UNITE for the Environment
Day 1:
Cultural practices of conserving water and soil in
sustainable agriculture
Day 2
Field trip management
Term Teacher Training Manual
Cultural practices are traditional agricultural methods used to enhance crop productivity
through conserving water and soil to improve crop health/ productivity by reducing
weeds, pests and diseases. They are simple and do not require a lot of technical skills or
use of chemicals. Examples include bush fallowing, crop rotation, intercropping, contour
ploughing, terracing, use of organic manure, etc.
Activity: Whose problem is it and Soil doctors
Part 1
Ask participants to think of a problem they face in their daily lives. When posing the
following questions, have participants raise their hands to respond.
Does the problem only affect an individual, family, community, nation etc? Will it
concern them during the upcoming week, one year, five years, 10 years or 50 years from
The activity
Divide participants in groups of 6
Ask participants to brainstorm current 3 main issues/problems facing agriculture and
have these listed somewhere.
These may include
Soil erosion
Loss of soil fertility
Climate change/changes in seasons
Lack of market for produce
Land shortage
Lack of capital/equipment
Use of chemicals (herbicides and artificial fertilizers)
As a group, select what you consider as 10 key issues affecting agriculture in
communities around Kibale National Park.
Have participants working in groups and allocate each group an issue.
Ask them to discuss the following
What is the cause of the problem/issue
Who is affected by the problem (a few individuals, an entire village, district,
country or the entire world? Ask them to describe how
How long has the problem existed?
Can the problem be resolved? If yes, how can the problem be resolved using
sustainable agriculture practices/cultural practices? Cultural methods can include;
crop rotation, mulching, growing cover crops, agro forestry, retention ditches etc.
The group should describe how this practice addresses the issue ?
Wrap up
1. Ask each group to share what they have discussed.
2. After each presentation, ask all participants if there are any other cultural
practices that may have not been tackled and as a group discuss these, and what
the issues they help to address
Examples of cultural practices in sustainable agriculture include
Agro forestry involves planting trees or shrubs, or keeping those that are already in the
These trees cushion the impact of raindrops on the soil, hence reducing the amount of
rain-splash erosion. They shade the soil, reduce the soil temperature and reduce the
amount of water that would evaporate into the air. Trees and shrubs also break the wind,
reducing the amount of wind erosion.
They also recycle nutrients from deep in the soil; leguminous trees fix nitrogen that
benefits food crops and act as habitats for wildlife especially birds. However, not all trees
are good for agro forestry but most indigenous trees are. Examples of good agro forestry
trees include Calliandra, Sesbania sesban, Maesopsis (Musizi) which can grow well with
beans, maize, G.nuts and others. Also coffee can be grown with beans especially if well
spaced and for the first seasons before it matures
Photo 1: A man in an agro forestry farm where beans are grown alongside coffee
Cover cropping
This is the growing of crops to cover cultivated ground, reducing erosion by raindrop
splash and overland flow. Cover crops protect the soil from excessive heat and creates a
good environment for microorganisms. It is sometimes known as live mulching.
The fallen leaves of the cover crop decompose and add organic matter to the soil.
Cover crops are used occasionally to help control weeds and increase nutrients in the soil
(by using legumes) or by using plants with long roots to pull nutrients back up to the
surface from lower layers of the soil.
Cover crops can also be sown thickly to form living mulch in gardens. They help reduce
soil splash and erosion, and keep weeds in check. Examples of cover crops include cow
peas, soya beans, velvet bean etc
Photo 2: Clovers grown as cover crops in a maize garden
Timely planting
Timely planting into a well prepared seedbed will help produce a fast growing, uniform
crop that will have higher yields and better competition against weeds and pests. The best
time to plant depends on locality, variety, weather, water availability, and the best harvest
Timely planting also ensures that the crop shoots from the ground within one or two
weeks after the onset of the rains and protects the ground against raindrop impact. Timely
planting can help in disease and pest control, weed control, maximizes rainfall utilization
by the crop and the crop matures early when market prices are reasonable.
