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Case No. ___________________
Plaintiff, the Federal Trade Commission (“Commission”), filed its
Complaint for a permanent injunction and other relief in this matter, pursuant to
Section 13(b) of the Federal Trade Commission Act (“FTC Act”), 15 U.S.C. §
53(b). The Commission and Defendant Equifax Inc. (“Defendant”) stipulate to
entry of this Order for Permanent Injunction and Monetary Judgment (“Order”) to
resolve all matters in dispute in this action between them.
1. This Court has jurisdiction over this matter.
2. The Complaint charges that Defendant engaged in acts or practices in
violation of Section 5 of the FTC Act, 15 U.S.C. § 45, and the Standards for
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Safeguarding Customer Information Rule (“Safeguards Rule”), 16 C.F.R.
Part 314, issued pursuant to Sections 501(b) and 505(b)(2) of the Gramm-
Leach-Bliley Act (“GLB Act”), and 15 U.S.C. §§ 6801(b) and 6805(6b)(2),
by failing to reasonably secure sensitive consumer personal information in
Defendant’s networks and computer systems.
3. Defendant neither admits nor denies any of the allegations in the Complaint,
except as specifically stated in this Order. Only for purposes of this action,
Defendant admits the facts necessary to establish jurisdiction.
4. Defendant waives any claim that it may have under the Equal Access to
Justice Act, 28 U.S.C. § 2412, concerning the prosecution of this action
through the date of this Order, and agrees to bear its own costs and
attorneys’ fees.
5. Defendant and the Commission waive all rights to appeal or otherwise
challenge or contest the validity of this Order.
For the purpose of this Order, the following definitions apply:
1. Affected Consumermeans the approximately One Hundred Forty Seven
Million (147,000,000) U.S. consumers whom Defendant has identified
whose Personal Information was accessed without authorization as a result
of the Breach.
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2. Alternative Reimbursement Compensationmeans compensation for
any Affected Consumer who does not make a claim to enroll in the Product,
and instead, has or has concurrent with their claim obtained a credit
monitoring or protection product.
3. Assisted Identity Restoration Servicesmeans the identity restoration
services, as set forth in Section IX and described in Exhibit A, offered to all
Affected Consumers who have or may have experienced identity theft or
4. Breachmeans the information security incident publicly disclosed by
Defendant on or about September 7, 2017.
5. Claims Administration Protocolmeans the protocol that has been
approved by a representative of the Commission and which will be
submitted to and approved by the MDL Court, to implement the claims
administration and Settlement process in the Multi-District Litigation.
6. Claims Forms” are the forms that have been approved by a representative
of the Commission and which will be submitted to and approved by the
MDL Court, that Affected Consumers submit to the Settlement
Administrator in paper or via the Settlement Website to make claims for
Out-of-Pocket Losses, Alternative Reimbursement Compensation, the
Product, and Single-Bureau Monitoring.
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7. Class Action Effective Datemeans the first business day after the MDL
Court enters final approval of the Settlement, and either:
a. the time for appeal, petition, rehearing or other review has expired, or
b. if one or more appeals, petitions, requests for rehearing or other
reviews are filed regarding any issue with the Settlement, when
i. the final approval order and judgment is affirmed without
material change and the time for further appeals, petitions,
requests for rehearing or other reviews has expired, or
ii. all appeals, petitions, rehearings, or other reviews are dismissed
or otherwise disposed of and the time for further appeals,
petitions, requests for rehearing or other review has expired.
8. Clear(ly) and Conspicuous(ly)means that a required disclosure is
difficult to miss (i.e., easily noticeable) and easily understandable by
ordinary consumers, including in all of the following ways:
a. In any communication that is solely visual or solely audible, the
disclosure must be made through the same means through which the
communication is presented. In any communication made through
both visual and audible means, such as a television advertisement, the
disclosure must be presented simultaneously in both the visual and
audible portions of the communication even if the representation
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requiring the disclosure (“Triggering Representation”) is made in only
one means.
b. A visual disclosure, by its size, contrast, location, the length of time it
appears, and other characteristics, must stand out from any
accompanying text or other visual elements so that it is easily noticed,
read, and understood.
c. An audible disclosure, including by telephone or streaming video,
must be delivered in a volume, speed, and cadence sufficient for
ordinary consumers to easily hear and understand it.
d. In any communication using an interactive electronic medium, such as
the Internet or software, the disclosure must be unavoidable.
e. The disclosure must use diction and syntax understandable to ordinary
consumers and must appear in a language in which the Triggering
Representation appears.
f. The disclosure must comply with these requirements in each medium
through which it is received, including all electronic devices and face-
to-face communications.
g. The disclosure must not be contradicted or mitigated by, or
inconsistent with, anything else in the communication.
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h. When the representation or sales practice targets a specific audience,
such as children, the elderly, or the terminally ill, ordinary
consumers” includes reasonable members of that group.
9. Consumer Fundmeans the account established to provide restitution and
redress to Affected Consumers as described in Sections VIII, IX and X, and
which will be overseen by the MDL Court and which represents an
undifferentiated portion of the consumer restitution fund as defined in the
10.Consumer Reporthas the meaning provided in the Fair Credit Reporting
Act (“FCRA”), 15 U.S.C. § 1681 et seq., and any amendments thereto. As
of the date of entry of this Order, Consumer Report” is defined under the
FCRA as any written, oral, or other communication of any information by a
Consumer Reporting Agency bearing on a consumer’s credit worthiness,
credit standing, credit capacity, character, general reputation, personal
characteristics, or mode of living which is used or expected to be used or
collected in whole or in part for the purpose of serving as a factor in
establishing the consumer’s eligibility for:
a. credit or insurance to be used primarily for personal, family, or
household purposes;
b. employment purposes; or
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c. any other purpose authorized under FCRA Section 604, 15 U.S.C. §
11.Consumer Reporting Agency” has the meaning provided in the FCRA, 15
U.S.C. § 1681 et seq., and any amendments thereto. As of the date of entry
of this Order, “Consumer Reporting Agency” is defined under the FCRA as
any person which, for monetary fees, dues, or on a cooperative nonprofit
basis, regularly engages in whole or in part in the practice of assembling or
evaluating consumer credit information or other information on consumers
for the purpose of furnishing Consumer Reports to third parties, and which
uses any means or facility of interstate commerce for the purpose of
preparing or furnishing Consumer Reports.
12.Covered Incidentmeans any instance in which any U.S. federal, state, or
local law or regulation requires Defendant to notify any U.S. federal, state,
or local government entity that Personal Information collected or received,
directly or indirectly, by Defendant from or about an individual consumer
was, or is reasonably believed to have been, accessed or acquired without
authorization, and the incident affects at least 250 U.S. consumers.
13.Defendantmeans (1) Equifax Inc., and its successors and assigns, and (2)
Equifax Inc.’s subsidiaries, and their successors and assigns, incorporated in
the United States, that do business in the United States, or that collect, store,
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or process Personal Information from or about consumers in the United
States to the extent that their conduct falls within the Commission’s
14.Extended Claims Periodmeans the period of time ending four years after
the conclusion of the Initial Claims Period.
15.Full Service Identity Restoration Servicesmeans the identity restoration
services offered to all Affected Consumers enrolled in the Product, as
described in Exhibit A.
16.Initial Claims Periodmeans the period of time ending six months after
entry of the order permitting issuance of notice in the Multi-District
17.MDL Courtmeans the Court presiding over the Multi-District Litigation.
18.Multi-District Litigationmeans those actions filed against Equifax Inc.
and/or one or more of its subsidiaries asserting claims related to the Breach
by or on behalf of one or more consumers that have been or will be
transferred to the federal proceedings styled In re Equifax Inc. Customer
Data Breach Litigation, 1:17-md-02800-TWT (N.D. Ga.).
19.Notice and Settlement Administration Costs and Expensesmeans the
costs and expenses of the Notice Provider, Notice Plan, Claims
Administration Protocol, and Settlement Administrator.
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20. Notice Datemeans sixty days after the MDL Court issues an order
permitting issuance of notice of the Settlement.
21.Notice Plan” means the plan that has been approved by a representative of
the Commission and which will be submitted to, approved by, and overseen
by the MDL Court, for providing notice to Affected Consumers in the Multi-
District Litigation.
22.Notice Providermeans Signal Interactive Media or another independent
third-party agent or administrator that has been approved by a representative
of the Commission, and which will be submitted to, approved by, and
overseen by the MDL Court to implement the Notice Plan.
23.Out-of-Pocket Lossesmeans verifiable unreimbursed costs or
expenditures that an Affected Consumer incurred and that are fairly
traceable to the Breach, which are eligible for reimbursement from the
Consumer Fund as set forth in Sections IX.B.1.c and IX.B.2.
24.Personal Consumer Reportmeans the Consumer Report made available
to consumers by any entity within Defendant that compiles and maintains
files on consumers on a nationwide basis as defined under 15 U.S.C. §
25.Personal Informationmeans individually identifiable information from
or about an individual consumer, including:
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a. first and last name;
b. home or other physical address;
c. email address;
d. telephone number;
e. date of birth;
f. Social Security number;
g. other government-issued identification numbers, such as a driver’s
license number, military identification number, passport number, or
other personal identification number;
h. financial institution account number;
i. credit or debit card information; or
j. authentication credentials, such as a username and password.
26.Preventative Measuresmeans placement or removal of security freezes
or obtaining credit monitoring services.
