Attachment to RFP
PTS for OHASIS #81622
WORK ORDER NO. 1777375
Request For Proposal (RFP)
OHASIS DJ-HA-2023-00081622
(N11.545594, E43.079112)
8 January, 2024
Expeditionary Directorate (EXD)
Viale Porto 51
Aeroporto Capodichino
80144, Napoli, IT
Project Manager: Sonia Grillo, P.E.
Engineer: Sonia Grillo, P.E.
For Commander, NAVFAC
Date: January 26, 2024
Biomedical Storage Facility (BMS), OHASIS #81622
Technical Requirements (TR)
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Table of Contents p. 2/117
COVER PAGE ................................................................................................ 1
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................. 2
ACRONYMS AND GLOSSARY ................................................................... 10
1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ....................................................................... 11
1.1 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................... 11
Design-Build Procedure ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
Design Acceptance and Construction Authorization .................................................................................................. 12
Facilities Acceptance and Building Occupancy Date (BOD) ................................................................................... 12
1.2 LEGAL AND TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................ 12
1.3 MEASUREMENTS AND QUANTITIES ........................................................................................... 13
1.4 STANDARD NOMENCLATURE ..................................................................................................... 13
1.5 TAXATION ...................................................................................................................................... 13
1.6 LOCAL AUTHORITY PERMITS AND APPROVALS ..................................................................... 13
1.7 SCOPE OF PROJECT .................................................................................................................... 14
Base Bid - CLIN 001: Biomedical Storage Facility ........................................................................................................ 14
Option 1 - CLIN 002: Exterior Settlement .......................................................................................................................... 14
1.8 SIGNAGE ....................................................................................................................................... 15
Project Sign .............................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Dedication Sign ....................................................................................................................................................................... 15
1.9 PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................................. 16
Pre-Construction Submittal Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 16
Concept Design....................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Final Design ............................................................................................................................................................................. 16
Construction Schedule.......................................................................................................................................................... 17
Quality Control Plan ............................................................................................................................................................... 17
Accident Prevention Plan [APP] ........................................................................................................................................ 17
Site Safety and Health Officer [SSHO] Certification ................................................................................................... 17
Construction Permits as required by Djiboutian regulation ...................................................................................... 17
Worksite Layout Plan ............................................................................................................................................................ 17
Interim Submittal Requirements ........................................................................................................................................ 17
Completion Submittal Requirements ............................................................................................................................... 18
1.10 CONTRACT MILESTONES ............................................................................................................ 18
2 PROJECT OBJECTIVES ......................................................................... 19
2.1 MISSION STATEMENT .................................................................................................................. 19
2.2 FACILITY FUNCTION..................................................................................................................... 19
2.3 PROJECT SPECIFIC PRIORITIES................................................................................................. 19
2.4 APPROPRIATE DESIGN................................................................................................................ 19
2.5 WORKFLOW PROCESS - HOURS OF OPERATION ................................................................... 19
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Technical Requirements (TR)
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3 SITE ANALYSIS ...................................................................................... 20
3.1 EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS ....................................................................................................... 20
3.2 CONSTRUCTION SITE PHOTOS .................................................................................................. 21
3.3 SITE DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................... 22
Site Layout Example .................................................................................................................................................................... 22
DESIGN CONSTRAINTS ...................................................................................................................................................................... 22
WORKSITE ACCESS, CIRCULATION, AND LAYOUT ........................................................................................................................ 23
4 BUILDING REQUIREMENTS .................................................................. 24
4.1 EXTERIOR CHARACTER .............................................................................................................. 24
4.2 INSULATION AND SEALS .............................................................................................................. 24
4.3 FIRE PROTECTION ....................................................................................................................... 25
4.4 HVAC SYSTEM ............................................................................................................................ 25
4.5 SPACE TABULATION.................................................................................................................... 26
4.6 FACILITY LAYOUT EXAMPLES .................................................................................................... 27
4.7 PROJECT SIGN ............................................................................................................................. 33
4.8 DEDICATION SIGN ........................................................................................................................ 33
5 ROOM MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ....................................................... 35
5.1 STORAGE BLOCK ........................................................................................................................ 36
5.2 ADMINISTRATIVE BLOCK ............................................................................................................ 37
5.3 COLD STORAGE ROOM ............................................................................................................... 38
5.4 TOILETS ......................................................................................................................................... 40
5.5 UNIFORMAT LEVEL TABLE ......................................................................................................... 41
5.6 FLOORS AND WALLS .................................................................................................................. 41
5.7 CEILINGS ....................................................................................................................................... 42
5.8 DOORS, WINDOWS, AND OPENINGS ......................................................................................... 42
5.9 PLUMBING AND FIXTURES .......................................................................................................... 43
5.10 OVERHEAD TRAVELING CRANE ................................................................................................ 43
5.11 LIGHTING ....................................................................................................................................... 43
5.12 ELECTRICITY AND WIRING .......................................................................................................... 44
5.13 GROUNDING SYSTEM .................................................................................................................. 44
5.14 ELECTRICAL PANELBOARD ........................................................................................................ 45
5.15 LIGHTNING PROTECTION SYSTEM (LPS) ................................................................................ 46
6 GENERAL WORK REQUIREMENTS ...................................................... 47
6.1 REFERENCE STANDARDS ........................................................................................................... 47
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Technical Requirements (TR)
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6.2 WORK REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................... 47
6.3 DESIGN GUIDANCE ...................................................................................................................... 47
6.4 PERFORMANCE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................ 47
6.5 PRE-CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTAL PACKAGE .......................................................................... 48
Concept Design ............................................................................................................................................................................. 48
Geotechnical Report .................................................................................................................................................................... 48
Final Design..................................................................................................................................................................................... 49
Construction Schedule .............................................................................................................................................................. 50
Quality Control Plan .................................................................................................................................................................... 50
Accident Prevention Plan .......................................................................................................................................................... 50
Site Safety and Health Officer [SSHO] Certification ..................................................................................................... 51
Construction Permit .................................................................................................................................................................... 51
ENDORSED DELIMITATION PLAN ...................................................................................................................................................... 51
WORKSITE LAYOUT PLAN ................................................................................................................................................................. 51
6.6 CONSTRUCTION GUIDANCE ....................................................................................................... 51
6.7 CERTIFICATIONS, LICENSES, PERMITS, FEES, ETC. .............................................................. 51
6.8 VEGETATION CONTROL .............................................................................................................. 52
6.9 RESPONSIBILITY OF MATERIALS ............................................................................................... 52
6.10 SAFETY AND PROTECTION ......................................................................................................... 52
6.11 SCAFFOLDING .............................................................................................................................. 53
6.12 PROHIBITED ITEMS ...................................................................................................................... 54
6.13 SPILL CONTINGENCY PLAN ........................................................................................................ 54
6.14 SPECIAL SITE CONDITIONS ........................................................................................................ 54
6.15 CLEANING ..................................................................................................................................... 55
7 ENGINEERING SYSTEMS REQUIREMENTS ......................................... 56
7.1 SECTION A10 FOUNDATIONS .................................................................................................... 56
A1010. Standard Foundations ............................................................................................................................................... 56
A1030. Slab On Grade ............................................................................................................................................................... 56
7.2 SECTION B10 SUPERSTRUCTURE ............................................................................................ 56
B1010. Floor Construction ...................................................................................................................................................... 56
B1020. Roof Construction ....................................................................................................................................................... 56
7.3 SECTION B20 EXTERIOR ENCLOSURE ..................................................................................... 57
B2010. Exterior Walls ................................................................................................................................................................. 57
B201001. Balcony Walls, Guard Rails & Handrails ................................................................................................... 57
B201002. Exterior Coatings ............................................................................................................................................... 57
B2020. Exterior Windows ......................................................................................................................................................... 57
B202001. Exterior Windows .............................................................................................................................................. 57
B202002. Exterior Glazing ................................................................................................................................................. 57
B201003. Exterior Louvers & Screens ........................................................................................................................... 57
B2030. Exterior Doors ............................................................................................................................................................... 57
B203007. Gates ..................................................................................................................................................................... 58
7.4 SECTION B30 ROOFING ............................................................................................................. 58
B3010. Roof Coverings ............................................................................................................................................................. 58
B301001. Steep Slope Roofing Systems ...................................................................................................................... 58
B301002. Low Slope Roofing Systems ......................................................................................................................... 58
7.5 SECTION C10 INTERIOR CONSTRUCTION ................................................................................ 58
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Technical Requirements (TR)
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C1010. Partitions .......................................................................................................................................................................... 58
C101001. Interior Guardrails ............................................................................................................................................. 58
C101002. Interior Screens ................................................................................................................................................. 58
C101003. Interior Windows ............................................................................................................................................... 58
C101004. Interior Glazing .................................................................................................................................................. 59
C1020. Interior Doors ................................................................................................................................................................. 59
C102001. Standard Interior Doors .................................................................................................................................. 59
C102002. Glazed Interior Doors ...................................................................................................................................... 59
C1030. Specialties ....................................................................................................................................................................... 59
C103001. Toilet Compartments and Accessories ...................................................................................................... 59
C103003. Marker Boards ................................................................................................................................................... 59
C103004. Counters .............................................................................................................................................................. 59
C103005. Cabinets ............................................................................................................................................................... 59
C103006. Ornamental Metal Work .................................................................................................................................. 59
7.6 SECTION C20 STAIRS .............................................................................................................. 59
C2010. STAIR CONSTRUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 59
C201001. Interior and Exterior Stairs .............................................................................................................................. 59
C201090. Handrails, Guardrails, and Accessories ..................................................................................................... 59
7.7 SECTION C30 INTERIOR FINISHES ............................................................................................ 59
C3010. Wall Finishes .................................................................................................................................................................. 60
C3020. Floor Finishes ................................................................................................................................................................ 60
C3030. Ceiling Finishes ............................................................................................................................................................ 60
C3040. Interior Coatings And Special Finishes ............................................................................................................. 60
7.8 SECTION D20 PLUMBING ........................................................................................................... 60
D2010. Plumbing Fixtures ........................................................................................................................................................ 60
D201001. Water Closets ..................................................................................................................................................... 60
D201002. Urinals ................................................................................................................................................................... 60
D201003 Lavatories ............................................................................................................................................................ 60
D201004. Sinks ...................................................................................................................................................................... 60
D201005. Finish Trim........................................................................................................................................................... 60
D2020. Domestic Water Distribution ................................................................................................................................... 61
D202001. Pipes and Fittings ............................................................................................................................................. 61
D202002. Domestic Water Equipment ........................................................................................................................... 61
D202003. Insulation & Identification ............................................................................................................................... 61
D202004. Specialties ........................................................................................................................................................... 61
D202005. Other Domestic Water Supply ...................................................................................................................... 61
D2030. Sanitary Waste ................................................................................................................................................................ 61
D203001. Waste Pipe & Fittings ....................................................................................................................................... 61
D203002. Vent Pipe & Fittings ........................................................................................................................................... 61
D203003. Floor Drains.......................................................................................................................................................... 61
7.9 SECTION D30 HEATING, VENTILATING, AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) ................................. 61
D303002 Direct Expansion Systems ............................................................................................................................... 62
D3040 Distribution Systems .................................................................................................................................................... 62
D304001 Air Distribution, Heating & Cooling ................................................................................................................ 62
D304007 Exhaust Systems ................................................................................................................................................. 62
7.10 D40 FIRE PROTECTION .............................................................................................................. 62
D4010 Fire Alarm and Detection Systems ......................................................................................................................... 62
7.11 SECTION D50 ELECTRICAL ........................................................................................................ 62
D5010. Electrical Service And Distribution ...................................................................................................................... 63
D501002. Service Entrance Equipment ........................................................................................................................ 63
D501004. Switchboard ........................................................................................................................................................ 63
D501005. Enclosed Circuit Breakers .............................................................................................................................. 63
D5020. Lighting and Branch Wiring .................................................................................................................................... 63
D502001. Branch Wiring ..................................................................................................................................................... 63
D502002. Lighting Equipment ........................................................................................................................................... 63
D502003. Finish Trim........................................................................................................................................................... 63
D502004. Potential Drop .................................................................................................................................................... 63
D5040. Other Electrical Services .......................................................................................................................................... 63
D504001. General Construction Items (Electrical) ..................................................................................................... 63
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Technical Requirements (TR)
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D504002. Emergency Lighting and Power ................................................................................................................... 63
D504003. Grounding Systems .......................................................................................................................................... 63
D504004. Lightning Protection ......................................................................................................................................... 63
D504005. Electric Heating ................................................................................................................................................. 64
7.12 SECTION G10 SITE PREPARATION ........................................................................................... 64
G1010. Site Clearing ................................................................................................................................................................... 64
G1020. Site Earthwork ............................................................................................................................................................... 64
G102001. Grading ................................................................................................................................................................ 64
G102002. Blasting ................................................................................................................................................................ 64
G102003. Compaction ......................................................................................................................................................... 64
G1030 Disposal ........................................................................................................................................................................... 64
7.13 SECTION G20 SITE IMPROVEMENTS ........................................................................................ 64
G2010 Roadways and Parking Lots ................................................................................................................................... 65
G2020 Pedestrian Paving ........................................................................................................................................................ 65
G2030 Fencing & Gates ........................................................................................................................................................... 65
G2040. Site Development ......................................................................................................................................................... 65
G204001. Freestanding Walls & Gates ......................................................................................................................... 65
7.14 SECTION G30 SITE CIVIL/MECHANICAL UTILITIES ................................................................ 65
G3010. Water Supply .................................................................................................................................................................. 65
G301002. Water Storage .................................................................................................................................................... 65
G3020. Sanitary Sewer .............................................................................................................................................................. 66
G302001. Sanitary Sewer Piping ..................................................................................................................................... 66
G302002. Sanitary Sewer Manholes .............................................................................................................................. 66
G302003. Sewer & Waste Water Holding Tanks ....................................................................................................... 66
G302003. Septic Systems Tanks .................................................................................................................................... 66
G3030. Fuel Distribution ........................................................................................................................................................... 66
G303001. Natural Gas/Propane [LPG] Distribution Piping ..................................................................................... 66
G303002. Gas Storage Tanks .......................................................................................................................................... 66
G40 SITE ELECTRICAL UTILITIES ............................................................................................ 66
G4010. Electrical Distribution ................................................................................................................................................ 66
G401003. Switches, Controls And Devices .................................................................................................................. 67
G401006. Underground Electric Conductors ............................................................................................................... 67
G401007. Ductbanks, Manholes, Handholes And Raceways ............................................................................... 67
G401008. Grounding Systems ......................................................................................................................................... 67
G401009. Metering ............................................................................................................................................................... 67
G4020. Site Lighting ................................................................................................................................................................... 67
G402001. Exterior Lighting Fixtures And Controls ..................................................................................................... 67
G402004. Lighting Poles .................................................................................................................................................... 67
G402005. Underground Electric Conductors ............................................................................................................... 67
G402006. Ductbanks, Manholes And Handholes ...................................................................................................... 67
G402007. Grounding Systems ......................................................................................................................................... 67
8.1. NARRATIVE ................................................................................................................................... 68
8.2. SECTION A10: FOUNDATIONS [6/07] ...................................................................................... 68
A10 General ................................................................................................................................................................................... 68
A1010 Standard Foundations ............................................................................................................................................... 70
A101001 Wall Foundations............................................................................................................................................... 70
A101002 Column Foundations And Pile Caps ........................................................................................................... 71
A101003 Foundation Drainage ....................................................................................................................................... 71
A1020 Slab On Grade ............................................................................................................................................................... 71
A102001 Concrete Slabs On Grade .............................................................................................................................. 71
A102002 Slab On Grade Insulation ............................................................................................................................... 71
A1030 Elevated Floor Slabs ................................................................................................................................................... 71
A1040 Concrete ........................................................................................................................................................................... 72
A104001 Concrete Materials ............................................................................................................................................ 72
A104002 Concrete Formwork .......................................................................................................................................... 72
A104002 Concrete Reinforcement ................................................................................................................................. 73
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Technical Requirements (TR)
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A104003 Placing Concrete Reinforcement ................................................................................................................. 73
A104004 Concrete Mixing ................................................................................................................................................. 74
A104005 Concrete Conveying ......................................................................................................................................... 74
A104006 Concrete Depositing ......................................................................................................................................... 74
A104007 Concrete Curing ................................................................................................................................................ 74
A104008 Hot Weather Concrete ..................................................................................................................................... 74
A104009 Concrete Construction Joints ........................................................................................................................ 74
A104010 Concrete Testing ............................................................................................................................................... 74
8.3. SECTION B10: SUPERSTRUCTURE [06/07] ........................................................................... 75
B10 General ................................................................................................................................................................................... 75
B1010 Construction Components ...................................................................................................................................... 75
B1020 Wood .................................................................................................................................................................................. 75
B1030 Unit Masonry .................................................................................................................................................................. 76
B1050 Steel .................................................................................................................................................................................. 77
8.4. SECTION B20: EXTERIOR ENCLOSURE [04/07] .................................................................... 79
B20 General ................................................................................................................................................................................... 79
B2010 Exterior Walls ................................................................................................................................................................. 79
B201001 Unit Masonry ....................................................................................................................................................... 79
B201002 Guardrails ad Handrails .................................................................................................................................. 80
B201003 Exterior Painting and Special Coatings ..................................................................................................... 80
B2020 Exterior Windows ......................................................................................................................................................... 80
B202001 Standard Window Systems ............................................................................................................................ 80
B202002 Louvered Windows ........................................................................................................................................... 81
B202003 Screens ................................................................................................................................................................ 81
B202004 Roll Shutters ....................................................................................................................................................... 81
B2030 Exterior Doors ............................................................................................................................................................... 81
B203001 Standard Doors Systems................................................................................................................................ 81
B203002 Door Frames ....................................................................................................................................................... 81
B203003 Exterior Door Hardware .................................................................................................................................. 82
B203004 Exterior Door Hardware Finishes ................................................................................................................. 82
B203005 Other Exterior Specialty Doors ..................................................................................................................... 82
8.5. SECTION B30: ROOFING [04/07] ............................................................................................ 82
B30 General ................................................................................................................................................................................... 82
B3010 Steep Slope Roof Systems ...................................................................................................................................... 82
B301001 Slate Roofing ...................................................................................................................................................... 82
B301002 Roof Tiles ............................................................................................................................................................. 83
B301003 Metal Roof Panels............................................................................................................................................. 83
B301004 Concrete Roof Panels ..................................................................................................................................... 83
B3020 Low Slope Roof Systems ......................................................................................................................................... 84
B302001 Built-Up Asphalt Roofing (Aggregate Surfaced) ..................................................................................... 84
B3030 Flashings & Trim .......................................................................................................................................................... 84
B303001 Flashing And Sheet Metal .............................................................................................................................. 84
B301002 Gutters and Downspouts ................................................................................................................................ 85
B301003 Roof Openings and Supports ........................................................................................................................ 85
B301004 Other Roofing ..................................................................................................................................................... 85
8.6. SECTION C10: INTERIOR CONSTRUCTION [06/07] ............................................................... 85
C10 General ................................................................................................................................................................................... 85
C1010 Partitions .......................................................................................................................................................................... 85
C101001 Unit Masonry ...................................................................................................................................................... 85
C101002 Handrails .............................................................................................................................................................. 86
C101003 Interior Painting And Special Coatings ...................................................................................................... 86
C1030 Interior Doors ................................................................................................................................................................. 86
C103001 Standard Doors Systems ............................................................................................................................... 86
C103002 Door Frames ....................................................................................................................................................... 86
C103003 Interior Door Hardware.................................................................................................................................... 87
C103004 Interior Door Hardware Finishes .................................................................................................................. 87
C103005 Other Interior Specialty Doors ...................................................................................................................... 87
C1040 Specialties ....................................................................................................................................................................... 87
C104004 Counters .............................................................................................................................................................. 87
C103005 Cabinets ............................................................................................................................................................... 87
C104006 Casework ............................................................................................................................................................. 88
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8.7. SECTION C30: INTERIOR FINISHES [04/07] ........................................................................... 88
C30 General ................................................................................................................................................................................... 88
C3010 Wall Finishes .................................................................................................................................................................. 88
C301001 Plaster Wall Finishes ....................................................................................................................................... 88
C301002 Tile Wall Finishes .............................................................................................................................................. 88
C3020 Floor Finishes ................................................................................................................................................................ 89
C302001 Ceramic Tile Floor Systems .......................................................................................................................... 89
C302002 Ceramic Glazed Tile Floor ............................................................................................................................. 89
C302003 Ceramic Mosaic Unglazed Floor Tiles ....................................................................................................... 90
C302004 Porcelain Floor Tile .......................................................................................................................................... 90
C302005 Quarry Floor Tile ............................................................................................................................................... 90
C302006 Terrazzo Floor Finishes .................................................................................................................................. 90
C302007 Masonry And Stone Flooring ........................................................................................................................ 90
C302008 Wall Base Finishes ........................................................................................................................................... 90
C302008 Stair Finishes ...................................................................................................................................................... 90
C302009 Hardeners and Sealers ................................................................................................................................... 90
C3030 Ceiling Finishes ............................................................................................................................................................ 91
C303001 Acoustical Ceiling Tiles And Panels ........................................................................................................... 91
C303002 Plaster Ceiling Finishes .................................................................................................................................. 91
C3040 Interior Painting And Special Finishes ............................................................................................................... 91
C304001 Painting Systems Per Substrate .................................................................................................................. 91
C304002 Concrete Finishes ............................................................................................................................................. 92
C304003 Concrete Masonry Finishes ........................................................................................................................... 92
C304004 Plaster Finishes ................................................................................................................................................. 93
C304005 Metal Finishes .................................................................................................................................................... 93
C304006 Interior Wood Finishes .................................................................................................................................... 93
8.8. SECTION D20: PLUMBING [08/06] .......................................................................................... 94
D20 General ................................................................................................................................................................................... 94
D2010 Plumbing Fixtures ........................................................................................................................................................ 94
D201001 Water Closets ..................................................................................................................................................... 94
D201002 Urinals ................................................................................................................................................................... 94
D201003 Lavatories ............................................................................................................................................................ 95
D201004 Sinks ...................................................................................................................................................................... 95
D201005 Showers/Tubs .................................................................................................................................................... 95
D2020 Domestic Water Distribution ................................................................................................................................... 96
D202001 Pipes & Fittings .................................................................................................................................................. 96
D202002 Valves & Hydrants ............................................................................................................................................ 96
D202003 Domestic Water Equipment ......................................................................................................................... 96
D202004 Insulation & Identification .............................................................................................................................. 96
D2030 Sanitary Waste .............................................................................................................................................................. 97
D203001 Waste Pipe & Fittings ..................................................................................................................................... 97
D203002 Vent Pipe & Fittings ........................................................................................................................................ 97
D203003 Floor Drains ....................................................................................................................................................... 97
8.9. SECTION D30: HVAC [06/07]................................................................................................... 97
D30 General ................................................................................................................................................................................... 97
D3010 Heat Generating Systems ......................................................................................................................................... 97
D301001 Boilers ................................................................................................................................................................... 97
D301002 Heating Hot Water Distribution Systems ................................................................................................... 97
D301003 Terminal Units .................................................................................................................................................... 98
D302001 Requirements ..................................................................................................................................................... 98
D302002 Hot Water Heating Equipment Startup and Operational Tests .......................................................... 98
D3040 Performance Verification And Testing ............................................................................................................... 98
8.10. SECTION D50: ELECTRICAL [08/06]....................................................................................... 98
D5010 General .............................................................................................................................................................................. 98
D501001 Quality Assurance............................................................................................................................................. 98
D501002 Submittals .......................................................................................................................................................... 101
D5020 Electrical Service And Distribution .................................................................................................................... 101
D502001 Main Transformers ......................................................................................................................................... 101
D502002 Service Entrance Equipment ...................................................................................................................... 101
D502003 Interior Distribution Transformers .............................................................................................................. 101
D502004 Switchboard ...................................................................................................................................................... 102
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D502005 Enclosed Circuit Breakers ............................................................................................................................ 102
D502006 Motor Control Centers ................................................................................................................................... 102
D502007 Other Service And Distribution ................................................................................................................... 102
D5030 Lighting And Branch Wiring.................................................................................................................................. 102
D503001 Branch Wiring ................................................................................................................................................... 102
D503002 Lighting Equipment ......................................................................................................................................... 102
D503003 Ballasts ............................................................................................................................................................... 102
D5050 Other Electrical Services ........................................................................................................................................ 102
D505002 Emergency Lighting And Power ................................................................................................................. 102
8.11. SECTION G10: SITE PREPARATION........................................................................................ 103
G10 General ................................................................................................................................................................................ 103
G1010 Site Clearing ................................................................................................................................................................. 103
G1020 Site Demolition & Relocations ............................................................................................................................. 104
G102001 Building Mass Demolition ............................................................................................................................. 104
G102002 Hazardous Components Abatement ........................................................................................................ 104
G102003 Aboveground Site Demolition ..................................................................................................................... 105
G102004 Underground Site Demolition ..................................................................................................................... 105
G102005 Fencing Relocation ........................................................................................................................................ 105
G102008 Site Cleanup ..................................................................................................................................................... 105
G1030 Site Earthwork ............................................................................................................................................................. 105
G103001 Grading .............................................................................................................................................................. 105
G103002 Common Excavation ..................................................................................................................................... 105
G103003 Rock Excavation ............................................................................................................................................. 106
G103004 Fill & Borrow ..................................................................................................................................................... 106
G103005 Compaction ....................................................................................................................................................... 106
G103006 Soil Stabilization .............................................................................................................................................. 106
G103007 Slope Stabilization .......................................................................................................................................... 106
G103008 Shoring ............................................................................................................................................................... 106
G103009 Temporary Dewatering ................................................................................................................................. 106
G103010 Temporary Erosion & Sediment Control ................................................................................................. 106
G103011 Other Site Earthwork ..................................................................................................................................... 106
G1040 Hazardous Waste Remediation ........................................................................................................................... 106
8.12. SECTION G20: SITE IMPROVEMENTS [08/06] ..................................................................... 107
G2010 Roadways and Parking Lots ................................................................................................................................. 107
G201001 Paved Surfaces ............................................................................................................................................... 107
G201002 Resurfacing ....................................................................................................................................................... 109
G2020 Pedestrian Paving ...................................................................................................................................................... 110
G2040 Other Site Development .......................................................................................................................................... 111
8.13. SECTION G30: SITE CIVIL/MECHANICAL UTILITIES [08/06] .............................................. 112
G3010 Water Supply ................................................................................................................................................................ 113
G301002 Potable Water Distribution ........................................................................................................................... 113
G301003 Potable Water Storage ................................................................................................................................. 114
G3020 Sanitary Sewer ............................................................................................................................................................ 115
G302001 General Requirements .................................................................................................................................. 115
G302001 Sanitary Sewer Piping ................................................................................................................................... 115
G302002 Septic Tanks & Drain Fields ........................................................................................................................ 116
G302003 Sewer & Waste Water Holding Tanks ..................................................................................................... 116
G3030 Fuel Distribution ......................................................................................................................................................... 116
303001 Gas Distribution Piping (Natural Gas) ......................................................................................................... 116
303002 Gas Distribution Piping Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG]) ...................................................................... 116
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Technical Requirements (TR)
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Acronyms and Glossary p. 10/117
As used throughout this solicitation/contract:
# stands for number, or for a generic digit
BOD stands for beneficial occupancy date; it sets the date of facilities acceptance and warranty start
COR stands for the Contracting Officer Representative, who is a qualified Government employee
appointed by the KO to assist in the technical monitoring or administration of a contract
D/B contract stands for Design and Build contract, which means that the contractor shall first
provide a complete and executable design matching the specifications of the TR, then implement the
construction in accordance to such a design.
DMV stands for Emergency Operation Center
DOD stands for U.S. Department of Defense
ESR stands for Engineering System Requirements
Government or Govt. stands for the Government of the United States of America (U.S.A.);
HVAC stands for Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning
KO stands for Contracting Officer; it is the Government’s representative in charge for executing the
contract and responsible for any amendment.
KTR stands for Contractor; it is the Offeror that has been awarded the present contract
LPS stands for Lightning Protection System
MOU stands for memorandum of understanding
NAVFAC EAC stands for Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Europe, Africa Central; it
is the Government’s executive agent for construction.
NTPC stands for Notice To Proceed with the Construction
NTR stands for Navy Technical Representative, who is in charge to monitor the performance of work
under the contract and is an accountable official for purposes of certifying payments
Offeror is any firm that submits a bid in response to our RFP
PM stands for Project Manager; it is the Government’s technical representative in charge for
managing the project (scope, cost, and schedule) from design authorization to closeout
PPC stands for Portland Cement Concrete
PTS stands for Performance Technical Specifications
RFP stands for Request for Proposal
RFQ stands for Request for Quote
SF stands for Government’s standard form; this acronym is followed by a number identifying what
contract action the form is intended for
SOW stands for Statement Of Work: it is the detailed description of the work activities, deliverables
and timeline the contractor will execute against in performance of specified work
TEB stands for the Government Technical Evaluation Board in charge to receive, accept and
evaluate the technical offers
TR stands for Technical Requirements which are integrant part of the SOW and provide all the
specifications for the design and the implementation of the project.
USG stands for Government of United States of America.
Biomedical Storage Facility (BMS), OHASIS #81622
Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
1. Project Description p. 11/117
This document is a Performance Technical Statement (PTS) for a full design-build (D-B) contract,
intended to implement the following CLINs, in accordance to the requirements, sketches, and tables
included hereby, and to the applicable Djiboutian regulations.
The contract is made of 1 base CLINs plus 1 optional CLIN, which can be summarized as follows:
CLIN 001 (base) – BIOMEDICAL STORAGE FACILITY (~1,760 sqm), composed of a 8m-high
naturally ventilated storage area sized 24m x 58m, one 3m-high cold storage facility sized 12m
x 15 m, and one 3m-high administrative facility sized 12m x 15 m.
CLIN 002 (optional) – EXTERIOR SETTLEMENT (~1,800 sqm), consisting in fencing and
settling the area surrounding the facility, including lighting and a storm-water drainage system.
The beneficiary is the Djibouti Ministry of Health (MoH).
The facility is intended to store and manage emergency medical supplies.
The project site is located within the CAMME (Medicament and Essential Material Purchase Center)
compound in PK12 Balbala area, GPS coordinates: 11.545594, 43.079112.
The work shall include a complete pre-construction package, inclusive of all necessary design,
drawings, calculations, testing, reports, certifications, and permits as described in this document and
as required by applicable Djibouti building codes and regulations.
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Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
1. Project Description p. 12/117
Design-Build Procedure
The Design-Build procurement method consists of a design phase and construction phase. The
construction phase shall start only after acceptance of complete final design and pre-construction
Design Acceptance and Construction Authorization
The construction cannot start until all pre-construction submittals required by this contract are
received and reviewed by the US Government and shown to meet the requirements of these
Technical Requirements and the RFP package. For submittals that are originated in a language
other than English, a courtesy translation is required to accompany each document.
The acceptance of the design and authorization to start construction will be issued by the NAVFAC
EAC designated project manager or contracting officer.
Facilities Acceptance and Building Occupancy Date (BOD)
The final work provided under this contract shall be acknowledged by the USG as usable and
complete, and formally accepted through a BOD letter determining the transfer of the completed
facilities from contractor’s to the beneficiary’s responsibility and the start of the 1-year warranty
The design shall meet all requirements of the RFP package. The drawings shall be as described
below and as required to communicate the design to the US Government, end users, contractor’s
staff and sub-contractors. Material selection, specifications and installation to be as described the in
the Part 7. Engineering Systems Requirements (ESR), and in the Part 8. Performance Technical
Specification (PTS), included below.
The ESR and the PTS of this document provide generalized technical requirements that apply to
multiple facility types and include more requirements than applicable to this specific project.
Therefore, only the RFP requirements (as specified in Parts 1 through 6) that apply to the project
provide a guideline for the design package. If an item that applies to the project is included in the
ESR/PTS, the most stringent requirement between the ESR/PTS and applicable local codes shall
govern. In case an item that applies to the project is NOT included in the ESR/PTS, the
requirements of applicable local codes shall govern.
The contract is based on the following general requirements:
Strict compliance with American Contracting Regulations, including the contracting
requirements of the Department of Defense, the US Navy and the US Naval Facilities
Engineering Command (NAVFAC).
Strict compliance with Djiboutian Technical, Legal and Administrative requirements, which are
applicable for the scope of work described in this PTS.
Compliance with Djiboutian safety regulations unless US safety are more stringent and not
contrary to Djiboutian regulations.
The project is based on the principle of strict compliance with Djiboutian technical and administrative
regulations, with US Contracting Regulations and with Djiboutian Safety regulations, unless US
regulations are more strict and not in conflict with Djiboutian safety regulations.
In case of conflict between Djiboutian and US safety regulations, the contractor shall apply the
Djiboutian regulations.
If the US regulations are stricter and not contrary to the Djiboutian regulations, then the contractor
shall apply the US regulation.
The contractor shall inform the KO of any conflict between Djiboutian and US safety regulations.
The contractor shall hire the services of an architectural and engineering firm, specialized,
experienced and registered in Djibouti to provide all the designs, shop drawings and paperwork to
obtain the construction permits/authorizations that are required for the scope of work described in
this document, and to implement a complete and usable facility, including all items which are
required by Djibouti regulations and which may not be described in this RFP.
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Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
1. Project Description p. 13/117
Technical details, items of work, permits or fees that are not explicitly mentioned in this RFP, but
which are necessary to provide fully operational and finished facilities shall be considered part of this
This document complies with the US Contracting Regulations, and as such, measurements and
quantities of materials and work are not provided, and if any are provided, the offeror shall be
responsible to verify on site.
