Department of Animal and
Veterinary Sciences
Pre-veterinary/Pre-professional Option
Pre-veterinary Information for Prospective Students
s a student with an interest in pre-veterinary
studies, you may have many questions about
how you’ll approach your undergraduate
career. At UVM, we’re proud of our strong
advising network of staff who can help guide you
through the process of selecting a major, enrolling in
relevant course work, exploring professional options,
and ultimately applying to veterinary school.
To assist you at this stage of your educational
planning, the UVM Admissions Office has prepared the
following information which answers many questions
commonly asked by first-year candidates interested in
pre-veterinary studies at the University of Vermont.
Selecting a Major
Like most colleges and universities today, UVM does
not offer a pre-veterinary major. Most students who are
interested in veterinary medicine choose the pre-
professional option of Animal Science. With few
exceptions, a UVM undergraduate student can prepare
for professional school from any program offered at the
university. True, many pre-veterinary students pursue
degrees in the physical, biological, or animal sciences;
however these are not a prerequisite for entry to
veterinary school. When it comes to applying, most
professional schools are interested in overall academic
quality and in the scope and diversity of a student’s
academic work.
It’s important to follow your interests when selecting a
major, maintain high standards, and to be flexible. Not
all well-prepared students gain admission to highly
competitive veterinary schools; remain open to related
or alternate careers.
Required Courses
Each veterinary school has its own criteria for
admission. If you have an interest in a particular school,
you should consult the individual page for that school.
The link to the U. S. Veterinary Medical Colleges is The general requirements for
most veterinary school applicants are as follows:
Biology: A minimum of one year is required. Our two-
semester sequence of Principles of Biology (Bio 1, 2)
generally satisfies this requirement.
Chemistry: One year of general chemistry is required.
This is fulfilled by our introductory Chemistry sequence
(Chem 31, 32). One year of Organic Chemistry (Chem
141, 142) is also required, and some veterinary schools
suggest quantitative analysis, physical chemistry, or
other related areas of theoretical or quantitative
chemistry, including biochemistry.
Physics: There is a one-year requirement, and course
work must include a laboratory component. At UVM,
you can take either Elementary Physics (Phys 11, 12) or
General Physics (Phys 31, 42) depending on your math
preparation. The lab is Phys 21/22.
Mathematics: One semester of calculus is
recommended, and in some cases required, for
veterinary school admission. UVM’s Math 19, is
recommended. Lower level mathematics courses may
prove helpful for students not ready to study calculus;
strong math preparation may also improve achievement
in physics and organic chemistry.
Additional Requirements: Many veterinary schools
require a year of English, often with specific
requirements in composition and literature. Many
veterinary schools also encourage broad, diverse study
in the humanities, social sciences, and foreign
languages. Some schools also require animal related
courses. Since some schools have specific requirements
in these areas, it is important to consult listings for the
schools in which you’re interested.
Pre-veterinary Advising Process
During the First and Second Years
Your first two years at UVM are a time for adjusting to
college life, selecting a major, enrolling in the courses
recommended or required for entry into the health
professions, and exploring career goals. First, discuss
your interests with your academic advisor preferably
as early as Orientation and begin enrolling in the
appropriate course sequences. Academic advisors are
familiar with the introductory course work
recommended for professional schools and will assist in
fitting those courses into a major program.
Other steps you can take early in your undergraduate
career include participating in relevant volunteer
experience, working for a veterinarian, joining the pre-
vet club - a student organization devoted to exploring all
aspects of the veterinary profession, doing an internship,
undergraduate research or participating in a class that
has hands-on experience such as CREAM.
During Junior and Senior Year
Early in your junior year, the Pre-veterinary Advisor’s
role becomes more critical. It is important to plan for
the GRE and any other standardized tests. Prior to your
senior year you should begin to prepare your VMCAS
(Veterinary Medical College Application Service)
application, or other applications. This process is
extensive, and should begin during the summer if you
plan to attend veterinary school the following year. You
must also identify and contact the individuals you plan
to ask for letters of recommendation. Usually this
includes your advisor, at least one veterinarian, and one
other professional. You must also be sure to have
completed and documented your animal experience.