27.Productmeans the three-bureau credit and identity monitoring product,
including any changes, as described in Exhibit A and approved by a
representative of the Commission and then approved by the MDL Court.
28.Service Awardsmeans compensation awarded to the consumers named as
plaintiffs in the Multi-District Litigation.
29.Settlementmeans the settlement resolving the Multi-District Litigation.
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30.Settlement Administratormeans JND Legal Administration, or another
independent third-party agent or administrator that has been approved by a
representative of the Commission, and which will be submitted to, approved
by, and overseen by the MDL Court to implement the processes described in
the Claims Administration Protocol, and claims and Settlement process in
the Multi-District Litigation.
31.Settlement Websitemeans the website established by the Settlement
Administrator, and described in the Claims Administration Protocol, that has
been approved by a representative of the Commission to provide information
about the Settlement, including deadlines and case documents, and permit
Affected Consumers to electronically submit Claims Forms.
32.States’ Attorneys Generalmeans the 50 state and territory attorneys
general that are each entering into a stipulated judgment on or about July 22,
2019 with Equifax Inc. for claims related to the Breach.
33.Time Compensationmeans compensation to an Affected Consumer for
time spent by that Affected Consumer (1) taking Preventative Measures
and/or (2) remedying fraud, identity theft, or other misuse of an Affected
Consumer’s Personal Information that is fairly traceable to the Breach.
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IT IS ORDERED that Defendant, Defendant’s officers, agents, employees,
and all other persons in active concert or participation with any of them, who
receive actual notice of this Order, whether acting directly or indirectly, in
connection with any good or service, are hereby permanently restrained and
enjoined from misrepresenting, expressly or by implication, the extent to which
Defendant maintains and protects the privacy, security, confidentiality, or integrity
of any Personal Information.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Defendant shall establish and implement,
and thereafter maintain, for twenty years after entry of this Order, a comprehensive
information security program (“Information Security Program) designed to
protect the security, confidentiality, and integrity of Personal Information. To
satisfy this requirement, Defendant must, at a minimum:
A. Document in writing the content, implementation, and maintenance of the
Information Security Program, including the following:
1. Documented risk assessments required under Section II.D;
2. Documented safeguards required under Section II.E; and
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3. A description of the procedures adopted to implement and monitor the
Information Security Program, including procedures for evaluating
and adjusting the Information Security Program as required under
Section II.I;
B. Provide the written Information Security Program and any material
evaluations thereof or updates thereto to Defendant’s board of directors or a
relevant subcommittee thereof, or equivalent governing body or, if no such
board or equivalent governing body exists, to a senior officer of Defendant
responsible for Defendant’s Information Security Program at least once
every twelve months;
C. Designate a qualified employee or employees to coordinate, oversee, and be
responsible for the Information Security Program;
D. Assess, at least once every twelve months, internal and external risks to the
security, confidentiality, or integrity of Personal Information that could
result in the unauthorized disclosure, misuse, loss, alteration, destruction, or
other compromise of such information and document those risks that are
material. Defendant shall further assess and document internal and external
risks as described above as they relate to a Covered Incident promptly (not
to exceed forty-five days) following verification of such a Covered Incident;
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E. Design, implement, maintain, and document safeguards that control for the
material internal and external risks Defendant identifies to the security,
confidentiality, or integrity of Personal Information identified in response to
Section II.D. Each safeguard shall be based on the volume and sensitivity of
the Personal Information that is at risk, and the likelihood, given the
existence of other safeguards, that the risk could be realized and result in the
unauthorized access, collection, use, alteration, destruction, or disclosure of
the Personal Information. Such safeguards shall also include:
1. Establishing patch management policies and procedures that require
confirmation that any directives to apply patches or remediate
vulnerabilities are received and completed and that include timelines
for addressing vulnerabilities that account for the severity and
exploitability of the risk implicated;
2. Establishing and enforcing policies and procedures to ensure the
timely remediation of critical and/or high-risk security vulnerabilities;
3. Identifying and documenting a comprehensive information technology
(“IT”) asset inventory that includes hardware, software, and location
of the assets;
4. Designing and implementing protections such as network intrusion
protection, host intrusion protection, and file integrity monitoring,
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across Defendant’s network and IT assets, including Defendant’s
legacy technologies;
5. Designing, implementing, and maintaining measures to limit
unauthorized access in any network or system that stores, collects,
maintains, or processes Personal Information, such as segmentation of
networks and databases and properly configured firewalls;
6. Implementing access controls across Defendant’s network, such as
multi-factor authentication and strong password requirements;
7. Limiting user access privileges to systems that provide access to
Personal Information to employees, contractors, or other authorized
third parties with a business need to access such information and
establishing regular documented review of such access privileges;
8. Implementing protections, such as encryption, tokenization, or other
at least equivalent protections, for Personal Information collected,
maintained, processed, or stored by Defendant, including in transit
and at rest. To the extent that any of the identified protections are
infeasible, equivalent protections shall include effective alternative
compensating controls designed to protect unencrypted data at rest or
in transit, which shall be reviewed and approved by the qualified
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employee or employees designated to coordinate, oversee, and be
responsible for the Information Security Program;
9. Establishing and enforcing written policies, procedures, guidelines,
and standards designed to:
a. Ensure the use of secure development practices for applications
developed in-house; and
b. Evaluate, assess, or test the security of externally developed
applications used within Defendant’s technology environment;
10.Establishing regular information security training programs, updated,
as applicable, to address internal or external risks identified by
Defendant, including, at a minimum:
a. At least annual information security awareness training for all
employees, including notifying employees of the process for
submitting complaints and concerns pursuant to Section II.E.12;
b. Training for software developers relating to secure software
development principles and intended to address well-known
and reasonably foreseeable vulnerabilities, such as cross-site
scripting, structured query language injection, and other risks
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identified by Defendant through risk assessments and/or
penetration testing;
11.Establishing a clear and easily accessible process for receiving and
addressing security vulnerability reports from third parties such as
security researchers and academics; and
12.By August 30, 2019, establishing a clear and easily accessible process
overseen by a senior corporate manager for employees to submit
complaints or concerns about Defendant’s information security
practices, including establishing a clear process for reviewing,
addressing, and escalating employee complaints or concerns.
F. Assess, at least once every twelve months, the sufficiency of any safeguards
in place to address the risks to the security, confidentiality, or integrity of
Personal Information, and evaluate and implement any needed modifications
to the Information Security Program based on the results. Defendant shall
further assess the sufficiency of safeguards as described above, as they relate
to a Covered Incident, promptly (not to exceed forty-five days) following
verification of such an incident. Each such assessment must evaluate
safeguards in each area of relevant operation, including:
1. Employee training and management;
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2. Information systems, such as network and software design, or
information processing, storage, transmission, and disposal; and
3. Prevention, detection, and response to attacks, intrusions, or other
system failures;
G. Test and monitor the effectiveness of the safeguards at least once every
twelve months and, as they relate to a Covered Incident, promptly (not to
exceed sixty days) following verification of such an incident, and modify the
Information Security Program based on the results. Such testing shall
include vulnerability testing of Defendant’s network at least once every four
months and, as it relates to a Covered Incident, promptly (not to exceed sixty
days) following verification of such an incident, and penetration testing of
Defendant’s network at least once every twelve months and, as it relates to a
Covered Incident, promptly (not to exceed sixty days) following verification
of such an incident;
H. Select and retain service providers capable of safeguarding Personal
Information they access through or receive from Defendant, and
contractually require service providers to implement and maintain
safeguards tailored to the amount and the type of Personal Information at
issue; and
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I. Evaluate and adjust the Information Security Program in light of any
changes to Defendant’s operations or business arrangements, including,
without limitation, acquisition or licensing of any new information systems,
technologies, or assets through merger or acquisition, a Covered Incident, or
any other circumstances that Defendant knows or has reason to know may
have a material impact on the effectiveness of the Information Security
Program. At a minimum, Defendant must evaluate the Information Security
Program at least once every twelve months and, as it relates to a Covered
Incident, promptly (not to exceed sixty days) following verification of such
an incident and modify the Information Security Program based on the
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, in connection with compliance with
Section II of this Order, titled Mandated Information Security Program, Defendant
must obtain initial and biennial assessments (“Assessments”):
A. The Assessments must be obtained from a qualified, objective, independent
third-party professional (“Assessor”), who: (1) uses procedures and
standards generally accepted in the profession; (2) is a Certified Information
Systems Security Professional (“CISSP”) or a Certified Information Systems
Auditor (“CISA”), or other similarly qualified person or organization;
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(3) has at least five years of experience evaluating the effectiveness of
computer system security or information system security; (4) conducts an
independent review of the Information Security Program; and (5) is
contractually required to retain all documents relevant to each Assessment
for five years after completion of such Assessment, and to provide such
documents to the Commission within fourteen days of receipt of a written
request from a representative of the Commission. No documents may be
withheld by the Assessor on the basis of (1) a claim of confidentiality,
proprietary or trade secrets, or any similar claim, or (2) any privilege
asserted between Defendant and the Assessor, although such documents can
be designated for confidential treatment in accordance with applicable law.
B. For each Assessment, Defendant shall provide the Associate Director for
Enforcement for the Bureau of Consumer Protection at the Federal Trade
Commission with the name and affiliation of the person selected to conduct
the Assessment, which the Associate Director shall have the authority to
approve in his or her sole discretion. If the Associate Director for
Enforcement does not approve of the person Defendant has selected,
Defendant must choose a person or entity to conduct the Assessment from a
list of at least three Assessors provided by a representative of the
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C. The reporting period for the Assessments must cover: (1) the first 180 days
after the entry date of the Order for the initial Assessment; and (2) each two-
year period thereafter for twenty years after entry of the Order for the
biennial Assessments.
