Engineering procurement and
construction contract Details
Contract Name/No. [insert contract name or number]
Owner (‘We/Us’) [insert name]
ABN [insert]
Tel: [insert]
Contractor (‘You’) [insert name]
ABN [insert]
Tel: [insert]
Scope of Works You are responsible for:
performing the design and engineering of;
procuring the Equipment to be supplied for; and
executing the work, services and activities to be performed for the
construction of,
the Facility (including execution of the contractually agreed warranty
obligations) and associated infrastructure in accordance with, and as more
fully described in, the Specification (see Schedule 1 (Specification))
including any Variation (Works).
Price The Price is: [insert price in Australian dollars].
See Schedule 3 (Price and Schedule of Rates) for breakdown
of Price.
Commencement Date
(GC 2.1)
The Commencement Date is [insert date] or [insert days] days from
the date of signing this Contract.
If nothing stated, then the Commencement Date is the date of
signing the Contract.
Date for Commercial
(GC 2.4)
The Date for Commercial Operation is [insert date].
Your Representative
(GC 5.1)
Your Representative is:
[insert name and details]
Our Representative:
(GC 5.2)
Our Representative is:
[insert name and details]
PwC 1
(GCs 6.6and 6.7)
Bank guarantee required: Yes/No
Delete whichever is not applicable.
Percentage of Price: [5% or 10%]
Defects Liability
(GC 8)
The Defects Liability Period is [insert months] from the Commercial
Operation Date.
If nothing stated, it is 24 months.
Additional grounds
for extensions of
(GC 16.3(e))
[Insert additional grounds for extensions of time, eg. those
which are project specific such as site conditions but not
inclement weather.]
If none stated, then no additional grounds.
Liquidated damages
(GCs 17 and 14)
Delay Liquidated Damages and Performance Liquidated Damages are set
out in Schedule 5 (Performance Tests, Performance Guarantees and
Performance Liquidated Damages) and 7 (Delay Liquidated Damages).
If none stated in Schedule 5 and Schedule 7, then general
damages at law apply.
(GC 21)
[Drafting note: the below should be reviewed and discussed
with project insurers, including in light of any project-wide
insurance strategy]
Public liability: [insert amount] per occurrence and
[insert amount] in the aggregate.
Contractor’s works: [insert amount] per occurrence and
[insert amount] in the aggregate.
Workers Compensation: [insert amount] per occurrence.
Professional liability: [insert amount] per occurrence and
[insert amount] in the aggregate.
Other insurance: [insert type/amount]
Aggregate limit
(‘cap’) on uninsured
(GCs 22.5 and 22.6)
[Drafting note: Insert limit of uninsured liability. Consider
carefully for each project and the works to be performed by the
Contractor. Some projects may, in fact, justify a cap of higher
than 100% of the Price.]
If nothing stated it is 100% of the Price.
Address for Service
of Notices
(GC 30)
[insert name of Contractor]
Attention: [insert name]
Address: [insert address]
Email address: [insert address]
[Insert name of Contractor]
Attention: [insert name]
Address: [insert address]
Email address: [insert address]
(GC 39 paragraph
39.1(e) of the
[insert additional pre-conditions to Commercial Operation]
If none stated, then no additional grounds.
Date of this Contract / /
The parties agree to the performance of the Works on the terms and conditions set out in this Contract.
PwC 2
Executed as a deed
[Drafting note: execution blocks to be confirmed]
Signed and delivered by [insert] in accordance
with section 127 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)
and by:
Signature of director Signature of director/secretary
Name of director (print)
Name of director/secretary (print)
Signed and delivered by [insert] in accordance
with section 127 of the Corporations Act 2001
(Cth) and by:
Signature of director Signature of director/secretary
Name of director (print)
Name of director/secretary (print)
PwC 3
General Conditions
1 Conditions Precedent
1.1 The obligations of the parties under
this Contract are conditional upon:
(a) us notifying you that the ARENA
Funding has been received;
(b) the Power Purchase Agreement
becoming unconditional;
(c) financial close occurring (other
than the requirement that this
Contract has become
unconditional in accordance
with its terms), as evidenced in
a notice delivered by us to you
with supporting documentation
confirming such;
(d) you providing us evidence that
the insurance under GC 21 has
been effected; and
(e) you providing us with the bank
guarantee in the form of
Schedule 8(Form of Bank
Guarantee) if we request you to
do so under GC 6.6.
1.2 As soon as reasonably practicable
following the Commencement Date,
you must use reasonable
endeavours to procure the
satisfaction of the conditions
precedent listed in GC 1.1.
1.3 We may waive the satisfaction of
any Condition Precedent by notice
to you. Where a Condition
Precedent is waived, you must
satisfy the waived Condition
Precedent as soon as reasonably
1.4 We will notify you after we are
satisfied that each of the conditions
precedent listed in GC 1.1 have
been met.
2 Performance of the Works
2.1 You must commence the
performance of the Works on the
Commencement Date.
2.2 You must perform the whole of the
Works required for the
development, design, engineering,
fabrication, procurement,
construction, installation,
commissioning, testing, delivery,
completion and rectification of all
defects in the Facility such that the
Facility, once completed,
complies with:
(a) the Specification;
(b) the Performance Guarantees;
(c) all applicable Laws,
Government Authority
Approvals, Standards and Good
Solar Industry Practices; and
(d) the other requirements of this
2.3 You must perform the Works:
(a) exercising due care, skill and
judgment and using reasonable
(b) in an efficient, professional, cost
effective and environmentally-
responsible manner;
(c) in accordance with all applicable
Laws, Government Authority
Approvals, Standards and Good
Solar Industry Practices; and
(d) in accordance with this Contract
and all guidelines, procedures
and directions made by us
under this Contract.
2.4 You must regularly and diligently
progress the performance of the
Works and ensure that Commercial
Operation of the Facility is achieved
by the Date for Commercial
2.5 You must ensure that the Works
must connect to, and fully interface
with, the Auxiliary Works specified
in Schedule 1 (Specification). The
fact that the Auxiliary Works are not
performed by you in no way
excuses you from any of your
undertakings, warranties,
obligations or liabilities under or in
connection with this Contract.
2.6 We are engaging you as principal
contractor and authorise you to
have management and control over
those parts of the Site on which the
Works are performed and to
discharge the duties imposed on
you as a principal contractor under
the [insert relevant occupational
health and safety legislation].
2.7 You must comply with all applicable
Laws and the requirements of any
relevant Government Authority. You
must ensure that you obtain and
maintain all relevant Government
Authority Approvals required to
perform the Works, unless
otherwise specified in Schedule 1
2.8 Without limiting GC 2.6, you must
comply with:
(a) all applicable occupational
health, safety and
environmental laws, guidelines
and codes of practice including,
without limitation, the [insert
relevant occupational health
and safety legislation];
(b) all occupational health, safety
and environmental guidelines,
rules and procedures provided
to you by us; and
(c) any induction requirements in
relation to the Site notified
by us.
2.9 Subject to the exclusions specified
in the Fair Work (Building Industry
Accreditation Scheme) Regulations
2005 (Cth), you must maintain, and
comply with all conditions of,
accreditation under the accreditation
scheme established by the Fair
Work (Building Industry) Act 2012
(Cth) while building work (as defined
in section 5 of the Fair Work
(Building Industry) Act 2012 (Cth)) is
carried out.
[Drafting note: this clause should
be used where the Contract
relates to building work (as
defined in the FWBI Act note,
this definition is broad and
includes such things as
installation of fittings such as
security and communication
systems) that is funded by the
Commonwealth or a
Commonwealth Authority. If there
is no Commonwealth funding for
this project, delete this GC]
2.10 You must, in a form acceptable to
us, provide us with regular reports,
or more frequently on request from
us, in relation to the Works and any
occupational, health and safety
issues in relation to the Works and
any other documents you are
required to prepare or maintain
under any Laws concerning
occupational health, safety and the
2.11 We may, at any time, require you to
provide us with evidence of your
compliance with your obligations
under GCs 2.6 to 2.9.
2.12 The description of the Works set out
in Schedule 1 (Specification)
represents the parties’ best efforts
to define the technical information
and tasks necessary for
performance of the Works.
However, you acknowledge that
your obligations include the
provision of all Equipment and
materials and the performance of all
works and services necessary for
the execution of the Works in
accordance with this Contract.
2.13 You must immediately notify us on
becoming aware of any Industrial
Matter and you must meet with us,
as soon as practicable after that
notification, for the purpose of
discussing and agreeing on any
necessary or appropriate action to
be taken to resolve the Industrial
2.14 You must assist us to perform our
training obligations, including the
preparation of a training manual, if
required, in accordance with and to
the standards and timing set out in
Schedule 1(Specification).
2.15 You must prepare:
(a) an operation and maintenance
manual; and
(b) a written commissioning
schedule for the Facility (which
includes the target date of
completion of Commissioning of
the Facility and the target date
for Commercial Operation)
within 30 Business Days after
the Commencement Date,
in accordance with and to the
standards and timing set out in
Schedule 1 (Specification).
2.16 You must establish, implement and
maintain a quality assurance and
control program which is subject to
our approval.
3 Provision of Equipment,
materials, Spare Parts and
3.1 You must supply and make
available, at your own cost, all
utilities, consumables (including
lubricants, chemicals, catalysts and
other materials) and facilities
necessary to properly perform the
PwC 4
Works, unless otherwise specified in
Schedule 1 (Specification).
3.2 You must provide, at your own cost,
all Equipment and materials
necessary to execute the Works
specified in Schedule 1
(Specification), unless otherwise
specified in Schedule 1
(Specification). You must procure
and transport the Equipment and
the materials, at your own risk and
expense to the Site, in an
expeditious and orderly manner.
3.3 You must, at your own expense,
handle all imported Equipment at
the point(s) of import (if any) and
any formalities for customs
clearance. If any applicable Laws
require any application or act to be
made by or in our name, we must
take all necessary steps to comply
with all applicable laws. You must
assist us in complying with
those Laws.
3.4 You must provide the Spare Parts
required up to the expiry of the
Defects Liability Period. You must:
(a) provide us with a parts numbers
list for the operation and
maintenance of the
Equipment; and
(b) immediately replace at your cost
any Spare Part used:
(i) at any time prior to the
Commercial Operation
Date; and
(ii) during the Defects
Liability Period.
4 Our obligations
4.1 We agree to pay you the Price for
the Works in accordance with GC 6.
4.2 We must provide you with
possession of and access to the
Site and all other areas reasonably
required for the proper performance
of the Works on and from the
Commencement Date. You
acknowledge that you may not be
given exclusive possession of, or
exclusive access to, the Site.
4.3 We must provide personnel to assist
you to properly carry out the Tests
and the Performance Tests. Prior to
the Commercial Operation Date,
any act or omission of any
personnel provided by us is
(provided those personnel are
acting in accordance with your
instructions, directions, procedures
or manuals) deemed to be an act or
omission by you and you are not
relieved of your obligations under
this Contract and you will not have
any claim against us by reason of
any act or omission.
