7 0.6
Included in previous year’s sample . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 10.1
… Category not applicable.
Includes health centers located on a military installation or outside of the 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia, or that appeared as duplicate listings.
NOTE: The sampling frame was the total number of all eligible health centers for that year.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration Electronic Handbooks Database.
criteria noted previously were applied and duplicate entries
were removed. However, an additional step for the 2022
sampling process was that the 149 HCs sampled for 2021 (50
in the main sample, 99 in the backup sample, and 1 that was
dropped from the 2021 database) were removed from the
sampling frame that was used for selecting the sample added
in 2022. For 2022, this process yielded a sampling frame of
1,269 eligible HCs. The 2022 NAMCS HC Component target
respondent sample was reduced from 60 to 54 because of
budget restraints. To accommodate the needed change, six
randomly selected HCs were removed from the sample in
four strata.
Sampling Strata
The sampling strata were defined by U.S. Census region
(Northeast, Midwest, South, and West) and metropolitan
statistical area (MSA) status (MSA and non-MSA). Within
each stratum, HCs were randomly numbered to ensure
randomness in the selected sample from each stratum. To
minimize the risk of disclosing the identity of HCs in each
stratum, this report provides summaries by range instead of
single percentages.
For the 2021 NAMCS HC Component sampling frame, the
distribution of HCs by geographical region ranged from
17.0% to 33.5%. By MSA status, 70.7% of HCs in the sampling
frame were in an MSA. When combined, the regional and
MSA distribution ranged from 3.2% to 21.8%.
The 2022 NAMCS HC Component sampling frame had a
similar range in distribution, with 16.1% to 34.2% of HCs
located in the different geographical regions. By MSA status,
72.8% of HCs in the sampling frame were in an MSA. When
combined, the regional and MSA distribution ranged from
2.4% to 22.6%.
Within each sampling stratum, HCs were sorted by the nine
U.S. Census divisions and ordered within each division by
random numbers previously assigned to the HCs. From the
randomly ordered HCs in each stratum, systematic random
sampling was used to select two nonoverlapping samples.
The size of the first, or primary sample, was the targeted
number of participating sample HCs desired from the survey,
while the size of the second, or backup sample, was twice
the size of the primary sample. If any of the HCs in the
primary sample from a stratum were ineligible or declined
to participate in the NAMCS HC Component, HCs in the
backup sample from the same stratum were contacted for
participation as needed until the targeted number of sample
stratum HCs agreed to submit their EHRs for patient visits.
For 2021, the primary and backup samples included 50 and
100 HCs, respectively. For 2022, 54 (reduced from 60 after
the sample was drawn) and 120 HCs were included in the
primary and backup samples, respectively.
This method of using a backup sample had not been
previously used with NAMCS; however, it was implemented
beginning in 2021 to increase the likelihood that NCHS would
be able to collect visit data from 50 HCs in 2021, and an
additional 54 HCs in 2022. The procedures used to draw the
2021 and 2022 NAMCS HC Component samples can be found
in the technical appendixes. Appendix I provides details on
the 2021 NAMCS HC Component sampling procedures.
Appendix II provides details on the 2022 procedures.
Distribution of Resulting HC
Sample to Strata
An ideal sample has an equitable distribution of HCs relative to
the sampling frame across geographical areas. Small sample
sizes for the 2021 and 2022 NAMCS resulted in differences
between the population and sample distributions of HCs by
U.S. region, MSA status, and the combination of region and
MSA status (the sampling strata themselves). However, the
goal of mirroring the distribution of the HC population by
region and MSA status was achieved for each of the samples.
Regarding U.S. region and MSA status, the range of the
difference in the distribution for the 2021 samples relative
to the sampling frame was 3.7 to 7.0 percentage points.
The 2021 samples had a higher percentage of HCs in
MSAs (5.3 percentage point difference) compared with
the sampling frame. The range of the distribution of HCs
in the 2022 sample relative to the sampling frame ranged
from 0.8 to 8.2 percentage points. The 2022 samples had
similar percentages of HCs in MSAs (0.5 percentage point
difference) to the sampling frame.
For the 2021 NAMCS HC Component sampling strata (defined
by U.S. region and MSA status), all differences ranged from
-5.9 to 4.3 percentage points. For the 2022 NAMCS, all
differences ranged from -9.2 to 4.3 percentage points.
Although NAMCS has been the leading data collection tool for
ambulatory health care across the United States for almost
50 years and has been collecting patient visit data from HCs
since 2006, changes in the way healthcare information for
patients is recorded have required a change in how NAMCS
data are collected and how HCs are selected for participation.