D. Each Assessment must:
1. Evaluate whether Defendant has implemented and maintained the
Information Security Program required by Section II of this Order,
titled Mandated Information Security Program;
2. Assess the effectiveness of Defendant’s implementation and
maintenance of subsections A-I of Section II;
3. Identify gaps or weaknesses in the Information Security Program and
make recommendations to remediate or cure any such gaps and
weaknesses; and
4. Identify specific evidence (including, but not limited to, documents
reviewed, sampling and testing performed, and interviews conducted)
examined to make such determinations, assessments, and
identifications, and explain why the evidence that the Assessor
examined is sufficient to justify the Assessor’s findings. No finding
of any Assessment shall rely solely on assertions or attestations by
Defendant’s management. The Assessment shall be signed by the
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Assessor and shall state that the Assessor conducted an independent
review of the Information Security Program, and did not rely solely on
assertions or attestations by Defendant’s management.
E. Each Assessment must be completed within sixty days after the end of the
reporting period to which the Assessment applies. Unless otherwise directed
by a Commission representative in writing, Defendant must submit each
Assessment to the Commission within ten days after the Assessment has
been completed via email to DEbrie[email protected]ov or by overnight courier (not
the U.S. Postal Service) to Associate Director for Enforcement, Bureau of
Consumer Protection, Federal Trade Commission, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue
NW, Washington, DC 20580. The subject line must begin, Federal Trade
Commission v. Equifax Inc., FTC File No. 1723203.” Defendant must
notify the Commission of any portions of the Assessment containing trade
secrets, commercial or financial information, or information about a
consumer or other third party, for which confidential treatment is requested
pursuant to the Commission’s procedures concerning public disclosure set
forth in 15 U.S.C. 46(f) and 16 CFR 4.10.
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IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Defendant, Defendant’s officers, agents,
employees, and attorneys, and all other persons in active concert or participation
with any of them, who receive actual notice of this Order, whether acting directly
or indirectly, in connection with any Assessment required by Section III of this
Order titled Information Security Assessments by a Third Party, must not withhold
any material facts from the Assessor, and must not misrepresent, expressly or by
implication, any fact material to the Assessor’s: (1) evaluation of whether
Defendant has implemented and maintained the Information Security Program
required by Section II of this Order, titled Mandated Information Security
Program; (2) assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation and
maintenance of subsections A-I of Section II; or (3) identification of any gaps or
weaknesses in the Information Security Program. Defendant shall provide the
Assessor with information about Defendant’s entire network and all of Defendant’s
IT assets so that the Assessor can determine the scope of the Assessment, and
visibility to those portions of the network and IT assets deemed in scope.
Defendant shall also provide or otherwise make available to the Assessor all
information and material in its possession, custody, or control that is relevant to the
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IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, in connection with compliance with
Section II of this Order titled Mandated Information Security Program, Defendant
A. For a total of twenty years and commencing one year after the entry date of
this Order, and each year thereafter, provide the Commission with a
certification from the board of directors, or a relevant subcommittee thereof,
or other equivalent governing body or, if no such board or equivalent
governing body exists, a senior officer of Defendant responsible for
Defendant’s Information Security Program, that: (1) Defendant has
established, implemented, and maintained the requirements of this Order; (2)
Defendant is not aware of any material noncompliance that has not been (a)
corrected or (b) disclosed to the Commission; (3) Defendant has cooperated
with the Assessor as required by Section IV of this Order; and (4) includes a
brief description of any Covered Incident. The certification must be based
on the personal knowledge of the senior corporate manager, senior officer,
or subject matter experts upon whom the board of directors, or relevant
subcommittee thereof, or other equivalent governing body, reasonably relies
in making the certification.
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B. Unless otherwise directed by a Commission representative in writing, submit
all annual certifications to the Commission pursuant to this Order via email
to or by overnight courier (not the U.S. Postal Service) to
Associate Director for Enforcement, Bureau of Consumer Protection,
Federal Trade Commission, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W., Washington,
D.C. 20580. The subject line must begin, “Federal Trade Commission v.
Equifax Inc., FTC File No. 1723203.”
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that for twenty years from the entry of the
Order, Defendant, within a reasonable time after the date of Defendant’s discovery
of a Covered Incident, but in any event no later than ten days after the date
Defendant first notifies any U.S. federal, state, or local government entity of the
Covered Incident, must submit a report to the Commission.
A. The report must include, to the extent possible:
1. The date, estimated date, or estimated date range when the Covered
Incident occurred;
2. A description of the facts relating to the Covered Incident, including
the causes and scope of the Covered Incident, if known;
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3. A description of each type of information that triggered the
notification obligation to the U.S. federal, state, or local government
4. The number of consumers whose information triggered the
notification obligation to the U.S. federal, state, or local government
5. The acts that Defendant has taken to date to remediate the Covered
Incident and protect Personal Information from further exposure or
access, and, if applicable, to protect affected individuals from identity
theft or other harm that may result from the Covered Incident; and
6. A representative copy of each materially different notice required by
U.S. federal, state, or local law or regulation and sent by Defendant to
consumers or to any U.S. federal, state, or local government entity.
B. No more than thirty days after every calendar quarter, Defendant must
provide Defendant’s board of directors or a relevant subcommittee thereof,
or equivalent governing body or, if no such board or equivalent governing
body exists, to a senior officer of Defendant responsible for Defendant’s
Information Security Program, a report summarizing all Covered Incidents
that occurred in that calendar quarter.
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C. Unless otherwise directed by a Commission representative in writing, all
Covered Incident reports to the Commission pursuant to this Order must be
emailed to or sent by overnight courier (not the U.S. Postal
Service) to Associate Director for Enforcement, Bureau of Consumer
Protection, Federal Trade Commission, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20580. The subject line must begin, “Federal Trade
Commission v. Equifax Inc., File No. 172 3203. Defendant must notify the
Commission of any portions of the Covered Incident Report containing trade
secrets, commercial or financial information, or information about a
consumer or other third party, for which confidential treatment is requested
pursuant to the Commission’s procedures concerning public disclosure set
forth in 15 U.S.C. § 46(f) and 16 CFR Part 4.10.
A. Judgment in the amount of Four Hundred Twenty-Five Million Dollars
($425,000,000) is entered in favor of the Commission against Defendant.
B. This order imposes additional financial obligations (“Additional Financial
Obligations”) on Defendant for the purpose of monetary relief for Affected
Consumers. If more than seven million Affected Consumers enroll in the
Case 1:19-cv-03297-TWT Document 6 Filed 07/23/19 Page 28 of 74
Product, then Defendant’s Additional Financial Obligations will be
calculated using the following formulas:
1. If, at the end of the Initial Claims Period, more than seven million
Affected Consumers enroll in the Product, then:
a. If the total payments for Alternative Reimbursement
Compensation, Out-of-Pocket Losses, Assisted Identity
Restoration Services, Notice and Settlement Administration
Costs and Expenses, Service Awards, and the cost of providing
the Product to seven million Affected Consumers (the “Costs”)
are greater than or equal to Three Hundred Million Dollars
($300,000,000), Equifax Inc., its successors and assigns, shall
pay the Commission an amount equal to the cost of providing
the Product to enrollees above seven million (the “Additional
Credit Monitoring Cost”);
b. If the Costs are less than Two Hundred Fifty-Six Million Five
Hundred Thousand Dollars ($256,500,000) and the Additional
Credit Monitoring Cost is greater than Forty-Three Million Five
Hundred Thousand Dollars ($43,500,000), Equifax Inc., its
successors and assigns, shall pay the Commission an amount
Case 1:19-cv-03297-TWT Document 6 Filed 07/23/19 Page 29 of 74
equal to the Additional Credit Monitoring Cost less Forty-Three
Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($43,500,000); or
c. If (i) the Costs are greater than or equal to Two Hundred Fifty-
Six Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($256,500,000) but
less than Three Hundred Million Dollars ($300,000,000) and
(ii) the Costs plus the Additional Credit Monitoring Costs are
greater than Three Hundred Million Dollars ($300,000,000),
Equifax Inc., its successors and assigns, shall pay the
Commission an amount equal to the Costs plus Additional
Credit Monitoring Costs less Three Hundred Million Dollars
($300,000,000); and
2. If, during the Extended Claims Period, more than seven million
Affected Consumers have enrolled in the Product and either (i) the
Costs are greater than or equal to Two Hundred Fifty-Six Million Five
Hundred Thousand Dollars ($256,500,000)or (ii) the Additional
Credit Monitoring Costs are greater than or equal to Forty-Three
Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($43,500,000) then, on a
monthly basis, Equifax Inc., its successors and assigns, shall deposit
any additional money to the Commission that would be required
Case 1:19-cv-03297-TWT Document 6 Filed 07/23/19 Page 30 of 74
pursuant to the calculations in Section VII.B.1.a-c, less any amounts
previously deposited as the Additional Financial Obligations.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that consumer relief that would otherwise be
conducted by the Commission using the monetary relief in Section VII may be
instead conducted through final resolution of the Multi-District Litigation
consistent with Sections VIII, IX, and X of this Order, beginning with filing an
executed Settlement agreement and motion for entry of an order permitting
issuance of notice of the Settlement containing each of the following components:
A. Equifax Inc., its successors and assigns, shall deposit Three Hundred Million
Dollars ($300,000,000) (the “Payment”) into the Consumer Fund as follows:
(i) One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000) no later than fifteen
days after the filing of this Order, to cover reasonable set-up costs of the
Notice Provider; (ii) Twenty-Five Million Dollars ($25,000,000) no later
than fifteen days after the MDL Court enters an order permitting issuance of
notice of the Settlement, to cover reasonable costs and expenses of the
Settlement Administrator and Notice Provider and set-up costs for the
independent third-party provider of the Product and Assisted Identity
Restoration Services; and (iii) Three Hundred Million Dollars
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($300,000,000) into the Consumer Fund, less any amounts paid pursuant to
(i) and (ii), no later than fifteen days after the Class Action Effective Date.
