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(a) 38 U.S.C. §1965-§1980
(b) BUPERSINST 1001.39F
(c) 38 CFR §9.1
(d) 10 U.S.C. §12731
1. Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance (SGLI). SGLI is a life
insurance policy purchased by the Veterans’ Administration from
a commercial life insurance company that is available to
eligible members of the United States Navy up to a maximum of
$400,000. The Office of Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance
(OSGLI) administers the SGLI Program and is governed by
reference (a). The Servicemembers’ and Veterans’ Group Life
Insurance Handbook also discusses the program in detail at:
2. SGLI Coverage. Eligible members, as outlined below, are
automatically insured for $400,000, unless otherwise reduced or
declined by the members. Additional details about Government
life insurance for reserve members may be found in reference
(b). Eligible members include:
a. Service members on active duty in the Regular Navy.
b. Navy Reserve members performing active duty, active duty
for training (ADT), or inactive duty training (IDT).
c. Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (NROTC) midshipmen
- fully covered while on training cruises only.
d. Naval Academy midshipmen - covered on a full-time basis.
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e. Any Sailor deployed to a combat theater of operations.
f. Navy Reserve members (pay or non-pay) who are assigned
to a unit in which they may be required to perform active duty
or ADT and will be scheduled to perform at least 12 drills
annually that are covered on a full-time basis. Entitlement to
coverage is affected if a member becomes medically disabled or
is transferred to a unit that is not scheduled to perform at
least 12 drills per year.
g. Other members of the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) -
covered only during the period of their ADT.
Note: Per reference (a), reservists who execute active duty
orders are automatically covered for the maximum amount.
Regardless of previous elections, reservists who wish to reduce
or decline coverage must make such elections in the SGLI Online
Enrollment System (SOES) after entering onto active duty.
3. SGLI Online Enrollment System (SOES). In April 2017, the
Chief of Naval Operations announced the activation of the SOES.
SOES is designated as the system of record for SGLI elections
and beneficiary designations; all data entered in SOES will be
maintained within the system. Effective immediately, Sailors
will conduct actions described in subsequent paragraphs of this
article using the SOES accessible through milconnect at
https://milconnect.dmdc.osd.mil/milconnect/. Use of the SGLV
8286 Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance Election and
Certificate may occur outside SOES under the following
a. Sailor is unable to access the system due to computer
accessibility, limited bandwidth, or system maintenance;
b. Sailor is unable to enter desired beneficiary
information due to system limitations (e.g., Sailor wishes to
enter information regarding a trust or trustee, custodial
account, or pre-existing data is incorrect); or
c. Other circumstances in which entry into SOES is not
possible. Sailors not using the SOES should ensure the SGLV
8286 is signed, witnessed, and submitted into the official
military personnel file (OMPF). If needed, an SGLV 8286 may be
accessed from Web address: https://www.benefits.va.gov/
INSURANCE/resources-forms.asp. Additionally, Sailors who use
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this option should update their election in SOES as soon as
Note: Inclusion in the OMPF is only required if an SGLV 8286 is
signed outside SOES. Coverage and elections made in SOES are
retained within the system and should not be submitted to the
4. Command Responsibility. SOES provides a unique opportunity
to empower Sailors, but commands still play a crucial role in
the education of our Sailors. SGLI; Family Servicemembers’
Group Life Insurance (FSGLI); and, upon retirement, VGLI provide
excellent opportunities for low cost insurance coverage.
Commands will:
a. Ensure members are provided necessary information to
make the best determinations for coverage and advise them to
monitor SGLI premium payments indicated on their leave and
earnings statements (LES).
b. Require Sailors to review their election in SOES:
(1) Annually,
(2) Prior to deployment,
(3) Upon transfer, and
(4) Upon reporting to a new command.
c. Document any Sailor-decision for non-coverage or reduced
coverage on a NAVPERS 1070/613 Administrative Remarks.
d. Send a letter to the spouse of any Sailor per paragraphs
5 and 6 below, should the Sailor make an election using an SGLV
8286, per paragraph 3 above. SOES automatically generates the
required letter, when elections are made in SOES.
e. Establish a command SOES administrator by requesting
access through e-mail at [email protected]l.
f. Retain all completed SGLV 8286s per paragraph 3 above,
until Sailor is able to make elections in SOES.
g. Ensure reservists accepting active duty orders review
their SGLI elections and premiums.
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h. Advise non-pay members enrolled in SGLI to review their
quarterly electronic bills sent by the Defense Finance
Accounting Service and make payments through
5. Reducing or Declining Coverage. Members may decline
coverage or request reduced coverage in any increment of $10,000
by accessing SOES and making such elections. Members are
encouraged to check future LESs to verify the subsequent changes
in premium. If member is married, the member’s spouse will be
automatically notified in writing if the member elects other
than the maximum amount of coverage.
Note: Sailors should always check their LES to verify that
premiums properly reflect coverage level. In the event of a
discrepancy, contact your command pay and personnel
administrator (CPPA), or My Navy Career Center (MNCC).