Beginning in 2021, NAMCS began gathering ambulatory
healthcare data directly from a nationally representative
sample of FQHCs and FQHC look-alikes. This modernization
necessitated a new sampling approach for the 2021 and
2022 NAMCS HC Component. This method is expected to be
used in future years, whenever the HC sample is updated or
Stratified (organized information into groups based on
certain criteria) random samples of HCs were selected for the
2021 and 2022 NAMCS HC Component with strata defined
by U.S. Census region and MSA status to ensure nationally
representative estimates. Additionally, primary and backup
samples were used to enhance the ability to obtain targeted
numbers of participants for both years. The 2021 sample was
expanded in 2022 with support from the OS-PCORTF FY2021.
This report of the NAMCS HC Component sampling methods
is expected to give researchers a better understanding of
the sampling design and (once collected) how to use and
interpret these NAMCS HC Component data. Consequently,
researchers will have a better understanding of ambulatory
health care provided at FQHCs and FQHC look-alikes and can
help inform patient care at these “safety net” providers (3)
across the United States.
1. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
Health Resources and Services Administration. What
is a health center? 2021. Available from: https://bphc.
2. Politzer RM, Yoon J, Shi L, Hughes RG, Regan J, Gaston
MH. Inequality in America: The contribution of health
centers in reducing and eliminating disparities in
access to care. Med Care Res Rev 58(2):234–48. 2001.
3. Wakefield M. Federally qualified health centers
and related primary care workforce issues. JAMA
325(12):1145–6. 2021.
4. National Center for Health Statistics. 2012 NAMCS
CHC micro-data file documentation. 2015. Available
5. National Center for Health Statistics. 2014 NAMCS
CHC micro-data file documentation. 2019. Available
6. Health Level Seven International (HL7). HL7 CDA R2
implementation guide: National Health Care Surveys
(NHCS), release 1, DSTU release 1.2—US realm. 2021.
Available from:
7. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office
of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation.
Enhancing surveillance of maternal health clinical
practices and outcomes with federally qualified health
centers’ (FQHCs) electronic health records visit data.
2021. Available from:
Appendix I. Sampling Procedures
for the 2021 National Ambulatory
Medical Care Survey Health Center
This appendix provides instructions for selecting a stratified
(organized information into groups based on certain
criteria) list sample of health centers (HCs) for the 2021
National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey Health Center
(NAMCS HC) Component with sampling strata defined by
four U.S. Census regions (Northeast, Midwest, South, and
West) and metropolitan statistical area (MSA) status (MSA
and non-MSA). For 2021, a primary sample of 50 HCs was
drawn, in addition to a backup sample of 100 HCs.
Common Notation Used for Sampling
h stand for MSA status (MSA or non-MSA)
j stand for an HC
M,m stand for the total number of HCs in the sampling
frame and sample, respectively
I(B) stand for identity function
Int stand for the sampling interval used in selecting a
r stand for U.S. Census region (Northeast, Midwest,
South, and West)
Sampling Procedures
Step 1. Prepare the 2021 NAMCS sampling frame
Using a national database, only eligible federally qualified
health centers (FQHCs) and FQHC look-alikes were included
in the sample. Any HCs that met the following conditions
were deemed ineligible and omitted from the sampling
HCs that did not have an electronic health record (EHR)
if condition Bismet and
if condition Bisnot met
HCs that did not provide healthcare services to the general
U.S. population, such as those that exclusively serve
institutional populations (for example, prisons, nursing
homes or long-term care facilities, homeless shelters, etc.)
HCs where only dental services were provided
HCs located on a military installation or outside of the 50
U.S. states and the District of Columbia
Additionally, duplicate entries in the U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services’ Health Resources and Services
Administration electronic handbooks—HCs with the same
name, address, and administrator contact information—
were also removed. Then, each HC sampling stratum was
defined by U.S. Census region r and MSA status h.
Step 2. Array (arrange) HCs within sampling
To array HCs within the sampling strata:
a. Assign each HC a random number. This randomization
may be done in the whole sampling frame or within each
sampling stratum.
b. Within each sampling stratum r,h (defined by U.S.
Census region r and MSA status h), sort the HCs by U.S.
Census division.
c. Within U.S. Census division, order HCs by the random
numbers assigned in step 2a.
d. Serially number the randomly ordered HCs in each
sampling stratum r,h.
