Tax Abatements Overview
Updated March 2024
About Us:
The Nevada Governors Office
of Economic Development
(GOED) was created during the
2011 Session of the Nevada
Legislature through a
collaboration of the Nevada
Governor's Office and the
Leadership of the Nevada State
Senate and State Assembly
(Authority: NRS 231)
A vibrant, innovative, and
sustainable economy
High-quality jobs for Nevadans
808 West Nye Lane,
Carson City, NV 89703
Phone: (775) 687-9900
1 State of Nevada Way,
4th Floor
s Vegas, NV 89119
Phone: (702) 486-2700
Tax Abatements Overview
What are Tax Abatements?
State and local governments across the United States use several types of
tax incentives to encourage private sector firms to create jobs, invest in
communities, and strengthen local industries. Tax abatements are a
reduction of taxes granted by a government entity to a company for a
specific period to encourage economic development.
Tax abatements are discounts, not
a pass for paying taxes. Businesses that
receive tax abatements still pay taxes, but at discounted rate.
No money is given to a company they receive only a
discount on their tax obligations.
The State of Nevada, through the Governor’s Office of Economic
Development (GOED), offers a variety of tax abatements to help qualifying
companies make the decision to do business in the state.
State of Nevada Tax Abatements:
State of Nevada Tax Abatements are regulatory abatements, regulated by
statute that set criteria for each company to meet to qualify for
abatements (wage, job and capital investment requirement, as well as
offer health insurance for employees).
Companies receiving abatements are entering into a contract (Tax
Agreement) with the State. The contract allows a company to receive a
predetermined reduction in its tax obligations (reduced tax payments) for
a certain period of time.
In return, the company is obligated to meet criteria listed in the contract
and is audited every 2 and 5 years by the Nevada Department of Taxation.
If they are not in compliance with the contract, the company is required to
pay abated taxes back in full.
Tax Abatements are granted to companies to promote economic growth
and diversification by prioritizing firms in industries that drive the
competitive advantage, innovation, entrepreneurship productivity, wage
gains, and economic diversity.
Tax abatements
are granted to
promote job
growth and
Tax abatements
target companies
that would not
otherwise relocate
to Nevada
Tax Abatements Overview
Who Receives Tax Abatements?
Tax Abatements are granted to companies to promote economic
growth and diversification by prioritizing firms in industries that
drive regional competitive advantage, innovation, entrepreneurship
productivity, wage gains, and economic diversity.
GOED and the Regional Development Authorities (RDA) will work
and prioritize those companies that are listed as Targeted Industries
(NAC 360.474).
NAC 360.474 - Factors to Consider when
selecting companies for Tax Abatements:
GOED will consider an application for a partial abatement if the
goals of the applicant are consistent with GOED’s goals related to
industrial development and diversification. GOED’s goals, without
limitation include:
(a) Diversification from the industries of gaming and
(b) The attraction of basic [export] industries to this State,
including, without limitation, manufacturing, warehousing
and distribution.
(c) The attraction to this State of business facilities and
services, including, without limitation, corporate
headquarters, facilities for research and development, and
facilities for services such as technical assistance with
products of the business or credit services;
(d) The expansion of existing businesses and industries that
are consistent with the goals described in paragraphs (a), (b)
and (c).
Development Authority
An entity defined by Nevada
Revised Statutes (NRS) 231.009
as an organization for economic
development that is designated by
the Executive Director of GOED
and is one or more local entities,
a private non-profit entity, or any
combination thereof.
For the list of current RDAs and
their designated regions go to:
GOED Board
Chaired by the Governor, The
GOED Board provide oversight
and approves applications for
incentives and tax abatements.
To find more about
GOEDs Board members visit:
Tax Abatements Overview
How to Apply for Tax Abatements?
Applications should be submitted to GOED’s office ONLY through
the appropriate Regional Development Authority (RDA). RDA’s will
provide an applicant with the most current application and will
assist in filling needed information.
Each application is presented to the GOED Board at bi-monthly
Board Meetings, when members of the board approve or deny
Tax Abatement Application Process:
Application Intake
The company works directly with the RDA to submit a Tax
Abatement Application to GOED.
Processing and Analyzing
GOED staff will process the application to determine
eligibility and qualifications, as well as perform an
economic analysis of qualifying application to confirm
positive return on investment to the State.
