The quality factors of inclusive education in Europe: an exploration
Questionnaire for educational institutions
The European Network of Inclusive Education and Disability, incluD-ed, financed by the European Social Fund, is
conducting a study on quality factors of inclusive education in Europe. As part of this study we have prepared this
questionnaire, which will be completed by schools in diverse European countries.
The questionnaire can be filled out directly in this digital document; another option is to print it and to scan the
completed version.
Thank you to send the completed questionnaire to the following address:
before 15 May 2015. You can also contact us at this address or phone +34 933 670 434 for any questions when
completing the questionnaire.
The questionnaire covers data on different aspects and topics related to inclusive education in schools:
BLOCK 1. School information
BLOCK 2. School policy and practices
BLOCK 3. School resources
BLOCK 4. View of disability and Inclusion
The data collected through this questionnaire will be processed in an anonymous way
Position (school administrator, head of studies, etc.) within the school of the person(s) completing the
questionnaire _____________________________________________________________
Email: ___________________________________________________________________
Thank you for your collaboration. We believe that this study will be an important element, which will contribute to the
promotion of the inclusive education in all over Europe.
Note: The findings of this study will be sent to the email address specified in this section.
BLOCK 1. School information
1.1. Name ____________________________________________________
1.2. Location ___________________________________________________________
1.3. Country ________________________________________________________________
1.4. Levels taught:
Pre-school (pre-primary) Primary Compulsory secondary
Post-compulsory secondary academic Post-compulsory professional (vocational) secondary
1.5. Ownership
Public Private independent Private financed with public funds
1.6. What is the most common level of education held by parents at the school?
Primary education Compulsory secondary education
Post-compulsory secondary education Higher education
Don't know/No response
1.7. How does the educational level of the parents at the school compare with that of the other schools
in the country?
It is lower It is comparable It is higher Don't know/No response
1.8. Does the school teach children of foreign origin and children belonging to ethnic or religious
minorities? What is the approximate percentage of pupils in each of these groups?
Group of students
.9. Number of s
treams within the school
(groups in each course) ______
1.10. Number of pupils per level in the school
Pre-school (pre-primary) ______
Primary ______
Compulsory secondary ______
Post-compulsory academic secondary ______
Post-compulsory professional (vocational) secondary ______
1.11. Number of pupils with some form of disability per level
Pre-school (pre-primary) ______
Primary ______
Compulsory secondary ______
Post-compulsory academic secondary ______
Post-compulsory professional (vocational) secondary ______
1.12. Does the school mainly teach pupils with a particular type of disability? What type of disability?
Intellectual disabilities: ______
Physical/motor disabilities: ______
Visual impairments: ______
Hearing impairments: ______
Language disorders: ______
Learning disabilities: ______
Pervasive developmental disorders
(Autistic spectrum disorders, etc.): ______
Emotional and behavioural disturbances: ______
1.13. Number of pupils per type of disability
Intellectual disabilities: ______
Physical/motor disabilities: ______
Visual impairments: ______
Hearing impairments: ______
Language disorders: ______
Learning disabilities: ______
Pervasive developmental disorders
(Autistic spectrum disorders, etc.): ______
Emotional and behavioural disturbances: ______
.14. What level of autonomy does the school have in taking decisions on the following matters?
Kindly use the following scale for your answers: No autonomy
5 Full autonomy
1 2 3 4 5
a. Teaching staff (decisions on staffing)
b. Teacher training
c. Determination of the curricula
d. Material resources in general
e. Material resources specifically intended for pupils with disabilities
BLOCK 2. School policies and practices
2 A. School policies
2.1. Does the admissions process guarantee access to the school for people with disabilities? Kindly
use the following scale for your answers:
No guarantee at all 1 2 3 4 5 Fully guaranteed
2.2. What difficulties, if any, exist for the admission of those with disabilities? Please explain below.
2.3. Is there a procedure enabling new pupils to resolve difficulties at the school?
Yes No Don't know/No response
2.4. Does the school group pupils together into different classrooms at the same level for the same
course based on their abilities or capabilities?
Yes No Don't know/No response
2.5. If such groups exist, into which groups are those with disabilities placed?
2.6. Has the school developed specific policies to reduce and control bullying of pupils?
Yes No Don't know/No response No, but this is planned
2.7. Has the school developed individual educational plans for identifying and appraising, planning and
reviewing the educational needs and educational processes of pupils with disabilities?
Yes No Don't know/No response
2.8. Do pupils with disabilities typically take part in external evaluation processes?
No. There are no external evaluation processes
There are external evaluation processes, but pupils with disabilities do not take part
There are external evaluation processes, but pupils with disabilities do not have the obligation to take
Don't know/No response
Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________
2 B. School practices
Please indicate whether you agree with the following statements. If necessary, briefly outline the reasons for
your response:
2.9. Teaching is planned taking all pupils into consideration, keeping barriers to access to the minimum
and adapting the curriculum design (including the methodology and evaluation procedures).