Step 3. Select the 2021 NAMCS sample of HCs
from each sampling stratum
The following instructions apply for the sample in each
sampling stratum r,h:
a. Calculate the sampling interval for selecting the primary
sample for the r,h stratum (carrying two decimal places):
sm sm sm
() /
,, ,
= [3.1]
= Total number of HCs listed in the sampling frame for
sampling stratum r,h [3.2]
= Total number of HCs to be selected to the primary
sample from sampling stratum r,h
b. Select a random start R
between 0 and Int(HC)
inclusive where Int(HC)
is defined in equation [3.1].
c. Select to the primary sample from stratum r,h the first
HC for which the serial number assigned in step 2d is the
nearest integer greater than or equal to
The total number of HCs selected from the sampling stratum
r,h should be within 1 of the sample number targeted for
that stratum according to equation [3.3]. That is, if
the number of HCs initially selected to the sample for
stratum r, then
should be in the range
d. Select a backup sample of HCs to use if any primary
sample HC should be ineligible or a nonrespondent. The size
of the backup sample from each stratum should be twice the
size mA of the primary sample from that stratum to minimize
the possibility that the backup sample will be depleted, or
completely used, before a total of mA
(HCs with
all required criteria) and respondent HCs are inducted from
stratum r,h.
First, remove the primary sample HCs from the frame in
each sampling stratum to form the “remaining” sampling
frame for the backup sample.
on on
00 0
stand for the number of HCs remaining
in the frame for the r,h stratum after selection of the primary
stands for the sampling interval for selecting the backup
sample from the remaining frame for each r,h stratum,
where mA
is defined in equation [3.3] above.
Repeat steps b and c with the reduced sampling frame and
revised sampling interval
e. For each contacted sample HC that is confirmed
ineligible or nonrespondent (from either the primary or the
backup sample), add to the sample an HC from the backup
sample, adding those HCs to the sample in order of the serial
numbers assigned to the HCs in step 2d.
f. After m
respondent HCs have been confirmed as a
participant and inducted from sampling stratum r,h, insert
2 ( )
1 = 1, 2, or 4
if cifond tBs
if c moe a [3.3]
1 = 3 11 if c moe a
( ) , 0, 1, 2, 3, ...
rh rh
R Int HC k k+=
,, ,
2( ) 2 / 2 [3.4]
rh rh rh
Int HC M mA
HCs that did not provide healthcare services to the general
U.S. population, such as those that exclusively serve
institutional populations (for example, prisons, nursing
homes or long-term care facilities, homeless shelters, etc.)
HCs where only dental services were provided
HCs located on a military installation or outside of the 50
U.S. states and the District of Columbia
Additionally, duplicate entries in the U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services’ Health Resources and Services
Administration electronic handbooks—HCs with the same
name, address, and administrator contact information—
were also removed. Then, each HC sampling stratum was
defined by U.S. Census region r and MSA status h.
Step 2. Array (arrange) HCs within sampling
To array HCs within the sampling strata:
a. Assign each HC a random number. This randomization
may be done in the whole sampling frame or within each
sampling stratum.
b. Within each sampling stratum r,h (defined by U.S.
Census region r and MSA status h), sort the HCs by U.S.
Census division.
c. Within U.S. Census division, order HCs by the random
numbers assigned in step 2a.
d. Serially number the randomly ordered HCs in each
sampling stratum r,h.
Step 3. Select the 2021 NAMCS sample of HCs
from each sampling stratum
The following instructions apply for the sample in each
sampling stratum r,h:
a. Calculate the sampling interval for selecting the primary
sample for the r,h stratum (carrying two decimal places):
sm sm sm
() /
,, ,
= [3.1]
into the record for each contacted sample HCj (including all
participants, nonrespondents, and ineligible HCs) that HCs
sampling weight ω
= Total number (before any sampling) of HCs listed in
the 2021 sampling frame for stratum r,h
= Total number of sample HCs that were contacted for
participation in the 2021 HC survey, regardless of scope or
response status determined for those HCs. This number
includes all respondents, nonrespondents, and ineligible
HCs among those contacted.
Note that according to the instructions above, the sample
selected from each sampling stratum r,h is an equal
probability sample. The sampling weight ω
is the inverse
of the product of the probabilities of HC j being selected at
some time k, given that HCj was not selected to the sample
at times k–1 or earlier.
2021 ,
j is in sample in
region r and MSA status h
Appendix II. Sampling Procedures
for the 2022 National Ambulatory
Medical Care Survey Health Center
This appendix provides technical details for selecting a
stratified (organized information into groups based on
certain criteria) list sample of health centers (HCs) for the
2022 National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey Health
Center (NAMCS HC) Component with sampling strata
defined by four U.S. Census regions (Northeast, Midwest,
South, and West) and metropolitan statistical area (MSA)
status (MSA or non-MSA). For 2022, before it was reduced
to 54, a primary sample of 60 HCs was drawn, in addition
to a backup sample of 120 HCs. The HCs in the 2021 final
total sample are also included in the 2022 final total sample,
along with the 50 participants and all other HCs that were
contacted for participation but were either ineligible or
refusals (see Appendix I).