The USG assumes that the price offers received are prepared after surveying project site, observing
the existing field conditions, performing the necessary measurements, and asking all needed
questions to the KO.
This is an American document, and this note is to define the way in which numbers are presented
1,000 = one thousand
3,500 = three-thousand five-hundred
1.08 = one and eight hundredths
0.1 = one-tenth
This contract is exempt from VAT, as per the Agreement between the Government of USA and the
Government of Djibouti on Defense Cooperation. The contractor shall be responsible to prepare and
process all required documentation to obtain the VAT exemption from the Government of Djibouti.
On this purpose, the contractor shall work directly with the corresponding authorities from Djibouti,
US Forces and US Embassy.
The contractor shall obtain formal written authorization from the competent local authority to perform
the activities included in the scope of work of this contract.
The contractor is required to be familiar with the Djiboutian applicable rules and bureaucratic
procedures in order to verify if this specific work requires an official Construction Permit released
by the competent Djiboutian authority, and, if the case, to obtain such permit prior to start the
In case this specific work does not require an official Construction Permit, the contractor shall obtain
the written authorization from the beneficiary to perform the works.
The contractor is required, as part of this contract, to prepare all documentation, designs, reports,
information, drawings, coordination and approvals by experts or monitoring entities, and everything
that may be necessary as required by Djiboutian regulations, in order to obtain the necessary
Construction Permit or authorization. No construction work shall be performed until the contractor
has obtained all the necessary permits or authorizations for each element of work included in this
The contractor is assumed to be familiar and knowledgeable with all requirements regarding the
obligatory administrative and technical procedures for new constructions in Djibouti at the time of
preparing and submitting its bid.
The contractor is responsible to pay for any third party inspection or expertise that may be required
by Djiboutian regulations for the scope of work of this project. In case the Djiboutian regulations do
not allow for the contractor to be the client for this independent expert company, the contractor shall
pay for the third party review and assign a different party as the client for this independent company,
which could be the Contracting Officer Representative or other agency authorized by the Contracting
Officer Representative.
Biomedical Storage Facility (BMS), OHASIS #81622
Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
1. Project Description p. 14/117
Furnish all necessary design, labor, materials, and supervision to provide complete, certified and
operational facilities including, but not limited to: foundations, structures, superstructures, interior
construction, roof system, drainage system, electrical system, plumbing system, mechanical system,
exterior area settlement, storm-water drainage, demolition of existing structures/obstacles, site
improvements and other work as required.
The work shall consist of the following (dimensions are approximate):
Design and build an 8mhigh warehouse (~1,400 sqm) connected to an admin block (~180 sqm) and
to a cooling room (~180 sqm), which shall include, in very general terms:
Worksite area clearing and grubbing
Single story buildings with concrete or metal structure
Standing seam leak-free metal roof system
Insulation and seals to all exterior openings in both 3-m high facilities including roofs, walls, and
Regular storage space not less than 8m in height, sized ~24m x 40m, naturally ventilated (max
Celsius ambient temperature) and equipped with overhead crane and shelving system
Fan system to improve interior ventilation in regular storage spaces while people are at work
3m-high cold storage facility sized 12m x 15 m to be thermally insulated and split in three
separate cells with independent temperature control, each suitable to maintain constant 4÷8
degree Celsius ambient temperature, connected to a back-up generator
3m-high administrative facility sized 12m x 15 m, equipped with drop ceiling, HVAC system, fan
system and double-paned glass windows with security bars; the facility layout shall consist of
three offices, one master office, one meeting room, one technical-maintenance room, and two
restrooms suitable to disabled
Hardened and sealed concrete floor finished with waterproof epoxy paint suitable to daily forklift
operation in the entire facility
Structural reinforcements necessary to support the overhead crane and air handling
equipment, roof or exterior wall mounted.
Two 6m x 4m and two 4.5m x 4m roll-up doors to move loads in and out of the storage area
Veranda on administrative facility entrance side
Fire suppression system as per applicable local regulation
Septic tank connected to wastewater pipelines
Concrete apron around perimeter walls
Reinforced concrete ramps to access entry points above ground level
Paved area around the new facility for 3m from perimeter walls in all directions.
Lightening protection system [LPS]
Elevated 10,000 liter water storage tank fed by gravity from the public network and connected
to the facility plumbing system
Underground utilities as necessary to connect the building to utility systems (water supply,
electrical power, septic tank, etc.)
Design and settle the area surrounding the base bid facilities (~1,800 sqm), which shall include, in
general terms:
Worksite area clearing and grubbing
About 100m fencing made of 1m-high masonry wall surmounted by 1m-high metal railing
Separate vehicular and pedestrian access gates
Paving the area around the facility up to 1.5 m from the fencing wall
Curbing along the border of paved area
Exterior Lighting
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Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
1. Project Description p. 15/117
Storm-water drainage system
The new work shall result into complete, safe and usable facilities, whose interior spaces shall
reflect the space tabulation and layout provided in Part 4.
Design and construction details are provided in Part 5, and specified in Parts 6, 7, and 8.
All buildings shall have concrete or metal superstructure and masonry infill construction with basic
finishes. All buildings shall have a storm water drainage system to prevent erosion.
LIMITATION ON EQUIPMENT UNDER THIS CONTRACT: Tables, desks, chairs, beds, computers,
televisions, phones, appliances, and other movable equipment are not part of this contract, unless
otherwise indicated in these technical specifications. Only those elements that are fixed,
permanently attached to the building or considered as an integral part of the facility, and specifically
described in these contract specifications or in the applicable Djiboutian regulations, are included in
this contract, unless otherwise indicated in this document.
Project Sign
The Contractor shall provide a painted project sign to be located at the worksite as soon as the
construction starts. The paint shall be water resistant and display the project name, the Djiboutian
and American flags, and the wording explaining the cooperation between the two Governments.
The Contractor shall submit a proof of the sign for acceptance prior to construction.
See detailed requirements at par. 4.2
Dedication Sign
The Contractor shall provide a project dedication sign (approximately 800 mm x 1200 mm) at the
project site at least 2 weeks prior to project completion.
The project name shall appear at the top center, followed by the sentence “An everlasting example
of friendship between the people of Djibouti and the United States” above the flags, and the
sentence “Completed by the people of Djibouti and the United States of America on DD MONTH,
YYYY” at the bottom.
The sign shall be constructed of sheet metal with a water resistant coating and affixed directly to the
building at a location approved by the facility administrator and the COR.
The Contractor shall submit a proof of the sign for acceptance prior to manufacturing the sign.
See detailed requirements at par. 4.3
The sign location and any other signage required by local authorities shall be shown on the site plan.
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Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
1. Project Description p. 16/117
The construction phase shall start only once that the official Notice to Proceed with Construction
(NTPC) is issued by the NAVFAC EAC Contracting Officer or Project Manager.
The NTPC will not be issued until all required pre-construction submittals are received and reviewed
by the US Government and shown to meet the specifications of these Technical Requirements and
the Solicitation package.
The complete pre-construction submittal packages shall consist of:
Djiboutian License of Engineer/Architect in charge of Design
Geotechnical Report
Concept Design
Final Design
Construction and Invoice Schedule
Quality Control Plan
Accident Prevention Plan
SSHO Certification
Construction permit(s)
Worksite Layout Plan
All submittals shall be electronically submitted in pdf format to the PM/COR. The font sizes shall be
readable when the file is printed on A3 paper.
See paragraph 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5 for detailed explanation about the pre-construction submittals.
Concept Design
The concept design shall be submitted within 50 days and completed within 90 calendar days of
receipt of the award. The concept design is intended to assure all lay-out requirements are clearly
met before the full design is developed. It shall identify site preparation, including items to be
removed and to be kept. It shall provide the basic architectural design, including:
Current Site Layout plan with dimensions and distances
Topographic Site Plan
Final Site Layout plan with dimensions and distances
Final Plans, Elevations and Sections of each facility object of the contract.
The Concept Design shall be accompanied by the Geotechnical Report and by the Djiboutian
License held by the Engineer/Architect in charge of Design.
Government shall review the concept design submission for compliance with these Technical
Requirements and the Solicitation package and provide written comments to the contractor.
See paragraph 6.5 for detailed explanation about the concept design.
Final Design
The contractor shall have 270 calendar days to complete the design, incorporating all design review
comments provided by the USG. In the event the contractor does not concur with the USG
comments, the contractor shall notify the contracting officer in writing of the reasons for the non-
The final design shall meet all the requirements identified in these Technical Requirements and the
Solicitation package and shall include:
List of all drawings, with identifying code and title
Civil Drawings (to be identified as C-##)
Architectural Drawings (to be identified as A-##)
Structural Drawings (to be identified as S-##)
Plumbing Drawings (to be identified as P-##)
Electrical Drawings (to be identified as E-##)
Other Drawings (to be identified as O-##)
All Calculations and Details required to validate the design.
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Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
1. Project Description p. 17/117
The electronic file name associated to each drawing shall commence with the correspondent code,
followed by a title shortly describing the content.
See paragraph 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5 for detailed explanation about the final design.
Construction Schedule
The contractor shall have 390 calendar days to complete the construction work.
By the timeline set for the final design submission, the contractor shall prepare and submit a
schedule of construction where the different work segments are identified and associated to the
timeframe set for completion. The construction schedule shall state which work segments
completion determines the achievement of the construction steps associated to the progressive
invoicing (i.e. 10% (design completion), 25%, 40%, 55%, 70%, and 85% work progress). The final
payment will be done on the facilities acceptance.
See paragraph 6.5 for more details about the construction schedule.
Quality Control Plan
By the timeline set for the final design completion, the Contractor will prepare and submit a Quality
Control Plan describing personnel, procedures, tests and installation techniques that he plans to
perform to ensure the quality required by this document and his design is obtained.
Accident Prevention Plan [APP]
By the timeline set for the final design completion, the Contractor will prepare and submit an APP
describing procedures he plans to perform to ensure the safety of personnel and equipment on the
job site. At a minimum, the safety plan must address types of personnel protective equipment to be
used by personnel, types and frequencies of safety inspections, activity hazard analysis [AHA] to
prevent safety incidents, and training utilized to familiarize employees with safety policies and
See paragraph 6.5 for more details about the APP.
Site Safety and Health Officer [SSHO] Certification
By the timeline set for the final design completion, the Contractor shall provide the certification for
the Site Safety and Health Officer (SSHO) appointed to stay full time on-site; the SSHO is required
to have completed the OSHA 30-hour online training “EM385-1-1 Safety and Health (Sections
1÷34)”, which is offered for free at:
safety-health.html) and to have at least one year of proved experience as SSHO in construction
See paragraph 6.5 for more details about the SSHO.
Construction Permits as required by Djiboutian regulation
By the timeline set for the final design completion, the Contractor shall verify that nothing prevents
the construction from starting, shall submit copy of the construction permit, and copy of any
agreement entered with the beneficiary in order to coordinate the surrounding facility operability
during the construction work.
Worksite Layout Plan
By the timeline set for the final design completion, the Contractor shall submit a site plan showing
how the worksite will be delimited (even in different phases of work, if the case) and organized to
prevent unauthorized access, to allow safe operation of the facilities not included in the contract and
to guarantee safe circulation and operation within the worksite. The plan shall indicate temporary
drainage channels, vehicular and/or pedestrian access, paths, sidewalks, steps, parking areas,
material storage areas, outdoor recreation area, etc.
Interim Submittal Requirements
During construction, the Contractor is required to submit:
Bi-weekly work progress report with photos
Monthly work man-hours report
Test results as required per the contract
At least 10 days prior to installation of all electrical components, plumbing fixtures, windows
and doors and associated hardware, a sample (or catalog photo) must be shown to the COR
for acceptance.
Biomedical Storage Facility (BMS), OHASIS #81622
Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
1. Project Description p. 18/117
Possible construction schedule changes (to be motivated)
Possible design changes (to be motivated)
Invoices in accordance to work progress
Completion Submittal Requirements
Upon completion of project and prior to final payment, the Contractor is required to submit:
Final as-built drawings
Operations and maintenance plan
A telephone contact number available for the duration of the warranty period.
The work required by this contract shall be carried out in 660 days from contract award. Possible
time extensions may be allowed on KTR’s written request if a proved reason justifying the delay is
The key contract milestones as scheduled by this document are summarized in the following table:
a CONCEPT DESIGN COMPLETION Within 90 days of contract award
b PRE-CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTAL COMPLETION Within 270 days of contract award
c NOTICE TO PROCEED WITH CONSTRUCTION Upon acceptance of all required deliverables
e FINAL INSPECTION Within 2 months of work completion
On work acceptance (after all punch list items found
during Final Inspection have been fixed)
~~~ End of Part 1 ~~~
Biomedical Storage Facility (BMS), OHASIS #81622
Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
2. Project Objectives p. 19/117
DoD humanitarian assistance activities were first authorized by US Congress in 1986. In FY 1996,
DoD was permitted to fund a wider variety of HA activities, including using contracts and deployment
of U.S. Government personnel to conduct specific humanitarian projects.
Typical projects include the refurbishment or the new construction of medical and school facilities,
digging of wells, improvement of sanitary facilities, and training of host country personnel in
internally displaced persons/refugee repatriation operations and in disaster relief and emergency
response planning.
The DoD, in an attempt to assist in development and implementation of the Humanitarian Assistance
Program, is funding and coordinating the project which is the subject matter of this contract.
NAVFAC EAC has been designated as the Construction Agent for this project.
Building this storage facility will complement the development of a mobile hospital and maintenance
facility currently being constructed at the CAMME compound. The increased and improved storage
capacity will allow the Djiboutian MoH to absorb medical donations and manage a suitable medical
inventory that will allow the government to properly respond to emergencies.
This project will assist the Djiboutian MoH in meeting United Nations Sustainable Development and
achieving the Universal Health Coverage through better stocking at outlying clinics.
Sustainable Design - Integrate sustainable principles into the design, development and construction
of the project. Reduce the total cost of ownership of the facility using a whole building, life-cycle
approach. Provide integrated sustainable design strategies and features to minimize the energy
consumption of the facilities; conserve resources; minimize adverse effects to the environment; and
improve occupant productivity, health, and comfort.
Energy Conservation - Integrate energy conservation principles into the design, development and
construction of the project. Reduce the total cost and consumption of energy in the facility using a
whole building approach.
The design is to maintain an indigenous character. The facility’s style and finishes shall resemble
those of surrounding newest buildings in the vicinity.
As much as possible, materials are to be available locally to promote the local economy and to take
advantage of the skills and experience of local trades-persons. Construction methods are to be in-
line with those used locally to take advantage of the skills and experience of local trades-persons.
The work of this contract is to be done during the hours the compound facilities are normally open to
the public. The effect of noise and dust from site work shall be minimized by performing site work
during hours of the day and/or days of the week when the facilities are less frequented.
If needs arise to work other than normal hours, the schedule shall be coordinated with the facility
manager, and approved by PM or COR.
~~~ End of Part 2 ~~~
Biomedical Storage Facility (BMS), OHASIS #81622
Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
3. Site Analysis p. 20/117
The area intended for the construction is included in a fenced area situated within the CAMME
(Medicament and Essential Material Purchase Center) compound in the PK12 Balbala area.
The site is easily accessible from 2 gates from 2 different paved roads in decent conditions; it’s
reachable in 20‘ drive from Djibouti City center; the area intended for the construction is on the
southern side, it’s lightly sloped and empty.
The compound is served by electrical supply while the water needs to be trucked into water tank; no
sewage service available. (GPS coordinates: 11.545594, 43.079112)
The satellite view is reported below. The area pointed by the blue arrow indicates the location for the
new facilities. The exact construction footprint and building orientation shall be agreed with the
beneficiary and the PM / COR. A scaled drawing with exact dimensions showing the current project
site lay-out (with position and dimensions of surrounding existing buildings, obstacles, access roads,
walkways, and perimeter fence) shall be included in the concept design.
A wider satellite view showing
where the project site is located
is reported on the side.
Biomedical Storage Facility (BMS), OHASIS #81622
Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
3. Site Analysis p. 21/117
The area selected for the new facility location is shown in the photos below:
Biomedical Storage Facility (BMS), OHASIS #81622
Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
3. Site Analysis p. 22/117
An example of final site layout is shown below. The exact building positioning and layout shall be
determined to best fit the site topography and the practicality of use, and shall be agreed with the
PM/COR and the beneficiary.
Design of the facilities and their location and orientation within the proposed compound shall take
into consideration all natural and man-made constraints, which include but aren’t limited to:
Topography: all site slopes shall be taken in account in order to minimize the need for cut and fill
Vegetation / Landscaping: vegetation shall be protected, and landscaping design shall be
Biomedical Storage Facility (BMS), OHASIS #81622
Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
3. Site Analysis p. 23/117
Climatology (solar orientation, etc.): Design shall take advantage of prevailing wind direction and
solar orientation to naturally moderate the interior temperature of the buildings
Geotechnical Data: Foundations and structural components of the buildings shall be designed in
accordance with geotechnical soils report information. Geotechnical engineering services shall be
provided if no current report exists for the site. Design shall be in accordance to the seismic zone of
classification of the project site.
Hydrographic Survey: a hydrographic survey shall be performed to determine the storm water
Vehicular Access and Circulation: existing vehicular access shall be taken in account
Site Utilities: location and capacity of all existing utilities on site shall be verified prior to start design
Site Drainage: the facilities shall be designed without negative impact from storm water runoff to the
adjacent area of the site.
Existing Buildings: Identify and accurately locate on the site plan all existing buildings on the site.
Fencing: Identify and accurately locate on the site plan all existing fencing on the site.
Permits: all permits, approvals, and authorizations needed to implement the design shall be
obtained prior to start construction.
A temporary site plan shall be submitted to indicate the temporary security fencing as well as any
proposed vehicular and/or pedestrian access, paths, sidewalks, steps, parking areas, material
storage areas, outdoor recreation area, etc.
All proposed drainage channels shall be shown on the temporary site plan.
The location of the construction sign and any other signage required by local authorities shall be
indicated on the site plan.
~~~ End of Part 3 ~~~
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Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
4 Building Requirements p. 24/117
The new facility shall match the architectural style of the surrounding buildings, including roofs,
façade, and color scheme. Some examples are provided below.
The facilities interior spacing is described in the tables at par. 4.5 and an example layout is sketched
in the floorplans at par. 4.7.
The areas around the new facilities shall be cleared and settled.
The exterior enclosure shall be insulated to control heat gain, air infiltration/diffusion, moisture
infiltration/diffusion, and water infiltration.
Exterior enclosure barriers shall be durable and designed to last the life of the facility.
Do not compromise exterior enclosure barrier integrity at electrical boxes, fixture supports, and
fasteners with holes through the exterior enclosure barriers that allow air or water leakage.
Permanently seal penetrations, joints, holes, and transitions to adjoining construction in air and
water resistive barriers as required to maintain an energy efficient facility and minimize heat
Do not expose exterior enclosure barriers or retarders to environment conditions longer than is
recommended by the manufacturer.
Provide insulation, air barrier and water resistive barrier on all conditioned areas. These barrier
materials may be installed separately or combined if different air barrier, moisture barrier/ vapor
retarder, and water resistive barrier functions can be consolidated in one material.
Support exterior enclosure barriers to withstand maximum positive and negative air pressure to
be placed on the building without displacement or damage and transfer the load to the
Biomedical Storage Facility (BMS), OHASIS #81622
Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
4 Building Requirements p. 25/117
Smoke and heat detection systems, fire alarm and automatic fire sprinkler system shall be
implemented as per applicable Djiboutian codes and regulations.
Fire pump shall be sized in accordance with the fire suppression system.
The installation shall be performed by qualified contractors with experience in similar work that shall
release a certification of compliance with applicable norms.
Air conditioning and ceiling fans are required in the admin block.
Ceiling fans shall also be installed in the storage facility for usage when people are at work only.
Roof insulation and natural ventilation in the storage warehouse shall prevent the ambient
temperature from raising above 26
HVAC system shall be implemented through properly sized split units. The unit number and
dimensioning per each room shall be calculated by a licensed engineer to meet the required ambient
temperature of 23
Celsius for the offices and 4-10 degrees for the cold storage rooms, with a
relative humidity of 50%.
All HVAC equipment provided under this contract must be new. All equipment must meet the
minimum energy requirements of the applicable Djiboutian regulations and international mechanical
The HVAC system shall be tested and certified by an independent testing adjusting and balancing
(TAB) agent. The contractor is also responsible for hiring a commissioning person to ensure all
units work in unison.
No variation from the requirements of the standard is acceptable.
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Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
4 Building Requirements p. 26/117
Indicative data regarding the required size of the spaces in the new facilities are provided in the
table below.
On the concept design submittal the contractor is required to provide exact dimensioning of interior
spaces; a variance exceeding ±10% of the indicative size is not acceptable unless justifed by special
technical reasons.
Space Name Qty
Unit m
Tot m
Size (m)
Master Office 1 18.4 18.4 4 x 4.6
2.70 4 1 workstation
Standard Office 2 14.3 28.6 3.1
x 4.6
2.70 2 2 workstations
Larger Office 1 18.4 18.4 4 x 4.6
2.70 3 3 workstations
Meeting Room 1 30 30 6.4
x 4.6
2.70 16 1 emergency door to the exterior
Disabled Toilet 2 4 8 1.8
x 2.2
2.70 1
door 1 m wide
flap opening window 1.7m from floor
1fixtures for disabled
hot water
Toilet Vestibule 2 4 8 1.8
x 2.2
2.70 2 2 sinks, hot water, all tiled, door 1 m wide
Technical room 1 4.8 4.8 3 x 1.6
2.70 - Utilities to feed the equipment as needed
Closet 1 4 4 2 x 2 2.70 - Shelving on one side wall
Corridor 1 30 30 15 x 2 2.70 - entrance door with anti-panic handle to open outward
Space Name Qty
Unit m
Tot m
Size (m)
Cooling room 1 1 74.2 74.2 11.6
2.70 - Thermal insulated sliding door
Cooling room 2 1 36.8 36.8 8 x
2.70 - Thermal insulated sliding door
Cooling room 3 1 23.1 23.1 6.8
x 3.4 2.70 - Thermal insulated sliding door
Technical room 1 8.8 8.8 4.4
2.70 - Utilities to feed the equipment as needed
Corridor 1 14.3 14.3 6.5
2.70 - Thermal insulated sliding door
Space Name Qty
Unit m
Tot m
Optimal Size
Open Bay 1 960 960 24 x
0 8.00 10 4 rolling shutting doors and 3 pedestrian doors
Standard Toilet 1 2.7 2.7 1.2
2.50 1
1 flushable WC, 1 sink, hot water, all tiled, flap opening
window 1.7m from floor
Biomedical Storage Facility (BMS), OHASIS #81622
Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
4 Building Requirements p. 27/117
The BMS shall be made of two 3m-high blocks connected to opposite sides of the 8m-high storage
The design shall maintain an indigenous character and result aesthetically compatible with
surrounding existing buildings.
The facilities layout shall be in line with the concept drawings provided at the following pages
(dimensions are indicative).
The exact layout and dimensioning shall be defined with the concept design.
Biomedical Storage Facility (BMS), OHASIS #81622
Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
4 Building Requirements p. 28/117
Biomedical Storage Facility (BMS), OHASIS #81622
Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
4 Building Requirements p. 29/117
Biomedical Storage Facility (BMS), OHASIS #81622
Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
4 Building Requirements p. 30/117
Biomedical Storage Facility (BMS), OHASIS #81622
Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
4 Building Requirements p. 31/117
Biomedical Storage Facility (BMS), OHASIS #81622
Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
4 Building Requirements p. 32/117
A detailed concept design shall be developed on the basis of the above schemes and in agreement
with the beneficiary and the PM/COR.
Biomedical Storage Facility (BMS), OHASIS #81622
Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
4 Building Requirements p. 33/117
The Contractor shall provide a painted project sign to be located at the worksite as soon as the
construction starts. The sign shall be made of wood and supported by wooden or metal posts.
The approximate size of the sign shall be 800mm x 1200mm and the sign shall be placed in such a
way so as to provide the most visibility to passers-by; the location shall be agreed with the COR.
The Contractor shall submit a proof of the sign for approval prior to construction.
The paint shall be water resistant and display the following:
In cooperation with the Djiboutian Government,
funding for this project is provided by the U.S. Government.
<Contractor’s Name>
Project name shall appear at the top center in 76mm (3 inch) tall capital block letters. The sentence
below the flags shall be in 38mm (1.5 inch) sentence case lettering. Contractor company name may
be added at the bottom of the sign.
At least 2 weeks prior to project completion a project dedication sign shall be affixed at the project
site. The sign shall be affixed directly to the building at a location approved by the facility
administrator and the COR to provide optimal visibility.
The sign shall display the following:
An everlasting example of friendship between
the people of Djibouti and the United States.
<translation into the Host Nation primary language>
Construction of this facility was accomplished as a partnership between the people of
the United States of America and the people of Djibouti, through the combined efforts
of the US Africa Command, NAVFAC EAC, US Embassy OSC in Djibouti City and
Djiboutian Ministry of Health.
Biomedical Storage Facility (BMS), OHASIS #81622
Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
4 Building Requirements p. 34/117
The sign shall be constructed of sheet metal with a water resistant coating and shall have a frame
around it. The frame material shall be wood and be approved by the COR prior to installation. The
size of the sign shall be approximately 800 mm x 1200 mm.
No later than 4 weeks prior to the planned project completion, the Contractor shall contact the KO or
the COR regarding final wording for the dedication sign.
The Contractor shall provide a proof of the sign for acceptance prior to manufacturing the sign.
The project name shall appear at the top center in 76mm (3 inch) tall block letters, followed by the
above sentence in 38mm (1.5 inch) sentence case lettering that shall be repeated in the Host Nation
primary language. The Host Nation and American flags shall be placed as displayed in the above
sketch. The sentence at the bottom shall be in 20mm (0.75 inch) sentence case lettering.
~~~ End of Part 4 ~~~
Biomedical Storage Facility (BMS), OHASIS #81622
Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
5. Room Minimum Requirements p. 35/117
Room features are detailed at following paragraphs. Below is an example of expected interior
finishes and equipment:
Epoxy concrete flooring Hard-lid drop ceiling
Office finishes
Overhead crane and shelving system
Biomedical Storage Facility (BMS), OHASIS #81622
Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
5. Room Minimum Requirements p. 36/117
Uniformat Title
Insulated Concrete Form ICF Exterior Walls
Primary consideration; Exterior Walls
w/plaster coating
Unit Masonry Cement block Exterior Walls
Secondary consideration; Exterior Walls
w/plaster coating
Standard Window Systems Aluminum or Plastic Windows
As required for both day lighting and
Insulated Concrete Form Partitions of ICF
Primary consideration; Partitions and Interior
Unit Masonry Partitions of Cement block
Secondary consideration; Partitions and
Interior Walls
Exterior Roll Up
Satin Stainless Steel
As Required
fit a standard fork truck.
Standard Door Systems
Metal Interior Doors
As Required
Door Frames Metal Interior Door Frames As Required
Galvanized metal frames by manufacturer of
Door Hardware
Hinges, Locks, Latches, Knobs, Trim
1 set ea room
As required
Door Hardware Finishes
Satin Stainless Steel, Chrome plated,
1 set ea room
As required
Wall Plaster
Cement Plaster
Portland cement plaster wall finish
Floor Finishes
Epoxy paint suitable to forklift daily
As required
Hardeners and Sealers Concrete Floor Finish
Pigmented concrete floor with 2 coats of
Plaster or Acoustic Ceiling
Cement Plaster or Acoustic Panel
Ceiling Finish
Galvanized Metal Suspension system with
wire reinforcing for plaster
Plaster Finishes
Wall Ceiling Finish Coatings
Primer and 2 Finish Coats
HVAC Equipment
Ceiling fans
10 min
As required
Branch Wiring Electric Outlets & Switches
12 outlets min
ea long wall
Provide conduit, boxes, switches, wiring for
Lighting Equipment
LED Light Fixtures
Provide mounts, fixtures, lamps
The contractor is required to procure and install an overhead traveling crane system able to cover
the entire storage area and a rust-resistant metal shelving system suitable for loading/unloading
through a hoist. The crane shall be sized to move up to 10 ton loads.
Biomedical Storage Facility (BMS), OHASIS #81622
Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
5. Room Minimum Requirements p. 37/117
Uniformat Title
Unit Masonry Cement block Exterior Walls
condary consideration; Exterior Walls
w/plaster coating
Standard Window Systems
Aluminum 1 min ea room
As required for both day lighting and
Insulated Concrete Form Partitions of ICF
Primary consideration; Partitions and Interior
Unit Masonry Partitions of Cement block
Secondary consideration; Partitions and
Interior Walls
Standard Door Systems
Metal Interior Doors
Doors as required for classrooms
Door Frames Metal Interior Door Frames
Galvanized metal frames by manufacturer of
Door Hardware
Hinges, Locks, Latches, Knobs, Trim
As required
Door Hardware Finishes
Satin Stainless Steel, Chrome plated,
As required
erase Boards
Wall Mounted White Boards
1 ea room
As required
Plaster Wall Finishes
Cement Plaster Wa
ll Finish
Portland cement plaster wall finish
Floor Finishes
Epoxy Paint or
Ceramic Tile
Ceramic tile floor finish
Plaster or Acoustic Ceiling
Cement Plaster or Acoustic Panel Ceiling
Galvanized Metal Suspension system with
wire reinforcing for plaster
Plaster Finishes
Wall Ceiling Finish Coatings
Primer and 2 Finish Epoxy Coats
HVAC Equipment
system Heat Pump
1 minimum
As required
HVAC Equipment
Ceiling fans
1 minimum
As required
Branch Wiring Electric Outlets & Switches
4 outlets min ea
Provide conduit, boxes, switches, wiring for
Lighting Equipment
LED Light Fixtures
3 minimum
Provide mounts, fixtures, lamps
Data/Phone Outlets
Provide computer and phone outlets
2 minimum
Biomedical Storage Facility (BMS), OHASIS #81622
Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
5. Room Minimum Requirements p. 38/117
Uniformat Ti
Insulated Concrete Form ICF Exterior Walls
Primary consideration; Exterior Walls w/plaster
Unit Masonry Cement block Exterior Walls
Secondary consideration; Exterior Walls w/plaster
Insulated Concrete Form
artitions of ICF
Primary consideration; Partitions and Interior Walls
Unit Masonry Partitions of Cement block
Secondary consideration; Partitions and Interior
Standard Door Systems
Heat insulating sliding door
Sized 1.90m x 2.60m
Door Frames
tal Interior Door Frames
Galvanized metal frames by manufacturer of doors
Door Hardware
Hinges, Locks, Latches, Knobs, Trim
As required
Door Hardware Finishes
Satin Stainless Steel, Chrome plated,
As required
Floor Finishes
Epoxy Paint suitabl
e to low
HVAC Equipment
contained refrigeration unit with
outdoor compressor
Sized to maintain 4-8 degrees Celsius
Plaster or Acoustic Ceiling
Cement Plaster or Acoustic Panel Ceiling
Galvanized Metal Suspension sys
tem with wire
reinforcing for plaster
Plaster Finishes
Wall Ceiling Finish Coatings
Primer and 2 Finish Coats
Lighting Equipment LED Light Fixtures
Provide mounts, fixtures, lamps
The contractor shall procure and install three factory fabricated cooling rooms inclusive of all
necessary components (electrical box, time clock, drier, sight glass, etc.), each with the following
Type: Pharmaceutical grade cold storage
Size: In accordance with par. 4.5 and 4.6, layout as best meeting the practicality of use
Doors: 1 exterior mounted sliding door sized 190 cm x 260 cm; 1 door sized 80 cm x 210 cm
placed inside a 1m x 1m room to prevent the warmer air current caused by the opening of a
first door from penetrating inside.
Refrigeration systems: preassembled remote condensing unit assembly
Unit cooler: suspended from ceiling panels, with forced air discharged parallel to the ceiling
designed for constant operation for the indicated temperature of 4-8
C. Forced convection
provided with air circulating motor, multi fin tube-type coil and grille assembled within a
protective housing. Air circulation motors to be lifetime sealed.
Entire unit cooler assembly to be accessible for cleaning.
Interior lighting
Drip pan and drain connection.
Recording thermometer
Temperature alarm system with connector for remote temperature alarm
Fixed shelving system suitable for a cold room
Back-up electrical generator able to automatically provide secondary power within 60 seconds
after primary power is lost, in order to keep the required interior temperature up to 48 hours in
case of electricity shortage.
Biomedical Storage Facility (BMS), OHASIS #81622
Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
5. Room Minimum Requirements p. 39/117
Cooling room factory’s technical specifications and installation instructions, covering both room
assembly details and refrigeration equipment set up, shall be submitted to the COR for acceptance
during the design phase.
Installation shall be in accordance to the manufacturer's instructions. Equipment start-up and initial
operation as well as evacuation and charging procedures for refrigeration equipment shall be
included in the installation instructions.
Contractor shall train designated beneficiary’s personnel on the following procedures:
Cooling room operation, care and maintenance
Equipment charging with refrigerant and oil
Back-up generator operation and maintenance.
Start-Up and Operational Tests: Upon completion of equipment and refrigerant piping installation,
the systems shall be operated for a period of not less than 24 hours, recording hourly readings of
safety and automatic controls.