Intercropping is a multiple cropping system, in which two or more crops species planted
simultaneously in a field during a growing season
Intercropping can be divided into four types
Row-intercropping: Growing two or more crops simultaneously where one or
more crops are planted in regular rows, and crop or other crops may be grown
simultaneously in row or randomly with the first crop.
Mixed- intercropping: Growing two or more crops simultaneously with no distinct
row arrangement. This type of can be suitable for grass-legume intercropping in
Strip-intercropping: Growing two or more crops simultaneously in different strips
wide enough to permit independent cultivation but narrow enough for the crops to
Photo 3: Strip intercropping of beans with Maize
Relay- intercropping: Growing two or more crops simultaneously during part of
the life cycle of each. A second crop is planted after the first crop has reached its
reproductive stage but before it is ready for harvest.
Intercropping can also include companion planting which is the planting of
different crops in proximity
When crops are intercropped, they help each other e.g., fast growing legumes such as
beans and cowpeas provide soil cover early in the season before maize or cotton develop
a canopy to shield the soil from impact of raindrops. Inter cropping, especially
companion planting can help control pests, can foster pollination, provide habitat for
beneficial creatures, maximize use of space, and increase crop productivity.
For example, if crops such as beans are intercropped with marigold, the smell of
marigolds can help to deter aphids from feeding on neighboring crops such as beans.
Marigolds with simple flowers also attract nectar-feeding insects, the larvae of which are
predators of aphids. Companion planting can also help distract wildlife for example
pepper grown in a garden of beans can deter elephants from coming to the gardens.
Crop rotation
Crop rotation is a practice of growing different crops on the same land in a regular
recurring sequence. It is always recommended that the succeeding crop belongs to a
different family than the previous one. For example, leafy vegetables can be planted
during first cropping season, next fruit vegetables, then root crops, then legumes, then
small grains. The planned rotation may vary from two or three years to longer period.
Rotation of crops is not only necessary to offer a diverse "diet" to the soil
microorganisms, but as they are rooting at different soil depths crops are capable to
explore the different soil layers for nutrients. Nutrients that have been leached to deeper
layers and that are no longer available for crops can be "recycled" by the crops in
rotation. Furthermore, a diversity of crops attracts different types of bacteria and fungi,
which in turn, play an important role in the transformation of these substances into plant
available nutrients. Crop rotation also hinders the development of weeds, pests and short-
persistent soil-borne diseases through their population levels in the soil.
In addition, crop rotation ensures the addition of humus, soil fertility and control of
Fallowing: This is a practice of leaving land uncultivated for a specific period of time
usually over a year. Fallowing allows land to regain its fertility, can help soil erosion,
leaching and weed growth. It also helps to control pests and diseases.
Irrigation: Irrigation is the application of controlled amounts of water to plants at needed
intervals. Irrigation helps to grow agricultural crops, maintain landscapes, and rejuvenate
disturbed soils in dry areas and during periods of less than average rainfall.
With current changes in Climate, irrigation has become necessary because the rains are
no longer dependable. Irrigation water improves water conditions in the soil, increases
the water content of plant fibers, dissolves nutrients & makes them available to plants.
Irrigation affects temperature conditions by regulating the temperature of the surface
layer of the soil & the ground layer of the air. One of the ways how irrigation can be
promoted is through promoting water harvesting during the rainy seasons such that the
collected water can be used during the dry season.
Thinning: This is the removal of weak, dead or excess plants/seedlings, so as to enable
the better-established and healthy ones develop properly. Although thinning is primarily
aimed at improving the value of the stems, it has other benefits such as risk reduction for
insect infestations, disease epidemics, and damage from abiotic agents
Pruning: Pruning is the proper removal of plant parts such as shoots, leaves, roots.
Pruning is normally done to correct or maintain tree structure and increase its usefulness.
It is done to make the plant more productive and bear quality fruits, increase longevity of
the tree, make it into manageable shape and to get maximum returns.
Pruning is sometimes used to control disease outbreak by improving air and light
penetration which prevents diseases such as early blight, or by cutting off the affected
parts of the plant
Crop Spacing: Spacing refers to the planting distance allowable for each crop species
between inter-row and intra-row, or just between crops. It varies from one plant species
to another. For example for crops like Robusta coffee, the recommended standard spacing
is 10 feet between the plants while for Arabica coffee it is eight feet between the plants.