Board Meeting
Applications are then presented at the Board Meeting and
the GOED Board members will approve or deny the
Abatement Agreement and Tax Abatement Package
When approved, the company will complete a contract
with GOED. After signing the contract, the Nevada
Department of Taxation will provide the company a
Taxation Abatement Package to utilize received
For Board Meeting dates and application deadlines go to:
For more information, please contact GOED’s Business Development Team:
Alex Bacchus, Director of Business
Melanie Sheldon, Senior Director of Business
Tax Abatements Overview
Tax Abatement Application Process - Timeline:
6 weeks
5 weeks
4 weeks
3 weeks
2 weeks
and analyzing
Public Notice and Letters to
Local government (30 days)
NRS 360.757
Board Members
receive application
Application check
with Regulatory
3 Day Public Notice
NRS 241.020(2) ( c)
Letter to
Call with
applicants and
Dept. of
1 week
2 weeks
Tax Abatements Overview
Tax Abatement Application Process:
Applications should be submitted to GOED’s office ONLY through the appropriate
gional Development Authority (RDA).
Process Timeline Description of Process:
1. Received Abatement Applications (6 weeks before Board Meeting)
The RDA will submit applications from the company to GOED staff.
2. Processing and Analyzing Applications (5 weeks before the Board Meeting)
GOED staff will determine the application qualification and will work with the RDA to
collect any additional documents needed. GOED staff will also calculate the estimated
abatement amount, as well as fiscal and economic impact of the application. This can
take up to two weeks.
3. Public Notice/Notification Letters to Local Governments (4 weeks before Board Meeting)
GOED staff will post the 30-day Notice for General Public and notify the applicable local
governments (County, City and School District) about abatements by mail 30 days prior
to the Board Meeting. (NRS 360.757)
4. Letter to Abatement Applicants (3 weeks before Board Meeting)
GOED staff will prepare notification letter to applying companies to let them know their
applications will be presented and considered at the upcoming Board Meeting by
certified mail. (NRS 241.034)
5. Pre-calls with Abatement Applicants and DOT (2 weeks prior to Board Meeting)
GOED staff will e-mail prepared applications to appropriate entities for a final review.
They will then schedule a pre-call meeting with company representatives, RDA
representatives, and the Nevada Department of Taxation to go over details of the
upcoming Board Meeting and what to expect if the application is approved.
6. Abatement Applications Review by State Regulatory Agencies(2 weeks prior to Board
GOED will review the submitted applications with regulators at the Nevada Department
of Business & Industry, the Nevada Department of Conservation & Natural Resources,
the Nevada Department of Taxation, and the Nevada Secretary of State Office to
identify any regulatory issues and resolve them prior to the Board Meeting.
Tax Abatements Overview
Tax Abatement Application Process Continued:
7. Open Meeting Law Posting Notice (3 days prior to Board Meeting)
Three business days prior to the Board Meeting, GOED will post the Board Meeting
materials to both the GOED and state websites. They will also send an Agenda to
counties, RDA’s and school districts for posting. (NRS 241.020(2)(c)
-------------- BOARD MEETING -----------------
8. Prepare Abatement Agreement/Contract (1 week after the Board Meeting)
The GOED staff will prepare an Abatement Contract to be signed between GOED and
the company receiving the tax abatement.
9. Taxation Abatement Package (2 3 weeks after the Board Meeting)
The executed Abatement Contract will be sent to the Nevada Department of Taxation
and relevant County Assessor’s offices. The Nevada Department of Taxation and
Assessor’s Office will then issue the completed Abatement Package to the company.
Confidentiality of Records and Documents:
When a company submits an application, they can request a confidentiality agreement for
certain categories and parts of application (NRS 231.065).
The confidentiality agreement must be approved by GOED’s Executive Director. The Executive
Director can determine if certain parts of an application (detailed schedule of equipment list or
detailed schedule of employment list) is proprietary information of the business and should not
be public record.
Tax Abatements Overview
Tax Abatement Agreement, Audit Process and Reporting:
Once the Abatement Application is approved, 5 to 7 business days after the Board Meeting
GOED staff will prepare and send an Abatement Contract to the approved company.
Abatement Contract/Agreement: Sets forth contractual terms and requirements for grant of
tax abatements:
1. ABATEMENT AGREEMENT TERMS The company will agree that approved abatements are conditioned by terms
and requirements listed in the signed agreement;
2. COMPLIANCE AUDIT The company will provide the Nevada Department of Taxation with access to the books,
records, files and other material needed for the department to carry out abatement compliance audits every 2 and 5
years to monitor and verify the Company’s compliance within the terms of signed agreement.
3. RECAPTURE PROVISIONS - If GOED, in consultation with the Nevada Department of Taxation, decides the company
has failed to comply with the requirements of signed agreement, the company shall repay all granted abatements in
Once the Abatement Contract/Agreement is executed between GOED and Company, the
Nevada Department of Taxation will receive it, and based on the contract they will issue the
Taxation Abatement Package.