Program Opportunities Available at the
University of Vermont
UVM/Tufts School of Veterinary Medicine Program
UVM undergraduates may apply for admission in the
spring of their sophomore year. A limited number of
students are admitted; they are guaranteed a space in the
veterinary school once they graduate if they have
maintained the required grade-point average upon
UVM/Ontario Veterinary College - The University of
Guelph Ontario Veterinary College will hold two places
in the first year of the program for students from UVM
who meet the requirements for admission.
UVM/Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, the
University of Edinburgh Placement Agreement -
This program is an early entrance admission placement
program into Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
that will make available three guaranteed places for
UVM early application students.
UVM/University of Glasgow Matriculation
Agreement - UVM Students can complete a joint
B.S./BVMS degree attending the University of Glasgow
in their fourth year at UVM.
Extracurricular Experiences
Entry to veterinary schools is intensely competitive, and
successful candidates have usually distinguished
themselves both academically and outside the
classroom. Significant volunteer experience in a
veterinary or medicine-related field, a research
internship in a university laboratory, community service
work, and leadership roles in student organizations all
constitute excellent preparation for a career in veterinary
UVM students are fortunate to have an undergraduate,
graduate, and medical faculty who welcome qualified
undergraduates into their research laboratories. Many
opportunities for undergraduate research are sponsored
by UVM’s UROP (Undergraduate Research
Opportunities Program) and URECA (Undergraduate
Research Enrichment Competitive Awards) programs.
More information can be found by going to UVM’s
Office of Undergraduate Research website. UVM
students can also gain experience and become more
involved with and connected to the local community by
joining a wide range of service organizations active in
the Greater Burlington area.
UVM’s Placement Rate
UVM takes pride in an excellent record of acceptances
for Animal and Veterinary Sciences students. In recent
years, approximately 80% of UVM students who
applied to veterinary school were accepted. Our
students have been admitted to a wide range of
academic institutions, including highly rated programs
at Cornell, Tufts, and Purdue, the University of North
Carolina, and the University of Pennsylvania.
Successful candidates present excellent academic
records, with overall undergraduate grade-point
averages generally at 3.5 or above on a 4.0 scale, strong
GRE scores, and evidence of leadership and appropriate
Not all students interested in veterinary school attend
directly upon college graduation. In fact, veterinary
schools often prefer candidates seasoned by a number of
years of work and other life experiences.
For more information contact:
UVM Department of Animal and
Veterinary Sciences
570 Main St., 102 Terrill Building
University of Vermont
Burlington, VT 05405-0148
(802) 656-0155
Revised 07/15
This page offers additional information that may be of interest to those students who plan to
major in Animal Science.
Elective Courses:
Former students admitted to colleges of veterinary medicine highly recommend courses in animal science
such as anatomy, physiology, physiology of reproduction, endocrinology, CREAM and/or EQUUS (see
inserts). Courses such as these can also introduce students to exciting possibilities for undergraduate research.
Experience with Animals:
Since veterinary medicine is animal oriented, an applicant's experience in working with animals and
understanding the veterinary profession are viewed as important. Such experience should have been obtained
after the age of fifteen and could involve breeding, milking, feeding and showing various kinds of animals
including pets, livestock, laboratory animals, zoo animals or wildlife. This experience should be of
appropriate breadth and depth and should entail more than routine care and feeding of companion animals. A
farm experience that includes understanding the management aspects of the enterprise is highly
recommended. ASCI 134-135, CREAM, is an excellent opportunity for dairy herd management. ASCI 121-
EQUUS provides an equine management option.
Experience with Veterinarians:
Most applicants to veterinary colleges will have attained experience working with a practicing veterinarian.
This should include working in a small animal hospital and traveling with a large animal specialist making
farm visits. Getting both kinds of experience is most desirable. Animal Science students are often notified of
these opportunities through an e-mail list maintained by the Department.
Other Experiences:
Applicants with unique experiences, related to animals and otherwise, could have an advantage (everything
else being equal) when applying to vet schools because it makes them stand out. The attainment of these
experiences is one more example that the applicant demonstrated initiative, drive, resourcefulness, etc.
