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April 2000
Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide Release 11i
The part number for this book is
Copyright E 1998, 2000, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Primary Author: Stephen R. Damiani
Major Contributors: Christopher Andrews, Alan Fothergill
Contributors: Michelle Bonat, Helen Chung, Jing Feng, Klaus Gelinsky, Sungha Huh, Ron Langi,
Quan Le, Bob Singh, David Tong, Steven Dalton
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Preface v. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 1 Application Overview 1–1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Application Overview 1–2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Administrative Features 1–2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Expense Reporting Features 1–8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Process Overview 1–11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Entering Expense Reports 1–12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
AP Expense Report Workflow 1–13. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Converting Expense Reports into Invoices 1–15. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Paying Expense Reports 1–15. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 2 Setting Up Self–Service Expenses 2–1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Setting Up Self–Service Expenses 2–2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Setting Up Underlying Oracle Applications Technology 2–2. . .
Setup Checklist 2–3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Oracle Human Resources 2–6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Oracle Payables 2–6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Oracle Projects 2–21. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Setting Up Self–Service Expenses Profile Options 2–25. . . . . . . . .
Application Object Library Profile Options 2–33. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Using the Web Application Dictionary
to Customize Self–Service Expenses 2–33. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ii Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Setting Up Credit Cards 2–38. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Defining Credit Card Programs 2–42. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Defining Credit Cards 2–43. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Setting Up the Import Control File 2–44. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Modify the init.ora File 2–45. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Credit Card Transaction Import and Validation 2–47. . . . . . . . . . .
Credit Card Transaction Validation Report 2–48. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Clearing Unused Credit Card Transactions 2–49. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Testing Credit Card Integration Set Up 2–49. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 3 Client Extensions in Self–Service Expenses 3–1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Client Extensions 3–2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Default Cost Center Extension 3–3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cost Center Validation Extension 3–4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Calculate Amount Extension 3–5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Populate Poplist Extension 3–6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Flexfield Default Extension 3–6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Flexfield Validation Extension 3–8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Management Involvement Extension 3–8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Authority Verification Extension 3–10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Accounts Payable Involvement Extension 3–11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Find Approver Extension 3–12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 4 The Expense Spreadsheet 4–1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Expense Spreadsheet 4–2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Disconnected Expense Reporting Process 4–2. . . . . . . . . . . .
Customizing the Excel Template 4–3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Testing the Custom Excel Template 4–25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 5 AP Expense Report Workflow 5–1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
AP Expense Report Workflow 5–2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Customizing the AP Expense Report Workflow 5–2. . . . . . . . . .
Required Modifications 5–3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Find Approver Method 5–8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The AP Expense Report Item Type 5–12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The AP Expense Report Workflow Item Type Attributes 5–13. . .
Summary of the AP Standard Expense Report Process 5–19. . . . . . . .
AP Standard Expense Report Process Activities 5–21. . . . . . . . . .
Summary of the Server Side Validation Process 5–25. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Server Side Validation Process Activities 5–26. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Summary of the Manager (Spending) Approval Process 5–31. . . . . . .
Manager (Spending) Approval Process Activities 5–34. . . . . . . . .
Summary of the Third Party Expense Report Process 5–44. . . . . . . . .
Third Party Expense Report Process Activities 5–45. . . . . . . . . . .
Summary of the Request Approval Process 5–49. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Request Approval Process Activities 5–50. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Summary of the No Manager Response Process 5–54. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
No Manager Response Process Activities 5–55. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Summary of the AP Approval Process 5–58. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
AP Approval Process Activities 5–60. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Summary of the Shortpay Unverified Receipt Items Process 5–65. . .
Shortpay Unverified Receipt Items Process Activities 5–67. . . . .
Summary of the Bothpay Process 5–72. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bothpay Process Activities 5–73. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Summary of the Missing Receipts Shortpay Process 5–76. . . . . . . . . .
Missing Receipts Shortpay Process Activities 5–78. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Summary of the Policy Violation Shortpay Process 5–81. . . . . . . . . . .
Policy Violation Shortpay Process Activities 5–82. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Summary of the Rejection Process 5–86. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rejection Process Activities 5–87. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
AP Credit Card Workflow 5–91. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The AP Credit Card Workflow Item Type Attributes 5–92. . . . . .
AP Credit Card Process Activities 5–93. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
iv Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Welcome to Release 11i of the Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation
This manual includes the information you need to implement
Self–Service Expenses. It contains detailed information about the
Overview and reference information
Self–Service Expenses implementation suggestions
Specific tasks you can accomplish using Self–Service Expenses
Self–Service Expenses functions and features
Self–Service Expenses system setup
The preface explains how this manual is organized and introduces
other sources of information that can help you.
vi Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Audience for This Manual
This manual assumes you have a working knowledge of the following:
The principles and customary practices of your business area.
Oracle Self–Service Expenses
The Oracle Applications graphical user interface.
To learn more about the Oracle Applications graphical user
interface, read the Oracle Applications User Guide.
See Other Information Sources for more information about Oracle
Applications product information.
How To Use This Manual
This manual contains the information you need to understand and use
Oracle Self–Service Expenses.
This preface explains how this manual is organized and introduces
other sources of information that can help you. This manual contains
the following chapters:
Chapter 1 provides a general overview of Self–Service Expenses.
Chapter 2 contains a checklist for setting up your Self–Service
Expenses system.
Chapter 3 explains how to set up Oracle Self–Service Expenses.
Chapter 4 tells you how to use the Oracle Self–Service Expenses
client extensions. These client extensions enable you to extend
Oracle Self–Service Expenses functionality to fulfill your
business needs.
Chapter 5 explains how to set up the Expense Spreadsheet.
Chapter 6 describes the AP Expense Report Workflow process.
Other Information Sources
You can choose from many sources of information, including online
documentation, training, and support services, to increase your
knowledge and understanding of Oracle Self–Service Expenses.
If this manual refers you to other Oracle Applications documentation,
use only the Release 11i versions of those guides unless we specify
Online Documentation
All Oracle Applications documentation is available online (HTML and
PDF). The technical reference guides are available in paper format
only. Note that the HTML documentation is translated into over
twenty languages.
The HTML version of this manual is optimized for onscreen reading,
and you can use it to follow hypertext links for easy access to other
HTML guides in the library. When you have an HTML window open,
you can use the features on the left side of the window to navigate
freely throughout all Oracle Applications documentation.
You can use the Search feature to search by words or phrases.
You can use the expandable menu to search for topics in the
menu structure we provide. The Library option on the menu
expands to show all Oracle Applications HTML documentation.
You can view HTML help in the following ways:
From an application window, use the help icon or the help menu
to open a new Web browser and display help about that window.
Use the documentation CD.
Use a URL provided by your system administrator.
Your HTML help may contain information that was not available when
this manual was printed.
Related User Guides
Oracle Self–Service Expenses shares business and setup information
with other Oracle Applications products such as Oracle Payables.
Therefore, you may want to refer to other user guides when you set up
and use Oracle Self–Service Expenses.
You can read the guides online by choosing Library from the
expandable menu on your HTML help window, by reading from the
Oracle Applications Document Library CD included in your media
pack, or by using a Web browser with a URL that your system
administrator provides.
viii Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
If you require printed guides, you can purchase them from the Oracle
store at http://oraclestore.oracle.com.
User Guides Related to All Products
Oracle Applications User Guide
This guide explains how to navigate the system, enter data, and query
information, and introduces other basic features of the GUI available
with this release of Oracle Self–Service Expenses (and any other Oracle
Applications product).
You can also access this user guide online by choosing “Getting Started
and Using Oracle Applications” from the Oracle Applications help
Oracle Alert User Guide
Use this guide to define periodic and event alerts that monitor the
status of your Oracle Applications data.
Oracle Applications Implementation Wizard User Guide
If you are implementing more than one Oracle product, you can use the
Oracle Applications Implementation Wizard to coordinate your setup
activities. This guide describes how to use the wizard.
Oracle Applications Developers Guide
This guide contains the coding standards followed by the Oracle
Applications development staff. It describes the Oracle Application
Object Library components needed to implement the Oracle
Applications user interface described in the Oracle Applications User
Interface Standards. It also provides information to help you build your
custom Oracle Developer forms so that they integrate with Oracle
Oracle Applications User Interface Standards
This guide contains the user interface (UI) standards followed by the
Oracle Applications development staff. It describes the UI for the
Oracle Applications products and how to apply this UI to the design of
an application built by using Oracle Forms.
User Guides Related to This Product
Oracle Self–Service Web Applications Implementation Guide
This manual contains detailed information about the overview and
architecture and setup of Oracle Self–Service Web Applications. It also
contains an overview of and procedures for using the Web Applications
Managing People Using Oracle HRMS
Use this manual to learn how to enter information about your
employees that will use Self–Service Expenses.
Oracle Payables User Guide
This manual provides detailed information on how to set up many of
the features of Self–Service Expenses. In particular, refer to this guide
to learn how to use Invoice Import to create invoices in Oracle Payables
from expense reports entered in Self–Service Expenses.
Oracle Projects User Guide
Refer to this guide for setup and reference information if you plan on
integrating Oracle Self–Service Expenses with Oracle Projects.
Oracle Applications Developers Guide
This guide contains the coding standards followed by the Oracle
Applications development staff. It describes the Oracle Application
Object Library components needed to implement the Oracle
Applications user interface described in the Oracle Applications User
Interface Standards. It also provides information to help you build your
custom Developer/2000 forms so that they integrate with Oracle
Oracle Applications User Interface Standards
This manual contains the user interface (UI) standards followed by the
Oracle Applications development staff. It describes the UI for the
Oracle Applications products and how to apply this UI to the design of
an application built by using Oracle Forms 6.
x Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Installation and System Administration Guides
Oracle Applications Implementation Wizard Users Guide
If you are implementing more than one Oracle product, you can use the
Oracle Applications Implementation Wizard to coordinate your setup
activities. This guide describes how to use the wizard.
Oracle Applications Concepts
This guide provides an introduction to the concepts, features,
technology stack, architecture, and terminology for Oracle Applications
Release 11i. It provides a useful first book to read before an installation
of Oracle Applications. This guide also introduces the concepts behind,
and major issues, for Applications–wide features such as Business
Intelligence (BIS), languages and character sets, and self–service
Installing Oracle Applications
This guide provides instructions for managing the installation of Oracle
Applications products. In Release 11i, much of the installation process
is handled using Oracle One–Hour Install, which minimizes the time it
takes to install Oracle Applications and the Oracle 8i Server technology
stack by automating many of the required steps. This guide contains
instructions for using Oracle One–Hour Install and lists the tasks you
need to perform to finish your installation. You should use this guide
in conjunction with individual product user guides and
implementation guides.
Upgrading Oracle Applications
Refer to this guide if you are upgrading your Oracle Applications
Release 10.7 or Release 11.0 products to Release 11i. This guide
describes the upgrade process in general and lists database upgrade
and product–specific upgrade tasks. You must be at either Release 10.7
(NCA, SmartClient, or character mode) or Release 11.0 to upgrade to
Release 11i. You cannot upgrade to Release 11i directly from releases
prior to 10.7.
Using the AD Utilities
Use this guide to help you run the various AD utilities, such as
AutoInstall, AutoPatch, AD Administration, AD Controller, Relink,
and others. It contains how–to steps, screenshots, and other
information that you need to run the AD utilities.
Oracle Applications Product Update Notes
Use this guide as a reference if you are responsible for upgrading an
installation of Oracle Applications. It provides a history of the changes
to individual Oracle Applications products between Release 11.0 and
Release 11i. It includes new features and enhancements and changes
made to database objects, profile options, and seed data for this
Oracle Applications System Administrators Guide
This guide provides planning and reference information for the Oracle
Applications System Administrator. It contains information on how to
define security, customize menus and online help, and manage
Oracle Receivables Applications Technical Reference Manual
The Oracle Receivables Applications Technical Reference Manual contains
database diagrams and a detailed description of Oracle Receivables
and related applications database tables, forms, reports, and programs.
This information helps you convert data from your existing
applications, integrate Oracle Receivables with non–Oracle
applications, and write custom reports for Oracle Receivables.
You can order a technical reference manual for any product you have
licensed. Technical reference manuals are available in paper format
Oracle Workflow Guide
This guide explains how to define new workflow business processes as
well as customize existing Oracle Applications–embedded workflow
processes. You also use this guide to complete the setup steps
necessary for any Oracle Applications product that includes
workflow–enabled processes.
Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide
This manual provides flexfields planning, setup, and reference
information for the Self–Service Expenses implementation team, as well
as for users responsible for the ongoing maintenance of Oracle
xii Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Applications product data. This manual also provides information on
creating custom reports on flexfields data.
Training and Support
We offer a complete set of training courses to help you and your staff
master Oracle Applications. We can help you develop a training plan
that provides thorough training for both your project team and your
end users. We will work with you to organize courses appropriate to
your job or area of responsibility.
Training professionals can show you how to plan your training
throughout the implementation process so that the right amount of
information is delivered to key people when they need it the most. You
can attend courses at any one of our many Educational Centers, or you
can arrange for our trainers to teach at your facility. We also offer Net
classes, where training is delivered over the Internet, and many
multimedia–based courses on CD. In addition, we can tailor standard
courses or develop custom courses to meet your needs.
From on–site support to central support, our team of experienced
professionals provides the help and information you need to keep
Oracle Self–Service Expenses working for you. This team includes
your Technical Representative, Account Manager, and Oracle’s large
staff of consultants and support specialists with expertise in your
business area, managing an Oracle server, and your hardware and
software environment.
Do Not Use Database Tools to Modify Oracle Applications Data
We STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you never use SQL*Plus, Oracle
Data Browser, database triggers, or any other tool to modify Oracle
Applications tables, unless we tell you to do so in our guides.
Oracle provides powerful tools you can use to create, store, change,
retrieve, and maintain information in an Oracle database. But if you
use Oracle tools such as SQL*Plus to modify Oracle Applications data,
you risk destroying the integrity of your data and you lose the ability to
audit changes to your data.
Because Oracle Applications tables are interrelated, any change you
make using an Oracle Applications form can update many tables at
once. But when you modify Oracle Applications data using anything
other than Oracle Applications forms, you might change a row in one
table without making corresponding changes in related tables. If your
tables get out of synchronization with each other, you risk retrieving
erroneous information and unpredictable results throughout Oracle
When you use Oracle Applications forms to modify your data, Oracle
Applications automatically checks that your changes are valid. Oracle
Applications also keeps track of who changes information. But if you
enter information into database tables using database tools, you may
store invalid information. You also lose the ability to track who has
changed your information because SQL*Plus and other database tools
do not keep a record of changes.
xiv Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
About Oracle
Oracle Corporation develops and markets an integrated line of
software products for database management, applications
development, decision support and office automation, as well as Oracle
Applications. Oracle Applications provides the E–business Suite, a
fully integrated suite of more than 70 software modules for financial
management, Internet procurement, business intelligence, supply chain
management, manufacturing, project systems, human resources and
sales and service management.
Oracle products are available for mainframes, minicomputers, personal
computers, network computers, and personal digital assistants,
enabling organizations to integrate different computers, different
operating systems, different networks, and even different database
management systems, into a single, unified computing and information
Oracle is the world’s leading supplier of software for information
management, and the world’s second largest software company. Oracle
offers its database, tools, and application products, along with related
consulting, education and support services, in over 145 countries
around the world.
Your Feedback
Thank you for using Oracle Self–Service Expenses and this
implementation guide.
We value your comments and feedback. This manual contains a
Reader’s Comment Form you can use to explain what you like or
dislike about Oracle Self–Service Expenses or this manual. Mail your
comments to the following address or call us directly at (650) 506–7000.
Oracle Applications Documentation Manager
Oracle Corporation
500 Oracle Parkway
Redwood Shores, CA 94065
Or, send electronic mail to [email protected].
1–1Application Overview
Application Overview
his chapter summarizes the functionality of Oracle Self–Service
Expenses and provides an overview of the expense reporting process.
1–2 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Application Overview
With Oracle Self–Service Expenses, employees can enter and submit
expense reports using a standard Web browser. Oracle Workflow
automatically routes expense reports for approval and enforces
reimbursement policies. Self–Service Expenses integrates with Oracle
Payables so expense reports are quickly processed for payment.
This chapter covers the following topics:
Administrative Features: page 1–2
Expense Reporting Features: page 1–9
Process Overview: page 1–11
Administrative Features
The following are features in Self–Service Expenses for use by
managers and administrators.
Authorized Delegate
You can authorize an employee to enter expense reports for another
employee. An employee who is assigned the responsibility to enter
expense reports for another employee is an authorized delegate. For
example, you can authorize executive assistants to enter expense
reports for their managers.
See: Assigning Authorized Delegates: page 2–7
Disconnected Expense Report Entry
Employees can create expense reports off–line when they are away
from the office, for example, or otherwise without access to a corporate
intranet. With disconnected expense report entry employees create
expense reports using a generic Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Then,
they upload the report to Self–Service Expenses when they have
intranet access.
See: Expense Spreadsheet: page 4–2
1–3Application Overview
Descriptive Flexfields
If you want users to enter information for which there is no
corresponding field in Self–Service Expenses, you can customize the
application using descriptive flexfields. Descriptive flexfields are screen
elements such as text boxes, poplists, and check boxes, that you can use
to collect any expense report information your organization requires.
These elements appear in the Details window when creating an
expense report in Self–Service Expenses.
You can also map descriptive flexfields to expense types that you
define so when a user chooses a specific expense type, the system
requires additional information in the related flexfields.
Descriptive flexfields collect receipt–level, rather than
header–level, information, which means that the information a
user enters in a flexfield is related to a specific expense line, not
to the entire report.
See: Setting Up Descriptive Flexfields: page 2–13.
Multiple Reimbursement Currencies
The currency in which an expense report is paid is the reimbursement
currency. You can set up Self–Service Expenses so employees can
specify a reimbursement currency different from your functional
See: Reviewing Multiple Currencies Set Up: page 2–11.
Multiple Expense Templates
An expense template defines the list of expense types (airfare, car rental,
meals, and so on) from which users can choose when they enter their
expense reports. You can define multiple expense report templates for
use with Self–Service Expenses. You define multiple expense report
templates, and employees can select one from a poplist.
See: Defining Expense Report Templates: page 2–10
Flexible Requirements for Original Receipts
An original receipt is a receipt issued by a merchant that serves as a
record of a transaction. Accounting departments usually require
employees to submit at least some original receipts with their expense
reports. When you define expense report templates for use with
Self–Service Expenses, you can indicate whether an original receipt is
1–4 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
required for an expense type (airfare, meals, car rental, and so on). You
can also indicate that an original receipt is required only if the expense
exceeds a certain amount. For more information, see: Defining Expense
Report Templates: page 2–10.
Users can see whether original receipts are required in the Self–Service
Expenses Review page. If users do not submit required original
receipts, their expense reports may be short paid. When an expense
report is short paid, the employee’s reimbursement does not include
expenses for which a required receipt is missing. However, the
employee’s manager can approve an expense item despite the missing
See: Short Paying Expense Reports: page 5–66.
Missing Original Receipts
Employees indicate that they do not have original receipts by checking
the Original Receipt Missing check box in the Enter Receipts tabbed
region. You can set up Self–Service Expenses so when users check the
Original Receipt Missing check box it changes the status of a receipt
from required to not required.
See: Setting Workflow Activity Attributes: page 5–3.
Refund Tracking
You can set up Self–Service Expenses so employees can enter refunds
(negative receipts) when creating an expense report. Employees enter
negative receipts to report the refund of a previously reimbursed
expense, for example, the refund of an unused airline ticket.
Depending on your company policy, the credit lines can be applied to
other expense lines in the same expense report, applied to a future
expense report, or the employee may be required to remit payment to
the company for the refunded amount.
To allow employees to enter negative receipts, the profile option SS
Expenses:Allow Credit Lines must be set to Yes.
Oracle Projects Integration
Self–Service Expenses integrates with Oracle Projects so employees can
enter project–related information on expense reports. Self–Service
Expenses validates the project–related information and creates
accounting entries for expense items according to the rules you define
in Oracle Projects.
1–5Application Overview
To support employees who use the Expense Spreadsheet, Self–Service
Expenses enables employees to download files with current and valid
project–related information. Employees can download project–related
information by using the View Projects and Tasks function.
Users can enter project–related information only if the
value for the SS Expenses:Enable Projects profile option is set to
See: Integrating Self–Service Expenses with Oracle Projects: page 2–21.
Required Justifications
You can set up Self–Service Expenses so employees are required to
enter justifications for specific expenses. When you define expense
report templates for use with Self–Service Expenses, you can indicate
whether a justification is required for an expense type (airfare, meals,
car rental, and so on). If an expense report contains an invalid or
unapproved justification, the report may be short paid. See: Short
Paying Expense Reports: page 5–66.
See: Defining Expense Report Templates: page 2–10
Required Purpose
You can set up Self–Service Expenses so employees must enter a
purpose for all expense reports. To do this, set the profile option SS
Expenses: Purpose Required to Yes.
See: Setting Up Self–Service Expenses Profile Options: page 2–25.
Expense Report Number Prefixes
You can define a prefix for every expense report entered in Self–Service
Expenses. Entering a prefix value enables you to easily identify
invoices in Oracle Payables originally created as Self–Service expense
For more information see: SS Expenses: Report Number Prefix: page
Collecting Tax Information
By indicating that an expense line includes tax and choosing a tax code,
the system automatically calculates the tax amount using the tax code
information defined in Oracle Payables. You can enable the Amount
1–6 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Includes Tax and the Tax Code fields in Self Service Expenses by setting
the profile option SS Expenses:Enable Tax to Yes.
See: Setting Up Self–Service Expenses Profile Options: page 2–25.
Configurable Multi–Row Display
You can modify the appearance and behavior of the New Expense
Report page. You can specify:
which fields appear in the page
the order in which fields appear
whether a field can be updated
whether a field is required
See: Using the Web Applications Dictionary to Customize Self–Service
Expenses: page 2–32.
Credit Card Charges
If your company issues corporate credit cards to employees, you can
set up Self–Service Expenses so users can automatically import charges
from the credit card issuer into expense reports. See: Setting Up Credit
Cards: page 2–37.
The AP Credit Card Charges workflow automatically informs
employees and managers of payments created for corporate card
charges as well as any past due, disputed, or unapproved charges. See:
AP Credit Card Workflow: page 5–91.
Support for the Euro as Functional Currency
If your company is changing its functional currency to the euro,
employees need to create expense reports in Self–Service Expenses and
specify the euro as either the receipt currency, the reimbursement
currency, or both. The changes required to your Self–Service Expenses
implementation for euro compliance are simple and can be completed
in a very short time.
For more information, see: Euro as Functional Currency.
1–7Application Overview
AP Expense Report Workflow
The AP Expense Report workflow defines the set of business processes
for all of the administrative tasks related to the expense reporting
approval process. In particular, the AP Expense Report workflow
handles the manager approval process and the accounts payable
approval process for Self–Service expense reports.
For a detailed description of the process definitions of the AP Expense
Report workflow, see: AP Expense Report Workflow: page 5–2.
You can customize the process definitions of the AP Expense Report
workflow to accommodate your company–specific needs. For a
detailed description of the required and optional customizations you
can make to the AP Expense Report workflow, see: Customizing the AP
Expense Report Workflow: page 5–2.
Predefined Methods for Routing Expense Reports for Manager
Self–Service Expenses includes three predefined methods to determine
how workflow routes expense reports to managers for approval. When
you set up the AP Expense Report workflow, you can choose one of the
three following methods:
Go Up Management Chain
One Stop Then Go Directly
Go Directly to Person with Signing Authority
For a detailed explanation of how these three methods work, see: Find
Approver Method: page 5–8.
Enforcement of Travel, Entertainment, and Reimbursement Policies
To enforce your travel, entertainment, and reimbursement policies,
your accounts payable department uses the Expense Reports window
of Oracle Payables to approve, adjust, or short pay Self–Service
expense reports.
Adjusting Expense Reports
If an expense line violates a reimbursement policy, your accounts
payable department adjusts the expense report by reducing the total
amount of the expense line. For example, if you have a travel policy
stating that cab fares cannot exceed $100, your accounts payable
department can adjust expense lines for cab fares that exceed this limit.
1–8 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
The employee receives payment for the expense line, less the amount of
the adjustment. When your accounts payable department adjusts
expense reports, the AP Approval workflow process informs employees
of the reasons for, and amounts of, the adjustments.
Short Paying Expense Reports
Depending on how you set up Self–Service Expenses, your accounts
payable department may require that employees provide original
receipts or justifications for some expense lines in their expense reports.
Your accounts payable department short pays expense reports by
identifying the expense lines which have:
missing required receipts
inadequate justifications
When your accounts payable department short pays an expense report,
the Shortpay Unverified Receipt Items workflow process does the
creates a new expense report from the lines that have missing
required receipts, and/or creates a new expense report from the
lines that have inadequate justifications
eliminates the lines your accounts payable department short
paid from the original expense report and approves it
This process also transitions these new expense reports to the Missing
Receipts Shortpay process or the Policy Violation Shortpay process. See:
Summary of the Missing Receipts Shortpay Process: page 5–76
Summary of the Policy Violation Shortpay Process: page 5–81
1–9Application Overview
Expense Reporting Features
The following are features in Self–Service Expenses for use by
employees submitting expense reports.
Changing Cost Centers
Self–Service Expenses automatically populates the Cost Center field
with the employee’s cost center based on information in human
resources tables. Employees can charge expense reports to cost centers
other than their own by changing the value in the Cost Center field.
Attention: You must set the SS Expenses:Override Approver
profile option to Yes if you want to use one of the three seeded
find approver methods. The Find Approver workflow activity
fails if users charge expense reports to cost centers different
than their own without entering an overriding approver.
Designating Approvers
Typically the direct managers of employees are responsible for
approving their expense reports. However, if the profile option SS
Expenses:Override Approver is set to Yes, employees can direct their
expense reports to a different manager by entering a value in the
Overriding Approver field.
If an employee enters a different cost center when creating an expense
report, entering an overriding approver is required. In this case, the
approver specified must have authority to approve expense reports
assigned to that cost center. See: AP Expense Report Workflow: page
Entering Foreign Currency Expenses
Employees can enter foreign currency expenses in Self–Service
Expenses. That is, they can enter expenses in currencies other than
their company’s reimbursement currency. When entering foreign
currency expenses, employees must enter the exchange rate between
receipt currency and the reimbursement currency when the expense
was incurred.
For example, an employee at a US company travels on business in
Europe and incurs expenses in Spain. When creating an expense report
for the trip, the employee must enter the exchange rate between the US
dollar and the euro on the date each expense was incurred.
1–10 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Saving Expense Reports (without submitting)
Employees can save partially completed expense reports as a work in
progress then finish and submit them for approval later. Self–Service
Expenses performs no validation on a report when an employee saves a
report, so a user can save even though information required for
submitting the report may be missing.
When an employee saves an expense report, Self–Service Expenses
displays a confirmation page containing the expense report number.
Employees can then use the Modify Expense Reports function from the
Main Menu to open the saved expense report, add or modify
information, and then submit the report for approval.
Reviewing Expense Reports (before submitting)
The Final Review page enables employees to review a summary of an
expense report before submitting it for approval. For each item in the
report, this page displays the amount, the expense type, and any other
detailed information the employee entered. It also includes totals for
each expense type and subtotals for each expense category such as
”Cash and Other” or ”Corporate Card.”
Employees can also display charges either by expense type or expense
group simply by clicking on a button.
Viewing Expense Report Status
Employees can check the status of their expense reports by choosing
View Expense Report History from the Main Menu. This function
shows whether a report was approved by management or the accounts
payable department, and indicates whether the report was short paid
or adjusted.
Employees can also view payment information, drill down to view
information about individual expense lines, and find out why an
expense report was rejected or adjusted.
Itemizing Receipts
Self–Service Expenses users can track expenses in greater detail by
itemizing receipts. This enables an employee to separate an expense
such as a hotel bill into multiple lines, assign an expense type to each
line, and indicate whether each is a business or personal expense. The
system automatically subtracts all personal expenses from the report
1–11Application Overview
Process Overview
This section provides an overview of the Self–Service Expenses process.
Figure 1 – 1 Overview of Self–Service Expenses
1–12 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Entering Expense Reports
Creating Expense Reports with a Web Browser
Employees assigned to the Expense Reports responsibility can log on to
Oracle Self–Service Web Applications and enter expense reports using a
standard Web browser.
Employees can enter expenses manually in the Expense Report page or
import charges from a corporate credit card. For more information,
see: Setting Up Credit Cards: page 2–37.
Saving Expense Reports
When entering an expense report, employees can choose to save the
report at any time as a work–in–progress, and then return to the report
later to finish and submit it for approval.
Creating an Expense Report with the Expense Spreadsheet
The disconnected expense reporting process enables Self–Service Expenses
users to create expense reports when away from the office or when
access to the corporate intranet is not available.
The disconnected expense reporting process includes:
Downloading and saving a copy of the expense spreadsheet
template using the Download Expense Spreadsheet function.
Access to your corporate intranet is required to download this
Using the expense spreadsheet to enter expense report
Transferring expense reports created with the spreadsheet to
Self–Service Expenses using the Upload Expense Spreadsheet
function. Once uploaded, the transferred information appears as
an expense report in Self–Service Expenses and users can update,
save or submit it for approval. Access to your corporate intranet
is required to upload the spreadsheet.
