Qualitative data-mining (QDM), using the
narrative data contained in child welfare case
records, enables researchers to examine child
welfare practice using relatively non-intrusive
methods. QDM can increase our under-
standing of client populations and problems,
child welfare worker actions, and case com-
plexity. This paper reports on experiences
from the Child Welfare Qualitative Data-
Mining Project; outlines a seven-step guide
to QDM methods; and describes how
QDM can be used to enhance child welfare practice, research,
and education.
Using Qualitative Data-Mining for
Practice Research in Child Welfare
Colleen Henry
Hunter College,
City University of
New York
Sarah Carnochan
University of California,
Michael J. Austin
University of California,
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n their daily practice, social service professionals routinely collect and
record large quantities of data about client characteristics, practice
interventions, and client outcomes (Epstein, 2002, 2009). While docu-
mentation of service activities are not new to child welfare (CW), over
the last 30 years, federal legislation, including the Adoption Assistance
and Child Welfare Act (P.L. 96-272) and the Adoption and Safe
Families Act (P.L. 105-89), has promoted increased documentation in
CW. Consequently, administrative CW data has proliferated and
administrative data systems (ADS) have made these data more accessible
to researchers.
To date, the majority of studies using administrative CW data have
focused on the quantitative categorical data stored in ADS (see Conn
et al., 2013; Putnam-Hornstein & Needell, 2011). Quantitative data help
researchers and CW administrators identify rates of reported and sub-
stantiated child maltreatment, detect corresponding risk factors, or cat-
egorize service responses. The mining of these data teaches us about the
kinds of maltreatment, placements, and services children referred to CW
systems experience; identifies the frequency of these experiences; and can
be used to make predictions about which children will return home and
which will remain in care. However, these quantitative data tell us little
about how CW workers define maltreatment, why children referred to
CW systems are placed in specific settings, or how children and families
engage in services. These latter questions are better answered through
the mining and analysis of qualitative data stored in ADS.
Qualitative Data-Mining (QDM), the mining of the narrative text
contained in documents stored in ADS (e.g., risk assessments, inves-
tigative narratives, court reports, and contact notes), provides CW
researchers with a unique opportunity to use existing data to examine
CW practice (Epstein, 2002, 2009). Use of QDM to improve CW has
received limited attention (Epstein, 2002; Tice, 1998), as few CW stud-
ies have focused on the qualitative data stored in CW ADS or described
how qualitative data is used by CW researchers (for exceptions see
Coohey, 2007; Cordero, 2004; Cross, Koh, Rolock, & Eblen-Manning,
2013; Henry, 2014). This paper seeks to fill this gap by describing how
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researchers can use QDM techniques to create rich databases for qual-
itative CW research and answer unique questions about CW clients and
practice. In a seven-step guide, the paper summarizes QDM strategies
and methods, and reports on the work of the Child Welfare Qualitative
Data-Mining (CWQDM) Project to illustrate these methods and
strategies. The paper concludes with a discussion of how QDM can be
used to enhance CW practice, research, and education.
Project Background
The CWQDM Project developed in the context of a longstanding
practice-research partnership between a university-based research cen-
ter and a regional social services consortium involving the directors of 11
county social service agencies, the deans and directors of four graduate
social work programs, and executive staff representing a local foundation
(Austin et al., 1999). The CWQDM Project was designed in response
to agency interests in developing their capacity to engage in QDM in
CW. One county agency agreed to participate as the pilot site for the
project. With our agency partner, the CWQDM Project sought to (1)
create a CW database that could be used to examine CW practice, client
needs, and emerging issues in the field; and (2) develop QDM techniques
that could be replicated by CW agencies and research partners.
In the next section, we describe the specific actions and processes
that we developed to carry out the CWQDM Project and, in seven
steps, outline how CW researchers can use QDM to create retrospec-
tive databases for practice research. The description of each step includes
a summary of major lessons learned, and the relevant literature is
discussed throughout.
Step 1: Build (or Build on) a University-Agency Partnership
QDM requires a strong working relationship between university and
agency partners. Trust, commitment, engaged leadership, and expertise
are fundamental requirements, given the sensitivity and complexity of
Vol. 93, No. 6Child Welfare
CW data and the substantial investment of time and labor required to
complete a QDM project. Projects should be of mutual interest, relevant
to current practice, and provide equivalent benefits to both parties.
