Business Cycles and Environmental Policy:
Barba ra Annic chiarico, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy
Stefano Carattini, Georgia State University, United States of America
Carolyn Fisc her, The World Bank, United States of Am erica, Vrije Universiteit
Amsterdam, Th e Netherlands, and University of Ottawa, Canad a
Garth Heutel, Georgia State University and NBER, United State s
of Amer ica
Executive Summary
We study the relationship between business cycles and th e design and effects of
environmental policies, particularly those with economy-wide signicance like
climate policies. First, we provide a brief review of the literature related to this
topic, from initial explorations using real business-cycle models to New Keynes-
ian extensio ns, open-economy variations, and issues of monetary policy and -
nancial regulations. Next, we provide a list of the main ndings that em erge
from this literature that are potentially most relevant to policy makers, includ-
ing the impacts of policy on volatility and how to design policy to adjust to
cycles. Finally, we propose several importan t remaining research questions.
JEL Codes: Q58, E32
Keywords: uctuations, cl imate change, real bus iness cycles, dynamic stochas-
tic general equilibrium, carbon tax, cap-and-trade
I. Introducti on
Environmental economists have long strived to identify the optimal
level of enviro nmental regulation for many pollutants, including, in re-
cent decades, greenhouse gases. This optimal balance between the econ-
omy and the environment is usually dened based on efciency, consid-
ering both the marginal benets and marginal costs of regulation. Optimal
Environmental and Energy Policy and the Economy, volume 3, 2022.
© 2022 National Bureau of Economic Researc h. All rights reserved. Published by The
University of Chicago Press for the NBER.
pollution pricing has been one of the main activities of environmental eco-
nomics as a eld, an area where economists have been especially inuen-
tial in shaping public policy (Hahn 1989; Fourcade, Ollion, and Algan 2015).
Importantly, the costs and benets of environmental regulation, as well
as their distribution, may vary over the course of business cycles. Pollu-
tion is highly procyclical and more volatile than gross domestic product
(GDP; Doda 2014). For example, the United States generated 11% less
greenhouse gas emissions between 2007 and 2013, largely due to the Great
Recession (Feng et al. 2015). Recent evidence from the COVID-19 pan-
demic is even more striking, given the exceptional circumstances of its
related recession. Daily global carbon dioxide (CO
) emissions had al-
ready decreased on average by 17% by April 2020 since the beginning
of the COVID-19 pandemic (Le Que
et al. 2020), due to the responses
by governments, individuals, and rms, which all contributed to limit
economic activity following the outbreak. Overall, global CO
decreased by about 7% from 2019 to 2020 (Le Que
et al. 2021). Because
pollution varies with the business cycle, it seems reasonable to conclude
that pollution policy ought to adapt to the business cycle as well, follow-
ing uctuations in marginal costs and benets.
Some real-world environmental policies do have automatic adjust-
ment mechanisms that business cycles may trigger. The European
Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) has created a Market Stability
Reserve to insulate the system from allowance supply imbalances linked
to business-cycle shocks (Perino et al. 2021). California and Quebec have
auction reserve prices, and the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative has
adopted an emissions containment reserve with price-triggered quantity
adjustments. However, most real-world environmental policieswhether
market-based policies such as taxes or cap-and-trade, or command-and-
control policiesdo not explicitly respond to business cycles and instead
maintain a constant stringency over cycles. Several reasons may explain this
First, business-cycle adaptations may be seen as of second-order im-
portance in environmental policy, whereas getting the stringency right
on average is considered of rst-order importance. Environmental poli-
cies may be on average too lenient, and xing this may be seen as more
important than making sure policies adjust to business cycles. When pol-
icies are too lenient, the economic rationale for adjusting their stringency
to the business cycle may be weaker.
Many carbon tax proposals, for ex-
ample, are designed with embedded tax escalators, which may allow
them to reach, after several years, a level of stringency that is compatible
222 Annicchiarico et al.
with the goal of maintaining global temperatures within +1.527C with
respect to preindustrial levels (see Stiglitz et al. 2017; IMF 2019). In the
meantime, tax rates remain below efcient levels, thus weakening the
rationale for business-cycle adjustments. Cap-and-trade programs also
struggle with excessive leniency, at least initially. Lacking full informa-
tion about the costs of regulation, and concerned about price volatility,
governments tend to err on the side of avoiding potential high-cost out-
comes, and as a result consistently set caps too leniently (Burtraw and
Keyes 2018).
The fact that allowance prices react endogenously to the
business cycle can in principle be a benet of cap-and-trade schemes.
However, evidence suggests that prices in CO
trading systems are likely
to overreact, because the range of uncertainty over energy demand (and
thus baseline emissions) tends to be much larger the range of feasible abate-
ment opportunities, leading to large price swings or trading at adminis-
tratively set boundaries (Borenstein et al. 2019). Information limitations
and political biases can thus pose challenges to ensuring that the average
level of stringency is appropriate, much less efciently adapting to cycles.
A second reason why env ironmental policy does not adap t to busi-
ness cycles is a political economy conc ern: the rationale could be abused
by regulators, leading to a persist ent weakening of environmental pol-
icy. One examp le is the decisions made by the Trump administration
durin g the COVID-19 recession. By March 2020, the Environmental Pro-
tection Agency deci ded to exempt facilities that release toxic chemicals
from reporting their emissions to the Toxic Release Inventory (TRI), which
led to an increase in pollution around TRI facilities (Persico and Johnson
2021). Although the decision was motivated mostly by the inability of fa-
cilities to meet TRI requirements due to the direct effects of the COVID-19
pandemic, additional rollbacks referred explicitly to the recessionary
forces generated by the pandemic.
These additional rollbacks often re-
duced stringency to virtually zero, which is hard to justify as a business-
cycle adjustment. A case in point is the regulation of methane, where
the federal administration in August 2020 eliminated requirements for
oil and gas companies to monitor and repair methane leaks from pipe-
lines, storage facilities, and wells. These requirements, known as Oil and
Natural Gas New Source Performance Standards, were recently reinstated
by the Biden administration.
A nal reason is simply that the literature studying this issue is so re-
cent that it has not yet been able to address the most press ing questions
or has not yet been properly communicated to policy makers. The liter-
ature on business cycles and environmental policy effectively started
Busin ess Cycles and Environmental Policy 223
just about a decade ago with Fischer and Springborn (20 11) and is thus
relatively rece nt.
The research has not yet addressed all dimensions of
the problem nor all questions that policy makers may ha ve about the im-
plications of tying environmental policy to the business cycle, including
distributional effects.