1–13Application Overview
Sending Receipts to Accounts Payable
After an employee submits an expense report, Self–Service Expenses
displays a customizable confirmation page with instructions for the
employee. For example, you may want to inform the employee that a
notification will be sent when the report is approved by management
and at that time all original receipts must be sent to the accounts
payables department. (Most companies require original receipts for
verification before reimbursing employees for business expenses.)
AP Expense Report Workflow
When an employee submits an expense report for approval, the AP
Expense Report workflow process begins.
Server Side Validation Process
The Server Side Validation process adds required information to the
AP_EXPENSE_REPORT_LINES so the workflow approval processes and
the Payables Invoice Import program can process the report properly.
Once the Server Side Validation process is complete, a report can be
viewed in the Payables Expense Report window.
For more information on this process, see: Summary of the Server Side
Validation Process: page 5–25.
Manager (Spending) Approval Process
The Manager (Spending) Approval process routes expense reports to
managers for approval. A manager’s ability to approve a report
depends on their signing limit. If the total report amount is greater than
the manager’s signing limit, workflow forwards the report to the next
person in the management hierarchy that has proper signing authority.
When an expense report receives approval, workflow transitions to the
AP Approval process. For a detailed description of this process, see:
Summary of the Manager (Spending) Approval Process: page 5–31.
If a manager rejects the report, the workflow transitions to the Rejection
1–14 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Rejection Process
When a manager rejects an expense report, the Rejection process begins.
The Rejection process notifies the employee that the report has been
rejected and may provide a reason. The employee can optionally
modify and resubmit the report for approval using the Modify Expense
Reports function.
For a detailed description of this process, see: Summary of the
Rejection Process: page 5–86.
AP Approval Process
The AP Approval process first determines whether an expense report
requires the approval of the accounts payable department. If approval
from the accounts payable department is not required, the process
automatically approves the expense report. If the report requires
approval from the accounts payable department, the process waits until
it receives a response from that department before continuing.
The accounts payable department uses the Expense Reports window in
Oracle Payables to review, adjust, short pay, and approve Self–Service
expense reports. A Payables employee approves an expense report by
checking the Reviewed By Payables check box and the Receipts Verified
check box for all expense lines that require a receipt. If receipts are
missing for expense lines that require them and the Receipts Verified
box is not checked, the report can be approved but it will be short paid.
See: Summary of the AP Approval Process: page 5–58.
After the accounts payable department approves an expense report, the
Oracle Payables Invoice Import program converts the report into an
invoice. See: Converting Expense Reports into Invoices: page 1–15.
See Also
Reviewing, Auditing, and Approving Oracle Self–Service Expenses
Expense Reports in the Oracle Payables User Guide
1–15Application Overview
Converting Expense Reports into Invoices
Oracle Payables only pays invoices, so before an approved expense
report can be paid, it must be converted into an invoice. The Oracle
Payables Invoice Import converts expense reports created in
Self–Service Expenses into invoices in Oracle Payables. An expense
report can be processed by the Invoice Import program only if it
receives approval from both the employee’s manager and the accounts
payable department during the AP Expense Report workflow process.
After running the Invoice Import program, Payables prints the Invoice
Import Exceptions Report. This report lists all expense reports that
could not be imported and the exception (rejection) reason. When a
report is rejected by the Invoice Import program, you must correct all
problems in the expense report and then resubmit Invoice Import to
create an invoice.
For a list of reasons why a report can be rejected, refer to the Invoice
Import Exceptions Report in the Oracle Payables User Guide.
Paying Expense Reports
After the Payables Invoice Import program creates invoices for expense
reports, you can create payments for the invoices using the same
method as for other invoices. The AP Expense Report workflow also
sends a notification to the employee when payment is created in Oracle
Payables for an expense report. This notification includes the
reimbursement amount, the expense report number, check number (if
anY) and the bank information (if payment is directly deposited into
the employee’s bank account).
For more information, see: Approval in the Oracle Payables User Guide.
1–16 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
2–1Setting Up Self–Service Expenses
Setting Up Self–Service
his chapter describes the steps you need to perform to set up
Self–Service Expenses. It includes information about setting up Oracle
applications technology, Oracle Human Resources, Oracle Payables,
and Oracle Projects to work with Self–Service Expenses.
2–2 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Setting Up Self–Service Expenses
This chapter explains how Oracle Self–Service Expenses integrates with
Oracle Human Resources, Oracle Payables, and Oracle Projects. It also
describes the profile options you must define to use Self–Service
Expenses and how to use the Web Applications Dictionary to
customize your installation.
Setting Up Underlying Oracle Applications Technology
Table 2 – 1 lists all Oracle Applications that integrate with Self–Service
Expenses, and whether they are required.
Application Required?
Oracle Payables Required
Oracle Workflow Required
Oracle Projects Optional (required if employees need
to enter project/task information in
expense reports)
Oracle Human Resources Optional
Oracle Self–Service Web
Table 2 – 1 (Page 1 of 1)
See Also
Oracle Payables User Guide
Oracle Workflow Guide
Oracle Projects User Guide
Managing People Using Oracle HRMS
Oracle Self–Service Web Applications Implementation Guide
2–3Setting Up Self–Service Expenses
Setup Checklist
Perform the following steps to implement Oracle Self–Service
Oracle Human Resources Setup Steps
Refer to Managing People Using Oracle HRMS for more information
about the following step.
Required? Description
Step 1
Define Your Employees.
See: Enter Person (Managing People Using Oracle HRMS)
Note: If you are not implementing Oracle Human Resources, you can
define employees in the Enter Person window in Oracle Payables.
Table 2 – 2 (Page 1 of 1)
For more information, see: Oracle Human Resources: page 2–6.
Oracle Payables Setup Steps
Refer to the Setting Up Oracle Payables section in the Oracle Payables
User Guide for more information about the following steps.
Required? Description
Step 2
Assign Expense Reporting Responsibilities.
See: Assigning Expense Reporting and Workflow Responsibilities: page
Step 3
Assign Signing Limits to Your Managers.
See: Assigning Signing Limits: page 2–8
Step 4
Define Your Employees as Suppliers.
See: Entering Employees as Suppliers: page 2–9
Step 5
Define Default Expense Check Address.
See: Setting Default Expense Check Address: page 2–10
Table 2 – 3 (Page 1 of 2)
2–4 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Step 1
Review Payables Expense Report Options.
See: Reviewing Payables Expense Report Options: page 2–10
Step 2
Define Your Expense Report Templates.
See: Defining Expense Report Templates: page 2–10
Step 3
Review Multiple Currencies Setup.
See: Reviewing Multiple Currencies Setup: page 2–11
Step 4
Secure the Reviewed by Management Check Box.
See: Securing the Reviewed by Management Check Box: page 2–12
Step 5
Set Up Tax.
See: Setting Up Tax: page 2–13
Step 6
Define Your Descriptive Flexfields.
See: Setting Up Descriptive Flexfields: page 2–13
Step 7
Set Up Credit Cards.
See: Setting Up Credit Cards: page 2–37
Table 2 – 3 (Page 2 of 2)
For more information, see: Oracle Payables: page 2–6.
Oracle Self–Service Expenses Setup Steps
Required? Description
Step 8
Set Profile Options.
See: Setting Up Self–Service Expenses Profile Options: page 2–25
Step 9
Modify Web Applications Dictionary.
See: Web Application Dictionary: page 2–32
Step 10
Integrate with Oracle Projects.
See: Integrating Self–Service Expenses with Oracle Projects: page 2–21
Table 2 – 4 (Page 1 of 2)
2–5Setting Up Self–Service Expenses
Step 11
Set Up Client Extensions.
See: Client Extensions: page 3–2
Step 12
Set Up Expense Spreadsheet.
See: Expense Spreadsheet: page 4–2
Step 13
Customize the AP Expense Report Workflow.
See: AP Expense Report Workflow: page 5–2
Step 14
Customize Online Help.
See: Customizing the Self–Service Expenses Online Help: page 2–23
Table 2 – 4 (Page 2 of 2)
See Also
Setting Up Self–Service Expenses Profile Options: page 2–25
Using the Web Application Dictionary to Customize Self–Service
Expenses: page 2–32
2–6 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Oracle Human Resources
You must enter employee information before employees can use
Self–Service Expenses. The table below lists the personal information
you enter for each employee and how Self–Service Expenses uses this
Information How Information is used in Self–Service Expenses
Employee Name Name that appears in expense reports.
Mail To address Indicates where expense report reimbursement check is
sent (for example, home or work address)
Home address Defines address to which address expense report
reimbursement check is sent (if Home is designated in the
Mail To field).
Supervisor Person to whom a signing limit is assigned and who
approves or rejects expense reports via workflow
Accounting Defines default account for expense reports. The value
you enter in the Department segment of the accounting
flexfield appears as the default Cost Center in the New
Expense Report page.
Table 2 – 5 (Page 1 of 1) Person Information in Self–Service Expenses
If you use Oracle Human Resources to enter employees, refer to
Managing People Using Oracle HRMS for more information.
Oracle Payables
Assigning Expense Reporting and Workflow Responsibilities
Employees can use Self–Service Expenses only if they are defined as
application users and assigned the Expense Reports and Workflow
responsibilities. You define applications users in the Users window.
For detailed instructions on how to define an application user, refer to
Users Window in the Oracle Applications System Administrator’s Guide.
Define employees that you will assign to the expense reporting and
workflow responsibilities. If you use Oracle Human Resources,
2–7Setting Up Self–Service Expenses
refer to Managing People Using Oracle HRMS. Otherwise, see:
Entering Employees as Suppliers in the Oracle Payables User Guide.
" To assign Self–Service Web Applications expense reporting and
workflow responsibilities to an employee:
1. Using the System Administrator responsibility, navigate to the
Users window.
2. Query the name of an employee.
3. In the Responsibilities tabbed region, assign the Expense Reports
responsibility and the Workflow responsibility to the employee.
4. Save your work.
Assigning Authorized Delegates
An employee can enter an expense reports for another person if they
are set up as an authorized delegate. For example, you may want to set
up executive assistants as authorized delegates so they can enter
expense reports for their managers.
When creating an expense report for someone else, authorized
delegates use their own user name and password to access Self–Service
Expenses. The delegate then chooses the name of the person for whom
they are creating the expense report from a list.
Define as application users the employees you want to make
authorized delegates, and assign to them the Expense Reports and
Workflow responsibilities. See:
Assigning Expense Reporting
and Workflow Responsibilities: page 2–6.
" To assign a user the authority to enter expense reports for another
1. Using the System Administrator responsibility, navigate to the
Users window.
2. Query the employee name of the authorized delegate.
3. In the Securing Attributes tabbed region, enter
ICX_HR_PERSON_ID in the Attribute field.
4. In the Value field, enter the Person ID of the employee for whom
you want the authorized delegate to enter expense reports. If you
2–8 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
do not know the employee’s Person ID, select the employee’s name
from the list of values, and the system will enter the Person ID.
5. Repeat steps 2 and 3 if you want this delegate to be able to enter
expense reports for other employees.
6. Save your work.
Assigning Signing Limits
Managers can approve an expense report only if the total amount of the
report does not exceed their signing limit. The Manager (Spending)
Approval Process in the Expense Reporting workflow uses the signing
limits you define to determine whether managers have authority to
approve expense reports. See: Summary of the Manager (Spending)
Approval Process: page 5–31.
When you assign signing limits to a manager, you specify a cost center
to which the signing limit applies. You can also give managers signing
limits for multiple cost centers.
Multiple Reimbursement Currencies and Signing Limits
If you set up Self–Service Expenses to allow multiple reimbursement
currencies, employees can request reimbursement in a currency other
than your functional (operating) currency. The signing limits that you
define for approvers apply to your functional currency. When an
employee specifies a different reimbursement currency, the system
converts the report total into your functional currency, and then
compares this amount to the manager’s signing limits.
For example, Manager A has a signing limit of 500.00 USD (the
functional currency). An employee enters an expense report in which
the reimbursable amount is 700 British pounds (GBP). If the current
exchange rate between GBP and USD indicates that 1 GBP = 1.2 USD,
the system determines that the total reimbursable amount is 583.33
USD, which exceeds Manager A’s signing limit. The Expense Report
workflow then forwards the approval request to a manager whose
signing limits allow approval of an expense report for 583.33 USD.
" To assign signing limits:
1. In Payables, navigate to the Employee Signing Limits window.
2. Select AP Expense Report as the document type.
3. Enter the name of the manager to whom you want to assign a
signing limit, or select from the list of values.
2–9Setting Up Self–Service Expenses
4. Enter the cost center for which you want this manager to approve
expense reports, or select from the list of values.
5. Enter a signing limit for this manager.
6. Repeat step 4 if you want this manager to be able to approve
expense reports for more than one cost center.
7. Save your work.
See Also
Reviewing Multiple Currencies Setup: page 2–11
Entering Employees as Suppliers
Before an expense report can be paid, an invoice must be created for it
in Oracle Payables. The Payables Invoice Import program
automatically generates invoices for expense reports created in
Self–Service Expenses, but employees who submit them must be
defined as suppliers in Payables.
To ensure that employees are defined as suppliers, enable the Create
Employee as Supplier option in the Payables Options window. If you
enable this option, Payables automatically enters employees as
suppliers during the Payables Invoice Import program.
For a detailed description of the Create Employee As Supplier option
see: Expense Report Payables Options in the Oracle Payables User Guide.
If you do not enable this option in Payables, you must
manually enter employees as suppliers in the Payables
Suppliers window before submitting Payables Invoice Import.
For more information, see: Entering Employees as Suppliers in
the Oracle Payables User Guide.
" To automatically create employees as suppliers in Oracle Payables:
1. In Payables, navigate to the Expense Report tabbed region of the
Payables Options window.
2. Check the Automatically Create Employee as Supplier box.
3. Save your work.
2–10 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Setting Default Expense Check Address
Use the Payables Financials Options window to specify whether
reimbursement checks for expense reports should be sent to an
employee’s home or office address.
This setting applies to all new employees you enter and can be updated
at any time. You can also override this value when entering expense
If you are using Oracle Human Resources, you define an
employee’s home and office addresses in the People window;
otherwise, you enter this information in the Enter Person
window using the Payables responsibility.
For more information, see Human Resources Financials Options in the
Oracle Payables User Guide.
" To set the default expense check address:
1. In Payables, navigate to the Human Resources tabbed region of the
the Financials Options window.
2. Select an Expense Reimbursement Address of either Home or
3. Save your work.
Reviewing Payables Expense Report Options
The Expense Report tabbed region of the Payables Options window
controls certain aspects of the expense reporting process in Payables.
Review these settings to become more familiar with them and
understand how they affect the expense reporting process.
For detailed descriptions of the options and defaults in this window,
see Expense Report Payables Options in the Oracle Payables User Guide.
Defining Expense Report Templates
You must define at least one expense report template with the Enable
for Self–Service Users option checked. Only expense report templates
with this option set to Yes can be used in Self–Service Expenses.
Use the Oracle Payables Expense Report Templates window to define
your expense report templates.
For more information, see Expense Report Templates in the Oracle
Payables User Guide.
2–11Setting Up Self–Service Expenses
Mapping Credit Card Expense Types
When defining expense report templates in Oracle Payables, you can
specify a credit card expense type for each expense item. When a user
imports credit card transactions into an expense report in Self–Service
Expenses, the system automatically populates the expense type in the
New Expense Report page according to the item charged to the
corporate credit card.
For example, if you assign the card expense type ”Hotel” to the
expense item ”Lodging,” all hotel credit card charges have the expense
type ”Hotel” after you import them into Self–Service Expenses. See:
Setting Up Credit Cards: page 2–37.
Project–Related Expense Report Templates
If your employees need to enter project–related expense reports in
Self–Service Expenses, you must define a project–related expense
report template in Oracle Payables. To create a project–related expense
report in Self–Service Expenses, an employee chooses project–related
expense items from the list of values on the New Expense Report
To create project–related expense items, you associate expense items
with Oracle Projects expenditure types in the Expense Report
Templates window. Employees can then associate a project number
and a task number with the project–related expense items when they
enter expense reports in Self–Service Expenses.
Users cannot enter or view project–related information
in the Payables Expense Reports window.
For more information, see Expense Report Templates in the Oracle
Payables User Guide.
Reviewing Multiple Currencies Setup
The currency in which an expense report is paid is known as the
reimbursement currency. Self–Service Expenses users can specify a
reimbursement currency that is different from the company’s functional
currency only if the following are true:
Oracle Payables is set up for multiple currencies
the reimbursement currency is enabled in the Currencies
the profile option SS Expenses:Allow Non–Base Pay is set to Yes
(see: Profile Options for Oracle Self–Service Expenses: page 2–25)
2–12 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
To review multiple currencies setup:
1. In Payables, navigate to the Payables Options window.
2. Verify that the Use Multiple Currencies Payables option is checked.
3. Navigate to the Currencies window.
4. Verify that all currencies your company uses to reimburse
employees are enabled.
Additional Information
For more information on setting up Payables for multiple currencies,
Foreign Currency Transactions (Oracle Payables User Guide)
Currencies Window (Oracle Applications System Administrators
Currency Payables Options (Oracle Payables User Guide)
Securing the Reviewed by Management Check Box
When the accounts payables department receives and approves the
original receipts for an expense report, the Oracle Payables user checks
the Reviewed by Management box in the Payables Expense Report
window. This indicates that the report has been approved by all
required parties and is ready to be converted into an invoice and paid.
Because expense reports can only be converted to invoices and paid if
the Reviewed By Management box is checked, you may want only
specific Payables users to be able to update this option. You can do this
by removing the function from a user’s responsibility.
" To prevent a responsibility from updating the Reviewed by
Management check box:
1. Using the System Administrator responsibility, navigate to the
Responsibilities window.
2. Query the Payables responsibility that you want to prevent from
updating the Reviewed by Management check box.
3. In the Function and Menu Exclusions tabbed region, select
Function as the Type, and enter Expense Reports – Override
Manager Approval as the Name.
4. Save your work.
2–13Setting Up Self–Service Expenses
Setting Up Tax
The Tax Code Defaults hierarchy you specify during Oracle Payables
setup determines the default tax code when entering expense reports in
Self–Service Expenses. If you want employees to be able to adjust the
default Tax Code, create a poplist of alternate Tax Code values. For
more information, see Tax Codes in the Oracle Payables User Guide.
" To set up the tax code poplist in the Enter Receipts page:
1. Set the profile option SS Expenses:Enable Tax to Yes. See: Profile
Options for Oracle Self–Service Expenses: page 2–25.
2. In the Tax Codes window, check the Enable for Self–Service Users
check box for each Tax Code you want to appear on the poplist.
3. If you use natural account tax defaulting and want to allow override
of tax codes that are assigned to accounts, choose the Allow
Override check box in the GL Tax Assignments window.
For more information about using the natural account for tax
defaulting, see Tax Defaults and Rules Payables Options in the
Oracle Payables User Guide.
4. Save your work.
Setting Up Descriptive Flexfields
Descriptive flexfields are an Oracle Applications feature that you can
implement to collect additional information about employee expenses.
Descriptive flexfields have two kinds of segments or fields: global and
Context–sensitive segments appear only when users select expense
types to which you have associated flexfield segments. For example,
you could associate the segments Airline, Class, Origin, and
Destination with the expense type Airfare. When an employee chooses
Airfare as the expense type for a receipt, these fields appear in the
Details page.
Global segments always appear in the Details window, regardless of
the expense type entered.
You must enable the profile option SS Expenses:Enable
DescFlex before users can enter flexfield data. See: Profile
Options for Oracle Self–Service Expenses: page 2–25.
2–14 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Reporting on Flexfield Data
Self–Service Expenses stores flexfield information in the columns
ATTRIBUTE 1–15 in the AP_EXPENSE_REPORT_LINES table. You can
import flexfield information into the AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS table
by submitting the Payables Invoice Import program. You can then use
this information for custom reports or programs.
" To import descriptive flexfields into the AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS
Run the Payables Invoice Import program and select Yes for the
Transfer Descriptive Flexfield option.
For detailed information see Reporting on Flexfields Data in the Oracle
Applications Flexfields Guide.
Defining Descriptive Flexfields in the Expense Spreadsheet
The Expense Spreadsheet enables employees to create expense reports
when access to your corporate intranet is unavailable. If you define
descriptive flexfields to use in Self–Service Expenses, we suggest you
set up these flexfields in your Expense Spreadsheet at the same time.
For more information, see: Setting Up Descriptive Flexfields in the
Excel Template: page 4–11.
Planning your Descriptive Flexfields
The Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide describes in detail how to plan
and implement descriptive flexfields in Oracle Applications. However,
the flexfield setup process for Self–Service Expenses requires specific
tasks not mentioned in the Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide. Use the
following documentation and the Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide
together when defining descriptive flexfields for use with Self–Service
See the following chapters in the Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide for
detailed information on planning your descriptive flexfields:
Flexfield Concepts
Planning and Defining Descriptive Flexfields
The descriptive flexfields you define for Self–Service
Expenses also appear in the Payables Expense Reports window.
You can define up to fifteen context–sensitive segments for each
available expense type, less the number of global segments that you
2–15Setting Up Self–Service Expenses
define. For example, if you define two global segments, you can define
up to thirteen context–sensitive segments for each expense type.
To plan context–sensitive and global descriptive flexfields for use in
Self–Service Expenses you must:
Determine expense types for which you want to collect
additional information (these are your context–sensitive
Determine information you want to collect regardless of expense
type (these are your global segments).
Determine how you want users to enter information. You can
choose from the following three methods:
a text box with poplist that contains a list of values
a check box
a text box
The table below provides an example of how you could outline your
flexfield segments.
Expense Types for which
you want to collect
additional information...
Additional information
you want to capture
How you want users to
enter the information.
Airline Select an airline from a list
of values (United,
American, Delta, and so
Airfare Class Select a class from a list of
values (First, Business, or
Ticket Number Type in text box.
Entertainment Names of attendees Type in text box.
Car Rental Agency Select an agency from a list
of values (Hertz, Avis,
National, Budget, and so
All expense types (Global) Whether employee used her
corporate charge card
Table 2 – 6 Example of planning flexfield segments for Self–Service Expenses
2–16 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Descriptive Flexfields Setup for Self–Service Expenses
Follow the steps below to set up descriptive flexfield segments for
Self–Service Expenses.
The following tasks are required to set up descriptive flexfields:
Defining Descriptive Flexfield Segments: page 2–13
Testing your Work: page 2–19
To define lists of values for your flexfields segments, see: Defining Lists
of Values: page 2–19.
In Payables, set the profile option SS Expenses:Enable DescFlex to
Yes. See: Profile Options for Oracle Self–Service Expenses: page
In Payables, navigate to the Expense Report Templates window
and note the exact spelling of the expense types to which you want
to assign flexfield segments.
Defining Descriptive Flexfield Segments
Plan your Descriptive Flexfields: page 2–14
Review the exact spelling of your expense types in the Oracle
Payables Expense Report Templates window. (see Warning below)
" To set up descriptive flexfield segments for Self–Service Expenses
1. In Payables, navigate to the Descriptive Flexfields Segments
2. Press F11, then enter Oracle Payables as the Application and
Expense Report Line as the Title. Press Ctrl–F11 to execute the
3. Uncheck the Freeze Flexfield Definition check box.
You do not have to enter or change any values in the
Context Field region. The fields in this region affect only the
flexfields in Payables, not Self–Service Expenses.
4. To create context–sensitive segments, enter expense types as values
in the Context Field Values region. In the Code field, enter the
2–17Setting Up Self–Service Expenses
expense type exactly how you want it to appear in Self–Service
Expenses. Enter the same value in the Name field.
Attention: Enter the expense types exactly as they appear in
your Self–Service Expenses–enabled expense report template.
If these values do not exactly match, the context–sensitive
segments you define do not appear in Self–Service Expenses.
Examples of expense types you might define include:
Car Rental
5. To create global segments, select the Global Data Elements line,
then choose the Segments button. To create context–sensitive
segments, select the lines with expense types, then choose the
Segments button.
Attention: Global Data Elements is a default value, so you do
not need to enter anything in the Code field of the Context
Field Values region to create a global flexfield.
6. In the Segments Summary window, enter the following for each
global or context–sensitive segment:
A number. The number you enter determines the order in which
the segments are displayed in Self–Service Expenses.
A name for the segment and a window prompt. The text you
enter in the Window Prompt field appears next to the segment in
Self–Service Expenses.
A column name. This determines in which columns of the
AP_EXPENSE_REPORT_LINES table the system stores your
flexfield segments.
A value set. If you defined a list of values to use for a segment,
enter the name of that value set.
Attention: If you want a context–sensitive or global segment
to appear as a check box in Self–Service Expenses, you must
enter AP_SRS_YES_NO_MAND as the value set for that
The Displayed option indicates whether the new
segment appears in Self–Service Expenses. The Enabled check
box indicates whether the segment is available for use.
7. Select a segment, then choose the Open button. In the Segments
window, enter a description for the segment (see Figure 2 – 1). This
re 2
egments Window
2–18 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
description appears in a pop–up alert when a field prompt is
selected in Self–Service Expenses.
Attention: You must enter a description for each global and
context–sensitive segment. If you do not enter a description,
the segment does not appear in Self–Service Expenses.
8. Enable the segment, then save your work. Repeat steps 7 and 8 for
each new segment.
9. Return to the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window and check
the Freeze Flexfield Definition check box.
10. Save your work. The system compiles the descriptive flexfield
Additional Information: You can see your changes
immediately after freezing and compiling the flexfield, but the
changes do not affect other users until they change
responsibilities or exit the application and then log in again.
For more information, see: Defining Descriptive Flexfields in
the Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide.
2–19Setting Up Self–Service Expenses
Defining Lists of Values
You can define a corresponding list of values for descriptive flexfield
segments. For example, you could set up the segment Airline to have a
list of values containing American, United, Delta, Northwest, and so
on. A list of values appears in the Receipt Details window next to the
segments you define.
Suggestion: If you want a segment to appear as a check box,
use the predefined value set AP_SRS_YES_NO_MAND.
See Values and Value Sets and Defining Value Sets in the Oracle
Applications Flexfields Guide.
To define a list of values you must:
Define a value set.
Define a list of segment values.
Defining a Value Set
To define a value set, navigate to the Value Sets window in Oracle
Payables. For more information, refer to Defining Value Sets in the
Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide.
Additional Information: When selecting a validation type for
Self–Service Expenses flexfield segments, you can only choose
from the following three validation types:
Independent: If you choose this validation type, a poplist
appears next to the segment. You define what values this
poplist contains in the Segment Values window. See:
Defining a List of Segment Values: page 2–20.
None: If you choose this validation type, a poplist does not
appear next to the segment. Use this type when you want
to allow users to enter any value as long as that value meets
the value set formatting rules.
Table: A table–validated value set provides a predefined
list of values like an independent set, but its values are
stored in an applications table. If you choose this type, you
must add custom logic to the CUSTOMPOPULATEPOPLIST
procedure to display values in a poplist. See: Populate
Poplist Extension: page 3–6.
2–20 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Defining a List of Segment Values
Define a list of segment values for a value set to specify the entries that
appear in the list of values in Self–Service Expenses. For example, if
you are entering segment values for the Airline value set, enter United,
American, Delta, TWA, and Northwest.
To define a value set, navigate to the Segment Values window in Oracle
Payables (Setup–>Flexfields–>Validation–>Values). For step by step
information, refer to Defining Segment Values and Segment Values
Window in the Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide.
Testing your Flexfields
After defining your flexfield segments, verify that the segments appear
in Self–Service Expenses as you intended. The flexfield segments you
define appear in both Oracle Payables and Self–Service Expenses. We
suggest you navigate to the Expense Reports window in Payables first
to review the segments. If you are not satisfied with how they appear,
resolve the problems as described in the previous sections, then review
the segments again in Payables.
Once you are satisfied with the way the segments appear in Payables,
log in to Oracle Self–Service Applications and ensure that the segments
appear as intended in Self–Service Expenses.
2–21Setting Up Self–Service Expenses
Oracle Projects
This section provides an overview of the project–related expense report
process. Each step refers you to documentation where you can find
more detailed information.
1. Set up Payables, Self–Service Expenses, and Oracle Projects to
process project–related expense reports created in Self–Service
See: Setting Up Oracle Projects with Self–Service Expenses: page
2. An employee creates an expense report that includes
project–related information (a project and task number). The
report can be created either online (using the Create New Expense
Report function) or via the disconnected expense reporting process.
3. The employee submits the expense report for approval in
Self–Service Expenses. The system validates the project–related
information and saves the expense report information in the
Payables Invoice Import tables. Submitting a report also initiates
the Expense Reporting Workflow process. Workflow uses the
Project Expense Report Account Generator to assign an expense
account to each project–related item on the expense report.
For more information, see Workflow: Project Expense Report
Account Generator in the Oracle Projects User Guide.
4. Your accounts payable department uses the Payables Expense
Report window to review, audit, adjust, and approve expense
reports entered in Self–Service Expenses. (Project–related
information does not appear in this window.)
When an expense report is approved via the Manager (Spending)
Approval Process and the AP Approval Process, the report can be
imported into Payables. Note that any unverified receipts are
subject to short payment during the workflow process.
See: AP Approval Process: page 1–14.
