- Principal: Brett Huffman
Assistant Principal: Jennifer Miller
Dean of Students: Austin Allen
EAMS Falcons SOAR!
Show Respect
Obey Rules
Accept Responsibility
Rise to Success
1285 White Plains Road Phone: 828-632-7565
Hiddenite, NC 28636 Fax: 828-632-4508
Office Hours 7:40-3:20
Website: https://www.alexander.k12.nc.us/eastalexander#calendar11754/20200501/month
Vision: Empower and inspire students to rise to their potential!
Mission: EAMS will grow successful students who contribute positively
to their community
Motto: Believe!
Alexander County Schools Academic Calendar 2023-2024
School Day
Student Hours: 7:40 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
To be counted present, a student must be here for one half day. On a regular day that is 11:30.
Our doors will open at 7:15. Students will report to the gym or to the cafeteria for breakfast. Students will be
released to report to their homerooms at 7:35.
Students who arrive after 7:40 will be considered tardy to school and must be checked in at the office by their
parent/guardian. Tardies will be coded as unexcused without a note from a doctor or dentist or a valid excuse
approved by the principal. 10 tardies will warrant an unexcused absence.
As parents go through the car rider line, student’s names will be called. Students will remain in their classrooms
until their names are called. Dismissal begins at 3:00 pm.
Leaving Early
Students who leave early must be signed out in the main office. Students who leave and return during the school
day must be checked back in with the office by their parent/guardian and should bring a doctor/dentist note if
applicable. Leaving early, or Early Dismissals, will be coded as unexcused without a note from a doctor or
dentist or a valid excuse approved by the principal. Please refer to the section on Attendance for what qualifies
as an excusable reason to leave school early. Due to traffic issues, parents who arrive after 2:30 may not
sign their child out, but must wait in the car rider line. Parents should pick up their child no later than
Going Home with Someone Different
If your child is to leave school with someone who is not his/her legal guardian, or there is a change from the
normal transportation routine, a written note with your signature explaining the change must be sent to the
school office before 12:00 pm each school day. We do not accept phone calls to change your child’s
transportation. Written documentation is much safer for our children. In addition, if the person picking up the
child is not on the emergency card, the child will not be released from school without your written approval.
This is to ensure the safety of your child. Due to increased bus ridership and safety concerns, requests to ride
the bus to alternate stops or to ride on a bus not regularly scheduled for the child must be in writing and
submitted to administration for approval by both parties involved. Any changes in the way a child will be
transported home at the end of the day will be announced during the afternoon announcements.
Students are responsible for listening to the announcements.
Staying For After school events
Any student staying after school for any reason should make prior arrangements to be picked up in a timely
manner. Students who are picked up more than 20 minutes late may not be able to continue to stay for after
school events, including athletic events
Bell Schedule
Grading and Grading Scale
Grades A, B, C, and D are passing. The grade given at the end of the semester is a cumulative grade for that
semester. All middle and high schools in Alexander County Schools use a 10-point grading scale.
90-100 A Excellent work
80-89 B Above average work
70-79 C Average work
60-69 D Below average work
Below 59 F Failing work
Honor Roll will be based on the following criteria:
Principal’s List---no grade below an A
Honor Roll---no grade below a B
Principal’s List/Honor Roll for the year will be based on all four nine-weeks in all classes.
Beta Club
This chapter of the Junior National Beta Club is an integral part of the central organization of the National
Junior Beta Club. The purpose of this organization shall be the promotion of academic, scholarship, leadership,
and good citizenship at East Alexander Middle School. The membership of this organization is made up of
students in the 8th grade who, because of their academic achievement in the 7th grade (all As with no more
than 1 B a nine-week period), worthy character, commendable attitude, and no ISS or OSS for discipline, have
been approved for membership; provided, or course, that these students continue to meet the requirements as set
forth by this organization. Students must maintain the academic guidelines (all As with no more than 1 B a
nine-week period), complete the required service hours (7 per semester), no ISS or OSS for discipline, and must
attend meetings. Students who do not meet the academic, service hours, discipline, or meeting requirements will
be placed on probation and then dismissed if there has not been an improvement during the next nine-week
period. These students will not be on the roster for the National Junior/ Senior Beta Club that is passed on to the
high school. Students can only be on probation one time before dismissal.
Report Cards/Progress Reports
Progress reports will be sent home at the mid-nine week mark. Grades are available to parents at any time
through the Parent Portal. We encourage students and parents to check the portal weekly and maintain open
communication with teachers when there are concerns.
Report cards will be issued at the end of each nine weeks.
Parents of students who might be at risk of not meeting promotion standards will be notified and requested to
participate in developing an academic plan to keep their child on track to meet that grade’s promotion standards.
If a child is not being successful after grade-level interventions, the teacher will contact parents and possibly
refer that student to the Student Support Team (SST). Please make sure your contact information is correct
and current so we can keep you informed of your child’s progress.
Remember, our teachers offer after school tutoring. If at any time you wish to schedule a conference with your
child’s team/teacher, call the school and ask to speak with the teacher, leave a voicemail message, or send an
email. The teacher will contact you as soon as possible to arrange a time for the conference.