The veterinary schools also like to see evidence of successful teaching and research experience. Independent
research of honors quality, plus experience as an undergraduate teaching assistant would strengthen any
application. Finally, veterinary schools like to see a long, continuous record of interest in, and involvement
with, animals. This can be farm, kennel, stable or veterinary experience - voluntary or paid. Many students
set up an internship through the department, or go abroad for a semester. A semester abroad is an opportunity
to get experience with animals and cultures that you may not otherwise be exposed to; however, you must
plan early to fit it in a pre-veterinary curriculum.
Applying to Veterinary School
Students are usually required to take standardized tests prior to applying to veterinary school. Most schools
require the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) or the Veterinary College Admission Test (VCAT). At least 20 vet
schools use the VMCAS process for the initial application. This is a standardized application process that is
available on the web at . Be sure to visit it early since it can be very
hard to access it right before applications are due. Many schools will ask for a supplemental application after
completion of the VMCAS.
Alternative Careers with a B.S. Degree in Animal Science
Please refer to the page in the packet “Where to After Your Degree”. It lists many careers that are available
and other places to explore career possibilities for graduates with a B.S. Degree in Animal Science.
Here is an example of a possible four-year undergraduate program in the College of Agriculture and
Life Sciences. There are many other options that will satisfy the requirements for colleges of
veterinary medicine. However, all options are full and academically challenging. The College
requires 120 credit hours to graduate with a B.S. degree.
The following is a possible curriculum for the
Pre-veterinary/Pre-professional Option:
ASCI 001
Intro Animal Sciences
CALS 001/
CALS 002
CHEM 031
General Chemistry 1
CHEM 032
General Chemistry II
Math 19 or higher
BCOR 012
ENGS 001
Written Expression
Cultural Diversity -- 1
ASCI 122
Animals in Society/Animal
ASCI 141
Anat. & Physiol. of Domestic
ASCI 181
Career Seminar
CHEM 141
Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 142
Organic Chemistry II
BCOR 011
STAT 141
ENGS 050
ENGS 052
Expository or Creative
Electives/Diversity -- 2
ASCI 110
Animal Nutrition, Metab. &
ASCI 168
Animal Genetics or BCOR
MMG 101
Microbiology & Infectious
BCOR 103
Molecular and Cell Biology
ASCI 117
Horse Health & Disease
ASCI 118
Applied Animal Health
ASCI 097/098
Understanding & Speaking
ASCI 191
Canine Behavior
ENG 050 or
ENG 053
English Composition
ASCI 215
Physiology of Reproduction
ASCI 192
Animal Plagues & Global
ASCI 263
Clinical Topics in
Companion Medicine
ASCI 264
Clinical Topics in Livestock
ASCI 216
PBIO 185
ASCI 220
Lactation Physiology
Work with your advisor to develop a program, which is academically sound, meets your needs, and
meets the requirements of veterinary colleges to which you may apply.
Also, you may make an appointment with the Department Chair (656-0155) if you have further
questions about your program or admission to veterinary school.
Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Four veterinary schools have entered into agreements with the University of
Vermont to offer guaranteed placement into veterinary school for qualifying
students. The following are opportunities available to our students:
UVM/Tufts School of Veterinary Medicine Program
Tufts University Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine offers
undergraduates at UVM an opportunity to apply for admission in the
spring of their sophomore year. A limited number of students are
admitted; they are guaranteed a space in the veterinary school class
once they graduate if they have maintained the required grade-point
average upon graduation.
Participants in this program are offered the assurance of veterinary school admission without the
substantial investments of time and energy that other pre-veterinary students typically make in
the process of preparing, researching, and applying to numerous veterinary schools, and
preparing for optimal scores on the GRE. Program participants can select any undergraduate
major, explore other areas of interest during their junior and senior years, or choose to study
abroad, thus broadening their undergraduate experience.
To be eligible to apply, candidates of this program must be sophomores and must have
demonstrated academic proficiency in their course work, particularly in the pre-veterinary
science courses.
It is expected that competitive applicants will have:
Completed at least two science sequences (most typically the year of introductory
chemistry and the year of introductory biology) by the spring semester of their
sophomore year.
