NSW Department of Education – Temporary Residents Program | Locked Bag 7004, Wollongong NSW 2520 | Phone: 1300 300 229 English
Temporary Residents Program
Application for fee exemption based on low income
A fee exemption scheme assists low-income families who are
unable to pay the Temporary Residents Program tuition fee.
How to send the application
Email applications are not accepted. The application must be
sent by post to Locked Bag 7004, Wollongong NSW 2520
using this application form.
Eligibility to request an exemption
Please refer to the Visa subclasses and enrolment conditions
document on our website to determine the eligibility of each
visa subclass to apply for a fee exemption. Students who are
holding or applying for visa subclasses 400, 417, 462, 471,
500, 570, 572, 573, 574, 575, 580, 590, 600, 601, 651, 944,
are not eligible to apply for exemption from the Temporary
Residents Program tuition fee.
The exemption process for eligible applicants
Applicants making a claim for an exemption based on low
income must complete the Application for fee exemption
based on low-income form. The application form is at the end
of this information sheet.
The Exemption Review Panel
The Exemption Review Panel assess applications for low-
income exemption. The Exemption Review Panel includes
representation from the Ethnic Communities Council of NSW.
The Panel has delegation from the Secretary of Education to
assess individual applications for fee exemption based on low
income, make determinations for assessing applications and
grant a fee exemption to a successful applicant.
Providing evidence of low income
Where applicants are receiving income from paid employment,
the Exemption Review Panel requires evidence of the income.
Evidence will be in the form of payslips covering the three
(3) most recent months of employment. Under the Fair Work
Act 2009, all employers must provide their employees with
a payslip. Where applicants are employed less than three (3)
months, applicants must supply all payslips that are available
and a copy of their employment contract.
Information supplied in the application
Each exemption application requires the applicant to supply
information and evidence to support their claim. The
Exemption Review Panel will confirm information with your
employer, the Department of Home Affairs and the Australian
Taxation Office.
Where information is omitted, or false, or misleading
information is provided to the Exemption Review Panel, the
exemption will be cancelled. Where an exemption is cancelled,
the enrolment may be terminated and the NSW Department
of Education may commence legal proceedings to recover the
tuition fee.
Temporary Residents Program
Locked Bag 7004
Wollongong NSW 2520 AUSTRALIA
For information on the Temporary Residents Program,
please contact:
T 1300 300 229 (local call within Australia)
+61 2 9244 5555 (outside Australia)
W www.deinternational.nsw.edu.au/trp
Page 1 of 10
NSW Department of Education – Temporary Residents Program | Locked Bag 7004, Wollongong NSW 2520 | Phone: 1300 300 229 English
Temporary Residents Program
Application for fee exemption based on low income
A fee exemption scheme assists low-income families who are
unable to pay the Temporary Residents Program education fee.
How to send the application
Email applications are not accepted. The application must be
sent by post to Locked Bag 7004, Wollongong NSW 2520
using this application form.
Eligibility to request an exemption
Please refer to the Visa subclasses and enrolment conditions
document on our website to determine the eligibility of each
visa subclass to apply for a fee exemption. Students who are
holding or applying for visa subclasses 400, 417, 462, 471,
500, 570, 572, 573, 574, 575, 580, 590, 600, 601, 651, 944,
are not eligible to apply for exemption from the Temporary
Residents Program education fee.
The exemption process for eligible applicants
Applicants making a claim for an exemption based on low
income must complete the Application for fee exemption
based on low-income form. The application form is at the end
of this information sheet.
The Exemption Review Panel
The Exemption Review Panel assess applications for low-
income exemption. The Exemption Review Panel includes
representation from the Ethnic Communities Council of NSW.
The Panel has delegation from the Secretary of Education to
assess individual applications for fee exemption based on low
income, make determinations for assessing applications and
grant a fee exemption to a successful applicant.
Providing evidence of low income
Where applicants are receiving income from paid employment,
the Exemption Review Panel requires evidence of the income.
Evidence will be in the form of payslips covering the three
(3) most recent months of employment. Under the Fair Work
Act 2009, all employers must provide their employees with
a payslip. Where applicants are employed less than three (3)
months, applicants must supply all payslips that are available
and a copy of their employment contract.