5. Submit the Payables Invoice Import program to convert expense
reports into invoices. To create invoices from expense reports
entered in Self–Service Expenses, select ”Self–Service Applications”
as the source.
See: Converting Expense Reports into Invoices: page 1–15 and the
Payables Invoice Import Program in the Oracle Payables User Guide.
Payables includes any expense reports that could not be imported
in the Invoice Import Rejections Report. If the expense report is
2–22 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
rejected, correct the problem(s) in the Payables Enter Expense
Report window then resubmit the Invoice Import program. See:
Payables Invoice Import Report in the Oracle Payables User Guide.
6. Adjust project information in the Payables Distributions window as
necessary. See: Adding or Modifying Projects Information on
Invoices in the Oracle Payables User Guide.
7. Approve and pay the invoice in Payables. See: Scheduling
Payments in the Oracle Payables User Guide.
Setting Up Oracle Projects with Self–Service Expenses
Self–Service Expenses integrates with Oracle Projects so users can add
project–related information to expense reports. To integrate
Self–Service Expenses with Oracle Projects, complete the following
" To integrate Oracle Projects with Self–Service Expenses:
1. Enable employees to enter project–related expense report via
Self–Service Expenses.
To enable an employee to enter project–related expense reports via
Self–Service Expenses, set the Oracle Projects profile option
PA:Allow Project Time and Expense Entry to Yes. For more
information, see: Profile Options in Oracle Projects in the Oracle
Projects User Guide.
2. Customize the Project Expense Report Account Generator.
The Project Expense Report Account Generator is an Oracle
Projects workflow process that determines the account for each
project–related expense line created in Self–Service Expenses. The
default logic of this process returns the CCID (Code Combination
ID) of the employee who incurred the project–related expenses.
You can customize the Project Expense Report Account Generator
to meet your requirements.
For more information, see Workflow: Project Expense Report
Account Generator in the Oracle Projects User Guide.
3. Set the PA:AutoApprove Expense Reports profile option in Oracle
Projects (optional).
To approve project–related expense reports automatically, set the
profile option PA:AutoApprove Expense Reports to Yes. For a
description of this profile option, see, PA:AutoApprove Expense
Reports in the Oracle Projects User Guide.
2–23Setting Up Self–Service Expenses
4. Set up Transaction Controls in Oracle Projects (optional).
For information on setting up transaction controls to validate
expense report receipts, see Transaction Controls in the Oracle
Projects User Guide.
5. Write the Summary–Level Validation Extension in Oracle Payables
During the expense reporting process, Self–Service Expenses calls
the Payables CustomValidateLine API. You can customize this API
to perform custom receipt–level validation. This API is included in
the file $AP_TOP/admin/sql/apwdfcfs.pls.
6. Define a project–related expense report template in Payables.
In the Expense Report Templates window, associate a list of
Projects expenditure types with expense items. See Expense
Report Templates in the Oracle Payables User Guide.
7. Customize the DetermineMgrInvolvement API (optional). See
Management Involvement Extension: page 3–8.
8. Set the profile option SS Expenses:Enable Projects to Yes. To do
a. Using the System Administrator responsibility, navigate to the
System Profile Values window.
b. Enter Yes for the profile option SS Expenses:Enable Projects.
c. Save your work.
Customizing the Self–Service Expenses Online Help
You can customize the information that employees see when they
choose the help icon in Self–Service Expenses. The Self–Service
Expenses online help files are located in the following directory:
The table below lists the help files you can customize.
Filename Contents
ssebefore.htm Instructions on things to do before starting a new expense
sseccard.htm Overview of the various payment scenarios available for
corporate credit cards in Self–Service Expenses.
Table 2 – 7 Customizable Self–Service Expense Help Files (Page 1 of 2)
2–24 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
ssecctrxs.htm Instructions on importing credit card transactions into an
expense report as well as disputing and resolving disputed
ssecrtweb.htm Instructions on creating an expense report using a Web
ssecustphp.htm Information about customizing the Personal Home Page.
ssedownload.htm Instructions on downloading the Expense Spreadsheet.
sseenterdis.htm Instructions on entering an expense report using the Expense
ssegloss.htm Glossary of terms.
ssehistory.htm Instructions on viewing the statuses of submitted expense
sseitemize.htm Information about itemizing receipts.
ssemodify.htm Information about modifying a saved or rejected expense
ssemulti.htm Instructions on entering multiple–day receipts.
ssenavigation.htm The main contents/navigation page for Self–Service Expenses
ssenegative.htm Instructions on entering a refund in an expense report.
sseoview.htm Overview of Self–Service Expenses.
ssephpovw.htm General information about the Oracle Applications Personal
Home Page.
ssereceipt.htm Instructions on entering receipts.
ssereview.htm Instructions on reviewing an expense report.
ssesave.htm Instructions on saving an expense report as a
ssesingle.htm Instructions on entering a single–day receipt.
ssestart.htm Instructions on starting an expense report.
sseupload.htm Instructions on uploading an expense spreadsheet.
Table 2 – 7 Customizable Self–Service Expense Help Files (Page 2 of 2)
2–25Setting Up Self–Service Expenses
Modifying Self–Service Messages
You can modify any Self–Service Expenses messages to add content or
make them more specific to your business. For example, you might
change the instructions in a window to use terminology that is unique
within your company or modify the content of an error message to
provide additional information. All Self–Service Expenses messages
use the prefix AP_WEB in the message name.
Use the Oracle Applications Object Library Messages window to edit
Self–Service Expenses messages. For information about editing
messages, refer to Messages in the Oracle Applications Object Library
online help. For more information about using the Message Dictionary
Generator, refer to Oracle Applications Coding Standards.
Warning: When customizing HTML–based messages, do not
insert any hard returns. Inserting hard returns into
HTML–based messages can cause system errors.
Suggestion: Make a copy of all custom messages and store
the copy in a directory protected from upgrades. Messages are
stored in the following directory:
Setting Up Self–Service Expenses Profile Options
When implementing Self–Service Expenses, set values for profile
options to control how information appears, what values are required,
and how the system processes data. Self–Service Expenses also uses
profile options from other Oracle Financials applications to control
features which affect more than one application (for example, such as
Budgetary Control and Sequential Numbering).
The System Administrator sets many of these user profile options at
one or more of the following levels: Site, Application, Responsibility,
and User. Use the Personal Profile Options window to view or set your
profile options at the user level.
Refer to the Oracle Applications System Administrators Guide for a list of
profile options common to all Oracle Applications.
The table below lists the profile options that affect the operation of
Self–Service Expenses.
2–26 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
System Administrator
ile Option
User User Resp App Site Required?
ICX: Date Format Mask n n n Yes DD–MON–
ICX: Language n n n Yes American
ICX: Limit Connect n n Yes 1000
ICX: Limit Session Time n n Yes 4 hours
SS Expenses:Allow Credit
n n n n No Yes
SS Expenses:Allow
Non–Base Pay
n n n n No No
SS Expenses:CC Overrider
n n n n No No
SS Expenses:CC Payment
Due From
n n No Null
SS Expenses:CC Payment
n n No No
SS Expenses:Enable
n n n n No No
SS Expenses:Enable Projects n n n n No No
SS Expenses:Enable Tax n n n n No No
SS Expenses:Override
n n n n No No
SS Expenses:Overrider
n n n n No No
SS Expenses:Purpose
n n n No No
SS Expenses:Report
Number Prefix
n n n No Null
Journals: Display Inverse
n n n n n No No
Default Country n n n n n No
SS Expenses:Maximum
Days to Show Credit Card
n n No
Language n n n n No
MO:Operating Unit n n No
Table 2 – 8 (Page 1 of 2)
2–27Setting Up Self–Service Expenses
System Administrator
Profile Option
Profile Option
Sequential Numbering n n n No
Printer n n n n n No
Site Language No
Visible but not updatable
n Updatable
blank You cannot view or change the profile option value
Table 2 – 8 (Page 2 of 2)
ICX: Date Format Mask
Determines which date format to use. The American English default is
DD–MON–RRRR, for example, 07–JAN–1999.
For year 2000 compliance, all year formats are converted to RRRR,
which accepts four–digit century and year entries verbatim (1950 is
stored as 1950) and converts two–digit year entries as follows:
Entries of 00 to 49 are converted to 2000 to 2049, respectively.
Entries of 50 to 99 are converted to 1950 to 1999, respectively.
ICX: Language
Sets the language. The default is American English.
ICX: Limit Connect
Sets the maximum number of page hits per session. The default is
ICX: Limit Session Time
Sets the maximum number of hours a user can remain logged on per
session. The default is four hours.
SS Expenses:Allow Credit Lines
Enables users to enter negative receipts (credit lines). Users enter
negative receipts to report the refund of a previously reimbursed
expense, for example, an unused airline ticket. The default value is Yes.
2–28 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
SS Expenses:Allow Non–Base Pay
Enables users to choose the reimbursement currency for their expense
reports. You must set up Payables to use multiple currencies before
you can enable this option.
See: Reviewing Multiple Currencies Setup: page 2–11.
SS Expenses:CC Overrider Req
Indicates whether users must enter an overriding approver when they
charge their expense reports to a cost center different than their own.
Select Yes to require employees to enter the Overriding Approver field
only when employees enter a cost center other than their default cost
center and the approvers of these expense reports are in an
organization other than the preparer’s organization.
Attention: The seeded Find Approver function activity in the
AP Expense Report workflow requires that users enter an
overriding approver whenever they charge expense reports to
cost centers different than their own. Therefore, you must set
this option to Yes if you use the seeded Find Approver function
SS Expenses: CC Payment Due From
Use this profile option to indicate whether payment for corporate credit
card charges is due from the employee, the company, or from both the
employee and the company. There is no default value.
The Bothpay workflow process uses this profile option
to determine whether more than one expense report is created
during the AP Expense Report Approval process. If this profile
option is set to Both, payment is due from both the employee
and the company.
For example, an expense report includes business–related
expenses for which the employee paid cash as well as corporate
card charges. In this case, the expense report must be split into
two reports so two payments can be created upon import to
Oracle Payables (one payment for the employee and one for the
credit card issuer).
Choose one of the following values:
2–29Setting Up Self–Service Expenses
SS Expenses: CC Payment Notify
Use this profile option to specify whether a notification is sent to
employees when payment is created in Oracle Payables for corporate
credit card charges. The default value is No.
For more information, see: AP Credit Card Workflow: page 5–91.
SS Expenses:Enable DescFlex
Enables Self–Service Expenses to display descriptive flexfields. You
must set up descriptive flexfields specifically for use in Self–Service
Expenses before you can enable this option.
See: Setting Up Descriptive Flexfields: page 2–13.
SS Expenses:Enable Tax
Enables tax features for Self–Service Expenses expense reports. This
option enables use of the Amount Includes Tax check box and the Tax
Codes poplist. See: Entering Taxes on Expense Reports in the Oracle
Payables User Guide.
SS Expenses:Enable Projects
Enables users to enter project–related information on expense reports.
You must set up Self–Service Expense to integrate with Oracle Projects
before you can enable this option.
See: Setting Up Oracle Projects
with Self–Service Expenses: page 2–22.
SS Expenses:Maximum Days to Show Credit Card Transactions
Employees use the Credit Card Transactions page to specify which
transactions to import into an expense report. Use this profile option to
control how long unused credit card transactions appear in the Credit
Card Transactions page. The number you specify indicates the number
of days from the transaction date that the item is displayed in
Self–Service Expenses.
If you do not specify a maximum number of days, Self–Service
Expenses displays unused credit card transactions in the Credit Card
Transactions page indefinitely.
Additional Information: The Credit Card Transactions page
can display only 200 transactions at a time. You may want to
consider this restriction when specifying a value for this profile
2–30 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
For more information, see: Clearing Unused Credit Card Transactions:
page 2–48.
SS Expenses:Override Approver
Determines whether users must enter an overriding approver for
expense reports. For example, an employee may need to enter an
overriding approver if their manager is on vacation or they are entering
an expense report for a different cost center.
Choose from the following values:
SS Expenses:Overrider Required
Indicates whether users must designate an overriding approver for
their expense reports.
Attention: If you set this profile option to Yes, Self–Service
Expenses requires that users always enter an overriding
SS Expenses:Purpose Required
Controls whether users must enter a purpose when creating an expense
report. A purpose is a brief description of the business activities that
justify the expenses in a report.
SS Expenses:Report Number Prefix
Specifies a prefix value for expense report numbers. The expense
report number becomes the corresponding invoice number when the
expense report is converted into an invoice via the Payables Invoice
Import program. Entering a prefix value enables you to easily identify
invoices in Payables that were expense reports created Self–Service
Expenses. Leave this option blank if you do not want to specify a
prefix value for expense report numbers.
2–31Setting Up Self–Service Expenses
The table below provides examples of expense report prefixes.
Examples of Expense Report Prefix Numbers
SS Expenses: Report
Number Prefix
Expense Report Numbers and Corresponding Invoice
Numbers in Oracle Payables
Web Web589, Web590, Web591, ...
SS SS589, SS590, SS591, ...
Table 2 – 9 (Page 1 of 1) Using Expense Report Number Prefixes
This profile option displays the name of the language used by your
application windows and menus. Only your system manager can
change this profile option.
Use this profile option to select the printer that prints Self–Service
Expenses data. If a printer cannot be selected, contact your System
Administrator. Printers must be registered with Oracle Applications.
Users can see and update this profile option.
Additional Profile Options
For information about the Default Country, Site Language, and
Sequential Numbering profile options, see: Application Object Library
Profile Options: page 2–32.
See Also
Personal Profile Values Window (Oracle Applications User Guide)
Overview of Setting User Profiles (Oracle Applications System
Administrator’s Guide)
Common User Profile Options (Oracle Applications User Guide)
2–32 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Application Object Library Profile Options
You define Application Object Library (AOL) profile options when
installing Oracle Financials. These profile options affect all
applications. Fore more information, see: Common User Profile
Options in the Oracle Applications User Guide.
The following Application Object Library profile options significantly
affect the operation of Oracle Payables.
H Default Country
H Site Language
H Sequential Numbering
For more information on these and other AOL profile options, see
Profile Options in Oracle Application Object Library in the Oracle
Applications System Administrators Guide.
Profile Options for Multiple Organization Support
The profile option MO: Operating Unit controls to which operating unit
a particular responsibility corresponds and is used only if you have
installed multiple organization support. For more information, see:
Multiple Organizations in Oracle Applications.
Using the Web Application Dictionary to Customize Self–Service Expenses
The Web Application Dictionary is the data dictionary that generates
many of the characteristics of Self–Service Expenses. Table 2 – 10 lists
the region ID names for each Self–Service Expenses page and function
that is accessible using the Expense Reports responsibility.
" To modify a region using the Web Applications Dictionary:
1. Using the AK Developer responsibility, open the Regions window.
2. Query the region to modify. To view all Self–Service Expenses
regions, query AP_WEB_%.
3. Select the region to modify, then choose Region Items.
4. Select the item to modify, then make your changes.
For example, depending on the item, you may be able to change the
Sequence in which it appears in a page, the Item Style (text,
checkbox, list of values, and so on), whether it appears in a
2–33Setting Up Self–Service Expenses
window (Node Display), and whether the item is required. To
modify prompt names, modify the value in the Long Label field.
5. Save your work.
If you update a prompt on one page, update it on any
other pages that use the same prompt. For example, if you
change the name of a field that appears in the New Expense
Report page, be sure to also make the change on the Details
page and the expense report spreadsheet.
For more information, see: Web Applications Dictionary, Product
Configurator, and Object Navigator User Guide.
Web Application Dictionary Region ID Description
AP_WEB_CALCULATOR Labels in the Calculator.
AP_WEB_CALENDAR_WIN Buttons that appear in the Calendar window.
AP_WEB_CCARD_IMPORT_BUTTONS Fields, prompts, buttons, and labels in the
Credit Card Transactions page.
AP_WEB_CCARD_IMPORT_HEADER Header region items in the Credit Card
Transactions page.
AP_WEB_CCARD_TAB Corporate Card tabbed region in the New
Expense Report page.
AP_WEB_CCARD_TAB_BUTTONS Buttons that appear in the Corporate Card
tabbed region.
AP_WEB_CONFIRM_WIN Labels that appear in the Confirmation page.
AP_WEB_CURRENCY_WIN Fields, prompts, and labels in the Currency
Conversion window.
AP_WEB_DETAIL Fields, prompts, and labels in the Receipt Detail
AP_WEB_DETAIL_BUTTONS Buttons that appear in the Receipt Detail
AP_WEB_DISC_EXP The expense spreadsheet prompt region.
Modify the region items of this region if you
have modified values in the expense
AP_WEB_DISC_SUM Labels and buttons that appear in the page that
lists the results after clicking Next to upload a
disconnected expense report.
Table 2 – 10 (Page 1 of 3)
2–34 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
DescriptionWeb Application Dictionary Region ID
AP_WEB_DISC_UPLOAD The Upload Expense Spreadsheet page of the
Upload Expense Spreadsheet function.
AP_WEB_ERROR_WIN Buttons that appear in the Errors page.
AP_WEB_EXP_ER Enter Receipts page of the Create New Expense
Report function. Also used by the Upload
Expense Spreadsheet function and the Modify
Expense Reports function.
AP_WEB_EXP_HEADER Header region items in the New Expense
Report page.
AP_WEB_EXP_NAVIGATION Navigation items that appear in the New
Expense Report page.
AP_WEB_EXP_ST New Expense Report page of the Create New
Expense Report function.
AP_WEB_EXP_SUMMARY Expense Summary page of the Create New
Expense Report function. Also used by the
Upload Expense Spreadsheet function, and the
Modify Expense Reports function.
AP_WEB_EXP_TABS Tabbed region labels in the New Expense
Report page.
AP_WEB_EXP_VIEW_REC View Receipts page of the Create New Expense
Report function. Also used by the Upload
Expense Spreadsheet function and the Modify
Expense Reports function.
AP_WEB_FINAL_REVIEW Fields, prompts, and labels in the Final Review
AP_WEB_ITEMIZE Fields, prompts, and labels in the Itemize
AP_WEB_OOP_TAB Items that appear in the Cash and Other tabbed
region in the New Expense report page.
AP_WEB_OOP_TAB_BUTTONS Buttons that appear in the Cash and Other
tabbed region in the New Expense report page.
AP_WEB_MENU Items on the Self–Service Expenses main menu.
AP_WEB_MENU_BAR Toolbar items that appear in all Self–Service
Expenses pages.
AP_WEB_RESTORE_REP The Modify Expense Reports page of the
Modify Expense Reports function.
Table 2 – 10 (Page 2 of 3)
2–35Setting Up Self–Service Expenses
DescriptionWeb Application Dictionary Region ID
AP_WEB_TAX (This region is reserved for future use by Oracle
AP_WEB_TOOLBAR Icons that appear in the toolbar of the New
Expense Report page.
Table 2 – 10 (Page 3 of 3)
Table 2 – 11 describes regions in Web Applications Dictionary that you
can modify to configure how search results are displayed. These
regions affect the following areas of Self–Service Expenses:
the View Expense Report History function
the View Projects and Tasks function
lists of values
Update the region items for the region to control what columns to
display, what column description to display, the order in which
columns appear, and whether a column should be a search attribute.
Web Application Dictionary Region ID Description
ICX_AP_EXP_RPT_NEW_D Page 1 of the View Expense Report History
ICX_AP_EXP_LINES_D Page 2 of the View Expense Report History
function. This page is a view of the expense
report details.
AP_WEB_EMPCURR_ID List of values for the Overriding Approver
AP_WEB_DFLEX_LOV List of values for a descriptive flexfield.
AP_WEB_PA_PROJ_TASK The Projects and Tasks page of the View
Projects and Tasks function.
AP_WEB_PA_TASKS_LOV The list of values for the Task Number field on
the New Expense Report window.
AP_WEB_PA_PROJECTS_LOV The list of values for the Project Number field
on the New Expense Report window.
Table 2 – 11 (Page 1 of 1)
2–36 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
See Also
Web Applications Dictionary, Product Configurator, and Object Navigator
User Guide
2–37Setting Up Self–Service Expenses
Setting Up Credit Cards
Employees can import expenses charged to their corporate credit card
directly into an expense report. Typically, an organization creates an
agreement with a major credit card company to import an electronic
data file summarizing all employee charges for a period.
After the credit card data file is imported and validated, an employee
can view a list of corporate credit card transactions and quickly import
the charges into an expense report in Self–Service Expenses. An
employee can also choose which transactions to include in the report,
classify each item as either Business or Personal, and place any
erroneous charges in dispute.
Oracle Self–Service Expenses integrates with the following four major
credit card suppliers:
American Express
Diner’s Club
GE Capital MasterCard
US Bank Visa
Improve the Expense Reporting Process
Your organization may be able to reduce costs and improve efficiency
within the expense reporting process by not requiring employees to
submit paper receipts for corporate credit card expenses. Credit card
suppliers provide a complete and accurate audit trail of all corporate
credit card charges, so your payables department may not need to store
and track paper copies of these receipts in the company’s files. Contact
your credit card issuer for more information.
Corporate Credit Card Reimbursement Policies
Companies have different requirements and policies for payment and
reimbursement of employee corporate credit cards. You can implement
one of the following payment/reimbursement scenarios for corporate
card charges:
To choose a reimbursement policy for your company, define the profile
option SS Expenses:CC Payment Due From. See: Setting Up
Self–Service Expenses Profile Options: page 2–25.
Figure 2 – 2 ”Company Pays” Reimbursement Policy
2–38 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
The steps for processing the expense report In the ”Both Pay”
reimbursement policy are very similar to the ”Company Pays”
scenario. The only differences are that the Company Prepay Credit
Card Transactions Program runs after the Credit Card Outstanding
Charges report and, after it is approved by the Accounts Payables
department, the report is split and a new expense report is created.
(The new report is needed so a separate invoice for the credit card
issuer can be created when it is imported into Oracle Payables.)
Figure 2 – 3 ”Both Pay” Reimbursement Policy
2–39Setting Up Self–Service Expenses
2–40 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Credit Card Integration Overview
The following is an overview of how to integrate corporate credit card
data with Self–Service Expenses.
1. Make the necessary arrangements with your corporate credit card
provider to periodically send data files with the data from your
employee’s corporate cards. Receive data file from credit card
provider, and transfer the data file to a local directory.
2. Record general information about the corporate credit card
program in which your organization participates. See: Defining
Credit Card Programs: page 2–41.
3. Set up your credit cards. See: Defining Credit Cards: page 2–42.
4. Modify the credit card import control file that imports your
corporate credit card data. See: Setting Up the Import Control File:
page 2–43.
You do not need to perform this step more than once.
5. If your corporate credit card provider is US Bank Visa, or GE
Capital MasterCard, modify your init.ora file. See: Modifying the
init.ora File: page 2–44.
You do not need to perform this step more than once.
6. (Optional) Assign credit card expense types to expense items when
defining your expense report templates. If you perform this step,
Self–Service Expenses automatically populates the expense type for
credit card charges when you import them into an expense report.
See: Defining Expense Report Templates: page 2–10.
7. Define an Expenses Clearing account in the Oracle Payables
Financials Options window. Payables uses this as a temporary
account to record information about credit card transactions when
importing expense reports created in Self–Service Expenses.
See: Accounting Financials Options in the Oracle Payables Users
8. Import and validate credit card transaction data into the
AP_CREDIT_CARD_TRXNS_ALL table. See: Credit Card Transaction
Import and Validation: page 2–46.
9. Set up the following credit card profile options:
SS Expenses:CC Payment Due From
SS Expenses:CC Payment Notify
SS Expenses:Maximum Days to Show Credit Card Transactions
2–41Setting Up Self–Service Expenses
See: Setting Up Self–Service Expenses Profile Options: page 2–25.
10. Test your work. See: Testing Credit Card Integration Set Up: page
Defining Credit Card Programs
Use the Credit Card Programs window to record the credit card
programs in which your company participates. When you record a
credit card program, you designate the program as either a corporate
procurement card program or a corporate credit card program.
Employees use procurement cards to purchase specific items directly
from suppliers. Employees use corporate credit cards to purchase a
variety of goods and services for normal business expenses while on a
business trip, for example.
For more information about procurement cards, see: Procurement Card
Integration in the Oracle Payables Users Guide.
Enter the organizations that provide your corporate credit card
programs as suppliers in Oracle Payables. Include all information
including payment terms and supplier site.
Define Credit Card Code Sets. See: Credit Card Code Sets in the
Oracle Payables User Guide.
" To define a corporate travel card program:
1. In the Oracle Payables Credit Card Programs window, enter a
unique card program name and a description.
2. Select the Card Brand.
3. Select a Card Type of Travel.
4. Select the Supplier that provides this corporate travel card
5. Select the supplier site.
6. Enter the Card Code Set that your card issuer uses to record
restrictions on cards.
7. Enter the name of the employee who administers the corporate
travel card program.
2–42 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Suggestion: The Exposure Limit field is not currently used by
Payables or Self–Service Expenses, but you can use this field to
record reference information such as the program’s credit limit.
8. To specify a day after which this credit card program can no longer
be used, enter an Inactive On date.
9. Save your work.
The Exception Clearing Account field and the check
boxes in the Do Not Pay If Status Is region are used by Oracle
See Also
Credit Card Programs Window Reference (Oracle Payables User Guide)
Defining Credit Cards
Use the Credit Cards window to record the names of employees who
hold corporate credit cards, and the numbers of the credit cards these
employees hold. When recording credit cards, you designate the credit
card program to which the credit card belongs.
Create a credit card program for the corporate credit card your
organization uses. See: Defining Credit Card Programs: page 2–41.
Define Credit Card Profiles (Oracle Payables User Guide)
" To define a credit card:
1. In Payables, navigate to the Credit Cards window.
2. Select the Card Program to which the card belongs.
3. Enter the employee’s name as it appears on the card in the Card
Member Name field.
4. Enter the Card Number.
5. In the Employee Name field, enter the employee’s name as it
appears in the Enter Person window (in Payables).
2–43Setting Up Self–Service Expenses
6. Enter the number of the credit card the employee holds.
7. Save your work.
See Also
Credit Cards (Oracle Payables User Guide)
Credit Cards Window Reference (Oracle Payables User Guide)
Setting Up the Import Control File
Before you can import credit card data you must modify the control file
that imports your corporate credit card data. To do this, identify the
CARD_PROGRAM_ID of your credit card program and then add this
number as a constant to a predefined control file.
Set up the import control file only once. You do not have
to repeat this procedure every time you load credit card data
Identifying the CARD_PROGRAM_ID
Create a credit card program for the corporate credit card your
organization uses. See: Defining Credit Card Programs: page 2–41.
" To identify the CARD_PROGRAM_ID of your credit card program:
1. In Payables, navigate to the Credit Card Programs window.
2. Choose Diagnostics–>Examine from the Help menu. This opens
the Examine Field and Variable Values window.
3. Select the list of values button for the Field field. This opens the
Choose a Field window.
4. Select the field CARD_PROGRAM_ID, then choose OK.
5. Note the number that appears in the Value field. This is the
number you will enter in the next procedure, Modifying the
Control File.
2–44 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
6. Choose OK
Modifying the Control File
Control File Directory and File Names
The control files for the credit card import process are located in the
following directory:
The control file you need to modify depends on the credit card issuer
with which your company does business.
Corporate Credit Card Control File
American Express apxamex.ctl
Diner’s Club apxdiner.ctl
GE Capital MasterCard apxgecmc.ctl
US Bank Visa apxusbv.ctl
Table 2 – 12 (Page 1 of 1)
" To modify a control file:
1. Open the control file you want to edit in a text editor.
2. Replace the number for the credit_card_id constant with the
CREDIT_CARD_ID number you noted in the previous section,
Identifying the CARD_PROGRAM_ID: page 2–43.
3. Save your work and close the control file.
Modify the init.ora File
When you receive data files from the credit card provider, you must
save these files in your system. Due to SQL*Loader constraints, US
Bank Visa and GE Capital MasterCard data files require preformatting
before they are loaded into the AP_CREDIT_CARD_TRXNS_ALL
Attention: This step should only be performed by the Oracle
DBA assigned to the Oracle Applications database.
2–45Setting Up Self–Service Expenses
If your credit card provider is US Bank Visa or GE Capital MasterCard,
you must perform the following:
Save your credit card data files in a directory path listed by the
UTL_FILE_DIR parameter in your init.ora file.
Include the directory path specified by the APPLPTMP variable
(in the $APPLTOP/APPLSYS.env file) as a directory path in the
UTL_FILE_DIR parameter. This parameter is located in your
init.ora file.
If your credit card provider is American Express or Diner’s Club, you
do not have to save your credit card data files in a directory path listed
by the UTL_FILE_DIR parameter in your init.ora file.
You need to modify the init.ora file only once (you
do not have to repeat this procedure every time you load credit
card data files).
Note the directory path specified by the APPLTMP variable in the
$APPLTOP/APPLSYS.env file. You must add this directory path
to the UTL_FILE_DIR parameter in your init.ora file.
" To modify your init.ora file:
1. Locate the init.ora file for the applications database. This file
should be located in the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory, but may
have a different name as the administrator may have copied and
created a special file for the applications database.