Completed prerequisite courses at their undergraduate institution or at other universities
by special permission of the veterinary school's admissions office.
Achieved a highly competitive cumulative grade-point average.
AP credit is acceptable as long as it appears on the student's transcript. The GRE is not required
for applicants to this joint program; the applicant's SAT scores will be considered during the
admissions process.
Revised 07/20/15
UVM/Ontario Veterinary College
The University of Vermont and the University of Guelph Ontario
Veterinary College (OVC), an accredited veterinary school which
provides a degree in Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, have an agreement
whereby OVC will hold two places in the first year of the program for
students from the University of Vermont who meet the requirements for
admission. Both parties agree and acknowledge that these places may not
be occupied by students who are Canadian citizens or who hold Canadian
Permanent Residence status. The places will be held until the end of
March for entrance in September of the same year.
Students may apply for admission to the program via the Veterinary Medical College
Application Service or directly to OVC through its normal application process for international
applicants. For admission, students must have a minimum GPA of 3.00 in the sciences and meet
the minimum score for the Graduate Record Exam (GRE). Additional course work includes two
semesters each of inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physics, and biology (all the labs) and
one semester each of calculus, statistics, biochemistry, genetics, and cell biology. Applicants
must have a minimum of fifteen credits in each of their eight semesters of undergraduate work at
UVM. For additional information, email [email protected] or call 802-656-0155.
UVM/Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, the University of
Edinburgh Placement Agreement
The University of Vermont (UVM) and the Royal (Dick) School of
Veterinary Studies, the University of Edinburgh (UoE, R(D)SVS), have
entered into an early entrance admission placement program that will
make available three guaranteed places for UVM early application
students. Application to the UoE, R(D)SVS early admission program
can be made at the end of the second year (four semesters) with
predetermined science and math courses completed and a minimum
GPA of 3.40. If accepted, the 3.40 or above GPA has to be maintained until the time of
graduation. Admitted students must receive adequate animal handling experience throughout
their residence at UVM. The type of experience required can be coordinated between the student
and the UoE, R(D)SVS. Opportunity will exist to credit some components of UVM teaching in
animal husbandry and animal handling as accredited prior learning for the Edinburgh degree.
Advice will be given by UoE, R(D)SVS, in consultation with UVM, as to what courses can be
credited. If requested, opportunity to undertake a four week vacation clinical placement
(companion animal and/or equine) at UoE, R(D)SVS will be available to all students in the
UVM/University of Glasgow Matriculation Agreement
The University of Glasgow (UoG), Glasgow, UK and the University of
Vermont (UVM), Burlington, VT USA have formed an agreement
whereby University of Vermont students can complete a joint
B.S./BVMS degree attending UoG in their fourth year at UVM. UVM
may send 5-10 students yearly who have successfully completed three
years of study in the University of Vermont Animal Science Bachelor of
Science (B.S.) program to the Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and
Surgery programme (BVMS) hosted by the School of Veterinary Medicine, College of Medical,
Veterinary and Life Sciences at Glasgow. Participating students will continue as candidates for
degrees from their home institution (UVM) and will not, at the end of the first year of UoG, be
eligible candidates for degrees from the host institution (UoG). Credit for subjects taken at UoG
will be transferred to UVM to fulfill the requirements for awarding successful students a B.S.
degree in Animal Science from UVM at the end of their fourth year. University of Vermont
students meeting matriculation requirements and successfully completing Year 1 of the BVMS
program at the University of Glasgow will be offered a direct entry place in Year 2 of the BVMS
program. Applications form University of Vermont students to study at UoG must reach UoG by
1 January for commencement in September of that year. Students interested in this opportunity
should confirm their eligibility to study abroad through the Office of International Education,
paying particular attention to Step 3: Financial considerations
Veterinary Medicine
Dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of animals
Types of Careers
1. Private Practice
The majority of veterinary positions are in private
practice. Private Practitioners provide health care for all
species of animals. Some veterinarians limit their
practices to certain species of animals.
Companion animal practice: treatment of diseases of
pets such as dogs, cats and horses.