Incorrect spacing may lead to over-crowding, resulting in competition for light, water
space, soil nutrient, etc this may reduce yields and it may also lower quality of the fruits
produced because of competition for light and soil nutrients.
If crops are planted too close to one another, it may be hard for the farmer to carry out
farm management practices such as weeding, doing crop inspection. Crop spacing like
pruning also allows light and air to circulate amongst crops and these not only helps
crops grow well but also minimizes the risk of some bacterial and fungal diseases.
Seed selection: When planting, it is very important to use the right seed because the
quality greatly contributes to the health and quality of crops.
It is very important to buy seeds from trusted sources to avoid genetically
modified/hybrid seeds or seeds with built in pesticides. Non hybrid seeds are tastier and
flavorful, more nutritious, are usually cheaper, can last longer and usually do not ripen all
at once (for fruits) and can help you save your own seeds.
Good quality seeds give desired plant population, capacity to withstand the adverse
conditions and the seedlings produced will be more vigorous, fast growing and can resist
pest and diseases incidence to certain extent.
A good seed should be free from diseases and pests; it should not have any damage or
If you have new seeds, it is important to test the seeding rate, by planting a sample and
observing how it germinates.
Applying organic manure
Adding manure to the soil provides the required plant nutrients for vigorous crop growth.
This gives quicker cover to the ground and higher yields.
Manure improves soil fertility which in turn results into healthy crops. This helps them to
become disease and pest resistant.
Contour farming practices
Contour farming involves ploughing, planting and weeding along the contour that is
across the slope rather than up and down.
Contour farming reduces soil erosion by as much as 50% on gentle slopes. Contour
ridges can also be used to harvest water.
Trash-lines are constructed by laying plant residues in lines along the contour. Trash-line
help in slowing down the runoff and trapping eroded soil.
Grass barrier strips of Napier or other fodder grasses are planted along the contour.
Terraces are structures in form of ridges and channels constructed across a slope for the
purpose of soil and water conservation. Terraces reduce both the amount and velocity of
water moving across the soil surface, which greatly reduces soil erosion. Terraces also
increase the infiltration of water and thus conserve moisture. They help to retain nutrients
of the land thus boosting soil fertility
Although terraces are normally used on cultivated lands, they can be on grasslands if the
land is badly eroded. It is very important to grow some grass or trees on terrace banks;
these not only help to hold the soil but can also be used as animal feed.
Water absorption and retention activity
1. Create groups of approximately 6 participants and provide each group with the
following materials:
3 empty plastic containers
100 mls of sandy soil
100 mls of loam soil
100 mls of clay soil
300 ml of water (100 mls for
each soil type)
3 pieces of cloth to line the inside
of plastic containers
6 water collecting troughs
Measuring cylinders/cups
2. Cut 3 or 5 equal parts at the bottom of the plastic containers
3. Put a cloth at bottom of each plastic container
4. And pour the three different types of soils in the different containers
5. Have 3 participants pour 100 mls of water in the 3 different types of containers
containing different soil types while placing a collecting trough under each
6. Leave the experiment to run for 15 minutes and ask for predictions (Which soil is
going to absorb more water, which soil is going to retain more water)
7. As they wait for the experiment to run mark an area outside using a rope or any
other item. This is going to be called a large “pot.” Inside the “pot” You put some
of the participants to represent a soil type.
Step 1, start with sand – where you have fewer participants in the pot who arm’s
length apart. The rest of the participants are water and they try to run through the
The next round you have loam. You add a few more participants to the pot to
create the loam. Now participants stand elbow length (hand on the hips) apart.
Again, the remaining participants are water and try to make their way through the
Finally, you add a few more participants to create clay. They stand shoulder to
shoulder. Finally, the remaining participants try to make its way through.