2. Using a text editor, open the init.ora file.
3. Search for the UTL_FILE_DIR parameter.
4. Add a new directory path to the UTL_FILE_DIR parameter and
copy your credit card data file to this directory. (You can also copy
your credit card data file to an existing directory listed by the
UTL_FILE_DIR parameter.)
5. Add the directory path specified by the APPLPTMP variable in the
$APPLTOP/APPLSYS.env file to the UTL_FILE_DIR parameter.
6. Save your work.
The Oracle DBA must stop and restart the database
before the database will recognize the changes. To verify that
these values are present in the database, query
2–46 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Credit Card Transaction Import and Validation
Depending on which credit card program your company uses, run one
of the following four request sets to import and validate corporate
credit card data files:
American Express Transaction Load and Validate
Diner’s Club Transaction Load and Validate
US Bank Visa Transaction Preformat, Load, and Validate
GE Capital MasterCard Preformat, Load, and Validate
After the request set completes, check the log file to determine whether
any transactions have been rejected.
Request Set Submission
Submit these request sets from the Submit Request window.
Request Set Parameters
American Express and Diners Club
Data File: Enter the path and file name that identifies the data file you
want to load.
GE Capital MasterCard and US Bank Visa
Input Data File: Enter the path and file name of the data file to
GE Capital MasterCard and US Bank Visa files must be
stored in a directory path listed by the UTL_FILE_DIR
parameter in your init.ora file.
Output Data File: Enter the file name and directory path where you
want to save the file.
2–47Setting Up Self–Service Expenses
Credit Card Transaction Validation Report
This report validates all credit card transactions in the
AP_CREDIT_CARD_TRXNS_ALL table that have not been
successfully validated. At the end it also gives the total number of
transactions processed, the total number rejected, and the total number
The Credit Card Transaction Validation Report lists invalid transactions
according to one of following rejection reasons:
Duplicate Transactions
Invalid Billed Amounts
Invalid Billed Currency Codes
Invalid Billed Dates
Invalid Card Numbers
Invalid Merchant Names
Invalid Posted Currency Codes
Invalid Transaction Amounts
Invalid Transaction Dates
Report Submission
You submit this report from the Submit Requests window.
Selected Report Headings
Billed Amount: The amount of the billed charge.
Billed Currency Code: The ISO code for the billed currency.
Billed Date: The date the transaction will be or has been billed.
Card Number: Number of the credit card used to pay for the expense.
Merchant Name: Name of merchant.
Posted Currency Code: The ISO code for the posted currency.
Reference Number: A unique number assigned to each transaction at
the point of sale.
Transaction ID: A unique number assigned to each transaction by the
credit card provider.
2–48 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Clearing Unused Credit Card Transactions
An unused credit card transaction is a transaction that has been loaded
and validated in the system but has not been included on a Self–Service
Expenses expense report.
You can use the profile option Self–Service Expenses:Maximum Days to
Show Credit Card Transactions to specify how long unused credit card
transactions appear in the Credit Card Transactions page. (Employees
use the Credit Card Transactions page to choose the credit card
transactions to include in an expense report.) If a credit card
transaction has not been added to an expense report for more than the
number of days you specify, Self–Service Expenses no longer displays it
in the list of available transactions in the Credit Card Transactions
If you do not specify a maximum number of days for this profile
option, Self–Service Expenses displays unused credit card transactions
in the Credit Card Transactions page indefinitely. However, since the
Credit Card Transactions page can display only 200 transactions at a
time, we suggest that you enter a value for this profile option.
See Also
Setting Up Self–Service Expenses Profile Options: page 2–25
Testing Credit Card Integration Set Up
After you have loaded and validated a credit card data file, employees
can view their credit card transactions in Self–Service Expenses.
Identify an employee who has transactions included in an imported
credit card data file.
" To test credit card integration set up
1. Log on to Self–Service Expenses.
2–49Setting Up Self–Service Expenses
2. Select Create New Expense Report, enter whatever information is
necessary, then select the Enter Receipts button. This opens the
Enter Receipts window.
3. Select the Get Credit Card Transactions button. You should see a
list of credit card transactions.
2–50 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
3–1Client Extensions in Self–Service Expenses
Client Extensions in
Self–Service Expenses
his chapter describes the client extensions in Oracle Self–Service
Expenses. Client extensions allow you to extend the functionality of
Self–Service Expenses by implementing and automating
company–specific business rules.
3–2 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Client Extensions
Many companies have business requirements that the standard
functionality of Oracle Self–Service Expenses does not address. To
address these requirements, Self–Service Expenses provides several
client extensions. Client extensions extend Self–Service functionality to
implement and automate company–specific business rules.
Client Extension
Calculate Amount Extension: page 3–5
Populate Poplist Extension: page 3–6
Flexfield Default Extension: page 3–7
Flexfield Validation Extension: page 3–8
Cost Center Validation Extension: page
Default Cost Center Extension: page 3–3
Accounts Payable Involvement Extension:
page 3–11
Find Approver Extension: page 3–12
Authority Verification Extension: page
Management Involvement Extension: page
Table 3 – 1 (Page 1 of 1)
Implement company–specific rules by designing and writing client
extensions using PL/SQL procedures. These procedures are called
during the standard processing flow of Self–Service Expenses.
The procedures you write to implement your business rules are
extensions, not customizations. Extensions are features that Oracle
supports within the product and can be easily upgraded from one
product release to the next. Unlike extensions, customizations are
3–3Client Extensions in Self–Service Expenses
changes made to the product that are not supported by Oracle and
cannot be easily upgraded.
Warning: You must not directly insert or update records in
any Oracle Applications tables and performing these activities
with extensions is not supported by Oracle Corporation. You
must use the public, predefined procedures that Oracle
Self–Service Expenses provides to insert or update records in
Oracle Payables tables.
Attention: You are responsible for the support and upgrade of
the logic within the procedures that you write, which may be
affected by changes between releases of the Oracle
Default Cost Center Extension
When a user navigates to the New Expense Report page, a default
value automatically appears in the Cost Center field. This default cost
center value is extracted from the DEFAULT_CODE_COMBINATION_ID
column of the HR_EMPLOYEES_CURRENT_V view. Use the default cost
center extension to define a value for the cost center field.
Writing the Default Cost Center Extension
Self–Service Expenses provides a template package containing the
procedure you must modify to implement the default cost center
extension. The package name is AP_WEB_CUST_DFLEX_PKG and
the procedure name is CustomDefaultCostCenter.
Print out and review the following file before you begin writing your
default cost center extension. The file is located in the Oracle Payables
admin/sql directory.
This file contains the procedure you must modify
to implement the default cost center extension.
You can define as many procedures as needed
within this package or within the predefined
Modify the CustomDefaultCostCenter procedure so it returns a specific
cost center value. The value that CustomDefaultCostCenter returns is
the default cost center in the New Expense Report page. If
CustomDefaultCostCenter returns a value of NULL, Self–Service
3–4 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Expenses uses the standard default cost center method and inserts the
employee’s cost center as the default.
Cost Center Validation Extension
When an employee submits an expense report, Self–Service Expenses
checks whether the cost center identified in the expense report is a
valid value in your chart of accounts. If the cost center specified is
invalid, the system displays an error message when the employee clicks
on the Next button in the New Expense Report window. You can use
the Cost Center Validation Extension to define custom validation rules
for the values users enter in the Cost Center field.
Writing the Cost Center Validation Extension
Self–Service Expenses provides a template package that contains the
procedure you must modify to implement the default cost center
extension. The package name is AP_WEB_CUST_DFLEX_PKG and
the procedure name is CustomValidateCostCenter.
Print out and review the following file before writing your cost center
validation extension. The file is located in the Oracle Payables
admin/sql directory.
This file contains the procedure you must modify
to implement the cost center validation extension.
You can define as many procedures as needed
within this package or within the predefined
To enable the CustomValidateCostCenter procedure, write your code
so the function returns a value of TRUE. If the
CustomValidateCostCenter procedure returns the value TRUE,
Self–Service Expenses uses your cost center validation logic and skips
the predefined cost center validation routine.
When a cost center is valid, your validation logic must set the
p_CostCenterValid parameter to TRUE. When a cost center is not
valid, your logic must set the p_CostCenterValid parameter to FALSE.
You can also customize the error message that appears when validation
fails. To customize this error message, assign a value to the p_cs_error
variable. If you do not assign a value to this variable, Self–Service
Expenses displays the standard error message.
3–5Client Extensions in Self–Service Expenses
Calculate Amount Extension
Use the Calculate Amount Extension to define company–specific
calculations for expense types such as per diem and mileage. For
example, if your company’s reimbursement policy includes a mileage
allowance, you can use the Calculate Amount Extension to calculate
mileage expenses based on the number of miles an employee reports.
You must define a context–sensitive flexfield segment for each expense
type to which you want to associate the Calculate Amount Extension.
The values employees enter into these context–sensitive segments
provide the input for your calculation logic.
For example, to write logic to calculate mileage expenses, define a
context–sensitive flexfield segment called Miles and associate it with
the expense type Mileage. When an employee selects the Mileage
expense type, the Miles flexfield appears. The employee enters a
number in the Miles field, then clicks the Calculate Amount button.
This executes your custom logic which calculates the number of miles
times the rate per mile, and populates the Receipt Amount field.
If the reimbursement currency is different from the receipt currency,
you may want to rewrite the procedure so the result populates a
different field (for example, Reimbursable Amount) instead of Receipt
Attention: You must enable the Calculate Amount option in
the Payables Expense Report Templates window for each
expense type you want to use with the calculate amount
Writing the Calculate Amount Extension
Self–Service Expenses provides a template package that contains the
procedure you modify to implement the calculate amount extension.
The package name is AP_WEB_CUST_DFLEX_PKG and the
procedure name is CustomCalculateAmount.
Print out and review the following file before writing your Calculate
Amount Extension. The file is located in the Oracle Payables
admin/sql directory.
This file contains the procedure you must modify
to implement the Calculate Amount Extension.
You can define as many procedures as needed
within this package or within the predefined
3–6 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Populate Poplist Extension
You can define descriptive flexfield segments so they appear with
poplists. The standard way to define lists of values that appear in these
poplists is to associate segments with value sets containing the values
you want. For a detailed description of how to do this, see: Setting Up
Descriptive Flexfields: page 2–13.
Use the Populate Poplist Extension to define custom rules for values
that appear in the poplists for flexfield segments. Note that you can
only use the Populate Poplist Extension for flexfield segments
associated with value sets that have validation types of either
Independent or Table. You cannot use the Populate Poplist Extension
for a segment associated with a value set that has a validation type of
Attention: If you associate flexfield segments with a value set
that uses table validation, you must use the Populate Poplist
Extension if you want values to appear in the poplists for these
Writing the Populate Poplist Extension
Self–Service Expenses provides a template package containing the
procedure you must modify to implement the Populate Poplist
Extension. The package name is AP_WEB_CUST_DFLEX_PKG and
the procedure name is CustomPopulatePoplist.
Print out and review the following file before writing your Populate
Poplist Extension. The file is located in the Oracle Payables admin/sql
This file contains the procedure you must modify
to implement the Populate Poplist Extension. You
can define as many procedures as needed within
this package or within the predefined procedure.
3–7Client Extensions in Self–Service Expenses
Flexfield Default Extension
You can define descriptive flexfield segments so they automatically
appear with default values. The standard way to define these default
values is to use the Default Value field in the Payables Segments
window. Use the Flexfield Default Extension to define custom rules for
defaulting values in Self–Service Expenses flexfield segments.
Your flexfield default rules can use the values in the header region of
the New Expense Report page as input. This region includes fields
such as employee ID, cost center, and reimbursement currency. So, for
example, if you have a flexfield for per diem, you could write default
rules for this flexfield based on who is creating the expense report.
You can use the Flexfield Default Extension to define
default values only for context–sensitive flexfield segments. You
cannot use this extension to define values for global flexfield
Writing the Flexfield Default Extension
Self–Service Expenses provides a template package containing the
procedure you must modify to implement the Flexfield Default
Extension. The package name is AP_WEB_CUST_DFLEX_PKG and
the procedure name is CustomPopulateDefault.
You can set the default value for flexfield segments that
appear as check boxes. If you want check boxes to be checked
by default (set to Yes), write logic so the p_DefaultValue
parameter returns ’Y’. Otherwise, write your logic so the
p_DefaultValue parameter returns ’N’.
Print out and review the following file before writing your flexfield
default extension. The file is located in the Oracle Payables admin/sql
This file contains the procedure you must modify
to implement the Flexfield Default Extension. You
can define as many procedures as needed within
this package or within the predefined procedure.
3–8 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Flexfield Validation Extension
When defining descriptive flexfield segments, you associate a value set
to each segment. You can define value sets to include validation rules
by using the Format Validation region of the Payables Value Sets
window. Use the Flexfield Validation Extension to define additional
validation rules for the values entered in Self–Service Expenses
flexfield segments. If you implement the Flexfield Validation
Extension, Self–Service Expenses executes your custom validation logic
as well as the validation you define for value sets.
You can define dynamic validation that is dependent on other fields in
the New Expense Report page. The same API is called for both
expense line level validation and for individual expense–type
context–sensitive custom field validation.
Writing the Flexfield Validation Extension
Self–Service Expenses provides a template package containing the
procedure you must modify to implement the Flexfield Validation
Extension. The package name is AP_WEB_CUST_DFLEX_PKG and
the procedure name is CustomValidateDFlexValues.
Print out and review the following file before writing your flexfield
validation extension. The file is located in the Oracle Payables
admin/sql directory.
This file contains the procedure you must modify
to implement the Flexfield Validation Extension.
You can define as many procedures as needed
within this package or within the predefined
Management Involvement Extension
Expense reports can be paid only if the Manager (Spending) Approval
workflow process marks them as manager approved. Generally,
expense reports undergo manager review and approval comes directly
from managers themselves. However, you can use the Level of Manager
Involvement activity in the Manager (Spending) Approval workflow
process to approve expense reports automatically, without a manager’s
The Level of Manager Involvement activity supports three levels of
manager involvement:
3–9Client Extensions in Self–Service Expenses
Managers directly approve expense reports
Expenses reports receive automatic
manager approval and the workflow
notifies the manager that the expense
report was approved.
Expenses reports receive automatic
manager approval, but the workflow does
not notify the manager that the expense
report was approved.
Use the Manager Involvement Extension to specify how the Level of
Manager Involvement processes expense reports. For example, you can
define the manager involvement extension so the level of management
involvement depends on the amount of the expense report or the
expense template used.
For a detailed description of the default behavior of the Level of
Manager Involvement activity, see: Level of Manager Involvement: page
Writing the Management Involvement Extension
Self–Service Expenses provides a template package containing the
procedure you must modify to implement the Management
Involvement Extension. The package name is
AP_WEB_EXPENSE_CUST_WF and the procedure name is
The DetermineMgrInvolvement API contains some sample logic that is
preceded by the comment delimiter. This sample code, if enabled,
enforces the following rules:
For expense reports in which the sum of expense lines is greater
than or equal to 500, manager approval is required.
For expense reports in which the sum of expense lines is greater
than or equal to 100 (and less than 500), only manager
notification is required.
For expense reports in which the sum of expense lines is less
than 100, there is no manager involvement.
You can modify this sample logic by increasing or decreasing the values
assigned to the variables l_approval_req_amount and
manager approval
manager notification
no manager involvement
3–10 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
You must add and remove the necessary comment
delimiters to make the sample logic in this API control the Level
of Manager Involvement activity.
Print out and review the following file before writing your
Management Involvement Extension. The file is located in the Oracle
Payables admin/sql directory.
This file contains the procedure you must modify
to implement the Management Involvement
extension. You can define as many procedures as
needed within this package or within the
predefined procedure.
Authority Verification Extension
When a manager approves an expense report, the Verify Authority
activity in the Manager (Spending) Approval workflow process
determines whether the manager has the signing limit and cost center
authority to approve the expense report. The Verify Authority activity
bases its verification on values you enter in the Payables Employee
Signing Limit window.
You can use the Authority Verification Extension to define custom rules
that determine whether a manager has the authority to approve an
expense report.
Writing the Authority Verification Extension
Self–Service Expenses provides a template package containing the
procedure you must modify to implement the Authority Verification
Extension. The package name is AP_WEB_EXPENSE_CUST_WF and
the procedure name is VerifyAuthority.
Print out and review the following file before writing your authority
verification extension. The file is located in the Oracle Payables
admin/sql directory.
This file contains the procedure you must modify
to implement the Authority Verification Extension.
You can define as many procedures as needed
within this package or within the predefined
3–11Client Extensions in Self–Service Expenses
Accounts Payable Involvement Extension
Your accounts payable department must review and approve expense
reports that contain lines for which a justification or an original receipt
is required. Your accounts payable department approves an expense
report by checking the Reviewed by Payables check box in the Payables
Expense Reports window. Once reviewed by the payables department,
the AP Approval workflow process marks the expense report as
Payables Approved.
You can use the Accounts Payable Involvement extension to define
additional rules for when accounts payables approval is necessary for
expense reports. For example, you could define this extension so only
every third expense report requires accounts payable approval,
regardless of whether the report contains lines that require a
justification or an original receipt.
Writing the Accounts Payable Involvement Extension
Self–Service Expenses provides a template package containing the
procedure you must modify to implement the Accounts Payable
Involvement extension. The package name is
AP_WEB_EXPENSE_CUST_WF and the procedure name is
This procedure is called during the AP Expense Report Workflow
during the Server Side Validation process. For more information, see:
Server Side Validation Process Activities: page 5–26.
Print out and review the following file before writing your Accounts
Payable Involvement extension. The file is located in the Oracle
Payables admin/sql directory.
This file contains the procedure you must modify
to implement the Accounts Payable Involvement
Extension. You can define as many procedures as
needed within this package or within the
predefined procedure.
3–12 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Find Approver Extension
The Find Approver activity in the Manager (Spending) Approval workflow
process determines the first and (if necessary) subsequent approvers
for an expense report. You can use the Find Approver Extension to
define custom rules for selecting approvers for expense reports.
Writing the Find Approver Extension
Self–Service Expenses provides a template package containing the
procedure you must modify to implement the Find Approver
Extension. The package name is AP_WEB_EXPENSE_CUST_WF and
the procedure name is FindApprover.
Print out and review the following file before writing your Find
Approver Extension. The file is located in the Oracle Payables
admin/sql directory.
This file contains the procedure you must modify
to implement the Find Approver Extension. You
can define as many procedures as needed within
this package or within the predefined procedure.
4–1The Expense Spreadsheet
The Expense
his chapter describes how to implement the Expense Spreadsheet,
a generic Microsoft Excel document that you can customize to create
and submit expense reports using a standard Web browser.
4–2 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Expense Spreadsheet
Employees that have access to their corporate intranet can log in Oracle
Self–Service Expenses to create and submit expense reports using a
standard Web browser. Employees who are travelling or do not have
access to the company’s intranet can create expense reports using the
disconnected expense reporting process.
The Disconnected Expense Reporting Process
The disconnected expense reporting process involves entering expenses
in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet on a personal computer or laptop and
then uploading this spreadsheet to Self–Service Expenses. Self–Service
Expenses provides a Microsoft Excel expense spreadsheet template that
you can customize to meet your needs.
Following is an overview of the disconnected expense reporting
1. Download the template by choosing Download Expense
Spreadsheet from the Self–Service Expenses main menu, then
create a copy of it using the Save As command.
2. Enter expenses in the spreadsheet using Microsoft Excel.
3. When the spreadsheet is complete, log in to Self–Service Expenses,
then choose Upload Expense Report from the main menu.
4. Copy the contents of the spreadsheet in Excel, then paste the
contents in the Self–Service Expenses Upload Expense Report page.
Attention: Be sure to paste the spreadsheet only once into the
Upload Spreadsheet Area. If a user pastes the spreadsheet
more than once and then successfully uploads it, Self–Service
Expenses creates an expense report with duplicate receipts.
5. Click Next to ensure there is no missing or invalid data in the
report. If the spreadsheet contains errors:
a. Clear the contents of the upload page.
b. Modify the spreadsheet in Excel.
c. Copy the contents of the spreadsheet, then paste the contents in
the Self–Service Expenses Upload Expense Report page.
d. Click Next.
4–3The Expense Spreadsheet
6. When the spreadsheet passes validation, a new expense report is
created in Self–Service Expenses. An employee can enter
additional expenses, save the report as a work in progress, or
submit it for approval.
All users assigned to the Expense Reports responsibility
can access the Download Expense Spreadsheet and Upload
Expense Spreadsheet functions.
Customizing the Excel Template
The Excel template is a spreadsheet that employees use to create
disconnected expense reports (see Figure 4 – 1). Employees download
the template by choosing Download Expense Spreadsheet from the
Self–Service Expenses main menu.
You must customize the Excel template so it matches your current
Self–Service Expenses implementation. For example, all fields in
Self–Service Expenses must exist in your template and fields that are
required in Self–Service Expenses must also be required in the
template. If the template does not match your implementation,
employees cannot create and upload expense reports using the
disconnected process.
To create a custom Excel template, you must copy specific values from
various Oracle Payables windows and enter them in the template.
Suggestion: Since you cannot copy values from Oracle
Applications and paste them into Excel, writing lists of values
on paper can simplify the task of entering matching values in
4–4 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
re 4
Required Tasks
Perform the following tasks to customize the Excel template:
Show the Sheet Tabs: page 4–5
Define the Date Format: page 4–6
Enter an Expense Template Name: page 4–7
Set Up Expense Types: page 4–8
Set Up Currency Codes and Descriptions: page 4–10
For more information about customizing the template, see: Other Setup
Considerations: page 4–23.
Recommended Setup Tasks
The following tasks are recommended:
4–5The Expense Spreadsheet
Protect the Custom Excel Template: page 4–25
Test the Custom Excel Template: page 4–26
Conditional Setup Task
If you implemented descriptive flexfields in Self–Service Expenses, you
must Set Up Descriptive Flexfields in the Spreadsheet: page 4–13.
Optional Setup Task
Modify Column and Cell Headings: page 4–12.
You must be using Microsoft Excel 5.0 or higher.
File Name and Location
The formatted Expense Spreadsheet is called apwexpmc.xls and is
located in the following directory:
Showing the Sheet Tabs
After downloading the expense spreadsheet from Self–Service
Expenses, you must display the sheet tabs to make any changes.
You can edit the following sheet tabs in the Excel template:
Currency Codes and Descriptions
Expense Report
Expense Types
Attention: Do not modify the Cells Links, Custom Field
Links, or Custom Field Code sheet in the template. If you do,
the Expense Spreadsheet cannot function properly.
" To show the sheet tabs in the expense spreadsheet template:
1. Open the spreadsheet file apwexpmc.xls.
2. Choose Tools > Protection > Unprotect Sheet.
3. Choose Options from the Tools menu.
4–6 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
4. Select the View tab, check the Sheet Tabs check box, then choose
OK. (See Figure 4 – 2.)
re 4
Defining the Date Format
Users enter a receipt date in the spreadsheet’s Date From column. For
multiple–day receipts, users can define a range of days by entering
dates in both the Date From and the Date To columns.
When an employee uploads a completed expense report, Self–Service
Expenses compares the date format of the Date From and Date To
columns to the date format set using the Self–Service Expenses General
Preferences function. If the date formats in these columns do not
match the date format specified by the General Preferences function,
users must re–enter receipt dates in Self–Service Expenses.
An example of a valid date format is DD–MON–YYYY.
Attention: Self–Service Expenses users can change the date
format used by Self–Service Expenses using the General
Preferences function. We suggest advising all employees to not
modify this date format as it may cause errors for other users.
4–7The Expense Spreadsheet
Determine a date format to use in the Expense Spreadsheet.
" To define the Date Format:
1. Make the Expense Report sheet active by clicking on the tab at the
bottom of the spreadsheet.
2. Select the Date From and the Date To column, and then choose
Format > Cells.
3. Select the Number tab, and then choose Date as the Category.
4. Choose a date format from the list in the Type region, then choose
Entering an Expense Template Name
You must assign a template name to the Excel template to define the list
of expense types that are available in Self–Service Expenses (for
example, airfare, meals, lodging, and so on). This template also
determines the expense types you can include in the Expense Types
sheet in the Excel template. See: Setting Up Expense Types: page 4–8.
You create expense report templates in the Payables Expense Report
Templates window. The template you choose must have the Enable for
Self–Service Users option checked (set to Yes). For more information,
see Expense Report Templates in the Oracle Payables User Guide.
When an employee uploads an Excel expense report, Self–Service
Expenses compares the template name to the names of all active,
Self–Service enabled templates. If the template name of an Excel
expense report does not match the name of a Self–Service enabled
template, Self–Service Expenses rejects the report.
If multiple Self–Service expense report templates have
been defined for use with Self–Service Expenses, you must set
up a separate custom Excel template for each Self–Service
Select a Self–Service enabled expense report template from the
Payables Expense Report Templates window. Note the exact
spelling of the template name.
4–8 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
To enter a template name:
1. Make the Expense Report sheet active by clicking on the tab at the
bottom of the spreadsheet.
2. Enter the name of an expense report template that is enabled for
Self–Service into the Expense Template cell (see Figure 4 – 3). The
name must exactly match the name of a Self–Service enabled
template that appears in the Payables Expense Report Templates
3. Save your work.
re 4
Setting Up Expense Types
To enter expense types in the Expense Report sheet, users select values
from a poplist. The Expense Types sheet contains the values that
appear in this poplist. You must customize the Expense Types sheet so
it contains only valid expense types. Valid expense types include:
expense types defined in the Payables template that you
identified in the Expense Report sheet
expense types with the Viewable From All Templates option
checked in the Payables Expense Report Templates window
Warning: Receipts with invalid expense types will fail
validation even if the expense report uploads successfully.
4–9The Expense Spreadsheet
For example, the Expense Report Templates window in Payables lists
the expense types Airfare, Car Rental, Hotel, and Entertainment in the
template ”Sales.” No expense types from any other template have the
Viewable From All Templates option checked. If you enter ”Sales” as
the Expense Template for the spreadsheet, you must set up the Expense
Type sheet so it contains only the expense types Airfare, Car Rental,
Hotel, and Entertainment.
The generic Expense Types sheet within the Excel template includes
several sample expense types. You must change the sample expense
types to valid expense types and delete any rows that you do not
change. To add expense types, insert new rows into the Expense Types
sheet. You must insert a new row above an existing row for the
expense type to appear in the poplist.
Make a list of the expense types defined by the Self–Service
enabled template you entered in the Expense Report sheet. Note
the exact spelling of these expense types.
" To set up Expense Types:
1. Make the Expense Types sheet active by clicking on the tab at the
bottom of the spreadsheet.
2. Change the sample expense types to valid expense types (those
defined in the Self–Service enabled template you entered in the
Expense Report sheet). Be sure to spell each expense type exactly
as it appears in the Payables Expense Report Templates window.
3. To add an expense type, insert a new row and enter the name of the
expense type exactly as it appears in the Payables Expense Report
Templates window (See Figure 4 – 4).
To insert a new row, select a cell that contains a value, and then
choose Insert > Rows. If you select a cell that does not contain a
value, choose Insert > Rows, and then add an expense type to this
new row, the expense type does not appear in the poplist.
Attention: Do not edit the header region (cells A1 and A2) of
the Expense Types sheet.
Suggestion: Sort the list of expense types alphabetically. To
do this, select the rows to sort, then click on the Sort Ascending
button (or choose Data > Sort, click on Ascending, then click
4–10 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
re 4
etting Up
4. Test your work. To do this, make the Expense Report sheet active
and verify that the poplist displays the proper values.
5. Save your work.
Setting Up Currency Codes and Descriptions
When an employee uploads an expense report spreadsheet,
Self–Service Expenses compares the currency code of a receipt with the
currency codes enabled in the Currencies window. If the receipt
currency code does not match an enabled currency, the user must
re–enter the receipt currency code in Self–Service Expenses.
The predefined Currency Codes and Descriptions sheet includes nearly
two hundred currencies (all specified in ISO Standard #4217). Because
some of these currencies may not be enabled in Oracle Payables, you
must edit the Currency Codes and Descriptions sheet so it includes
only enabled currencies. Review the list of enabled currencies in the
Payables Currencies window, then remove all disabled currencies from
the Currency Codes and Descriptions sheet.
For more information about setting up currencies, see: Currencies
Window in the Oracle Applications System Administrator’s Guide.
4–11The Expense Spreadsheet
Review and make a list of all enabled currencies in the Oracle
Payables Currencies window.
" To set up currency codes and descriptions:
1. Make the Currency Codes and Descriptions sheet active by clicking
on the tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
Attention: Do not edit the header region (cells A1 and B1) of
the Currency Codes and Descriptions sheet.
2. Delete each row that contains a disabled currency.
3. To specify which currency appears by default in the Currency Code
poplist, enter a default currency description in cell A2 and a default
currency code in cell B2 (see Figure 4 – 5).
4. Check your work by making the Expense Report sheet active and
ensuring that the poplist displays the proper values.
5. Save your work.
Figure 4 – 5 Setting Up Currency Codes
4–12 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Changing Column and Cell Headings (Optional)
You can change the column and cell headings of the Expense Report
sheet to use terms that are common within your company. For
example, you might want to change ”Justification” to ”Reason” and
change ”Cost Center” to ”Bill Code.” The Prompts sheet lists all of the
column and cell headings you can change.
If you change a column or cell heading, you must also change its
corresponding Long Label in the Region Items window of the Web
Applications Dictionary (see below).