The development and success of the CWQDM Project was
enhanced by the trust fostered through the regional consortium, shared
research interests, and the intersecting areas of expertise among agency
and university staff. The agency had a strong research and evaluation
unit with expertise in CW research, policy, and practice. Members of
the university research team had significant experience conducting CW
research and were familiar with the CW practice context from prior
work in the field.
Step 2: Identifying Mutual Goals and Developing Practice
Research Questions
University and agency partners must identify mutual goals and work
together to agree upon practice research questions. Even when there is
agreement on research and practice goals, the best way to achieve these
goals may be contested or limited by university and agency resources.
Further, the type of qualitative data available in ADS will shape the
kinds of questions that can be answered and the ability of the group to
meet their identified goals. Before the university and agency can proceed
with their project, the agency must provide an overview of the types of
data available and the university must help the agency to understand
what types of questions can be answered with these data.
Agency partners typically want to explore ways to enhance practice;
increase efficiency; and meet state and federal child, safety, and perma-
nency goals (Austin et al., 1999). University partners typically share the
agencys goal of enhancing practice and improving performance out-
comes, but will have the added goal of contributing to the child welfare
knowledge base through presentations, publications, and academic
instruction. It is essential that all goals are articulated and agreed upon
at the start of the project to ensure that goals are met and the project
maintains ongoing support from all parties.
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Once mutual goals are identified, specific research questions must be
developed and agreed upon. In QDM, as a form of practice research,
these questions should emerge from the field. Agency partners are par-
ticularly well situated to identify research questions pertinent to the field
in general and their agency specifically. University partners are particu-
larly good at identifying what is already known, noting gaps in the lit-
erature, and helping agency partners to develop researchable questions.
As noted above, our project sought to build a CW database to
examine CW practice. As an exploratory project, the research questions
were framed broadly. While the agency identified specific questions to
pursue, such as the alignment between presenting problems and case
plan development, the agency was willing to let these data speak to us.”
The university identified research questions that were important to the
field, but agreed that letting these data guide us would further our
understanding of what QDM could teach us about CW practice.
Step 3: Identifying Practice and Research Concerns
Concerns may arise early on about agency needs related to allocation
of resources, data security, confidentiality, and dissemination of
research findings. These concerns must be addressed from the outset
of the project.
Balancing Practice and Research Needs
Qualitative research in CW can be intrusive, requiring direct access to key
informants for interviews, surveys, or observation at the agency or in the
field. These methods can yield rich practice data, but they can also be dis-
ruptive to daily practice and divert practitioners from meeting client needs.
Alternatively, QDM offers a means of examining CW in a manner less
intrusive to daily practice (Epstein, 2009). QDM does require time from
some CW personnel; however, this time can be fairly limited and is con-
centrated mostly at the start and finish of the projects. At the outset,
administrators and staff will be called upon to orient university researchers
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to the ADS, develop information sharing agreements between the agency
and the university, provide a policy and practice context for the researchers,
work with university researchers to develop research questions and goals,
assist with sampling, and facilitate data access.
In this project, the burden on administrators and line staff was fairly
limited, in large part because of the relationship established through the
regional consortium. Members of the agencys research unit served as
natural partners. Their prior work with the consortium, coupled with
their own interest and expertise in CW research, ensured that there
would be adequate levels of support for the project. The familiarity of
the university researchers with CW policies, practices, procedures, the
regional practice context, CW acronyms and the agencys ADS also
reduced the burden on agency personnel.
Confidentiality and Data Security
QDM raises significant concerns about client and agency confidentiality.
Qualitative data contained in CW data systems are highly sensitive, often
detailing personal information about vulnerable populations. In addition,
qualitative data capture the daily practice of CW staff and the difficult
decisions they must make. While these data can highlight client strengths,
resilience and progress, and skillful CW practice, these data also reveal
client challenges and subject agencies and their practices to scrutiny.
Consequently, agencies may have concerns about how researchers will
(1) protect the confidentiality of clients and staff, neither of whom have
consented to participating in the research; and (2) how researchers will
protect the confidentiality of the agency. Given these concerns, the
researcher must develop a research protocol that protects the confiden-
tiality of all parties and ensures that data retrieved from the ADS is
secure. These research protocols should be reviewed and approved by
institutional review boards (IRB) at the university level and by the
agency and/or local courts.
Before beginning this project, all confidentiality and data security pro-
tocols were reviewed and approved by the universitys IRB. Data security
Child WelfareHenry et al.
measures and confidentiality protections are described below. Data pro-
tocols were also approved by the executive director and CW director at the
agency, as well as the head of the agencys research unit. Members of the
university research team completed the CITI training in ethics and addi-
tional ethics training at the agency before accessing data.