No Activity List
Attendance to all school activities are at the discretion of the principal. Items that may hold a student from
attending may include, but not limited to, ISS and OSS assignments, fees, behavior, etc.
Plagiarism and Cheating
It is important for students to complete their own assignments. Students who cheat on tests or homework are
being dishonest. If a student allows another student to copy an assignment knowingly, then both are cheating.
Students who copy the work of others without citing the proper sources have plagiarized. Such offenses will be
coded under the school disciplinary procedures, but additionally, will receive a zero for the assignment.
Power School Student and Parent Access
Students and parents are encouraged to monitor classroom grades through the use of Power School. Grades will
be updated by all teachers weekly, therefore students are encouraged to communicate with teachers when there
are concerns on a weekly basis. If access is needed, parents can contact the school for help. Academic
excellence is an expectation at EAMS and by parents and staff working together, we can assure that all students
are successful!
It is important to have accurate and updated information in Powerschool. Parents must notify the main
office of any changes in address, phone number or emergency contacts.
Lunch Detention (LD)
Teachers may assign lunch detention to students for classroom misbehaviors. While serving, students will be
expected to complete a reflection sheet that targets behavior patterns and steps to correct.
After School Detention (ASD)
Teachers will assign ASD to students for classroom misbehaviors. The teacher assigning ASD will contact the
parents of that student. Students will complete a reflection sheet while in attendance. If the student fails to
serve the ASD within the allotted time, that student will be assigned an alternate consequence.
Students in grades 6-8 can try out for and/or participate in school sponsored sports. They must have an
up-to-date physical and meet NC Middle School Athletics Association athletic eligibility standards before they
are allowed to try out for these sports.
The following extracurricular sports/athletic teams are fielded at EAMS:
Fall Season: Football, Cheerleading, Softball, Boys Soccer
Winter Season: Wrestling, Volleyball, Basketball
Spring Season: Baseball, Girls Soccer, Track
Academic eligibility
Students must have passed all but one course the previous semester. This is based on semester averages. Current 6
and 8
grade students may participate on EAMS athletic teams. 6
graders MAY participate in all sports except
A student cannot participate on a team if he/she becomes 15 years of age on or before August 31st of the current
school year. All 6th graders are eligible for sports during the first semester. Second semester must meet requirements.
A Student must be in attendance 85% of the previous semester. Students may not miss more than 13.5 school days in
a semester. Students must be in attendance at 50% of the school day, meaning any student who is counted absent for
the day may not participate in sports activities/events for that day.
Medical Form
The student must receive a medical examination each year, administered by a licensed physician, nurse practitioner
or physician assistant. The physical is good for 365 days from the date received.
If a student is assigned OSS, the student will be removed from the athletics team for the remainder of that
sport’s season, but will be eligible to try out for a sport in the next season.
If an athlete receives a Full Day of ISS
Practice Day = Dress for practice, not take in team drills or regular practice but will complete the
consequence as determined by the coach. If the next day is a game day the student will compete in the
event only with the coach’s consent.
Tryout Day(s) = Students will not be allowed to attend tryouts on days they are serving full days.
Contest Day = Will not dress, play, travel with, or be a part of the team that day.
If an athlete receives a Half Day or Less of ISS
Practice Day - Coach consequence.
Contest Day - Dress for contest, will not start in the contest & play at the coach’s discretion.
Transportation to and from games
An athlete may ride home with his/her parent/guardian after they have communicated with the athletes’ coach or
sponsor and have signed the “Contest Dismissal Form” for liability purposes. Students may not ride home with
anyone other than his or her parents or legal guardian unless granted prior approval.
Athletic Policy Manual
For a copy of the detailed athletic policy manual, please click here.
Attendance Policy
Attendance in school and participation in class are integral parts of academic achievement. Through regular
attendance, students develop patterns of behavior essential to professional and personal success in life. The
State of North Carolina requires that every child in the State between the ages of 7 (or younger if enrolled) and
16 attend school (G.S. § 115C-378). Parents and legal guardians are responsible for ensuring that students
attend and remain at school daily.
When a student must miss school, a written excuse must be presented to the student's teacher from the parent,
guardian, officer of the court, State Board of Health, or doctor stating the date (s) and reason for the
absence. If a written excuse is not submitted by the third day of attendance following the absence, the absence
may be considered unlawful.
An absence may be excused for any of the following reasons:
personal illness or injury that makes the student physically unable to attend school.
isolation ordered by the State Board of Health.
death in the immediate family.
medical or dental appointment.
participation under subpoena as a witness in a court proceeding.
a minimum of two days each academic year for observance of an event required or suggested by the
religion of the student or the student’s parent(s).
participation in a valid educational opportunity, such as travel or service as a legislative or Governors
page, with prior approval from the principal*(please read Educational Opportunity portion for details) .
pregnancy and related conditions or parenting, when medically necessary; or
visitation with the student's parent or legal guardian, at the discretion of the superintendent or designee,
if the parent or legal guardian (a) is an active member of the uniformed services as defined by policy
4050, Children of Military Families, and (b) has been called to duty for, is on leave from, or has
immediately returned from deployment to a combat zone or combat support posting.