Our goal in this paper is threefold. First, we review the literature on en-
vironmental policy and the business cycle, with the goal of summarizing
and conveying in a palatable way the economic rationale for business-
cycle adjustments to environmental policy, as well as the effects of policy
on economic volatility. In this respect, our paper updates early synthesis
papers, including Fischer and Heutel (2013). Second, we present an as-
sessment of the main results from this literature that are most relevant
for policy makers today. This includes how different types of policy can
lead to different volatilities of outcomes, and how policy makers can
adapt environmental policy to cycles, ideally ex ante, tying their hands
to limit the risk of business-cycle adjustments being abused. Third, we
identify areas for future research that have currently been underexplored,
with the goal of lling the current knowledge gaps that may contribute
to limiting the adoption of business-cycle adjustments in environmental
policy. Our general focus is on the climate externality, due to its impor-
tance in the current policy landscape, although many of our insights may
also carry important implications for other environmental issues. We dis-
cuss the importance of considering other pollutants as well, particularly
given the fact that greenhouse gases are long-lived stock pollutants,
whereas other pollutants such as particulate matter are ow pollutants
for which cyclical uctuations in emissions likely have a larger effect on
We present four main sets of policy-relevant ndings from the litera-
ture, described in detail in Section IV. Fi rst, we discuss how differe nt
policies can inuence the volatility of outcomes over the business cycle,
even w hen those policies themsel ves do not vary ov er the cycle. A main
nding here is that policy type mattersa quantit y-based instrument
such as cap-and-trade leads to overall less volatili ty, whe reas a price-
based policy such as a carbon tax leads to more volatility. Second, policy
can be designed to vary over the business cycle and these adjustments
affect the economy and welfare. Both the dynamica lly efcient ca rbon
tax rate and the dynamically efcient carbon cap are procyclicalin-
creasing during expansions and decreasing during recessions. However,
the magnitude of the welfare advantages of these dynamically efcient
policies over static policies remains unclear. Third, policy implications
224 Annicchiarico et al.
vary depending on the source of the business cycle; that is, the type of
shock triggering the business-cycle uctuation. Almost all of the model-
ing literature consider aggregate productivity shocks, although some
empirical literature suggests that other shocks may contribute more to
emissions uctuations. Productivity shocks may also be sector specic.
When productivity shocks are specic to energy-intensive polluting sec-
tors, a tax may have a welfare advantage over a cap, though yielding
higher volatility. Fourth and nally, we discuss how environmental pol-
icy interacts with other policies or other distortions over the business cy-
cle. Other policies, including monetary policy, and other distortions, in-
cluding labor market frictions, can affect the efcient cyclicality of policy
or its effects on volatility.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follo ws. Sectio n II de-
scribes the basics of the envir onmental dynami c stochastic general equi-
librium (E-D SGE) model, the main toolbox to study business cycles in
macroeconomics and their relationship to t he environment. Section III
very br iey summarizes the most important ext ensions to the basic E-
DSGE models, and the companion working paper provides a more thor-
ough literature review (see Annicchiarico et al. 2021). Section IV sum-
marizes what we see as the main ndings of the literatur e most relevant
to policy make rs. Section V discusses t he most promising and most ur-
gent avenues for future research.
II. Description of Basic E-DSGE Model
In this section, we describe the basic DSGE model used in the literature
examining environmental policy and business cycles. DSGE models
have been frequently used in the literature for decades to study business
cycles (Christiano, Eichenbaum, and Trabandt 2018). Models that ex-
tend the basi c DSGE model to include some aspects of the environment
have been called environmental DSGE, or E-DSGE, models (Khan et al.
2019) . The workhorse mo del is based on the real business cycle (RBC)
model, wher e business cycles are fueled by random autocorrelated pro-
ductivity shocks (Rebel o 20 05). Fischer and Spri ngborn (2011), Heutel
(2012), and Angelopoulos, Economides, and Philippopou los (20 13) are
three early papers that modify the standard RBC model by includin g
pollution and pollution policy. Briey, the model consists of an aggre-
gate rep resentative ag ent choo sing cons umption, labor , and investment
to maximi ze total discounted utili ty. Capital evolves dynamically based
on investment. Pollution aris es from production and can negatively
Busin ess Cycles and Environmental Policy 225
affect productivity or utility, but the agents choices can affect the level
of pollution. Given a series of exogenous shocks to productivity, the
model can be used to nd the efcient leve l of investment and pollution
that maxim izes total discounted utility. The model can also analyze pol-
lution policies, such as pollution taxes or cap -and-trade.
We rst describe a centr alized model, where a repr esentative agent
acts the same as a social planne r would act. The representative agent
chooses consumption c
, and leisure l
in each period t to
maximize expect ed discou nted lifetime utility. The single-period utility
function is U
, l
). The resource constraint is c
+ i
= y
is the
level of output or production. A capital stock evolves according to
= i
+ (1 - d)k
. Time is normalized to one each period and allo cated
between labor (n
) and leisure: l
+ n
= 1. Production i s based on the la-
bor and capi tal inputs along with a productivity shock: y
= a
f (k
, n
The productivity shock a
is exogenous and evolves according to an
autoregressive process.
So far, the model described is the standard RBC model. At this point,
the model can be modie d to include pollution an d pollution policy,
and there is more than one way to do so. As in Fischer and Springborn
(2011), and as is commonly done in computable general equilibrium
models, one woul d modify the p roduction function to also include a pol-
lutin g input m
, so that output is y
= a
f (k
, n
, m
). The polluting input is
costly, so the resource constraint becomes c
+ i
+ m
= y
. The polluting
input is a choice variable and so can be changed i n response to economic
condi tions or policies (described below). An alternative way of model-
ing pollution, following Heutel (2012) based on the representation in
the Dynamic Integrated Climate-Economy (DICE) model (see Nordhaus
1993, 2017) , is to le t pollution emissions e
be a byproduct of product ion
that can be reduced through abatement spending z
. Emissions are e
), where the increasing function h maps how output creates emis-
sions, holding abatement z
xed, and the decreasing function g maps
how abatement spending reducesemissions,holdingoutputy
xed. The
resource constraint under this specication of pollution is c
+ i
+ z
= y
The relationship betw een emissions in one period e
and the total sto ck
of pollution x
can be given by a s tock evolution equation. For example,
in Heut el (2012), the pollution stock evolves according to x
= ηx
+ e
,whereη is a pollution depreciation rate and e
is the exoge-
nous level of emissions from other economi es (e.g., for a global pol-
lutant such as carbon dioxide, this represents emissions f rom other
countries). Another way of incorporating the stock of pollution is done in
226 Annicchiarico et al.
Angelopoulos et al. (2013), where the stock variable Q
represents envi-
ronmental quality (a good) rather than the pollution stock (a bad). The
evolution of environmental quality is Q
=(1- d
)Q + d
- e
+ nz
Q is environmental quality without any pollution and d
is a pol-
lution persistence parameter. Emissions e
negatively affects environ-
mental quality, and abatement spending z
positively affects environ-
mental quality measured by the parameter ν.
We next describe how damages from pollution can be incorporated
into the model. There are two place s where pollution damages can enter:
Pollution can either nega tively affect utility direc tly, or it can indirectly
affect utility by negatively affecting output or productivity. Under the
rst specication, following Angelo poulos et al. ( 2013), we can modify
the utility function to include the l evel of environmental quality Q
: U
, Q
). Under t he second specicati on, following Heutel (2012 ), we can
modify the production function to include the level of the pollution
stock x
: y
=(1- d(x
f (k
, n
), where d is a damage function that re-
lates the level of the p ollution stock to a reduction in output. Several in-
tegrated assessment models of climate change, including the DICE model
(Nordhaus 1993, 2017, 2018), model carbon pollution as affecting output
rather than utility directly.
The centralized m odel is now complete, and the model can be solved
as a social planners pr oblem, where the damages from polluti on are in-
corporated into the decision-making process. A soc ial planne r trad es off
the benets of reducing emissions (reducing pollution damages) with its
costs (abatement costs). The solution represents the rst-best response
of all economic variables to exogenous prod uctivity shocks. Solutions
can be presented as impulse response functions, which show how all of
the variables optimally respond to a one-unit innovation in the productiv-
ity shock. Or, solutions can be presented as simulations of business cycles,
in which an exogenous series of productivity shocks are drawn and the
economy is allowed to optimally respond. Figures 1 and 2 present results
from the rst-best dynamic policy simulations, based on the model in
Heutel (2012), showing impulse response functions and business-cycle
simulations, respectively.