After each round discuss with the group how easy or hard it was for the water to
move through the pot
After 15 minutes, return to the experiment and
Ask each group to pour water that was not absorbed in one of the collecting
troughs and measure its quantity
Ask each group to measure the quantity of water that collected in the trough under
the soil container
Questions for discussion
1. Which soil type absorbed more water?
2. Which soil type retained more water?
3. Which soil type is more suitable for agriculture?
4. Which soil type is least suitable for agriculture?
5. How can water retention of soil be improved?
Water-retaining pits
Water-retaining pits trap runoff and allow it to seep into the soil. A series of pits are dug
into the ground where runoff normally occurs. The soil from the pit is used to make
banks around the pits. Furrows carry excess water from one pit to the next. The size of
the pit depends on the amount of runoff: a typical size is 2m square and 1m deep.
Retention /infiltration/diversion ditches
Retention ditches, also called infiltration ditches, are larger ditches designed to catch and
retain all incoming runoff for infiltration into the soil. They increase the supply of water
made available to crops planted in and adjacent to the ditch, while also reducing soil
erosion. However, they handle much more water. Retention ditches are in essence water
harvesting and conservation structures. They are commonly used as an alternative to
diversion ditches (which have an opening at the end), if there is no place to discharge
runoff or if there is a need to harvest water for crops such as bananas which need a lot of
water. The ditch should have all the impounded water infiltrated within 48 hours to avoid
any water logging of the surrounding areas.
Retention ditches are normally constructed with closed ends and wide and deep enough
to hold all the runoff expected. Retentions ditches can be useful where soils are
permeable, deep and stable. However, retention ditches are not recommended for areas
with shallow soil, those prone to landslides or where soil salinity is a possibility.
When used on sloping cropland to stop runoff, the spacing can be based on the usual
terrace spacing formula. Retention ditches are also made for harvesting water from roads
or tracks and the location of such ditches will be specific to the site. In this situation, the
areas of the catchment and the volume of the run off should be estimated.
On soils with lower infiltration rate, or on slopes, the ends can be left open to allow
excess water to drain out.
Diversion ditches and retention ditches should be well managed and kept on best working
conditions. The agronomic and land husbandry activities on the farm are also necessary
to stabilize the embankment with grass and to plant a strip of grass along the upper side
of the ditch in order to reduce sedimentation.
Photo 4: Retention ditches in a Banana garden
Practical activity: Making retention/ diversion ditch
Measuring tape Hoe/Forked hoe Spade
Ditch maximum length shall be 100 feet,
Maximum depth shall be 2 feet, and
Minimum bottom width shall be 1.5 feet
When constructing the ditches, the soil is thrown to the lower side to form an
embankment that prevents soil from falling back in. This structure can be stabilized
further by planting grass on it.
This is the use of dead plant materials such as dry grass, straw, dry leaves, banana leaves,
sugar cane trash, and other crop residues to cover soil surface. Mulches are placed around
the stem of the plants to control soil erosion and conserve moisture, but can also help
reduce weeds, and increase soil fertility when the mulches decay.
Practical activity: Mulching
Things you will need
Weeding tools
Measuring tape
Watering device
Remove all weeds and debris from the area where you want to put down the
mulch. If left in place, weeds simply grow through mulch.
Re-level the soil around your garden so that it's as even as possible, especially
close to plant stems or tree trunks. Uneven soil can lead to thin spots of mulch
where weeds can regrow and reestablish themselves.
Start moving your mulch using a wheel barrow into your garden
Spread mulch over your weed-free soil, using a spade to scoop the mulch into a
pile in the middle of the area then raking the mulch outward to create a uniform
thickness of at least 3 inches and an even surface. Cover all bare soil, but do not
allow the mulch to touch the base of plants. From the plant stem or tree trunk,
measure out about 2-3 inches and start the mulch there. As you move away from
the plant, the mulch can thicken until it reaches the same thickness of the
surrounding garden bed mulch level Mulch touching plants can encourage plants
to rot and other plant problems.
If possible, water your newly mulched area. Irrigation helps the underlying soil
and the mulch material to settle.