We appreciate when students and parent/caretakers notify teachers and other school staff of absences by email
or telephone, however, please remember to send a note, either written by the parent/caretaker, from a
doctor/dentist, officer of the court, or State Board of Health that states the date of absence(s), child’s name,
and a brief reason for the absence. To clarify, if your child was absent due to illness, but did not see a doctor,
a parent/caretaker note CAN EXCUSE the absence, provided the child has not missed 6 or more days of
school that semester/year.
Currently, per Alexander County School Board Policy 4400-R, once a student has accumulated more than 6
absences (excused or unexcused) within one semester, or over 12 absences within the school year, a doctor’s
note or principal approval will be required, otherwise the absences will be considered unexcused or
unlawful. Parents/caretakers will be notified by mail (or a letter sent home with the student) once their child
has accrued this many absences.
Any student who is counted absent for the day may not participate in extracurricular activities for that
day such as sports events, dances, etc.
Educational Opportunity: Although it is advised that families not plan trips during the school week, you
may request for your child’s absences from school to be excused for educational purposes. The Educational
Opportunity Application is held at the front office or can be downloaded here from the Alexander County
Schools web page, and must be submitted for principal approval two weeks prior to the trip. The principal will
review your child’s total absences for the school year, as well as the validity of the educational opportunity
when considering the request. If approved, your child must submit an age/grade appropriate report or
project stating what they did and learned on the trip. Reports/projects must be submitted within 5 days
of your child returning to school, if not, the absences will be considered unlawful, despite prior approval.
It is the responsibility of the student to ask for and complete any assignments missed during the trip. Please
contact the school social worker if you have questions.
Chronic Absenteeism:
Chronic Absenteeism is when a child misses 10%, or 18 or more
days in a school year. This can have many negative impacts on
your child’s academic performance, creating a learning gap that
may only grow as your child progresses through school.
NC General Statute § 115C-378 commonly known as School
Attendance Law states:
“Every parent, guardian or other person in this State having charge
or control of a child between the ages of 7 and 16 years shall cause
such child to attend school continuously for a period equal to the
time which the public school to which the child is assigned shall be
in session. Every parent, guardian, or custodian in this State having
charge or control of a child under age seven who is enrolled in a
public school in grades kindergarten through two shall also cause the child to attend school continuously for a
period equal to the time which the public school to which the child is assigned shall be in session unless the
child has withdrawn from school.”
Furthermore, § 115C-378 states that after 10 unexcused absences, “if the principal or the principal's designee
determines that the parent, guardian, or custodian has not made a good faith effort to comply with the law, the
principal shall notify the district attorney and the director of social services of the county where the child
resides. If the principal or the principal's designee determines that the parent, guardian, or custodian has made a
good faith effort to comply with the law, the principal may file a complaint with the juvenile court counselor
pursuant to Chapter 7B of the General Statutes”. Meaning that a report will be made to Child Protective
Services regarding Educational Neglect and court actions will be taken. Violation of Compulsory Attendance
Law is a Misdemeanor Criminal charge which, if convicted, can result in fines and jail time.
Parents/Caretakers will be notified of his or her child's excessive absences after the child has accumulated three
(3) unexcused absences in a school year. After six (6) unexcused absences, the principal shall notify the parent,
guardian, or custodian by mail that he or she may be in violation of the Compulsory Attendance Law and may
be prosecuted if the absences cannot be justified under the established attendance policies of the State and local
boards of education.
Once the parents are notified, the school social worker will request a conference to determine whether these
absences were in fact unexcused. Parents/caretakers will need to be prepared to make available to the school
any documentation that might prove that some of these absences were legal. The school social worker will also
work with parents/caretakers and students to analyze the causes of any unexcused absences and help to
determine the necessary steps to be taken to prevent further absences, including the creation of an Attendance
Success Plan, goal setting and tracking, regular check-ins with the student, and phone calls, texts, emails, and
possibly home visits with with family. Unexcused absences result most often because students fail to bring
their written excuse to school following an absence. Please remind your child to turn in his/her note to the
proper designated place/person within three days of returning to school after an absence. It is the ultimate
goal of EAMS and their school social worker to improve children’s attendance and engagement in their
academics over simply taking court actions. However, Alexander County Schools will maintain compliance
with state Compulsory Attendance Laws.
Cumulative absences (excused or unexcused) in excess of 18 days in a school year may constitute a reason
for retention (students may fail their grade and not pass to the next grade level the following year). The
extent to which the student has made up the work missed while absent will be considered in determining
whether the student has made sufficient progress or derived sufficient educational benefit from the year's school
experience to justify promotion.
EAMS Tardy & Early Dismissal Policy
Having students at school on time is an important student attribute promoted by the Alexander County Board of
Education. Being on time to school provides for a smooth beginning to the school day and reduces interruptions
to classroom instruction. Students shall be considered tardy if they have not reported to their home classroom by
the established starting time for the school day, 7:40 A.M.
A student who is tardy to school must be signed in at the school office. A late admission slip will be issued to
the student and a note will be made in that student’s PowerSchool Attendance Record. Students without tardy
slips will be referred back to the school office.