Example factory fabricated cold room
Example cold storage interior
Biomedical Storage Facility (BMS), OHASIS #81622
Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
5. Room Minimum Requirements p. 40/117
Uniformat Title
Insulated Concrete Form
ICF Exterior Walls
Primary consideration; Exterior Walls w/plaster coating
Unit Masonry Cement block Exterior Walls
Secondary consideration; Exterior Walls w
Standard Window Systems Aluminum or Plastic Windows
Flap opening window 1.7m from floor
Insulated Concrete Form
Partitions of ICF
Primary consideration; Partitions and Interior Walls
Unit Masonry
Partitions of Cement block
Secondary consideration; Partitions and Interior Walls
Interior Specialty Doors
Toilet Stall Doors
Specialties Wall Mounted Mirror
Wall Finishes
Epoxy Paint or Ceramic Tile
200 cm
height wall finish
Floor Finishes
Epoxy Paint
Ceramic Tile
To be agreed with COR and beneficiary
Plaster Ceiling Finishes Cement Plaster Ceiling Finish
Galvanized Metal Suspension system with wire
Plaster Finishes
Wall Ceiling Finish Coatings
Primer and 2 Finish Epoxy
Water Closets Turkish or western style toilets
To be agreed with COR and beneficiary
Lavatories Wall Mounted Lavatories
Branch Wiring Electric Outlets & Switches
1 outlets,
1 switch
Provide conduit, boxes, switches, wir
ing for devices.
Fixtures to be waterproof
Lighting Equipment LED Light Fixtures
Toilets suitable for disabled use shall have adequate fixtures and dimensions as per applicable
Biomedical Storage Facility (BMS), OHASIS #81622
Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
5. Room Minimum Requirements p. 41/117
Uniformat Title Description Remarks
C1030 Interior Doors Interior Construction
With all hardware
hinges, locks, latches, knobs, trim, integral assembly as
Exterior Painting and
Special Coatings
Exterior Enclosure
Primer and 2 Finish Coats. Co
lor patterns to match surrounding buildings and
to be agreed with COR and beneficiary.
B2020 Exterior Windows Exterior Enclosure
Double paned with security bars.
Daylighting/air flow shall confirm to local
B2030 Exterior Doors Exterior Enclosure
Hollow galvanized metal (including frame) with
all hardware
hinges, locks,
latches, knobs, trim, integral assembly
Interior Finishes
Laminate covered counter top glued and screwed to form an integral unit.
C104005 Cabinets Interior Finishes
Cabinet doors and drawer fronts either medium density particleboard or
medium density fiberboard cores with like materials both faces.
Wall Finishes
Interior Finish
Portland cement plaster wall finish as required
Floor Finishes
Interior Finishes
Concrete with
finish; PVC or ceramic tile skirting
Floor Finishes
Hardeners and Sealers
Apply to unsheltered exterior floors
C3030 Ceiling Finishes Exposed Structure
Galvanized metal suspension system wit
h wire reinforcing for plaster
and 2 finish coats. Light color patterns recommended
Interior Painting and
Special Finishes
Interior Finishes Primer and 2 Finish Coats. Light color patterns recommended
Terminal & Package
Split-system Heat Pump
air pumps to serve each conditioned
zone of facility. Wall mounted inside
with outside
mounted unit.
Lighting and Branch
Lighting Equipment
Color temperature not to exceed 4000K per all lamps (warm or natural l
Provide mounts, fixtures, lamps as required
Communication &
Voice/Data Outlets Outlets to be installed on walls or on the floor as required
Other Special
Ceiling Fans
To be installed in all spaces except t
oilets, storage and corridor
junction boxes, fan, support,
switches as required
All interior floors shall be tiled or finished with epoxy paint. All exterior sheltered floors shall be
finished with non-slip epoxy paint, the unsheltered exterior floors shall be hardened and sealed
concrete floors.
All interior walls shall be plastered and painted with light color washable enamel suitable for the
facility use and compatible with Djiboutian standards.
Complete details are reported at Part 7 and Part 8, Section C30 of this document.
Biomedical Storage Facility (BMS), OHASIS #81622
Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
5. Room Minimum Requirements p. 42/117
All rooms shall be provided with a suspended ceiling system.
Ceiling shall be placed minimum of 2.70 m above the finished floor.
Standard grid system shall be 600 mm by 600 mm aluminum or steel non-corroding intermediate-
duty, or similar size based on local availability for lay-in acoustical panels. Finish must be factory
applied white baked enamel.
Manufacturer’s hold-down clips for fire rated assemblies and wall or edge molding shall be used.
Grid system to be hung as recommended by manufacturer
Suspended grid system to be installed with acoustical sealant.
Insulation above the ceiling tiles is required in addition to insulated ceiling tiles, as needed to prevent
unnecessary heat gain.
Main entrance door and emergency doors shall open outward and be equipped with anti-panic
handles. All rooms whose occupancy exceeds 7 people require one emergency door, preferably to
the exterior.
All doors shall have independently keyed locking hardware and high quality heavy duty handles.
Doors and windows shall have all necessary hardware (locking mechanism, bolt, lock or latch)
required to allow for locking to provide security to the building while still allowing adequate means of
egress in case of emergency, and shall be in accordance with the legal building standards in
All doors and windows shall be equipped with lintels. Double-paned glass is required on all windows
and glazed exterior doors.
All windows shall be grated to prevent burglar access and protected with mosquito screen.
All windows other than toilets shall be 1.40m x 1.20m, toilet windows shall be 1m x 0.80m and
positioned at 1.7m from the floor.
Complete details are reported at Part 7 and Part 8, Section C10 of this document.
Typical insulated suspend ceiling deign
Biomedical Storage Facility (BMS), OHASIS #81622
Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
5. Room Minimum Requirements p. 43/117
The plumbing system shall include all fixtures, sanitary waste and vent piping systems, accessories,
finish trim, anchorage and other specialty piping and equipment as required to be connected to the
public water service and to the wastewater system.
Provide copper piping for above ground installations, and use PVC or CPVC piping buried piping
All plumbing fixtures shall be securely anchored into their final location, making sure that concrete
pads are under all of them and sufficient working space is around them.
European style water closets with floor-mounted flush tank type are required in all toilets
All toilets shall be fed by both cold and hot water. Hot water shall be produced by a solar power
water heater to be located on the rooftop.
Cold water distribution shall be connected to the water storage tanks (as a back-up source); the
basin, shower, and floor drains shall be connected to the wastewater system; the sanitary waste
piping shall be connected to the septic tank.
A septic tank adequately dimensioned to the facility usage shall be designed and implemented in
accordance to the applicable local regulation.
Complete details are reported at Part 7 and Part 8, Sections D20 and G30 of this document.
The crane is required to be a single girder crane equipped with a single bridge beam attached to two
runways. The hoist shall run on the bottom flange of the bridge beam for use in applications up to 10
tons capacity.
The crane installation shall be built to cover the entire storage area, so that it can transport the load
side to side, backwards, and forwards. The hoist to lift and lower the load shall be mounted to a
trolley that moves side to side across the bridge beam. For front to back travel, the bridge beam —
riding on end trucks at each end of the beam — shall glide over one horizontal girder.
Lighting is required all around and inside the building.
The lighting design for interior spaces shall show the illumination design pattern for each room and
report the Lighting Power Density (LPD) and Illuminance (lux), which shall meet baseline values set
by the applicable codes.
The calculation shall prove that the prescribed values are met.
In each room, the design shall include the number and location of specific LED (light-emitting diode)
lighting fixtures, to show that they meet the minimum lighting levels required by local regulations.
Recessed lighting fixtures are required where there is false ceiling.
In the admin block the lamp’s color temperature shall not exceed 4000
K (natural light). Lamps shall
be in a number and size sufficient to guarantee proper illumination to each type of space.
Emergency lights with a minimum duration of 2 hours without recharge shall be installed on each
main door or emergency door.
Three-way switches shall be installed close to each entry point in any space having more than one
Exterior lights shall be suitable for external use.
Biomedical Storage Facility (BMS), OHASIS #81622
Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
5. Room Minimum Requirements p. 44/117
The electrical design shall keep into consideration the room use and the equipment to be installed.
All admin block rooms shall have interlocked HVAC outlets adequately positioned in accordance to
the HVAC system design
One ceiling fan and at least one 16A socket per wall shall be installed in each office room, and at
least four 16A sockets per wall and four ceiling fans in the meeting room, in addition to the required
prearrangement for workstations, whose positioning shall be agreed with beneficiary and PM/COR.
Toilets shall have at least one waterproof 13A socket.
The high bay room shall have at least two 16A sockets every 6 m on each wall, in addition to the
required arrangement for the overhead crane system and lifting tools, whose positioning shall be
agreed with beneficiary and PM/COR.
Electrical cables shall be dimensioned in accordance to the loads relevant to each circuit.
In order to properly dimension the section of an electrical cable it is recommended to make
reference to the table below showing the typical max resistance values for copper cables of different
sizes and the relevant maximum current each one can bear.
Max Current
The potential drops (depending on the cable resistance and on the current through it, V=R*I) shall be
kept under 4%.
The connection to the public electrical network shall be done in agreement to the electrical company
Complete details are reported at Part 7 and Part 8, Section D50 and G40 of this document.
A grounding system consisting of multiple connected rods shall be designed and implemented.
Rods shall be located in manholes away from most accessible areas, shall be
protected from involuntary/unauthorized access and signposted by the earth
symbol shown on the side. At least 6 rods shall be installed around the facility.
Grounding Sym
Biomedical Storage Facility (BMS), OHASIS #81622
Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
5. Room Minimum Requirements p. 45/117
Example of Panelboard
The electrical power feed shall be divided into subsidiary circuits by a panelboard providing a
protective circuit breaker for each circuit. A main panelboard - providing a breaker for each line
connecting to subpanels located at each block - shall be located immediately downstream the
delivery point (meter) or branching point. All electrical panels shall be housed in a common
The panelboard enclosure shall be galvanized sheet steel cabinet minimum 1.5 mm thickness,
properly mating the panelboard to be enclosed; enclosure’s door shall be lockable.
A main switch located upstream the main panelboard shall protect the
electrical system against both overcurrent and residual (ground fault) current
through a Residual Current Breaker with Overcurrent (RCBO) protection
whose sensitivity I
is 30 mA. Sensitivity may be bigger in case other RCDs
(Residual Current Devices) with I
= 30 mA are provided downstream to
protect groups of circuits.
The photo on the side shows an example of RCBO.
Each circuit in the panelboard shall be protected against over-currents by a
thermal magnetic breaker whose nominal current is ≤ of the max current
associated to the relevant cable section, as shown in the table at par. 5.3.
Each breaker shall be labeled to show which circuit it controls.
Lighting circuits and utilization circuits shall be kept separated and individually
protected on the panel board.
The sketch below is an example of panelboard design matching the above requirements.
Biomedical Storage Facility (BMS), OHASIS #81622
Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
5. Room Minimum Requirements p. 46/117
An LPS shall be implemented for the facilities. It is required that LPS is designed and installed by
qualified and trained personnel.
It shall consist of a conductor system with air terminals on the roof of the buildings, bonding of the
structure and other metal objects, grounding of electrodes, and interconnecting conductors.
A bimetallic connector shall be used to connect all copper cable conductors to all aluminum cable
Metal compatibility (galvanic action) shall be taken into consideration in order to avoid corrosion.
In any case a copper conductor shall be used to complete the connection to the grounding rod on
both sides of each building.
LPS Requirements
Type and number of air terminals and ground rods to be used shall be determined by the Designer,
based on local conditions, earth resistivity data, and on the size and type of the electrical installation.
For normal conditions, copper clad steel rods are typically used.
Galvanized coated steel or stainless steel rods are typically used where low soil resistivities are
encountered and galvanic corrosion may occur between adjacent underground metallic masses and
the copper-clad rods.
In high resistivity soils, 3 m sectional rods may be used to obtain the required resistance to ground;
however where rock is encountered, additional rods, a counterpoise, or ground grid may be
~~~ End of Part 5 ~~~
Biomedical Storage Facility (BMS), OHASIS #81622
Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
6. General Work Requirements p. 47/117
Construction shall be in accordance with sound construction practices, and shall conform to the
latest revision/edition of the codes, criteria, and standards referenced below except as otherwise
indicated by this Request for Proposal.
Construction shall also comply with applicable codes, ordinances and regulations of the Republic of
Djibouti governing life/safety, fire protection, building construction, HVAC (heating ventilation and air
conditioning) systems, plumbing systems and electrical systems in effect during this contract, except
where specifically stated herein.
Any material installed that does not meet the requirements of the following Performance Technical
Specification (PTS) and/or applicable codes, ordinances and regulations will be removed and
reinstalled at Contractor’s expense.
The building renovation and the exterior area settlement as described from Part 1 through 5 shall be
in accordance to the specifications provided in the following Parts 7 and 8. All the engineering
system requirements described in the Part 7 are more detailed in the corresponding Part 8.
Special attention shall be paid to develop and to adhere to the STRUCTURAL DESIGN and to the
All the concrete and electrical work shall be tested and delivered with a Test Certificate issued by a
local qualified entity.
Design shall be in accordance with sound design and engineering practices, and shall conform to
the latest revision/edition of the codes, criteria, and standards referenced below except as otherwise
indicated by this Request for Proposal. Design shall also comply with applicable codes, ordinances
and regulations of the Republic of Djibouti governing life/safety, fire protection, building construction,
plumbing systems, electrical systems and sanitation systems in effect during this contract, except
where specifically stated herein.
The advisory provisions of all codes, requirements, and standards shall be mandatory; substitute
words such as “shall”, “must”, or “required” for words such as “should”, “may”, or “recommended,”
wherever they appear. The results of these wording substitutions incorporate these code and
standard statements as requirements. Reference to the “authority having jurisdiction” shall be
interpreted to mean “Contracting Officer”. Comply with the required and advisory portions of the
current edition of the standard at the time of contract award.
The last two sections of this document, in many instances, give multiple options for material and
processes. It is the intent to give the contractor’s designer freedom to use one or multiple options in
the design, based upon sound design and engineering practices and the requirements of the project.
Once an option is selected for the project, all requirements outlined in the PTS for that option are to
be incorporated in the design.
The specifications for this project are requirements based, meaning that the technical details of how
to meet this requirement are not included in the PTS.
The contractor shall determine the technical requirements for satisfying these specifications and
present them as part of the design package.
The contractor’s design shall provide the technical requirements for the project and the contractor
shall be responsible for ensuring their design meets all specifications presented in this SOW.
Biomedical Storage Facility (BMS), OHASIS #81622
Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
6. General Work Requirements p. 48/117
The Contractor shall be responsible for developing a design for the facility that meets all the
operational requirements identified in this document. Contractor shall provide a full design of the
facility to include drawings and all calculations and details required to validate the design.
In order for the construction to start, a complete Pre-Construction Submittal Package shall be
submitted and accepted within 300 days from contract award.
The package shall consist of:
Djiboutian License of Engineer/Architect in charge of Design
Concept Design
Geotechnical report with structural recommendations
Final Design
Construction Schedule
Quality Control Plan
Accident Prevention Plan
SSHO Certification
Construction permit(s)
Endorsed Delimitation Plan
Worksite Layout Plan
All submittals shall be electronically submitted in pdf format to the PM/COR. The font sizes shall be
readable when the file is printed on A3 paper.
Each drawing shall be univocally identified by a code composed of one letter indicating the type of
drawing (architectural, electrical, structural, etc.) and two digits indicating a progressive number, as
specified below. Each drawing shall show the submission date. The electronic file name associated
to each drawing shall commence with the correspondent code, followed by a title shortly describing
the content.
Within 60 calendar days since the contract award, the contractor shall submit a concept design to
consist of the following submittals:
Facility Footprint (identifying existing items to demolish and existing items to remain)
Topographic Site Plan
Current Site Plan with all dimensions
Final Site Plan (identifying existing items to remain and new items with dimensions)
Floor Plans of new structures
Exterior Elevations of new structures
Sections of new structures
The Concept design shall be accompanied by the following submittal:
Djiboutian License of Engineer/Architect in charge of Design
The Government shall review the submission and provide written comments to the contractor. The
contractor shall incorporate all comments in the design within 90 days of contract award.
In the event the contractor does not concur with the Government comments, the contractor shall
notify the Government in writing of the reasons for the non-concurrence.
Within 90 calendar days since the contract award, the contractor shall submit a Geotechnical
Report with structural recommendations.
The report shall present all geotechnical data pertinent to the proposed development. An updated
geotechnical map using the current grading as a base map shall be included with the engineering
level report. Cross sections and analyses must be presented for all existing and proposed slopes
that may be unstable.
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The report shall clearly define the scope of work performed during the investigation, and shall
include logs of all geotechnical explorations (boring, test pit, and trench logs) on the site, including
cone penetrometer data and results of other in-situ testing.
After the review of the concept design submittal is complete and comments are returned to the
contractor, the final design shall be developed and submitted; relevant reviews and resubmissions
shall result in a complete and acceptable design package within 270 calendar days of the contract
A complete final design shall consist of the following submittals (as applicable):
List of all drawings, with identifying code and title
Civil Drawings (to be identified as C-##)
- Site Plan with dimensions
- Grading Plan
- Fencing Plan and Sections
- Pathway Plan and Details
Architectural Drawings (to be identified as A-##)
- Floor Plans
- Roof Plans
- Exterior Elevations
- Building Sections
- Enlarged Plans
- Wall Sections
- Reflected Ceiling Plans
- Interior Elevations
- Door and Window Schedules
- Door and Window Details
- Room Finish Schedule
- Miscellaneous Details
Structural Drawings (to be identified as S-##)
- Structural Notes/Basis of Design
- Pier Plan/Schedule
- Foundation Plan
- Floor and Roof Framing Plans
- Lateral-Force Resisting System
- Sections and Details
- Fencing structural details
- Water tank support details
- Structure Calculation
Mechanical Drawings (to be identified as M-##)
- Mechanical Plans
- Schematic Diagrams
- Equipment Schedules
- Plumbing Drawings
- Plumbing Plans
- Plumbing Schedule
- Plumbing Riser Diagrams
- Rain Drainage Plans
- Water tanks design
- Septic tank design
- Miscellaneous Details
Electrical Drawings (to be identified as E-##)
- Notes, Legends, Symbols List
- Distribution Switchboard Scheme
- Grounding System Plan
- Single Line Diagrams
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- Floor Plans, power and lighting
- LPS system plans and details
- Circuit/breaker size calculation
- Miscellaneous Details
Other drawings (to be identified as O-##)
- Overhead crane system design
- Cooling room design
Within 270 days from contract award, the contractor shall prepare a Construction Schedule in a
format approved by the PM. The schedule shall identify the different work segments associated to
the timeframe set for completion. Payment will be tied to satisfactory completion of each of these
work segments. The construction schedule shall state which work segments completion determines
the achievement of the construction steps associated to the progressive invoicing - i.e. 10% (design
completion), 25%, 40%, 55%, 70% and 85% work progress. The final payment will be done on the
facilities acceptance.
The contractor shall submit the proposed schedule to the PM within the timeline allowed for the final
design completion. The contractor shall have 390 calendar days to complete the construction work.
Within 270 days from contract award, the Contractor shall prepare a Quality Control Plan
describing personnel, procedures, tests and installation techniques that he plans to perform to
ensure the quality required by these TR and by his design is obtained.
Within 270 days from contract award, the Contractor shall prepare and submit an Accident
Prevention Plan [APP] describing procedures to be put in place to ensure the safety of personnel
and equipment on the job site.
The APP shall consist of the following 10 sections:
1. Signature Sheet
2. Background Information (area map)
3. Statement of Safety and Health Policy (signed company Safety Policy)
4. Responsibilities and Lines of Authority (Proof of competency/qualification of listed
5. Subcontractors and Suppliers (List)
6. Training
7. Safety and Health Inspections
8. Accident Reporting
9. Plans (Programs, Procedures)
10. Risk Management Processes (Activity Hazard Analysis [AHA], required for each
Definable Feature Of Work [DFOW])
Several sections require certain supporting documents (resumes, certificates of training,
organization chart, specific plans (crane lift plan medical support plan, etc.). The supporting
documents and plans must be attached to the APP.
Generic AHAs will be made available by the PM. To use the Generic AHA the contractor shall
provide a table like the one below to indicate which Generic AHAs are incorporated in the APP;
furthermore he/she shall fill all blanks in each generic AHA that applies (which shall be checked and
Generic AHA used in the APP Yes No/NA
G1 - Mobilization / General Construction
G2 - Demolition
G3 - Scaffolding / Fall Protection
G4 - Excavation / Trenching
G5 - Electrical
G6 – Cement Work
G7 – Masonry Work
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G8 – Confined Spaces & Hazardous Atmosphere
G9 – Plumbing
G10 – Painting
G11 – Steel Structure Erection
G12 – Abrasive Blasting
A qualified person shall be designed to be the Site Safety and Health Officer (SSHO), required to
be at worksite all the time. At a minimum, the qualified SSHO shall have one year of proven
experience in the role and have completed the OSHA 30-hour online training “EM385-1-1 Safety
and Health (Sections 1÷34)”, which is offered for free at: The relevant
certification shall be provided with the APP.
Within the timeframe allowed for the final design submission, the Contractor shall provide evidence
that the local authorities allow the construction to start, and shall immediately notify the KO and PM
in case any stop cause is identified. In particular, prior to be issued the NTPC the Contractor shall
submit copy of the construction permit released by the Djiboutian competent office.
Within the timeframe allowed for the final design completion, the Contractor shall submit a site plan
showing how the worksite will be delimited (even differentiating by work phases, if the case) and
accessed, in order to allow safe operation of the facilities not included in the contract and to make
sure that unauthorized access to construction site is prevented. The plan shall be endorsed in write
by the end user in order to be considered acceptable. An electronic copy shall be forwarded to PM
prior to be issued the NTPC.
Within the timeframe allowed for the final design completion, the Contractor shall submit a site plan
showing how the worksite will be organized; the plan shall indicate temporary facilities, drainage
channels, vehicular and/or pedestrian access, paths, sidewalks, steps, parking areas, material
storage areas, outdoor recreation area, etc.
Upon final acceptance of the Complete Submittal Package by the Government, the contractor shall
be issued a written notice to proceed with construction [NTPC].
No construction work is authorized to start prior to the NTPC is issued.
Construction shall start after a NTPC is issued by NAVFAC EAC.
Construction shall be in accordance with sound construction practices, and shall conform to the
latest revision/edition of the codes, criteria, and standards referenced below except as otherwise
indicated by the Request for Proposal.
Construction shall also comply with applicable codes, ordinances and regulations of the Republic of
Djibouti governing life/safety, fire protection, building construction, HVAC (heating ventilation and air
conditioning) systems, plumbing systems, electrical systems and sanitation systems in effect during
this contract, except where specifically stated herein.
Any material installed that does not meet the requirements of this document and/or applicable
codes, ordinances and regulations will be removed and reinstalled at Contractor’s expense.
The Contractor shall be responsible for determining and paying all fees associated with, and
obtaining any required permits for this project including, but not necessarily limited to permits for on-
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site and off-site hauling, demolition/disposal, storm water discharge, construction activity, utilities,
road improvements, communications, etc.
The contractor is responsible for acquiring any required certifications (licensing). Coordinate all
permit requirements with the PM/COR. Submit all completed permit application material, and
associated back-up material, required to operate facilities, to the PM/COR for approval prior to
agency submission.
Contractor shall be responsible for complying with all environmental laws, regulations and
requirements as effective in the Country. All coordination with the local, regional, national authorities
shall be the responsibility of the contractor.
The Contracting Officer shall be notified of any disputes between agencies or approvals that will
affect Contract Completion or Contract Price.
The Contractor shall control vegetation within the work area during construction by treating with an
approved herbicide/soil sterilizing agent and removing dead material as directed by the herbicide
manufacturer’s instructions. Treated material is to be removed to an off-site location as directed by
the contracting officer.
The Contractor shall control the vegetation on staging and access areas of the site during
construction by cutting so that the vegetation does not exceed 6 inch (15 cm) in height. Cut material
is to be removed to an off-site location as directed by the contracting officer. Contractor shall leave
staging and access areas clean and in original condition at end of project.
All materials delivered to the construction site shall remain in the ownership and responsibility of
Contractor. Contractor will be responsible to safeguard the procession and condition of the material
until US Government takes procession of the finalized project.
Material that is not intended to become part of the project shall not be delivered, placed, retained nor
stored on the project site.
All refuse or salvaged materials shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be disposed
of, off-site, in accordance with applicable regulations.
The contractor shall be responsible for a safe and hygienic work environment both on the project site
and at off-site locations where work is done in conjunction with this project.
The contractor shall be responsible for the protection of all grounds, vegetation and improvements
that exist and are to remain after the project is complete; with-in the project work areas, adjacent to
the project work areas and along the common route of access to the site, outside of the work
areas. The Contractor shall be responsible to have any damage caused by Contractor’s employees,
equipment or sub-contractors repaired and restored to pre-damage condition, as approved by the
PM, at no cost to the Government.
The contractor shall be responsible for adequate and safe traffic control in work areas and along the
common route of access to the site outside of the work areas. Traffic control shall include;
Contractor’s workforce traffic, vehicular traffic interfacing with Contractor’s traffic and pedestrian
traffic interfacing with Contractor’s traffic. Traffic controls shall include; signage, barriers, pavement
markings and traffic control personnel.
The Contractor shall comply with all applicable safety regulations of the Republic of Djibouti,
including all required record keeping.
The Contractor shall provide and maintain in working order during the entire construction period,
such fire protective equipment and devices as required by applicable safety standards and as
deemed necessary and suitable for any possible class or type of fires. Extinguishers shall be non-
freeze type of not less than ten pound (5kg) capacity each.
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Provide protection against rain, wind, or heat so as to maintain all work, materials, apparatus, and
fixtures, incorporated in the work or stored on the site, free from injury or damage. At the end of the
day’s work, cover all new work likely to be damaged.
Contractor shall acquaint themselves with the location of utilities, which may be encountered or be
affected by work, and shall be responsible for damage caused by neglect to provide proper
precautions or protection. Contractor shall contact local authorities to locate any utility, if necessary.
Provide, erect and maintain all required barricades, of sufficient size and strength necessary for
protection of material storage, as well as to prevent accidents to the public and the workmen at the
job site.
Watchmen will not be provided. Contractor will be held responsible for loss or injury to persons or
property where work is involved, and shall take such precautionary measures as they may deem
necessary to protect their own interest.
Injuries to any person and damage to any property not belonging to the Contractor shall be reported
immediately to the COR.
In order to execute the works included in this project, the contractor may be required to use
scaffolding and/or elevating working platforms.
Despite the scaffolds that may be authorized by Djiboutian regulations, the contractor is only
authorized to utilize European Standard scaffolds similar to the ones shown in pictures below.
Required type of scaffold
Some components of European scaffolding
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These scaffolds shall be installed and used in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
In case the contractor needs to access the façade at any particular point without the need to install
scaffolds, the contractor shall use a CE certified (European Community) self-propelled man-lift,
similar to the one shown in picture on the side.
The use of other type of scaffolds, other non CE certified man-lifts, or any type of ladders for façade
or roof work, IS NOT AUTHORIZED.
Use of the following items in this construction project is prohibited:
Use of aluminum for electrical conductors.
Embedding aluminum conduit in concrete.
Use of fluorescent light ballasts and other products containing PCB's.
Use of incandescent lighting
Use of urea-formaldehyde foam insulation products.
Use of any paint/coatings having a lead content of over 0.06 percent by weight of non-volatile
content, ozone depleting chemicals, zinc-chromate
Use or handling of materials containing asbestos or
potentially containing any asbestos. This USG contract does
not include any asbestos abatement or handling or disposal,
and if any is found, the contractor shall immediately notify the
Contracting Officer Representative.
The use of any radioactive materials
While working the Contractor is liable for the containment, cleanup
and disposal of all Contractor spills (equipment breakdowns, wash
ups, clean ups of construction materials, etc.) in compliance with
the rules and regulations of the Republic of Djibouti.
Contractor shall reimburse any third party for damage resulting
from a spill and for costs incurred by the third party to clean up and
dispose of waste at no cost to the Government.
Contractor’s representative must have a copy of the spill clean-up
procedure and supplies on-hand equipment to control a spill.
When a spill occurs, Contractor’s representative must notify the COR, comply with the contingency
spill plan and complete, and file spill incident report within 24 hours of incident.
Contractors shall have, on the job site, spill cleanup materials and equipment to handle spills up to 5
gallons. At a minimum the Contractor’s spill response kit should contain the following:
Oil Absorbents
Cellulose Socks
Latex Gloves
Dust Masks
Disposal Bags or Containers
Hand Wipes
Contractor shall identify the cleanup materials and equipment that they will have on the job site. The
COR will be the sole judge of acceptability of Contractor’s cleanup materials and equipment.
Confine all operations, equipment, apparatus and storage of materials, to the immediate area of
work to the greatest possible extent.
Acceptable man
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Contractor shall ascertain, observe and comply with all rules and regulations in effect on the project
site, including, but not limited to parking and traffic regulations, use of walks, security restrictions,
hours of allowable ingress and egress.
Contractor shall keep premises free of accumulations of surplus materials and rubbish caused by
their operations. Combustible rubbish shall be removed from the premises each day. Burning of
rubbish on premises is not permitted.
In addition, the Contractor shall perform final cleaning to remove all foreign matter, spots, soil and
construction dust, so as to put the project in a complete and finished condition ready for acceptance
and use intended.
All waste areas and storage areas will be cleaned up to the COR’s satisfaction. All excess materials
will be removed from the site and the Contractor will leave the premises free of debris and excess
waste materials.
~~~ End of Part 6 ~~~
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7. Engineering System Requirements p. 56/117
System Description
Provide the building foundation system in accordance with the building codes and authority having
jurisdiction. Foundation shall be designed to suit subsurface conditions, and shall be capable of
transmitting all building loads to the ground.
In addition, design the structure in accordance with the building codes and authority having
jurisdiction. Load combinations shall include but not be limited to all applicable dead loads, roof live
loads, floor live loads, wind loadings, and seismic loading.
The Contractor shall commission the services of a geotechnical engineer registered as a
Professional Engineer in accordance with the authority having jurisdiction.
Subsurface soil information, including a geotechnical report, are not included in these TR.
As a minimum, the successful bidder’s Geotechnical Engineer shall perform an adequate number of
borings to the required depth, and supplementary laboratory classification of soils encountered, on
the building site to support the foundation design.
A site-specific seismic ground motion study is not required, unless it is required to develop the
spectral accelerations to adequately design the structure for the seismic loads.
See “System Descriptionabove. The foundation construction is anticipated to be reinforced cast-in-
place concrete continuous footings at walls and spread footings at columns and pilasters, but may
include any foundation system meeting the requirements of this section. [Do not use timber footings
or wood foundations.
Provide standard concrete slab on grade. Where slab on grade is below the existing adjacent
exterior grade, provide a perimeter drainage system to remove ground water from the area
immediately adjacent to the building[s]. Provide perimeter insulation.
System Description
Provide the building framing system in accordance with the building codes and authorities having
In addition, design the structure in accordance with the building codes and authority having
jurisdiction. Load combinations shall include but not be limited to all applicable dead loads, roof live
loads, floor live loads, wind loadings, and seismic loading.
The floor construction is anticipated to be reinforced cast-in-place concrete slabs on removable
forms, but may include any structural framing system meeting the requirements of these TR. The
floor is anticipated to be supported by reinforced concrete columns and beams, but may be
supported by any structural system meeting the requirements of these TR.
The roof construction is anticipated to be reinforced cast-in-place concrete slabs on removable forms
but may include any structural framing system meeting the requirements of this section. The roof
deck is anticipated to be supported by reinforced concrete columns and beams, but may be
supported by any structural system meeting the requirements of these TR.
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7. Engineering System Requirements p. 57/117
System Description
This system consists of the exterior facing of the facility, which includes all vertical and horizontal
exterior closure such as exterior walls, exterior windows, and exterior doors. This system excludes
roofing (See System B30, Roof).
Structural frame elements at exterior such as columns, beams, load bearing exterior walls,
spandrels, etc., are included in Superstructure, with only the applied exterior finishes (i.e., paint
stucco, etc.) being included here.
Finishes to the inside face of walls which are not an integral part of the wall construction will be
included in System C30, Interior finishes.
The primary exterior material of the buildings shall be cast-in-place concrete with unit masonry infill
wall systems as described in System B10, Superstructure faced on all exposed surfaces with painted
B201001. Balcony Walls, Guard Rails & Handrails
At any accessible horizontal surface, such as a floor, deck, veranda or roof, that is more than 30
inches (75 cm) above an adjacent surface, provide fall protection in the form of walls and/or
guardrails. The walls and/or guardrails shall be 42 inches (100 cm) in height above the horizontal
surface. Provide complete concrete and masonry walls and/or non-corrosive metal railing systems
including anchors and attachment sleeves and fasteners. Balcony walls shall match the exterior
walls of the building. Railing shall be ornamental to harmonize with the building.
At any stair into a building, between floors or that is a part of exterior walkways, provide handrails
extending from 12 inches (30 cm) beyond the top step and 12 inches (30cm) beyond the bottom
step. The walls and/or handrails shall be 32 inches (80 cm) in height above the nose of the steps.
Provide complete concrete masonry walls and/or non-corrosive metal railing systems including
anchors and attachment sleeves and fasteners. Handrail walls shall match the exterior walls of the
building. Railing shall be ornamental to harmonize with the building.
Walls and rails shall be designed in such a way that a 4 inch (10cm) sphere can not pass through
any point in the wall or rail.
B201002. Exterior Coatings
Provide field applied exterior coatings (paints, etc.) for all items that are not prefinished, and to
prefinished items when required to provide a color other than a standard prefinished color.
As much as practical, windows shall be provided in each area of the building that is regularly
occupied, to enhance the working environment, without compromising visual acuity and comfort.
