Center for Bioethics, Department of Social Medicine
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
2009 PhD Health Behavior and Health Education, Gillings School of Global Public Health,
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Certificate in Global Health
2002 MSW School of Social Work, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Concentration in Adult Health and Mental Health
1999 MBA School of Business, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL
Concentration in Marketing
1997 MA International Affairs, Florida State University
1996 BA Psychology, Minor in Anthropology, Florida State University
2019 present Research Scientist, Center for Bioethics, Social Medicine, UNC-Chapel Hill
2015 2019 Project Director, Center for Bioethics, Social Medicine, UNC-Chapel Hill
Provide leadership of research and scholarly activities for the PHASES Project (Pregnancy
and HIV/AIDS, Seeking Equitable Study), a NIH-funded international research project
developing guidance to ethically advance the evidence base for preventing and treating
HIV/co-infections in pregnant women. Lead qualitative empirical bioethics studies
domestically and internationally, including developing protocols, training and supervising
cross-site research staff, mentoring junior investigators, and disseminating findings through
scholarly publications and conference presentations. Serve as lead liaison to the PHASES
Working Group, an international group of HIV advocates, clinicians, investigators
collaboratively authoring the ethics guidance, and provide overall project management.
2012 2015 Research Scholar, Center for Health Policy and Inequalities Research, Duke Global
Health Institute, Duke University, Durham, NC
Evaluator and site Principal Investigator for projects intervening to promote entry,
engagement and retention in care for people living with HIV in North Carolina.
Supervised team of five staff, provided technical assistance to 10 sites statewide
developing and implementing systems-level interventions utilizing a learning
collaborative model, designed and oversaw implementation of qualitative and
quantitative evaluation plans, data analysis and dissemination of findings. Provided
fiscal and administrative stewardship for the projects. Taught Global Health Research
Methods: Design and Practice for the Master of Science in Global Health program.
Served as faculty mentor for domestic and international student research projects.
2008 2012 Assistant Professor, Human Service Studies, Elon University, Elon, NC
2007 2008 Adjunct Instructor, Human Service Studies, Elon University, Elon, NC
Developed and taught public health and human service studies courses. Teaching load of
six, four-credit hour courses per academic year (24 credit hours). Conducted independent
scholarly research, mentored domestic and international student research projects and
internships, advised students, and provided service to the university. From 2011-2012,
served as coordinator of the Public Health Studies (PHS) program, responsible for
administering the PHS major and minor.
Undergraduate Courses Taught at Elon University
*Courses which I originally developed
Elon College Fellows Sophomore Seminar
Family Violence
Global Health*
Global Violence against Women*
Human Services Practicum in London*
Human Service Studies Internship & Internship Seminar
Human Service Studies Senior Seminar: Focus on HIV/AIDS
International Human Services*
Introduction to Epidemiology*
Introduction to Human Services
Introduction to Research Methods
Public Health Studies/Human Service Studies Practicum in India*
2006 & 2008 Social and Behavioral Sciences in Public Health (Graduate Seminar, HBHE 600)
Responsibilities included moderating online discussion, responding to student questions,
coordinating real-time question and answer sessions with the instructor, and grading.
2005 Planning Health Promotion Programs in Medical, Worksite and Community Settings
(Graduate Seminar, HBHE 772)
Responsibilities included assistance with syllabus development, responding to student
questions, leading lectures/activities, and grading.
2016 Trainer, North Carolina Coalition against Domestic Violence, Durham, NC
Provided training to domestic violence agency staff members from across North Carolina
on the intersections between DV and HIV and addressing HIV with clients.
2006 2007 Treatment Program Facilitator, Family Counseling Services, Durham, NC
Facilitated a 26-week psychoeducational batterers’ treatment program for court-referred
perpetrators of domestic violence.
2006 Graduate Assistant for Dr. Suzanne Maman, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Department of Health Behavior and Health Education, UNC Chapel Hill
Assisted with a qualitative research project examining partner violence in the lives of
young, HIV positive women. Collaborated on the development of study instruments,
trained the qualitative interviewer/research coordinator and developed the data management
2004 - 2006 Graduate Assistant, Injury Prevention Research Center, UNC Chapel Hill
Collaborated on the impact evaluation of the Preventing Violence through Education,
Networking, and Technical Assistance (PREVENT) national training project. Duties
included evaluation planning, questionnaire construction, IRB application and compliance,
subject recruitment, and data collection and analysis.
2003 - 2004 Relief Social Worker, Flagstaff Medical Center, Flagstaff, AZ
Provided psychosocial support to patients and their families. Worked with multi-
disciplinary team to establish and implement safe discharge plans. Connected patients to
community resources and made referrals as appropriate.