Food animal practice: treatment of diseases of livestock
such as cattle, sheep, pigs, goats,
Exotic animal practice: treatment of
diseases in animals such as birds,
reptiles, amphibians, fish, and pocket
pets (mice, hamsters, gerbils, etc.)
Specialty practices: Birds only, Cats
only, Equine only, etc.
Veterinarians may also receive additional training in a
specialized area of medicine.
Specialization within Veterinary Practices
(Board Certification)
Anesthesiology: The science of anesthetizing animals
for surgical procedures.
Animal Behavior: The study of animal behavior in their
Clinical Pharmacology: The science of drugs, their
actions and drug therapy for animal diseases.
Dentistry: The prevention and treatment of diseases of
the teeth and oral cavity.
Dermatology: The study of animal skin diseases.
Emergency and Critical Care: The art of treating animal
Internal Medicine: The study of internal diseases;
diagnosis and treatment.
Laboratory Animal Medicine: The study of disease
prevention and treatment in research animals.
Microbiology: The science of disease-causing
Nutrition: Many veterinarians specialize in the
nutritional needs of animals.
Ophthalmology: The study of eye diseases and ocular
conditions in animals.
Pathology: The study of the nature of disease.
Poultry Medicine: A few
veterinarians only work with
Private Practice: Specializing in
private practice
Preventive Medicine: The science of disease prevention.
Radiology: A study of x-rays and radioactive substances
in disease diagnosis and treatment.
Surgery: Additional experience in the art of surgery is
mastered by some veterinarians.
Theriogenology: The study of animal reproduction,
diseases and animal breeding.
Toxicology: The science of poisons, chemicals, etc.
Zoological Medicine: The study of “Zoo” animals.
2. Government Practice
Military and non-military positions are available.
Public Health: These veterinarians monitor
communicable diseases between animals and
humans. They may work with the Centers for
Disease Control (CDC).
Wildlife Medicine: These professionals work with Fish
and Wildlife Service or private organizations in
monitoring and maintaining the health of wild
Food Inspection and Safety: Veterinarians may work
with the Animal and Plant Inspection Service and the
military veterinary corps in
monitoring the quality of food
Animal Importation: Federal and
state veterinarians monitor the
movement of animals from foreign
countries into the United States and the transportation
of livestock across state lines.
Food and Drug Administration: Veterinarians also
monitor the safety of all chemicals, foods, drugs, etc.
that will be used by humans.
3. Private Industry
Research: Veterinarians are employed in all aspects of
pharmaceutical, biotechnological and chemical
research done to improve the health and well-being
of animals and/or humans.
Product Development and Sales: Careers in product
discovery, testing, advertising, marketing and sales
are available for veterinarians.
Animal Training: Working with the “Seeing-eye dog”
program, animals in motion pictures, amusement
parks, zoos, etc. is an exciting
employment area for veterinarians.
Zoological/Wildlife Medicine: Zoos
and wildlife parks also employ
Marine Biology: Some veterinarians
work with the aquatic mammals like
whales and seals.
4. Academia
Teaching: Many veterinarians teach veterinary students,
graduate students, other health-care professionals,
animal scientists, biologists, etc.
Research: Veterinarians also study the diseases that
afflict both man and animals in an effort to discover
new cures, treatments and preventatives.
These professionals also provide support for all aspects
of veterinary medicine in Industry, Government and
Private Practice.
What does it take to become a Veterinarian?
Begin preparing for a career in veterinary medicine as
soon as possible. In high school, take lots of classes in
areas such as science, math and English. Try to gain
experience working with animals at a nearby farm, at the
humane society, through 4-H programs or in a veterinary
practice. Enter an undergraduate program that focuses
on providing necessary prerequisite
classes for veterinary college. “Prevet”
programs usually allow students to
achieve degrees in either biological or
animal sciences while gaining animal
experience. Concentrate on obtaining experience with as
many different species of animals as possible during
your college career. Typically, at least 180 hours of
animal-related experience are required to apply to “Vet
Veterinary College
There are 28 Veterinary Schools in the United States and
nineteen international schools that are accredited by the
American Veterinary Medical Association. All schools
provide the necessary education to fulfill your career
In the United States each year approximately 2,000
veterinarians graduate from the 28 accredited schools of
veterinary medicine. High academic records and lots of
animal experience are necessary for admission.