Common Notation Used for Sampling
h stand for MSA status (MSA or non-MSA)
j stand for an HC
M,m stand for the total number of HCs in the sampling
frame and sample, respectively
I(B) stand for identity function
Int stand for the sampling interval used in selecting a
r stand for U.S. Census region (Northeast, Midwest,
South, and West)
if condition Bismet and
if condition Bisnot met
Sampling Procedures
Step 1. Prepare the 2022 NAMCS sampling frame
Following the instructions given in Appendix I, step 1,
compile the 2022 sampling frame from lists of HCs obtained
from the Department of Health and Human Services’ Health
Resources Services Administration in 2021.
Step 2. Array (arrange) HC within sampling strata
Define the HC sampling strata by region r, and MSA status h.
Also assign numbers to the HCs and array them within strata
as instructed in Appendix I, step 2.
Step 3. Assign frame weights to HCs in the 2022
= Total number of HCs listed in the 2022 sampling
frame for sampling stratum defined by region r, and MSA
status h, after completing step 1. These are HCs eligible for
the total 2022 HC sampling frame (including those selected
in the 2021 primary sample and in the 2021 backup sample).
= Number of all HCs in the 2022 sampling
frame for region r and MSA status h that are also in the
2021 primary sample or the 2021 backup sample, regardless
of whether they were ever contacted to participate in the
survey. This number includes HCs in the 2021 primary and
backup samples that:
Participate in the survey
Were contacted but refused to participate in 2021
Were contacted but confirmed ineligible for the survey
Were never contacted and asked to participate
a. Obtain counts, M
and m
for each
sampling stratum defined by region r and MSA status h.
b. After obtaining the two counts in the previous step, delete
all m
HCs from the 2022 sampling frame. The frame
remainder is referred to in the following as the sampling list
from which HCs will be selected for adding to the 2022 sample.
c. In the record for each HC remaining in the frame, insert
the frame weight for the HC. That weight for HCs in region r
and MSA h is:
Step 4. Select the HCs to be added to the 2022
HC sample
The following instructions apply for the sample in each
sampling stratum r,h.
a. Calculate the sampling interval for selecting the initial
or primary sample for the stratum r,h (carrying two
decimal places):
= Total number of HCs listed in the 2022
sampling lists for sampling stratum defined by region r
and MSA status h
= Total number of HCs to be selected from
sampling stratum r,h from the 2022 sampling list
b. Select a random start R
between 0 and Int(HC)
inclusive where Int(HC)
is defined in equation [4.2].
c. In the order arrayed in step 2, accumulate the frame
weights of HCs remaining in the 2022 HC list and assign
to each HC the cumulative sum that results after adding
the weight for that HC to the sum.
Then select to the sample the first HC whose cumulative
sum of frame weights is greater than or equal to
where R
is defined in step b above. That is, if
110 00
is the number of HCs initially added to the
2022 sample for stratum r,h then
110 00
should be
in the range
d. For the 2022 added sample, select a backup sample of
HCs to use if any added primary sample HC should be
ineligible or a nonrespondent.
First remove the primary sample HCs selected from the
2022 sampling list in each sampling stratum to form the
“remaining” sampling list for the 2022 backup sample.
if c
nd nd tB
nd tB
nd tBsmoe
,, ,, ()
,, ()
,( )
2022 2022
ifcond tB
sm esmonsm
() /
,, ,, () ,,2022 2022 2022
= [4.2]
4 2 ( )
1 1, 2, or 4
if cifond tBs
if c moe a
if c
17 
1 3
moe a
, ,2022 , ,2022
( ) , 0, 1, 2, 3, ...
rh rh
R Int HC k k+=
( )
, ,2022 , ,2022
, ,2022
2 / 2
rh rh
Int HC B mA
Denote the sampling interval for selecting the backup
sample from the remaining sampling list for each r,h
= Total of frame weights summed across all HCs
remaining in the stratum defined by region r and MSA
status h, after removing the primary sample selected
from the 2022 sampling list.
is defined in equation [4.3] above.