5 Representatives
5.1 The person nominated by you in the
Details will be your Representative.
Your Representative has authority
to issue notices to us and receive
notices from us. You may change
your Representative at any time by
notice to us. You are responsible for
all acts and omissions of your
5.2 The person nominated by us in the
Details is our Representative. Our
Representative has authority to
issue directions, notices and
certificates to you and receive
notices from you. We may change
our Representative at any time by
notice to you. We are responsible
for all acts and omissions of our
6 Invoicing, payment and security
6.1 You must submit an invoice to us in
accordance with Schedule 4
(Payment Schedule).
6.2 Each invoice submitted by you must
be in a form approved by us and
must include details of the value of
the work performed by you and may
include details of other moneys then
due to you under this Contract.
6.3 [Drafting note: Insert jurisdiction-
specific clause 6.3].
6.4 Subject to your compliance with
GCs 6.1to 6.3, we will pay you the
amount set out in the invoice
submitted by you under GC 6.1
within 15 Business Days of receipt
of that invoice, except where we:
(a) exercise our right to withhold,
retain or set off part of the Price
under GC6.8; or
(b) dispute the invoice, in which
(i) we will pay the undisputed
part of the invoice (if any)
and withhold the balance
pending resolution of the
dispute in accordance with
GC 29; and
(ii) if the resolution of the
dispute determines that we
are to pay an amount to
you, we will pay that
amount upon resolution of
the dispute.
6.5 No interest will be payable by us in
respect of any invoice rendered to
us by you under GC 6.1 which
remains due and unpaid (including
any amounts withheld as a result of
a dispute).
6.6 If we request you to provide a bank
guarantee in accordance with the
Details, the bank guarantee to be
provided by you must be:
(a) from a financial institution that is
acceptable to us;
(b) an irrevocable, unconditional
and enforceable undertaking
that is payable on demand;
(c) for the amount specified in the
(d) in the form set out in Schedule 6
(Form of Bank Guarantee); and
(e) delivered to us prior to
commencement of Works at the
6.7 Any bank guarantee provided to us
under GC 6.6 must be valid until
Commercial Operation when it will
reduce by 50% of its face value.
The remaining 50% of its face value
will then be valid until the end of the
Defects Liability Period, or the final
resolution of any dispute between
us under or in connection with this
Contract, whichever is the later.
6.8 [Drafting note: Insert jurisdiction-
specific clause 6.8].
6.9 We have the right to conduct an
audit of the basis of your invoices
using your records. This right
continues for 12 months after we
pay the relevant invoice. If we
exercise this right, you must make
available to us all relevant records
and documentation.
6.10 [Drafting note: Insert jurisdiction-
specific clause 6.10].
6.11 A provisional sum included in this
Contract will not be payable by us
unless we direct you to perform the
work or item to which the provisional
sum relates. If we direct you to
perform that work, the work or item
will be priced by us (acting
reasonably), and the difference will
be added to or deducted from the
7 Variations
7.1 You must not vary the Works except
as directed by us.
7.2 We may by written notice expressed
as a “Variation Notice” direct you
to alter, amend, omit, add to or
otherwise vary the Works and you
must carry out and be bound by any
such variations.
7.3 Within 5 Business Days of receipt of
the notice referred to in GC 7.2, and
before you carry out the variation,
you must provide to us a detailed
breakdown of the increase or
decrease in the Price as a result of
the variation.
7.4 No variation issued in accordance
with this Contract will vitiate or
invalidate this Contract.
7.5 A variation may involve the
omission of any part or parts of the
Works and you agree that we may
engage others to perform that part
or parts so omitted. You
acknowledge that the omission of
one or more parts of the Works will
not constitute a basis to allege that
we have repudiated this Contract
notwithstanding the extent or timing
of the omission.
7.6 The rate or price for each variation
must be determined by agreement
between the parties, or in the
absence of agreement, a valuation
will be made by us on the basis of
the rates and prices set out in
Schedule 3 (Price and Schedule of
Rates), or if there are no applicable
rates and prices set out in Schedule
3 (Price and Schedule of Rates),
PwC 5
then a fair and reasonable valuation
of the variation must be made by us.
7.7 You are not entitled to any payment
(pursuant to this Contract or
otherwise at common law, equity,
statute or code) in relation to any
variation unless:
(a) you have been directed to carry
out the variation pursuant to GC
7.2; and
(b) the increase or decrease in the
Price has been determined in
accordance with GCs 7.3 to 7.6.
8 Defects Liability Period
8.1 You must, at your own cost, repair,
replace or otherwise make good any
defects in the Works or Equipment
notified by us to you during the
Defects Liability Period.
8.2 You must bear all incidental costs,
including any costs of removal
associated with the repair,
replacement or making good of the
defects in accordance with GC8.1.
8.3 The timing of the rectification work
described in GC8.1 must be agreed
with us, or failing agreement, must
be reasonably specified by us,
before commencing the work.
8.4 If you fail to rectify the defect within
the time agreed or specified by us
under GC8.3, we may do so or
engage another party to do so at
your risk and expense.
8.5 Any cost incurred by us under GC
8.4 will be a debt due from you
to us.
8.6 The Defects Liability Period will
recommence (and restart from the
beginning) from the date of the
repair, replacement or making good,
but only in respect of that part of the
Works or Equipment repaired,
replaced or made good.
9 Warranted Component Parts
9.1 You must provide warranties for
Warranted Component Parts for the
duration of the Warranted
Component Part Period that are
fully assignable to us.
9.2 The warranties provided under
GC 9.1 must be from both the
manufacturers, agents and
suppliers of a Warranted
Component Part and the installer of
any Warranted Component Part.
The warranties must also name
both you and us as warrantee and
warrants for the Warranted
Component Part Defect Period that
the Warranted Component Parts will
comply with all the requirements of
this Contract.
10 Serial Defects
10.1 You must notify us within 10 days of
becoming aware of any Serial
Defect, with details of such Serial
10.2 If a Serial Defect is identified by you
or by us at any time prior to the
expiry of the Defects Liability Period
in a batch of modules or inverters, if
a particular module or inverter is
from the same batch of modules or
inverters (as relevant) in which the
Serial Defect is identified, that
particular module or inverter will be
deemed to have the same defect.
We may by notice in writing at any
time prior to the expiry of the
Defects Liability Period, direct you
to replace that particular module,
inverter and/or batch of modules or
inverters in accordance with
GC 10.3.
10.3 Upon receipt of a notice from us
under GC 10.2, except to the extent
you can demonstrate that the
particular module or inverter is from
a different batch to the modules or
inverters in which the Serial Defect
is identified, you must:
(a) promptly, at your cost, replace
the relevant modules or
inverters identified;
(b) undertake such replacement at
times reasonably approved by
us and in a manner that causes
as little disruption as reasonably
possible to the performance of
the Work and/or the operation of
the Facility; and
(c) bear all incidental costs
(including any costs of removal)
associated with the replacement
of the relevant modules or
10.4 Following replacement of the
relevant modules or inverters under
GC 10.3, we may require you to
carry out additional tests at your
cost, to demonstrate that the
relevant modules, inverters and/or
the entire Facility comply with the
requirements of this Contract. If the
relevant modules, inverters and/or
the entire Facility fail the tests, you
must at your cost carry out further
replacement until the relevant
modules, inverters and/or the entire
Facility passes the tests. The tests
must be agreed between us.
10.5 If you fail to replace the relevant
modules, inverters and/or retest the
relevant modules, inverters and/or
the entire Facility in accordance with
GCs 10.3 and 10.4, we may
proceed to do the work or engage
another party to do the work, and
the reasonable costs incurred by us
as a result will be a debt due and
payable to us on demand and may
be deducted from any payments
otherwise due from us to you.
11 Inspection and testing
11.1 You must at your own expense
carry out at the place of
manufacture and/or on the Site all
Tests and/or inspections of the
Works and/or the Facility (including
any component part of the Works
and Facility) required by this
Contract and any applicable Laws
or Government Authority Approvals.
You must bear the cost of all tests
(including the Tests) and
inspections required under this
Contract (including re-tests) other
than tests and inspections that are
expressly stated to be at our cost.
11.2 You must give us at least 5
Business Days’ notice in writing of
your intention to perform any Test,
including details of the Test to be
performed and the proposed date
and location of the Test.
11.3 We may attend and witness any
Test. We must use all reasonable
endeavours not to interrupt or
impede you in the performance of
any Test.
11.4 Within 7 days after completion of
any Test, you must give us a report
in respect of the Test, including the
Test results and inspection items.
11.5 If you fail to pass any Tests (or any
repetition thereof in the event of
prior failure) or if any Test is
stopped before its completion, the
Test must, subject to 24 hours’ prior
notice having been given by you to
us, be repeated as soon as
practicable. All appropriate
adjustments and modifications are
to be made by you with all
reasonable speed and at your own
expense before the repetition of
any Test.
11.6 You agree that neither the
performance of a Test nor the
passing of a Test releases you from
any of your responsibilities,
obligations or liabilities (including
repair or replacement or both of any
part of the Works damaged during
the performance of any Tests)
under this Contract.
11.7 You must provide, install, calibrate,
operate, maintain, and be
responsible for the accuracy of all
test instrumentation and equipment
required for the Tests. You must
remove all of this instrumentation
and equipment after the successful
completion of the Tests.
11.8 We may request you to perform any
test and/or inspection not described
in this Contract and which would not
have otherwise been carried out by
you and you must arrange those
tests and/or inspections as soon as
practicable. Your extra costs
necessarily incurred, which may
include an allowance for off-Site
overheads and profit, in the carrying
out of those tests and/or inspections
will be added to the Price only if the
test or inspection shows that the
relevant Works conform with the
requirements of this Contract, but
are otherwise to be borne by you.
11.9 You acknowledge and agree that
we are entitled to all products,
revenues and other benefits that
may be generated or derived from
the Facility during the
precommissioning, commissioning
and the Performance Tests.
12 Precommissioning and
12.1 You must perform
precommissioning of the Facility in
accordance with the requirements
and procedures in Schedule 1
12.2 After the completion of
precommissioning under GC 12.1
you must notify us that the Facility
are ready for Commissioning.
PwC 6
12.3 As soon as reasonably practicable
after receipt of a notice under GC
12.2, we will issue a notice to you
specifying the date for
commencement of Commissioning
and you must commence
Commissioning of the Facility on the
date specified in the notice in
accordance with the requirements
and procedures in Schedule 1
[Drafting Note: GC 3.4 of the
Power Purchase Agreement
allows for an option to be
included affording the Owner an
opportunity to generate
electricity prior to Commercial
Operation. Owner to confirm
whether this will be appropriate,
and if so, an additional GC must
be inserted to this effect.]
