Comparative analysis of working time in
the European Union
Methodology and data
Working time developments in the EU 2000–2006
Part-time working
Working time flexibility
Trade union concerns regarding working time
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The number of hours worked every week or year, and the way in which work is organised, are issues
of central concern and interest to both employees and employers. In the case of employees, working
hours have a direct bearing on standard of living, level of work–life balance and the overall
sustainability of working life. For employers, working time is a key element in the calculation of costs,
productivity and competitiveness. Working time, and its regulation, is likewise an important policy
issue for national governments. This report, covering the 27 Member States of the EU and Norway,
focuses on changes in working time and practices relating to the organisation of work over the period
Working time issues and practices – the volume of hours worked a week or a year, and the way that
work is structured and organised – are central to the interests of individual employers and employees,
but also to the workings of the economy and society generally.
At present, such
working time arrangements in the enlarged European Union are evolving in a variety
of ways, revealing both positive and negative experiences as employers, employees and, to some
extent, governments, attempt to reconcile their various aspirations and expectations.
The pursuit of higher living standards remains an important goal of working people, especially in less
prosperous countries, with inevitable consequences in terms of the numbers of people seeking
employment, as well as the hours that they would like to work. However, such pressures are being
tempered by the increasing desire to better reconcile
work-life balance issues, as well as to achieve
equality between women and men.
Given the significant economic and social differences between Member States, it is hardly surprising
that working time structures vary considerably between countries, with differences evident not only in
overall patterns of working time, but also in the pace, and in some cases even the direction, of change.
Despite these apparent differences, however, some strong underlying relationships exist in all
countries between annual working hours, weekly hours and the relative importance of part-time
This report focuses on changes in working time, and practices relating to the organisation of work, in
the 27 Member States of the EU (EU27) plus Norway from 2000 to 2006.
Focus of report
The report addresses the following issues:
the duration of working time, covering annual hours worked, average weekly working hours and
days worked a week;
the relative importance of full-time and part-time employment, in terms of the incidence of each
form of employment, average working hours and gender balance;
the organisation of working time, with a focus on the
flexibility of working arrangements,
especially from the perspective of employees;
the main concerns of trade unions with respect to working time issues.
Methodology and data
Data and information sources
The report draws on data from various sources together with questionnaire-based reports from national
correspondents of the
European Working Conditions Observatory (EWCO) network, who had already
been provided with the relevant background data.
The first data source is the annual EU Labour Force Survey (LFS) which collects data on average
hours worked by men and women in both part-time and full-time employment, on the proportion of
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men and women working part time, and on the relative number of men and women employed under
different working time arrangements (including by means of an ad hoc LFS carried out in 2004).
A second data source is the national accounts for EU countries, compiled by
Eurostat, the Statistical
Office of the European communities. These accounts include data on the total annual hours worked, as
well as the number of people in employment, from which it is possible to derive data for average
annual working hours.
The third source of data used is the Fourth European Working Conditions Survey (
EWCS), conducted
by the
European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound) in
the autumn of 2005, which reports on a range of quantitative and qualitative aspects of working time.
In particular, data have been taken from the EWCS concerning non-standard work practices, work
schedules, and the organisation and flexibility of working time arrangements.
Presentation of evidence
When research findings are presented for all EU27 Member States, it is a common practice in social
policy work to group countries in certain ways, most notably in terms of some variant of the Esping-
Andersen typology – essentially derived from a categorisation of national welfare systems, grouped on
a geographical basis.
Thus, in the fourth EWCS report (Parent-Thirion et al, 2007), groups of countries are classified as
follows: Continental, Ireland and the UK, eastern European, southern European, Scandinavian
(including the Netherlands), acceding countries, candidate countries, and European Free Trade
Association (EFTA) countries. Other research and policy reports may use alternate terms or
formulations – such as Nordic, Anglo-Saxon, eastern European, or Mediterranean countries – but the
coverage and categorisation are essentially similar.
The introduction to the fourth EWCS offers various justifications for the country groupings. These
arguments seem valid enough: the practical difficulty of analysing and reporting data for a large
number of countries; the fact that these groups are familiar to European policymakers; and that they
appear to fit at least a superficial description of the issues concerned.
Useful as these a priori categorisations are, however, they risk pre-judging situations, or encouraging
the reader to interpret evidence in ways that may not be justified. For this reason, the academic authors
of Eurofound’s recent gender perspective report ‘
Working conditions in the European Union: the
gender perspective’, based on an analysis of the findings of the fourth EWCS, have questioned the
empirical appropriateness of such a methodology. Their report concluded that ‘little evidence exists
that any of the country groupings which have been used for other purposes have succeeded in
producing homogeneous groups with regard to gender and working conditions’.
The practical response of the authors of the gender report to this problem was to restrict themselves,
on a whole, to an analysis of data aggregated for all EU27 Member States, with individual country
differences addressed only in a relatively limited number of cases. However, as the purpose of this
report was to compare differences in structure and development of working time between Member
States, based on the views of national correspondents and the available data, such an option was not
In deference to the arguments deployed in the gender perspective report, while recognising that there
is a need for some form of categorisation, for this report it was decided to group the EU27 Member
States (plus Norway) not on the basis of a conceptual notion, but on the basis of a common
comparative quantitative measure of working time. In this regard, the measure of choice is average
annual hours worked in the different countries.
This approach has two disadvantages. First, average annual working hours is not a concept that is
commonly used in everyday discussions on working time. Secondly, it may be seen by some
researchers as having an overly economic bias in an area of work where industrial relations
considerations often dominate discussions.
However, it has the important attraction of providing a comparative quantitative framework
concerning working time, within which more detailed data and experiences concerning its component
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
elements – such as weekly hours worked, the patterns of part-time and full-time working, as well as
qualitative evidence on work organisation – can be viewed, compared and related.
On this basis, therefore, countries have been classified under five broad headings:
Group 1: countries with the longest average annual working hours (1,900 hours or more), which
includes Greece, Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Estonia;
Group 2: countries with above average annual working hours (1,800–1,900 hours), which includes
Latvia, Ireland, Romania, Cyprus, Lithuania, Italy and the United Kingdom;
Group 3: countries with average annual working hours (1,600–,1,800 hours), which includes Malta,
Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Finland, Austria, Bulgaria and Spain;
Group 4: countries with below average annual working hours (1,500–1,600 hours), which includes
Luxembourg, Sweden, Belgium, Denmark and France;
Group 5: countries with the shortest annual working hours (below 1,500 hours), which includes
Germany, Norway and the Netherlands.
Inevitably, border-line cases emerge, with the UK, for example, at the lower end of the group of
countries with above average annual working hours and Sweden with an average of just over 1,600
working hours a week. Moreover, some data – notably for Bulgaria – may not be reliable, and the
actual position of a country may not be accurately represented.
As revealed in further analysis, however, the countries within these groups are far from homogeneous
in all respects. For instance, some significant differences can be found in working time patterns and
practices between countries with almost similar levels of annual working hours. Nevertheless, the
framework remains a useful, and reasonably neutral, way of beginning such a comparative analysis.
Working time developments in the EU 2000–2006
Declining working hours – a compositional phenomenon
Average annual hours worked by employees in the EU are estimated by Eurostat to have fallen by just
over 2% over the period 2000 to 2006 – from 1,722 to 1,686 hours a year, a reduction of 36 hours.
However, almost all of this reduction took place during the first two years of the period, when EU
economic growth slowed following the downturn in the United States (US) in 2001.
At the same time, average weekly hours worked are estimated by the EU LFS to have fallen by 1.6%
over this same period, implying a slight decline of about one day in the average number of days
worked a year. Meanwhile, the overall proportion of men and women in work, but only working part
time, increased from 16.4% to 18.1% over the six-year period.
The reduction in average weekly hours was not so much because people switched from full-time to
part-time jobs, however, but because a substantial proportion of the net additional number of people
entering employment took on part-time jobs, the majority of whom were women. The LFS data show
that some 41% of the increase in employment achieved between 2000 and 2006 was accounted for by
people taking up part-time jobs. In fact, over the period 2000–2006, average hours of both male and
female full-time workers remained constant – at 42.9 and 40.1 hours respectively. However, the
average hours of part-time working men fell from 20.1 to 19.4 hours, while those of women rose from
19.9 to 20.1 hours.
In other words, the overall reduction in average hours worked observed over the first six years of the
current decade, whether weekly or yearly, is essentially a compositional phenomenon – the
consequence of an increase in the number of people working part time compared with those working
full time rather than any progressive, across-the-board, average reduction in hours worked by all those
in employment.
Differences between Member States
The above evidence on average working time movements across the EU as a whole conceals
significant variations in the experience of individual Member States. Such differences reflect, in
particular, variations in the levels of economic development as indicated by gross domestic product
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
(GDP) per head of the population or GDP per hour worked, given that pressures to work long hours
tend to be highest in countries with relatively low levels of productivity and incomes.
At the same time, the detailed cross-country evidence presented in this report shows that variations
exist in the way that working time is organised between countries with similar levels of development.
Nevertheless, quite systematic relationships can be found between annual and weekly hours worked,
and the extent of part-time employment.
Duration of work: average annual working time
Average annual hours worked in 2006
Evidence on average annual hours of work in 2006 (Figure 1) suggests that workers in countries with
higher levels of productivity (as measured by GDP per hour) tend, on average, to work fewer hours a
year than workers in countries with lower productivity levels, with a high statistical correlation of .693
(rising to .754 if data for Bulgaria are excluded).
Figure 1: Average annual hours worked and GDP per hour worked, by country, 2006 (€ in
Average annual hours worked and GDP per hour worked, by country, 2006 (€ in PPS)
Notes: PL – Data for average annual hours refer to 2007 instead of 2006 because
of a break in the series. PPS = purchasing power standards. See also Annex 2 for
further details on the duration of work and annual working time for each country,
as well as the relevance of annual working time in debates and bargaining in each
country. Annex 8 provides a full list of country codes and abbreviations.
Source: Eurostat, Labour Force Survey (LFS), 2006
Two groups of notable ‘outlier’ countries are evident in this respect. On the one hand, in Germany and
the Netherlands, workers work fewer hours than would be predicted on the basis of their levels of
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
GDP per hour, which suggests a biased preference for leisure over income. On the other hand, Ireland,
Greece and Poland have longer working hours than their levels of GDP per hour would predict,
suggesting a biased preference for income over leisure.
Changes in annual hours
The (inverse) relationship between average annual working hours and level of economic performance
(as indicated by productivity per hour worked) is strong, as shown by the cross-country comparison
summarised above. Nevertheless, changes in annual working hours over the period 2000–2006 do not
indicate any obvious or significant convergence between Member States in terms of working time.
Despite this, there has been some convergence in economic performance with, for example, relatively
higher productivity rates in the new Member States (NMS) that joined the EU in 2004 than in EU15
countries over this period.
As regards developments in the different country groups, a reduction in annual working hours larger
than the average reduction can be found in all groups – that is, in countries with working hours above
average as well as below average. In countries with the longest annual working hours, two out of five
countries (Hungary and the Czech Republic) saw annual working hours fall faster than the EU
average, while among those with above-average annual working hours, in five out of seven countries
(the UK, Ireland, Italy, Latvia and Cyprus) the decline was also more than the EU average.
Among those countries with close to the average level of annual working hours, three out of six
countries (Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain) experienced a larger decline in working hours than the EU
average. For those countries with below-average annual hours, three out of five countries (Sweden,
Luxembourg and France) saw a larger decline in working hours. Even the countries with the shortest
annual working hours (Germany, the Netherlands and Norway) had above-average reductions in
annual working time compared with the EU as a whole.
In terms of the experiences of the NMS, the evidence is varied. In Hungary, the Czech Republic,
Slovakia, Slovenia and Latvia, annual working hours fell by more than the EU average, while in
Poland, Lithuania and Estonia, average hours increased. Likewise, in the new Mediterranean Member
States, average annual working hours fell significantly in Cyprus, but rose markedly in Malta. In both
Bulgaria and Romania, there seems to have been relatively little change. With regard to Bulgaria, the
data may understate average annual hours worked since they are out of line with data on average
weekly hours, while in Romania data are only available for part of the period of reference.
It is clearly not easy, even unwise, to attempt to draw strong conclusions from evidence that shows, for
example, that, while there were above-average reductions in annual working hours in the Czech
Republic, Cyprus and Hungary, where annual hours worked were well above the EU27 average, there
were also reductions on a similar scale in Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Norway – countries where
average annual working hours were well below that average. It is also dangerous to try to offer ad hoc
explanations. Thus, the question remains regarding which of the diverse and specific economic, social,
political and legal developments that affect these issues in individual Member States are the most
important in the short term.
However, in so far as the reduction in average working hours is seen by many political parties and
academics to be an important social policy objective, evidence of a lack of recent consistent
convergence between different groups of countries – ordered in terms of their average levels of annual
hours – is obviously disappointing. Equally disappointing in this regard is the evidence that in eight
countries – Greece, Bulgaria, Estonia, Lithuania, Malta and Poland, but also in Belgium and Denmark
– average annual working hours actually increased over the period, if only slightly in some cases.
Relevance of annual working time measure
While the concept of annual working hours may be relevant for such a comparative analysis, it is not
necessarily the key statistic when viewed by stakeholders or commentators in most Member States,
where the focus of interest still tends to be on the length of the working week. Only in a few countries
is there evidence of a significant concern with annual working hours in current political debate and
collective bargaining.
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
These countries include, notably, Finland and Denmark, but with the issue being put on the table by
employers, rather than by employees or their representatives, as part of their case against further
working time reductions. In neighbouring Sweden, however, the issue of annual working hours –
which had been much debated earlier in the current decade – no longer attracts attention.
In a number of Member States – notably the NMS – while discussion on annual working hours is
reported as being almost entirely absent, widespread interest is nevertheless noted concerning annual
holiday entitlements and related arrangements, which are important, if rather inadequately
documented, components of annual working hours.
The focus and content of these discussions varies a great deal, however, between Member States. For
example, in Hungary, the tradition of creating longer holidays by swapping workdays and weekend
rest days close to holidays is now the subject of debate. Meanwhile, in Lithuania, amendments to the
Labour Code in 2007 increased the number of rest days coinciding with statutory holidays, although
this failed to stop actual average annual hours from rising over the period 2000–2006. In Malta, trade
unions are contesting an employer-backed government measure designed to reduce the number of
public holidays. In Slovakia, it is reported that
collective agreements have seen increases in holiday
entitlements above the statutory minimum, despite no significant change in the number of public
Outside the Nordic countries and the NMS, the link to annual hours is equally varied. In both Ireland
and the UK, collective agreements covering annual hours do exist. However, in the case of Ireland at
least, these are reported as being related to specific professions – such as train drivers or prison
officers. In some other countries – Austria and the Netherlands being examples – while annual hours
may provide some form of framework for social partner discussions and negotiations, the focus of
attention has been elsewhere, such as on the number of weeks worked a year in the case of Austria,
and on the number of hours worked a week in the Netherlands. In France, legislation on the 35-hour
working week increased the focus on annual hours worked (specifically on the annualisation of
working time for contractual purposes) in order to introduce more flexibility into working time
arrangements with, for example, 35 hours a week being averaged over the year instead of being rigidly
applied each week.
Duration of work
Average weekly hours worked
Over the period 2000 to 2006, average weekly hours worked, as recorded by the LFS, fell by 1.6%.
During the same period, the average reduction in annual working hours recorded in the EU national
accounts database was 2.2%, implying a marginal reduction in the number of days worked a year.
Nevertheless, a relatively close association could be identified between changes in average weekly
hours worked and changes in average annual hours worked across the Member States over the period
2000–2006, with the correlation coefficient being 0.68. This suggests that the main reductions were in
average weekly hours rather than in days worked a year, or, at least, that reductions in the two tended
to coincide.