Early Dismissals are any time that a child is signed out before 3:00 P.M.
If Unlawful Tardies/Early Dismissals are excessive/chronic, then a report to Child Protective Services may be
warranted for educational neglect.
(If you are out of district, consequences may include retraction of out-of-district approval)
Parents/Guardians may serve this penalty in their student’s place, but they must meet with the Principal for approval. If you
wish to do this, contact the school within 5 school days of the issuing date of this letter.
Bouncing is an opportunity for a student who is disturbing class to have a “time out” without any further
disciplinary consequences and for the teacher to continue instruction without disruption. When a student is
bounced, that student will be sent to a predetermined classroom with an assignment, for a specified period of
time. If the student refuses to be “bounced” or misbehaves in the classroom to which he or she was bounced,
that student may receive an office disciplinary referral.
We believe that everyone should enjoy our school equally, and feel safe, secure and accepted regardless of
color, race, gender, popularity, athletic ability, intelligence, religion, and nationality. Bullying is not acceptable
behavior at EAMS. Bullying can take many forms including any combination of physical, emotional, and
verbal abuse. Specific acts of bullying may include but are not limited to name calling, teasing, physical abuse
(e.g., hitting, pushing, pinching, or kicking), threats, taking of personal possessions, sending abusive text
messages, instant messages, Internet emails, and phone messages, forcing other to hand over money, forcing
others to do things against one’s will, ignoring or leaving others out, attacking others in any way.
How do we differentiate bullying from teasing?
The Double I-R Criteria:
I- Intentional
I- Imbalance of power (physical or psychological)
R- Repeated
Bus Transportation
The preceding student discipline code applies to student behavior en route from the bus stop to and
from school and back to the bus stop on a school bus or other school vehicle. Bus drivers reserve the
right to contact a parent/guardian of a student that is riding their bus regarding disciplinary concerns.
Additionally, the bus driver may require a student to assist with cleaning a bus before or after school if
the infraction is consistent with this discipline. Moreover, if a driver gives a student a discipline
referral, the following actions will be taken in addition to the appropriate aforementioned student
discipline policy:
1st offense- administrative conference with student
2nd offense - administrative conference with student, parent contact and administrative seat change
3rd offense- 1 day suspension from buses
4th offense-2-3 days suspension from buses
5th offense- 4-5 days of suspension from buses
6th offense- recommendation for permanent bus suspension*
Severe Disruptions may result in immediate and/or permanent revocation of bus privileges.
Bus Rules
Remain seated at ALL times
Always listen to your driver
Keep your hands and feet to yourself
Put away all belongings
Bus Stops
All students must be at their designated stop fifteen (15) minutes prior to the scheduled arrival time and
ride their assigned bus to and from school. Students may only board and disembark the school bus at
their designated stop. All requests to ride home with another student or be released at an unassigned
bus stop must be requested in writing and submitted to administration for approval at least 24 hours in
Assigned Seats
Buses will have seating charts. This is for insurance purposes and must be followed at all times. It is an
expectation that students sit in their assigned seats unless otherwise directed by the driver.
Students are expected to behave accordingly on the bus and know the rules for riding the bus.
The drivers have the same authority in the bus as teachers have in the classroom. Loud and boisterous
noise and improper conduct can cause a distraction to the driver which can lead to serious safety
hazards on the bus. Students' conduct on the bus should be no different than what is expected in the
classroom. If it is not allowed in the classroom, it is not allowed in the bus. Destructive behavior to the
bus will not be tolerated, and students will be held responsible.
Food and Drink
Eating and/or drinking on the bus is not allowed. All food and/or drink must be disposed of or put in
your bookbag before boarding the bus.
The aisle of a school bus must be kept free of objects that could obstruct an emergency evacuation of
the bus. To ensure safety from objects rolling IN or UNDER a bus, objects must be secured in a
bookbag or sack. Students are prohibited from bringing any potentially hazardous items, chemicals,
animals, or breakable items on board the bus.
EAMS buses use video recording devices with audio recording capability.
East Alexander School has installed safety and security cameras on school route buses. Electronic
video and audio recordings will be viewed to investigate incidents reported by a bus driver,
administrator, student or other person. They may also be viewed at random.
By riding the bus, it is implied that all students and parents understand these rules and will abide by them.
Stating that they did not know the rules does not excuse a student from mis-behavior or infractions of the
rules. Students will only be dropped off at their assigned bus stop or the emergency stop. No student will
be permitted to go home with another student on a different bus or allowed to bring a friend home on the
bus. Other arrangements must be made between parents using our car rider line.
Discipline for students with an identified disability: Students identified as disabled pursuant to
the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) will be disciplined in accordance with federal
and state law as set forth in special education procedures developed by the administration.
Cell Phones, Personal Electronic Devices, & Other Devices
The school will not be responsible for personal items, including all electronics brought to school.
Cell Phones/Ear Buds
Cell Phones and ear buds should be turned off and placed in a student's locker at the beginning of the day.