13 Commercial Operation
Performance Tests and Post-COD
Performance Tests
13.1 After completion of Commissioning,
you must give us at least 5
Business Days’ prior written notice
of when you intend to carry out the
Commercial Operation Performance
Tests at the times and in
accordance with the requirements
set out in Schedule 5 (Performance
Tests, Performance Guarantees
and Performance Liquidated
13.2 As soon as reasonably practicable
after receipt of a notice under GC
13.1, we will issue a notice to you
specifying the date for
commencement of the Commercial
Operation Performance Tests at the
times and in accordance with the
requirements set out in Schedule 5
(Performance Tests, Performance
Guarantees and Performance
Liquidated Damages).
13.3 After Commercial Operation, you
must give us at least 10 Business
Days’ prior written notice of when
you intend to carry out the Post-
COD Performance Tests at the
times and in accordance with the
requirements set out in Schedule 5
(Performance Tests, Performance
Guarantees and Performance
Liquidated Damages).
13.4 As soon as reasonably practicable
after receipt of a notice under GC
13.3, we will issue a notice to you
specifying the date for
commencement of the Post-COD
Performance Tests at the times and
in accordance with the requirements
set out in Schedule 5 (Performance
Tests, Performance Guarantees
and Performance Liquidated
14 Performance Guarantees and
Performance Liquidated
14.1 You guarantee that the Facility and
all component parts will meet the
Performance Guarantees specified
in Schedule 5 (Performance Tests,
Performance Guarantees and
Performance Liquidated Damages),
including the Commercial Operation
Performance Guarantees and the
Post COD Performance
14.2 If, following the completion of the
Commercial Operation Performance
Tests, the Minimum Commercial
Operation Performance Guarantees
are not met, you must at your cost
and expense make changes,
modifications or additions to the
Facility, or any part of the Facility,
as may be necessary for the Facility
to achieve the Minimum
Commercial Operation Performance
Guarantees. You must notify us
upon completion of the necessary
changes, modifications or additions
and must, subject to our rights
under GC 14.3, continue to repeat
the Commercial Operation
Performance Tests until the
Minimum Commercial Operation
Performance Guarantees are met.
Subject to GC 14.3, nothing in this
GC 14.2 derogates from your
obligation to meet the Performance
14.3 If, for reasons not attributable to us,
the Minimum Commercial Operation
Performance Guarantees are not
met by the Longstop Date, we may
terminate this Contract under GC
28.1(g) and we may also reject the
Facility under GC 14.4.
14.4 If we reject the Facility or any part of
the Facility under GC 14.3, we will
be entitled to recover all sums paid
by us in respect of such part(s) of
the Facility and you must, at your
cost, dismantle and remove the
Facility (or the rejected part of the
Facility) from the Site and restore
the Site to its original condition.
14.5 If, after carrying out the Commercial
Operation Performance Tests, the
Commercial Operation Performance
Guarantees specified in Schedule 5
(Performance Tests, Performance
Guarantees and Performance
Liquidated Damages) are not met
either in whole or in part, you must
at your cost make the modifications
and/or additions to the Works or any
part of the Works as may be
necessary to meet at least the
Commercial Operation Performance
Guarantees. You must notify us
upon completion of the necessary
changes, modifications and/or
additions and repeat the
Commercial Operation Performance
Tests until the Commercial
Operation Performance Guarantees
have been met.
14.6 Notwithstanding that any of the
other Commercial Operation
Performance Guarantees have not
been met, but provided that all of
the other requirements for
Commercial Operation have been
met or waived in writing by us, we
may (in our absolute and unfettered
discretion) issue a Certificate of
Commercial Operation under GC
15.6. If we issue a Certificate of
Commercial Operation under this
GC 14.6, you must do all things
reasonably necessary to assist us to
ensure that the other requirements
for the issue of a Certificate of
Commercial Operation in relation to
the Facility are met.
14.7 Despite this GC 14 or any other
provision of this Contract, if you
have not met any of the Commercial
Operation Performance Guarantees
at the earliest of:
(a) the Longstop Date;
(b) when you are liable for Delay
Liquidated Damages up to the
aggregate liability set out in the
Details; or
(c) when we issue a notice
deeming Commercial Operation
to have been achieved
(notwithstanding that any of the
other Commercial Operation
Performance Guarantees have
not been met) under GC 14.6,
you must pay to us the Price
Reduction Payment in accordance
with Schedule 5 (Performance
Tests, Performance Guarantees
and Performance Liquidated
[Drafting note: we have currently
provided for the Owner’s
compensation for failure to
achieve Commercial Operation
Performance Guarantees to be a
reduction in the Price. This is
included on the basis that the
Owner considers that it has not
been provided with the Facility
that it has paid for, and as such
the Price should be reduced.
Another option is for
Performance Liquidated
Damages to be payable in respect
of the Commercial Operation
Performance Guarantees as well
as the Post-COD Performance
14.8 Despite this GC 14 or any other
provision of this Contract, if you
have not met any of the Post-COD
Performance Guarantees in
accordance with Schedule 5
(Performance Tests, Performance
Guarantees and Performance
Liquidated Damages), you must pay
the Performance Liquidated
Damages to us in the amounts and
at the times specified in Schedule 5
(Performance Tests, Performance
Guarantees and Performance
Liquidated Damages).
14.9 Our entitlement to a Price Reduction
Payment under GC 14.7 and the
payment of Performance Liquidated
Damages under GC 14.8 will be in
satisfaction of the relevant
Performance Guarantees.
14.10 The payment of a Price Reduction
Payment or Performance Liquidated
Damages does not in any way
relieve you from any of your
obligations to complete the Works
or from any of your other obligations
and liabilities under this Contract.
14.11 The Performance Liquidated
Damages claimed by us must not
exceed the maximum liability for
Performance Liquidated Damages
set out in Schedule 5 (Performance
PwC 7
Tests, Performance Guarantees
and Performance Liquidated
14.12 Without limiting any other rights we
may have, we may deduct any
Performance Liquidated Damages
from any amounts payable by us to
you under this Contract.
14.13 If we are entitled to be paid a price
reduction payment or Performance
Liquidated Damages under this GC
14, this does not limit our right to
enforce any other remedy we may
have against you. However, nothing
under this Contract entitles us to
claim duplicate damages under this
Contract and under law regarding
your failure to meet the
Performance Guarantees.
14.14 The parties agree that the price
reduction payment and
Performance Liquidated Damages
are a fair and reasonable pre-
estimate of the damages likely to be
sustained by us as a result of your
failure to meet the Performance
14.15 If this GC 14 (or any part) is found
for any reason to be void, invalid or
otherwise inoperative so as to
disentitle us from claiming
Performance Liquidated Damages,
we are entitled to claim against you
for damages at law for your failure
to achieve any or all of the
Performance Guarantees. These
general damages must not exceed
the maximum liability for
Performance Liquidated Damages
set out in Schedule 5 (Performance
Tests, Performance Guarantees
and Performance Liquidated
15 Commercial Operation
15.1 As soon as the Facility has, in your
opinion, satisfied each of the
preconditions for achieving
Commercial Operation, you must
give notice to us to that effect.
15.2 Within 10 Business Days of our
receipt of your notice under GC
15.1, we will:
(a) issue a Certificate of
Commercial Operation stating
that the Facility has reached
Commercial Operation and the
date on which the Facility
reached Commercial Operation
(b) notify you that the Facility has
not achieved Commercial
Operation and indicate any
defects or deficiencies in the
Facility or the Works.
15.3 If we notify you there are defects or
deficiencies in the Facility or the
Works, you must correct the defects
or deficiencies and the procedures
in this GC 15.2 and GC 15.3 must
be repeated until we issue a
Certificate of Commercial
15.4 You acknowledge and agree that no
payment and no partial or entire use
or occupancy of the Site, the Works
or the Facility by us in any way
constitutes an acknowledgement by
us that Commercial Operation has
occurred, nor does it operate to
release you from any of your
warranties, obligations or liabilities
under this Contract.
15.5 You must hand over care, custody
and control of the Facility to us upon
the issue of the Certificate of
Commercial Operation.
15.6 Notwithstanding that all the
requirements for the issuing of a
Certificate of Commercial Operation
have not been met, we may at any
time, in our absolute discretion,
issue a Certificate of Commercial
Operation. The issue of a Certificate
of Commercial Operation under GC
15.2 will not operate as an
admission that all the requirements
of Commercial Operation have been
met, and does not prejudice any of
our rights, including our right to
require you to satisfy all these
16 Extension of time
16.1 As soon as you become aware of
an incident or an event of
whatsoever nature affecting or likely
to affect the progress of the Works
you must give us a written notice to
that effect.
16.2 Within 3 Business Days of it
becoming reasonably evident that
the Works are delayed or are likely
to be delayed beyond the Date for
Commercial Operation, you must
give written notice to us expressed
as an “Extension of Time Notice
and setting out full details of the
cause of the delay with supporting
documents and stating a reasonable
period by which you believe the
Date for Commercial Operation
should be extended.
16.3 Subject to the other provisions of
this GC 16, you are only entitled to
an extension of time to the Date for
Commercial Operation where a
delay to the Date for Commercial
Operation is caused by any of the
following events, whether occurring
before, on or after the Date for
Commercial Operation:
(a) any act, omission or breach by
us, our employees, agents or
(b) the execution of a variation
under GC 7, except where that
variation is caused by your act,
omission or breach;
(c) an Event of Force Majeure;
(d) a suspension under GC 27,
except where that suspension is
caused by your act, omission or
breach; or
(e) the occurrence of any event
specified in the Details.
16.4 As soon as practicable after receipt
of the notice in GC 16.2, we will
notify you of the period, if any, by
which the Date for Commercial
Operation will be extended.
16.5 Despite any other provisions of this
GC 16, we may, in our absolute
discretion and at any time, make an
extension to the Date for
Commercial Operation. We have no
obligation to grant or to consider
whether we should grant an
extension of time and we are not
required to exercise this discretion
for your benefit.
16.6 Where more than one event causes
concurrent delays and the cause of
at least one of those events, but not
all of them, is not an event which
entitles you to an extension of time,
then to the extent that the delays
are concurrent, you are not entitled
to an extension of time to the Date
for Commercial Operation.
16.7 It is a condition precedent to your
entitlement to an extension of time
under GC 16.7 that you submit the
notice strictly within the time and as
required under GC 16.2.
16.8 Any principle of law or equity
(including those which might
otherwise entitle you to relief and
“the prevention principle”) which
might otherwise cause the Date for
Commercial Operation to be set at
large and render the liquidated
damages unenforceable, will
not apply.
16.9 A delay by us or the failure by us to
grant a reasonable extension of
time or to grant an extension of time
will not cause the Date for
Commercial Operation to be set
at large.
16.10 An extension of time granted under
this GC 16 is your sole entitlement
to compensation for delay to Works.