It is notable, however, that overall differences between Member States with respect to changes in
average weekly hours are much lower than with respect to changes in average annual hours. In
particular, there were fewer exceptions to a downward movement in average weekly hours – the four
cases being Poland (no change over the period), Austria (a 2.1% increase explained by a substantial
increase in the number of hours worked by full-time workers), Bulgaria (similar explanation, although
the data are less concrete) and, perhaps surprisingly, France (where a significant increase – to over 38
hours a week – is attributed to systematic overtime working, including the acceptance of ‘inactive’
periods when counting working hours, such that the actual time spent at work is increased).
Overall, the decline observed in average weekly working time over the period 2000–2006 has done
little if anything to reduce differences between Member States. Average weekly hours still averaged
over 41 hours a week among employees in Latvia and Romania in 2006, compared with less than 35
hours a week in both Denmark and Germany, and just 30 hours a week in the Netherlands.
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
With regard to the expectation of a convergence between Member States – that is, a more rapid decline
in weekly hours in countries with relatively higher annual working hours (or lower GDP per head) –
there is little evidence to present. On the contrary, percentage reductions in average weekly hours
worked have tended to be larger in countries with the shortest annual working hours (Germany 3.8%,
Norway 4.2%) or in those with annual hours around the average level or below (Malta 3.7%, Slovenia
3.1%, Slovakia 3.8% and Luxembourg 3.9%) than in countries with the highest annual hours. One
exception in the case of the highest annual hours is the Czech Republic, which experienced a reduction
of average weekly hours of 4.1% over the 2001–2006 period, but all of which was accounted for by a
major reduction in average weekly hours between 2000 and 2001 followed by a slight increase after
While the focus of public discussion remains on average weekly working hours, the data for 2006
reveals a close relationship between average annual hours and average weekly hours, with the
correlation coefficients being 0.76 to 0.81 excluding Bulgaria) (see Figures 2 and 3). In this case, most
of the countries that had average annual hours that were above the level that might be expected on the
basis of their weekly hours of work compared with the EU average – that is, countries above the
indicated regression line in Figure 2 – were the NMS (along with the UK, Ireland and Greece). This
suggests that the number of weeks or days worked a year was greater than average. At the same time,
workers in 12 of the EU15 Member States tended to work somewhat fewer annual hours than might be
expected from the average relationship (as indicated by the regression line), suggesting that annual
days worked were less than average.
The basic, numerical explanation for these differences is the number of holidays, or more correctly,
the number of days not worked in a year. In other words, those employed in Germany, France, Spain,
Slovakia and Slovenia (and possibly Bulgaria, although the data may be unreliable) tend, on average,
to work fewer days (or have relatively more non-working days, or holidays, a year) than the EU
average of workers who work the same weekly hours. On the other hand, workers in Ireland, the UK,
Estonia, Poland, Hungary and Greece tend to have fewer days off or holidays than the EU average for
workers who work similar weekly hours. In other words, in countries where average weekly hours are
relatively long, the number of days worked a year also tends to be relatively high, and conversely, the
number of holidays less, while the reverse is the case for countries in which average weekly hours are
relatively short. There is, accordingly, no tendency for long weekly working hours to be compensated
by longer holidays, or for shorter weekly hours to be compensated by fewer holidays.
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
Figure 2: Average weekly and annual hours worked, by country, 2006
Average weekly and annual hours worked, by country, 2006
Note: PL – Data for average annual hours refer to 2007 instead of 2006 because of
a break in the series. See also Annex 3 for further details on average weekly hours
worked for each country, as well as developments and trends at national level.
Source: Eurostat, LFS, 2006
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
Figure 3: Average weekly and annual hours worked, by country, 2006
Average weekly and annual hours worked, by country, 2006
Note: PL – Data for average annual hours refer to 2007 instead of 2006 because of
a break in the series. The left vertical axis denotes annual average working hours,
while the right vertical axis reflects average weekly hours. See also Annex 3.
Source: Eurostat, LFS, 2006 and national accounts
Long weekly hours of work
In the EWCS, long working hours are defined as 48 or more hours a week, with some 15% of those in
employment in the EU27 recorded as working such hours in the 2005 survey. Less than 10% of the
workforce worked more than 48 hours a week in the Nordic countries, the Benelux countries (except
Belgium), Germany and France. Countries where the shares of people working 48 hours or more
exceeded 15% include most of the NMS (where the proportions of self-employed persons relative to
employees tend to be below the EU average, except in countries where agriculture is important such as
in Poland and Romania, in particular) plus Greece (with a higher share of self-employed workers,
mainly employed in agriculture) (Figure 4).
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
Figure 4: Proportion of people working over 48 hours a week, by country, 2005 (% of total
Proportion of people working over 48 hours a week, by country, 2005 (% of total
Note: See also Annex 3.
Source: Parent-Thirion et al, Fourth European Working Conditions Survey, 2007
Across Member States, the proportion of people working long weekly hours shows some similarity
with those working long annual hours. The longest hours are worked in Romania and Poland as well
as Greece, where some 30%–35% of those employed worked 48 hours or more, followed by four of
the other NMS – Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia – where the figure was around
On the other hand, the proportion of people working such long hours does not seem to be largely
different between countries with average annual working hours and those with above-average annual
hours. The largest difference can be found between those two groups and the two groups of countries
with the lowest and next to lowest annual working hours where, again, the differences between the two
groups are small.
The explanation lies in the relative long hours worked by self-employed persons, who account for a
large proportion of those working long weekly hours but who, in general, do not constitute a large
enough group to have a major effect on average working time. Overall, in the EU, therefore, over 50%
of those working 48 hours a week or more are self-employed, even though they only account for 16%
of total employment. To the extent that they are ‘genuine’ self-employed people, this is often
explained as a form of self-exploitation which may be somewhat different from the circumstances
faced by employees working excessive hours. However, employees may also be pursuing self-
employment ‘voluntarily’ in order to raise total income, especially if hourly wages are low.
Men tend to work longer hours at the workplace than women by a ratio of 2:1, with long hours being a
particular feature among self-employed workers in agriculture, hotels and restaurants, the wholesale
and retail trade, together with construction and other services.
Countries where self-employed workers account for significantly more than the EU average of 50% of
those working long hours include Austria, Belgium and Finland, where the proportion of self-
employed workers make up closer to two thirds of those working long hours. This is also the case in
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
Greece and Italy, although self-employed workers in these countries make up a much larger share of
the workforce – 35% and 25% respectively.
The relatively buoyant labour market of recent years and concern over labour shortages, whether
actual or prospective, appears to have weakened policy efforts to reduce working time in a number of
countries. However, as noted above, reductions in annual hours have been greatest in the countries
which already have the shortest annual working hours – namely Germany, the Netherlands and
Moreover, while health concerns surrounding long working hours remain an issue, the main report
summarising the 2005 EWCS findings suggests that there can be compensations – half of those
working more than 48 hours a week are in the top three income deciles, including senior managers
who stand out from other occupational groups in this respect. In addition, as mentioned above, long
hours may also be worked in order to compensate for low rates of hourly pay for those at the lower
end of the occupational and skill distribution.
Impact of EU Directive on working time
The EU Working Time Directive 93/104/EC that came into effect in 1993 (modified in 2003 through
Directive 2003/88/EC) is judged to have raised the level of awareness and debate about working time
issues in some countries, notably in Ireland and the UK. However, it is widely reported by other
national correspondents as having had little or no effect in reducing working hours in practice.
This view is held not only by those countries that had, or considered that they had, equivalent or
superior legislation – the Benelux countries and Norway, in particular – but also by social partners and
analysts in many of the NMS.
This does not, of course, necessarily mean that the legislation has had no effect, although the data on
long hours of work are not encouraging. What the data do suggest, however, is that the issues and
concerns surrounding working time have evolved in more complex ways, and that the focus on a
single goal is now seen as less relevant for current labour market concerns.
Part-time working
In addressing the issue of part-time work, it is important to be clear about the concepts and
measurements being used. This analysis focuses on two sets of data: the average weekly hours worked
by those men and women who are classified as working part time, and the proportions of all men and
women working part time.
Average weekly hours of part-time workers
In terms of average weekly hours worked by those classified as working part time, the average hours
worked by women in 2006 (20.1 hours) were somewhat higher, but not significantly, than they were
for men in the EU as a whole (19.4 hours). Average weekly hours worked by part-time workers in the
NMS were somewhat higher than in the former EU15, but the differences between women and men
were minimal: 22 hours compared with 22.2 hours.
Average hours worked by men working part time in 2006 varied considerably between Member
States: in Romania, they work 28 hours a week; in Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary and Luxembourg, about
24 hours a week; 17 hours a week in Norway and Germany; and less than 15 hours in Denmark.
However, it should be noted that the number of men involved in part-time work is relatively small,
except in the Netherlands.
For women, working hours in EU15 Member States appear to be more polarised between countries:
with Sweden in the lead with 26 hours; followed by Belgium and France with 23 hours a week on
average; to Spain, Portugal, Germany and the UK, with well under 20 hours on average. Part-time
working hours in the NMS, including Romania, Hungary and the Czech Republic, were among the
highest, but with most other NMS close to the 22-hour average for these countries.
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
Proportions of workers working part time
The importance of part-time working depends on both the average hours worked by part-time workers
– which, as described above, are not very different between Member States, at least for women – and
the proportion of the workforce actually working part time in each Member State – which varies
In these respects, it is important to recognise that, while the proportion of men working part time rose
somewhat more than it did for women between 2000 and 2006, the gender gap remains wide. Overall,
18% of total employment in the EU is made up of part-time work (Figure 5). However, 31% of women
in employment worked part time in 2006, compared with less than 8% of men.
Figure 5: Proportion of part-time workers, by country and gender, 2006
Proportion of part-time workers, by country and gender, 2006
Note: IE data refer to 2005. See also Annex 4 for further details on the incidence
of part-time working among men and women in each country, as well as
government initiatives to support part-time work.
Source: Eurostat, LFS, 2006
Such gender imbalances exist in almost all Member States, but with some significant differences in
their extent.
Several features stand out in this regard:
the very high proportion of working women who work part time in some EU15 Member States –
almost 75% in the Netherlands, about 46% in Germany, over 42% in the UK, 41% in Belgium,
40% in Austria, 40% in Sweden, 36% in Luxembourg, 35% in Denmark, over 30% in France and
Ireland, over 26% in Italy, as well as 45% in Norway;
the low and variable proportions of men working part time compared with the proportions of
women – in the Netherlands, some 23% of men work part time (a ratio of 1:3 compared with
women), followed by 13% in Denmark (1:3 ratio), nearly 12% in Sweden (1:3.5 ratio), over 10%
in the UK (1:4 ratio), but only 6.5% in Austria (a ratio of 1:6);
the low levels of part-time working in most NMS, involving 10% or less of working women in
Hungary, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Romania, Slovakia and Bulgaria and 3% or less of working
men in Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Bulgaria. Among the former EU15,
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
Luxembourg (2.6%) and Greece (2.9%) stand out in terms of low levels of part-time work. Malta
stands out among the NMS with 21.5% of working women employed on a part-time basis, which
is not far below the figures in Italy and Spain.
Explanations of these differences, as described by the national correspondents, are numerous, covering
social and cultural traditions and attitudes, the economic interests and practical possibilities of both
employers and employees, as well as the extent of legislative, political and trade union support for
part-time work.
Part-time working in relation to annual and weekly working hours
While the extent of part-time working appears to be influenced by a range of factors, there is
nevertheless, across the EU Member States, a close relationship between average annual hours and the
proportion of employed people working part time – with a correlation coefficient of -0.71 (-0.76
excluding Bulgaria). The larger the share of people working part time, therefore, the shorter average
annual working hours tend to be, which is perhaps to be expected. However, other factors, in particular
the number of hours worked by those employed full time, can potentially offset the effect.
‘Outliers’ in this respect include the UK, Ireland, Poland and Greece, which have relatively high levels
of annual working time given the proportion of people working part time, as well as Slovakia, Spain,
France, Germany and Norway, which have relatively low levels of annual hours given their number of
part-time workers (Figure 6). This suggests that the annual hours worked by full-time workers are
longer than average in the first group of countries and shorter than average in the second country
Differences between countries in the average annual hours worked, as noted above, tend to be wider
than variations in the average weekly hours. Accordingly, a close relationship can be identified
between the proportion of people employed part time and average weekly hours worked (with a
correlation coefficient of -0.93). The extent of part-time working, therefore, explains the differences
across countries in average weekly hours worked, and differences in the length of the ‘standard’
working week are only a small part of the explanation.
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
Figure 6: Proportion of employed workers working part time and average annual hours
worked, by country, 2006
Proportion of employed workers working part time and average annual hours worked,
by country, 2006
Note: PL – Data for average annual hours refer to 2007 instead of 2006 because of
a break in the series. See also Annex 4.
Source: Eurostat, LFS, 2006
Thus, it appears that the extent of part-time working – notably the proportion of people working part
time, since any variance in terms of average hours worked by part-time workers in different countries
is relatively low – is closely related to differences in both the average annual hours worked and
average weekly hours worked (see Figures 6 and 7).
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
Figure 7: Proportion of employed workers working part time and average weekly hours
worked, by country, 2006
Proportion of employed workers working part time and average weekly hours worked,
by country, 2006
Note: See also Annex 4.
Source: Eurostat, LFS, 2006
Public policy concerning part-time work
All EU governments have signed up to the European Employment Strategy, which specifically
encourages more part-time working as a means of getting more people, especially women, into
employment. Yet, the success of policy measures or incentives to increase the amount of part-time
working appears to depend more on the supply side of the labour market – whether actual or potential
employees are seeking part-time work – rather than the quality of the policy measures themselves.
This is particularly obvious in low-income countries, where actual or potential employees appear to
want full-time rather than part-time employment in order to compensate for low hourly rates of pay.
Thus, it is hardly surprising to find a limited take-up of schemes designed to encourage part-time
working. This appears to be the case in Greece, for example, where 10-year-old legislation allowing
part-time working in the public sector has been only seldom used in practice. Likewise, in Hungary,
where legislation allowing subsidies for part-time working has been in place since 1991, the take-up
rates of schemes – for example, to support part-time working by parents on childcare leave – are
reported to be very low.
Thus, a lack of explicit supporting policies or measures from governments – as reported, for example,
by correspondents in the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania – should probably not be seen
as a major explanation of low rates of part-time employment. Indeed, governments that limit their
policy activities in this area may simply be behaving rationally, if they consider that the demand for
such work is currently limited.
Where measures are taken, however, they are notable for their diversity. In Malta, the government has
provided a range of tax incentives and established a public employment register in order to support the
development of part-time work. Meanwhile, the Czech Republic is seeking to use part-time work as a
way of increasing participation rates among groups that are disadvantaged or find it more difficult to
compete in the labour market and accordingly have low participation rates – such as older workers and
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
those with disabilities. Cyprus has introduced measures that aim primarily to attract women into the
labour market who are currently economically inactive.
While these types of actions are being taken where there are low rates of part-time employment,
evidence of opposing changes can be found in some countries with high rates of part-time work. For
example, in Austria and the Netherlands, the policy stance regarding part-time work has become more
negative, with a specific change to the national legislative framework in the case of Austria which
gives part-time workers the right to premium rates of pay for overtime work, thereby making part-time
work less attractive to employers. In Denmark, the government is seeking to tighten the rules on
access to unemployment benefits for those working part time so as to encourage more full-time work.
The potential benefits of part-time working in terms of improving the flexibility of the labour market
and production processes, or in terms of improving the scope for a better work–life balance, are clearly
much more appreciated in high-income economies. These benefits are also welcomed by employees
on higher incomes and by more sophisticated or high-level employers seeking to improve their image
– a factor specifically mentioned by correspondents in Spain – and able to organise more complex
patterns of work.
Finland has pioneered part-time retirement schemes for full-time workers aged 58 years or more, with
a part pension of 50% of the difference between regular and part-time earnings. A similar approach
has been adopted for older workers in Slovenia, but more specifically as a way of coping with health
problems or partial disability of workers.