" To change column and cell headings in Excel:
1. Make the Prompts sheet active by clicking on the tab at the bottom
of the spreadsheet.
2. Change any of the values in Column B of the Prompts sheet. Do
not change any of the values in Column A. Make a list of both the
old and new values.
3. Save your work.
" To change Long Label values in the Web Applications Dictionary:
1. Log in to Oracle Applications using the Apps for the Web Manager
responsibility, then navigate to the Regions window
2. Query the region ID AP_WEB_DISC_EXP, then choose Region
3. Change the values in the Long Label fields to match the values in
Column B of the Prompts sheet.
4. Save your work.
For more information about the Web Applications Dictionary, see the
Oracle Self–Service Web Applications Implementation Manual.
4–13The Expense Spreadsheet
Setting Up Descriptive Flexfields in the Excel Template
Set up descriptive flexfields to extend the capabilities of the standard
Self–Service Expenses implementation and enable employees to enter
additional information about business expenses.
If descriptive flexfields have been defined for use with Self–Service
Expenses, you must set up the same flexfields in the Excel template. If
you do not define the flexfields in the template, errors will occur when
users upload their disconnected spreadsheets to Self–Service Expenses.
Types of Descriptive Flexfields
You can define two types of descriptive flexfields: context–sensitive
and global. Context–sensitive flexfields appear in the Self–Service
Expenses Receipt Details page and are associated with expense types.
For example, you can define the flexfields Airline, Class, Origin, and
Destination and associate them with the expense type Airfare. Then,
when a user chooses an expense type of Airfare when creating an
expense report in Self–Service Expenses, these flexfields dynamically
appear in the Receipt Details page.
Global flexfields appear in the Receipt Details page regardless of the
expense type selected.
Suggestion: To ensure that all flexfields appear in the correct
order in the Excel spreadsheet, define your global flexfields
first and then define your context–sensitive flexfields.
Defining Flexfields in the Excel Template
Define your context–sensitive and global flexfields in the Expense
Types sheet of the Excel template. Once defined, the flexfields appear
in the Additional Information region of the Expense Report sheet.
You can add or remove columns from the Additional
Information region to provide space for the flexfields you need.
To set up descriptive flexfields in the Excel template, you need specific
information from Oracle Applications. For each flexfield to be used in
Self–Service Expenses, you must:
Enter flexfield window prompt values: page 4–14. This is the
name of the prompt that appears in Self–Service Expenses.
Determine the flexfield Validation Type: page 4–15 The
Validation Type indicates whether the flexfield must be defined
as a text box, poplist, or check box.
4–14 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Determine the corresponding list of values for the field (if
required): page 4–16. For example, a corresponding list of values
for the flexfield Airline might include United, American, KLM,
and British Air.
Determining Flexfield Window Prompt Values
For each flexfield used in Self–Service Expenses, you must enter a
Window Prompt value in the Name column of the Expense Types sheet.
This value must exactly match the Window Prompt values defined in
the Segments Summary window.
When a user uploads an expense report and chooses Next to validate
the report, Self–Service Expenses compares the names of the segments
in the Name column to the Window Prompt values defined in the
Segments Summary window. If these values do not match exactly, the
process will fail when users try to upload expense reports to
Self–Service Expenses.
" To determine flexfield window prompt values:
1. In Payables, navigate to the Descriptive Flexfield Segments
window. (Setup–>Flexfields–>Descriptive–>Segments)
2. Query Oracle Payables as the Application and Expense Report Line
as the Title. Notice the expense types that appear in the Code fields
of the Context Field Values region.
3. Select an expense type and choose the Segments button to open the
Segments Summary window. You can associate one or more
flexfield segments with each expense type. For example, you can
associate the flexfield segments Airline, Class, Origin and
Destination with the expense type Airfare.
4. Make a list of the values in the Window Prompt fields and their
associated expense types. Repeat this for each expense type that
appears in the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window.
5. Select the Global Data Element line in the Descriptive Flexfield
Segments window, and then choose the Segments button. The
Segments Summary window opens (see Figure 4 – 6).
6. Make a list of the values in the Window Prompt fields. Note that
these values are global flexfields.
7. For each line in the Segments Summary window, write down the
value of the Value Set field.
4–15The Expense Spreadsheet
Figure 4 – 6 Determining Window Prompt Values
Determining Flexfield Validation Types
A flexfield’s Validation Type indicates whether you need to set up the
flexfield as a text box, a poplist, or a check box in the Excel template.
Validation Types include Independent, Table, and None.
If the Validation Type is Independent, the flexfield is validated
against a value set defined in the Segment Values window. Set
up this flexfield in the Excel template as a poplist and define a list
of values for it. See: Defining a List of Values for Descriptive
Flexfields: page 4–16.
If the Validation Type is Table, the segment is validated against
selected values in a table. If the Value Set Name is
AP_SRS_YES_NO_MAND, set up this flexfield in the Excel
template as a check box. In this case, no list of values is required.
4–16 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
If the Validation Type is None, the flexfield is not validated
against a list of values. Set up this flexfield in the Excel template
as a text box.
" To determine a flexfield’s Validation Type:
1. Navigate to the Payables Segments Summary window.
2. For each segment, note whether a value appears in the Value Set.
If no value appears in the Value Set field, that segment is not
validated against a list of values and you must set up this
segment in the Excel template as a text box.
If a value appears in the Value Set field, select that segment and
then choose the Value Set button.
3. In the Value Validation region of the Value Sets window, note the
Validation Type.
Defining a List of Values for Descriptive Flexfields
A flexfield’s Validation Type indicates whether you need to define a list
of values for it. Descriptive flexfields that require a list of values have
a Validation Type of either Independent or Table.
Determining Lists of Values for Flexfields with a Validation Type of
If the validation type of a flexfield is Independent, you must set up a
poplist in the Excel template to show the list of values associated with
the flexfield. For example, you might associate the flexfield Airline
with the values American, United, KLM, and British Airways.
" To determine lists of values for flexfields with a validation type of
1. Navigate to the Value Set window in Payables, then query a value
set. (Setup–>Flexfields–>Validation–>Sets)
2. Make a list of the values and descriptions that appear in the
Segment Values window. Use these values and descriptions to
define the list of values for your flexfield in the Excel template (see
Figure 4 – 7).
4–17The Expense Spreadsheet
Figure 4 – 7 Determining Lists of Values for Flexfields (Validation Type is Independent)
Determining Lists of Values for Flexfields with a Validation Type of
If the Validation Type of a flexfield is Table and the Value Set Name is
not AP_SRS_YES_NO_MAND, you must make a list of the values
associated with that flexfield.
If the Value Set Name of a flexfield is AP_SRS_YES_NO_MAND, you
must set up that flexfield as a check box in the Excel template and no list
of values is required.
" To determine lists of values for flexfields with a validation type of
1. Navigate to the Value Sets window, then query a value set with a
validation type of Table. (Setup–>Flexfields–>Validation–>Sets)
2. Choose Edit Information.
3. In the Validation Table Information window, make note of the
application Table Name and the WHERE clause that defines the list
of values. Use these values to define the list of values for your
flexfield in the Excel template.
4–18 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Setting Up Global Flexfields in the Excel Spreadsheet
Set up global flexfields by editing the Custom Field columns in the
Expense Types sheet of the Excel template.
Determine Flexfield Window Prompt Values: page 4–14
Determine Flexfield Validation Types: page 4–15
" To set up global flexfields in the spreadsheet:
1. Make the Expense Type sheet active by clicking on the tab at the
bottom of the spreadsheet.
2. Add the Window Prompt value of the global flexfield in the Name
column for every expense type.
If multiple flexfield segments exist for this global dtata element,
enter a second value in the Custom Field 2 Name column, a third
value in the Custom Field 3 Name column, and so on.
Attention: The first value you enter must be in the Name
column under the Custom Field 1 heading and subsequent
Name column values must form a contiguous sequence. For
example, ensure that there are no blank columns between
Custom Field 3 and Custom Field 4.
3. If the Validation Type of this flexfield is Independent or Table,
define a poplist or a check box for the flexfield. To do this, paste a
poplist or check box into the corresponding Special Input cells.
See: Setting Up Text Boxes and Poplists: page 4–20.
4. Save your work.
4–19The Expense Spreadsheet
Setting Up Context–Sensitive Flexfields in the Excel Template
Set up context–sensitive flexfields by editing the Custom Field columns
in the Expense Types sheet of the Excel template.
Suggestion: To ensure that all flexfields appear in the correct
order in the Excel spreadsheet, define your global flexfields
first and then define your context–sensitive flexfields.
Determine Flexfield Window Prompt Values: page 4–14
Determine Flexfield Validation Types: page 4–15
" To set up Name columns in the Expense Types sheet:
1. Make the Expense Types sheet active by clicking on the tab at the
bottom of the spreadsheet.
2. Locate a row containing an expense type for which one or more
flexfield segments have been defined. In the Name column under
the Custom Field 1 heading for that row, enter the value that
exactly matches the corresponding Window Prompts value (see
Figure 4 – 8).
If multiple flexfield segments exist for this global data element,
enter a second value in the Custom Field 2 Name column, a third
value in the Custom Field 3 Name column, and so on.
Attention: If you have not defined any global flexfields, the
first value you enter must be in the Name column under the
Custom Field 1 heading and subsequent Name column values
must form a contiguous sequence. For example, ensure that
there are no blank columns between Custom Field 3 and
Custom Field 4.
If you have defined global flexfields, enter the first value in the
next available Custom Field heading. There must be no blank
columns between your global and descriptive flexfield
3. If the Validation Type of this flexfield is Independent or Table,
define a poplist or a check box for the flexfield. To do this, add the
Window Prompt value of the global flexfield in the Name column
for every expense type. Then paste a poplist or check box into the
corresponding Special Input cells.
See: Setting Up Text Boxes
and Poplists: page 4–20.
4–20 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
4. Save your work.
Figure 4 – 8 Setting Up Name Columns
Setting Up Text Boxes and Poplists
The values in the Name columns in the Expense Types sheet represent
flexfields. Use the Special Input column to set up poplists and check
boxes. Depending on the flexfield’s validation type, it must be defined
as either a text box, a check box, or a poplist. To specify how the
flexfield appears in the spreadsheet, you must paste a poplist or a
check box into the Special Input column, or leave the column empty.
See: Determining Flexfield Validation Types: page 4–15.
There are three sample poplists and a sample check box located below
the sample expense types in the Expense Types sheet. The three sample
poplists have input ranges that point to sample values which are
located to the right of the Custom Field 15 column (use the scroll bar to
view this field and the sample values).
To use the sample check box, copy and paste the cell into a Special
Input column. To use a sample poplist, copy and paste the cell into a
Special Input column, add or edit the sample values as necessary, and
modify the input range.
When pasting a poplist or check box, ensure that the top
left corner of the object falls within the targeted cell.
4–21The Expense Spreadsheet
For each Name column containing a value, determine whether the
corresponding Special Input column must be set up as a text box,
check box, or a poplist (see: Determining Flexfield Validation
Types: page 4–15).
If the column must be set up as a poplist, determine the list of
values to display. See: Defining a List of Values for Descriptive
Flexfields: page 4–16.
" To set up the Special Input columns in the Expense Types sheet:
1. To define a text box, leave the Special Input column empty.
2. To set up a check box, copy and paste the sample check box into
Special Input columns. Ensure the top left corner of the check box
falls within the targeted cell.
3. To set up a poplist:
a. Copy and paste a sample poplist into Special Input columns.
Ensure the top left corner of the poplist falls within the targeted
b. Enter the elements of the list of values into the cells of one of the
Poplist Contents Definition columns. Note the range of cells that
contain the list of values.
c. Format the poplist so its input range defines the range of cells
that contain the list of values (see Figure 4 – 9).
4–22 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Figure 4 – 9 Setting Up a Poplist
4. Save your work, then perform the following:
Make the Expense Report sheet active and select expense types
to which you have associated flexfields.
Scroll to the Additional Information region and verify that the
flexfields you defined appear.
Ensure all poplists display the proper values.
4–23The Expense Spreadsheet
Other Setup Considerations
Displaying a Status Message
After copying and pasting the expense report spreadsheet in the
Spreadsheet Upload Area field, a user may be unsure whether it is
ready for upload. This is because all of the information in the expense
report cannot be shown in the relatively small field. You can add a
status message to the custom Excel template to inform users that the
report is ready for uploading.
Enter a status message in the bottom row of the Expense Report sheet
of the Excel template. The message you enter appears in the Upload
Spreadsheet Area field when a user pastes an expense report (see
Figure 4 – 10). This ensures that the user proceeds immediately to the
upload step and does not re–paste the report (which causes duplicate
receipts when the report is uploaded to Self–Service Expenses).
Ensure that you have not removed this prompt from the
bottom row of the Expense Report sheet of the Excel template
during the customization process.
4–24 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Figure 4 – 10 Upload Successful Prompt
Additional Information Column Heading
Be sure that the Additional Information heading is the rightmost
column heading in the Expense Report sheet of the Excel template (see
Figure 4 – 11). If the Additional Information column heading is not the
rightmost column heading, Self–Service Expenses does not upload the
flexfields or the values they contain.
4–25The Expense Spreadsheet
Figure 4 – 11 The Additional Information Column in the Excel Spreadsheet
Protecting the Custom Excel Template
If users modify the information in your Excel template, it can cause
errors when Self–Service Expenses validates the spreadsheet. To
prevent users from making changes, hide the sheet tabs and protect the
" To protect the Custom Excel Template:
1. Make the Expense Report sheet active.
2. Position the sheet at the top left corner cell.
3. Hide the sheet tabs. To do this:
a. Choose Tools > Option.
b. Choose the View tab, then uncheck the Sheet Tabs check box.
4. Protect the template by choosing Tools > Protection > Protect Sheet.
5. Save your work.
4–26 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Testing the Custom Excel Template
Before releasing your custom template for general use, upload and
validate the spreadsheet in Self–Service Expenses. Perform these steps
to discover and resolve any remaining setup problems that may exist in
your template.
" To test the Custom Excel Template:
1. Compare the custom Excel template and expense types to the New
Expense Report window. Ensure all fields in the template appear
in the New Expense Report window, and vice versa. (Be sure that
you also look at the Receipt Details page.)
2. Create an expense report with the custom Excel template. Assign
each expense type to at least one receipt. If applicable, enter values
for each flexfield.
3. Upload the expense report. Make sure the message you entered at
the bottom of the spreadsheet template appear in the Spreadsheet
Upload Area.
4. Click Next to validate the spreadsheet.
You must fix errors that exist in the spreadsheet template itself
before releasing it to employees for general use. Errors that occur
because the spreadsheet was incorrectly defined can be fixed only
by the system administrator.
Errors that occur due to missing or invalid data in the spreadsheet
do not indicate a serious problem and the report can still be
imported into Self–Service Expenses. When expense report
information is missing or invalid, you can do one of the following:
Click Cancel to fix the errors in Excel, then upload it again later.
Click Continue to upload the report with the errors, then modify
the report in Self Service Expenses later.
5–1AP Expense Report Workflow
AP Expense Report
his chapter describes the AP Expense Report Workflow process
and the steps required to implement the workflow.
5–2 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
AP Expense Report Workflow
The AP Expense Report workflow defines the administrative tasks
necessary for managers and your accounting department to review and
approve expense reports entered in Self–Service Expenses. The AP
Expense Report workflow also routes information about expense
reports and various notifications to managers and employees so these
tasks can be completed. You can also modify the predefined workflow
process by defining any company–specific policies that your business
When an employee submits an expense report, the Workflow Engine
initiates the AP Expense Report workflow. This workflow consists of
several connected processes that send notifications to managers and
employees, ensure reports adhere to company policy, check manager
approval levels and, if necessary, split an expense report into multiple
This chapter explains the AP Expense Report workflow definition and
how you can modify it to satisfy the specific needs of your
Customizing the AP Expense Report Workflow
You can view the AP Expense Report workflow process in a Process
window using Oracle Workflow Builder.
" To Display the Process in Oracle Workflow Builder
1. Choose Open from the File menu, and connect to the database.
Alternatively, you can connect to the workflow definitions file
apwxwkfl.wft, located in the product directory tree of your Oracle
Applications server.
2. Expand the data source, then the Item Type branch within that data
3. Expand the Processes branch within your item type then
double–click on a process activity to display the diagram of the
process in a Process window.
5–3AP Expense Report Workflow
Required Modifications
Before you can use the AP Expense Report process to initiate a
workflow, you must modify the workflow activity attributes and
See: Setting Workflow Timeouts: page 5–6.
Setting Workflow Activity Attributes
Select an attribute value for the following activities. For more
information, see the Oracle Workflow Guide.
Activity: Find Approver
Attribute: Find Approver Method
This Find Approver function activity is part of the Manager (Spending)
Approval process.
The Find Approver activity controls how workflow routes expense
reports during the management approval process. You can choose one
of the three following seeded values for the Find Approver Method
Go Up Management Chain
Go Directly to Person with Signing Authority
One Stop Then Go Directly
For more information, see: Find Approver Method: page 5–8.
Activity: Notify Preparer When Resend Count Equals Limit
Attribute: Number of Times to Notify Manager
This function activity belongs to the No Manager Response process.
The attribute value (1, 2, 3, ... ) you define here controls the number of
times workflow sends an expense report to a manager for approval. If
the number of times a manager does not respond equals the number
you define here, then workflow notifies the preparer that the manager
did not respond to the approval request.
Activity: Sum of Exp Lines With Missing Receipts Exceeds AP Limit
Attribute: AP Limit of Sum of Missing Receipt Expense Lines
This function activity belongs to the Manager (Spending) Approval
5–4 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
The attribute value you define here determines whether workflow
requests a second approval from managers for an expense report they
previously approved. This second approval confirms that managers
recognize they have approved expense reports with missing receipts
for a specific amount. For example, if you define this value as 200, then
expenses reports with missing receipts that exceed $200.00 are
forwarded to managers for a second approval.
Activity: Employee Approval Required
Attribute: Employee Approval Required
This function activity belongs to the Third Party Expense Report process.
The value you define here (Yes or No) controls the kind of notification
employees receive when their authorized delegate submits expense
reports for them. (An authorized delegate is an employee with the
responsibility to enter expense reports for another employee.) If you
define the value as Yes, workflow requests employees to approve or
reject expense reports created by their authorized delegates. If you
define the value as No, workflow notifies employees when their
authorized delegates submit expense reports for them (approval is not
Activity: Loop Counter
Attribute: Loop Limit
This function activity belongs to the Third Party Expense Report process.
The value you define here limits the number of times workflow
transitions through the Request Employee Approval notification activity.
(The Request Employee Approval activity requests that an employee
approve or reject an expense report entered by their authorized
delegate.) If an employee does not respond to the Request Employee
Approval notification before this attribute equals the number you
specify, workflow transitions to the End (Continue) activity. Therefore,
if an employee does not respond to the Request Employee Approval
notifications, the Third Party Expense Report process ends with the same
result as if the employee had approved the expense report.
: Req Proof Of Payment Even If Mgr Apprvd Receipt Missing
Attribute: Always Require Proof Of Payment
This function activity belongs to the Manager (Spending) Approval
5–5AP Expense Report Workflow
When you define expense report templates in Payables, you specify
whether employees are required to submit receipts (that is, proof of
payment) for expense types that exceed a certain amount. For
example, you can specify that employees submit receipts for all meals
(an expense type) that exceed a certain value (for instance, 200). If a
user submits an expense report with a meal expense type that cost
more than 200, Self–Service Expenses populates the
table with the value ”Y”.
When users enter expense reports in Self–Service Expenses they can
check the Original Receipt Missing check box to indicate they do not
have proof of purchase (an original receipt) for an expense.
The value you define (Y or N) for the Always Require Proof of Payment
attribute controls how workflow manages expense items that:
require proof of payment (as defined in the Expense Report
Templates window of Payables)
have no proof of payment available (as indicated by the user by
checking the Original Receipt Missing check box)
If you define the value as ”N”, workflow changes the value of the
table from ”Y” to ”N” if an employee checks the Original Receipt
Missing check box. Defining the value as ”N” enables workflow to
make proof of payment unnecessary if an employee indicates that she
does not have proof of payment (for example, she lost the receipt).
You can require that managers approve an expense
report twice if an expense report has missing receipts of a
certain amount. The second approval notification ensures that
managers acknowledge they are approving an expense report
that contains missing receipts. See: Sum of Expense Lines With
Missing Receipts Exceeds AP Limit: page 5–4.
If you define the value as Y, workflow cannot change the value of the
RECEIPT_REQUIRED_FLAG column from ”Y” to ”N”, even if an
employee checks the Original Receipt Missing check box. Setting this
value to ”Y” makes proof of payment necessary for every expense type
in an expense report that exceeds the value defined in the Expense
Report Templates window. Expense lines with this expense type that
do not have original receipts (proof of payment) cause the report to be
short paid during the Missing Receipts Shortpay process.
5–6 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Setting Workflow Timeouts
You can specify any combination of days, hours, and minutes before a
notification activity times out. For example, you can specify that a
manager has five days to respond to an expense report approval
notification before the notification activity times out. If a notification is
not completed by the specified time, workflow redirects the process to
transition to another activity. For example, if a manager does not
respond to an expense report approval notification in time, the Request
Approval process transitions to the No Manager Response process.
To edit an notification activity’s time out value, modify its Node
property page in the Oracle Workflow Builder navigator tree.
You must specify a timeout value for the following notification
AP Custom Default Error Notification
Check If Vendor Set (Bothpay process)
Inform Preparer – No Manager Response (No Manager Response
Inform Preparer of Shortpay Due To Missing Receipts (Missing
Receipts Shortpay process)
Inform Preparer Policy Violation Shortpay Req More Info (Policy
Violation Shortpay process)
Inform Sys Admin of Payables Validation Failure (Server Side
Validation process)
Inform System Administrator – No Approver (Manager
(Spending) Approval process)
Request Approval from APPROVER (Request Approval process)
Request Employee Approval (Third Party Expense Report
Verify With Mgr the Amt Approved With NO Receipt (Manager
(Spending) Approval process)
Wait for Resubmission (Rejection process)
For more information on timeouts, see the ”Activities” and ”Process
Window” sections in the Oracle Workflow Guide.
5–7AP Expense Report Workflow
Optional Customizations
Although you can use the predefined AP Expense Report workflow,
you may want to customize the process to accommodate your
organization’s specific needs.
The PL/SQL procedures of the AP Expense Report workflow are
contained in two packages, AP_WEB_EXPENSE_WF.apwxwkfb.pls
and AP_WEB_EXPENSE_CUST_WF.apwxwfcb.pls.
Do not customize any of PL/SQL procedures in this package.
Modifying, replacing, or removing any of the procedures in this
package can interfere with the proper functioning of the AP Expense
Report workflow.
This package contains PL/SQL procedures that you can customize.
Some of the procedures in this package contain seeded business logic
while others contain no seeded logic and are simply ”hooks” to which
you can add custom logic.
To help you with customizations, refer to the sections
that describe the components of this process so you know what
attributes have already been predefined and what activities are
requirements in the process.
Following are the procedures you can customize in the
AP_WEB_EXPENSE_CUST_WF.apwxwfcb.pls package:
For more information on this procedure, see: Management
Involvement Extension: page 3–8.
For more information on this procedure, see: Authority
Verification Extension: page 3–10.
For more information on this procedure, see: Accounts Payable
Involvement Extension: page 3–11.
For more information on this procedure, see: Find Approver
Extension: page 3–12.
5–8 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Client Extensions
You can use the predefined client extensions to extend the basic
functionality of Self–Service Expenses to implement and automate
company–specific business rules.
For more information, see: Client Extensions: page 3–2.
Creating a New Custom Process
We recommend that you do not create custom processes to replace the
seeded processes. Doing so interferes with the proper functioning of
the AP Expense Report workflow.
Find Approver Method
The Find Approver activity in the Manager (Spending) Approval process
determines to which manager to forward an expense report for
approval. How this activity works depends on the method you choose
and whether a user enters an overriding approver for the expense report.
Users enter an overriding approver when, for example, the usual
approver is unavailable or when charging an expense report to a
different cost center.
Attention: You must set the profile option SS Expenses:CC
Overrider Req to Yes to use one of the three predefined Find
Approver methods.
Following are the predefined Find Approver methods:
Go Up Management Chain: page 5–9
One Stop Then Go Directly: page 5–10
Go Directly to Person with Signing Authority: page 5–11
Overriding Approvers and Cost Centers
If the profile option SS Expenses:CC Overrider Req is set to Yes,
employees who charge an expense report to a cost center that is not
their own must enter an overriding approver. However, an employee
can enter an overriding approver who does not have signing authority
for the cost center entered on the expense report.
If an overriding approver is assigned to an expense report and that
approver does not have signing authority for the cost center specified,
5–9AP Expense Report Workflow
the manager approval process fails when it reaches the Verify Authority
function activity. Self–Service Expenses users must ensure that the
overriding approver entered has signing authority for the specified cost
Find Approver Methods
Go Up Management Chain
If a user does not enter an overriding approver, this method first sends
the expense report to the employee’s direct manager. If the direct
manager approves the expense report, the Verify Authority activity
determines whether the expense report exceeds the direct manager’s
signing limit. If the expense report does not exceed the manager’s
signing limit, then the expense report passes the Verify Authority
activity and the expense report continues to the Check if ShortPaid
Expense Report activity.
If the expense report exceeds the direct manager’s signing limit, the
expense report fails the Verify Authority activity. The expense report
then returns to the Find Approver activity which routes the expense
report to the direct manager’s manager for approval. This process
continues (goes up the employee’s management chain) until the
expense report is either rejected or a manager with the necessary
signing limit approves the expense report.
If a user enters an overriding approver, this method first routes the expense
report to the overriding approver. If the overriding approver approves
the expense report, the Verify Authority activity determines whether
the expense report exceeds the overriding approver’s signing limit.
The Verify Authority activity also determines whether the overriding
approver has signing authority for the cost center to which the expense
report is charged. If the expense report does not exceed the overriding
approver’s signing limit, and the overriding approver has the correct
cost center singing authority, the expense report passes the Verify
Authority activity.
If an employee enters an overriding approver, the
expense report is not routed to the employee’s direct manager
for approval. The CC Direct Manager notification activity in
the Request Approval process informs managers when
employees who report to them submit expense reports that do
not require their approval.
If the expense report exceeds the signing limit of the overriding
approver, or the overriding approver does not have the correct cost
5–10 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
center signing authority, the expense report fails the Verify Authority
activity. The expense report then returns to the Find Approver activity
which routes the expense report to the manager of the overriding
approver for approval. This process continues (goes up the overriding
approver’s management chain) until the expense report is either
rejected or a manager with the necessary authority approves the
expense report.
Managers can reject expense reports even if they do not
have the authority to approve them.
One Stop Then Go Directly
If a user does not enter an overriding approver, this method first sends
the expense report to the employee’s direct manager. If this manager
approves the expense report, the Verify Authority activity determines
whether the expense report exceeds the manager’s signing limit. If the
expense report does not exceed the manager’s signing limit, the
expense report passes the Verify Authority activity and the expense
report continues to the Check if ShortPaid Expense Report activity.
If the expense report exceeds the direct manager’s signing limit, it fails
the Verify Authority activity. The expense report then returns to the Find
Approver activity. The Find Approver activity routes the expense report
to the nearest manager in the employee ’s management chain who has
the signing authority necessary to approve the expense report. That is,
the workflow searches the employee’s management chain until it finds
a manager with the necessary signing authority. Because the manager
identified has the necessary signing authority, the expense report
passes the Verify Authority activity if the manager approves the expense
If a user does enter an overriding approver, this method first routes the
expense report to the overriding approver. If the overriding approver
approves the expense report, the Verify Authority activity determines
whether the report exceeds the overriding approver’s signing limit.
The Verify Authority activity also determines whether the overriding
approver has signing authority for the cost center to which the expense
report is charged. If the expense report does not exceed the overriding
approver’s signing limit and the overriding approver has the correct
cost center singing authority, the expense report passes the Verify
Authority activity.
If an employee enters an overriding approver, the
expense report is not routed to the employee’s direct manager
for approval. The CC Direct Manager notification activity in the
Request Approval process informs managers when employees
5–11AP Expense Report Workflow
who report to them submit expense reports that do not require
their approval.
If the expense report exceeds the signing limit of the overriding
approver, or the overriding approver does not have the correct cost
center signing authority, the expense report fails the Verify Authority
activity. The expense report then returns to the Find Approver activity.
The Find Approver activity routes the expense report to the nearest
manager in the management chain of the overriding approver who has
the signing authority necessary to approve to the expense report. If
this manager approves the expense report, the report passes the Verify
Authority activity because the manager has the necessary signing
authority. However, if the user entered an overriding approver who
does not have the authority to approve expense reports for the
specified cost center, the expense report fails the Verify Authority
Go Directly to Person With Signing Authority
If a user does not enter an overriding approver, this method routes the
expense report directly to the nearest manager in the employee ’s
management chain with the signing authority necessary to approve to
the expense report. That is, it goes up the employee’s management
chain until it finds a manager with the necessary signing authority. If
the manager approves the expense report, the report passes the Verify
Authority activity, because the manager identified has the necessary
signing authority.