NB : It is important to maintain the appropriate mulch thickness by checking your mulch
every few months and replenishing it as needed. If you allow the mulch to decompose too
much, then weeds and other problems may arise. You might have to visit the garden bed
every month to check if the mulch has started touching the plant tissues, if so, move it
back appropriately.
UNITE offers its upper primary and secondary classes an opportunity to visit four natural
Primary Five students visit the Bigodi Wetland, home to eight species of primates and over
200 bird species. Primary Six students visit the Toro Botanical Gardens in Fort Portal
where they learn about native plants including traditional crops. Primary Seven students are
taken to Kibale National Park for a nature walk to learn more about the interconnectedness
of nature. Secondary Four students visit Queen Elizabeth National Park to understand more
about the country’s biodiversity and various physical features.
These trips aim at fostering a greater appreciation of nature while students interact with it
as well as developing a connection between nature and what is taught in class.
Managing different school/age groups during field trips
Secondary school students
When working with this group, site guides and teachers must be genuinely interested in
Secondary pupils are confident (on the outside) and often don’t feel they need to learn
any more. However, get them working on a task together and they are unstoppable!
They are action oriented and enjoy physical challenges. They want to DO something.
Site guides and teachers should treat secondary pupils as young adults emphasizing
mutual respect and responsibility.
Secondary pupils prefer being with their peers. They want independence from parents
and traditional family groups.
Primary school students
Site guides and teachers should involve them by asking as many questions as possible.
Do not provide them with information directly rather ask them to see how much they know
and build on their answers.
Primary students require flexibility to allow teaching in the “moment”. They are liable to
be curious about things they see and ask questions. If they do so, answer their question,
share the moment and then bring them back to the topic. Don’t brush it off or squash the
curiosity. If something special happens, another moment (for example a special bird flies
over) take the time to appreciate it and talk about it briefly and get back to the topic.
Encourage them to ask them questions as much as possible. Being free with them creates
a good environment for this.
Do not spend a lot of time indoors with primary school students. Spend maximum 10
minutes indoors unless if the students are still asking questions.
Involve them in activities and games such as simple logical relationships.
Appropriate humor works well with this age group. When guiding primary school
students, once in a while bring in jokes. They will feel more free and interactive.
Children at this age can begin to reflect on their own behaviour therefore include positive
actions in the experience that these children can take to help wildlife and the environment
such as proper waste management, caring and planting for trees, taking information to the
parents etc.
Evaluation of field trips
Evaluation is the process of systematically collecting factual information/data to determine
if program objectives have been met. Evaluating field trips provides information to ensure
that they are having the desired effect and that students are taking your key messages and
conservation actions away.
Evaluation identifies what you have accomplished, helps to identify why you were
successful or less successful and gives feedback as to how to improve your field trip
content and experience.
Evaluation can be through pre and post trip exercises/activities.
Pre-Trip activities
Teachers are encouraged to do a pre trip exercise/ activity before visiting any site. This
helps to get students ready, sets a basis for evaluation and helps the teacher prepare well for
the trip. Pre trip activity can also help to reduce some degree with novelty effect. This is
where a new situation, place, etc. can prevent students learning as much as they normally
would because of not being familiar to the environment. Optimal learning seems to occur in
settings of moderate novelty, while too little novelty in a learning environment can cause
boredom and too much can be distracting or create anxiety. Optimizing novelty has
therefore been suggested to be an important factor in improving learning outcomes. Student
preparation through pre-trip activities can help achieve this optimal level of novelty. Note
that the novelty of a field trip setting is not the same for all participants.
Post trip activities
Post trip activities are very important in evaluating how the field trip went. It tells you if
the students understand the purpose of the trip, how much they learned from the trip; after
the trip what actions can students take to improve conservation in their communities among
Role of Teachers, Site guides, Pupils and UNITE staff in a field trip.