6. Designation of Beneficiaries. Members may designate any
person(s) as their beneficiary(ies). If the member is married
and designates any individual other than his or her spouse or
child, the spouse will be automatically notified in writing (to
be done by the command, if the Sailor uses an SGLV 8286 per
paragraph 3 above). Should multiple beneficiaries be named,
SOES will require the member to clearly specify the amount
designated for each.
7. Accelerated Benefit Option (ABO). If the insured member has
been certified by a physician as “terminally ill, the member
may elect the ABO under SGLI or Veterans’ Group Life Insurance
(VGLI). The member may receive a lump sum payment of up to 50
percent of his or her SGLI or VGLI coverage. Terminally ill
is defined as having a medical prognosis of a life expectancy of
9 months or less. Only the insured can apply for payment under
the ABO. Accepting this benefit reduces the subsequent amount
awarded at death. Details for members considering this option
are available in reference (a), section §1980, or the VA’s SGLI
8. Termination of SGLI
a. Per reference (a), termination of SGLI occurs on:
(1) The 120th day after separation from active duty or
ADT under calls or orders that specify a period of 31 days or
more, unless the member returns to an active status in the Navy
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Reserve, and on the 120th day after a member is separated from a
drilling status for members of the Selected Reserve, or nonpay
members assigned to a reserve unit which performs at least 12
drills annually as outlined in subparagraph 2e above;
(2) The end of the 31st day of a continuous period of
time when the member is:
(a) Absent without leave,
(b) Confined by civil authorities under a sentence
adjudged by a civilian court,
(c) Confined by military authorities under a
sentence by court-martial involving total forfeiture of pay and
allowances, or
(3) The last day of the month in which written notice to
discontinue coverage is filed.
b. SGLI is forfeited when an insured member is found guilty
of mutiny, treason, spying, desertion, or refuses (because of
conscientious objections) to perform service in the Military
Services of the United States or to wear the uniform of such
c. No insurance will be payable for death inflicted as a
lawful punishment for crime or for military or naval offense,
except when inflicted by an enemy of the United States.
9. Restoration of SGLI Coverage
a. Service members who decline or elect to reduce coverage
or seek to become insured or increase their coverage must
request restoration through SOES. Members are advised this
request may require review and approval at the Office of
Servicemen's Group Life Insurance (OSGLI) level.
b. Coverage terms are automatically restored if benefit was
terminated due to:
(1) Unauthorized absence in excess of 31 days,
(2) Confinement by civilian authorities under a sentence
adjudged by a civilian court, or
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(3) Military confinement involving total forfeiture of
10. Extension of SGLI Coverage for Disability. A Service
member with current full-time SGLI coverage and who is
considered totally disabled (as defined in reference (c)) at the
time of separation or release from active duty is eligible for
coverage extension. Coverage will be provided for 2 years from
the date of separation or release, or to the date the insured
ceases to be totally disabled (whichever is earlier), but in no
event prior to 120 days after separation or release.
11. SGLI Part-Time Coverage. Part-time coverage is provided
for reserve Sailors who:
a. Are not eligible for full-time coverage and execute a
set of active duty orders for less than 31 days. The Sailor is
fully covered during the active duty timeframe.
b. Perform inactive duty training scheduled in advance.
The Sailor is covered during the execution of inactive duty
training orders.
c. Are en route directly to or from the location of a
period of active or inactive duty.
d. Are NROTC midshipmen while on training cruises.
12. SGLI-to-VGLI Conversion. Per reference (a), the conversion
privilege is as follows:
a. Service members with full-time SGLI coverage at the time
of separation or release are eligible for VGLI in the same or
lesser amount held at the time of separation or release, or
conversion to an individual policy with a participating
commercial company. A member electing to convert to VGLI must
apply for coverage within 1 year and 120 days of leaving the
military. If the member applies within 240 days after
separation or release, VGLI is issued, regardless of the
member’s state of health, with coverage made effective on the
241st day. If an application is not submitted within the 240-
day period, medical evidence of insurability is required. In
this case, VGLI will be effective the date an acceptable
application and premium is received by the OSGLI. Members who
are totally disabled at the time of separation may purchase VGLI
while remaining totally disabled up to 1 year following
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separation. The effective date of VGLI will be at the end of
the 1-year period following separation, or the date the
disability ends, whichever is earlier. See paragraph 16 below
for additional information regarding VGLI.
b. While insured under part-time coverage, members who
incur a disability or aggravate a preexisting disability during
a reserve active or inactive period may convert their SGLI
coverage to VGLI coverage within the 120-day period following
the period during which the disability incurred. Proof of
disability must be submitted together with an application and
initial premium.
c. Conversion to VGLI cannot be accomplished in SOES.