Teachers will ask all students to place phones in their locker when seen and provide consequences as follows:
1st offense School personnel will document the presence of the phone and contact a parent or
2nd offense School personnel will document the incident, contact a parent and assign Lunch
3rd offense - School personnel will document the incident, contact a parent, and assign after school
4th offense - Students will be considered insubordinate and the next appropriate consequence will be In
school suspension.
Bookbags, athletic drawstring bags, and oversized purses are not allowed in class. They are to be stored in
student’s lockers until the end of the day.
Water bottles/Beverages
Water bottles and beverages will not be allowed in classrooms or in hallways. A student may bring a water
bottle but it must remain in the locker unless it is needed for lunch or athletic practices or games.
Student Fees
Techology Fee: $20
School Fee which includes lock rental and postage: $5
PE shirts: 1 for $8 or 2 for $15
Band Polo (if needed): $20
EAMS offers a variety of extracurricular clubs and competition opportunities. These groups provide a
structural context for peer group interaction while also further developing student interests, skills, and
knowledge base. Extracurricular activities also provide a construct for real life application of academic skills
and knowledge and can bring relevance to student learning in the classroom.
Code of Conduct
Tobacco Free Schools
The Alexander County Board of Education recognizes the use of tobacco products as a health, safety, and
environmental hazard for students, visitors, and school facilities. The Board acknowledges that school
employees, parents, and visitors serve as role models. The Board also recognizes that it has a responsibility to
promote positive role models in schools and promote a healthy learning and working environment, free from
unwanted smoke and tobacco use. Beginning with the 2007-2008 school year, all campuses in the Alexander
County School System have 100% TOBACCO-FREE SCHOOLS policy.
“Tobacco product” is defined to include cigarettes, cigars, blunts, bidis, pipes, chewing tobacco, e-cigarettes,
vape pens, snuff, and any other items containing or reasonably resembling tobacco or tobacco products.
“Tobacco use” includes smoking, chewing, dipping, or any other use of tobacco products. No student, staff
member, or school visitor will be permitted to use tobacco products on school property at any time. This
includes any school-sponsored or school-related events, such as performances, contests, or meetings. In
addition, non-school sponsored use of school property by the community, such as ball fields, etc. must comply
with the 100% TOBACCO-FREE SCHOOLS policy, beginning August, 2007.
Field trips
Field trips are considered educational enrichment opportunities. All school rules and dress codes apply on field
trips. Students who become ineligible to participate in field trips due to disciplinary concerns are not
guaranteed to receive a refund. Students may not ride with their parents to field trip destinations, but may be
signed out and ride home with their parent/legal guardian only. Only parents and legal guardians will be invited
to attend field trips as chaperones. The use or possession of any tobacco or smoking related products by parents
and/or chaperones on school property or on/and during any EAMS field trip is prohibited. Parents/legal
guardians must have a background check on file before supervising or going on a trip with students.
Parents/legal guardians attending overnight field trips must also pass a drug test.
All visitors must report to the main office, sign in, and receive a visitors badge. School policy is to accept only
those visitors who have legitimate business at the school. School-age siblings wishing to eat lunch at East must
be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
School dances will be held periodically during the school year. Only East students may attend regular school
Students who fail to follow school rules at a dance may be asked to leave early.
Attendance to a dance is at the final discretion of the principal
Dress Code
Policy Code: 4316-R STUDENT DRESS CODE
The board believes that the dress and personal appearance of students greatly affect their academic performance
and their interaction with other students. The board requests that parents outfit their children in clothing that is
conducive to learning. Generally, dress and grooming standards as determined by the student and his or her
parents will be deemed acceptable. However, the board prohibits any appearance or clothing that is reasonably
foreseeable to cause a material or substance disruption or endanger the health or safety of students per the
At all times, student's dress should be appropriate, modest, and clean. Shoes are to be worn in school at
all times.
Shirts and blouses: Must have at least 2 to 3 inches of fabric at the shoulder area and must not have low
Shorts, skirts, and dresses: Must be of modest length (Below fingertip length).
Pants: All pants, shorts, etc. are to be worn at the waist at all times. Holes in pants are allowed only if
the holes showing skin are below fingertip length..
Visible body piercing: Students are prohibited from wearing body piercings which may be considered a
safety issue or interfere with student's learning.
Slogans, pictures, logos, symbols, etc.: Students may not wear clothing/jewelry that displays anything
vulgar; displays sexual references, any weapons that promote violence, racial comments, gang markings;
or makes reference to alcohol, tobacco, or a controlled substance advertisement.
Disruptive Clothing: Any other clothing that teachers and/or administrators deem as disruptive is not
PE and Fitness Classes: Students are expected to follow the dress code established by the Physical
Education/Athletic Department.
These items should NOT be worn in school unless on specifically designated promotional days by the
principal; and enforcement applies to both male and female students.