2002 2004 Program Coordinator, Distance Learning, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ
Supervised Academic Advisor, Sr., Office Specialist, and 12 student support staff. Acted
as liaison between academic departments and Distance Learning staff. Collaborated in the
development and coordination of a training program for statewide staff. Facilitated the
provision of services for distance students and faculty. Organized and moderated multi-
state focus groups to develop and test marketing concepts. Tracked customer satisfaction
and collaborated with Service Center staff to continually improve services.
2001 2002 Social Work Intern, Family Violence Prevention Center of Orange Co., Chapel Hill, NC
Provided crisis response services to intimate partner violence survivors. Co-facilitated
support group for women. Developed safety planning materials for children. Spoke to
community groups about IPV and the work of the Center, and provided educational
materials and referrals at community events.
1999 2000 Market Research Manager, Bell Atlantic/Verizon, Falls Church, VA & NY, NY
Responsible for marketing research in the areas of advertising effectiveness, claims
satisfaction, product contemporization, and new product development. Duties included
project design, internet and phone-administered questionnaire construction, focus group
facilitation and data analysis to facilitate development of strategic objectives.
2013 2015 NIH Health Disparities Research Loan Repayment Program
2011 Faculty Summer Research Fellowship awarded by Elon University
2009 Holtquist Research Award awarded by Elon University
2009 - present Delta Omega Society, Honorary Public Health Society
2009-2010 Academic Service-Learning Faculty Scholar, Elon University
2004-2009 Royster Fellowship awarded by the Graduate School, UNC Chapel Hill
2000-2002 Merit based scholarship awarded by the School of Social Work, UNC Chapel Hill
1997-1999 Merit based scholarship awarded by the School of Business, University of Miami
1997 Graduated with Distinction, Department of International Affairs, Florida State University
1995-present Psi Chi, National Honor Society in Psychology
Lyerly, AD, Beigi, R, Bekker, LG [et al, including Sullivan, K]. Ending the evidence gap for pregnancy, HIV
and co-infections: Ethics Guidance from the PHASES Project (in press). Journal of the International AIDS
White, A, Grady, C, Little, M, Sullivan, K, Clark, K, Ngwu, M, Lyerly, AD (2021). IRB decision-making in
minimal risk research with pregnant women. Ethics & Human Research; 43(5):2-17.
Spach, NC, Jaffe, EF, Sullivan, K, et al (2021). Pregnant Individuals' Views on Fetal Tissue Research in the
United States. Obstetrics & Gynecology;138(5):755-761.
Sullivan, K
., Mtande, T., Jaffe, E., Rosenberg, N., Zimba, C., Hoffman, I., Little, M., Faden, R., and
Lyerly, A.D. (2020).Views among Malawian Women about Joining HIV Prevention Clinical Trials
when Pregnant. AIDS Research & Therapy
Sullivan KA, Little MO, Rosenberg NE, et al. (2019). Women's views about contraception requirements for
biomedical research participation. PLoS One. 2019;14(5):e0216332. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0216332.
Sullivan, K. A., Little, M., Rosenberg, N. E., Mtande, T., Zimba, C., Jaffe, E., … Lyerly, A. D. (2018).
Women’s views about a paternal consent requirement for biomedical research in pregnancy. Journal of
Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 13(4), 349362.
Wickremsinhe, M. N., Little, M. O., Carter, A. S., Sullivan, K. A., & Lyerly, A. D. (2018). Beyond “vessels
and vectors”: A global review of registered HIV-related clinical trials with pregnant women. Journal of
Women’s Health.
Swygard H, Seña AC, Mobley V, Clymore J, Sampson L, Glenn K, Sullivan, K.A., and Quinlivan, E.B.
(2018). Implementation of the North Carolina HIV Bridge Counseling Program to facilitate reengagement
in care for individuals infected with HIV/AIDS. NC Med J.; 79(4), 2107.
Donovan J, Sullivan K, Wilkin A, Fadul N, Heine A, Keller J, et al. (2018). Past care predicts future care in
out-of-care people living with HIV: Results of a clinic-based retention-in-care intervention in North
Carolina. AIDS Behav.22(8), 268797.
Sullivan, K. and Lyerly, A. (2017). Ethical considerations in developing an evidence base for pre-exposure
prophylaxis in pregnant women. Reproductive Health, 14 (Suppl 3):171. DOI 10.1186/s12978-017-0425-z
Gichane, M.W., Sullivan, K.A., Shayo, A.M., Mmbaga BT, O’ Donnell K, Cunningham CK, et al. (2017).
Caregiver role in HIV medication adherence among HIV-infected orphans in Tanzania. AIDS Care. 30
(6);71-705. doi: 10.1080/09540121.2017.1391986
Parnell, H.E., Berger, M.B., Gichane, M.W., LeViere, A.F., Sullivan, K.A., Clymore, J.M., and Quinlivan, E.B.
(2017). Lost to care and back again: Patient and navigator perspectives on HIV care re-engagement. AIDS
Sena, A. C., Donovan, J., Swygard, H., Clymore, J., Mobley, V., Sullivan, K., … Quinlivan, E. B. (2017). The
North Carolina HIV Bridge Counselor Program: Outcomes from a statewide level intervention to link and
re-engage HIV-infected persons in care in the South. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes.
Ramaiya, M.*, Sullivan, K.*, O’Donnell, K., Cunningham, C., Shayo, A., Mmbaga, B., and Dow, D. (2016). A
qualitative exploration of the mental health and psychosocial contexts of HIV-positive adolescents in
Tanzania. PLoS One, 11(11):e0165936. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0165936. *joint senior authors
Sullivan, K., Berger, M., Quinlivan, E., Parnell, H., Sampson, L., Clymore, J., Wilkin, A., (2016). Perspectives
from the field: HIV testing and linkage to care in North Carolina. Journal of the International Association
of Providers of AIDS Care, 15(6), 477-485.
Berger, M., Sullivan, K., Parnell, H., Keller, J., Pollard, A. Cox, M., Clymore, J., and Quinlivan, E. (2016).
Barriers and facilitators to retaining and reengaging HIV clients in care: A case study of North Carolina.
Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care, 15(6), 486-493.
Krubiner, C., Faden R., Cadigan, R., Gilbert, S., Henry, L., Little, M., Mastroianni, A., Namey, E., Sullivan,
K., and Lyerly, A. (2016). Advancing HIV research with pregnant women: Navigating challenges and
opportunities. AIDS, 30(15), 2261-2265.
Keller, J., Heine, A., Finestone LeViere, A., Donovan, J., Wilkin, A., Sullivan, K. and Quinlivan, E.B. (2016).
HIV patient retention: The implementation of a North Carolina clinic-based protocol. AIDS Care.
Sullivan, K., Schultz, K., Ramaiya,
M., Berger, M., Parnell, H., and Quinlivan, E. B. (2015). Experiences of
women of color with a nurse patient navigation program for linkage and engagement in HIV care. AIDS
Patient Care and STDs, Suppl 1, S49-54.
Sullivan, K., Messer, L., and Quinlivan, E.B. (2015). SAVA syndemic effects on viral suppression among HIV
positive women of color. AIDS Patient Care and STDs, Suppl 1, S49-54.
LeGrand, S., Reif, S., Sullivan, K., Murray, K., Barlow, M., and Whetten, K. (2015). A review of recent
literature on trauma among individuals living with HIV. Current HIV/AIDS Reports, 12(4), 397-405.
Fair, C., Sullivan, K., Dizney, R., and Stackpole (2014). Knowledge of disease markers and quality of patient-
provider interaction among adolescents with perinatally acquired HIV: Implications for transition to adult
care. Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, 9(2), 167-173.
Fair, C., Sullivan, K., Dizney, R., and Stackpole, A. (2012). “It's like losing a part of my family”: Transition
expectations of adolescents living with perinatally acquired HIV and their guardians. AIDS Patient Care
and STDs, 26(7), 423-429.
Fair, C., Sullivan, K., and Gatto, A. (2011). Indicators of transition success for youth living with HIV:
Perspectives of pediatric and adult infectious disease care providers. AIDS Care, 23(8), 965-970.
Martin, S., Gibb, D., Johnson, R., Sullivan, K., Clinton-Sherrod, M., Hardison Walters, J., and Rentz, D.
(2010). Substance Use by Soldiers Who Abuse Their Spouses. Violence against Women, 16(11), 1295-
Fair, C., Sullivan, K., and Gatto, A. (2010). Best practices in transitioning youth with HIV: Perspectives of
pediatric and adult infectious disease care providers. Psychology, Health and Medicine, 15, 515-527.
Martin, S. L., Gibbs, D. A., Johnson, R. E., Rentz, E. D., Clinton-Sherrod, M., Hardison Walters, J. L., and
Sullivan, K. (2009). Male soldier family violence offenders: Spouse and child offenders compared to child
offenders. Violence and Victims, 24, (4), 458-468.
Martin S. L., Macy R. J., Sullivan, K., and Magee, M. (2007). Pregnancy-associated violent deaths. Trauma,
Violence, & Abuse, 8(2), 135-148.
Clear, T., White, M., and Presnell, K. (1998). The offender in the community: Implications of the experience in
the United States for the new Czech Republic. Crime, Law, & Social Change, 28, 243-268.
Sullivan, K., Gilbert, S., Mtande, T., Jaffe, E., Gross, M., Zimba, C., Hoffman, I., Rosenberg, N., Rahangdale,
L., Coleman, J., Anderson, J., Faden, R., Lyerly, A. D. (2017). Women’s views about rules governing
reproductive issues in the context of biomedical clinical trials. Journal of Empirical Research on Human
Research Ethics, 12(5), 393-394.
Sullivan, K., Jaffe, E. F., Mtande, T., Hoffman, I. F., Zimba, C. C., Rosenberg, N. E., Gilbert, S. Z., Faden, R.
R., & Lyerly, A. D. (2017). Malawian women’s experiences of rules regarding participation in HIV
prevention and treatment clinical trials during pregnancy. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
217(6), 734-735.
The PHASES Working Group. Ending the evidence gap for pregnant women around HIV & co-infections: A
call to action. Chapel Hill, NC: July, 2020.
Reif, S., Sullivan, K., McAllaster, C., & Berger, M. HIV Infrastructure Study: Birmingham, Alabama.
Durham, NC: Southern HIV/AIDS Strategy Initiative & Duke Center for Health Policy and Inequalities
Research, 2015.
Reif, S., Wilson, E., Sullivan, K., Safley, D., Whetten, K. “HIV/AIDS in Metropolitan Statistical Areas: 9
Southern States.” Durham, NC: Southern HIV/AIDS Strategy Initiative & Duke Center for Health Policy
and Inequalities Research, 2013.
Reif, S., Sullivan, K., Wilson, E., Gong, W. “Community Health Needs Assessment: York County, South
Carolina & Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.” Durham, NC: Duke Center for Health Policy and
Inequalities Research, 2012.
Principal Investigator:
2021-2025 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease. PHASES Adolescence. PIs: Anne
Lyerly (Contact PI/Project Leader) and Kristen Sullivan
2020-2021 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease. Ethics of HIV Molecular Surveillance
in HIV Prevention: Leveraging Community and Public Health Perspectives for Informed
Response (Administrative Supplement to Phylodynamics for Response, Monitoring, and
Prevention of Transmission). PI: Ann M. Dennis
Research Scientist/Project Director:
2015-2020 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease. Pregnancy and HIV/AIDS: Seeking
Equitable Study (PHASES). PI: Anne Drapkin Lyerly
Duke Site Principal Investigator:
20122015 Health Resources and Services Administration, Special Projects of National Significance.
NC-LINK. PIs: Evelyn Byrd Quinlivan and Jacquelyn Clymore.
2012-2015 Health Resources and Services Administration, Special Projects of National Significance.
Guide to Healing. PI: Evelyn Byrd Quinlivan.
2014 -2015 Ford Foundation. Southern HIV/AIDS Strategy Initiative. PI: Carolyn McAllaster.
2014 Duke University Center for AIDS Research. Establishing Mental Health Needs among HIV
Positive Adolescents in Moshi, Tanzania. PI: Coleen Cunningham.
“Contraception as a requirement in clinical trials.” Sullivan, K. University of Alabama at Birmingham,
Sexually Transmitted Infections Clinical Trials Group - 2021 Programmatic Meeting. April 2021: Virtual.
“Advancing ethical HIV research in pregnancy: Guidance from the PHASES Working Group.” Panel
presentation. Little, M, Sullivan, K, Wiskremsinhe, M, Jaffe, E, Faden R, Lyerly, AD. 2020 American
Society for Bioethics and Humanities (ASBH) Annual Conference. October 2020: Virtual.
“New guidance from the PHASES Working Group: Advancing ethical HIV/coinfections research in
pregnancy.” Little, M, Wickreminshe, M, Sullivan, K, Jaffe, E, Faden, R, Lyerly, AD. Poster presented at
AIDS 2020. July 2020: Virtual.
“Ending the evidence gap for pregnant women: Preventing and treating HIV and its coinfections.” Sullivan, K,
Little, M, Wickremsinhe, M, Jaffe, E, Lyerly, AD. World Congress of Bioethics: IAB 2020. June 2020:
“Perspectives on challenges and opportunities for North-South research partnerships in advancing he evidence
base for HIV prevention and treatment during pregnancy in Botswana.” Kasule, M, Jaffe, E, Sullivan, K,
Lyerly, AD. World Congress of Bioethics: IAB 2020. June 2020: Virtual.
“Rethinking contraception requirements for clinical trial participation: Disproportionate and unintended effects
in African American communities and a proposal for ethical alternatives." Sullivan K, Jaffe E, Lyerly A.
American Society for Bioethics and Humanities Annual Meeting, October, 2019: Pittsburgh, PA.
“Approaching gendered decision-making norms with cultural humility in the context of research with pregnant
women.” Jaffe E, Sullivan K, Lyerly A. American Society for Bioethics and Humanities Annual Meeting,
October, 2019: Pittsburgh, PA.
“Women’s approaches to involving others in making HIV biomedical research enrollment decisions while
pregnant in the US and Malawi.” Sullivan K, Jaffe E, Lyerly A. STI & HIV 2019 World Congress, July,
2019: Vancouver, Canada.
“U.S. women’s views on delaying pregnancy for the purpose of participating in biomedical research.” E.F.
Jaffe, K.A. Sullivan, I.T. Goldfarb, S.Z. Gilbert, M.S. Gross, J.S. Coleman, J. Anderson, L. Rahangdale,
R.R. Faden, A.D. Lyerly. Poster presented at Infectious Disease Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Annual Meeting, 2019: Big Sky, MT.
“High willingness to delay pregnancy for the purposes of biomedical research participation among Malawian
women living in a high HIV prevalence setting.” Jaffe E, Sullivan KA, Mtande T, Hoffman IF, Zimba CC,
Rosenberg NE, Lyerly AD. Poster presented at Infectious Disease Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Annual Meeting, 2019: Big Sky, MT.
“Prototype checklist for informed consent in clinical trials with pregnant women: An engagement-informed tool
to support ethical inclusion. Sullivan, K., Little, M., Jaffe, E., Wiskremsinhe, M. N., Kasule, M., Faden,
R., Lyerly, A. D. Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research, Advancing Ethical Research Conference,
November, 2018: San Diego, CA.
“Advancing responsible research with pregnant women in Botswana: Respecting bioethics principles, human
rights and culture.” Kasule, M., Jaffe, E., Sullivan, K., Lyerly, AD. UNESCO Chair in Bioethics 13
World Conference: Bioethics, Medical Ethics, and Health Law, November, 2018: Jerusalem, Israel.
The inclusion of pregnant women in HIV primary prevention research: An ethical overview.” Sullivan, K. Part
of the satellite session, Accelerating a labor of love: Time to transform HIV prevention for pregnant and
breastfeeding women, co-sponsored by AVAC, Jhpiego, MTN, and PHASES. Research for Prevention
(HIVR4P) October, 2018: Madrid, Spain.
“Challenges and opportunities faced by research ethics committees reviewing clinical trial protocols with pregnant
women: Perspectives of Southern African stakeholders.” Sullivan, KA, Kasule M, Jaffe EF, Little M, Faden RR,
Lyerly AD. American Society for Bioethics and Humanities Annual Meeting, October, 2018: Anaheim, CA.
“Women’s views about participating in HIV treatment trials while pregnant: How context shapes perceptions of risk”.
Sullivan, K.A., Little, M., Jaffe, E.F., Mtande, T., Gilbert, S.Z., Zimba, C.C. Faden, R.R., Lyerly, A. D.
American Society for Bioethics and Humanities Annual Meeting, October, 2018: Anaheim, CA.
“Decisions to conceal pregnancy to enroll in HIV prevention clinical trials: Implications for understanding fair
access.” Jaffe E, Sullivan K, Lyerly AD. American Society for Bioethics and Humanities Annual Meeting,
October, 2018: Anaheim, CA.
“Participating in biomedical HIV prevention trials while pregnant: Women’s views about enrolling
in oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), vaginal ring, and randomized comparison trials.” Sullivan KA, Zimba
CC, Gilbert SZ, Mtande T, Jaffe EJ, Gross M, Coleman J, Hoffman IF, Rahangdale L, Rosenberg NE, Anderson
J, Faden RR, Lyerly AD. International AIDS Conference, July, 2018; Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Beyond vessels and vectors: Overview & ethical framework.” Sullivan, K. Part of the panel, Can we deliver:
HIV research among pregnant and breastfeeding women, sponsored by the Women’s HIV Research
Collaborative (WHRC), September, 2018: Orlando, Fla.
“Women’s views about rules governing reproductive Issues in the context of biomedical clinical trials.”
Sullivan, K., Gilbert, S., Mtande, T., Jaffe, E., Gross, M., Zimba, C., Hoffman, I., Rosenberg, N.,
Rahangdale, L., Coleman, J., Anderson, J., Faden, R., Lyerly, A. D. Public Responsibility in Medicine and
Research, Advancing Ethical Research Conference, 2017: San Antonio, TX.
“Malawian women’s experiences of rules regarding participation in HIV prevention and treatment clinical trials
during pregnancy”. Sullivan, K., Jaffe, E. F., Mtande, T., Hoffman, I. F., Zimba, C. C., Rosenberg, N. E.,
Gilbert, S. Z., Faden, R. R., & Lyerly, A. D. Poster presented at Infectious Disease Society of Obstetrics
and Gynecology Annual Meeting, 2017: Park City, UT.
“Ethical considerations in developing an evidence base for PrEP in pregnant women.” Sullivan, K., Little, M.,
Lyerly, A. D. Global Forum for Bioethics in Research. November, 2016: Buenos Aires, Argentina.
“Challenges to advancing HIV research in pregnancy: Insights from the HIV research community.” Faden, R.,
Mastroianni, A., Gilbert, S., Cadigan, J. Krubiner, C., Sullivan, K., Namey, E., Little, M., Lyerly, A. 21
International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2016). July, 2016: Durban, South Africa.
“Past care predicts future care in out-of-care PLWH in North Carolina: Results of a clinic-based retention-in-
care intervention.” Donovan, J., Sullivan, K., Wilkin A., et al. Poster presented at the 11th International
Conference on HIV Treatment and Prevention Adherence. May, 2016: Miami, FL.
“HIV data sharing in North Carolina, next step: Electronic referral.” Parnell, H., Jensen, R., Sullivan, K., et al.
143rd Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association. November, 2015: Chicago, IL.
“A statewide linkage to HIV medical care initiative in North Carolina.” Sullivan K., Donovan, J., Quinlivan, E.
B., et al. Poster presented at the 143rd Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association.
November, 2015: Chicago, IL.
“NC-LINK: North Carolina Systems Linkage and Access to Care Initiative.” Quinlivan, E. B., Sullivan, K. A.,
Donovan, J. M. United States Conference on AIDS. September, 2015: Washington, D.C.
“Low levels of viral load suppression among individuals referred for HIV re-engagement services for those who
relocate and those who remain at the referring medical clinic.” Quinlivan, E. B., Donovan, J. M., Sullivan,
K. A., Wilkin, A., Coleman, T. Poster presented at the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care,
10th International Conference of HIV Treatment and Prevention Adherence. June, 2015: Miami, FL.
One size does not fit all: An assessment of HIV linkage, retention and re-engagement programs in Southern
states.” Berger, M., Sullivan, K., Perry, K., Ramaiya, M., Parnell, H., Quinlivan, E. American Public
Health Association Annual Meeting, November, 2014: New Orleans, LA.
Building a statewide HIV surveillance and care data warehouse in North Carolina: A collaborative approach.
Parnell, H., Jensen, R., Sullivan, K., Berger, M., McEachern, S., Berte, B., Quinlivan, E., Clymore, J.
Poster presented at American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, November, 2014: New Orleans,
“Southern HIV/AIDS Strategy Initiative.” Sullivan, K., Reif, S., & McAllaster, C. Positive Women Network’s
Speak Up! A National Leadership Summit for Women Living with HIV. September, 2014: Ft. Walton
Beach, FL.
“SAVA syndemic effects on viral suppression among HIV positive women of color.” Sullivan, K., Messer, L.,
& Quinlivan, E. B. Centers for AIDS Research, Duke University Medical Center, Fall Scientific Retreat,
September, 2014: Durham, NC.
“Effects of intimate partner violence (IPV) on treatment specific social support among HIV+ Women of Color.”
Sullivan, K., Quinlivan, E., Blickman, A., Messer, L., Adimora, A. International Family Violence and
Child Victimization Research Conference, July, 2014: Portsmouth, NH.
“Establishing mental health needs among HIV-positive adolescents in Tanzania.” Dow, D., Shayo, A., Sullivan,
K., Cunningham, C., McKellar, M., & O’Donnell, K. Poster presented at 2014 International AIDS
Conference, July, 2014: Melbourne, Australia.
Effects of the SAVA Syndemic related factors on viral suppression among HIV-positive women of color
receiving HIV Care. Messer, L., Sullivan, K., Quinlivan, E., Blank, A., Verdecias, N., Fletcher, J. Society
for Epidemiologic Research Annual Meeting, June, 2014: Seattle, WA.
Bridging the gaps: The use of health information technology and bridge counseling to improve retention in
care in North Carolina.” Keller, J., Sullivan, K., Schafer, K., Cox, M.B., Heine, A., Clymore, J., Seña-
Soberano, A., & Wilkin, A. International Association of Providers of AIDS Care, 9
Conference of HIV Treatment and Prevention Adherence. June, 2014: Miami, FL.
How expanding an HIV women’s support group became a family of choice.” Roytburd, K., Blickman, A.,
Quinlivan, E., Parnell, H., Berger, M., & Sullivan, K. Iris House's 9th Annual Women as the Face of AIDS
Summit, New York, NY: May, 2014
Aging and mental and physical health symptoms in HIV-positive women of color.” Golwalker, M., Sullivan,
K., Quinlivan, E., Safley, D., Roytburd, K., Parnell, H. Poster presented at 2014 UNC Institute on Aging,
Aging Exchange, April, 2014: Chapel Hill, NC.
“Effects of the SAVA syndemic-related factors on viral suppression among HIV positive women of color
receiving HIV care.” Sullivan, K., Messer, L., Quinlivan, E., Blank, A., Verdecias, N., Fletcher, J.
American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA: November, 2013.
Behind the numbers: Exploring the strengths and weaknesses of testing, engagement and retention in HIV care
in North Carolina.Sullivan, K., Berger, M., Quinlivan, E., Parnell, H., Heine, A., Clymore, J., Sena-
Soberano, A., Wilkin, A., Klein, E., Fox, J., & Cox, M.B. Poster presented at American Public Health
Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA: November, 2013.
Creating a coordinated HIV data system in North Carolina: Laying the foundation.” Parnell, H., Jensen, R.,
Sullivan, K., Berger, M., McEachern, S., Berte, B., Quinlivan, E.B., Clymore, J. American Public Health
Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA: November, 2013.
“Patients in HIV care in NC clinics: An assessment of re-engagement efforts.” Pollard, A., Berger, M.,
Sullivan, K., Quinlivan, E., Clymore, J. North Carolina Public Health Association’s Fall Educational
Conference, Asheville, NC: September, 2013.
“Exploring perceptions of intimate partner violence in Durham’s immigrant Latino community to inform
intervention development.” Reed, L., Sullivan, K., Barlow, M., Wong K. North Carolina Public Health
Association’s Fall Educational Conference, Asheville, NC: September, 2013.
“Evaluation of Student Action with Farmworkers’ Into the Fields theater program.” Cray, R., Leyson, E.,
Sullivan, K. Poster presented at North Carolina Public Health Association’s Fall Educational Conference,
Asheville, NC: September, 2013.
Disclosure avoidance mediates the relationship between social networks and social support among HIV+
individuals. Messer, L., Quinlivan, E., Sullivan, K., Parnell, H., & Roytburd, K. Poster presented at
American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA: November, 2013.
“Assessment of self-determination needs in women of color engaging in HIV care.” Quinlivan, E., Messer, L.,
Blickman, A., Roytburd, K., Parnell, H., Sullivan, K., & Berger, M. Poster presented at 2013 5
International Conference on Self-Determination Theory, Rochester, NY: June, 2013.
“Findings from the Regional Health Integration Project.” Messer, L., Parnell, H. & Sullivan, K. Ryan White
2012 Grantee Meeting, Washington, D.C.: November, 2012.
“Positive Outcomes for Orphans.” Whetten, K. & Sullivan, K. Council on Residential Education 2012
Leadership Institute, Washington, D.C.: September, 2012.
Disclosure avoidance among HIV positive women of color in North Carolina: Findings from Guide to
Healing.” Berger, M., Messer, L., Sullivan, K., Quinlivan, E., Parnell, H., & Roytburd, K. North Carolina
Public Health Association Annual Education Conference, New Bern, NC: September, 2012.
Disease knowledge and quality of patient/provider interaction among adolescents with perinatally-acquired
HIV: Implications for transition to adult care.” Fair, C., Sullivan, K., Dizney, R., and Stackpole, A. Poster
presented at XIX International AIDS Conference, Washington, DC: July 2012.
“ ‘They report it, don’t they?’ Female undergraduate students’ perceptions of sources of help for victims of
dating violence and barriers to utilization.” Sullivan, K., and McGowan, D. Poster presented at Ending
Domestic & Sexual Violence: Innovations in Practice & Research Conference, Portsmouth, NH: November,
Undergraduate women's perceptions of coerced consensual sex.” McGowan, D., and Sullivan, K. Poster
presented at Ending Domestic & Sexual Violence: Innovations in Practice & Research Conference,
Portsmouth, NH: November, 2011.
“Transition expectations of adolescents living with HIV and their guardians.” Fair, C., Sullivan, K., Dizney, R.,
and Stackpole, A. Presented at American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Washington, DC:
November 2011.
“Sex differences in spouse abuse by Army soldiers.” Sullivan, K., Bowling, J. M., Martin, S., Gibbs, D.,
Moracco, K., and Devellis, B. Poster presented at American Public Health Association Annual Meeting,
San Diego, CA: October, 2008.
"Child maltreatment during military deployments." Gibbs, D.A., Martin S. L., Kupper, L. L., Johnson, R. E.,
Sullivan, K. Presented at International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference,
Portsmouth, NH: July, 2007.
"Child maltreatment during military deployments: Implications for family support." Gibbs, D.A., Martin, S. L.,
Kupper, L. L., Johnson, R. E., and Sullivan, K. Presented at Force Health Protection Conference,
Louisville, KY: August, 2007.
“Appropriate social support for IPV victims in the health care setting, according to stages of readiness: A
qualitative study of IPV survivors and ER nurses using vignettes.” Bobrow, E., Roche, M., Sullivan, K.,
Moracco, K. National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence (Family Violence Prevention Fund).
San Franciso, CA: March, 2007.
"UNC Chapel Hill Health and Human Rights Series: Providing a context for learning and conversation."
Sullivan, K., Angelon, K., Keyes, E., King, E., Mango, R., Manchikanti, A., and Viswanathan, S. Presented
at American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Boston, MA: November, 2006.
“Impact of a violence prevention training program for practitioners.” Runyan, C., Martin, S., Umble, K.,
Sullivan, K., Johnson, E., and Freire, K. Presented at American Public Health Association Annual Meeting.
Boston, MA: November, 2006.
“Family violence among US Army soldiers.” Martin, S., Gibbs, D., Johnson, R., Rentz, D., Clinton-Sherrod,
M., Hardison, J., and Sullivan, K. Poster presented at American Public Health Association Annual
Meeting. Boston, MA: November, 2006.
"Evaluation of a violence primary prevention training program: PREVENT workshops." Garrettson, M., Friere,
K., Sullivan, K., Umble, K., Coyne-Beasley, T., Runyan, C., and Martin, S. Poster presented at American
Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA: December, 2005.
2015 Summer internship supervisor for Margaret Gichane, UNC Health Behavior doctoral student,
and Emily Wise, UNC MSW student
2014-2015 Thesis committee member for MSc-GH students.
Tendai Kwaramba. Domestic violence related injuries in Parana, Brazil: Alcohol use and
injury severity.
Reema Abu Gazeelah. Factors motivating non-urgent patients with musculoskeletal disorders
to attend the Emergency Department of Hamad General Hospital instead of a primary
healthcare clinic center in Qatar: a Qualitative Study.
Lisa Philippone. One year follow up of household use and perceived health benefits of
improved cookstoves in Uttarakhand, India.
2014 Field placement supervisor for UNC MPH student, Kathleen Schultz.
2013 2014 Thesis committee member for MSc-GH students.
Paige Sholar. Assessing the effectiveness of a health education campaign for improving the
awareness and preventative health behaviors of buruli ulcer disease affecting cocoa farmers in
the Ashanti Region of Ghana.
Chrissy Diderikson. Evaluating applied theatre using amateur community actors as a modality
for pedestrian education among primary school students in Moshi, Tanzania.
2013 Field Instructor for UNC MSW student, Alice Pollard. Oversaw Alice’s work on the NC-LINK
and Guide to Healing projects and provided weekly supervision relating assignments to social
work theory and practice.
2013 Co-Faculty Advisor for Duke Global Health Institute’s Latino Mental Health Bass Connections
project, Promoting Healthy Relationships among the Durham Immigrant Latino Community.
2012 2013 Erin Leyon and Rebecca Cray, Duke Global Health Institute Student Research Training
Program. Interactive health education theater with farmworkers: Effects on alcohol-related
attitudes, knowledge and behavioral intentions.
2009- 2012 Meagan Harrison, Elon College Fellow and Lumen Scholar. The Relationship between Skin
Tone, Self-Perceived Beauty, and Self-Esteem among Adolescent Girls in Puerta Galera,
2009- 2012 Margaux Loree, Elon College Fellow. Perceptions of the Effects of the Campus Gender Ratio
on Undergraduate Females’ Dating Relationships and Sexual Decision Making.
2009 2012 Devon McGowan, Elon College Fellow. Undergraduate Females’ Perceptions of Coerced Sex.
Ad hoc peer reviewer for the following journals: Journal of Healthcare for the Poor and
Underserved, Violence against Women, International Journal of Women’s Health, AIDS
Education and Prevention, PLOS ONE, and Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research
Ad hoc peer reviewer for the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting
2014-2019 Guest lecturer, Senior Public Health Studies Seminar, Elon University
2012 2015 Faculty advisor, Duke Durham Health Alliance (formerly Foundation for International Medical
Relief of Children, Duke Chapter)
2014 Duke Global Health Institute Master of Science in Global Health Admissions Committee
2009 to 2012 Board of Directors, Orange County Rape Crisis Center
2011 to 2012, Chair, Personnel Committee
2008-2010 Member, Public Health Studies Advisory Committee at Elon University
2008-2011 Faculty Advisor, Human Services Society at Elon University
2006-2008 Founder and Chair, Health and Human Rights Group, Student Global Health Committee, UNC
Chapel Hill
2000-2001 Founder and President, Women in Business, School of Business, University of Miami