Natural day lighting is preferred.
B202001. Exterior Windows
Exterior windows shall be wood, aluminum or plastic. Operable windows shall be provided with an
integral insect screen.
B202002. Exterior Glazing
Glazing shall be clear, tempered glass.
B201003. Exterior Louvers & Screens
Provide exterior louvers and screens, where required, that match the finish of the windows
and detailed to integrate with the architecture of the building, as appropriate to the design
of the building.
Provide hollow metal door assemblies at the exterior door openings. Any glazing shall match the
window glazing. Provide door hardware as required to hang, swing, lock and operate doors.
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7. Engineering System Requirements p. 58/117
B203007. Gates
Provide gates at any opening in perimeter security walls or openings in the exterior wall of the
building requiring open ventilation.
System Description
Roof systems shall be watertight and compatible with facility function, construction, and service
conditions. Provide complete roof system design and construction services for the entire new facility
roof system, including all ancillary and incidental work necessary for a complete, new, watertight roof
system installation.
Design Submittal Requirements: roof plan, method of drainage, standard details and details unique
to the project, wind load calculations and requirements.
Roofing systems shall be designed to resist wind uplift as indicated in System B10, Superstructure.
B301001. Steep Slope Roofing Systems
Steep slope roofing systems (4:12 or greater) are preferred over low slope roofing systems, where
practical. Steep slope roofing systems that are acceptable include metal, slate, concrete tiles, clay
tiles, and asphalt shingles.
B301002. Low Slope Roofing Systems
Low slope roofing systems (Less than 4:12) that are acceptable include metal, slate, concrete tiles,
clay tiles, and asphalt shingles. Low slope roofing systems that are acceptable include aggregate
surfaced four-ply built-up roofing, three-ply built-up roofing systems with modified bitumen cap sheet
surfacing or three-ply modified bitumen roofing.
System Description
Interior construction includes interior partitions, interior doors, and specialties.
Provide durable construction appropriate to the buildings use.
All interior partitions shall be unit masonry.
C101001. Interior Guardrails
At any accessible horizontal surface, such as a floors and balconies, that are more than 30 inches
(75 cm) above an adjacent surface, provide fall protection in the form of walls and/or guardrails. The
walls and/or guardrails shall be 42 inches (100 cm) in height above the horizontal surface. Provide
complete concrete and masonry walls and/or non-corrosive metal railing systems including anchors
and attachment sleeves and fasteners. Balcony walls shall match the interior partitions of the
building. Railing shall be ornamental to harmonize with the building.
At any stair provide handrails extending from 12 inches (30 cm) beyond the top step and 12 inches
(30cm) beyond the bottom step. The walls and/or handrails shall be 32 inches (80 cm) in height
above the nose of the steps. Provide complete concrete masonry walls and/or non-corrosive metal
railing systems including anchors and attachment sleeves and fasteners. Handrail walls shall match
the interior partitions of the building. Railing shall be ornamental to harmonize with the building.
Walls and rails shall be designed in such a way that a 4 inch (10cm) sphere can not pass through
any point in the wall or rail.
C101002. Interior Screens
Provide screen walls where required to prohibit view.
C101003. Interior Windows
Provide interior windows of wood, aluminum, plastic or hollow metal.
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C101004. Interior Glazing
Interior glazing shall be clear tempered glass.
C102001. Standard Interior Doors
All interior doors shall be wood or hollow metal. All interior door frames shall be wood or hollow
metal to match the doors. Provide door hardware as required to hang, swing, lock and operate
C102002. Glazed Interior Doors
Provide vision glazing in doors where it is deemed advantageous to be able to see through the door,
either for safety of pedestrian traffic, or other functional reason.
C103001. Toilet Compartments and Accessories
Provide toilet compartments in all toilet rooms with more than one water closet or urinal. Provide
toilet accessories as indicated in Part 4 of these TR.
C103003. Marker Boards
Provide marker boards.
C103004. Counters
Provide counter tops and back splashes.
C103005. Cabinets
Provide cabinetry and millwork items with associated accessories.
C103006. Ornamental Metal Work
Provide ornamental metalwork and stair handrails.
System Description
Provide stairs, including stair construction and stair finishes in accordance with the building codes
and authority having jurisdiction. Provide as required to provide access and egress from the building
from above or below grade level floors. Stairs shall meet all requirements of the International
Building Code.
C201001. Interior and Exterior Stairs
Interior stairs shall be constructed of cast-in-place concrete.
Exterior stairs shall be constructed of cast-in-place reinforced concrete.
Concrete is an acceptable finish for exterior stairs.
C201090. Handrails, Guardrails, and Accessories
Provide handrails and guardrails as described here in.
Handrails and guardrails shall be painted steel, galvanized steel, stainless steel, pre-finished
aluminum, pre-finished steel or wood. Handrails and guardrails shall present a smooth, unbroken
surface throughout the length of the stair.
Handrails and guardrails shall be finished to withstand extreme wear conditions
System Description
Interior finishes include wall finishes, floor finishes, wall base finishes, and ceiling finishes.
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7. Engineering System Requirements p. 60/117
Provide aesthetically pleasing, functional, durable finishes appropriate to the buildings use.
Acoustic properties of materials, as well as durability and ease of maintenance, shall be considered
during material selection. Maximize the use of sustainable materials.
Interior wall finish materials shall be painted cement plaster, ceramic tile or natural marble.
Provide ceramic tile in all toilet rooms full height of all walls.
Primary floor finish shall be ceramic tile except as indicated in the Part 4 of these TR. Edges of tile
work not against a wall, including changes in floor height, shall be finished with a rounded factory tile
edge. If edge tile needs to be cut, place cut edges toward grout line.
Exposed concrete floors shall be coated with a sealer appropriate to the function of the space.
Ceiling finishes shall be as indicated in the Part 4 of these TR.
Exposed structural systems shall be painted.
Paint all interior exposed wood or metal items.
Refer to PTS D20 for performance requirements of the building elements included in the plumbing
System Description
The plumbing system shall be complete and usable for the facility usage consisting of all fixtures,
sanitary waste and vent piping systems, accessories, finish trim, anchorage and other specialty
piping and equipment within 1.5 meter (5 foot) of the building.
General System Requirements
Provide working space around all equipment. Provide concrete pads under all equipment. Provide all
required fittings, connections and accessories required for a complete and usable system. All
equipment shall be installed per the criteria of TR section D20 and the manufacturer’s
recommendations. Design and installation shall be in accordance with manufacturer’s
recommendations and local law and other requirements that may govern. Where the word “should”
is used in the manufacturer’s recommendations, substitute the word “shall”.
Provide quantity and type of plumbing fixtures required for the occupancy, use, and functions
described for this facility. Provide handicapped fixtures in accordance with the referenced criteria in
the Project Program.
Anchor all plumbing fixtures securely into their final location.
D201001. Water Closets
Provide floor-mounted flush tank type water closets.
D201002. Urinals
Provide wall-mounted flush valve type urinals.
D201003 Lavatories
Provide wall mounted lavatories made of vitreous china, with shelf back.
D201004. Sinks
Provide sink as described in the Part 4 of these TR.
D201005. Finish Trim
Provide escutcheons or other finish trim where pipes supplying plumbing fixtures penetrate visible,
finish wall surfaces.
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Water supply shall be provided by connecting to the existing water service in the existing building.
Refer to PTS D20.
D202001. Pipes and Fittings
For cold water piping distribution, provide copper piping for above ground installations, and use PVC
or CPVC piping buried piping installations.
For hot water piping installations, use copper tubing only, and do not install hot water piping
underground. Conceal hot water piping in wall a soffit, a pipe chase, or in the attic.
D202002. Domestic Water Equipment
Provide electric geyser for heating of domestic water.
D202003. Insulation & Identification
Provide mineral fiber insulation with vapor barrier on domestic water (hot and cold) supply piping.
Provide identification for piping and equipment.
D202004. Specialties
Provide valve box for buried valves.
D202005. Other Domestic Water Supply
Provide piping supports in accordance with the piping manufacturer. Provide inspections,
disinfection, and testing in accordance with the local regulations.
Contractor shall provide a septic tank and drain field, planning around the location of the water well.
Refer to ESR G30 and PTS G30 for the requirements on the collection of sewer and waste water
from the new building.
D203001. Waste Pipe & Fittings
Provide plastic PVC or ABS piping, fittings, and solvent cement for below ground installation. Do
not use corrugated pipe fittings or bellows; these items are prohibited.
D203002. Vent Pipe & Fittings
Provide plastic PVC or ABS piping, fittings, and solvent cement.
D203003. Floor Drains
Provide in mechanical rooms, restrooms, plumbing chase areas, and to receive condensate from air
handling equipment. Provide floor sinks in kitchens. All floor drains shall be provided with a trap.
System Description
Provide heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems with the following objectives:
Occupant comfort, Indoor air quality, Acceptable noise levels, Energy efficiency, Reliable operation,
and Ease of maintenance. Design and installation shall be in accordance with local regulations and
manufacturer’s recommendations.
General System Requirements
Provide working space around all equipment. Provide all required fittings, connections and
accessories required for a complete and usable system. All equipment shall be installed per the
criteria in TR Section D30 and the manufacturer’s recommendations. Where the word “should” is
used in manufacturer’s instructions, substitute the word “shall”.
Refer to Part 5 for performance requirements of the building elements included in the HVAC system.
Provide air conditioning and heating for spaces as indicated and to the following required interior
design conditions:
Interior Temperature Minimum: 18
C (18 degrees Celsius)
Interior Temperature Ave: 22-26
C (22-26 degrees Celsius)
Interior Temperature Maximum: 32
C (32 degrees Celsius)
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Interior Relative Humidity (RH) Minimum: 25%
Interior Relative Humidity (RH) Average: 50%
Interior Relative Humidity (RH) Maximum: 85%
Provide minimum 100 mm thick concrete housekeeping equipment pads and vibration isolators
under all floor-mounted equipment (interior and exterior HVAC equipment).
D303002 Direct Expansion Systems
Provide a dedicated air-cooled direct expansion (DX) ductless split system cooling units as required
to achieve the design interior temperatures.
D304001 Air Distribution, Heating & Cooling
For all ductwork, provide insulated, galvanized steel ductwork constructed, braced, reinforced,
installed, supported, and sealed in accordance with the IBC.
Provide grilles, registers, and diffusers for all ducted air distribution systems.
D304007 Exhaust Systems
Provide ductwork constructed, braced, reinforced, installed, supported, and sealed in accordance
with the IBC.
Provide ducted exhaust ventilation systems and exhaust fans to serve all ventilated zones of the
facility. Provide in-line centrifugal exhaust fan[s] as the primary exhaust system.
Refer to Part 5 for performance requirements of the building elements included in the fire protection
System Description
Provide an integrated fire alarm system capable of notifying building occupants and of any fire that
may start inside the facility. Provide wall mounted multi-purpose fire-extinguishers throughout the
Provide an integrated fire alarm system capable of notifying building occupants inside the facility.
Provide a complete, electrically supervised, manual and automatic, annunciated fire alarm and
detection system throughout the facility. Provide integrated systems capable of notifying building
occupants by means of tones and strobes. The fire reporting portion of the system must be
consistent with the Djiboutian regulation about fire reporting system.
Provide a complete and useable fire alarm system including manual stations, system smoke
detectors, audio/visual alarms.
Provide surface mounted manual pull stations.
System Description
Connect to the existing electrical system as required and provide adequate protection to all the
Provide an interior electrical system consisting of Service Entrance Wiring and Equipment,
Distribution and Lighting Switchboards, Conduits, Feeder and Branch Circuits, Lighting and Branch
Wiring, Emergency Lighting and Power, Grounding, and Lightning Protection, including accessories
and devices as necessary and required for a complete and usable system. This section covers
installations out to the building 1.5 meter (5 foot) line.
The interior distribution system shall consist of insulated conductors in conduit.
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7. Engineering System Requirements p. 63/117
General System Requirements
Provide an Electrical System complete in place, tested and approved, as specified throughout these
TR, as needed for a complete, usable and proper installation. All equipment shall be installed per the
criteria of PTS D50 and the manufacturer’s recommendations. Where the word shouldis used in
the manufacturer’s recommendations, substitute the word “shall”.
D501002. Service Entrance Equipment
All service into the facility shall be underground.
Provide a main distribution panel as service equipment. Provide each service entrance with digital
D501004. Switchboard
Provide distribution and branch circuit switchboard to serve loads as required.
D501005. Enclosed Circuit Breakers
Provide enclosed circuit breakers.
Provide electrical connections for all systems requiring electrical service.
Provide lighting and general purpose receptacles throughout all spaces as required.
D502001. Branch Wiring
All branch wiring shall be insulated conductors in conduit.
D502002. Lighting Equipment
Provide a complete lighting system consisting of exit and emergency lighting and area lighting
consisting of light-emitting diode (LED) lighting including switches and, possibly, automatic controls
including occupancy sensors, automatic lighting shutoff systems and/or dimming systems.
D502003. Finish Trim
Provide escutcheons or other finish trim where conduits penetrate visible, finish wall surfaces.
D502004. Potential Drop
The potential drop depends on the cable resistance and on the current through it, as stated by the
Ohm law: V=R*I.
The conductor resistance depends on the material resistivity - for the copper it’s 1.72 × 10-8), on
its section (S) and on its length (L), as per the formula R = L/S*ρ.
A potential drop bigger than 4% is NOT acceptable, and a good reference is to keep it under 2%.
D504001. General Construction Items (Electrical)
Provide General Construction Items (Electrical) including, but not necessarily limited to, all
connections, fittings, boxes and associated equipment needed by this and other sections of these TR
as required for a complete and usable system.
D504002. Emergency Lighting and Power
Provide power and wiring for emergency lights and exit lights throughout the facility.
D504003. Grounding Systems
Provide a complete grounding system for the facility electrical and telecommunications systems.
D504004. Lightning Protection
Provide a complete lightning protection system including, but not necessarily limited to, strike
termination devices, conductors, ground terminals, interconnecting conductors, surge suppression
devices, and other connectors and fittings required for a complete and usable system.
Work shall include necessary modifications to the existing lightning protection system such that the
entire system meets the local requirements.
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7. Engineering System Requirements p. 64/117
Lightning Protection Systems shall not void the roof warranty.
D504005. Electric Heating
Provide power wiring and connections as required for all electric heating systems and equipment.
System Description
The site preparation system consists of site clearing, and earthwork necessary to ready the site for
other work associated with the project.
Develop the project site and perform all off-site work necessary to meet the requirements of the
project, local codes, reference standards, technical specifications and performance criteria.
A topographic survey of the existing site has not been performed. Prior to starting work, the
Contractor is to obtain all topographic survey data required to provide a quality final design.
The Contractor shall be responsible for performing pre-construction and periodic site visits
throughout construction to assess site conditions. The Contractor shall submit the updated plan
informing the Contracting Officer of the status of the plan and an accounting of Contractor adherence
to the plan; specifically addressing any present or potential problems.
Minimize the impact of construction activity on operations and neighboring facilities.
Identify and obtain all permits to comply with all national, regional, and local regulatory requirements
associated with this work. Contractor shall determine correct permit fees and pay said fees. Copies
of all permits, and permit applications shall be forwarded to the Contracting Officer.
All plant material removed from the project site shall be disposed of off-site.
Burning will not be allowed.
G102001. Grading
Finished grade shall slope away from buildings at 1:10 for a distance of 6 feet (3 m) from building.
Finish floor elevations for new facilities shall be 12 inch (30 cm) minimum above the highest adjacent
finished grade.
G102002. Blasting
Blasting will not be permitted.
G102003. Compaction
Compact fill material to near density of existing site.
G102004. Slope Stabilization
Provide slope stabilization through appropriate grading and site design for a minimum slope of 1:2.
All waste materials that are not claimed by the end user shall become the property of the Contractor
and shall be transported, disposed of and/or recycled off site.
Removed materials and equipment cannot be viewed by prospective purchasers or sold on the site.
System Description
The site improvements system consists of landscaping and other exterior site development work
related to this project.
Provide site improvements as required to make a useable facility that meets functional and
operational requirements and blends into the existing environment.
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Identify and obtain all permits to comply with all federal, and local regulatory requirements associated
with this work.
Minimize the impact of construction activity on operations and neighboring facilities.
Locate new site improvements at locations indicated on the sketches provided with these TR. If
specific locations are not provided, site the improvements to develop appropriate and positive
relationships with other facilities and to conform to existing development patterns.
Refer to Site Analysis and Building Requirements Sections for additional site improvement functional
program information.
Provide a lighted roadway connecting the gate to the EOC building as indicated in other parts of this
Provide a lighted pathway connecting the gate to the EOC building to be suitable for disabled people
use as indicated in other parts of this TR.
Open a gate with a vehicular and a pedestrian section in the existing perimeter wall fence as
indicated in other parts of this TR..
G204001. Freestanding Walls & Gates
Provide security gates with associated hardware as indicated in other parts of this TR.
System Description
The site civil/mechanical utility systems include water supply systems, sanitary sewer systems, storm
drainage systems, and associated appurtenances which are more than 5 feet (1.5 meters) outside
the building.
The site mechanical utility system consists of all piping and appurtenances for natural gas, liquefied
petroleum gas (LPG), heating distribution systems, cooling distribution systems, and fuel distribution
systems including all accessories and devices as necessary and required for a complete and usable
system up to 1.5 meters (5 feet) outside buildings.
Develop the site to provide water, fire protection, sanitary sewer, storm drainage, heating, cooling
and fuel distribution services that meet the requirements of each applicable regulatory agency that
governs and issues permits for the construction and operation of these systems.
Provide each system complete and ready for operation.
Physically verify the location of existing above and below ground utilities prior to starting work.
The new water system is an extension of the existing water system. Provide the new water system
and connections to the existing water distribution system in accordance with the utility provider’s
requirements, the local waterworks regulations, and local law; whichever is more stringent.
Provide connection to the existing water distribution system for the new facility.
G301002. Water Storage
Provide a water storage facility with the minimum capacity that is required by the number of
occupants and their operation.
Provide an elevated water storage tank, including a tower.
If water is supplied to the fill tank by a municipal water main, provide an automatic level control to fill
and prevent overflow of the tank. Provide automatic level control by floats or pressure transducer in
accordance with local industry standards/practices to fill and prevent overflow of the tank.
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This system shall include, but is not limited to, all piping and valves, strainers, check valves, pumps,
float switches, float valves, etc, that are required for a complete and usable system.
Obtain end user approval for the location of tank, as well as for the shape, the color, and pattern of
exterior coating.
The new sanitary sewer system shall connect to the existing sanitary sewer collection system.
Provide the new sanitary sewer system and connections to the existing sanitary sewer collection
system in accordance with the local sewerage regulations and local law.
In identifying a suitable point of connection, provide consideration of the capacity of the existing
collection system.
G302001. Sanitary Sewer Piping
Provide only ABS or PVC pipes with cleanouts as required.
G302002. Sanitary Sewer Manholes
Provide precast concrete manholes only.]
G302003. Sewer & Waste Water Holding Tanks
[Provide a sanitary sewer collection system and a waste water collection system. These two
systems shall be two separate systems and not be interconnected in any way. Each collection
system shall consist of its own concrete holding tank. After project completion, the sewer tank will be
emptied by a by a septic waste collection service truck periodically. The waste water tank shall be
capable to discharge into a drain field. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to acquire all permits
required by the local municipality before construction begins.]
G302003. Septic Systems Tanks
Provide a septic tank to receive all discharge from all plumbing fixtures. Conforming to the
requirements of ESR G30, and PTS G30 the septic tank shall discharge its liquid into a drain field.
Provide drain fields to conform to local law and other local requirements. It is the responsibility of
the Contractor to acquire all permits required by the local municipality before construction begins.]
G303001. Natural Gas/Propane [LPG] Distribution Piping
Provide polyethylene (PE) piping system suitable to natural gas or propane as needed.
G303002. Gas Storage Tanks
Provide propane storage tank. Contractor shall size tank with enough capacity to store fuel for one
month. Contractor is responsible to calculate the fuel demand of the facility and its operation.
System Description
The site electrical utility system consists of all power and telecommunications and fiber optic cabling
from the existing distribution system point of connection including all connections, accessories and
devices as necessary and required for a complete and usable system. This section covers
installations up to within 1.5 meters (5 foot) of new (or existing) building location.
General System Requirements
Provide an Electrical System complete in place, tested and approved, as specified throughout this
RFP, as needed for a complete, usable and proper installation. All equipment shall be installed per
the criteria of RFP Section G40 and the manufacturer’s recommendations. Where the word “should
is used in the manufacturers recommendations, substitute the word “shall”.
Connect to the existing electrical power system. The connection point shall be underground at the
closest electrical cabinet and extended to the project site underground in ductbank to a main
electrical panel.
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G401003. Switches, Controls And Devices
Provide an automatic sectionalizer switch at derivation cabinet to protect the feeder.
G401006. Underground Electric Conductors
Provide underground electrical power distribution systems to meet the connection requirements as
indicated in paragraph G4010 “Electrical Distribution”. Provide fused cut-outs on connections to
overhead distribution systems.
G401007. Ductbanks, Manholes, Handholes And Raceways
Provide a direct buried underground power distribution system.
G401008. Grounding Systems
Provide a complete grounding system for the electrical power distribution system.
G401009. Metering
Provide a separate kilowatt Demand Meter upstream the feeder connection to the main electrical
Provide site lighting for exterio], including underground distribution, handholes, grounding, poles,
fixtures and controls as required for a complete and usable system.
G402001. Exterior Lighting Fixtures And Controls
Provide led type lighting fixtures, complete with lamps.
Provide an automatic lighting control system for exterior lighting fixtures utilizing lighting contactors,
time switches, and photocell switches such that lighting will automatically turn “ON and turn “OFF” in
accordance to daylight.
Provide lighting control for exterior lighting fixtures with individual photocell switches on each
G402004. Lighting Poles
Provide poles (wood, or aluminum, or steel) complete with foundations for site lighting.
G402005. Underground Electric Conductors
Provide a complete underground distribution system for all site lighting systems.
G402006. Ductbanks, Manholes And Handholes
Provide a direct buried underground system including conduits and handholes to meet the
connection requirements indicated in paragraph G4020 “Site Lighting”.
G402007. Grounding Systems
Provide a complete grounding system for all site lighting systems.
~~~ End of Part 7 ~~~
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8. Performance Technical Specification p. 68/117
All Technical Requirements (TR) sections must be used in conjunction with all parts of the Design
Build (D/B) Request for Proposal/Quote (RFP/RFQ) to determine the full requirements of this
solicitation. The PTS (Part 8) provides general requirements for the other Parts of these TR and is
used in conjunction with the other parts of this document.
1.1 Design Guidance
1.1.1 Provide the design and installation in accordance with the Part 6. of this document.
1.1.2 In the absence of design guidance from the authority having jurisdiction, the Design A&E
shall design according the following: Load combinations in accordance with the approved authority having jurisdiction
shall be used in design. Load combinations should include all loads to which the building
will be subjected to. In the absence of a governing building code the following load
combinations shall be used: Strength Design:
1.2(D+F+T)+1.6(L+H)+0.5(Lr or S or R)
1.2D+1.6(Lr or S or R)+(L or 0.8W)
1.2D+1.6W+L+0.5(Lr or S or R)
0.9D+1.0E+1.6H Allowable Stress Design:
D+H+F+(Lr or S or R)
D+H+F+0.75(L+T)+0.75(Lr or S or R)
D+H+F+(W or 0.7E)
D+H+F+0.75(W or 0.7E)+0.75L+0.75(Lr or S or R)
0.6D+0.7E+H Where:
D = Dead Load
E = Earthquake Load
F = Load to fluids with well defined pressures and maximum heights
H = Load to lateral earth pressure, ground water pressure, or pressure over bulk
L = Live Load
Lr = Roof live load
R = Rain Load
S = Snow Load
T = Self straining force
W = Wind load Dead Loads
Dead loads consist of the weight of all materials of construction incorporated into the
building including, but not limited to, walls, floors, roofs, ceilings, stairways, built-in
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partitions, finishes, cladding, and other similarly incorporated architectural and
structural items, and fixed service equipment including the weight of cranes.
In determining dead loads for purposes of design, the actual weights of materials and
constructions shall be used provided that in the absence of definite information,
values approved by the authority having jurisdiction shall be used.
In determining dead loads for purposes of design, the weight of fixed service
equipment, such as plumbing stacks and risers, electrical feeders, and heating,
ventilating, and air conditioning systems shall be included. Live Loads
Live loads for occupancies shall be in accordance with the authority having
jurisdiction. Live loads shall not be less than the following:
Occupancy: Classroom
Uniform Live load: 1.92 kN/m2
Concentrated Live Load: 4.45 kN
Occupancy: Corridor
Uniform Live load: 4.79 kN/m2
Concentrated Live Load: 4.45 kN
Occupancy: Office Space
Uniform Live load: 2.4 kN/m2
Concentrated Live Load: 8.9 kN
Occupancy: Roof
Uniform Live load: 0.96 kN/m2 Importance Factors
Importance Factors for design shall be in accordance with the approved authority
having jurisdiction. Wind Exposure
Wind design and corresponding exposure category shall be in accordance with the
approved authority having jurisdiction. Earthquake Loads
Earthquake Loads shall be generated in accordance with locally approved authority
having jurisdiction.
1.2 Construction Guidance
1.2.1 The Contractor shall provide all plant, labor, material, and equipment necessary to provide,
deliver and place exterior walls to form exterior enclosure as specified herein.
1.3 General Requirements
1.3.1 Earthwork shall be performed in accordance with means and methods in compliance with the
laws and building codes of the authority having jurisdiction.
1.3.2 Geotechnical Report The Contractor-provided geotechnical engineer, shall be experienced with soil
conditions in the region where the project site is located. The geotechnical engineer shall
evaluate the TR data, obtain and evaluate all additional data as required to support the
design and construction, and prepare a Geotechnical Report. Subsurface Soils Information The data included in these TR are intended for proposal preparation and
preliminary design only. Contractor shall perform, at his expense, such subsurface
exploration, investigation, testing, and analysis as his Designer of Record deems
necessary for the design and construction of the foundation system. Prior to the Foundation Work Design submittal include a Contractor
Geotechnical Report (electronically submitted) for review and record keeping
purposes. The report shall become the property of the Government. Geotechnical
reports generated during construction, such as pile driving results and analysis, shall
be provided to the Contracting Officer (electronically submitted) for record keeping
purposes. Contractor-Provided Geotechnical Report
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8. Performance Technical Specification p. 70/117 Submit a Geotechnical report, electronically submitted, based upon
Government-provided subsurface investigation data and all additional field and
laboratory testing accomplished at the discretion of the Contractor’s Geotechnical
Engineer. The Geotechnical Report shall include the following:
The project site description, vicinity map and site map.
Results of all the field and laboratory testing, Contractor-provided.
Engineering analysis, discussion and recommendations addressing:
Bearing Capacity
Foundation selection and construction considerations (shallow, deep, special);
dimensions, and installation procedures.
Site preparation (earthwork procedures and equipment), compaction requirements,
building slab preparation (as applicable), soil sensitivity to weather and equipment,
and groundwater influence on construction
Sheeting and shoring considerations, as applicable
Pavement design parameters, actual or assumed, including recommended
thicknesses and materials, be for design or for proposed modifications to the TR
provided pavement design only
Haul routes and stockpile locations for earthwork, as applicable
Calculations to support conclusions and recommendations
Recommendations shall be presented on a structure-by-structure basis The Geotechnical Report shall be signed by a Geotechnical Engineer
registered with the jurisdiction having authority. The submitted report shall be accomplished by a cover letter identifying
any recommendations of the report proposed to be adopted into the design which are
interpreted by the Contractor as either conflicting with or being modifications to the
Geotechnical or Pavement related requirements of the TR. Geotechnical Site Data required in Design Drawings The Contractor’s final design drawings shall include the Government-
provided subsurface data presented in the TR as noted below, as well as any
additional borings and laboratory test result data performed by the Contractor.
Logs of Borings and related summary of laboratory test results and groundwater
The locations of all borings shall be indicated on the drawings. The applicable design
drawings shall be revised to reference the Contractor’s Geotechnical Report as being
a basis for design.
1.1 Provide sheeting and shoring as required. Sheeting and shoring plans shall be signed by the
Contractor’s geotechnical/structural engineer.
1.2 Termite Control Barrier System
1.2.1 Formulate and apply termiticide in accordance with the manufacturer's label directions. The
termiticide label shall bear evidence of registration by the appropriate requirements of the host
1.2.2 Apply termiticide to the soil that will be covered by or lie immediately adjacent to the
building(s) and structure(s), providing a protective barrier against subterranean termites.
1.2.3 Applicator(s) shall be licensed or certified the host country, as applicable.
1.2.4 To maintain resistance to termites, complete the system and do not disturb, penetrate or
damage during the remaining contract time period. Provide Manufacturer’s Guidance for performing
a visual assessment of the installed system to ensure the system provides the designed termite
physical barrier.
A101001 Wall Foundations
1.1 Provide concrete foundation walls as required in accordance with the requirements of this
section and other portions of these TR.
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1.2 Concrete footings for walls must have a minimum thickness of 12 inches (305mm) and a
minimum width of 18 inches (460mm).
A101002 Column Foundations And Pile Caps
1.1 Provide concrete column foundations or pile caps and grade beams as required in accordance
with the requirements of this section and other portions of these TR.
1.2 Concrete column footings must have a minimum thickness of 12 inches (305mm) and a
minimum width of 18 inches (460mm).
A101003 Foundation Drainage
1.1 If required, perimeter drainage system shall be provided to remove water away from the
foundation of the facility and to be deposited in the storm sewerage system of the site. Pipe for the
foundation drainage system shall be of the type specified, shall be perforated, and shall be of a size
sufficient to remove water from the foundation successfully. Provide one, or a combination of more
than one, of the following types of pipe:
Corrugated Polyethelene (PE) Drainage Pipe
Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Pipe
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe
Installation shall include wrapping the pipe with filter fabric sock and careful bedding of the pipe with
appropriate fill material to ensure that the pipe does not become filled with the bedding material.
1.1 Provide standard concrete slab on grade to meet the required loading requirement in
accordance with the requirements of this section and other portions of these TR.
1.2 Floor slab on grade shall be designed and constructed so that any settlement of the floor slab
shall not result in harmful distortion of the floor, or vertical misalignment of the floor with other building
components (doorways, trenches, etc.).
A102001 Concrete Slabs On Grade
1.1 Concrete floor slabs on ground must be reinforced and shall have a thickness of not less than
100mm. Vapor retarders shall not be less than 0.25mm thick. Minimum reinforcing shall be #10
reinforcing bars at 405mm on center or 152x152xMW18.7xMW18.7 welded wire reinforcing (do not
use roll type). The slab reinforcing shall be placed on firm supports approximately 1/3 the slab depth
from the top of slab with a minimum cover of 38mm. Fiber reinforcing in the concrete mix shall not
be considered as replacing the steel reinforcing.
1.2 For concrete floor slabs on ground, the maximum length of any continuous placement shall be
30.5m between construction or expansion joints. Within any placement, the maximum spacing
between control joints shall be 7.6m in each direction. Slab reinforcing shall not continue through
construction and control joints.
A102002 Slab On Grade Insulation
1.1 Provide only thermal insulating materials recommended by manufacturer for perimeter insulation.
Provide either cellular glass or extruded preformed cellular polystyrene block thermal insulations.
1.2 The thickness of insulation and thermal resistance value shall be sufficient to meet the
applicable building codes in accordance with the local jurisdiction having authority.
1.1 Concrete for floor construction must have a 28 day compressive strength of 24MPa in
accordance with compressive strength cylinder tests as approved by authority having local
jurisdiction. Maximum concrete slump shall be 100mm unless a high water reducing admixture has
been used; in which case the maximum concrete slump can be increased to 200mm.
1.2 The following maximum water-cement ratios must apply to all structural concrete:
Compressive Strength Without AE With AE
20.7MPa 0.58 0.50
24.1MPa 0.54 0.48
27.6MPa 0.50 0.45
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Where, AE = Air Entrainment
1.3 Proportions of materials for concrete shall be established to provide:
1.3.1 Workability and consistency to permit concrete to be worked readily into forms and around
reinforcement under conditions of placement to be employed, without segregation or excessive
1.3.2 Resistance to any special exposure conditions.
1.3.3 Conformance with the specified compressive strength requirements.
1.1 The work shall be performed as described herein. The work consists of providing shallow wall
foundations, building slabs and veranda slabs and all other building components designed by the
Contractor to be reinforced concrete.
1.2 Provide a difference in height between 15cm (6 in) and 17.5cm (7 in) from adjacent grade and
the veranda slab.
1.4 The construction documents for structural concrete construction shall include:
The specified compressive strength of concrete at the stated ages or stages of construction for which
each concrete element is designed.
The specified strength or grade of reinforcement.
The size and location of structural elements, reinforcement, and anchors.
Anchorage length of reinforcement and location and length of lap splices.
A104001 Concrete Materials
1.1 Cement shall be Portland cement and acceptable with locally approved authority having
1.2 Locally available aggregates shall be provided in accordance with locally approved authority
having jurisdiction. Aggregates provided shall produce concrete of adequate strength and durability
in accordance with requirements of these TR and locally approved authority having jurisdiction.
Nominal maximum size of aggregate shall not be larger than:
1/5 the narrowest dimension between sides of forms, nor
1/3 the depth of the slab, nor
3/4 the minimum clear spacing between individual reinforcing bars or wires, bundles of bars,
individual tendons, bundled tendons, or ducts.