Information supplied in the application
Each exemption application requires the applicant to supply
information and evidence to support their claim. The
Exemption Review Panel will confirm information with your
employer, the Department of Home Affairs and the Australian
Taxation Office.
Where information is omitted, or false, or misleading
information is provided to the Exemption Review Panel, the
exemption will be cancelled. Where an exemption is cancelled,
the enrolment may be terminated and the NSW Department
of Education may commence legal proceedings to recover the
education fee.
Temporary Residents Program
Locked Bag 7004
Wollongong NSW 2520 AUSTRALIA
For information on the Temporary Residents Program,
please contact:
T 1300 300 229 (local call within Australia)
+61 2 9244 5555 (outside Australia)
W www.deinternational.nsw.edu.au/trp
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NSW Department of Education – Temporary Residents Program | Locked Bag 7004, Wollongong NSW 2520 | Phone: 1300 300 229 EnglishNSW Department of Education – Temporary Residents Program | Locked Bag 7004, Wollongong NSW 2520 | Phone: 1300 300 229 English
Application for fee exemption based on low income Page 2 of 10
Exemption decisions
The Exemption Review Panel may grant exemption from the
tuition fee to a low-income family for a period. Where a family
is not determined to be low-income, the Panel may decline the
exemption application and offer the applicant the option to
pay the tuition fee by quarterly or half yearly instalments.
The Exemption Review Panel will inform the applicant of the
decision in writing. All exemption determinations by the Panel
are final and not subject to appeal unless there is a proven
decrease in the gross annual income of the family unit or a
proven increase in the number of dependant children in the
family unit.
To ensure parity to applicants in all socio-economic
demographics, the use of disposable income, living expenses
(rent, furniture, pay television, car, preschool and after-school
care fees, utility bills etc), immigration costs, the payment of
Australian income tax or the purpose for which a visa is issued
are not criteria considered by the Exemption Review Panel in
the decision process.
New applications for enrolment in a NSW
government school
For all new enrolments, the following is also required for
each child:
An online application lodged to the Temporary Residents
Program at deiparent.det.nsw.edu.au
Payment of the application fee (non refundable).
Applicants holding a bridging visa
If the applicant and dependents hold a bridging visa,
additional information is required:
A copy of the current bridging visa for all family members.
Evidence of the previous visa held for all family members.
Evidence of the application for the new visa conrming the
type of visa applied.
Privacy information
All information provided to the Exemption Review Panel is
confidential and will only be used to consider the request for
an exemption, subject to any legal or legislative requirements.
Processing time for children starting school
Applications are generally processed in 14 days if all
documentation is provided in the application. Processing
times vary depending on seasonal work volumes.
Processing time for children attending school
Applications are generally processed in 35 days if all
documentation is provided in the application. Processing
times vary depending on seasonal work volumes.
NSW Department of Education – Temporary Residents Program | Locked Bag 7004, Wollongong NSW 2520 | Phone: 1300 300 229 EnglishNSW Department of Education – Temporary Residents Program | Locked Bag 7004, Wollongong NSW 2520 | Phone: 1300 300 229 English
Application for fee exemption based on low income Page 3 of 10
Important information:
All questions must be answered in English
This is not an application to enrol into a NSW government school
Temporary resident students who have not commenced enrolment in a NSW government
school must firstly complete the Temporary Residents Program online application at
Before completing any fee exemption application, check your eligibility by carefully reading all
information pages in this document
Students who are holding or applying for visa subclasses 400, 417, 462, 471, 500, 570, 572,
573, 574, 575, 580, 590, 600, 601, 651, 944, are not eligible to apply for exemption from the
Temporary Residents Program tuition fee.
Who is this form for? Provide the details of the student(s) that this form relates to.
Student number #1
Student name #1
Student number #2
Student name #2
Student number #3
Student name #3
Student number #4
Student name #4
Student number #5
Student name #5
When to use this form
Use this form if you are a low income family applying for an exemption from the Temporary Residents Program tuition fee.
Purpose of this form This form will ask you questions about your financial position to allow the Exemption Review Panel to assess your claim.
Who is the applicant The Applicant is the mother or father who is living with the student. If the student is not living with a parent, the applicant will
be the legal guardian.
Who is a dependant child A dependant child must reside at the same address as their parent and be financially dependant on their sponsoring parent.
A dependant child must be aged under 25. If aged 18 or over, the child must be a full-time student studying 20 hours per week.
