Tips, Tools, and Troubleshooting
PeopleSoft Travel & Expense
Procurement & Payment Services
October 1, 2019
Understanding the workflow
Getting Started
Creating, updating, and tracking a
Copying an existing report
Using the Expense Type Category
Topics of discussion
Utilizing Quick Fill
Copying expense lines
Applying default funding
Notifying a traveler
Withdrawing a report
Exporting report details to excel
Topics of discussion
Lodging Expense error
Turn off Autocomplete
Unable to approve
Accessing report to Approve
Valid Budget status
Accounting Date
Topics of discussion
Understanding the workflow
“Stops” in the workflow include:
Traveler (or delegate) same “stop”
HR Supervisor
Department expense manager
College/Division expense manager (optional)
Grants & Contracts (if grant funded)
Pre-pay auditor (Procurement & Payment Services)
HR Supervisor
Expense Mgr
Expense Mgr
Grants &
Understanding the workflow
Workflow impact of corrections
Report enters the approval workflow AFTER the
traveler submits the report
Any change within the approval process and the
report needs to be returned to start the workflow
HR Supervisor
Expense Mgr
Expense Mgr
Grants &
Getting Started
PeopleSoft (PS) Finance Module
Login found:
Getting Started
PeopleSoft (PS)
Finance Module
home page
Getting Started
PeopleSoft (PS) Module
Requires Duo Authentication
Expenses WorkCenter
Creating a Report
Within the Expenses
Create/Edit Report
Create/Edit can be
accessed by:
Click Add to begin the
Creating a Report
Header info includes:
Business purpose (select from
dropdown list)
Destination Location
Use the lookup & select
Report Description
Creating a Report
Add a line for each
expense incurred
Available expense types
are listed alphabetically
Use one line & combine
miscellaneous travel
Creating a Report
One expense line per Lodging Receipt
(will require that you document the number of nights)
One expense line for EAC H DAY of meals
Update start time first day & stop time last day
One expense line for round trip mileage
Creating a Report
Lodging Expenses
One expense line per receipt
Enter number of nights stayed
Merchant information
Always Non-Preferred
Name of merchant is required
May need to justify the cost (excess of per diem)
Defaults from Profile
Pulls in from information
entered in header
Creating a Report
Meal lines will include a
start and stop time
Update start time on 1
day and end time
on last day of travel
Per diem is based on a full
day. Any meals not being
claimed will simply be
Meal Expenses
Creating a Report
A report number is assigned once the report is
Can Save for Later and return to complete
Confirm that amounts are correct & all
supporting documentation is attached
Once complete, go to Summary and Submit
Submission must be completed by the traveler
Creating a Report
To submit the report:
On the Summary page, the traveler must:
Check the box certifying the accuracy and
compliance of all expenses reported
Click the Submit Expense Report
Greyed out till box is checked
Is considered the digital signature of the
Updating a Report
To update an existing report that has not
been submitted
Create/Edit Report
Find an Existing Value
Leave Criteria blank
Click Search
Updating a Report
Submitted reports cannot be updated by
the traveler/delegate unless:
Report is withdrawn by the traveler
Report is returned to the traveler
Reminder delegate does not receive
an email when a report is returned
Tracking a Report
To locate a submitted report
Review Report
Search by criteria or leave blank for all reports
Tracking a Report
Report opens on summary page
Track progress on workflow bar
Green checkmark on completedstops”
View approval history in details below the
including Date/Time of the completed action
Tracking a Report
Review Report only to view
Cannot edit/make changes when in Review Report
Traveler cannot submit from Review Report
Notifications from Review Report will put recipient
into Review Report NOT Create/Edit
Accessed from
Accessed from
email notification
Tips/Tools Copy an Existing Report
Short cut in the Quick Start:
Select An Existing Report
Copies the information from a
previous expense report
Update the expense dates and
other details
Tips/Tools Copy an Existing Report
A list of available reports is provided
Narrow the search by using the date
Tips/Tools Copy an Existing Report
Click a report ID number to see the details
that will be copied.
Tips/Tools Copy an Existing Report
Click Select to choose a report to copy
Tips/Tools Copy an Existing Report
ALL information from the selected
report will be duplicated (Attachments are not
duplicated - new attachments for new report)
Update the header information
Update the expense lines
Make sure to correct the date and all other
pertinent details on each expense line
Remove any unnecessary expense lines
Tips/Tools Expense Type Category
When entering
expense lines
Use the Expense Type
Category icon to
narrow selection.