Working time flexibility
Working time flexibility can take various forms for employees – from being able to alter their work
schedules or the hours they worked, to being able to ‘bank’ hours or days of work in order to take time
off at a later stage – all within the framework of working time management arrangements at their place
of work.
There is clearly interest in flexible working arrangements on the part of many members of the
workforce, most notably, but far from exclusively, from those with family responsibilities. However,
not all of the flexibility options on offer are seen as positive. For instance, complaints have been
reported by several correspondents – including those in high-income countries like Austria and the
Netherlands, as well as in lower-income countries – that the interests of employers too often dominate
those of employees. Further information on flexible working in each country is presented in Annex 6.
Autonomy in organising working time
In terms of the autonomy of employees with respect to their working hours and the degree of control
they have over working time, significant differences emerge between Member States, with such
differences, broadly speaking, inversely related to living standards and average annual working hours.
However, cultural and social factors, notably the nature of the relationship between employers and
employees, including the role of trade unions, also intervene strongly. Overall, it is possible to place
Member States in three broad groups:
the Nordic countries – with 60% of employees able to exercise some control over their working
the northern Continental countries plus Ireland and the UK – where 40% of employees report the
possibility to influence their working time;
the Mediterranean and eastern European countries – where only 25% of employees consider that
they have the possibility to organise their working time.
Flexible working time organisation
In terms of flexible working time arrangements, the LFS ad hoc survey in 2004 provided some
additional evidence of their prevalence across 20 of the EU25 Member States prior to enlargement in
2007 (the Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden were not covered), which can be
added to that available from the 2005 EWCS. With respect to the 25–49 age group covered (chosen as
having the greatest potential need for flexibility because people in this group are most likely to have
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
children to care for), less than 25% of those surveyed had any real flexibility in the hours they worked,
in terms of varying their work schedules, or in terms of ‘banking’ hours or having working time
accounts. Indeed, from these results, a lack of flexibility appears to be almost the norm in
Mediterranean countries and most NMS.
In general, this survey confirmed that higher-skilled and professional employees had more flexibility
than others in organising their working time, with public sector jobs for the most part offering more
possibilities to influence working time than private sector jobs. Some of these issues, notably in
relation to labour market flexibility generally, are explored further in the secondary analysis on
flexibility based on the findings of the 2005 EWCS – ‘
Employment security and employability: A
contribution to the flexicurity debate’ (Pacelli et al, 2008).
Specific working time organisation
Non-standard hours
The 2005 EWCS reported that the proportion of people working outside ‘normal working hours’ –
including working evenings and nights, or on Saturdays and Sundays – has decreased slightly
compared with the position a decade ago. Nevertheless, the survey finds that some 45% of employees
work some evenings in a typical month, and some 20% work some nights.
Differences in the number of workers undertaking evening work are not particularly significant
between countries. Perhaps surprisingly, more employees in the Nordic countries work some evenings
than in other regions of the EU, although the numbers of those working more than five evenings a
week are highest in the Mediterranean Member States, together with the most recent and poorest
NMS, Bulgaria and Romania, which joined the EU in 2007.
In terms of non-standard (atypical, unsocial or simply ‘odd’) hours of work, distinctions can also be
made between sectors of the economy where such working hours are largely unavoidable, such as
healthcare or the police service, and sectors where they suit employers and also consumers, such as
retailing, and yet others, where the employer simply wants to make more intensive use of capital in
order to improve profitability. Practices vary considerably between countries, however, depending as
much on lifestyle preferences as living standards. For example, almost half of workers in Germany
report that they never work on Saturdays, and over 80% of respondents report that they never work on
In other countries, however, variable work arrangements are more common, and opinion surveys from
countries as diverse as Ireland, Malta and Slovakia suggest that working non-standard hours is not
necessarily inconvenient for people’s lifestyles. At the same time, the issue of shop working hours
continues to be a point of conflict between the social partners in Belgium, Germany and Greece.
Work schedules
In the 2005 EWCS, more than half of workers, including employees and self-employed workers,
report that they work the same number of hours each day, with the same start and finish times, and for
the same number of days a week. Interestingly, however, this is slightly less than the levels reported a
decade earlier, suggesting that there has been some increase in ‘flexibility’ measured in this way.
In general, some 75% of workers work the same number of days a week, with relatively little variation
between Member States. In terms of flexibility of work schedules, however, there is much greater
diversity. The EWCS report compares, for example, the situation in Nordic countries (plus the
Netherlands), where 55% of workers work variable hours and 47% have variable start and finish
times, with comparable figures of 33% and 38%, respectively, in Mediterranean countries.
Moreover, although the notion of a standard working day or working week appears to exist in most
Member States, what it means in practice can vary considerably between countries. In the Czech
Republic and Latvia, for example, work can typically start at 07.00. Similarly, climate pays a
significant role in determining hours of work in Mediterranean countries, including the extent of
weekend and evening work in tourist-related activities.
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
Banking of working hours and other practices
Two factors seem to determine the presence or absence of facilities for ‘banking’ working time or
maintaining working time accounts:
levels of economic development, with possibilities for working time accounts reported as very
limited in the NMS, not only in Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries like Hungary and
Poland, but also in Mediterranean countries like Cyprus and Malta;
the general approach to social partnership and business management, with a strong contrast
between the Nordic countries, where arrangements for working time accounts are commonplace,
and Italy and Spain, where they are not.
The presence of flexible working arrangements in potentially ‘favourable’ circumstances – that is,
where income levels are high enough to permit this choice – nevertheless seems to depend to a large
extent on the national business culture. In particular, it depends on the willingness of management and
workers to use legal possibilities (for example, the ‘banking’ of hours, which is possible under the
French working time reduction law, but is seldom used) or to try innovative ideas (such as a 36-hour
working week made up of four nine-hour working days, as in Austria, or encouraging older workers to
remain in the labour market for longer by offering them the possibility of working three weeks and
then taking one week off, as in Finland).
At the same time, Belgium can be seen as an example of a country with high living standards, and a
strong social partner tradition, where there is reported to be a preference for working fewer days a
week, rather than fewer hours a day. At the same time, employees in Belgium particularly dislike
working to variable work schedules set by employers. In the Netherlands, it is reported that working
time accounts are not common, although they are sometimes used to meet seasonal variations in
Alongside differences between Member States, the possibility for employees to bank hours varies
considerably by skills level and gender, as well as by sector. In the EU25 in 2004, 28% of women
employed as managers, professionals or technicians had working time accounts or flexible working
time arrangements, compared with less than 12% of women in skilled manual occupations. Such
differences are similar, but more pronounced, for men, where 39% of those in the higher categories of
employment had flexible working time arrangements or working time accounts, compared with 16%
of those in skilled manual jobs. Similarly, the extent of such flexibility also varies across sectors, with
the greatest flexibility recorded in public administration; however, flexibility in Lithuania is reported
to be greater in the private than the public sector.
Trade union concerns regarding working time
A fundamental and long-standing trade union objective is to achieve a progressive reduction in
working hours, most commonly measured on a weekly basis, through both collective bargaining and
the passing of legislation.
However, some achievements – notably in establishing target norms in terms of average weekly hours
– appear to have allowed or encouraged trade unions to concentrate more on the other traditional
priority of pay levels. At the same time, trade unions are addressing emerging concerns – such as part-
time working, holiday arrangements, work organisation and the flexibility of working time generally –
as the structure and gender composition of the workforce evolves (see Annex 5 for further information
on trade union views).
Working time and pay
Concerns about pay are clearly strongest in less prosperous countries, notably among the NMS with
the longest annual working hours. In those countries, the need to raise income levels can even bring
trade unions to agree to long working hours, provided the hours worked (especially overtime hours)
are duly rewarded – a concern in Romania, for example.
In countries at the other end of the annual working time scale – those with below-average or the lowest
annual hours – somewhat divergent tendencies are evident. In both Denmark and Sweden, it is
reported that there is now more of a focus on pay than on further reductions in working hours, and on
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
support to enable those working part time to have opportunities to take up full-time employment, if
they so wish and if the possibilities arise.
While there is continued trade union pressure for shorter working hours in Germany, in the
Netherlands there is now apparently some interest in allowing those who wish to work longer hours to
do so, while still maintaining the nominal 36-hour working week.
In EU countries with annual working hours between these two extremes, there is a continued trade
union emphasis on reducing average working time, but with greater immediate concerns regarding
specific working time practices or arrangements in individual Member States. For example, these
issues relate to: establishing a four-hour minimum work ‘shift’ for part-time working in Finland so as
to avoid the working time being split between, for instance, two hours in the morning and two hours in
the afternoon; or negotiating financial compensation in Slovenia in return for greater flexibility
regarding shop opening hours, including on Sundays and holidays.
Overall, the evidence points to mixed trade union priorities regarding working time. These reflect, to
some degree, different economic circumstances across Member States. Furthermore, they also reflect
changing social and cultural attitudes, such as in Italy and Spain, where the desire to improve work–
life balance appears to be displacing previous priority concerns to reduce annual working hours.
In Belgium, campaigns to reduce working time and promote work-sharing are seen as a thing of the
past. Despite this, working time remains an important trade union issue at company level, not least
because national regulations after the introduction of the 38-hour working week allow considerable
scope for sectoral or workplace-level negotiations.
Attitudes to part-time working
Trade union support for, or interest in, part-time work is generally weak or absent in countries with the
highest annual working hours, because of the priority attached to pay. Indeed, trade unions are
commonly seen as hostile to part-time working, even though their positions are generally more
nuanced and complex in reality.
Undoubtedly, negative concerns are evident notably in the NMS, but also in Member States such as
Germany and the Netherlands, where the spread of part-time working was traditionally seen as
weakening trade union bargaining positions and as developing in practice in ways that adversely affect
the pursuit of
gender equality.
On the other hand, the passing of the EU part-time work directive of 1997/1998 (
Directive 97/81/EC),
which became operational in 2000, appears to have softened trade union opposition everywhere. This
is most notable in countries like Ireland and the UK, where successful efforts have subsequently been
made to recruit part-time workers rather than oppose the development of their types of jobs.
This report is based on an analysis of comparable EU27 employment and productivity data for the
period 2000 to 2006, using Eurostat and EWCS sources, and a set of questionnaire responses from
informed national experts of the EWCO network, covering the EU Member States, along with
The report confirms similar conclusions to those expressed in a ‘Study on the impact of working time:
final report’, published by the European Commission in January 2007 (Hogarth et al, 2007). For
example, it reaffirms that ‘the major changes currently taking place in relation to working time relate
to its flexible arrangement rather than its duration’ and that there is ‘significant variation in working
patterns and regulation across Europe’.
However, this current study offers some additional insights as it covers all EU27 Member States,
rather than the 11 countries (eight ‘old’ and three ‘new’ Member States) covered by the Commission
study. It also goes into greater depth in terms of data analysis and draws on the expertise of national
experts from each Member State. Despite these positive elements, it lacks specific workplace case
studies of the kind included in the Commission study.
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
Main findings
Average annual hours worked per person employed in 2006 varied considerably between Member
States – ranging from over 2,100 hours a year in Greece and Poland to under 1,500 hours in Germany,
the Netherlands and Norway – and these levels are rather highly (inversely) correlated with levels of
hourly productivity.
Average levels of annual or weekly working hours appear to have declined over the period 2000–2006
– by 2% in the case of annual hours, and 1.6% in the case of weekly hours. However, these average
changes need to be treated with caution. Average weekly hours worked by those in full-time
employment, and by those in part-time employment, showed virtually no change over the period,
when considered separately, with the overall average decline being due to an increased share of part-
time workers in total employment during a period of rising employment levels.
Average weekly hours worked by part-time male and female workers amount to around 20 hours, with
the number of hours worked by women slightly higher than the number for men. Women’s average
weekly working hours vary somewhat between Member States, with average hours in the NMS
totalling about 22 hours. Working hours of men vary much more, but this has only a limited impact on
the overall average working hours since only 8% of men work part time compared with over 31% of
There is little evidence of any significant convergence between Member States in terms of average
annual or weekly working hours over the period 2000–2006. Indeed, the three countries with the
shortest annual hours in 2000 – Germany, the Netherlands and Norway – all had above-average
reductions in average annual working hours compared with the EU as a whole. At the same time,
however, annual hours actually increased over this period in Austria and Belgium, as they did in
Bulgaria, Estonia, Greece, Lithuania and Malta.
Some 15% of those employed in the EU27 in 2005 were reportedly working 48 hours or more a week.
In general, this figure is split equally between employees and self-employed workers across Member
States, although the extent of long hours varies between Member States. Only in the Nordic countries,
the Benelux countries (except Belgium), France and Germany do the number of people working 48
hours or more a week account for less than 10% of total employment.
In terms of working time flexibility, the following conclusions can be drawn:
increased working time flexibility is seen as desirable by many employees, especially those with
family responsibilities, but the extent to which it is available to workers is limited in many
Member States. Moreover, the kinds of flexibility on offer are sometimes seen as reflecting the
needs and interests of employers more than employees;
the proportion of people working outside ‘normal working hours’ has only decreased slightly
compared with the position a decade ago and considerable differences can be found between
Member States. Some differences can be expected – such as the fact that evening work is more
common in the Mediterranean Member States – but the incidence of working outside normal hours
is also relatively high in Nordic countries. Germany stands out in terms of low levels of weekend
the potential for employees to control or influence the organisation of their work varies between
Member States, with the greatest opportunity to do so in the Nordic countries – where some 60%
of workers consider that they are able to exercise some control – compared with only 25% in the
Mediterranean and eastern European Member States;
the opportunity to take advantage of flexible working time arrangements varies significantly within
countries, as well as between them. Highly-skilled and professional workers having much greater
possibilities to work flexible hours than manual workers, with more opportunities in general for
those in public sector employment;
the possibility to ‘bank’ working hours or maintain working time accounts is a particular method of
achieving working time flexibility. Once again, there is a strong contrast between the situation in
Nordic Member States where working time accounts are commonplace and Mediterranean
countries where they are not. A major determinant of working time accounts appears to be the
management ‘culture’ and the extent of social partnership in each country. However, persons in
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
non-manual jobs are more than twice as likely to have the opportunity to ‘bank’ working hours
compared with those in manual jobs.
Burchell, B. et al, European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
Working conditions in the European Union: The gender perspective, Luxembourg,
Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2007.
Hogarth, T.
et al, European Commission, Study on the impact of working time, Report to the
Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Brussels, 2007.
Pacelli, L. et al, Eurofound,
Employment security and employability: A contribution to the flexicurity
debate, Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2008.
Parent-Thirion, A., Fernández Macías, E., Hurley, J. and Vermeylen, G., Eurofound,
Fourth European
Working Conditions Survey, Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Union,
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
Annex 1 – Methodological issues concerning the categorising of Member
In order to handle data for the EU27 Member States, many analysts – including the authors of the
fourth EWCS report – choose to categorise countries along social welfare lines, following the concepts
of Esping-Andersen. These categories can be useful when analysing some issues, but they tend to
stereotype countries. They may be less successful at explaining differences in working hours in so far
as they understate or distort the importance of other factors, notably average income levels.
As a practical alternative, and in order to avoid simply listing countries in alphabetical or some other
arbitrary order, this report sought to place Member States in five broad groups, based on their average
levels of annual working hours, which are closely, but far from completely, inversely correlated with
average levels of hourly gross domestic product (GDP) (a measure of hourly productivity).
However, the report has also taken a pragmatic approach where it seemed appropriate – for example,
in comparing ‘new’ with ‘old’ Member States in certain cases.
With respect to issues of working time flexibility, the report also recognises that some of the
traditional country groupings – Nordic versus Mediterranean Member States, for example – do seem
to have value. However, the experiences of apparently ‘similar’ countries can sometimes vary
significantly, as seen, for example, in major differences in working time arrangements and trends
between the two ‘new’ Mediterranean States, Cyprus and Malta, or as shown in the highly varied
experiences of the NMS in eastern Europe with respect to working time.