B. If the Consumer Fund lacks sufficient funds to pay claims for Out-of-Pocket
Losses made during the Initial and Extended Claims Periods, Equifax Inc.,
its successors and assigns, deposits into the Consumer Fund, as needed to
pay such claims on a monthly basis, up to an additional aggregate amount of
One Hundred Twenty-Five Million Dollars ($125,000,000) within fourteen
days after receipt of written notification from the Settlement Administrator
that there are insufficient funds remaining in the Consumer Fund.
C. Equifax Inc., its successors and assigns, pays any Additional Financial
Obligations required under Section VII into the Consumer Fund.
D. Sections IX and X of this Order shall be construed in a manner consistent
with the Settlement.
A. An amount no less than Three Hundred Million Dollars ($300,000,000), plus
any amount deposited in the Consumer Fund pursuant to Sections VIII.B
and VIII.C, including all accumulated interest, must be used and
administered as described in Section IX for the exclusive purpose of
providing restitution and redress to Affected Consumers.
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B. Subject to Sections IX.C and IX.D, the Consumer Fund shall be used to pay:
1. After either the Class Action Effective Date or the conclusion of the
Initial Claims Period, whichever is later, for claims submitted during
the Initial Claims Period:
a. Four years of enrollment in the Product to Affected Consumers,
which shall include One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) in
identity theft insurance and Full Service Identity Restoration
i. The Product shall be offered, provided and maintained by an
independent third party and shall not be provided to any
Affected Consumer by Defendant. Defendant shall not
receive any monetary benefit from the Product;
ii. Defendant shall, through the independent third party
provider of the Product, provide activation codes for
enrollment in the Product to Affected Consumers who file a
valid claim for the Product. Activation codes shall be sent
no later than forty-five days after either the Class Action
Effective Date or the conclusion of the Initial Claims Period,
whichever is later. Affected Consumers shall be eligible to
Case 1:19-cv-03297-TWT Document 6 Filed 07/23/19 Page 33 of 74
enroll in the Product for a period of at least ninety days
following receipt of the activation code.
b. Alternative Reimbursement Compensation of up to One
Hundred Twenty-Five Dollars ($125);
c. Claims for Out-of-Pocket Losses, including, without limitation,
the following:
i. Up to twenty-five percent (25%) reimbursement for costs
incurred by an Affected Consumer enrolled in an Equifax
credit or identity monitoring subscription product on or after
September 7, 2016, through September 7, 2017;
ii. Credit monitoring costs that were incurred by an Affected
Consumer on or after September 7, 2017, through the date of
the Affected Consumer’s claim submission;
iii. Costs incurred on or after September 7, 2017, associated
with placing or removing a security freeze on a Consumer
Report with any Consumer Reporting Agency;
iv. Unreimbursed costs, expenses, losses, or charges incurred
by an Affected Consumer as a result of identity theft or
identity fraud, falsified tax returns, or other alleged misuse
of Affected Consumerspersonal information;
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v. Other miscellaneous expenses incurred related to any Out-
Of-Pocket Loss such as notary, fax, postage, copying,
mileage, and long-distance telephone charges; and
vi. Time Compensation for up to twenty hours.
2. For claims submitted during the Extended Claims Period,
reimbursement of claims for the following Out-of-Pocket Losses
incurred during the Extended Claims Period:
a. Unreimbursed costs, expenses, losses, or charges incurred by an
Affected Consumer as a result of identity theft or identity fraud,
falsified tax returns, or other alleged misuse of Affected
ConsumersPersonal Information;
b. Other miscellaneous expenses, incurred by an Affected
Consumer related to remedying fraud, identity theft, or other
misuse of an Affected Consumer’s Personal Information, such
as notary, fax, postage, copying, mileage, and long-distance
telephone charges; and
c. Time Compensation limited to time spent remedying fraud,
identity theft, or other misuse of an Affected Consumer’s
Personal Information that is fairly traceable to the Breach.
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3. For a period of seven years from the Class Action Effective Date,
Assisted Identity Restoration Services to an Affected Consumer.
Affected Consumers shall not be required to enroll in the Product to
obtain Assisted Identity Restoration Services.
a. The Assisted Identity Restoration Services shall be offered,
provided and maintained by the independent third party that has
been approved by a representative of the Commission and that
will be presented to the MDL Court for its approval. Assisted
Identity Restoration Services shall not be provided to any
Affected Consumer by Defendant. Defendant shall not receive
any monetary benefit from the Assisted Identity Restoration
4. Notice and Settlement Administration Costs and Expenses;
5. Applicable taxes, duties, and similar charges due from the Consumer
Fund to the extent that the principal is not reduced; and
6. Service Awards in an aggregate amount not to exceed Two Hundred
Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000). To the extent the MDL Court
approves Service Awards in excess of Two Hundred Fifty Thousand
Dollars ($250,000), such amount shall not be paid from the funds
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deposited into the Consumer Fund pursuant to this Order and shall be
paid solely by the Defendant.
C. Subject to Section IX.D, payments from the Consumer Fund shall be subject
to the following limitations:
1. Each Affected Consumer will be eligible to receive a maximum
aggregate reimbursement of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000) for
Out-of-Pocket Losses.
2. No more than Thirty-One Million Dollars ($31,000,000) shall be used
to pay Alternative Reimbursement Compensation (the “Alternative
Reimbursement Compensation Cap”). To the extent valid claims for
Alternative Reimbursement Compensation exceed the Alternative
Reimbursement Compensation Cap, then payments for valid
Alternative Reimbursement Compensation claims shall be reduced on
a pro rata basis.
3. No more than Thirty-One Million Dollars ($31,000,000) shall be paid
as Time Compensation for valid Time Compensation claims made
during the Initial Claims Period (the “Initial Time Compensation
Cap”). To the extent valid claims for Time Compensation made
during the Initial Claims Period exceed the Initial Time Compensation
Cap, payments for such valid claims will be reduced on a pro rata
Case 1:19-cv-03297-TWT Document 6 Filed 07/23/19 Page 37 of 74
basis. Valid claims for Time Compensation made during the
Extended Claims Period will be paid in the order they are received
and approved at the same pro rata rate (if applicable) as valid Time
Compensation claims made during the Initial Claims Period. No more
than Thirty-Eight Million Dollars ($38,000,000) in the aggregate shall
be paid as Time Compensation for valid claims made during both the
Initial Claims Period and Extended Claims Period (the Aggregate
Time Compensation Cap”). At the conclusion of the Extended Claims
Period, and following payment of valid claims made during the
Extended Claims Period, Time Compensation claims may be subject
to Section IX.D, if applicable, in which case all valid Time
Compensation claims will be paid at the same pro rata rate.
D. If amounts remain in the Consumer Fund at the conclusion of the Extended
Claims Period, the remaining funds shall be distributed to provide restitution
and redress as follows:
1. First, the Aggregate Time Compensation Cap and Alternative
Reimbursement Compensation Cap shall both be lifted (if applicable)
and payments increased pro rata to Affected Consumers with valid
claims up to the full amount of those claims; then,
Case 1:19-cv-03297-TWT Document 6 Filed 07/23/19 Page 38 of 74
2. Second, to provide Assisted Identity Restoration Services to all
Affected Consumers for up to an additional thirty-six months; then,
3. Third, to extend the duration of the Product to Affected Consumers
enrolled in the Product until the funds in the Consumer Fund are
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, if Defendant elects to deposit money in the
Consumer Fund:
A. Defendant shall supply the Notice Provider with information in its
possession, custody, or control, to the extent reasonably available, regarding
Affected Consumers sufficient to enable the Notice Provider to implement
the Notice Plan.
B. Defendant shall supply the Settlement Administrator with information in its
possession, custody, or control, to the extent reasonably available, regarding
Affected Consumers sufficient to enable the Settlement Administrator to
implement the Claims Administration Protocol. This shall include providing
the Settlement Administrator with sufficient information to identify
consumers who are eligible for reimbursement pursuant to IX.B.1.c.i, as
those consumers are not required to submit supporting documentation for
this type of Out-of-Pocket Loss.
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C. Defendant must notify a designated representative of the Commission of any
requested modifications to the Notice Plan or Claims Administration
Protocol, including any change of the Notice Provider or Settlement
Administrator, and any such modification requested by the Defendant must
be approved by a designated representative of the Commission, with such
approval not unreasonably withheld, and shall also require approval from the
MDL Court.