The model used here is identical to that used
in Heutel (2012), though the calibration is updated based on Gibson
and Heutel (2020).
Figure 1 shows impulse response functions for the productivity shock
(after a one-time innovation in period 0) along with three variables related
to the environment: single-period emissions e
, the pollution stock x
abatement spending z
. The continuous line sho ws that the productivity
Busin ess Cycles and Environmental Policy 227
shock value deca ys exogenously at a constant rate. In response to that
productivity increase, emissions are higher than their steady-state value.
During an economic boom, when output increases (not shown in g. 1),
emissions also are allowed to increase. However, gure 1 also shows that
abatement spending increases above its steady-state value. Although
emissions are increasing during the boom, they are not increasing by as
much as they otherwise would if it were not for the efcient response
of the economy in increasing abatement spending. The optimal cyclicality
of emissions is thus procyclical but less so than they would be absent the
dynamically optimal policy.
Figure 2 shows bus iness-cycle simulations for the centralized model
without policy, drawn from an arbitrary draw of productivity shocks.
Capital is procy clical but less volatile and somewhat lagged from output
due to its stock nature. Emissions are strongly p rocyclical, though not
quite as variable as output is. The pollution stock has such a slow decay
Fig. 1. Impulse response functionscentralized efcient model. Color vers ion available
as an on line enhancement.
Notes : The productivity shock a increa ses exogenously in period 0, and all other variables
respond endogenously. The y-axis units are the percen tage deviation from each variables
steady-state value. Th e simulations are from the E-DSGE model in Heut el (2012) with up-
dated calibration as described in the text.
228 Annicchiarico et al.
rate that these business-cycle uct uation s have very limited impact on
its value (pollution here is calibrated to carbon dioxide, a stock po llutant
that remains in the atmosphere for decades).
Next, we turn to a d ecentralized model, in which a representat ive rm
maximizes prots and a representative consumer maximizes utility. By
assuming that the rm ignores the effect that its pollution has on either
productivi ty or utility, the decentralized model features an externality,
so that the decentr alized solution will generally not be rst best. Either
the consumer or the rm can be subject to an environmental policy; for
example, a tax on emissio ns.
The model can also be used to analyze the effect of t hese policies on
various economic outcomes. Fischer and Springborn (2011) analyze the
effect of three environmental policies: an emissions tax, an emissions cap,
and an intensity standard that xes the ratio of emissions to output. They
generate business-cycle simulations and show how various economic
Fig. 2. Business-cycle simulationcentralized efcient m odel. Color version available
as an on line enhancement.
Notes : Productivity shocks (not graphed here) are exogenously generated, and all other
variables respond endogenously. The y-axis units are the p ercentage deviation from each
variables st eady-state value. The simulations are from the E-DSGE mode l in Heutel (2012)
with u pdated calibration as described in t he text.
Busin ess Cycles and Environmental Policy 229
variables respond to the draw of productivity shocks under each of the
three policies. We replicate these simulations here in gure 3. In response
to an exogenous draw of productivity shocks (identical to the draw in g. 2),
gure 3 plots the response of emissions (panel A) and output (panel B)
under each of the three policies: the intensity standard (IT), the emissions
cap (Cap), and the emissions tax (Tax).
The three policies are all calibrated to yield the efcient rst-best level
in steady state, but the policy values do not adjust to t he business cycle.
Consequently, the three policies yield different cyclical prope rties. Of
course, because the cap is xed over time, it results in emissions xed
at their steady-state level, whereas the tax and intensity standard result
in emissions that vary over the business cycle. Outpu t is slightly less vol-
atile under the cap policy than under the ot her two policies. This dem-
onstrates that the intensit y standard is more a ccommodating of business
cycles due to its exibilityby restricting emissions per u nit output
rather than tot al emissions, it includes a built-in cyclical adaptation.
The decentralized model can also be used to solve for the efcient level
of the policy variables that internalizes the pollution externality and
reaches the theoretical rst best. Such an exercise is perfor med in Heutel
(2012), which includes a specication of external damage s from pollu-
tion affecting productivity, though unlike Fischer and Springborn
(2011) it does not in clude a labor decision or an intensity standard pol-
icy. Results from business-cycle simulations of efcient policy are pre -
sented here in gure 4. For the same draw of shocks simulated in gures 2
and 3, gure 4 shows the efcient response of both a tax policy and an
emissions cap. Here, the policy value s endogenously respond to the
draw of the shocks and the changing economy and thus are not xed
over time as in gure 3. Figure 4 shows that both the emissions cap
and the emissions tax are procyclical. However, that means the cycli c-
ality of the stringency of each policy is different. During an exp ansio n,
the efcient emissions tax increases, which is an increase in stringency,
and t he efcient emissions cap also increases, which is a decrease in
stringency. As also can be seen from gure 4, the efcient emissions tax
is more procyclical than the efcient emissions cap.
III. Extensions to the Basic Model
In the more technical working paper (Annicchiarico et al. 2021), we pro-
vide an extensive literature review of the state of the E-DSGE lit erature.
Here, we briey summarize the four broad areas where extensions have
230 Annicchiarico et al.
Fig. 3. Business-cycle simulationeffects of policies set ex ante. Color version availa ble
as an on line enhancement.
Notes : Productivity s hocks (not graphed here, identical to those in g. 2) are exogenously
generated, and all other variables res pond endogenously. The top panel plots emissions,
and the bottom panel plots output, both in percentage deviation from each variables
steady-state value. IT, Cap, and Tax denote the intensity standard, the emissions cap, and
the emissions tax, respectively.
been made in the literature: (i) extensions that maintain the RBC frame-
work, (ii) New Keynesian extensions, (iii) open-economy extensions, and
(iv) extensions incorporating credit market imperfections, nancial regu-
lation, and unconventional monetary policy. Although the details of the
individual studies are relegated to the working paper, the results of these
extensions will inform our discussion in the following section of the most
policy-relevant ndings that we identied in the literature.
Several studies maintain the RBC framework of cycles produced through
autocorrelated productivity shocks but add more complications. One such
study (Dissou and Karnizova 2016) develops a multisector economy,
where shocks can be sector specic, including shocks arising to emissions-
intensive industries such as the fossil fuel sector. Other papers consider
different types of productivity shocks, including anticipated versus un-
anticipated shocks and investment-specic shocks (Khan et al. 2019),
or frictions arising from other sources such as the labor market (Gibson
Fig. 4. Business-cycle simulationsefcient policy. Color version available as an online
Notes : Productivity s hocks (not graphed here, identical to those in g. 2) are exogenously
generated, and all other variables re spond endogenously. The y-axis units are the percent-
age d eviation from each variables steady-state value. The simulations are from the
E-DSGE model in Heutel (2012) with updated calibration as described in the text.
232 Annicchiarico et al.
and Heutel 2020). These variations inuence the interactions between
business cycle and emissions volatility.
The second set of extensions includes New Keynesian (NK) elements.
The heart of the NK framework includes imperfect competition, nominal
rigidities, and nonneutral monetary policy. For instance, Annicchiarico
and Di Dio (2015) modify the E-DSGE model to include imperfect price
adjustments and an interest-rate rule governing monetary policy. They
explore how the optimal design of the carbon tax (including its cyclicality)
depends on the degree of price stickiness and on monetary policy. Several
other extensions in this vein explore related issues under alternative mod-
eling assumptions. For example, Economides and Xepapadeas (2018) study
the challenges climate change poses to monetary policy and the potential
inationary effects of carbon pricing, which are among the main concerns
for central banks (NGFS 2021).