Thus, while a grouping of countries based on economic performance, rather than on cultural or social
organisational criteria, obviously skates over the diversity of situations in the different Member States
(and was, as mentioned previously, initially chosen for practical reasons), average annual working
hours nevertheless are considered a useful general indicator of working time for comparative purposes.
Using this indicator, the component elements – weekly hours, holidays, full-time and part-time hours –
serve to highlight and explain both the diversity of situations and the evolution of working time
patterns across the Member States.
While such a concept – for all workers, or for full-time or part-time workers separately – is not widely
used at present, it sits comfortably with the most basic theories of labour market behaviour. For
instance, people in low-productivity jobs in low-productivity economies tend to seek to work longer
hours than those in high-productivity jobs in high-productivity countries, since it is the most obvious
way to achieve higher levels of incomes in the short run.
Likewise, in so far as improvements in levels of income are achieved by raising levels of productivity
in some way, then the average number of hours worked is liable to decline over the longer term. This
may not necessarily happen in some simple, linear way (and often with compositional changes – such
as the growing relative importance of part-time work – that can mislead those who are unwary about
where the true trend lies) but nevertheless in ways that make economic sense and are subject to
reasonably consistent methods of measurement.
Useful as it may be to approach working time issues in this way, the mixed quantitative and qualitative
evidence presented in this report and its annexes clearly indicates that variations in working time
experiences and practices between Member States reflect a wide range of factors other than economic
factors, such as social, political, cultural and legal aspects. This study does not seek to weigh their
relative importance in any formal way, and has tried to avoid resorting to plausible-sounding ad-hoc
explanations for all of the cases that fail to conform to ‘expectations’. However, the study includes a
considerable amount of national evidence from correspondents which sheds some light on such
differences, and may help other researchers develop further comprehensive insights.
In this respect, one issue can be identified where the most significant changes appear to be taking
place, but where the differences between countries – notably between those with more or less
developed economies and labour markets – are the greatest. This issue relates to the extent to which
patterns of working time are arranged or negotiated in ways that can suit the needs of both employees
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
and employers, as opposed to situations where traditional employer ‘prerogatives’ prevail, for
whatever reasons.
In this study, at least on the basis of the reports from national correspondents, and the evidence from
survey data, there appears to be some validity to some stereotypical categorisations – for example,
where employers and legislators (and also possibly some employee representatives) in southern EU
Member States are seemingly much slower to respond to pressures for more flexible working
arrangements to match changing work–life balance needs than in northern Member States. However, it
should be underlined that the diversity of experiences between Member States with similar levels of
economic performance, or in similar geographical locations, continually warns against adopting
simplistic explanations too readily, or focusing the blame too quickly in any one direction.
Annex 2 – Duration of work: annual working time
Country Annual
Relevance of annual working time in debates and
Countries with the longest annual working hours
Greece 2,150 1.4% In Greece, there is no general debate on annual hours,
and working time discussions tend to focus primarily on
annual leave. This reflects national traditions in that
many collective agreements contain provisions relating
leave entitlement to years of service with the same
Poland 2,078
1.4% In Poland, the focus of discussion has been on restricting
Sunday and holiday working.
Hungary 1,989 -3.5% In Hungary, the focus is on specific issues, with a
tradition of creating longer holidays by swapping work
days and weekend rest days close to public holidays.
1,963 -4.5% In so far as working time has been debated recently in
the Czech Republic, the focus has been on extending the
working week in order to reduce overtime hours. No
recent changes in holiday entitlement have been
introduced, with employees in the private sector entitled
to four weeks’ leave, and those in the public sector
entitled to five weeks.
Estonia 1,942 0.5% In Estonia, the focus is also on weeks of leave, with
provisions under a 2000–2001 national collective
agreement for 25 working days of leave for employees
with 10 years of service with the same employer
(compared with the average of 23 days of annual paid
Countries with above average annual working hours
Latvia 1,893 -2.6% In Latvia, the notion of annual working time is not in
common usage, although the number of public holidays
has increased in recent years.
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
Ireland 1,878 -2.8% In Ireland, collective agreements only cover annual
hours in specific cases – for example, in relation to train
drivers and prison officers. However, there is a growing
interest in the notion in the context of efforts to reduce
traditionally high levels of overtime working.
Romania 1,869 0.1% In Romania, annual leave, holidays, days off, as well as
overtime are all said to be open to negotiation in the
framework of collective bargaining agreements.
Cyprus 1,863 -3.2% In Cyprus, there does not appear to be a debate on
annual working hours, although there was a significant
reduction of 3.2% in annual working hours over the
period 2000–2006.
Lithuania 1,855 0.5% If working time is debated at all in Lithuania, it tends to
be in relation to annual leave arrangements.
Amendments to the Labour Code in 2007 have increased
the number of weekly rest days coinciding with statutory
holidays, despite an apparent lack of enthusiasm on the
part of the social partners.
Italy 1,814 -2.5% In Italy, annual hours declined in line with the EU
average. However, no further details on these changes
are available.
1,801 -2.4% In the UK, the annual dimension of working time is
reported to attract little attention outside specific
processing industries. However, research suggests that
some 4% or more of the workforce and of workplaces
are nevertheless covered by arrangements centred
around annual working hours. In this respect, it is
thought that legislation (from 1998 and 2006) covering
rights to paid leave may have helped focus attention on
annual working hours.
Countries with average annual working hours
Malta 1,791 7.3% In Malta, annual working hours rose by 5% between
2000 and 2001, but then increased more steadily until
2006, resulting in a 7.3% increase over the whole period.
The number of days of holidays is an issue for the social
partners, with trade unions contesting an employer-
backed government decision to reduce the number of
public holidays each year.
Portugal 1,762 -0.2% In Portugal, where average hours worked a year have
fallen very little since 2000, the focus of debate and
negotiation tends to be on daily, weekly or monthly
working hours.
Slovakia 1,750 -3.4% The number of hours worked a year is not a topic of
political discussions and social partner negotiations, and
Slovak labour legislation only defines weekly working
time. The number of public holidays has not change
significantly but, according to collective agreements, the
number of companies providing holidays above the
statutory level has increased.
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
Slovenia 1,727 -2.7% In Slovenia, where annual working hours fell by 2.7%
between 2000 and 2006, the annual dimension of
working time receives hardly any attention in political or
everyday discussion, or in social partner negotiations.
Finland 1,714 -2.0% In Finland, where annual working hours declined in line
with the EU average, the annual dimension of working
time is not currently a focal point of discussion.
However, the main employer organisation – the
Confederation of Finnish Industries (
, EK) – is pushing for more attention to be
paid to annual working hours, citing concerns about the
length of annual holidays.
Austria 1,792 -1.7% In Austria, where annual working hours fell by 1.7%
over the 2000–2006 period, public holidays are an issue
of contention between the social partners. Employers are
seeking to reduce the number of public holidays, while
trade unions argue that average annual working hours
are long by EU standards. In this context, some recent
collective agreements have included specific provisions
to reduce the number of weeks worked a year
Bulgaria 1,654 0.8% In Bulgaria, where annual working hours appear to have
increased somewhat, the notion of annual working hours
is not a subject of public debate. It is reported that the
government usually takes decisions about annual
holidays, public holidays and rest days.
Spain 1,653 -4.5% In Spain, annual hours worked have fallen significantly
(4.5%) since 2000, with most of the decline occurring
since 2002.
Countries with below average annual working hours
Luxembourg 1,605 -3.4% In Luxembourg, where annual working hours fell by
3.4% over the period 2000–2006, the dimension of
working time attracts little attention. However, the topic
has been introduced into discussions on flexible working
arrangements in the financial services sector.
Sweden 1,599 -2.6% In Sweden, a debate on annual working hours took place
in 2002 when the government proposed to reduce annual
working time through a mixture of longer holidays,
fewer working hours a week and special individual
working time arrangements. Since then, however, there
has been a change of government, and attention has
shifted to addressing potential labour shortages. Despite
these changes of political focus, annual hours declined
over the period 2000–2006 by 2.6%.
Belgium 1,567 0.9% When flexible working arrangements are negotiated in
Belgium, where average annual working hours actually
increased by some 0.9% over the period 2000–2006, the
length of the reference period for negotiating working
time has become an issue. However, negotiations tend to
refer to a three-month or six-month reference period,
rather than a year. On the other hand, discussions in the
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
automotive sector could extend this reference period
beyond one year, to three or four years, in order to take
account of varying levels of work effort and intensity
over the life cycle of new products.
Denmark 1,562 0.5% In Denmark, where average working time a year appears
to have remained virtually constant over the 2000–2006
period, public debate has continued on annual hours.
Employers focus on the relatively short hours of work
and long periods of paid annual leave, however, while
trade unions argue that Danish people spend a lot of time
at work because of the country’s high employment rates
of both women and men.
France 1,541 -3.2% In France, where annual working hours declined by
some 3.2% over the period 2000–2006, this issue has
received increased attention in light of the legislation
introducing a 35-hour working week. Efforts to reduce
overall working time have included extra days off,
additional holidays and variable work schedules over the
Countries with the shortest annual working hours
Germany 1,432 -2.8% In Germany, annual hours worked have declined by
2.8% over the period 2000–2006, and the number of
public holidays has not changed significantly.
Norway 1,414 -2.8% In Norway, where annual working time declined by
2.8% over the period 2000–2006, discussions tend to
focus on annual leave arrangements (given that some
90% of the workforce are entitled to five weeks’
holidays following a wage settlement in 2001 affecting
the Act relating to holidays) or on other specific issues,
such as reducing hours worked by shift workers.
Netherlands 1,393 -2.9% In the Netherlands, where annual hours declined by
2.9% over the period 2000–2006, discussions on
working time are reported to have been concentrated on
the length of the average working week. The number of
weeks worked a year seems to have remained relatively
unchanged since the average number of weeks of
holidays has not changed.
Source: European national accounts
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
Annex 3 – Average weekly hours worked
Country Weekly
Developments/trends/long hours/comments
Countries with the longest annual working hours
Greece 42.7 -1.2% In Greece, where average annual hours worked increased
over the period 2000–2006, average weekly working
time fell by 1.2%, but still remained close to 43 hours in
2006. The decline in average weekly working time is
attributed to a reduction in the number of people working
very long hours and by increased part-time working.
There is little evidence to date of any impact of EU
legislation on weekly hours worked in countries with the
longest annual working hours. In Poland, scepticism is
reported concerning the benefits of the main provisions
of Directive 2000/34/EC.
Hungary 40.3 -2.2% In Hungary, the social partners have failed to agree on
any reduction in the statutory working week.
41.8 -4.1% In the Czech Republic, average usual working hours fell
by 4.1% to 41.8 hours over the period 2002–2006.
Almost all of this decline is explained by a reduction of
working time of two hours a week between 2000 and
2001. While there has been a gradual reduction in the
hours worked by part-time workers over time, the
proportion of people working very long hours appears to
have remained high and constant, with 8% working more
than 50 hours a week in 2006.
Estonia 39.7 -1.7% Average weekly hours worked in Estonia fell by 1.7%
over the period 2002–2006, despite annual working hours
increasing, bringing average weekly working time below
40 hours. This is attributed to a reduction in the
proportion of people working over 50 hours a week from
14% in 1999 to 5% in 2005, according to a local poll by
the marketing research company
Saar Poll (the
proportion of those working more than 48 hours a week
amounted to 6.7%, according to the 2005 EWCS).
However, average weekly working time was estimated at
44 hours in a Public Opinion Research Centre report in
2005 – 46 hours for men and 41 hours for women.
Countries with above average annual working hours
Latvia 41.4 -1.7% In Latvia, average weekly working time stabilised at 41.4
hours in 2006 – a reduction of 1.7% compared with 2000.
Indications from national sources suggest that very long
hours of work have been reduced, but progress is
attributed to improvements in the economic situation and
rising wage levels in Latvia rather than EU legislation.
Ireland 36.6 -3.7% In Ireland, LFS data indicate a decline in average weekly
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
hours worked of 3.7% between 2000 and 2006 to 36.6
hours. This reduction has been associated, however, with
increased flexibility in working arrangements. While the
adoption of the Directive 2000/34/EC may have
encouraged debate on working time issues, almost 12%
of those employed were still working 45 or more hours a
week in 2007.
Romania 40.6 -0.2% In Romania, LFS data on average weekly working hours
suggest little change over the period 2000–2006.
However, a national Household Labour Force Survey
(Ancheta Integrată asupra Forţei de Muncă în
Gospodării, AMIGO) suggests an increase from 40.5 to
41.6 hours. Moreover, the proportion of those employed
working over 46 hours a week is reported to have
remained constant at around 18%, with self-employed
people, as in other countries, working the longest hours.
Cyprus 40.2 -1.5% In Cyprus, where working time in most sectors is
regulated by law or collective agreements (for example,
for the public sector and in relation to retail opening
hours), LFS data indicate a reduction of 1.5% in average
weekly hours worked to just over 40 hours from 2000 to
2006. Progress in reducing working time is seen to have
been significantly influenced by a 1993 framework
agreement between the social partners.
Lithuania 38.6 -0.5% Average weekly hours worked in Lithuania decreased
slightly over the period 2000–2006. However, doubts
have been expressed about the reliability of this measure,
given that overtime is considered to be poorly measured.
This is evidenced by increased claims to the State Labour
Inspectorate (
Valstybinė darbo inspekcija, VDI)
regarding unpaid overtime, with companies seeking to
overcome labour shortages by introducing longer
working hours.
Italy 38.5 -1.5% In Italy, LFS data suggest that average weekly working
hours worked fell by 1.5% over the period 2000–2006 to
38.5 hours. The 2006 Quality of Work Survey (QWS)
carried out by Institute for the Development of
Vocational Training for Workers
(Istituto per lo sviluppo
della formazione professionale dei lavoratori
suggested that average working hours per week declined
from 39 hours in 2002 to 38 hours in 2006, with some
reduction in the proportion of people working long hours
(over 45 hours a week) – down from 19.5% to 18% of the
working population. Almost five times as many self-
employed persons as employees work more than 45
hours a week, with men much more likely to work long
hours than women.
UK 36.9 -1.9% In the UK, average weekly hours worked fell in the
1970s, stabilised in the 1980s, and then began to fall
again in the late 1990s. Over the period 2000–2006,
average weekly hours worked fell further from 37.6
hours to 36.9 hours, with the proportion of men in
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
employment working over 45 hours falling from 39% in
2001 to 30% in 2007. The discussion on EU legislation –
for which there is a UK ‘opt-out’ – is considered to have
had some impact in encouraging a reduction in very long
working hours, although less than the general desire for a
better work–life balance as living standards have risen. A
large reduction in overtime working is currently reported,
although there are doubts about the accuracy of its
Countries with average annual working hours
Malta 39.1 -3.7% In Malta, average weekly hours worked fell from 40.6 to
39.1 hours between 2000 and 2006. This reduction is
mainly attributed to an increase in part-time working,
notably by women. However, the 2005 EWCS indicated
that nearly 14% of those in employment still worked
more than 48 hours a week.
Portugal 39.1 -1.5% In Portugal, average usual hours declined between 2000
and 2006 from 39.7 to 39.1 hours. This is attributed to an
increase in part-time working in the early part of the six-
year period, which has now levelled off.
Slovakia 41 -3.8% In Slovakia, average hours fell significantly over the
2000–2006 period from 42.6 to 41 hours. This is
attributed to part-time workers working fewer hours
rather than any reduction in the proportion of persons
working very long hours, with 20% of workers
apparently working more than 48 hours a week, with no
discernable influence from of Directive 2000/34/EC.
Slovenia 40.3 -3.1% For Slovenia, the LFS data for the period 2000–2006
indicate a fall in average hours worked from 41.6 to 40.3
hours. This reduction can mainly be explained by
increased part-time work, which nevertheless remains
relatively limited (less than 9% of women and under 5%
of men in 2006). Regarding very long hours of work, the
national EWCS data for 2005 indicated that, contrary to
findings in most other countries, twice as many
employees as self-employed persons worked more than
48 hours a week. Directive 2000/34/EC is not considered
to have had any effect.