If you have a partner You must provide details of your partner where requested. A person is considered to be your partner if you and the person:
• are married, • or are in a registered relationship (opposite or same sex),
• or usually live together, • or are in a de facto relationship (opposite or same sex).
Filling in this form Use a black pen and mark boxes with a
or a
All questions must be answered in English. Where you see you must attach the information requested.
Returning your form The application must be sent by post to:
Temporary Residents Program
Locked Bag 7004
Wollongong NSW 2520
Email applications are not accepted.
Incomplete applications will not be processed.
Make sure you, your partner and your employer answered all questions and attached all the documentation you
were asked to provide.
NSW Department of Education – Temporary Residents Program | Locked Bag 7004, Wollongong NSW 2520 | Phone: 1300 300 229 EnglishNSW Department of Education – Temporary Residents Program | Locked Bag 7004, Wollongong NSW 2520 | Phone: 1300 300 229 English
Application for fee exemption based on low income Page 4 of 10
1 Name of applicant (The applicant is the mother, father or guardian living with the student)
For example, Mr / Mrs / Ms / Miss / Dr / Prof / Other
Family name
Given name
2 Relationship to student
Mother / Father / Guardian
3 Address
Telephone numbers
/ /
5 Passport number
6 Country of issue
8 Are you holding a Bridging Visa (subclass 010, 020, 030, 040, 041, 050, 051, 060, 070)?
Yes Go to the next question
No Go to question 11
11 Do you have a partner?
A person is considered to be your partner if you and the person are married, or usually live together, or in a registered relationship
(opposite or same sex), or in a de facto relationship (opposite or same sex).
Yes Go to the next question
No Go to question 22
4 Date of birth
day month year
10 What visa subclass have you applied for?
Attach evidence of the application for the new visa for you and all dependant children
9 What visa subclass did you previously hold?
Attach evidence of the previous visa held by you and all dependant children
7 Visa subclass This is a three digit number
Attach evidence of the current visa & passport for you and all dependant children
NSW Department of Education – Temporary Residents Program | Locked Bag 7004, Wollongong NSW 2520 | Phone: 1300 300 229 EnglishNSW Department of Education – Temporary Residents Program | Locked Bag 7004, Wollongong NSW 2520 | Phone: 1300 300 229 English
Application for fee exemption based on low income Page 5 of 10
12 Partner name
For example, Mr / Mrs / Ms / Miss / Dr / Prof / Other
Family name
Given name
13 Relationship to student
Mother / Father / Guardian
14 Address
Telephone numbers
15 Date of birth
day month year
16 Passport number
17 Country of issue
19 Is your partner holding a Bridging Visa (subclass 010, 020, 030, 040, 041, 050, 051, 060, 070)?
Yes Go to the next question
No Go to question 22
/ /
18 Visa subclass This is a three digit number
Attach evidence of the current visa & passport for your partner and all dependant children
20 What visa subclass did your partner previously hold?
Attach evidence of the previous visa held by your partner and all dependant children
21 What visa subclass has your partner applied for?
Attach evidence of the application for the new visa for your partner and all your dependant children
NSW Department of Education – Temporary Residents Program | Locked Bag 7004, Wollongong NSW 2520 | Phone: 1300 300 229 EnglishNSW Department of Education – Temporary Residents Program | Locked Bag 7004, Wollongong NSW 2520 | Phone: 1300 300 229 English
Application for fee exemption based on low income Page 6 of 10
23 Provide the student number, full name and date of birth for all dependant children (including children not in a NSW
government school).
You will only have a student number if you have lodged an application for the child to enrol through the Temporary Residents Program.
Leave the student number blank if you do not have one..
Student number Full name Date of birth
day month year
day month year
day month year
25 Do you currently receive any income from paid employment?
Employment includes any type of full time, part time, casual or seasonal employment.
Yes Go to question 26
No Go to question 27
27 Does your partner currently receive any income from paid employment?
Employment includes any type of full time, part time, casual or seasonal employment.
Yes Go to question 28
No Go to question 57
/ /
/ /
/ /
22 How many dependant children do you and/or your partner have that currently live with you?
Number of children
day month year
26 How many employers do you currently work for?
Number of employers
Each employer must separately complete Questions 29-42
Attach a copy of the last 3 months payslips for each employer. If you have been employed for less than 3 months, attach all available payslips. Attach
a copy of the employment contract from your employer if you are the principal holder of a temporary work 457/482 visa, or applying for a temporary work
457/482 visa.