Dissemination of Research
Dissemination of findings must balance client and agency confiden-
tiality interests with researchers’ desire to share findings with the larger
field. While IRBs require researchers to protect the confidentiality of
their subjects and to provide detailed plans about how confidentiality
will be maintained, including when disseminating findings, the re-
search and agency partners should develop their own plan about how
knowledge generated from the collaboration will be shared. Issues sur-
rounding data ownership and dissemination of findings should be ad-
dressed early in the research process in an explicit protocol or
memorandum of understanding. For this project, the partners agreed
that the agency would play an instrumental role in deciding which
analyses to pursue, and that all substantive findings emerging from
the project would be reviewed by the agency before publication.
Agency and university researchers agreed that whenever possible, find-
ings would be presented together and publications would be written
Step 4: Identifying Qualitative Data Sources
and Assessing Data
Working with administrative CW data is often messy (Epstein, 2009).
When data are collected specifically for research purposes, they are often
organized in a logical manner; the questions that researchers want
answered are asked, and data are recorded and stored in a way that
facilitates analysis. In contrast, administrative CW data may be stored
across multiple paper files, hand-written notes may be illegible, and
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important pieces of data (e.g., key documents and demographic data)
may be missing. Increasingly, however, CW agencies rely on ADS
to document their daily practice and to organize client information
(Courtney & Collins, 1994; English, Brandford, & Coghlan, 2000).
Researchers can now access most records from agency computers or even
offsite from university offices.
Technological advances make it easier for researchers to access
administrative qualitative data and to securely export these data to the
cloud for offsite analysis. However, because these data were not created
for research, researchers must take time to assess the quality of poten-
tial data sources (e.g., CW documents). Working with the agency part-
ner is essential; agency staff can identify the richest data in the ADS, and
explain the purpose of the data, when these data were typically created
in the life of a case, and which data were mandated and therefore likely
to be present in all records.
Once the researcher has become familiar with the types of data avail-
able in the ADS, the researcher and agency should work together to
map these data onto CW practice. While the specific components of
CW practice differ across agencies, most agency practice follows a
similar flow. Specifying which aspects of practice the researcher seeks to
understand, and which data sources in the ADS correspond to those
practices, will help the researcher to determine which data sources to
review. In our mapping of these data (see Figure 1) we were able to work
with our agency partners to identify key data sources in the ADS that
captured relevant aspects of CW practice.
After completing the mapping of data sources, the researcher should
assess the quality of each source. To facilitate this review, the agency
must provide the researcher with access to a sample of electronic case
records. In our experience, this initial review can take place over one to
two days and does not require the removal or extraction of any data from
the agency. It is helpful to have staff on call during the review who can
answer questions about how to navigate the ADS, the purpose of dif-
ferent data sources within the ADS, and how these data sources have
changed over time.
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Adapted with permission from Reed & Karpilow, 2009
Figure 1. Mapping child welfare process and data sources
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When reading through qualitative data, the researcher should ask
the following: (1) Are data captured in narrative form (e.g., “the mother
reported being struck with a closed fist”) or check-boxes (e.g., “domes-
tic violence in home? – yes/no”)?; (2) Are there enough data to discern
meaning?; (3) Does data contained in one data source, consistently show
up in another (e.g., are narratives from the initial investigation copied
into subsequent court reports?)? If so, can fewer data sources be exam-
ined?; and (4) What do these data sources not tell us? That is, what else
does the researcher need to know about the practice context in order to
accurately interpret these data? During this initial review it is impor-
tant to note the format of each data source. Whether these data are
formatted as text or image may affect how data are later extracted,
stored, and coded.
Step 5: Secure Data Extraction, Storage and
Database Creation
Data can be analyzed at the agency, but onsite analysis can be disrup-
tive to practice, taxing on limited agency resources, and may not be prac-
tical for the researcher. Instead, it may be easier to store and analyze data
offsite. The extraction and migration of these data requires the
development of data extraction and storage security protocols. Electronic
data can be copied, encrypted, password-protected, and securely trans-
ported on external hard drives to universities for secure storage and
analysis. Alternatively, newer analytical software programs, such as
Dedoose©, allow electronic data to be exported to secure cloud-based
servers that can be accessed by researchers later. These cloud-based
servers typically incorporate several levels of physical and electronic
security measures designed to protect data and garner IRB approval.