To become a practicing Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
requires the completion of a four-year Veterinary
Professional Program, and the passing of national and
state board exams.
Additional specialization takes additional years of
So, how long does it take?
After completing high school, you will
have to meet all prerequisite
requirements while in an undergraduate
college program. This usually takes
four years. Once admitted into
Veterinary College, you will have to go
another four years. If you then decide to
specialize, you will have to spend
another three to five years (or longer) in
college. The average veterinarian completed eight years
of college. Specialists, Ph.D.’s, and Academicians will
have completed 11 to 15 years of college. You will
probably be between 26 and 30 years old when you
graduate and start your new career.
What are salaries like in Veterinary Medicine?
According to the American Veterinary Medical
Association (AVMA), the median entry-level salary for
first-year practitioners in 2014 was $67,000, but
veterinary medicine salaries can vary greatly, depending
on type of medical practice and location.
What are the job outlooks?
Veterinary professionals continue to be in demand
because of the diversity of types of jobs that
veterinarians are qualified to do. Increases in pet
ownership, escalation of population and food needs, and
establishment of programs to save endangered species
are but a few of the potential areas that will be filled by
veterinarians well into the 21
Office of Animal Care Management
University of Vermont
(802) 656-0459
PRE-VETERINARY SCIENCE OPTION - This option is designed for the individual whose career goals include an
advanced degree; and/or veterinary, medical or dental school; or pharmacy training. Several of the courses listed below
will also meet either the College or Animal and Veterinary Sciences program requirements. The courses listed in bold
are generally required by U.S. vet schools. Other courses represent electives from which the student and adviser will
select depending upon program interests. See Pre-professional advising sheet and/or individual medical/dental or
veterinary school entry guidelines to check required courses. (These elective credits are in addition to the required ASCI
courses and the CALS requirement.)
Courses in bold are normally required courses for US Schools of Veterinary Medicine
Credits Semester taken
CHEM 031 & 032 General Chemistry I & II 8 _______________
CHEM 141 & 142 Organic Chemistry I & II 8 _______________
BCOR 011 & 012 Exploring Biology 8 _______________
ASCI 168 Animal Genetics & Breeding 3 _______________
BCOR 101 Genetics 3 _______________
BCOR 103 Molecular and Cell Biology 4 _______________
MMG 101 Microbiology & Infectious Dis. 4 _______________
BIOC 205/206/207 and Biochemistry I & II / Lab and Discussion
PBIO 185/187 Survey of Biochemistry / Lab 4-9 _______________
MATH 019 & 020 Fund. of Calculus I & II
MATH 021 Calculus I 4-6 _______________
STAT 141 or higher Basic Statistical Methods 3 _______________
PHYS 011/021 Elementary Physics I / Lab
PHYS 012/022 Elementary Physics II / Lab 10 _______________
ENGS 001 Written Expression 3 _______________
ENGS 050 Expository Writing
ENGS 053 Intro. to Creative Writing 3 _______________
ASCI 117 Horse, Health & Disease 3 _______________
ASCI 118 Applied Animal Health 4 _______________
ASCI 134/135 CREAM 8 _______________
ASCI 161 Laboratory Animal Health & Diseases 3 _______________
ASCI 192 Equine Reproduction Workshop 1 _______________
ASCI 192 Artificial Insemination 1 _______________
ASCI 263 Topics in Companion Animal Med. 3 _______________
ASCI 264 Clinical Topics in Livestock Med. 3 _______________
ASCI 195/196 Field Experience .5-15 _______________
ASCI 216 Endocrinology 3 _______________
ASCI 220 Lactation Physiology 3 _______________
ASCI 277 Human & Animal Parasitology 3 _______________
ASCI 297 Field Practicum or research 1-15 _______________
Elective ________________________ ___ _______________
Elective ________________________ ___ _______________
Elective ________________________ ___ _______________
Courses in bold are normally required courses for US Schools of Veterinary Medicine.
Revised 07/15