Then go to Question 27
28 How many employers does your partner currently work for?
Number of employers
Each of your partner’s employers must separately complete questions 43-56
Attach a copy of the last 3 months payslips for each employer. If your partner has been employed for less than 3 months, attach all available payslips.
Attach a copy of the employment contract from your employer if your partner is the principal holder of a temporary work 457/482 visa, or applying for a
temporary work 457/482 visa.
Then go to Question 57
24 Are any of the dependant children listed above currently enrolled in full-time education in a private school, private college,
TAFE or university?
Full-time education is undertaking study equivalent to a minimum 20 hours per week.
Yes Attach evidence of the enrolment
No Go to the next question
NSW Department of Education – Temporary Residents Program | Locked Bag 7004, Wollongong NSW 2520 | Phone: 1300 300 229 EnglishNSW Department of Education – Temporary Residents Program | Locked Bag 7004, Wollongong NSW 2520 | Phone: 1300 300 229 English
Application for fee exemption based on low income Page 7 of 10
Your employment details – Questions 29-42 must be completed by the employer
29 Employee name
31 Employer name
30 Occupation title
32 Employer address
33 Employer ABN
34 Payroll contact name
35 Payroll phone
36 The employee listed at question 29 works Full Time
Part Time
/ / 37 Employment commencement date
day month year
38 Base hours worked per week base hours per week
39 Ordinary Gross Earnings (before tax) per week gross per week
42 Employer declaration
I declare the information provided on this form and the accompanying documents is accurate and complete. I recognise that should information in this form
later prove to be false or misleading, any decision made as a result of this application may be reversed, the enrolment of the temporary resident student in the
NSW government school may be terminated and debt recovery may commence. I understand Information collected will be used and stored consistent with the
Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998
Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002
Payroll officer signature
/ /
day month year
40 In the past 12 months, did the employee receive an allowance, bonus, commission or payment of any kind not disclosed at question 39?
Yes Attach details of the allowance, bonus, commission, payment and its value No
41 In the past 12 months, did the employee receive a fringe benefit or a non cash benefit of any kind?
Yes Attach details of benefit received and its cash value No
Attach a copy of the last 3 months payslips from this employer. Under the Fair Work Act 2009, all employers must provide their employees with a payslip.
These payslips must show the name of the employer, the Australian Business Number (ABN), the employee name, the date of payment, the pay period, the
gross amount of pay and the net amount of pay.
Attach a copy of the employment contract from this employer if you are the principal holder of a temporary work 457/482 visa, or applying for a temporary
work 457/482 visa.
NSW Department of Education – Temporary Residents Program | Locked Bag 7004, Wollongong NSW 2520 | Phone: 1300 300 229 EnglishNSW Department of Education – Temporary Residents Program | Locked Bag 7004, Wollongong NSW 2520 | Phone: 1300 300 229 English
Application for fee exemption based on low income Page 8 of 10
Partner employment details – Questions 43-56 must be completed by the employer
43 Employee name
44 Occupation title
45 Employer name
46 Employer address
47 Employer ABN
48 Payroll contact name
49 Payroll phone
50 The employee listed at question 43 works Full Time
Part Time
/ / 51 Employment commencement date
day month year
52 Base hours worked per week base hours per week
53 Ordinary Gross Earnings (before tax) per week gross per week
56 Employer declaration
I declare the information provided on this form and the accompanying documents is accurate and complete. I recognise that should information in this form
later prove to be false or misleading, any decision made as a result of this application may be reversed, the enrolment of the temporary resident student in the
NSW government school may be terminated and debt recovery may commence. I understand Information collected will be used and stored consistent with the
Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998
Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002
Payroll officer signature
/ /
day month year
Attach a copy of the last 3 months payslips from this employer. Under the Fair Work Act 2009, all employers must provide their employees with a payslip.
These payslips must show the name of the employer, the Australian Business Number (ABN), the employee name, the date of payment, the pay period, the
gross amount of pay and the net amount of pay.
Attach a copy of the employment contract from this employer if you are the principal holder of a temporary work 457/482 visa, or applying for a temporary
work 457/482 visa.