D. In connection with the administration of the Consumer Fund overseen by the
MDL Court:
1. The Commission may send a request for information regarding
compliance with Sections VII – X of this Order to the Notice Provider
and/or Settlement Administrator, and any request will include all
parties to the Settlement and the Bureau. Discussion and fulfillment
of responses to a request from the Commission shall be made
consistent with the Claims Administration Protocol;
2. Defendant shall provide to the Commission the weekly reports
prepared by the Settlement Administrator pursuant to the Multi-
District Litigation that summarize information related to the claims
administration; and
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3. Defendant shall provide to the Commission copies of any information
requested by and submitted to the Bureau.
Any information submitted to the Commission pursuant to this Section shall
be treated as confidential until the Class Action Effective Date.
E. From the beginning of the Initial Claims Period until the Consumer Fund is
exhausted, Defendant shall provide a representative of the Commission, on
an annual basis, with the following information for the prior year:
1. A summary by month of the total number of claims submitted to the
Settlement Administrator, the total dollar amount of claims submitted
to the Settlement Administrator, the total number of claims paid by
the Settlement Administrator, the total amount of claims paid by the
Settlement Administrator, and the total amount of claim payments
2. Regarding the Product and Assisted Identity Restoration Services
outlined in Exhibit A, the following information:
a. The number of Affected Consumers who enrolled in the
b. The number and total dollar amount of claims filed by Affected
Consumers under the identity theft insurance provided pursuant
to the Product and what percentage of those claims were paid;
Case 1:19-cv-03297-TWT Document 6 Filed 07/23/19 Page 41 of 74
c. The number of Affected Consumers who availed themselves of
Full Service Identity Restoration Services in the year preceding
the publication of the annual report; and
d. The number of Affected Consumers who availed themselves of
Assisted Identity Restoration Services in the year preceding the
publication of the annual report.
3. Information regarding notice, including the number of viewers who
opened emails sent pursuant to the Notice Plan, the number of unique
visitors to the Settlement Website, and the number of unique visitors
who arrived from a hyperlink to the Settlement Website posted on or
in each of the following:
c. Defendant’s Twitter notifications referenced in Section
d. Defendant’s Facebook notifications referenced in Section
XV.A.5; and
e. The emails sent pursuant to the Notice Plan.
4. Regarding consumer complaints:
Case 1:19-cv-03297-TWT Document 6 Filed 07/23/19 Page 42 of 74
a. The number of unique consumer complaints received by the
Settlement Administrator or the third party providing the
Product regarding:
i. Access to the Settlement Website;
ii. Enrollment in the Product;
iii. Any of the Product components, including identity theft
iv. Any other consumer rights to obtain relief under this Order;
v. Identity theft; and
b. Defendant shall develop and implement a process to direct
consumers that contact Defendant with issues related to the
Settlement or the Consumer Fund to the Settlement
Administrator and/or the Settlement Website.
5. The reporting period must cover: (1) the first year after the entry date
of the order permitting issuance of notice of the Settlement; and (2)
each year thereafter until the Consumer Fund has been exhausted.
6. This information must be submitted to the Commission within sixty
days after the reporting period has been completed via email to or by overnight courier (not the U.S. Postal Service)
Case 1:19-cv-03297-TWT Document 6 Filed 07/23/19 Page 43 of 74
to Associate Director for Enforcement, Bureau of Consumer
Protection, Federal Trade Commission, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue
N.W., Washington, D.C. 20580. The subject line must begin,
Federal Trade Commission v. Equifax Inc., FTC File No. 1723203.”
7. Defendant shall transmit the information required pursuant to Section
X.D without alteration and shall disclose any fact material to the
information submitted. No information may be withheld on the basis
of (1) a claim of confidentiality, proprietary or trade secrets, or any
similar claim, or (2) any privilege asserted between Defendant and the
Settlement Administrator, although such documents can be designated
for confidential treatment in accordance with applicable law.
8. The information described in Section X.D shall be treated as
confidential until the Class Action Effective Date. Defendant shall
not object to publication of this information by the Commission, to the
extent that such publication occurs after the Class Action Effective
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Commission may end its forbearance
of the collection of the judgment and use the procedures set forth in this Section,
Case 1:19-cv-03297-TWT Document 6 Filed 07/23/19 Page 44 of 74
rather than through the Multi-District Litigation in Section VIII, and receive
Defendant’s payments directly as follows:
A. The forbearance will terminate upon written notice to Defendant upon the
occurrence of one or more Termination Events. If any of the following
Termination Events should occur, a representative of the Commission and
the Bureau may, in their sole discretion, jointly send Defendant a written
notice of a Termination Event:
1. An executed Settlement agreement, and a motion for an order
permitting issuance of notice of the Settlement, containing terms
materially similar to those outlined in Sections VIII, IX, X, and XIII
and Exhibit A of this Order, are not submitted to the MDL Court
within fourteen days after the filing of this proposed Order, provided
however that the Defendant, Commission, or the Bureau are not the
cause of such failure;
2. The MDL Court declines to enter an order permitting issuance of
notice of the Settlement and either (i) a modified Settlement
agreement is not submitted to the MDL Court within sixty days or (ii)
a modified Settlement agreement is submitted to the MDL Court
without Defendant first obtaining written approval from a
representative of the Commission;
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3. The MDL Court enters a final approval of a Settlement agreement in
the Multi-District Litigation with terms that are materially different
from the terms in Sections VIII-X and Exhibit A of this Order and
Defendant has not obtained written approval from a representative of
the Commission;
4. The MDL Court declines to enter a final approval of a Settlement
agreement in the Multi-District Litigation with terms materially
similar to those outlined in Sections VIII, IX, X, and XIII and Exhibit
B of this Order and (i) a modified Settlement agreement is not
submitted to the MDL Court within sixty days, or (ii) a modified
Settlement agreement is submitted to the MDL Court without
Defendant first obtaining written approval from a representative of the
5. The MDL Court’s Final Approval Order is overturned on appeal and
either (i) a modified Settlement agreement in the Multi-District
Litigation is not submitted to the MDL Court within sixty days or (ii)
a modified Settlement agreement in the Multi-District Litigation is
submitted to the MDL Court without Defendant first obtaining
approval from a representative of the Commission;
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6. The MDL Court approves a Settlement agreement or modified
Settlement agreement, other than one approved by the Commission,
resolving the Multi-District Litigation that interferes in any way with
the Commission’s ability to enforce this Order; or
7. If at any time the Settlement is terminated by any party to the Multi-
District Litigation.
Where approval is required by a representative of the Commission, such
approval shall not be unreasonably withheld (e.g., if the proposed
modification is no less favorable to Affected Consumers than the terms of
this Order) and shall be timely provided.
B. If an event described in Sections XI.B.2 – 6 results from an objection from
the Commission, Bureau, or the States’ Attorneys General in the MDL Court
to either (i) the Settlement or (ii) a modified Settlement agreement in the
Multi-District Litigation, and such Settlement or modified Settlement
agreement contains terms that are materially similar to Sections VIII, IX, X,
and XIII and Exhibit A, such event shall not constitute a Termination Event.
C. If the Commission and the Bureau jointly send Defendant a written notice of
a Termination Event, Section XI of this Order will not be construed in a way
that interferes with the Multi-District Litigation.
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D. If the forbearance ends, within twenty-one days of receipt of written notice
of a Termination Event, Equifax Inc., its successors and assigns, is ordered
to pay the following amounts, plus any interest accumulated, less any
payments that have already been disbursed by the Settlement Administrator
from the Consumer Fund; Defendant is not entitled to any offset or other
deduction unless a representative of the Commission agrees in writing in
1. Three Hundred Million Dollars ($300,000,000), plus any interest
accumulated, less any payments that have already been disbursed by
the Settlement Administrator from the Consumer Fund;
2. If the funds paid pursuant to Section XI.D.1 are insufficient to pay
claims for Out-of-Pocket Losses made during the Initial and Extended
Claims Periods, and subject to the monetary limits, if applicable, set
forth in Sections IX.B, IX.C and IX.D, Equifax Inc., its successors
and assigns, shall make additional payments of up to One Hundred
Twenty-Five Million Dollars ($125,000,000) in the aggregate as
needed on a monthly basis within fourteen days after receipt of
written notification from a representative of the Commission that
there are insufficient funds remaining; and
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3. Additional Financial Obligations, subject to the monetary limits, if
applicable, set forth in Section IX.B, IX.C and IX.D, pursuant to
Section VII.B.
E. All payments to the Commission must be made by electronic fund transfer in
accordance with instructions provided by a representative of the
F. The Notice Provider and Settlement Administrator’s acceptance of funds
shall constitute the Notice Provider and Settlement Administrator’s
agreement to consent to the jurisdiction of this Court.
G. In addition to payment, Defendant remains obligated to cooperate in the
administration of consumer relief. If a representative of the Commission
requests in writing any information related to consumer relief, Defendant
must provide it, in the form prescribed by the Commission, within fourteen
days. Defendant shall provide the Commission with:
1. Sufficient information to enable the Commission to efficiently
administer consumer relief.
2. Sufficient information regarding any steps toward consumer notice,
claims, and relief that has been provided pursuant to the Consumer
Fund by the Notice Provider or the Settlement Administrator to enable
the Commission to efficiently administer consumer relief.
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H. The Commission may, at its sole discretion, continue to work with the
Notice Provider and Settlement Administrator on behalf of itself, the
Bureau, and the States’ Attorneys General.
1. Whether the Commission elects to continue to retain them, the Notice
Provider and the Settlement Administrator shall provide the
Commission with sufficient information regarding any steps toward
consumer notice, claims, and relief that has been provided pursuant to
the Consumer Fund to enable the Commission to efficiently
administer consumer relief.