Taxation Abatement Package:
The Nevada Department of Taxation will provide the company with a packet that will include
exemption letters and reporting forms “Abatement Returns”.
The company will have to submit these Abatement Returns to the Nevada Department of
Taxation as follows:
Sales and Use Tax (SUT) Abatement Return Monthly
Modify Business Tax (MBT) Abatement Return Quarterly
Personal Property Tax (PPT) Abatement Return Annually
Abatement Audit:
The Nevada Department of Taxation performs an Abatement Compliance Audit every 2 and 5
years from the effective date of Abatement Contract. (NRS 360.755 , NRS 360.225)
GOED prepares and submits a Biennial Report that includes abatements and audit results to the
Nevada Legislature. The report will show all abatements awarded by GOED and the Audit
Compliance Results. (NRS 231.0685)
Tax Abatements Overview
State of Nevada Tax Abatements:
The State/GOED offers Standard Tax Abatements that include sales and use tax abatements on
capital equipment purchases, sales and use tax deferral on capital equipment purchases,
abatements on personal property and modified business taxes, real property tax abatements for
recycling, as well as abatements on aviation parts and data centers.
Standard Abatements (NRS 360.750)
Sales and Use Tax Abatement (NRS 374.357) - Sales and use tax abatement on
qualified capital equipment purchases, with reductions in the rate to as low as 2%.
Modified Business Tax Abatement (
NRS 363B.120) - An abatement of 50% of the
1.17% rate on quarterly wages exceeding $50,000.
Personal Property Tax Abatement (NRS 361.0687) - A
n abatement on personal
property not to exceed 50% over a maximum of 10 years.
Real Property Tax Abatement for Recycling (NRS 701A.210) - Up to 50% abatement
for up to 10 years on real and personal property for qualified recycling businesses.
Data Center Abatement (NRS 360.754) - A partial abatement from personal
property tax and sales and use tax are available to data center companies that locate or
expand their business in Nevada. Abatements apply to colocated businesses of the data
Aviation Parts Abatement (NRS 360.753) - Partial abatements from Personal
Property and Sales & Use Taxes are available to aviation companies that locate or
expand their business in Nevada.
New: Paid Family and Medical Leave Requirements effective October 1, 2023
(Pursuant to SB1 35th Special Session, 2023)
For all incentive applications received after October 1, 2023, the company must meet certain
paid family and medical leave
requirements to receive an abatement. These requirements
state that any business with 50 or more full-time employees on payroll by the 8th calendar
quarter following the quarter in which the abatement becomes effective must have a policy
for paid family and medical leave agreeing that all employees who have been employed by the
business for at least 1 year will be eligible for at least 12 weeks of paid family and medical
leave per year, at a rate of at least 55 percent of the regular wage of the employee.
Tax Abatements Overview
Standard Tax Abatements (NRS 360.750):
Standard Tax Abatements that include sales and use tax abatements on capital equipment
purchases, sales and use tax deferral on capital equipment purchases, abatements on personal
property and modified business taxes, real property tax abatements for recycling:
Qualifying Criteria for Tax Abatements:
To qualify for Standard Tax Abatements a company needs to meet two out of three criteria:
Average Wage (Statewide Average Wage) *must meet average wage
Capital Investment OR
Number of Primary Jobs Crea
Additionally, the company has to offer medical insurance plan and pay at least 65% of
the plan’s premium costs .
Company Responsibilities:
Maintain the Business in Nevada for 5 years
Register Pursuant to the Laws of Nevada
Generate More than 50% of Revenue from the Project from Outside of the State
*Note: For the most current statewide average wage visit:
Sales and Use Tax
Abatement (SUT)
Abatement on qualified capital equipment purchases, with
reductions in the rate to as low as 2%.
Modified Business Tax
Abatement (MBT)
Abatement of up to 50% of the 1.17% rate on quarterly wages
exceeding $50,000.
Personal Property Tax
Abatement (PPT)
Abatement on personal property not to exceed 50% over a
maximum of 10 years.
Real Property Tax Abatement
for Recycling (RPT)
Up to 50% abatement for up to 10 years on real and personal
property for qualified recycling businesses.
Tax Abatements Overview
Standard Tax Abatements Full vs Partial Tax Abatements:
Based on the wage criteria, a company can qualify for a Full Tax Abatement or Partial Tax
Abatement package.
If a company meets the wage requirement and pays 100% or more of statewide average wage
they will qualify for Full Tax Abatement.