The third var iant of the literature uses open-ec onomy versions of
E-DSGE models to look at cross-country pollution and policy spillovers
and international env ironmental agreements. Several of these papers
also incorporate some elements o f the NK approach, including nominal
rigidities and imperfect competition. For example, Annicchiarico and
Diluiso (2019) develop a two-countrymodel to explore how real and mon-
etary policy shocks propagate across borders, and how this propaga-
tion is inuenced by environmental regulation.
Finally, the fourth set of extensions conside rs credit market imperfec-
tions, nancial regulation, and unconventional monetary policy. This
strand of the literature is motivated by the concerns that clim ate-related
risks may represent a threat to nancial and macroeco nomic stab ility. A
debat e exists about whether and to wha t extent nancial regulators can
or should address climate change; for example, by creating new tools
like green-b iased regulations to encourage the transition to a low-
carbon economy. A related concern is that of the transition risk that arises
from an abrupt implementation of amb itious climate policy in an econ-
omy whe re leveraged banks have a large stake in af fected indust ries and
assets like those related to fossil fuels and other carbon-intensive indus-
tries. In this case, climate policy could crea te stranded assets, which may
trigger nancial instability risks. Several recent studies explore these and
other related issues. Two concurrent studies in this literature are by Di-
luiso et al. (2020) and Carattini, Heutel, and Melkadze (2021), which com-
bine a multisector E-DSGE model with a model of nancial frictions and
study how unconventional monetary policy such as green quantitative
easing (in Diluiso et al. 2020) or green-biased capital requirements (in
Busin ess Cycles and Environmental Policy 233
Carattini et al. 2021) can stabilize the economy in response to a potential
crisis brought about by asset stranding in the context of a gradual (in
Diluiso et al. 2020) or abrupt (in Carattini et al. 2021) implementation of
ambitious climate policy.
IV. Policy-Relevant Findings from the Literature
In this section, we provide a brief overview of the main ndings from the
literature that are most relevant to policy makers, who may seek either to
design policies to accommodate business cycles or to assess the impacts of
business cycles on policy effectiveness or pollution. The rst two sub-
sections describe positive ndings from the literature about the effect of
policy on economic volatility and the design of policy over the business
cycle. The last two subsections discuss caveats to these ndings, pointing
out that the source of uctuations matters and that other macroeconomic
market failures or distortions interact with environmental policy.
A. Policy Effects on Volatility
Emissions are a byproduct of production and are thus naturally procy-
clical. Empirical evidence suggests that emissions are even more volatile
than GDP, indicating they arise from sectors more vulnerable to business-
cycle variations (Doda 2014). The ip side of this relationship is that pol-
icies to control emissions will also inuence the response of other macro-
economic factors to exogenous shocks.
A cap on emissions has a built-in damp ening effect on the business cy-
cle. A positive productivity shock will expand output and dema nd for
emissions, but the cap will require further efforts to limit polluting in-
puts or abate emissions, manifesting in an increase in the emissions price.
With a negative productivity shock, the cap becomes less constraining;
emissions prices fall with demand, and less abatement effort is required
in a downturn. Because one means of reducing emissions is reducing out-
put, less of this output-related abatement is needed in a downturn. As a
result, an emissions cap limits volatility of other macroeconomic vari-
ables. This effect becomes even more pronounced when prices are more
difcult to adjust, because these rigidities tend to exacerbate business cy-
cles (Annicchiarico and Di Dio 2015). However, the stabilizing proper-
ties of a cap are mitigated when wages are sticky, because the effects of
234 Annicchiarico et al.
uncertainty on employment are greater ( Jaimes 2020). In contrast, the
procyclical response of emissions prices under cap-and-trade system
could exacerbate ination volatility, so monetary policy interactions mat-
ter too (Annicchiarico and Di Dio 2017).
An emissions tax, by contrast, xes the price of emissions and allows
the quantity of e missions to respond. Investme nt and production deci-
sions take the emissions price into account, but a po sitive productivity
shock will cause output and emissions to expand. A tax does little to de-
ter this respo nse to the business cycle, and may even exacerbate volatil-
ity by making inves tment more sensitiv e to pr oductivity shocks (Fischer
and Spri ngborn 2011). A carbon tax is also likely to allow greater trans-
mission of business cycles across borders (Annicchiarico and Diluiso 2019).
An emissions intensity standardxing emissions per unit of output
offers a road in between a tax or a cap. A positive productivity shock in-
creases demand for emissions, but an increase in output also loosens the
emissions constraint, which is set per unit of output. As a result, the emis-
sions price rises, but to a lesser extent than with a xed cap. The output-
based allocation of emission allowances implicit in intensity targets also
provides a general incentive boost to output, leading to higher levels of
investment and output than a cap or tax. However, in terms of volatility,
an intensity target does little to change how the macroeconomy responds
to business cycles, compared with no policy (Fischer and Springborn 2011).
The above comparisons are largely based on stark policy choices. In
pract ice, many emissions trading systems adopt provisions with bank-
ing and borrowing that will allow emissions price responses to macro-
economic shocks to be spread over time (e.g., Kollenberg and Taschini
2019) . Recognizing that the econo my is composed of many sectors with
different emissions intensities, the inuence of climate policy on macro-
economic volatility may depend on the source of business-cycle varia-
tion. For example, shocks related to the energy sector are more likely
to int eract w ith climate policies than other productivity shocks (Dissou
and Karnizova 2016).
Besides the pollution policies discussed above, macroprudential -
nancial regulations, designed to align environmental and nancial sta-
bility objectives, are also shown to inue nce the transmissi on of the busi-
ness cycle. Green-biased regulations may bring down the volatility of
business-cycle uctuations, while favoring green investments and re-
ducing the exposure of nancial intermediaries to assets at risk of strand-
ing (Punzi 2019; Benmir and Roman 2020; Diluiso et al. 2020; Carattini
et al. 2021).
Busin ess Cycles and Environmental Policy 235
B. Dynamically Optimal Policies and Welfare
Allowing po licy variables to vary along with the busine ss cycle gives
more exibility for the policy to address market imperfections and im-
prove welfare. Some policies, such as unemployment insurance, are
clearly designed so that their intensity or stringency responds to busi-
ness cycles. For an environmental policy such as a pollution tax or cap-
and-trade system, the goal would be to design it so that the stringency
of the policy (the tax rate, or the level of the cap) can vary in ways that
keep emissions prices better aligned with marginal environmental dam-
ages over the business cycle. However, in practice, for adaptive policies to
do more good than harm relative to xed policies, not only must the adjust-
ments be well targeted but the efciency advantages from the policysvar-
iance over the cycle must also outweigh any costs that might be incurred
by allowing it to vary. These costs could include administrative costs of the
cyclical adjustments, costs arising from households or rms uncertainties
about policy values, increased trading frictions or transaction costs, or
even higher political economy barriers to implementation. We return be-
low to the question of how policy makers can introduce simple rules re-
quiring limited information to mimic optimal cyclical adjustments.
Designing a policy such as a tax so that its values in each period ef-
ciently respond to business-cycle conditions is oft en called the Ramsey
problem (Chari, Christ iano, and Kehoe 1994). Heutel (2012) solves the
Ramsey problem for both an emissions tax and cap-and-trade system,
calibrated to the US economy and carbon dioxide emissions. As we
showed in gure 4 (using an updated calibration of that earlier model),
both the Ramsey-optimal carbon tax and the Ramsey- optimal carbon
emissions cap are procyclical, increasing during expansions and decreas-
ing during recessions. This implies that a carbon tax becomes more strin-
gent during expansions and less stringent during recessions, whereas
a cap-and-trade system becomes less stringent during expansions and
more stringent during recessions.