1.3 Water used in mixing concrete shall be clean and free from injurious amounts of oils, acids,
alkalis, salts, organic materials or other substances that are deleterious to concrete or steel
1.4 Sand used in mixing concrete shall be clean and free of chlorides or other substances that
would cause reduced durability of the finished concrete and/or deterioration of the steel
reinforcement. Beach sand used in a concrete mix shall be thoroughly washed and free of salts and
1.5 Steel reinforcement shall be deformed reinforcement, except plain reinforcement is permitted for
spirals or prestressing steel. Reinforcing shall have a minimum yield strength of 413 MPa (413,685
kN/m2). The yield strength shall be taken as the stress corresponding to a strain of 0.35%.
1.6 Admixtures shall be in compliance with locally approved authority having jurisdiction.
A104002 Concrete Formwork
1.1 Forms shall result in a final structure that conforms to the shapes, lines, and dimensions of the
members as required by the design drawings and specifications.
1.2 Forms shall be substantially tight to prevent leakage of material.
1.3 Forms shall be properly braced or tied together to maintain position and shape.
1.4 Design of formwork shall consider: rate and method of placing concrete; construction loads
including vertical, horizontal, and impact loads.
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1.5 Forms shall be removed in such a manner as not to impair safety and serviceability of the
structure. Concrete exposed by form removal shall have sufficient strength not to be damaged by
removal operation.
A104002 Concrete Reinforcement
1.1 Reinforcing bars with standard hooks shall meet the following dimensional requirements:
1.1.1 180 degree bend plus 4xbar diameter extension, but not less than 2.5 inches (65mm)
1.1.2 90 degree bend plus 12xbar diameter extension at free end of bar.
1.1.3 For stirrups and tie hooks: #16 bars and smaller, 90 degree bend plus 6xbar diameter extension at free end
of bar #19, #22, and #25 bars, 90 degree bend plus 12xbar diameter extension at free
end of bar #25 bar and smaller, 135 degree bend plus 6xbar diameter extension at free end
of bar
1.2 Diameter of bend measured on the inside of the bar, other than for stirrups and ties in sizes #10
through #16 shall not be less than the values shown in the table below.
1.3 Inside diameter of bend for stirrups and ties shall not be less than 4xbar diameters for #16 bar
and smaller. For bars larger than #16, diameter of bend shall be in accordance with table below.
Bar size
Minimum Diameter
#10 through #25
6 x bar diameters
#29, #32, #36
8 x bar diameters
#43 and #57
10 x bar diameters
1.4 All reinforcement shall be bent cold.
1.5 Reinforcement partially embedded in concrete shall not be field bent.
A104003 Placing Concrete Reinforcement
1.1 Reinforcement shall be accurately placed and adequately supported before concrete is placed
and shall be secured against displacement.
1.2 The minimum clear distance between parallel bars in a layer shall be equal to the diameter of
the bar, but not less than 1 inch (25mm).
1.3 Where parallel reinforcement is placed in two or more layers, bars in the upper layers shall be
placed directly above bars in the bottom layer with clear distance between layers not less than 1 inch
1.4 In spirally reinforced or tied reinforced compression members, clear distance between
longitudinal bars shall not be less than 1.5 x bar diameter nor less than 1.5 inches (38mm).
1.5 Clear distance limitation between bars shall apply also to the clear distance between a contact
lap splice and adjacent splices or bars.
1.6 In walls or slabs other than concrete joist construction, primary flexural reinforcement shall not
be spaced farther than three times the wall or slab thickness, or farther apart than 18 inches
1.7 At the time concrete is placed, reinforcement shall be free from mud, oil, or other nonmetallic
coatings that decrease bond.
1.8 The following minimum concrete cover shall be provided for reinforcement:
a. Concrete cast against and permanently exposed to earth
3 75mm
b. Concrete exposed to earth or weather:
#19 bar through #57 bars 2” 50mm
#16 bars and smaller 1.5 38mm
c. Concrete not exposed to weather or in contact with ground:
Slabs, walls, and joists:
#43 and #57 bars 1.5” 38mm
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#36 bars and smaller .75” 19mm
d. Beams, columns:
Primary reinforcement, ties, stirrups, spirals 1.5” 38mm
e. Shells, folded plate members:
#19 bar and larger 0.75” 19mm
#16 bar and smaller 0.5” 13mm
A104004 Concrete Mixing
1.1 All concrete shall be mixed until there is a uniform distribution of materials and shall be
discharged completely before mixer is recharged.
1.1 Job mixed concrete shall be mixed in a batch mixer approved by the locally approved authority
having jurisdiction. The mixer shall be rotated at a speed as recommended by the manufacturer.
The mixing shall be continued for at least 1-1/2 minutes after all materials are in the drum. A detailed
record shall be kept to identify the number of batches produced, proportions of materials used,
approximate location of final deposit in structure and the time and date of mixing and placing.
A104005 Concrete Conveying
1.1 Concrete shall be conveyed from mixer to place of final deposit by methods that will prevent
separation or loss of materials. Conveying equipment shall be capable of providing a supply of
concrete at site of placement without separation of ingredients and without interruptions sufficient to
permit loss of plasticity between successive increments.
A104006 Concrete Depositing
1.1 Concrete shall be deposited as nearly as practical in its final position to avoid segregation due
to rehandling or flowing. Placing of concrete shall be performed at such a rate that concrete is at all
times plastic and flows readily into spaces between reinforcement. Concrete that has partially
hardened or been contaminated by foreign materials shall not be deposited in the structure.
Retempered concrete that has been remixed after initial set shall not be used. Placing of concrete
shall be continuous until placing of panel or section, as defined by its boundaries or predetermined
joints is completed. Top surfaces of vertically formed lifts shall be generally level. All concrete shall
be thoroughly consolidated by suitable means during placement and shall be thoroughly worked
around reinforcement and embedded fixtures and into corners of forms.
A104007 Concrete Curing
1.1 Curing of concrete shall be performed in accordance with the locally approved authority having
jurisdiction. At a minimum concrete shall be maintained above 50˚F (10˚C) and in a moist condition
for at least the first 7 days after placement.
A104008 Hot Weather Concrete
1.1 Concrete placement operations in hot weather conditions shall be performed in accordance with
the locally approved authority having jurisdiction. During hot weather, proper attention shall be given
to ingredients, production methods, handling, placing, protection, and curing to prevent excessive
concrete temperatures or water evaporation that could impair required strength or serviceability of
the member or structure.
A104009 Concrete Construction Joints
1.1 Location of construction joints shall be as approved by the Engineer responsible for the design
and the locally approved authority having jurisdiction.
A104010 Concrete Testing
1.1 Concrete shall be tested by field technicians qualified in accordance with the locally approved
authority having jurisdiction. Tests shall be performed on fresh concrete at the job site; prepare
specimens required for curing under field conditions; prepare specimens required for testing in the
laboratory, and record the temperature of the fresh concrete when preparing specimens for strength
tests. Technicians qualified in accordance with the locally approved authority having jurisdiction shall
perform laboratory tests.
1.2 Sampling shall be performed at the rate required by the jurisdiction having authority. If not
specified, samples for strength tests of each class of concrete placed each day shall be taken not
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less than once a day, nor less than once for each 115 m3 of concrete, nor less than once for each
460 m2 of surface area for slabs or walls.
1.3 On a given project, if total volume of concrete is such that frequency of testing required would
be less than five strength tests for a given class of concrete, tests shall be made from at least five
randomly selected batches or from each batch if fewer than five batches are used.
1.1. Design Submittal
1.1.1 Provide the design and installation in accordance with “General Work Requirements”.
1.2. Construction Submittals
1.2.1 The Contractor shall provide all plant, labor, material, and equipment necessary to provide,
deliver and place exterior walls to form exterior enclosure as specified herein.
1.1 Structural frame elements may include columns, girders, beams, trusses, joists, moment
frames, shear walls, and/or bracing. See Section B20, Exterior Enclosure, for additional
requirements for exterior walls used as load-bearing walls or shear walls.
1.2 Provide structural interior walls as required in accordance with the requirements of this section
and other portions of these TR. See Section C10, Interior Construction, for additional requirements.
1.3 Provide floor decks as required in accordance with the requirements of this section and other
portions of these TR.
1.4 Provide roof deck as required in accordance with the requirements of this section and other
portions of these TR.
1.5 Provide canopies as required in accordance with the requirements of this section and other
portions of these TR.
B1020 WOOD
1.1 The design and construction of structural elements or systems constructed partially or
completely of wood or wood based products shall be performed in accordance with the locally
approved authority having jurisdiction.
1.2 The moisture content of lumber must not exceed 19 percent for dimensional lumber or 25
percent for timbers at the time of delivery to the site. For other lumber products the moisture content
must be in accordance with the standard under which the product is produced.
1.3 The minimum thickness of wood structural panels used for horizontal or vertical diaphragms
must be 1/2 inch (12.7mm).
1.4 All wood framed walls must be anchored to foundations with galvanized anchors as needed to
resist the design forces. Anchors for exterior walls, interior load bearing walls and shear walls must
not be less than 12.7 diameter embedded anchor bolts, expansion bolts, or adhesive anchor system
with 4 inch (100mm) embedment spaced a maximum of 120cm on center. Anchors for interior non-
bearing, non-shear wall partitions must not be less than 10mm diameter embedded anchor bolts,
expansion anchors, or adhesive anchor systems with 4 inch (100mm) embedment spaced a
maximum of 48 inches(120cm) on center, or with 1/8 inch(3.7mm) diameter powder actuated
fasteners spaced at 6 inches(610mm) on center.
1.5 Trusses and glued laminated members shall be designed and constructed using machine
graded or machine evaluated lumber.
1.6 Plant fabricated metal plate connected wood trusses must be produced and certified in
accordance with the locally approved authority having jurisdiction.
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1.1 General
1.1.1 The design and construction of structural elements or systems constructed partially or wholly
of masonry products shall be performed in accordance with the locally approved authority having
1.1.2 The work shall be performed as described herein. The work consists of providing masonry
structural and non-bearing walls as required to enclose the programmed spaces and as required by
the construction documents.
1.1.3 The contractor shall provide all plant, labor, and equipment necessary to provide, deliver and
place plastered masonry walls ready for painting.
1.1.4 Empirical Design Of Masonry Shall Be Prohibited.
1.2 Unit Masonry Materials
1.2.1 Masonry units shall be cements block, fired clay block or fired brick.
1.2.2 All concrete masonry shall have a specified compressive strength of not less than 1500 psi
(10.3 Mpa).
1.2.3 All clay masonry must have a specified compressive strength of not less than 1000 psi (6.9
1.2.4 Masonry units used on exterior walls shall be nominal 8 inches (20cm) thick.
1.2.5 Masonry units used on interior walls unsupported for more than 9 foot (3m) shall be 6 inches
(15cm) thick.
1.2.6 Masonry units used on all other interior walls shall be 8 inches (20cm) thick.
1.2.7 Mortar shall consist of a mixture of cement materials, sand and water. Mixture shall be formed
by Portland cement, hydrated lime or lime putty and wet loose aggregates. All components shall be
properly batched in volume.
1.2.8 Fluid concrete for reinforced masonry and grade beams shall be coarse grained type and
shall consist of a gravel mixture with the following proportions: one part Portland cement, 1/4 part
slanted lime, 3 parts sand and 3 parts fine gravel passing 1/2 inch (12 mm) sieve. It shall reach a 28
day minimum compressive strength of 2500 psi (17.2 MPa).
1.2.9 All reinforcing bars, unless noted on the plans, shall be deformed bars. Reinforcing bars 1
inch (25 mm) in diameter and smaller shall be high strength helically deformed bars, with minimum
yield strength of 60 ksi (413 MPa).
1.3 Unit Masonry Placement
1.3.1 Blocks dimensions will be as required obtain thickness and types of indicated walls and will be
subjected to specified tolerances in accordance with locally approved authority having jurisdiction.
1.3.2 Lay the first course in a full bed of mortar for the full width of the unit. Lay succeeding courses
in running bond unless otherwise indicated. Form bed-joints by applying the mortar to the entire top
surfaces of the inner and outer face shells. Form head joints by applying the mortar for a width of
about 1/2 inch (1 cm) to the ends of the adjoining units. The mortar shall be of such thickness that it
will be forced out of the joints as the units are placed in position.
1.3.3 Where anchors, bolts, and ties occur within the cells of the units, place metal lath in the joint at
the bottom of such cells and fill the cells with mortar or grout as the work progresses. Do not
dampen concrete masonry units before or during laying.
1.3.4 All walls shall be constructed using running bond construction.
1.3.5 Masonry unit foundation walls below grade shall be filled solid with grout.
1.3.6 Provide vertical control joints in masonry walls in accordance with locally approved authority
having jurisdiction. The location of vertical control joints in masonry shall be clearly shown on
construction documents.
1.3.7 Horizontal joint reinforcing may be used in conjunction with reinforcing bars to meet minimum
prescriptive reinforcing requirements in lightly loaded walls. Joint reinforcing must not be considered
to resist computed stresses.
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1.3.8 Where vertical reinforcement occurs, fill cores solid with grout. Lay units in such a manner as
to preserve the unobstructed vertical continuity of cores to be filled. Embed the adjacent webs in
mortar to prevent leakage of grout. Remove mortar fins protruding from joints before grout is placed.
Minimum clear dimensions of vertical cores shall be 2 inches by 3 inches (5 by 7.5 cm). Position
reinforcing accurately as indicated. As masonry work progresses, secure vertical reinforcing in place
at vertical intervals not to exceed 160 bar diameters. Use puddling rod or vibrator to consolidate the
grout. Minimum clear distance between masonry and vertical reinforcement shall be not less than
1/2 inch (12 mm). Unless indicated or specified otherwise, form splices by lapping bars not less than
40 bar diameters and wire tying them together.
1.3.9 Unless indicated otherwise, extend partitions from the floor to the bottom of the floor or roof
construction above. Structurally bond or anchor walls and partitions to each other and to concrete
walls, beams, and columns to meet all seismic restraint requirements.
1.3.10 Securely anchor non-load-bearing partitions and interior walls to the construction above as
indicated and in a manner that provides lateral stability while permitting unrestricted deflection of
construction above. Completely embed anchors in mortar joints.
1.4 Unit Masonry Finishing
1.4.1 Coat all exposed masonry surfaces with standard plaster finish smooth and prepared for
painting. Plaster to consist of a rough coat of 1:3 cement-coarse sand mortar, body coat of 1:4
cement-sand plaster and a finish coat of cement.
1.5 Storage And Handling
1.5.1 Handle masonry units to avoid chipping and breaking. Deliver cement and lime in unbroken
bags, barrels, or other sealed containers. Protect masonry units from contact with the soil and from
rain. Keep cement dry. Store and handle cement to prevent inclusion of foreign materials. Store
aggregates in a manner to avoid contamination or segregation.
1.6 Bracing And Scaffolding
1.6.1 Provide all bracing and scaffolding necessary for masonry work. Design bracing to resist wind
pressure as required by local code.
1.7 Inspection
1.7.1 Inspection for structural masonry shall be performed in accordance with locally approved
authority having jurisdiction.
1.8 Field Quality Control
1.8.1 Verify that all materials used for the work conform to the requirements of this specification.
Verification shall include:
Certification of load bearing masonry units.
Certification of reinforcing steel bars, trusses, and horizontal joint reinforcing.
Certification of pre-mixed mortar
Witnessing and approval of grout slump tests.
Ensure that all masonry surfaces and joints are level and plumb.
Ensure that no exposed masonry is broken or cracked.
Ensure that all masonry is clean and free from efflorescence.
1.1 General
1.1.1 The design and construction of structural elements or systems constructed partially or wholly
of steel products shall be performed in accordance with the locally approved authority having
1.1.2 The work shall be performed as described herein. The work consists of providing steel
structural elements as required to complete the superstructure as required by the construction
1.1.3 The contractor shall provide all plant, labor, and equipment necessary to provide, deliver and
place the superstructure ready for painting.
1.2 Structural Steel Materials
1.2.1 Structural steel columns and beams shall have a minimum yield strength of 50 ksi (345 MPa).
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1.2.2 Miscellaneous steel shapes and members shall have a minimum yield strength of 36 ksi (248
1.2.3 Hollow structural tubes and pipes shall have a minimum yield strength of 42 ksi (290 MPa).
1.2.4 All structural steel exposed to the weather must adequately be protected to prevent corrosion.
Structural steel to be galvanized shall be galvanized after fabrication where possible. Repair
damage to galvanized coatings with zinc rich paint for galvanizing damaged by handling,
transporting, cutting, welding, or bolting.
1.2.5 Steel form decks must be a minimum 0.016 inch (.4mm) thick.
1.2.6 Roof and composite decks must be a minimum 0.035 inch (0.9mm) thick.
1.2.7 Minimum thickness of cold formed steel framing members to be welded shall be 0.06 inch
(1.5mm) thick.
1.3 Steel Assembly
1.3.1 Structural steel shall be fabricated in accordance with locally approved authority having
jurisdiction with the modifications and additional requirements specified herein, and as indicated on
the approved shop drawings. Structural material shall be fabricated and assembled in the shop to
the greatest extent possible. Shearing, flame cutting, and chipping shall be done carefully and
accurately. Assembled pieces shall be taken apart, if necessary, for the removal of burrs and
shavings produced by the reaming operation. Parts shall be secured by bolts, insofar as practicable,
to prevent damage in shipment and handling.
1.3.2 The Contractor shall submit complete structural design calculations for the new structure,
verified and signed by an engineer registered on the appropriate rolls of the locally approved
authority having jurisdiction. The proposed design shall be in accordance with the locally approved
authority having jurisdiction, and applicable seismic technical norms. Structural steel frames shall be
accurately assembled to the lines and elevations indicated. The various members forming parts of a
completed frame or structure after being assembled shall be aligned and adjusted accurately before
being fastened. Fastening of splices of compression members shall be done after the abutting
surfaces have been brought completely into contact. Bearing surfaces and surfaces that will be in
permanent contact shall be cleaned before the members are assembled.
1.3.3 Any single panel point of the lower chord of exposed roof joists or trusses or any point along
the length of exposed primary structural members supporting roofs over manufacturing, storage, and
warehousing, or maintenance shops must be capable of safely supporting a suspended
concentrated load of 2 klbf (8.9 kN) in addition to dead loads. For all other occupancies, a
concentrated load of 200 lbf (0.89 kN) must be used instead of 2 klbf (8.9 kN).
1.3.4 Splices will be permitted only as indicated by the Engineer of Record. All erection bolts used
in welded construction may be tightened securely and left in place; if erection bolts are removed, the
holes shall be filled with plug welds. Bracing, adequacy of temporary connections, alignment, and
the removal of paint on surfaces adjacent to field welds shall be in accordance with the locally
approved authority having jurisdiction. Field connections, high-strength bolted construction-
assembly, and welded construction shall be as hereinbefore specified. Welding for redrilling will not
be permitted. Holes shall not be enlarged more than 1/8 inch (2 mm) greater than the specified hole
size without approval of the Engineer of Record.
1.4 Connections
1.4.1 Provide anchor bolts, chemical fasteners or other connections, between the structural steel
and concrete. Anchor bolts and anchors shall be correctly located and built into connecting work.
Bolts and anchors shall be preset by the use of templates or other methods as may be required to
locate the anchor bolts and other connections accurately. Chemical fasteners shall be installed in
accordance with manufacturer’s instructions reported in the technical catalogue.
1.4.2 All connections shall be designed using a minimum safety factor of 2.0 with no increase in
allowable working stresses. Shop connections shall be welded unless otherwise indicated. Field
connections shall be bolted, except where welded connections are indicated. Bolts shall be driven
accurately into the holes without damaging the thread. Bolt heads shall be protected from damage
during driving. Bolt heads and nuts shall rest squarely against the metal. Submit complete structural
design calculations for all connections, verified and signed by an engineer registered in the country
and locality where the project is located. The procedures for the welding method employed, the
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appearance and quality of welds made, the qualification of welders, and the methods used in
correcting welding work shall be in accordance with the locally approved authority having jurisdiction.
1.4.3 All cold formed steel framed walls must be anchored to foundations with galvanized anchors
as needed to resist design forces.
1.4.4 Anchors for framed exterior walls, framed interior load bearing walls, and framed shear walls
shall not be less than 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) diameter embedded anchor bolts, expansion bolts, or
adhesive anchor system with 4 inch (100mm) embedment spaced a maximum 48 inches (120 cm)
on center.
1.4.5 Anchors for framed interior non-bearing, non shear wall partitions shall not be less than 1/2
inch (12mm) diameter embedded anchor bolts, expansion anchors, or adhesive anchor systems with
4 inch (100mm) diameter powder actuated fasteners spaced at 610mm on center.
1.4.6 Cold formed steel members must be connected with screw fasteners or by welding. The use
of pneumatic nailing is not permitted.
1.5 Painting
1.5.1 Shop prime paint all steelwork, except surfaces of steel to be encased in concrete, surfaces to
be welded, or contact surfaces to be bolt connected.
1.5.2 After inspection and approval, and before leaving the shop, all steelwork specified to be
painted shall be cleaned before application of the shop coat of paint.
1.5.3 Heavy rust shall be removed. Oil, grease and similar contaminants shall be removed. Steel
surfaces, unless otherwise specified hereinafter, shall be given one shop coat of rust-inhibiting
1.5.4 Paint shall be applied thoroughly and evenly to dry, clean surfaces by brushing, dipping, or
other approved method to provide a continuous minimum thickness of 0.0016 inch (0.040 mm) for
the prime coat.
1.5.5 All bare metal, structural steel members, steel plates, welded connections and other metal
components assembled or fabricated in the field, whether or not exposed to view, shall receive one
coat of rust inhibiting primer coat and two enamel coats, as indicated by the Designer of Record.
1.5.6 Steel members affected by welding operation shall be brushed clean to bare metal and
provided with field coating as specified above.
Surfaces to receive sprayed-on fireproofing shall be cleaned and prepared in accordance with the
fireproofing manufacturer's recommendations.
1.1. Design Submittal
Provide the design and installation in accordance with “General Work Requirements”.
1.2. Construction Submittals
The Contractor shall provide all plant, labor, material, and equipment necessary to provide, deliver
and place exterior walls to form exterior enclosure as specified herein.
1.1 Exterior wall construction shall consist of a non-structural plaster exterior skin with a unit
masonry back-up wall and a non-structural plaster interior skin to provide a protective finish on the
inside face of exterior walls.
1.2 Exterior wall construction shall be used for exterior enclosure, balcony walls and on-site screen
B201001 Unit Masonry
1.1 Masonry units shall be cements block, fired clay block or fired brick.
1.2 Masonry units used on exterior walls shall be 8 inch (20 cm) thick.
1.3 The Contractor shall provide #4 (13 mm) steel reinforcement bars within the masonry walls at
39 inch (1 m) intervals horizontally and vertically.
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1.4 Coat all exposed masonry surfaces with standard plaster finish smooth and prepared for
painting. Plaster to consist of a rough coat of 1:3 cement-coarse sand mortar, body coat of 1:4
cement-sand plaster and a finish coat of cement.
B201002 Guardrails ad Handrails
1.1 Design guardrails to resist uniform loads of 50 #/lf (7 kg/m) or a point load of 200# (91kg).
Design anchorage connections to resist total load acting on the connection.
1.2 Top rail, intermediate rail and post material to be 1.5 inch (4 cm) diameter. Provide series 300
stainless steel pipe collars.
1.3 Design guardrail system so that there is no opening large enough for a 4 inch (10 cm) sphere to
pass through.
1.4 Steel guardrails shall be hot-dip galvanized, shop primed shop painted for exterior applications.
Factory coat all metal railings, except ornamental metals such as brass, bronze, stainless steel and
nickel-silver, with a high performance coating with a minimum coating thickness of 1.2 mils (.03 mm).
1.5 Wood guardrails shall be of pre-finished natural hardwood in oak, walnut, or ash. Wood shall
be coated with hard acrylic finish to withstand indentations.
B201003 Exterior Painting and Special Coatings
1.1 Painting practices shall comply with sound application and handling practices, and shall
conform to the latest revision/edition of applicable codes, ordinances and regulations of the Republic
of Ghana governing life/safety, fire protection and construction, in effect during this contract, except
where specifically stated herein. Any material installed that does not meet the requirements of this
Performance Technical Specification (PTS) and/or applicable codes, ordinances and regulations will
be removed and reinstalled at Contractor’s expense.
1.2 Remove dirt, splinters, loose particles, grease, oil, and other foreign matter and substances
deleterious to coating performance as specified for each substrate before application of paint or
surface treatments. Oil and grease shall be removed prior to mechanical cleaning. Cleaning shall
be programmed so that dust and other contaminants will not fall on wet, newly painted surfaces.
Exposed ferrous metals such as nail heads on or in contact with surfaces to be painted with water-
thinned paints, shall be spot-primed with a suitable corrosion-inhibitive primer capable of preventing
flash rusting and compatible with the coating specified for the adjacent areas.
1.3 The surfaces of wood doors, windows, frames and trim shall receive three coats of pigmented
alkyd enamel paint. Apply one coat to all surfaces of wood prior to installation and two coats to
exposed surfaces after installation. Prior to applying second coat spot touch-up first coat where
wood is left uncoated due to cutting, drilling or other damage as a result of installation work.
1.1 Standard windows shall be in compliance with local Building Codes.
1.2 Windows shall be provided with sills on the exterior and stools on the interior of the opening.
Sills shall be special shape or cut unit masonry or precast concrete. Positively slope sills away from
windows. Window stools shall be slate or solid polymer.
1.3 Exterior windows shall consist of operable sash used singly and in multiples. Include operating
hardware, non-corroding framed metal screens and security grilles. Provide jamb support for larger
windows where recommended by manufacturer.
B202001 Standard Window Systems
1.1 Steel Windows shall be solid hot-rolled steel shape welded frames and mullions. Provide
chemically cleaned and primed galvanized frames ready for field applied final paint finish. Provide
glazing beads and tapes, steel framed screens with aluminum mesh, hardware, locks, and clear
1.2 Aluminum Windows shall be manufacturer’s standard extruded shapes, welded frames and
mullions. Exposed aluminum surfaces shall be factory finished with an architectural anodized
coating or a high-performance organic coating. Coating shall have a total dry film thickness of 1.2
mils (.03 mm). Provide glazing beads and tapes, aluminum framed screens with aluminum or vinyl
mesh, hardware, locks, and clear glazing.
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1.3 Plastic Windows shall be integral colored or co-extruded color PVC, welded and reinforced
corners with reinforcing members. Provide glazing beads and tapes, aluminum framed screens with
aluminum or vinyl mesh, hardware, locks, welded sill, anchors, and clear glazing.
1.4 Wood Windows shall consist of standard milled shapes. All surfaces (exposed and concealed)
shall be factory primed with a standard wood primer coating. Exposed surfaces shall be field
finished with a high-performance organic coating. Wood Windows shall consist of complete units
including frame, sash, glazing beads and tapes, glass, aluminum framed screens with aluminum or
vinyl mesh, hardware, locks, and clear glazing.
1.5 Glazing to be minimum 1/8 inch (3 mm) clear, tempered glass. Provide thicker glazing if
required by the manufacturer for the given application.
B202002 Louvered Windows
1.1 Provide louvers for window or vent openings as shown. Provide aluminum framed screens with
aluminum or vinyl mesh, hardware, and anchors.
B202003 Screens
1.1 Screens for windows shall be standard aluminum or reinforced vinyl mesh insect screen fabric
with aluminum screen frames.
B202004 Roll Shutters
1.1 Roll shutters shall be factory finished, aluminum slats with continuous over-head housing, frame
and tracks. Roll shutter shall be capable of being locked in a closed position by a non-key device.
1.1 Exterior doors shall be standard duty hollow steel doors and frames. Door frames shall have
welded corners. Knockdown door frames are not permitted.
1.2 See Section B203004, EXTERIOR DOOR HARDWARE, for door hardware requirements.
1.3 Doors shall be hung true and plumb.
1.4 Factory apply commercial quality primer to six sides of wood doors.
1.5 Factory apply commercial quality galvanized (zinc) finish to six sides of metal doors.
B203001 Standard Doors Systems
1.1 Hollow metal (steel) doors shall be manufacturer’s standard duty hollow metal door, prepared
for installation of hardware. Field paint metal door per paragraph B201003 “Exterior Painting and
Special Coatings” over factory applied primer over galvanized finish.
1.2 Wood stile and rail doors shall be manufacturer’s heavy duty quality, constructed with solid,
premium or custom grade lumber. Solid exterior wood doors are only allowed where facility design,
overhangs and porches eliminate direct rain/moisture contact from wind driven rain. Wood doors
shall be factory primed with a wood sealer coating six sides. Manufacturer’s primer and field painting
shall be compatible with finish system in the paragraph B201003Exterior Painting and Special
1.3 Flush wood doors shall be manufacturer’s heavy duty quality, constructed with solid, premium
or custom grade lumber. Solid exterior wood doors are only allowed where facility design, overhangs
and porches eliminate direct rain/moisture contact from wind driven rain. Wood doors shall be
factory primed with a wood sealer coating six sides. Manufacturer’s primer and field painting shall be
compatible with finish system in the paragraph B201003 “Exterior Painting and Special Coatings”.
B203002 Door Frames
1.1 Form standard steel frames with welded corners for installation in exterior walls. Form stops
and beads of 20 gage steel.
1.2 Anchor all metal frames with a minimum of three jamb anchors and base steel anchors per
frame jamb, zinc-coated or painted with rust-inhibitive paint, not lighter than 18 gage. Mortar infill
1.3 Anchor all wood frames with a minimum of three sets of 3 inch (8 cm) finish nails with frame
shims at each anchor point.
1.4 Form standard wood frames from similar species to wood doors for installation in exterior walls.
Form stops as one piece with jamb rails.
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Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
8. Performance Technical Specification p. 82/117
B203003 Exterior Door Hardware
1.1 Size hinges to match door size, but in no case less than 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 inches (11 cm x 11 cm),
with anti-friction bearing hinges. Use two hinges for doors 60 inches (1.5 m) or less in height and
one additional hinge for each additional 30 inches (.75 m), or fraction thereof, in door height.
1.2 Locks and latches shall be commercial grade.
1.3 Furnish three keys for each lock set.
1.4 Lock trim shall be commercial grade cast, forged or heavy wrought construction.
1.5 Knobs and roses shall be commercial grade.
1.6 Provide top and bottom rain drips for all exterior doors that open to the outside, where the door
swing area is not covered by an overhang.
1.7 Provide door louvers as required for ventilation. Louvers shall be of the manufacturer’s standard
design and shall transmit a minimum of 35 percent free air. Louver shall be stationary, sight-proof
type, and have insect screens.
B203004 Exterior Door Hardware Finishes
1.1 Provide door hardware with one of the following finish systems to match the interior door
1.1.1 Satin stainless steel finish,
1.1.2 Satin chromium plated finish over brass or bronze, except hinges which shall be satin
stainless steel.
1.1.3 Hardware for aluminum doors shall be finished to match the doors.
1.1.4 Satin bronze finish, except hinges which shall be satin bronze plated finish.
B203005 Other Exterior Specialty Doors
1.1 Provide other exterior specialty doors where required. Provide special function exterior doors
and gates and assemblies required for the proper operation and functioning of the facility. Exterior
doors system may include factory-finished or painted doors and frames.
8.5. SECTION B30: ROOFING [04/07]
1.1. Design Submittal
Provide the design and installation in accordance with “General Work Requirements”.
1.2. Construction Submittals
The Contractor shall provide all plant, labor, material, and equipment necessary to provide, deliver
and place a complete leak-free roof system as specified herein.
1.1 Roof systems with a slope greater than 2:12 are to be considered a steep slope roof system.
1.2 Slope conversions from low slope to steep slope roofing systems must specifically address
temporary waterproofing protection where new framing connections penetrate the existing low slope
B301001 Slate Roofing
1.1 Provide a complete roof system consisting of slate roofing, support purlins and fasteners as
recommended and required by the roofing manufacturer. Roofing design shall meet deflection
requirements per building code.
1.2 Slate materials shall be uniformly colored natural stone. Slate shall be uniformly thick and have
chipped edges. Field punching of slate shall be from the back of the slate.
1.3 Roofing felt underlayment membrane shall be un-perforated asphalt-saturated felts, No. 30 or
heavier. For graduated slate roofs, two layers of felts shall be applied with joints and laps staggered.
When roof slopes are less than 4:12, a double layer of felt shall be applied in mastic or hot asphalt
shall be applied. At the roofing perimeter, eaves, rakes, sidewalls, head walls, valleys and all
penetrations a 3 foot (900 mm)minimum band of double layer felt shall be applied in mastic.
Biomedical Storage Facility (BMS), OHASIS #81622
Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
8. Performance Technical Specification p. 83/117
1.4 Fastening nails shall be stainless steel or copper ring shank nails. Nails shall be long enough to
penetrate the roof sheathing with heads of sufficient diameter to prevent pullover of slate. Slate shall
hang on the shaft of the fastener, and drawn to, but not tight against the slate surface. Exposed nails
on the top courses shall be sealed. In high wind areas, provide mechanical fastening plus mastic
attachment. Provide screws, wire ties, hook nails, tile locks and storm clips of brass, copper or
stainless steel as recommended by the manufacturer for the project.
1.5 Flashings for slate roofing shall be 16 oz. (454 g) copper or 24 gage stainless steel, and 16 oz.
(454 g) lead-coated copper, and shall be protected to prevent the potential for galvanic action by
having contact with dissimilar metals.