Finland 37.6 -2.3% In Finland, average weekly working hours fell from 38.5
to 37.6 hours between 2000 and 2006. This is partly
explained by increased part-time working, but also by
reduced hours of work by those working part time,
especially men.
Austria 39.2 2.1% In Austria, average weekly hours worked declined
somewhat in the first part of the period 2000–2006, but
then rose again to just over 39 hours, amounting to a
2.1% increase overall. An increase in part-time working
(from 14.7% to 22.1%) was more than offset by a
substantial increase in the hours worked by full-time
workers – up from 40.1 in 1997 to 42.7 in 2007. In the
view of the Austrian social partners, the EU Directive has
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
had little impact nationally.
Bulgaria 41.4 1.7% Between 2000 and 2006, average working hours in
Bulgaria actually rose by 1.7% – from 40.7 to 41.4 hours.
Part-time working is limited and its impact on average
weekly working time is considered insignificant. To date,
there is no evidence to suggest that the adoption of the
EU Directive has had any impact on working hours, with
21% of the workforce working more than 48 hours a
week (although more than half of these workers are self-
39.4 -2.0% In Spain, average weekly hours worked fell between
2000 and 2006 from 40.2 to 39.4 hours, with part-time
working increasing from 8% to 12% over the same
period. As in other countries, women are overrepresented
among part-time workers, although it is noted that
women in public sector jobs work longer hours than
women in the private sector. It is notable that 26% of
Spanish employees are reported as working six days a
week, compared with an EU average of 16% of workers,
probably or possibly due to the services activities related
to tourism.
Countries with below average annual working hours
Luxembourg 37.3 -2.9% Between 2000 and 2006, Luxembourg saw a significant
reduction in average weekly hours worked, from 38.4 to
37.3 hours, associated with an increase in the number of
part-time workers. EU legislation is considered unlikely
to have had any impact on working hours since national
legislation was already in place, although the number of
persons working very long hours appears to have fallen.
Sweden 36.4 -0.5% In Sweden, average weekly hours worked changed little
over the past 10 years, with a modest decline between
2000 and 2006. The number of average hours worked
currently stands at 36.4 hours a week. The gap between
men and women in terms of working hours has always
been relatively small, but has decreased further, albeit
marginally, with men currently working 38 hours in their
main job and women working 32 hours. Hours worked in
full-time jobs are virtually identical for men and women
at just under 40 hours a week. However, hours worked by
men and women in part-time jobs have both risen,
increasing from 19 to 21.5 hours for men and from 23.5
to 26.5 hours for women. Across the workforce as a
whole, only 9% of persons work very long hours, most of
whom are self-employed.
Belgium 36.8 -0.8% In Belgium, a major change in working time took place
in the 1980s. Nevertheless, there have been few changes
since then, and changes in average hours worked have
been limited, with a modest reduction over the 2000–
2006 period to 36.8 hours a week. Part-time working has
increased, but its effect has been offset by a slight
increase in hours worked by both part-time and full-time
workers. EU legislation is not seen to have had any effect
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
on working time arrangements, given the high level of
Belgian regulation already in place.
Denmark 35.3 -2.2% In Denmark, a decrease in weekly working hours from
36.1 to 35.3 hours was observed between 2000 and 2006.
This appears to have occurred across-the-board, although
there have been changes with respect to the number of
part-time hours workers, with those of men increasing
and those of women declining. Only 10% of workers are
recorded as working long hours; this figure did not
change over the six-year period in question.
France 38.1 2.4% In France, a substantial reduction in average weekly
working hours is reported to have taken place since the
first ‘Aubry’ law on working time reduction was passed
during 1998, with the most notable reductions in larger
companies. LFS data indicate, however, that average
hours worked actually increased significantly – from 37.2
to 38.1 hours – between 2000 and 2006. The fact that
average weekly hours worked remain above the legal 35-
hour limit is attributed to systematic overtime working
(notably in small companies and in sectors such as hotels
and restaurants and transport) and the consequences of
some collective agreements, in which acceptance of
‘inactive’ periods can increase the effective time spent at
work. The change of government in 2007 is seen to
signal an end to incentives to reduce working time.
Countries with the shortest annual working hours
Germany 35.7 -3.8% In Germany, average weekly hours worked fell steadily
and significantly between 2000 and 2006 from 37.1 to
35.7 hours. According to a study by the Institute for
Employment Research (
Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und
, IAB), this was mainly the consequence
of an increase in part-time working (accounting for
almost 26% of those employed in 2006 compared with
just over 19% in 2000), caused in part by changes in
social security legislation that exempted those with short
weekly working hours.
Norway 33.9 -4.2% In Norway, average weekly working hours declined
between 2000 and 2006 from 35.4 to 33.9 hours. There is
no evidence to suggest that this decline was due to more
women entering the labour market and working part time,
given that the proportion of women working full time
remained stable at around 55%–56% over the 2000–2006
period, with a slight decrease in the number of men
working full time – from over 89% to less than 87%.
Only 6% of workers currently work more than 48 hours a
week – a proportion that has fallen significantly since
2000. Since the maximum 48-hour working week was
established in Norway in 1919, the only conceivable
effect of EU legislation would have been in raising
awareness of the issue.
Netherlands 31.2 -1.9% In the Netherlands, a fall in average weekly hours
worked between 2000 and 2006 – from 31.8 to 31.2
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
hours – was reported by the LFS. However, the Dutch
Central Bureau of Statistics (
Centraal Bureau voor de
, CBS) suggests a larger decline in average
hours: from 31.4 to 30.1 hours (with overtime) and from
30.9 to 29.7 hours (without overtime), between 2000 and
2006–2007. Changes are attributed to the entry of women
in the labour market and the growth of part-time working
among both men and women. EU legislation is not seen
to have had an effect on working hours in the
Netherlands since there was already legislation in place
in this field, limiting average weekly working time to a
maximum of 45 hours (40 hours for night work).
Nevertheless, the government extended this limit in 2007
to an average maximum of 52 hours over a 16-week
Source: LFS
Annex 4 – Part-time working
Country % incidence of
part-time work (+/- x%)
Government initiatives to support
part-time work
n 2006
Countries with the longest annual working hours
Greece 2.9% 0.3% 10.2% 2.4% In Greece, the rate of part-time work has
increased somewhat from 2000 to 2006
and now stands at 2.9% for men and
10.2% for women. Legislation
introduced in 1998 allows for part-time
working in public services, but this
possibility appears to have been seldom
used in practice.
Poland 7.1% -1.1% 13% -0.4% In Poland, 7.1% of men and 13% of
women work part time, but these
proportions appear to have declined over
the review period 2000–2006.
Hungary 2.6% 0.6% 5.6% 0.4% In Hungary, the rate of part-time working
is low – 2.6% for men and 5.6% for
women. This is despite legislation dating
back to 1991 which allows subsidies to
be given for part-time employment, as
well as other incentives. For example,
since 2004, employers who offer
employment to parents on childcare leave
(who are not allowed to work full time)
are exempt from healthcare payments.
Likewise, since 2005, health insurance
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
contributions have been adjusted to make
them proportional to hours worked.
Czech Republic 2.2% 0.0% 8.7% -0.6% In the Czech Republic, part-time working
is undertaken by just 2.2% of men and
8.7% of women, with little change over
the period 2000–2006. Moreover, both
the demand for, and supply of, part-time
work is low, with women reportedly
preferring flexible working arrangements
rather than fewer work hours. No general
measures of government support for part-
time work are available. In fact, part-time
work is seen to be more appropriate for
those facing difficulties in entering or re-
entering the labour market (such as those
returning from parental leave, those aged
over 50 years old, or those with
disabilities), with support provided
through lower social insurance
contributions and tax concessions.
Estonia 4.3% -1.0% 11.3% 0.4% In Estonia, 4.3% of men and 11.3% of
women work part time. While public
policy statements are generally positive
regarding part-time work, no active steps
appear to have been taken to encourage
it, even as the policy debate turns
towards issues of flexibility and work–
life balance. Overall, low income levels
are seen as the main factor discouraging
the growth of part-time work.
Countries with above average annual working hours
Latvia 4.7% -5.0% 8.3% -4.5% In Latvia, there has been a shift towards
full-time working, with a substantial
decline in the proportion of people
working only part time, to 4.7% of men
and 8.3% of women. Legal regulations
have been introduced concerning part-
time employment, but no specific support
measures appear to have been
Ireland n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. In Ireland, part-time working had
stabilised at about 18% of the workforce,
comprising some 6% of men in
employment and well over 30% of
women in 2004, the latest year for which
data are available. No particular
government policy initiatives have been
taken to encourage part-time working.
Romania 9.5% -5.1% 9.8% -8.8% In Romania, part-time work is reportedly
undertaken by 9.5% of men and 9.8% of
women – both representing a decline
over the reference period 2000–2006. No
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
obvious action is being taken to
encourage part-time working, which is
not seen as attractive by potential
employees. Nevertheless, part-time
working is now reported as being better
regulated under the new Labour Code.
Cyprus 4.3% -0.2% 12.1% -1.8% In Cyprus, part-time working is
undertaken by some 4.3% of men and
12.1% of women, and appears to have
declined somewhat from 2000 to 2006.
The government is supporting part-time
working in the context of schemes to
promote modern and flexible forms of
employment, but these are largely
targeted towards women who are
currently outside the workforce.
Lithuania 7.9%
-1.3% 12% 0.9% In Lithuania, rates of part-time working
have declined somewhat for men to 7.9%
and increased for women to 12%. Two
factors appear to discourage part-time
working: the low levels of pay for part-
time work, and the fact that employers
find it difficult to organise such work,
especially if they have to take account of
employees’ working time preferences.
Italy 4.7% 1.0% 26.5% 10.0% In Italy, part-time work has increased
from a very low level over the past 10
years, currently accounting for 4.7% of
men (7% according to a national survey
in 2006 on ‘Changing work’ by the
Institute for Economic and Social
Research (
Istituto di Ricerche
Economiche e Sociali
, IRES)) and 26.5%
of women. Credit is given to the
Directive 2000/34/EC for enabling part-
time working to develop, but the Italian
national social security arrangements,
especially as regards pensions, are still
seen as discriminating against, and hence
discouraging, part-time employment.
UK 10.6% 1.7% 42.5% -1.9% In the UK, part-time work is carried out
by some 10.6% of men, but 42.5% of
women. According to a
Employee Relations Survey
management survey in 2004, the
proportion of workplaces with no part-
time workers fell from 21% in 1998 to
17% in 2004, probably due to increased
part-time work in the public sector. The
tax system is seen to provide a modest
incentive to part-time work because of a
minimum tax threshold.
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
Countries with average annual working hours
Malta 4.9% 1.9% 21.5% 6.0% In Malta, part-time working has grown to
become a significant labour market
feature, with 21.5% of women in
employment working part time,
compared with only 4.9% of men. The
government has encouraged the growth
of part-time employment, including
through the revision of income tax bands.
A new public employment register has
also been established for people seeking
part-time work.
Portugal 7.4% 1.0% 15.8% -0.6% In Portugal, part-time working remains
relatively low and stable at around 7.4%
for men and 15.8% for women. No
particular incentives are in place to
encourage part-time working. However,
in line with the European Employment
Strategy, part-time working is seen as a
measure to ‘promote equality between
men and women and facilitate work–life
balance’. Low pay is considered the main
reason limiting employee interest in
taking up part-time work.
Slovakia 1.3% 0.2% 4.7% 1.6% In Slovakia, the incidence of part-time
working is significantly low, involving
only 1.3% of men in employment and
4.7% of women, with only a modest
increase over the reference period 2000–
2006. In practice, part-time jobs are
generally taken up by workers only when
full-time work is not available, for health
reasons, or to suit the needs of
employers. Changes to the Labour Code
in 2007 have brought about better
protection for part-time workers, with
some tax incentives for those who are the
lowest paid, which may serve to
encourage more people to seek part-time
Slovenia 7.2% 1.9% 11.6% 3.8% In Slovenia, the gender balance of part-
time working is relatively close, with
7.2% of men and 11.6% of women
working part time, with increases in both
cases over the 2000–2006 period.
However, part-time working appears to
be more related to age than gender, being
typically carried out by those aged under
25 years or over 55 years of age. For
younger workers (where about 63% of
15–19-year-olds in employment and 24%
of 20–24-year-olds work part time), the
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
high level of part-time work is related to
the practice of combining regular studies
with paid employment. For older
workers, taking on part-time work is
more a way of coping with health
problems or partial disability, which is
how part-time work tends to be
perceived. The Slovenian government
does not encourage part-time working
and social security rules can act as a
disincentive. However, a specific scheme
– similar in concept to that in Finland –
provides some financial support and a
right to part-time work in the context of
the 2006 Act on parental protection and
family benefits. No data are currently
available on the take-up rate of part-time
work, although it is understood that it is
almost exclusively women who avail of
this form of employment.
Finland 9.3% 1.3% 19.2% 2.2% The rate of part-time working is
reasonably high in Finland, with a slight
upward trend since 2000. The gender
imbalance – with 9.3% of men working
part time compared with 19.2% of
women – is partly explained by the
Finnish Quality of Work Life Survey
(FQWLS) of 2003, which found
significant differences in motivation
between men and women. Men were
working part time because they were
partly retired (33%), studying (30%) or
not able to obtain full-time work (20%),
while more women would have preferred
to work full time (37%), with fewer
working part time for reasons of study
(20%) or part-time retirement (17%).
Two specific legislative measures
encourage part-time working. The first
measure is a part-retirement scheme for
full-time workers aged 58 years or more,
with a part-pension of 50% of the
difference between regular and part-time
earnings. The second measure is a (less
well used) part-time childcare leave
system for those who reduce their
working hours when their children are of
pre-school age, or in their first two years
of attendance at school.
Austria 6.5% 2.4% 40.2% 8.0% In Austria, as in the UK, a strong gender
bias is evident, with only 6.5% of men
working part time, compared with 40.2%
of women. Successive governments
appear to have been satisfied with such
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
arrangements, but the 2007 amendment
to the Working Time Act
(Arbeitszeitgesetz, AZG) has adopted a
long-standing demand of trade unions
and given part-time workers a right to
premium rates of pay for overtime work,
thus making part-time work less
attractive to employers.
Bulgaria 1.5% -1.4% 2.5% -1.1% In Bulgaria, the rate of part-time working
is extremely low, covering only 1.5% of
men and 2.5% of women in employment
in 2006. Moreover, part-time working
has declined rather than risen over the
past five years. Given current low levels
of hourly pay, part-time work is not
attractive for most employees and is
generally viewed as only suitable for
students, or as a secondary source of
Spain 4.3% 1.5% 23.2% 6.4% In Spain, some 4.3% of employed men
are in part-time work, compared with
23.2% of women. Part-time working has
increased – especially for women –
reflecting pressures from both employers
(seeking flexibility) and employees
(seeking to better combine professional
activities and personal needs).
Countries with below average annual working hours
Luxembourg 2.6% 0.9% 36.2% 11.1% In Luxembourg, part-time working has
increased substantially in recent years,
largely due to many more women
working part-time hours. At present,
36.2% of women work part time,
compared with only 2.6% of men. While
there is no specific policy to encourage
part-time working, measures are in place
that provide financial compensation for
employers who, instead of making
employees redundant ‘for economic
reasons’, agree to keep them on in part-
time jobs.
Sweden 11.8% 3.6% 40.2% 7.9% In Sweden, the rate of part-time working
is high and has continued to increase, but
revealing a significant gender imbalance,
with 40.2% of women working part time
compared with 11.8% of men. There is
an ongoing debate on the effects of part-
time working on inequality between men
and women. While the previous
government had wanted to establish a
right to full-time work, with some
exceptions, the current government does
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
not support this idea and has opted,
instead, for tax changes designed to
remove disincentives to working full
Belgium 7.4% 1.9% 41.1% 3.7% In Belgium, 41.1% of women, but only
7.4% of men work part time. Part-time
working is particularly encouraged
through career breaks. These were
introduced in 1985, partly in order to
provide job opportunities for
unemployed people, but are now
considered more as a way of improving
work–life balance. A generalised ‘time
credit’ system is widely used to enable
women aged under 50 years to take
career breaks, with men over 50 years of
age also making use of this option to
reduce working hours.