This pattern may provide a political
economy advantage for taxes over cap-and-trade, given that tax relief
can be communicated to the public during recessions, rather than a cap
adjustment that would increase prices. However, under this calibration
the Ramsey-optimal carbon tax is more volatile than the Ramsey-optimal
cap, which may be a disadvantage of it.
To consider sp ecically how to design policy to adjust to the business
cycle, Heutel (2012) provides something close to rules-of-thumb based on
GDP. Ideally, as mentioned in our introductory paragraphs, business-cycle
236 Annicchiarico et al.
adjustments should be a policy feature that is introduced from the start
and operates according to a clear and transparent rule. Rules-based ad-
justments would allow timely responses, avoiding the delay of passing
new legislation or promulgating amendments to regulations. They also
would tie the hands of policy makers and avoid arbitrary decisions once
a shock materializes. If the regulator can set the policy stringency as a
function of lagged GDP (or its deviation from trend), then what is the
function mapping GDP into the efcient policy? Heutel (2012) nds that
the efcient carbon tax rate increases by about 142% of the deviation of
output; for example, if output is 10% higher than trend in a particular
quarter, then the efcient carbon tax rate is 14.2% higher than trend in
the following quarter. For the efcient emissions cap, the response is
66% of the deviation of output; if output is 10% higher than trend in a par-
ticular quarter, then the efcient carbon cap is 6.6% higher than trend in
the following quarter.
In addition to or instead of GDP, regulators may
use leading indicators to forecast shocks. In the United States, for in-
stance, prominent leading indicators are the Purchasing Managers Index
and the Consumer Condence Index.
How important are t he business-cycle adjustments for welfar e? Lin-
tunen and Vilmi (2013 ) compar e the Ramsey-optimal emissi ons tax with
a constant tax (they do not consider cap-and-t rade) and nd slig ht dif-
ferences in emissions but negligible overall economic effects. Heutel
(2012) notes that the welfare comparison can depend on the shock values
(see following subsection). Both papers are calibrated to greenhouse gas
pollutants for which the accumulated stock matters rather than the ow
of emissions in any period. For ow pollutants, business-cycle policy ad-
justments may have larger welfare impacts than for stock pollutants, as
we discuss in Subsection V.D. Likewise, the question of whether a tax or a
cap is more efcient in response to business cycles can also depend on
shock values, and the answer may differ for stock versus ow pollutants.
C. Source of Shocks
Most of the papers that we have reviewed here use an RBC model,
where cycles are fueled by exogenous shocks to aggregate produ ctivity.
Whether or not productivity shocks are in fact a predomina nt driver of
real-world business cycles is a question up for debate in the broader
macroeconomic literature.
More s pecically, two recent papers inve s-
tigate the source of emissions uctuations over the business cycle, and
both nd that other types of shocks besides pr oductivity shockssuch
Busin ess Cycles and Environmental Policy 237
as shocks to energy efciency, specic technologies, or nonenviron-
mental policiesare important driv ers.
Khan et al. (2019) empirically study the drivers of emissions variation
in the United States, including monetary and government spending shocks
as additional sources of uncertainty. They consider six different shocks
anticipated and unanticipated neutral technology (TFP) shocks, antici-
pated and unanticipated investment-specic technology shocks, govern-
ment spending policy shocks, and monetary policy shocksand nd
empirically that the largest impact on pollution among these shocks comes
from the anticipated investment-specic technology shock. Jo and Karni-
zova (2021) provide a similar analysis, including shocks to energy ef-
ciency that can cause a negative correlation between output and emis-
sions. Jo and Karnizova (2021) identify shocks that can cause emissions
and output to be negatively rather than positively correlated with each
other, and they nd that these types of shocks explain almost half of
the overall volatility of emissions. They argue that shocks to energy ef-
ciency are the primary example of these negative-correlation shocks. Be-
cause other types of shocks may have different implications for the rela-
tionship between business cycles and emissions and, as Jo and Karnizova
(2021) suggest, some shocks cause emissions and output to move in op-
posite directions, then it is likely that the optimal response of policy to
these shocks is different than the optimal response to productivity shocks.
Unfortunately, as of today, the literature has little to say about how policy
can respond to these types of shocks, so more research is needed to shed
light on this question.
In the context of E-DSGE models, some initial indication of the impor-
tance of the source of shocks is given by Disso u and Karnizova (2016),
who study sector-specic productivity shocks. Their main nding is that
under productivity shocks localized to energy sectors, a carbon tax out-
performs a cap in welfare terms, although it leads to higher volatility of
macroeconomic aggregates. However, for shocks to sectors other than
energy-intensive sectors, a tax and a cap (even in the absence of intertem-
poral considerations such as banking) have statistically equivalent wel-
fare implications. This result indicates that including exibility mecha-
nisms may be more important for quantity-based policies, especially when
energy sector volatility is a primary issue.
D. Interaction with Other Policies or Distortions
Policies targeting pollutants that are widespread throughout the econ-
omy, such as carbon dioxide emissions, are likely to give rise to equally
238 Annicchiarico et al.
pervasive effects on macroeconomic responses to other policies and mar-
ket distortions. Carbon prices and regulations inuence a range of house-
hold and producer behavior, which may have nontrivial implications for
the frequency and severity of business cycles.
Clima te change is not the only policy issue of macroeconomic impor-
tance. Policy makers must grapple with market p ower and barriers t o
competitio n, frictions in labor markets that result in excess unemploy-
ment, regulations or behavioral practices t hat impede the adjustment
of prices and wages, and nancial market imperfections that may ele-
vate the cost of borrowing and limit the am ount of credit. The literature
has pointed out tha t simultaneously addressing environmental issues
and other market failur es is particularly challenging in t he presence of
different sourc es of uncertainty. From this perspective, the literature
on environmental policy and business cycles has drawn at tenti on to-
ward the interactions between environmental regulations and other pol-
icies, especially those aimed at stabilizing t he economy over the busi-
ness cycle, such as monetary policy, nancial regulations , and labor
market policies.
The underlying monetary policy affects optimal environment al policy
design in response to exogenous shocks. Dep ending on the degree to
which monetary policy r eacts to the level of economic activity and sta-
bilizes the economy, the optimal carbon price may be more or less pro-
cyclical, relative to what one would expect without mo netary accomm o-
datio n (see Annicchiarico and Di Dio 2015, 2017). The interaction also
goes both ways: the stronger the negative environmental externality,
the less accommodativeand so the more stringentthe optimal mon-
etary policy should be to avoid excess expansion and emissions. In ad-
dition, an ambitious greening policy may produce large uctuations in
consumer prices. In this sense, unanticipated and abrupt climate actions
may potentially represe nt a challeng e for monetary stability (e.g., Econ-
omide s and Xepapadeas 2018; Carattini et al. 2021).
Some unconventional monetary policie s aim at changing the compo-
sition of central banks balance sheets tow ard green assets. Ea rly studies
on the effects of such green-biased quantitative easing programs p oint
to a very limited scope of these policies in greening the economy, as well
as little difference in their effectiveness in reviving the economy foll ow-
ing an adverse shock as compared with market-neutral quantitative eas-
ing programs (see Benmir and Roman 2020; Diluiso et al. 20 20; and
Ferrari and Nisp i Landi 2020). However, emerging analyses of t he ef-
fects of the introduction of nonneutral nancial reg ulator y schemes,
such as green-suppor ting an d/or brown-penalizing regulations (see
Busin ess Cycles and Environmental Policy 239
DOrazio and Popoyan 2019), suggest that by inducing a portfolio real-
location of nancial intermediaries toward green investments, these
schemes encourage the greening process and reduce the exposure of
banks to climate-sensitive assets, mitigating the nancial effects of stranded
assets (see Punzi 2019; Benmir and Roman 2020; Diluiso et al. 2020;
Carattini et al. 2021).