B301002 Roof Tiles
1.1 Provide a complete roof system consisting of tile roofing, support purlins and fasteners as
recommended and required by the roofing manufacturer. Roofing design shall meet deflection
requirements per building code.
1.2 Clay tile shall be machine-formed natural clay tiles, kiln-fired to vitrification and free from surface
imperfections. Provide specially shaped units as required to provide watertight installation and
closure. Form fastening holes prior to firing.
1.3 Concrete tile shall be molded or extruded, interlocking concrete roofing tile units, and specially
shaped as required to provide a watertight installation and closure. Provide with cast-in anchor lugs,
transverse weather checks and fastening holes.
1.4 Sheet metal flashing and trim shall be fabricated of 20 oz. Copper, lead-coated copper or
stainless steel.
1.5 Mortar set tile.
B301003 Metal Roof Panels
1.1 Provide a complete roof system consisting of metal roof panels, support purlins, closure strips
and fasteners as recommended and required by the roofing manufacturer. Roofing design shall meet
deflection requirements per building code.
1.2 Metal roofing panels shall be aluminum-zinc coated steel or aluminum corrugated panels
formed at the manufacturing plant. Panel thickness shall be 22 gauge (0.7595 mm). The minimum
gauge for aluminum panels shall be 20-gauge (0.8128 mm) or greater. Roofing design shall meet
deflection requirements per building code.
1.3 Treat exposed cut edges with coating compatible with the factory applied aluminum-zinc coating
for corrosion protection.
1.4 Roofing system shall be designed to obtain a wind uplift resistance appropriate for wind
conditions experienced at the construction site.
1.5 Provide other sheet metal flashings, trim moldings, closure strips, caps and other preformed
metal panel accessories, of the same material, thickness and finish as roofing panels. Provide
molded closure strips of closed-cell or solid-cell synthetic rubber, neoprene, or polyvinyl chloride pre-
molded to match configurations of preformed metal panels.
1.6 Provide concealed fasteners for attaching panels to structural supports and to adjoining panels
as approved and in accordance with printed manufacturer’s recommendations.
B301004 Concrete Roof Panels
1.1 Provide a complete roof system consisting of corrugated fiber-reinforced concrete panels,
support purlins and fasteners as recommended and required by the roofing manufacturer. Roofing
design shall meet deflection requirements per building code.
1.2 Provide support strips under roofing panels at bearing/fastening points. Support strips shall
have one surface shaped to match corrugations of roofing panels.
1.3 Roofing system shall be designed to obtain a wind uplift resistance appropriate for wind
conditions experienced at the construction site.
1.4 Place roofing panels with a 4 inch (10 cm) side lap and a 6 inch (15 cm) end lap. Lap to create
a shingling effect between panels to direct water downward toward eve edges.
Biomedical Storage Facility (BMS), OHASIS #81622
Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
8. Performance Technical Specification p. 84/117
1.5 Provide corrosion resistant fasteners that will securely attach roofing panels to sub-surface
framing without chemically reacting with or physically damaging the roofing panels or framing
1.6 Place fasteners in top of corrugation ridges away from water path.
1.7 Place fasteners so that the primary connection to the structure is along the top edge of the
panel which will be covered by the next lapped roofing panel.
1.8 Place fasteners at intermediate support to allow panels to resist strong winds. Minimize
fasteners in exposed areas of roof panels to reduce leak points.
1.1 Roof systems with a slope of 2:12 or less are to be considered a low slope roof system.
1.2 Slope conversions from low slope to steep slope roofing systems must specifically address
temporary waterproofing protection where new framing connections penetrate the existing low slope
1.3 Roofing system shall be designed to obtain a wind uplift resistance appropriate for wind
conditions experienced at the construction site.
B302001 Built-Up Asphalt Roofing (Aggregate Surfaced)
1.1 Provide a complete built-up roof system consisting of glass felt, asphalt bitumen, and aggregate
surfaced or modified bitumen cap sheet, support, flashings and fasteners as recommended and
required by the roofing manufacturer. Roofing design shall meet deflection requirements per building
1.2 Standard roofing asphalt
1.3 Felt Base Sheet shall be un-perforated asphalt-saturated felts, No. 30 or heavier.
1.4 Ply Felt shall be un-perforated asphalt-saturated felts, No. 30 or heavier.
1.5 Ventilating Base Sheet shall be un-perforated asphalt-saturated felts, No. 30 or heavier.
1.6 Flashing Felt shall be SBS Modified Base Sheet, with combined polyester and glass fiber
reinforcing, and a thickness of 130 mils.
1.7 SBS Bitumen Cap Sheet with combined polyester and glass fiber reinforcing, and a thickness of
130 mils.
1.8 Utilize primer as required by roofing manufacturer.
1.9 Asphalt Roof Cement as required by roofing manufacturer.
1.10 Aggregate as recommended by roofing manufacturer.
1.11 Provide metal fasteners of copper, aluminum or stainless steel, compatible with materials to be
penetrated. Fasteners shall be of sufficient length to achieve appropriate embedment or penetration
into the substrate below.
1.12 Metal flat discs or caps of zinc-coated steel not less than 28 gage and not less than 35 mm (1
3/8 inches) in diameter.
1.13 Traffic Pads shall be preformed reprocessed rubber, compatible with the roof membrane, 1/4
inch (6.35 mm) minimum thickness, to protect roof from foot traffic.
B303001 Flashing And Sheet Metal
1.1 This paragraph covers the requirements for flashing and sheet metal work including scuppers,
and splash pans. Flashing and sheet metal shall be provided in accordance with roof manufacturer’s
printed installation instructions.
1.2 Materials
Furnish sheet metal items in 2.44 to 3.05 meter (8 to 10 foot) lengths. Sheet metal items include the
following: gutters, including hangers; downspouts; counter-flashings; gravel stops and fascias; cap,
valley, stepped, base and eave flashings and related accessories. Materials to include:
1.2.1 Copper, Sheet and Strip - cold-rolled temper.
1.2.2 Lead-Coated Copper Sheet
Biomedical Storage Facility (BMS), OHASIS #81622
Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
8. Performance Technical Specification p. 85/117
1.2.3 Lead Sheet - Minimum weight 4 pounds per square foot (.19 kPa).
1.2.4 Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) - Galvanized steel items shall have a baked-on,
factory applied finish of polyvinylidene fluoride or an equivalent fluorocarbon coating with a minimum
thickness of 0.8 to 1.3 mils.
1.2.5 Stainless Steel - Type 302 or 304, 2D finish, fully annealed, dead-soft temper.
1.2.6 Aluminum Alloy Sheet and Plate
1.2.7 Aluminum alloy, Extruded Bars, Rods, Shapes, and Tubes
1.2.8 Solder Standard Lead-Zinc Solder
1.2.9 Asphalt Primer
1.2.10 Fasteners - Fasteners shall be of the same or compatible metal with the item being fastened.
Stainless steel fasteners shall be used to fasten dissimilar materials.
B301002 Gutters and Downspouts
1.1 Provide gutters and downspouts compatible with roofing material and finish. Concealed
(interior) gutters and downspouts are prohibited. The primary and secondary drainage systems shall
be sized per applicable Plumbing and Building Codes. Gutters and downspouts shall be zinc-
coated, galvanized steel.
B301003 Roof Openings and Supports
1.1 Provide flashings for roof openings and supports specified below:
1.2 When existing pitch pans cannot be avoided and must be utilized, insure pitch pan is a
preformed pan with minimum 4-inch (100 mm) height and 2-inch (50 mm) flange with 2-inch (50 mm)
clearance on all sides of the penetration. Fill bottom 1/3 with non-shrink grout. Fill remainder with
pourable elastomeric sealer sloped to drain. For round penetrations, provide a metal umbrella cap
clamped to the penetration.
1.3 Assure all penetration flashings extend minimum 8 inches (200 mm) above the finished roof
B301004 Other Roofing
1.1 Roof Drains (Existing)
1.1.1 Where existing roof drains are to be reused in roof replacement construction, the contractor
shall provide new, compatible flashing materials, a new drain clamping ring and new bolts for
anchorage. Reuse of existing clamping ring and bolts is unacceptable.
1.1. Design Submittal
1.1.1 Provide the design and installation in accordance with “General Work Requirements”.
1.2. Construction Submittals
1.2.1 The Contractor shall provide all plant, labor, material, and equipment necessary to provide,
deliver and place exterior walls to form interior construction as specified herein.
1.1 Partition wall construction shall consist of a unit masonry back-up wall with non-structural plaster
skin on each face of the wall to provide a protective finish.
1.2 Partition wall construction shall be used for full and partial height interior walls.
C101001 Unit Masonry
1.1 Masonry units shall be cements block made of lightweight or normal weight aggregate, fired
clay block or fired brick.
1.2 Masonry units used on interior walls shall be 4 inch (10 cm) thick.
Biomedical Storage Facility (BMS), OHASIS #81622
Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
8. Performance Technical Specification p. 86/117
1.3 Coat all exposed masonry surfaces with standard plaster finish smooth and prepared for
painting. Plaster to consist of a rough coat of 1:3 cement-coarse sand mortar, body coat of 1:4
cement-sand plaster and a finish coat of cement.
1.4 Provide #4 (1/2 inch) (13 mm) reinforcing bars in masonry walls at the following minimums:
1.4.1 In structural walls: 24 inches (60 cm) vertical and 48 inches (120 cm).
1.4.2 In non-structural walls at 48 inches (120 cm) vertical and 80 inches (200 cm)
1.4.3 The contractor shall provide additional seismic reinforcement as required for the project.
C101002 Handrails
1.1 Design guardrails to resist uniform loads of 50 #/lf (7 kg/m) or a point load of 200# (91kg).
Design anchorage connections to resist total load acting on the connection.
1.2 Toprail, intermediate rail and post material to be 1.5 inch (4 cm) diameter. Provide series 300
stainless steel pipe collars.
1.3 Design guardrail system so that there is no opening large enough for a 4 inch (10 cm) sphere to
pass through.
1.4 Steel guardrails shall be hot-dip galvanized, shop primed shop painted for exterior applications.
Factory coat all metal railings, except ornamental metals such as brass, bronze, stainless steel and
nickel-silver, with a high performance coating with a minimum coating thickness of 1.2 mils (.03 mm).
1.5 Wood guardrails shall be of pre-finished natural hardwood in oak, walnut, or ash. Wood shall
be coated with hard acrylic finish to withstand indentations.
C101003 Interior Painting And Special Coatings
1.1 Provide and apply interior painting and special coatings in accordance with Section C3040.
1.1 Interior doors shall be standard duty hollow steel doors and frames. Door frames shall have
welded corners. Knockdown door frames are not permitted.
1.2 See Section C103004, for door hardware requirements.
1.3 Doors shall be hung true and plumb.
1.4 Factory apply commercial quality wood primer to six sides of wood doors that are to receive a
painted finish.
1.5 Factory apply commercial quality wood sealer to six sides of wood doors that are to receive a
clear finish.
1.6 Factory apply commercial quality galvanized (zinc) finish to six sides of metal doors.
1.7 Maximum door undercut shall not exceed 3/4 inch (19 mm).
C103001 Standard Doors Systems
1.1 Hollow metal (steel) doors shall be manufacturer’s standard duty hollow metal door, prepared
for installation of hardware. Field paint metal door per paragraph C101003 “Interior Painting and
Special Coatings” over factory applied primer over galvanized finish.
1.2 Wood stile and rail doors shall be manufacturer’s heavy duty quality, constructed with solid,
premium or custom grade lumber. Solid exterior wood doors are only allowed where facility design,
overhangs and porches eliminate direct rain/moisture contact from wind driven rain. Wood doors
shall be factory primed with a wood sealer coating six sides. Manufacturer’s primer and field painting
shall be compatible with finish system in the paragraph C101003 “Interior Painting and Special
1.3 Flush wood doors shall be manufacturer’s heavy duty quality, constructed with solid, premium
or custom grade lumber. Solid exterior wood doors are only allowed where facility design, overhangs
and porches eliminate direct rain/moisture contact from wind driven rain. Wood doors shall be
factory primed with a wood sealer coating six sides. Manufacturer’s primer and field painting shall be
compatible with finish system in the paragraph C101003 Interior Painting and Special Coatings”.
C103002 Door Frames
1.1 Form standard steel frames with welded corners for installation in interior masonry walls. Form
stops and beads of 20 gage steel.
Biomedical Storage Facility (BMS), OHASIS #81622
Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
8. Performance Technical Specification p. 87/117
1.2 Anchor all metal frames with a minimum of three jamb anchors and base steel anchors per
frame jamb, zinc-coated or painted with rust-inhibitive paint, not lighter than 18 gage. Mortar infill
1.3 Form standard wood frames from similar species to wood doors for installation in interior
masonry walls. Form stops as one piece with jamb rails.
1.4 Anchor all wood frames with a minimum of three sets of 3 inch (8 cm) finish nails with frame
shims at each anchor point.
C103003 Interior Door Hardware
1.1 Size hinges to match door size, but in no case less than 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 inches (11 cm x 11 cm),
with anti-friction bearing hinges. Use two hinges for doors 60 inches (1.5 m) or less in height and
one additional hinge for each additional 30 inches (.75 m), or fraction thereof, in door height.
1.2 Locks and latches shall be commercial grade.
1.3 Furnish three keys for each lock set.
1.4 Lock trim shall be commercial grade cast, forged or heavy wrought construction.
1.5 Knobs and roses shall be commercial grade.
1.6 Provide top and bottom rain drips for all exterior doors that open to the outside, where the door
swing area is not covered by an overhang.
1.7 Provide door louvers as required for ventilation. Louvers shall be of the manufacturer’s standard
design and shall transmit a minimum of 35 percent free air. Louver shall be stationary, sight-proof
type. Metal louver frames shall be 20-gage steel with louver blades minimum 24 gage.
1.8 Provide mop plates on all doors in rooms that have a mop-able floor finish.
C103004 Interior Door Hardware Finishes
1.1 Provide door hardware with one of the following finish systems to match the exterior door
1.1.1 Satin stainless steel finish.
1.1.2 Satin chromium plated finish over brass or bronze, except hinges which shall be satin
stainless steel.
1.1.3 Hardware for aluminum doors shall be finished to match the doors.
1.1.4 Satin bronze finish, except hinges which shall be satin bronze plated finish.
C103005 Other Interior Specialty Doors
1.1 Provide other interior specialty doors where required. Provide special function interior doors
and gates and assemblies required for the proper operation and functioning of the facility. Interior
doors system may include factory-finished or painted doors and frames.
C104004 Counters
1.1 Laminate covered counter top shall be fabricated with lumber and a core of exterior grade
plywood or particleboard, glued and screwed to form an integral unit. Bond laminated plastic under
pressure to exposed surfaces using manufacturers recommended glue.
1.2 Acrylic solid surfacing counter top material shall consist of 100% pure acrylic polymer, mineral
fillers, and pigments. The material shall be homogenous, not coated or laminated. Superficial
damage to a depth of 0.010 inch (.254mm) shall be repairable by sanding or polishing. Install with
factory recommended fasteners/adhesives/sealant.
C103005 Cabinets
1.1 This paragraph includes wood cabinetry items that are permanently fixed in-place. Included are
all cabinetry and millwork items with their associated accessories and anchoring devices.
1.2 Wall and base cabinets shall be of the same construction and appearance, with solid
ends and frame fronts, or with frames all around. Frames shall be not less than 3/4 inch
by 1 1/2 inches (19 mm by 38 mm) hardwood. All ends, bottoms, backs, and partitions
shall be hardwood plywood. Cabinet doors and drawer fronts shall be either medium
density particleboard or medium density fiberboard cores with like materials both faces.
Biomedical Storage Facility (BMS), OHASIS #81622
Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
8. Performance Technical Specification p. 88/117
Construction of cabinets shall be by mortise and tenon, dovetail, or dowel and glue joints.
Edges of exposed plywood shall be covered with hardwood strips.
1.3 Wall and base cabinets shall be constructed to meet Custom” quality grade.
1.4 Provide cabinet hardware including two self-closing hinges for each door and two side-mounted
metal drawer slides for each drawer and pulls for all doors and drawers as follows
1.5 Provide concealed Euro-Style, back mounted hinges with opening to 165 degrees and a self-
closing feature at less than 90 degrees.
1.6 Drawer slides shall be self closing and have a static rating capacity of 100 lbs. (444N).
1.7 Provide pin type, Euro-Style, shelf support hardware for wall cabinets.
C104006 Casework
1.1 This paragraph includes all built-in pre-manufactured metal casework items that are
permanently fixed in-place for specialized functions such as labs, libraries, medical and dental
facilities. Included are all casework items with their associated accessories and anchoring devices.
1.2 Provide as required for functions indicated. Casework shall be fabricated from minimum 20-
gage steel of the manufacturers standard design and construction.
1.3 Wall and base cabinets shall be of the same construction and appearance, with solid ends and
frame fronts.
1.4 Provide cabinet hardware including two self-closing hinges for each door and two side-mounted
metal drawer slides for each drawer and pulls for all doors and drawers as follows
1.5 Provide concealed Euro-Style hinges with opening to 165 degrees and a self-closing feature at
less than 90 degrees.
1.6 Drawer slides shall be self closing and have a static rating capacity of 100 lbs. (444N).
1.7 Provide pin type, Euro-Style, shelf support hardware for wall cabinets.
1.1. Design Submittal
1.1.1 Provide the design and installation in accordance with “General Work Requirements”.
1.2. Construction Submittals
1.2.1 The Contractor shall provide all plant, labor, material, and equipment necessary to provide,
deliver and place interior finishes to form exterior enclosure as specified herein.
1.1 Interior wall finishes shall be moisture and mildew resistant, easily maintained, and suitable in
accordance with industry standards for the architectural surface being finished. For painted wall
C301001 Plaster Wall Finishes
1.1 Veneer plaster shall be cement plaster veneer finish on concrete or masonry. Refer to Section
C3040 for paint system.
1.2 Portland cement plaster base coat, gray portland cement.
1.3 Portland cement plaster finish coat, gray portland cement. Factory-mixed finish coat according
to the manufacturer’s instructions.
C301002 Tile Wall Finishes
1.1 Provide ceramic tile wall systems as required in moist and clean locations such as toilets,
kitchens, laboratories, etc. Install tile systems in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.
Coordinate with ceramic accessories for modularity. Include all trim pieces, caps, stops, and returns
to complete installation.
1.2 Ceramic Mosaic Wall Tile shall be a minimum of 1/4 inch (6mm) thick and installed from floor to
ceiling, unless otherwise noted.
Biomedical Storage Facility (BMS), OHASIS #81622
Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
8. Performance Technical Specification p. 89/117
1.3 Wall tile shall be glazed, matte glazed or unglazed finish. Install from floor to ceiling, unless
otherwise noted.
1.4 Porcelain wall tile shall be through color, polished or unpolished. Refer to project program for tile
type, pattern, and surface texture. Install from floor to ceiling, unless otherwise noted.
1.5 Tile shall be placed in a thin set mortar bed. Grout tile joints once tiles are placed and grout bed
has dried.
1.6 Provide samples of manufacturer’s full range of colors and styles to facility COR for selection.
Tile shall be a minimum of one grade above manufacturer’s base grade.
1.7 Provide Designer accent tile, accent strips and accessory ceramic tile shapes as an integral part
of the ceramic wall tile system.
1.8 Provide colored grout shall be factory sanded Portland cement, Latex-portland cement, or
Epoxy. Provide tile joint grout sealer on white, light colored areas that are routinely exposed to water
and liquid cleaning materials, entrance areas, and areas that require a high degree of stain
resistance, and as required by the manufacturer. Provide chemical resistant epoxy resin for kitchens
and other areas where high resistance to staining and absorption are required.
1.9 Mortar shall be Portland cement, Latex-portland cement, or Epoxy.
1.1 Refer to C3040 “Interior Painting And Special Finishesfor painted floor coatings.
1.2 Provide tile floor systems as required in moist and clean locations such as toilets, kitchens,
laboratories, etc. Install tile systems in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Coordinate with
ceramic accessories for modularity. Include all trim pieces, caps, stops, and returns to complete
1.3 Provide samples of tile manufacturer’s full range of colors and styles to facility COR for
selection. Tile shall be a minimum of one grade above manufacturer’s base grade.
1.4 Colored grout for tile floor system shall be factory sanded Portland cement, Latex-Portland
cement, or Epoxy. Provide tile joint grout sealer on white, light colored areas that are routinely
exposed to water and liquid cleaning materials, entrance areas, and areas that require a high degree
of stain resistance, and as required by the manufacturer. Provide chemical resistant epoxy resin for
kitchens and other areas where high resistance to staining and absorption are required.
1.5 Mortar for tile floor system shall be Portland cement, Latex-Portland cement, or Epoxy.
1.6 Floor tile is to be matt finished, non-slip, fired clay mosaic tile flooring.
1.7 Tile shall be placed in a mortar bed. Grout tile joints once tiles are placed and grout bed has
1.8 Slope tile floors to drains or to exterior room doors.
C302001 Ceramic Tile Floor Systems
1.1 Ceramic Mosaic Wall Tile shall be a minimum of 1/4 inch (6mm) thick and installed from floor to
ceiling, unless otherwise noted.
1.2 Floor tile shall be glazed, matte glazed or unglazed finish.
1.3 Porcelain wall tile shall be through color, polished or unpolished. Refer to project program for tile
type, pattern, and surface texture. Install from floor to ceiling, unless otherwise noted.
1.4 Provide Designer accent tile, accent strips and accessory ceramic tile shapes as an integral part
of the ceramic wall tile system.
C302002 Ceramic Glazed Tile Floor
1.1 Ceramic glazed floor tiles shall be a minimum of 5/16 inch (8mm) thick with a minimum of 1/8
inch (3mm) grout width with cushioned edge. Tile shall have a 0.5 to 3.0 percent water absorption
rate. Do not use in areas where there is excessive water or grease and oils such as kitchens, dining
facilities, toilets, showers, shower drying rooms, building entrance areas, and in industrial and
maintenance facilities.
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Technical Requirements (TR)
JAN 2024
8. Performance Technical Specification p. 90/117
C302003 Ceramic Mosaic Unglazed Floor Tiles
1.1 Ceramic Mosaic unglazed floor tiles shall be a minimum of 1/4 inch (6mm) thick with a
maximum of 1/16 inch (1.6mm) grout width with cushioned edge. Tile shall have less than a 0.5
percent water absorption rate. Use in toilets, showers and shower drying rooms and locker rooms.
C302004 Porcelain Floor Tile
1.1 Porcelain floor tiles shall be a minimum of 5/16 inch (8mm) thick with a maximum of 1/4 inch
(6mm) grout width with cushioned edge. Tile shall have a minimum breaking strength of 300 pounds
(136kg) and a maximum absorption rate of 0.5%. Use in lobbies, corridors, toilets, kitchens, dining
facilities, and other areas with minimal maintenance requirements, high resistance to staining,
absorption and high durability requirements. Tile shall be color through, impervious, unglazed or
glazed finish with an unpolished, semi-polished, polished, or textured surface.
C302005 Quarry Floor Tile
1.1 Quarry floor tiles shall be a minimum of 1/2 inch (12.7mm) thick tiles with a maximum of 1/4 inch
(6mm) grout width. Tile shall have a minimum breaking strength of 350 pounds (158kg) and a
maximum absorption rate of 3%. Use in lobbies, corridors, kitchens, dining facilities, and other areas
with high durability requirements. Use grout release for darker pigmented grout colors. Tile shall
have a maximum of 3.0 percent water absorption rate. Non-slip, abrasive grain or textured surface
required for tile in areas where there is excessive water or grease and oils. Tile shall consist of semi-
vitreous, vitreous or clay material with smooth or textured surface and unglazed finish.
C302006 Terrazzo Floor Finishes
1.1 Provide terrazzo, bonded to concrete, consisting of a terrazzo topping over an underbed. Use
in all general areas requiring terrazzo. Where structural movement is anticipated which may injure
the terrazzo, use the sand cushion (floating) method.
1.2 Resinous terrazzo flooring shall be an epoxy terrazzo system.
C302007 Masonry And Stone Flooring
1.1 Unit masonry flooring system and coordinating base shall be fired red clay brick, or chemical
resistant brick unit masonry flooring.
1.2 Natural Stone Flooring and coordinating base shall be of marble, granite, or travertine.
1.3 Aggregate Stone Tile and coordinating base shall be a composite of marble or granite.
1.4 Install stone floor and base in accordance standard practices and with the recommendations of
the supplier applicable to the type of stone being installed.
C302008 Wall Base Finishes
1.1 Wall base for transition between floor and wall shall coordinate with the adjacent flooring for
color, material match and modularity.
1.2 Stone and marble wall base shall coordinate with the adjacent flooring for color, material match
and modularity and shall be 4 inch (89 mm) and 3/4 inch (19 mm) thick.
1.3 Tile base shall coordinate with the adjacent ceramic wall and floor tile for color, material match
and modularity. Include all pre-manufactured trim pieces, special shapes, caps, stops, and returns to
provide a complete installation.
C302008 Stair Finishes
1.1 Finishes for stair treads shall coordinate with the adjacent wall and floor finishes for color,
material match and modularity. (Refer to C302001 through C302007.) Provide treads with textured,
slip resistant, surfaces or raised patterns and visually impaired nosing inserts as required.
C302009 Hardeners and Sealers
1.1 Harden and seal concrete floors in accordance with the finished floor manufacture
requirements. Utilize other methods of concrete curing if the floor finish manufacturer does not
recommend a chemical hardener or sealer. Concrete floors that can utilize a hardener-sealer and will
be exposed to traffic shall receive a minimum of two coats of hardener-sealer curing agent for dust
protection. These hardener-sealer-cured floors shall be finished with a curing agent that shall
penetrate the concrete to permanently seal the floor against moisture and the penetration of
contaminants. The curing agent shall be non-toxic, non-flammable, and non-combustible and shall
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be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s printed instructions. The finished floor shall be
1.2 Colored concrete floors shall include a colored pigment either applied as a topical dye; or a
concrete topping with integral color pigment; or a dry shake pigment application, as required by the
project program. Concrete floor shall be trowel applied in a pattern, or shall include grit for slip
1.1 Refer to C3040 “Interior Painting And Special Coatings for painted ceiling finishes.
C303001 Acoustical Ceiling Tiles And Panels
1.1 All acoustical ceiling panels shall be 24 inch by 48 inch (610 mm by 1220 mm), with a minimum
light reflectance of .75 (except as noted), flame spread resistant and smoke development resistant.
All acoustical ceiling panels shall have minimum 60% recycled content. Provide square edge except
as noted.
1.1.1 For typical open office areas, conference rooms, classrooms, provide non-asbestos mineral
composition acoustical ceiling panels with factory-applied standard washable painted finish or with
factory-applied plastic membrane-faced vinyl. Provide square edge in all locations to receive
acoustical panels.
1.1.2 For typical humid areas such as toilets, and kitchens, provide non-asbestos mineral or glass
composition acoustical ceiling panels bonded with ceramic, moisture resistant thermo-setting resin,
or other moisture resistant material with factory-applied standard washable painted finish; and
recycled content: minimum of 40%.
1.1.3 For areas with very high humidity, heavy soiling, or staining, impact abrasion, such as laundry
rooms, or maintenance shops, provide steel or aluminum faces with white baked on enamel finish,
and non-asbestos mineral composition absorbent backing.
1.2 Provide standard exposed suspended acoustical ceiling grid. Grid shall be 24 inch by 48 inch
(610mm by 1220mm) aluminum or steel non-corroding intermediate-duty standard grid system for
lay-in acoustical panels. Finish shall be factory applied white baked enamel. Hang grid system as
recommended by manufacturer but with no less than 0.106 inch (2.7mm) diameter wires, or with one
by 3/16 inch (4.76mm) galvanized steel straps. Use composition 302 or 304, condition annealed
stainless steel, 0.106 inches (2.7mm) in diameter over high humidity areas such as toilets, kitchens,
and laundry rooms.
C303002 Plaster Ceiling Finishes
1.1 Plaster ceilings shall be cement plaster veneer finish on concrete or masonry. Refer to Section
C3040 for paint system.
1.2 Portland cement plaster base coat, gray portland cement.
1.3 Portland cement plaster finish coat, gray portland cement. Factory-mixed finish coat according
to the manufacturer’s instructions.
1.4 Suspension system shall be steel materials with galvanized coating, aluminum coating, or a
55% aluminum-zinc coating. Provide primary suspended ceiling framing spaced at maximum 48
inches (1220mm) on center and secondary framing spaced at maximum 16 inches (400mm) on
center, unless otherwise noted.
1.1 The following coatings are applied directly to all surfaces of interior construction.
1.2 Paints used on this project shall be lead free.
C304001 Painting Systems Per Substrate
1.1 Painting practices shall comply with sound application and handling practices, and shall
conform to the latest revision/edition of applicable codes, ordinances and regulations of the Republic
of Djibouti governing life/safety, fire protection and construction, in effect during this contract, except
where specifically stated herein. Any material installed that does not meet the requirements of this
Performance Technical Specification (PTS) and/or applicable codes, ordinances and regulations will
be removed and reinstalled at Contractor’s expense.
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1.2 Remove dirt, splinters, loose particles, grease, oil, and other foreign matter and substances
deleterious to coating performance as specified for each substrate before application of paint or
surface treatments. Oil and grease shall be removed prior to mechanical cleaning. Cleaning shall
be programmed so that dust and other contaminants will not fall on wet, newly painted surfaces.
Exposed ferrous metals such as nail heads on or in contact with surfaces to be painted with water-
thinned paints, shall be spot-primed with a suitable corrosion-inhibitive primer capable of preventing
flash rusting and compatible with the coating specified for the adjacent areas.
1.3 All coats on a particular substrate, or a paint system, must be from a single manufacturer.
1.4 The surfaces of wood doors, windows, frames and trim shall receive three coats of alkyd
enamel paint. Apply one coat to all surfaces of wood prior to installation and two coats to exposed
surfaces after installation. Prior to applying second coat spot touch-up first coat where wood is left
uncoated due to cutting, drilling or other damage as a result of installation work.
C304002 Concrete Finishes
1.1 New and uncoated existing concrete surfaces:
One (1) coat latex filler/primer
Two (2) coats pigmented latex paint
1.2 Existing, previously painted, concrete surfaces:
Two (2) coats pigmented latex paint
1.3 New and uncoated existing concrete surfaces in toilets, food-preparation, food-serving,
restrooms, laundry areas, shower areas, areas requiring a high degree of sanitation, and other high
humidity areas unless otherwise specified, (Fill all holes in masonry surface):
One (1) coat latex filler/primer
One (1) coat pigmented alkyd paint
One (1) coat pigmented epoxy paint
1.4 Existing, previously painted concrete surfaces in toilets, food-preparation, food-serving,
restrooms, laundry areas, shower areas, areas requiring a high degree of sanitation, and other high
humidity areas unless otherwise specified, (Fill all holes in masonry surface):
One (1) coat pigmented alkyd paint
One (1) coat pigmented epoxy paint
1.5 New and uncoated existing, existing, previously painted concrete floors:
One (1) coat pigmented latex floor paint
One (1) coat pigmented epoxy paint.
C304003 Concrete Masonry Finishes
1.1 New and uncoated existing concrete masonry:
One (1) coat latex filler/primer
Two (2) coats pigmented latex paint
1.2 Existing, previously painted concrete masonry:
Two (2) coats pigmented latex paint
1.3 New and uncoated existing concrete masonry units in toilets, food-preparation, food-serving,
restrooms, laundry areas, shower areas, areas requiring a high degree of sanitation, and other high
humidity areas unless otherwise specified, (Patch imperfections and fill all masonry surface voids
with block filler):
One (1) coat latex filler/primer
One (1) coat pigmented alkyd paint
One (1) coat pigmented epoxy paint
1.4 Existing, previously painted concrete masonry units in toilets, food-preparation, food-serving,
restrooms, laundry areas, shower areas, areas requiring a high degree of sanitation, and other high
humidity areas unless otherwise specified, (Patch imperfections and fill all masonry surface voids
with block filler):
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One (1) coat pigmented alkyd paint
One (1) coat pigmented epoxy paint
C304004 Plaster Finishes
1.1 New and uncoated plaster:
One (1) coat latex filler/primer
Two (2) coats pigmented latex paint
1.2 Existing, previously painted plaster:
Two (2) coats pigmented latex paint
1.3 New and uncoated existing plaster in toilets, food-preparation, food-serving, restrooms, laundry
areas, shower areas, areas requiring a high degree of sanitation, and other high humidity areas
unless otherwise specified, (Patch imperfections and fill all masonry surface voids with block filler):
One (1) coat latex filler/primer
One (1) coat pigmented alkyd paint
One (1) coat pigmented epoxy paint
1.4 Existing, previously painted plaster in toilets, food-preparation, food-serving, restrooms, laundry
areas, shower areas, areas requiring a high degree of sanitation, and other high humidity areas
unless otherwise specified, (Patch imperfections and fill all masonry surface voids with block filler):
One (1) coat pigmented alkyd paint
One (1) coat pigmented epoxy paint
C304005 Metal Finishes
1.1 New steel/ferrous surfaces not otherwise specified:
Two (2) coats pigmented alkyd paint
1.2 Existing, previously painted steel/ferrous surfaces not otherwise specified:
One (1) coat pigmented alkyd paint
1.3 New steel/ferrous surfaces in toilet, food preparation, food serving, restrooms, shower areas
and areas requiring a high degree of sanitation and other high humidity areas not otherwise specified
except floors, hot metal surfaces, and new prefinished equipment:
One (1) coat pigmented alkyd paint
One (1) coat pigmented epoxy paint
1.4 Existing, previously painted steel/ferrous surfaces in toilet, food preparation, food serving,
restrooms, shower areas and areas requiring a high degree of sanitation and other high humidity
areas not otherwise specified except floors, hot metal surfaces, and new prefinished equipment:
One (1) coat pigmented epoxy paint
1.5 New and Existing, previously painted miscellaneous non-ferrous metal surfaces not otherwise
Two (2) coats pigmented alkyd paint.