16.11 We are not liable for any costs,
losses or damages suffered or
incurred by you arising out of or in
connection with delays to the
Works. You expressly acknowledge
that you have made an allowance in
the Price for the risk of bearing all
costs, losses and damages which
you may suffer or incur arising out
of or in connection with delays to
the Works and that you have no
entitlement to bring any claim
against us in respect of any such
costs, losses or damages.
17 Delay Liquidated Damages
17.1 If you fail to achieve Commercial
Operation by the Date for
Commercial Operation you must
pay us Delay Liquidated Damages
at the rate stated in Schedule 7
(Delay Liquidated Damages) for
each day after the Date for
Commercial Operation up to and
including the Commercial Operation
Date or the date this Contract is
terminated, whichever occurs first.
17.2 Your aggregate liability for Delay
Liquidated Damages under GC 17.1
will not exceed the amount specified
in Schedule 7 (Delay Liquidated
17.3 The parties agree that the Delay
Liquidated Damages are a fair and
reasonable pre-estimate of the
damages likely to be sustained by
us if you fail to achieve Commercial
Operation by the Date for
Commercial Operation.
PwC 8
17.4 If we are entitled to be paid Delay
Liquidated Damages under GC
17.1, this does not limit our right to
enforce any other remedy we may
have against you. The payment of
Delay Liquidated Damages by you
does not relieve you from any of
your obligations to achieve
Commercial Operation or from any
of your other warranties, obligations
or liabilities under or in connection
with this Contract.
17.5 If this GC 17(or any part) is found
for any reason to be void, invalid or
otherwise inoperative so as to
disentitle us from claiming Delay
Liquidated Damages, we are
entitled to claim against you for
damages at law for your failure to
achieve Commercial Operation by
the Date for Commercial Operation.
These general damages must not
exceed the maximum liability for
Delay Liquidated Damages set out
in Schedule 7 (Delay Liquidated
18 Final Completion
18.1 You must notify us at least 20
Business Days before the whole of
the Works and Facility will, in your
opinion, reach the stage of Final
18.2 You must notify us as soon as the
whole of the Works and Facility
have, in your opinion, satisfied each
of the preconditions for achieving
Final Completion.
18.3 Not later than 10 Business Days
after receipt of your notice under
GC 18.2, we will either:
(a) issue a Certificate of Final
Completion stating that the
Facility has reached Final
Completion and the date on
which the Facility reached Final
Completion; or
(b) notify you that the Facility has
not achieved Final Completion
and indicate any defects and/or
18.4 If we notify you of any defects
and/or deficiencies, you must then
correct those defects and/or
deficiencies and the procedures
described in GCs 18.2 and 18.3
must be repeated until the
Certificate of Final Completion
is issued.
18.5 The Certificate of Final Completion
will be evidence of accord and
satisfaction, and in discharge of
each party's obligations in
connection with this Contract
except for:
(a) obligations in relation to Spare
Parts and Warranted
Component Parts;
(b) indemnities;
(c) warranties;
(d) Wilful Misconduct relating to the
Works and Facility or any part
(e) any defects or omissions in the
Works and Facility or any part
thereof which were not apparent
at the end of the Defects
Liability Period, or which would
not have been disclosed upon
reasonable inspection at the
time of the issue of the
Certificate of Final Completion;
(f) unresolved issues the subject of
any Dispute for which written
notice under GC 29 is given
either prior to, or within 5
Business Days after, the issue
of the Certificate of Final
18.6 Despite any other provision of this
Contract, no partial or entire use or
occupancy of the Project Site, the
Works or the Facility by us, whether
during the Post COD Performance
Tests or otherwise, in any way
constitutes an acknowledgment by
us that Final Completion has
occurred, nor does it operate to
release you from any of your
warranties, obligations or liabilities
under or in connection with this
19 Independent contractor
19.1 The parties acknowledge that you
are our contractor and not our
employee or agent.
20 Warranties
20.1 You warrant that:
(a) the Works will be performed
with all the skill and care to be
expected of appropriately
qualified and experienced
contractors with experience in
performing works of a similar
size, type, nature and
complexity to the Works;
(b) the Works will be performed in a
timely and professional manner
in accordance with this
(c) you have, and you will be
deemed to have, done
everything that would be
expected of a prudent,
competent and experienced
contractor in:
(i) assessing the risks which
you are assuming under
this Contract; and
(ii) ensuring that the Price
contains allowances to
protect you against any of
these risks eventuating,
and you will not make a claim
for an increase in the Price if
any of those risks eventuate;
(d) the Equipment must be new and
unused, fit for the purpose and
of a quality reasonably expected
in the process and
manufacturing industries, free
from material defects and
deficiencies of any kind, and
free from any encumbrance or
lien and must conform to the
requirements set out in
Schedule 1(Specification);
(e) the Works will be performed in
accordance with Schedule 1
(Specification), for the Price and
by the Date for Commercial
(f) the Facility will meet the
requirements specified in this
Contract, including the
Performance Guarantees; and
(g) the Works will be performed
with the highest regard for
safety and protection of the
environment and so that the
Facility is capable of being
operated and utilised in
accordance with all applicable
Laws, Government Authority
Approvals and this Contract.
20.2 We do not warrant, guarantee or
make any representation about the
accuracy or adequacy of any
information, data or documents
made available to you as to the
existing conditions at the Site. Such
information, data or documents do
not form part of this Contract.
21 Insurance
21.1 You must take out and maintain
during the period of this Contract:
(a) a comprehensive public liability
policy to cover all sums which
you may become legally liable
to pay consequent upon:
(i) death of, or bodily injury
(including disease or
illness) to, any person; and
(ii) loss of, or damage to,
property (including loss of
in connection with the
performance of the Works;
(b) insurance in respect of all
claims and liabilities arising,
whether at general law or under
statute relating to workers
compensation or employer’s
liability, from death of, or bodily
injury (including disease or
illness) to any person employed
by you in connection with this
Contract and you must ensure
that all subcontractors are
similarly insured in respect of
their employees;
(c) a policy of insurance against
any and all liability, loss and
damage of any kind whatsoever
to the Works; and
(d) other insurances specified in the
Details, required by law, or
otherwise reasonably required
by us.
The limit of liability provided by each
policy must not be less than the
amount specified in the Details.
21.2 You must ensure that all policies of
insurance required to be taken out
by you under this Contract include
us as a named co-insured and you
must do anything we reasonably
request to protect us as an insured.
However, if the relevant insurer
refuses to include us as a named
co-insured, you must ensure that
the policy notes our interest under
this Contract.
21.3 You must notify us immediately of
any cancellation of a relevant
PwC 9
insurance policy and of any change
to the policy which affects our
21.4 Without limiting our rights under any
insurance policy taken out by you in
accordance with this Contract
(whether as co-insured or
otherwise), if an event occurs or a
circumstance arises which may
affect our interests and which may
give rise to a claim under any
insurance policy to be taken out by
you under this Contract, you must:
(a) notify us within 10 Business
Days of that event;
(b) actively make a claim under the
relevant policy and remit to us
any insurance proceeds
recovered by you in respect of
our rights and interests under or
in connection with this Contract
or any liability to third parties;
(c) ensure that we are kept fully
informed of any subsequent
actions and developments
concerning the relevant claim.
21.5 At our request, you must promptly
produce evidence acceptable to us
that you are maintaining the
insurances required by this GC 21.
21.6 We have the right to take out and
maintain any policy of insurance
required by this GC 21 if you fail to
do so.
21.7 You agree to reimburse us for any
expenses we incur in taking out and
maintaining any policy of insurance
taken out by us under GC 21.6.
22 Liability and indemnities
22.1 You will be liable for and you must
indemnify us against any liability
and any loss or damage of any kind
whatsoever arising out of your acts
or omissions whether or not the acts
or omissions are in tort (including
negligence), breach of contract or
otherwise in relation to this
Contract, except to the extent that
liability or loss or damage arises out
of the negligent acts or omissions
of us.
22.2 Each indemnity in this Contract is a
continuing obligation separate and
independent from your other
obligations and survives termination
of this Contract.
22.3 It is not necessary for us to incur
expense or make payment before
enforcing a right of indemnity
conferred by this Contract.
22.4 Without prejudice to our right to
recover Delay Liquidated Damages
under GC 17 or a Price Reduction
Payment or Performance Liquidated
Damages under GC 14, neither
party will be liable to the other party
in any circumstances for any
Indirect Loss or damage.
22.5 Your total liability to us under this
Contract which is not subject to
insurance taken out under GC 21
will not exceed the amount of the
aggregate limit of uninsured liability
set out in the Details.
22.6 If:
(a) you fail to take out and maintain
insurance under GC 21 and we
do not take out the insurance
under GC 21.6; or
(b) you take out insurance under
GC 21 but fail to comply with
your obligations under GC 21,
or through any act or omission
prejudice the insurance cover,
then the amount of your aggregate
limit of uninsured liability set out in
the Details is deemed to increase by
the amount of insurance that would
have been available if you had
taken out and maintained the
insurance or had not prejudiced the
insurance (as the case may be).
22.7 GCs 22.4 and 22.5 do not limit your
(a) under GCs 2.6, 2.8, 14.4 and
(b) under GC 22.1, in respect of
any claim or loss in relation to
personal injury, disease, illness
or death;
(c) under any other provisions of
this Contract which expressly
impose a greater liability;
(d) in cases of fraud, wilful
misconduct or illegal or unlawful
acts; or
(e) in cases of your acts or
omissions which are contrary to
the most elementary rules of
diligence which a conscientious
contractor would have followed
in similar circumstances.
22.8 [Insert jurisdiction-specific
clause 22.8].
22.9 You further agree that the rights,
obligations and liabilities of the
parties (including those relating to
proportionate liability) are as
specified in this Contract and not
otherwise whether such rights,
obligations and liabilities are sought
to be enforced as a breach of
contract or claim in tort (including
negligence), in equity, under statute
or otherwise at law
23 Intellectual property
23.1 We retain the Intellectual Property
Rights in the Owner Background IP.
23.2 We give you a licence to reproduce
and use the Owner Background IP
as necessary for the sole purpose of
you complying with your obligations
under this Contract. You must not
reproduce, use or otherwise deal
with the Owner Background IP, or
allow any other person to do the
same, for any other purpose. We
have the right to revoke this licence
at any time by notice in writing to
23.3 You retain the Intellectual Property
Rights in the Contractor Background
23.4 You give us a licence to reproduce
and use the Contractor Background
IP to own, operate, repair and
maintain the Works.
23.5 You agree and acknowledge that all
Project IP will be vested in and
owned by us.
23.6 You warrant that performance of the
Works in accordance with this
Contract will not infringe the
Intellectual Property Rights of any
third party.
23.7 You agree to notify us as soon as
you become aware of any
suspected, threatened or actual
infringement of any Intellectual
Property Rights in the:
(a) Owner Background IP;
(b) Contractor Background IP; or
(c) Project IP.