55 In the past 12 months, did the employee receive a fringe benefit or a non cash benefit of any kind?
Yes Attach details of benefit received and its cash value No
54 In the past 12 months, did the employee receive an allowance, bonus, commission or payment of any kind not disclosed at question 53?
Yes Attach details of the allowance, bonus, commission, payment and its value No
NSW Department of Education – Temporary Residents Program | Locked Bag 7004, Wollongong NSW 2520 | Phone: 1300 300 229 EnglishNSW Department of Education – Temporary Residents Program | Locked Bag 7004, Wollongong NSW 2520 | Phone: 1300 300 229 English
Application for fee exemption based on low income Page 9 of 10
59 Are you or your partner self-employed, have a share in a business or operate a business as a sole trader, partnership or company
(inside or outside of Australia)?
Yes Complete all questions from 60 to 73
No Complete all questions from 68 to 73
60 Business name
63 Main business activity
64 Business ABN
/ / 66 What date did you or your partner commence this business?
day month year
61 Business type
62 Business ownership
Sole trader
Go the question 62
Go the question 62
Go the question 62
Business owner name Business ownership %
65 Is the business operated from your residential address?
Attach a copy of the lease agreement for your residential address
Attach a copy of the lease agreement for the business premesis
67 Provide Profit & Loss documents for the business. If the Profit & Loss is not provided, the exemption cannot be assessed
I provided the Profit & Loss statement for each financial year from the business start date to the current date
If there are wages expenses in the Profit & Loss, I provided a breakdown of wages for each employee
69 Do you or your partner receive financial support, accommodation or rental assistance from Centrelink, an employer, a government
agency, charity, church or non family member?
Yes Attach a letter from Centrelink, employer, agency, or sponsor that explains the support you receive
68 Do you or your partner receive financial support from a registered charity?
Yes Attach a letter from the registered charity that explains the support they give you
57 Have you ceased working with an employer in the past 3 months?
Yes Attach a copy of the Employment Separation Certificate
No Go the question 58
58 Has your partner ceased working with an employer in the past 3 months?
Yes Attach a copy of the Employment Separation Certificate
No Go the question 59
NSW Department of Education – Temporary Residents Program | Locked Bag 7004, Wollongong NSW 2520 | Phone: 1300 300 229 EnglishNSW Department of Education – Temporary Residents Program | Locked Bag 7004, Wollongong NSW 2520 | Phone: 1300 300 229 English
70 Do you or your partner receive financial support, accommodation or rental assistance from family members?
Yes Provide details of the support you receive in the box below
73 Declaration by applicant and partner
I/We declare the information provided on this form and the accompanying documents is accurate and complete. Changes to personal information provided
can be corrected by contacting the Temporary Residents Program. I/We recognise that should information in this form later prove to be false or misleading,
any decision made as a result of this application may be reversed, the enrolment of the temporary resident student in the NSW government school may be
terminated and debt recovery may commence. While the provision of information is voluntary, if you do not provide all or any of this information it may delay
or prevent the processing of this application. I/We authorise the Department of Education to confirm the details contained in this application with my/our
employer or accountant or the Department of Home Affairs or the Australian Taxation Office. I/We understand information collected will be used and stored
consistent with the
Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998
and the
Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002
Applicant signature
day month year
Partner signature
/ /
day month year
/ /
Application for fee exemption based on low income Page 10 of 10
Bank name Account holder name Account number Current balance (AUD)
71 Do you or your partner receive any other assistance, financial support or income (including business income, director fees, child
support or rental income) not already mentioned in this form?
Yes Attach a letter explaining the assistance, financial support, or income received
The application must be sent by post to:
Temporary Residents Program
Locked Bag 7004
Wollongong NSW 2520
Email applications are not accepted.
Incomplete applications will not be processed.
Make sure you, your partner and your employer answered all questions and attached all the documentation you were asked to provide.
72 Do you or your partner have a bank account, savings account, or any cash holding account in Australia or overseas?
Yes Complete the table below for all accounts you or your partner hold in Australia and overseas
For each account, attach a copy of the bank statement to show the balance and transactions for the past 6 months
No Should the information in this form later prove to be false or misleading, the exemption application will be declined
For each account, attach a copy of the bank statement to show the balance and transactions for the past 6 months