1.6 New and Existing, previously painted miscellaneous galvanized doors not otherwise specified:
Two (2) coats pigmented alkyd paint.
C304006 Interior Wood Finishes
1.1 New and existing, uncoated wood and plywood not otherwise specified:
One (1) coat latex wood primer
Two (2) coats pigmented latex enamel paint
1.2 Existing, previously painted wood and plywood not otherwise specified:
Two (2) coats pigmented latex enamel paint
1.3 New and existing, previously finished or stained wood and plywood, except floors; natural finish
or stained:
Stain uniformly to desired hue
One (1) coat clear wood sealer/primer
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One (1) coat clear, polyurethane finish
1.4 New and existing, uncoated wood timbers:
One (1) coat latex wood primer
One (1) coat solid body penetrating wood stain
One (1) coat solid body penetrating wood stain
(Apply after installation to exposed surfaces. Prior to applying final coat spot touch-up first coat
where wood is left uncoated due to cutting, drilling or other damage as a result of installation work.)
1.5 New and Existing, previously finished or stained wood floors; natural finish or stained:
Stain uniformly to desired hue
One (1) coat clear wood sealer/primer
Two (2) coats clear, polyurethane finish
1.6 New and Existing, uncoated wood surfaces in toilets, food-preparation, food-serving, restrooms,
laundry areas, shower areas, areas requiring a high degree of sanitation, and other high humidity
areas not otherwise specified:
One (1) coat latex wood primer
Two (2) coats pigmented epoxy paint
1.7 Existing, previously painted wood surfaces in toilets, food-preparation, food-serving, restrooms,
laundry areas, shower areas, areas requiring a high degree of sanitation, and other high humidity
areas not otherwise specified:
Two (2) coats pigmented epoxy paint
1.8 New and existing uncoated wood doors:
One (1) coat latex wood primer
Two (2) coats pigmented latex enamel paint
8.8. SECTION D20: PLUMBING [08/06]
1.1 Narrative
1.1.1 This section includes the construction of interior plumbing systems. This section covers
installations inside the facility and out to the 5-feet (1.5 m) line. See Section G30, Site Mechanical
Utilities, for continuation of systems beyond the 5-feet (1.5 m) line.
1.1.2 The Contractor shall only use materials that conform to the practices of the local construction
industry for each particular construction discipline. Materials selected in this contract shall meet
appropriate designated standards, or have been tested and found suitable for their specified
1.2 Design Guidance
1.2.1 Provide design and installation in accordance with “General Work Requirements”.
1.3 Construction Submittals
1.3.1 Provide product and operation and maintenance data for all equipment and fixtures to building
1.1 Plumbing fixtures shall be provided in accordance with the local law and regulations and as
D201001 Water Closets
1.1 White vitreous china
1.2 Self-closing type flush valve
D201002 Urinals
1.1 White vitreous china, wall-mounted, wall outlet, integral trap.
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1.2 Self-closing type flush valve
1.3 Provide trim and concealed chair carriers.
D201003 Lavatories
1.1 Countertop Lavatories
1.1.1 Lavatories shall be white, vitreous china with minimum dimensions of 20 inches (508 mm)
wide x 18 inches (457 mm) front to rear, and self-rimming type.
1.1.2 Provide copper alloy centerset faucets. Provide with aerator, adjustable P-traps, and
perforated grid strainers.
1.2 Wall-Mounted Lavatories
1.2.1 White vitreous china with concealed arm carrier support, with minimum dimensions of 20
inches (508 mm) wide by 18 inches (457 mm) front to rear.
1.2.2 Provide copper alloy centerset faucets. Provide with aerator, adjustable P-traps, and
perforated grid strainers.
D201004 Sinks
1.1 Countertop Sinks
1.1.1 Sink, 20 gage stainless steel with integral mounting rim, minimum dimensions of 33 inches
(840 mm) wide for two compartment or 21 inches (560 mm) wide for one compartment by 21 inches
(560 mm) front to rear, with ledge back and undersides coated with sound dampening material.
1.1.2 Provide top-mounted copper alloy faucets, swing spout with aerator, and stainless steel drain
outlets with cup strainers.
1.1.3 Provide adjustable P-trap with drain piping to vertical vent stack.
1.2 Service Sinks
1.2.1 White enameled cast-iron or white vitreous china, wall mounted and floor supported by wall
outlet cast-iron P-trap, minimum dimensions of 22 inches (560 mm) wide by 18 inches (457 mm)
front to rear with 9 inch (230 mm) splashback, and stainless steel rim guard.
1.2.2 Provide copper alloy back-mounted combination faucets with vacuum breaker and 3/4 inch
external hose threads.
1.3 Mop Sinks
1.3.1 Pre-cast terrazzo floor-mounted mop sink, 36 inches (914 mm) x 36 inches (914 mm) x 12
inches (305 mm) shall be made of marble chips cast in white Portland cement to a compressive
strength of not less than 3625 psi (25 mPa) 7 days after casting.
1.3.2 Provide brass body drains with nickel bronze strainers cast integral with terrazzo.
1.3.3 Provide stainless steel rim guard for mop sink.
1.3.4 Provide chrome-plated exposed hot and cold water faucets, wall-mounted copper alloy
faucets swing spout with 3/4 inch hose connection, vacuum breaker, and pail hook.
1.3.5 Provide mop hanger on wall above sink suitable for four mops.
1.4 Laundry Sinks
1.4.1 Two compartment laundry sink, minimum dimensions of 40 inches (1016 mm) wide by 21
inches (533 mm) front to rear, with floor-supported steel mounting frame secured to wall.
1.4.1 Provide copper alloy centerset faucets, swing spout with aerator, and stainless steel drain
outlets with cup strainers, and 1.5 inch (40 mm) adjustable P-trap with drain piping to vertical vent
D201005 Showers/Tubs
1.1 One Piece Bath And Shower Modules
1.1.1 Made of white fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) or acrylic with slip-resistant bathing surfaces,
integral grab bar, and three walls integrally molded in one piece. Provide outlet at left or right as
necessary to suit module arrangement.
1.1.2 Provide pop-up drain fittings and adjustable P-trap.
1.1.3 Bathtub and shower supply fittings shall be diverter type with body mounted from behind the
wall. Provide tub fill over-rim spout with diverter.
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D202001 Pipes & Fittings
1.1 For aboveground installations, use copper pipe and solder-type fittings with lead-free solder.
1.2 For underground installations, use PVC or any other non-metallic pipe & fitting made specifically
for potable water. Provide transition union connections or threaded gate valve between metallic
piping and PVC piping. Pipe and fittings shall be joined per manufacturer’s recommendations.
D202002 Valves & Hydrants
1.1 Provide valves at water supplies to fixtures and to provide ease of maintenance as required.
1.2 Angle type, 3/4 inch copper alloy hose bibbs with vacuum breaker.
D202003 Domestic Water Equipment
1.1 Water Heaters (For Domestic Water Only)
1.1.1 If required by ESR D30 to provide only domestic hot water, provide packaged gas-fired
tankless water heater(s), capable of producing domestic hot water to meet the load of the building
built under this contract. Packaged gas-fired tankless water heater shall include, but is not limited to,
adjustable temperature setting, burner controls, pressure and flame safety devices, flue blower
motor, flue duct, exchanger, make-up water service as recommended by the manufacturer, etc.
Water heater shall be specified for “outdoor installation” if water heater will be installed outdoors,
otherwise provide the appropriate make-up air.
1.1.2 Water heater shall be designed, tested, and installed per its manufacturer’s recommendations
and all the applicable codes that govern in the country where the water heater is being installed.
Provide all controls and safety devices that are required by the local codes that apply in the location
where the water heater is installed.
1.1.3 Water Heater Startup And Operational Tests Prior to startup, clean water heater(s) in accordance with manufacturer’s
recommendations. Operational Tests: Furnish the services of an engineer or technician approved
by the water heater manufacturer for installation, startup, operational and safety testing.
Demonstrate proper operability of combustion control, flame safeguard control, and
safety interlocks.
1.2 Domestic Water Pressure Booster System
1.2.1 Factory assembled, tested, and certified by a single manufacturer who assumes undivided
responsibility for the system to include providing start-up services, two days instruction and furnishing
related operations and maintenance manuals.
1.2.2 Each building shall be provided with its own system. Each system will consist of a minimum
of two pumps mounted on a single, welded structural steel base.
1.2.3 Provide bladder type low-flow accumulator storage tank, lead-lag pump alternator selector
switches and all related controls and alarms required for safe and proper system operation.
D202004 Insulation & Identification
1.1 Provide mineral fiber insulation on domestic water (hot and cold) supply and recirculation piping.
Provide vapor retarder on cold water piping.
1.2 In addition to the requirements in Section General Work Requirements”, provide laminated
plastic nameplates for valves. Stop valves in supplies to fixtures will not require nameplates. Identify
above ground pipe with the type of service and direction of flow. Letter size, lengths and colors shall
be per local industry standards.
1.3 Provide piping supports in accordance with local industry standards and local regulations.
1.4 Prior to initial operation, inspect piping system for compliance with drawings, specifications, and
manufacturer's recommendations and perform a system pressure test.
1.5 Upon completion of the installation, disinfect all systems per local law and regulations.
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D203001 Waste Pipe & Fittings
1.1 For underground installations, use plastic PVC or ABS piping. Provide compatible fittings, and
solvent cement.
1.2 For aboveground installations, use plastic PVC or ABS piping. Provide compatible fittings, and
solvent cement. Plastic piping shall be equipped with approved firestopping devices as required by
local code and law.
1.3 Provide cleanouts as required by law and local ordinances. Material shall be consistent with the
piping system materials.
D203002 Vent Pipe & Fittings
1.1 For aboveground vent piping, use plastic PVC or ABS piping. Provide compatible fittings, and
solvent cement. Plastic piping shall be equipped with approved firestopping devices as required by
local code and law.
1.2 Single drainage/vent stack systems and mechanical air admittance valves are not acceptable.
D203003 Floor Drains
1.1 Floor drains shall be flush strainer or extended rim type as required by law and local ordinances.
Provide in restrooms and plumbing chase areas, and in kitchens, if any. All floor drains shall be
provided with a trap.
8.9. SECTION D30: HVAC [06/07]
1.1 Narrative
1.1.1 This section includes the construction of interior mechanical systems. This section covers
installations inside the facility and out to the 5-feet (1.5 m) line. See Section G30, Site Mechanical
Utilities, for continuation of systems beyond the 5-feet (1.5 m) line.
1.1.2 The Contractor shall only use materials that conform to the practices of the local construction
industry for each particular construction discipline. Materials selected in this contract shall meet
appropriate designated standards, or have been tested and found suitable for their specified
1.2 Design Guidance
1.1.1 Provide design and installation in accordance with “General Work Requirements”.
1.3 Construction Submittals
1.1.1 Provide product and operation and maintenance data for all equipment and fixtures to building
D301001 Boilers
1.1 If required by ESR D30 to provide heating hot water and domestic hot water, provide a
packaged gas-fired condensing combination boiler(s), capable of producing heating hot water and
domestic hot water to meet the load of the building built under this contract.
1.2 Packaged gas-fired condensing combination boiler shall include, but are not limited to,
independent adjustable temperature settings for both heating hot water and domestic hot water,
boiler and burner controls, pressure and flame safety devices, flue blower motor, flue duct, heat
exchanger, drain, make-up water service as recommended by the manufacturer, etc.
1.3 Boiler shall be specified for “outdoor installation” when boiler is to be installed outdoors;
otherwise provide the appropriate make-up air by way of an appropriately sized galvanized steel
wall-mounted louver.
D301002 Heating Hot Water Distribution Systems
1.1 Hot water piping shall be designed and manufactured for heating hot water installations.
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1.2 Insulate hot water piping that is installed in unheated space with mineral fiber insulation with
factory-applied all-purpose jacket. Hot water pipe that is installed in interior walls of heated spaces
does not require insulation.
1.3 Provide, locate and appropriately size valves as necessary to balance water flows and/or isolate
equipment for service and repairs, and as otherwise required.
1.4 Provide, locate and appropriately size relief valves as necessary to protect system and
equipment from pressures that exceed manufacturers recommended operating pressures and rating
pressures of system piping and fittings, and as otherwise required.
1.5 Provide appurtenances such as air separators, expansion tanks, suction diffusers, strainers,
etc. as required to provide a complete heating hot water systems.
1.6 Provide test ports in piping at inlet and outlet of all major system components including boilers,
pumps, convectors or other terminal devices, etc.
D301003 Terminal Units
1.1 Provide anti-corrosion semi-gloss white enamel coating on unit. Anti-corrosion coating shall be
immersion applied, baked phenolic or other approved coating. Field applied coatings are not
D302001 Requirements
1.1 Domestic hot water heating equipment shall be provided with all controls and safety devices
that are required to meet the manufacturer’s recommendations and the applicable codes that govern
in the country where the equipment is being installed. Install per the manufacturer’s
D302002 Hot Water Heating Equipment Startup and Operational Tests
1.1 Prior to startup, clean equipment in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
1.2 Furnish the services of an engineer or technician approved by the equipment manufacturer for
installation, startup, operational and safety testing. Demonstrate proper operability of combustion
control, flame safeguard control, and safety interlocks.
1.3 Install per the manufacturer’s recommendations.
1.1 Visually inspect that all system components have been installed per manufacturer’s
recommendations, and perform an uninterrupted 8-hour test. The objective is to ensure that the
heating system is capable of providing space temperature as set by the operator.
8.10. SECTION D50: ELECTRICAL [08/06]
1.1 Narrative
This section includes the construction of interior electrical systems. This section covers installations
inside the facility and out to the 5-feet (1.5 m) line.
1.2 Design Guidance
Provide design and installation in accordance with General Work Requirements.
1.3 Construction Submittals
Provide product and operation and maintenance data for all equipment and fixtures to building COR.
Provide a Compliance Certificate issued by a local qualified entity regarding the entire electrical
system installed.
D501001 Quality Assurance
1.1 Qualifications, Certifications, and Test Plans
Qualifications, certifications, and Test Plans indicated herein shall be submitted 45 calendar days
prior to the expected date of execution. Notify the Contracting Officer 14 calendar days prior to all
testing. Submit test results within 7 calendar days of completion of testing.
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1.2 Designer of Record
The Designer of Record is responsible for approving the submittals listed below.
1.3 Qualified Testing Organization
1.3.1 Contractor shall engage the services of a qualified testing organization to provide inspection,
testing, calibration, and adjustment of the electrical distribution system and equipment listed in
paragraph entitled "Acceptance Tests and Inspections" herein.
1.3.2 Organization shall be independent of the supplier, manufacturer, and installer of the
equipment. The organization shall be a first tier subcontractor.
1.3.3 Submit name and qualifications of organization. Organization shall have been regularly
engaged in the testing of electrical materials, devices, installations, and systems for a minimum of 5
1.3.4 The organization shall have a calibration program, and test instruments used shall be
calibrated in accordance with local government criteria.
1.3.5 Submit name and qualifications of the lead engineering technician performing the required
testing services.
1.3.6 Include a list of three comparable jobs performed by the lead engineering technician with
specific names and telephone numbers for reference.
1.3.7 Testing, inspection, calibration, and adjustments shall be performed by the lead engineering
technician, certified by local government with a minimum of 5 years' experience inspecting, testing,
and calibrating electrical distribution and generation equipment, systems, and devices.
1.4 Qualified Worker
1.4.1 Provide in accordance with local government criteria.
1.4.2 Qualified workers shall be allowed to be assisted by helpers on a 1 to 1 ratio, provided such
helpers are registered in recognized apprenticeship programs.
1.4.3 Submit a certification confirming to local government criteria for qualified workers.
1.5 Qualified Telecommunications Worker
1.5.1 All installers assigned to the installation of telecommunications systems or any of its
components shall be registered cabling installation technicians or have a minimum of 3 years
experience in the installation of the specified copper and fiber optic cable and components.
1.5.2 Include names and locations of two projects successfully completed using optical fiber and
copper communications cabling systems.
1.5.3 Include written certification from users that systems have performed satisfactorily for not less
than 18 months. Include specific experience in installing and testing structured telecommunications
distribution systems using optical fiber and Category 5e cabling systems.
1.6 Material Standards
1.6.1 Ensure service support and provide manufacturers nameplate in accordance with PTS
Section “General Work Requirements”.
1.6.2 Provide arc flash warning labels.
1.6.3 Provide laminated plastic nameplates for each switchboard, switchgear, switchboard,
equipment enclosure, motor controller, relay, and switch. Each nameplate must identify the function
and, when applicable, the position. Provide melamine plastic nameplates, 0.125 inch (3 mm) thick,
white with black center core. Surface shall be matte finish. Corners shall be square. Accurately
align lettering and engrave into the core. Minimum size of nameplates shall be 1 inch by 2.5 inches
(25mm by 65 mm). Lettering shall be a minimum of 0.25 inch (6.35 mm) high normal block style.
1.7 Factory Testing
The COR reserves the right to witness all factory testing. The manufacturer shall have a calibration
program that assures that all applicable test instruments are maintained within rated accuracy.
1.8 Electrical System Startup and Testing
1.8.1 Submit test plans for approval. The test plans shall be tailored to the systems provided.
1.8.2 The test plan shall list make and model and provide functional description of the test
instruments and accessories and shall describe the setup of the tests to be conducted.
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1.8.3 Test instruments shall be capable of measuring and recording or displaying test data at a
higher resolution and greater accuracy than specified for the equipment’s performance.
1.9 Factory Trained Engineer
1.9.1 Provide a factory trained engineer to supervise start-up and testing as required in referenced
1.10 Performance Verification Testing
1.10.1 The Contractor shall show by demonstration in service that all circuits and devices are in
operating condition. Tests shall be such that each item of control equipment will function not less
than five times.
1.10.1 The Contractor shall provide all necessary test equipment, tools, fuel, load banks, etc., labor,
and materials for testing. As a minimum, all systems shall be tested in accordance with
manufacturers recommendations. Additional testing requirements for the various systems are
described with those systems, hereinafter.
1.10.1 The Contractor shall assure that all applicable test instruments are maintained within rated
accuracy. Dated calibration labels shall be visible on all test equipment.
1.10.1 Submit a separate electrical field test plan in accordance with manufacturer’s
recommendations and that conforms to local government criteria for each piece of electrical
distribution equipment and/or system requiring performance verification testing.
1.10.1 The following items identify specific test requirements. Additional test requirements may be
required by national or local government codes or manufacturer. Switchboard - Field test each GFI and AFI circuit breaker with a certified outlet
circuit tester to verify correct operation. Motor control centers – Test motor control centers and motor starters in
accordance with local government criteria. Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors (TVSS) Inspect for physical damage and compare nameplate data with the
drawings and specifications, if applicable. Verify from the nameplate data that the
TVSS equipment is appropriate for the system voltage. Verify lead length between the TVSS equipment and the circuit
connection is less than one foot (305 mm). Verify wiring between the TVSS equipment and the circuit connection
does not include high-inductance coils or sharp bends. Confirm circuit breaker used for TVSS circuit connection is sized in
accordance with TVSS manufacturer’s requirements. Ensure TVSS equipment is grounded in accordance with TVSS
manufacturer’s requirements. Check the ground lead on each device for individual
attachment to the ground bus or electrode. Check tightness of connections. For TVSS equipment with visual indications of proper operation, verify
that it displays normal operating characteristics. Busway – Conduct standard tests for busway in accordance with local
government criteria. Receptacles – Test GFI receptacles with a certified outlet circuit tester to verify
correct operation. Lighting - Aim photocell switches and locate light level sensors in accordance
with the manufacturer's recommendations. Verify that equipment operates in accordance
with user’s requirements and in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
Fluorescent lamps on electronic dimming ballast control shall be burned in at full light
output for 100 hours before dimming. Telecommunication - Test telecommunications systems in accordance with
applicable requirements. Public address and intercommunications systems - Tests shall include
originating and accepting messages at each station, at proper volume levels, without
cross-talk or noise from other links or non-designated units. Test shall utilize the
phonetically balanced monosyllabic work intelligibility test in accordance with local
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government criteria. In order to be acceptable, a score of at least 75 percent must be
obtained for each system test. Community Antenna Television Systems - Confirm design and installation is in
compliance with local government criteria and in accordance with local government
criteria proof of performance requirements. Test plan shall define tests required to
ensure that the system meets technical, operational, and performance specifications.
Test plan shall include plan for testing for signal leakage. Electronic Security Systems (ESS) – Test ESS in accordance with local
government criteria requirements. Grounding systems - Test the grounding system in accordance with local
government criteria. Lightning protection - Upon completion of the installation, Contractor shall
furnish the local government acceptance for the system. Emergency lighting - Test emergency lighting that is intended for means of
egress in accordance with local government criteria. Confirm the emergency lighting
system operates for a minimum of 90 minutes and emergency illumination satisfies local
government criteria specified levels.
1.11 Acceptance Tests And Inspections
1.11.1 The COR reserves the right to witness all Acceptance Tests and Inspections, review data,
and request other such additional inspections and repeat tests as necessary to ensure that the
system and provided services conform to the stated requirements.
1.11.2 The qualified testing organization shall provide the acceptance tests and inspections test
plan and perform the acceptance tests and inspections.
1.11.3 Test methods, procedures, and test values shall be performed and evaluated in accordance
with local government criteria, the manufacturer's recommendations, and paragraph entitled "Field
Quality Control" of each applicable specification section.
1.11.4 Tests identified as optional in local government criteria are not required unless otherwise
1.11.5 Equipment shall be placed in service only after completion of required tests and evaluation of
the test results have been completed.
1.11.6 Contractor shall supply to the testing organization complete sets of shop drawings, settings
of adjustable devices, and other information necessary for an accurate test and inspection of the
system prior to the performance of any final testing.
1.11.7 Perform acceptance tests and inspections on Diesel-Electric Generators, Uninterruptible
Power Supply (UPS) Systems, Automatic Transfer Switches, and Switchgear.
D501002 Submittals
1.1. Design Submittal
1.1.1 Design submittals shall be in accordance with the Part 6. of this document.
1.2. Construction Submittals
1.2.1 Provide product and operation and maintenance data for all equipment and fixtures to building
1.2.2 Provide certification that all adjustable protective device settings have been set in accordance
with the coordination study for the as-built equipment and configuration.
D502001 Main Transformers
1.1 Pad mounted distribution transformers shall be in accordance with Section G40: Site Electrical
D502002 Service Entrance Equipment
1.1 When a switchboard or switchgear is required, the Designer of Record shall utilize equipment
that meets the local government criteria.
D502003 Interior Distribution Transformers
1.1 When required provide interior distribution transformers.
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1.2 Mount interior distribution transformers on floors in non-public spaces or on wall mounted
D502004 Switchboard
1.1 Switchboard shall comply with the local government criteria.
1.2 Switchboard for non-linear loads shall meet the local government criteria, including heat rise
tested, except with the neutral assembly installed and carrying 200 percent of the phase bus current
during testing.
1.3 Provide molded case circuit breakers in accordance with the local government criteria.
1.4 Provide ground fault circuit interrupting circuit breakers in accordance with the local
government criteria.
1.5 Provide arc fault circuit breakers in accordance with the local government criteria.
D502005 Enclosed Circuit Breakers
1.1 Provide molded case circuit breakers in accordance with the local government criteria. Provide
with solid neutral when grounded conductor is present.
D502006 Motor Control Centers
1.1 Motor control centers shall comply with the local government criteria.
1.2 Provide disconnecting means capable of being locked out for machines and other equipment to
prevent unexpected startup or release of stored energy in accordance with the local government
1.3 When Variable Frequency Drives are required, the Designer of Record shall utilize equipment
that meets the local government criteria.
D502007 Other Service And Distribution
1.1 Transient voltage surge suppressors (tvss)
1.2 Busway shall comply with the local government criteria.
D503001 Branch Wiring
1.1 Provide wiring and connections for special outlets where required.
1.2 All homerun circuits must contain no more than 3 phase conductors.
1.3 Switches shall comply with the local government criteria.
D503002 Lighting Equipment
1.1 Installation shall meet requirements of manufacturer’s recommendations and the additional
requirements for severe seismic disturbance. Fixture support wires shall conform with the local
government criteria, galvanized regular coating, soft temper.
D503003 Ballasts
1.1 Electronic ballasts shall include a 5-year warranty.
D505002 Emergency Lighting And Power
1.1 Emergency Lighting
1.1.1 When an emergency generator is required, the Designer of Record shall utilize equipment
that meets the local government criteria.
1.1.2 When an Automatic Transfer Switch is required, the Designer of Record shall utilize
equipment that meets the local government criteria.
1.1.3 When a UPS system is required, the Designer of Record shall utilize equipment that meets
the local government criteria.
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1.1 Design Guidance
Provide the design and installation in accordance with “General Work Requirements”.
1.2 Construction Guidance
The Contractor shall provide all plant, labor, material, and equipment necessary to prepare the
project site for construction activities as specified herein.
1.3 Ownership Of Demolition Materials
All demolition materials and appurtenances shall be properly disposed and in accordance with all
applicable regulations. Maximize the use of deconstruction and recycling services.
1.4 Hazardous Materials
Before demolition can commence, any hazardous materials shall be abated in accordance with the
requirements herein.
1.5 Demolition Plan
The Contractor shall provide a proposed demolition plan and work/outage schedule outlining
demolition work activities, facility outages and utility outages. The Contractor shall obtain approval
from the Contracting Officer for the proposed demolition plan and work/outage schedule prior to
demolition activities.
1.6 Protection Of Persons
Where pedestrian and driver safety is endangered in the area of removal work, use traffic barricades
with flashing lights.
1.7 Protection Of Existing Items
Protect existing buildings, facilities and other work that is to remain in place, be reused, or remain
the property of the owner. At no additional expense to the US government, repair all items that are
damaged during performance of the work to their original condition, or replace with new. Do not
overload pavements to remain.
1.8 Dust Control
Prevent the spread of dust and debris to interiors of buildings or onto pavements and avoid the
creation of a nuisance or hazard in the surrounding area. Do not use water for dust control if it
results in hazardous or objectionable conditions such as, but not limited to, ice, flooding, or pollution.
Sweep pavements as often as necessary to control the spread of debris.
1.9 Noise Control
Make the maximum use of low-noise emission products. Keep noise levels to the lowest level as
practical. Coordinate and schedule loud noise production with adjacent work functions to minimize
interruption of critical activities. Schedule work hours to minimize disruption of nearby residential
1.1 The Contractor shall clear all trees, shrubs, brush and vegetation necessary for construction of
the project. Clearing includes the felling, trimming, and cutting of trees into sections.
1.2 During clearing, demolition and construction activities, preserve and protect trees, shrubs and
vegetation not directly impacted by the construction.
1.3 Any trees required to be removed shall be remove and dispose of to a depth of at least 18
inches (450 mm) below ground surface. Fill depressions with satisfactory material and compact.
Mound fill 2 inches (50 mm) above adjacent surface to allow for settling when not part of a subbase.
1.4 Remove stumps to a depth of at least 450 mm (18 inches) below ground surface and grind
stumps 450 to 750 mm (18 to 30 inches) below ground surface. Fill depressions with satisfactory
material and compact. Mound fill 50 mm above adjacent surface to allow for settling when not part of
a subbase.
1.5 Within the clearing limits, remove and dispose of all logs, shrubs, brush, matted roots, roots
larger than 2 inches (50 mm) in diameter, and other debris to a depth of at least 18 inches (450 mm)
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below ground surface. Fill depressions made by grubbing with satisfactory material and compact to
make the new surface conform to the adjacent surface of the ground.
1.6 Trim trees to remain of dead branches 1 inch (25 mm) or more in diameter. Neatly cut limbs
and branches to be trimmed close to the bole of the tree or main branches.
1.7 Material Disposal:
1.7.1 During hauling, prevent spillage on roads, or adjacent areas.
1.7.2 Material is to be removed to an off-site location as directed by the contracting officer.
1.7.3 Where burning is permitted, adhere to the applicable governmental, and local regulations.
1.1 Demolition work shall include the demolition, removal and legal disposal of existing construction
as required to accommodate the new construction. Contractor shall take care to prevent damage to
existing construction, utilities, and other items not scheduled for demolition and shall repair such
damage to the satisfaction of the Contracting Officer and at no additional cost to the Government.
1.2 Do not begin demolition until the Demolition Plan has been approved by and authorization is
received from the Project Manager.
1.3 Whenever possible, all items demolished shall be salvaged or recycled in lieu of being
disposed of as waste. All items to be demolished which are not salvageable or reused, shall
become the property of the Contractor and shall be removed from project site. The Government will
not be responsible for the condition, loss of, or damage to, such property after contract award.
Materials and equipment shall not be viewed by prospective purchasers or sold on the site.
1.4 Remove and store materials and equipment identified to be reused or relocated to prevent
damage. Reinstall as the work progresses.
1.5 Materials and equipment identified to be salvaged, are to be removed by the Contractor and will
remain the property of the facility. Deliver salvaged items to a storage site on the facility in
accordance with instructions of the Project Manager.
1.6 All demolition materials not identified for reuse or salvage and demolition rubbish and debris
shall be properly disposed and in accordance with all applicable regulations.
1.7 Rubbish and debris shall be removed from the construction site daily. Materials that cannot be
removed daily shall be stored in an area as directed by the contracting officer and removed from the
construction site as soon as practical.
1.8 Maximize the use of deconstruction and recycling services.
1.9 Before demolition can commence, any hazardous materials shall be abated in accordance with
governmental and local requirements.
1.10 The Contractor shall obtain approval from the Project Manager for the proposed demolition
plan and work/outage schedule prior to demolition activities.
G102001 Building Mass Demolition
1.1 For portions of the building to remain, protect building interior, materials, and equipment from
weather at all times.
1.2 Perform demolition of substructure, superstructure, exterior closure, roofing, interior
construction, interior finishes, mechanical systems, electrical systems, equipment, and other non-
hazardous building items as specified herein.
1.3 For occupied buildings ensure openings to the exterior are secured by the end of the work shift.
1.4 For removal and re-roofing projects, remove only as much roofing as can be recovered by the
end of the work shift.
1.5 The owner shall remove all uncontaminated furnishings and equipment from the work area prior
to the start of the work.
G102002 Hazardous Components Abatement
1.1 Perform demolition of hazardous materials including; asbestos containing material, lead based
paint, mercury, LLR (low level radiation) materials, ODS (ozone depleting substances), PCB
(polychlorinated biphenyl), animal droppings, mold, mold spores, and any material contaminated by
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any of these, as specified herein and to comply with all applicable governmental and local
1.2 Prior to starting work, conduct any additional testing that may be needed to provide a final
design and to comply with all applicable governmental and local regulations.
G102003 Aboveground Site Demolition
1.1 Remove concrete and asphaltic concrete paving and slabs as required for construction of
project. Remove the existing aggregate base in areas to receive new pavement to the depth of the
proposed pavement section below new finish grade. Remove the existing aggregate base in areas
not to receive new pavement to a depth of 8 inches (200 mm) below existing adjacent grade.
Provide neat sawcuts at limits of pavement removal; protect sawcuts so that new pavement will butt
against the existing without feathering.
1.2 Remove aboveground storage tanks as indicated.
G102004 Underground Site Demolition
1.1 Remove existing utilities and terminate in accordance with government and local regulations
covering the specific utility. Disturbance to utilities can not cause a failure to utilities to remain
operational, unless a planned outage is approved by the contracting officer and coordinated with on-
site personnel.
1.2 Protect existing utilities to remain. Where removal of existing utilities and pavement is required,
provide approved barricades, temporary covering of exposed areas, and temporary services or
connections. Repair damage to existing utilities to remain at no additional expense to the
1.3 Perform underground storage tank removal work as indicated.
G102005 Fencing Relocation
1.1 Replace fencing displaced during site clearing work. Remove old concrete post foundations
and replace with new concrete at new location. Repair relocated items that are damaged or replace
damaged items with new undamaged items as approved by the Contracting Officer and at no
additional expense to the government.
G102008 Site Cleanup
1.1 Remove rubbish and debris from the project site daily; do not allow accumulations inside or
outside the building(s) or on pavements. Store materials that cannot be removed daily in areas
specified by the Contracting Officer.
1.1 This section includes the design and construction requirements for earthwork and grading
related to construction of the roadways, parking, paved areas and other related site work. Refer to
Section A10 for earthwork related to construction of structures, including building, footings,
foundations, retaining walls, slabs, tanks, and utility appurtenances.
G103001 Grading
1.1 Establish finish floor elevations so that the floor is a minimum of 4 inches (10cm) above highest
grade adjacent to the building. Provide a slope away from the building of 1:10 for a distance of 5
feet (150cm) from all sides of the building.
1.2 The Contractor shall preserve natural topographic features to minimize the impact on the
existing drainage patterns at and adjacent to the site.
1.3 Finish grading shall provide drainage towards new and existing drainage features. Finish
grading shall not result in low spots that hold water or that direct runoff towards new or existing
facilities and/or site amenities.
G103002 Common Excavation
1.1 The Contractor shall preserve natural topographic features to minimize cut and fill
requirements. Re-use suitable excavation material as fill material as needed. All unsuitable material
and surplus excavation shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be disposed of as
specified above.