Denmark 13.3% 3.1% 35.4% 1.3% At a rate of 13.3%, part-time working
among men is high in Denmark, although
still well below the 35.4% rate for
women. Legislation introduced in 2002
made it easier to establish company-level
agreements on part-time work, regardless
of any collective agreement provisions,
but with protection for employees not
wishing to work part time. A law on
flexible jobs (targeting those with a
reduced ability to work) also encourages
part-time working, with publicly-
financed compensation available to
companies. Part-time workers in
Denmark can receive unemployment
benefits, but the government is seeking to
tighten the rules to encourage more
people to seek full-time work.
France 5.8% 0.5% 30.2% -0.6% In France, part-time working increased
markedly from 1992 to 1998 (following
reductions in social security charges for
part-time workers), but it has stabilised
since then, covering 5.8% of men and
30.2% of women. Reductions in working
time have tended to be the result of new
full-time employment contracts
stipulating shorter working hours, rather
than the introduction of more part-time
work contracts.
Countries with the shortest annual working hours
Germany 9.3% 4.3% 45.6% 7.7% In Germany, part-time work has
increased considerably over the reference
period, and some 9.3% of men and
45.6% of women currently in
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
employment are working part time.
Average hours worked by men in such
jobs increased from 15.7 to 16.8 hours a
week between 2000 and 2006, while
those of women remained broadly
unchanged at 18.4 hours a week in 2006.
Significant regional differences exist in
respect of part-time working: an IAB
study indicated that the proportion of
women working part time is much lower
in the eastern part of the country (38% in
2004) than in the western part (51% in
2004). However, the percentage of men
working part time in 2004 was higher in
eastern than in western Germany.
The Federal Statistical Office
Statistisches Bundesamt, Destatis) also
reports that, while the proportion of
employees working part time because
they could not find a full-time job was
only 11% in the western part of the
country in 2005, the equivalent figure for
eastern Germany was 54%. The position
of part-time workers is covered by the
2001 Law on part-time and fixed-term
work (Teilzeit- und Befristungsgesetz,
TzBfG), which provides workers with
the right to opt to work shorter hours
after the person concerned has been in
full-time employment for six months (in
companies with more than 15
Norway 13.9% 3.3% 45.2% 2.2% In Norway, the proportion of women
working part time in 2006 was much
higher than for men – 45.2% compared
with 13.9% respectively – with some
increase in the proportions of both men
and women working part time since
2000. No strong government policy
exists on part-time work, except in
respect of involuntary part-time work,
where the main aim is to help the
workers concerned (notably women) into
full-time employment.
Netherlands 23% 3.7% 74.7% 3.7% In the Netherlands, part-time working
has increased over the years, including
during the reference period 2000–2006,
with by far the highest proportions of
employees working part time in the EU –
74.7% of women and 23% of men. Until
2002, the government promoted part-
time work, particularly for women, by
supporting childcare initiatives. It also
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
encouraged part-time work for students
as a way of financing their studies. Since
2003, however, the government has
begun to discourage part-time work
because of concerns about labour
Note: n.a. = No data available.
Source: LFS
Annex 5 – Trade union views
Countries with the highest annual working hours
Greece In Greece, the General Confederation of Labour (Γενική Συνομοσπονδία
Εργατών Ελλάδας
, GSEE) has consistently promoted the case for the
introduction of a 35-hour working week without loss of pay. In terms of
the wider use of part-time work, trade unions are cautious, seeing it as
more suitable for specific groups (such as students). In general, they fear
that it could lead to more low-standard jobs, lower pay and reduced
social protection, creating a ‘grey area’ between regular employment and
Poland In Poland, trade unions are said to have essentially focused on the issue
of overtime pay in relation to working time.
Hungary In Hungary, weekly hours of work are rarely specifically addressed as an
issue at either sectoral or company level, with the main debate being
over meal breaks and how they should be taken into account in
calculating working time. In general, working time issues such as
overtime hours, non-standard work, shift working, posting of workers,
working on rest days and holidays are addressed in the context of overall
pay negotiations.
Czech Republic In the Czech Republic, trade unions aim to regulate the various aspects
of working time – scheduling, overtime, working on standby – at both
enterprise and sectoral level. Significantly, it is reported that the vast
majority of company-level collective agreements in 2007 provided for a
reduction in working time, with provision for an increased holiday
allowance. With regard to part-time jobs, trade unions tend to want to
limit the numbers of such jobs, although they support employer
initiatives to provide support facilities (notably childcare) for part-time
employees. In this respect, there appears to be a tendency for collective
agreements to take more account of the desire to achieve a better work–
life balance.
Estonia In Estonia, working time is seen as the second most important issue
concerning collective bargaining after pay, with the trade unions seeking
to set precise conditions for recording working time, overtime hours and
work carried out at unusual hours. Collective negotiations generally
focus on full-time employment, and no specific initiatives have been
taken regarding part-time work.
Countries with above average annual working hours
Latvia In Latvia, working time issues are negotiated at company level, with a
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
particular focus on holidays and overtime payments. In contrast to some
of the other NMS, part-time jobs are viewed positively by trade unions
as a source of additional employment and income for workers.
Ireland In Ireland, a reduction in the working week continues to be a priority for
trade unions, and collective bargaining has traditionally played a
significant role in the regulation of working time. In the 1990s, based on
a 1989–1990 framework agreement, a 39-hour working week was
established for manual workers (35–37.5 hours for non-manual
workers). There have been no further general reductions since then,
although individual trade unions continue to negotiate reductions in the
working week, with a landmark 35-hour week deal agreed in 2003 in the
financial services sector. Trade unions in Ireland are regarded as having
rather mixed views regarding part-time work – they fear that demands
for more flexible work could undermine their bargaining position, while
recognising the need to represent more ‘atypical’ (including part-time)
Romania In negotiations in Romania, trade unions pay particular attention to the
appropriate definition of daily and weekly working time, as well as to
ensuring the correct payments for overtime, night work and work carried
out during spare time or public holidays. In this context, part-time work
is seen as an exception to normal full-time employment.
Cyprus In Cyprus, working time arrangements are closely regulated through
collective agreements. With respect to part-time work, the main concern
is to ensure that arrangements are in line with employee wishes rather
than being imposed by employers. Accordingly, trade unions continue to
ask for part-time workers to be put on an equal footing with full-time
Lithuania In Lithuania, the strength of the national labour market has had the effect
of increasing working hours, which trade unions see as resulting in a
deterioration of working conditions. In practice, neither employees nor
employers are particularly attracted by part-time work – employees
believe that part-time working implies lower incomes, and employers
resent the additional organisational work involved in hiring part-time
Italy A particular objective of trade unions in Italy has been to limit the
freedom of employers to use overtime at will, and to encourage the
creation of additional jobs. However, this has created a dilemma given
that working longer hours is one of the few options available for workers
to increase earnings when rates of output and productivity growth are
low, as in recent years. Trade union attitudes towards part-time work
remain somewhat mixed, as they view this form of work as a practical
means of improving work–life balance, while also being concerned
about the obvious gender imbalance among part-time workers in
practice. More generally, their aim is to discourage casual or fragmented
part-time working patterns and to negotiate agreements in certain
sectors, such as hotels and restaurants, that can formalise previously
undeclared work.
UK In the UK, a particular focus of trade union concerns has been
excessively long working hours, given the country’s continuing ‘opt-out’
from the EU legislation pertaining to the 48-hour working week. This is
seen as a health and safety issue as well as an obstacle to the
achievement of a better work–life balance. In the absence of legislation,
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
limitations on working hours in the UK appear to depend on the
presence, or absence, of trade union representation at the workplace. In
this respect, trade unions have taken a much more positive view of part-
time work, and of organising part-time workers, since new regulations in
2000 provided equal rights concerning pay, pensions and employment
Countries with average annual working hours
Malta In Malta, the main trade union concerns are rather specific and
somewhat unexpected – namely to resist the introduction of the
Directive 2000/34/EC setting the 48-hour limit on the working week. At
the same time, they denounce the government’s proposed amendment to
legislation on national and public holidays (which would mean the loss
of public holidays falling on a weekend), and are seeking to retain the
rights of government employees to work half days between mid June and
the end of September.
Portugal No information provided.
Slovakia In Slovakia, the most notable collective bargaining developments in this
area concern an agreement to reduce the working hours of public sector
employees. Trade unions have taken a positive approach to part-time
working, but are concerned about ensuring job security for the workers
Slovenia In Slovenia, over the past five years, the trade union focus in collective
negotiations has been on flexibility, including addressing employer and
government proposals that would have extended daily working time by
removing the lunch break. This move was resisted, however, and
formalised in the conditions set out in the Employment Relations Act
that was agreed and passed in the autumn of 2007. Sunday and holiday
working by employees in retail distribution have also been issues of
contention in Slovenia, which resulted in a national referendum on the
opening hours of shops, during which a majority of participants voted
for Sunday closure. Employers challenged this, however, and a new
Collective Agreement for Trade was signed in the autumn of 2006
allowing employers to decide on their opening hours (including on
Sundays and holidays), but with substantial financial benefits for
employees working on those days.
Finland In Finland, the emphasis in negotiations from a trade union perspective
is on two specific issues: an attempt to establish a four-hour minimum
work ‘shift’ for part-time working (so as to avoid working time being
split, for example, between two hours in the morning and two hours in
the afternoon); and progress towards ensuring that arrangements
concerning flexible working hour ‘banking’ (in which flexible hours are
accumulated over a given reference period) are acceptable to employees
as they are to employers.
Austria In Austria, trade unions have traditionally been sceptical about efforts to
make working time arrangements more flexible and have sought to trade
off flexibility for working time reductions. However, with the scope for
further reductions in working time seen as limited, the emphasis has
shifted towards the achievement of a better work–life balance, with trade
unions favouring collective negotiations at sectoral level. Negotiations
on working time often focus on practical issues – the definition of a
normal working week, flexitime arrangements, the reference periods for
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
overtime working or shift working regulations. In Austria, as in some
other countries, there is a degree of trade union ambivalence to part-time
work, with the high incidence of part-time work among women being
viewed as a major factor associated with the gender pay gap (particularly
as women are overrepresented in typically low-wage sectors). Trade
unions have also argued for measures to stop or discourage employers
from splitting full-time jobs into part-time roles.
Bulgaria In Bulgaria, working time arrangements are negotiated between the
social partners and government within the framework of the national
Labour Code established in 2001–2004. Collective negotiations and
agreements cover issues of working time, leave, holidays and rest days,
as well as part-time working and working time flexibility. Trade unions
have sought a gradual reduction in the working week from 40 to 35
hours, but without much support from either employers or government.
Spain In Spain, a traditional goal of trade unions has been to achieve shorter
working hours in order to attain a better work–life balance. This
approach has the support of public authorities and employers, which are
reported to be increasingly aware of the benefits – in terms of enhancing
the corporate image, as well as improving staff motivation and
productivity – of actions that result in more flexible working
arrangements without necessarily involving reduced working hours. This
is confirmed in a report by the
National Commission for the
Rationalisation of Spanish Working Time (Comisión Nacional para la
Racionalización de los Horarios Españoles y su Normalización con los
de los países de la UE).
Countries with below average annual working hours
Luxembourg In general, trade unions in Luxembourg continue to support a reduction
in working time with no loss of income and a sixth week of holidays a
year, with a focus on achieving a better work–life balance. In this
context, trade unions are calling for a right to part-time work. However,
studies suggest that part-time work is not always wanted, as well as
being mainly carried out by women.
Sweden While the Swedish Trade Union Confederation (Landsorganisationen i
, LO) has the long-standing goal of reducing working time to six
hours a day, the focus in recent years has shifted away from reductions
in working time to increases in pay. As part of this process, trade unions
are also pushing for workers to have a right to a full-time employment
contract, since part-time work is viewed somewhat negatively and is
seen as an obstacle to achieving equality between men and women in the
home and at work.
Belgium In Belgium, campaigns to reduce working time (notably in order to
reduce unemployment through work-sharing arrangements) are now a
thing of the past following the introduction of the 38-hour working week
as a general rule in 2001. However, working time is still one of the top
trade union issues at company level, partly because national regulations
allow considerable scope for sectoral or workplace-level negotiations.
As a result of a new intersectoral agreement for 2007–2008, a current
concern relates to overtime working, with pressure from employers to
reduce overtime costs (with support from the government). Trade unions
in Belgium are generally positive about part-time work, provided it is
voluntary and that it does not lead to job insecurity or working at
unsocial hours. At the same time, they are seeking to extend the use of
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
working time account (‘time banking’ or ‘time credit’) systems more
Denmark In Denmark, the 37-hour working week has been the nominal norm since
its introduction in 1990 and, since then, the issue of working time has
not been high on the social partner agenda. However, the national
employer organisation has reopened the debate in 2009 by proposing the
option of combining longer working hours with higher pay. Trade unions
have responded with uncertainty, however, citing possible problems
such as increased stress or sickness. Traditionally, most trade unions in
Denmark have opposed the idea of part-time working, even though it is
allowed under most collective agreements. This negative attitude has
been re-enforced by recent legislation on part-time employment which
trade unions see as providing employers with the possibility to force
workers to accept such jobs, and to dismiss them if they do not.
France In France, working time issues have been at the centre of collective
bargaining in recent years, given the legal requirement to implement
working time reductions through collective agreements. Following the
changes introduced by the new government in 2002, however,
companies have been able to opt out from the legal working time
restrictions by agreement with their workforces, although few appear to
have done so. The threat of the new government in 2007 to remove any
reference to legal working time provoked a strongly negative response
from trade unions.
Countries with the shortest annual working hours
Germany In Germany, the Confederation of German Trade Unions (Deutscher
, DGB) advocates a 35-hour working week for all
employees, reflecting the view that longer working hours have a
negative effect on work–life balance and health, as well as leading to
lower rates of hourly pay. This position has been broadly maintained in
major negotiations in recent years. Part-time work is not seen as one of
the major issues in collective agreements. However, a four-hour
minimum working time per day for part-time workers has been
negotiated in the chemical sector.
Norway In Norway, a 30-hour working week (five days of six hours), without
loss of earnings, has long been the ambition of the Norwegian
Confederation of Trade Unions (
Landsorganisasjonen i Norge, LO). In
this context, full-time working is seen as a basic right, with part-time
working considered as optional, and with priority given to part-time
workers if full-time jobs become available. Equal status for shift
workers, in terms of average weekly working hours, is a current issue of
debate. The government has established an expert panel to look at the
scope and practice of shift work in different sectors of activity.
Unregulated hours and overtime hours are a major concern of the
Federation of Norwegian Professional Associations (
which argues that recent government proposals regarding exemption
from working time legislation are too wide in scope and should be
restricted to senior staff. They argue for conditions to be included in
individual written agreements, with the option of adding overtime hours
worked to holiday entitlements. Voluntary part-time working has not
been an issue in general. However, there are specific concerns, for
example, regarding the creation of large numbers of small part-time shift
work posts in the healthcare sector, where women are overrepresented.
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
Netherlands During the past 10 years, trade unions in the Netherlands have sought to
ensure greater scope for the exercise of individual choice within the
framework of collective agreements through the ‘employment terms
menu’ or ‘CAO à-la-carte’. Thus, they seek to maintain the reduced, 36-
hour working week, but to allow those people who wish to work longer
hours to do so. Overall, trade unions are particularly concerned with
promoting work–life balance for both men and women, with a focus on
childcare and the possibility of influencing individual working time. In
this context, part-time working is viewed positively.
Source: Trade union data
Annex 6 – Flexible working
Work schedules
Countries with the longest annual working hours
Greece In Greece, the standard eight-hour working day is seen as the norm, as is the
standard five-day working week. Only in the retail sector is this not the case, and
this is regarded as exceptional.