23.8 You agree to provide all reasonable
assistance we may request to
protect the Intellectual Property
Rights in the:
(a) Owner Background IP; and
(b) Project IP.
24 Confidential information
24.1 Each party undertakes that it will
not, either during the term of this
Contract or at any time thereafter
(except to the extent necessary to
comply with its obligations under
this Contract) disclose to any
person any information of or relating
to the other party of which it has
come to possess as a result of this
Contract or the negotiations
preceding this Contract including
the terms of this Contract, including
all information and documentation
supplied by you or us or information
to which you or we have access in
the performance of this Contract.
24.2 You must not publish alone or in
conjunction with any other party or
organisation any information,
drawing or photograph concerning
this Contract except with our written
consent and subject to such
conditions as we may prescribe.
24.3 Nothing in this Contract prohibits
disclosure of information which:
(a) is in the public domain
otherwise than as a result of a
breach of this GC 24;
(b) is received from a third party
provided that it was not
acquired directly or indirectly by
that third party as a result of a
breach of this GC 24;
(c) is required to be disclosed by
Law or any Government
Authority having authority over a
party; or
(d) is for the purposes of obtaining
legal advice.
25 Taxes
25.1 Should any Taxes be levied on, in
respect of, or in relation to, the
performance of the Works these will
be to your account. You will be
responsible for payment of those
Taxes and will immediately provide
us with documentary evidence of
payment if payment is made by you
on our behalf.
25.2 Except where expressly stated
otherwise, all amounts referred to in
PwC 10
this Contract are exclusive of GST.
Where any supply occurs under or
in connection with this Contract or
for the performance of the Works,
the party making the supply
(Supplier) is entitled to increase the
amount payable for the supply by
the amount of any applicable GST.
25.3 Where under this Contract you are
entitled to any adjustment to the
Price, and such adjustment is based
on the reasonable or actual cost to
you of performing any work, any
input tax credits available to you, or
your representative member, in
relation to performing such work will
be deemed to reduce the cost of
such work.
25.4 Where the amount payable to the
Supplier (as that term is defined in
the GST Legislation) for a supply
under or in connection with this
Contract or the Works is based on
the actual or reasonable costs
incurred by the Supplier, the amount
which the Supplier is entitled to be
paid will be reduced by any input tax
credits available to the Supplier, or
its representative member, in
respect of such costs.
25.5 A party will not be obliged to pay
any amount in respect of GST on a
supply to the other party unless and
until a tax invoice that complies with
the GST Legislation has been
issued in respect of that supply.
Each party agrees to do all things
including providing invoices or other
documentation, that may be
necessary or desirable to enable or
assist the other party to claim input
tax credits to the maximum extent
possible or itself claim all input tax
credits that might be available to it
in order to reduce the amount
recoverable from the other party
under this Contract.
25.6 You acknowledge and agree that if
a Law requires us to deduct an
amount in respect of withholding tax
from a payment under this Contract
such that you would not actually
receive on the due date the full
amount provided for under this
Contract then on the due date:
(a) we must deduct the amount for
the withholding tax;
(b) we must pay an amount equal
to the amount deducted to the
relevant Government Authority
in accordance with applicable
Law and give the original receipt
to you; and
(c) we must pay you an amount
equal to the difference between
the payment and the amount
26 Force Majeure
26.1 If, as a result of an Event of Force
Majeure, a party becomes unable,
wholly or in part, to perform any of
its obligations under this Contract or
is delayed in performing those
(a) the affected party must
immediately give notice to the
other party setting out full
details of the Event of Force
Majeure and the reasons for the
Event of Force Majeure
preventing that party from, or
delaying that party from,
performing the affected
obligations under this Contract;
(b) the affected obligations
identified in the notice referred
to in GC (a), will be suspended
but only so far as, and for so
long as, the performance of
those obligations is affected by
the Event of Force Majeure; and
(c) the affected party must use its
best endeavours to overcome or
remove the effects of the Event
of Force Majeure as quickly as
26.2 Upon completion of the Event of
Force Majeure, the affected party
must as soon as reasonably
practicable recommence the
performance of the affected
26.3 You have no entitlement and we
have no liability for:
(a) any costs, losses, expenses,
damages or the payment of any
part of the Price during an Event
of Force Majeure; and
(b) any delay costs in any way
incurred by you due to an Event
of Force Majeure.
26.4 An Event of Force Majeure does not
relieve a party from liability for an
obligation which arose before the
occurrence of that event, nor does
that event affect the obligation to
pay money in a timely manner
where the obligation matured prior
to the occurrence of that event.
27 Suspension
27.1 We have the right, at any time and
for any reason, to suspend
performance of your obligations
under this Contract by giving you
27.2 When you receive a notice of
suspension from us in accordance
with GC 27.1, you must suspend
performance of the relevant
obligations until such time as we
direct you to resume performance of
those obligations by notice in
writing. At such time, you must
promptly recommence the
performance of those obligations in
accordance with this Contract.
27.3 You are only entitled to an
extension of time to the Date for
Commercial Operation and
compensation for delay under GC
16 where the suspension is not
caused by your act, omission or
28 Termination
28.1 We may, by notice to you,
immediately terminate this
Contract if:
(a) you commit or suffer an
Insolvency Event;
(b) you are in breach of GC 30;
(c) you have incurred and are liable
for Delay Liquidated Damages
up to the aggregate liability
specified in Schedule 7 (Delay
Liquidated Damages);
(d) you have incurred and are liable
for Performance Liquidated
Damages up to the aggregate
liability specified in Schedule
5(Performance Tests,
Performance Guarantees and
Performance Liquidated
(e) you have abandoned the Works
and/or repudiated this Contract;
(f) you have failed to achieve
Commercial Operation by the
Longstop Date;
(g) you have failed to achieve the
Minimum Commercial Operation
Performance Guarantees by the
Longstop Date; or
(h) the Power Purchase Agreement
is terminated.
The rights given by this GC 28 are
in addition to any other rights that
may be exercised by us under this
Contract or at law.
28.2 You may only terminate this
Contract by notice to us if:
(a) we commit or suffer an
Insolvency Event; or
(b) we have failed to make a
payment in breach of GC 6, and
you have provided us with a
notice requiring payment within
20 Business Days of the expiry
of the period in GC 6.4, except
with respect to any payment or
portion that we dispute under
GC 29.
28.3 If you receive a notice of termination
from us, or you terminate by notice
to us, you must:
(a) stop work (except to the extent
specified in the notice from us);
(b) take such action as necessary
or as we direct, for the transfer,
protection and preservation of
our property; and
(c) do your best to minimise the
costs of termination to us.
28.4 If this Contract is terminated in
accordance with GC 28.2, we will
only be liable for the payment for
the Works performed to the date of
termination and for extra costs
necessarily and reasonably incurred
by you as a result of termination
subject to our rights of set off.
28.5 Any expiry or termination of this
Contract does not affect any rights
of the parties which may have
accrued before the date of expiry or
29 Dispute Resolution
29.1 If a Dispute arises, the Parties must,
prior to the initiation of any legal
proceedings, use their best
endeavours in good faith to reach a
reasonable and equitable resolution
of the Dispute.
29.2 If a Dispute arises, the Dispute must
be referred to the Representatives
for resolution by written notice
specifying that it is a notice given
PwC 11
under this GC 29 and giving full
particulars of the nature and extent
of the Dispute.
29.3 If the Dispute is not resolved within
10 Business Days of a referral in
accordance with GC 29.2, the
Dispute must be referred to:
(a) determination by an Expert
under GC 29.4, where a Dispute
relates to the application of any
industry or technical standard or
any rules, practices or customs
of any trade or profession, or
whenever the Parties agree that
a point of difference between
them will be resolved by an
Expert; or
(b) resolution by a Panel under GC
29.5 for all other Disputes.
29.4 Where a Dispute is referred for
determination by an Expert under
GC 29.3(a), the following process
and procedure will apply:
(a) The Party wishing to appoint an
Expert must notify the other
Party in writing and give details
of the matter that it proposes to
be resolved by the Expert
(Expert Determination
Notice). The Parties must
endeavour to agree on a single
Expert (independent of the
Parties and with qualifications
and experience appropriate to
the matter in Dispute). If, within
10 Business Days of receipt of
the Expert Determination
Notice, the Parties have not
agreed a single Expert to
appoint, the Parties will request
the President of the Institute of
Engineers Australia to appoint
the Expert.
(b) The Expert will be instructed to
determine the Dispute within the
shortest practicable time and
deliver a report setting out the
Expert’s opinion with respect to
the matters in dispute setting
out the reasons for the decision.
(c) The Expert shall determine the
procedure for the conduct of the
process in order to resolve the
Dispute and must provide each
Party with a fair opportunity to
make submissions in relation to
the matter in issue.
(d) Any process or determination of
the Dispute by the Expert shall
be made as an expert and not
as an arbitrator. The
determination of the Expert will
be final and binding on the
Parties without appeal so far as
the Law allows and except in
the case of a manifest error or
where either Party has not been
provided with a fair opportunity
to make submissions in relation
to the matter in issue as
required under GC 29.4(c).
(e) Each Party must bear its own
costs of and incidental to any
proceedings under this GC
29.4. The costs of the Expert
will be borne and paid by the
Party who gives the notice
under GC (a) unless the Parties
agree otherwise.
29.5 Where a Dispute is referred to a
Panel under GC 29.3(b), the
following process and procedure will
(a) Each Party must nominate a
senior representative for the
Panel within 3 Business Days of
the referral to the Panel in
accordance with GC 29.3(b).
(b) The Panel will determine its own
procedures for the resolution of
a Dispute. Unless otherwise
agreed by the Parties, all
discussions involving the Panel
will be conducted on a without
prejudice basis.
(c) Decisions of the Panel may only
be made by unanimous
agreement of the members of
the Panel.
(d) Any decision of the Panel which
is recorded in writing and signed
by each member of the Panel is
binding on the Parties.
(e) Subject to GC 29.6, if the
Dispute is not resolved by the
Panel within 20 Business Days
of the referral under GC 29.3(b),
either Party may commence
legal proceedings.
29.6 Neither party may commence legal
proceedings unless the parties have
undertaken the processes set out in
GCs 29.1 to 29.5 and those
processes have failed to resolve the
Dispute or one of the Parties has
attempted to follow these processes
and the other Party has failed to
29.7 Nothing in this GC 29 prevents a
Party seeking urgent injunctive relief
or similar interim relief from a court.
29.8 Despite the existence of a Dispute,
the Parties must continue to perform
their respective obligations under
this Agreement.
30 Assignment and subcontracting
30.1 You may not assign or novate your
rights and obligations under this
Contract without our prior written
30.2 We have the right to assign or
novate any or all of our rights and
obligations under this Contract.