If you choose this option as the Find Approver method,
expense reports may not be routed to direct managers for
approval (the amount of the expense report and the direct
manager’s signing limit determine this). The CC Direct
Manager notification activity in the Request Approval process
informs managers when employees who report to them submit
expense reports that do not require their approval.
If a user does enter an overriding approver, this method routes the
expense report to the nearest manager in the overriding approver’s
management chain with the signing authority necessary to approve the
expense report. If this manager approves the expense report, the
expense report passes the Verify Authority activity because the manager
identified has the necessary signing authority. However, if the user
enters an overriding approver who does not have the authority to
approve expense reports for the cost center specified, the expense
report fails the Verify Authority activity.
5–12 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
The AP Expense Report Item Type
The AP Expense Report workflow is associated with an item type
called AP Expense Report. This item type identifies all of the available
AP Expense Report workflow processes.
The following processes are associated with the AP Expense Report
AP Approval Process
AP Standard Expense Report Process
Bothpay Process
Manager (Spending) Approval Process
Missing Receipts Shortpay Process
No Manager Response Process
Policy Violation Shortpay Process
Rejection Process
Request Approval Process
Server Side Validation Process
Shortpay Unverified Receipt Items Process
Third Party Expense Report Process
The AP Expense Report item type has many associated attributes.
Most of these attributes reference information in the database tables
AP_EXPENSE_REPORT_LINES. These attributes are used and
maintained by function activities as well as notification activities
throughout the process.
5–13AP Expense Report Workflow
The AP Expense Report Workflow Item Type Attributes
The AP Expense Report Workflow is associated with the item type AP
Expense Report. This item type identifies all request approval
workflow processes available.
Display Name Description Type Length/Format/
Lookup Type
(Negative) Credit Display
The total formatted
amount of credit
(negative) expense lines
in a report.
Text 50
(Negative) Credit Total The total amount of
credit (negative) expense
lines in a report.
(Positive) New Expense
Display Total
The total formatted
amount of expense lines
in a report.
Text 50
(Positive) New Expense
Total amount of expense
lines in a report.
AP The person within the
payables department that
receives workflow
AP Required Policy Info Information required
according to Accounts
Payables department
Text 2000
AP Expense Report
Workflow Administrator
The name of the AP
Expense Report
workflow administrator.
Approval or Rejection
Reason the report is
approved or rejected.
Approver Display Name How the approver’s
name appears in
Approver ID The approver’s
identification number.
Approver Name The approver’s name. Text
Table 5 – 1 (Page 1 of 6)
5–14 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Lookup Type
TypeDescriptionDisplay Name
Bothpay Document
The number of the
invoice that is created
when an expense report
containing both out of
pocket expenses and
credit card transactions is
approved in the
’Bothpay’ payment
scenario (SS Expenses:CC
Payment Due From is set
to Both).
Currency The reimbursement
Text 25
Display Total The total amount of an
expense report.
Text 50
Document Cost Center The cost center entered
for an expense report.
Employee Cost Center The employee’s cost
Employee Display Name How the employee’s
name appears in
Text 80
Employee ID The employee’s unique
identification number.
Employee Name The employee’s name. Text 30
Error Activity ID Activity identification
number of the error
Error Assigned User Role assigned to perform
error activity
Text 30
Error Item Key Item key or error activity Text 240
Error Item Type Item type of error activity Text 8
Error Message Error message that
appears in notifications.
Error Name Error code raised by error
Text 30
Table 5 – 1 (Page 2 of 6)
5–15AP Expense Report Workflow
Lookup Type
TypeDescriptionDisplay Name
Error Notification ID Notification
identification number of
error activity.
Error Result Code Result of error activity. Text 30
Error Stack Error stack of error
Text 2000
Expense Report Details A hypertext link that
appears in a notification
that employees can click
on to view details about
an expense report.
URL Full Window
Expense Report ID Expense Report ID Number
Expense Report Number Expense Report Number Text
Expense Report Total Total amount of the
expense report.
Find Approver Count Number of times the
process searches for an
Forward From Display
The display name of the
approver who forwarded
the report.
Forward From ID The identification
number of the approver
who forwarded the
Forward From Name The name of the approver
who forwarded the
Is Employee Project
Yes or No flag that
indicates whether an
employee can enter
information in expense
Text 1
Line Info Body Stores expense lines that
are shortpaid or adjusted.
Text 2000
Line Table Stores information about
all expense lines.
Document Full Window
Table 5 – 1 (Page 3 of 6)
5–16 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Lookup Type
TypeDescriptionDisplay Name
Manager Approval Send
Counts how many times
a manager sends
Manager Display Name How a manager’s name
appears in notifications.
Manager ID A manager’s unique
identification number.
Manager Name The manager’s name. Text
Missing Receipt Total The total amount of all
receipts missing from an
expense report.
Text 50
Missing Receipts
Shortpay Document
The invoice number of
the new, short paid report
created because of
missing receipts.
Missing Receipts
Shortpay Expense Report
Report identification
number for new, short
paid report created
because of missing
Missing Receipts
Shortpay Total
Total of short paid report
created because of
missing receipts.
Text 50
Original Expense Report
Doc Num
The expense report from
which an expense report
is shortpaid
Payment Due From Checks the setting of the
profile option SS
Expenses:CC Payment
Due From.
Policy Shortpay
Document Number
Document number of
new expense report
created due to a policy
Policy Shortpay Expense
Report ID
Expense report
identification number of
new expense report
created due to a policy
Table 5 – 1 (Page 4 of 6)
5–17AP Expense Report Workflow
Lookup Type
TypeDescriptionDisplay Name
Policy Shortpay Total The total amount the
expense report was
Text 50
Preparer Display Name How the preparer’s name
appears in notifications.
Text 80
Preparer Name Name of the person who
created the expense
report (usually the
Text 30
Preparer ID The identification
number of the person
who created the expense
Purpose The reason provided for
creating the expense
Text 240
Purpose In Document The reason provided for
creating the expense
Document Full Window
Receipt Missing Warning Text in a notification that
informs the employee or
manager that a report is
missing receipts.
Text 2000
Start from Specified
Flag that determines
which process begins the
AP Expense Report
Lookup AP Start from
Vendor ID The identification
number of the vendor
that provided goods or
services charged to the
employee’s corporate
credit card.
Vendor Site ID The identification
number of the vendor site
that provided goods or
services charged to the
employee’s corporate
credit card.
Table 5 – 1 (Page 5 of 6)
5–18 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Lookup Type
TypeDescriptionDisplay Name
Version The workflow version
Week Ending Date The week ending date
specified for the expense
Table 5 – 1 (Page 6 of 6)
See Also
Item Types (Oracle Workflow Guide)
5–19AP Expense Report Workflow
Summary of the AP Standard Expense Report Process
The AP Standard Expense Report process manages the approval
process for expense reports created in Self–Service Expenses. This
process is initiated automatically when an employee submits an
expense report for approval in Self–Service Expenses. This process
activity can also be initiated as a top level process by making calls to
the Workflow Engine APIs CreateProcess and StartProcess. You can
customize the AP Custom Default Error process to suit your needs.
To view the properties of the AP Standard Expense Report process,
select the process in the navigator tree, then choose Properties from the
Edit menu. The AP Standard Expense Report process has a result type
of Approval, indicating that when the process completes, it has a result
of either Approved or Rejected.
The Details property page of the process activity indicates that the AP
Standard Expense Report process is associated with an error process
called AP_DEFAULT_ERROR_PROCESS. The process initiates the
error process only when an error occurs.
AP_DEFAULT_ERROR_PROCESS simply executes the AP Custom
Default Error process, which notifies the system administrator and
provides information about the error.
Note that three activities in the AP Expense Report workflow contain
specific error handling logic. When these activities fail, the workflow
sends a special error notification to the system administrator.
Table 5 – 2 lists these activities and their corresponding error
notification activity.
Function Activity Notification Activity
AP Validate Expense Report
(Server Side Validation process)
Inform Sys Admin of
Payables Validation
Custom Validate Expense Report
(Server Side Validation process)
Inform Sys Admin of
Custom Validation Failure
Find Approver (Manager
Spending Approval process)
Inform System
Administrator – No
Table 5 – 2 (Page 1 of 1)
For example, the process sends the workflow system administrator a
notification when no approver is found while executing the Find
Approver function activity. The system administrator must fix the
error before the process can continue.
Figure 5 – 1 AP Standard Expense Report Process
5–20 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
The AP Standard Expense Report has 10 different activities, one of
which is reused, so 11 activity nodes appear in the workflow diagram.
To examine the activities of the process in more detail, we have
numbered each node for easy referencing below. The numbers
themselves are not part of the process diagram.
The AP Standard Expense Report workflow begins when a user
submits an expense report using Self–Service Expenses (Node 1). At
Node 2 the process determines at which subprocess the approval
process begins. By default, all expense reports transition to the
Server–Side Validation process. Expense reports created by the
Shortpay Unverified Receipt Items process transition to the Manager
(Spending) Approval process or the AP Approval process.
Node 3 is a subprocess that updates an expense report with required
information (for example, the employee’s expense account) so the
approval processes and the Payables Invoice Import program can
process the report.
Node 4 is a subprocess that routes an expense report to the appropriate
managers for approval. If it is approved, the report transitions to the
AP Approval subprocess (Node 5). Otherwise, the report transitions to
the Rejection subprocess (Node 7).
Node 5 is a subprocess that determines whether the report requires
approval from the Accounts Payable department. If the report is
approved and is not short–paid, the process checks the setting of the
profile option SS Expenses:CC Payment Due From (Node 7). If the
profile option is set to Both, the workflow transitions to the Bothpay
subprocess (Node 8) which ensures that the report contains required
5–21AP Expense Report Workflow
credit card vendor information and determines whether to create a new
expense report based on the type and amount of credit card charges in
the report. If the profile option is not set to Both, the workflow ends
with a result of Approved (Node 9).
If the Accounts Payable department short–pays the expense report, the
workflow transitions to the Shortpay Unverified Receipts Items process
(Node 6). This process creates new expense reports from the lines that
the Accounts Payables department short paid and routes them to either
the Missing Receipts Shortpay subprocess, or the Policy Violation
Shortpay subprocess.
Node 10 is a process that notifies the employee when the expense
report is rejected by management. The process then pauses until the
rejected expense report is resubmitted. If the report is not resubmitted
within the specified time period, it is deleted from the system.
AP Standard Expense Report Process Activities
This section provides a description of each activity in the process, listed
by the activity’s display name. The legend for the information
displayed is provided below, immediately followed by list of activities.
Each node corresponds to the workflow icons that appear in
Figure 5 – 1.
Start (Node 1)
This is a standard function activity that simply marks the start of the
Determine Which Process To Start From (Node 2)
This function activity checks the value of the Start from Specified
Process item attribute to determine whether an expense report should
start with the Server Side Validation process, the Manager (Spending)
Approval process, or the AP Approval process. By default the process
starts from the Server Side Validation process.
Result Type
5–22 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
AP Start from Specified Process
Server Side Validation Process (Node 3)
This process activity adds required information to the
tables so the workflow approval processes and the Payables Invoice
Import program can function properly.
For a complete description of this process, see: Summary of the Server
Side Validation Process: page 5–25.
Start, Determine Which Process To Start From
Manager (Spending) Approval Process (Node 4)
This process activity routes the expense report to the appropriate
managers for approval using your organization’s internal management
hierarchy. If management approves the report, it transitions to the AP
Approval process. If management rejects the report, it transitions to the
Rejection process.
For a complete description of this process, see: Summary of the
Manager (Spending) Approval Process: page 5–31.
Start, Determine Which Process To Start From,
Server Side Validation Process
AP Approval Process (Node 5)
This process activity determines whether Accounts Payable review is
necessary for an expense report. If your Accounts Payable department
short pays an expense report, the workflow transitions to the Shortpay
Unverified Receipt Items process. If your Accounts Payable
department does not short pay an expense report, the process gives
final approval to expense report and transitions to the Check If Bothpay
Result Type
Result Type
Result Type
5–23AP Expense Report Workflow
For a complete description of this process, see: Summary of the AP
Approval Process: page 5–58.
AP Approval Process Result
Start, Determine Which Process To Start From,
Server Side Validation Process
Shortpay Unverified Receipt Items (Node 6)
This process activity creates new expense reports from the lines that
your Accounts Payables department short pays and routes them to
either the Missing Receipts Shortpay subprocess or the Policy Violation
Shortpay subprocess.
For a complete description of this process, see: Summary of the
Shortpay Unverified Receipt Items Process: page 5–65.
Start, Determine Which Process To Start From, AP
Approval Process
Check If Bothpay (Node 7)
This function activity checks the setting of the profile option SS
Expenses:CC Payment Due From. This profile option indicates
whether payment for corporate credit card charges is due from the
employee, the company, or from both the employee and the company.
If the profile option is set to Both, the workflow transitions to the
Bothpay subprocess to verify that the report contains required credit
card vendor information and to determine whether to create a new
expense report based on the type and amount of credit card charges in
the report.
If the profile option is not set to Both, the workflow ends with a result
of Approved.
AP Approval Process or Shortpay Unverified
Receipt Items
Result Type
Result Type
Result Type
5–24 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Bothpay Process (Node 8)
This process activity checks whether the report contains required credit
card vendor information and whether the report should be split into
two reports (depending on the type and amount of credit card charges
in the report).
For a complete description of this process, see: Summary of the
Bothpay Process: page 5–72.
AP Approval Process or Shortpay Unverified
Receipt Items
Rejection Process (Node 10)
This process activity notifies the employee when management rejects
an expense report. The process then pauses until the expense report is
resubmitted. If the expense report is not resubmitted within the time
period specified for the Wait for Resubmission function, it is deleted.
For a complete description of this process, see: Summary of the
Rejection Process: page 5–86.
AP Reject Process Result
Start, Determine Which Process To Start From,
Server Side Validation Process, Manager
(Spending) Approval Process
End (Nodes 9 and 11)
This function activity marks the end of the process. Although the
activity itself does not have a result type, each node of this activity in
the process must have a process result assigned to it. The process
result is assigned in the property page of the activity node.
Since the AP Standard Expense Report process activity has a result type
of Approval, each End activity node must have a process result
matching one of the lookup codes in the Approval lookup type.
Result Type
Result Type
Result Type
Figure 5 – 2 Server Side Validation Process
5–25AP Expense Report Workflow
Summary of the Server Side Validation Process
The Server Side Validation process checks that the report contains all
required information and populates columns in Oracle Payables tables
so the AP Expense Report workflow and the Payables Invoice Import
program can process the report.
The Server Side Validation process has a result type of None, which
indicates that when the process completes there is no specific result.
This subprocess cannot be initiated as a top level process to run; it can
only be run as a subprocess when called by another, higher level
process. To view the properties of the Server Side Validation process,
select the process in the navigator tree, then choose Properties from the
Edit menu.
The Server Side Validation process has 7 different activities, none of
which are reused, so 7 activity nodes appear in the workflow diagram.
To examine the activities of the process in more detail, we have
numbered each node for easy referencing below. The numbers
themselves are not part of the process diagram.
This process begins at Node 1 with the Start activity. At Node 2 the
process validates the report and populates columns in the Oracle
5–26 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
AP_EXPENSE_REPORT_LINES so the workflow approval processes and
the Payables Invoice Import program can process the report. If the
report fails at Node 2, the process notifies the system administrator
(Node 3).
At Node 5 the process executes custom logic that you define using the
Accounts Payable Involvement Extension (see: Accounts Payable
Involvement Extension: page 3–11). If the report fails at Node 5, the
process notifies the system administrator (Node 6). When the problem
is fixed and the report passes validation, the process ends (Node 7).
Server Side Validation Process Activities
This section provides a description of each activity in the process, listed
by the activity’s display name. Each node corresponds to the workflow
icons that appear in Figure 5 – 2.
Start (Node 1)
This is a standard function activity that simply marks the start of the
AP Validate Expense Report (Node 2)
This function validates information in the expense report and ensures
that the information it contains can be imported to Oracle Payables.
The system stores Self–Service Expenses expense report information in
the following tables:
This function activity populates columns in these two tables so the
workflow approval processes and the Payables Invoice Import program
can function properly.
If it completes successfully, the AP Validate Expense Report activity
changes the value of the AP_EXPENSE_REPORT_HEADERS.SOURCE
column from NonValidatedWebExpense to WebExpense. You can
Result Type
5–27AP Expense Report Workflow
query and review Self–Service expense reports in the Payables Expense
Reports window only if this column has a value of WebExpense (i.e.
this activity completes successfully).
AP Pass or Fail Result Type
The following tables identify the columns this activity populates.
Columns populated in
SOURCE If AP Validate Expense Report completes
successfully, it changes the value of this
column from NonValidatedWebExpense to
EMPLOYEE_CCID Indicates the accounting flexfield identifier
for an expense report associated with an
EXPENSE_CHECK_ADDRESS_FLAG Indicates where to send expense check:
Home or Office.
APPLY_ADVANCES_DEFAULT Indicates whether to apply an advance
against an expense report
AWT_GROUP_ID Indicates the withholding tax group
DEFAULT_EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE Indicates the exchange rate type:
Corporate, EMU Fixed, Spot,
DEFAULT_EXCHANGE_DATE Indicates the date that the exchange rate is
DEFAULT_EXCHANGE_RATE Indicates the exchange rate.
Table 5 – 3 (Page 1 of 1)
Result Type
5–28 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Columns populated in
CODE_COMBINATION_ID Indicates the accounting flexfield identifier
for the expense account associated with an
expense item.
AWT_GROUP_ID Indicates the withholding tax group
RECEIPT_REQUIRED_FLAG Indicates whether the Accounts Payable
department requires a receipt for an
JUSTIFICATION_REQUIRED_FLAG Indicates whether your Accounts Payable
department requires a justification for an
Table 5 – 4 (Page 1 of 1)
Inform Sys Admin of Payables Validation Failure (Node 3)
This activity notifies the system administrator when the AP Validation
Expense Report activity fails. After fixing the problem, the expense
report returns to the AP Validation Expense Report activity.
If the system administrator does not respond to this notification in the
specified time, workflow redirects the process to transition to the AP
Validation Expense Report activity.
You must specify timeout period for this notification
activity. To do this, display the properties window for the
notification, then enter a new timeout value in the Node tabbed
Oracle Payables Validation Failure
AP Problem Has Been Fixed
Start, AP Validate Expense Report
Reset Emp Cost Center If Null (Node 4)
This function activity enters the employee’s cost center if it is not
Result Type
5–29AP Expense Report Workflow
Start, AP Validate Expense Report, Inform Sys
Admin of Payables Validation Failure
Custom Validate Expense Report (Node 5)
This function activity executes any custom validation you added to the
function AP_WEB_EXPENSE_CUST_WF.DoCustomValidation.
For more information, see: Accounts Payable Involvement Extension:
page 3–11.
AP Pass or Fail Result Type
Start, AP Validate Expense Report
Inform Sys Admin of Custom Validation Failure (Node 6)
This activity notifies the system administrator that the Custom Validate
Expense Report activity failed. When the system administrator
responds that the problem is fixed, the expense report returns to the
Custom Validate Expense Report activity.
If the system administrator does not respond to this notification in the
specified time, workflow redirects the process to transition to the AP
Validation Expense Report activity.
If you add custom validation logic to Custom Validate
Expense Report activity, you must specify timeout period for
this activity. To do this, display the properties window for the
notification, then enter a new timeout value in the Node tabbed
Custom Validation Failure
AP Problem Has Been Fixed
Start, AP Validate Expense Report, Custom
Validate Expense Report
Result Type
Result Type
5–30 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
End (Node 7)
This function activity marks the end of the process. Since the Server
Side Validation process has a result type of None, this activity has no
process result.
Result Type
5–31AP Expense Report Workflow
Summary of the Manager (Spending) Approval Process
The Manager (Spending) Approval process verifies that a report
requires manager approval then forwards it to the appropriate
managers for approval.
The Manager (Spending) Approval process has a result type of
Approval, indicating that when the process completes, it has a result of
Approve or Reject. This subprocess cannot be initiated as a top level
process. It can only be run as a subprocess when called by another,
higher level process. To view the properties of this process, select the
process in the navigator tree, then choose Properties from the Edit
The Manager (Spending) Approval process has 20 different activities,
one of which is reused, so 19 activity nodes appear in the workflow
diagram. To examine the activities of the process in more detail, we
have numbered each node for easy referencing in the two illustrations
below. The numbers themselves are not part of the process diagrams.
Figure 5 – 3 Manager (Spending) Approval Process (part 1)
5–32 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
This process begins at Node 1 with the Start activity. If the Third Party
Expense Report subprocess (Node 3) returns a result of Continue, the
process transitions to the Find Approver activity. Otherwise, the
process ends with a result of Reject (Node 19).
At Node 4 the process attempts to identify an approver for an expense
report. If an approver cannot be identified, the process notifies the
system administrator (Node 5).
At Node 6 the process determines whether expense reports require
manager approval, manager notification, or no manager involvement.
If an expense report requires only manager notification, the process
notifies the manager when any of the manager’s direct reports submit
expense reports that do not require their approval (Node 12) and marks
the expense report as manager approved (Node 16). If an expense
Figure 5 – 4 Manager (Spending) Approval Process (part 2)
5–33AP Expense Report Workflow
report does not require any manager involvement, the process marks
the expense report with a status of Manager Approved (Node 16).
Expense reports that require manager approval transition to the
Request Approval process (Node 7). If the Request Approval process
returns a result of Approved, the process transitions to the Verify
Authority activity (Node 8). If the Request Approval process returns a
result of Reject, the process ends (Node 19).
The Verify Authority activity (Node 8) determines whether an expense
report exceeds the signing limit of the approver and whether the
approver has signing authority for the cost center to which an expense
report is charged. If an expense report fails the Verify Authority
activity, the process records the name of manager who previously
approved the expense report (Node 9), and the process returns to the
Find Approver activity (Node 4).
5–34 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
At Node 13 the process determines whether the total of missing
receipts on an expense report exceeds the limit you define. For a
description of how to set this limit, see: Setting Workflow Activity
Attributes: page 5–3. If the expense report exceeds the limit, the
process confirms that the approver recognizes that he has approved an
expense report that has missing receipts of a certain amount (Node 14).
If the the expense report does not exceed the limit, the process marks
the expense report with a status of Manager Approved (Node 16). The
process then informs the preparer that the expense report has been
approved by management (Node 17).
Manager (Spending) Approval Process Activities
This section describes each activity in the Manager (Spending)
Approval process, listed by the activity’s display name. Each node
corresponds to the workflow icons that appear in Figure 5 – 3 and
Figure 5 – 4.
Start (Node 1)
This is a standard function activity that simply marks the start of the
Build Receipt Information For Approval Letter (Node 2)
This function activity retrieves information about expense reports and
sets some of the item attributes necessary for the Request Expense
Report Approval message that workflow sends to managers.
Result Type
Result Type
5–35AP Expense Report Workflow
Third Party Expense Report Process (Node 3)
This process activity ensures that employees approve expense reports
created by their authorized delegate, if required. (An authorized delegate
is an employee who can enter expense reports for other employees.)
For more information, see: Summary of the Third Party Expense Report
Process: page 5–44.
AP Continue or Reject Result Type
Start, Build Receipt Information For Approval
Find Approver (Node 4)
This function activity determines the first and (if necessary) subsequent
approvers for an expense report. The attribute value you define for the
Find Approver Method function activity controls how this activity
chooses approvers. The three seeded methods are:
Go Up Management Chain
One Stop Then Go Directly
Go Directly to the Person with Signing Authority
For more information about these three methods, see: Find Approver
Method: page 5–8.
Start, Build Receipt Information For Approval
Letter, Third Party Expense Report Process
Inform System Administrator – No Approver (Node 5)
This activity notifies the workflow administrator when the Find
Approver activity fails to find an approver for an expense report.
No Approver
AP Problem Has Been Fixed
Result Type
Result Type
Result Type
5–36 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Start, Build Receipt Information For Approval
Letter, Third Party Expense Report Process, Find
Level of Manager Involvement (Node 6)
This function activity determines whether expense reports require:
Manager approval
Manager notification
No manager involvement
You can customize this function activity to control manager
involvement in the expense reporting process. For example, you can
customize this activity so that expense reports for less than $100.00 do
not require manager approval. For more information, see:
Management Involvement Extension: page 3–8.
Default Behavior
Expense reports can consist of positive receipts (expense lines),
negative receipts (credit lines), or both. Receipts can be either
project–related or non–project–related. For more information, see:
Expense Reports with Project–Related Receipts: page 5–36.
If an expense report contains no project–related receipts, the Level of
Manager Involvement activity requires manager approval whenever an
expense report contains one or more positive expense lines. If an
expense report contains only credit lines, the default behavior requires
only that the manager receive a notification. This ensures that manager
approval is necessary for every expense report that contains a positive
expense line, even if the total amount of the report is less than or equal
to zero. For example, an expense report that consists of one expense
line of 400 and one credit line of 500 would require manager approval,
even though the total amount of the expense report is negative (–100).
Employees can enter credit lines (receipts with negative
totals) only if the profile option WebExpenses:Allow Credit
Lines is set to Yes.
Expense Reports with Project–Related Receipts
Employees can create expense reports with project–related receipts in
Self–Service Expenses. The default behavior of the Level of Manager
Involvement activity depends on whether an expense report contains all,
some, or no project–related receipts.
5–37AP Expense Report Workflow
If an expense report contains only project–related receipts, the Level of
Manager Involvement activity calls the AutoApproval client extension
in Oracle Projects. The Oracle Projects profile option PA:AutoApprove
Expense Report controls the default behavior of this client extension
(see Profile Options in Oracle Projects in the Oracle Projects User’s
Guide). If the AutoApproval extension returns Yes, the Level of
Manager Involvement activity gives manager approval to the expense
report. If the AutoApproval extension returns No, the Level of
Manager Involvement activity requires that a manager approve the
expense report manually.
You can customize the AutoApproval client extension in Oracle
Projects to define specific rules concerning which expense reports
qualify for automatic (manager) approval. For more information, see
Expenditure Access, Project User, and AutoApproval Extension in the
Oracle Projects User Guide.
If an expense report contains both project–related and
non–project–related receipts the Level of Manager Involvement activity
calls the AutoApproval API in Oracle Projects and also calls the
DetermineMgrInvolvement API in Payables. The activity compares the
results from both APIs and uses the result with greater severity to
determine the level of manager involvement for the expense report.
For example, if the result of the AutoApproval API in Oracle Projects is
Bypass and the result of the DetermineMgrInvolvement API in
Payables is Notification, the level of manager involvement is
Notification. If the results of the AutoApproval API in Oracle Projects
is Approval Required and the result of the DetermineMgrInvolvement
API in Payables is Bypass, then the level of manager involvement is
Approval Required.
If an expense report contains no project–related receipts, the Level of
Manager Involvement activity calls only the
DetermineMgrInvolvement API.
Level of Approval Process Involvement
Start, Build Receipt Information For Approval
Letter, Third Party Expense Report Process, Find
Result Type
5–38 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Request Approval Process (Node 7)
This process activity sends managers an expense report for review.
Managers can approve, reject, or reassign the expense report.
For more information, see: Summary of the Request Approval Process:
page 5–49.
Start, Build Receipt Information For Approval
Letter, Third Party Expense Report Process, Find
Approver, Level of Manager Involvement
Verify Authority (Node 8)
This function activity determines whether an expense report exceeds
the approver’s signing limit. (The approver is the manager the Find
Approver identifies as the person to which an expense report is
This activity also determines whether the approver has signing
authority for the cost center to which the expense report is charged. If
the expense report does not exceed the signing limit of the approver
and the approver has the correct cost center signing authority, the
expense report passes the Verify Authority activity.
AP Pass or Fail Result Type
Start, Build Receipt Information For Approval
Letter, Third Party Expense Report Process, Find
Approver, Level of Manager Involvement, Request
Record Forward From Info (Node 9)
The Verify Authority activity determines whether a manager has the
authority to approve an expense report. If a manager approves an
expense report but fails the Verify Authority activity, then the Record
Forward From Info activity makes this manager the ”forwarded from”
The Inform Preparer of Mgr Approval Has Been Forwarded
notification activity informs the preparer that the ”forwarded from”
Result Type
Result Type
5–39AP Expense Report Workflow
manager approved the expense report but did not have the necessary
signing authority (this activity is part of the Request Approval process).
Start, Build Receipt Information For Approval
Letter, Third Party Expense Report Process, Find
Approver, Level of Manager Involvement, Request
Approval, Verify Authority
Check If Shortpaid Expense Report (Node 10)
This function activity determines whether an expense report is the
result of another expense report receiving short payment due to a
policy violation, unverified receipt items, or missing receipts.
Start, Build Receipt Information For Approval
Letter, Third Party Expense Report Process, Find
Approver, Level of Manager Involvement, Request
Approval, Verify Authority
Inform AP Mgr Approved Shortpay With Missing Receipts (Node 11)
This notification activity informs the Accounts Payables department
when an expense report that is missing original receipts has been short
paid and received manager approval.