Repeat steps b and c with the reduced sampling list and
revised sampling interval Int2(HC)
e. For each contacted sample HC from stratum r,h that is
confirmed ineligible or nonrespondent, add one HC from
the backup sample from the same r,h stratum to the
sample. Add those HCs in the order of serial numbers
assigned to the HCs in the 2022 sampling list in step 2.
f. After m
HCs have been confirmed participants
from sampling stratum r,h, insert into the record for
each contacted sample HCj (including all participants,
nonrespondents, and ineligible HCs) that HC’s sampling
weight ω
= Int(HC)
I(j is in sample added for 2022 in region
r and MSA status h)
For the backup sample HCs that are contacted, their
sampling weights would be the same as in equation
[4.5], with Int(HC)
the same as for selecting the primary
sample, given that the contacted backup sample HC
shares the same weight as the primary sample HC.
,2022 ,
2022, , [4.4]
j rh
j is in sample added
Int HC
FW I for in region r
and MSA status h
Vital and Health Statistics
Series Descriptions
Active Series
Series 1. Programs and Collection Procedures
Reports describe the programs and data systems of the
National Center for Health Statistics, and the data collection
and survey methods used. Series 1 reports also include
denitions, survey design, estimation, and other material
necessary for understanding and analyzing the data.
Series 2. Data Evaluation and Methods Research
Reports present new statistical methodology including
experimental tests of new survey methods, studies of vital and
health statistics collection methods, new analytical techniques,
objective evaluations of reliability of collected data, and
contributions to statistical theory. Reports also include
comparison of U.S. methodology with those of other countries.
Series 3. Analytical and Epidemiological Studies
Reports present data analyses, epidemiological studies, and
descriptive statistics based on national surveys and data
systems. As of 2015, Series 3 includes reports that would
have previously been published in Series 5, 10–15, and 20–23.
Discontinued Series
Series 4. Documents and Committee Reports
Reports contain ndings of major committees concerned with
vital and health statistics and documents. The last Series 4
report was published in 2002; these are now included in
Series 2 or another appropriate series.
Series 5. International Vital and Health Statistics Reports
Reports present analytical and descriptive comparisons of
U.S. vital and health statistics with those of other countries.
The last Series 5 report was published in 2003; these are now
included in Series 3 or another appropriate series.
Series 6. Cognition and Survey Measurement
Reports use methods of cognitive science to design, evaluate,
and test survey instruments. The last Series 6 report was
published in 1999; these are now included in Series 2.
Series 10. Data From the National Health Interview Survey
Reports present statistics on illness; accidental injuries;
disability; use of hospital, medical, dental, and other services;
and other health-related topics. As of 2015, these are included
in Series 3.
Series 11. Data From the National Health Examination Survey, the
National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys, and
the Hispanic Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Reports present 1) estimates of the medically dened
prevalence of specic diseases in the United States and the
distribution of the population with respect to physical,
physiological, and psychological characteristics and 2)
analysis of relationships among the various measurements.
As of 2015, these are included in Series 3.
Series 12. Data From the Institutionalized Population Surveys
The last Series 12 report was published in 1974; these reports
were included in Series 13, and as of 2015 are in Series 3.
Series 13. Data From the National Health Care Survey
Reports present statistics on health resources and use of
health care resources based on data collected from health
care providers and provider records. As of 2015, these reports
are included in Series 3.
Series 14. Data on Health Resources: Manpower and Facilities
The last Series 14 report was published in 1989; these reports
were included in Series 13, and are now included in Series 3.
Series 15. Data From Special Surveys
Reports contain statistics on health and health-related topics
from surveys that are not a part of the continuing data systems
of the National Center for Health Statistics. The last Series 15
report was published in 2002; these reports are now included
in Series 3.
Series 16. Compilations of Advance Data From Vital and Health
The last Series 16 report was published in 1996. All reports
are available online; compilations are no longer needed.
Series 20. Data on Mortality
Reports include analyses by cause of death and demographic
variables, and geographic and trend analyses. The last Series
20 report was published in 2007; these reports are now
included in Series 3.
Series 21. Data on Natality, Marriage, and Divorce
Reports include analyses by health and demographic
variables, and geographic and trend analyses. The last Series
21 report was published in 2006; these reports are now
included in Series 3.
Series 22. Data From the National Mortality and Natality Surveys
The last Series 22 report was published in 1973. Reports from
sample surveys of vital records were included in Series 20 or
21, and are now included in Series 3.
Series 23. Data From the National Survey of Family Growth
Reports contain statistics on factors that affect birth rates,
factors affecting the formation and dissolution of families, and
behavior related to the risk of HIV and other sexually
transmitted diseases. The last Series 23 report was published
in 2011; these reports are now included in Series 3.
Series 24. Compilations of Data on Natality, Mortality, Marriage, and
The last Series 24 report was published in 1996. All reports
are available online; compilations are no longer needed.
For answers to questions about this report or for a list of reports published
in these series, contact:
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National Center for Health Statistics
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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Series 2, No. 203
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