30.3 You may not subcontract any of
your obligations under this Contract
without our prior written consent.
31 Notices
31.1 Any notice, approval, consent or
other communication in relation to
this Contract must be:
(a) in writing;
(b) marked to the attention of the
relevant Representative; and
(c) either:
(i) left at the address set out in
the Details;
(ii) sent by prepaid ordinary
post (airmail if appropriate)
to the address set out in the
Details; or
(iii) sent by email to the email
address of the addressee
set out in the Details,
however, if the addressee has
notified a change of postal address
or email address, then the
communication must be to that
31.2 A notice, approval, consent or other
communication takes effect from the
time it is received unless a later time
is specified in it.
31.3 A letter or facsimile is deemed to be
(a) in the case of a posted letter, on
the fifth day after posting
(seventh in the case of a letter
sent by airmail); and
(b) in the case of a facsimile, on
production of a transmission
report by the machine from
which the facsimile was sent
which indicates that the
facsimile was sent in its entirety
to the facsimile number of the
32 Availability of information
32.1 During the period of this Contract,
and for a further 2 years, our
authorised representatives are
entitled to access any relevant
personnel, accounts, records
(including data stored in computer
files), vouchers, receipts and
documents of any description which
belong to you, or any of your
employees, agents, contractors
and/or subcontractors, for the
purposes of ensuring that the terms
and conditions of this Contract have
been complied with and that all
applications for payment have been
and are being made in accordance
with this Contract.
32.2 All accounts must be maintained by
32.3 Our duly authorised representatives
have the right to reproduce any
relevant documents accessed under
this GC 32.
33 Business ethics
33.1 Neither you, nor any of your
employees, agents, contractors
and/or subcontractors, are
expected, permitted or authorised to
take any action on our behalf,
including any action which could
violate any Laws.
33.2 All financial statements, reports and
applications for payment which are
rendered by you under this Contract
must completely and accurately
reflect the facts about all the
relevant activities, transactions and
circumstances handled for the
account of us.
33.3 You must immediately notify us in
writing of any and all violations of
this GC 33 upon becoming aware of
such violations.
34 Conflict of interest
34.1 You must exercise reasonable care
and diligence to prevent any actions
or conditions which could result in a
conflict with our best interests.
PwC 12
34.2 Your obligations under this GC 34
apply to the activities of your
employees, agents, contractors
and/or subcontractors in their
relations with our employees,
agents, contractors, subcontractors
and/or any third parties associated
with this Contract (as well as their
34.3 Your obligations under this GC 34
include, but are not limited to,
establishing precautions to prevent
your employees, agents, contractors
and/or subcontractors from making,
receiving, providing or offering gifts,
payments, loans, substantial
entertainment or other
considerations for the purpose of
influencing individuals to act
contrary to our best interests.
34.4 You must immediately notify us in
writing of any and all violations of
this GC 34 upon becoming aware of
those violations.
35 Transfer of ownership and care of
35.1 The ownership of the Equipment
transfers to us on the earlier of:
(a) when the relevant Equipment is
identified as being intended
solely for incorporation, use or
consumption in the Works;
(b) where that Equipment cannot
reasonably be so identified, at
the time when the relevant
Equipment is incorporated, used
or consumed in the Works; or
(c) payment by us of the relevant
invoice the value of which
includes the Equipment.
35.2 The ownership of any Equipment in
excess of the requirements for the
Works reverts to you at the end of
the Defects Liability Period or at any
earlier time when we agree with you
that the Equipment in question is no
longer required for the Works.
35.3 Despite the transfer of ownership of
the Equipment, the responsibility for
care and custody of the Facility and
the Works, including the Equipment,
together with the risk of loss or
damage to the Facility and the
Works, including the Equipment,
remains with you until the
Commercial Operation Date.
35.4 You are responsible for the care
and custody of the Works, including
the Equipment, until the Commercial
Operation Date and must make
good at your own cost any loss or
damage that may occur to the
Works, including the Equipment,
from any cause whatsoever prior to
that date. You are also responsible
for any loss or damage to the
Works, including the Equipment,
caused by you or your suppliers in
the course of any work.
36 Entire agreement
36.1 This Contract constitutes the entire
agreement between the parties and
sets out a full statement of the
contractual rights and liabilities of
the parties in relation to the
performance of the Works and no
negotiations between them nor any
document agreed or signed by them
prior to the date of this Contract in
relation to the Works is of any
37 Other matters
37.1 Any of our rights under this Contract
may only be waived by us in writing
signed by a duly authorised
representative of us.
37.2 This Contract may not be varied
except in writing signed by a duly
authorised representative of each of
the parties.
37.3 We may exercise a right, remedy or
power in any way we consider
37.4 If we do not exercise a right, remedy
or power at any time, this does not
mean that we cannot exercise it
37.5 To the extent of any inconsistency
between the Details and the
General Conditions, then the
General Conditions will prevail.
37.6 To the extent of any inconsistency
between the General Conditions
and any schedules (including any
documents referred to in the
schedules), then the General
Conditions will prevail.
37.7 To the extent of any inconsistency
between the Details and any
schedules (including any documents
referred to in the schedules), then
the Details will prevail.
37.8 The rights, remedies and powers of
the parties under this Contract are
in addition to any rights, remedies
and powers provided by law.
37.9 This Contract may consist of a
number of copies each signed by
one or more parties to this Contract.
When taken together, the signed
copies are treated as making up the
one document.
38 Governing law
38.1 This Contract is governed by the
laws of [insert jurisdiction]
excluding the Vienna Convention on
Contracts for the International Sale
of Goods and the [insert relevant
sale of goods legislation].
38.2 The parties agree to submit to the
exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of
[insert jurisdiction]. Each party
waives any right it has to object to
an action being brought in those
courts including by claiming that
action has been brought in an
inconvenient forum or that those
courts do not have jurisdiction.
39 Definitions and Interpretation
39.1 In this Contract unless the contrary
intention appears:
ARENA Funding means the
funding from ARENA applied for by
us [Drafting note: further details
to be provided]
Auxiliary Works means those
works performed by third parties in
connecting the Facility to the grid
under the Power Purchase
Agreement, and includes the
installation of metering equipment,
as specified in Schedule 1
Business Day means a day when
the banks in [insert capital city of
jurisdiction] are open for business
excluding a Saturday, Sunday or
public holiday.
Certificate of Commercial
Operation means the certificate
issued by us in accordance with GC
Commencement Date means the
date of commencement of the
Works as set out in the Details.
Commercial Operation means that
stage of the Works when the
following has occurred:
(a) the Facility is complete in all
respects in accordance with this
ContrSRFact except for minor
defects which would not affect
the performance of the Facility
or the ability of the Facility to
operate legally, safely, reliably
and efficiently;
(b) all Tests to be satisfactorily
performed before Commercial
Operation occurs, including the
Commercial Operation
Performance Tests in respect of
the Facility, have been passed,
and the Commercial Operation
Performance Guarantees have
been met, or a reduction in the
Price has been determined and
any resulting amounts due have
been paid by you;
(c) the Facility is capable of being
operated safely under all
anticipated or likely operational
conditions and is in a condition
which allows us to comply with
all Laws relating to its operation;
(d) all documents and other
information, including the
technical materials, required
under this Contract have been
supplied to us in accordance
with this Contract or as directed
by us from time to time; and
(e) any other preconditions to
Commercial Operation set out in
the Details have been met.
Commercial Operation Date
means the date certified by us as
the date on which Commercial
Operation occurred.
Commercial Operation
Performance Guarantee means
the performance guarantees set out
in Schedule 5 (Performance Tests,
Performance Guarantees and
Performance Liquidated Damages),
to be met by you in order to achieve
Commercial Operation.
Commercial Operation
Performance Tests means the
performance and other tests set out
in Schedule 5 (Performance Tests,
Performance Guarantees and
Performance Liquidated Damages),
to be satisfactorily performed and
PwC 13
completed by you in order to
achieve Commercial Operation, at
the times and in accordance with
the requirements of Schedule 5
(Performance Tests, Performance
Guarantees and Performance
Liquidated Damages).
Contract means this engineering
procurement and construction
contract comprising the Details, the
General Conditions, the schedules
and any other documents referred
to in the Details and the Schedules.
Contractor Background IP means
Intellectual Property Rights owned
by or licensed to you (including
know how and technical
information) which exists prior to the
date of this Contract but does not
include Owner Background IP or
Project IP.
Date for Commercial Operation
means the date by which
Commercial Operation must be
achieved as set out in the Details,
which may be extended or reduced
in accordance with GC16.3.
Defects Liability Period means the
period set out in the Details.
Delay Liquidated Damages means
the liquidated damages for delay
specified in the Details.
Details means the section of this
Contract headed “Details”.
Equipment means the equipment
to be supplied by you and
incorporated into the Works to form
part of the Facility, as set out in the
Event of Force Majeure means an
event or circumstance which is
beyond the control and without the
fault or negligence of the party
affected and which by the exercise
of reasonable diligence the party
affected was unable to prevent
provided that event or circumstance
is limited to the following:
(a) riot, war, invasion, act of foreign
enemies, hostilities (whether war
be declared or not), acts of
terrorism, civil war, rebellion,
revolution, insurrection of
military or usurped power,
requisition or compulsory
acquisition by any governmental
or competent authority;
(b) earthquakes, flood, lightning or
other physical natural disaster,
but excluding weather
conditions regardless of
severity; and
(c) strikes at a national level or
industrial disputes at a national
level, or strikes or industrial
disputes by labour not
employed by the affected party,
its subcontractors or its
suppliers but excluding any
industrial dispute which is
specific to the Site or you or the
performance of this Contract.
Expert Determination Notice has
the meaning given in GC29.4
Facility means the [insert] MW
photovoltaic power station located
at [insert ] and all associated
infrastructure to be designed,
engineered, procured, fabricated,
constructed, installed,
commissioned and tested in
accordance with the terms of this
General Conditions means these
general conditions comprising GCs
1 to 39.
Good Solar Industry Practices
means the practices followed when
work is undertaken in accordance
with all of the following:
(a) in a sound and workmanlike
(b) with due care and skill;
(c) with due expedition and without
unnecessary or unreasonable
(d) in a manner which allows for
this Contract to be efficiently
(e) using materials of acceptable
quality and merchantable
quality which are fit for the
purposes reasonably
ascertainable from this
(f) in accordance with the Law and
any Government Authority
Approval; and
(g) consistent with best practice for
an experienced, prudent and
competent solar project
contractor of the highest skill
and quality.
Government Authority Approval
means any authorisation,
assessment, consent, approval,
licence, lease, determination, ruling,
permit, accreditation, registration,
exemption, filing, variance, order,
judgment, decree, publication,
notice to, declaration of or with, or
regulation by or with any
Government Authority or under any
Law relating to the performance of
the Works or otherwise in
connection with the Works
(including the use of the Works), the
Site or the Project.