Halter, spaghetti-strap, single-strap, or strapless clothing without appropriate cover
Bare midriff and bareback tops
Revealing low-cut tops that expose any portion of private body parts
See-through clothing - unless layered to meet appropriate dress code standards
Exposed undergarments
Slashed or cut-up clothing - private parts cannot be exposed
Hats, bandannas, hoods and headgear of any kind - unless part of a uniform, for religious
reasons or special events
Shoes with wheels or bedroom slippers
Gloves, bracelets or necklaces with any metal spikes or brads, chokers or dog collars
Chains or jewelry that may be used as a weapon, cause injury, or hinder movement
Hair curlers, pick/combs
Dark glasses worn within the building – medical exceptions will be honored
Trench coats and costumes with cloaks and capes
No face paint
Violations of the Dress Code:
The student will be referred to the counselor and may be asked to change. If the loan of a tee shirt or
shorts will not correct the problem, the student's parents will be called to provide appropriate clothing.
Enrollment, Withdrawal, or Custody
To enroll a new student at EAMS a parent/guardian must provide the following documentation: Immunization
Records, Birth Certificate, Custody Papers, proof of residency, and Two (2) Emergency Telephone Numbers.
Change of Address or phone number
If at any time during the school year a student moves to a different address in the county, the change must be
reported to the main office. Proof of residency will be required (utility bill.) A change in telephone number
must be reported. Please provide updated parent contact information as it occurs.
Withdrawal from school
In order for all necessary records to be completed, parents are requested to contact the main office two days
prior to the date of withdrawal, stating their intention. Students are required to turn in all school assigned
materials (books, chromebook, etc) the last day in attendance at school. A withdrawn form should be
completed and signed by the parent/guardian of the student.
Child Custody
EAMS utilizes the following procedures concerning child custody. Any questions concerning documents need
to be directed to the main office.
1. In case one parent asks that the children not be allowed to leave the school with the other parent, a
custody restraining order, or some other legal document should be in the child’s permanent record at
2. Legal opinion states that either parent has equal rights to the child unless one of the above-mentioned
legal documents have been issued.
3. In the event that a parent says they have such a document at home, it becomes most imperative that the
document or notarized copy be brought in within a short period of time to be included in the child’s
school records.
General Information
School insurance is available for students who may not have adequate family insurance plans. If interested,
please contact the main office.
Student Records
Student records are governed and controlled by adopted policy to comply with provisions of the “Family
Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (20 U.S.C. 1232g) and the regulations of Departments of Education
and Health and Human Services. Student records are accessible to parents upon request.
In an effort to highlight student achievement and promote positive relations with our community, Alexander
County Schools will publicize student created work and engagement in everyday school activities or special
events. Therefore, your child’s image/photograph or created work may be included in a classroom, school, or
district project that could be used in one of the following ways:
• Used as a demonstration project/activity/photo in workshops/classes/conferences
• Used as a sample project/activity reproduced by Alexander County Schools for use in education workshops
and student classrooms
• As a representation of events/activities and accomplishments at an individual school or at a school function,
competition, or event
• Posted on the school or district website or social media pages on the Internet
• Submitted to publishers or as contest entries to sponsors
• Appear on videotape made during a student presentation of their project, or in broadcasts or video
• Videotaped to appear in a school related program to be used by a local television/cable station or
school/county project
• Used in a printed publication such as a newspaper, magazine, brochure, banner, or annual report, etc.
While your child’s name may accompany the photo, no last name or address will be included with your child’s
picture when publishing except in instances where the student has participated in a competition or event.
Students participating in competitions or special events will be identified by first and last name unless requested
otherwise prior to the competition or event. There is no monetary compensation for the use of the work or
An Objection to Release form is available on the district website (www.alexander.k12.nc.us) or upon request at
your child’s school. The absence of any written notification of objection to work or photo release on file grants
the school system approval to publicize without prior notification and remains in effect until revoked.
If a parent or guardian elects for their child's work and/or photograph to be excluded from use, such request
must be submitted in writing to the child's teacher at the beginning of the school year or prior to publication of
these items.
*Any additions or changes that are deemed necessary will be posted to the EAMS webpage and social media.
Student Support Services
School Counseling Department
School counseling services play an integral part of our educational process. The program is designed to
enhance personal, social, vocational, and academic growth. Our primary goal is to help students learn
more effectively and efficiently. The following are some of the programs offered by the counseling
department. These programs can help make school life more satisfying and rewarding.
1. Individual Counseling - Individual counseling may be utilized by students who have
personal concerns or need educational and/or career counseling.
2. Group Counseling or Guidance - Group counseling may be utilized by students who have
personal concerns or need educational and/or career counseling.
3. Classroom Counseling Lessons - Counselors will visit classrooms at various times
throughout the year.
School counseling services and school health services are provided at East for the convenience and benefit of
physical and mental health services at the school level for all students. These services are available to any
student who needs them; however, students are under no obligation to utilize these services. If at any point a
parent has a question or concern regarding counseling or nurse services being provided to their child, the parent
should contact the school counselor or nurse to discuss the situation and determine if continued or additional
services are desired.
Extra-Curricular activities
During the school year EAMS students are offered the opportunity to participate in clubs, teams, groups, and
various other activities. The purpose of these programs is to provide additional opportunities for students to
expand their academic or civic interests beyond the regularly scheduled classroom opportunities.