Prepare students before the trip; this can be through giving them some information about
the site to visit, conducting pre trip activities and contacting UNITE staff in case of any
Share with the guides where the students’ interests lie and what the students need to
Brief the site guide on the background of the students to help the guides plan on better
ways of managing them. For example, do the students understand English or vernacular has
to be used if they are to understand certain concepts. However, with P5, P6 and P7 English
should be encouraged and may be the teacher can interpret to make students understand
more, Latin and scientific names should be minimized
Discuss with the guide the time schedule and program though flexibility is highly
encouraged. The guide should be encouraged to spend less time indoors doing the briefing
session unless otherwise. The indoor briefing session should maximum be 10 minutes
Work hand in hand with the guide to have student’s use multiple senses such as touch,
smell, hear, taste and see. Discuss with the guide to understand what is possible and what is
not possible
Help students make connections to their homes/environs and curriculum while building
on the guide’s information.
Build on the guide’s information to ask students as many questions as you can, this
makes the tour more interactive and not just a long boring walk/lecture
Encourage the guide to ask questions as well instead of just lecturing to the students.
Supporting the guide to ensure that there is order during the experience. This can be
through helping in grouping of students, emphasizing trip rules.
Ensure student safety of students
Conducting a post field trip exercise
Observe site regulations such as noise, safety and litter policy, time management among
Ask as many questions as possible to the site guides, teachers and UNITE staff and also
answer and participate when the guide and teachers ask you questions.
Actively participate and be observant during field trip activities
Actively participate in the pre and post field trip activities
Ensure personal safety
Make connections with what they experience during the field trip with what they learn in
Relate what they experience during the field trip with what happens in their communities
while identifying conservation actions they can take up in their respective communities.
Site guides
Briefing students about the site, its rules and regulations. This ideally should not take
more than 10 minutes unless if pupils have questions.
Ensuring safety of the students and teachers by giving precautions and emergency
Guiding students through showing them the right trails while providing them with
information as much as possible. Note: He/she should rather ask questions and support
students if they fail with the support of the teachers than giving all the information
Supporting teachers in conducting the field trip in a way that is student centered.
UNITE staff
Ensuring that logistically the field trips are supported through arranging transport and
meals for teachers and students
Booking with UWA or other sites ahead of time
Supporting teachers and site guides during field trip guiding and interpretation sessions
through connecting the information to conservation and the curriculum while focusing on
student centered methods.
Supplement on the information provided by the guide and teachers during the field trip
Activity 1: Primary Seven - Forest web (Kibale National Park)
Objective: To develop an understanding of biodiversity and complex connections in the
Pre trip activity
Web of Life (adapted from Project Learning Tree’s Activity 45)
Students will simulate a food web of an African savanna and discover ways that plants
and animals are connected to each other.
Background Information
An ecosystem is a complex living system. The African savanna ecosystem, a tropical
grassland, is one such example. Savannas are characterized by grasses and small
dispersed trees. The trees are spread out so that they do not form a canopy, allowing
plenty of sunlight to reach the ground for the grasses. The ecosystem appears to be
dominated by grasses, but a healthy savanna is composed of many different plants and
animals that interact with and depend on one another.
One way that plants and animals are connected is through the energy from food. A
primary function of any ecosystem is to produce and distribute energy. All life depends
on photosynthesis, the ability of green plants to use sunlight to synthesize simple sugars
from carbon dioxide and water. Plants take energy from sunlight and make it available to
animals. Herbivores (plant eaters) eat the plants and then carnivores (flesh eaters) eat the
herbivores or other carnivores. This creates a food chain.
A food chain is a simplified way to show energy relationships between plant and animals
in an ecosystem. For example, sun – plant seed – mouse – owl. This shows that a seed is
eaten by a mouse, which is then eaten by an owl. In reality, though most animals eat more
than one type of food. A food web describes the interconnection of the food chains in an
ecosystem and gives a picture of how plants and animals in the ecosystem relate to each
There are other ways plants and animals are connected besides just food. For example,
some plants rely on animals to pollinate their flowers, disperse seeds, or keep insect
populations in check. Animals may depend on plants for shelter or to help regulate the
amount of moisture and sunlight in their environment.
No matter how unrelated organisms may seem in an ecosystem they are in fact
1. Have students form a circle (sitting or standing) in the school compound.
2. Give each student an ecosystem card and tell them to read about their
organism. This can either be a plant or an animal that lives in Savanna
3. Briefly go around the circle and have the students say what their organism is
and give an overview. Ask each student to identify their organism as a
producer, consumer, or decomposer.