Government Authority means any
national, state, local, regional,
territorial or municipal government,
ministry, governmental department,
commission, board, bureau, agency,
instrumentality, executive,
legislative, judicial or administrative
body, having jurisdiction over the
Works, the Site or the Project.
GST Legislation means the A New
Tax System (Goods and Services
Tax) Act 1999 (Cth) and any related
Act imposing such tax or legislation
that is enacted to validate, recapture
or recoup such tax.
GST means the tax payable on
Taxable Supplies under the GST
Industrial Matter means industrial
action of any sort, whether
threatened or actual, involving your
employees working at or in
connection with the Site.
Insolvency Event means in respect
of a party:
(h) the board of the party passes a
resolution under section 436A of
the Corporations
Act 2001 (Cth);
(i) the party is placed into
administration pursuant to Part
5.3A of the Corporations
Act 2001 (Cth);
(j) a deed of company
arrangement is entered in
respect of the party;
(k) an application is made to a
court for the winding up of the
(l) the party resolves that it be
wound up voluntarily;
(m) a winding up order is made in
respect of the party;
(n) a receiver or receiver and
manager are appointed to any
substantial assets of the party;
(o) a court orders that there be a
meeting of creditors or
members of the party for any
purpose related to Part 5.1 of
the Corporations
Act 2001 (Cth);
(p) a mortgagee takes possession
of any substantial assets of the
party; or
(q) the party informs the other party
or any creditor of the party, in
writing, that it is insolvent.
Intellectual Property Rights
includes the protected rights
attaching to inventions, patents,
registered designs, trademarks,
copyright, circuit layouts and
confidential information.
Law means any statute, ordinance,
code, law, decree, circular, rule or
regulation by any Government
Longstop Date means [insert].
[Drafting note: this will be the
‘sunset date’ by which the
Commercial Operation must be
achieved and will be set on a
project by project basis
depending on the requirements
of the PPA.]
Minimum Commercial Operation
Performance Guarantee means
the minimum performance
guarantees set out in Schedule 5
(Performance Tests, Performance
Guarantees and Performance
Liquidated Damages) required to be
met by you.
Owner Background IP means
Intellectual Property Rights owned
by or licensed to Owner (including
PwC 14
know-how and technical
information) which exists prior to the
date of this Contract but does not
include Contractor Background IP or
Project IP.
Panel means the panel established
in accordance with GC 29.3.
parties means you and us.
party means you or us.
Performance Guarantees means
all of the Performance Guarantees
specified in Schedule 5
(Performance Tests, Performance
Guarantees and Performance
Liquidated Damages), and includes
the Commercial Operation
Performance Guarantees and the
Post-COD Performance
Performance Liquidated
Damages means the liquidated
damages for underperformance
specified in the Details.
Performance Tests means the
tests as specified in Schedule
5(Performance Tests, Performance
Guarantees and Performance
Liquidated Damages) in order to
ascertain whether the Facility or a
specified part is able to obtain the
Performance Guarantees.
Post COD Performance Tests
means the performance and other
tests set out in Schedule 5
(Performance Tests, Performance
Guarantees and Performance
Liquidated Damages), to be
satisfactorily performed and
completed by you before Final
Completion is achieved, and at the
times and in accordance with the
requirements of Schedule 5
(Performance Tests, Performance
Guarantees and Performance
Liquidated Damages).
Post-COD Performance
Guarantee means the performance
guarantee set out in Schedule 5
(Performance Tests, Performance
Guarantees and Performance
Liquidated Damages) to be met by
you on a date that is more than 24
months after Commercial Operation
has been certified under this
Contract but before Final
Completion is achieved.
Power Purchase Agreement
means the power purchase
agreement in respect of the Facility
between us and [insert Seller],
dated on or about the date of this
Price means the price specified in
the Details and Schedule 3 (Price
and Schedule of Rates), subject to
any increases or decreases as may
be made in accordance with this
Project IP means Intellectual
Property Rights discovered or
coming into existence as a result of,
for the purposes of or in connection
with the performance of the Works
in accordance with this Contract but
does not include Contractor
Background IP or Owner
Background IP.
Project means the [insert wattage]
MW solar PV power station located
at [insert location].
Representative means the
authorised representative
nominated by each party in the
Details or any other person
appointed by the relevant party and
notified to the other party from time
to time in accordance with GC 5.
Schedule of Rates means the
schedule of rates set out in
Schedule 3 (Price and Schedule of
Serial Defect means substantially
the same defect having the same
root cause has been identified in:
(a) 5% of a factory batch of the
modules; and
(b) 5% of a factory batch of the
delivered, or ready to be shipped, to
the Site for incorporation into the
Site Arrangements means the site
arrangements set out in Schedule 2
Site has the meaning given to it in
Schedule 2 (Site).
Spare Parts means the spare parts
specified in Schedule 1
Specification means the
specification for the Facility, as set
out at Schedule 1(Specification).
Standards means all industry
standards and government
regulations applicable to the Works.
Taxes means any and all present
and future sales, use, personal,
property, real property, value added,
goods and services, turnover,
stamp, documentary, interest
equalisation, business, occupation,
excise, income, corporation, profits,
gains, gross receipts, or other taxes,
fees, withholdings, imposts, levies,
duties or other charges of any
nature whatsoever or whensoever
imposed (other than taxes on our
net income) by any government,
governmental, semi-governmental
or other relevant authority, together
with any penalties, fines or interest
thereon or similar additions,
imposed, levied or assessed or
otherwise payable.
Technical Materials includes plans,
designs, drawings, engineering
information, data, specifications,
reports, accounts and any other
material specified in this Contract.
Variation means any modification,
addition, omission, or other variation
to, in or from the Works in
accordance with GC 7.
Warranted Component Part
Defect means any defect in design,
workmanship, materials or
installation of a single or series of
Warranted Component Part not
reasonably capable of being
discovered by the Owner prior to the
expiry of the Warranted Component
Part Defect Period in the course of
normal operation and maintenance
of the Facility and which materially
impacts on the performance of the
Facility or the rate at which the
Spare Parts are being or are likely
to be consumed.
Warranted Component Part
Defect Period means the period
listed for any specific single or
series of Warranted Component
Parts in Schedule 6 (Warranted
Component Parts) starting from the
Commercial Operation Date.
Warranted Component Part
means any Equipment or Spare
Part identified in Schedule 6
(Warranted Component Parts).
we and us and our means the
person named in the Details as the
Wilful Misconduct means,
regarding the Contractor:
(a) any fraud, fraudulent
concealment or dishonesty by
you or your personnel;
(b) any conduct, act or omission by
you or your personnel having
substantially harmful
consequences, done or omitted
to be done intentionally and with
conscious or indifference to, or
disregard for, the rights or
welfare of those who are or may
be thereby affected; or
(c) any illegal or malicious act or
omission of you or your
Works means the works to be
performed by you in accordance
with this Contract as specified in the
Details and Schedule 1
you and your means the person
named in the Details as the
39.2 In this Contract unless the contrary
(a) a reference to this Contract or
another instrument includes any
variation or replacement of
either of them;
(b) the singular includes the plural
and vice versa;
(c) the word person includes a firm,
a body corporate, an
unincorporated association or
an authority;
(d) a reference to a person includes
a reference to the person’s
executors, administrators,
successors, substitutes
(including persons taking by
novation) and assigns;
PwC 15
(e) if a period of time is specified
and dates from a given day or
the day of an actual event, it is
to be calculated exclusive of
that day;
(f) a reference to a GC or schedule
is a reference to a GC or
schedule in this Contract; and
(g) the words “including” and
“include” are a reference to
“including, but not limited to”.
39.3 Headings are inserted for
convenience only and do not affect
the interpretation of this Contract.
PwC 16
Schedule 1 Specification
This Schedule must set out a detailed description of the Facility and the Works to be performed under this Contract.
The detailed description of the Facility and the Works to be supplied must be as clear as possible and must be broken
into a series of subheadings including:
(a) any relevant background and a general description of the Works;
(b) detailed description of the Works to be performed, including the Equipment and Spare Parts to be supplied,
including detailed technical requirements;
(c) any tests to be performed and passed;
(d) any specific standards which the Contractor is expressly required to comply with;
(e) any specific timing, milestones and program which the Contractor is expressly required to comply with;
(f) any project or control co-ordination procedures;
(g) any equipment or materials that the Owner has agreed to supply;
(h) the documentation that the Contractor is required to provide (eg. manuals, technical material, outage reports);
(i) any spare parts that the Contractor is required to provide.
Any abbreviations must be defined and technical terms must be explained.
For example, this Schedule could be set out in the following manner:
1. Background and general description of the Works
[This section should include all relevant background information about the equipment, site or
conditions that relate to the Works. It should also include general (1-2 line) descriptions of the
Works and Equipment to be supplied]
2. Works to be performed including technical requirements
[insert detailed description of the Works, Equipment and the Owner’s technical requirements and
drawings and other relevant materials where applicable. This section should contain detailed
specifications for the Works and Equipment to be supplied (including panels and inverters and any
other Warranted Component Parts). You must clearly identify the activities the Contractor has to
perform in order to carry out the Works and supply the Equipment.
the order in which activities must be carried out;
who is responsible for delivery and unloading of materials and where to;
are there any activities that the Owner will be performing during the contract term;
what are the technical specifications that the Works and Equipment must meet?
3. Standards and procedures
You must comply with the following standards:
[List any Australian Standards or other recognised standards or site standards with which must be
complied while carrying out the Works. Quality assurance requirements should be included in this
You must comply with the following procedures:
[List any procedures]
4. Testing
[It is extremely important to incorporate accurate testing requirements as part of this Contract.
Achieving acceptable test results is one of the conditions to practical completion, which determines
when the Owner will have to pay the Contractor. It is preferable that the Owner be required to pay
the Contractor when the Owner is satisfied that the Works carried out and Equipment supplied by
the Contractor will achieve the results needed by the Owner.
PwC 17
The type of tests and the type of results that will be acceptable to the Owner should be clearly
described in this Contract. Sometimes, the best way to represent this will be in tabular form. If
referring to an Australian Standard, extra care must be taken to ensure that the results referred to
in the standard are appropriate. The results should be described in the table or reference should be
made to the section in the Australian Standard that sets out the type of results that will be
acceptable to the Owner.
For example:
Description of test Required result
In the presence of us, you must carry out the tests
set out in AS 1228-1997 on each weld.
100% of the welds must achieve 100%
compliance with AS 1228-1997.
5. Documentation
[insert relevant documentation]
6. Timing, Milestones and Program
You must comply with the following timing requirements: [List the Owner timing requirements (if any)]
You must achieve the following milestones: [List milestones to be achieved (if any)]
You must comply with the following program: [List the program to be complied with (if any)]
If there is too much information to be physically included in this Schedule, you can incorporate the appropriate
documents by reference. If this is done, you must clearly identify the documents by author, title, date and revision
number. Take care not to include parts of documents that do not relate to the Works.