Inform AP Mgr Has Approved Shortpay With No
Start, Build Receipt Information For Approval
Letter, Third Party Expense Report Process, Find
Approver, Level of Manager Involvement, Request
Approval, Verify Authority, Check If ShortPaid
Expense Report
Result Type
Result Type
Result Type
5–40 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
CC Direct Manager (Node 12)
This notification activity informs managers when their direct reports
submit expense reports that do not require their approval. For
example, if you customize the Level of Manager Involvement activity
so expense reports for less than $100.00 do not require manager
approval, this activity notifies the manager that the report was
CC Direct Manager
Start, Build Receipt Information For Approval
Letter, Third Party Expense Report Process, Find
Approver, Level of Manager Involvement
Sum of Exp Lines With Missing Receipts Exceeds AP Limit (Node 13)
Users check the Original Receipt Missing check box to indicate that
they do not have a receipt for an expense. This function activity
determines whether the total of missing receipts on an expense report
exceeds the value you define for the AP Limit of Sum of Missing
Receipts Expense Lines attribute.
For more information about setting the AP Limit of Sum of Missing
Receipts Expense Lines attribute, see: Setting Workflow Activity
Attributes: page 5–3.
Start, Build Receipt Information For Approval
Letter, Third Party Expense Report Process, Find
Approver, Level of Manager Involvement, Request
Approval, Verify Authority, Check If ShortPaid
Expense Report
Verify With Mgr the Amt Approved With No Receipt (Node 14)
This notification activity sends a notification to a manager to confirm
that the manager approved an expense report with missing receipts.
Verify with Manager Approval Amount
Result Type
Result Type
Result Type
5–41AP Expense Report Workflow
Start, Build Receipt Information For Approval
Letter, Third Party Expense Report Process, Find
Approver, Level of Manager Involvement, Request
Approval, Verify Authority, Check If ShortPaid
Expense Report, Sum of Exp Lines With Missing
Receipts Exceeds AP Limit
No Manager Response Process (Node 15)
This process activity occurs only if the Verify with Mgr the Amt
Approved With No Receipt activity times out before being completed.
For example, this activity could time out when managers go on leave or
For more information, see: Summary of the No Manager Response
Process: page 5–54.
Start, Build Receipt Information For Approval
Letter, Third Party Expense Report Process, Find
Approver, Level of Manager Involvement, Request
Approval, Verify Authority, Check If ShortPaid
Expense Report, Verify With Mgr the Amt
Approved With No Receipt
Mark Expense Report Manager Approved (Node 16)
This function activity updates an expense report to indicate that it has
received manager approval. Once a report receives this approval, the
Reviewed by Management check box is checked when viewing the
report in the Payables Expense Report window.
Start, Build Receipt Information For Approval
Letter, Third Party Expense Report Process, Find
Approver, Level of Manager Involvement, Request
Approval, Verify Authority, Check If ShortPaid
Expense Report, Sum of Exp Lines With Missing
Receipts Exceeds AP Limit
Result Type
Result Type
5–42 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Inform Preparer Exp Report Approval (Node 17)
This notification activity informs the person who created the expense
report that the report has received management approval.
Expense Report Manager Approved
Start, Build Receipt Information For Approval
Letter, Third Party Expense Report Process, Find
Approver, Level of Manager Involvement, Request
Approval, Verify Authority, Check If ShortPaid
Expense Report, Sum of Exp Lines With Missing
Receipts Exceeds AP Limit, Mark Expense Report
Manager Approver
Req Proof Of Payment Even If Mgr Apprvd Receipt
Missing (Node 18)
This function activity uses the value you enter for the Always Require
Proof of Payment attribute (Y or N) to indicate whether proof of
payment (receipts) are required for expense items that:
Require proof of payment (as defined in the Payables Expense
Report Templates window)
Have no proof of payment (the Original Receipt Missing check
box is checked when creating the report in Self–Service
For more information about this activity, see: Setting Workflow Activity
Attributes: page 5–3.
Start, Build Receipt Information For Approval
Letter, Third Party Expense Report Process, Find
Approver, Level of Manager Involvement, Request
Approval, Verify Authority, Check If ShortPaid
Expense Report, Sum of Exp Lines With Missing
Receipts Exceeds AP Limit, Mark Expense Report
Result Type
Result Type
5–43AP Expense Report Workflow
Manager Approver, Inform Preparer Exp Report
End (Nodes 19 and 20)
This function activity marks the end of the process. Although the
activity itself does not have a result type, each node of this activity in
the process must have a process result assigned to it. The process
result is assigned in the property page of the activity node.
Since the Manager (Spending) Approval process activity has a result
type of Approval, each End activity node must have a process result
matching one of the lookup codes in the Approval lookup type.
Result Type
5–44 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Summary of the Third Party Expense Report Process
This process activity ensures that, if required, employees approve
expense reports created by their authorized delegate (an employee who
enters expense reports for another employee). If approval is not
required, this process activity simply notifies the employee that an
authorized delegate has submitted an expense report on their behalf.
Whether expense reports submitted by authorized
delegates require employee approval depends on the value you
choose for the Employee Approval Required function attribute.
The Third Party Expense Report process has a result type of AP Continue
or Reject Result Type, indicating that when the process completes, it
has a result of Continue or Do Not Continue (the lookup codes in the
AP Continue or Reject Result Type lookup type associated with the AP
Expense Report item type). This subprocess cannot be initiated as a top
level process; it can only be run as a subprocess when called by
another, higher level process. To view the properties of the Third Party
Expense Report process, select the process in the navigator tree, then
choose Properties from the Edit menu.
The Third Party Expense Report has 7 different activities, one of which
is reused, so 8 activity nodes appear in the workflow diagram. To
examine the activities of the process in more detail, we have numbered
each node for easy referencing below. The numbers themselves are not
part of the process diagram.
Figure 5 – 5 Third Party Expense Report Process
5–45AP Expense Report Workflow
The process begins at Node 1 with the Start activity. The process then
checks whether the person who submitted the expense report is the
same as the employee name on the report. If the employee and
preparer are the same, the process ends at Node 7. Otherwise, the
process checks whether employee’s approval is required. If it is, the
process requests approval from the employee (Node 4) and then ends
at Node 7 if it receives approval and at Node 8 otherwise. If the report
does not require the employee’s approval, the process notifies the
employee that the report was submitted on their behalf (Node 6) and
the process ends (Node 7).
5–46 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Third Party Expense Report Process Activities
This section provides a description of each activity in the process, listed
by the activity’s display name. Each node corresponds to an icon
shown in Figure 5 – 5.
Start (Node 1)
This is a standard function activity that simply marks the start of the
Employee Equals to Preparer (Node 2)
This function activity determines whether the employee is the same
person who prepared the report. If the preparer and the employee are
the same, this function activity returns a result type of Yes, and the
process ends with a result of Continue.
If the preparer and the employee are not the same (the report was
created by an authorized delegate), this function activity returns a
result type of No and the process transitions to the next activity.
Employee Approval Required (Node 3)
This function activity determines whether approval is necessary for
expense reports entered by an authorized delegate. The value you
enter for the Employee Approval Required function activity determines
whether approval is necessary.
Start, Employee Equals to Preparer
Result Type
Result Type
Result Type
5–47AP Expense Report Workflow
Request Employee Approval (Node 4)
This activity requests that an employee approve or reject an expense
report entered by the authorized delegate. If an employee approves the
report, the Third Party Expense Report process ends with a result type
of Continue. Otherwise, the process ends with a result type of Do Not
Request Employee Approval
Start, Employee Equals to Preparer, Employee
Approval Required
Loop Counter (Node 5)
This is a standard function activity that limits the number of times the
Workflow Engine transitions through the Request Employee Approval
notification activity. You can define how many times the Request
Employee Approval activity transitions by entering a number for the
Loop Limit activity attribute of the Loop Counter activity.
Loop Counter
Start, Employee Equals to Preparer, Employee
Approval Required, Request Employee Approval
Inform Employee Expense Report Submitted by Preparer (Node 6)
This activity notifies an employee when an authorized delegate enters
an expense report on their behalf. The message summarizes the
content of the expense report so the employee can review it.
Inform Employee Expense Report Submitted by
Start, Employee Equals to Preparer, Employee
Approval Required
Result Type
Result Type
Result Type
5–48 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
End (Nodes 7 and 8)
This function activity marks the end of the process. Although the
activity itself does not have a result type, each node of this activity in
the process must have a process result assigned to it. The process
result is assigned in the property page of the activity node.
Since the Third Party Expense Report process activity has a result type
of AP Continue or Reject, each End activity node must have a process
result matching one of the lookup codes in the Approval lookup type.
Start, Employee Equals to Employee
Result Type
Figure 5 – 6 Request Approval Process
5–49AP Expense Report Workflow
Summary of the Request Approval Process
To view the properties of the Request Approval activity process, select
the process in the navigator tree, then choose Properties from the Edit
menu. The Request Approval process has a result type of Approval,
indicating that when the process completes, it has a result of Approved
or Rejected (the lookup codes in the Approval lookup type associated
with the Standard item type). This subprocess cannot be initiated as a
top level process to run; it can only be run as a subprocess when called
by another, higher level process.
The Request Approval process activity has 9 different activities, one of
which is reused, so 10 activity nodes appear in the workflow diagram.
To examine the activities of the process in more detail, we have
numbered each node for easy referencing below. The numbers
themselves are not part of the process diagram.
This process begins at Node 1 with the Start activity. At Node 2 the
process determines whether a manager has approved the expense
report. If a manager has approved the report, the process then checks
whether the approver is the employee’s direct manager (Node 3). (The
Find Approver activity in the Manager (Spending) Approval process
5–50 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
determines the approver.) If the approver and the direct manager are
not the same, this process sends a notification to the direct manager
(Node 4).
If an expense report has been previously reviewed, the process
determines whether the expense report has been forwarded to another
manager for approval (Node 5). If so, the process informs the preparer
that the expense report was approved by a manager that does not have
the necessary signing authority and that the expense report has been
forwarded to another manager for review (Node 6).
At Node 7 the process sends the expense report to managers for review.
Managers can approve, reject, or reassign the expense report. If the
manager does not reply within the time period specified for the
notification, the process transitions to the No Manager Response
process (Node 8).
Request Approval Process Activities
This section provides a description of each activity in the process listed
by the activity’s display name. Each node corresponds to an icon
shown in Figure 5 – 6.
Start (Node 1)
This is a Standard function activity that simply marks the start of the
First Approver (Node 2)
An expense report may require approval from more than one manager.
For example, if you choose Go Up the Management Chain value for the
Find Approver Method attribute, then an expense report for a large
amount could require multiple approvals. The First Approver function
activity determines whether an expense report has already been
Result Type
5–51AP Expense Report Workflow
Manager Not Equal to Approver (Node 3)
This function activity determines whether the selected approver is the
direct manager of the person seeking reimbursement. For example, if
an employee enters an overriding approver, the expense report is not
routed to the direct manager for approval.
Additionally, if the Find Approver method is Go Directly to Person
With Signing Authority, an expense report for a large amount may not
be sent to the employee’s direct manager for approval if that manager’s
signing limits are too low to approve the report.
Start, First Approver
CC Direct Manager (Node 4)
This notification activity informs managers when their direct reports
submit expense reports that do not require their approval. For
example, if an employee enters an overriding approver on an expense
report, workflow sends this notification to the employee’s manager.
The notification includes the name of the manager to whom the
expense report is being routed for approval and the expense report
CC Direct Manager
Start, First Approver, Manager Not Equal To
Exp Report Forwarded to Another Mgr for Approval (Node 5)
Depending on the total of the expense report and which Find Approver
method you specified, an expense report may require approval from
Result Type
Result Type
Result Type
5–52 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
more than one manager. Expense reports can be approved by a
manager even if the report exceeds that manager’s signing authority.
In this case, the report is also forwarded to another manager for
approval. The person to whom the expense report is forwarded
depends on the Find Approver method you selected.
This function activity determines whether an expense report has been
forwarded to another manager for approval.
Start, First Approver
Inform Preparer of Mgr Approval Has Been Forwarded (Node 6)
This notification activity informs users when an expense report needs
another manager’s approval. For example, workflow sends this
notification to users when expense reports exceed their direct
manager’s signing limit.
Inform Preparer Exp Report Approval Has Been
Start, First Approver, Exp Report Forwarded To
Another Mgr For Approval
Request Approval from APPROVER (Node 7)
This notification activity forwards an expense report to a manager for
review. Managers can approve, reject, or reassign the expense report.
Request Expense Report Approval
Start, First Approver
Result Type
Result Type
Result Type
5–53AP Expense Report Workflow
No Manager Response Process (Node 8)
This process activity handles the approval process when managers do
not respond to approval requests within the time period specified (for
example, when they are out of the office or on vacation).
For more information, see: Summary of the No Manager Response
Process: page 5–54.
Start, First Approver, Request Approval from
End (Nodes 9 and 10)
This function activity marks the end of the process. Although the
activity itself does not have a result type, each node of this activity in
the process must have a process result assigned to it. The process
result is assigned in the property page of the activity node. Since the
Request Approval process activity has a result type of Approval, each
End activity node must have a process result matching one of the
lookup codes in the Approval lookup type.
Start, Request Approval from APPROVER
Result Type
Result Type
5–54 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Summary of the No Manager Response Process
This process enables the AP Expense Report workflow to manage the
approval process when managers do not respond to approval requests,
for example, when they go on leave or vacation. It informs the person
who prepared the expense report that the manager responsible for
approving it did not respond within the time period specified. The
preparer can choose to resend the expense report to the same manager,
or direct the expense report to the manager’s manager.
To view the properties of the No Manager Response process, select the
process in the navigator tree, then choose Properties from the Edit
menu. The No Manager Response process has no result type and
cannot be initiated as a top level process; it can only be run as a
subprocess when called by another, higher level process.
The Request Approval process activity has 7 different activities, all of
which appear as activity nodes in the workflow diagram below. To
examine the activities of the process in more detail, we have numbered
each node for easy reference below. The numbers themselves are not
part of the process diagram.
Figure 5 – 7 No Manager Response Process
Attention: The approval process stalls unless employees reply
to No Manager Response messages. The No Manager Response
process activity continues to send notifications until a response
is given.
5–55AP Expense Report Workflow
This process activity occurs when one of the following notification
activities time out before being completed:
The Request Approval from APPROVER notification activity in
the Request Approval process activity
The Verify With Mgr the Amt Approved With NO Receipt in the
Manager (Spending) Approval process activity
The process begins at the Start activity (Node 1). At Node 3 the
process notifies the person who prepared the expense report that the
approver did not respond to any notifications requesting approval.
The process records the approver’s information at Node 5 then
identifies and resends the request to the approver’s manager (Node 6).
No Manager Response Process Activities
This section provides a description of each activity in the process, listed
by the activity’s display name. Each node corresponds to an icon
shown in Figure 5 – 7.
Start (Node 1)
This is a Standard function activity that simply marks the start of the
Notify Preparer When Resend Count Equals Limit (Node 2)
This function activity determines when the person who created the
expense report should be notified that the approver did not respond to
the approval request. The value you define for this activity determines
how many times a manager is notified about expense reports that are
awaiting approval. Once the resend count equals the number you
specified, a notification is sent to the preparer.
Result Type
Result Type
5–56 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Inform Preparer – No Manager Response (Node 3)
This activity notifies the employee that the manager responsible for
approving the expense report did not respond to the approval request.
The employee must choose whether to resend the expense report to the
manager again or to send the expense report to the manager’s manager
for approval.
Attention: If employees do not reply to the No Manager
Response messages, their expense reports cannot be approved
and therefore cannot be reimbursed.
No Manager Response
AP Employee Action for Manager Requested
Start, Notify Preparer When Resend Count Equals
Noop (Node 4)
This is a standard function activity that acts as a placeholder. It
performs no action.
Start, Notify Preparer When Resend Count Equals
Limit, Inform Preparer – No Manager Response
Record Forward From Info (Node 5)
This function activity sets the ”forwarded from” item attributes so
notifications can inform the manager who was originally responsible
for reviewing the expense report.
Start, Notify Preparer When Resend Count Equals
Limit, Inform Preparer – No Manager Response
Result Type
Result Type
Result Type
5–57AP Expense Report Workflow
Get the Manager of the Approver (Node 6)
This function activity identifies the approver’s manager. To do this, the
activity first calls the AP_WEB_EXPENSE_WF.GetManager procedure
and finds the original approver’s manager in the
HR_EMPLOYEES_CURRENT_V table. This function activity then calls the
AP_WEB_EXPENSE_WF.SetPersonAs procedure and indicates that this
manager is the new approver.
Start, Notify Preparer When Resend Count Equals
Limit, Inform Preparer – No Manager Response,
Record Forward From Info
End (Node 7)
This function activity marks the end of the process. Since the No
Manager Response process activity has no result type, this End node
has no process result associated with it.
Result Type
Result Type
5–58 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Summary of the AP Approval Process
The AP Approval process has a result type of AP Approval Process
Result, indicating that when the process completes, it has a result of
Approved or ShortPay. This subprocess cannot be initiated as a top
level process; it can only be run as a subprocess when called by
another, higher level process. To view the properties of the AP
Approval process, select the process in the navigator tree, then choose
Properties from the Edit menu.
The AP Approval process has 14 different activities, one of which is
reused, so 13 activity nodes appear in the workflow diagram. To
examine the activities of the process in more detail, we have numbered
each node for easy referencing below. The numbers themselves are not
part of the process diagram.
Figure 5 – 8 AP Approval Process
5–59AP Expense Report Workflow
This process begins at Node 1 with the Start activity. At Node 5 the
process automatically approves expense reports that do not require
Accounts Payable review. If an expense report requires Accounts
Payable review, the process checks whether the review is complete
(Node 7). If the review is not complete, the process pauses until the
Accounts Payable department reviews the expense report.
To indicate that an expense report has been reviewed,
the Accounts Payable department checks the Review by
Payables option in the Payables Expense Reports window.
The process determines whether the Accounts Payable department has
adjusted the report (Node 9) and, if necessary, notifies the preparer
(Node 10).
5–60 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
At Node 11 the process determines whether the Accounts Payable
department short paid any of the items (lines) in an expense report.
The process approves expense reports with no short paid items (Node
12) and the process ends with a result of Approved (Node 13). If an
expense report contains short paid items, the process ends with a result
of ShortPay (Node 14).
AP Approval Process Activities
This section provides a description of each activity in the process, listed
by the activity’s display name. Each node corresponds to an icon
shown in Figure 5 – 8.
Start (Node 1)
This is a Standard function activity that simply marks the start of the
Any Receipt Required for Expense Report (Node 2)
This function activity determines whether an expense report contains
an expense for which your accounts payable department requires proof
of payment (a receipt).
Credit Lines Only (Node 3)
This function activity determines whether an expense report contains
only negative receipts (credit lines). Employees enter negative receipts
to report the refund of a previously reimbursed expense (for example,
an unused airline ticket).
Result Type
Result Type
5–61AP Expense Report Workflow
Start, Any Receipt Required For Expense Report
Any Justification Required for Expense Report (Node 4)
This function activity determines whether an expense report contains
expense items (airfare, meals, car rental, and so on) for which Accounts
Payable requires justification. The Justification Required check box in
the Payables Expense Report Templates window controls whether a
user must enter a justification for an expense item.
Start, Any Receipt Required For Expense Report,
Credit Lines Only
Approved (Automatic) (Node 5)
This function activity indicates whether an expense report has received
Accounts Payables approval. If an expense report transitions through
this activity, the Reviewed by Payables check box is checked when
viewing the report in the Payables Expense Report window.
Start, Any Receipt Required For Expense Report,
Credit Lines Only
Request AP to Review for Spending Policy Compliance (Node 6)
This notification activity notifies the accounts payable department
requesting review of the expense report. Because the accounts payable
department requires no receipts for this expense report, they do not
receive a package with receipts, so this activity notifies them of a new
expense report that requires review.
Request AP Review Policy
Result Type
Result Type
Result Type
Result Type
5–62 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Start, Any Receipt Required For Expense Report,
Credit Lines Only, Any Justification Required for
Expense Report
AP Expense Report Review Complete (Node 7)
Your Accounts Payable department indicates that an expense report
has been reviewed by checking the Reviewed by Payables check box in
the Payables Expense Reports window. This function activity
determines whether Accounts Payable has checked this check box for
an expense report.
Start, Any Receipt Required For Expense Report
Block (Node 8)
This is a standard function activity that pauses the AP Approval
process until the Accounts Payables department checks the Reviewed
by Payables check box and saves the expense report in the Payables
Expense Report window.
Start, Any Receipt Required For Expense Report,
AP Expense Report Review Complete
Adjustment Made Due to Spending Policy Noncompliance (Node 9)
Your Accounts Payable department can adjust (reduce) the amount of
an expense report when it violates company reimbursement policy.
This function activity determines whether the Accounts Payable
department has adjusted the report.
Result Type
Result Type
Result Type
5–63AP Expense Report Workflow
Start, Any Receipt Required For Expense Report,
AP Expense Report Review Complete
Inform Preparer that Expense Report Has Been Adjusted (Node 10)
This notification activity informs preparers that your Accounts Payable
department adjusted their expense reports. This notification includes
reasons for the adjustments.
Expense Report Adjustment
Start, Any Receipt Required For Expense Report,
AP Expense Report Review Complete, AP
Adjustment Made Due To Spending Policy
All Expense Lines Pass AP Approval (Node 11)
Your Accounts Payable department short pays an expense report by
indicating that one or more expense items (lines) in an expense report
meet one of these two conditions:
The preparer did not provide required receipts
The preparer provided inadequate justifications for an expense
This function activity determines whether your Accounts Payable
department has short paid an expense report.
Start, Any Receipt Required For Expense Report,
AP Expense Report Review Complete, AP
Adjustment Made Due To Spending Policy
Mark Expense Report as Approved (Manual) (Node 12)
This function activity indicates that an expense report has received
Accounts Payable approval.
Result Type
Result Type
5–64 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Start, Any Receipt Required For Expense Report,
AP Expense Report Review Complete, AP
Adjustment Made Due To Spending Policy
NonCompliance, All Expense Lines Pass AP
End (Nodes 13 and 14)
This function activity marks the end of the process. Although the
activity itself does not have a result type, each node of this activity in
the process must have a process result assigned to it. The process
result is assigned in the property page of the activity node. Since the
AP Approval process activity has a result type of AP Approval Process
Result, each End activity node must have a process result matching one
of the lookup codes in the Approval lookup type.
Result Type
Result Type
5–65AP Expense Report Workflow
Summary of the Shortpay Unverified Receipt Items Process
The Shortpay Unverified Receipt Items process creates a new expense
report for each line that is missing required receipts or contains an
inadequate justification. This process has a result type of None which
means that when the process completes there is no specific result.
The Shortpay Unverified Receipt Items process cannot be initiated as a
top level process, it can only be run as a subprocess when called by
another, higher level process. To view the properties of the Shortpay
Unverified Receipt Items process, select the process in the navigator
tree, then choose Properties from the Edit menu.
This process has 11 different activities, one of which is reused, so 10
activity nodes appear in the workflow diagram. To examine the
activities of the process in more detail, we have numbered each node
for easy referencing below. The numbers themselves are not part of the
process diagram.
Figure 5 – 9 Shortpay Unverified Receipt Items Process
5–66 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
The process begins at Node 1 with the Start activity. At Node 2 the
process creates a new expense report from any lines that have missing
required receipts and/or creates a new expense report from the lines
that have inadequate justifications. At Node 3 the process determines
whether an expense report was created due to inadequate justifications
and, if so, transitions to the Spawn Policy Violation Shortpay
Subprocess activity (Node 4).
At Node 6 the process determines whether an expense report was
created due to missing receipts and, if so, transitions to the Spawn
Missing Receipts Shortpay Shortpay process (Node 4). At Node 10 the
process approves the original expense report.
5–67AP Expense Report Workflow
Shortpay Unverified Receipt Items Process Activities
This section provides a description of each activity in the process, listed
by the activity’s display name. Each node corresponds to an icon
shown in Figure 5 – 9.
Start (Node 1)
This is a standard function activity that simply marks the start of the
Separate Shortpaid Lines into Separate Expense Reports (Node 2)
When your Accounts Payable department short pays an expense
report, this indicates that the expense report has one or more lines that
is missing required receipts, has an inadequate or missing justification,
or both. This function activity creates a new expense report for each
line matching this criteria and removes the lines from the original
The activity assigns a report number to the new expense report by
appending –1 to the original expense report number. If two lines have
a problem, the system creates two new reports and appends the second
report with –2.
For example, expense report 100 is shortpaid. The system creates two
new reports numbered 100–1 and 100–2. If, for example, 100–1 is also
shortpaid and the system creates two new reports, it numbers them
100–1–1 and 100–1–2.
Figure 5 – 10 illustrates how this activity creates new expense reports
and assigns new expense report numbers.
Result Type
Figure 5 – 10 Generating New Expense Reports and Report Numbers
5–68 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Check for Policy Violation Shortpay (Node 3)
This function activity determines whether an expense report violates
any company expense report policies, such as missing or invalid
Start, Separate Shortpaid Lines into Separate
Expense Reports
Result Type
Result Type
5–69AP Expense Report Workflow
Spawn Policy Violation Shortpay SubProcess (Node 4)
This function activity spawns the Policy Violation Shortpay subprocess.
This subprocess informs the employee that the Accounts Payable
department short paid one or more lines of an expense report due to
inadequate justifications and that these lines have been transferred to a
new expense report. The preparer can either delete the new expense
report or provide additional information to justify the disputed
expenses. See: Summary of the Policy Violation Shortpay Subprocess:
page 5–81.
Start, Separate Shortpaid Lines into Separate
Expense Reports, Check for Policy Violation
Or (Node 5 and 8)
This is a standard function activity that completes when at least one of
the converging branches also completes.
Start, Separate Shortpaid Lines into Separate
Expense Reports, Check for Policy Violation
Check for Missing Receipts Shortpay (Node 6)
This function activity determines whether an expense report consists of
lines that are missing required receipts.
Start, Separate Shortpaid Lines into Separate
Expense Reports
Result Type
Result Type
Result Type
5–70 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Spawn Missing Receipts Shortpay SubProcess (Node 7)
This function activity spawns the Missing Receipts Shortpay
subprocess. This subprocess informs the employee that the Accounts
Payable department short paid one or more lines of an expense report
due to missing receipts and that these lines have been transferred to a
new expense report.
See: Summary of the Missing Receipts Shortpay subprocess: page 5–76.
Start, Separate Shortpaid Lines into Separate
Expense Reports, Check for Missing Receipt
Mark Expense Report As Approved (Manual) (Node 9)
This function activity updates the original expense report to indicate
that it is approved. To do this, the activity sets the value of the SOURCE
column of the AP_EXPENSE_REPORT_HEADERS table to ’SelfService.’
Start, Separate Shortpaid Lines into Separate
Expense Reports
And (Node 10)
This standard function activity merges the three parallel branches in
the Shortpay Unverified Receipt Items process when all activities are
Start, Separate Shortpaid Lines into Separate
Expense Reports, Mark Expense Report As
Approved (Manual)
Result Type
Result Type
Result Type
5–71AP Expense Report Workflow
End (Node 11)
This function activity marks the end of the process. Although the
activity itself does not have a result type, each node of this activity in
the process must have a process result assigned to it. The process
result is assigned in the property page of the activity node. Since the
Shortpay Unverified Receipt Items process activity has a result type of
Approval, each End activity node must have a process result matching
one of the lookup codes in the Approval lookup type.
Result Type
re 5
11 Bothpay
5–72 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Summary of the Bothpay Process
Workflow transitions to the Bothpay process if the Check If Both Pay
function activity returns a value of Yes. The Check If Both Pay activity
checks the setting of the profile option SS Expenses:CC Payment Due
From to determine whether the employee, the company, or both the
employee and the company are responsible for remitting payment for
corporate card charges. The Check If Both Pay function activity checks
the profile option after the AP Approval Process or the Shortpay
Unverified Receipt Items process is complete (see Figure 5 – 1).
The Bothpay process cannot be initiated as a top level process, it can
only be run as a subprocess when called by another, higher level
process. To view the properties of the this process, select the process in
the navigator tree, then choose Properties from the Edit menu.
This process has 7 different activities which appear as nodes in the
workflow diagram below. To examine the activities of the process in
more detail, we have numbered each node for easy referencing. The
numbers themselves are not part of the process diagram.
The process begins at Node 1 with the Start activity. At Node 2 the
process checks whether the expense report contains credit card vendor
information. If not, a notification is sent to the system administrator
(Node 3) to resolve the issue. At Node 4 the Build Bothpay Expense
Reports subprocess checks whether the report includes both cash and
credit card charges. If it does, the subprocess creates a new expense
5–73AP Expense Report Workflow
report for the credit card issuer (this new expense report generates a
new invoice when it is imported to Payables). Otherwise, the expense
report is not split and generates only one invoice (for either the
employee or the credit card issuer) when imported to Payables.
At Node 5 the process checks whether the expense report was split. If
the report was split, the process notifies the person who created the
report (Node 6) and the process ends at Node 7.
Bothpay Process Activities
This section provides a description of each activity in the process, listed
by the activity’s display name. Each node corresponds to an icon
shown in Figure 5 – 11.
Start (Node 1)
This is a standard function activity that simply marks the start of the
Check If Vendor Set (Node 2)
This function activity determines whether the expense report contains
required credit card vendor information.
Inform System Administrator – No Vendor (Node 3)
If the Check If Vendor Set activity returns a value of No, this
notification activity contacts the system administrator and workflow
checks the database tables for the vendor information. Once the
vendor information is found, the system administrator responds by
clicking ”Problem Fixed” in the notification and the process continues.