2. If a representative of the Commission requests in writing any
information related to consumer relief, Defendant shall require the
Notice Provider and the Settlement Administrator to provide it, to the
extent reasonably available, in the form prescribed by the
Commission, within fourteen days.
I. All other provisions of this Order shall remain in full force and effect.
A. Defendant relinquishes dominion and all legal and equitable right, title, and
interest in all assets transferred pursuant to this Order and may not seek the
return of any assets.
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B. The facts alleged in the Complaint will be taken as true, without further
proof, in any subsequent civil litigation by or on behalf of the Commission
in a proceeding to enforce its rights to any payment or monetary judgment
pursuant to this Order, such as a nondischargeability complaint in any
bankruptcy case.
C. The facts alleged in the Complaint establish all elements necessary to sustain
an action by the Commission pursuant to Section 523(a)(2)(A) of the
Bankruptcy Code, 11 U.S.C. § 523(a)(2)(A), and this Order will have
collateral estoppel effect for such purposes.
D. Defendant acknowledges that its Taxpayer Identification Number, which
Defendant must submit to the Commission, may be used for collecting and
reporting on any delinquent amount arising out of this Order, in accordance
with 31 U.S.C. § 7701.
E. All money paid to the Commission shall be deposited into a fund
administered by the Commission or its designee to be used for consumer
relief, on behalf of the Commission, the Bureau, and StatesAttorneys
General, including the types of consumer relief enumerated in Section IX
(such as enrollment in a credit monitoring product, out-of-pocket losses,
time compensation, miscellaneous expenses, and identity theft restoration
services), and any attendant expenses for the administration of any fund. If a
Case 1:19-cv-03297-TWT Document 6 Filed 07/23/19 Page 51 of 74
representative of the Commission decides that direct redress to consumers is
wholly or partially impracticable or money remains after consumer relief is
completed under this subsection, the Commission may apply any remaining
money for such other consumer relief (including consumer information
remedies) as it determines to be reasonably related to Defendant’s practices
alleged in the Complaint. Any money not used for such consumer relief is to
be deposited to the U.S. Treasury as disgorgement. All processes and
protocols for the effective and efficient administration of the consumer relief
are within the sole discretion of the Commission or its representatives and
Defendant has no right to challenge any actions the Commission or its
representatives may take pursuant to Section XII.E.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Defendant shall:
A. Offer a single-bureau monitoring service with the features described in
Exhibit A (“Single-Bureau Monitoring) that has been approved by a
representative of the Commission, to Affected Consumers who file a valid
claim for Single-Bureau Monitoring and who enroll in the Product. Such
Affected Consumers may enroll in the Single-Bureau Monitoring upon
expiration of the Product, including any extensions thereof pursuant to
Section IX, such that the aggregate number of years of credit monitoring
Case 1:19-cv-03297-TWT Document 6 Filed 07/23/19 Page 52 of 74
provided under Section IX and the Single-Bureau Monitoring equals ten
years, except as described in Subsection XIII.B, below.
B. Offer Affected Consumers who were under the age of eighteen on May 13,
2017, additional years of Single-Bureau Monitoring such that the aggregate
number of years of credit monitoring provided under Section IX and the
Single-Bureau Monitoring equals eighteen years. If an Affected Consumer
who enrolled in the Product is under the age of eighteen when the Product
expires, the Single-Bureau Monitoring offered will be child monitoring
services until such Affected Consumer reaches eighteen years of age.
C. Provide all Affected Consumers with an easily accessible process to place or
remove security freezes or locks on their Personal Consumer Report for free
for a period of ten years following the date of entry of this Order. Defendant
shall not dissuade Affected Consumers from placing or choosing to place a
security freeze. Should Defendant offer any standalone product or service as
an alternative with substantially similar features as a security freeze (e.g.,
Lock & Alert), Defendant shall not seek to persuade Affected Consumers to
choose the alternative product or service instead of a security freeze.
D. Separate and apart from any statutory or other legal requirements, for a
period of seven years starting December 31, 2019, provide to all U.S.
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consumers a clearly accessible process to obtain six free copies during any
twelve-month period of their Personal Consumer Report.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Defendant, Defendant’s officers, agents,
employees, and attorneys, and all other persons in active concert or participation
with any of them, who receive actual notice of this Order, shall not use any
information provided by an Affected Consumer to enroll in or to use the products
and services set forth in Sections IX, XIII.D, and Exhibit A, including the Product,
Full Service Identity Restoration Services, Assisted Identity Restoration Services,
and the Single-Bureau Credit Monitoring, or the free credit monitoring products
(Equifax TrustedID Premier, Equifax Credit Watch Gold with 3 in 1 Monitoring,
or Experian IDNotify) offered or paid by Defendant in connection with the Breach
(or the fact that the consumer provided such information), to sell, upsell, cross-sell,
or directly market or advertise its products or services unless Defendant:
A. Makes a Clear and Conspicuous disclosure, separate and apart from any
End User License Agreement,” “Privacy Policy,Terms of Use” page,
describing how Defendant will use the Affected Consumer’s information;
Case 1:19-cv-03297-TWT Document 6 Filed 07/23/19 Page 54 of 74
B. Obtains and documents the Affected Consumer’s affirmative express
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Defendant shall provide the following
A. To Affected Consumers within seven days of entry of an order permitting
issuance of notice of the Settlement, or the Commission notifying Defendant
that it is exercising its rights under a Termination Event, whichever is
1. Posting a Clear and Conspicuous hyperlink to the Settlement Website
on the top portion of the landing page for Defendant’s primary,
consumer-facing website,, which shall state Visit
[hyperlink to the Settlement Website] for information on the Equifax
Data Breach Settlement” or “Equifax Data Breach Settlement,” which
shall remain posted until the expiration of the Initial Claims Period;
2. Posting a Clear and Conspicuous hyperlink to the Settlement Website
on the top portion for the landing page for Defendant’s website, which shall state “Visit
[hyperlink to the Settlement Website] for information on the Equifax
Data Breach Settlement” or “Equifax Data Breach Settlement,” which
Case 1:19-cv-03297-TWT Document 6 Filed 07/23/19 Page 55 of 74
shall remain posted until the expiration of the Extended Claims
3. Issuing a press release, using terms consistent with the approved
Notice Plan, including a hyperlink to the Settlement Website, with
information about the Product, the Consumer Fund, and the
Settlement Website;
4. Sending a Twitter notification via Defendant’s primary Twitter
account monthly during the Initial Claims Period and then biannually
during the Extended Claims Period, the text of which shall read Visit
[hyperlink to the Settlement Website] for information on the Equifax
Data Breach Settlement”; and
5. Posting a Facebook notification via Defendant’s primary account
monthly during the Initial Claims Period and then biannually during
the Extended Claims Period, the text of which shall read Visit
[hyperlink to the Settlement website] for information on the Equifax
Data Breach Settlement.”
B. To U.S. consumers, issuing a press release seven days after the relief
described in Section XIII.D becomes available, with information about the
availability of six free copies of a U.S. consumer’s Personal Consumer
Report during any twelve-month period for seven years, including a
Case 1:19-cv-03297-TWT Document 6 Filed 07/23/19 Page 56 of 74
hyperlink to the webpage where consumers can request free Personal
Consumer Reports.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Defendant, Defendant’s officers, agents,
employees and attorneys, and all other persons in active concert or participation
with any of them, who receive actual notice of this Order, whether acting directly
or indirectly, in connection with any product or service, are hereby permanently
restrained and enjoined from violating any provision of the Standards for
Safeguarding Consumer Information Rule, 16 C.F.R. Part 314, a copy of which is
attached hereto as Exhibit B.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Defendant obtain acknowledgments of
receipt of this Order:
A. Defendant, within seven days of entry of this Order, must submit to the
Commission an acknowledgment of receipt of this Order sworn under
penalty of perjury.
B. For ten years after entry of this Order, Defendant must deliver a copy of this
Order to: (a) all principals, officers, directors, and LLC managers and
members; (b) all employees, agents, and representatives having managerial
or supervisory responsibilities for conduct related to the subject matter of the
Case 1:19-cv-03297-TWT Document 6 Filed 07/23/19 Page 57 of 74
Order; and (c) any business entity resulting from any change in structure as
set forth in the Section titled Compliance Reporting; and
C. Delivery must occur within 7 days of entry of this Order for current
personnel. For all others, delivery must occur before they assume their
D. From each individual or entity to which Defendant delivered a copy of this
Order, Defendant must obtain, within 30 days, a signed and dated
acknowledgment of receipt of this Order, which can be obtained
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Defendant make timely submissions to
the Commission:
A. One year after entry of this Order, Defendant must submit a compliance
report, sworn under penalty of perjury in which Defendant must: (a) identify
the primary physical, postal, and email address and telephone number, as
designated points of contact, which representatives of the Commission may
use to communicate with Defendant; (b) identify all of Defendant’s
businesses by all of their names, telephone numbers, and physical, postal,
email, and Internet addresses; (c) describe the activities of each business,
including the types of goods or services offered, the means of advertising,
Case 1:19-cv-03297-TWT Document 6 Filed 07/23/19 Page 58 of 74
marketing, and sales, and the categories or types of Personal Information
collected, transferred, maintained, processed or stored by each business; (d)
describe in detail whether and how Defendant is in compliance with each
Section of this Order; and (e) provide a copy of or record proving each
Order Acknowledgment obtained pursuant to this Order, unless previously
submitted to the Commission.