Members must apply directly to the VA for conversion to VGLI
online at: https://www.benefits.va.gov/insurance/apply-for-
vgli.asp or by mail using SGLV 8714 Application for Veterans’
Group Life Insurance. SGLV may be accessed by using the
following Web address: https://www.benefits.va.gov/
13. Financial Counseling. The VA offers free professional
financial counseling through Financial Point. Additional
information is available through the U.S. Department of Veterans
Affairs Web site at: https://www.benefits.va.gov/insurance/
14. SGLI Coverage for Retired Reservists
a. A member assigned to the Retired Reserve or eligible for
assignment to the Retired Reserve qualifies for coverage under
the VGLI Program in increments of $10,000 up to the maximum
coverage of $400,000, provided that the member:
(1) Has not received the first increment of retired pay;
(2) Has not reached his or her 61st birthday;
(3) Has completed at least 20 years of satisfactory
service creditable for Reserve retired pay under reference (d),
subchapter III; and
(4) Submits a completed SGLV 8714 and the required
premium to the following address:
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Office of Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance
290 W. Mt. Pleasant Avenue
Livingston, NJ 07039-2747
b. Application for this coverage must be made within 120
days from transfer to the Retired Reserve or release from the
Selected Reserve.
c. Termination of insurance occurs upon receipt of the
first increment of retired pay, or the 61st birthday, whichever
occurs first.
15. FSGLI. Family coverage under the SGLI Program became
effective 1 November 2001. Program details, including the
procedures for filing a claim, are contained in MILPERSMAN 1741-
030, Family Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance.
16. VGLI. VGLI is a 5-year renewable term policy which has no
cash, loan, paid-up, or extended values. Application,
designation of beneficiaries, and settlement options should be
made on SGLV 8714. Refer to paragraph 11 for timing
requirements regarding application for conversion from SGLI to
a. Eligibility. VGLI is available to the following
(1) Service members who are released from active duty or
ADT under calls or orders that do not specify a period of 31
days or less;
(2) Members of the Ready Reserve insured under SGLI who
are separated, retired, or released from assignment;
(3) Individuals assigned to the IRR (must provide
orders); and
(4) Members with part-time SGLI who suffer an injury or
disability while in the performance of their duty (to include
travel to and from duty location) which renders them uninsurable
at standard premium rates.
b. Conversion. Members may convert VGLI coverage to a
participating commercial company at any time, provided VGLI
premiums are paid-up to the date of conversion.
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c. For claim submittal and payment information, effective
dates of coverage, and any additional information, refer to the
Department of Veterans’ Affairs Web site at: https://www.
17. Combined SGLI and VGLI. Any member insured under VGLI who
again becomes eligible for coverage under SGLI (i.e., separated
individuals who reenlist for military service) may not exceed
the maximum amount of $400,000 of combined coverage. These
members may elect to be completely covered under SGLI or (within
60 days after becoming so insured) may convert any or all of the
VGLI coverage to an individual private policy. However, if the
member dies within the 60-day period before converting, VGLI
will be payable only in an amount which (when added to the
amount of SGLI payable) must not exceed $400,000.
18. Service-Disabled Veterans Insurance
a. The Service-Disabled Veterans Insurance Program was
established in 1951 to meet the insurance needs of certain
veterans with service-connected disabilities.
b. Eligibility Conditions:
(1) Must have been released under other than
dishonorable conditions on or after 25 April 1951;
(2) Must have received a rating for service-connected
(3) Must be in good health, except for any service-
connected conditions; and
(4) Must apply within 2 years of being granted a service
connection for a disability.
c. Complete program details and applications can be found
on the Department of Veterans’ Affairs Web site at:
https://www. insurance.va.gov/gli/buying/SDVI.htm
19. Spouse Notification. Spousal notification letters are
automatically generated through SOES, based on data available in
the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS).
Should a member require emergent actions outlined in paragraph
3(c) above, the command must issue the spousal notification
letter if the hard copy election form meets the criteria
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outlined in paragraphs 5 or 6 above. Exhibit 1 is a sample
letter for use in these infrequent instances.
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(Use proper letter format.)
Navy Recruiting District Columbia
1835 Assembly Street
Strom Thurmond Federal Building
Columbia, SC 29201-2480
Ser CO 15/
July 3, 2021
Mr. Oliver O’Toole
938 Tankerhurst Drive
Waco, TX 55555
Dear Mr. O’Toole:
Our records indicate that you are the spouse of Petty Officer Pauline
Williams O’Toole. Per 38 U.S.C., chapter 19, we are notifying you that on
July 1, 2011, Petty Officer O’Toole (declined Servicemember’s Group Life
Insurance (SGLI)/elected an amount of coverage less than the maximum
amount offered under the Servicemember’s Group Life Insurance (SGLI)
Program/has designated another/additional beneficiary(ies) under the
Servicemember’s Group Life Insurance (SGLI) Program).
By law, your spouse is entitled to make the above election. We are
required by the same law to inform you of the decision, but we may not
disclose any other particulars, other than those stated above. Your
spouse has been made aware that this letter was generated and sent. If
you have any questions regarding this letter, please call 1-800-368-3202
or write to the office below:
Navy Casualty Assistance Division (PERS-00C)
5720 Integrity Drive
Millington, TN 38055-6200
Captain, U.S. Navy
Commanding officer
Copy to: