Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association Volume 3 Number 2 Mar / Apr 1996
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Review w
Privacy, Confidentiality: and
Electronic Medical Records
JR., MD,
Abstract The enchanced availability of health information in an electronic format is
strategic for industry-wide efforts to improve the quality and reduce the cost of health care, yet it
brings a concomitant concern of greater risk for loss of privacy among health care participants.
The authors review the conflicting goals of accessibility and security for electronic medical
records and discuss nontechnical and technical aspects that constitute a reasonable security
is argued that with guiding policy and current technology, an electronic medical
record may offer better security than a traditional paper record.
One purpose of electronic medical records (EMRs) is
to increase the accessibility and sharing of health rec-
ords among authorized individuals.
Privacy of infor-
mation collected during health care processes is nec-
essary because of significant economic, psychologic,
and social harm that can come to individuals when
personal health information is disclosed.“F34ds With re-
mote access to distributed health data, or the pooling
of health data from multiple sites in a central reposi-
tory, the potential for loss of information privacy is
greater than in isolated EMR systems, or in systems
with paper medical records, when proper safeguards
are not taken. With appropriate safeguards, however,
computer-based medical records may actually offer
more security than traditional paper-record systems.
Applicable security technologies exist and have
proved effective in the banking and military sectors,
Affiliation of the authors: Department of Medical Informatics,
Columbia University, New York, NY.
Correspondence and reprints: Randolph C. Barrows, Jr., MD,
Center for Medical lnformatics, Columbia Presbyterian Medical
Center, 1310 Atchley Pavilion, 161 Fort Washington Avenue,
New York, NY 10032. e-mail: [email protected]
Received for publication: 11/2/95; accepted for publication:
but experience is lacking to ascertain whether current
technologies are satisfactory for health care. As yet,
no model security implementations exist in any clin-
ical computing environment,34 although awareness of
risks and of possible technical solutions is increasing.
In this review, we examine the extent to which fears
of the loss of privacy due to EMRs are justified, and
we discuss measures to protect the security of health
data. We also consider the trade-offs between acces-
sibility and security of EMRs compared with paper
Goals of Informantional Security In Health Care
A cohesive informational security policy is lacking
across institutions, counties, and states, and govern-
mental and nongovernmental committees are grap-
pling with difficult policy details that have far-reach-
ing consequences. Although the establishment and
implementation of security policies may be challeng-
ing, the goals of information security in health care
can be simply stated10,20,20
1. To ensure the privacy of patients and the confiden-
tiality of health care data (prevention of unauthor-
ized disclosure of information)
BARROWS, CLAYTON, Privacy, Confidentiality, and Medical Records
2. To ensure the integrity of health care data (preven-
tion of unauthorized modification of information)
3. To ensure the availability of health data for au-
thorized persons (prevention of unauthorized or
unintended withholding of information or re-
The goal of information privacy raises issues of access
control (user authentication and authorization) and
the application of cryptographic protocols for data
transmission and storage. The goal of data integrity
introduces the need for electronic user and data au-
thentication?” The goal of data availability raises is-
sues of access control, system reliability, and backup
mechanisms (system and data redundancy). The pol-
icy and technical aspects of these and related issues
are discussed below.
security Policy
As many others have pointed out:J,11s4J9 the main
problem with information security in health care is
not technology, but a lack of cohesive security policy.
Policy must shape technology, not vice versa. Security
policy defines what is to be protected, to what rea-
sonable degree protections will be afforded, and who
is privileged to access protected items. A policy is in-
fluenced by:
1. The functional requirements of an information sys-
tem (what users need to accomplish from the
2. The security requirements for the system (items
that need to be protected)
3. A threat model (the expected motives and re-
sources of potential perpetrators)
The role of policy is to balance the functional and se-
curity requirements of a system, which are typically
at odds. Security requirements can often be tempered
by the practical concerns of a threat model, because
costs and user inconveniences rise sharply with
harsher security implementations.
“Inside attacks,“” the most routine kinds of security
transgressions, represent one example of a threat con-
cern. Such attacks are committed by persons who are
legitimate system users with privileges but who abuse
their privileges in search of gossip material, or for
other personal or financial motivations. The monetary
value of health data obtainable on most individuals,
however, is relatively low (unlike some financial data
or military secrets), so it is reasonably safe to assume
that an attacker will not spend inordinate resources
(money and time) on attempting to acquire such data
by computer break-m or cryptanalytic attack. Specif-
ically desired information, as always, might be avail-
able with less trouble and expense via “social engi-
neering” techniques (bribery, extortion, personal
misrepresentation of identity, and so forth). The health
data of celebrities and other prominent persons may
be of greater monetary value in certain markets, but
currently available (although not necessarily imple-
mented) security mechanisms, such as system man-
agement, access control, and encryption techniques,
are sufficient to thwart or detect the covert activities
of hospital employees, newspaper reporters, relatives,
and other unsophisticated attackers.
Another example of potential threats comes from in-
formation-hungry employers, insurance companies,
and managed care organizations. These organizations
have greater economic resources, along with the mo-
tivation of significant profit from what they can know
about individuals. Unethical operations in such in-
dustries could allocate a high-end computer to the
task of breaking a cryptographic key used in the
transmission of health data over inexpensive public
channels. The 1995 cost of a machine capable of break-
ing a Data Encryption Standard of the U.S. govem-
ment (DES) key within 1 year (with an 8% chance
per month) is only $64,000.35 Profit-motivated health
care-related organizations and unethical “private in-
vestigators” might be willing to make this investment
and, for example, gather HIV data, which could be
used on a covert basis to deny medical insurance
The above threats concern attacks on patient privacy,
but threat models should also consider attacks on the
integrity and availability of health data. Such threats
might come from malevolent “hackers,” natural dis-
asters, or mechanical failures and could potentially
cost data guardians more than any breach in confi-
The Data Security Policy and Standards developed for
the Mayo Clinic/Foundation provide one model ex-
ample of a clear institutional security policy state-
ment.27 As an example of an approach to policy set-
ting, Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center (CPMC)
hired external consultants to facilitate security policy
development for its Integrated Advanced Information
Management System project.6 After 24 meetings with
80 people from numerous departments that spanned
two institutions, 14 overlapping topic areas for which
policy development was needed were identified:
1. User authentication-issues relating to the iden-
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association
Volume 3 Number 2
Mar / Apr 1996
tification of a user to the system and the ways in
which the system might know that a user is who
they claim to be.
Physical security of data center sites-issues re-
lating to the physical access to computer hard-
ware; theft prevention; backup and disaster recov-
ery; and the security of sensitive terminal
locations, such as console or control, and of pub-
licly accessible terminals.
Access control to system resources-issues of the
physical devices and logical mechanisms, such as
computer programs, that control access to system
Data ownership-
issues of who wm own which
data, the delegation of authority over data, and
enunciation of the duties and responsibilities of
data ownership.
Data protection policies-issues of minimally ac-
ceptable and consistent protections to be afforded
by systems crossing organizational and functional
boundaries, anticipated implementation barriers
to those protections, and the punitive measures
for organizational members abusing system
Building security into systems-issues of how to
assure that security requirements are addressed in
central and local participating systems, how to
partition security responsibilities between
and local systems, and how to assure that security
requirements remain satisfied as systems are mod-
ified or expanded.
Security of hard copy materials-issues of how to
prevent security breaches from paper copies of
sensitive electronic documents and data.
Systems integrity-issues related to the accuracy
and reliability of system data, and the integrity
and reliability of physical computer and network
User profiles -issues related to defining user
types and roles that serve to distinguish the func-
tional needs and security levels of users.
Legal and liability issues-issues relating to the
uses and misuses of the system that involve po-
tential liabilities or legal concerns for participating
organizations, including protections under exist-
ing computer crime laws, liabilities when a record
is compromised, and requirements for user pen-
alties under union contracts.
Problem identification and resolution-issues of
system audits and auditability, intrusion detection
of intrusions, and detection and
notification mechanisms for other types of secu-
rity problems.
Network security-issues relating to the security
management of computer networks and the
movement of data over such networks, including
the security of bridges and routing equipment, the
passing of authorization tokens, data encryption,
electronic signatures, and nonrepudiation of mes-
Informed consent- issues related to the use of
medical information collected about patients and
obtaining consent from patients for desired and
potential uses of medical data.
Education of users-issues related to the educa-
tion of users regarding their responsibilities as
system users and the risks conjured by their ac-
tions, including activities on the system and de-
grees of nonvigilance.
From these 14 areas, a list of 65 policy items needing
definition were identified. These items were then
ranked, resulting in a list of l.7 urgent actions. Of par-
ticular note, the number one action item was to estab-
lish a mechanism for making institutional policy.
Privacy and Confidentiallty In Health Care
The relationship between health care provider and pa-
tient is one characterized by intimacy and trust, and
confidentiality is embedded at least implicitly in
patient-provider interactions. The notion of confiden-
tiality in health care has a
professional tradi-
tion that has suffered progressive erosion due to third-
party reimbursement schemes, managed care and
other health care organizational structures, and the
perceptions and culture of professionals within mod-
em health care systems.”
One third of medical pro-
fessionals have indicated that information is given to
unauthorized people “somewhat often.38
Unfortunately, information privacy has an incomplete
and inconsistent legal basis.15,28 Federal law prohibit-
ing information disclosure pertains only to informa-
tion associated with federal agencies, not to informa-
tion held in the private sector or by state and local
governments. Most states have laws that address at
least minimally the privacy of medical records but do
not consistently recognize computerized records as le-
gitimate documents.
One reason for the difficulty in setting policy is that
the legal concept of privacy is relative and shifts from
BARROWS, CLAYTON, Privacy, Confidentiality, and Medical Records
time to time to reflect the public versus private inter-
ests of society? Consider, for example, current airline-
passenger and baggage-inspection policies compared
with those of 30 years ago, and laws that require the
reporting of infectious, especially sexually transmit-
ted, diseases. In addition, privacy is partly in the eye
of the beholder, and an intrusion of privacy perceived
by one person may be considered as a convenience by
others (targeted marketing, mail-order catalogs, solic-
itations by insurers and service-providers of preven-
tive health, and so forth).
In a 1993 survey, 80% of persons believed that con-
sumers had lost control over information about them-
EMR developers should strive to maintain
the confidentiality of personal health information to
foster public trust in information systems that hold
promise for improving health care quality and de-
creasing the costs of care. For their own benefit and
the benefit of society, patients should not be made ret-
icent in sharing medically relevant information with
health care practitioners.
The goal of strict information privacy conflicts with
goals of optimal patient care, however, as well as with
medical research, public health, and social policy, all
of which may require access to patients’ confidential
m$dical records without their explicit knowledge or
consent. In addition, health care providers have a
working need for high data availability and are intol-
erant of cumbersome security procedures. For in-
stance, when access hurdles are too steep, logon ses-
sions and passwords may be shared among providers.
Because the use of information technology in health
care is still relatively new and not yet ubiquitous,
there is generally too little awareness of the risks con-
jured by such actions.
Technically, the confidentiality medical records in
computers can be maintained proactively by both
access-control mechanisms and audit trail logs (dis-
cussed below), which can be inspected proactively
or in response to suspicious events. Other mecha-
nisms for assuring confidentiality include the edu-
cation of EMR users regarding security concerns,
professional responsibilities, and personal account-
ability; time-outs on system terminals; hard-copy con-
trol; clear policies; and consistent disciplinary actions.
Human factors, however, such as errors, negligence,
and unethical activities, can result in breaches of
confidentiality despite optimal security implementa-
Accordingly, the American Civil Liberties Union
(ACLU) believes that a privacy policy for health in-
formation should be based on the following princi-
1. Strict limits on access and disclosure must apply to
all personally identifiable health data, regardless of
the form in which the information is maintained.
2. All personally identifiable health records must be
under an individual’s control. No personal infor-
mation may be disclosed without an individual’s
uncoerced, informed consent.
3. Health-record information systems must be re-
quired to build in security measures to protect per-
sonal information against both unauthorized access
and misuse by authorized users.
4. Employers must be denied access to personally
identifiable health information on their employees
and prospective employees.
5. Patients must be given notice of all uses of their
health information.
6. Individuals must have a right of access to their
own medical and financial records, including rights
to copy and correct any and all information con-
tained in those records.
7. Both a private right of action and a governmental
enforcement mechanism must be established to
prevent or remedy wrongful disclosures or other
misuse of information.
8. A federal oversight system must be established to
ensure compliance with privacy laws and regula-
Pending federal legislation with bipartisan support
(the “Bennett Bill”)” seeks to implement recommen-
dations to protect the confidentiality of medical infor-
mation and to guarantee access to patients of their
own health data, with the hope that such measures
will promote a health-information infrastructure. The
bill has drawn sharp criticism, however, from con-
sumer-rights advocacy groups like the ACLU due to
lack of patient controls over how personal health in-
formation may be used and disseminated, particularly
regarding the compilation of health information
within certified “health information services.“37
The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Or-
ganizations has begun to demand that patients’ rights,
security policies, and information-management stan-
dards be addressed in more explicit ways?’ The 1995
standards proposed significant new requirements in
these areas. Jn recognition that most health care or-
ganizations are not yet able to meet those standards,
the 1996 version downsized the information manage-
ment chapter by more than 70 requirements,~ with
the stated intention of a more gradual deployment.
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association Volume 3 Number 2 Mar / Apr 1996
Data Ownership and Legal Accountabilty
Data ownership is a legally complex issue. Ownership
of a medical record is at best a limited right that is
primarily custodial in nature, and information con-
tained in the record is often characterized as the pa-
tient’s property.16 Any immediate and clear legal as-
signment of electronic health data ownership, from
which may follow assignment of responsibility, does
not appear likely. All parties who are entrusted with
health data, both the movers and the users, should
reasonably be considered as stewards of that data,
and may be held liable for irresponsible acts and
breaches of confidentiality.
Informed Consent to Disclosure
An informed consent to disclosure of information typ-
ically requires that the patient:
1. Be told what information is to be disclosed.
2. Understand what is being disclosed.
3. Is competent to provide consent.
4. Consents willingly, free from coercion.
Implementation of the doctrine of informed consent
to disclosure involves many potential difficulties, and
“informed consent,” as it pertains to the typical uses
of health care data, is arguably a misnomer. Infirm or
confused patients cannot meaningfully sign an in-
formed release, and no informed release specifically
covers all potential or desired uses of medical data
that may be collected on an individual. Also, patients
are coerced into giving up personal rights to confi-
dentiality when they apply for insurance or sign a
hospital waiver that allows medical information to be
shared. In recognition of such concerns, a general re-
lease of medical information in New York state no
longer applies to HIV data. Finally, patients are typi-
cally asked to authorize disclosure of medical infor-
mation, yet only about half of the states guarantee a
patient’s right to see his or her own medical record.
Traditionally, patients have difficulty gaining access to
their own records, and without knowledge of what is
contained in the record, consent for disclosure cannot
be fully informed. The position of the American
Health Information Management Association reflects
a balance of opinion and states that an EMR requires
that patients have greater access to their own medical
record.5 The proposed Bennett Bill would guarantee
that right, except when disclosure might endanger the
life or safety of any individual, or information in the
record identifies a confidential source of information
about the requesting patient.41
Use of Medical Data
The established primary uses of medical records are
in providing health care, paying for it, and assuring
its proper delivery. Secondary uses of medical data
include those made by various business and govern-
mental organizations such as life and auto insurers,
employers, licensing agencies, public health agencies,
the media, medical researchers, educational institu-
tions, rehabilitation and social welfare programs, and
uses for legal purposes. Responsibility for the protec-
tion of patient privacy and the confidentiality of com-
puterized medical information must extend to these
secondary users. Institutional policy should dictate
how patient data may be. used and to whom infor-
mation will be released.
When electronic records are used for research, valid
epidemiologic studies may be conducted using aggre-
gates of nonidentifiable patient data. The Bennett Bill
requires specific patient authorization when such
“scrubbed” data are inadequate.41 In addition, en-
crypted patient identifiers might provide acceptable
research results and still adequately protect patient
Originators of the few landmark computer-based pa-
tient-record systems have grappled with the afore-
mentioned conflicting goals of security and function-
ality in health care systems.7’40 Usually, systems use
some form of password security for user authentica-
tion, and user-specific or role-specific menus may be
used to implement further limitations on access. How-
ever, standard password access controls do not pre-
vent insider threats and are not helpful when authen-
tication has been compromised.
In addition, tight access control at the level of the type
of user, computer application, or patient fails in crit-
ical ways in the health care environment.9’10 Sensitive
data (i.e., mental health data or HIV status) are often
among the most important items necessary to take
care of a patient. This is the information that may
need to be made available and shared among numer-
ous care providers and ancillary health personnel.
Most often, numerous persons at multiple levels in
multiple roles (medical students, residents, nurses,
therapists, dietitians, social workers, administrators,
consultant physicians, covering physicians, and a pri-
vate or personal “attending” physician) are routinely
BARROWS, CLAYTON, Privacy, Confidentiality, and Medical Records
involved in a patient’s care, and it is difficult to pre-
dict which person in which role will validly need ac-
cess to a person’s health record at some particular
time. Provisions for emergencies, when none of the
patient’s usual care team is around, must also be
made. Thus, in an EMR setting, prohibition of access
by most medical users to most data on most patients
is often not practical. For this reason, clinical system
pioneers have usually allowed all clinical personnel
access to the computerized medical record of all pa-
tients in a hospital, and often to the records of patients
not in the hospital as well (i.e., records of discharged
patients or their ambulatory care, or both).
Improved multilevel and role-based access models for
health care that better accommodate user needs are
under development.8,12,22,23 A “need-to-show” model
(versus the military “need-to-know” multilevel secu-
rity model) and its supportive technical platform have
been proposed, with the specific intention of extend-
ing the notion of individual professional accountabil-
ity for health data to interaction with information sys-
Such accountability may help discourage
information sharing across unauthorized informal hu-
man networks,” a problem that is difficult to address
by technology
The determination of how much effort should go to-
ward authenticating a person is a matter of institu-
tional policy. User identifiers with password authen-
tication are often employed, but other technical
solutions, such as biometric authentication by mor-
phometric hand measurements or voiceprints, system-
synchronized random-number generating cards, and
passphrase-encrypting smartcards, are more expen-
sive, but they may be more effective alternatives when
deemed compatible with policy considerations.
As an example of an approach to access control, the
CPMC Clinical Information System (CIS) implements
an access-control matrix with one axis representing
user roles (attending physicians, residents, medical
students, hospital nurses, clinic nurses, various types
of technicians, and so forth) and the other axis rep-
resenting data types (laboratory data, radiology re-
ports, discharge summaries, demographic informa-
tion, and so forth). We defined 68 user types and six
classes of data. Departmental leaders make the deter-
of access privileges for each user type, sub-
ject to the approval of the hospital medical board.
Users receive a menu of options specific for their de-
fined access privileges. Login screens remind users
that information is limited to legitimate medical pur-
poses and that misuse can lead to dismissal as well
as civil and criminal penalties. Access to data on VIPs
and hospital employees invokes an additional screen
message warning that all user activities are recorded.
A similar approach at Boston’s Beth Israel Hospital,
along with a system utility that allows users to review
the names of persons who have looked at their elec-
tronic record, was reported to effectively deter “in-
sider” abuse of system privileges.”
Cryptographic techniques applicable to the goals of
privacy, integrity, and access control have not yet been
significantly deployed in the health care environment,
and experience is needed before establishing that they
could provide security solutions compatible with the
diversity of health care needs.”
As a trivial example of an encryption cipher, the fa-
mous Caesar Cipher uses a “shift-by-three” rule, so
that every “A” in a message is replaced by a “D,”
every “B” by an “E,” and so forth. The algorithm is
said to have been used by Julius Caesar to encode
communications with his generals via human messen-
gers whom he did not trust. Many more complicated
and secure mathematical algorithms for encryption
exist. Private-key, or “secret-key,” encryption depends
on a number or string of characters that is shared only
between the communicating parties and is used by an
encryption algorithm to encode and decode the mes-
sage. The exact ,encryption algorithm need not be a
secret. The best ‘known such encryption algorithm is
DES, mentioned above. A main problem with private-
key encryption protocols is that communicating par-
ties must somehow securely share and use the “se-
cret” key
The use of public-key encryption can avoid some of
the pitfalls of the need to share a secret key by making
use of a mathematical technique that creates an
“asymmetrical cryptosystem,” that is, the keys to en-
code and decode a message are different but inti-
mately linked, so that they are, in effect, functional
inverses of each other and can only be used together.
In public-key cryptography, one key is published, and
the other remains private to a user. To send a secret
message, the sender obtains the recipient’s public key
and uses it to scramble the message, which the recip-
ient can decode with his or her private key. In addi-
tion, the creator of a message or document can “sign”
it by encoding a piece or algorithmic “digest” of the
document with his or her secret key, so that anyone
can then verify the “signature” by decoding it with
the signer’s published key.
The New York State Community Health Management
Information System (NYSCHMIS) Confidentiality and
Data Security Policy says:
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association
Volume 3 Number 2 Mar / Apr 1996
All data collected into or handled through the
repository and defined as ‘deniable’ (identifia-
ble) . . .
shall be encrypted, both when being
transmitted through the network or if written to
a local system. Software and/or hardware shall
be supplied with secure algorithms which will
encrypt/decrypt all such sensitive data.32
practical purposes, due to the imbedding of sen-
sitive data in text documents, we recommend that all
health data in an EMR environment be encrypted
when transmitted over public or insecure channels
and when residing on storage devices in local ma-
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Kerberos
is a secret-key cryptographic protocol for the provi-
sion of authentication and authorization services in a
distributed environment. Although its use has been
outlined for the health care setting, it has not been
Public-key cryptographic protocols
have been proposed to address the need for a patient
identifier that is universal (across ‘institutions and
states).% Software tool kits for the secure transmission
and archiving of files by medical applications are be-
ginning to appear In the near future, vendor prod-
ucts will supply encryption technology embedded
within computer systems for health care. Until then,
EMR-developers are forced
to create their own imple-
mentations of well-known and secure cryptographic
algorithms and protocols.35
Data lntegrity
Electronic patient data can be assumed valid based on
software testing and verification, access-control mech-
anisms, and error-checking protocols used in data
transport, or they can be additionally authenticated as
valid with digital signatures, as discussed above.
Most lapses in data integrity will continue to be due
to human error and to malfunctions or “bugs” in
medical computer systems.
Firewalls are computers that are positioned between
a site’s internal network and an unsecured public net-
work, such as the Internet, and may be useful at EMR
sites. Firewall computers are configured to monitor
and regulate the messages passing into and out of a
site’s private network and so can prevent unauthor-
ized users from entering local computer systems from
the outside, or can prevent particular programs and
services from operating through the firewall. Such
functionality can help protect private information
from leaving an EMR site, or can impose an extra
layer of password security on authorized users.
Reilabilty, Redundancy, and System Backups
As discussed above, threat models should consider
potential “attacks, whether accidental or intentional,
on the integrity and availability of health data. Hard-
ware or software failures, including “denial-of-ser-
vice” attacks, can cause downtime or loss of vital
health care data for EMR users. The reliability of EMR
systems and data should be considered a security con-
cern and should be covered in security policy and sys-
tem management activities, usually through mecha-
nisms that support data redundancy and system
Audit Trails
Primarily because of limitations on the applicability
of access-control methods in health care, the audit
trail has become a critical tool for managing issues of
data security. In any large computing environment is
a significant risk for misuse of the system by author-
ized users. For this reason, the audit trail has become
an important reactive security mechanism and is often
used for post hoc detection of security violations and
for support of disciplinary actions.
For example, at CPMC, the CIS records both the iden-
tity of any individual who looks at patient data and
the type of data accessed. In one illustrative instance,
a resident physician (physician in specialty training)
in obstetrics harassed a nurse about being pregnant
before the nurse had announced her pregnancy to any
individual. The nurse complained, and review of au-
dit-trail data showed that the resident physician had
indeed looked at the nurse’s test results, and without
a valid “need to know,” this led to an official repri-
One problem with audit-trail data is that the data are
typically far too voluminous for human processing.
“Level C2” is a U.S. Department of Defense computer
security classification requiring auditing and the un-
availability of encrypted passwords, and a level C2
audit mechanism for a multiuser system can fill 1 gi-
gabyte of disk space within an hour.= One published
prototype system generated 7 megabytes (MB) per
day per average user, and up to 136 MB per busy
user.’ The CIS audit-trail logs as implemented at
CPMC fill about 100 MB of disk space per month.
Typically, 95% of audit data are of no security signif-
icance,’ and use of the data accumulated in security
audit files is at best
minimal. Extraneous data in the
BARROWS, CLAYTON, Privacy., Confidentiality, and Medical Records
files obviously makes it harder to detect suspicious
behavior, especially that which might be detected by
complex relationships between the data features,
something particularly difficult for humans to dis-
Automated reduction and analysis tools for audit trail
data could help immensely, but their availability has
been limited. Frank discusses data-reduction methods
for intrusion detection and gives an example of selec-
tion methods used to identify a subset of data features
that best classify some audit data.= Systems that im-
plement some kind of automated analysis of audit-
trail data are a relatively recent development. Early
approaches to audit-trail analysis only categorized
threats as due to internal versus external penetrators,
but the current goal is to identify threats by any users
or processes that attempt an illegal action within their
authorized boundaries (abuse of system privileges), or
that attempt an action not within their authorized
boundaries (exceed system privileges), as well as any
action by unauthorized system users, such as intrud-
ers that masquerade as authorized users or otherwise
evade system authentication and security controlsz6
Later models for performing intrusion detection have
used statistical user profiling or expert system tech-
niques that examine the deviation of actual user be-
haviors from anticipated or usual behaviors on the
One way to distinguish intrusion-detection methods
is based on the type of intrusion: anomaly detection
versus misuse detection?’ Misuse detection involves
well-defined patterns of intrusion that exploit weak-
nesses in software and can be detected directly be-
cause it searches for known vulnerabilities, misuse
detection is of little use in detecting new or unknown
intrusive behaviors. Anomaly detection depends on
unusual behavior or unusual use of system resources,
and it seeks to detect the complement of normal be-
havior. In general, intrusive activity is expected to be
some subset of anomalous activity; however, intrusive
behavior does not always coincide with anomalous
behavior and might be accomplished as the sum of
individual nonanomalous activities.
Nine developed intrusion detection tools are reviewed
by Marshall.’ Most of these systems perform both
anomaly and misuse detection. Statistical techniques
lend themselves to anomaly detection but are inade-
quate to detect all types of intrusions and do not pre-
vent users from gradually training their usage pro-
files, so that activity previously considered anomalous
might be regarded as normal. Expert systems and
model-based techniques lend themselves to misuse
detection, but specification of the orderings on facts,
for the pattern matching of events, has been delete-
riously inefficient.30 Thus, in the best systems, anom-
aly and misuse detection methods complement each
Each system is out of necessity however, somewhat
ad hoc and custom designed. Few systems are general
or flexible enough to be easily portable or adaptable.
More generic systems, capable of reuse and retarget-
ing, are likely to be inefficient or of limited power.
Also, the cost of building an intrusion-detection sys-
tem is high and requires specialized knowledge input
from system and security experts who can make an
appropriate choice of statistical metrics and can spec-
ify expert rules. Moreover, testing and validation of
intrusion-detection systems are difficult, because po-
tential attack scenarios can be difficult to simulate,
and the lack of a common audit-trail format precludes
easy comparisons between the performance of exist-
ing systems and common attack scenarios.
Consequently, no commercially available audit-anal-
ysis tool kit exists, and there is as yet no known ap-
plication of software tools for audit analysis in the
health care sector. The idea, however, was discussed
by Shea and colleagues’ and is apparently under ac-
tive implementation in the European community.26
A Comparlson of the Paper and Electronic
Record Environments
Many security issues discussed to this point can apply
to paper-based as well as electronic records. The most
obvious new risk factor afforded by the electronic rec-
ords is also the benefit that pushes us toward the elec-
tronic format: enhanced convenience of accessibility
and distribution of health information. A related and
potentially troubling capability is the ability to query
for a population of patients who have a common fea-
ture (such as, the same surgeon or a particular test
result). Any risks of an electronic breach of security
must be weighed against analogous risks and recog-
nized disadvantages of paper record systems. Elec-
tronic records are arguably more secure if the proper
policies and best available technologies are in place.
For example, paper medical records do not allow one
to obtain an accurate audit trail of who has seen the
record and what portions of the record were accessed.
Also, the use of paper records make it difficult to re-
strict certain classes of users to see only particular
types of information. Paper records are easily altered
by removal or substitution of documents, but an elec-
tronic document signed with an encrypted digital sig-
nature is much more difficult to alter. The paper rec-
ord can be in only one place at a time, whereas the
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association
Volume 3 Number 2 Mar / Apr 1996
same information in electronic format can be available
to multiple users simultaneously. Also, the content of
the computer-based medical record can be presented
in a clearly organized and legible fashion, so that care-
givers will more likely respond to important infor-
mation. In a paper-based environment, real-time rule-
based suggestions and warnings cannot be generated
when standards of health care are missed. Also, costs
may soon favor the use of electronic record systems.
For example, at CPMC, the cost to find and pull a
paper record from the file room for doctors, for just a
single patient visit, has been estimated to be between
and $10. In contrast, we estimate that the total cost
for the creation and lifetime maintenance of an elec-
tronic record for our patients is between $25 and $50.
Thus, substantial advantages to the electronic record
exist, and it seems prudent to move ahead with im-
plementations of electronic records, including the pol-
icies required to guide the application of available se-
curity technologies.
Although security concerns surrounding health data
in EMR environments are justified, solutions are sur-
mountable with currently available technologies. In
the banking industry, analogous security implemen-
tations have allowed greater personal convenience, in-
cluding access to personal bank accounts from a
choice of locations and at all times of day, without
security compromises. Although neither automatic
bank tellers nor electronic medical records are free
from instances of abuse, implementation of available
protocols for electronic systems probably provides
better security than the security measures that are
used in analogous manual systems. In any security
system, the weak links are most likely to be human.
A major challenge will be that of enticing developers,
who are eager for working medical computer appli-
cations, to make the financial and time investments in
designing and building adequate security features
into their systems. Institutional policies will be a key
stimulus in this regard. Chief financial officers will
likely come to regard security investments as insur-
ance policies: although we must pay for the policies,
we are pleased when there is no need to file a claim.
A more formidable barrier than security requirements
to the implementation of sharable records in an EMR
environment is the current lack of convenient and ac-
ceptable ways to acquire data from patients and pro-
viders in an electronic format. Security issues should
not deter progress toward solving this more substan-
tial problem.
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