B. For 20 years after entry of this Order, Defendant must submit a compliance
notice, sworn under penalty of perjury, within 14 days of any change in the
following: (a) any designated point of contact; or (b) the structure of any
entity that Defendant has any ownership interest in or controls directly or
indirectly that may affect compliance obligations arising under this Order,
including: creation, merger, sale, or dissolution of the entity or any
subsidiary, parent, or affiliate that engages in any acts or practices subject to
this Order.
C. Defendant must submit to the Commission notice of the filing of any
bankruptcy petition, insolvency proceeding, or similar proceeding by or
against the Defendant within 14 days of its filing.
D. Any submission to the Commission required by this Order to be sworn under
penalty of perjury must be true and accurate and comply with 28 U.S.C. §
1746, such as by concluding: “I declare under penalty of perjury under the
Case 1:19-cv-03297-TWT Document 6 Filed 07/23/19 Page 59 of 74
laws of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed on: ______” and supplying the date, signatory’s full name, title (if
applicable), and signature.
E. Unless otherwise directed by a Commission representative in writing, all
submissions to the Commission pursuant to this Order must be emailed to or sent by overnight courier (not the U.S. Postal Service)
to: Associate Director for Enforcement, Bureau of Consumer Protection,
Federal Trade Commission, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington,
DC 20580. The subject line must begin “Federal Trade Commission v.
Equifax Inc., FTC File No. 1723203.”
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Defendant must create certain records for
20 years after entry of the Order, and retain each such record for 5 years.
Specifically, Defendant must create and retain the following records:
A. Accounting records showing the revenues from all goods or services sold;
B. Personnel records showing, for each person providing services, whether as
an employee or otherwise, that person’s: name; addresses; telephone
numbers; job title or position; dates of service; and (if applicable) the
reasons for termination;
Case 1:19-cv-03297-TWT Document 6 Filed 07/23/19 Page 60 of 74
C. Copies or records of all U.S. consumer complaints concerning the subject
matter of the Order, whether received directly or indirectly, such as through
a third party, and any response;
D. A copy of each information security assessment required by this Order and
any material evaluations of Defendant’s physical, technical, or
administrative controls to protect the confidentiality, integrity, or availability
of Personal Information;
E. A copy of each widely disseminated and unique representation by Defendant
that describes the extent to which Defendant maintains or protects the
privacy, confidentiality, security, or integrity of any Personal Information;
F. For five years after the date of preparation of each Assessment required by
this Order, all materials and evidence that are in the Defendant’s possession
and control that the Assessor considered, reviewed, relied upon or examined
to prepare the Assessment, whether prepared by or on behalf of Defendant,
including all plans, reports, studies, reviews, audits, audit trails, policies,
training materials, and assessments, and any other materials concerning
Defendant’s compliance with related Sections of this Order, for the
compliance period covered by such Assessment; and
G. All records necessary to demonstrate full compliance with each provision of
this Order; including all submissions to the Commission.
Case 1:19-cv-03297-TWT Document 6 Filed 07/23/19 Page 61 of 74
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, for the purpose of monitoring
Defendant’s compliance with this Order:
A. Within 14 days of receipt of a written request from a representative of the
Commission, Defendant must: submit additional compliance reports or
other requested information, which must be sworn under penalty of perjury;
appear for depositions; and produce documents for inspection and copying.
The Commission is also authorized to obtain discovery, without further
leave of court, using any of the procedures prescribed by Federal Rules of
Civil Procedure 29, 30 (including telephonic depositions), 31, 33, 34, 36, 45,
and 69.
B. For matters concerning this Order, the Commission is authorized to
communicate directly with Defendant. Defendant must permit
representatives of the Commission to interview any employee or other
person affiliated with Defendant who has agreed to such an interview. The
person interviewed may have counsel present.
C. The Commission may use all other lawful means, including posing, through
its representatives as consumers, suppliers, or other individuals or entities, to
Defendant or any individual or entity affiliated with Defendant, without the
necessity of identification or prior notice. Nothing in this Order limits the
Commission's lawful use
compulsory process, pursuant to Sections 9 and
the FTC Act,
U.S.C. §§ 49, 57b-1.
any clause, provision, or section
Order shall, for any reason, be held illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, such
illegality, invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect any other clause, provision
or section
this Order and this Order shall be construed and enforced as
illegal, invalid or unenforceable clause, section or provision had not been
contained herein.
IT IS FUTHER ORDERED that this Court retain jurisdiction
this matter
for purposes
construction, modification, and enforcement
this Order.
;it>t"l .
United States District Judge
Case 1:19-cv-03297-TWT Document 6 Filed 07/23/19 Page 62 of 74
Case 1:19-cv-03297-TWT Document 6 Filed 07/23/19 Page 63 of 74
/s/ Jacqueline K. Connor
Federal Trade Commission
600 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20580
Telephone: (202) 326-2844
Facsimile: (202) 656-3062
GA Bar No. 558234
Federal Trade Commission
Southeast Region
225 Peachtree Street, N.E., Suite 1500
Atlanta, GA 30303
Telephone: (404) 656-1350
Facsimile: (404) 656-1379
Date: 07/19/2019
Corporate Vice President,
Equifax Inc.
1550 Peachtree Street,
Atlanta, GA 30309
I f
Hogan Lovells
555 Thirteenth Street,
Tel: (202) 637-5600
Fax: (202) 637-5910
r / /
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Case 1:19-cv-03297-TWT Document 6 Filed 07/23/19 Page 65 of 74
Exhibit A
Case 1:19-cv-03297-TWT Document 6 Filed 07/23/19 Page 66 of 74
Triple-Bureau Credit and Identity Monitoring Product
The following provisions are subject to the terms and definitions set forth in the Stipulated Order
for Permanent Injunctive and Monetary Judgment (the “Order”).
The Product as defined in the Order includes:
1. Daily Consumer Report monitoring from each of the three nationwide Consumer
Reporting Agencies showing key changes to one or more of an Affected Consumer’s
Consumer Reports, including automated alerts when the following occur: new
accounts are opened; inquiries or requests for an Affected Consumer’s Consumer
Report for the purpose of obtaining credit, including for new credit card applications;
changes to an Affected Consumer’s address; and negative information, including
delinquencies or bankruptcies;
2. On-demand online access to a free copy of an Affected Consumer’s Experian
Consumer Report, updated on a monthly basis;
3. Automated alerts, using public or proprietary data sources:
i. when data elements submitted by an Affected Consumer for monitoring,
such as Social Security numbers, email addresses, or credit card numbers,
appear on suspicious websites, including websites on the “dark web;”
ii. when names, aliases, and addresses have been associated with the
Affected Consumer’s Social Security number;
iii. when a payday loan or certain other unsecured credit has been taken or
opened using the Affected Consumer’s Social Security number;
Case 1:19-cv-03297-TWT Document 6 Filed 07/23/19 Page 67 of 74
iv. when an Affected Consumer’s information matches information in arrest
records or criminal court records;
v. when an individual uses an Affected Consumer’s information for identity
vi. when an Affected Consumer’s mail has been redirected through the United
States Postal Service;
vii. when banking activity is detected related to new deposit account
applications, opening of new deposit accounts, changes to an Affected
Consumer’s personal information on an account, and new signers being
added to an Affected Consumer’s account; and
viii. when a balance is reported on an Affected Consumer’s credit line that has
been inactive for at least six months;
4. One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) in identity theft insurance to cover costs related to
incidents of identity theft or identity fraud, with coverage prior to the Affected
Consumer’s enrollment in the Product, provided the costs result from a stolen identity
event first discovered during the policy period and subject to the terms of the
insurance policy;
5. A customer service center to provide assistance with enrollment, website navigation,
monitoring alerts questions, dispute assistance, fraud resolution assistance, and other
assistance related to the Product;
6. Full Identity Restoration Services as described below; and
7. For Affected Consumers under the age of 18, the Product includes child monitoring
services where the parent or guardian can enroll the Affected Consumer under the age
Case 1:19-cv-03297-TWT Document 6 Filed 07/23/19 Page 68 of 74
of 18 to receive the following services: alerts when data elements submitted for
monitoring appear on suspicious websites, such as websites on the “dark web;” alerts
when the Social Security number of an Affected Consumer under the age of 18 is
associated with new names or addresses or the creation of a Consumer Report at one
or more of the three nationwide Consumer Reporting Agencies; and Full Service
Identity Restoration, working with the legal guardian, in the event that an Affected
Consumer under the age of 18 has their identity compromised. Upon turning 18, the
Affected Consumer can enroll in the full Product. If an Affected Consumer under the
age of 18 has an Experian Consumer Report with sufficient detail to permit
authentication, a parent or guardian may enroll them in the full Product prior to their
eighteenth birthday.
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Identity Restoration Services
The following provisions are subject to the terms and definitions set forth in the Stipulated Order
for Permanent Injunctive and Monetary Judgment (the “Order”).
Identity Restoration Services consist of “Assisted Identity Restoration” and “Full Service Identity
Restoration” provided by a third party not affiliated with Defendant.
1. Assisted Identity Restoration: Any Affected Consumer who is not enrolled in the
Product may avail themselves of Assisted Identity Restoration for seven (7) years
from the Class Action Effective Date. Assisted Identity Restoration includes
assignment of a dedicated identity theft restoration specialist to an Affected
Consumer who has experienced an identity theft event. The specialist provides
assistance to the Affected Consumer in addressing that identity theft event, including
a customized step-by-step process with form letters to contact companies,
government agencies, Consumer Reporting Agencies, or others, and by participating
in conference calls with an affected financial institution or government agency related
to the identity theft event.