Lost and Found
Students who find lost articles are asked to take them to the school office. Lost articles that are not claimed
within 2 weeks will be given to charitable organizations. LOST AND FOUND IS LOCATED behind the
cafeteria stage
School Improvement Team/ Parent Advisory
The East Alexander Middle School Parent Advisory will meet quarterly to discuss any issues that need to be
addressed. A copy of the members of this advisory team is available in the main office and on the school
website. Please contact them if you have issues that you feel need to be addressed.
The School Improvement Team will meet monthly. You are invited to attend any of these meetings. Please
contact the school for specifics on time and location. Parent reps will be listed on the school website.
Multi-tiered System of Support or MTSS and Student Service Team (SST)
A Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is a systematic, continuous improvement framework in which
data-based problem-solving and decision making is practiced across all levels of the educational system for
supporting students. The framework of MTSS is a “way of doing business” which utilizes high quality
evidence-based instruction, intervention, and assessment practices to ensure that every student receives the
appropriate level of support to be successful. A Multi-Tiered System of Supports helps schools and districts to
organize resources through alignment of academic standards and behavioral expectations, implemented with
fidelity and sustained over time, in order to accelerate the performance of every student to achieve and/or
exceed proficiency.
Exceptional Children Referral
When a teacher, parent, or other involved person suspects that their child may be a child with a disability, he/she
shall provide, in writing, the reason for referral, addressing the specific presenting concerns and the child’s
current strengths and needs. This referral shall be given to the principal of the school, the child’s teacher or
other school professional, or the Superintendent or other appointed official of the LEA. For preschool children
with disabilities, the referral may also be given to the person designated as the person in charge of services for
preschool children with disabilities.
Policies Governing Services for Children with Disabilities
NC 1503-2.1 p.61
504/Americans with Disabilities Act
For concerns or complaints about handicapping conditions or disabilities, contact Alexander County Schools’
504 Coordinator L, 700 Liledoun Road, Taylorsville, NC 828-632-7001.
Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying
Students are prohibited from engaging in or encouraging any form of discrimination, harassment, or bullying of
other students, employees, or any other individuals on school grounds or at school-related functions.
Discrimination is any act that unreasonably and unfavorably differentiates treatment of others based solely on
their membership in a socially distinct group or category such as race, ethnicity, sex, religion, age, or disability.
Harassment is unwanted, unwelcome, and uninvited behavior that demeans, threatens, or offends the victim and
results in a hostile environment for the victim. Harassment includes, but is not limited to, derogatory comments
or slurs and lewd propositions, assault, and offensive touching. Bullying is repeated intimidation of others by
the real or threatened infliction of physical, verbal, written, electronically transmitted or emotional abuse
through attacks on the property of another. Bullying includes, but is not limited to, verbal taunts, name calling,
put-downs, and extortion from peer groups. Violation may result in long-term or short-term suspension based
on the severity of the offense and the culpability, dangerousness, and the harm caused by the offender.
more information on these and other prohibited behaviors.
Alexander County Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or
age in admission to, treatment in, access to, or employment in its educational programs and activities.
Title IX
For complaints of discrimination on the basis of sex, contact the Title IX coordinator at Alexander County
Schools, 700 Liledoun Road, Taylorsville, NC 828-632-7001
In-School Suspension (ISS)
In-School Suspension allows students the opportunity to continue their academic studies while reflecting on
making better decisions and improving behavior at school. Students assigned to ISS will be expected to:
have all necessary materials BEFORE entering the ISS room. Locker use is NOT permitted at any
time during the day.
complete all classroom and ISS assignments. Students will work continuously the entire day.
School Assigned Materials
Chromebook, Technology, Network and Internet Use Agreement
ACS Chromebook 1:1 Initiative
We are excited about the opportunities for learning that are available to our students with the implementation of
the 1:1 initiative at East. All students will have a device available to use in each class and to use to complete
assignments at home.We hope parents and guardians will notice a few changes as students and their teachers
work together to create a more digitally-interactive learning environment.
Here are some of the key changes that we anticipate:
Teaching and learning differently.
Redefining an educators instructional approach as a facilitator through professional development and
peer group learning
More student engagement, active participation and student choice.
Students moving from consumers or information to creators of information
Increased competency for technology and research skills.
Increased communication between students, staff and the wider school community.
A Chromebook/1:1 handbook is available here and on our school website.
Note: Students who fail to use their Chromebooks as directed may have this privilege suspended or revoked by
school administration. Alternative, non-technology based, assignments will be provided if a student's privileges
are suspended or revoked. Students who use inappropriate language, fail to follow appropriate guidelines for
use/handling, damage or deface their Chromebooks or protective cases, consistently fail to bring their device to
class or to have it charged at the beginning of the day, and/or violate any other guidelines for usage will be
disciplined in a manner consistent with the applicable PBIS discipline matrix guidelines, Alexander Board of
Education Policies, legal guidelines, and/or the Alexander County Schools 1:1 Middle School Handbook.
Chromebooks will be given covers. These covers are required and must remain on student devices.
Removal of these cases may lead to a loss in use.
Charge chromebooks at home each evening. Chargers should remain at home
It is expected that students take care of their chromebook and will be responsible for damages if they
become excessive and repeated
HERE is the link for our Chromebook Handbook. The usage agreement on page 10 will need to be
signed and turned in to your child’s teacher.