However, if company is paying 85% - 99% of the statewide average wage, then a company will
qualify for a Partial Tax Abatement package.
Wage Requirement: 100% of Statewide Average Wage 8599% of Statewide Average Wage
Full Tax Abatements: Partial Tax Abatements:
SUT Abatement
Rate reduced to 2% for new company
and 4.6% for expanding company
Rate reduced to 4.6% for new and
expanding company
MBT Abatement
abatement of 50% for 4 years abatement of 25% for 4 years
PPT Abatement
abatement of 50% for 10 years abatement of 25% for 10 years
Standard Tax Abatements Urban vs Rural County Criteria:
Additionally, depending on the county in Nevada where company will be locating or expanding
its operations, a different qualifying criteria will be applied between Rural and Urban county
for Tax Abatements.
Urban County Rural County Expansion
$5 million for
$1 million for other
$1 million for
$250,000 for other
20% of the value of the
company’s tangible
personal property
of Jobs
50 or more FTE
(No abatements if less
than 10 FT jobs are
10 or more FTE
(No abatements if less
than 6 FT jobs are
10% or more than its
existing employee count or
by 25 (urban) or 6 (rural)
employees, whichever is
Tax Abatements Overview
Data Center Tax Abatement (NRS 360.754):
A partial abatement from personal property tax and sales and use tax are available to data center
companies that locate or expand their business in Nevada. Abatements apply to collocated businesses of
the data center.
A company and co-located tenants who intend to locate or expand a data center in Nevada and meets
certain requirements may qualify for:
Personal property tax abatement of 75% of the tax due for 10 or 20 years
Sales and use tax abatement reducing the rate to 2% for 10 or 20 years
quires the Governor’s Office of Economic Development Board to approve a reduction to 2%
by a two-thirds vote. If this is not approved, the abatement will be reduced to 4.6%
The company must meet all three requirements within the first 5 years of operation listed below:
10-year Abatements:
Jobs: Within 5 years employ 10 full-time employees who are Nevada residents
Wages: Pay at least 100% of the Statewide Average Wage
Capital Investment: Within 5 years, invest at least $25 million in cumulative
capital expenditures between the applicant and tenants
20-year Abatements:
Jobs: Within 5 years employ 50 full-time employees who are Nevada residents
Wages: Pay at least 100% of the Statewide Average Wage
Capital Investment: Within 5 years, invest at least $100 million in cumulative capital
expenditures between the applicant and tenants
Co-Located Tenants Must:
Enter into a minimum two-ye
ar agreement with the applicant to use or occupy space
at the data center
Obtain a business license issued by the Secretary of State
Company Must:
Register pursuant to the laws of Nevada and maintain business for 10 years
Offer medical insurance plan and pay at least 65% of the plan's premium costs
Ensure that 50% or more of all workers engaged in construction of the data center
Nevada residents
Tax Abatement Overview
Aviation Parts Tax Abatement (NRS 360.753):
Companies meeting requirements that include owning, operating, maintaining, servicing,
testing, repairing, overhauling, or assembling an aircraft or any component of an aircraft may
qualify for:
Personal property tax abatement of 50% of the tax due for 10 years
Sales and use tax abatement reducing the rate to 2% for 10 years
Requires the Governor’s Office of Economic Development Board to approve a reduction to 2% by a two-
thirds vote. If this is not approved, the abatement will be reduced to 4.6%
New Companies Must:
Create 5
or more new full-time jobs within one year
In addition to the above requirements the company must meet 1 of the following criteria:
Make a new capital investment of at least $250,000 within 1 year
Maintain and possess in this State tangible personal property of not less than
Pay an average wage of at least 100% of the statewide average wage
The business develops, refines or owns a patent or other intellectual property, or has
been issued a FAA certificate (14 CFR Part 21)
Existing Companies Must:
Within 1 year Increase the number of full-time employees by 3% or 3, whichever is
In addition to the above requirements the company must meet 1 of the following criteria:
Make a new capital investment of at least $250,000 within 1 year
Maintain and possess in this State tangible personal property of not less than
Pay an average wage of at least 100% of the statewide average wage
The business develops, refines or owns a patent or other intellectual property, or has
been issued a FAA certificate (14 CFR Part 21)
Additional Requirements:
Maintain the business in Nevada for 5 years
Register pursuant to the laws of Nevada
Offer medical insurance plan and pay at least 65% of the plan’s premium costs
Tax Abatements Overview
Explanation of Main Terms Related to Tax Abatements:
The Statewide Average Hourly Wage - is determined by the Nevada Department of Employment
and Rehabilitation (DETR) and changes on July 1 of every year
Primary Jobs (NAC 231.363) means a permanent position of employment at a physical location of
a certified entity in this State if:
1. The employee filling that position works an average of at least 30 hours per week;
2. Not less than half of the revenue generated at that location is derived from exports
to locations outside of this State.