2. Full Service Identity Restoration: Any Affected Consumer who is enrolled in the
Product may avail themselves of Full Service Identity Restoration while they are
enrolled. Full Service Identity Restoration includes assignment of a dedicated
identity theft restoration specialist to an Affected Consumer who has experienced an
identity theft event, as well as use of a specialized limited power of attorney for the
specialist to assist the Affected Consumer in addressing the identity theft event,
including by contacting companies, government agencies, or Consumer Reporting
Case 1:19-cv-03297-TWT Document 6 Filed 07/23/19 Page 70 of 74
Agencies on behalf of the Affected Consumer. Full Service Identity Restoration also
includes the use of interactive dispute letters.
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Equifax Single Bureau Monitoring
The following provisions are subject to the terms and definitions set forth in the Stipulated Order
for Permanent Injunctive and Monetary Judgment (the “Order”).
Equifax Single Bureau Monitoring will include the following:
1. Daily Consumer Report monitoring from Equifax showing key changes to an
Affected Consumer’s Personal Consumer Report including automated alerts when the
following occur: new accounts are opened; inquiries or requests for an Affected
Consumer’s Consumer Report for the purpose of obtaining credit, including for new
credit card applications; changes to an Affected Consumer’s address; and negative
information, such as delinquencies or bankruptcies;
2. On-demand online access to a free copy of an Affected Consumer’s Personal
Consumer Report, updated on a monthly basis;
3. Automated alerts using certain available public and proprietary data sources when
data elements submitted by an Affected Consumer for monitoring, such as Social
Security numbers, email addresses, or credit card numbers, appear on suspicious
websites, including websites on the “dark web;” and
4. For Affected Consumers under the age of 18, Equifax shall provide child monitoring
services where the parent or guardian can enroll the Affected Consumer under the age
of 18 in these services and must validate their status as guardian. Child monitoring
services include: alerts when data elements such as a Social Security number
submitted for monitoring appear on suspicious websites, including websites on the
“dark web;” for minors who do not have a Personal Consumer Report, a Personal
Case 1:19-cv-03297-TWT Document 6 Filed 07/23/19 Page 72 of 74
Consumer Report is created, locked, and then monitored, and for minors with a
Personal Consumer Report, their Personal Consumer Report is locked and then
monitored. The types of alerts that minors receive through child monitoring services
are the same as the types of alerts that adults receive.
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Federal Trade Commission § 314.3
(ii) If it shares with nonaffiliated third par-
ties, state, as applicable: ‘‘Nonaffiliates we
share with can include [list categories of compa-
nies such as mortgage companies, insurance
companies, direct marketing companies, and
nonprofit organizations].’’
(3) Joint Marketing. As required by § 313.13
of this part, where [joint marketing] appears,
the financial institution must:
(i) If it does not engage in joint marketing,
state: ‘‘[name of financial institution] doesn’t
jointly market’’; or
(ii) If it shares personal information for
joint marketing, state, as applicable: ‘‘Our
joint marketing partners include [list categories
of companies such as credit card companies].’’
(c) General instructions for the ‘‘Other impor-
tant information’’ box. This box is optional.
The space provided for information in this
box is not limited. Only the following types
of information can appear in this box.
(1) State and/or international privacy law
information; and/or
(2) Acknowledgment of receipt form.
[74 FR 62966, Dec. 1, 2009]
314.1 Purpose and scope.
314.2 Definitions.
314.3 Standards for safeguarding customer
314.4 Elements.
314.5 Effective date.
: 15 U.S.C. 6801(b), 6805(b)(2).
: 67 FR 36493, May 23, 2002, unless
otherwise noted.
§ 314.1 Purpose and scope.
(a) Purpose. This part, which imple-
ments sections 501 and 505(b)(2) of the
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, sets forth
standards for developing, imple-
menting, and maintaining reasonable
administrative, technical, and physical
safeguards to protect the security, con-
fidentiality, and integrity of customer
(b) Scope. This part applies to the
handling of customer information by
all financial institutions over which
the Federal Trade Commission (‘‘FTC’’
or ‘‘Commission’’) has jurisdiction.
This part refers to such entities as
‘‘you.’’ This part applies to all cus-
tomer information in your possession,
regardless of whether such information
pertains to individuals with whom you
have a customer relationship, or per-
tains to the customers of other finan-
cial institutions that have provided
such information to you.
§ 314.2 Definitions.
(a) In general. Except as modified by
this part or unless the context other-
wise requires, the terms used in this
part have the same meaning as set
forth in the Commission’s rule gov-
erning the Privacy of Consumer Finan-
cial Information, 16 CFR part 313.
(b) Customer information means any
record containing nonpublic personal
information as defined in 16 CFR
313.3(n), about a customer of a financial
institution, whether in paper, elec-
tronic, or other form, that is handled
or maintained by or on behalf of you or
your affiliates.
(c) Information security program means
the administrative, technical, or phys-
ical safeguards you use to access, col-
lect, distribute, process, protect, store,
use, transmit, dispose of, or otherwise
handle customer information.
(d) Service provider means any person
or entity that receives, maintains,
processes, or otherwise is permitted ac-
cess to customer information through
its provision of services directly to a fi-
nancial institution that is subject to
this part.
§ 314.3 Standards for safeguarding
customer information.
(a) Information security program. You
shall develop, implement, and main-
tain a comprehensive information se-
curity program that is written in one
or more readily accessible parts and
contains administrative, technical, and
physical safeguards that are appro-
priate to your size and complexity, the
nature and scope of your activities, and
the sensitivity of any customer infor-
mation at issue. Such safeguards shall
include the elements set forth in § 314.4
and shall be reasonably designed to
achieve the objectives of this part, as
set forth in paragraph (b) of this sec-
(b) Objectives. The objectives of sec-
tion 501(b) of the Act, and of this part,
are to:
(1) Insure the security and confiden-
tiality of customer information;
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§ 314.4 16 CFR Ch. I (1–1–18 Edition)
(2) Protect against any anticipated
threats or hazards to the security or
integrity of such information; and
(3) Protect against unauthorized ac-
cess to or use of such information that
could result in substantial harm or in-
convenience to any customer.
§ 314.4 Elements.
In order to develop, implement, and
maintain your information security
program, you shall:
(a) Designate an employee or employ-
ees to coordinate your information se-
curity program.
(b) Identify reasonably foreseeable
internal and external risks to the secu-
rity, confidentiality, and integrity of
customer information that could result
in the unauthorized disclosure, misuse,
alteration, destruction or other com-
promise of such information, and as-
sess the sufficiency of any safeguards
in place to control these risks. At a
minimum, such a risk assessment
should include consideration of risks in
each relevant area of your operations,
(1) Employee training and manage-
(2) Information systems, including
network and software design, as well as
information processing, storage, trans-
mission and disposal; and
(3) Detecting, preventing and re-
sponding to attacks, intrusions, or
other systems failures.
(c) Design and implement informa-
tion safeguards to control the risks
you identify through risk assessment,
and regularly test or otherwise mon-
itor the effectiveness of the safeguards’
key controls, systems, and procedures.
(d) Oversee service providers, by:
(1) Taking reasonable steps to select
and retain service providers that are
capable of maintaining appropriate
safeguards for the customer informa-
tion at issue; and
(2) Requiring your service providers
by contract to implement and main-
tain such safeguards.
(e) Evaluate and adjust your informa-
tion security program in light of the
results of the testing and monitoring
required by paragraph (c) of this sec-
tion; any material changes to your op-
erations or business arrangements; or
any other circumstances that you
know or have reason to know may have
a material impact on your information
security program.
§ 314.5 Effective date.
(a) Each financial institution subject
to the Commission’s jurisdiction must
implement an information security
program pursuant to this part no later
than May 23, 2003.
(b) Two-year grandfathering of serv-
ice contracts. Until May 24, 2004, a con-
tract you have entered into with a non-
affiliated third party to perform serv-
ices for you or functions on your behalf
satisfies the provisions of § 314.4(d),
even if the contract does not include a
requirement that the service provider
maintain appropriate safeguards, as
long as you entered into the contract
not later than June 24, 2002.
315.1 Scope of regulations in this part.
315.2 Definitions.
315.3 Availability of contact lens prescrip-
tions to patients.
315.4 Limits on requiring immediate pay-
315.5 Prescriber verification.
315.6 Expiration of contact lens prescrip-
315.7 Content of advertisements and other
315.8 Prohibition of certain waivers.
315.9 Enforcement.
315.10 Severability.
315.11 Effect on state and local laws.
: Pub. L. 108–164, secs. 1–12; 117
Stat. 2024 (15 U.S.C. 7601–7610).
: 69 FR 40508, July 2, 2004, unless
otherwise noted.
§ 315.1 Scope of regulations in this
This part, which shall be called the
‘‘Contact Lens Rule,’’ implements the
Fairness to Contact Lens Consumers
Act, codified at 15 U.S.C. 7601–7610,
which requires that rules be issued to
address the release, verification, and
sale of contact lens prescriptions. This
part specifically governs contact lens
prescriptions and related issues. Part
456 of Title 16 governs the availability
of eyeglass prescriptions and related
issues (the Ophthalmic Practice Rules
(Eyeglass Rule)).