Poland In Poland, only 39% of people stated that they never work on Saturdays (EWCS
2005) while 31% reported working seven days a week, and 44% either six or seven
days a week.
Hungary In Hungary, 80% of men and 86% of women had working arrangements with fixed
start and end times, as reported in the 2004 LFS. The EWCS reports that the
standard full-time work day (apart from shift workers) applies to 68% of men and
75% of women. Moreover, at least 75% of men and 82% of women do not work at
In the Czech Republic, full-time work is the norm, applying to 95% of all workers
(98% men, 91% women) according to the 2006 LFS. Almost 80% of workers have
a fixed start and end time to their working day. Work also starts early in the Czech
Republic – typically at 07.00, with women finishing at 15.00 and men at 16.00,
with a third of workers starting work by 06.00 (especially in manufacturing). Only
5% of Czechs start work after 08.00, although the arrival of foreign companies is
beginning to change these practices.
Estonia In Estonia, 83% of employees had a fixed beginning and end time to their working
day, with 77% working a 40-hour week and 74% a five-day week. However, 45%
of people do not work the same number of hours each week (EWCS 2005) and
Saturday and Sunday working has diminished. Regarding weekend work, in 2006,
60% of people reported that they never worked on Saturdays and 73% never
worked on Sundays (compared with 53% and 66%, respectively, in 1997).
Countries with above average annual working hours
Latvia In Latvia, work starts early, often at 07.00, with relatively fixed starting and
finishing times, at least in manufacturing, but with more flexibility in sectors such
as construction and services. It is, therefore, more appropriate to speak of a
standard time norm, rather than a fixed 08.00/09.00 to 17.00/18.00 norm.
Ireland In Ireland, the standard full-time working day is regarded as the norm, along with
the 40-hour/five-day working week.
Romania In Romania, 87% of workers work 40 or more hours a week (EWCS 2005) and
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
some 60% of workers work more than 45 hours a week (AMIGO, 2005). Some
49% of Romanians work more than a five-day week, leaving just 44% working a
five-day week compared with the EU average of 64%. The five-day, 40-hour
working week is, therefore, not regarded as the predominant pattern.
Cyprus In Cyprus, the standard working week is 38 hours over five days, but the working
day varies according to sector. In the public sector, working hours are 07.30/08.00
to 14.30/15.00, apart from Thursday when employees work two hours longer. In
construction and industry, the working day is 07.30 to 15.30/16.00. In the private
sector and services, the working day runs from 08.00/09.00 to 17.00/18.00.
Lithuania In Lithuania, a full-time working day and a standard time norm are predominant
and, according to the EWCS data, the average main paid job involves 41 hours a
Italy In Italy, the 2002 QWS by ISFOL identified four categories of working practice:
highly regular, with the same number of hours and days (67% of respondents);
regular in terms of daily hours, but not the number of days (2.5%); regular in terms
of days only (18%); irregular in terms of both hours and days (12%). The survey
reported minimal differences between the position of men and women in these
UK In the UK, most workers work to a standard pattern, but flexitime and shift
working are also prevalent in certain sectors.
Countries with average annual working hours
Malta In Malta, the standard full-time working day and the 40-hour/five-day week
appears to be the norm with 73% of those in employment working the same
number of hours a day and 82% working the same number of days a week.
Moreover, 47% and 70% of employees never work on Saturday and Sunday,
respectively, and 70% and 81% never work late evenings (20.00–23.00) or during
the night (23.00–05.00) (according to a study conducted by the
National Statistics
(NSO) on working time in 2005). A large majority (75%) of employees
work fixed hours, while 11% work core hours with variations in start and finishing
Portugal In Portugal, the full-time working day is the norm. Overall, 72% of employees
work five days a week and 50%–60% (50% in the 2005 EWCS and 60% in the
Portuguese Working Conditions Survey (WCS) in 2000) also work a 40-hour
week. A large proportion of start and finish times are fixed – for 83% of women
and 77% of men (LFS 2004).
Slovakia In Slovakia, a standard working week – 40 hours over five days – is the dominant
form: 73% of workers usually work five days a week and 37% work between 39
and 41 hours. According to the Labour Code, daily working time cannot exceed
nine hours and employers are obliged to distribute working time over five days
when conditions allow.
Slovenia In Slovenia, the standard full-time working day is seen to predominate, as does the
standard 40-hour, five-day working week. However, according to the EWCS 2005,
over 32% of those employed usually work six days a week in their main paid job,
with 7% working seven days a week. This is regarded as reflecting the preference
of employers to pay for overtime rather than recruit extra personnel, as well as the
continuing importance of agriculture.
Finland In Finland, according to the FQWLS, 68% of employees now start and finish work
between the hours of 06.00 and 18.00 compared with 76% in 1984, implying
increased flexibility over hours. Only 53% of employees work a traditional pattern
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
of a five-day week and 35–40 hours a week.
Austria In Austria, about two thirds of employees work five days a week and slightly more
than 50% of employees work between 39 and 41 hours a week.
Bulgaria In Bulgaria, a time span of 08.00 to 17.00 is typical in industry, with 09.00 to
18.00 more typical working hours in the public sector. The 40-hour, five-day
working week is typical for around 40%–45% of workers.
Spain In Spain, the standard arrangement is full-time working for five days a week, with
an average of 38.5 hours and no shift working. Nevertheless, half of all Spanish
employees work in the evening, and over a third work more than five evenings a
month (EWCS 2005). Some 11% of Spanish employees work more than five
nights a month, but these are concentrated in specific sectors – agriculture and
fishing, extractive industries, hotels, restaurants and catering, and health and social
work. These sectors also account for an above-average proportion of weekend
working. Shift working is also important, although data differ in this regard: the
EWCS 2005 recorded that shift work involves 22% of those employed, while the
2004 Survey on Quality of Life at the Workplace (in Spanish) recorded less than
16%. In terms of shift work, employees prefer to work permanent morning,
afternoon or night shifts over having more flexible arrangements.
Countries with below average annual working hours
Luxembourg In Luxembourg, work schedules are closely regulated. Under the Labour Code,
working time cannot exceed 40 hours a week and eight hours a day, apart from
exceptions specified for different sectors or under collective agreements. In
practice, 78% of employees work five days a week with an average working week
of just over 38 hours. Some 68% of workers have fixed starting and finishing
Sweden In Sweden, the 40-hour, five-day working week is the most common category
(with 46% of employees working 39–41 hours a week), but is not really a norm.
Some 66% of employees work the same number of days each week, and 45% the
same number of hours (EWCS).
Belgium In Belgium, around 60% of those in employment work some form of full-time day
and, while evening and weekend work has increased slightly, shift working has
fallen significantly.
Denmark In Denmark, most people tend to work a five-day week and most collective
agreements specify a 37-hour working week. There is a high degree of flexibility in
working arrangements, however, and only 34% of people report that they work the
same hours every day.
France No details available.
Countries with the shortest annual working hours
Germany In Germany, 73% of employees work a five-day week and 41% work between 39
and 41 hours. Most collective agreements set an upper and lower limit on regular
working time, often designed to deal with seasonal variations in sectors such as
hotels, restaurants and catering, or agriculture and fishing. However, the number of
hours worked a day differ for some 43% of the people surveyed (EWCS).
A study of collective agreements in 24 sectors of economic activity, published by
the Institute for Economic and Social Research (
Wirtschafts- und
Sozialwissenschaftliches Institut
, WSI) in 2005, also indicated that work schedules
vary considerably between different areas of the economy: the norm being a five-
day Monday-to-Friday week in metalworking, construction and financial services;
five days between Monday and Saturday in retailing; and one rest day out of seven
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
working days in postal services.
Norway In Norway, 71% of employees reported their working time to be between 06.00
and 18.00, and data from the EWCS indicate that the five-day working week is by
far the most typical, covering 64% of employees. However, the standard working
time norm is 37.5 hours a week and not 40 hours, with 44% of employees reporting
that they work between 35 and 38 hours. Few changes have seemingly occurred in
recent years.
Netherlands In the Netherlands, full-time work is no longer considered standard, with more men
as well as women working part time, including working fewer days a week.
Working between the hours of 08.00 and 18.00 is still the norm, however, except
in sectors such as hotels and restaurants, and public transport.
Source: Eurostat, LFS, 2006; Parent-Thirion et al, EWCS, 2007; national-level surveys
Non-standard work arrangements
Countries with the longest annual working hours
Greece In Greece, shift working and/or weekend work is restricted to those sectors of the
economy where it is difficult to avoid, such as the tourist industry. Attempts to
extend non-standard work schedules – for example, to enable shops to open on
Sundays – have been resisted, notably by smaller shopkeepers.
Poland In Poland, it is reported that employers are increasingly interested in promoting
non-standard work arrangements in order to expand their productive capacity.
Hungary In Hungary, shift working in manufacturing is commonplace. However, the LFS
indicates that 24% of employees in retail and repair, 50% in hotels and restaurants,
as well as 27% in manufacturing carry out some evening, night and weekend
working. The Trade Union of Commercial Employees (
Alkalmazottak Szakszervezerete
, KASZ) has launched several campaigns over the
past decade against weekend shop opening hours.
In the Czech Republic, there does not appear to have been any significant growth in
non-standard working arrangements, except in sectors where shift working is
required (including tourism), or where there are specific agreements between
employers and employees. The number of people working unsocial hours has fallen
in recent years, with the largest number of people working atypical hours found in
distribution, repair work, manufacturing and construction. Non-standard working
arrangements are more common among older self-employed persons than among
employees. Several reasons are given for people working unsocial hours – the
desire to increase earnings, the nature of the sector or work, labour shortages or
professional obligations (for example, in the case of doctors).
Estonia No details available.
Countries with above average annual working hours
Latvia In Latvia, non-standard working arrangements are considered to be popular with
both employers and employees in all sectors where it is possible to apply them.
However, a requirement of the Labour Code – to include relevant information in a
written employment contract – is often circumvented through verbal agreements, or
through the use of service contracts, which are only subject to the Civil Code.
Weekend working and other forms of non-standard working are not only due to
seasonal factors, but also to the nature of various service sectors.
Ireland In Ireland, non-standard working has expanded in many areas of economic activity,
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
but particularly in retailing, with longer shop opening hours. Although these
changes may have been driven by business interests, they have also been welcomed
by people, notably women, who are seeking more flexible working arrangements.
Seasonal influences on working time patterns remain important, not only in tourism
but also in agriculture and the food industry.
Romania In Romania, the extent of night working has remained broadly unchanged, at
around 11.5% of total employment, with the highest concentration in healthcare
(39%), catering (27%) and energy (24%). The proportion of Romanian workers
who report that they never work nights, according to the EWCS 2005, is only half
the EU average, with some 39% of workers reporting that they work more than five
evenings a month. Some 75% of Romanian workers work Saturdays, although
agriculture accounts for nearly half of the people concerned. Moreover, the high
levels of weekend working in agriculture and retailing are partly attributable to high
levels of self-employment in these sectors.
Cyprus In Cyprus, non-standard working arrangements are generally only found in areas of
the economy where there is no real alternative – such as seasonal tourism.
Lithuania In Lithuania, the proportion of employees working nights, evenings and weekends
seems to be close to the EU average. However, rapid economic growth has led to
more non-standard working arrangements in areas where this is not strictly
necessary, such as in retailing and construction. Such changes are judged to be
driven by business concerns rather than a desire to improve work–life balance.
Italy In Italy, the ISFOL QWS indicates that self-employed people work nights more
frequently than employees (18% compared with 14%) and that many more men
work nights than women (19% compared with 7%), partly as a result of 1977
legislation which effectively discourages night work among women. Differences
between the work patterns of self-employed individuals and those of employees is
even more marked in relation to Sunday working (46% compared with 22%) and
men are also twice as likely to work Sundays as women.
UK No details available.
Countries with average annual working hours
Malta In Malta, the majority of those working atypical hours are shop owners and their
staff as well as those employed in catering. The number of people working non-
standard hours also varies seasonally in response to tourism fluctuations. Only 10%
of those employed consider that their working hours are inconvenient for their
lifestyles (NSO study on working time, 2005), even though non-standard working
appears to be spreading with the expansion of the private sector.
Portugal In Portugal, a 2006 study on restaurants found night working to be common for
53% of employees, with 81% reporting that they work on Saturdays and 68% on
Sundays. A third of those interviewed reported split-shift working, where they
work both morning and afternoon shifts, separated by a long break.
Slovakia In Slovakia, nearly 60% of those employed work on Saturdays and 37% on
Sundays at least some of the time. This occurs in many sectors of the economy and
is essentially driven by demand. Employees do not appear to be opposed to such
atypical types of work, with 75% of those working Saturdays, 70% of those
working Sundays, and 86% of those working evenings considering these
arrangements to be satisfactory.
Slovenia In Slovenia, non-standard working time arrangements are found in the
manufacturing sector, in particular two or three-shift systems, reflecting
technological or organisational requirements. They also exist in some market
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
services – restaurants, tourism and personal services. No evidence is available of
any particular changes in these areas. In the public sector, standard working hours
still persist. Nevertheless, there are some limited examples of change, with, for
example, shift working in publicly-provided childcare.
Finland Working time arrangements in Finland have become much more flexible since the
deep recession of the early 1990s. Collective agreements now provide opportunities
to tailor working arrangements to the needs of both employers and employees at the
local level. One recent priority – to encourage and assist older workers to remain in
the labour market – has led to imaginative new schemes for this group, such as
three weeks of working followed by one week off. Non-standard working in
Finland varies significantly between sectors, with morning or evening work in
agriculture, transport and retailing, and regular night work in transport, hotels,
restaurants and catering, as well as health and social services.
Austria In Austria, about 13% of employees regularly work evenings, although this
proportion rises to almost 40% in the hotels, restaurants and catering sector.
Weekend working is also common in this sector, as well as in commerce and health
and social services.
Bulgaria In Bulgaria, the spread of standard working time is the result of a number of
factors: the construction sector boom which increased weekend as well as weekday
working; the deregulation of working hours in retailing; and the high level of self-
employment in the expanding tourist industry as well as in agriculture. As a result,
some 59% of workers sometimes work Saturdays, and 39% sometimes work
Spain No details available.
Countries with below average annual working hours
Luxembourg No details available.
Sweden In Sweden, the proportion of employees working weekends and mornings has
remained relatively unchanged for two decades, while the numbers of people
working evenings has increased. This is especially the case among manual workers,
notably in construction, but also in manufacturing. More men than women work
non-standard hours – 63% of men work non-standard hours at least one day a week
(and 23% every day) compared with 56% of women (12% every day). Non-
standard working hours are most commonly found in personal and cultural services,
manufacturing, retailing, communications and healthcare, with 65% or more
workers working non-standard hours at least one day a week. In manufacturing,
35% of those employed work non-standard hours every day.
Belgium In Belgium, non-standard work is generally limited to those sectors and activities
where it is difficult to avoid, although the government has introduced tax incentives
to encourage flexible working arrangements as part of its strategy to improve
competitiveness. Non-standard work is particularly important in healthcare, but
early and late working is also expanding in relation to activities such as cleaning
and security. The issue of shop opening hours is still being debated, although some
controls in this regard have been relaxed.
Denmark In Denmark, the proportion of people working ‘unsocial hours’ is relatively large,
with 82% of self-employed workers and 55% of employees regularly working such
hours. According to a 2005 report by the Danish Working Environment Authority
Arbejdstilsynet), this mainly occurs where workers are in contact with the general
public. It is more common for men to work in the evenings and at night than
women. However, much the same proportion (69%) of men and women who work
at night find it convenient for their personal lives, as do 72% of those who work
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
France No details available.
Countries with the shortest annual working hours
Germany In Germany, 60% of people do not generally work in the evenings, but 24% work
more than five evenings a month and another 16% work up to five evenings a
month. As regards weekend working, almost half of workers (48%) report that they
do not work at all on Saturdays, but 37% work at least one Saturday a month, and
15% work three or more Saturdays a month. Sunday is generally regarded as a rest
days in Germany and only 18% of people regularly work on this day.