Urban And Rural Counties in Nevada (NRS 360.750)
Urban Area A county whose population is 100,000 or more, or a city whose
population is 60,000 or more.
Rural Area A county whose population is less than 100,000 or a city whose
population is 60,000 or less that is located within the geographic boundaries of an area
that is designated as rural by the United States Department of Agriculture and at least
20 miles outside of the geographic boundaries of an area designated as urban by the
United States Department of Agriculture.
Urban Counties:
Clark County
Washoe County
Rural Counties:
Carson City
Churchill County
Douglas County
Elko County
Esmeralda County
Eureka County
Humboldt County
Lander County
Lincoln County
Lyon County
Mineral County
Nye county
Pershing County
Storey County
White Pine County
Tax Abatements Overview
Explanation of Main Taxes in Nevada
Sales and Use Tax in Nevada:
Nevada sales tax, local school support tax, and city/county relief tax are imposed on retailers for the
privilege of selling tangible personal property at retail.
Sales tax is measured by gross receipts from retail sales. Use tax is measured by the sales price of the
property. “Gross receipts” and “sales price” means the total amount of the sale including all receipts,
cash, credits, barter or service.
Use tax is imposed upon the storage, use or other consumption in this State of tangible personal
property purchased from a retailer. Use tax is not imposed when the sale of the property to the
consumer is subject to the sales tax. For the most part, use tax rather than sales tax applies to
property purchased outside Nevada, without tax, for transfer, delivery or shipment to a consumer
located in Nevada (
Tax Abatements Overview
Explanation of Main Taxes in Nevada
Modified Business Tax in Nevada:
Every employer who is subject to Nevada Unemployment Compensation Law (NRS 612) is also
subject to the Modified Business Tax on total gross wages less employee health care benefits
paid by the employer.
Total gross wages are the total amount of all gross wages and reported tips paid for a calendar
quarter as reported to the Employment Security Division on form NUCS 4072. (Exceptions to
this are non-profit organizations, Indian Tribes, political subdivisions, and employers with
household employees only
Modified Business Tax has two classifications:
General Business:
The tax rate for most General Business employers, as opposed to Financial Institutions, is
1.17% on wages after deduction of health benefits paid by the employer and certain wages
paid to qualified veterans. However, the first $50,000 of gross wages is not taxable.
For example:
if the sum of all wages for the 9/15 quarter is $101,000 after health care and qualified veteran
wage deductions, the tax is $596.70 ($101,000 $50,000 = $51,000 x 0.0117).
A tax return will still need to be filed by all employers, even if the taxable wages are less than
$50,000 and tax due is $0.
Financial Institution:
The tax rate for financial institutions is 1.554% on the gross wages less employee health care
benefits paid by the employer and certain wages paid to qualified veterans. Financial
institutions are not provided the wage exemption afforded to general businesses and must
report and pay tax at the 1.544% rate on all wages less the deductions.
What entities qualify as Financial Institutions? For definition and detailed information check
(NRS 363A.050).
Tax Abatements Overview
Explanation of Personal Property vs Real Property
Property Taxes in Nevada:
Personal Property is defined in NRS 361.030 and includes “all property of whatever kind or
nature, except vehicles as defined in NRS 371.020, not included in the term “real estate.
“Real Estate” or “Real Property” is defined in NRS 361.035, and includes land, houses,
buildings, fences, ditches, structures, railroads, other improvements, and property rights.
Real property is further defined in NAC 361.11715 as land, fixtures, improvements; on-site
enhancements; and any rights, interests, benefits and privileges belonging or attached to
the land
To compute the property taxes for a particular parcel of property, simply multiply the
assessed valuation by your countys tax rate as shown in the following example.
Taxable Value X 35% = Assessed Value X Tax Rate = Property Taxes Due
Personal Property Taxes are calculated in the same manner as real property and are subject
to the same caps as real property.
The taxable values of personal property are calculated by the assessor using the
depreciation schedules adopted annually by the Tax Commission. Upon determination of
the assessed value, the assessor applies the applicable tax districts combined property tax
rate to the assessed value.
Taxpayers with taxable personal property are required to declare the property to the
assessor each year. Business taxpayers must complete a declaration form, available at the
assessors office, upon starting a new business.
The assessors office will mail a declaration form to each business annually, after the initial
filing. Business taxpayers must declare all additions and deletions in personal property