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G103003 Rock Excavation
1.1 Blasting is not allowed.
1.2 Requests for additional compensation shall not be made by the Contractor for degree of
hardness or difficulty encountered in removal of material. All unsuitable material and surplus
excavation shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be disposed of as specified above.
G103004 Fill & Borrow
1.1 Where sufficient topsoil and satisfactory materials are not available on the project site, provide
suitable borrow materials.
1.2 Remove unsatisfactory soil materials from the site as specified above and replace with
satisfactory soil materials.
1.3 Soils that are determined as clean fill via testing shall be backfilled and compacted in
accordance with these requirements.
G103005 Compaction
1.1 Hand compact fill material in 6 inch (15cm) lifts. Compact to a density similar to native soil.
G103006 Soil Stabilization
1.1 Provide soil stabilization to prevent erosion on slopes less than 1:2 and loose soil. Apply and
install geosynthetics in accordance with the manufacturer’s written instructions or natural woven
mats with 12 inch (30cm) rot resistant wood stakes. Drive or cut off stakes to within 1/2” 10mm) of
G103007 Slope Stabilization
1.1 Provide soil stabilization to prevent erosion on slopes greater than 1:2. Design and install
manufactured gabions, or geogrids, or natural rock anchors in accordance with the manufacturer’s
written instructions.
G103008 Shoring
1.1 Provide sheeting, shoring, bracing, cribbing and underpinning in excavations and trenches
deeper than 4 feet (120cm), where sides of excavation are greater than a 1:2 slope, in accordance
with all government and local codes and requirements.
1.2 Provide structural shoring for slopes greater than 1:2 to protect existing structures.
G103009 Temporary Dewatering
1.1 The design of the temporary dewatering system shall account for soil conditions, rainfall,
fluctuations in the groundwater elevations and the potential settlement impact on adjacent facilities
due to dewatering. While the excavation is open, the water level shall be maintained continuously,
at least 1.0 foot (0.30 m) below the working level.
1.2 French drains, sumps, ditches or trenches will not be permitted within 3 feet (1m) of the
foundation of any structure without written approval of the contracting officer.
G103010 Temporary Erosion & Sediment Control
1.1 Develop and implement temporary erosion and sediment control measures prior to or in
conjunction with commencement of earthwork in accordance with government and local erosion and
sediment control regulations. Place natural woven mats with 12 inch (30cm) wood stakes.
1.2 Maintain temporary erosion control measures throughout the project until areas are fully
G103011 Other Site Earthwork
1.1 During site work, if any historic artifacts are encountered, or if indications of that the site may
have cultural significance, discontinue work in that area and notify the contracting officer
1.1 Perform excavation of contaminated soil and/or groundwater in accordance with all government
and local codes and requirements. Select methods and equipment to minimize disturbance to areas
beyond the limits of the excavation area. Material that becomes contaminated as a result of the
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Contractor's operations shall be removed and disposed of at no additional cost to the Government.
Where excavation extends into groundwater levels, dewatering methods shall be employed on a
localized basis to facilitate excavation operations. Water generated by dewatering during excavation
shall be collected and tested in accordance with the ESR and the approved work plan.
1.2 Water that contains contaminants above levels allowed by government and local authorities
shall be removed or treated in accordance with all government and local codes and requirements.
1.3 Non-contaminated water may be disposed of on-site.
1.4 Soils determined to be contaminated must be stockpiled in a way that contains water runoff or
protects soil from rain or water flow, and shall be disposed of as soon as practical in accordance
with all government and local codes and requirements.
1.5 Soils that are determined to contain contaminants below levels allowed by government and
local authorities may be used as clean fill.
1.6 In the event of a spill or release of hazardous substances, pollutant, contaminant or oil, notify
the Contracting Officer immediately. Containment actions shall be taken immediately to minimize
the effect of any spill or leak. Clean up shall be performed at the Contractor’s expense in
accordance with all government and local codes and requirements.
1.7 All contaminated waste materials shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be
transported, disposed of in accordance with all government and local codes and requirements.
1.1 Pavement Design
1.1.1 Provide geometric and pavement design, including minimum pavement sections, in
accordance with the latest revision/edition of applicable codes, ordinances and regulations of the
Republic of Djibouti governing roadways and paving, in effect during this contract, except where
specifically stated herein. Any material installed that does not meet the requirements of this
Performance Technical Specification (PTS) and/or applicable codes, ordinances and regulations will
be removed and reinstalled at Contractor’s expense. Provide any required additional pavement
design to provide a complete and useable facility.
1.2.1 Provide surfaces consistent in color and finish.
1.3.1 Existing utility structures shall be adjusted to meet the new finished pavement grades as
1.2 Bases & Subbases
1.1.1 Prepare subgrade in accordance with Section G10, Site Preparation. Geotextiles may be
used for separation or reinforcement in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Provide base
course under paved areas in accordance with applicable codes, ordinances and regulations. Place
base course in layers of equal thickness with no compacted layer more than 6 inches (150 mm)
thick. Compact base course at optimum moisture content to maximum dry density.
G201001 Paved Surfaces
1.1 Bituminous Concrete Pavement
1.1.1 Provide bituminous concrete pavement in accordance with the applicable standard mix based
on the pavement design and vehicle loading indicated in these TR.
1.1.2 Bituminous concrete placement, including minimum temperature during placement, joints, and
maximum lift thickness shall be in accordance with local governmental standards. Compact
bituminous concrete to 96 percent of maximum laboratory density.
1.1.3 Finished surface shall be uniform in texture and appearance and free of cracks and creases.
1.1.4 Confirm in-place compacted thickness. Acceptable tolerances are plus or minus 0.5 in (13
mm) for bituminous base course and plus or minus 0.25 in (6 mm) for bituminous surface course.
One test for every 500 square yards (418 square meters); minimum 2 tests.
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1.1.5 Test surface smoothness by using a 10 foot (3 meter) straightedge in transverse and
longitudinal directions to pavement. Acceptable tolerances are plus or minus 0.25 in (6 mm) for
bituminous base and surface courses.
1.1.6 Conduct field density of in-place compacted. One field test for every 1000 square yards (836
square meters); minimum 2 tests. One laboratory test for the project.
1.2 Portland Cement Concrete [PCC] Pavement
1.2.1 If reinforced, the welded wire fabric shall manufactured to be used as concrete reinforcement.
Bar reinforcement shall be Grade 400 (Grade 60).
1.2.2 Provide PCC pavement in accordance with the applicable standard mix for the design
strength plus any allowable deviations.
1.2.3 Finished surface shall be uniform in texture and appearance and free of cracks.
1.2.4 Confirm in-place thickness. Acceptable tolerances are plus or minus 0.5 in (13 mm). One test
for every 500 square feet (418 square meters); minimum 2 tests.
1.2.5 Test surface smoothness by using a 10 foot (3 meter) straightedge in transverse and
longitudinal directions to pavement. The finished surfaces of the pavements shall have no abrupt
change of 0.12 inch (3 mm) or more.
1.2.6 Strength: Samples for strength tests of each mix design of concrete placed each day shall be
taken not less than once a day, nor less than once for each 100 cubic yards (120 cubic meters) of
concrete, nor less than once for each 5000 square feet (500 square meters). Compressive Strength: Make five test blocks (cylinders) for each set of tests.
Test two blocks (cylinders) at 7 days, two blocks (cylinders) at 28 days, and hold one
block (cylinder) in reserve. Each strength test result shall be the average of two blocks
(cylinders) from the same concrete sample tested at 28 days. If the average of any three
consecutive strength test results is less than f'c or if any strength test result falls below f'c
by more than 500 psi, take a minimum of three core samples from the in-place work
represented by the low test cylinder results and test. Concrete represented by core test
shall be considered structurally adequate if the average of three cores is equal to at least
85 percent of f'c and if no single core is less than 75 percent of f'c. Locations
represented by erratic core strengths shall be retested. Flexural Strength: Make four test specimens for each set of tests. Test two
specimens at 28 days, and the other two at 90 days. Concrete strength will be
considered satisfactory when the minimum of the 90-day test results equals or exceeds
the specified 90-day flexural strength, and no individual strength test is less than the
design strength. If the ratio of the 28-day strength test to the specified 90-day strength is
less than 65 percent, make necessary adjustments for conformance.
1.2.7 Remove concrete not meeting strength criteria and provide new acceptable concrete at no
expense to the government. Repair core holes with non-shrink grout. Match color and finish of
adjacent concrete.
1.3 Joints For Portland Cement Concrete Pavement
1.3.1 General: Joints shall be installed in a manner and at such time to prevent random or
uncontrolled cracking. Joints shall form a regular rectangular pattern. Wherever curved pavement
edges occur, turn joints so they intersects the curved edge at a right angle with the turn in the joint 6
inches (15 cm) from the curved edge.
1.3.2 Provide thickened edge expansion joints at the intersection of two rigid pavements. Use
preformed joint filler. Filler must be compatible with joint sealer material. Preformed joint filler shall
be securely held in position during concreting operations.
1.3.3 Provide thickened edge isolation joints by placing a 1/2-inch (12 mm) preformed joint filler
around each structure that extends into or through the pavement before concrete is placed at that
1.3.4 Provide contraction joint lines by sawing “green” concrete. Contraction joints shall be 1-inch
(25 mm) deep, but no more than 25% of slab depth, straight, and extend for through intersected slab
1.3.5 If an emergency stop occurs remove the concrete back to location of transverse joint and
install a construction joint.
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1.3.6 Provide single component cold-applied silicone. Silicone sealant shall be self-leveling and
non-acid curing.
1.3.7 Use performed compression seals in areas where silicone joint sealant does not perform,
such as areas subject to water inundation, blasts, or constant/repeated fuel spillage.
1.4 Prime Coat
1.4.1 Use prime coat in accordance with applicable local standards. Prime coat shall be emulsified
asphalt materials.
1.5 Tack Coat
1.5.1 Use tack coat in accordance with applicable local standards. Tack coat is required for
bituminous pavement overlays and on vertical cut faces of pavement patches.
1.6 Pavement Patches
1.6.1 Provide pavement patches for existing pavements where required for installation of utility
trenches. Sawcut 12 inches (30 mm) beyond edge of trench. Thicknesses of pavement materials
shall be equal to or greater than the existing pavement section.
1.6.2 For spalls or repairs of existing concrete pavement, perform repairs in accordance with
applicable local standards. Spall repair materials shall be either Rapid Setting Cementitious
Concrete (RSCC), epoxy concrete, or polymer-modified Portland Cement (non-sag mortar) products
specially formulated for spall repairs, with a proven record (in service at least three years) of
satisfactory use under loading and environmental conditions similar to those at the location of
intended use. A manufacturer’s data sheet and certificate supporting the satisfactory use shall be
provided to the Contracting Officer with the design. A product manufacturer’s representative shall be
present during the initial two days of product application to verify that manufacturers instructions for
use are adhered to. The Contracting Officer shall be given 7 days notice prior to the initial
application in order to be present.
1.7 Marking
1.7.1 Pavement markings materials shall be designed for life expectancy of at least 3 years under
expected traffic. Water based paints shall have durability rating of at least 4 when determined in the
wheel path area.
1.7.2 Provide a half-rate initial marking application on bituminous pavements. Provide the
remaining application at the end of the normal curing period.
1.8 Bollards
1.8.1 Bollards shall be 4 inch (10cm) diameter minimum steel pipe filled with concrete and
embedded in a portland cement concrete foundation.
G201002 Resurfacing
1.1 Adjust rims of existing utility structures to match proposed grades after resurfacing.
1.2 Provide and apply slurry seal material in accordance with applicable local standards. Slurry
seal material shall be emulsified asphalt materials.
1.3 Provide and apply bituminous concrete overlay as follows:
1.3.1 Remove old pavement by cold milling to depths required to provide new surface
and leave underlying materials intact. Clean the pavement of excessive dirt, clay or other
foreign matter with power brooms and hand brooms immediately prior to the milling
1.3.2 Repair or replace damaged utility structures, valve boxes, or pavement that is torn,
cracked, gouged, rutted, broken or undercut at no addition expense to the government.
1.3.3 Provide bituminous concrete overlay produced from hot or cold recycling of the
milled material or from virgin materials in accordance with applicable local standards
based on the pavement design and vehicle loading as indicated in these TR. Use tack
coat for bituminous pavement overlays and on vertical cut faces of pavement patches.
1.3.3 Fiber reinforced crack sealer shall be used for sealing cracks in asphalt pavement
after milling and prior to resurfacing
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1.1 Locate new sidewalks such that they maintain continuity of pedestrian traffic to and from the
existing sidewalks adjacent to the site(s).
1.2 Sidewalks shall be portland cement concrete pavement, 4 inches (100 mm) thick minimum.
Provide concrete as specified above for a minimum compressive strength at 28 days of 3500 psi (25
MPa) concrete. Sidewalks shall be at least 5 feet (1.5 meters) wide, except that sidewalks
connecting entry points of housing units to the housing unit’s parking shall be at least 36 inches (900
mm) wide. Use the maximum percentage of fly ash allowed in the applicable standard mix. Provide
a broomed finish. Unless indicated otherwise, provide a transverse slope of 1/48. Limit variation in
cross section to 0.25 inch in 5 feet (6 mm in 1.50 m).
1.3 Provide contraction joints spaced at intervals equivalent to the width of the sidewalk. Provide
1/2 inch (12 mm) thick transverse expansion joints at changes in direction where sidewalk abuts
curb, steps, rigid pavement, or other similar structures; space expansion joints every 50 feet (15 m)
maximum. Provide isolation joints by placing a 1/2 inch (12 mm) preformed expansion joint filler
around each structure that extends into or through the sidewalk before concrete is placed at that
1.4 Provide handicapped ramps of PCC pavement with an exposed aggregate finish, truncated
domes, or as required by the local codes at roadway intersections.
G2030 Fencing & Gates
1.1 Chain Link Fence
1.1.1 Aluminum fabric, posts or accessories shall not be used.
1.1.2 Chain link fence fabric shall be at least 9 gauge (3 mm) steel wire mesh material (before any
coating) with mesh openings not larger than 2 inches (51 mm). Install fence in accordance with the
manufacturers written installation instructions.
1.1.3 Tensions Wires shall be at least 9 gauge (3 mm) steel wire mesh material (before any
1.1.4 Rails shall be grade A steel fence piping.
1.1.5 Provide gates with posts and fabric as specified for fence.
1.1.6 Posts and braces shall be grade A steel fence piping. Each gate, terminal and end post will
be braced with truss rods.
1.1.7 Provide manufacturer’s standard fencing accessories as required to provide a finished and
complete fence system, including hinges, latches, drop pins, etc.
1.2 Ornamental Fence
1.2.1 Fence material shall be wrought iron or steel a minimum 1/2 inch (12 mm) in it’s smallest
cross sectional dimension. No opening in the fence shall allow a 6 inch (15 cm) ball pass through.
Finish shall be non-lead, metal primer or galvanized with 2 coats of a high performance alkyd enamel
finish. Posts shall be matching material designed to support the fence system and normal expected
wind loads. Install fence in accordance with the manufacturer’s written installation instructions.
1.2.2 Provide gates with materials and design to match the fence. Gates to be designed to resist
diagonal loads associated with gate operation.
1.2.3 Provide fencing accessories as required by manufacturer to provide a finished and complete
fence system, including hinges, latches, drop pins, etc.
1.3 Fence Walls
1.3.1 Freestanding walls intended to enclose exterior space shall be built to match exterior
enclosure of adjacent buildings in accordance with Section B20.
1.3.2 Provide gates with materials to be wrought iron or steel a minimum 1/2 inch (12 mm) in it’s
smallest cross sectional dimension. No opening in the gate opening shall allow a 6 inch (15 cm) ball
pass through. Finish shall be non-lead, metal primer or galvanized with 2 coats of a high
performance alkyd enamel finish. Mountings shall be matching material designed to support the
gate and withstand normal expected wind loads. Install gate in accordance with the manufacturer’s
written installation instructions.
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1.4 Protective Fencing
1.4.1 Provide protective measures to prevent access through culverts, storm drains, sewers, air
intakes, exhaust tunnels and utility openings or across drainage ditches or swales.
1.4.2 Where fencing or fencing walls are used to provide an enclosure for utility equipment, ensure
a minimum clearance is provided no less than 3 feet (900 mm) around the equipment to permit
maintenance access and ventilation. Provide stone, gravel or concrete paving within the enclosure.
1.1 Retaining Walls
Provide retaining walls to permanently resist soil pressures as well as live loads. Provide wall
drainage to minimize lateral loading and protect wall materials against degradation.
1.2 Exterior Furnishings
Refer to ESR G20 and other portions of the RFP for exterior furnishings required on this project.
Permanently attach all site furnishings to concrete pads. Provide site furnishings in conformance
with the Base Exterior Architecture Plan (BEAP) and or Installation Appearance Plan for each
Activity. If no product guidance is given, coordinate material, finish and color with architecture
(fiberglass and aluminum are not acceptable) and provide to the greatest extent possible, materials
with industrial recycled content, preferably from regionally local manufacturers.
1.3 Picnic and Passive Recreation Areas
Include tables, with attached benches, on concrete bases sloped to drain and permanent barbecue
grill(s) for picnic areas. Additionally, provide separate receptacles for trash, recycling and barbecue
ashes. Permanently attach all site furnishings to concrete paving extending a minimum of 12 inches
(300 mm) past the furnishing, with the exception of picnic tables and benches, which require
concrete paving extending 2 feet (600mm) minimum on all sides. The elevation of the finished
concrete must be plus 1 inch (25 mm) above adjacent grade.
1.4 Trash Receptacles
Provide trash receptacles with drain hole and stationary or self-closing lids with anchor chains
secured to the receptacle to protect the contents from weather. Design receptacles to hold heavy-
duty plastic or galvanized steel liners of the same manufacturer. Consider potential weight of full
containers when deciding on 'top loading' or 'side loading' receptacles. Include a concrete pad 12
inches (300 mm) larger on all sides than the size of the trash receptacle base.
1.5 Benches
Minimum 6 feet (1.8 meter) length to match trash and recycling receptacle material & color, installed
a minimum of 18 inches (450 mm) above finish grade, permanently installed with anchor bolts or in-
ground. For benches located in non-paved areas, provide concrete pads extending a minimum 2
feet (0.6 meters) beyond the edge of the seat portion of the bench (or both front and back if
accessible from either).
1.6 Recycling Receptacles
Provide recycling receptacles, single-piece with separate slots for cans, bottles, newspaper. Match
height, material, and style of the trash receptacle.
1.7 Barbeque
Minimum 12 inches (300 mm) x 18 inches (450 mm) with heavy-duty grill and hinged stainless steel
lid, factory primed and painted with rust-resistant paint. Install so coal height is a minimum of 36
inches (0.91 meter) above finish grade.
1.8 Playgrounds
Border playgrounds with reinforced concrete curbing to a depth appropriate to the type safety
surfacing utilized. Provide shade and wind protection where these elements may significantly limit
the use of the facilities.
Provide a playground safety surface. Natural wood products and decomposed granite are not
allowed for surfacing. Loose fill surfacing must be a minimum of 4 inches (100 mm) below the top of
edging. Consider local climate, soil conditions, location and size of area, type of activity, age of
users, and intensity of use when choosing surfacing material. Provide soil separator fabric between
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playground loose-fill material and subgrade soil. Design play areas with permeable surface and
adequate drainage. Drain to sump a minimum of 20 feet out from the playground curbing or to storm
1.1 Design and Construction Guidance
1.1.1 Provide the design and installation in accordance with Section 6 General Work Requirements.
1.1.2. The Contractor shall provide all plant, labor, material, and equipment necessary to provide,
deliver and place exterior walls to form exterior enclosure as specified herein.
1.3 Definitions
1.3.1 Sanitary sewer: any pipe, conduit, open ditch or channel that carries sewage and excludes
storm, surface water, and ground water.
1.3.2 Storm sewer: any pipe, conduit, open ditch or channel that conveys rainwater, surface water,
subsurface water and similar liquid wastes.
1.3.3 Waste: the discharge from any fixture, appliance, area or appurtenance that does not contain
fecal matter.
1.3.4 Sewage: any liquid waste containing animal or vegetal matter in suspension or solution,
including liquid containing chemicals in solution.
1.4 Quality Assurance
1.4.1 Materials and assemblies installed in the work shall be inspected and found to be in
compliance with industry standards and these specifications prior to acceptance of the work.
1.4.2 Items found not to be in compliance shall be removed or corrective measures taken, to assure
compliance with the referenced standard.
1.4.3 The Contractor shall perform field tests and provide labor, equipment and incidentals required
for testing.
1.5 Materials
1.5.1 All materials shall be new, and shall bear the label of standardizing agency whenever
standards have been established and label service is normally and regularly furnished by the
1.5.2 All equipment provided shall be listed and labeled suitable for the specified purpose,
environment, and application and installed in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
1.5.3 The Contractor shall only use materials that conform to the practices of the local construction
industry for each particular construction discipline.
1.5.4 Materials selected in this contract shall meet appropriate designated standards, or have been
tested and found suitable for their specified purpose.
1.6 Additional Work
1.6.1 Provide such other labor and materials as are required for a complete and usable system in
accordance with the requirements of the criteria listed, regardless of whether such materials and
associated labor are called for elsewhere in this RFP.
1.7 Qualifications Of Well Drillers For Water Supply Wells
1.7.1 If required by the local government and local waterworks’ regulations, the well driller shall be
certified by the authority having jurisdiction and shall remain certified while constructing the well.
1.8 Qualifications of Oil/Water Separator Manufacturers
1.8.1 Manufacturers shall have produced packaged oil/water separate units of similar size required
for over five years.
1.9 Performance Verification and Acceptance Testing
1.9.1 Compliance with the requirements will be determined by a review of the design and
construction submittals and by field inspection.
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1.10 Water Supply Well Performance Verification
1.10.1 Upon completion of the permanent well, conduct performance testing for well capacity,
drawdown and pump and water quality testing in accordance with national and local laws and
1.11 Water Distribution System Verification Testing
1.11.1 Provide testing on water mains and service lines in accordance with national and local laws
and regulations.
1.11.2 Do not begin testing on any section of a pipeline where concrete thrust blocks have been
provided until at least 5 days after placing of the concrete.
1.12 Sanitary Sewer Distribution System Verification Testing
1.12.1 Provide testing on sewer mains and laterals in accordance with national and local laws and
1.13 Visual Test
1.13.1 Check each straight run of pipeline for gross deficiencies by holding a light in a manhole; it
shall show a practically full circle of light through the pipeline when viewed from the adjoining end of
1.14 Leakage Tests
1.15 Sanitary Sewer Manholes Verification Testing
1.15.1 Provide testing on sanitary sewer manholes in accordance with the state sewerage
regulations. At minimum, perform hydraulic testing.]
1.16 Coordination
1.16.1 The Contractor shall verify that the locations and inverts of all site utility lines are coordinated
with building utility lines. If necessary, the Contractor shall make adjustments to the locations and
inverts in accordance with national and local laws and regulations.
1.17 Water Storage Tank
1.17.1 The Contractor shall submit a certificate signed by a registered professional engineer
providing a: Description of the entire tank and foundation structural design loading conditions Description of structural design methods and codes used in establishing allowable stresses
and safety factors Statement that the structural design has been checked by experienced engineers
specializing in hydraulic structures to ensure that design calculations for member sizes, dimensions
and fabrication processes are as prescribed by industry standards Certification that the completed work was inspected in accordance with national and local
laws and regulations.
1.18 Excavation, Backfilling, and Compaction of Utilities
1.18.1 Refer to Section G10: Site Preparation.
G301002 Potable Water Distribution
1.1 Connections to Existing Water Lines
1.1.1 Make connections to existing water lines after approval from the system owner is obtained
and with a minimum interruption of service on the existing line.
1.1.2 Make connections to existing lines under pressure in accordance with the recommended
procedures of the manufacturer of the pipe being tapped.
1.2 Water Service Lines
1.2.1 Underground water service lines shall be non-metallic. Plastic piping such as PVC, PEX
(cross-linked high density polyethylene) or other plastic material approved for potable water
applications shall be used. Pipe material selected shall be rated for pressures up to 1.1 MPa (160
psi). Fittings shall be as recommended by the manufacturer of the pipe selected.
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1.3 Service Connections
1.3.1 Connect service lines 50 mm (2-inch) diameter or less to the main by a corporation stop and
install a gate valve on service line below the frostline.
1.4 Installation
1.4.1 Install pipe, fittings and accessories in accordance with manufacturers instructions.
1.5 Corrosion Protection
1.5.1 Provide insulating joints to prevent contact between dissimilar metals at the joint between
adjacent sections of piping in accordance with the pipe manufacturer’s recommendations.
1.5.2 Ensure that there is no metal-to-metal contact between dissimilar metals after insulating joints
have been assembled.
1.5.3 To prevent the possibility of bi-metallic corrosion, service lines of dissimilar metal to the water
mains and the attendant corporation stops shall be wrapped with polyethylene or suitable dielectric
tape for a minimum clear distance of 3 feet (900 mm) from the main.
1.6 Valves
1.6.1 Valves shall be the same diameter and have the same joint ends as the mains to which they
are installed.
1.6.2 Each type of valve shall be of one manufacturer.
1.6.3 Gate Valves Valves shall be installed at all new points of connection. At a minimum, valves
shall be located to ensure that no more than two fire hydrants (if existing) will be out of
service in the event of a single break in a water main. Valves shall be located outside of
pavement and heavy traffic areas whenever possible. Contractor shall select the appropriate type of valve for each application
1.6.4 Valve Box Provide a cast iron, adjustable, valve box for each gate valve on buried piping. Valve boxes shall be of a size suitable for the valve on which it is to be used with
a minimum diameter of 5-1/4 inches (130 mm). Provide a round head and cast the word "WATER" on the lid in the local
1.6.5 Provide corporation stops if service lines 2 inch (50 mm) diameter or less are tapping water
mains. The corporation stops shall be ground key type, bronze.
1.6.6 Make and assemble joints to valves as specified for making and assembling the same type of
joints between pipe and fittings.
1.6.7 Provide thrust restraint for all piping, valves, fittings, and other appurtenances of the water
distribution system.
1.6.8 Disinfect new water piping and existing water piping affected by Contractor's operations in
accordance with national and local laws and regulations.
G301003 Potable Water Storage
1.1 Potable Water Storage Tanks
1.1.1 Provide potable water storage facilities that are designed and installed in accordance with
national and local laws and regulations, including: Elevated water storage tank Ground fill tank. Underground fill tank.
1.1.2 Tanks shall be designed and manufactured for the sole purposed of storing potable water.
1.1.3 The height of the tower supporting the storage tank shall be such that it provides a pressure
no less than 40 psi (300 kPa) at a faucet in a lavatory.
1.1.4 Volume capacity of the storage and fill tanks shall be determined by the Contractor taking into
consideration the function of the owner and the numbers of people occupying the new facility.
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G302001 General Requirements
1.1 The gravity sanitary sewage collection system shall be designed and constructed in accordance
with national and local laws and regulations regarding sewer collection and treatment.
1.2 The new sanitary sewage collection system shall connect to the nearest existing sanitary
manholes and/or sanitary lines adjacent to the project site. be directed to a new septic tank; see
additional requirements below. two new separate holding tanks: a) sanitary sewer, and b) waste
water.] Wherever possible, manholes and all other utility access structures shall be located out of
paved areas.
G302001 Sanitary Sewer Piping
1.1 Connections To Existing Lines
1.1.1 Obtain approval from the organization owing the existing lines before making a connection to
an existing line.
1.1.2 Conduct work so that there is minimum interruption of service on existing line and provide a
new manhole at the connection point.
1.2 Piping Installation
1.2.1 Provide and install pipe, fittings, cleanouts and manholes as required. Provide other
accessories to finish a complete, functional sewer service in accordance with manufacturer’s
1.3 Sanitary Sewer Manholes & Cleanouts
1.3.1 Provide all materials, equipment, labor, testing, and miscellaneous related items for the
sanitary manholes in accordance with the following: Manhole rim elevations shall be set flush with finished surface of paved areas or
25 mm (1 inch) above finished grade in unpaved areas. Resilient connectors for making joints between manhole and pipes entering
manhole. Provide drop manholes when a gravity sewer pipe enters a manhole at an
elevation of 610 mm (24 inches) or more above the manhole invert.
1.4 Concrete Manholes
1.4.1 Reinforced concrete; designed for heavy-traffic, structural loading. Concrete work shall
provide a minimum compressive strength of 4000 psi (28 MPa).
1.4.2 Manhole frames & covers are to be cast iron or ductile iron; designed to accommodate the
traffic loadings. The word "Sewer" shall be stamped or cast into covers so that it is plainly visible.
1.4.3 Manhole access ladders Manhole access ladders are to be zinc-coated steel, or rubber coating pressure
molded to steel. Aluminum steps or rungs will not be permitted. Steps are not required in manholes less than 1.2 m (4 feet) deep.
1.4.4 Where a new manhole is constructed on an existing line, remove existing pipe as necessary
to construct the manhole.
1.4.5 Cut existing pipe so that pipe ends are approximately flush with the interior face of manhole
wall, but not protruding into the manhole.
1.4.6 For changes in direction of the sewer and entering branches into the manhole, make a circular
curve in the manhole invert of as large a radius as manhole size will permit.
1.4.7 For cast-in-place concrete, no parging* will be permitted on interior manhole walls.
*Parging is a thin coat of plaster or mortar for giving a relatively smooth surface to rough
masonry or for sealing it against moisture.
1.4.8 Pipe connections to existing manholes shall be centered on the manhole.
1.4.9 Holes for the new pipe shall be of sufficient diameter to allow packing cement mortar around
the entire periphery of the pipe but no larger than 1.5 times the diameter of the pipe.
1.4.10 Cutting the manhole shall be done in a manner that will cause the least damage to the walls.
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1.5 Construct cleanouts of cast iron soil pipe and fittings].
G302002 Septic Tanks & Drain Fields
1.1 Provide survey on the project site and determine the depth of the water table.
1.2 Provide all the soil borings and testing necessary to obtain soil percolation rates.
1.3 This purpose of the survey and the soil borings is to ensure that leachate, runoff or septic tank
discharges do not affect the groundwater available.
1.4 If the groundwater hydraulic gradient is known, locate of a septic tank down-gradient from the
water source in order reduce contamination (nitrate contamination from the ammonia in urine is a
common problem in water wells and it is due to improper planning the location of septic tanks).
1.5 It is the responsibility of the contractor to make a determination as to whether to install a septic
tank with drain field (leach lines or beds) that is suitable without risk of contaminating the ground
water table as described above, or to provide a holding tank to capture and retain the building’s
sewer and waste water discharge for collection by a septic waste collection truck.
1.6 Planning, design and construction of concrete septic tanks with maintenance access cast-iron
manholes cover, and provide drain fields.
1.7 Provide the appropriate clearance for a septic waste collection truck in case it is needed.
G302003 Sewer & Waste Water Holding Tanks
1.1 When a septic tank with its leach field system poses a contamination risk to the local
groundwater, provide two holding tanks that conform to national and local laws and regulations:
1.1.1 Holding tank 1: shall collect all human waste from all water closets and urinals. No discharge
shall be allowed from it. Only a service truck shall empty this tank. It is the owner’s responsibility to
make this arrangement with a local service company.
1.1.2 Holding tank 2: shall collect all waste water from all plumbing fixtures that contain no human
waste. The contents from this tank shall be allowed to discharge into a drain field.
1.2 The holding tanks shall each be designed, sized, and built in accordance to national and local
laws and regulations
1.3 The holding tanks shall be equipped with the required maintenance access cast-iron covers
1.4 The location of the tanks shall provide an appropriate maintenance clearance so that a service
truck can have access to empty the tanks.
1.5 The location of the tanks shall also meet the required separation distance from occupied
303001 Gas Distribution Piping (Natural Gas)
1.1 Piping
1.1.1 Piping and fittings shall be designed and manufactured for natural gas use.
1.1.2 Contractor shall only use pipe underground that was designed and manufactured for
underground applications.
1.1.3 Contractor shall only use pipe aboveground that was designed and manufactured for
aboveground applications.
1.1.4 Provide meter and pressure regulator in accordance with the requirements of the local utility.
Provide earthquake valve where required by code.
1.2 Warning & Identification Tape
1.2.1 Detectable aluminum foil, plastic backed tape or detectable magnetic plastic tape
manufactured specifically for warning and identifying buried piping.
303002 Gas Distribution Piping Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG])
1.1 Piping
1.1.1 Piping and fittings shall be designed and manufactured for propane gas (LPG) use.
1.1.2 Contractor shall only use pipe underground that was designed and manufactured for
underground applications.
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1.1.3 Contractor shall only use pipe aboveground that was designed and manufactured for
aboveground applications.
1.2 Liquified Petroleum Gas (Lpg)) Storage Tanks
1.2.1 A local LPG gas provider shall provide and install a new LPG tank, complete with all
components, valves, and gauges.
1.2.2 The Contractor is responsible to provide all related appurtenances for a complete tank
installation, such as slab on grade, anchoring of the tank to the slab, gas pipe connectors, etc.
1.2.3 If tank cannot be provided by the propane provider, contractor shall provide the tank material,
accessories, and their installation complying with the tank manufacturer’s recommendations, the
requirements of the LPG provider, and the local law and ordinances.
1.2.4 Tank capacity shall be as specified in ESR G30, meet the system requirements of the LPG
supplier, and the local authority having jurisdiction.]
1.3 Warning & Identification Tape
1.3.1 Detectable aluminum foil, plastic backed tape or detectable magnetic plastic tape
manufactured specifically for warning and identifying buried piping.
~~~ End of Part 8 ~~~
End of Technical Requirements