4. Introduce students to the web of life concept (see background).
5. Starting with a student with a plant card ask them to hold the end of the ball of
string and then gently pass/toss the rest of the ball to another student who has
a card with an organism that would interact with theirs. The second student
should hold on to part of the string and pass the rest to another student with an
organism that would interact with theirs. This will continue until all students,
“organisms”, are linked in the ecosystem and the ball is returned to the first
6. Have students step back until the string is taunt. Ask the students to keep very,
very still. If they feel a tug on the string then they should tug in response.
When they are all still tell the original student (the first plant) to gently begin
tugging. Remind everyone if they feel a tug then they should tug in response.
Through this the vibration will spread through the food web until everyone is
tugging and whole web is shaking.
7. Ask students how the tugging demonstrates what might happen when one of
the links in an ecosystem is damaged through natural or human-made stress.
8. Ask the students to pick one organism that seems less important than the
others. Have that person drop out of the web. Ask if any other organisms
should drop out because they depended on that organism. Have them drop out.
You can continue to build from there – asking either students who depend on
those organisms to drop out or start with a “new” less important organism and
go from there.
9. Discuss with the students:
a. What happens when we remove a link in the ecosystem?
b. Were the changes more dramatic when the system was composed of
many parts or when it had fewer parts? (fewer)
c. What can be said about the relationship between how many parts the
system has and how stable it is? In general, complexity should make it
more stable.
d. What happens when humans are introduced into the web?
During the trip
Ask participants to take a walk on the trails and ask them to identify a group
secretary to write down anything they see or hear during the walk. They should
write words (not sentences) of things they will see or hear during the walk.
(These words will later be used as web words)
When they return from the walk, give them at least 20 minutes to create a web
using the words they wrote.
Show the ball of string and explain that the string will let us see the connections
Encourage them to describe connections they are creating. Examples include
verbs and phrases such as affects, include, causes, can lead to, contains,
supports, increases, reduces, etc while using evidence from the walk where
Ask the group, if there are other connections that might have not been described
Post trip discussion
Have the students discuss similarities and differences between the African
savannas to the forest ecosystem.
Activity 2: Primary Six - Transpiration experiment (Tooro Botanical Gardens)
Pre-field trip exercise
Ask the pupils the following questions:
What are plants?
What makes plants important?
What makes plants different from each other? How do plant leaves differ (The
teacher can present broad and narrow, simple and compound leaves to learners and ask
learners to observe them and describe the differences)
How do plants help formation of rainfall?
(Allow the pupils to discuss amongst themselves and note down their responses
During the trip
Divide participants into two groups. Ask one group to select a plant with broad leaves and
the other group to select a plant with narrow/slender leaves. All these plants should be
within 10 meters from the start point and should have leaves that can be reached easily.
Each group is then named after the plant they choose.
Give each group two transparent plastic bags and masking tape
Ask each group to place one polythene bag over a leaf in the open and another under the
shade (for both narrow and broad leaf) they should not break the leaves off the plants
They should then secure the bag on the stem with the tape to ensure that the leaf is fully
Ask the participants their predictions on what they will find in the transparent plastic bags.
Will the bags be similar or different, if there will be differences, what will cause the
Leave the experiment to run until the groups return from the walk.
When you return from the walk, ask students to go to each of the bags to make observations
and record these.
Ask them to explain what is happening and why before discussing it as a group.
Then discuss as a group the following questions:
o Is there a difference between the plastic bags placed on broad leaves and those
placed on narrow leaves?
o If yes, what is the difference?
o What might be the causes of the differences?
o Is there a difference between plastic bags that were in the open space and those
under shade?
o If yes, what is the difference?
o What might be the causes of the difference?
o How do the findings relate to the predictions?
o What conclusions can they make from their observations?
o And how does this relate to rainfall formation?
Post field trip exercise
At the end of the walk, the guide gathers the students together to share their favorite
memories of their botanical garden adventure and ask these questions as a final review:
Did the learners find/see what they had expected?