In an effort to minimize our impact on agency function, we extracted
and exported data to a secure cloud-based server. After working with our
agency partners to select a stratified random sample of case records from
the ADS, we developed an extraction manual that guided our research
team through the ADS, pointed them to specific data sources (identified
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through our prior mapping), and provided detailed descriptions on how
to extract and label each data source; this included the assignment of
unique research identification numbers to each case record and file nam-
ing conventions for each data source. Systematic labeling of case records
and data sources at time of extraction enables researchers to organize data
for later analysis and ensures that (1) all data sources are tied to a specific
case record and can be identified through a unique research identification
number; (2) the types of data sources associated with each case record
can be identified without the researcher having to review the narrative
text; and (3) that data sources can be sorted chronologically to aid future
analysis. For our project, file-naming conventions included a unique
research identification number, the date the data source was generated in
the ADS, and an abbreviation of the data source type.
Over the course of five days, our research team extracted over 1,500
data sources from the agencys ADS. Later these qualitative data
sources were linked to the quantitative data previously provided by the
agency through the research identification number assigned to each
record to create a CW database that could be used for mixed methods
analyses. Just as ADS provide CW agencies with a means of organiz-
ing case records and corresponding documents for practice, our data
extraction protocols and data linkages allowed us to create a CW data-
base that organizes case records and corresponding data sources for
practice research.
Step 6: Generating Practice Knowledge: Analytical Strategies
The first five steps created the foundation for a CW database that could
be used to examine CW practice, client needs, and emerging issues in
the field. Equally important was the development of analytical tech-
niques to examine and understand these data. Researchers can choose
from a range of analytic approaches (see Miles, Huberman, & Saldaña,
2013 for a description of different approaches to qualitative data analy-
sis); the approach chosen should be driven by the type of questions the
research team seeks to answer or the overarching goal of the project.
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We adopted two primary data analysis strategies, code-based analysis
and case-based analysis. Both strategies were employed simultaneously
and both offered different insights to how QDM might be used to
inform CW practice (see Figure 2).
Code-Based Analysis
Code-based analysis was employed to gain a better understanding of the
types of phenomena that were captured in the CW database (see Figure
2). While Grounded Theorists suggest that researchers enter the field or
approach the text, with an open mind and let problems and themes
emerge through open-coding (Glaser, 1992, p. 23), Gilgun (2005, p. 42)
argues that researchers and practitioners should not have to forsake well-
formulated conceptual models” when engaging in qualitative research.
CW Staff
CW Researchers
Student Research
CW Administrators
Case Based Analysis
Within-Case & Across-Case
Knowledge About Clients Knowledge About Practice
Code Based Analysis
Deductive-Qualitative Analysis
CW Field
Researchers &
Future CW Staff &
CW Systems
CW Agencies
CW Practitioners
Traj ec tori es
Actions &
Populations &
Promising Practices
Case Planning
Underserved Populations
Barriers to Service
Want s
Poorly Understood Populations
Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth
New & Known Social Problems
Child Exposure to Domestic Violence
CW Agency & Courts
Community Providers
Caregivers & Kin Caregivers
Complex Needs
Complex Problems
Complex Families
Engagement Over Time
Emerging Problems
Emerging Knowledge
Skillful Practice
CW Services & Processes
Figure 2. Knowledge for child welfare practice: What we can learn
from QDM
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Instead, Gilgun (2005) suggests that researchers employ what she has
coined, “deductive-qualitative analysis,” which allows researchers to
develop preliminary deductive codes based on their pre-existing knowl-
edge or conceptual models and then develop additional inductive codes
through open-coding of data. Using this analytic approach, our research
team developed a preliminary deductive codebook based on Belskys
(1980) ecological framework for child maltreatment. This framework
conceptualizes child maltreatment as a “social-psychological phenome-
nonthat is determined by forces at work in the individual, the family, the
community, and the culture (Belsky, 1980, p. 320).
The research team piloted the preliminary codebook through review of
the data sources for a sub-sample of case records. Consensus was reached
among the group that the codes included in the codebook reflected phe-
nomena observed in the data. During this initial review and subsequent
reviews, new codes were identified through inductive open-coding. These
codes captured CW services and processes, actions and inactions, unique
social problems (e.g., child exposure to domestic violence) and infor-
mation about the experiences of poorly understood populations (e.g.,
commercially sexually exploited youth) (see Figure 2). During a four-
month period the codebook was revised through an iterative process
that generated over 65 unique codes nested under twelve broad themes.