Result Type
Result Type
5–74 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Problem Fixed
Start, Check If Vendor Set
Build Bothpay Expense Reports (Node 4)
This function activity creates a new expense report if the original report
includes both cash (out of pocket) and credit card charges for which the
employee must be reimbursed. If it does, the subprocess creates a new
expense report for the credit card issuer (this creates a separate
payment for the credit card issuer once the report is imported to Oracle
Payables). Otherwise, the expense report is not split and generates
only one invoice when imported to Payables (for either the employee or
the credit card issuer).
Start, Check If Vendor Set
Check If Expense Report Split (Node 5)
This function activity returns Yes or No to indicate whether the expense
report was split. An expense report is split only if it contains csh (out
of pocket) or corporate credit card charges, but not both. If this activity
returns Yes, the process sends a notification to the preparer (see below).
Start, Check If Vendor Set, Build Bothpay Expense
Inform Preparer Exp Report Split for Both Pay (Node 6)
If the Check If Expense Report Split function returns a value of Yes, this
activity notifies the preparer. The notification includes both the
original and the new expense report numbers and the charges included
in each report.
When an expense report is split because it contains both
cash (out of pocket) and corporate credit card charges,
workflow appends ”.1” to the new expense report (for
Result Type
Result Type
Result Type
5–75AP Expense Report Workflow
example, EXP11223.1). If the report was both short paid and
split, the report number is appended with ”–1.1” (for example,
Start, Check If Vendor Set, Build Bothpay Expense
Reports, Check If Expense Report Split
End (Node 11)
This function activity marks the end of the process. Although the
activity itself does not have a result type, each node of this activity in
the process must have a process result assigned to it. The process
result is assigned in the property page of the activity node.
Result Type
Result Type
5–76 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Summary of the Missing Receipts Shortpay Process
The Missing Receipts Shortpay Process informs the person who
prepared the report that the Accounts Payable department short paid
one or more lines of the report due to missing receipts and that these
lines have been transferred to a new expense report. The preparer can
delete the new expense report, submit the missing receipts to the
Accounts Payables department, or route the new expense report to
management for approval despite the missing receipts.
This process has a result type of Approval, which indicates that when
the process completes, it has a result of Approve or Reject. This
subprocess cannot be initiated as a top level process, it can only be run
as a subprocess when called by another, higher level process.
To view the properties of the Missing Receipts Shortpay process, select
the process in the navigator tree, then choose Properties from the Edit
The Missing Receipts Shortpay process has 9 different activities, one of
which is reused, so 10 activity nodes appear in the workflow diagram.
To examine the activities of the process in more detail, we have
numbered each node for easy referencing below. The numbers
themselves are not part of the process diagram.
Figure 5 – 12 Missing Receipts Shortpay Process
5–77AP Expense Report Workflow
The process begins at Node 1 with the Start activity. At Node 3 the
process informs the preparer that the Accounts Payable department
short paid one or more lines of the expense report due to missing
receipts and that these lines have been transferred to a new expense
report. The preparer can delete the new expense report, submit the
missing receipts to the Accounts Payables department, or route the new
expense report to a manager for approval without the receipts. If the
preparer chooses to delete the new expense report, the process does so
at Node 5.
If the preparer chooses to provide the missing receipts, the process
updates the new expense report and begins the AP Standard Expense
Report process at the AP Approval process (Node 7). The workflow
then calls the AP Standard Expense Report process (Node 8). If the
preparer forwards the new expense report to a manager for approval,
the process updates the expense report and begins the AP Expense
Report process at the Manager (Spending) Approval process (Node 6).
The workflow then calls the AP Standard Expense Report process
(Node 8).
5–78 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Missing Receipts Shortpay Process Activities
This section provides a description of each activity in the process, listed
by the activity’s display name. Each node corresponds to an icon
shown in Figure 5 – 12.
Start (Node 1)
This is a standard function activity that simply marks the start of the
Build Shortpay Notification Text (Node 2)
This function activity sets some of the item attributes necessary for the
Inform Preparer of Shortpay Due to Missing Receipts message.
Inform Preparer of Shortpay Due to Missing Receipts (Node 3)
This notification activity informs a preparer that the Accounts Payable
department short paid the expense report due to missing receipts and
includes the number of the new expense report. The preparer can then:
Delete the new expense report
Send the missing receipts to your Accounts Payable department
Forward the new expense report to a manager for approval
without providing the missing receipts
Attention: If employees do not reply to Inform Preparer of
Shortpay Due to Missing Receipts messages, the short paid
expense reports cannot be approved and the employee cannot
be reimbursed.
Inform Preparer Missing Receipts Shortpay
Result Type
Result Type
5–79AP Expense Report Workflow
AP Response to Missing Receipts Shortpay
Start, Build Shortpay Notification Text
Noop (Node 4)
This is a standard function activity that acts as a placeholder and
performs no action.
Start, Build Shortpay Notification Text, Inform
Preparer of ShortPay Due to Missing Receipts
Delete Expense Report From Interface Tables (Node 5)
This function activity deletes the short paid expense report.
Start, Build Shortpay Notification Text, Inform
Preparer of ShortPay Due to Missing Receipts
Set Exp Report Process to Start at Mgr Approval Process (Node 6)
This function activity updates the Start from Specified Process item
attribute and indicates that the expense report must transition to the
Manager (Spending) Approval process. See: Summary of the Manager
(Spending) Approval Process: page 5–31.
Start, Build Shortpay Notification Text, Inform
Preparer of ShortPay Due to Missing Receipts
Result Type
Result Type
Result Type
Result Type
5–80 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Set Exp Report Process to Start at AP Approval Process (Node 7)
This function activity updates the Start From Specified Process item
attribute to indicate that the expense report transitions to the AP
Approval process. See: Summary of the AP Approval Process: page
Start, Build Shortpay Notification Text, Inform
Preparer of ShortPay Due to Missing Receipts
Expense Report ID
Start from Specified Process
AP Standard Expense Report Process (Node 8)
This process activity manages the standard Accounts Payable expense
report approval process. See: Summary of the AP Standard Expense
Report Process: page 5–19.
Start, Build Shortpay Notification Text, Inform
Preparer of ShortPay Due to Missing Receipts
End (Nodes 9 and 10)
This function activity marks the end of the process. Although the
activity itself does not have a result type, each node of this activity in
the process must have a process result assigned to it. The process
result is assigned in the property page of the activity node. Since the
Missing Receipts Shortpay process activity has a result type of
Approval, each End activity node must have a process result matching
one of the lookup codes in the Approval lookup type.
Result Type
Item Attributes
Retrieved by
Item Attributes
Set by Function
Result Type
Result Type
Figure 5 – 13 Policy Violation Shortpay Process
5–81AP Expense Report Workflow
Summary of the Policy Violation Shortpay Process
The Policy Violation Shortpay Process informs the person who created
the expense report that the Accounts Payable department short paid
one or more lines due to inadequate justifications and that these lines
have been transferred to a new expense report. The preparer can either
delete the new expense report or provide additional information to
justify the disputed expenses.
This process has a result type of Approval, which indicates that when
the process completes, it has a result of Approve or Reject. This
subprocess cannot be initiated as a top level process; it can only be run
as a subprocess when called by another, higher level process. To view
the properties of the Policy Violation Shortpay process, select the
process in the navigator tree, then choose Properties from the Edit
The Policy Violation Shortpay process has 9 different activities, one of
which is reused, so 10 activity nodes appear in the workflow diagram.
To examine the activities of the process in more detail, we have
numbered each node for easy referencing below. The numbers
themselves are not part of the process diagram.
The process begins at Node 1 with the Start activity. At Node 3 the
process informs the employee that the Accounts Payable department
short paid one or more lines of the expense report due to inadequate
justifications and that these lines have been transferred to a new report.
The preparer responds to the notification by deleting the new expense
5–82 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
report (Node 8) or providing Accounts Payable with missing
If the preparer provides additional information, the process forwards
the information to your Accounts Payable department for review
(Node 5). The process then updates the new expense report (Node 6)
and transitions to the AP Standard Expense Report process (Node 7).
Policy Violation Shortpay Process Activities
This section provides a description of each activity in the process, listed
by the activity’s display name. Each node corresponds to an icon
shown in Figure 5 – 13.
Start (Node 1)
This is a standard function activity that simply marks the start of the
Build Shortpay Notification Text (Node 2)
This function activity sets some of the item attributes necessary for the
Inform Preparer Policy Violation Shortpay Req More Info message.
Inform Preparer Policy Violation Shortpay Req More Info (Node 3)
This notification activity informs a preparer that the Accounts Payables
department short paid an expense report due to one or more policy
violations and provides the number of the new expense report. Policy
violations include missing required receipts, incorrect cost center, or
inadequate justifications.
Result Type
Result Type
5–83AP Expense Report Workflow
The preparer can respond to the notification by:
Deleting the new expense report
Providing additional information to justify the expenses
Attention: If employees do not reply to Inform Preparer
Policy Violation Shortpay Req More Info messages, the short
paid expense report cannot be approved and the employee
cannot be reimbursed.
Inform Preparer Policy Violation Shortpay Req
More Info
AP Response To Policy Violation Shortpay
Start, Build shortpay Notification Text
Noop (Node 4)
This is a standard function activity that acts as a placeholder and
performs no action.
Start, Build shortpay Notification Text, Inform
Preparer Policy Violation Shortpay Req More Info
Provide AP with Missing Info to Rectify Policy Shortpay (Node 5)
This notification activity forwards the additional information provided
by the preparer to the Accounts Payable department for review.
Provide AP More Info to Rectify Policy Shortpay
Start, Build shortpay Notification Text, Inform
Preparer Policy Violation Shortpay Req More Info
Set Exp Report Process to Start at AP Approval Process (Node 6)
This function activity updates the Start from Specified Process item
attribute to indicate that the expense report should start at the AP
Approval process.
Result Type
Result Type
Result Type
5–84 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Start, Build shortpay Notification Text, Inform
Preparer Policy Violation Shortpay Req More Info,
Provide AP With Missing Info to Rectify Policy
Expense Report ID
Start from Specified Process
AP Standard Expense Report Process (Node 7)
This process activity manages the standard Accounts Payable expense
report approval process. See: Summary of the AP Standard Expense
Report Process: page 5–19.
Start, Build Shortpay Notification Text, Inform
Preparer Policy Violation Shortpay Req More Info,
Provide AP With Missing Info to Rectify Policy
Shortpay, Set Expense Report to Start at AP
Approval Process
Delete Expense Report from Interface Tables (Node 8)
This function activity deletes the short paid expense report.
Start, Build shortpay Notification Text, Inform
Preparer Policy Violation Shortpay Req More Info
Result Type
Item Attributes
Retrieved by
Item Attributes
Set by Function
Result Type
Result Type
5–85AP Expense Report Workflow
End (Nodes 9 and 10)
This function activity marks the end of the process. Although the
activity itself does not have a result type, each node of this activity in
the process must have a process result assigned to it. The process
result is assigned in the property page of the activity node. Since the
Policy Violation Shortpay process activity has a result type of
Approval, each End activity node must have a process result matching
one of the lookup codes in the Approval lookup type.
Result Type
re 5
5–86 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Summary of the Rejection Process
The Rejection process informs the preparer or the Accounts Payables
department that the expense report has been rejected by management.
After modifying the report the preparer can resubmit the expense
report for approval. However, if the expense report is not resubmitted
within the time period specified, the report is deleted.
The Rejection process has a result type of AP Reject Process Result,
which indicates that when the process completes, it has a result of
Resubmit Report or Abort. This subprocess cannot be initiated as a top
level process, it can only be run as a subprocess when called by
another, higher level process. To view the properties of the Rejection
process, select the process in the navigator tree, then choose Properties
from the Edit menu.
The Rejection process has 7 different activities, one of which is reused,
so 8 activity nodes appear in the workflow diagram. To examine the
activities of the process in more detail, we have numbered each node
for easy referencing below. The numbers themselves are not part of the
process diagram.
The process begins at Node 1 with the Start activity. If the report was
previously reviewed by the Payables department but rejected by
management, a notification is sent to the Payables department (Node
3). The process then informs the preparer that the report has been
rejected by management (Node 4). The process then pauses for a
5–87AP Expense Report Workflow
specified period of time until the expense report is resubmitted (Node
6). If the expense report is not resubmitted within the specified time
period, it is deleted (Node 7).
Rejected expense reports can be fixed and resubmitted.
To do this users choose the Modify Expense Report function
from the Self–Service Expenses main menu. This opens the
Modify Expense Report page. A Yes in the Previously Rejected
column indicates the report is available for resubmission.
Rejection Process Activities
This section provides a description of each activity in the process, listed
by the activity’s display name. Each node corresponds to an icon
shown in Figure 5 – 14.
Start (Node 1)
This is a Standard function activity that simply marks the start of the
Expense Report Has Been Payables Reviewed (Node 2)
To indicate that it has reviewed an expense report, your Accounts
Payable department checks the Reviewed by Payables check box in the
Payables Expense Report window. This function activity determines
whether this check box has been checked for an expense report.
Inform AP Exp Report They Reviewed Is Mgr Rejected (Node 3)
This notification activity informs the Accounts Payable department that
an expense report that the department previously reviewed has been
Result Type
Result Type
5–88 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
rejected by management. It also suggests that any receipts Account
Payables received be returned to the preparer.
Exp Report Has Been Mgr Rejected but AP
Start, Expense Report Has Been Payables Reviewed
Inform Preparer of Expense Report Rejection (Node 4)
This notification activity informs the preparer that an expense report
has been rejected by management. It also provides instructions on how
the preparer can modify and resubmit the rejected expense report for
The expense report is saved in the system for a period of
time specified by the Wait for Resubmission activity. Refer to
the description of that activity below for more information.
Expense Report Rejection
Start, Expense Report Has Been Payables Reviewed
Set Reject Status And Reset Attributes (Node 5)
This function activity updates the expense report to indicate that it has
been rejected. To do this, the activity sets the value of the SOURCE
column of the table AP_EXPENSE_REPORT_HEADERS to
NonValidatedWebExpense. This activity also updates the Start from
Specified Process item attribute and initiates the Server Side Validation
Start, Expense Report Has Been Payables
Reviewed, Inform Preparer of Expense Report
Result Type
Result Type
Result Type
5–89AP Expense Report Workflow
Wait for Resubmission (Node 6)
This is a standard function activity that pauses the Rejection process
until the employee fixes and resubmits the rejected expense report for
approval. If a rejected expense report is not resubmitted before this
activity ”times out,” the process transitions to the Delete Expense
Report From Interface Tables activity.
You can specify any combination of days, hours, and minutes before
this activity times out and the expense report is deleted from the
system. For example, you can specify that employees have thirty days
to resubmit a rejected expense report before it is deleted.
To specify a timeout for this function:
1. View the properties for the activity.
2. Select the Node tab.
3. Choose a Timeout period of Relative Time, then specify a number
of days, hours, and minutes.
4. Save your work.
Start, Expense Report Has Been Payables
Reviewed, Inform Preparer of Expense Report
Rejection, Set Reject Status and Reset Attributes
Delete Expense Report From Interface Tables (Node 7)
This function activity deletes the rejected expense report when the Wait
for Resubmission activity times out.
Start, Expense Report Has Been Payables
Reviewed, Inform Preparer of Expense Report
Rejection, Set Reject Status and Reset Attributes,
Wait for Resubmission
Result Type
Result Type
5–90 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
End (Node 8 and 9)
This function activity marks the end of the process. Although the
activity itself does not have a result type, each node of this activity in
the process must have a process result assigned to it. The process
result is assigned in the property page of the activity node. Since the
Rejection process activity has a result type of AP Reject Process Result,
each End activity node must have a process result matching one of the
lookup codes in the AP Reject Process Result lookup type.
Result Type
5–91AP Expense Report Workflow
AP Credit Card Workflow
The AP Credit Card workflow consists of six processes and seven
notifications that inform employees and managers of payments created
for corporate card charges as well as any past due, disputed, or
unapproved charges. These notifications are sent to the person who
prepared the expense report, the preparer’s manager, or both,
depending on the purpose of the notification.
The AP Credit Card workflow is initiated when:
A payment is created in Oracle Payables for credit card charges.
The Payables Credit Card Outstanding Charges report is run
with the Send Notifications parameter set to Yes.
To enable the AP Credit Card workflow, you must set the profile option
SS Expenses:CC Payment Notify to Yes. See: Setting Up Self–service
Expenses Profile Options: page 2–25.
To view the properties of the AP Credit Card process, select the process
in the navigator tree, then choose Properties from the Edit menu.
The following processes are associated with the AP Credit Card
Disputed Charges
Payment to Card Issuer
Payment to Employee
Payment to Employee by Check
Unapproved Expense Report
Unsubmitted Credit Card Charges
The AP Credit Card item type has several associated attributes. Some
of these attributes reference expense report and employee information
in the database tables AP_EXPENSE_REPORT_HEADERS and
HR_EMPLOYEES. These attributes are used and maintained by the
notification activities throughout the process.
5–92 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
The AP Credit Card Workflow Item Type Attributes
Display Name Description Type Length/Format/
Lookup Type
Amount The payment
(reimbursement) amount.
Text 30
Bank Account The name of the bank
account to which the
reimbursement is sent via
direct deposit.
Text 80
Bank Name The name of the bank to
which the employee’s
reimbursement is sent via
direct deposit.
Text 80
Card Program ID The Card Program ID
number of the employee’s
corporate credit card.
Check Number The number of the check
sent to the employee as
reimbursement for
business expenses.
Text 30
Credit Card Company The name of the company
issuing the corporate
credit card.
Text 80
Currency The reimbursement
Text 25
Date 1 The ”from” date that
corporate credit card
charges were incurred.
Text 30
Date 2 The ”to” date that
corporate credit card
charges were incurred.
Text 30
Date Object 1 From dispute date Date
Date Object 2 To dispute date Date
Employee Display Name How the employee’s
name appears in
Text 80
Employee ID The employee’s unique
identification number.
Table 5 – 5 (Page 1 of 2)
5–93AP Expense Report Workflow
Lookup Type
TypeDescriptionDisplay Name
Employee Name The employee’s name. Text 80
Expense Report Number The expense report for
which the employee
received reimbursement.
Text 30
List List of disputed credit
card charges.
Manager Name The manager’s name. Text 80
Minimum Amount The minimum amount of
disputed transactions
required to initiate the
Notification of
Outstanding Disputed
Charges process.
Number of Days The number of days that
corporate card charges
have been outstanding.
Payment Date The date payment was
created for an approved
expense report.
Text 30
Table 5 – 5 (Page 2 of 2)
See Also
Item Types (Oracle Workflow Guide)
AP Credit Card Process Activities: page 5–94
5–94 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
AP Credit Card Process Activities
This section provides a description of the activities in each process,
listed by the activity’s display name. All of the processes except
Unsubmitted Credit Card Charges consist simply of a Start, a
notification, and an End process. Therefore, only the Unsubmitted
Credit Card Charges process is shown (see Figure 5 – 15).
To avoid duplication, the Start and End activities are described only
once in the Standard Function Activities section.
Standard Function Activities
This standard function activity simply marks the start of the process.
This standard function activity simply marks the end of the process.
Although the activity itself does not have a result type, each node of
this activity in the process must have a process result assigned to it.
The process result is assigned in the property page of the activity node.
Unsubmitted Credit Card Charges Process
This process is initiated when an Oracle Payables user creates the
Credit Card Outstanding Charges report with the Send Notifications
parameter set to Yes.
Result Type
Result Type
re 5
15 Uns
bmitted Credit Card Charges
5–95AP Expense Report Workflow
This section provides a description of each activity in the process, listed
by the activity’s display name. Each node corresponds to an icon
shown in Figure 5 – 15.
Start (Node 1)
See: Standard Function Activities: page 5–94.
Notification of Unsubmitted Charges to Manager (Node 2)
This notification activity informs managers when employees that report
to them have outstanding corporate card charges not yet included in an
expense report. This notification includes the employee’s name as well
as the amount and currency of the unsubmitted charges.
Notification of Unsubmitted Charges to Manager
Result Type
5–96 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Notification of Unsubmitted Charges (Node 3)
This notification activity informs employees of corporate card charges
that have not been included in an expense report. This notification
includes the dates the charges were incurred, the amount and currency
of the charges, and the name of the card issuer.
Notification of Unsubmitted Charges
And (Node 4)
This standard function activity merges the two branches in the
Unsubmitted Credit Card Charges process when all activities are
Start, Notification of Unsubmitted Charges,
Notification of Unsubmitted Charges to Manager
End (Node 5)
See: Standard Function Activities: page 5–94.
Disputed Charges Process
This process is initiated when an Oracle Payables user creates the
Credit Card Outstanding Charges report with the Send Notifications
parameter set to Yes.
See: Standard Function Activities: page 5–94.
Result Type
Result Type
5–97AP Expense Report Workflow
Notification of Outstanding Disputed Charges
This notification activity is sent to inform the employee of disputed
corporate credit card charges and to request that the employee resolve
these charges with the credit card issuer as soon as possible. This
notification lists the transaction date, merchant name, and the amount
of each disputed charge.
Notification of Outstanding Disputed Charges
See: Standard Function Activities: page 5–94.
Payment to Card Issuer Process
This process is initiated when payment is created in Oracle Payables for
an employee’s credit card charges.
See: Standard Function Activities: page 5–94.
Notification of Payment to Credit Card Issuer
This notification activity informs the employee that the company has
remitted payment directly to the credit card issuer for the employee’s
corporate card charges. This notification includes the payment
amount, currency, date, and the related expense report number.
Notification of Payment to Credit Card Issuer
Result Type
Result Type
5–98 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
See: Standard Function Activities: page 5–94.
Payment to Employee Process
This process is initiated when payment is created in Oracle Payables for
an employee’s credit card charges.
See: Standard Function Activities: page 5–94.
Notification of Payment to Employee by Direct Deposit
This notification activity informs the employee that the company has
remitted payment directly to the employee’s bank account via direct
deposit for corporate card charges. This notification includes the
payment amount, bank account number, bank name, and the related
expense report number.
Notification of Payment to Employee by Direct
See: Standard Function Activities: page 5–94.
Payment to Employee by Check Process
This process is initiated when payment is created in Oracle Payables for
an employee’s credit card charges.
See: Standard Function Activities: page 5–94.
Result Type
5–99AP Expense Report Workflow
Notification of Payment to Employee by Check
This notification activity informs the employee that the company has
sent a check to the employee as reimbursement for corporate card
charges. This notification includes the payment amount, payment date,
check number, employee name, and the related expense report number.
Notification of Payment to Employee by Check
See: Standard Function Activities: page 5–94.
Unapproved Expense Report Process
This process is initiated when an Oracle Payables user creates the
Credit Card Outstanding Charges report with the Send Notifications
parameter set to Yes.
See: Standard Function Activities: page 5–94.
Notification of Unapproved Report
This notification activity informs managers of submitted expense
reports that require review. This notification includes the employee’s
name, the report amount, and the expense report number for each
report awaiting approval.
Notification of Unapproved Report
Result Type
Result Type
5–100 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
See: Standard Function Activities: page 5–94.
Index – 1
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Index – 2 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
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Index – 3
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Index – 4 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
Management Involvement extension
overview, 3-8, 3-11
writing code for, 3-9, 3-11
Manager (Spending) Approval Process, 1-13
activity descriptions, 5-34
summary, 5-31
Missing Receipts Shortpay Process
activity descriptions, 5-78
summary, 5-76
MO: Operating Unit profile option, 2-32
modify, required workflow modifications, 5-3
multiple currencies, reviewing setup for, 2-11
multiple organizations, MO: Operating Unit
profile option, 2-32
multiple reimbursement currencies, overview,
negative receipts, entering in expense reports,
No Manager Response Process
activity descriptions, 5-55
summary, 5-54
number prefixes, defining for expense reports,
online help, customizing, 2-23
operating unit, MO: Operating Unit profile
option, 2-32
Oracle Human Resources
entering employee information for use with
Self-Service Expenses, 2-6
setting up for integration, 2-3
Oracle Payables
assigning authorized delegates, 2-7
assigning Expense Reporting and Workflow
responsibilities, 2-6
assigning signing limits, 2-8
entering employees as suppliers, 2-9
integration with Self-Service Expenses, 1-7
setting a Tax Code Defaults hierarchy, 2-13
setting up for integration, 2-3
Oracle Projects
integrating with Self-Service Expenses, 1-4
integration, 2-21, 2-22
Oracle Self-Service Expenses
adjusting field names, 2-32
application overview, 1-2
integrating with Oracle Projects, 2-22
setting up, Web Application Dictionary, 2-32
Oracle Web Application Dictionary, 2-32
Oracle Web Employees expense reporting,
setting up the expense report spreadsheet,
Oracle Workflow, Level of Manager
Involvement, default behavior, 5-36
original receipts, definition and overview, 1-3
Original Receipts Missing check box, 1-4
overriding approver, profile option, 2-28, 2-30
paying expense reports, overview, 1-15
Payment to Card Issuer, process summary, 5-97
Payment to Employee, process summary, 5-98
Payment to Employee by Check, process
summary, 5-98
per diem, 3-5
PL/SQL procedures, using with client
extensions, 3-2
Policy Violation Shortpay Process
activity descriptions, 5-82
summary, 5-81
Populate Poplist extension
overview, 3-6
Index – 5
writing code for, 3-6
prefixes, defining for expense reports, 1-5
printing, Printer profile option, 2-31
Manager (Spending) Approval, 1-13
overview, 1-11
profile options
Default Country, 2-32
ICX: Date Format Mask, 2-27
ICX: Language, 2-27
ICX: Limit Connect, 2-27
ICX: Limit Session Time, 2-27
Language, 2-31
MO: Operating Unit, 2-32
Printer, 2-31
Sequential Numbering, 2-32
setting up, 2-25
Site Language, 2-32
SS Expenses: Overrider Required, 2-30
SS Expenses:Allow Credit Lines, 2-27
SS Expenses:Allow Non-Base Pay, 2-28
SS Expenses:Allow Override Approver, 2-30
SS Expenses:CC Overrider Required, 2-28
SS Expenses:Enable DescFlex, 2-29
SS Expenses:Enable Projects, 2-29
SS Expenses:Enable Tax, 2-29
SS Expenses:Maximum Days to Show Credit
Card Transactions, 2-29
SS Expenses:Report Number Prefix, 2-30
WebExpenses: Purpose Required, 2-30
project-related expense reports, overview,
project-related information, entering in
expense reports, 1-4
profile option, 2-29
setting up employees to enter project-related
information, 2-22
purposes, requiring employees to provide for
expense reports, 1-5
defining requirements for submission of, 1-3
Original Receipts Missing check box, 1-4
sending to accounts payable, 1-13
refunds, entering in expense reports, 1-4
reimbursement currencies, using multiple, 1-3
reimbursement currency, profile option, 2-28
Reject, summary of the Rejection process, 5-86
rejected expense reports, 5-86
Rejection Process
activity descriptions, 5-87
summary, 5-86
Request Approval Process
activity descriptions, 5-50
summary, 5-49
Reviewed by Management check box, 5-41
Reviewed by Payables check box, 5-61, 5-62
routing expense reports for manager approval,
Self Service Expenses, process overview, 1-11
Sequential Numbering profile option, 2-32
Server Side Validation Process
activity descriptions, 5-26
summary, 5-25
server side validation process, 1-13
setting up
credit cards, 2-37
descriptive flexfields, 2-16
flexfields for Web Employees Enter Receipts
window, 2-13
Oracle Projects with Self-Service Expenses,
profile options, 2-25
workflow activity timeouts, 5-6
Index – 6 Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
short paying expense reports, 1-8
definition, 1-4
Shortpay Unverified Receipt Items Process
activity descriptions, 5-67
summary, 5-65
signing limits
assigning, 2-8
with multiple reimbursement currencies, 2-8
Site Language profile option, 2-32
spreadsheets, expense report spreadsheet, 4-2
Standard Function Activities, 5-94
calculating tax on expense lines, 1-5
profile option, 2-29
setting up, 2-13
Tax Code field, 1-5
templates, defining expense report, 1-3, 2-10
Third Party Expense Report Process
activity descriptions, 5-46
summary, 5-44
timeouts, defining workflow timeouts, 5-6
travel, entertainment, and reimbursement
policies, enforcing, 1-7
Unapproved Expense Report, process summary,
Unsubmitted Credit Card Charges, process
summary, 5-94
web browsers, creating expense reports with,
windows, Credit Card Programs, 2-41
workflow activities
AP Approval process activities, 5-60
AP Standard Expense Report process, 5-21
Manager (Spending) Approval process, 5-34
No Manager Response process activities,
Request Approval process activities, 5-50
Server Side Validation process, 5-26
Third Party Expense Report Process, 5-46
AP Credit Card Workflow, 5-91
AP Expense Report, 1-7, 1-13
AP Expense Report workflow, 5-2
Disputed Charges process, 5-96
Manager (Spending) Approval process, 5-31
Payment to Card Issuer process, 5-97
Payment to Employee by Check process, 5-98
Payment to Employee process, 5-98
required modifications, 5-3
summary of the AP Standard Expense Report
Process, 5-19
Unapproved Expense Report process, 5-99
Unsubmitted Credit Card Charges process,
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Oracle Self–Service Expenses Implementation Guide
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