Finally, labor market frictionssuch as the cost s of searching for em-
ployment, relocating for a job, or nding suitable employeesalso af-
fect environmental policy over t he business cycle. Such frictions are of-
ten represented as congestion problems: Adding an unemployed worker
to the pool of job seekers reduces everyone elses probability of nding a
job, but raises the probability for hiring rms of nding a good match.
Similarly, more job vacancies make it harder for rms but easier for un-
employed workers to nd a match. Depending on how these balance out,
the level of employment may be inefciently high (too many vacancies)
or low (too many job seekers). Economic efciency then requires combin-
ing a pollution policy (e.g., carbon tax) with a labor market policy (e.g., a
tax or subsidy on job creation), so as to jointly address the environmental
externality and labor market imperfections. However, when the labor
market instrument is unavailable, the optimal design of the emission
tax is more challenging: The optimal carbon tax will be less or more pro-
cyclical depending on whether the market delivers an inefciently high
or low employment level. Gibson and Heutel (2020) nd in their preferred
calibration that the procyclicality of the efcient carbon tax is only half as
high once labor market frictions are accounted for. The existence of labor
frictions and unemployment would then provide a further rationale,
based on equity as well as efciency, for designing a state-contingent en-
vironmental policy.
V. Remaining Questions
A numb er of import ant questions related to environmental policies and
business cycles remain to be addressed. In this section, we categorize
some promisin g directions for f uture research.
A. Heterogeneous Agen ts and Distribut ion of Impacts
Over the rec ent decades, building on the work of Hopenhayn (1992) and
Aiyagari (1994), DSGE models have gone beyond the representative
rm and household assumptions to incorporate micro-level heterogeneity.
240 Annicchiarico et al.
This incorporation has broadened the range of problems that can be stud-
ied in business-cycle analysis. The attention is no longer on the study of
aggregate dynamics, but rather on the analysis of the evolution of the dis-
tribution of heterogeneous agents in response to aggregate and/or idio-
syncratic shocks.
On the production side,rms can differ in terms of size, efciency, prod-
ucts, production processes, access to credit, and innovation ability. The
entry and exit of heterogeneous rms shape the aggregate uctuations in
economic activity and the associated creation and destruction of jobs.
Firms can also differ in their abatement capacity, can be more or less pol-
luting, or can differ in their innovation in clean technologies. In this con-
text, aggregate dynamics and the performance of pollution policies will
also be inuenced by composition effects, due to the reallocation of mar-
ket shares among heterogeneous rms. The underlying environmental
regulation is likely to affect rm dynamics and eventually aggregate pro-
ductivity, GDP, and employment. In contrast, the changing composition
of the production structure in response to shocks may affect policy effec-
tiveness and optimal design.
Households, mea nwhile , can differ in terms of age, wealth, skills, in -
come, occupation, portfolio composition, access to credit, and expecta-
tions. All these dimensions matter for many of households economic
decisions and can be relevant for the propagation mechanisms of shocks
and for the impact of policies falling in various domains. Incor porating
heterogeneous households in an environmental business-cycle model
may open up, f or instance, questions about the impact of pollution pol-
icies o n inequality and on wealth reallocation.
The literature to date has largely avoided issues of equity, but existing
results have important implications for the two main observations that
follow. First, the models demons trate that efcient emissions are less
procyclical than they would be in laissez-faire. The efcient level of cli-
mate policys stringency (e.g., the carbon tax rate) is lower in recessions
than in expansions. This conclusion, however, neglects the distributional
implications of policy, including carbon tax revenues. Redistributing
revenues in a lump-sum w ay, as carbon dividends, would be progres-
sive (Cronin, Fullerton, and Sexton 2018). The feder al carbon tax of Can-
ada, for instance, makes about 70% of Canadians nancially better off,
disproport ionately improving the li velihood of low-income households
(PBO 2019). It is not obvious, then, how reducing a carbon tax in times of
recession, and thus the s ize of carbon dividend s to households, would
affect equity, especial ly when accounting for the fact that utility from
Busin ess Cycles and Environmental Policy 241
dividends may decrease with i ncome, so that a disproportionate impact
on low-income households would disproportionally affect overall util-
ity, even assuming a homogene ous effect of the recession on house-
holds. Such a research question could be addressed by introducing het-
erogeneous households (f or instanc e, to reect income distribution) and
sever al ways of redist ributing tax revenues or revenues from auctioning
permits. Such ways may also i nclude the poss ibility of shifting part of
the dividends over time (i.e., from good times to bad times), although
this solution would also need to be dened ex ante to avoid any arbitrar-
iness and ensure that citizens trust in the government is not eroded.
Second, the efcient level of regulation, which accounts for the busi-
ness cycle, implies both lower emissions and lower employment than
the unregulated equilibrium (Gibson and Heut el 2020). If labor market
frictions imply that va cancie s are too high, then the environmental pol-
icy cr eates an additional efciency benet by reducing the labor market
distortion. Ho wever, accounting for dist ributional effects on who is em-
ploye d and who i s not in a recession may lead to different policy impl i-
cations, in particular if low-income households, whi ch derive a higher
utility from t heir salaries, would be more affected by layoffs driven by
recessionary forces. The standard framework could thus be e xtended
to include distributional effects in job creat ion and destruction, as well
as interactions w ith other policies, including policies aimed at fostering
economic recovery (e.g., stimulus pac kages) or redirecting the econom y
toward cleaner production modes (e.g., Green New Dea l). Also in this
case, part of the revenues could be banked durin g good times to fund
Green New Deals in bad times, with the abo vementioned condition
about embedding such mechanism in the design of the policy since
the outset to avoid arbitrariness still applying.
B. Interaction betwee n Environmental and Other Public Policies
Environmental policies are not the only ones that respo nd to market
changes over the business cycle. Many topics re lated to the interaction
between environmental and other policies remain either unexplored
or still in early stages. Prime targets for further resear ch on environmen-
tal poli cy i nteractions are scal policy, trade policy, monetary policy,
and nancial regulation.
Fiscal policy leads that list because tax policies and government spend-
ing tend to be countercyclical themselves (at least at the federal level in
the United States). Furthermore, environmental priorities are increasingly
242 Annicchiarico et al.
being incorporated into scal responses. At present, many postpandemic
recovery plans around the world include green stimulus packages to both
restart the economy and favor transition to a cleaner and more sustainable
path, including the Recovery Plan for Europe, the American Rescue Plan,
and the proposed American Jobs Plan. Such scal responses are likely to in-
uence the optimal adjustment of stringency of carbon pricing regulations,
for example. These issues could be addresse d by modeling the public sector
in more detail, accounting for the composition of public spending (capital
spending and current spending) and for different tax instruments.