The coding of these data mapped the types of phenomena captured
in the CW database. Each code can be used as an entry point into the
database for future in-depth analyses. For example, in our coding we
identified and labeled all narrative data related to the experiences of kin
caregivers. Additional analyses could examine how CW staff work with
kin caregivers to support children and birth families and the role this
cooperation plays in establishing permanency for youth. These types of
code-based analyses enable us to identify patterns that are common
within a subset or across all CW cases. Building on these patterns, we
can develop hypotheses for later testing. In addition, where categorical
quantitative data are not available, code-based analyses can be used to
estimate prevalence of a specific phenomenon. This is particularly use-
ful for capturing emerging social problems.
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Case-Based Analysis
While coding these data, our research team simultaneously engaged in
case-based analysis. We used a within-case analysis approach, the goal of
which is to “describe, understand, and explain what has happened in a
single, bounded context (i.e., the case or site) (Miles et al., 2013, p. 100).
We used a pre-structured case outline to summarize key aspects of each
case in the database. The close reading required for our code-based
analysis ensured that case summaries captured more consistent and
accurate data across all cases. We began by reviewing all qualitative data
sources associated with a single case. From this review we then developed
a summary of the case that included: a description of child and family
characteristics; an overview of key stakeholders, their relationship to the
child, and initial and emerging problems; and a summary of case events.
In addition, the summary included a detailed timeline of significant
events and the reviewers critical reflections on the case.
Cross-case analysis (Miles et al., 2013) can also be employed to explore
the inherent complexity of CW practice and the common and diver-
gent trajectories of cases over time (see Figure 2). Cross-case analyses
“increase generalizability” and ensure that “events and processes in one
well-described setting are not wholly idiosyncratic (Miles et al., 2013,
p. 101). Analyses of similarities and differences within and across cases
can help CW researchers to better understand client needs and how
individual CW practice is shaped by the local, state and federal context.
Analysis and Review
After a multi-day training on the qualitative analytic software, code-
book structure and application, and case summaries, each member of
the research team was assigned a unique set of CW cases to code and
summarize. Initial coding and summaries were carried out in a single
office space, so that the research leaders could respond to coding and
summary questions as they arose. Throughout the duration of the
project each member of the research team was encouraged to conduct
their analysis in a space shared with other team members to facilitate
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ongoing discussion of code application and enhance intercoder reliabil-
ity (MacQueen, McLellan, Kay, & Milsten, 1998). Throughout the
analytic process the project leaders reviewed and edited case summaries
for completeness and clarity.
Qualitative methodologists suggest that researchers check their pre-
liminary findings with key informants during the research process
(Guba & Lincoln, 1989). Throughout our project we discussed our
research process and analytical frameworks with members of the
regional consortium and agency partners. Agency research staff reviewed
preliminary codebooks, provided policy insights, clarified the meaning
of local terminology and acronyms, and encouraged us to further ana-
lyze themes that were of particular importance to agency practice. We
provided interim reports and presentations to consortium members and
agency staff to gain their feedback on the patterns and themes we had
identified, the case summaries we had generated, and their relevance
and utility for practice. This member-checking(Guba & Lincoln,
1989) served to validate our research, and also helped us to identify
which practice research directions we should pursue given the available
data in the CW database and the CW needs in the region.
Step 7: Generating Practice Knowledge:
Dissemination of Findings
Dissemination of the knowledge generated through QDM can be
accomplished through a range of approaches. Dissemination to CW
agencies may involve internal reports, conversations with CW admin-
istrators or presentations to staff. Dissemination to the field includes
academic instruction, government reports, conference presentations, and
publication in academic or professional journals.
CW databases and the qualitative analyses that emerge from these
databases can also serve as valuable training tools for CW staff. CW
staff rarely have the opportunity to read an entire case record; notable
exceptions include rare critical incident reviews and periodic case record
review processes conducted for compliance purposes (Carnochan,
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Samples, Lawson, & Austin, 2013; Douglas & McCarthy, 2011; The
Childrens Services Outcomes and Accountability Bureau & The Office
of Child Abuse Prevention, 2014). Generation of case summaries and
cross-case analyses from CW databases allow CW staff to examine how
other staff meet client needs and how cases unfold over time. Review of
these summaries can help staff to identify promising practices and areas
for improvement. In addition, researchers can make CW databases avail-
able to partner agencies or other CW agencies so they can conduct their
own analyses or use the data for training purpose.