In preparing this Schedule, you should take extreme care to ensure that all of the Works which the owner wants the
Contractor to perform and supply are included in order to reduce the likelihood of disputes at a later date, and to
reduce the likelihood that Contractors may seek to profit from variations in the future.
PwC 18
Schedule 2 Site
This Schedule must set out a detailed description of the Site on which the Works will be performed.
For example, this Schedule could be set out in the following manner:
1. Description of the Site
[Insert site details including address and include or refer to drawing numbers or maps of the Site]
2. Other sites
[Insert details of other sites, if any, about which the Contractor needs information in order to
perform the Works]
3. Access to the Site
[Insert details of access and any conditions which may impact on access of which the Contractor
should be aware]
PwC 19
Schedule 3 Price and schedule of rates
This Schedule must set out the Price and a detailed breakdown of the Price.
If there are any provisional sums they must be described in detail in this Schedule.
This Schedule must also set out under a separate heading “Schedule of Rates”, any schedule of rates. If rates and
prices are included only for the purpose of valuing variations, this must be made clear. If there are no rates and
prices, you should insert “Not applicable” under the heading “Schedule of Rates”.
For example:
1. Price
[Insert the clearest breakdown of the Price that you can obtain. This may be in tabular form]
2. Schedule of Rates
[Insert any applicable schedule of rates]
3. Provisional sums
[Provide clear details of any provisional sums that may apply to the contract and the activities to
which those sums relate]
PwC 20
Schedule 4 Payment schedule
Various payment options are listed below - delete whichever option is not appropriate.
Option 1 - Monthly Progress Payments
On the [insert date] of each month (or as otherwise agreed by us) you must submit an invoice to us.
Option 2 - Milestone Payments
Within [insert days] of completion of each milestone set out in the milestone payment schedule below, you must
submit an invoice to us for the relevant amount payable on achievement of the milestone.
[insert milestone payment schedule]
Option 3 - Lump Sum Payment
Within [insert days] of completion of the Works, you must submit an invoice to us for the relevant amount payable
on completion.
[You may wish to back end the payment in the Payment Schedule and include an amount which will
be paid x days after Commercial Operation or on the expiry of the Defects Liability Period]
PwC 21
Schedule 5 Performance tests, performance guarantees and
performance liquidated damages
This Schedule must set out the Performance Tests, Performance Guarantees, and Performance Liquidated Damages
payable by the Contractor if the Facility fails to achieve the Performance Guarantees based upon the performance
ratios tested.
With respect to the Performance Liquidated Damages, to ensure there is no risk in a court interpreting GC 13 as a
penalty and invalidating it or reading it down, it is important that the reasoning and specific facts known to the
parties which support their conclusion given at GC 13.14 that the price reduction payment or liquidated damages
amount is a fair and reasonable pre-estimate of the damages flowing from not achieving the Performance
Another option is to base the damages on a formula or set separate amounts for various breaches or triggering
events, and select an amount that reflects the seriousness of each breach or event. Where appropriate, a scale of
graduated amounts of liquidated damages may be used to reflect the increasing financial consequences in
circumstances such as repeated instances of non-compliance with the Performance Guarantee.
1. Performance Tests
a. Commercial Operation Performance Tests
[Generally, the Performance Tests on Commercial Operation would test the nameplate
capacity of the Facility, the output capacity of the Facility and the performance ratio of the
facility. You should develop the testing framework in conjunction with your technical
advisers to match the requirements of the PPA (if any) and to align with the technology to be
b. Post-Commercial Operation Performance Tests
[Generally, the Performance Tests after Commercial Operation would test the performance
ratio of the Facility. You should develop the testing framework, including the number of tests
and their timing (eg. 1 or 2 years post Commercial Operation) in conjunction with your
technical advisers to match the requirements of the PPA (if any) and to align with the
technology to be utilised]
2. Performance Guarantees
a. Commercial Operation Performance Guarantees
[The level at which the Commercial Operation Performance Guarantees and Post-COD
Performance Guarantees are set will vary based on factors such as the financial model for
the project (ie. required IRR and other measures) and any requirements under the PPA. This
will need to be worked through with your technical and financial advisers]
b. Minimum Commercial Operation Performance Guarantees
[The level at which the Minimum Commercial Operation Performance Guarantees will be
based on the minimum revenue to be generated by the Facility in order for it to be
sustainable. This will need to be worked through with your technical and financial advisers]
c. Post-COD Performance Guarantees
[As above. Note that if the Commercial Operation Performance Guarantees are not met and a
Price Reduction Payment is made, the level of the Post-COD Performance Guarantees will
need to be adjusted to reflect this and to ensure that the Owner is not compensated twice for
the same loss]
3. Price Reduction Payment and Performance Liquidated Damages
a. Price Reduction Payment
[The purpose of the Price Reduction Payment is to ensure that the Owner is compensated for
the loss of the anticipated future revenues from the Facility for failure to meet the
Commercial Operation Performance Guarantees, calculated on an NPV basis. As noted
above, the level at which this is set will need to be worked through with your technical and
financial advisers to reflect the financial model and technical aspects of the project. The Price
Reduction Payment will be a lump sum amount, generally calculated by reference to a
PwC 22
b. Performance Liquidated Damages
[As above. Performance Liquidated Damages will be specified as a daily amount payable]
Your aggregate liability for Performance Liquidated Damages will not exceed [insert]% of the Price.
PwC 23
Schedule 6 Warranted component parts
This Schedule must set out the key items of equipment for which warranties are available. For a solar PV Facility
this would generally include the panels, inverters, transformers and (if used) trackers as a minimum, and ideally
would also include additional equipment such as cabling and mounts. Again, this will be a point to be negotiated
with the Contractor.
Warranted Component Parts Warranted Component Part Periods
[insert] [insert]
PwC 24
Schedule 7 Delay liquidated damages
This Schedule must set out the Delay Liquidated Damages to be paid per day. Consider the Owner’s exposure
financing costs, internal costs and existing pre-commitments. To ensure there is no risk in a court interpreting GC 17
as a penalty and invalidating it or reading it down, it is important that the reasoning and specific facts known to the
parties which support their conclusion given at GC 17.3 that the delay liquidated damages amount is a fair and
reasonable pre-estimate of the damages flowing from the delay.
An example Delay Liquidated Damages regime is set out below:
Delay Liquidated Damages
You must pay us Delay Liquidated Damages in the amount of [insert amount] per day from the Date for
Commercial Operation the earlier of the Commercial Operation Date and the date this Contract is terminated.
Your aggregate liability for Delay Liquidated Damages will not exceed [insert]% of the Price.
Cap on Delay Liquidated Damages and Performance Liquidated Damages
Despite the aggregate liability for Performance Liquidated Damages specified in Schedule (Performance Tests,
Performance Guarantees, and Performance Liquidated Damages), your aggregate liability for Delay Liquidated
Damages and Performance Liquidated Damages will not exceed [insert]% of the Price.
PwC 25
Schedule 8 Form of Bank Guarantee
[On the letterhead of the Bank]
Date: [insert]
To: [insert name and address of the Owner]
Dear [insert]
[insert Project] Operation and Maintenance Contract - Bank Guarantee
You entered into a contract dated [insert date] with [insert] (Contractor) titled [insert] for certain works and
services (Works) to be undertaken by the Contractor (Contract).
We, [insert Bank], irrevocably and unconditionally undertake with you that whenever you give written notice to us
demanding payment, we will:
(a) without any right of set-off or counterclaim;
(b) without reference to the Contractor, any other person or the Contract;
(c) without enquiring into the performance or non-performance of the Contract;
(d) without reference to the correctness or validity of the written demand; and
(e) despite any notice by the Contractor or any other person not to pay the whole or any part of the Guaranteed
immediately pay to you or as you may direct such an amount as you may in that notice require not exceeding
(when aggregated with any amount(s) previously so paid) the sum equivalent to [5% (or 10% of the Price, reducing by
50% after Commercial Operation under the Contract)] of the Total Yearly Fee (Bank Guarantee).
This Bank Guarantee is valid from the date of this letter in its full amount of [insert]. Our liability under this Bank
Guarantee will be a continuing liability and continues to be fully valid with respect to any written notice to us referred
to above until the earlier of:
(f) us receiving written notification from you that this Bank Guarantee is no longer required by you;
(g) until this Bank Guarantee being returned to us; or
(h) until payment to you by us of the whole sum of [insert].
We may at any time without being required to do so pay you the sum of [insert] less any amount or amounts which
we have previously paid under this Bank Guarantee.
Any payment by us in accordance with this Guarantee will be in immediately available and freely transferable
Australian Dollars free and clear of and without any deduction for or on account of any present or future Taxes, levies,
imposts, duties, charges, fees, set off, counterclaims, deductions or withholdings of any nature whatsoever and by
whomever imposed.
Our obligations under this Guarantee constitute direct primary, irrevocable and unconditional obligations. Our
obligations will not require any previous notice to or Claim against the Contractor and will not be discharged or
otherwise prejudiced or adversely affected by any:
(a) waiver, time, lenience or tolerance which you may grant to the Contractor, or the discharge or release of any
(b) breach or breaches of the Contract by the Contractor or you;
(c) amendment, modification or extension which may be made to the Contract or the Works performed under the
Contract (with or without or knowledge or consent);
(d) intermediate payment or other fulfilment made by us;
(e) change in the constitution or organisation of the Contractor; or
(f) other matter or thing which in the absence of this provision would or might have that effect.
PwC 26
This Bank Guarantee may not be assigned by you to any person, firm or company, without our prior written consent,
which must not be unreasonably withheld. We hereby consent to:
(a) you assigning this Bank Guarantee to your lenders or to the Security Trustee appointed by your lenders and we
undertake that we will acknowledge such assignment; and
(b) the grant of security by you to [insert].
You must notify us in writing of any assignment, after which we must make any payment claimed under this
Guarantee to the person, firm or company specified in the notice which will constitute a full and valid release by us in
relation to that payment.
Any notice required by this Guarantee is deemed to be given when delivered (in the case of personal delivery) or 96
hours after being despatched by prepaid registered post or recorded delivery (in the case of letter) or as otherwise
advised by and between the parties.
This Guarantee is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [insert jurisfiction] and we agree to
submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of [insert jurisdiction], Australia and any courts that may hear
appeals from these courts regarding any proceedings under or in connection with this deed.
This Guarantee is executed by us.
IN WITNESS of which the [insert Bank] has duly executed this Guarantee on the date stated above.
PwC 27
[Drafting note: execution blocks to be confirmed]
Signed and delivered by [insert] in accordance with
section 127 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and by:
Signature of director Signature of director/secretary
Name of director (print) Name of director/secretary (print)
Address for notices: [Insert address]
PwC 28
PwC 29