Trade policy can be intertwined with climate policy, with important
business-cycle implications. The most obvious example is represented
by carbon border adjustments, which are currently receiving serious con-
sideration from the European Commission in the context of the Green
Deal, at least for trialing in selected sectors covered by the EU ETS. Besides
the direct effects that the introduction of such a policy may have on border
prices and trade ows, one may expect it to have an inuence on the in-
ternational propagation of the business cycle. The study of this issue re-
quires the use of fully edged open-economy models in which countries
are interlinked with each other and where the different steps of the pro-
duction process are located across different countries. Furthermore, the
fact that different countries may be on different points of the business
cycle may or may not justify deviations from an equal carbon price for
domestic and foreign production. The same logic would apply to a global
carbon tax or system of harmonized carbon taxes, which have both at-
tracted substantial attention in recent times by scholars (Hoel 1992; Thal-
mann 2013; Weitzman 2014; Nordhaus 2015; Cramton et al. 2017; Stiglitz
et al. 2017; Weitzman 2017; Carattini, Kallbekken, and Orlov 2019; IMF
2019) and policy makers, with for instance the International Monetary
Fund pushing for a minimum carbon price among large emitters covering
about 80% of global greenhouse gas emissions. In this case, the reference
price (and escalator) may include some room for idiosyncratic business-
cycle adjustments, so that countries can adjust to the business cycle with-
out leaving a carbon pricing coalition. Of course, it is also important in this
case that the business-cycle argument is not abused by domestic or for-
eign vested interests.
Regarding the implications for monetary policy, future research should
address the challenges posed by physical and transition risks to different
monetary policy regimes and study how different carbon pricing policies
are likely to affect ination dynamics. Central banks and nancial regu-
latory authorities are increasingly interested in climate-related issues (e.g.,
Busin ess Cycles and Environmental Policy 243
Carney 2015; Vermeulen et al. 2018; Rudebusch 2021). The debate revolves
around the need to enrich their mandate by opening the door to climate
challenges in the conduct of monetary policy and in the design of the -
nancial regulatory framework (see Campiglio et al. 2018; DOrazio and
Popoyan 2019). Hence, future research should also explore more in depth
the possibility of incorporating climate objectives in the mandate of central
banks. This would mainly imply giving up market neutrality in asset buy-
ing and would enlarge the area of activity of central banks and their tools.
Concerning nancial regulation, the literature on climate-related nan-
cial system risks is still nascent; further studies could contribute to move
the frontier further and shed additional light on how to design a macro-
prudential regulatory framework able to favor green investments, reduce
climate-related nancial risk, and possibly also preserve nancial stability.
Numerous green macroprudential tools have been proposed (e.g., brown-
penalizing and green-supporting capital requirements, green-biased li-
quidity regulation, and differentiated reserves requirements), calling for
further research investigating their potential ability to align environmen-
tal and nancial objectives.
C. Suboptimal Policy Stringency and Nonpricing Policies
The E-DSGE literature tends to assume that environmental policys
strin gency can be set to balance marginal costs and benets in its steady
state, from which it should uctuate optimally in response to produc-
tivity s hocks. As discussed in the introduction to this paper, important
const raints can prevent environmental pol icies from reaching their op-
timal level, much less adjusting with the busin ess cycle.
In the case of climate change in particular, although economists have
yet to agree on the optimal level of carbon pricingfor instance, exactly
how high the social cost of carbon isa general consensu s has f ormed
that it should be well above current levels (Howard and Sylvan 2015).
Carbon pricing remains the favorite policy tool of economists to tackle
climate change (see , e.g., Goulder and Parry 2008; Aldy et al. 2010;
Baranzini et al. 2017; Stiglitz et al. 2017). In the decade since 2010, when
it covered about 5% of global greenhouse gas emissions, carbon pricing
has expanded rapidly and currently covers about 22.5% of global green-
house gas emissions; however, only for a f ew schemes do they exceed
$50 per ton of CO
(World Bank 2020).
Henc e, an important question that the liter ature ha s arguably yet to
tackle is whether, or to what extent, environmental policies that are set
244 Annicchiarico et al.
at a suboptimally low level of stringency should also adjust to the busi-
ness cycle. In this context, three possible scenarios merit investigation:
(1) a scenario in which the policy does not adjust to the business cycle,
(2) a scenario in which the policy does adjust to the business cycle, and
(3) a scenario in which the policy adjusts upward during economic booms
but does not adjust downward during recessions. Furthermore, the un-
certainty surrounding climate damages may call for more price certainty
than would otherwise be the case. Business-cycle adjustments may also be
embedded in a price trajectory that accounts for learning as in Bayesian
models (Kelly and Kolstad 1999; Kelly and Tan 2015).
Additional attention should be paid to the design of environm ental
policiesparticu larly banking and borrowing pr ovisions in cap-an d-
trade systemsand how they respond to business cycles. Pizer and Prest
(2020) show in a micro model that when governments optimally adjust
policies to shocks, quantity regulation with intertemporal allowance trad-
ing can have advantages over price regulation, due to the intertemporal
transmission of expectations into prices. Lintunen and Kuusela (2018) in-
corporate such expectations into a business-cycle model, with a regulator
that sets the periodic cap so that the number of banked allowances together
with the new ones equals the desired cap level. Expected future permit
prices create an effective oor for current prices, allowing the regulator
room to increase the emission cap when needed to avoid the risk of unde-
sirably high prices. The result of active allowance supply management
is less volatile permit prices and less buildup of banked allowances in a
downturn than without banking.
Pizer and Prest (2020) caution that if governments set policy i nef-
ciently or rms imperfe ctly anticipate policy changes, taxes have advan-
tages again. In this r espect, Aldy and Armitage (2020) study how cap-
and-trade systems lead to price uncertainty, because sho cks can affect
how a give n cap is p riced. When the investment in pollution abatement
is irreversible, excessive vola tility in the allowance p rices can increas e
the effective cost of achieving a given mi tigation target. In contrast, this
price uncertainty can also have a dampening effect on irreversible in-
vestments in new capital goods. These issues should be explored in macro
models. More generally, most of the literature to date has made stark
policy compar isons be tween taxes and caps, but in practice many design
featuressuch as free allocation, alternative complia nce options, and
international linking, as well as certain built-in adjustment mechanisms
such as price oors, safety valves, and quantity-based triggersare in-
creasingly in cluded and may have macroeconomic implications.
Busin ess Cycles and Environmental Policy 245
Another aspect of suboptimal policy design recognizes that a great
number of envi ronmental policies do not price carbon explicitly or ev en
implicitly. Clean energ y standa rds or market share mandates for renew-
able gene ration, biofuel s, or zero-emission vehicles are common tools in
transition policy portfolios. Although they may impose an implicit tax
on sources that do not qualify as clean, they do not distinguish among
thecarbon intensityof nonqualifying sources. Similarly, mandatoryphase-
outs of coal-red generation or internal combustion engine vehicles do
not differentiate among the carbon proles of nonprohibited sources. How-
ever, these types of target-based approaches do impose constraints on
the economy, and the shadow values of those constraints will respond
to business cycles. The Green New Deal proposal framework in the
United States (H.R. 109, 116th Cong.), for instance, does not even men-
tion carbon pricing. Incorporating nonpricing mechanismsand espe-
cially multiple and overlapping onesinto macroeconomic models is
challenging, but a worthy area for future research. Finally, the issue of
enforcement or imperfect monitoring may be importantly related to busi-
ness cycles. For example, as state revenues uctuate, the resources devoted
to enforcement may also uctuate, and how optimal policy or optimal en-
forcement responds to those uctuations remains to be explored. That is,
it is possible that the cyclicality of enforcement affects the cyclicality of
emissions, beyond what is usually considered in analyses of optimal
tax rates or caps.
D. Non-GHG Pollutants
Most of the literature has focused on climate policy rather than policies
for other environme ntal issues and pollutants. This view is understand-
able, because the broader environmental policy literature is increasingly
focused on climate change and greenhouse gases (GHG). Hence, the fo-
cus of our paper is al so mostly on climate change.
However, the relationship between b usiness cycles and environmen -
tal p olicy may be equally or more imp ortant for non-GHG pollutants.