QDM and CW database creation can also be used to educate future
CW staff or others in the helping professions. For example, by recruit-
ing and training MSW student research assistants to help with the
extraction, organization, and analysis of qualitative CW data, our proj-
ect served to familiarize future social workers with QDM, ADS, client
needs, promising practices, and the complexity of CW. Many students
used the database and case summaries generated by the CWQDM Proj-
ect to carry out their own masters-level research projects (see Figure 2).
QDM offers CW researchers and agencies a relatively non-intrusive means
of examining CW services and generates new knowledge about CW
clients and practice that cannot be gleaned from quantitative data alone.
Unlike other qualitative methods, such as surveys, interviews, and partic-
ipant observation, which only capture data from research participants who
opt-in, QDM offers researchers the potential to capture the practice
experiences of all CW staff and clients (Epstein, 2009). With respect to
clients, QDM allows us to gain a more nuanced understanding of CW
populations, particularly the prevalence of new and known social prob-
lems; poorly understood sub-populations; and complex client needs.
Regarding practice, QDM provides new insights into promising practices,
case trajectories, and case planning; how CW agencies and staff define and
respond to parental acts and omissions; and how agencies work to enhance
child safety, permanency, and well-being in daily practice (see Figure 2).
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Despite its utility, QDM also raises critical challenges with respect
to the complexity, trustworthiness, volume, and sensitivity of the qual-
itative data contained in ADS. The complexity and trustworthiness of
these data relate in part to the presence and absence of multiple per-
spectives captured in data sources over time, as well as missing data.
Data for each case are entered into ADS by multiple CW staff, result-
ing in a case record that reflects multiple perspectives. When these
perspectives identify similar client strengths and needs or effective
interventions, the trustworthiness of the data may be enhanced
(Creswell & Clark, 2006). However, all data contained in ADS are fil-
tered through the CW staff perspective. Data stored in ADS describe
maltreating behaviors, client needs and wants, and services rendered, yet
all of these data, even when recorded in the clients voice, reflect what
CW staff saw, heard, or were told and may not accurately represent
events or the perspectives of those outside the agency. Similar narratives
by CW staff may not point to truth, but instead may demonstrate how
client identities are similarly constructed by staff (Swift, 1995; Tice,
1998). In addition, important data may not be recorded in the ADS; as
a result, critical knowledge about practice and clients may be missing.
The complexity of these data are intensified by their sheer volume.
Data often capture CW practice across years; narrative text recorded in
one data source is often copied into another; and data are often not
recorded by staff in-vivo, making it difficult for the researcher to piece
together a linear account. Reliably coding these data presents challenges
for research teams. While codebooks, consensus-based coding, qualita-
tive analytic software (e.g., Dedoose©, Atlas TI©) and automated text
analysis (e.g., Python©) help to improve intercoder reliability (Miles et
al., 2013), the volume of these data poses significant challenges.
Data contained in ADS are highly sensitive, and use of these data
for research purposes present threats to confidentiality. While data can
highlight promising CW practices, the practices and experiences
recorded in ADS could place agencies at risk of community censure,
legal liability, or fiscal sanctions and could serve to stigmatize both
CW workers and clients. Strategies to protect confidentiality through
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de-identification include algorithmic methods used in conjunction with
human review to locate and modify identifying data.
Despite these challenges, QDM offers substantial knowledge build-
ing opportunities for CW agencies, researchers, and future CW staff.
Through engagement in QDM, CW staff becomes both producers and
consumers of practice knowledge (see Figure 2). Participation in this
process and familiarity with these data may decrease staff resistance to
use of data reported in some studies, and may enhance the importance
staff give to documentation of practice (DeFraia, 2015; Hutson &
Lichtiger, 2002). QDM, when done in partnership with CW agencies,
provides researchers with an opportunity to utilize existing data to
enhance agency practice and share new CW knowledge with the larger
field. QDM also offers future CW staff (i.e., students) an opportunity
to better understand and generate CW knowledge. Engagement in
QDM and qualitative analysis provide both current and future CW staff
new skills to make meaning of complex data. Finally, QDM and the
CW databases that can be constructed with these data offer CW
researchers and agencies the ability to look beyond the quantitative data
that describe basic caseload characteristics and performance outcomes,
and instead begin to examine how CW agencies work to meet their
clients’ complex needs in daily practice.
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