Food & Nutrition
Breakfast and lunch will be offered to ALL students free of charge this year.
Health Handbook
Alexander County has policy and procedures for health related issues. The following link is a great resource for
any questions you may have related to health policies and procedures. Alexander County Health Handbook
When it is necessary for a student to take medication at school it must be accompanied by a completed form
from the doctor and parent explaining dosage and other information. This procedure also includes over the
counter medications. The medication should be brought immediately to the office in its original bottle. All
medication forms must be completed on a yearly basis. Forms must be on file for students who carry
their inhalers with them or for any other form of medication. All forms are available in the main office.
A copy has also been sent home with your child for your convenience.
Treatment and Transportation
The school system employs a nurse to provide required student testing and emergency treatment of students.
The school is not responsible for the cost of transportation to the hospital or for the costs of treatment at the
hospital should that be necessary. Students will only be transported with permission from the parent or in a
life-threatening situation.
Whenever a student enrolls in any Alexander County School, the parents must furnish a written statement of the
student’s immunizations, accompanied by a physician’s certificate or other documentation of testing history.
This requirement applies to all students unless such documents are already on file with the school corporation.
This requirement may be enforced by suspension or expulsion from school.
Healthful Living
All students must take Healthful Living Education in grades K-9 according to North Carolina Law (G.S.
115C-81)[e]). The nature of Health Education often includes the discussion of sensitive topics. In these
situations, health teachers, school nurses, and school counselors are trained for appropriate and accurate content
as well as proper teaching methods. While we encourage all students to participate, a parent may request that
his/her child be excluded from certain health topics due to religious beliefs by contacting the school principal in
writing. These students will be given an alternative health assignment. Any parent wishing to view educational
materials to be used in teaching Healthful Living lessons may do so upon written request to the principal.
No Energy Drinks are permitted during school or school sponsored events.
Physical Education
Students who are scheduled in Physical Education (PE) class are required to change into shorts or pants, a
school PE shirt, socks, and gym shoes. Jeans are not allowed. They cannot wear their school clothes for PE. If
a child is sick, parent excuses will be honored for up to three days; beyond this limit, a doctor’s note is required.
Not every student will have PE every nine weeks.
Safety/School Closings
School Closings
It may be necessary for the school to close or have delayed opening during the school year due to inclement
weather. Radio and television stations will broadcast school delays and closing information. A connect-ed
phone call will also be sent upon the decision for delay or no school and the information will be posted on the
Alexander County Schools website.
Delay schedules
Two hour delay schedule: the doors will open at 9:15am and classes will begin at 9:40am.
Three hour delay schedule: the doors will open at 10:15am and classes will begin at 10:40am.
Fire drills are practiced every month, lockdown drills are conducted at least twice per year, and tornado drills
are practiced at least once per year during the school day. It is important to practice these emergency
procedures in order to be prepared for an actual event.
School Access
School access is available from the main door. Office staff will buzz in visitors and your reason for the visit
will be requested. All visitors must wear a name tag to indicate that you have checked in at the office. ID will
be required when coming on campus or signing out a student.
School Resource Officer
A school resource officer is on campus. His main job is to maintain safety for students, staff, and parents while
on our campus. The officer is encouraged to visit classrooms all throughout the day.
SOAR School Wide Expectations
We are excited to continue with a school-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) plan at
EAMS. DOJO points will be given to students that exhibit our SOAR best practices in the classroom, bus,
hallway, restroom, cafeteria, media center, gym, at school events, using technology and social media, and all
places schoolwide.
PBIS Expectations Hyperlinks
Media Center
Pick-Up Areas
In addition to classroom rewards, EAMS will do a quarterly PBIS reward celebration. An annual end-of-the-year
celebration will continue to be discussed. The following eligibility requirements will be applied for our first quarter
reward celebration
At least 90% of classwork has been completed
3 or less unexcused absences
6 or less unexcused tardies
No assigned days of ISS or OSS
Quarterly Reward Eligibility will reset each quarter. We will be forming a PBIS committee to reflect on the first quarter
and update eligibility for the remaining quarters.
Disciplinary Procedures
Students will participate in Code of Conduct and SOAR instructional/practice sessions. Teachers and students
will document that instruction has occurred. After instruction has been completed, teachers will sign and submit
an attestation form to the Principal. The school will provide intervention strategies that address or redirect
maladaptive behaviors.
Note Regarding Special Education Students: Administrators must ensure that all procedural
safeguards afforded to special education students are also implemented in such circumstances.
East Alexander Middle School Discipline Consequences
Classroom Leveling Matrix
Warning/Parent and Student
contact with response
Level 1
Classroom consequence/Parent
Contact with response
Level 2
Silent Lunch with Reflection/Parent
Contact with response
Level 3
After School Detention (ASD) with
Counselor Referral with
reflection/Parent contact with
Level 4
1 Day ISS with Reflection/Parent call
from Admin Place student on
MTSS watch list
Level 5
2-3 days ISS Request for Assistance
Referral completed by grade level
team to discuss MTSS needs
Level 6
3-5 Days ISS– Student is referred to
SISP and possibly moved to Tier 2
for intervention support
**Levels reset each 9