Most GHGs, for instance carbon dioxide, are long-lived stock pollutants
that stay in the atmosphere for decades. Business-cycle-level uctua-
tions in emissi ons have little effect on the aggregate stock of atmospheric
carbon, which is what affects climate change. This can be seen in gure 2
over the business cycle the pollution stock (x) stays nearly constant
thoughquarterly emissions (e) vary considerably. For this reason, the mar-
ginal benets of climate mitigation stay relatively stable.
246 Annicchiarico et al.
Many other pollutants are primar ily ow pollut ants, remaining in the
environment and affecting the economy only for a short period. For
these pollutants, business-cycle uctuations in emissions can have seri-
ous eff ects on their damages. For example, ozone damages can vary con-
siderably even over the course of a single day (Adler and Severnini 2020).
As we discussed in Subsection IV.B., this may mean that the welfare
benet of policies that dynamically adjust to business cycles is higher for
non-greenhouse-gas policy, because the cyclical adjustments in the policy
values are able to respond to the cyclicality of damages. E-DSGE models
solving for optimal policy or evaluating the effects of policy over the busi-
ness cycle should study ow pollutants such as ozone or sulfur dioxide.
Furthermore, even for analyses of climate policy, the cobenets of re-
duced emissions of ow pollutants represent a substantial fraction of
the social cost of carbon (Parry, Veung, and Heine 2015), meaning that
incorporation of these benets in business-cycle models is crucial. Finally,
regulation of pollutants other than greenhouse gases may be more likely
to be closer to what economists tend to consider the appropriate level of
stringency (e.g., Shapiro and Walker 2020).
However, it is not certain that business-cycle considerations are al-
ways more important for non-GHG ow pollutants than for GHG stock
pollutants. Because a stock pollutant accumulates, the effect on damages
of a cyclical increase in emissions (from a business-cycle expansionary
period) will last longer, as will the effect from a cyclical decrease in emis-
sions. If policy fails to account for these cycles, then this variation in
damages will extend over a longer period than it would under ow pol-
lutants. It is thus an open empirical question as to whether or not cycles
are more important in policy design for stock and ow pollutants, and so
studying this question is crucial.
VI. Conc lusio n
To explore the relationship between business cycles and environmental
policy, we have reviewed the growing literature using dynamic stochastic
general equilibrium (DSGE) models to study the effects of policy over
business cycles and the response of optimal policy to cyclical uctuations.
The majority of this literature focused on price-based climate policies, in-
cluding carbon taxes and cap-and-trade, with additional economic fea-
tures such as NK price rigidities. We highlight several important ndings
from this literature that are most relevant to policy makers, who may seek
to craft policy to respond to business cycles. We also offer suggestions for
Busin ess Cycles and Environmental Policy 247
important policy-relevant questions that remain unanswered, to guide
the future of the literature.
Endno tes
Auth or email addresses: Annicchiarico (barbara.annicchi, Carattini
(, Fischer (, Heutel ( This paper is pre-
pared for the NBERs Environmental and Energy Policy and the Economy conference and pub-
lication. We thank the volumes editors, Tatyana Deryugina, Matthew Kotchen, and James
Stock, as well as Spencer Banzhaf, Baran Doda, and Roberton Williams for very useful com-
ments. We also thank Kukhee Han for valuable research assistance. For acknowledgments,
sources of research support, and disclosure of the authors material nancial relationships, if
any, please see ental-and-energy
1. Environmental policies may be too lenient for several reasons. First, due to uncer-
tainties arising from difculties in esti mating costs and benet s properly (e.g., Pindyck
2013), lea ding standard economic analysis such as integrated assessment models (e.g.,
Nordhaus 1993) to provide estimates of optimal stringency that may be the source of im-
portant debates (e.g., Stern 2007; Pindyck 2013; Stern and Stiglitz 2021). Secon d, due to a
consistent tendency of policy makers to overweight or overestimate costs versus benets
(Harrington, Morgenstern, a nd Nelson 2000). Third, due to similar information asymme-
tries between experts and citizens, leading them to overestimate drawbacks and underes-
timate benets of market-based instruments for environmental policy (Carattini, Carvalho,
and Fankhauser 2018; Dal Bo
, Dal Bo
, and Eyster 2018). Finally, economic efciency or other
economics-based optimization criteria may not be the primary consideration in policy design.
2. An ex ample is the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS), in which
allowance prices collapsed early on and remained persistently low for nearly a decade
(EC 2012). Although such low price outcomes were largely du e to an overallocation of per-
mits (Martin et al. 2014), the Great Re cession also contributed to depress prices (Koch et al.
3. Some commentators , however , do no t seem to have been able or willing to disentan-
gle the two elements, over allocation of permits and effect of the business cycle, in their
critique of the EU ETS. For tunately, in a cap-and-trade system , the appropriate response
to either price-depressing element is to tighten the cap, which recent reforms have done
(see Hepburn et al. 2016), but it remains far from clear whether the accompanying reforms
are sufcient to address future shocks (F ischer et al. 2020).
4. With the executive order Accelerating the NationsEconomicRecoveryFromthe
COVID-19 Emergency b y Expediting In frastructure Investments and Other Acti vities
of June 2020, the Trump administration instru cted agencies to waive long-standing envi-
ronmental laws given that Unnecessary regulatory delays will deny our citizens oppor-
tunities for jobs and economic se curity, keeping millions of Americans out of work and
hindering our economic recovery from the national emergency.
5. Of course, there is a mu ch larger and older literature on business cycles more gener-
ally, which is beyond this scope of this paper to discuss.
6. These graphs update gs. 4 and 5 i n Heutel (2012). This model (like the mod el in
Angelopoulos et al. 2013 but unlike the model in Fischer and Springborn 2011) omits labor
and leisure.
7. This u pdated calibration is based both on the most recently available version of the
DICE models damage function, and emissions elasticity estimated from monthly emis-
sions and GDP data through 2019. See details in Gibson and Heutel (2020).
8. The ef cient carbon tax is procyclical despite the fact that the pollution stock is al-
most entirely unchanged ove r the business cycle. This is because damages from pollution
(calibrated from DICE) are expressed a s a fraction of gross output. Over the b usines s cycle,
that fraction does not change much because the pollution stock does not change much, but
gross output changes, and so therefore the marginal damages from pollution change, jus-
tifying the procyclical efcient tax.
248 Annicchiarico et al.
9. Gibson and Heutel (2020) and Car attini et al . (2021) also solve for Ra msey- efcient
carbon taxes in response to RBC shocks, with other market failures in their DSGE models.
10. Karp and Traeger (2021) consider a similar exercise, where the cap in a cap-and-
trade scheme can endogenously adjust to macroeconomic and technology shocks, though
not in a DSGE context.
11. Additional indicators that may be relevant for this ex ercise and could be examined
in future research inc lude jobless claims and unemployment rates, yield curvesfor in-
stance for the 10-year Treasury bondor stock market returns. It is an open norm ative
question whet her environmental policy should be tied to GDP, rather than jobs or the un-
employment rate of the most disadvantaged members of society.
12. For example, see Christiano, Eichenbaum, and Vigfusson (2003), Galı
and Rabanal
(2004), and Angeletos, Collard, and Dellas (2020).
13. See, e.g., Heathcote, Storeslet ten, and Violante (2009), Clementi and Palazzo (2016),
and Kaplan, Moll, and Violante (201 8).
14. As an example, the design of the optimal dynamic carbon tax should be made in
conjunction with other preexisting tax instruments, as recently shown by Barrage (2020).
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