Strongly disagree 1 2 3 4 5 Entirely agree
2.10. The teaching units and work projects are designed to encourage the participation of all pupils.
Strongly disagree 1 2 3 4 5 Entirely agree
2.11. Pupils participate actively in their learning.
Strongly disagree 1 2 3 4 5 Entirely agree
2.12. Teachers work together and share experiences relating to the pupils’ participation in the
educational processes.
Strongly disagree 1 2 3 4 5 Entirely agree
2.13. All pupils can take part in out-of-school activities.
Strongly disagree 1 2 3 4 5 Entirely agree
2.14. Families take an active part in the institution's educational processes.
Strongly disagree 1 2 3 4 5 Entirely agree
2.15. The school’s human and material resources are appropriately distributed to support inclusion of all
Strongly disagree 1 2 3 4 5 Entirely agree
2.16. Disabilities can be identified in pupils at an early stage using the institution's internal and external
Strongly disagree 1 2 3 4 5 Entirely agree
2.17. There is a body within the school for dealing with problems on a participatory and consensual
basis (Coexistence Committee, Mediation Committee, for example).
Yes No Don't know/No response
BLOCK 3. School resources
3 A. Human resources
3.1. Number of teachers at the school _____
3.2. What is the degree of stability of the teaching staff?
Very unstable 1 2 3 4 5 Very stable
3.3. How many support teachers for pupils with disabilities (specialists in therapeutic teaching or
hearing and language, for example) does the school have? Please specify the type of
3.4. Does the school have other support staff specifically dealing with pupils with disabilities? Please
specify which staff.
School medical assistant
Social integrators
Educational assistant (movement, personal hygiene)
Sign-language interpreter
Others _______________________________________
3.5. Is the school’s procedure for allocating human resources sufficiently flexible to cover the need for
high-quality schooling for pupils with disabilities?
Very inflexible 1 2 3 4 5 Very flexible
3.6. Does the school have an educational guidance counsellor?
Yes No Don't know/No response
3.7. Training. Is there a good training network available to teachers?
Yes No Don't know/No response
3.8. Training. What percentage of teachers takes part in training courses?
3.9. Training. Are there suitable resources for training teachers to deal with pupils with disabilities? If
not, please explain the reasons for this.
Highly unsuitable 1 2 3 4 5 Highly suitable
3.10. Does the school receive additional resources due to the presence of pupils with disabilities?
Yes, additional teaching staff
Yes, additional support staff
Yes, additional material resources
Yes, unremarked additional funding that can be used according to the decision of the centre
Don't know/No response
3 B. Physical resources
3.11. To what extent are the institution's buildings physically accessible to disabled persons?
Very inaccessible 1 2 3 4 5 Fully accessible
3.12. Does the school have adequate materials (in terms of quantity and quality) for the learning and
participation of all pupils? Kindly tick the available materials and indicate the degree to which the
following are adequate (1 “Highly inadequate” and 5 “Highly adequate”).
Specific materials:
d. Audio induction loops (or audio-frequency induction loops) in
Learning materials adapted for students with disabilities:
e. Videos
f. Desktop computers
g. Digital whiteboards
h. Software
i. Tablets
j. Apps for tablets
k. ___________________________________________
l. ____________________________________________
m. ___________________________________________
n. ___________________________________________
3.13. Does the school have access to an external resources centre, from which materials can be
obtained to help all students with disabilities to learn and participate?
Yes No Don't know/No response
3.14. If there is access to an external resources centre, are the resources it provides adequate?
Highly inadequate 1 2 3 4 5 Highly adequate
3.15. Does the school have a bus transport service?
Please indicate if there is one available and indicate the level of adaptation to the needs of students with
disabilities in the corresponding scale (1 “Highly inadequate” and 5 “Highly adequate”).
Highly inadequate 1 2 3 4 5 Highly adequate
Don't know/No response
BLOCK 4. View of disability and inclusion
4.1. Kindly describe the school’s inclusivity culture (in regards to inclusive education).
4.2. Is there any aspect of the school's environment that is particularly beneficial or detrimental to
4.3. Kindly describe how inclusion is assessed by the educational authorities.
4.4. Kindly describe how inclusion is assessed by families with disabled children who attend the school.
4.5. Kindly describe how inclusion is assessed by families with children without disabilities who attend
the school.
4.6. How does your school view special-needs educational institutions?
As a useful resource in cases of extreme disability
As a resource used too frequently by the educational authorities
As a resource used too frequently due to the pressure on families
Other (please explain):
4.7. Kindly outline your school’s achievements, shortcomings and/or priorities regarding inclusivity and