What key things did they learn during the field trip?
What things did they appreciate about TBG
What role would the learners play in protecting vegetation in their communities?
Activity 3: Primary Five- Who lives here (Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary)
Different ecosystems support different life forms. Wetland ecosystems are rich complex
ecosystems, and because of this they support a diversity of plants and animals. These
plants and animals in a way support each other to survive in the complex ecosystem but
do not all live in the same environment or habitat. Different environments in a wetland
have different species, for example you will not find the same species in a water logged
papyrus part of the wetland as those in a forested part of the wetland. In addition some
environments more species than others
Pre field trip activity for teachers to be done at school
Start by asking pupils do some areas habited by more people than others? Do they
think it is the same with wild animals?
Divide the class into two groups and allocate them the groups an equal area; one
in the school play ground and the other group in the nearby school vegetation.
In 20 minutes, ask each group to observe the different species of insects (not
number of insects) of insects they observed. They can write the local names or
even draw or describe features for those species that they may not ably identify
Have the groups back in class and ask each group to share the number of species
observed. Which group saw more species than the other and what could be the
reasons for this?
At the site
Materials: Notebooks and pens and monitoring sheets
1. Before you take students on a walk ask them the different habitats that can be found
in a wetland and its environs. Answers may include open vegetation/grassland, thick
vegetation/forest and open water (ponds and rivers)
2. Ask students which habitat/environment they think has more birds, mammals and
3. Divide the group into three main groups and identify three different habitats of: thick
vegetation/forest, grassland/open vegetation and swamp vegetation.
4. Allocate 1 group to mammals, the other to birds and the last one to butterflies.
5. On every determined stop over i.e. grassland/open vegetation, open water and
thick/forest vegetation, ask students to record the different number of individual
animals counted as per the groups i.e. Group 1 to focus on birds, Group 2 on
mammals and Group 3 butterflies. Spend at least 15 minutes at each stop over.
Grassland/open vegetation
Group 1: Number of butterflies-----------------------------------------------------
Group 2: Number of mammals-----------------------------------------------------
Group 3: Number of birds-----------------------------------------------------------
Thick vegetation
Group 1: Number of butterflies-----------------------------------------------------
Group 2: Number of mammals-----------------------------------------------------
Group 3: Number of birds-----------------------------------------------------------
Swamp vegetation
Group 1: Number of butterflies-----------------------------------------------------
Group 2: Number of mammals-----------------------------------------------------
Group 3: Number of birds----------------------------------------------------------
After the walk, allow groups to share their observations in a group and have the
observations listed on a chart where all students can see and read.
Afterwards, lead them into a discussion based on the following questions
1. Overall which habitat has?
i. More birds------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ii. More mammals--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
iii. More Butterflies-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. How does this relate to the prediction made before the start of the trip?
3. What might be the reasons for the distribution in (1) above?
3. Identify any animals that live in two or more different habitats?
4. Why are these animals able to live in different environments?
Post trip activity
Divide the class into groups of up to 8
Draw the table shown below on the blackboard to help pupils think about things
and places that they know and are familiar with. Ask one member to copy the
table in the group’s notebook.
Wetlands are similar to:
Explanation of similarities
Recreation park
Are there any challenges facing wetlands and the wildlife that lives there? If yes what are
the challenges? ___________________________________________________________
How can these challenges be addressed? _______________________________________
Activity 4: Senior Four – Group work (Queen Elizabeth National Park)
Biodiversity distribution is influenced by a number of factors
Pre field trip discussion
What is Biodiversity?
Ask students to move out and based on what they observe, mention the examples of
biodiversity around Bigodi SS?
Discuss what factors have influenced the distribution of biodiversity around the school?
(Certain factors can lead to increase in biodiversity in some areas while others may lead
reduction of biodiversity)
Field trip discussion
Discuss the factors that have influenced distribution of biodiversity in Queen Elizabeth
National Park?
Post trip activity
Divide the class in 4 different groups
Water bodies
Human activities
Based on observations and examples from QE, ask each group to analyze how their factor
has influenced distribution of wildlife in QE