Norway In Norway, around 30% of people work outside regular hours, generally doing
shifts, which involve 22% of all employees. Non-standard working time
arrangements are most common in sectors where they are difficult to avoid.
Overall, a modest increase can be seen in the amount of non-standard working, but
mainly in those sectors where it was already well established.
Netherlands In the Netherlands, non-standard time working – evening, night and weekend work
– is mainly limited to sectors of the economy where it is difficult to avoid, unless
employers and employees choose this option.
Source: Eurostat, LFS, 2006; Parent-Thirion et al, EWCS, 2007; national-level surveys
Organisation of work
Countries with the longest annual working hours
Greece In Greece, while working time is negotiated collectively, the organisation
of work is seen essentially as a managerial prerogative, with flexibility
generally considered to work to the advantage of the employer rather than
the employee. No major differences are observed between types of jobs, or
between men and women in terms of ability to organise their work.
Poland In Poland, the EWCS reports that 79% of employees consider that they
have no influence over their working time arrangements, with the main
exceptions being those in more senior professional positions. Evidence of
bad practice – seen as ‘negative flexibility’ – is presented by the National
Labour Inspectorate (
Państwowa Inspekcja Pracy, PIP) which monitors
working time arrangements. Its 2006 annual report documents a range of
abuses, such as: non-payment of overtime hours; failure to provide
compensatory days off or rest periods; or exceeding legal overtime limits.
Hungary In Hungary, there is some flexibility regarding work starting and finishing
times. Moreover, working time ‘banking’ is specifically addressed in some
company-level collective agreements, but the extent of this practice is
limited. Case studies suggest that flexibility is generally introduced in the
interests of employers. LFS results suggest that non-manual workers can
influence their work schedules more than manual workers, but no
differences are noted between public and private sector employees or
between men and women.
Czech Republic In the Czech Republic, employees have only limited flexibility with regard
to working time arrangements. ‘Working on call’ is regarded as a
potentially problematic form of flexibility. However, this form of work
currently applies to very few (3.5%) employees, and basic parameters and
limits for such arrangements are laid down in the Labour Code and
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
collective agreements. The ‘banking’ of hours is seldom practiced, but this
could change with the introduction of employee ‘working time accounts’
in particular with respect to home working and self-employment.
Estonia In Estonia, higher status employees, such as managers and officials, have
more possibility to determine their working arrangements than, for
example, machine operators. On the other hand, unskilled workers are
reported to have more possibilities than skilled workers – 17% compared
with 6%. According to LFS data, 26% of workers in agriculture and
fishing are able to plan their own work schedules.
As regards positive and negative flexibility, a Working Life Barometer
report in 2005 in Estonia reported that 70% of part-time work is carried
out voluntarily, and that 59% of ‘teleworkers’ and 42% of part-time
workers are satisfied with their flexibility arrangements.
Countries with above average annual working hours
Latvia In Latvia, the extent to which individual workers can influence their
working time arrangements is seen to depend partly on the nature of the
work (notably the extent to which it involves team working or contact with
customers), and partly on the attitude of the employer. While it is
recognised that people with higher ranking or better paid jobs generally
have more control over their working arrangements, this advantage is
often counter-balanced by more extensive obligations.
Ireland No details available.
Romania In Romania, 85% of employees state that their work schedules are set by
their employer, with 30% of employees reporting that these schedules
change daily (nearly twice the average EU rate). Work schedules in the
public sector are seen to be much more predictable than in the private
Cyprus In Cyprus, it is uncommon for employees to set their own work starting
and finishing times in either the private or public sector, and there are very
limited opportunities to bank working hours. As in other countries, those
with higher status jobs may have greater flexibility, but often at the cost of
working longer hours. The opportunities for flexible working
arrangements are considered to be greater in the private sector than in the
public sector.
Lithuania In Lithuania, rigidity of working time is considered to be much more
prevalent than flexibility, with the banking of hours, for example, being
largely unknown. According to a 2006 survey ‘
Attractive workplace for
all’, ‘ordinary workers and experts are normally required to adhere strictly
to the working time order’. Insofar as there is flexibility, it is considered to
be greater in the private than in the public sector.
Italy In Italy, according to a 2004 survey by the National Institute for Statistics
Istituto Nazionale di Statistica, Istat) on working time organisation,
27.5% of workers enjoy flexible work arrangements to some extent, with
nearly 8% of them on ‘individual time accounts’, 6% on individual
agreements, and 4% able to exercise full flexibility regarding working
time. Outside of agriculture (where over 40% of workers report having
some form of flexibility), the highest amount of working time flexibility
can be found in personal services (36% of workers) and business services
(33%). Flexible working arrangements are most common for those
working relatively short hours each week (less than 15 hours) or relatively
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
long hours (over 40 hours). Types of arrangements vary by company size
and, overall, working time flexibility tends to increase with occupational
status. According to the 2006 ‘Changing work’ survey by IRES, around a
third of flexible working time arrangements are determined unilaterally by
the employer; over a quarter through collective agreements; over a quarter
through individual agreements; and only some 12.5% decided mainly by
UK In the UK, senior executives and professionals are seen as having the most
control over their working time. Nevertheless, they also tend to work the
longest hours, with formal flexitime arrangements mainly applying to non-
manual and public sector employees in large organisations. According to
the WERS 2004 managerial survey, provisions are in place for flexible
working arrangements in a large proportion of UK workplaces. For
example: 70% of workplaces have provisions enabling employees to
reduce hours from full time to part time; 35% offer flexitime; 31% job
sharing; and 26% homeworking. However, it is less clear to what extent
the possibilities are taken up by employees in practice.
Countries with average annual working hours
Malta In Malta, NSO statistics for 2006 show that, while 31% of the working
population can modify their normal working hours for family reasons by at
least one hour, some 44% cannot, a disproportionate number of these
being women. Likewise, the fourth EWCS reports that 73% of Maltese
workers have fixed starting and finishing times, and that 83% have no
possibility of making changes. The ‘banking’ of hours seems to be seldom
practiced, with more than half of both male and female employees
reporting that it is not possible to work extra hours on particular days in
order to take other days off for family reasons. As in other countries, non-
manual and professional workers have more possibilities than others to
control working hours.
Portugal In Portugal, according to the 2005 EWCS, the working schedules of some
86% of employees are set by their employers with no possibility for
change. Both the EWCS and the LFS report very small proportions of
employees having self-determined work schedules, and the possibility of
‘banking’ hours is available to less than 1% of employees. Flexible
arrangements are viewed as being primarily designed to suit the needs of
employers; however, no surveys appear to exist to verify this.
Slovakia In Slovakia, only around 1% of employed people have the opportunity to
determine their own work schedules. However, 4.5% of men and 6% of
women effectively have the opportunity to ‘bank’ hours and take time off
at a later stage. The Labour Code obliges employers to negotiate working
time issues with employees or their representatives, but employees may
not always feel able to insist on their rights. Flexible working time
arrangements most commonly apply to those in higher ranking jobs.
However, the incidence of such arrangements also varies between sectors
of activity, being highest in public administration and defence (38% of
employees), financial services (36%) and construction (over 30%). There
appear to be no significant differences between men and women.
Slovenia In Slovenia, some 58% of employees have fixed starting and finishing
times to their working day (EWCS 2005), normally reflecting the type and
organisation of work. It is usually possible to ‘bank’ hours, particularly
overtime hours, which can be used later as days off. Self-determined
working times are rare (reported by 7% of employees only) and limited to
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
specific professions. Surveys suggest that the incidence of employer forms
of flexibility are high, even if agreed with employees or their
representatives, and that workers in relatively low-paid jobs in
manufacturing and market services are attracted to shift work as a way of
increasing their earnings.
Finland Data for Finland indicate that around half of those employed have no fixed
starting or finishing times to their working day. While opportunities to
‘bank’ hours are only slightly more prevalent than in the rest of the EU,
opportunities to ‘bank’ days are more than double the EU average,
applying to around 16% of employees. The opportunity for people to
determine their own work schedule is also double the EU average,
applying to about 10% of employees, although less to women than men.
Austria In Austria, flexitime agreements have been established under which it is
possible to extend normal working hours up to 10 hours a day – for
example, to create a four-day, 40-hour working week. However, no
information is apparently available on how much these possibilities are
used in practice. Under such arrangements, the banking of hours is
possible, but with the work schedules generally laid down by the
employer. Flexibility is seen to vary primarily with status and occupation,
and much less so between men and women. Whether flexibility is viewed
as positive or negative depends very much on the particular circumstances
in a company. Trade unions suspect, for example, that some part-time
working arrangements, in particular ‘just in time’ systems, fail to meet
legal requirements.
Bulgaria In Bulgaria, most workers (73%) have fixed working times, with
arrangements set by employers in 92% of cases, and little opportunity for
employees to choose between different fixed working time schedules,
adapt working hours or fix their own hours of work (EWCS). A report on
‘Combining employment and family life’, published in 2005 by the
National Statistical Institute
(Национален Статистически Институт,
NSI), suggests, however, that for 25% of employees it is usually possible
to change working hours and to take time off for family reasons, while for
35% it is impossible to do so. The Agency for Social Analyses, through
International Social Survey Programme (ISSP), also reports that
around a third of people (women and men) wish to do more paid work.
Spain In Spain, nearly 79% of employees have fixed starting and finishing times
to the working day, with fewer having some form of flexibility regarding
working arrangements than elsewhere in the EU. Obstacles to flexibility
include traditions such as long lunches, a division of jobs by gender and
reluctance by employers to address work–life balance issues through
collective bargaining, preferring to treat matters on an individual basis. A
range of public policy initiatives have, however, been undertaken, with
some agreements between the social partners designed to improve
flexibility and address issues of work–life balance and gender equality,
including a pilot project on ‘teleworking’ in the public sector.
Countries with below average annual working hours
Luxembourg In Luxembourg, 65% of workers consider that they have little flexibility
with respect to their working time (EWCS 2005). About 10% of
employees can ‘bank’ hours, around 1% can ‘bank’ days and 3% can
determine their own schedules of work, with no major differences found
between women and men. Whether flexibility is seen as positive or
negative appears to vary by sector. In financial services, hours are
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
designed to suit both employers and employees, while in industry they are
more likely to be determined by the production system in place. A 1995
study conducted by the Centre for Population, Poverty and Socioeconomic
Policy Studies (
Centre d’Études de Populations, de Pauvreté et de
Politiques Socio-Economiques/International Networks for Studies in
Technology, Environment, Alternatives, Development
indicated that part-time working arrangements were easier to introduce in
the public sector and that new social measures to achieve a better work–
life balance were most likely to appear in this sector first.
Sweden In Sweden, 60% of employees have fixed starting and finishing times for
work. Overall, 40% have some flexibility in arranging their working time.
While over a third of employees cannot change their working times, 44%
can (within certain limits) and 14% can determine these themselves.
According to a study conducted by LO, higher-paid employees have much
greater flexibility than lower-paid workers, with 92% of employees with
earnings of €4,000 or more a month having flexible working time
compared with 31% of those earning less than €1,700. Moreover, the
‘banking’ of hours is considered to be common among employees.
Belgium In Belgium, the ability to influence starting and finishing times applies to
only a limited number of workers, although around 30% of employers
have introduced some arrangement of this kind. Surveys among employees
indicate a strong preference for working fewer days and a dislike of
variable working time schedules set by employers. Flexible working
arrangements seem to be more common in private services than in the
public sector.
Denmark In Denmark, employees are seen to have more flexibility in organising
their working time than those in other parts of the EU. Nevertheless, 56%
of those employed have fixed starting and finishing times, and 34% work
the same number of hours each day. Only around 1% of employees have
the possibility of ‘banking’ hours, but some 18% are able to ‘bank’ days,
with little difference between men and women in this regard. Again, those
in higher-level jobs have more possibilities (half of men and a third of
women) to influence their working time arrangements than those in lower-
level positions (20% or less of those concerned).
France In France, available evidence indicates that only 13% of employees have
no choice concerning working hours and holidays, 16% have total choice,
and some 70% have some measure of choice regarding holidays. As
regards flexibility generally, working time legislation has introduced the
possibility of ‘banking’ working hours. However, this option appears to
have been taken by only 6% of employers, and less than half of these have
introduced the provision in practice.
Countries with the shortest annual working hours
Germany In Germany, only around 2% of employees are believed to be able to
determine their work schedules, as indicated in the 2004 LFS, with around
50% of women and 45% of men having fixed starting and finishing hours
for work. A significant proportion of employees are covered, however, by
schemes that enable them to ‘bank’ working hours (19% men, 18%
women) or days (21% men, 17.5% women), although the incidence of
such schemes varies considerably between sectors. According to a 2004
study on flexible working time arrangements, carried out by the
Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce
Industrie- und Handelskammertag
, DIHK), nearly two thirds of companies
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
had flexible working time arrangements, with 40% providing flexible
weekly hours – the most common and popular type of arrangement. Such
arrangements are most common in insurance (50%), hotels and restaurants
(47%) and retailing (43%).The second most popular form of flexible
working arrangement is ‘flexitime’, allowing for variable hours around
fixed core working hours. Flexitime is used by a third of companies
overall. More specifically, this arrangement is applied in 75% of
companies in printing and electrical engineering, but in less than 20% of
companies in retailing and less than 10% in construction. With regard to
construction companies, according to a report on the sector, ‘annual
working time accounts’ (with hours booked over a year-long period) are
the preferred option of over 50% of the companies surveyed because of the
seasonal nature of the work.
Norway In Norway, as the EWCS 2005 indicates, over 60% of employees are able
to partially or fully adapt their working time. However, the proportion of
employees reporting that they actually work flexible times is smaller than
in the other Nordic countries. This finding is supported by the Norwegian
survey of living conditions in 2006, conducted by Statistics Norway
Statistisk sentralbyrås, SSB), which suggests that some 30% of
employees work a form of regulated flexitime. It should be noted that, as
of the beginning of 2006, employees under the Working Environment Act
are entitled to work flexible hours, provided that this can be accomplished
without major inconvenience to the company. Working time accounts are
common – applying to 32% of men and 27% of women employed – with
similar numbers reporting that they are able to ‘bank’ hours or days. The
proportion of employees able to fully determine their hours of work is,
however, slightly below the EU average and less than half the levels in
Sweden and Denmark (at just under 6%). No clear evidence is available on
whether flexible working has positive or negative effects. However, the
healthcare sector seems to be one in which the ‘part-time culture’ meets
the needs of the great majority of employees.
Netherlands In the Netherlands, flexible working time arrangements are common with
respect to office work, including the possibility of negotiating four
working days of nine hours each, to make up a 36-hour working week.
The ‘banking’ of hours is considered uncommon, but this arrangement is
sometimes used to meet seasonal variations in workloads. The opportunity
to fully determine personal work schedules is mainly limited to
homeworkers and ‘teleworkers’. To prevent abuse of flexible working
arrangements – as regards, for example, ‘on-call’ workers (who account
for under 2% of all employees) or temporary workers (3% of all
employees) – a Law on flexibility and security was passed in 1999.
Nevertheless, it is reported that some employers still seem to abuse such
Source: Eurostat, LFS, 2006; Parent-Thirion et al, EWCS, 2007; national-level surveys
Annex 7 – Average usual hours worked by employees
These tables on working time in the EU (Eurostat and LFI) are available on the Eurofound website.
Annex 8 – Country codes and abbreviations
Country code Country name
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
Czech Republic
United Kingdom
Country abbreviations used
EU15 – 15 EU Member States before May 2004 (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the
United Kingdom)
EU25 – EU15 and the 10 Member States that joined the EU in May 2004
EU27 – 27 EU Member States, comprising the EU15, the 10 new Member States that joined the EU in
May 2004, in addition to Bulgaria and Romania, which joined the EU in January 2007
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010
John Morley and Fadila Sanoussi, Applica, with Isabella Biletta and Felix Wolf, Eurofound
© European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2010