Example: In State
Tips/Tools – Quick-Fill
Create all your expense lines at one time
Select the Quick-Fill
Enter the dates for your trip
Tips/Tools – Quick-Fill
Scroll & select
expense types
Check the box in the
One Day column for
one line and All Days
column for multiple
lines one line for
each day of travel
Tips/Tools – Quick-Fill
Tips/Tools Copy Expense Lines
Duplicate previous expense line
Must have at least one expense line
Choose from Actions drop down list
Select Copy Expense Lines
Click GO
Select Expense line to copy and date(s) to
copy to
Tips/Tools Copy Expense Lines
Tips/Tools Default Funding for Report
Enter/Update funding for entire report
Must have at least one expense line
Choose from Actions drop down list
Tips/Tools Default Funding for Report
Select Default
Accounting For Report
Click GO
May add additional
Tips/Tools Default Funding for Report
Each line is based on the percentage of
the funding
Tips/Tools Using the Notify Button
As a delegate, upon completion of the
report, notify the traveler the report is
ready to submit
Tips/Tools Using the Notify Button
Clicking Notify opens an email template
Enter the recipients email address
a lookup is available
Enter a subject
Leave the Template
as is (contains link)
Enter a detailed
CC to yourself is
Tips/Tools Using the Notify Button
BE CAREFUL Notify is available in
Create/Edit and in Review
Sent from Create/Edit Report recipient
can edit and submit when accessing from
the embedded link
Sent from Review Report recipient
cannot update or submit when accessing
from the link
Tips/Tools Using the Notify Button
Create/Edit Report
Review Report
Tips/Tools Withdrawing a Report
To Withdraw a report
Select Review Report from
Expenses WorkCenter
Use Realtime Search tab
Leave criteria blank to
search all reports
Narrow search by one or
more selected criteria
Tips/Tools Withdrawing a Report
Select report from list of available reports
All reports will show those that have
passed the HR supervisor stop cannot
be withdrawn button is greyed out
Click Withdraw Expense Report
Tips/Tools Exporting to Excel
Export report details to an Excel
From these menu options:
Review Report
Review Expense History
Search and select a report
Tips/Tools Exporting to Excel
Choose an Action
Export to Excel
Click the spreadsheet icon
Tips/Tools Exporting to Excel
Reports details download to an Excel
Troubleshooting Lodging Expense
Lodging Expenses
Red Flags
Red Triangle
Troubleshooting Lodging Expense
Lodging Expenses
Click Red Triangle
Justification for
exceeding the
authorized amount
Troubleshooting Autocomplete
Default Location is changing
Default location in the header or on
subsequent expense lines is changing to
another state
May change to the first alphabetical option
Troubleshooting Autocomplete
To avoid, turn off the Autocomplete
in your profile
Click the NavBar Icon
(upper right corner)
Scroll down to My Preferences
Troubleshooting Autocomplete
Expand Navigation Personalizations
Set Autocomplete to “No”
Troubleshooting Approving a Report
Approve buttons is greyed out
How is the approver accessing the
From the email link?
We recommend logging into the
WorkCenter to access Approve
Troubleshooting Approving a Report
Within the Expenses
Select Approve
View the list of
transactions requiring
your approval
Troubleshooting Approving a Report
View the list of transactions requiring
your approval
Double click a report to select and
Troubleshooting Approving a Report
Report must have a valid budget status to
Budget checking process runs three times
a day (7:15 am, 11:15 am, and 3:15 pm)
Troubleshooting Approving a Report
Not Budget Checked
Approve button greyed out
Troubleshooting Approving a Report
Error in Budget Check
Approve button greyed out
Troubleshooting Approving a Report
Error Review expense details funding
Correct the funding error
Or return to have the traveler/delegate
correct the error
Troubleshooting Approving a Report
Accounting date is in a previous month
Defaults to date submitted
Troubleshooting Approving a Report
Accounting date highlighted
Change accounting date to current date
Report will need to be budget checked
Troubleshooting Approving a Report
Option 1
Save changes
Budget check will run at scheduled
Report can then be approved
Troubleshooting Approving a Report
Option 2
Process a budget check
Click Budget
Select Budget
Troubleshooting Approving a Report
Click OK
Budget check process will run
Updated status will be displayed
Thank you for coming and
have a great week!